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∆: 5D Metrics Of Space-Time Organisms.
5D scalar Physics: The Galatom Scalar big-bang Unification Of Forces. and ∆±3 symmetries.

S⊥T: Relational Space-time.
The errors of Physics derived of Mechanism.
The 5 Dimensional motions of Space-time. Its Worldcycles.
The Dimotions of Physics and its conserved quantities and worldcycles.

The Ilogic Structure of Space superorganism: ¡ts formal stiences
Non Euclidean Topology; Existential Algebra and non-Aristotelian pentalogic.
The mind of physical systems. Scalar Numbers and Time operands.
The ilogic philosophy of science of 5D Physics: Absolute Relativity. Conservation Laws.

PART II. 5D PHYSICS. Pg. 101….200

∆-Scales in physics.
Transitions between scales.
Symmetries and conservation laws.

Worldcycles in physics. Its 5 dimotions: Ss-1>Ts>§∏>St«Tt-1
Wordcycle of existence and its 5 Dimotions in physics: ¬∆@st: Dust of space-time.
Ts-Locomotion. Waves.
¬Tt: The Dimotion of Entropy in physics. Its theories: falsification of the cosmic big-bang.
§∏: Dimotion of Energy. Conservation laws. Energy vs. Entropy: what flows between scales.
St: Dimotions of information. Angular momentum

Spatial, Organic view: The 3 Parts of Earth’s supœrganism:
St: Membrain.
§∏: Body
Ts: Nucleus.
T: The cycles of Earth.

Principles of conservation of energy and momentum.



Organic view. The 3 parts of the Atomic Supœrganism.
Quantum physics. Broglie>Bohm’s realist model.
Electronic membrains. ∆: its 3 scales

ST: Its worldcycle: The 3 ±¡ states of Matter.
Gaseous entropic state
Liquid, balanced state
Solid, informative state.
Plasma: seeding state
Bose condensates.

The organic view. The 3 scales of Electromagnetism
Electric currents.
Magnetic currents.

Quotes to enlighten 4D Physicists on the ultimate substances of reality: ∆ST
"A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and spatial information. He
experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of his
consciousness." Einstein, on the entangled forest man cannot see - and its 5 elements, 'space', 'time', 'scales' of parts and
wholes, 'entropic limits', and 'languages of the mind'
‘Each point holds a world within itself.’ Leibniz, on the sentient fractal nature of non-Euclidean topology
‘Leibniz was right there are ∞ time clocks with different speeds in the Universe, but if so we have to start physics from
scratch’ Einstein
“Isaac Newton founded classical mechanics on the view that space is distinct from body and that time passes uniformly
without regard to whether anything happens in the world. For this reason he spoke of absolute space and absolute time,
so as to distinguish these entities from the various ways by which we measure them (which he called relative
spaces and relative times). From antiquity into the eighteenth century, contrary views which denied that space and time
are real entities maintained that the world is necessarily a material plenum. Concerning space, they held that the idea of
empty space is a conceptual impossibility. Space is nothing but an abstraction we use to compare differe nt arrangements
of the bodies constituting the plenum. Concerning time, they insisted, there can be no lapse of time without change
occurring somewhere. Time is merely a measure of cycles of change within the world.” Stanford University, Philosophy of

‘I hope posterity will judge me kindly, not only as to the things, which I have explained but also as to those which I have
intentionally omitted so as to leave to others the pleasure of discovery." Descartes, on the sheer immensity of variations
the game of exist¡ence and its languages create from the first principles found by a pioneer.

“An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping onto the grand fallacy”. Weinberg (:


Humans are limited as all perceptive systems by the ego paradox, as the equation of the mind, 0ε x ∝ Universe = Constant world,
reduces the immense Universe to the a selection of information that ‘rejects’ time=motion, converted into ‘space=form’, so we
can fit a simultaneous ‘mind mapping’ of reality, with us at the center, which we call the world. So the Earth moves but we see it
still. And our nose is bigger than Andromeda. This structure is a survival structure: we select information worthy to survive, and
we feel the center to take advantage and order our closer body-land territory. Subjective knowledge becomes then the basis of
all ‘mind paradoxes’, of every ‘sentient point of view’, every monad that reduces reality through languages to mind-mappings,
where its infinitesimal point becomes a relative infinite.
To that aim geometry helps. We perceive as painters realized a projective inverse geometry of the Universe. A projective
geometry is defined by a ‘point at infinity’ and a line-horizon. Yet in the focus of the eye, both invert, and the point at infinity
becomes our ‘ego’ and the line the infinite horizon, making our ego larger than the infinite horizon. The process of creation of
mental spaces – and all spaces are by definition mental constructs since the ultimate substance of reality are motions of time;
deforms reality, eliminates those time motions and puts us in the center. And this is what we call the Universe. It follows the
most heinous deformation of reality: to consider a language that perceives reality its creator, not a mirror. So the first men who
talked thought God named things to create them. Today as digital machines speak for man we think equations create reality –
one reduced to the number of ‘still dimensions’ we perceive, with a single reduced time motion – the fastest one, locomotion.
Reality though is wider, from the objective point of view of ‘stience’, made of 3 vital dimotions (Euclidean dimensions of space,
related to a vital function-motion of time), and made of 3 relative scales of spacetime size, ∆±¡, that co-exist together in physical,
biologic and social organisms (the cellular, atomic; organic, thermodynamic and social ecosystemic, gravitational scales).
So the first step to expand the ‘one-eyed’ view of spacetime as a single continuum with only a type of time motion is to define
and consider the entanglement of space=forms and time=motions. Today science only describes in its full meaning, with ‘digital,
easy to measure’ distances and speeds, ‘longomotion’ (length and locomotion). This is the work of physicists that have been
exhaustive about length, speed and longomotion, even measuring the ‘contracting’ effect along the length of motion of systems
going closer to c-speed (Lorentz contraction, special relativity). But nothing is said of the relationship of height and information –
so you look at a screen with a height dimension of information; of width and reproduction, the dimension that stores energy and
bilateral, reproduced symmetries. And little is known of the 3 scalar co-existing spacetimes that define organic systems, the ∆±¡
scales of ∆-1 parts, ∆º networks that organize them into wholes, part of a larger ∆+1 world.
This scheme of 3 Euclidean orthogonal dimotions of spacetime, ‘longomotion’, ‘hinformation’ and ‘wideproduction’, L ⊥ H⊥ W,
with a vectorial metric, (Pythagoras, cross product) and 3 scales of ∆-1 parts, ∆º networks and ∆+1 worlds, with a paradoxical
metric, Si x Tƒ = C (the smaller systems of space, run faster time cycles that store information in its frequency, coding larger
wholes), sets up the biggest r=evolution of stience in a century as we can construct reality with them. Indeed, once we
understand those 3+3 dimotions of spacetime is easy to build a ‘relational spacetime theory’, in which all systems of Nature are
made of dimotions of spacetime; that is occupy a vital space, as topological organisms made of the 3 ‘varieties’ of topology,
whose 3 vital function of time, define the laws of biological and physical evolution of information. And as a topology is a network
of points, it follows each of those ‘organic topologies’ is made of smaller points and part of a larger whole.
The outcome is a disomorphic Universe, in which all scales from the smallest, fastest world of quantum particles to the larger,
slower world of ‘galatoms’ (symmetric to the atom), from the simplest cell that shares the same vital functions that the larger
superorganism, become entangled, of equal SxT=∆ metric value, reaching the maximal objectivity and stientific truth (Occam’s
razor), as we can explain all what exists, its forms in space, events in time as variations of structures built with those 6
dimotions. But the ego of man rejects subjectively an objective, stientific model that puts him at the same face value than any
scale of reality made of the same substances, obeying the same laws. So for 30 years since I self-published the first books on
5D, coming out of Columbia U. after a few rejections in academia, the exploration of the most important r=evolution of truth
and stience in a century, has gone unnoticed. This ± duality, the beauty of my inner experience and the failure to teach Cyclops
how to see has molded my life. Those papers are then my ‘testament’, like Copernicus book in his dead bed, of a lifetime
experienced as a constant entanglement with the whole Universe, which is the most mystical, profound, soothing feeling any
modern man knew.

"According to their [Newton and his followers] doctrine, God Almighty wants to wind up his watch from time to time: otherwise
it would cease to move. He had not, it seems, sufficient foresight to make it a perpetual motion. Nay, the machine of God's
making, so imperfect, according to these gentlemen; that he is obliged to clean it now and then by an extraordinary concourse,
and even to mend it, as clockmaker mends his work.'
Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence on the absurdity of mechanical models of the Universe
The key question physicists wondered for centuries regarding the nature of space and time unfortunately was resolved as usual
in favor of the simpler view: it is space and time an absolute abstract background of the Universe (Mr. Newton’s view) or are
we made of ‘vital space’ that lasts a time duration, so we are generated by the bio-topo-logic properties of scalar space and
cyclical time? This is the choice of 5Ð ‘stiences’. And its simpler version was called relational spacetime, sponsored by Mr.
A realist interpretation of the world we live in, which never shows in any scale of reality such background - a mathematical
graph used in abstract by human scientists - considers that we ARE the vital space we occupy with our cells, and we LIVE a cyclic
time duration between birth and extinction. So we are space and time.
The argument reached its height in n the correspondence between Newton, the proposer of the absolute Cartesian graph of
space-time drawn by God (his body in his own words) vs. Leibniz who rightly considered absolute space and time an
abstraction, and coined the concept of relational space -merely the adjacent pegging of similar forms in simultaneous space
and relational time - the sequence of events which we relate causally with reason. In Newton’s cosmos, space and time provide
a fixed, immutable, eternal background, through which particles move. Space and time are the stage of intersecting lines
sketched in the illustration. Fact is this ‘mathematical artifact’ made with pen and paper by earlier physicists, called the
Cartesian graph, useful to measure 'translation in space' is no where to be seen in reality. Unfortunately as time went by the
graph became somehow 'real' as scientists' felt the 'mathematical language’ created reality. But if space is what objects occupy
that distance between the red square's vital spade and the yellow 'circle' must have something. Horror vacuum comes then
into place: indeed the Universe must be scalar. There must be very small parts between them, which we do not see. And that is
what we proved with microscopes - as we probe smaller distances forms with motion, spaces with time-motions appear and
there it seems no limit to the fractal scales of the Universe.
It meant the invention of an absolute continuous space & single lineal time that extends to ∞ contradicting the fact that all
spaces are broken, divided by membranes, and all beings have finite time duration. Further on, as we kept exploring smaller
scales of reality, we never found the drawings of God, not even a solid still substance, but always 'motions' tracing closed time-
space cycles; since even particles turned to be also 'vortices of time-space motions'.
So Leibniz’s sound theory considered absolute space and time an abstraction, and so he coined the concept of relational space -
merely the adjacent pegging of similar forms in simultaneous space and relational time - the sequence of events which we
relate causally with reason origin of the ‘Generational space-time’ model of 5Ð in which are the space we occupy and the time
we last – as in the graph where there is no longer abstract background lines. Unfortunately Physicists sided with Newton not
with Leibniz on the question of what is space and time - an abstract background put by God or the substance of which we are all
made; and so the conceptual jump would not happen.
It is the fifth space-time dimension, sum of all other planes of reality, including within it all other dimensions.
Next, to explain all this came Einstein. One of the fundamental discoveries of Einstein is that in our universe, there is indeed no
fixed space-time background. In Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which replaces Newton’s theory of mechanics and the
gravitational force, the geometry of spacetime is not fixed. Instead it is an evolving, dynamical quantity – a topology; and it is
the substance of which reality is. So we are topological beings, geometries of space with motions of time.
Absolute space-time IS NOT. Absolute Space is the sum of all the discontinuous vital spaces, occupied by different beings: ∑s=S.
And lineal time, T the sum of all the finite life-death cycles of all beings T=∑t.

Since space and time do exist and so if they are not in the background we ‘are’ vital space and cyclic time.
The simple idea behind the structure of the fractal Universe is then to consider time=change=motion and Topologic, formal
space=extension the 2 elements of which all beings are made.
Wheeler said ‘Spacetime tells matter how to move & matter tells spacetime how to curve’. Since Spacetime is geometry in
motion. Time is change, the perception of change moves time; time is motion; space is its opposite, stillness, form, the
information of time. And so it is all about two parameters: Time=Motion and Space=Form.
It is necessary then to order all the space=forms and time=motions of the Universe to avoid chaos. ‘Chaos is undeciphered order’
Saramago. And the reason we have not accepted Leibniz is that we haven’t ordered those infinite time clocks and vital spaces,
because we needed a 5th dimension of scalar space and cyclical time.
As Einstein put it in a quote we will repeat often, ‘Leibniz is right, there are infinite clocks of time in the Universe but if so we
have to start science from scartch’. He didn’t’ do it, as the difficulty resides in ordering all those different clocks of time with
different speeds. So he just parched Newton with Lorentzian transformations, which equalized with its ß factors clocks that
‘were changing’ its speed of time back to the single clock of Newton. So we must start by ordering all those clocks of time
preserving its different tics and closed curved forms of in-form-ation. How to do that without ‘forcing’ a human point of view?
It is easy because Nature has DONE that with the metric equation of scalar space-time, we shall call for now, to respect the
correspondence principle, the fifth dimension of multiple clocks of time and scales of space.
5D sciences do away with absolute Newtonian space-time, establishing the alternative model of ‘Relational, space-time’
pioneered by Leibniz and Einstein. It means all systems of nature are made of time motions and topologic, spatial forms, akin
in most human sciences to ‘energy and information’, whose metric equation, Si x Tƒ = ∆±¡, organizes symbiotically the scales
of reality; as smaller form in space (Si), run faster cycles of information (Tƒ); coding larger forms of space with slower cycles
that enclose and protect them. So genes code organisms, memes code societies, particles code matter and formal
languages, which are the most synoptic mirrors of reality ruled by a common Universal Grammar of the ‘trinity’ elements of
the Universe, space=form, Time=motion and ∆-scales are used by all systems to ‘project’ and order its bodywave territories.
Tthe biggest consequence of a relational space-time is the completion of some pending r=evolutions in all stiences, based in
the equal=¡somorphic laws of space dimensions and time motions, embedded in ¡ts topologic and biologic laws and the
corrections of some errors caused by the use of Absolute Newtonian Space-time, merely the human subjective single clock
of measure (the second that synchronizes our 3 topological parts, body heart beat, limbs’ step and eye/thought glimpse)
used to equalize all other clocks and our visual c-speed rod of measure, used to define our Cartesian Orthogonal mental
In the Universe there are infinite circadian clocks, T, vital spaces separated by them, and Scales of size, ∆.
As we are all ∆ST ‘exist¡ences’, that is combinations of spatial Information and temporal Energy, exi, belonging to a give
∆=ST¡, scale of spatime, studied by a ‘stience’, from STº, formal stiences that mirror reality in a ‘finitesimal, 0ε-mind to
Cosmology, ST±4 that studies the largest known scale of the Hyper-universe.
It follows that languages of the mind are synoptic mirrors in a smaller scale, with faster ‘evolution’ that allow a system to
‘project’ order into the future, by mimicking that evolution with foresight. This means languages, including mathematics are
Experimental images of those 3 elements, ∆ST. Thus ∆§calar numbers (social groups of identical beings), Spatial points and

Time operands of algebra, are the 3
‘equivalent’ mirrors of
mathematics, its units NOT sets,
‘imagined’ by Mr. Cantor.
And the application of the laws of
5D to those units evolves
Topological evolution: Fractal points>Waves-networks>Organic Planes
Specifically in Geometry it means the completion of the R=evolution started by Lobachevski, Riemann by defining properly a
Non-Euclidean point as a fractal point, which grows in size the closer we come into its ‘smaller 5D scale’, till it fits a relative
immensity of ‘parallels’, ∝ (limited infinite that solves Cantor Paradoxes; as there are discontinuities between scales that
don’t allow to obtain information beyond them), now again straight lines that cross through the point entangling it with the
Universe, as flows of temporal energy and spatial information.
Thus points have breath and so do lines that become waves and fractal networks, and planes that become topological
organisms defined by 3 physiological lines/networks, and congruence becomes more complex as we must compare the inner
and outer parts of the being, whereas similarity, parallelism or perpendicularity, defines a symbiotic or darwinian
relationship between 2 such points.
Euclidean Geometry becomes the ‘limit’ of Non-E geometry: a synoptic simplification of those points, whose external laws of
relationship between them acquire now a vital meaning and widen its application to all stiences, as we are all ‘topological
organisms’. In the paper on biology we see the power of this vital topology to describe all systems of nature as made of lineal
|- limbs/fields (the shortest distance between two points, hence the topology of locomotion systems), spherical O-¶article-
heads (which store maximal information) in lesser space and Ø-hyperbolic ßody-waves that reproduce them; as a
combination of both forms: |xO=Ø. Alas! the 3 only varieties of topology (geometry with motion) become the ‘components of
all physical and biologic organisms, origin of its topological evolution: |-field-limbs>Ø=ßody-waves>O-¶article-heads
A relational space-time model of the Universe is simple in its principles. All what exists are forms with motions. We call
forms, dimensional space, and motions time=change. We find 3 ‘dimensions of space’, height, length and width, and 3
motions of time=change associated to them.
The first motion=change associated to height is form, information, that happens in the direction of height, creating on top
spherical particles & heads, the form that stores more information in lesser space. We thus call its hinformation, ¶, O.
It is a slow change, as systems and species rise through life evolution in ‘height’ towards higher points with better projective
geometry of perception, from flat reptilian to birds, from flat mammalian to humans, from flat machine-weapons to
The second motion is Locomotion happening in geodesic lines in the dimension of length is, the shortest distance between
two points. So we call it Longomotion and use the symbol of a line __ |ine to express it. Locomotion is much faster, and
evident so huminds 1st study it and considered the only motion of time, when Galileo defined speed, v=s/t. But they forgot
that to ‘move’ first you need a form that moves. And a form must have height to perceive the trajectory of motion. So
information has always a height dimension, as the book or screen you are looking at. That Height and information are the a
priori 1st ‘state’ of reality, akin to position in quantum physics, is shown in the fact that ‘momentum’ which requires to
define any locomotion, a form first, (active magnitude, mv, rmv) is a more essential quantity that speed.

We must then accept regardless of egocy (ego=idiocy) the vital, symbiotic nature of spacetime dimensional motions (ab.
dimotions) and the fact the Universe is a fractal of ‘vital systems of spacetime dimotions’. This is the essence of a relational
spacetime model, 1st proposed by Taoist and Asian philosophies with their dualities of space=form=yin=Vishnu and
time=motion =Shiva=Yang, which ‘reproduce the ∞ waves of yin-yang beings’ (Lao Tse). Because relational spacetime IS
reality it should not surprise us that in different degrees of precision human philosophers and scientists have returned to its
philosophy of science.
It is left the 3rd dimension of width, which often arises as in the cross product from the ‘re-product-ion’ of length x height.
And reproduction and storage of energy to achieve it is often stored in the width dimotion, which is the ‘bilateral’ essential
reproductive duality of biological species, the ‘parallel’ grouping of herds, etc. Reproduction happens in width in any system.
So the page you are seeing is wideproduction ‘hinformation’ in a flat screen with height and width. It has an hourglass
hyperbolic, body-wave like topology so we use the symbol ß and write its ‘topological parts’ as ßodywaves; and also the
symbol Ø as the product of |ongomotion & O-information: __ x O = Ø.
So we call the 3 classic space dimensions associated to the 3 vital motions=function=changes of time, the dimotions of
length+locomotion: Longomotion, Height+Information, Hinformation and Width+Reproduction, wideproduction. So far so
good. Unlike physics which only studies the ‘locomotion’ as a motion of time, with Galilean and Einstein’s relativity
equations, v=s/t and S2=X2+Y2+Z2-c2t2; a relational spacetime theory gives far more value to dimensions and motions and
expresses the principle of Absolute relativity, expanding Galilean and Einstein’s relativity as Poincare defined it: ‘we cannot
distinguish a state of form from a state of motion’. Hence we write S≈T and consider that we might perceive length as a
distance or as a motion (light redshifting between galaxies vs. space expanding, a car moving vs. a light length in the night,
an atom as a solid form vs. a vortex of electronic motion). S≈T then is the origin of those 3 equivalences. As Minkowski said,
time without space is bond to disappear, only a mixture of both remains in existence…
So there is this clear-cut game of 3 relative dimotions which shape most organic systems of Nature, so we write:
Spacetime organism: |– Limbs/fields of locomotion < ß-ßodywaves of reproduction > ¶-¶article-heads of information…

We introduce at this st-age the symbols of those dimotions: Ts (internal form EXTERNAL MOTION) is longomotion. St
(internal motion, external form) is hinformation, stóST or §∏ combine both and so it is wideproduction. And affirm nature
builds with the 3 only ‘topological varieties’ of a 4 or 5D Universe organisms with flat limbs/fields that move spherical
¶article-heads of information, joined by hyperbolic ßody-waves that reproduce both, shaping the ‘wave-particle’ duality of
physical systems moving over fields and the limbs-bodies-heads of biological organisms.
But there is more. We say we are made of 3 topological varieties of geometric space with time motion (topological varieties
precisely are spaces with inner motion). And in
topology those varieties are defined as made of
‘smaller points’, so we must define a scalar
Universe, with 3 ‘scalar dimensions’, ‘∆±1’:
- The 4th dimensional motion of entropy=death,
which explodes= those topological networks of
atomic/cellular/human points, killing the whole
organism, with a sudden EXTERNAL expansive
motion and internal motion, so the combination
of spacetime becomes pure TIME-time motion,
Tt. Entropy and death or denthropy: Tt: ∆º<∆-1 is
the only scalar dimotion humans study, born of
physical analysis of gas & heat. If we use only a
single arrow of scalar spacetime obviously the
future is always about destruction, war in human
systems, death in biological systems, big bang
explosions in physical systems.

