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0975390022 ETHIO HACKER


05/06/2013 -

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THIS = ይህ

THAT = ያ

THESE = እነዚህ

THOSE = እነዚያ

We use this and that for single

But this = near

That = far

And we use these and those for plural it mean for many things


Those = far

And we use both of them at subjectand object


 THIS is my car
 We can take this
 That is good idea
 We can eat that
 These are my car
 We can take these
 Those are good idea
 We can eat those

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DOG’S የውሻው
BOOKS’ የመጽሃፎቹ


ON= በ BY = በ

We use on for natural things We use for artificial things

Example on horse ,on foot Example by car , by bus

Possesive form with ‘’of’’

The ......................of.............................
Father of fatuma

The window of car

The hand of girl

The height of my sister

A book of science

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Both is always plural
We used both for both of subject and object

BOTH = ሁለቱም , ሁለቱንም

BOTH OF THEM - ሁለታቸውም, ሁለታቸውንም

BOTH OF US - ሁለታችንም, ሁለታችንንም

BOTH OF YOU - ሁለታችሁም , ሁለታችሁንም


 Both of us are sociable

 He has seen both of us
We can use instead of

Both of them – they both

Both of you – you both

Both of us – we both

They have the same meaning but they both,you both,and we both come only at the


 They both are students

 We both are enginers
 You both are linguists

o And we use plural verb

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All is always plural

All = ሁሉንም

All of us - ሁላችንም,ሁላችንንም
All of them - ሁላቸውም,ሁላቸውንም

All of you- ሁላችሁም,ሁላችሁንም

Like both they can use instead of

 All of us – we all
 All of them - they all
 All of you – you all

they have the same meaning but they only come at the subject

Example for both of them

 All us are the students of teacher Abdu Awol

 We all are the students of teacher Abdu Awol
 All of them are my friends
 They all are my friends
 All of you are my brothers and sisters
 You all are my brothers and sisters

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Each is always singular and it used singular verb

EACH - እያንዳንዱ

o Each of them - እያንዳንዳቸው, እያንዳንዳቸውን

o Each of you - እያንዳንዳችሁ, እያንዳንዳችሁን
o Each of us - እያንዳንዳችን, እያንዳንዳችንን

ሁልጊዜም subjectun plural or singula ለማለት ከ of በፊት ያለውን ብቻ ነው ምናየው

 We can use like both of and all of instead of

 Each of you – you each

 Each of us – we each
 Each of them – they each


Each of you

Each of you is student

You each are students

I am teching each of you

Each of us

Each of us is merchant

We each are merchants

He is helping each of us

Each of them

Each of them has acar

They each have cars

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EVERY is like each , these means it is always singular
And it has the same meaning to each

Every one of them

Every one of us

Every one of you


 Every one of them has acar

 Every one of us is adoctor
 Every one of you is cleaver


o Every one of the doctors

o Every one of the students
o Every one of the enginers
 Each of them ሲቀየር They each ይባላል , ነገር ግን every of them ሲቀየር they every
 Each of them every one of them
 Each of the students every one of the students
 Each student every student

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 Either of you [ አንዳችሁ ] OR [ አንዳችሁን ]
 Either of you is my student
 አንዳችሁ የኔ ተማሪ ናችሁ
 I have thought either of you
 አንዳችሁን አስተምሪያለው
 Either of them [ አንዳቸው ] or [አንዳቸውን ]
 Either of them was playing on street
 The man was playing with either of them

 Either of us [ አንዳችን] or [ አንዳችንን]

 Either of us has got a new car
 They tricked either of us
 Either of the students ( አንዳቸው ተማሪዎች ) ( ከተማሪዎቹ አንዱ )
 Either of the students is looking at the teacher
 The girl was asking either of the students
 Either enginer ( አንድኛው enginer)
o Etiher enginer usually ask question
o I heard either enginer
 አንዱን መሃንዲስ ቀጥሬዋለው


 We use either for both subject and object

 And either is a singular, if we use at subject we must use singular verb
 If there is not or either always singular , but if there is or , we may use by one

Forms :- 1
 Either the men or the girl = ወንዱ ወይም ሴቷ
 Either the men or the girl was arrested yestarday.
 ወንዱ ወይም ሴቷ ታስረው ነበር
 Police had arrested either the men or the girl.
 ፖሊስ ወንዱን ወይም ሴቷን አስሮ ነበር
 Either the girl or the men
 Either the girl or the men were arrested yesterday.
 ሴቷ ወይም ወንዱ ታስረው ነበር
 Police had aressted either the girl or the men.
 ፖሊስ ሴቷን ወይም ወንዱን አስሮ ነበር

Note :-
 If plural noun comes after or, it used plural verb.
 Unless, it doesn’t take plural verb
Either she or I am

Either they or she is

 Both the man and the girl
 Both the man and the girl are being pained by the gov’t.
 ወንዱም ሴቷም በህግ እየተሰቃዩ ነው
 The government is paining both the man and the girl.
 ህግ ወንዱንም ሴቷንም እያሰቃየ ነው

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 Neither is singular and it takes singular verb.

