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Socio-economic impacts - Impact assessment Methodologies- Overlays, Checklist,

Matrices, Fault Tree Analysis, Event Tree Analysis- Role of an Environmental
Engineer- Public Participation


Socio-economic impacts are the influence of projects and/or programmes or policies
on the human values, culture, living standard. Institutions undertaking large investment
projects such as highways, air ports, sewerage systems, water resources projects (DOMS,
reservoirs, water relating systems, diversions, canals) stimulates secondary impacts in the
form of associated investments and changes in socio-economic activities. These effects
include changes in the existing community facilities and activities, induced new facilities in
the next round and changes in natural conditions. All such effects may be substantial than the
primary impacts of the original actions.
(Displacement of people from a project area → reduction in permanent population
from the project area → displaced people resettlement somewhere requiring economic cost,
housing, water power, public services at new place, with cultural and psychological
adjustments (Tehri Dam project, Narmada project). During construction of project temporary
population (labourers and their families) will come to the project area. Such persons will be
accommodated in the project area. They will need all kind of services for living. The area will
undergo changes by the temporary population.
All such changes will come under socio-economic changes of the project or Socio-
economic Impacts Assessment (SIA). The following should always be taken care of:
a) Demographic impacts: Labour force, population shift, employment and multiplier effects,
displacement and relocation and change in population make up
b) Socio-economic Impacts Includes income and multiplier effects, employment rates and
patterns, prices of local goods and services, taxation effects and property value
c) Institutional Impacts: Demands on Government and Social Services NGO’s in the areas,
housing, schools, policing, justice health and welfare
d) Cultural Impacts: Such as those on traditional patterns of life and work, family structure,
authority, religion, tribal factors, archaeological features and social work, community
cohesion e) Gender Impacts: Implications of development projects on women’s role in
society, income generating opportunities access to resources and employment opportunities
Along with changes in physical environment due to a development project, there will
be changes in Socio-economic environment. Social Impact Assessment should pay special
attention to vulnerable sections of population (elderly, poor, children, minorities)

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Some of the variable have measurement dimensions (both positive and negative) with
increasing size of the variables population size, growth, rate of population growth, age
dependency on community; job opportunity, job distribution, employment level, participation
in labour force, price level, educational attainment, socio-economic status, housing
availability public services; social well being; collective response). These are cumulative
effects. These impacts can be put in (i) Social impacts and (ii) Public Services impacts
A very important aspect is displacement of population. They will have all types of
problems and should go hand in hand with rehabilitation and resettlement policy of state and
Central Government.
1. Physical Environment

 Land use- type of development, density, building height, design, intensity, etc.
 Infrastructure and public services like water supply, waste disposal, energy resources
2. Social Environment

 Community facilities like location and capacity of school, neighbourhood,

community, recreational and cultural activities, public transportation, etc.
 Employment centres and commercial facilities
 Community life, population size, housing conditions, etc.

3. Aesthetic Environment

 Scenic areas, natural land scape

 Architectural character of existing building
 Proximity to significant historic, archeologic and architectural properties

4. Economic environment

 Employment and unemployment level

 Level and source of income
 Economic base of the area
 Land ownership including private, local, state, etc.
 Land value


The general methodology will include the following
Step 1. Identification of potential socio-economic impact assessment.
This is to identify the basic indicators to assess the environmental impacts of all kinds (air
pollution, water pollution, noise pollution) which will effect human quality of life Other
important factors will be

