You are on page 1of 12


<t(qt6q,"f e[-fr"fE ffi uf$,'f

q\qqqlF-qs/c<- )13W, vfilra >a/er/a" i:

,se fuiRqIE1T1 qifu? q-fi41 w{ltr9-< tsT{' gifdf6T {i1sTq m. fr1s

oulob/\oqo v.tftc.r qTftE: frffi< GQ.osq q-{CI.Ifrs ol (El)fr €ls.l-< €

ftq.rc d\-;q-{c? 1q3q a-fl {q' I

+6.'ir"+-< fre#"r:nn.

(v<-lt"to va

GffiK (qe qB)

r+trgr{ E&-{)

) I czF{ q$'cq-{ frq, <l'a qs fr8, urs'[ t

a, r q-$E fuT*s ef{F/h-sE iSffim$fiitn-ttc-<< {k5F[ipafcf, <le Sa fre, ulol-

(xfi?FtrE t tr-+ ffi' q-<F T-{ccf{ Er{rdlffid {RfiE-l er Frlq'f<tfr c(qw) |

eI wl&HK, <fa {a fre, uro[ I

qq's \tr<"iB-{ qql

8r frGH-{ Pr..en[ &.fr, <lc 4a frg, d-sl-&fr Erqtq[TK 1

c 1 Pf.qn F cql-&.R, <lB qB Ra, trffi- cql-&.fr xcqlqrT{ qqa q-q'iBfr EFIr r

s I 'MFRElflt{T(-T-))1ry-aqF-v t
o r - o b - \o {o g1ftc{ q-{ftp: q1?sIIE sRB{ e8 -vr qffiq<' ffi
3El-eu:9b.:,\oto l

qsld ;ic. {, QooloQ. s q1(E11ra..t er-c1'm fr.a1fu4--rle11ir{ Ffwo g qlEm<-5aI " Prlrposal 1.r;'

Basic lLesearch 1iinc" tl);r fil{c{ ll.csr:r'c1-i &" ir-roi alion ctlt.l.tttlilte u 4':'l'
r"1ii6n1o q${.il',.{;.te'{Jriq f<ttt< i<r<u"rl

g1-{r " Proposal for

fuB <R{ftq't e|c-fi"|q fr.{frrylqma FIT-+ e Etq'cT{ Basic

Research funtl" {t{ RqLq Reserch & inovation committee s{T'

E(sr{{H \ <\wr CEflft eMK \tr{trIr{ <Eil
qlqr "n'rq ("rRFtE->) r

- 1^n
M15(', ffi.e fix"

A Proposal of Basic Research Grant for Faculties
Doing research together with traditional academic activities is the basic responsibility of
university teachers. The ranking of a university significantly depends on the research outcomes
of its faculty members and students. To do cutting edge research, the invoived reseatchers must
be given support along different dimensions, and one irnportant dimension in this regard is of
course financial support. It is understandable that there are lacks of funding in the context of
Bangladesh. Being the pioneer engineering and technological university of Bangladesh, BUET
should think ahead and take all necessary steps to estabiish a research environment for the
faculty members, researchers and students by providing some sort of research funding to the
faculty member with a flexible guideline to spend the allocated fund towards the advancement of
hislher research works with his/her students. Faculty members are also needed to be encouraged
towards inter and intra faculty collaborations. With this end in view, the following scheme of
funding is proposed.

Each of the Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors having a Ph.D' degree will
be allocated a research grant from the University to meet the basic needs for doing research with
his/her students. Using this fund a faculty can

I attend conferences and research meetings in home and abroad,

. support students to attend conferences held within or outside Bangladesh,

. pay registration fees to attend conferences, workshops or other scholarly meetings and
publication fees for publication in reputed journals indexed by Clarivate Analytics'

. pay fuil or partiai necessary expenses for visits of invited foreign professors/researchers
for collaborative research, and

. meet urgent and necessary materials, equipment, and other costs for carrying out

This grant will provide an opporhrnity for a faculty to present his/her research resrilts in
conf'erences, acquire cutting edge knowledge of his/her field by attending research meetings
workshops, encourage students by giving financial support for attending conferences? pay
publication costs, invite foreign research collaborators with local hospitality.

