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About Astrology

Astrology is study of 12 Raasi's, 27 stars & 9 Planets in the universe and their effects on
human bodies to know about their past & future predictions. With help of these we can
draw a horoscope of a person & can predict his future. Below is a raasi's placement in
raasi mandalam. Each house is governed by lord or owner of the house. Here house
indicates, house for each rasi so totally it comes to 12 houses which is owned by lord of
the respective house. Separate calculator to find your rasi, star, dasa-bhukti is given in
planetary positions page.

Owner or Lord of the respective houses are given below:

Mesham- Sevvai (Mars)

Rishabham- Sukran(Venus)
Midhunam- Bhudan(Mercury)
Katagam- Chandran(Moon)
Simhaam- Suriyan(Sun)
Kanni- Bhudhan(Mercury)
Thulam- Sukran(Venus)
Viruchigam- Sevvai(Mars)
Thanasu- Guru(Jupiter)
Makaram- Sani(Saturn)
Kumbham- Sani(Saturn)
Meenam- Guru(Jupiter)

Bad placement of these planets in one's horoscope will give worse effects on their life
and will give many problems to them during their transit. In order to avoid these malefic
effects on one's life and to find out the remedies, astrological predictions are done by
analysing the horoscope of the person. Earlier finding of remedies will avoid major cause
from these planets and can live happily through out the life.


Lagnam (Ascedant)- 1st House

Thirikonam- 1, 5 & 9th houses

Kendiram - 1, 4, 7 & 10th houses

Hidden houses - 6, 8 & 12

Planets Aspects(Parvai):

All planets will see seventh house from their residing house.

From their residing house,

Mars(Sevvai) aspects on 4,7 & 8th house.

Jupiter(Guru) aspects on 5,7 & 9th house.

Saturn(Sani) aspects on 3, 7 & 10th house.

Friends & Enemies:


Sun Moon, Mars, Jupiter Venus,Saturn Mercury
Moon Sun,Mercury NONE Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mercury Venus, Saturn
Mercury Sun,Venus Moon Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury, Venus Saturn
Venus Mercury, Saturn Sun, Moon Mars, Jupiter
Saturn Mercury, Venus Sun, Moon, Mars Mars, Jupiter
Rahu,Ketu Mercury, Venus, Saturn Sun, Moon, Jupiter Mars



























Planets & Gems


Gems are considered as artificial remedy. Wearing Gems do not come under Sacrifice or
Charity. It amounts to establishing another asset. In the classical Texts wearing Gems
were not considered as Karma pariharas. They remain As the best ornamental hands and
attract others. Gems cannot generate any form of energy except earthly energy in the five-
fold energy according to our experience.

Lots of confusion has been created by the Astrologers about the metals, hands, fingers,
weights etc. A section of Astrologers suggest based on date of Birth (western), many on
Rasi (Lunar), some suggest on Nakshatras and few others on Lagna. Again in this few
suggest for Malafic Planets and Others for Benefic Planets. In the process some
Astrologers started suggesting Semi-precious Stones Too for afflicted Planets.

Benefits of gemstones
Gems are rich in mineral deposits, which are essential for growth. If a certain mineral is
found lacking in the body it consequently leads to ill health. This can be counter-attacked
by the gem. In fact wearing the `right’ gem helps maintain a balance between minerals in
the body. Not only can gems redress us of physical maladies they can also help overcome
difficulties, attract wealth and usher in prosperity.

How To Wear A Stone?

The gem should be cast in such a way that it touches the body. This is necessary for the
cosmic rays of the planet corresponding to the gem to enter the body.

How Do Gemstones Work?

How is it possible for a planet to affect a particular individual? How can the planet turn
beneficial simply by wearing a tiny gem? Such and similar doubts may arise. But if one
compares the gem to a television remote or computers that control a rocket, things will be
elucidated to a great extent. Planets are also controlled by gemstones in much the same
way as a remote control controls TV channels.

Vibrations produced by planets are always negative, but those produced by gemstones are
positive. When the negative meets the positive both are neutralized.

