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Tarea 3 Calcular coordenadas PI y análisis de levantamientos



1. Cada estudiante de forma individual deberá realizar la lectura del documento Introducción
to GPS, seleccionar un capítulo (debe 2 informarlo en el foro) y elaborar un ensayo en
inglés sobre el tema seleccionado. El ensayo no debe superar las dos hojas y debe tener un
título acorde con el tema revisado.

GPS correction data and services

The worldwide location framework utilizing satellites (GPS: Global Positioning

addresses the main innovative advancements of the last decade, it was initially
planned as a tactical instrument for the exact evaluation of position, velocity and time
in addition to being a tactical instrument for the exact evaluation of position and
velocity and has additionally been utilized in various common applications.

For security reasons, GPS signals created for common use are purposely degraded,
while their discharge is limited to a specific recurrence.
This article presents the rules that monitor GPS frame activity, the main errors that
influence its scope, and methods to rectify them. A set of current and future
applications with extraordinary financial and social effect to end with remarks on the
possible development of worldwide location frameworks.

The framework is separated into three essential fragments, the first two of which are
of military obligation:
the space part, made up of 24 GPS satellites with a 26560 km circle range and a 12-
hour time; control section, comprising five observation stations responsible for
keeping the satellites in circle and directing their correct activity, three ground
receiver cables that convey the messages being communicated to the satellites, and a
control station specialized in all tasks (Fig.1) ; and the client fragment, made up of
the radio cables and detached receivers situated on the ground.
These work with collectors, from the messages coming from each notorious satellite,
compute remotes and give an indicator of position and time in applications that do
not need a great precision, a single station collector can be used, of minimum cost,
determining the position and time used, which ascertains the distance to four satellites
within up to 30 seconds. In any case, the accuracy of the estimates is influenced by
the satellite development during the calculation and the time it takes to obtain the
situations, due to the off readings of the multitude of
messages from the star cluster.

The requirement for an exact and continuously uninterrupted area has prompted the
improvement of receivers with a more noteworthy number of channels (8-12)
equipped to limit the error area utilizing differential localization techniques. Thus, a
GPS collector located in a situation on Earth calculates its distance to a group of
satellites; the distinction between the determined position and the specific area of the
receiver establishes the error in the estimation. This error is communicated in a
predefined code (RTCM Radio Technical Maritime Commission) and any
beneficiary client with differential adjustment capability can reach it to address its
position. This method dispenses for all intents and purposes with S/A blunders as
long as the differential beneficiary is close to the base emanating the adjustment.

Signals coming from a GPS, can give exact and compact data that is utilized to assess
the speed, time and specific area of items or people. It is a protected U.S. Government
innovation uninhibitedly accessible to everybody on the planet by President Ronald

Presently, both the military and normal people have unhindered access to this
information from anyplace on the planet, GPS satellite route data is accessible
anyplace on the planet at no cost.
The main thing you need to pay for is the purchase of a receiver, the device that
interprets the data from the circling satellites. The usefulness of the data and
information that can be acquired from a little collector; is extraordinary in comparison
to the cost assigned to it.

Current innovation has made the utilization of this apparatus extremely simple by
means of.
Cell Cell phones and vehicles could now get and decipher GPS in tenths of a second
effortlessly. GPS is the eye and guide of the research group as it leads them to the
specific point which can be in the desert, at the focal point of a sea or in nature.

In conclusion, assessors, surveyors utilize absolute areas of GPS information such as

range, longitude, height and time to make maps and decide the boundaries of the
property depends largely on the of the information lodged in the representation of the
boundaries and their outline.
These handy apparatuses are constantly a viable essential instrument for student and
expert review.
Great advancements in this current field have made The progression of current
innovation has made the utilization of this instrument extremely straightforward.
Teniendo en cuenta la figura poligonal cerrada del ejercicio trabajado anteriormente, cada
estudiante de forma individual deberá proceder a:

1. Calcular rumbo y azimut de cada alineamiento: AB - BC- CD- DEEA, si se sabe que el
rumbo del alineamiento AB es N22°E

2. Calcular las coordenadas de cada Punto de Intersección PI para la poligonal cerrada.

Las coordenadas de referencia en el punto A son: (3800 y – 2200 x)

• Nota: para realizar el ejercicio de cálculo de coordenadas es necesario medir la

longitud de cada alineamiento, es decir, medir la distancia entre A-B, B-C, C-
D, D-e y E-A. Para ello puede utilizar una regla y tomar la medida en
centímetros o metros.

• También deberán medir los ángulos internos de cada punto, valores

indispensables para calcular rumbo y azimut por PI (punto de intersección).


A 35,03 22 N22°E
B 43,95 105 S75°E
C 32,66 148 S32°E
D 32,92 252 S72°W
E 47,2 296 N64°W

Se calcularon las medidas:

Punto distancia azimut rumbo coseno seno coordenada

Proyección(y) Norte(x) Norte (y) Este(x)

A 35,03 22 N22°E 3800 2200

B 43,95 105 S75°E 32,12246897 13,12246897 3832,47925 2213,12246
C 32,66 148 S32°E 11,37509703 4245244007 3821,105153 2255,57490
D 32,92 252 S72°W 27,69725982 17,30716317 3793,406903 2272,88207
E 47,2 296 N64°W 10,17283945 31,52308780 3783,234063 2241,57329

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