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a) demographic factors – population, density, literacy
b) economic variables – land use patterns, income levels, price levels,
employment/unemployment level, commercial activities
c) social variables – patterns of life and work, ethnic composition, religious and tribal factors,
public utilities
d) project specific variables – displacement, business, recruitment of manpower, project
Step 2. Description of existing socio-economic or human environment of the project area
Developing a social profile based on siting of projects
Step 3. Procurement of relevant standards, criteria and guidelines
There are direct effects of pollutants/emissions on the public and whenever people are
affected, health and welfare socio economic considerations become important
Step 4. Prediction of Socio-economic Impacts
Prediction of Socio-economic Impacts with or without the project is an important technical
exercise. There is no unique method for predicting the impacts yet four approache are
a) qualitative description
b) quantitative description
c) application specific prediction technique (may involve survey from secondary sources or
qualitative descriptive approach like Delphi method or Historical analogies
d) comparison of the effects of alternatives
Step 5. Assessment of Socio-economic Impact
Assessment of socio-economic impacts with or without project in its surrounding areas is
difficult as there are no established standards for these. Some impacts may be clearly visible
and assessable such as:
a) generation of employment for local people (+ve impact)
b) increase in earnings of people (+ve impact)
c) pressure on local services (-ve impact)
d) increase in business and trade (+ve impact)
e) increase in crime rate in the region (-ve impact)
f) interaction with outside people (+ve impact)
g) opening of attitudes of people (+ve impact)

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There are no threshold levels of comparison for such impacts. They may be perceived on the
basis of experience gained elsewhere about similar projects (historical analogy). Professional
judgment may also be important. Some projects might have broader impacts on National
economy (Tehri Dam, Narmada, Bhakhra Nangal) rather than local level impacts. The
significance of such impacts may be judged by National goals, such as power generation,
employment generation, income generation, irrigation, provision of food.
Step 6. Mitigation Measures
Though there is very little in the form of mitigation measure to reduce the adverse socio-
economic impacts of the project. However, Some local benefits, particularly employment of
the local people, rehabilitation and resettlement of project affected people will be mandatory
by law. The project is a user of local resources and in lieu it has to give back some benefits to
the local population otherwise they resent its activities and the project functioning is
jeopardized. Mitigation measures will include, providing housing schools, colleges, hospital,
power and other social services.
5.4 Socioeconomic impacts of AIRPORT project
Social impacts:

 Increase in traffic flow and congestion around airport

 Land use change due to construction
 Increased demand for public transportation facilities
 Need of housing for new employees
 Increased crowd near airport
 Increased floating population
 Potential removal of business and homes
 Displacement of people
 Change in character of neighbourhood
 Change in accessibility to schools and community services

Economic Impacts:

 New jobs created which may be short term (during construction) and long term.
 Growth of commercial and industrial activity
 Loss of taxable properties by the acquisition of private land
 Increased cost for public services like police, fire protection, traffic control, street
expansion, etc.
 Change in adjacent property values
 Increased energy consumption
 Increase in tourist oriented revenues and local sale tax revenues.


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There are about six methodologies followed in literature for determining the impacts and to
adhere to the stipulations of regulating agencies, which in our case is Ministry of
Environment and Forests.
5.5.1 Choice of a Methodology
Choice of methodology will depend on the specific user and project being undertaken. The
key considerations are:
i) Use: Whether the document is for information or a decision document The decision
document requires more details and greater emphasis is on key issues, quantification and
comparison of alternatives.
ii) Alternatives: Much would depend on what alternatives to the project are available since
these would require a more thorough quantification and comparison.
iii) Public involvement: The role of stake holders and their participation may also require
issues which are relevant and need discussion and thus details.
iv) Resources: What resources are available for the document preparation in terms of
experts available, data, time and money.
v) Familiarity: Familiarity with ground conditions will also be a keen element. Greater
familiarity will improve the validity of subjective significance.
vi) Issue significance: If the issues involved are larger than more details are needed,
quantification is important and hence the choice
vii) Administrative: Are the documents being prepared are dictated by procedure of
implementing agency
5.5.2 Methodologies
Based on identified impacts, the methodologies will be:
1. Ad-HOC method
This method is only primary and provides impact of the project on larger issues only
(Flora, Fauna, Forest, Lake). No specific parameters are discussed.
2. Over lays method
These methods are graphical and rely on a set of maps of the characteristics of the
project area (physical, social, ecological, aesthetic). These maps are overlaid by
projected alterations of the impacted environment.
3. Check list method
A common method followed and involves the identification of environmental
parameters for possible impacts. They do not require direct cause effect links to the
project activities. They do not include guidelines about how parameter data are to be
measured and interpreted.
4. Matrix method
A method which is widely followed and incorporates a list of activities related to the
project with impacted environmental characteristics. The two lists are related in

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matrix which identifies cause effect relationship. The method is able to identify the
actions with environmental characteristics. The matrix method may indicate the
actions which need to be taken into consideration for appropriate mitigation.
5. Network method
These methodologies work from a list of projected activities to establish cause-
condition-effect relationship. They are an attempt to recognize that a series of impacts
may be initiated by a project action. The approach generally defines a set of possible
network and allow the user to identify impacts by selecting appropriate project
actions. AD HOC method

 Simple method based on subjective environment impacts on broad aspects.