This regeareh grant will be given once in every two years to a faculty member. Half of the
faculty members will be given in one financial year and the remaining half in the following
To be eligible to receive this fund, a facuby member must have a journal paper indexed by
Clarivate Analyics in the last two years. Note that this fund is proposed in addition
to current
conference funding of teachers. The proposed amount and its duration of use are as follows:

Table L Basic Research Fund for Different Positions of Faculty Members

Designation Amount (Taka) Duration of Use

Professor 3.00,000 Two years
Associate Professor 2.00.000 Two years
Two years
Assistant Professor l!q,qq0 _

A grant-receiving faculty can use the futl grant amount for a single purpose or for multipie
prrpor", allowed by the list mentioned above within the stipulated two-year duration, Teachers
can take advance by filling out prescribed form as per necessity within the quota limit'
Expenrlifure on urgent needs can also be reimbursed within the quota lirnit. He/she must
the evidences of expenditures, such as money receipts, invitation letter, boarding pass
for air
travel, etc. to the university account section. After the two-year period, the unused fund,
if any,
will be lapsed and a faculty should apply for a new grant'
Afler every two-year period, a faculty member must submit a report mentioning hislher research
period' The report will
activities and achievements together with heads of expenditure during the
be evaluated by a committee of three members as foilows:

1. One Dean norninated by Vice-chancellor ----Chair

2, One Professor nominated by Vice-chancellor - Member
3. Comptroller --- Member

The next grant will be ailocated based on the fulfilIment of the pr-rblication requirement
of a
journal puf., indexed by Clarivate Analytics and satisfactory recommendation of the committee'

Table 2 Budget Estimation Considering}-Year Interval Funding

Numbers Amount Total Annual Annual Budget Annual Bud

(PhD for Each Budget for 2 Budget Considering Considering
Holders) Position Years (Taka) Eligibility Eligibility
(Taka) (Taka) &Utilization &UtilizationOT

factor*of 0.7 factorxof 0.i

(Taka) (Taka)

Professcr 198 594,00,00

A-ssociate 41 82,00,00
7,14,00,000 3,57,00,000 2,49,90,000 i,78,5000
Assistant 38 38,00,00

*Eligibilityand utilization factor.: Not all faculty members will be eligible for
the fund due to publication requiremenl' In
an eligibility and utilization factor of 0 7 may be
additior, fu*d allocated to a faculty member may not be fully used. Therefore,

-- -,".-auo.ry

1 --d

<Rqf(q{eftfi{q'ffi <tqrlrfi qr+rrTftrRtlFl{


gu-cb:l-o-\o g@| Y&@-qqw@gfr@s

€rsrf< d( fr a.ooa.)) s et frxftqr"le-6{-< c-^l]Fs Frt-s'lq-rs rfrd{.ff{T E\q]Ro +-ElT 46ry f4g
.lournal pLrblications €d EIT Remuneration Sfi[-fi ffi ffmmfifo :lElarE
fiv{K frfrre tfrs -sfrBK t*,'tfr^lfrmuqi r

ei frXkry.1q,:{< c=dfo" i}i',a3n;c,75 tif<'{",ffrl Bqqllqe' :p"<lq {1151 i.I- l.r,r'r-rr-ii

publicaLions ll;J E--Ti Re t1.l'.ll-rat':t',irlil :l,"il'f;i4
t'1IilF '^:";1'1i5;'1"1'i:r :'':' :'l '- :"r"'"'
f.rftCe eifb.r +ffi< {"iii<T-r f}a<orl

Fiqlg s qQ frrtfuEr-T-{ q,{.ffr's Fnr-E+n-o tT{cllT Eq{|fu sKl{ E-rry frg Journat
publications 4K E'{I Remuneration qqkT{ ffi qffitfiF Islw 6q\3Tr{
fifrrs {SE sfrBr TflftT"i frR "ifr<6qq fffiE l cqtgrms q-dfqtq';{ +3T €E r

Annex-L: Office Order

'qlqqlTqtaf. sr, gdl*rer "fti'*#6qrtwrry, Ttdr-f

,rrlfrlr i t'.Lit),.i i')';.)