Human sufferings can be broadly classified into three types: physical, emotional and
mental. Gems help by transmitting planetary rays into the body of the sufferer. Gems act
like an umbrella, which shield us from the negative effect of `evil’ planets

To avoid all the confusion the safest method is advised as follows:

1. The following are the Gem Stones recommended For the Planets:
Sun - Ruby, Moon - Silver, Mars - Red Coral, Rahu - Gomedh, Jup - Pushya Raag, Sat-
Blue Sapphire, Mer- Emerald, Ketu - Cat`s eye Venus - Diamond

2. Wear only Yogakaraka Gem and avoid Dusthana (6, 8 & 12) and Marakasthanka (2
&12) Planet Gems.

3. Calculate the positions only from Lagna.

4. The Metal can be Gold for all planets except Moon, which should be Silver.

5. Never wear more than two Gems for best results.

6. If the Yogakaraka is in Dusthana or Marakasthana avoid wearing Gem.

7. If the Yogakaraka is in earthly sign and not in Dusthana or Marakasthana The Gem
wearing can be beneficial.

8. The above rules to be applied even to Dasa System.

In the process of getting prosperous results one should not invite troubles with the Wrong
applications of Gem recommendation. The Gem before wearing to be energiged with
rituals and must be worn on auspicious Muhurta.
.........Gems and stones also used widely for health disorders as they could help a lot in
recovery from them. Here common diseases and corresponding helpful GEMS are given

• ACCIDENTS : Red Coral + White Pearl is said to avert accident

• ARTHRITES : Red Coral + Yellow Sapphire
• ASTHAMA : Blue Sapphire
• BRONCHITIS : Red Coral
• CANCER : Light Blue Sapphire + Red Coral
• COMMON COLD : Red Coral
• DIABETES : Red Coral + Yellow Sapphire
• EAR TROUBLES : Red Coral + Emerald
• GALL STONES : Red Coral + Emerald
• HEART DISEASE : (Emerald + Yellow Sapphire + Moonstone) or Ruby
• HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE : Emerald + Yellow Sapphire + Blue Sapphire
• INSOMNIA : Emerald + Moonstone + Yellow Sapphire
• JAUNDICE : Red Coral + Blue Sapphire
• LEUCODERMA : White Coral + Emerald
• MENTAL ILLNESS : Emerald + Moonstone + Yellow Sapphire
• PARALYSIS : Red Coral + Emerald
• PILES : Red Coral + Pearl
• TUBERCULOSIS : Red Coral + Yellow Sapphire

.........Before going for a cure through gems, You should consult a knowledgeable
astrologer or gemologist before proceeding to wear them. Gems do provide only a
helping hand and are not a complete cure in themselves.

Benefic and Malefic Planets

Benefics - Lords of 1,5,9

Yogakaraka and lords of 4, 7, 10, if natural malefic.
Malefics - Lords of 3,6,
Maraka 11and lords of 4,7,10,if natural benefic
Neutral - Lord of 2,8, 12.

Planet Ownership Exaltation Debilitation Aspects Nature Sex

Mercury Virgo Pisces 7 Benefic F
Jupiter Sagittaris/ Cancer Capricorn 5,7,9 Benefic M
Venus Pisces Virgo 7 Benefic F
Saturn Libra Aries 3,7,10 Malefic
Rahu - Taurus Scorpio - Malefic -
Ketu - Scorpio Taurus - Malefic -
Ascendant Yogkaraka Maraka Neutral
(Benefic) (Malefic)
Aries Sun, Mar, Jup Mer, Mon, Ven,Sat
Taurus Sun, Mar, Mer, Sat Mon Jup. Ven
Gemini Ven Mar, Sun, Sat, Jup Mon, Mer
Cancer Mon, Mar, Jup Mer, Ven Sun, Sat
Leo Sun, Mar Mer, Ven Jup. Mon, Sat
Virgo Ven Jup, Mon, Mar Sat, Sun, Mer
Libra Mar, Mer, Ven, Sat Mon, Jup, Sun -
Scorpio Sun, Mon, Jup Mer, Ven Sat, Mar
Sagittarius Sun, Mar Mer, Ven, Sat Jup, Moon
Capricorn Mer, Sat, Ven Mer, Mon, Jup Sun
Aquarius Ven, Sun, Sat, Mar Jup, Mon Mer
Pisces Mon, Mar Sun, Mer, Sat, Ven Jup