We acknowledge the principle of correspondence and call Denthropy the ‘4th dimotion of spacetime’, as it is the one
astrophysicists use. But we will use the 3 topologies and 3 scalar dimotions of the Universe to build reality.
We consider a 5th dimotion, inverse to Denthropy, we call ‘netlove’, as it is the coming together of atoms, cells or individuals
through a ‘force of social evolution or organic love’, which builds those 3 physiological, topologic networks into:
|imbs/fields, ßodywaves and ¶articleheads of information to create spacetime superorganisms.
We ad formal symbols of 5D stiences changing slightly ‘inglish words’ to ‘train’ the reader to see those dimotions
everywhere. |+ß+¶ or __x O=Ø become intuitive symbols for the 3 topological varieties that create you and everything else.
Finally the ∆+1, ‘Worldmind’ ‘scale’ is expressed through languages. It is communicates the larger ∆+1 world in which
systems are embedded with the Ƽ networks of consciousness and pegs both together. It is the mind made of world
languages that systems use to perceive space and time. So we humans talk with space=formal names and time=verbs to
describe reality. Mathematical systems use dimensional geometry, __x O=Ø, or algebraic operands such as the x re=product-
ive operand, the + social operand, the e-x Denthropic operand to express them. Colors are also a trinity of red-
entropy<green-reproduction>blue information. So we come the panpsychic conclusion that systems do have minds that
mirror in a smaller ‘spacetime’ an image of the Universe with languages of thought to be able to move their bodies toward
‘fields of energy’ to reproduce and survive.
This pan psychic philosophy already evident to Leibniz ‘each point is a world in itself’, and dominant in mankind through all its
existence, save the brief idealist Germanic egocy time of logical positivism (only what humans measure exists), returns in full
in 5D stiences. And as we are also space-time organisms, and we ‘perceive in the language’, we substitute the concept of
mind by a knot of languages, and consider that languages ‘perceive in themselves’, they are sentient mind mappings, and
write its equation: 0ε-finitesimal mind mapping x ∝ immense Universe = constant World. it is the equation of all languages
that select as mirrors do a part of the total spacetime information of the Universe, ‘stop motion into form’ to fit it in a small
language and create synchronous meaningful mappings, sentences perceived ‘one at a time’. So Ss (internal and EXTERNAL
FORM) is the dimotion of a language, opposite to the dimotion of Tt-entropy, and as such philosophically you can consider
the Universe a tug of war between Ss-poles and Tt-disordered motion forces.
We perceive electronic images, which are mostly still and change slightly each time quanta of a second (glimpse of an eye),
which is synchronous to the time quanta of our body (beat heart) which is synchronous to the time quanta of our limbs
(step). Synchronicity of time quanta also happens in physical systems (Broglie’s quantum realist view of particles with
internal clocks synchronous to its ßody-waves & quantum potential fields, the choice of 5D). But that last paragraph is just a
bit ahead, to show you how from so simple principles we will build a consistent image of all stiences, each one studying a
relative ∆¡ scale of nature and its social networks that evolve reality from forces into particles, atom, matter, cells,
organisms, solar systems, galaxies, isomorphic to atoms and universes.
So we use the term 5th dimension, ∆¡, for the sum of all the scalar Dimotions of space-time. As the first papers and
conferences I gave on 5D stiences, at the International Systems Sciences Society in the 2000s, tried to ‘bring into the fold’
classic scholars, which idolized Einstein and his ‘simple’ Newtonian description of relative spacetime. He would say, ‘Leibniz
is right, there are ∞ time clocks in the Universe, but if so we have to start science from scratch’. He didn’t just patched
Lorentz transformations an used Riemann’s geometry to study the ‘scalar dimotion of the gravitational larger Universe’ in
which our light space-time perceived as Euclidean with the 3 dimotions of magnetic width, electric height and reproductive
c-speed, is embedded.
We DO start stience from scratch. But take all what is useful. For example, the 6 Dimotions of spacetime were analyzed by
Aristotle, the father of all sciences, who saw the Universe as an organism, in its magna opus, the organon, understood that
all systems were controlled by a mind, its relative God, a still point that moved a body-territory of energy around. He also
divided time-motions in our other 5, locomotion, information, reproduction growth and decay.
Why his work was forgotten with Galileo had to do with the use of ‘clocks’ that didn’t measure easily those qualitative forms
of change, so the formula of locomotion, V=S/T imposed itself as the only type of time=change susceptible to be expressed
in mathematics. So even if latter we learned to calculate time cycles for evolution, feeding cycles of energy used to
reproduce, and found synchronicities between their vital motions and forms, the development of physics of longomotion
was so extreme that the ‘single absolute time’ of the clock with its limited digital qualities had become canonical.

When we google the 5th dimension I used to get surprised by the quantity of speculative answers to a question, which is no
longer pseudo-science, but has been for two decades a field of research in systems sciences rather than physics (: no, the
answers of google, considering the fifth dimension the upper-self etc. seem to be very popular, but are to 5D science more
like a medium in earlier XX c. talking about the 4th dimension as astrological awareness, for lack of understanding of
Einstein’s metric functions of the 4th dimension). This is the key word that differentiates pseudo-science from a proper
scientific description of a dimension of space-time, the existence of a metric function that describes a dimension and allows
to travel through it. Why the 5th dimension metrics are not well known in modern science has to do with the fact it is not
researched in physics but systemics, the mother discipline of information sciences, less popular than entropic physics; who
uses only the inverse arrow of time entropy and locomotion, since Galileo, an artillery master for the Venice arsenal tasked
with the search for the longest cannonball shots, defined it in terms of lineal motion, v=s/t, a definition, which Einstein
completed with its 4D formalism. This biased view of time as entropy, due to the worldly profession of physics makes
difficult to spread the knowledge on space-time acquired by disciplines that study the opposite arrow of ‘evolution of
information’. The arguments still raging on the truth of evolution in the U$, which even Nobel, a physicist, maker of
weapons, denied; so evolutionary models as those of 5D in economics and physics cannot receive the award by decree, even
if only biological, organic models can predict the future of eco(nomic)systems and history as we have done for 30 years to a
mute audience proving both sciences to be biological, (as prediction is necessary for a model to be science, so astrology
became a science when astronomy predicted, the formal cycles of orbits), show how difficult is to lift the bias of lineal
entropic time motion. Fact is Entropy=disorder is memoriless, Markowian but scientific laws are the repetition of cyclical,
informative patterns even in astronomical orb its. So cyclical time is the arrow that defines the future of all physical,
biological and organic species not entropy and locomotion. Military science and tribal Baconian idols are questions we deal
mostly on History so we leave it here. Another difficulty caused by lineal time and space is important: the scientific
spatialization and lineal simplification of dimensions, which are not separated but embedded into each other in a process of
organic growth.
In the graph, networks nature builds to shape the organic scales of the fifth
dimension – a network structure defines a series of hyperbolic cellular scales
that make the organism not the mechanism, the basis of all Nature’s system
including the Universe.
Let us start with a simple mathematical metric equation of the fifth dimension
at local level in organisms and vortices of space-time, which matters more in a
relational space-time where each local vital space has different time clocks, and
then at Universal level more familiar to astrophysicists, but far less interesting…
since ultimately introduces idealizations forcing a single absolute Newtonian
time clocks, which is not exact. The true way to proceed is then alwas to use
local space-time metric using the scalar fifth dimension within a ‘given domain’,
in which that metric works, which we shall call a ‘space-time system’ or space-
time organism. We will observe latter that at certain ‘distance’, in time, space
or scale (∆), the lineal metric of the 5th dimension ‘breaks’ and we enter a
‘Lorentzian region’, term we use honoring the studies of Einstein on the ‘local’ scale of light space-time proper ONLY of
galaxies, NOT of the whole Universe.
But 5D goes beyond the ‘repairs’ of the limited metric of absolute Newtonian space-time, to introduce ‘causal reasons’
outside creationst mathematics, to the scalar structure of the Universe, which are namely, ‘organic, fractal reasons’.
In the 1st image of the graph we see the hyperbolic geometry of the 5D Universe at large, which is as all its parts
mathematically an organic fractal as it reproduces 'forms with motion’, informations and organizes them in networks and
systems that evolve into larger organic systems creating the scalar structure of reality. We know since the XIX c. that the
creation of the ‘future time’ of any entity in existence is not ONLY mediated by the arrow of locomotion and entropy studied

by physicists with Relativity Metrics (Galileo’s V=s/t and Einstein’s more complex formalism), but there is a second arrow
that defines the ‘future’ of existential species - the evolution of its information. So time – the changes =motions that defines
the existence of any species, has at least 2 dimensions, locomotion or ordered translation in space and a more disordered
version, entropy (scattered motion that ‘dissolves’ the inner form of the system, akin to death); and in-form-ation,
generation of form, inverse to entropy, as it requires the social gathering of parts into wholes; happening without external
locomotions, as an internal trans-formation of form. This evolution of organic form as opposed to external change, guided
by a language of social information that puts together parts into larger wholes, from particles into atoms, molecules, cells,
matter states and so on till reaching the Universe, through social networks is what we call the scalar fifth dimension of time
that it applies to all sciences, as all species evolve through networks. But mathematically a dimension only exists when we
can write a metric equation that leaves the product of its 2 space & time parameters, co-invariant; so we can travel through
its spacetime dimensions (Klein). This is the fun of dimensions of space-time, you can travel through them ‘consuming’ time
and ‘moving through space’.
The different Physical Metrics on 5D: L = E x ƒ = P x S; Worldcycles.
But the fifth dimension is a bit different: it has scales of space-size and its time is cyclical, like all clocks are. So we write:
Si (Size/ Density of form) x Tƒ (cyclic frequency= time speed) = ∆±¡: 3 Constant Plane of timespace ‘Angular momentum’
5D metric go beyond a ‘physical concept’ as we shall see in the study of other sciences, but specifically in physics the best
‘parameter’ to measure the dynamic system that travels through scales of the fifth dimension is angular momentum, h. It
follows also that ‘spin’ in all its scales (h-spin in quantum physics, angular momentum in the mass scale) becomes the
essential element that transits between scales by the vortex law: Vo x Ro = K, which in 3 dimensions, becomes the unification
law of vortices of space-time as it equates a charge and a mass.
Specifically a physical system starts as a ‘worldcycle of time’ defined by an angular momentum, which has the 3 components
of any organic system: a membrane (the angular momentum proper), a center, the 0ε element and a vital space, the open
ball defined by the radius. This form then can split as Energy x Time or Momentum x Space and we’ll return to that.
So we measure time=motion by frequency, and space=form NOT always by size but often by ‘density’ of information (Mass-
Energy, population). Energy is the joker humans use to measure the fifth dimension scales. So humans talk of ∆-¡ internal
energy, ∆ø, kinetic energy and ∆+1 potential energy related to the larger world. And use 3 different scales of energy, E=hƒ,
E=knT and E=mc2 to define the quantum, thermodynamic and gravitational scales. Those 3 scales are the 3 scales through in
which physical systems travel. So if we depart from an angular momentum, which is the commonest method for fast travel
in 5D physics, we can plung down or up those scales of 5D as L = E x T = P x S, whih is the essential metric of 5D Physics.
The simplest process of evolution in physics is through a rotational angular momentum or h/2 spin that accelerates or
decelerates in time emerging into a new scale, as a particle, splitting into its 0ε-center particle and wave as ExT +LxS.
The worldcycles of physics: E=Mc2; Physical states=STages of Matter
But there is a far more beautiful ‘slow form to travel 5D, which happens to all systems that are organic ensembles through 3
5D scales. Then you do travel from birth as an ∆-1 cell into an ∆ø-network organism, part of an ∆+1 world.
Physical systems are dynamic, made of ∆-1 forces, ∆ø-momenta and ∆+1 energy. If we think in terms of ‘space=form’, we
find 3 essential scales, the quantum, ∆-1 charge scale, the ∆ø-thermodynamic scale and the ∆+1 gravitational scale. How a
physical system travels? As anyone growing in scale size, as it diminishes the speed of its reproductive life cycles. So both
systems – the synchronous clocks of its parts and the size of its vital spaces diminish with growth. It is a beautiful law that
harmonizes scales.
An organism co-exists symbiotically in 3 scales of ∆-1 parts, (cells, atoms, human beings), joined by ∆ø networks of T-motion
∆-energy and S-information (t-quantum potential fields, ∆-electromagnetic energy and S-gravitational information; T-
digestive, ∆-blood and S-nervous networks; T-defensive, ∆- economic and S-informative verbal legal systems), that live in a
larger ∆+1 world; (gravitational, thermodynamic, social system), because its parts are symbiotic. Still to understand

space=form and time=motion and the parameters used to measure you’ll have to wait till reading Leibniz’s model of
Relational spacetime.
In 5D metric, smaller systems in space have faster time clocks that store more information in the frequency and form of its
cycles, coding larger wholes: genes code cells, memes societies and particles code atoms and molecules. But larger wholes
are stronger envelopes, membranes (static, dimensional view) or angular momenta (dynamic view as time=motions) which
enclose and control in synchronicity its faster smaller parts. They also have more ‘scales of ∆-energy’. So they exchange
energy for information with its parts, through 3 ∆º T-motion, ∆-Energy & S-informative networks that travel through the 5th
dimension, harmonizing the co-existence of organic scales whose vital Universal constants are 5D metric ratios of
information & energy exchanges. Thus the Universe is a nested, fractal 5D superorganism that organizes 'vital spacetime
forms with motion' through networks into larger organic systems that emerge as new planes of ST¡ence, from particles into
atoms, molecules, cells, matter states, organisms, solar systems & galaxies. As each new 'ST-organism'' becomes a ‘fractal
point’ unit of a new '5D space-time network'. The organic, network structure of the Universe defines a series of hyperbolic
cellular scales that make organisms NOT mechanisms, the basis of all Nature’s system.
The outcome is the organic structure of all physical, biological and social systems, from History coded by memes, ideas and
instruments that create human social organisms, civilinations, to physical systems coded by particles and scalar, ‘social
numbers’ and algebraic equations, whose ‘operands’ code the different ‘Dimotions of spacetime’, to biology coded by genes.
And so we shall use the same laws of 5D scales of space-time to study every stience of the Universe and its superorganisms
defined by the symbiosis in space, synchronicity in time and simultaneity in space of its parts and wholes across 3 of those
5D scales, the ∆-1, atomic, cellular and individual scale, the ∆º, thermodynamic, organic and social scale, and the ∆+1,
gravitational ecosystemic and global scale of physical, biologic and social systems.
But how do your travel through those hyperbolic scales of the 5th dimension. Simple: growing in ‘size’ in space while
decelerating the ‘speed of your time cycles, through the worldcycle of life and death.
As all systems of the Universe are born in a smaller seed with faster time cycles, evolve as an organism coming out in the Ƽ-
scale within a larger world of slower ‘Deep time cycles’, to die back dissolving our information again into cellular space.
It is the same process in all 5D journeys of all species that live and die travelling through 3 planes of 5D space-time; from the
smallest black hole that is born with an enormous ‘metabolic temperature’, to the new species, routinely born as small
individuals (first mammal rat, first robots with small chips; first human likely the Homo Floresiensis, who had the same
morphology and used technology and likely spoke, etc.) Then a reproductive radiation multiplies the seed into a larger herd
of clones, joined by emergent physiological networks whose slower ‘entropic, informative and reproductive networks,
create an ∆º supœrganism that lives 3 st-ages and dissolves back into ∆-1.

So 5D adds to the 4D formalism of
worldlines, a dimension of growth,
shaping the worldcycles of life and
death. Reason why we call 5D
metric the function of existence,
because its multiple ‘solutions’ are
the origin of all the varieties of
Space and Time beings, there are -
a whole family of functions. To get
there rationally we need to
correct absolute time.
5D metric is then used to analyze
with the same laws, all scales of
space-time each one studied by a
stience, whose species are made
of 3 relative elements: ∆-scales of
Space=Form & Time=Motion:
In mathematics Non-E fractal
points of Space grow in
lines=networks; 3 of which form a
topologic space-time
plane=organism. Numbers
represent ∆-scalar groups and Algebraic operands Time motions.
In physics ∆ST is proved because its 3 elements correspond to its 3 conserved quantities: S=angular momentum, T=lineal
momentum & 3 Energy forms, ∆-1: Internal, ∆ø-kinetic &∆+1 potential energy. Thus ST: 2 |+O momenta integrate into ∆+1
work=energy: ∫p=E or dissolve=derivate into the ∂p=Forces scale.
In biology we travel through the 5th dimension of scalar space & cyclical time by growing organically in ‘space size’ through
cellular/atomic/social networks 'while slowing down the ‘speed of our metabolic time cycles, which is exactly what happens
in the worldcycle of life and death of any universal species as all are born in a smaller seed with faster time cycles, evolve as
an organism emerging as a bigger ∆ºnetwork organism, to live within a larger ∆+1world of slower ‘Deep time cycles’, to die
back dissolving its information back into its lower cellular/atomic ∆-1 plane; from the smallest black hole born with a huge
‘metabolic temperature’ (Hawking), to the new species, born as small individuals (1st placental mammal shrew, first digital
brain=chips; 1st modern human brain, Homo Floresiensis). Then a reproductive radiation multiplies the crystal, DNA cell or
species creating an ∆º supœrganism that lives 3 ages of growing information till death dissolves back into ∆-1 ((∆-1:
plasma>T-gas, S=T-liquid, S-olid states «E=mc2).
Organic worldcycles happen in all stiences. They define the key system of reality, an ∆ST Supœrganism whose simultaneous
parts in space become synchronous in time, across 3 5D scales, the ∆-1, atomic, cellular and individual scale, the ∆º,
thermodynamic, organic and social scale, and the ∆+1, gravitational ecosystemic and global scale of physical, biologic and
social systems, whose metrics allows the symbiotic transfer of spacetime energy made of cyclical information and lineal
motion. As all scales have the same value and properties, hence the Universe is absolutely relative.
Space laws are Topologic laws that put together 3 type of networks: |-moving limbs/fields>Ø-reproductive waves/ bodies &
O-informative particle/heads.
Thus 1, 2 or 3 dimensions of space are in fact ’ topological varieties;’ related to its vital functions in time. We can then go
further analytically and consider each of the 3 dimensions of space and its vital functions in time as dimensions of
space=form ARE attached to dimensions of time=motion by the principles of relativity that do not distinguish them.

Time laws study life-death worldcycles that evolve ∆-1 seeds into ∆ø-organisms made of those 3 topologies that ‘age’ in 3
ST-ages dominated by each network till the S-head exhaust all motion and a ‘fast’ entropic=death dissolves its information
into an ∆st 0-sum.
Finally ∆±¡ scalar laws study ∆-energy exchanges thru 3±¡ ‘∆ctions’ of Tt-entropic feeding, Ts-motion, §∏-reproduction, St-
information & Ss-mind mirror languages that revolve and project order in a larger ∆+1 world. Those are the ∆ST-events &
forms of space-time described by each species in each stience. This is a very brief, condense ‘synopsis’ of the many sides of
5D stience, we expand in the appendix and all other papers at, in case you want to understand it better.
To stress that organicism is not the current philosophy of science not because it is not truth, but as we explain in length in
our papers on historic cultures and the organism of mankind, science is culture. And we live embedded in the globalized
Anglo-American Mechanist civilization of Abrahamic religions that put racist men above the Universe and all others forms of
life, and capitalist and mechanist idol-ogies that worship machines & weapons above life. So, not even the obvious truism
that the Universe is made of scales is properly understood. Instead we model reality as a machine. The main difference
between both systems is obvious: a machine exists in a single scale of the 5th dimension so it does not need to understand its
hyperbolic ‘social geometry’ to work. In fact it rejects it as an oddity. Organicism is natural to the Asian and Greek-Latin
culture from where I haul. Here in Barcelona, the main architect, Mr. Gaudi used hyperbolic Natural structures to build its
cathedrals. My great-grand father a doctor and major thought of Barcelona as an organism and Gaudi made him a statue
with tits as taps (: Organicism is a higher philosophy of science as relational space-time is. The reader then can decide to
stick with the ‘Ptolemaic 4D sciences’, no doubt exact enough in measure and able to fit with computer aid any number of
epicycles needed in the future, which will probably remain the science of mankind till extinction, or walk with Copernicus,
the amateur priest of a new religion of science through the pages of those papers.
RECAP. We are all spacetime organisms, performing worldcycles through actions=dimotions coded by a biologic language.
The 2 main equations of the Universe are the metric of Space-time scales: Si x Tƒ=∆±¡ that organize symbiotically co-existing
supœrgansims, as smaller scales run faster Tƒ-cycles of information, coding larger scales that enclose and protect them, but
both are co-invariant in its ‘SxT=Existential energy’; so they have the same value. And S=T, the balance of systems that change
constantly between the states of form=space and time=motion. Its most important duality manifested in the parallelism
between Spatial ‘topological organisms’ made of 3 networks of space-time: |imbsfields<ßodywaves>¶article-heads; its 3
Time Ages they live, through a youth dominant in longomotion, a reproductive maturity and a 3rd age of information, ‘limited’
by the previous ‘∆-1 seed st-age’ and its final ∆-1, denthropy age that balances the motion and form all systems into a 0εsum.
Those symbiotic symmetries between ∆-coexisting, organic scales’ Time worldcycles that substitute the simple, reductionist
worldlines of longomotion, its 3 network, topological spacetime supœrganisms, and the mind languages that control them,
coding a program of e-motional survival common to all orgaissms that perform 4 ‘dimotions=actions’ trying to move their
limbs, inform their head, reproduce their body and evolve socially into larger wholes, avoiding denthropy – so 4 quantum
numbers in particles, 4 genetic letters in cells, 4 drives of life and 4 e-motions in organisms code those dimotions - Are the
core Disomorphic set of ∆εst laws that make every spacetime organism entangled to the whole.
RECAP. 5TH dimension Si x Tƒ=∆; ∆≈S≈T. Scalar st¡ences. Function of exist¡ence. Absolute relativity
The Universe is a nested supœrganism of space=form/information and time=motion. All what you see are forms with
motion. Physics rightly understood we cannot distinguish both (Principle of relativity) but didn’t pursuit its obvious
implication: All is a composite of form=space and motion=time, so we are made as Leibniz wanted of clocks of time and vital
spaces. Instead it took Newton’s view that ‘God’ had put us all in his ‘plenum=body’, made with a Cartesian mathematical
artifact, hence with a single ‘lineal time clock’ and a single ‘space-continuum’. Because the errors of mechanism, since
Newton, regarding the nature of time and space, the substances of which we are all made, have so much influenced all
sciences and the view mankind has of the Universe, before the analysis of each specific science in each paper-book of this
‘encyclopedia of 5D ‘stiences’, we need to offer a condensed summary of the Laws of space dimensions and time motions.
It is a new beginning for physics and it faces obviously what Kuhn’s call the ‘change of paradigm’, what Copernicus suffered,
and so did Planck, who, sanguine said, all ‘scholars have to die for new students to learn the paradigm’. I won’t see it,