*i !'..,,i,,si1q6rq ;r'qfl;rr fu-r,ri:rf+ tffd{orlT ?<uricrs +":? rIIqT {iitf.:O trg Jouri-tra}

1r': .5{1er1*: liffE ore frfr '.itf<; snT l{er:'tiit':eratl()n e:T[.{? ffi
ur Publicatrol'l.s sl<

+rq|r{t';111r1ro lrs-F-,r a"j6 fifu-g a,{"ifif'{ qrrffilE<:rf ft:tffusA< qs1! $Efr rst=- u#o
.:-<r .ricf:-
7 7-9 e'i.,
l? .t:c. i'TTlgrrri qr(:i6
t ./
:i(i'1\8i, ,eftj 's tr15<dftT 5fl1q fa's,'rt
-;*o q's lili (..F

i I s; ir1;1 ft1$.a: :FiqCl

,{'tt+s.'l( i},r+1t
fic eil frt, ut6ll

c i u; r'5r3 >*E{r <<Tl.{ W;',iJ

\()-:-?,o-, qn*f#* s'f5 rct t'Afrrfrt E-stn

;; i;]^ '';;.;-:);'.

[.; ;izis !=e1: 7trq j

'r'i .lifvrg-ftr :-;iti{
ri(.;:,ac, ,!rs tfiy6xtf<l frq,,,t
.x1, q-; fi6. riF;ir

C I i-1, '*Pi{";';-<FI i{fe'{i"{

r.;{ile;<F. qf;i it <l]t El-<-{q;fl IxFSfr-Bn
qls,qs.?;, Ei<6t r
,-;r," /.
'' ..',{,
-'r \-'
..n .'},-.
' '/ i *
' i' -""'),'r ' r,,.-.. ;"r) "

{\!(fl"ros; i!: slTi. n'lRfiF <r{fl4)

f .aft::frlr ('r5ii FiS)

fuwi! 'flr5ggqq$ 6

)I sGlrid cslo:F, s rqqrSn-, 69 lqg fr3, ;ilfi I

L t 1fr5p1-<',,ftrat's.Kon <tc eft frt, riiol i ,/
$ | frrrtlt{ t'{tti, s'.4 ffirtcf/{<x+'lq/B.,4e.ti-{-.elri, <n ss frs' ET<ll I

I alrrr*i+, q{.skG.eq'.q\ rflB lasfra, rifq"t I

0 I rfF4Glrr,T, qr: q't fr'g. fif;I t

qrQq"'lp6 r--qs'qq'""ifq6 q-'-'I

,9 i E, fr!, Tfoi- &Fr
-<1t &T
i;t.qc 1

eI q;f6'*'c rFRlr/nT'$ sr?E/+--l>/s't i

PageT of 7


l)ag.e I uf 7
'table of Contents


L Introduction
I MethodologY
J. Observations
4. Recommendations
5. Conclusion

?age 2 of 1
l. Introduction
has fornecl a corltrrittee
(An,nex u:tl:'
RtlEr authoritv I' :::';:L:13:l'j1'J'*?"J:ti1
in' rotto*ing

2. Prof. I)r. AbLr Siddique, Ct] Dept.,
3 Prof" Dr Md Saidur Rahtnan' CSi: Dept '
CSL' Dept'' BUE'T-Mernber
4 Prol" I)r' Md Morrirul lslanr'
5 Prof l)r Mashfiqr-is Salehin' IWFM' BIJET-Merrber

re tnune t'a1ion fol publrcatron'

