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Research is defined as the scientific investigation of phenomena which includes collection,

presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that aligns an individual’s speculation with


1. Empirical – direct experience is the basis of research

2. Logical –research follows a valid procedure

3. Cyclical – research starts and ends with a problem

4. Analytical – in research, researchers analyze the data collected and makes conclusions based on
facts observed.

5. Critical- researchers are precise and careful judgement

6. Methodical – research follows a systematic procedure

7. Replicability – research design and procedure can be repeated and challenge its results to gain
better answers.

In the past years, authors and other prominent in the field of research have presented various types of research. The
focus of this course is on these types: Qualitative and Quantitative Research.
When collecting and analyzing data, quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while
qualitative research deals with words and meanings. Both are important for gaining different kinds of

Qualitative research is expressed in words. It is used to understand

concepts, thoughts or experiences. This type of research enables you to gather in-
depth insights on topics that are not well understood.
Common qualitative methods include interviews with open-ended questions,
observations described in words, and literature reviews that explore concepts and

Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. It is used to test or confirm

theories and assumptions. This type of
research can be used to establish generalizable facts about a topic.
o Common quantitative methods include experiments, observations recorded as
numbers, and surveys with closed- ended questions.



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1. Naturalistic Inquiry. Qualitative observational research is naturalistic because it studies

a group in its natural setting.

2. Inductive analysis. This characteristic is prevalent in qualitative research because it allows the

observer to become immersed in a group. The

researcher starts with answers, but
forms questions throughout the research process.

3. Holistic perspective. The researcher takes into consideration that “the whole is

greater than its parts”

4. Personal contact and insight. The researcher is responsible for becoming a part of

a group to get a more in-depth study.

5. Dynamic systems. Change in a study is common because the researcher is not

concerned with finding only one answer.

6. Unique case orientation. Researchers must remember that every study is special

and deserves in-depth attention.

7. Context sensitivity

Researchers must realize the different variables, such as values and beliefs, that
influence cultural behaviors.

8. Empathic neutrality. Ideally, researchers should be non-judgmental when

compiling findings. Because complete neutrality is impossible, this
characteristic is a controversial aspect of qualitative research.

9. Design flexibility. Researchers can continue to do research on other topics

or questions that emerge from the initial research.

Strength and Weaknesses

 Complement and refine quantitative data

UNIVERSITY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: A vibrant University High School nurturing lives for a great future. Fulfilling pre-university experiences. SY 2020-2021
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 Provide more detailed information to explain complex issues

 Multiple methods for gathering data on sensitive subjects
 Data collection is usually cost efficient

 Findings usually cannot be generalised to the study population
or community
 More difficult to analyse; don’t fit neatly in standard categories
 Data collection is usually time consuming


1. Ethnography. It means “writing about people”.
Researchers in this field are interested in describing the culture of a
group of people and leaning to be a member of the group. Basically,
the documentation focused on shared attitudes, values, norms,
practices and languages of ethnic group.
2. Narrative. It is a research about people, places and events in
the past. Also called as “Historical Research”
3. Phenomenological.
Researchers conducting this type of research attempts to understand
that people experience a certain phenomenon.
4. Grounded Theory. This is a qualitative approach to generating and
developing a theory from the data collected in a research study. The
emphasis of this method is on the generation of theory which is
grounded in the data.

5. Case Study.
Here, the researcher provides a detailed account

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of one or more cases. It can be used for exploratory,

descriptive and explanatory research.
6. inductive thematic Analysis.
It usually draws on inductive analytic methods. It also
undertakes on identifying and coding emergent themes
within data.
7. Discourse/Conversation Analysis.
It is a study of “naturally occurring discourse”. It can range
from conversation to public events to existing documents.
8. Mixed methods.
It is an integration of qualitative and quantitative
methods in one study.
Supplemental Videos:

• Six Reasons Why Research is Cool: Quique Bassat at TEDxBarcelonaChange

• Qualitative vs Quantitative

UNIVERSITY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: A vibrant University High School nurturing lives for a great future. Fulfilling pre-university experiences. SY 2020-2021

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