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SOFT SKILLS (UHS 1022 / 1032)

● Assessment Name: Emotional Intelligence Assessment

● Topic: Emotional Intelligence (Week 6 & 7)
● Participant(s): All students (UHS 1022/1032)
● Mark: 20%

** Please fill up this table with your details **

Student ID HA20017
Section F01LB

Assessment Material at KALAM

 You can read and refer to all material at KALAM (Week 6 and 7) for this assessment

General Instruction
 Watch 2 recorded lectures titled “Emotional Intelligence: Part 1” and “Emotional Intelligence: Part 2”.
 Watch a YouTube video titled “The Message of Emotions” at KALAM.
 Answer all the questions. Write your answer in provided box.
 Submit this MS Word file to submission form in KALAM (MS Word / *.docx only)


Instruction: Identify and define one emotion from Table 1, choose an emotion that you have experience
The 5 primary emotions and their respective spectrums.
We are born with these emotions wired into our brain. That wiring causes our body to react in certain
ways and simulate certain urges when the emotion arises. The following is the list of selected primary
emotions and their spectrums: 

● Anger: fury, outrage, wrath, irritability, hostility, resentment, and violence.

● Sadness: grief, sorrow, gloom, melancholy, despair, loneliness, and depression.
● Fear: anxiety, apprehension, nervousness, dread, fright, and panic.
● Disgust: contempt, disdain, scorn, aversion, distaste, and revulsion.
● Shame: guilt, embarrassment, chagrin, remorse, regret, and contrition.

** For question 1 – 5, please refer to Table 1


1(A Name your chosen emotion here (based on Table 1) and identify what is refers to [1M] 0
*Note: In your case, anger is excluded but you may choose one of its spectrums

Anxiety. It is refers to feeling uneasy due to a fear of danger.
1(B) Your experience this emotion (eg; when, why, how, who, where) [2M] 0
*Note: In your case, anger is excluded but you may choose one of its spectrums.
I recently experienced anxiety during semester break due heavy work load and for being
worried for the upcoming tests and projects.

2 Name the message of your chosen emotion here [1M] 0

*Example for anger: It calls me to have the courage and self-respect to defend something
that is important to me.
It calls me to build up my confidence and to have more trust in my own abilities to face
future obstacles ahead.

3 Identify two common physiological reaction that you can detect when you have that 0
emotion [1M]
*Example for anger: My anger simulates changes in my heart rate (rise), respiration
(quicker and shallower), perspiration (sweating), eye pupil dilation (expanding)
My anxiety stimulates rapid breathing (hyperventilation) and sweating.

4 Identify one cause for your chosen emotion? [1M] 0

*Example for anger: anger usually caused by personal problem (relationship difficulty),
problem cause by others (cancelling plan without notice) hormonal changes
(drag/substance abuse)
My anxiety is caused by stress from studying in university.

5(A How did you automatically react to the sensation? [1M] 0

I felt a sense of danger.

5(B) What should be your rational response to the sensation (your own experience) [3M] 0
*Example - automatic reaction for anger: I become impatient, I tend to argue,
physically violent, screaming, destroying things, etc.
*Example- rational reaction for anger; pause reaction, take a deep breathing, etc.
To breath slowly and deeply, figure out what is the main problem causing this sensation
and thinking about how to overcome it.


6 Imagine that you are walking down a narrow corridor toward your class that has already 0
started. You are in a hurry. Before you, there is a student who uses a wheelchair also
heading to the same class. What would you do and say to him/her? [2M]

I would offer them a helping hand to push their wheelchair till we reach their
seat in the classroom.

7 Imagine, today is your birthday, activities are going as usual, while getting ready for class, 0
you find a birthday card placed on your bed. The card was from a former classmate you
haven't contacted for a long time due to minute misunderstanding. What would you do and
think? [2M]
I would attempt to contact the classmate to thank them for the birthday wish
and also try to open up and resolve the misunderstanding.

8 Imagine, your group leader is talking to your lecturer, the lecturer asks him the names of 0
participants who are involved in a program organized by the faculty a day before. Your
group leader mentioned all names except yours, how would you deal with that and why?
I would inform the lecturer on the mistake by the leader and later on inform
the leader about the mistake he made.

9 Imagine, you are walking by a big drain near your hostel, few of the warden’s children are 0
playing nearby the hostel, one of them approaches you and asks you to pick up the ball
that fell into a big drain. What would you do and say to him/ her as it has occurred for the
third time? [2M]
I would try to pick up the ball from the drain and advise them not to play near
the drain.

10 Imagine, there will be a football match JDT against Tok Gajah, you are excited to watch 0
the match with your friends. When you reach the TV room just before the game starts, you
find it locked and your friends and other students are waiting. What would you do? [2M]
I would check to see if there is anyone inside and call for a service to unlock
the TV room.



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