 Ad hoc method is useful when time constraints and lack of information require that
the EIA must rely exclusively on expert opinion.
 It provides minimal guidance for total impact assessment while suggesting the broad
areas of possible impacts and the general nature of these possible impacts.
 When more scientific methods are available, it is not recommended.

Types of Ad hoc method

 Opinion polls.
 Experts opinion.
 Delphi methods (The Delphi method is a forecasting process framework based
on the results of several rounds of questionnaires sent to a panel of experts.
Several rounds of questionnaires are sent out, and the anonymous responses
are aggregated and shared with the group after each round. The experts are
allowed to adjust their answers in subsequent rounds. Since multiple rounds of
questions are asked and the panel is told what the group thinks as a whole, the
Delphi method seeks to reach the correct response through consensus)

 Specialists on a particular area will provide guidance.


 It require expert.
 Short/long term impact are merely examined on guess basis.
 Identification, prediction and interpretation of impacts are quite poor

SCMS School of Engineering & Technology 6 Checklist Method
Checklist means a listing of potential Environmental Impacts. This method is done to
assess the nature of the impacts i.e. its type such as adverse /beneficial, short term or long
term, no effect or significant impact, reversible or irreversible etc.

 Simple Lists.
o Presents a list of parameters related to the project
o No guidelines on how to interpret and measure the parameter
o Does not help in decision making
o No info on cause effect relationship
o Strong in impact identification
o No information needed on magnitude or importance of impacts"
o List of parameters without guidelines provided on how to interpret and
measure an environmental parameter.
 Descriptive Checklists.
o Require information on magnitude or importance of impacts as well as
indication on prediction methods and indicators
o Includes identification of environmental parameters and guild lines on how
to measure data on particular parameter

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 Scaling Checklists.
o similar to a descriptive checklist, but with additional information on
subjective scaling of the parameters
o List out environmental parameters+ nature of impact
o Gives textual rating for impacts
o Nature of impact- Direct, Indirect, Cumulative, Long term, short term,
severe moderate insignificant, Reversible, Irreversible
o Not suitable for impact measurement
 Scaling weighing checklist
o Capable of quantifying impacts


 Simple to understand and use.

 Checklists provide all possible relationships and impacts, out of which a
set tailored for the specific assignment may be chosen.
 Checklists help people in responsible positions to become more aware of
what they should be looking for when assessing a proposed project.
 Checklists may also help to produce a higher degree of awareness of the
environmental aspects of a project.
 Quantification of impacts is possible using the weighted-scale method.


 Do not distinguish between direct and indirect impacts.

 Do not link action and impact.
 They are too general or incomplete
 They do not illustrate interactions between effects
 The number of categories to be reviewed can be immense, thus distracting from the
most significant impacts
 The identification of effects is qualitative and subjective.

Eg. Simple Checklist

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Descriptive checklist

Scaling Checklists

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Scaling Weighing checklist

 Can be used for decision making- Comparing alternatives

 Impact identification, Impact measurement and evaluation

Steps involved:

 Factors are considered

 They are scaled from 0 (worst) to 1 (best)
 Weighting (importance) for each factor is given as per expert judgement

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Types of scales used in EIA methods Matrix Method

 Identifies interaction between Project actions- Environmental Parameter

 Gives info on cause effect relationship
 Environmental items (Y axis) and Project actions (X axis)
 The relationship between Action & Env. Parameter will be given at the intersection

 It presents an easily understood summary of a large number of primary impacts.

 It is a generalized but well defined approach, forcing a comprehensive consideration

of environmental components and primary impacts.

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 It is an easily performed process which can specify the overall character of a project
early in the design phase.