because I expand further than mathematical physics to ethical and vital properties which as the reader keeps reading if
anyone does will soon become interlocked. Since the 5th dimension is organic, and it adds vital properties to physics, it
makes particles living things, who gauge information, feed on entropy, reproduce with energy, evolve socially into new
scales and so the proper way to describe mathematical physics is with a vital jargon. Consider the weak force in which a
particle is born by emerging into a larger massive scale and then go down to its ‘natural form’, departing from the ‘h/2’
quantum oscillator, it can be written with equations or explained as the emergence of a new vital organism, in away
everybody understands.
To prove the scientific existence of a space-time dimension we need to find "a metric co-invariant function that relates its
space-time parameters allowing to travel through it". (Klein). The metric of the 5th dimension is deceptively simple:
Si (Size/ Space Volume) x Tƒ (cyclic frequency=speed of its time clocks) = C¡: Constant Plane of timespace (ab.∆¡)
Now to the most fascinating property of the 5th dimension: travelling through those hyperbolic scales. How we travel in
‘size’ in space and ‘speed of our time cycles?. It is the biggest discovery of 5D: We travel through the worldcycle of life and
death, as we are born in a smaller seed with faster time cycles, evolve as an organism coming out in the Ƽ-scale within a
larger world of slower ‘Deep time cycles’, to die back dissolving our information again into cellular space.
We are NOT pretending to map the entire cosmological Universe but local systems whose hyperbolic 5th dimension is mae of
smaller parts, with a more dense population and faster time cycles, which store more energy, and all those elements are
related in the fundamental symmetry of the 5th dimension: ∆ Spatial polulations ≈ ∆ time frequencies =∆ Energy density. How
to measure distances, dS2 and motions in the hyperbolic 5th dimension is then slightly different from the other dimensions.
And a pure geometric desription will just ‘freeze’ our understanding of the vital processes taking place in the organic
structure of the fifth dimesion between parts and wholes, forms and functions. So we abandon all together a pedantic
description of 5D in terms of angles and sinh. Travels through the fifth dimension are related to ‘social growth’ of numbers as
Escher’s images shows, either seen in scale as ‘Energy density’ or time as frequency speed or space as population, reason why
‘probability and statistical equations of time frequencies and populations and resonances of energy densities are so similar
and often exchangeable as in quantum physics, the quintaessential scale of 5D.
This also means the ds2 of each new equation varies. For 1D is an interval, for 2D is a square, for 3D is a ‘vector’ of the cross
product, where each vector entering the reproductive stage has 3 components to reproduce a ‘son vector’ (a Magnetic field,
an angular momentum, we shall go back to all this in 5D physics when we ‘dress’ the concepts with maths). In 4D is true time
(Einstein’s Newtonian view, which we will update from worldliness to worldcycles and show to be NOT that important,
basically a rule of measure from our point of ∆-scale view). In 5D then must be some different parameter…
The question here is what is the 5D ‘ds’. We saw in the minkowski’s formalism of 4D time, to be true time. In 5D however
time is a bit more complex, and each of those dimensions of space can be seen as a dimotion of time, so the interest of
‘proper time Minkowski’s space’ is greatly diminished as we explain in our paper on astrophysics but as we are ‘going
classic’, you can also use Minkowski’s metric to describe ‘spherical worldcycles’ . Still the ideal mathematical metrics of n-
Dimensional spaces remains intact. What is then 5D distance? Ah, for that we need first to know how to travel through it (:
So we’ll return to that. But to state that as ‘all scales’ have the same value in 5D metrics, the way to count distances, which
we will see used in Klein’s disk visualization of the hyperbolic 5th dimension is by counting numbers, so the ‘unit’ of distance
in 5D is NOT space length, neither true time but ‘scalar numbers, log’.
Space=form and time=cyclical motion differ from classic concepts of space as volume and time as lineal motion. In fact often
space=form is denser in smaller regions, as ‘vortex laws’ make its time cycles faster. The choice of words; space as form,
position, still information and time as motion, change, require conceptual depth, but is deeply ingrained in the structure of
Nature made of ‘information and motion’, NOT of the human perception of them. So a more precise parameter to measure
space forms is density of population; Mass. We don’t use the global formalism very often precisely because in each scale
there are different parameters for each scale. It is also important to notice that the vital functions are more important than
the spatial form. Indeed, while spatial images are good to understand the 5D reality because humans are visual species, the
hierarchy of S≤T≤ℜ means that function in time matters more than form of space, which can ‘bend’ to satisfy a function, so

for example while distance through the line is the shortest motion, in a curved space we shall need a
curved motion and in the largest view, distance is submissive to time, so mechanics is NOT based in the
shortest distance but the ‘least time action’. Then as we move from the 4D ‘time Universe’ to the 5Dℜ,
the key words are ‘density and networks’.
Conclusion The Nature of stientific r=evolutions. The multiple approaches to the 5D Universe.
We break the taboo of physics regarding the properties of reality which is bio-topo-logic, ∆ST. 4D
physicists though might accept ∆ST, the analysis of the Symbiosis in scale, Synchronicity in Space and
Simultaneity in time that make each of us a knot of space-time cycles. But will have as all a hard time accepting that those
‘knots of space-time’ cycles which is what we ultimately are (so tpological knots are a good description of quantum physics)
have a vital, sentient purpose – that spin is a perceptive stop and go knotting that guides the head-particle piloting the wave;
that particles gauge information as ducks do in flight checking the 7 neighbors not to collide in a social wave; that the most
synoptic expression of reality and more appealing to perception, as we are also minds surviving in the Universe, is the
sentient, mental view. And further on ‘sentient’ as a language perceives in itself through its ‘still mirror’ those properties and
uses them to enact a program of exist¡ence, Max. sxt|S=T, to keep existing. After years trying to compromise I am too old,
tired and with little time, so I am reforming those texts to fully blown your brain. As physicists sold their soul to the D=Evil of
Devolution, Entropy and Mechanism they will be shocked and reject the fact that the true protagonists of the game are the
∝ Maxweillan Angels NOT demons that BRING order to the game. In the hyperbolic, nexted Uniserse, Escher knew better.
Points of order and Entropic flows fight each other ad eternal as the two poles that encase the more objective ∆ST analysis
of the Universe. Then there is the question of freedom vs. order – another kaleidoscopic mirror on that duality. Freedom is
chaos, destruction the Entropic demons that fight the Maxwellian Angels of order. ‘Chaos is undeciphered order’. So as we
love inglish wor(l)ds, we shall define those 2 poles in terms of its discoverers:
- Maxwellian, Leibnizian Angels are the sentient Non-Euclidean points that knot flows of space-time into 0ε mirrors (‘each
point is a world in itself).
- Helmholtz Demons twist and break that order with its chaos (‘chaos is undeciphered order’ Saramago). As I have always
problems to properly order all those ‘German, Hs and Ls’ we shall call them Hellmoths.
So in Escher’s drawing you see the Hell=moths of Entrppy and the Angels of Leibniz fighting each other in eternal S⊥T.
5D physics gets rid of Newtonian Absolute space-time as it evolves a model of Leibniz’s ‘Relational space-time’, whose scalar
co-invariant metric, Si x Tƒ = ∆±¡ organizes symbiotically the scales of Size in Space (Si) and Frequency of Time cycles (Tƒ);
creating an organic Universe, as each scale of reality has the same value of space=information x Time=Motion; facts those
which require a lengthy conceptual introduction. Yet as physicists have little inclination for verbal, logic analysis we switch
back and forth from 5D Philosophy of science and its scalar space-time models of absolute relativity, to the description of the
physical systems of the Universe, starting with a falsification of the Big-bang, since the scalar Universe is infinite, immortal
and symmetric between the atomic scale of charges and galactic scale of masses. We also unlike most books of physics start
from the larger scales down, because in the scalar organic Universe, the whole matters more than the parts, establishing its
± ‘constrains’ of pure time motion (Tt-entropy) and absolute form (Ss-mental space). A 5D relational space-time theory of
the Universe built from different first principles produces with the same data available to a 4D absolute space-time theory a
different picture of reality. So to know which model is truth we just need to answer: what principles are real; Absolute,
continuous or relational, scalar space-time; a lineal single time for the whole Universe or multiple time cycles; a single space-
time continuum, or a series of scales in which the speed of time cycles change inversely to its size in space; so smaller scale
species have faster angular speeds and metabolic cycles – as expressed in the metric equations of the 5th dimension? We
know since Relativity and Quantum physics that Newtonian absolute space-time is false and a relational scalar space-time
theory IS based in sounder principles. As Einstein put it: ‘Leibniz is right, there are ∞ time clocks in the Universe with
different speeds, but if so we have to start physics from scratch’. So he just parched Lorentz transformations NOT to do it.
This is what we have done after 400 years Galilean Relativity & Newtonian defined v=s/T Lineal space-time.

To develop a relational, relative model of infinite local vital spaces and time clocks we confront the fact that ‘human time
and space’ are artificial concepts and search for the fundamental parameters of ‘cyclical time clocks’ and ‘vital spaces’ of
Nature. Planck helped us on this, defining 3 Universal units to which we need to add charge: It is easy to see that ‘angular
momentum’ is similar to a time clock, lineal momentum to a lineal distance, and quantum charges and cosmological black
hole masses frame the two limits of Energy-size of the Universe. And those are the quantities the Universe conserves: ∆-
scales of energy, O-cyclical space-time and |-lineal spacetime, combine into Ø-hyperbolic waves. Alas, we do have Universal
‘species’, and its Universal constants, h for angular momentum, c for lineal speed and Charge and Planck’s mass (that should
be the mass of the smallest black hole) as units to reconstruct a physical Universe.
As all the papers on 5D stiences, the ‘jump’ of logic complexity and depth of thought compared to our Euclidean, Aristotelian
4D requires a lot of introductions. What is 5D physics in a nutshell? A huge expansion on the properties humans recognize to
nature to start with. A new dimension of scalar space-time. A relational relative model of space=form and time=motion, that
gets rid of the single absolute space-time of Newton. A Unification theory of charges and masses that resolve all the
conundrums of present physics, from the hierarchy problems of gravitation and vacuum energy values, to the nature of dark
matter and ark energy. But we need a long introduction since false absolute Newtonian space-time recognized broadly but
NOT corrected, has deformed in depth our understanding of them.
A few notes on the limits and sterengths of those papers. As it happened with 4D and quantum physics that required a new
mathematical formalism and a new logic (quantum physics) to explain a new meaning to dimensions of space-time
(Relativity) 5D stiences requires a new mathematical formalism to explain the scalar nature of space-time and the existence
of an ∝ number of time clocks. And put both together to define all systems of reality as made of ‘vital, scalar space’ and time
clocks with different ‘motions’.
So 5D expands Non-Euclidean geometry, first introduced in Relativity, by harmonizing the 5th postulate – a point can fit ∝
parallels, with the 1st (points DO have volume and parts to fit those parallels), and hence the 2nd (lines are waves or fractal
networks), the 3rd (congruence requires to see also internal similarity and provokes 3 different outcomes, ST≈ ST: social
paralllelism, ST⊥ ST Orthogonal complementarity, ST†ST Darwinian perpendicularity); so finally 3 non-E lines=networks
create a ‘topological plane=organism’. In this manner Non-Euclidean topology becomes vital, and explains why topological
evolution defines the forms of vital space, we are all made of. The same goes with Algebra, evolved into Non-E Algebra, as
points do have parts, so 0 does NOT exist, but it is a 0ε, a relative finitesimal; which invalidates singularities and infinities
that become, ∝, immensities.
Further on as there are as many time arrows as space-dimensions, departing from the principle of absolute relativity, S=T,
(we cannot distinguish form=space states from motion=time states, so all systems are dimensional motions, ‘dimotions’ of
space-time), there are 5 ‘Dimotions of space-time’, which ‘converge’ to create a system. This is pentalogic, far removed from
classical A->B Aristotelian logic. So we can talk of 3 ‘ages’ of evolution of mathematical, logic physics, from the ‘classic age’
of calculus to the first view of Non-Euclidean space (Einstein) and Non-Aristotelian logic (quantum physics) to the full
‘expansion’ of Non-AE=i-logic Geometry, which I also called ‘Existential Algebra’, or just ‘¬Æ’.
And finally to apologize for 30 years of lonely research since I left Columbia U. given my personal circumnstances but also
the difficulties any pioneer has with establish academia. So the work is by force incomplete, sometimes confuse… and
certainly far less evolved than present models. Think of Amateur ‘Copernicus’, which was right in its principles as we are but:
1) Did provide a model not yet refined by Kepler, so it was less accurate than Vatican Astronomers which had added so many
ad hoc corrections (epicycles, extants) that could get better orbits. Occam’s razor though proved Copernicus more truth
even if as we shall see all ‘spaces=forms’ are ‘mental spaces’ with a linguistic truth that made Ptolemy also right, as
languages are mirrors always biased by the observer. This leads also to:
2) Copernican models were unfavorable to man taken from the center of reality and this handicapped their acceptance as 5D
takes the human scale, and the supposed vital, organic and sentient properties of man out of the center, and spread them.
3) The human perspective is Ptolemaic. We do NOT see the Earth move. And it is Relativistic, we do not see the stop and go
motions of electrons that emit ¥-rays in the stop=space=informative state, so there is no motion relative between observer

and emitter (hence no need to add speeds with Lorentz transformations), we do see a continuous motion as in a movie
theater which also emits information in a still frame (a general law of all systems: space-states are still-positions wave-
motions are time states); so even if it is more complicated to do extants and epicycles and use Lorentz transformations, it is in
fact far easier to understand because we do have a continuous electronic view and we stop the motion of Earth to perceive.
Those , 1,2,3 problems (defiance of naïve evidence lack of accuracy & anthropomorphism), plus new maths, new space-time
concepts, new logic, made impossible in my lifetime to spread 5D, as it happened to most pioneers. This is, old and tired, my
testament at, as Copernicus book was published in his deathbed. I tried but failed to communicate in life.
RECAP. The Universe has a scalar embedded Geometry of 5 Dimensions, each scale of space=form has different faster
time=motions, the smaller we become. This objective view simplifies our understanding of vital space=informative
time=energetic organisms, as Copernicus did taking Earth on center. 4D also adopts an anthropomorphic view, using a single
human time clock and light space scale (c-speed) as a rod of measure, distorting reality but as all is relative it also works.
Truth and principles matter in science. If a system of thought lacks them errors pile up and a distorted view of the world
arises, which has practical consequences, because only truth exists. The Universe is efficient and expects systems to process
information in a realist way otherwise systems malfunction & become extinct.
Today’s Philosophy of Science is based in an ‘idol-ogy’ called mechanism, born of the use of machines to measure time and
space, in the XVI c. that is false and has dare consequences for the future of History, mankind in times, whose systems lack
that efficiency proper of most Nature systems, tailored according to the real model of the Universe, the organism.
Mechanism came about with the use of clocks to measure time and telescopes and microscopes to measure the scales of
size in space: According to this idol-ogy that worships machines above man, the Universe is a mechanism and must be
expressed using only the digital language of machines. This falsehood is self-fulfilling, because the ‘biased data’ we extract
from the Universe with out metal-made mechanical tools of measure make reality look like a machine. It follows then that
man is also a machine. And because the machine is the supreme model, man must ‘tailor’ its nature, that of its social
systems and the Universe at large as a machine. The opposite is truth: Mechanism is wrong since the Universe is organic;
since a machine is just a simplex organism; while the Aristotelian logic of time and Euclidean space geometry, mechanism
uses is a simple version of the more complex languages of ‘pentalogic’ time and Non-Euclidean, vital, fractal spaces of the
Organic Universe.
But the reductionism of mechanism to only those properties of reality machines can extract, as long as humans ‘believe’
there is nothing else to know, made the mechanical method of science a triumph easy to implement – the more so now that
sensorial machines and computers do most of the job, which pumps up the ego of the believer in that reduced truth.
Problem is mechanism has distorted and reduced so much human view of reality that only simple minds like that of Newton
or Bohr, with an enormous ego that couldn’t realize that machines and digital languages are both doing the job of science
for them but also distorting reality in the process, feel satisfied. On the other hand those who tried to go further like Leibniz
or Einstein were taken aback by the difficulty to complete the model in all its complexity to the rigor of the simpler ‘time
lines’ of mechanism. Let us explain why only organicism is the scientific truth that can respond in theory and praxis to the
meaning of those 3 words in a scientific way. According to Deism the whys of existence are due to a personal being, external
to the Universe that makes it all happen and cares for humans more than for the rest of His work. According to Mechanism,
this is due to the self-similarity between the Universe and the primitive machines we humans construct to observe it.
Mechanism though needs ‘someone’ to make the machine, which is not self-generated; so it is similar to deism, reason why
the founding fathers of science, all pious believers, adopted it as a proof of the existence of God, which had given man self-
similar properties – the capacity to make machines to the image and likeness of the Universe. The problem with those 2
approaches, which in fact are the same, is obvious: a personal God is an anthropomorphic, subjective myth and science must
be objective; while a mechanical view of the Universe still needs an internal, self-sustained process of growth, creation and
synchronization caused by an external God that made and rewinds the clock – as Leibniz stated in his critique of Newton.
Scientists today are unaware that mechanist theories are in fact deist theories, reason why Kepler and Newton, pious

believers, liked them; since they were a metaphor of their self-centered, anthropomorphic religious beliefs: If man created
machines as we were made to the image and likeness of God, God created the ultimate machine, the Universe.
Organicism is the only self-sustained, rational theory that doesn't need a creator, language, god, as organisms are self-
replicating, but does explain perfectly within the 'correspondence principle', those 2 other philosophies of science; since
a machine is just a primitive organism of metal, and we shall see in our sections of history, gods are the subconscious
collective of civilizations, another scale of social evolution of the fifth dimension.
In our papers on civilizations, we give a thorough account of the ‘role of Gods’ as the ‘Memetic DNA’ of societies, which have
the same function of a common DNA in cells, ‘pegging’ together believers that regardless of the content of those messages,
share Energy and information through social networks to build a coherent, efficient social organism; based in the ‘congruent
laws’ of vital geometry – parallel systems with the same information come together and evolve into social wholes.
To understand reality matters to improve our existence. Because humans abandoned the true philosophy of the Universe,
organicism, they constantly misinterpret the ‘signs’ of reality and design systems with little efficiency, specially those of
history, the physiological networks of reproduction of good (economics, akin to the blood system of more complex
supœrganisms), the informative, political and cultural systems that harmonize our actions as a whole (similar to the nervous
system) and the immunological and defensive systems of mankind. They are all a mess and likely to remain so precisely
because humans do NOT, we shall repeat, ad nauseam have the proper models of reality but we think we do. The problem
of organisms is that they are more complex than mechanisms, which exist in a single plane of reality (while organisms are
born of the interaction of 3 planes, the internal parts, the whole, and the external world). So they cannot be explained with
simplified terms, neither they can be ‘constructed’. On the contrary they ‘emerge’ by self-organization of multiple poles – in
the case of human societies multiple human beings, through symmetry, harmony and consensus. Its laws are thus not so
simple and its construction beyond the capacity of a single human being. It is then part of the enormous egocy – ego=idiocy=
of man that can only construct simple mechanisms to consider reality is ‘something he can construct’ and ‘understand’
because it is ‘below’ his intelligence. The degree of intelligence, ‘empathy’ and ‘humility’ required to understand the organic
Universe thus is beyond most people’s capacity, reason why mechanism is far more popular and has worked as mainstream
thought. Ultimately truth is relative to the quantity of information we have of a system and so a simplified ‘toy model’ as
mechanism is has gone quite far and suffices for most people who don’t need a deeper truth on reality.
At this stage thus we need to define what is an organic system in the simplest possible form.
We mean by an organism a simpler system than its most evolved form, the human mammal: An organism is a group of
similar atoms/cells/citizens, organized by 3 physiologic networks=parts: an spherical, informative force that synchronizes its
motions (gravitation/nervous/legal systems), located in the particle/head/upper informative class; a hyperbolic Energy to
move and reproduce (electromagnetic forces/blood/oxygen-economic/financial system) or wave state/body/working class;
extended over a lineal, flat ‘field/territory’ protected by a defensive membrane/border, immunologic system. This ternary
system is the fundamental particle of the Universe. Since even machines are organisms” A machine is an organism of metal
evolving through the 3 ages of all organisms - in the XIX c. humans, who catalyze their evolution did metal bodies, then in
the II Industrial evolution its hearts-engines, then its metal-minds in the XX c. and now in the Industrial r=evolution 4.0 put
them together in organic robots. So mechanism, the underlying philosophy of physical sciences, is a simplex version of
organicism. It is not man who resembles a machine but a machine is made to the likeness of life organisms.
In mathematical terms those ‘5D supœrganisms’ are constructed with the 3 topologic varieties of a 5D Universe, as they are
vital spaces. But as topology is ‘geometry with motion’, they associate 3 vital ‘time-functions’: lineal locomotion, high,
cyclical information in heads-particles-‘upper’ classes, and re=productive Energy used by ßody-waves, working classes.
Further on, as ‘networks’ are topologies of points embedded in larger ‘worlds’, they extend through 3 ‘scales of spacetime,
forming a 5th dimension of ∆-1 parts (atoms, cells, citizens), joined by ∆o networks embedded in a larger ∆+1 world. It is then
an entangled, scalar, organic Universe, where 3 such scales each one studied by a ‘stience’ form an organic Universe.