2. MethodologY

'l"l^re Coirrnrrtree lield several

ll'leetlngs , -r-1-,= ,.,r,-
Thc coilriritltce
cr-iteria lol sclectinu tournals
'1'hc eornlrlittce clisct-tssetl rrlct'icLtloLisi'l'Llic of BUE'l'ior
gt,cstRAci o1'all the Depa.ttrents ind tnstitutes
iiren clecrde,r,o ,.qu.ri ,t',.
having r"eiated to the respce tiYe
p|oviding a ltst "i * '' I0 ^ J,:utluls ^:tupt
n g infornlatton'
f)epartt-nent/lnstr tute arril with the fol owi I

i) iSSN No
citation lndex
i,ricxcd irr scicncc Ciration Index (Scl), Scicnce
ii) wircr'cr
(1S 1)'
Sc i cntrfic lndexing
l:'xpancicil ( SC IIr )' lntcrnational
g'Q I Q2)
iii) Rank rn Scimago (e '
Reuter fbr each o1' last
wise irnpact tactor according to Thornson
iv) Yeas
three Years'
arrd rirstitures for r'eir fbedback
-l.hc cornurittee gavc a,ple rr're to tlre I)e;rartr,e'ts
ol l)epartments and
received lro''r a signihcant
(.orrmrltee analyzed feecr'ack

menlioned in Sectiorr
3 and rhen
points as
'lhc etltltnittcc has obscn'ct1 stlttlc itlrporlsnt \
prirrcillles as laicl in Scction
iiartlcrJ ()Ltt a Sct oi

I'age 3 of 7
3. Observations

lnsrirur. o"lg"incant numbel of
uniler eac' Deparrrnenr a,d
is also an issue'
voluntary revrewing services
Besides this availability of

rs not only a peer

journals tuc not cqualiy acceptable A reputed lournal
AII rhc indexed in the
with an fSSX X" bttt it is also
levrewed international jottrnal published in such
sources an,l ,unked by Scirnago. Naturally the papers
credrble of the joumals.
journals citat'o" it^Jitg ro high impact factors
Invrewolalargenltllberof.joLtrnals,rrranyDeparllnenlsandlrrstrtutesdidnot they have
propose a list wirh a linrited
,,u,.b.r"nf'specific .lournals rather Clarivate
irr, any- jourtral iniexed by
SCI or
mentioned tirat tr paper published incenttves'
bc consiricred fol givrng
Analytrcs or. .qt-'it'ttl"n' '."ny

iv Thotrglithcrcrsapro\isloninBIJETbudgctfor.providingpartialSuppoltsto
ul,.oua' inerl nresenrlv no hetr'l
tcaciter: to prcsenr';;;;;;;';";;;"t;' Even if it
io, publishing a journai paper'

BUIrT budget tbL giving remuneratlon, ot

u*our, per pap-er .3r the total numbel's to
can be managed the rernuneration are ditfictrlt
papel.S to be consicieLccj
l.t ,e,tr,-,neratio"n i,,,p..iiic trscal year
"iir;.,,er. a
in UGC fundeci
rhe budger tb' such a purpose
bc predcrcr.inine,l
;;rri;. unrversily r'r'ill definitely be

Professor and Professor
in higher po'itio'"' t'itti'tfy'As'ociote of NPS (Nati'lrnal
Besides rh,s, as ";;;i;[.
c,.ite,',u 9]:o'2
l, no'o,r,"r'motivatron for a faculty to publish
thcsc reasons, appatcntly published by the
prp., *n[1.;';'n";;r"U., oiqrrtiif journat papers
d.t.rnlin. its intcrnatititral