 In an extended form, the method can include information about many impact
attributes, and clarify the assumptions supporting the assessments.

 Matrices have low resource requirements.


 Difficult to distinguish direct and indirect impacts

 Significant potential for double-counting of impacts

 Qualitative

Types of matrix
1. Simple Interaction Matrix Method
 Example is Leopold Interaction Method
 100 specified actions and 90 existing environmental conditions (Can be
increased or decreased as per requirement)
 Environmental items (Y axis) and Project action (X axis)
 When an action is expected to cause an impact, the interaction box is marked
with a diagonal line
 Magnitude (1 to 10)-Above the diagonal line
 Significance (1 to 10)- Below the diagonal line
 Can identify beneficial and adverse impacts by using + or –

The Leopold matrix is the best known matrix methodology available for predicting the
impact of a project on the environment.

It is a two dimensional matrix cross-referencing:

 the activities linked to the project that are supposed to have an impact on man and the
 the existing environmental and social conditions that could possibly be affected by the

The activities linked to the project are listed on one axis: raw material production, building
construction, water supply, energy supply, raw material preparation, pulp and paper mills
processing, gaseous emissions, liquid effluents, cooling water discharges, noise, solid wastes
treatment and disposal, transportation.

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The environmental and social conditions are listed on the other axis, and divided in three
major groups:

 physical conditions: soil, water, air…,

 biological conditions: fauna, flora, ecosystems…,
 social and cultural conditions: land use, historical and cultural issues, populations,

The Leopold matrix proposes a three-step process to estimate the impact:

First step :

for all the interactions considered significant by the authors, the first step is to mark the
corresponding boxes in the matrix with a diagonal line.

Second step :

once the boxes with supposed significant interactions are slashed, the author evaluates each
box by applying a number from 1 to 10 (1 is the minimum and 10 the maximum) to register
the magnitude of the interaction. This number is transferred to the upper left hand corner. It
represents the scale of the action and its theoretical extent.

Third step :

the final step for this method is to mark (from 1 to 10), in the lower right hand corner, the real
importance of the phenomenon for the given project. It then gives an evaluation of the extent
of the environmental impact according to the assessor's judgement.

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2. Stepped Matrix Method
 Also called cross impact matrix, can be used to address secondary and tertiary
impacts of initiating actions
 Environmental factors displayed against project actions as well as other
environmental factors
 Helps is identifying secondary impacts Network Method

 It uses the matrix approach by extending it take into account primary as well the
secondary impacts.
 Shown in the form of tree called as Relevance/Impact tree/Sequence diagram.
 Identification of direct, indirect /short and long term environment impact is a crucial
and intact basic step of making Impact tree.
 Used to identify cause-effect linkages
 Visual description of linkages

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• Presentation matrices can only clearly show the primary or first-order impacts within any
particular activity-component framework. It is possible, however, to investigate higher order
linkages in two dimensions by using networks.

• It is possible to translate networks into mathematical models for a more quantitative

judgement. The network method structures the relationships implied in qualitative

• One of the main limitations of the network method is that since impacts are not scored in
any quantitative way, the comparison of project alternatives is not readily achieved.

• Spatial representation of impacts is not possible. Overlays method

It is based on a set of transparent maps, each of which represents the spatial variation of an
environmental parameter (e.g., susceptibility to erosion or recreational value). The maps are
shaded to show three degrees of parameter compatibility with the proposed project. A
composite picture of the overall social cost of affecting any particular area is approximated

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by superimposing all the transparent maps. Any number of project alternatives can be located
on the final map to investigate the degree of associated impacts. The validity of the analysis
is related to the type and number of parameters chosen. Parameter maps present data in a
summarized and easily interpreted form, but are unable to reflect the possibility of secondary
impacts. They also rely heavily on cartographic skills and their effectiveness depends to a
large degree on cartographic execution.

