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This study was focus on the comparing the effectiveness of two methods of

teaching that were prominent in the Philippines, namely the Traditional ‘Chalk and Talk’

method and Modern ‘Technology-Dependent’ method. To be specific the researchers

were focused on differentiating the two method of teaching on specific subject among

the teachers of Special Science Curriculum (SSC) of Bucal National High School

(BNHS). In this chapter presented the methods and procedures that researchers were

used to attain the valid and relevant results for the study.

A. Research Design

The researchers were used a Descriptive-Qualitative research design in this

study. According to Glass & Hopkins (1984), descriptive type of studies is a collection of

information without changing the environment. Furthermore, Descriptive studies, in

which the researcher interacts with the participant, may involve surveys or interviews to

collect the necessary information. Descriptive research involves gathering data that

describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data

collection. Through this, it enabled the researchers to determine the extent of learning

that the teachers experienced under the two methods of teaching in the subjects in the


B. Research Locale

This study was conducted at Bucal National High School (BNHS) at Bucal 2,

Maragondon, Cavite. The respondents of this study were interviewed at school,

especially during their free time or after their classes. Due to the nearness, security

ease, and comfort to the researchers and respondents, and relevant of the place to the

study, the researchers chose the school for the development of the study. The study

was conducted in the Second Semester of the School Year 2018 – 2019.

C. Subjects/Units of Analysis

The participants of this study were drawn not randomly among the Grade 9

Special Science Curriculum (SSC) Teachers of Bucal National High School (BNHS).

Due to the limitation of time, there will be only 12 participants was used for this study.

To be specific, the researchers were selected 12 subject teachers of Grade 9 SSC on

each subject, namely Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, Biology, Mathematics,

MAPEH, EsP, AP ICT, Filipino, English and Research. Furthermore, based on the

observations of the researchers, the teachers of Special Science Curriculum are more

active and motivated to teach their students.

D. Sampling Procedure

The researchers were used the Purposive Sampling in getting the participants of

this study. According to Lund Research Ltd (2012), purposive sampling relies on the

judgement of the researcher when it comes to selecting the units that are to be studied.

Usually, the sample being investigated is quite small, especially when compared with

probability sampling techniques. This kind of sampling is focus on particular

characteristics of a population that are of interest, which best enabled the researcher to

answer the research questions.

Specifically, the researchers were used the Homogeneous type of Purposive

Sampling, since the researchers were selected 12 subject teachers of Grade 9 SSC,

that have same section to taught on their subjects. Overall, the researchers were having

12 participants/respondents in this study.

E. Research Instrument

Data collection instruments refers to devices used to collect data such as

questionnaires, tests, structure interview schedules and checklists. (Seaman, 1991)

Polit and Hungler (1997) define a questionnaire as "a method of gathering information

from respondents about attitudes, knowledge, beliefs and feelings.". To provide and

gather as much informative and relative evaluation, questionnaire will be used.

The researchers were adopted the questionnaire for the interview of Krishna T. et

al (2012). A questionnaire for interview was used as the main data gathering instrument

for this study. Questionnaire for interview was divided into two parts which is the profile

of the respondents and the questionnaire proper. The first part of the questionnaire for

interview contained the concentration of teaching. Meanwhile for the second part which

the questionnaire is proper it contained open ended questions that was used by the

researchers to attain the purpose of the study.

F. Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers performed the following to conduct the study and analyze the


1. Formulation of Research Title

The researchers were read literatures (journals, articles, and etc.) about

the certain topic that the researchers want to pursue. Through these literatures,

the researchers were come up to generate an idea that is helpful for the

researchers to pursue to study, and to think specific idea to formulate specific

research title.

2. Framing of Research Objectives and Problems

After the researchers formulated a research title that they want to pursue.

The researchers were read more related literatures and study for them to have

strong foundations on making Research Objectives and Problems that was be

the center of the study. Through the help of research objectives and problems,

the researchers where be specific on the study and also these serve as the

researchers guide for them to pursue the study.

3. Writing Request for Data Gathering

The researchers were having their Research Problems and Objectives,

after this the researchers were pursuing the study by gathering data that are

relevant to their study. But before this, the researchers did first to write request

letter to Principal of the BNHS, for them to have permission to proceed on data


4. Gathering of Data

Due to the approval of the principal to the request letter of the

researchers, the researchers were proceeding on the data gathering for the

relevant result of the study. The researchers were given questionnaires then

interview to their 12 subject teachers as the researchers’ respondents. The

researchers were taking care of what their respondent responded. Consequently,

the researchers did their data gathering on the free time of their respondents.

5. Analyzing Gathered Data

The researchers were analyzed the response of their respondents by

means of Textual Analysis of the responses of their respondents through this the

researchers found out what is the answers to their Research Problems and got

the important findings for further research.

6. Answering Research Problems

After the researchers analyzed the responses of their respondents using

Textual Analysis. The researchers were able to answer their research problems

that serve as the heart of the study. Through this, the researchers found out the

results of the study.

7. Presenting the Results

Through the help of deep comprehension of the researchers to the

responses of their respondents, the researchers answered their research

problems. After this, the researchers were able to present the data using table

and also the text interpretation of the researchers to the responses of their

respondents. Also, the researchers were able to explain the relationship of the

result of their study and their theoretical framework and review of related

literatures and studies.

8. Drawing Conclusion and Recommendation

After the researchers presented the result through graphical and verbal

interpretation. Now the researchers were able to summarize their findings, it is

simply as summary what are they answered on their Research Problems to draw

their conclusions, after drawing conclusion, the researchers were able to draw

their recommendations for further study, the researchers based their

recommendations on their Significance of the Study.

9. Finalizing the Manuscript

After the researchers was done on their research paper, the researchers

were revised their research paper to scan the mistakes on the research paper

and revise.

G. Analytical Framework

This study was focused on the comparing the effectiveness of two methods of

teaching that were prominent in the Philippines, namely the ‘Chalk and Talk’ method

and ‘Technology-Dependent’ method. To be specific the researchers was focused on

differentiating the two method of teaching of Grade 9 Special Science Curriculum (SSC)

Teachers of Bucal National High School (BNHS). The researches were compared the

perceptions of teachers regarding to the two methods of teaching to their subjects. For

the researchers to analyze the data, the researchers were used the Textual Analysis on

the responses of their respondents to answers their research problems. Meanwhile, the

researchers were used the Descriptive Qualitative Research Design, a design that

involves gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts and

describe the data collection. Besides, the researchers were used the Herbartianism

Theory (1976) by Johann Friedrich Herbart that is related to the Traditional 'Chalk and

Talk' method while John Dewey's Theory of Constructivism was used to refer to Modern

'Technology-dependent' method of teaching for analyzing the data of the study.


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