I'aBc 4 o{'7
4. Recommendations
*io -r..o,"n-,end.
the principles lor
aereld "por.iul.
the commitree
various oprions, number of teachers for
providing reriunerations to tl-re *u*in-,1,n-}
r h Lrs'l: ;:
p'b r r s h i n g j o urn ar fop"' 1n 11 lni,liil,'l ri:;:l;l
i..o*,".I,r;d ancl itpptoveti 1h' pt'tne
tplt "11 ",tJJl];1"

*nich (at has an ISSN nunrber'
artd peer rer'iewed .;"'*^f
i.,"",int Indexing (lSI)/clarivate
Expanded iscrell lnternationii'
ranking by Scirnago
Analytics, unO tt) nas Q1

Ju. u"kno*ledgetnent to Bl'lET'

dcgrec) ri0ne ar nui:]j *ir]
leadrng ro a

iii..fhepapersubrrrittedfot.rctlunerationnrustnotbcapapelalr.eadyrrscd pCrSltl()l-l oI
or higher grade ln a teaching
to. uppo,nt" o, .ont,rtnation any other Govt body'
.""rlJ.r.a tor award by UGdoL

,v 'nre papcr rrav be coauthored

:1'::l'::::i'l::,T"rTrtiilfi' ::1it
;;l; ;il: :,,I' :' LL Bll T :';^i:
n ;' n;' i'ouu'r' o'ed'lh e er
p zr p

l".l:,,.:::' und the srudents themselves

uy ii}."t.utr].r,
Their share will be decided Ut tnade itl a prescribed lilrrnat
Tire applrcatror-r for "ntunt'o'io" "ti paper'
and mr-tst;;;; ;;;t"t
of all the coai:tl'rors of ihe

must be in the
accornpanying the application' lor remrlneration
v. The papcl^
wiil riot be considered the

is being submrited for

- itr clause vii) irr *ttitil rt-'t application
rcllltlllcrt\lloll '

remuneration i"- lh-:^tutt
vii. If'sevet'al papers clualify,'tbr- will get pnotitv. In case the
llleetrng. then the clare
hscal year'
opportunity for the next

vii above'
vil l.
year so long hrs/her
p^ptl t"itfies clauses i to
- ft l;/

Pagc 5 ot'7
up tbr. scrutinizing the papers
An evaluatroll corntllttee is ttl be set
acco'dance with clauses i to vi'
ix The
submitted lbr remuneration tn fiscal yeat"
every three rnonths in a
committee will do ,u.r.) "rurrution

applications to an approvai
satisfy clarrses iro vi and accompanying
(lhancellor and all the Deans'
corrttrtttce colllprlsrng tlic Vice
l'50'000/- (One lakhs and tifty
xl. Thc rctruncration pcr papcr will bc
thousand) taka onlY
.fhe,rovisions tbr the br-rdger and the arrount per paper selected for
ollt by the atithoriiy, and n-ray be
.cr.,uneration ncccl totr. *ur,IA
fl.orltlrrletotimc,Alongwithrenrunerationtheauthoritymayalso all authors
the paper title and names of
irrtroduce a certiilcate,r.,.nlioning
and ooautirol's.

5. Conclusion
by BUET aurhont.v to give opiniorr on
A corlrnittee has bcen lorurcd
rtuthtis fot publishing paqers in 'lournal The
introducing ,.,-,,unt'l'iion ro iegardrng the c.te.a for
co'rmittee r-'o, p'opo'"J o nu'"ue'
jor-rrnal and adrr.rinistc,ng such rctnunetation
scrutiniz'e thc
necds to sct Llp a standing 9ommi13c *n::,1,*t"
Thc authority
propur.dlriteria Tiie tbr the
papcrs rn accordan;. il;,h.
andthealrloLlntpcrpaperseiectedii""'-'unttationneedtobesortedoutbythe the
ilrrhor.iry, arrd urav'bc'r.eriscd
ilorr trrre u, i,n-,. Along with remutteratiort
paper title and narrles
a certillcate trtetllioning the
aLrthoriry rrray also i,uru.tu..
o1'al1 authot's and c0aLlthors



l'agc 6 of 7

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