This method is easily adaptable for use with a computer programmed to perform the tasks of
aggregating the predicted impacts for each geographical subdivision and of searching for the
areas least affected. Automated procedures are also available for selecting sequences of unit
areas for routing highways, pipelines, and other corridors. The computer method is more
flexible, and has an advantage whenever the reviewer suggests that the system of weights be

The overlay approach can accommodate both qualitative and quantitative data. The weakness
of the overlay approach is that it is only moderately comprehensive, because there is no
mechanism that requires consideration of all potential impacts. When using overlays, the
burden of ensuring comprehensiveness is largely on the analyst. Also, the approach is
selective because there is a limit to the number of transparencies that can be viewed together.
Finally, extreme impacts with small probabilities of occurrence are not considered. However,
a skilled assessor may make indications in a footnote or on a supplementary map.

5.3 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Event Tree Analysis (ETA)
It is easy to get confused between these two techniques. Indeed, the two are in fact
complimentary (and are often used together) but focus on opposite sides of an undesired
event. The diagram below shows how they fit together:

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This is sometimes called a ‘bow-tie’ model (because it looks like one) and when
complimentary FTAs and ETAs are used, it’s called the bow-tie technique. The diagram only
shows a single ‘undesired event’; in reality, multiple causes can lead to many different events
initially, each then escalating with multiple consequences. You can analyse each event with
FTA and ETA. In summary, FTA is concerned with analysing faults which might lead to an
event, whereas ETA is interested in stopping it escalating. Both can be applied qualitatively
or, if you have the data, quantitatively.
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
In many cases there are multiple causes for an accident or other loss-making event. Fault tree
analysis is one analytical technique for tracing the events which could contribute. It can be
used in accident investigation and in a detailed hazard assessment. The fault tree is a logic
diagram based on the principle of multi-causality, which traces all branches of events which
could contribute to an accident or failure. It uses sets of symbols, labels and identifiers. But
for our purposes, you’ll really only use a handful of these, shown below:

A fault tree diagram is drawn from the top down. The starting point is the undesired event of
interest (called the ‘top event’ because it gets placed at the top of the diagram). You then
have to logically work out (and draw) the immediate contributory fault conditions leading to
that event. These may each in turn be caused by other faults and so on. It could be endless
(though, in fact, you will naturally have to stop when you get as far as primary failures). The

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trickiest part of the whole thing is actually getting the sequence of failure dependencies
worked out in the first place. Let’s look at a simple example to illustrate the point.

Event Tree Analysis (ETA)

This is a complimentary technique to FTA but defines the consequential events which flow
from the primary ‘initiating’ event. Event trees are used to investigate the consequences of
loss-making events in order to find ways of mitigating, rather than preventing, losses.
1. Identify the primary event of concern.
2. Identify the controls that are assigned to deal with the primary event such as automatic
safety systems, alarms on operator actions.
3. Construct the event tree beginning with the initiating event and proceeding through failures
of the safety functions.
4. Establish the resulting accident sequences.

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5. Identify the critical failures that need to be addressed.
There are a number of ways to construct an event tree. They typically use Boolean (or binary)
logic gates, i.e. a gate that has only two options such as success/failure, yes/no, on/off. They
tend to start on the left with the initiating event and progress to the right, branching
progressively. Each branching point is called a node. Simple event trees tend to be presented
at a system level, glossing over the detail. The following is a generic example of how they
can be drawn:

The diagram shows an initiating event (e.g. fire) and the subsequent operation or failure of
three systems (e.g. fire suppression) which would normally operate should the event occur.
Each system can either operate or not (somewhat unrealistic, as in some cases, things may
partially operate). Because of the multitude of combinations of success/failure of each
system, there are multiple possible final outcomes (labelled a to h in the diagram). The
diagram also illustrates the way event trees can be quantified. The initiating event is typically
specified as an expected annual frequency (e.g. 2 times per year) and the success/failure for
each system as a probability.

5.4 Role of Environmental Engineer

All engineers must consider the impact that their systems and structures will have on the
environment. However environmental engineers are particularly concerned with protecting
the environment from the potentially harmful effects of human activity, and protecting human
populations from the effects of adverse environmental factors. They analyse environmental
quality and design systems and structures that improve air, water and soil quality, and thus
improve human health.

