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Mercury Mercury Marine

Chemical element Corporation


Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System and

the closest to the Sun. Its orbit around the Sun takes
87.97 Earth days, the shortest of all the Sun's planets.

Distance from Sun: 57.91 million km

Radius: 2,439.7 km

Length of day: 58d 15h 30m

Density: 5.43 g/cm³

Surface area: 74.8 million km²

Mass: 3.285 × 10^23 kg (0.055 M⊕)

Orbital period: 87.9691 d; 0.240846 yr; 0.5 Mercury

synodic day



Discovery date


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Feedback › wiki

Mercury (element) - Wikipedia

Mercury is a chemical element with
the symbol Hg and atomic number
80. It is commonly known ...

Density (near r.t.): 13.534 g/cm3

Melting point: 234.3210 K
(−38.8290 °C, −37.8922 °F)

Properties Etymology History Occurrence › wiki

Mercury (planet) - Wikipedia

Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar
System and the closest to the Sun. Its or…
around the ...
Average orbital speed: 47.36 km/s
Equatorial rotation velocity: 10.892 km/h (3.026 m/s)

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Boiling point: 356.62 °C (673.91 °F)

Melting point: −38.83 °C (−37.89

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