Neither = ሁለቱንም ግን በነጌቲቨ

Neither is the same to both in meaning but neither is negative.

 Neither of them - ሁለቱም(ሁለታቸውም)(ሁለታቸውንም)

 Neither of them is my student
 I have seen neither of them
 Neither of us - ሁለታችንም or ሁለታችንንም
 Neither of us was playing football there

 She looks after neither of us

 Neither of you - ሁለታችሁም or ሁለታችሁንም

 Neither of you is learning chinese
 The girl was advancing neither of you
 Neither of the children - ሁለቱም ልጆች or ሁለቱንም ልጆች
 Neither of the children was at school
 The teacher punished neither of the children .
 Neither of the teachers = ሁለቱም መምህሮች or ሁለቱንም መምህሮች
 Neither of the teaches was teaching as well
 We were respecting neither of the teachers
 Neither - ሁለቱንም
 Neither was at school
 We put neither on the table
 Neither girl - ሁለቱም ሴቶች
 Neither girl was washing clothe
 The man hired neither girl
 Neither book is well written
 I have read neither book

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 Neither the book nor the pens - መጽሃፉም እስክርቢቶዎችም የኔ አይደሉም

 Neither the book nor the pens are mine .
 I have bought neither the book nor the pens.
 Neither the pens nor the book
 Neither the pens nor the book is mine.
 You have planned to buy neither of the pens nor the book

o One is singular
o We can use one in a subject and object
 One of us - አንዳችን፣ አንዳችን
 One of them - አንዳቸው፣ አንዳቸውን
 One of you - አንዳችሁ፣ አንዳችሁን


- One of us was playing volleyball

- She helps one of us
- One of them has been kidding on us
- We are looking for one of them
- One of you is selling the machine
- Your mother was calling for one of you
 One of the students
 One of the tailors
 One of the boys


- One of the boys was on street yesterday.

- He loves one of the girls.
- One of the children is learning English.
- We are teaching one of the children.
 One student
 One tailor
 One boy

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This is the same as

- A student
- A tailor
- A boy
 But if we want to focus on the number, use one.
 If you want to focus on the person, use A


- One student is not enough to pass the exam.

- We have been controlling one student.

 Is a negative word.
 Is singular.
 It takes singular verb.
 It is the same as all in meaning but in negative.
 We can’t use with negative sentences.

We can use with

 None of us
 None of you
 None of them

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- None of us is student.
- None of them was playing football
- None of you is my student.
 None of the students
 None of the boys


- None of the students has seen me - ማንም ተማሪ አላየኝም

- None of the boys was playing football

 No student
 No tailor
 No teacher
- No student has gave example - ማንም ተማሪ ምሳሌ አልሰጠም


Page 13
A little / little + uncountable noun + singular verb
i. A little
A little means ‘ some’ or ‘ a small amount’ , but it does not imply insufficciency,or
lack,of something
A little is indicate what ever that something is small, it is sufficient – A little
የሚለው የሚያመለከተው የሆነ ነገር ትንሽ ቢሆንም ግን በቂ እንደሆነ የምንገልጽበት ነው።
 A little sugar was added to a cup of tea.
 My mother added a little sugar to a cup of tea.
 She had a little money and she could buy something
 She learnt a little, so she answered some questions.
 Since there was a little sugare,chaltu could make tea.

Or A little indicate a small number of amount (sufficient)

ii. Little
Little has a negative meaning, it means hardly any,very little,only a little or not
It implies lack of something

 Little sugar was added to a cup of tea.

 My mother added little sugar to a cup of tea.
 He had little money , so he couldn’t buy anything.
 She learned little, so she answerd no question
 Chaltu couldn’t make tea becausethere was little sugar.

Much + un countable noun + singular verbs

Much is singular
It indicate a large amount of ( exusive )
 Much water was boiled to toast the hen.
 The man usually drinks much alcohol that he always vomits.

All uncountable nouns are singular

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A few / few +plural countable nouns
i. A FEW
 A few means ‘some’ or ‘ a small mumber’ but it doesn’t imply lack or inssuficiency.
 A few farmers were permitted to plaugh their land
 The government invited a few farmers to the meeting.

ii. FEW
Few means ‘ hardly any ‘ or ‘ not many ‘ , i.e. fewer than expected. It has a
negative meaning. Few,hardly any, very few, only a few, and not many. Generally
have the same meaning.
 Few students were learning in the class.
 The teacher was teaching few students.

Many + plural countable + plural verb

It simply a large number ( excessive)

 Many teachers usually give their lives for their students. - ብዙ መምህሮች
ህይወታቸውን ለተማሪዎቻቸው ይሰጣሉ።
 The doctor helped many patients

 A few Small number sufficient

 Few Small number insufficient

 A little a small amount of sufficient

 Little a small amount of insufficient

 Much a large amount of exusive

 Many a large amount of excessive

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