Typical activities for environmental engineers include:

 Designing wastewater treatment plants

 Monitoring discharges for regulatory compliance

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 Operating systems for reducing and utilizing solid waste
 Designing municipal or hazardous waste disposal sites
 Monitoring air pollution and operating control equipment
 Predicting movement of contaminants in air, water, and soil
 Devising contaminated site remediation schemes
 Developing pollution control technologies for different industries
 Responding to environmental emergencies such as oil spills
 Developing environmental regulations
 Providing input into environmental impact assessment hearings

Duties of environmental engineer for impact assessment

 To ensure that decisions are taken following timely and sound environmental advice;
 To encourage and provide opportunities for public participation in environmental
aspects of proposals before decisions are taken;
 To ensure that proponents of proposals take primary responsibility for protection of
the environment relating to their proposals;
 To facilitate environmentally sound proposals by minimising adverse aspects and
maximising benefits to the environment;
 To provide a basis for ongoing environmental management including through the
results of monitoring; and
 To promote awareness and education in environmental values.

 The safety, health and environmental aspects of construction projects are all governed by
primary legislation, case and tort. However engineers should set boundaries of acceptability
that are tighter than the legislation.
 Engineers should develop, articulates and believe in a strong safety culture, instilled into
people’s behaviours and then give a clear indication of expectations in line with this culture.
 Engineer should address design for safety early for it to have the best effect. They should
consider using early contractor involvement to enable suppliers to have a valuable input in
safety of construction methods and long term operation and maintenance.
 In planning for safety, engineers should be the guiding mind, able to foresee every
construction process and its safe execution. They should consider using safety-related KPIs,
such as training delivered and accident frequency rates, as part of the contractual process.
 Engineers should use occupational health screening within their accident-reduction
strategy. They should consider investing in medical staff to improve productivity and
commitment and using screening to give a message to the whole workforce that they-the
workforce are important.
 Engineer should seek to minimise adverse impact on the environment during both
construction and operation phases. The areas of concerns are:

 Land use
 Landscape

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 Ecology and biodiversity
 The historic environment
 Water resources
 Energy and carbon
 Material use
 Waste management
 Transport
 Effects on neighbours
 Relation with local community and other stakeholders.

 Some of standards for best practice in sustainable design are:

 Inspiration to find innovative solution that minimise the environmental impact.

 A benchmark that is higher than regulations
 A tool to help reduce running costs, improve working and living environments
 As standard that demonstrates progress towards corporate and organisational
environmental objectives.

 Environmental issues that engineers should consider include the following:

 Waste – Engineers need to understand the relevant waste regulations and the issues
behind it. For example, site waste management plans place clear responsibilities on
engineers to initiate excellence by eliminating waste in design.
 Recycling – Engineer should encourage maximum use of recycled materials by
avoiding over-prescriptive specification and motivating the supply chain to increase
its use of recycling.
 Environmental issues – Most projects require extensive environmental input. This will
normally be in the form of environmental impact assessments and environmental
surveys. Engineers should investigate these issues early, as some surveys may need to
be made years in advance of a project starting on site.

 Engineer should encourage a user-friendly attitude from the project team towards the
community, placing emphasis on environmental measures that affect quality of life, such as
noise, dust and traffic.
 Engineer should consider using local meetings, press releases, literatures mailshots, local
radio and so on to generate confidence within the community. This leads to fewer complaints
and minimises any negative press. Engineers should also embrace new technology such as
web longs, text messaging etc.
 Engineers need to be passionate about equality and diversity issues and able to mentor
and encourage their supply chain regarding the benefits of diversity. They should set the
vision such as local employment or training to re-skill local people and engage with and
encourage suppliers. This vision will also encourage suppliers to recognise that diversity
within a workforce is a source of strength.

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 Engineers should consider fostering links with local schools, including site visits, which
generate interest, involvement and ultimately employment in the industry.

 Engineers should encourage the project teams to promote local employment, upskilling
the local workforce, developing the local economic base and giving the community a more
sustainable basis for its future.

