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Keys to Improve English Language Proficiency

Over the years, I have been asked myself many times: "What should I do to
progress in aspects related to English, maintain level needed, even though being
out of English related activities for months or even longer?" Sounds like a
challenge for your brain, doesn't it? Looking for the real deal recipe to implement it
in the reality, it might appear as something unattainable. Indeed, I have gotten
countless recommendations online which seems to me only applicable for the
certain person with particular set of skills and habits. These are difficult issues that
many English tutors face and deal with on a regular basis. Cues can be different,
goals can be different from previous tutors and even your our own experience
could have changed your mindset and approach to learn English. To draw down a
consistent plan for these situations, I have developed the numerous quick keys that
EVERY person should use to educate himself/herself or even pupils that quietly
shrugging their shoulders in desperate need to answer specific questions make up
written analysis, reading technical or technological documentation, etc.

Establish the working model beingused daily, monthly, per English classes

This can be MUCH easier than you realize.


Reading is essential, I’d say key aspect for non-native speakers, moreover in order
to be really competent in the wriiten information perception, which might be stored
in any form you can think of. The modern school mainly addresses ONLY
listening and speaking skills as "must have" ones in a second language through
contact with target auditory, watching movies, entertaining shows, at the same
leaving the door open for advancing reading skills that are “real deal” in academic
investigations or professional purposes. Reading gives you the green light for
acquiring something new, opening your “blind” eyes, food for thoughts and deep
analysis previously never ever been thoroughly conducted by uneducated reader,
therefore massively complimenting "must have" skills.
Cues to facilitate your part while reading:

1. Divide information written on the page, touchpad, monitor into atomic fractions
to use previously undiscovered tools like: skimming, previewing, scanning each
fraction in the best case once, in the worst – the number of times needed to
understand the main idea.

2. Highlight key phrases, phrasal verbs, adjectives, adverbs that may be

absorbed by the slight focus of your eyes and, in your opinion, convey
something that needs the decipher in order to connect the dots later.

3. Include guessing the meaning of words, visualizing the reading materials,

adjust reading pace, take notes while reading and read with speed needed to
understand not only meaning of separate phrases, but to catch main idea from
context, title, paragraph.

4. Pay attention on statistical data, names, places and so on, to build the chain
of event properly. Be enthusiastic about reading, cure to get something
unknown before.

5. Read in aloud in a voice to develop reading literacy, enhance text

comprehension, and facilitate understanding of themes and ideas that appear
in the text.


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