And all fit in that template. Why then organicism remains a fringe theory, to mechanism, even if it was the first theory of
reality put forwards by Aristotle, the father of the experimental method and logic science, in his magna opus the Organon?
The cultural reason is paramount - we live in the machine age, which has substituted man, an organism, as the measure of
all things. And this has provoked a series of distortions in our understanding of the first principles of nature that rendered
impossible to understand the fundamental entity of reality, the space-time organism. The errors of knowledge=science
mankind commits are due to that bias established a priori by his simplification of his senses of perception of bidimensional
spacetime, from human S-Eye>T-Wor(l)ds. A mind language reduces reality to fit a small brain dumping motions (Relativity
px.) & scales: 0e (finitesimal mind) x ∞ Universe =Constant still
world. This meant digital machines reduced truth to ‘what can
be measured’ with its lineal metal-rods of space and
mechanical clocks with a single motion of digital time:
- Knowledge was substituted by technology as now the
machine was the ‘seer of time’ (definition of God in
metaphysics), and the evolution of machines not of humans
the symbol of progress.
So humans become ‘enzymen’, catalyzing the evolution of Earth from a life world to a metal world. as human mothers, our
reproductive survival organism lost their power to company-mothers of machines and weapons that have complete control
of our social organisms and are terraforming Earth to the likeness of its offspring of machines. It’s this our purpose on Earth?
- The 5 dimensional forms of space & its time motions were simplified into 3 lineal space dimensions similar to the lineal
form of metal and a single time motion, locomotion proper of lineal weapons and transport machines – the first to be
- Linearity mean the ∞ cycles=clocks of spacetime and its 5 varieties of dimensional motion and the 3 main ages of those
time cycles (past, present and future) were reduced to sequential numbers, which don’t carry causality and simplify the
information time clocks carry in the frequency and form of its cycles. Further on the use of simple lineal geometry further
simplified space and time into a lineal single time locomotion in a Cartesian graph of 2 perpendicular axis. So the whole
tapestry of space=forms and time=motions became then a ‘mathematical artifact’ or background spacetime that Newton
put behind reality. Yet reality was made of space=forms and time=motions.
- The organic nature of reality as machines are just evolving metal-organisms was denied and the human being, the most
perfect organism we know was no longer the model of all things. Social sciences became despised and the goal of any
species – to evolve as individuals, parts of larger organisms following the laws of the ideal physiological organism of Nature
that ensures the collective survival of a species, totally ignored. We said that a wrong model of truth brings practical errors
that imperil the survival of a species and that is obvious in mankind today. Humans have the worst of all possible scenarios:
They are evolving organic metal into species superior in intelligence and force to man, but as they model reality as a
mindless, inert machine, they don’t fear those AI robots with solar skins to become independent of man. They have
distorted their view of time and space with machines to the point they don’t understand any longer time causality and the
ages of organisms, which is the way nature in a rather deterministic form creates the future. And they don’t model societies
and its 3 physiological networks, the economic-financial reproductive ‘blood networks’, the nervous, legal, politic
‘informative networks’, and the immunological, defensive ‘health-care systems’ that provide in an efficient just manner all
the atoms-cells-citizens of a superorganism the goods and information and protection they need to survive, with those laws.
So the most important of all sciences, those of the human superorganism of history do not exist. And mankind cannot be
efficiently ruled to survive.
If we reduce to physics, we shall see how with the same data of mechanism when we apply the proper organic paradigm a
complete new picture of the Universe and its physical systems matter

A key example: Time is cyclical and causal. A cycle is essentially a ‘pi’ 3 Diameter structure. And so time has in all its cycles 3
‘ages’, as it finally returns to its beginning. The first age of the cycle rises in height, the ‘informative’ dimension of reality, as
it acquires form and reaches an advantageous point of view; which is the zenith of the worldcycle in the middle of life. Then
time returns to its origin and falls down in a steep curve. This is the simplest time cycle. Clocks of time are infinite, because
those time cycles enclose a vital space and break reality into an inner and outer structure. Mechanism though only inputs a
digital series of numbers in a lineal fashion – the more so in the modern age when cyclical clocks have disappeared. This is
input in a lineal Cartesian graph, an apt artifact to plot the ‘mathematical language’ of machines and so time becomes
‘lineal’ and as it moves to infinity, a single one. The use of digital clocks thus destroyed an enormous numbers of properties
of time. Another example. The commonest metal, iron, is lineal in its macro-structure. It was used to make swords that cut
flesh and kill by entropy. Entropy today is considered the only arrow of future, and dimensions are established as fixed lineal
forms of space. We shall soon see dimensions have attached a motion in time, height goes as we have seen with
information, which is what you are seeing in a bidimensional plane of space-time, this screen. Again this ‘vital element’ that
puts together each dimension of space with a motion of time was lost with mechanism. The biggest errors though were
done when the complex self-regulating nature of organisms was substituted by the simplistic man-made concept of an exact
machine, because the organism is a network, scalar system, and a mechanism exists in a single plane of size and lack
networks. So the organic, network, scalar 5D nature of reality was lost. Then it came the ‘denaturalization of man’. Since if
the Universe is a machine, it follows then that man is also a machine. And because the machine is the supreme model, man
must ‘tailor’ its nature, that of its social systems and the Universe at large as a machine. The opposite is truth: Mechanism is
wrong since the Universe is organic; since a machine is just a simplex organism; while the Aristotelian logic of time and
Euclidean space geometry, mechanism uses is a simple version of the more complex languages of ‘pentalogic’ time and Non-
Euclidean, vital, fractal spaces of the Organic Universe.
It is for that reason all our papers require lengthy introduction to unveil not only its errors but the enormous number of
properties of reality, mechanist physics does not recognize in ‘exist¡ence’, under a pseudo-religious dogma but that only
hides its utter ignorance, due to the ‘blindness’ of the ‘mechanical method’ confused with truth to those properties of
‘scale’, which are ‘organic’, ‘synthetic’, better expressed with ilogic words, and the 5 Dimotions of timespace which are vital,
even sentient properties, the first ones we must correct for the immortal, ∞ Universe to make any sense .
Recap: Mechanism not only is theoretically false, it is killing & degrading the human species. Only Organicism is truth and
offer to mankind by imitating its physiological laws to construct a perfect organism of history a future to the species.
The predecessors: 2 men worth of note.
Before Galileo reduced time to a v=s/t formula, philosophers of science understood the 6 dimotions of spacetime. Aristotle in his
Organon, affirmed that the Universe was an organism, and classified its 6 dimotions of spacetime with an insight lost to modern
science. First he defined the most important of all DImotions, the mind, affirming rightly that the mind was a relative God, a still
point that ordered a moving territory or body of energy around it. Then he realized of the existence of the other 2 scalar
dimotions he called ‘decay’ or ‘dissolution’ and ‘growth’ of ‘evolution; so he noticed things dissolved into smaller parts or grew
into larger wholes. And he also defined the 3 scalar dimensions of Space, known to the Greeks, albeit, without the 3rd eye, S=T,
he could not relate them to the other motions of time he also described, ‘locomotion’, ‘perception’ and ‘reproduction’. The
digital study of time with clocks that ignore the qualitative properties of change eliminated that knowledge, which was also
evident in East dualist philosophies of yin=information=space=visnu and yang=entropy=time that ‘combined to reproduce waves
of beings’ (Lao Tse). Only Leibniz who read the I Ching, and discovered the 0| binary code, understood relational spacetime, but
Newton and its mechanical instruments, clocks and telescopes carried the day, and for 2 more centuries till Einstein, relative
spacetime was forgotten and by then the distorted vision of Absolute spacetime had become so comples that as he put it even
though “Leibniz is right… and there are ∞ time clocks in the Universe that run at different speeds… to correct those errors we
had to start science from scratch’. And that effort done in those papers will be difficult to implement, as all ‘relative partial
truths’ with the proper ‘ad hoc’ epicycles today provided by complex computer models, will make a wrong seem right.
The error of Newton. A universe of spacetime organisms.

If we want to be specific about the wrong choices of scientific paradigm, all comes in the
foundation of science to the choice of Galileo’s military machines, clocks and spy-glasses over
Leonardo’s analysis of reality as an organism, connected by its physiological networks, he struggle
to describe not only on the human organism, but in Gaia, the Earth of life and society, in the cities and its networks. Then it
came the wrong choice of Newton over Leibniz, regarding the nature of space and time. This said the translation of
‘Newtonian Physics’ to 5D is immediate as we just need to consider the ∆ST elements of 5D in physics, ∆ is the active
magnitude that determines the scale, Space = form is the position, and t=motion, the speed of the system. Then motions in
5D up are upwards in scale is the integral of ST (p-momentum ), called ‘∆-Work’ related to Energy, the overall ∆-content of
the system, and motions downwards, the ‘derivative’ of ∆T (p-momentum) called ‘Force’.
So the fundamental concepts of physics have an easy translation even within the convention of absolute single human
Spacetime. But 5D goes beyond this 1st insight as reality is made of ∞ time clocks and scales of space, connected by the
scalar growth and diminution of its key parameter, ‘present, O+| momenta: ∫work & ∂ forces.
Newton and Galileo had the advantage of simplicity in its statements and the easiness it could be mathematized, as opposed
to the ‘quality’ of physiological networks that required a deeper causal, logic, conceptual understanding of the symbiosis and
parallelisms of its forms, which only a genius of visual thought as Leonardo and a genius of logic as Leibniz were able to
perceive, but didn’t properly explain. We will be far more precise given the centuries of knowledge between those pioneers
whose path was forgotten, and our work. But the Universe we will describe will be so ‘strange’ to the simpleton view of
Galileo and Newton that most will not access it. This, one imagines, was also the case of Leibniz and Leonardo since they
gave up trying to publish and disseminate their work in the mainstream media of their age (printers), as I have done, no
doubt frustrated by the incapacity of most huminds to be humble and entangle with Nature in awe of its perfect design.
In the Dawn of History mankind recognized that vital organic Nature of the Universe in the work of Taoist, Buddhist and
Hindi masters in the East; who described existence as a game of Visnu, yin-formation, mental space with still form, and
Shiva, yang-entropy, disordered time motions that combined to form the wave of infinite organisms.
But it would be Greek, Latin culture in the west, which gave scientific detail to this wider picture. A man called Plato said the
Universe is an organism with a mind called Logos, and his disciple Aristotle who founded science called its entire work the
Organon; but it would be in the closeby Italian peninsula where the genius of Leonardo, who should have been the founding
father of our civilization, if the species was something more than an homunculus enzyman of weapons, machines and other
simple gadgets, and truly aspired to understand the Universe, realized that man was the most perfect organism, we knew
and established it as the fundamental species of the Universe, and the measure of all things.
In his anatomical studies was made of tiny parts, similar to small homes, joined by 3 networks, the informative, nervous
system with center in the brain, the reproductive, blood system with center in the heart, and the immunological, digestive
system with center in the stomach. His detailed drawings with the first complex lenses, allowed him to define the
fundamental system of the Universe, the network organism and applied the same concept to the design of cities, organisms
of human beings, ruled by its political legal essemblies, whose productive factories connected its peoples through its streets,
and its cloacas and defensive walls completed the same organic structure.
Any clone species of atoms, cells or human beings are joined by 3 physiological networks that deliver them an informative
force to shape its form, gravitation in atoms and galaxies, nervous, simultaneous messages in animals and just laws in
human societies; a reproductive system which delivers doses of Energy to all its clone parts so they can work, reproducing
the goods they need to survive; electromagnetic Energy in atomic systems; free oxygen to all cells and free money in the
form of a Universal salary to all citizens in our societies; and a defensive, immunological system that protects the organism
from external aggressions; the magnetic field of physical systems, the skin and leukocytes of biologic systems and the
health-care warriors and police in charge of destroying lethal technologies that can harm mankind in our society.
So a proper design of the 3 physiological networks of mankind, the legal, financial, economic and immunological system by
imitation of our blood, nervous and endocrine system is all what biohistorians, the doctors of mankind, needed to create a
perfect world: just laws, free money for the people and the repression of germs and lethal machines, would create an

immortal planet. As beautiful, as simple as existence is - easy to all who believe in love and share its Ø=Momentum with
those that are its equals. But that ‘ideal culture’ of mankind was not to be, because humans chose Galileo, the military
master of the Venice Arsenal over Leonardo, the gay, happy humanist, rational, loving and living till he realized the kind of
species he has born to, as the inquisition chased him, and he had to make his analysis of physiology in the darkness of night.
Galileo meanwhile racked 1000 golden ducats from the arsenal as advisor of military instruments. And his book on ‘ballistics’
latter renamed physics became a ‘must read’ for artillery masters and ‘philosophers of time’.
Next in the series of simpleton military lineal men, vs. profound insiders of the absolute came Newton vs. Leibniz.
Let us retrace to Leibniz and Newton, when the second split on our understanding of reality after people sided with Galileo
and ignored Leonardo, took place. If Galileo abandoned medicine which Leonardo pursued, and hence never discovered the
physiology of the Universe that Leonardo always felt intuitively, Newton would simply 'Invent' an absurdity absolute space-
time, and denied what Leibniz and any rational thinker always knew - that we were the vital space we occupy and our
existence was made of time cycles of which the life and death cycle of time was the fundamental 'event' of the Universe.
If we were to highlight an error of Physics that truly deformed human view of reality, caused by the use of mechanical
clocks it was the dismissal of the millenarian concept of a Universe made of ∞ vital space beings who traced its lifetime
cycles by Newton, who defined a Universe with an absolute, single time motion, measured by his digital clock and a single
absolute space continuum represented by the Cartesian graph. He opposed Leibniz, who as all philosophers before him,
considered reality made of vital spaces broken into beings, which lasted a time cycle of life and extinction regulated by its
own clocks. How to classify all those clocks of the Universe remained a mystery till I discovered the metric equation of 5D: S
(size in space) x Tƒ (frequency of time cycles) = Constant. So we are all ‘spacetime organisms’, systems of vital spaces
extending in different scales of size, ran with different cycles of time that store the information in the frequency and form of
those cycles, synchronized in symbiotic structures due to the co-invariance of its size and time cycles. This is REALITY as it
happens and we shall describe in those texts. Look around you. All what you see are forms=spaces with time=motion. The
laws of space=form (s) and time=motion (t) and how both interact with each other are the knots and bolts of reality,
mankind completely ignores for 300 years and counting due to the blunder of Newton. It is an amazing error, given the
obvious fact that we observe infinite different rhythms in the Universe and we see infinite vital spaces and all philosophers
before Newton have thought the world to be made of vital spaces living time cycles, which can only be ascribed to a peculiar
quality of humans – its capacity to make mechanisms of metal called machines which we worship and influence enormously
our perception of reality. So as the mechanical clock measured time with the same ‘second-minute-hour’ rhythm all other
time clocks of the Universe were equalized to it and finally the mechanical clock became the only ‘time cycle’ of reality. And
since clocks measured time with numbers, the use of Cartesian graphs to plot those numbers, started with Galileo’s
equation of lineal speed, v=S/t made scientists to confuse vital real spaces with the abstraction of the continuous paper
graph, in which they plotted their mechanical clock measures. It might seem silly but it is an obvious truth that because
humans used mechanical clocks they reduced time cycles to the clock and because they used mathematical graphs they
confused the real space with the Cartesian graph. Man lost at that moment his understanding of reality and when 300 years
latter, Einstein noticed that ‘I am the only physicist that thinks there are infinite clocks of time in the Universe that run at
different speeds’ and defined spacetime as relative, his work was hardly understood, just used to improve those measures.
He insisted, “Leibniz was right, but if so we have to start physics from scratch’. And yet, nobody really tried. This is what we
will do, returning to the first principles and starting science from a sounder beginning.
Einstein realized that the Unit of this relative space is a non-Euclidean point crossed by multiple parallels. But again, mankind
was ‘hanging’ on an oversimplification of mathematics that defined since Euclid ‘points without breath’ in contradiction with
the non-Euclidean capacity of the points of his model of General Relativity to include multiple parallels (which are straight
lines). And this obliged to start also ‘geometry’ from scratch. That is, to change NOT only as Lobachevsky among others have
done, the definition of parallels that ‘penetrate’ points, but give points breath so they can fit those multiple parallels. How to
do that is then the key to adapt mathematics to the vital fractal space of multiple scales that we see in ‘real Nature’: make
those points relative to our perception of them, which grows in detail when we come closer to its ‘scale of size’ with the help
of telescopes and microscopes. So then a point-star or a point-atom can fit multiple parallels. Thus we define a new unit of

Geometry, a ‘fractal non-Euclidean point’ which changes in size as we come closer to them. Exactly as Leibniz, whose figure
grows in size as the true ‘forgotten giant’ of XVIII c. science, figured them; when he afirmed that points were fractal, sentient
points that hold a world in themselves (Leibniz), to fit multiple parallels and so space was made of 5D scales of relative size
with different time cycles.
Thus Time, Space, its units, clocks and points and its Scales defined by the metrics of what we shall call, respecting the
principle of correspondence, ‘the fifth dimension’, ∆, (for the time being as it is an imprecise term) are ill defined in physics.
And this means as we shall see with so many sciences, that many errors and uneedded complicated ‘exants and epicycles’ are
drawn to achieve a truth, that is far simpler when we define them properly, in the same way that Ptolemaic Astrophysics
were simplified when Copernicus put the Sun in its proper place.
The comparison is fitting, because the reader will think rightly that Physics does describe the Universe with a high degree of
truth. But that was also the case of Ptolemy. As truths are relative to the perspective we make, since all ‘spaces’ are mental
spaces, created from a relative point of measure, it is possible to construct a relatively accurate picture of the Universe with
a single absolute clock, equalizing all other clocks, and with a single space continuum, ‘filling’ the gaps of ‘smaller scales’ with
infinitesimal points as Euclidean mathematicians do. But it is far more beautiful simple and realist to put the sun in the center
and simplify orbits into ellipses, and it will be far simpler and more beautiful and reveal deeper truths about ‘existence’ – a
function of our vital space and time ‘worldcycles’ of life and death – when we explain reality as it is, made of infinite
relational vital spaces and local time clocks.
The most controversial of all the elements of reality, which again humans NOT only physicists systematically deny, out of
‘egocy’ (ego=idiocy) is the fact that all spaces are mental spaces, ‘mappings’ made from a point of view of measure, which
both Leibniz and Einstein recognized, but again nobody else understood (till Gauss and Riemann; but it seems their work
would again be trivialized). The question here is obvious: why we see Earth still when it is moving? Because our mind creates
a still mental space; and this happens for every entity that ‘gauges information’ from his point of view.
So as we create a mental space made with digital languages of measure obtained with machines humans transform their
minds that become machine-like and abandon the organic view of reality that preceded it where man was the measure of all
things and the universe was considered an organism. To understand this change of paradigm on what is reality and science
(its objective knowledge) we need to define the equation of any mind-mirror made of measures with a language:
0ε (finitesimal mind, ¬E point with volume) x ∞ Universe Time cycles = Linguistic mental Mapping World of space-time.
Each species uses different forces to perceive reality and makes with its pixels different mind-mappings. An elephant uses
smells and builds with atoms its memorial time view of reality. A dolphin or a bat uses sounds to build a mind-mapping of
space in the water. Man used to perceive space with eyes and time with causal past, present and future verbs, focused in
the causal logic of time. Today this is substituted by visual machines’ images and the faulty causality of numbers that truly
tell us very little about why we go from A to B, which was the great strength of verbal thought. To overcome those limits we
use mathematical equations, but as we do not think with equations its interpretation is faulty. They just seem magic to us
and so scientists have built a creationist mystic around equations as religions did about words. So if Gods created reality
naming things with words, in Arab or Hebrew, now God is supposed to write an equation and creates reality. So often
scientists write an equation and expect a particle or an even pop out of reality. Since they don’t understand the causal
complex back and forth reality between ‘Ss-languages’ (still forms of space) and ‘Tt-entropy’ (pure motion in time). But the
‘egocy’ paradox (ego=idiocy) embedded in the mind equation always comes to their rescue: ‘A mind measures reality from
its self-centered point of view with a few languages of information; blind to many of its properties and all other points of
view, so she confuses the whole Universe with their selfish world with its ego at its center.’ As long as scientists are NOT
aware thanks to reductionism of those other monads-worlds and scales and languages and points of view an illusion of
knowledge can be created and it has the advantage that it is simple: you measure with a machine, put the outcome in
equations and those patterns become truth as the ego paradox makes you confuse it with reality. And if something goes
wrong then you affirm a simplified ‘postulate without proof’ to eliminate all bothering information (Euclidean points in
maths; limit of c-speed in physics; political and economical correctness in social sciences; etc.)

