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A. Research design

Generally, there are two kinds of research method. They are

qualitative and quantitative research, which both of them has different

characteristics such as in process though the purpose of study. In

this research, the research uses qualitative research to support the

study. According to Creswell (2012: 16) qualitative research has

characteristics as follows:1

1. Exploring a problem and developing a detailed understanding

of a central phenomenon.

2. Having the literature review play a minor role but justifies the


3. Stating the purpose and research questions in general and

broad way so as to the participants’ experience.

4. Collecting data based on words form a small number of

individuals so that the participants’ views are obtained.

5. Analyzing the data for description and themes using text

analysis and interpreting the larger meaning of the findings.



6. Writing the report using flexible, emerging structures and

evaluate criteria, and including the researchers’ subjective

reflectivity and bias.

A descriptive-qualitative design is used in this study, particularly in

the form of case study. Besides, this study also used discourse analysis

a spoken discourse of teacher talk in particular. Discourse analysis is

carried out on both written and spoken language (although analysts

generally favour one form rather than another). Convertation and

interaction analysis, on the other hand, are both concerned exclusively

with spoken language.2 Discourse analysis has developed within

linguistics, and it is therefore hardly surprising that the analysis is

generally carried out in linguistics terms. In the way as sentence

grammarians are concerned with what makes a well-formed sentence

or utterance, the discourse analyst investigates what it is that makes for

well-formed discourse. Discourse analysts have studied textual factors

such as the use reference and conjuction, which contibute to cohesive

discourse, as well as the ways in which speech acts as ‘inviting’,

‘apologising’, and ‘denying’ are performed and interpreted within

coherent discourse.

B. Location

The location of this study is Pondok Pesantren Sumatera Thawalib


Nunan, David, 1992. ‘Research Method In Language Learning.’ New York : Cambridge
University Press. Hlm 160

C. Data source

This study was analyzed using an inductive analytical approach.

The data gained from observation of spoken language transcript was

analyzed using the four Mood types analysis such as statement,

question, offer, and command. Those are under Systemic Functional

Linguistics (SFL) system from Halliday.

D. Informant of The Reaserch

Research informants are people who are used to provide

information about the situation and conditions of the research

background.3 Informants are people who really know the problem to be

studied. In this study there are two informants who will be examined,


1. Key informants, those who really understand the problem under

study.4 What is meant as the key informant in this study are two

English subject teachers in eighth grade MTs Pondok Pesantren

Sumatera Thawalib Parabek.

2. Main Informants, namely people who are directly involved in the

social interactions under study.5 The main informant in this study was

the eighth grade student of the MTs of Pondok Pesantren Sumatera

Thawalib Parabek.

Ade Heryana, S.ST, M.KM, Informan Dan Pemilihan Informan Dalam Penelitian
Kualitatif, Jurnal Nasional. hal. 4 Diakses Pada 3 Oktober 2019 pada jam 20.30 WIB
Ade Heryana, S.ST, M.KM, Informan Dan Pemilihan Informan Dalam Penelitian
Kualitatif, Jurnal Nasional. hal. 4 Diakses Pada 3 Oktober 2019 pada jam 20.30 WIB
Ade Heryana, S.ST, M.KM, Informan Dan Pemilihan Informan Dalam Penelitian
Kualitatif, Jurnal Nasional. hal. 4 Diakses Pada 3 Oktober 2019 pada jam 20.30 WIB

E. Technique of collecting data

Sugiyono (2013: 308) says that technique of collecting data is

very important in conducting research because the main objective

from the research is gaining the data. Without knowing the

technique of collecting data, the researcher will not get the data that

is fulfill the standard of set in data.6

To get the data, a researcher can use many techniques. Technique

of collecting data is chosen based on kind of data will be collected.

Usually a researcher combines many techniques to collect the data.

Each technique has strength and weakness. Combining techniques of

collecting data is aimed to fix the weakness of technique. In this

research, the researcher uses triangulation technique in collecting

the data. Triangulation technique means collecting the data by

combining three techniques. They are observation, interview and

audiovisual materials.

1. Observation

Observation is an activity to get the data by using

visual. There are two kinds of observation. They are participant

observation and non participant observation. In this research, the

researcher uses non participant observation.

2. Note-taking

A thesis. The Analysis Of Speech Function Of Teachers’ Talk In English Classroom Of
Sman 5 Purworejo.

Note taking is an essential learning skill for college

students to implement during and outside of class time. 7 The notes

recorded during a class lecture should be compiled of the important

facts or ideas presented by the professor. Implementing a system of

note taking is important for several reasons. First, the faculty

member may be presenting supplemental material not found in

your text book but critical for you to learn in order to make a

connection to prior knowledge or introduce new material within

your textbook. Secondly, the information presented within a lecture

may be used for future assessments (quizzes, exams, reflection

papers). Finally, a system of good note taking is an important

study strategy. Actively listening and taking notes during class

increases the retention of the material. Reviewing the notes

immediately after class to add additional points or to generate

questions for clarification creates opportunity for additional

retention and understanding. Effective note taking skills will assist

in preparing for exams and future knowledge base of material.

3. Video

Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying,

playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video

was first developed for mechanical television systems, which were

b%2082216.pdf 22 September 2018. 21.23 WIB.


quickly replaced by cathode ray tube systems which were later

replaced by flat panel displays of several types.

4. Questioner

In doing the research, researcher used questionnaire in

written form. It has the purpose to get mare information from

the students. Questionnaire is a technique to collect the data of

information by giving some questions and answer the question

for the respondent with written.8 Meanwhile, Louis Cohen

states that the questionnaire will always be an instrusion into

the life of the respondent, be it in term of time taken to

complete the questionnaire, the level of threat or sensitivity of

the questions, or the possible invasion of provacy.9

Questionnaire respondents are not passive data providers for

researchers; they are subject not object of research.

Based on questionnaire for qualitative data collection,

researcher used open-ended questions on questionnaire. As

states by John W. Creswell, on questionnaire you may ask

some questions that are closed ended and some taht are open

ended.10 So researcher starts with a closed ended question and

Margono, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1997, p. 167
Louis Cohen, Lwrence Manion and Keith Morrison, Research Methods in Education
Fifth Edition, New York: Routledge Falmer, 2000, p. 262
John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualittive Research. US of America: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008, p. 228

followed by open ended question in which the participant

indicate for theire responses in close ended questions.

In distributing the questionnaire, the researcher

followed the following steps:

a. Distribute the questionnaire to the informant.

b. Give explanation to the students how to answer it and ask to

read the instruction first carefully.

c. Give the time to the students to answer the questionnaire


d. Collect the students’ answer on the questionnaire.

Thus, the researcher follow those steps in collecting the

data from the informant in field.

F. Technique of data analysis

The type of data analysis that used in this research is

inductive type. The inductive is an analysis which starts from the data

facts obtained in the field, and then drawing conclusion. After

collecting the data, the next step is classifying the data and analyzing

the data. In analyzing the data, there will be a description and examples

of which are found in teacher talk. The researcher also takes library

research in writing the thesis. It means that the researcher uses some

references from books, journals, papers, thesis, and internet. In

analyzing the data, the following techniques are conducted:


1. The researcher watches the video learning that focuses on

teacher talks and read the conversation script of video.

2. The researcher lists teacher’s utterances

3. The researcher categorizes the teacher’s utterances into type

of Mood structure by giving codes.

4. The researcher analyzes the data of classification.

5. The researcher makes conclusion and present in percentage


6. The researcher describes the percentage data form into

descriptive data form.

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