5.5 Public Participation

Objectives of public participation
1. Information, education and liaison dissemination of information on the study
2. Identification of problems, needs and important valuesdetermination of
environmental resources important to various segments of the public.
3. Idea generation and problem solving identification of alternatives to minimize the
4. Reaction and feedback on proposals to assess the significance of various impacts
5. Evaluation of alternatives to evaluate significance of quantified and unquantified
environmental factors.
6. Conflict resolution  it involves mediation of differences among various interest
groups, development of mechanisms for environmental cost compensation, etc.
Public participation is an active and constructive exchange of information, meanings, and
opinions. The public has many roles such as:
• Provide data and information that is essential for the assessment of impacts on the
physical and social environment
• Reduce conflicts through the early identification of contentious issues
• Help to identify local citizens and groups with special expertise
• Identify local and regional issues
• Provide historical perspective to current environmental conditions
• Help to generate field data
• Provide criteria for evaluating the significance of identified impacts
• Suggest forms and help organizing mechanisms for public participation
• Help to define the scope of work and schedule for the overall assessment process
• Provide a link between the assessment team members and key organizations
• Identify and evaluate potential mitigation measures
• Increase public confidence in the EIA process.
Identification of various publics
1. Persons who are immediately affected by the project and live in the vicinity of the
2. Ecologist
3. Business and commercial developers who would benefit from the proposed action.

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4. A group of general public who enjoy a high standard of living and who don’t want to
sacrifice this standard in order to preserve wilderness, pollution free air and water.
5. Educational institutions
6. Professional groups and organizations
7. Farm organizations
8. Service clubs
9. Labour unions
10. State and local government agencies
11. State and local elected officials
12. Federal agencies
13. Media
Public consultation

 Process by which the concerns of local affected persons and others who have
reasonable stake in the environmental impacts of the project or activity are determined
 All Category ‘A’ and Category B1 projects or activities shall undertake Public

 Public Consultation shall ordinarily have two components

1. public hearing at the site or in its close proximity- district wise, to be

carried out in the manner prescribed in Appendix IV, for determining
concerns of local affected persons

2. obtain responses in writing from other concerned persons having a

reasonable stake in the environmental aspects of the project

Component 1: Public hearing

 Public hearing shall be conducted by the State Pollution Control Board

o forward proceedings to the regulatory authority concerned within 45 days
o If not appoint another independent organization to do the same within another
45 days
 If the public agency nominated reports that it is not possible to conduct the
public hearing in a manner which will enable the views of the concerned local
persons to be freely expressed
o It shall report the facts in detail to the concerned regulatory authority

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o After due consideration of the report shall rule that the public consultation in
the case need not include the public hearing

Component 2: Responses from other concerned persons

 Invite replies from such concerned persons by placing on their website the
Summary EIA report
 Use other appropriate media for ensuring wide publicity about the project
 Within seven days of the receipt of a written request for arranging the public
 Confidential information including non-disclosable or legally privileged
information involving Intellectual Property Right shall not be placed on the
 Make available on written request from any concerned person the Draft EIA
report for inspection at a notified place during normal office hours till the date of
the public hearing
 All the responses received as part of this public consultation process shall be
forwarded to the applicant through the quickest available means.

Techniques of public participation

1. Public hearing
2. Public information sessions
3. Project work shops
4. Question and answer periods
5. Opinion questioners
Advantages of public participation

 Affected persons will get an opportunity to present their views

 Public can provide useful information to decision makers on factors thart cannot be
easily quantified.
 Helps to enhance public confidence in the agency
 It can serve as a safety value by providing a forum for different feelings
 Agency will get clear idea about the issues that may occur due to the project

Disadvantages of public participation

 High potential for the confusion of issues due to lack of knowledge of participants
 Can cause potential project delay and increased project cost
 Persons without intense personal interest will not maintain an active participation.

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Summary of Objectives of Public Involvement in EIA

Stage of EIA
Objectives of public involvement

Screening Identification of significant impacts

 Identification of public's interest and values

Scoping  Identification of priorities for assessment
 Encouraging public understanding of the proposed project

 The public can contribute local knowledge and values to the

prediction, evaluation and mitigation of impacts
 Improvement in quality and acceptability of EIA report

EIA Report Public contribute to evaluation of quality and acceptability of report


Decision Public comment on acceptability of project impacts

Public evaluate impacts that occur and support project environmental

management process

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