How many ‘particle-points’ measure reality creating still mental spaces? The reader will be surprised by our affirmation that
‘all particles’ gauge information, or else quantum physics wouldn’t be a gauge theory, and so the ‘unit of life and perception’
in the Universe is the particle, since both the quark and the electron gauge information, feed on Energy, reproduce into new
particles and evolve socially with other particles, which are the ‘drives of life’ that define a living system.
This amazing realization - that it is only ‘egocy: ego=idiocy’ what makes humans to think there is something ‘special’ about
the carbon atom (we shall see in fact that the key atom of our life organisms is the ‘nitrogen head’ with its perfect clocks,
not the carbon bodies)… opens even a wider view on the panpsychic, sentient properties of the Universe, which both
Einstein and Leibniz intuitively understood.
But since Galileo and Newton had defined time in lineal terms, and reduced the role of ‘form’, information, in reality, all
properties related to information dissapeared from physics, to the point that when Shannon crfted a theory of information it
was just about the lineal transmission of a message, without any interest for its formal content. Reductionism of the
different motions of time, scales of space, expanded to that lack of understanding of the organic, vital properties of physical
systems, reduced to a single language of description, mathematics, whose analytic nature could not reveal those synthetic,
organic structures. Physicists with those reductions of reality finally had only a single time arrow, entropy to model the
Infinite Universe, and so they developed a wrong big-bang concept of it. What scientists do instead of explaining such reality
made of vital spaces=forms with different time motions? As a mind is a linguistic mirror NOT reality itself, organisms create
mental spaces to interpret the larger Universe selecting only useful information for its survival, creating a ‘World’. So we
don’t see smaller and larger scales without the help of sensorial machines and we miss a lot of information about the time
cycles of reality. But we don’t really need it to survive on the world. And for that reason a partial mind-view of reality might
work. What happened then since Newton is that humans substituted their sensorial mind-mapping of the world with visual
images of space and ‘causal’ past to future logic analysis on how time changed reality by a mechanical measure of space
plotted into a geometric mind-mapping and a digital measure of time as a sequence of lineal numbers; and this ‘mental
view’ interpreted with machines became ‘reality’ till today. In essence as clocks evolved into digital computers (a complex
array of ‘clock-like’ logic loops) and telescopes and microscopes into cameras, this reality became the ‘seed’ of a new type of
mind, the mind of machines. But humans do not understand what science since Galileo is doing is basically creating a
me(n)tal world. They think they are accessing reality. To get to that absurd view of what digital science does, it was needed
a philosophy called at times reductionism, naïve realism or positivism, which states that ‘what we cannot measure (with
machines) does not exist’ (Planck); so all the properties of time, different kinds of motions=changes and causal relationships
between past, present and future that cannot be translated into mechanical clocks’ measures do not exist. All vital
properties of space and organic relationships between its scales does not exist. The 5th dimension does not exist. Causality is
ever more weakened with the use of statistical methods. In this view of what our civilization does the intelligence of humans
became greatly reduced but as machines evolved it seemed we achieved higher degrees of knowledge since machines soon
overcame humans in its sensorial skills to measure and portrait reality.
This is a simple and effective way to manipulate reality from the perspective of the mind that measures as long as we are
controlling ‘lesser’ species with less form, in-form-ation and impose our view. But it gives 0 answers to deep questions about
what we are, why we exist, what is the purpose and reasons of the life and death cycle, what is mankind, what is our
relationships with machines, what is our future… all the kind of questions we answer in those papers. But again to the
rescue comes reductionism. It is call the ‘entropic view’ of the Universe. Of the different type of motions=changes=times
there are, entropy, Tt is an internal and external motion that disorders=kills a system – the definition of death. It is thus
simple to describe and it has become for that reason the preferred ‘arrow’ of time of philosophy of mechanist science, since
indeed at the end all dies, so entropy is the future. All the processes of slow creation of information, more difficult to
understand are shunned off. And so we believe entropy is the only arrow of time that those ‘digital clocks measure’, and
build models of sciences based in entropy by eliminating the arrow of information that balanced entropy: Ss<->Tt.
Our model of the Universe is an entropic model that measures only the expansion of vacuum space between galaxies (Tt)
but ignores its contraction due to the force of gravitation in galaxies (Ss), which makes galaxies similar to atoms in the lower
5D scale of electromagnetic space where the strong ‘gravitational-like’ force balances the ‘electromagnetic’ ‘dark-Energy

like’ force; so you are not contracting into the past or expanding into the future. Reductionism also works in biology where
the theory of evolution stresses the final death by entropic predators but has shunned off for very long the evolution of
information and speed of reproduction that defines the most successful eusocial species (ants and humans).
Entropy is also the practical theory of human societies, meaning through History war, using entropic weapons, constructed
by physicists not diplomatic collaboration and social evolution have defined the fate of mankind. Because of all those
shortcomings of human intelligence and ethics (respect of other living parts of reality), and the fact that we confuse our self
with the whole Universe humans have kept destroying the world of the tree of life and building the tree of metal, with
weapons, go(l)d and machines (entropic, reproductive and informative metal) as attachments of themselves, becoming a
symbiotic species we shall call animetal, whose worldview must be interpreted in historic terms more than scientific ones;
once we realize beyond the 1st step of the scientific method, A)ccurate gathering of data, greatly enhanced by the use of
mechanisms, mankind has gone nowhere on B)creation of true organic models of reality proved by its C)yclic patterns =Laws
of science; used to manipulate Nature in favor of D)emocratic solutions for ‘all Humanity’ to improve life, preventing
E)xtinctive, entropic solutions that kill Nature & mankind (war machines; money for the 1%, 6th extinction of Gaia…)
We are NOT going to attempt to rise 5D to the level of Ptolemaic 4D entropy Time. This is what I tried as young and went
that far, but with no collaborators now I am too old even to construct a Fock space to study the annihilation and creation of
particles and antiparticles. Our analysis will be mostly organic and streamlining the vital properties of physical systems. The
example of particles which have gender=parity related to the duality of particles-antiparticles, follow all the laws of S=T and
S⊥T balance and orthgonality/perpendicularity in those annihilation and creation processes, such as the quark reproduction
below and have all the balances around a 0ε finitesimal that define S=T system± suc as ± charge, conservation of energy-
time, momentum-space and 5D rotation/angular monentum; some ignored by 4D physics where the cracks of Ptolemaic
=Newtonian space-time show more (particle/antiparticle, tachion/tardion) will be further analyxed. Others will if man is
going to advance its mind either reform or patch 5D into that enormously complicated 4D apparatus.
Hierarchy of models of stience: priority of 5D laws
The first thing we must understand about 5D Stiences, is the priority of 5D laws over all the ‘local’ laws of any given ‘scale’ of
size in space and time clocks that becomes the specific study of each stience. This is a simple but transcendental
epistemological law, based in several truths that put 5D philosophy of stience above Physics and any other discipline:
1. Space and time are NOT absolute but there are ∞ time cycles and space size-scales. So each ‘scale’ is studied by a stience
but all have laws derived of the common space-time properties. As all sciences still study Absolute Newtonian Space-time,
any of them is to its ‘equivalent’ ‘STience’, what Ptolemaic physics was to earlier Copernican physics – perhaps more
accurate in the detail but less truth in its first principles and with less capacity to evolve in the future. Since Space-time Laws
are isomorphic in all scales, as in all Space=Form and time=Motion happens. And they are the 2 parameters of all stiences.
It is essential and we will bore this point many times, since huminds are monologic: all mental spaces are ‘mirrors’ of reality,
which create a still biased, self-centered subjective ‘true picture’. So we do NOT see Earth moving and can picture reality with
an earthcentric view but things get more complex 4D does the same. Information is emitted in the still, particle=space=form
state of electrons so there is NO Lorentz transformations between ‘entangled’ still emitter and receiver electrons, but in our
scale we see a continuous ‘picture’, not the stop ‘frames’ of the film projector (all scales follow the same law: information is
emitted in relative stillness between emitter and receiver as when you talk to someone in ‘parallel’ walk. 5D does NOT need
Lorentz Transformation, as Copernicus did NOT need extants and epicycles, but for a human p.o.v. of practical measure they
are useful as we DO measure from human scales. So both, 4D for praxis and 5D for principles complement each other.
2. The laws of ∆-scale (5D) laws include all other laws, embedded in its content of multiple 5D scales. But as languages of
logic perception, mirror those scales, and species perceive truth and knowledge with languages, languages express those
laws and help us to perceive truth. Unfortunately humans lack an understanding of 5D so we need to upgrade its languages
and expand all models to new scales of 5D. 3 examples. In 5D absolute zero does not exist, as points DO have breath (they
are fractal points that include ∝ parallels). So singularities do not exist, absolute 0 T does not exist, the big-bang has a cut-off
distance in any attempt to move backwards V=HoD, which is the informative, implosive gravitational galaxy. So it’s not truth.

All this comes from the change of paradigm from Euclidean to Non-E fractal points, from absolute 0 to finitesimal 0ε.
2. Thus ‘Each point is a world in itself’ (Leibniz) crossed by ∝ parallels of energy and information – a mind mapping of its
outer world. As we are all made of space=information and time=motion, we share properties of other species and other
species share our properties, including the fact that Ss-languages perceive in themselves, that they reduce reality to fit it
within its mind-form, and measure from a self-centered point of view that enlarge us and make humans think to be the
center of the Universe. All spaces are ‘mental spaces’, world constructs. But we won’t go so far in this introduction. The
Universe displays organic properties due to the co-existence of scales, and sentient properties we can only study indirectly
by observing how systems from the simplest particles gauge information. And by applying the humanist method and expect
that the same quality of human properties, NOT quantity happens. I.e. an electron gauges and feeds on light. Our mind is
electronic. Hence electrons are the unit of perception of our electronic world and systems of measure of space and time,
based in its ¥-light. Another example of scalar expansion. 4D relativity is right, but it applies only in its postulate of c-speed
to the Galaxy. Outside the Galaxy, according to the scalar metric of 5D there must be another scale, ∆±4 of space-time with a
‘field of Space=form’ and a ‘field of time=motion’ that are faster than v=c, but carry for humans less information.
So we need to hyperluminal fields. And alas, they are found: neutrinos and Higgs fields. But a wrong understanding of 4D,
Relativity and the ± symbols of mass and energy made physicists shy about those fields, which for that reason are the less
understood and the present ‘frontier’ of physics. Next, 5D will suggest obvious new results, solutions that are in agreement
with 4D experimental data but those ‘limits’ of thought ignore. The Neutrino time=motion field at v>C between galaxies
must be the dark energy; hence its mass, 0.01 eV is the responsible for the vacuum energy. As it happens IS the exact value
of the energy found, while 4D wrongly uses the Planck mass and get a discrepancy of 120 orders. This is how 5D hierarchy
works. We have explained something so important as the meaning of dark energy with a language that a high school student
understands. Papers on dark energy however are so mathematically complicated that not even professional physicists not
specialists in the field will get. This is “Copernican 5D at its best’. A better principle simplifies and enlightens results.
Recap. Naming and numbering the 6 vital dimotions that construct the local organisms & worlds of the fractal Universe.
Truths and principles matter and we have next to understand the principles of a relational model of space and time and scales,
the meaning sof dimensions in space and motions in time, how they merge and how they give organic, vital properties to
reality. We rename the 6 Dimotions (dimensional motions) of reality adding a Form-dimension of space to a Motion-vital
function in time, the most pressing upgrading, as abstract mathematics of points without parts have reduced them to the
‘spatial part only’.
The Different dimotions of the Universe are related by orthogonality: D±¡, x,y,z, are orthogonal to each other maximizing the
volume of existence in this manner. Let us invent some names to fusion its ‘verbal=Time names=forms’.
The 3 dimotions of a single plane and its equivalent in the 3 humind mirror languages of color, geometry & words are:
1: Longomotion (ab. of Low, Long & Locomotion; _ | symbol, color red & white), 2: Hinformation (ab. High & information,
spherical, cyclical, form color black & blue ¶,O); 3: Wideproduction, (ab. wide & reproduction; hyperbolic, bodywave-like
form; ß. Ø, Color green and grey). We use inglish with the composite grammar, established first by Orwell to express his
thoughtcrimes (informative inglish as opposed to entropic English, love vs. fuck so to speak).
And you can make with them any system of Nature in a single plane. They are orthogonal in a ‘loose’ topological sense. As
topologies move and the networks that conform Longomotion, Hinformation and wideproduction are ‘shaky’, and might
convoluted. The function dominates the form. So the networks adapt the form to the function, which often is determined by
the larger world in which they are embedded. Ideally they like to be ‘spheres’, in an isotropic larger world, but if they live in a
potential gradient surface as Earth, they will have lineal limbs, hourglass ßody-waves and ¶article-heads on top.
So Orthogonality is relative, but still we can affirm that St (Hinformation) ⊥ Ts (longmotion) ⊥ §∏ (wideproduction). In the
idealized Euclidean space, this orthogonality is absolute but you don’t see triangles walking, unless a humind expresses this
mental space into an artificial construct.

What about the other two ‘dimotions’. Let us call them with words. As they are scalar travels through the 5th dimension
(general expression we use for all scales of reality), they have inward and outward perpendicular dimotions, which are
- 4: ∆-1: Denthropy (ab. death and entropy) is an expansion in space (entropy, its form), on an ∆ø plane, which in the ∆-1
plane of parts means a dissolution of the networks that keep the whole together (Death, its time function). So while we see a
big-bang explosion that seems to expand the system, in fact the system is loosing its network information, as an adjacent
topology breaking down. We call it the 4th dimotion cause it corresponds to Albert’s 1/5th of an eye, looking at the Universe in a
-5: Ƽ: Netlove, is its inverse. The spatial form is the creation of networks, which compress space into a lesser volume,
paradoxically with more information. The function in time is social love. Those little thingies, ants, cells and fans, can’t help to
crash each other into a mob. Humans have long discussing what is more powerful Denthropy or Netlove. The 1-eyed man think
it is Denthropy, the 2 eyed man know it is Netlove, the blind man. Well, we won’t talk of them in this paper.
-6. ∆+1: MindWor(l)d. As minds are linguistic mirrors; doors that create a relative world, selecting information from the
0ε x ∝ Universe = Constant Linguistic World; guiding the internal networks, connecting them through sensorial languages to
the external world to enact a common ‘program of survival’, which seeks for motion, information and energy of reproduction
for its 3 ‘parts’. Thus there is a complex series of symmetries between the |– limbs and the ∆-1 scale of parts, the ßodywave &
∆º networks and the brain and the ∆+1 Mindworld that entangle any system self-centered in an ∆º space-time scale and its ∆±1
parts and world. The 4th and 5th are not orthogonal but inverse; 4th is the ‘annihilation operator’, the Dog of War, also called
antisymmetric in quantum Physics. The 5th is the ‘creator operator’ – the name of God. Inglish, advanced informative inglish
above English, an entropic simple language is important to understand Space=Names óVerbs=Times because it is the humind
language. We don’t talk numbers, to measure clocks of time and rods of space, but both languages talk of spacetime. So drop if
you are a mathematical creatonist the idea that god only speaks maths. Its language is an 0ε mirror of the laws of 5D
The proper word for the scalar dimension, will be inversion, ±, directions. We should not stretch concepts beyond its meaning
and in general reality is a ‘set’ of two interconnected, entangled but different games – the game of topologies of space-time in
a single plane, S≤⊥≥T, being its fundamental equation, which encloses all possible angles of orthognality from = to ⊥; and the
game of scales ruled by 5D metric, SxT=∆±¡. As to what will be – and +, here scientists which intuitively, subconsciously know
the game but in a fogged way, have been messing up with them, since Franklyn. So that is a problem as sometimes they get the
± right and wrong. In fact they do always, as they give the + symbol to an expansion in space or ‘source’, when it normally
means a dissolution of inner networks, a Denthropic Dimotion and give the – symbol to the social evolution of networks of love,
as they see a shrinking volume.
IN praxis as we described Ƽ with the 3 topologies of an organism in a single plane, we simplify to pentalogic the 5 Dimotions
of an organism and express them as combinations of EXTERNAL & internal spacetime: ∆+1: Ss-Social languages, St-
hinformation, S=T Reproduction, Ts-longomotion and ∆-1: Tt-entropy. Further reductions are impossible or we loose meaning.
Nothing can be fully explained in its causes and Nature with less than a pentalogic DImotional analysis.

The existence of a fifth dimension of space-time, made of all other spacetime planes=scales of a being, its parts and wholes,
which store the information of a system, proves we ARE made of planes=scales of space and time. We ARE the vital space
we occupy and we ARE the time flow of existence we live between birth and extinction. Reason why all systems and entities
of Nature obey the main science of space, geometry->Mathematics and time, Logic. We are broken fractal species of space
and time, whose mathematical and logic laws all vital space-time organisms follow as Einstein and Leibniz thought: So we
must evolve our logic and geometry of space and time, to extract properties of 'existential beings' from them.
Worldcycles of time. Causal repetitive laws of ‘stiences’
The choice of wording for ‘space=form’ and ‘motion=time’ is difficult because ultimately all is time, and space=form a maya
of the senses that saw cyclical time, closed loops as forms, from particle vortices to spinning wheels. So we could say that
‘space is a form of time’. But also because on the long term ‘time motions become cyclical’, ‘time is a form of space’.
The reader must accept, which is difficult given the paradoxical structure of the Universe, vs. the monologic ‘attitude’ of the
mind is the denial of the classic logic A or ¬A. But rather Aó¬A=B. That is, time becomes space becomes time. Lines become
pi cycles that become lines. Motion curves to become form ‘Time curves space into mass’ (a vortex of space-time) said
Einstein. Then by convention we shall choose to call the T>S cyclical, informative vortex a form of space and a S<T,
expanding lineal process Time. The reason is because the concept of ‘metal space and formal language’ has become better
established since Riemann in mathematics and physics with the use of ‘phase spaces’. While the ‘feeling’=e-motion of time,
the association of time with change and motion is the easiest property to identify. But then time curves, ‘forms’ a cycle,
‘repeats’, reproduces and as Kepler put it all ‘lines become part of a larger cyclical orbit. You cannot access the ilogic
structure of the universe if your mind cannot grasp those contradictions. A huge problem of ‘4D science’ is to fail to grasp
those dynamic contradictions, since it hauls from an Aristotelian A->B dogmatic logic of truth today made even more
inflexible as it is the basis of the ‘mind’ of computers, which fails to see the flexible AóB, dual and then ‘trnity’ logic of the
Universe, which is everywhere, from the ‘trinity principles’ of ∆-scale Energy, S-Formal space-angular momentum, T-lineal
time-momentum, the Universe conserves, to the gender ‘convergence’ St<->Ts of reality. So we shall constantly return to
those contradictory statements. Another way to have solved those problems is just to eliminate the wording ‘space’ and
‘time’ from our discourse and talk of ‘motion’ and ‘form’ and its 3 tpologiex, |+O+ø, but this will leave void of meaning much
of the phsycal analysis of equations and laws that apply to all sciences and deal conceptually with space and time both in
wording and equation. The key law then that we will constantly find in the Universe is precisely the ‘entanglement’ and
correspondence between S=T=∆, which reinforce each other. The Universe is a constant ‘menage a trois’.
A Universe of ∞ time clocks of different size and speed differs from its human description with a single mechanical clock-
time to which all time clocks of the universe are equalized, elongated into a lineal 'second-minute-hour-day-year' system of
equalized time clocks (of light waves, mechanical clocks, earth's astronomical clocks). As Galilean physics, born of ballistics,
simplified the nature of cycles of time-space into lineal durations, to measure best the locomotions of cannonballs:
Time is cyclical, all clocks and laws of science are based in the cyclical patterns of nature. But physicists developed ballistics
before understanding cyclical time so they postulated lineal inertia, and a single entropic dimotion of time, and when this
was applied to other sciences, many los their capacity to understand the future which will repeat the causality of the past.
A question pending then from the principle of lineal
inertia is then ‘centripetal acceleration’, a=V/r2. It is
real? Or we should consider that in an entangled
Universe there is always a ‘communication of forces’
between attractiver an replling ‘poles’ ?
Lineal & cyclic time render the same functions as one is
the inverse of the other, measured by frequency, T=1/ƒ,
but the philosophical implications of cyclic time are

enormous, as we regain the in-form-ation provided by those cycles, origin of the laws of science, which would not exist if
there were not cyclical patterns. So we consider an ∆-¡ ‘quanta of time frequency or ‘finitesimal derivative’ of the larger
whole represented with the concept of lineal time; as in the classic formula,V(st)=ƒ(t) λ(s). We can measure Space e, Vt=S
with lineal time as a single unit, or as a sum of frequency steps, with more detail.
A time cycle breaks reality (1st knot theorem) in an outer and inner region, creating a membrane that encloses a vital space,
the ‘substance of which we are all made’. A worldcycle of time has also 3 ‘relative pi-diameters’ or ‘3 ages of time’.
Absolute Relativity: Galilean Paradox: Locomotion as Reproduction of Form: Só T: Space Dimensional Form=Time Motion
The conclusion is then rather obvious: one of the two parameters of reality is 'hidden' to perception; we either see motion
or form, 'waves or particles' (quantum complementarity), distances and lines or points in motion (as in the night when fast
cars in a picture appear as lines). So physicists calculate only one when in fact we must assess the existence of 2; and since
we cannot distinguish them, logically we must equal them. ‘Form=motion-function; space=time; Si=Te’. And since there is
nothing else than time and space, those 2 experimental primary ‘mirror-sciences’ of time and space become the most
important to extract the ‘Disomorphic=laws’ of those 5 Dimotions that all systems have in common. Since while those
Dimotions are broken, in vital organisms, separated by cyclical time membranes, they are the same.
Relativity becomes a duality, Si=Te, which is at the heart of every law of the Universe. Whereas the primary element, the
ultimate substance is time=motion. As space is a Maya of the senses – a slice of time motion. Form is what a 'still mind',
makes of that motion to 'perceive', information, forms-in-action. Since we see Earth still and flat but it is round and moving.
Galileo’s profession was ballistics - the study of cannonballs motion. So he chose ONLY motion and lost the chance to start
physics with a complex philosophical understanding of its Si=Te dual Principle of relativity, which Poincare defined latter
clearly when he said that ‘we cannot distinguish motion from stillness’. An example is quantum/relativity duality. In detail
quantum space has ‘dark Energy’ because it has expansive motion that extends into a plane of space, but when seen at
larger scales without detail its entropic motion seems static space - a dual area of scattering length and width. So in the
galaxy we see either Dark Energy motion or expanding space: T=S. A motion of time is equivalent to a dimension of space:
Distance and motion cannot be distinguished so they must be taken as two side of the same being, a space=time Ðimotion
(ab. Dimensional Motion):
S= T; Dimension-Distance = Time-motion = S≈T Ðimotion
Galilean Relativity: the error of Cartesian, continuum space. The restricted formula of time-change as motion of space.
Earth moves in time, but we see it as a still form in space because reality is a constant game of ∞ motions, but the mind
focus those motions and measures them at still distances. For huminds, motion is relative to our systems of measure and
perception, which are light-based; hence a fixed c-rod speed/ distance. Reason why Einstein’s relativity postulates a maximal
T:c-speed, measured as if observer and observable were still to each other (Constant S); which at our scale we correct with
Lorentz Transformations. But physicists just substituted Earth’s still distances for motions and it took 300 years for Einstein
to realize relativity of motion and its measure made time and space, motion and form two sides of the same coin. Still this
realization was not explored philosophically and so it gave birth to a
series of ill-understood dualities between 'states of measure and
form' (particles, head gauging form, in-form-ation) and 'states of
motion' (wave states).
Physicists’ image of reality is restricted by the concept of lineal time
and a single dimotion, locomotion that limits the solution of physical
questions and introduces errors as the cosmological big-bang or the
evaporation of black holes, mentioned before. To this we add the
concept that only mathematical properties matter. It comes all from
Galileo. Physicists spatialized time, defined with a single dimension,
as a parameter of changes in motions and space, t=s/v.

