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BSC III year

Real Analysis
01 02 03
Relations Properties of Relations Equivalence Relations
• Ordered Pairs • Reflexive • Reflexive
• Cartesian Products • Symmetric • Symmetric
• Anti-symmetric • Transitive
• Transitive

04 05 06
FUNCTIONS Types of Functions Inverse of a Function
• Composition of • One-one(injective)
functions • Onto(surjective)
• One-one and onto(bijective
A relation from a set A to set B is a subset of
the cartesian product A X B. It is denoted by
R = {(x,y): x ꞓ A, y ꞓ B}

If (x,y) ꞓ R, xRy is also used to denote x is

related to y.
Ordered Pair:
An ordered pair is a pair (a,b) having ‘a’ as the first
element and ‘b’ as the second element. Two ordered
pairs (x,y) and (a,b) are equal if and only if
X= a, y=b
Cartesian Product:
Cartesian product of two sets A and B, denoted by
A x B, is defined to be the set of all ordered pairs (a,b)
With a ꞓ A and b ꞓ B. i.e.

A x B = {(a,b): a ꞓ A and b ꞓ B}
Properties of Relations on a set

A relation R on a set A is said to be
A relation R on a set A is said to be reflexive symmetric if every first element x of A is
if every element x of A is related to itself i.e. related to the second element y of A implies
Ɐx ꞓ A, x R x or (x,x) ꞓ R that y is related to x. i.e.
x,y ꞓ A, (x,y) ꞓ R =>(y,x) ꞓ R.
or, x,y ꞓ A, x R x => y R x.

c)Anti-Symmetric d)Transitive
A relation R on a set A is said to be transitive
A relation R on a set A is said to be anti- if every first element ‘a’ of A is related to a
symmetric if second element ‘b’ of A and ‘b’ is related to
x,y ꞓ A, x R y, y R x => x = y. another element ‘c’ implies ‘a’ is related to ‘c’
or, x,y ꞓ A, (y,x) ꞓ R => x = y. i.e.
x,y,z ꞓ A, x R y and y R z => x R z.
or, x,y,z ꞓ R, (x,y) ꞓ R, (y,z) ꞓ R => x R z.
A relation defined on a set A
is called an equivalence
relation on A if it is reflexive,
symmetric and transitive.

It is usually denoted by ∼
● If A and B are non-empty sets, then the cartesian
product A X B of A and B is the set of all ordered
pairs (a,b) with a ꞓ A and b ꞓ B. i.e.

A X b = {(a,b): a ꞓ A, b ꞓ B}

● Let A and B be sets. Then a function from A to B is

a set ‘f’ of ordered pairs in A X B such that for
each a ꞓ A there exists a unique b ꞓ B with (a,b) ꞓ f.
• Domain of relation maybe subset of
A but domain of function must be
equal to A.

• An element of A maybe related to

more than one element in B but in
function f it cannot be associated
with more than one

• Some element of A may not be

related to any element of B.

Difference between
Function and Relation
05 Types of
Let f: A B be a function from A to B.
● The function f is said to be injective( or one-one ) if
whenever x1 ≠ x2, then f(x1) ≠ f(x2). If f is an injective
function, we also say that f is an injection.

● The function f is said to be surjective(or to map A

onto B) if f(A) = B, i.e. if the range R(f) = B. If f is a
surjective function, we also say that f is a

● If f is both injective and surjective, then f is said to

be bijective. If f is bijective, we also say that f is a
06 Inverse of a
Inverse Function:
● If f: A B is a bijection of A onto B, then there
exists a function f-1 that maps B onto A, i.e.

f-1 : B A

● We can also express the connection between f

and its inverse f-1 by noting that D(f) = R(f-1) and
● R(f) = D(f-1) and that, b = f(a) if and only if a = f-1(b).

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