Questions & Answers

Welcome to Q & A section in Astrology. Below are the some astrological questions along
with solutions are given. However true predictions for the problems can be identified by
verifying your horoscope. You can also reach me to view your future predictions &
remedies . More Q & A will be updated as and then so keep viewing this page regularly.

Why marriage is getting delayed or not married ?

For marriage seventh place in horoscope should be well placed and horoscope should not
have any Naga Dosha(Kalasarpa dosha) or Sevvai dosha. Even this will delay marriage
and many problems will be created during rahu or ketu dasa periods or subperiods. Men
having rahu/kethu dosha should be married after 28 yrs age. Since the rahu effects will be
high till 28 for any person.

Solution: For Naga dosha(Kalasarpha dosha) go to Kalahasti or thiru-nageswaram or

navabhashanam(Near ramanathapuram) or Ahobilam- Nava Narasimhar do archanai
(pooja) & milk abhishekam. This will relieve out from this dosha.Even visiting
Sriperbamdur(Near Kanchipuram) - Ramanujar temple & having bath in
pushkarani(temple tank) will relieve out this dosha. By visiting once to
Thiruvedendai(Near Mahabhalipuram) -Sri Nithyakalyana Perumal, marriage will be
settled soon. Reciting Garuda Panchasath or Garuda Dhandhakam daily will also relieve
out from this dosha.

Why there is no children or child died immediately after birth or after few months ?

As per astrology, it has been said that those who done good things in previous birth will
enjoy this life and those who done bad or harmful things will suffer in this life. People
not having child may be because of their harmful acts in their previous birth or their
ancestors might have done some wrongful acts. Killing snakes or doing harm to snakes
will lead to "Sarpha dosha".

People having this dosha will not get child or child will be died before giving birth. It will
be very hurtful for the parents who doesn't have child or child dies after few days. If you
analyse child horoscope you will come to know that it had dosha in it which is called
"Balaaristham" also you can predict this dosha from father/mother horoscope.
Balaaristham or naga dosham will make the child dies immediately after or before birth
or will not give a child to the parents. Rahu & Ketu are involved for this dosha.

Solution: Sudarashana homam, navagraha homam, Ganapathy homam, fasting on 14

ekadesi days, giving new clothes, towels & food to poor, milk payasam & curd rice to
poor children, archanai(pooja) to God Durga on every tuesday or friday and going once to
thiru-nageswaram or kalahasti will relieve out from this dosha.

How to get relieved from long diseases?

Rahu, Ketu & Saturn are involved in making ill to the persons. You can realize this
especially during their dasa major or sub-periods. Visiting Navapashanam (In the sea,
there are nine stones visible at low tide. It is believed that they were set up by Lord Sri
Rama to represent the nine planets, the Navagrahas) and taking bath here will relieve out
from doshas or Navagrahas will not do any harm during their major or subperiods.

Veeraraghava Perumal Temple situated at Tiruvallore is capable of curing diseases. The

Perumal here is Veeraraghava Perumal and he is capable of curing diseases so he is called
"Vaithiya Veeraraghavan". Pushkarini(Temple Tank) is Hruthapapa Nasini, which is used
to cure mental disease. It is said that if taken bath in this pushkarani cures all kind of

Dhanvanthiri temple at kanchi-Wallajah is for curing diseases. Lord Sriman Narayana is

worshipped as Vaidyo Narayano Hari. He is the first, the foremost and the greatest of all
physicians. During the churning of the Milky Ocean, the Lord manifested Himself as
Dhanvanthiri, the Divine Physician. In Srirangam, there is a special shrine for
Dhanvanthiri. The Lord cures you first of your mental ills. He then prepares you for
liberation from all mundane afflictions.