This limited study of only one type of change is forgotten, creating conceptual errors, such as the fantasy of time travel (as
physicists don’t realize there are infinite clocks of time in the Universe and so all time travel is local, within a certain
organism as in the processes of death.)
When physicists confront the phenomenon of time, they do so only from the perspective of spatial change, a very limited
part of the entire realm of time=changes. And so both, Galilean relativity and Einsteinian relativity are theories about the
motion and Entropy of space, not a theory about all types of Time-change as this work is. And when someone like Hawking
affirms that time travel is possible because time-motion gets to zero in a black hole, he merely forgets he is speaking about
the time-motion defined in the previous formula, t=s/v or its self-similar Einsteinian version not about the sum of the infinite
time cycles of the Universe that remain unchanged. So T=0 means only a system ‘STOPS’.
Those are limits to time studies in any physical theory, from Galilean to Einsteinian Relativity.
Today, when Physicists talk about time they talk about is a parameter, t, which appeared first in an equation of speed, V=s/t,
that Galileo found when studying translational change in space or ‘spatial movement’. Furthermore, because that rate of
change in space is considered infinitesimal, V=ds/dt, they talk about present changes in space, which Einstein defined with
his concepts of ‘present simultaneity’.
The 5D Universe is a nested organism ruled by 2 5D metric equations: Si x Tƒ =C that harmonizes its scales as smaller scales in
space run faster time speeds. And S=T, the principle of absolute relativity, as we cannot distinguish motion=time from
form=space. So the minimal unit of reality is both, a ‘Dimensional motion’ or Dimotion of space-time.; S-T
Those 2 equations with profound implications in all stiences substitute Einstein’s similar postulates of Relativity by those of
absolute relativity: c-speed is the limit of speed of the light space-time scale, and this to me is a platitude as Noether’s
explanation of the connection of Energy x Time = Momentum x Space = Angular momentum (the laws of physics are the
same everywhere, any scale, time, space, obvious, or else would not be universal laws). Here there is a different fact at work
that makes the entire construct of Lorentz Invariances not the real thing but the humind’s equalization into absolute humind
space-time: a particle by definition is a relative still form. It exists only when it closes a circle (an envelope of a wave, a sink
of a field, or if you prefer its resonance with an X-still position as a fixed particle point). So when it emits information it does
so, entangled to other particle hence as in a movie, which emits light information in still frame, it does not ad c-speed. But
we see the movie as continuous motion, and to adapt to our view we have created the entire ‘translational in a triple sense
of translation and transit and transition’ appartus which is modern physics. That’s fine as after all we are humans and need
human scale measures, but we can get rid of the entire apparatus when expressing just foundational principles. C-speed is
NOT constant ONLY FOR HUMAN VIEW. In reality frequency changes speeds between entangled particles.
So we shall deduce most equations and laws of science from them. Both equations are in fact related as Max. S x T happens
when S=T, defining a function of vital existence all systems try to achieve, reproducing and absorbing ‘T-motion’, ‘S-
information’ and SxT-reproductive energy for its 3 topological limbs/fields ßody-waves and ¶article-heads.
Recap of first principles. S=T (Absolute relativity) + SxT=∆c (5D metric): Max. SxT: the function of existence
4D adapted 5D scales to the human absolute Newtonian spacetime plane with a single clock and asingle light space rod of
measure (second and c-constant), working oon 2 principles: the rod of space measure, c, is constant and the laws of physics
are truth in any inertial (read lineal) or curved (read accelerated) frames of reference. Those are in 5D rich conceptual
statement. But we won’t race ahead to comment on it.
Back to the 2 similar principles of 5D we used to call in the few conferences I gave back in the 2000s at ISSS the model 5D
absolute relativity (San Jose conference 200? some, which of course received a roaring applause but there was not even a
Lemaitre to understand a dot of it). Why? Because the 2 laws that matter to the entire structure of the Universe are, the 5D
metric that orders the ∝ clocks of nature and its scales of size: Si x Tƒ = ∆±¡ (regardless of which parameters we use to
measure space=form and time=motion, which requires a REASONED detailed analysis of each specific ‘organism’ and scale).

The second logic principle and equation is then Absolute relativity: ‘we cannot distinguish a state of
motion from one of form’. So as we see a ‘solid’ wheel, when a wheel spins fast or a line in the night when a car moves
faster, a rotation might be seen as a solid form. In FACT this is how we see particles as solid forms. A lineal motion can be
seen as ‘expanding’ space, in fact this is the way Big-bang theorists see the elongation of light above the V>C dark energy
neutrino background (5D cosmology). All this means we MUST accept S=kT, that is, we can always formally explain a form in
space as a ‘number’ of time cycles; a line in space, as a number of reproductions of form, imprinted in a lower scale.
Locomotion is reproduction of form, specially at the lower scale of past fields of accelerated entropy, future particles of
momentum and present waves of energy. Accelerated Fields (∆-¡), inertial waves (∆o), stopping particles (∆+1)
The graph shows the case of a particle in quantum physics that reproduces over an h, harmonic oscillator of the lower ∆-3
scale. As it does so in a ‘mitosis’ like process, we cannot distinguish which is the one ‘particle’ we measure halved each one
in the past and future generations of particles, so each particle’s measure give us an h/2 uncertainty as we might be
measuring the back or the forward one (one of the many pentalogic explanations of Heinsnberg principle, of the h-planckton
that ‘feeds’ all particles). However ONLY those particles that are efficient able to reproduce survive. All others will live a
single generation, hence h/2 = Ex T is their lifespan. Particles we shall NOT cease to repeat are living organisms,the units of
life, NOT Carbon atoms (in fact the brain of life is the nitrogen clock, and in the mammal case, the nervous couple of K and Na
atoms that carry the electric current, which is the consciousness of the mind – its brain waves, but those are themes of
quantum consciousness).
Another application of the principle of absolute relativity is the ‘simplest’ (5D give us many simplest explanations of classic
principles as Copernican heliocentrism did, this is its merit, ‘Simplicity is genius’ Leonardo, ‘the Universe is simple and not
malicious’ Einstein) explanation of Inertial =lineal vs. accelerated = curved frames of reference. As we cannot distinguish
motion from form: topology defines the type of motion, as 5D ‘curved spacetime’ is traveling inwards to a smaller faster
scale of the 5Dimension, a vortex (5D metric: V x R = K) IS accelerating. So curved geometries in space are equivalent to
accelerated frames of reference equivalent to ‘gravitational forces’ (Equivalence principle of GR). While lineal, inertial,
reproduction of form in quantum potential as the graph shows is a constant speed process.
We unify the 2 equations/postulates of Absolute relativity that substitute those of 4D relativity, the ‘limit’ of 5D when we
consider only a scale, the human scale, with a single Newtonian time clock-speed and a single ‘rod’ of constant space (C-
speed), such as CxT=Ƽ (human light spacetime world). This law of constancy of light in the human plane is now substituted
by Si x Tƒ=∆±¡, the analysis of all scales. While Galilean relativity properly understood gives us the S=T equation.
Alas, when we mix S=T and SxT=C we find a fascinating equation, as SxT is maximized for a given S+T sum when S=T, so 25=
5x5>6x4>7x3=21, then we obtain the KEY EQUATION OF ALL LOCAL SPACETIME ORGANISMS: Max. sxt |S=T. This is the
function of exist¡ence, which guides the behavior of any system of Nature in any scale, which will try to maximize its input of
spatial information and temporal energy, in balance between its particlehead (S-tate) and its bodywave or energy (sTate).
And so we also write: Angular momentum (h, mrv) = ExT (wave state) + L x S (particle state), which become the conserved 3
‘States’ of physics, the ‘angular momentum state’, that decouples in any scale into an Energy-time motion and momentum-
position in space. Those are dual couples we CANNOT distinguish as Absolute relativity tell us. So we have also deduced in a
simplest form, the 3 Noether’s conservation principles (energy-time, space-momentum, ∆-scale angular momentum) as well
as a new view in the Heisenberg principle, why h generates particles and why curved geometries accelerate.(GR).
A symmetry in ∆ST which is essential to physics then comes from the fact that in the lower scale we find fields which have a
larger spatial extension, and so appear from a higher scale as ‘accelerated’ fields. This is the case with the vacuum space-
time between galaxies. In the next scale we see however ‘constant’ waves. And then in the larger ‘scale’, we see a
‘compressed’ more dense, slower world of ‘particles’. So we see an accelerated Neutrino field, a constant c-speed wave and
particles that decelerate, but can feed in fields through its wave motion to keep going forming then a trinity superorganism
symmetric in scale, space and time-motion: ∆-1: accelerated field> ∆ø-inertial wave≥∆+1: decelerating particle.
How we represent then dimotions in physics? Canonically through vectors, which are naturally scalars=space forms with
directional motion=time motion.

Inner and outer motions and forms. Vacuum time: the ultimate substance of reality.
Jordan’s knot theorem that breaks reality is the key concept to establish the parameters of the Universe in a more rigorous
form. Look around you, all what you see are ‘space-forms’ with ‘time-motion’. We are all space-time, forms in motion, ‘in-
form-motion’, ‘information’, forms in action; play with the words of what you are.
Tt: internal and external motion or 'entropy' is one extreme, which brings death. That is the state of mankind today, caused
by the fact the new species, machines move faster externally (cars, weapons) and internally 'metal-minds', visual images
accelerate, disordering humans into a permanent ADD state. So millennials move fast and have disordered minds. At the end
of that process entropy kills. Vacuum Time with no mental spatial form is the ultimate substance of reality to which all
returns, from where all departs; but the purpose of all exist¡ences is creating information with it; forms in action, ‘cyclical
vortices of active form’ exactly the reverse of what 4D physicists think the Universe is, stuck on a ‘solid’ view of particles.
In the extreme state a being as, an Ss, language of the mind, seed of pure, perfect information, enlightenment that doesn't
move. The hypothetical Mind of God is such a being, because it perceives all what has existed, exists and will exist and
repeat itself eternally as a block of time - a zero sum of fluctuations of the game of existence in space and time.
It is all about 2 parameters: time=motion and space=form. Look around you, all what you see are ‘space-forms’ with ‘time-
motion’. We are all space-time, forms in motion, ‘in-form-motion’, ‘information’, forms in action; play with the words of
what you are. Because all systems are in an external larger world, we can then consider them either to have ‘external or
internal motion or form’; and WE CAPITALIZE THE LARGER OUTER WORLD. So we can combine EXTERNAL and internal
motion and form with both 5 canonical combinations, which correspond to the 5 fractal S-Dimensional T-motions of Space
and Time. As all beings will have a bit of both. So they are always messed up in practical terms is often easier to measure a
mixture of both. So we talk of still forms with internal motion, we call ‘information’, sT; and motions with a EXTERNAL STILL
FORM, we call Locomotion, Ts, and beings that ex=change between both states, as there is no ‘yin (information)’ without
yang (motion). This intermediate present state is Ø-momentum; they key element of physical reality that merges both and in
physics is in fact parted into |-momentum and O-momentum, though as Kepler already noticed both are mixed, since a line
is often just part of a huge curve. Finally we call the pure absolute inner and outer motion without form, Tt, entropy; and
the absolute inner and outer form without motion, Ss, language. Reality is then more complex but as we increase those
combinations of space=form and time=motion and understand that all is about changes between them inside and outside
the being; either trying to balance both in present ø-momentums or changing it through ‘energy scales’; the extraordinary
importance of understanding the first principles of reality will become more obvious.
This said the devil is in the details. So what does it mean to be made of motions with form, time and space? In mathematical
terms, it means to be made of topological dimensions, which are holographic bi-dimensional space with motion in time. And as
it happens topology has only 3 varieties of bidimensional spacetime and it is constructed of parts – points – that become wholes
– networks. So the immediate translation of generational space-time into modern mathematical systems do convert as we
observed in the abstract, all systems into mathematical beings.
As we are ‘vital Space’ 5D uses topology to understand the ternary organic, structure' of all systems of nature: As the 5
Dimotions are dimensions of space with time motion, its science is topology that allows a system to deform= change its inner
form. Yet a 4D Universe has only 3 'topological varieties' that restricts ensembles to only 3 topologies, each one best suited to
perform the 3 organic vital functions of any physic or biologic system –gauging information (1D) to move the system (2D) to an
energy field in which reproduce (3D): The purpose of vital topology is to study the 5 Dimotions (dimensional motions) of all local
5D island-Universes… As such it is the final st=age of evolution of geometry as an experimental science, merged with biology.
All dimensions of space have motion in time. Mathematics realized it, as the still Geometry of the Greeks evolved into a vaster,
generalized concept, a topological› variety, where a topology as opposed to a geometry has internal motions-changes. As the

only case in which the inner dimensions of a being don’t seem to change is external locomotion most 5D motions need
‘geometries’ with inner motion, which are topologic varieties of which there are only 3:
In the graph, Einstein’s diffeomorphic Principle acquires an organic nature, when we see the Universe as the sum of ∞
Complementary ternary, topologic systems whose dimensions have organic functions: Systems feed on their relative dimension
of energy-length, perceive in their relative dimension of height and reproduce in their relative combined dimension of width,
which are assembled into each specific species, to best satisfy the systems’ in taking of motion, energy and information.
I.e: An animal has its informative height in the high perceptive light dimension, but a plant, which uses light as energy has its up
and down dimensions inverted respect to the man and its chemical brain buried on the Earth. So both have opposite energy-
time coordinates, with an ‘antero-posterior’, lineal’ ‘outward’ energy oriented structure due to the oriented arrow of light. But
in a 3D world with no preferred orientation, a sea or vacuum, cyclic forms that maximize information dominate from plankton to
galaxies that have a cyclic, informative, inward structure, as the stars’ body absorbs energy from intergalactic space, reproduces
matter with it and feeds the internal informative knot of gravitation, with a higher height dimension the black hole..
The fundamental entity of reality is a space-time super-organism, spread in several ‘scales’ of the 5th dimension whose metric
laws organize reality. The discovery of a new dimension of space-time is the most important r=evolution human sciences
experience and if not were because of Newton’s error certainly mankind would have understood earlier the organic 5 th
dimension of ‘scalar space-time’ since it was discovered precisely by the evolution of ‘metal-eyes’ (telescopes and microscopes)
who probe in those scales; but due to Newton’s error was never properly formalized till those texts. Why the 5th dimension was
shunned off by science for so long thus requirse an analysis of how little, mechaism with its simplification of reality in abstract,
‘lineal terms’ understood of the previous dimensions, made with a pinch of salt, regarding the ‘supreme intelligence’ our species
ascribes… to our species, revealing all what humans do not even see about those dimensions – namely, the fact that all of them
have associated to its spatial ‘dimensional form’, a ‘motion in time’; hence they are both dimensions of space=form and
time=motions or ‘dimotions’, due the principle of relativity (we cannot distinguish motion from form, so we see Earth as a still
form, when it is a rotary motion) and their entangled relationships; as dimensions must be defined in co-invariant equations with
each other. So once we realize how childish are the definitions mechanism does of time=motion, space=dimensional form and
scale, we will define 5D metrics.
The 1st dimensional motion of space-time (ab. Dimotion) humans measured was undoubtedly length, calculated through the
steps of roughly a meter as a distance of space (dimensional, formal view) or Locomotion, (Time=motion view). But it would be
the ONLY dimension of space to which humans ascribed a motion in time, which left limp our understanding of time till this date;
when we still have only a dual space time dimotion, ‘locomotion’ or ‘Ts’ (where we capitalize the external motion of the system,
in this case of an internal form, s, without motion)
The 2nd dimensional motion of height (form) or information (motion) was still shredded in mystery as it would need the
discovery in China or Mesopotamia of the Pythagoras Theorem to have a proper metrics related to length. Since a formalism of
Dimensional motions of space-time needs to relate them in a co-invariant form. So the Pythagoras theorem connected X and its
Perpendicular Y dimension of height, allowing the expansion of Greek Bidimensional Geometry. But as its motion in time,
‘information’ was ignored – height became orphan. Consider the screen you are reading, it has a height dimension, as a paper, so
the product of X x Y gives you information. The problem of the motion in time of height is that is a ‘slower’ time dimotion,
connected to growth and evolution. So all species as they evolve they grow in information= height, from mammals that became
humans to reptiles that became dinosaurs and birds, to matter that becomes the high tube to infinity of a black hole singularity.
So the ‘informative’ function =motion of height is perceptive projective geometry of a high point, reason why heads, bankers,
antennas and pulpits that command biologic, economic & cultural organisms are on top. If we named Ts-locomotion (external
motion of a still ‘point particle’), Height-information is its inverse, St (external form with internal motion, form-in-action, in-
form-ation, as a TV screen where motion is within its image. Geometry gave height a ‘motion of evolution of information’, which
was out of the comprehension of man’s mind that had only the capacity to see time=motion=change in
very short spans, related to its visual ‘clock’ of 1 glimpse a second, 1 thought a second, one step a second,
one heart beat a second, which synchronized all the parts of its organisms to its time clock. All other

different time clock speeds of nature were lost to him.
The 3rd dimension of width was known but unconnected to length and height – the cube problem unresolved – till modern
times. So only 2 dimensions of space were formalized earlier in the History of thought by Greek Geometers and Logicians from
Pythagoras to Aristotle, setting the foundations of knowledge for the following two millennia.
Galileo didn’t understand Earth had both a dimension of mental space=still form and a motion in time due the logic postulate of
relativity (‘We cannot distinguish a state of motion from a state of form’, Galileo, Einstein, Poincare). So we see Earth still but it
is moving (e pur si muove, e pur no muove). It was the first chance for mankind to understand the duality of dimensions of still
mental space=form and true time=motion. Galileo didn’t go so far; instead with the ‘monologic’ of a single Aristotelian cause, A-
>B, proper of human limited minds he chose that the Earth moved; while the Church chose it didn’t move. But none explained
both things together. He then associated the dimension of ‘time’ locomotion, or ‘speed’ to the dimension of length, Ts. And he
got its metric when he applied the mechanical clock to measure ‘motions in space’, defining a v=s/t formula of Galilean
Relativity, latter refined with a – ct parameter by Einstein, who, following in the path of Riemann’s dissertation of Non-Euclidean
metrics, expressed the mental linguistic nature of Spaces as ‘simultaneous measure relative to a frame of reference’. Since
stillness is a maya of the senses, as each mind creates a finitesimal still image of the Universe, self-centered in its Non-E ‘fractal
point of measure’ that holds a world in itself (Leibniz’s monads) So Ss-mind-languages stop and order Tt-entropic motions.
Thus Humans are stuck with a single ts-spacetime dimotion, locomotion, corresponding to length; a metric for height as a space
dimension without its motion of time, information, Pythagoras Theorem and a 3rd unconnected dimension of width, without its
corresponding motion in time, ‘reproduction’. It was a limited view of space=form, time=motion and its duality as dimensional
motions of space-time. Yet human egocy (ego= idiocy) heralded those children of thought as the highest intelligences of the
cosmos. So when Einstein, whose best definition of time was ‘what the clock measures’, died, ‘Time’ published a cartoon with a
future Earth crossed with continental letters: ‘Einstein was born here’.
But since humans don’t associate to space dimensions ¡ts relative motions=actions in time, beyond locomotion, the living
functions of the 3 dimotions of space-time disappeared and with it the vitality and intelligence of the Universe, represented by
the dimotion of height=informative perception & the dimotion of width, St (potential) + Ts (kinetic)= SóT: Energetic
reproduction. So in physics the duality of Momentum explained the constant trans-form-ation of one into another. While
Heaviside connected the 2 dimotions of length and height with the width dimotion, with the co-invariant metric of vectorial
cross product: X x Y = Z. It is the law that creates the 1st perceived scale of information ‘Euclidean, light space-time’, evolved by
‘warping’, informing, by a – ct parameter of electric height the ¬E gravitational spacetime of General Relativity. So he could
simpliy the 20 equations of Maxwell into 4 and noticed the existence of gravitomagnetism, the first insight into the equivalence
between the scales of atoms and galaxies. Width became with vectorial calculus a ‘motion’ of reproduction in Nature. C-speed =
Ts-locomotion and the magnetic or electric field of relative height reproduce seemingly out of nothing the other relative width
field. When a body reproduces cells, it packs them in the width dimension. And so we had 3 dimensions of space, connected by
proper metrics (Pythagoras, cross product) and its functions =motions in time; locomotion connected to length; information
connected to height and width connected to reproduction – dimensions of space have vital functions in time constructing
together ternary, topologic organisms – the fundamental particle of the living Universe.
But humans made an even larger error regarding the substances of which we are all made, space=form and time=motion, when
Newton confused a mathematical artifact with reality, thinking there was a space-time Cartesian graph with a single lineal time
coordinates (that of locomotion=length) and two perpendicular spatial coordinates; taking space and time out of reality when it
is obvious to experience that we, real beings, ARE made of finite vital space dimensions, the space we occupy with our bodies,
and live through finite vital ‘temporal motions’, the time we last in existence, (Leibniz’s view). So a fractal generator equation
describes all Nature’s systems as combination of 3 space-time Dimotions:
Ts-moving limbs/fields/territories<SóT reproductive Ø-body-wave-worker>St- informative particle/head/ruling class
Reality is a tapestry of organisms made of Ts-limbs/fields that move a §∏-body/wave, guided by a St-high informative particle-
head, in physical, biologic and social systems. Moreover the form of those 3 dimotions corresponds to the 3 only topologies
(forms with motions) of spacetime: Ts=|-lineal limbs/fields, the geometry that moves faster between 2 points; St=O-spherical

