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Cook , Learn


Have Fun !
Jamie Oliver shows the nation some incredible recipes, tips and hacks, specifically tailored for
the unique times we're living in, and how to make the most of our kitchen staples

GO to this link 

1 - INTRODUCTION [ CAV ] - WATCH the video once before doing the activities ( REGARDE la vidéo
une fois avant de faire les activités ).

I'm gonna show you how to make HOMEMADE BREAD !

There are thousands of bread .............................out there with
different ................. . Some have fresh .................. , some have
dried ................. , some have no ....................... , and there is so
much choice !
But I want to give you the most .................. one because there
are so many of you that ............... never .................. bread before !

yeast (x3) have

2 - LISTEN to Jamie Oliver and FILL IN the blanks with the missing words. made basic flours
( ECOUTE Jamie Oliver puis COMPLETE le texte avec les mots manquants ) recipes

3 - [ CAV ] - WATCH the video and COMPLETE the charts below .( REGARDE la vidéo et COMPLETE les
tableaux ci-dessous )

1kg of ...............
A large ...............

650 ml of tepid .................

A regular .................

1 sachet of dried ................

A ................

1 large pinch of ................

4 - [ CAV + CE ] - REORDER the different steps of the recipe. ( REMETS DANS L'ORDRE les différentes
étapes de la recette ).

1 COOK for 35 minutes at 180°c

2 POUR the water into a bowl
3 SLICE the dough half to make 2 loaves of bread
4 ADD the dried yeast
5 PUT the 2 loaves on a regular tray
6 MIX UP with a fork
7 MIX UP with a fork
8 COVER it with a damp cloth for about 1 hour and a half
9 LET it double
10 GIVE another little knead for a second
11 ADD the flour
12 USE your hands to mix and move it around
13 CREATE a little ball
14 PUT it BACK into the bowl
15 LEAVE the 2 loaves to rest for about an hour
16 PUNCH the dough to let the gas out
17 SPREAD some flour on top
18 ADD the salt
19 GET the dough OUT of the bowl
20 KNEAD and STRETCH the dough for a while *[pendant un moment]
21 SPREAD a bit of flour on the top

5 - [ CE ]- BUILD UP YOUR VOCABULARY - READ all the documents and PICK OUT the
English words. ( RELIS tous les documents puis RETROUVE les mots anglais )


Verser dans : (to) pour into ajouter : ....................... mélanger : ...................... utiliser : .................

Pétrir : .................. étirer: ....................... saupoudrer : ............................ couvrir: .......................

Remettre à l'intérieur de : .......................... donner un coup de poing : ..................cuire: ...............

Couper , trancher: ................ laisser reposer : ..............................

Tirer le meilleur de ....................................................................................................

Incroyable ....................... personnalisé , adapté ............................ fait maison ....................................

Sec :.................. frais ...................... tiède .................... humide .....................


Aliments/denrées de base ........................................................ la farine ....................... le sel ..............

La levure ...................... le pain ........................ une pincée ............................ un saladier ...................

Une fourchette ......................... un plateau/ une plaque de cuisson ...........................

la pâte ......................... Un tissu/ un linge ............................... trucs et astuces .................................

une miche de pain (singulier ) ........................ (pluriel).........................

MAKE your own bread

TAKE a photo
SEND it to my address

The yummiest-looking
loaf of bread....

....... will get a prize !

A votre tour de faire montre de vos talents ! Faîtes votre pain , prenez le en photo et envoyer
la photo à mon adresse mail . Le pain qui aura l'air le plus appétissant recevra un prix !


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