Also visiting Gunaseelam temple will cures insanity or mentally unsound.The most
important feature in this temple is the special grace that the lord bestows on the mentally
unsound. The temple priests splash holy water on all the devotees, first on the mentally
unsound, twice a day to cure them of their problems, and then on the others. The pooja's
are done here as per the Vaikanasa tradition. The temple has three ‘choultries’ and one for
the mentally unsound to stay. It is believed that staying for 48 days and taking the
"Theertham" twice a day will cure insanity. The beauty of the deity beckons one and all.

Reciting "Sudarshana Ashtagam" daily will also relieve out all the diseases. A
powerful mantra to cure all our sins.

How to improve education & wealth ?

By worshipping Lord hayagreevar daily & reciting his sloka will improve education &
wealth. Hayagriva is an avatar of Vishnu. He is worshipped as the God of knowledge and
wisdom. He who taught knowledge to Goddess Saraswati.With a human body and a
horse's head, brilliant white in color, with white garments and seated on a white lotus.
Hayagriva is celebrated in the Puranas for rescuing the Vedas from the demons Madhu
and Kaitabha and teaching them again to Brahma.

There is no other auspiciousness which is greater than Hayagrivan There is nothing more
sacred than Sri Hayagrivan to destroy our accumulated sins There is no God superior to
Hayagrivan There is no one grieves after performing Saranagathi at the sacred feet of
Hayagrivan. He is called as Veda Moorthy. He is the Akararthan. He protects all
creatures. Without his grace, we cannot obtain good knowledge. People can visit yoga
hayagreevar at thiruvanthipuram to get his blessings.

How to wade off evil spirits & thoughts and to relieve from mental stress ?

Rahu , Kethu & Sani(Saturn) will give severe mental stress, if they are not well placed in
horoscope. Sometimes it may lead the person to death. Those who are get affected by
these planets can follow the below remedies.

Lord Sri Chakrathalwar helps who are in great danger. our sins are freed and can attain a
great level in our lives. Powerful protecting god against the evil thoughts and people. By
reciting his sloka daily, our mental stress are relieved & doing Sri Sudharsana Homam is
considered to one among the greatest and sacred homams. This homam is done not only
for a particular person's favour but also done for the peaceful life of this entire world
against the evil. This homam is done towards Sri Chakkarathalwar, who is said to be the
Hamsam of Sriman Narayanan.

Chakkarathalwar is found in the hands of Sri Vishnu, the protecting god. He helps his
bhaktas who are in great danger. Chakkarathalwar is found along with him thereby
waiting to help Sriman Narayanan. So, Chakkarathalwar is said to be the “Saving God”
for every bhaktas. .

Lord Narasimhar Defends and protects his devotees in times of need. By reciting
narasimha sloka our mental stress are relieved and can defend against evil thoughts &
people.On Worshipping Sri Yoga Narasimhar at Sholingur Evil Spirits are warded off.
There is some special timings arranged for warding away the evil spirits here.

By worshiping Chakkarathalwar & Narasimhar all the evil spirits & enemies are warded
off. Rahu/ketu & sani's ill power can get reduced drastically by worshiping this god and
by reciting the slokas daily.

To reduce sani(saturn) ill effects worship hanuman and every thursday/saturday give
butter, light lamp put verillai malai & vadamalai once. This will certainly reduce the
sani's bad effects. Also place rice to crow daily before you take food.

Know your next birth:-

To know your next birth we have to consider the 12th house in the horoscope. Below
planets in 12th house will tell you how the next birth will be:

In 12th house, if it is Suriyan - Will attain Motcham.

Chandran - Will born as MAN again.

Sevvai- Will attain Motcham.

Bhudhan - Will born as Sri Vaishnavan

Guru - Will born as Brahmanan

Sukran - Will born in his son or daughter's generation.

Ketu - No rebirth in this world.

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