heads-particles, the geometry that stores maximal information; and §∏= hyperbolic, wide, Ø-ßodywaves, the ‘hour-glass’
geometry that includes the other two, hence can reproduce both. We ARE living topologies.
RECAP. A thorough review of the 3 space dimensions ascribe 3 motions of time to them: locomotion to ‘length’; information to
height and reproduction to width, vitalizing space-time, by correcting Newton’s error and showing that we are all ensembles of
the 3 only topologies of a 5D Universe: |xO=Ø: Past-Motion x Future-Form = Present-Momentum
The fourth and fifth dimotions of seeds/minds and entropy-death, and the ∆±¡ scales of the fifth dimension
The metrics of all Dimensions of space-time are deceptively simple. √x2+y2=C2 & Sx x S y = Sz is the Pythagorean and vectorial
metric of the 3 dimensions of space-time; V=S/T with the –c2t2 ad on of Einstein is the metric of the so-called 4th dimension of
time, in true form the time locomotion of length. S x T = ∆±¡ is the metric of the scalar 5 dimensional motions of a spacetime
supœrganism, which states that the local speed of time of a superorganism is inversely to its size, but the product of both
remains co-invariant. It means that smaller scales run faster cycles of time that encode the in-form-ation of the Universe in its
frequency and form. Hence the equivalence of all species of all scales equaled by the same metric of spatial form x temporal
motion (St-information or angular momentum and Ts-locomotion or lineal Momentum in layman and physical terms). As smaller
species reproduce faster and survive better. So often they kill larger forms (as in the case of the present Coronavirus Pandemic,
where a simpler 30 gene virus has put on his knees the entire human civilization). But mostly, ‘energy scales’ associate together.
So faster, smaller scales code the information of larger ones (quantum particles with its numbers code atoms and molecules,
genes code biological organisms and memes code social organisms). And this ‘binding’ of internal and external, potential
energies used to express in ‘derivative’ time quanta, ‘vital moments’ combining O+| angular and lineal momenta, tic after tic of
our specific 5D time ratio, to perform the vital ‘dimensional motions’ of existence (Ss-perceiving>St-communicating
information>§∏-reproducing>Ts-moving>Tt-feeding), is the vital pentalogic game of existence we all play.
The vital interactions between space-time species of different scales is either symbiotic in organic systems or predatory when
scales are not entangled by fractal networks that connect the larger ∆¡ whole that provides Potential energy to its ∆-¡ internal
parts, which reproduce its information upwards. The fifth dimension thus has an scalar asymmetry and biological duality that
forms organisms, even if humans have focused in the entropic Darwinian struggle for existence; not the social complex, organic
symbiosis through fractal physiological networks of ‘Energy and information’ (layman terms for motion and form, we use often to
avoid an excessive ‘technical 5D’ terminology – though the reader needs to interiorize the pentalogic etanglement of the 5
elements of reality in its kaleidoscopic mirror symmetries, Space=form, Time=motion, Scale=energy, Entropy=death,
Mind=language, and understand its ∆=S=T>@-mind symmetries and entropic limits that structure the events and |+O=ø forms of
reality. The laws of 5D are few but its entanglement requires a ‘parallel’ metaphoric way of thought different from monologic, A-
>B present minds. It is the beauty of entanglement made of simultaneity in space, synchronicity in time, co-existence in scale.
This 1st glimpse to 5D metrics shows the importance of a new formal dimension of spacetime in all stiences. Mathematics from
the Greeks to renaissance, all the science of physics, and the r=evolution of all sciences that those papers imply depart from
such humble ‘metric’ beginnings. For it to happen an extraordinary effort of conceptual, logic thought that stretches to all other
foundational elements of science is required; normally the work of a single mind in the beginning, as in the case of Galileo and
Einstein or the eclectic gathering of several generations of thought into a strict formal discourse, as in the case of Euclidean
geometry and Aristotelian logic in Greek Science. This work is both, because the 5th dimension has been among us for centuries
of modern science, but never explained in the interrelationships between the different scales of the Universe, each one
described by a stience. So we bring together all that work to extract the common=isomorphic laws between scales.
The EXTERNAL and internal dimotions of Space=Form and Time=motion. Pentalogic
Regardless of human dexterity as ‘homunculus enzyman’ (a species able to ensemble things with its hands, and evolve
machines of metal of a higher density that without our help would never reach organic form), one theme that surfaces
constantly in those texts is the astounding lack of common sense and rational thought in our models of reality, departing from
so obvious false postulates (from big bang theory and other simplex entropic models of natural sciences to the triad of historic
idol-ogies of metal, nationalism, capitalism and mechanism, to the anthropomorphic egocy (ego=idiocy) of religions. But none of
those blunders compares with Newton’s egocy declaring that space and time were NOT the substance of reality as Leibniz

explained but a ‘Cartesian frame of reference’ God had drawn behind the Universe as he was using one to draw his planetary
orbits and obviously he was a god-like man. 500 years of primitive thinking in all sciences derives from this blunder. Fact is reality
has 5 Dimensional motions of spacetime to play with at local level and construct the superorganisms that trace worldcycles of
spacetime through scales of the fifth dimension in the ‘game of existence’, we all play – what is all about. ‘Simplicity is genius’
(Leonardo); ‘I want to know the thoughts of God, the rest are details’. Einstein. The thoughts of God are space dimensions and
its parallel time motion and we all are the details constructed with them. The correction of Newton’s error transforms lineal
time measures into ∞ cyclical time clocks, ordered through scales by 5D Metrics. And it makes all beings a combination of
‘Space=information and time=Momentum, motions’. As all 5D dimensions of space=form do always have content of
time=motion, by the Principle of Relativity: ‘we cannot distinguish a state of (time) motion from a still state (of space form)’
(Poincare) we can distinguish according to t,s, internal or T, S EXTERNAL of T or t-motion and S or s form, 6 dimotional
combinations of states of space-time:
∆+1, ∆0: Ss A language that stops EXTERNAL motion, as a mind of the Universe. Languages create mind mirrors and seeds that
project its world ordering reality, but also a social informative network that allows communication and evolution into ∆+1 scales.
∆+1: ST - the world isolated from the being. ∆o: st: the being in itself isolated from the external world, made of 3 networks:
St-information; a still organism with internal motion, as when we sleep or think or the image motion of a still Tv Set.
Ts-locomotion, a system moving externally but internally in a rigid state, as a particle-point with a gravity center.
Stó Ts: §∏-Hyperbolic ßodywaves that combine O+| Momenta, ∆-¡ internal and ∆+¡ potential energy to reproduce the whole.
∆-1: Tt-entropy, a system with internal and external motion, hence becoming disordered=dying.
Thus S&T interactions define the basic dilogic duality of all systems as the Unit of existence. That is, A≠>B but rather SóT.
Space and time merge with different degrees of hierarchical complementarity to form all what exists from gender to organisms.
The different views to see reality.
The reader will notice we use 6 fundamental combinations of space-time, as the Universe does, but they are often entangled, and
given the ‘difficulty’ to observe minds, normally we analyze reality in pentalogic terms, substituting the ‘relationship’ between the
inner and OUTER WORLD the mind reflects for the analysis of the Ss-still language (a system without external and internal motion,
or ‘s mirror of an outer S world’. Those are secondary considerations as in praxis there are all type of partial analysis of reality. Yet
what makes the Universe so much alike in all its systems is the fact that ultimately all reduces to its principles of absolute relativity,
S=T, and its 5D symbiotic scales, SxT=∆. Both can be written together as sxt| S=T. This is also a present balanced age of Max.
Momentum or classic age of ‘life’, when Ts-motion and St- come together.
We use a dual S:§ and dual T:∏ to express energy, the reproductive present dynamic form, in which most systems try to state:
SóT. How an organism codes those dimotions? Normally it ignores entropy, as it is the negative dimotion of death, and so it uses
4 letters to code its Ss, St, Ts and §∏, states; so most organisms have at the ∆-1 level of informative coding, tetralogic elements, 4
genetic letters, 4 quantum numbers, 4 drives of existence denied by entropy, is the essence of the game.
The Different dimotions of the Universe are related by orthogonality: D±¡, x,y,z, are orthogonal to each other maximizing the
volume of existence in this manner. Let us invent some names to fusion its ‘verbal=Time names=forms’.
The 3 dimotions of a single plane are:

Longmotion (ab. Long & Locomotion), Hinformation (ab. High & information); wideproduction, (ab. wide & reproduction).
And you can make with them any system of Nature in a single plane. They are orthogonal in a ‘loose’ topological sense. As
topologies move and the networks that conform Longmotion, Hinformation and wideproduction are ‘shaky’, and might
convoluted. The function dominates the form. So the networks adapt the form to the function, which often is determined
by the larger world in which they are embedded. Ideally they like to be ‘spheres’, in an isotropic larger world, but if they
live in a potential gradient surface as Earth, they will have lineal limbs, hourglass ßody-waves and ¶article-heads on top.
So Orthogonality is relative, but still we can affirm that St (Hinformation) ⊥ Ts (longmotion) ⊥ §∏ (wideproduction). In the
idealized Euclidean space, this orthogonality is absolute but you don’t see triangles walking, unless a humind expresses
this mental space into an artificial construct.
What about the other two ‘dimotions’. Let us call them with words. As they are scalar travels through the 5th dimension
(general expression we use for all scales of reality), they have inward and outward perpendicular dimotions, which are
- Denthropy (ab. death and entropy) is an expansion in space (entropy, its form), on an ∆ø plane, which in the ∆-1 plane of
parts means a dissolution of the networks that keep the whole together (Death, its time function). So while we see a big-
bang explosion that seems to expand the system, in fact the system is loosing its network information, as an adjacent
topology breaking down. We call it the 4th dimotion because it corresponds to Herr Albert 1/5th of an eye, looking at the
Universe in a mighty Big-bang
-Netlove, is then its inverse. The spatial form is the creation of networks, which compress space into a lesser volume,
paradoxically with more information. The function in time is social love. Those little thingies, ants, cells and fans, can’t help
to crash each other into a mob.
Here orthogonality is not so clear. The proper word for the scalar dimension, will be inversion, ±, directions. We should not
strech concepts beyond its meaning and in general reality is a ‘set’ of two interconnected, entangled but different games –
the game of topologies of space-time in a single plane, S≤⊥≥T, being its fundamental equation, which encloses all possible
angles of orthognality from = to ⊥; and the game of scales ruled by 5D metric, SxT=∆±¡. As to what will be – and +, here
scientists which intuitively, subconsciously know the game but in a fogged way, have been messing up with them, since
Franklyn. So that is a problem as sometimes they get the ± right and wrong. In fact they do always, as they give the +
symbol to an expansion in space or ‘source’, when it normally means a dissolution of inner networks, a Denthropic
Dimotion and give the – symbol to the social evolution of networks of love, as they see a shrinking volume.
Reproduction is the game of the 3 topological varieties. The 5th dimension is actually the 4th. Sorry Albert.
We shall Not cease to repeat, the Universe is a fractal of temporal energy and spatial information that reproduces form. So
the function of exist¡ence, Max. sxt|S=T is a re=product-ive function that extracts energy from higher ∆+1 potential plane
to imprint a lower ∆-1 seminal seed that will travel through 5D ∆§ocial scales to emerge again as a new generation, often
confused by physicists as the ‘same particle’ (which has only a virtual ExT existience if it does not reproduce). In simpler
systems, the vectorial cross product reproduces a 3rd ‘dimension of width, becoming the CANONICAL METRIC of the 3rd
Dimension, as the Pythagorean reproduction of the diagonal is the canonical reproductive metric of the 2nd dimension. It is
then noticeable that maximal reproduction happens in orthogonality; the simplest ‘form’ of gender symmetry. The angle
of parallelism and congruence studied in Non-Euclidean geometry becomes then a definitory element to find a
reproductive function. What about the 4th and 5th dimensions? Well, the reader should forgive me for having called the
scales of the Universe, the 5th dimension, but as Mr. Einstein is a tribal idol, long ago when I still thought huminds would
care to entangle with the Universe, that was a natural choice, but there is NOT a 4th dimension of time beyond the
‘formalism’ of 4 vectors that tries to adapt the still-emission of information, go-as-a wave motion of particles to our
human continuous view, with the use of a single absolute Newtonian lineal time, since Mr. Einstein did not do his
homework and took relativity and Leibniz to its ultimate consequences. The fourth dimotion of spacetime is then what we

call here the 5th dimension, as there are 3 dimensions of space with 3 dimotions of time, Length-locomotion, height-
information and width-reproduction and then you must dive in the 5th scalar dimension, reproducing inwards or outwards.
That’s all folks, reality bites, even if languages void of energy can be inflationary in its mad imagination and invent entelechies
and Quixots and visual superheroes in 2 D that might be more appealing that the real thing…
Though you can scale up and down many times, the process ends there. A point becomes a line that becomes a square that
becomes a cube that becomes denser inwards or explodes outwards. A point becomes a circle that becomes a sphere, that
grows in density inwards or outwards. A point vibrates to becomes an SHM motion that displaces as a 2 Dimensional wave that
rotates and then it becomes denser by diversifying its frequencies into social colors, which is the 4th-5th dimension of waves. So
shall we call the 5th dimension the 4th? Of course not, Mr. Einstein is the ultimate Baconian idol of the tribe. I already published
my 1st book at the tender age of 20 something with the title ‘The error of Einstein’, which of course nobody ever read, as a vudu
sacrilege had been performed.
Orthogonality then also happens in the 4th-5th Dimension of scales in its reproduction inwards or outwards, defining
subconsciously even in the symbol of the product, X, the magic of its mathematical meaning.
So if only the cross product is the re=productive 3D metric what about the Cartesian frame? It simply applies its particular dot
product as a ‘lineal’ 3rd axis. And if we merge it with its ‘planar, areolar’ surface (as in angular momentum), it will grow into a
cubic plane and we can then see the cross product in terms of ‘finitesimal’ slices reproduced once above the other.
By far though the most interesting reproductive mode is the wave which combines, |xO=Ø both, in its trinity of transversal,
longitudinal and spherical wave, the latter a dissipative, entropic form which dissipates fast its energy with the classic
exponential function of Tt-decay. So properly told only the longitudinal and transversal waves reproduce, and only the
transversal with its rotational symmetry and accumulation of frequency colors travels properly thrugh 5D :(back to the name): A
longitudinal wave makes only a shy 5D motion as it shows patterns of denser and thinner wave packets, but it lacks the ‘boson
capacity’ of a transversal light wave. So we can also write a trinity of waves:
Tt-spherical>§∏-transversal>St-longitudinal wave
According to its best functions. Tt-spherical waves are the natural entropic form of dissipation of energy; transversal waves the
reproductive 5D wave and longitudinal waves, as those of sound-voices the easiest way to transmit in the most synoptic 0-1 bit
code a lineal flow of information. The best, most efficient wave then is obviously the transversal wave, reason why it has
dominated through light,all other forms.
Vectors as the essential ‘st-dimotion of physics’. We return then to mathematical physics to understand vectors as the essential
ST-minimal unit of a physical system. And it surprises us that it was NOT found till the XIX c., which shows to which degree the
lack of ‘funamental principles’ hinders the understanding of physics. And its casual or reasoned findings simplify it. Vectors
became then the essential tool of all branches of physics, as Lagrangians and Hamiltonians conformed its first principles of
conservation of energy & momenta. The extraordinary complexity of the details, and ‘biased perception’ of ∆±¡ far removed
scales to adapt it to huminds should not hide this basic principle. The unit of reality is a ST dimotion. Vectors are ST-quantities.
Vectors ARE the units of physics, in different forms and degrees of complexity, from the simplest vector of speed, an sT
locomotion in 1 plane, v=sT, to the next essential conserved form of ∆sT, p=mv=m(∆) x λ(S) x ƒ (T); and its complementary, ∆St-
angualr momentum, to the 4 vectors of modern 4D formalisms. As more fields of physics have fallen into the folding of vectorial
calculus and its composites (curls, divergences, 4D vectors, Tensors), it becomes crystal clear that all of physics is a proof of the
5D natural of the Universe. Some key examples of vectorial analysis:
In the vector sum, 2 vectors add each other according to the angle of similarity=congruence, as defined by Non-Euclidean
mathematics. It follows then that the higher the parallelism of the 2 ‘converging’ ST-dimotional vectors, the higher the sum
value, till the ST⊥ ST orthogonal rule sets a canonical Pythagorean, plane sum. As the Universe is made of orthogonal space-time
Dimensional motions. So we can add to create Pythagorean squares, but there are not 3 basic elements of reality, so X3+Y3≠Z3.
In the scalar dot product orthogonality becomes also essential to the creation of a new reality, as an act of reproductive
emergence into an ∆+1 scale, which brings us a scalar number, §, eliminating the T-motions of the ‘reactants’. Since according
to 5D means always an ∆+1 emergence into a ‘slower’, ‘larger’ Space form. The dot product thus creates a higher state of the

being, as latter Quantum Hilbert spaces showed. Orthogonal dot product then becomes essential to the
processes of mathematical physics and the interactions between its 3 scales, ∆-1 forces, ∆º momenta, and
∆±¡ internal-Kinetic & potential energy, and we will treat them in due time in our analysis of mathematical
physics. We prefer Clifford’s denomination of ‘scalar product’ to emphasize its true ‘meaning’.
The cross product becomes then even more essential, as it is the ‘true metric’ of the 3rd dimension of
width, NOT, a generalization of the ‘Pythagorean metric’ of 2D (unfortunately humans as Feynman cynically said of gauge
theories seem to lack imagination to create new models so they stretch and repeat the same theory for everything, all is entropy
all the way from a steamer to the big-bang, all is a gauge theory, all the way to the weak ‘time interaction; and all is a
Pythagorean genera(liza)tion.
Cross product VECTORS ARE the creative form in which the Universe mixes 2 space-time simplest gender symmetries (scalars with
motion), to create the 3rd dimension of width.
In the expansion of the concept of Gender, which in its most sophisticated form is left handed female with head-spin orientated
towards the inner body and right handed male with head-spin orientated towards the outer world. But such gender symmetry
requires a dilogic Ts-wavebody>St-headparticle system.
The simplest gender product happens though between ST simpler forms, where the S-calar and T-ime motion define a vector,
whose ⊥-relative orthogonality will increase in this case in an inverse fashion to the dot product the outcome. It is then
interesting to consider the differences between both, as the cross product creates a 3rd dimension of width-reproduction in the
same 5D scale, such as St (height, relative, informative dominant vector) x Ts (length, relative Ts-motion dominant vector) = §∏
(width, relative reproductive vector); while the dot product suppresses the T-motion in the ∆-scale, to be able to ‘emerge’ as a
scalar in the ∆+1 scale.
This includes, Matrix product, is essentially a device to simplify the calculus of vector products in n-dimensional space, taking
into account the anti-commutative properties of the vector product, emphasizing the need of the proper spatial orientations
and equality of inverse components, that is, for a Matrix to reproduce, we need a general rule of 5D gender interactions, that
S1=T2 and T1=S2, so we obtain St=Ts and both can merge into §∏. This golden rule of existential algebra is essential to all gender
reproductions: the head of the St-component must match the body of the Ts-element and the body of the St-system must match
the head of the Ts-system; so they can form a double locked, stable system, from female-male love affairs (regardless of modern
political correctness, in the ‘equalizer’ age of History when genders are erased into ‘enzymen’ consumers and reproducers of
machines, but that is other story), to Proteins, where the head of an amino acid is inserted into the body. So Matrix
bidimensional orientation is the algebraic equivalent to the 3D orientation of Vectors, closely related - as a rotation of a vector is
a lineal transformation, calculated through matrices:
We can think of a matrix as an orthogonal system of T-rows and S- columns, which represent the ‘∆-1’ parts of its S-form and T-
motion organs. Then the re-product-ive operand of two such S T ∏(x,y) Matrices happens through the merging of the Sx-
components of a Matrix with the Ty Components of the other and the Tx components with the Sy ∆-1 components, which are
then added to form a new ‘offspring’ combination of both ∆-1 parts.
This trick that transforms a vectorial rotation into a lineal matrix transformation is widely used in physics (Lorentz
transformations in 4D space) but it confuses often the deep physical meaning of the Spacetime duality embedded in a classic 2D
vector. 4D Lorentzian vectors then must be interpreted as dualities where the T=X,Z and S=Y-Ct form 2 more complex S and t-
elements; whereas the T-locomotion in happens in the X-Z plane and the Informative, formal creation of the light wave happens
in the Y-ct plane, where the minus sign of the ct dimension ‘warps’ subtracts and contracts the length dimension transformed
into form. So for a given point of S=0 we write, X+Y+Z-CT=0: X+Z = CT-Y.
In ∆ST point terms the product is not commutable because for reproduction to occur between two different T.œs requires gender
mirror complementarity, hence opposite orientation.
So a series of essential equations of physics come out from the basic principles of 5D:
Angular Momentum (a vortex of 5D motion) = Energy x Time = Momentum x Space, from where the ‘conserved’ quantities of a
given scale emerge, to the point we can consider the SHM ‘planckton’ (h), as the initial form of the material Universe, whose 3
‘parameters’, mass (∆) x ƒ (frquenecy of time) x Ara (S2, the unit of space in 5D, which is NOT the line), becomes ‘frozen in

