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This chapter presents the methodology of the research starting from the beginning
until the end of the research. It consists of the research context, research methods, types of
data, resource data, the technique of collecting data, trustworthiness, data analysis, and
research ethics.

In this chapter, I present and justify the decisions that led to my choice of research
methods. I begin this chapter by revisiting the research questions and the purposes of
the study. Following this, I describe ethnographic case study as the research design. I
describe my role as researcher, selecting participants, the research site and my access
to it. Next, I discuss multiple data sources and data collection methods including
whole-school observations, classroom observations, in-depth interviews, observation
notes, and document reviews. I then explain the data analysis process. In the last
sections of this chapter, I address trustworthiness and present a summary of the

A. Research Contexts

This research was carried out at public junior or senior high schools in Central Java,
Indonesia. The school has four English language teachers, consisting of two male teachers
and two female teachers teaching grades 7-9 or 10-12 at the school. The school conducted
a virtual classroom from June 2020 – June 2022. The school has switched to blended
learning since July 2022.

Table 1. Research Schedule

Activities Date

Research Proposal May 2022


Data Collection August 2022

Data Analysis August 2022

Writing Chapters 4 and 5 August-September 2022

Thesis Final Defense September/Oktober 2022

B. Research Methods

This study is a qualitative study that uses narrative inquiry as the research method.
Qualitative research is a process of naturalistic inquiry that seeks an in-depth
understanding of social phenomena within their natural setting. It focuses on the "why"
rather than the "what" of social phenomena and relies on the direct experiences of human
beings as meaning-making agents in their everyday lives (Cresswell, 2018). Narrative
inquiry records the experiences of an individual or small group, revealing the lived
experience or particular perspective of that individual, usually primarily through an
interview which is then recorded and ordered into a chronological narrative (Barkhuizen,, 2013).

C. Types of Data

The data that would be collected from the participant is the interview. Explain more
about it, including how the instrument will be developed.

This study was carried out using five methods of data collection: whole-school

observations, classroom observations, observation notes, in-depth interviews, and

site document reviews. In the following, I further describe the methods employed in

data collection and analysis.

D. Source of Data

The participants of the study were in-service English senior public school teachers who
are originally from Central Java. Based on pre-research, high schools in Central Java are
included as developers of virtual learning. It will need four in-service English teachers to
conduct this research. In-service teachers will be proposed as the research will explain
the emotions during virtual learning. They are four teachers. The genders are paid
attention to due to the male and female feelings in the emotions. In addition, because the
research will discuss the virtual pandemic classrooms, the researcher source not only for
in-service teachers but also for in-service teachers who have experience and competence
in teaching using virtual platforms.

E. Techniques of Data Collection

In this research, researchers used semi-structured interviews because semi-structured

interviews have interview guides as resources to direct the interviews, but at the same
time, the questions are usually open-ended to allow participants to elaborate and
researchers to pursue developing themes (Barkhuizen et al., 2014:47).

F. Trustworthiness

As the researcher uses narrative inquiry methods, the researcher preferred to use
Lincoln & Guba (1985), and Loh (20130) to build the rigor or trustworthiness of this
research. There are credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.

1) Credibility
In credibility, the researcher used triangulation (Creswell, 2012:259). Because
the researcher collected the data from a narrative frame and semi-unstructured,
two triangulation was used for this research. They were the data source and
methods of triangulation. Data source triangulation in this study would have
resulted from the narrative frame and the interview of how in-service teachers'
emotional experience during a virtual pandemic classroom. Next, methods of
triangulation have resulted from using two kinds of research instruments for
data collection. This study used narrative frames and an interview guide.
Therefore, combining a narrative frame with an interview helped to collect
rich data.
2) Transferability
The narrative frame and interview guide for the participants, coding-
categorizing lists, interview, and the summary of finding.

3) Dependability & Confirmability.

To achieve dependability and confirmability of the study, the researcher
maintained a dependability audit examining the process of inquiry and a
confirmability audit examining the product to provide that findings, interpretation,
and recommendation are supported by data. The researcher will focus on teacher

G. Data Analysis

The researcher used thematic analysis in multiple cases. Thematic analysis is a

Repeating reading of the data, coding, categorization of data extracts, and
recognization (Barkhuizen, Benson, Chik (2014)). However, thematic analysis is
more frequently employed in studies involving multiple participants and multiple
narratives. Indeed, thematic analysis is probably best suited to multiple case studies,
because it opens up the possibility of comparing the narratives in a data set,
establishing shared themes, as well as highlighting individual differences. A thematic
approach was adopted to capture an in-depth understanding of the theme foci based
on the topic category in this review (Grant & Booth, 2009, Chen, 2020). Open coding
(Codes, concepts), Axial coding (Sub categories, categories), and Selective coding
(Core category).

H. Research Ethics

The ethical consideration of the present study lies in data protection including the
institution's visibility and detailed description of the teachers being involved in this
research. These matters would be anonymous in respect to protect and keep
convenience. First, the researcher sought the school's approval before conducting the
study. Second, in beginning to conduct the study, the researcher disclosed the purpose
of the study. Third, the researcher avoids deceiving participants in collecting data.
Fourth, in analyzing data, the researcher respected the privacy of participants. Fifth,
the researcher communicated in the clear, straightforward, and appropriate language
in reporting data. Sixth, for publishing the data, the researcher shared the report with

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