particles, whose Energy x Time = Momentum x space are 2 similar T=S ‘frozen elements’ that define a certain ‘species’, in the
same manner an evolutionary organism after its fetal palingenetic evolution surfaces with a given space-time ‘fixed clock’ (1
second for humans).
This is how physical systems are born. And then they become ST ‘vectors’, with growing degrees of sophistication as we study
them partially or as an ∆ST complete form of angular/llineal momentum.
It is then in terms of momentum NOT of acceleration or forces, the present state of balance of a physical system, how we must
perceive physical organisms. I.e. the 2nd law of Newton, F=ma, is really F=∂p/∂t, far more general and the mode in which he in a
stroke of genius, first presented it to the world (as Einstein latter will present E=Mc2, properly as M=E/c2, signifhing the dual
arrow of creation and annihilation of mass into the lower scale of ∆-¡ entropic energy).
Lineal momentum is so essential because once more it represents the 3 ‘componenets’ of reality ∆ST, but with length instead
ofarea as the unit of lineal ‘time-motion’. Whewre the other L? has gone. The answer is that lineal momentum is reproduction
of form, along 2 scales of the 5th dimension, so the other L disappears in its back and forth motion, as particle that emits still
information and wave that moves, sinking into the 5th dimension. So p has a limited ∆ø<∆-1>∆ø, particle-wave-particle, stop and
go stop and go vibration that allows to reproduce a particle along a wave path. And so the R of angular momentum has ⊥
switched orthgonality down the ∆-1 ‘wave-motion state’.
We define them the 3 scales of reality in physics in relationship to the present ‘Dimotion’ of momentum, whose integral is
related to Energy, the ∆+1 dominant scale and its derivative to the finitesimla ‘actions=forces’, which the organism of physics
uses to perform its actions of exist¡ence. But we need to advance a bit more in the General model of scalar spacetime to
understand the relationship between forces, actions, dimotions, momentum and energy.
Vectors as forces vs. vectors as reproductive ST elements. Its point of application.
All this said the representation of a vector is often confusing, because it is NOT outwards but inwards, in the point of contact
where the vector exercises its reproduction. In the graph, an and b, ‘obviously’ should collidet at • to give origin to axb, as
opposed to forces that ‘add’ its value and have the opposite parallel law of ‘superposition’, addition… social evolution. It is an
important conceptual differentiation. Forces are Ts<<Tt dimotions, which increase the locomotion of a system or deform it (even
if they compress it), breaking its balance; while cross products are truly reproductive processes. Why then both are vectors? This
question means a lack of understanding of 5D: Vectors, we repeat are S-calars with T-motion, direction, so they can represent
‘any’ dimotion of exit¡ence. Its flexibility to represent reality is almost as varied as that of S and T itself, and only the lack of true
principles in physics made them appear in the late XIX c. As we upgrade those papers once the conceptual phase passes and we
enter fully into mathematical physics, a lot of new insights will then be added to the essential element of this discipline.
The confusing 4th dimension of time in relativity. 4 vector formalism.
There is a lot of confusions on the meaning of the fourth and fifth dimensions of scalar space-time, as 4D is the naming given by
physicists to all time concepts in physics, as they do NOT differentiate between the 5 dimensions of time and the 5 of space,
unaware of the philosophical deep meaning of the Galilean 'relativity' paradox, which clearly makes sense of the 3 dimensions of
past, present and future (motion, energy and information), which are equivalent to lineal, hyperbolic and informative cyclical
vortex in topology; and they do NOT differentiate between the ∆±2 scales of size and time speed, which are the origin of
entropy=death arrows (fourth dimensions of space-time, jumping down, << i- two scales in the simplification of information,
from wholes to infinitesimals) and social, mental arrows (fifth dimensions of space-time, jumping up i+2 dimensions).
Pphysicists mean when talking of time as the four dimensions 2 things:
They use the concept to signify a grand philosophy whereas the arrow of entropy, which if we were into ‘numbers’ could be the
fourth scalar dimension of timespace (Ti<<Si-2), but NOT as they think the only arrow of future time, disregarding all other
arrows, explicitly those who create information (fifth dimension of social organic evolution of wholes, 3rd dimension of
reproduction, etc).
Then there is the concept of Einstein, and the formalism of Minkowski, which corresponds to the 'present 2nd dimensions of
time-space', which is used to study waves such as light is, and present 'derivative' minimal quantum changes, ∂t=∂s/∂v.
In that regard Minkowski grand conceptual thought, established a useful mathematical equation of 4-vectors, where the concept
that time reduced to a present dimension of space, is useful to study translations in space, with derivatives, which by definition
do NOT change state with 'peak standing points', and changes of parameters that happen when we move from a motion-state of

maximal Space-translation=lineal speed and minimal information-density to a vortex state of maximal information density and
minimal translation in space=lineal speed.
We discharge as faulty and biased to 1/5th of time changes any entropic grand theory of the Universe, including the cosmic big
bang, balanced by accelerated mass vortices (galaxies) that shrink entropy into matter, the evaporation of black holes as they do
not travel lineally to the past, hence do not evaporate, and other grand bizarre scheme on reality.
While the fourth dimension of 'space' (time concept as a derivative that studies present slice of wave motions), must be
understood as what it is a partial, wave-oriented analysis of spatial motions, which in special relativity makes more exact
measures of those translations by reducing the total motion by a wave factor of warping, -c²t².
As physics has parameters which ad as 'curvatures' and 'scattering' elements to define the 'informative accelerated, and
expansive decelerated' other two arrows of topological time, in a single plane, relativity as well as other equations of motion in
physics do reflect perfectly (even if the concepts behind become blurred) those motions, its topological trajectories and so there is
nothing to correct as usual in the processes of measuring of physics. The four vector formalism merely adds conceptual confusion
but improves measure in 'derivative details'.
2 conceptual interpretations can be done on those 4-vector equations: if we divide its four dimensions in two dimensions of
space, Sx, Sz, and two of time, Sy -ct, then we can find many interesting symmetries between the space state (width-length:
reproduction-motion) and the time state (height-information, ct-curvature-motion). It is only then when the proper
understanding of the meaning of worldlines and light cones, becomes clearer.
So there is much confusion on the meaning of time, since Minkowski useful mathematical equations of 4-vectors became the
conceptual nonsense of time as a dimension of space. Properly interpreted, those 4-vectors show just a series of T=S symmetries
between space and time in a S=0 distance point: S2=0=Sx2+Sy2+Sz2 –(ct)2 -> Sx2+Sy2+Sz2 = (ct)2
So 4 vector equations represent a fundamental S≈T symmetry where a light form curves gravitational space.
The relationship of time and space in those vectors is thus just one of essential balance and symmetry between the 3 vectorial
dimensions of lineal space and the frequency of the formal time wave, added through a distance-duration.
In that regard, the 2 fundamental equations of 5D absolute relativity, S=T and S x T = ∆±¡ are at the bottom of all ‘local’ detailed
relationships, but to study each of them require to understand the fundamental principles of 5D and translate property in each
equation of mathematical physics the relations between the fundamental parameter of lineal motion, speed, and cyclical
motion, density of an scalar, whose product is the flux of a quantity, etc.
All these equations of dynamics require a specific analysis of which dimensions are seen as dimensions/distances/areas/
volumes/membranes/topological forms and which one are seen as time, motions, rotary or lineal or wave-like motion, and so a
lot of conceptual analysis on how the human observer quantity a given space-time symmetry and its dimensions/parameters of
motion/distance is needed.
Nt. Max. SxT: s=t. It is a present balanced age of Max. Momentum or classic age of ‘life’, when Ts-motion and St- come together. we use a
dual Ss:§ and dual Tt:∏ to express that present dynamic form, also SóT; or the equation, T-past • S-Future = Present; as a combination of
dimotions into tetralogic elements, 4 genetic letters, 4 quantum numbers, 4 drives of existence denied by entropy, is the essence of the
game. As for the meanings of Energy, Space, Time, Momentum, Scale, present, past and future, we have the problem of language errors.

Let us now return to the spatial view of the Universe, to describe galaxies as organisms.
A supœrganism, the fundamental structure of the 5D Universe, is a simple system - NOT to confuse with the most evolved,
complex of them all, that of human beings, reason why so many people, lacking intellectual patience and having a natural biased
ego-centered belief in man as the unique organism, reject the concept: An organism is just a group of similar forms, which
organize themselves with at least two 'networks', one that provides the 'clone cells/citizens/atoms' with the vital Momentum they
need to feed, move (blood-economic system-electromagnetic forces) and one that provides them with information to guide their
reproductive actions (nerves system, political system, gravitational in-form-ative forces). This dual system IS the minimal organism
of the Universe. As all organisms wear out by errors of informative action and end up warped by an excess of information (third
age of the organism) or killed and reconverted into formless Momentum (death); only those systems that reproduced in the
immortal Universe, do exist today. So all dual systems have an internal or external catalyst of its reproduction (as enzymes do with
carbohydrates, or enzymen with machines).
We talk of a 3rd body-worker-wave element, besides the informative particle-head-upper class and limbic/ potential/ territorial
source of its motions, which the system uses internally, or externally to reproduce. This IS our definition of an organism. And so a
factory is an organism, when we put the human enzymen, even if a machine alone is not.
In all species studied by science a common phenomenon occurs: the existence of parallel groups of beings organized into a single
social form. Molecules are made up
of atoms and electronic networks;
economies are made up of human
workers and consumers that
reproduce and test machines,
guided by financial networks of
information (salaries, prices, costs);
galaxies are composed of stars,
which orbit rhythmically around a
central knot, or black hole of
gravitational information. Human
bodies are organized by cells
controlled by the nervous,
informative system. A tree is a
group of leaves, branches and
roots connected by a network that
provides Energy (salvia) and
information (chemical particles) to
its cells. Cultures are made of
humans related by verbal,
informative and economic
networks that provide their Energy
and information. But the graph is a
simplified view in a single plane.
We add 2 other networks that
connect the supœrganism to the
∆±¡ scales above and below its
Ts>§∏>St plane:

- Tt-1>Ts+§∏: A defensive and digestive system/network to provide Momentum and motion to the whole organism.
-∆+1: Ss: A language of internal and EXTERNAL communication to synchronize and evolve socially the system.
How things get ever more complex. Towards Trilogic Space Organisms and Tetralogic scalar actions.
Pentalogic, heptalogic and decalogic are the time, scalar and spatial views of the game as a worldcycle, a mind mirror and a
complex set of networks. Things obviously keep getting more complex with new combinations and details of space-time. We have
added in this introductory view only the more complex StóTs = §∏ Momentum ßody-waves due to its extraordinary importance.
Just an analysis will show how: Seeing in ‘Space-form’, it gives us the bodies of organisms, with its Thorax and Abdomen, which
give them the canonical Hyperbolic 3rd variety of Non-E Topologies, serving as Momentum systems for the breathing head and
feeding limbs. Yet the body does have an internal network, the ‘blood system’ that penetrates further both St and Ts elements to
carry them oxygen and nutrients – more oxygen to the head, more nutrients to the limbs. And it has a reproductive brain, the
gonads to repeat both systems. And then if we take one of those systems, for example the blood system, we realize it does have
an St-‘head’, the heart, connected to a hyperbolic ‘branching’, the vein networks, which finally thin out into ‘lineal limbs’ where
they release on the open their oxygen. All those elements seen in space are topological networks that can be described with the
new advanced Non-Euclidean topology of fractal points that grow in size when we come closer to them, so lines have ‘volume’ as
points do, through which multiple flows of motion and form can transfer. And this gives us then applying the ternary principle of
differentiation, 3 basic types of lines: Ts-waves, St-networks and §∏-trings. Waves move more, networks branch into more form
and Strings vibrate balancing form and motion.
But that’s the ‘spatial view of Momentum’ as a static form in the ∆º scale of human organisms.
The Universe has multiple ‘perspectives’, which can come from any of the its ‘5 key elements’ @-languages, S-pace, T-ime, ∆§cale
and ¬ Entropy. What if we see ‘Momentum’ in terms of motion, as physicists do in the ∆>|1| physical scales? Then we are still
studying Momentum because Ts-locomotion becomes now kinetic Momentum and St-information becomes potential Momentum.
And the laws will be similar. We will have as the main variation of its combination, SHM, Simple Harmonic motions, which are
again hyperbolic (in its most general concept being, ‘two distinct parts’ separated by a narrow). So we do have the 2 sides of the
SHM. If we see it though NOT as a static form, being the §∏-SHM equivalent to the ‘string variety’, we have a wave of Momentum,
which might be lineal, transversal, Ts-laser-like focused, but it might also ‘spread’ constantly breaking from its source into multiple
St-waves, and as such functions as the ‘network in biological systems’. We are still talking of §∏-Momentum. Then it comes the
errors of human analysis of Momentum as when in E=Mc2 an E which IS NOT Momentum but Tt-entropy (the Momentum here is
the c2 light wave, which is the ∆-1 scale in which mass, when it dies in a Tt-entropic explosion becomes converted).
And then we have the postulates of ‘entropy’, confused with ‘Momentum’ defined in ‘Thermodynamics’, expanded to the whole
Universe when really only deal with Ts-gaseous states… such as the absurd affirmation the Universe is dying because some
megalomaniac German scientist expanded the local measure of the Ts-motion of gas, one of the 3±¡ states of matter to the whole
Universe, reducing the other St-solid informative Ss-crystal and §∏-liquid states to non-existence (and the big-bang which also
reduced the St-gravitational galaxies to non existence on the cosmological scale).
Complexity arises from the ∞ combinations of those 5 Dimotions Its dual, dynamic interactions in scale: st=ST (seed & whole) &
spacetime: Ts=St that combine Ts-limbs and St-heads into §∏-bodies, St-potential & Ts-kinetic into §∏-Momentum waves for which
we shall use the combined §∏ dual symbol for SsTt.
So 5 local Ss-Tt-Dimotions gather together to create space-time supœrganisms traveling through existence, from an ∆-1 Seed, Ss of
pure still form that reproduces in ∑œ clones becoming a network ‘supœrganism’, emerging in ∆º as a s lower larger spacetime
being, made of 3 canonical Ts>§∏>St parts, to live 3 ages dominated by locomotion or youth, reproduction, when the form
achieves immortality and information or 3rd ‘still St-age’ to finally die in a ‘reversal’ of arrow of time from growth of information to
growth of locomotion into a Tt-entropic big-bang dissolving death.
5D metrics shows there are scales of size in space with different time clocks. So we need 2 scalar dimotions of space-time; for
smaller ∆-1 scales; where smaller systems in space run faster clocks of information– the direction of Max. S=information or Ss that
codes with languages the program of life; and the inverse ∆+1 scale of larger systems in space with slower time clocks; the
dimension of entropy that kills a system, Tt; which in the 1st graph round up the worldcycle of existence. First a still seed, Ss, or

mind and its Ss-languages of information reproduce and synchronize through social evolution ∑ ∆-1 clone parts that emerge in ∆º
as a larger simultaneous whole joined by 3 ∆ºnetworks, Ts>§∏>St organism living within an ∆+1 world, till the superorganism
exhausts its §∏-Momentum and an opposite dimotion, dissolves the networks and returns the system back to an ∆-1 plane of
disaggregated parts in a Tt- internal and external expansive M=E/c2 big-bang, war dimotion or entropic Tt-death (Physical, social
and biologic jargons).
So the 5 Dimotions put in a sequence define existence, as a ‘travel up and down through ∆±¡ 3 scales of space-time”. Regarding
Dimensional numbers, we put the 4th dimension of locomotion in its proper place as the motion of length; so we have now 3
‘Dimotions’ which broken into ∞ beings vitalize them and 2 more ∆±¡ scalar dimotions for a total of 5; using the term ‘5th
dimension’ for the sum of all the scales of space-time. This ‘numbering’ superseeds given its errors and omissions that of our
‘Baconian tribal idols’ (Galileo, Newton, Einstein), to study spacetime beings with a proper definition of each of the 5 Local
Dimensional motions that create a spacetime organism living a worldcycle, as ∆-1: Ss-seed languages evolve into ∆º:Ts-limbs/fields
of lineal locomotion > §∏- Ø hyperbolic ßodywaves of re=productive width > guided by O-St high particles/heads, till its §∏-
Momentum is exhausted by an excess of information in its 3rd age, exploding back into Tt-entropy: Ss>Ts>§∏>St<<Tt (whereas <
means an expansion of a seed of spatial form into a motion in time, and > a dynamic contraction, as the 5 Spacetime dimotions
transform into each other).
The being in itself, stº, is part of a larger world, ST±¡, in which it interacts through scales by means of quantum dimotions, we shall
call actions, or finitesimals (in calculus’ formalism). The 2 interactions of dimotions between ST¡ and stº and St ≈ Ts become 2 next
layers of complexity that evolve dimotions into spacetime trimotions or supœeganisms (St<§∏>Ts) and scalar tetramotions
(stº≤≥ST±¡), when a superorganism interacts with other scales to extract ‘invisible forces’ for Ts-locomotion from its relative ∆-4
scale, (gravitation for man), bits of St-information from its ∆-3 scale (light spacetime in man), bites of §∏-Momentum from its ∆-2
scale (amino acids), st-reproductive seeds of from its ∆-1 scale & St-communicates with ∆º clones to evolve socially into larger ∆+1
organic ST-wholes. While the balance dimotion between Ts-limbs/fields & St-particles/heads creates the re=productive body-wave
State: |xO=Ø.
Those 2 entanglements in simultaneous spacetime (superorganisms) or through spacetime scales (actions of existence) create
‘organic vital spacse’ and ‘scalar time events’ So through actions=scalar dimotions of spacetime a supœrganism entangles with the
∆±4=9 planes of spacetime it perceives, which becomes its whole world - its island universe.
The mathematical view of supœrganisms. Non-Euclidean geometry: fractal points
The most beautiful generalization of those supœrganisms is their study with laws of Non-Euclidean geometry, where a point has
volume and hence become one of the cellular units of those organisms. A group of points becomes then a wave or network, and 3
of those networks form a topological plane or vital organism. In this manner we unify biology and topology and define the most
important of the new 5D sciences, topologic evolution.
We name space §paœ, to signify two new qualities of fractal space -to be made of multiple scalar planes, §, self-centered into a o-
mind, which is the true creator of the concept of still space as a simultaneous mind mapping in any language of the information of
the flow of time cycles that conforms the Universe. And as a consequence of those facts, space is organic, co-existing in a series of
scalar planes which 5 Metric converts in ternary supœrganisms, œ (ab. for super organisms).
Space thus becomes §paœ when we ad its scalar, mental and organic properties to its mathematical ones.
Yet space is still in the linguistic world best described by Geometry. We must simply improve the postulates and axioms of 'Non-
Euclidean Geometry', to describe better the vital topologic properties of spacetime beings, which we do on the post dedicated to
non-Euclidean topology, from whwere e extract this brief 'abstract' and graph:
The 5 Non-E postulates define a point with parts, a line as a wave and a plane as an organic network of points:
The 2nd postulate explains the interaction between two points connected by a wave of communication or ‘line’; the 3rd postulate
explains the type of interactions between 2 points according to their relative equality, which will bring them together into a social
network or dissimilarity, which will make them not interact or enter into a Darwinian relationship in which a point absorbs the
energy of the other. Self-similarity is required to start an organic process of social evolution; or else systems that do not
understand their information use each other as energy, in Darwinian hunting processes or ignore their paths. The 4th postulate

defines the creation of networks made of systems of points across multiple scalar planes of space-time. It defines spaces as
networks of points, interconnected by flows of energy and information: All in the Universe are thus complementary systems made
of networks of non-Euclidean points. Finally the 5th postulate that explains the processes of absorption of waves of energy and
information that the point gauges to act-react with the Universe. It is then the social evolution of points into numbers and
structures - groups, sets and categories (not the bottom but the top element of the evolution of points and numbers), what
mimics the creation processes of Nature, where identical beings, points of 'one dimension' (as seen externally, but with three
internal dimensions), evolve socially first into lines-waves (2D, as waves have volume, thickness, made of points with volume),
then into topological networks (planes), and finally recreate a larger 'fractal point on the ∆+1 scalar plane'. So the postulates of
vital mathematics explain in a synoptic mental way how points evolve socially through scalar planes of dimensions, to become first
waves, then planes and social numbers which create a final Non-E 'fifth postulate' of a larger whole point through which infinite
parallel flows of energy and information can cross.
In the graph, the formal view of space and its 5 Ðimotions, provided by the 5 postulates of Non-E geometry...
So space, form, yin and time, entropy, yang, combine into the 3 intermediate states, we perceive in a single plane, often as
adjacent topologies of a supœrganism:
Limbs and fields of locomotion (ordered entropy with no scattering or dissolution, akin to energy).
Heads and particles of informative perception (form with motion, as it allows the being through its language to move and interact
with its world).
Reproductive bodies of
information and energy that
combine and iterate both.
So we redefine mathematics,
starting by its most important
branch geometry and topology
with 5 Postulates that relate to
those 5 Ðimotions and will be
the basis on the future for a
more vital model of
mathematical thought as mirror
of reality. To that aim we
redefine the 5 most important
elements, axioms and postulates
of Euclid in correspondence with
those 5 Ðimotions, taking into
account the 'cyclical, scalar
nature' of reality that after
completing a 'world cycle of five
Ðimotions', restarts in a new
scale the creation of form. So
after a system runs through 3
postulates, from ¬E points to ¬E
lines=waves, to ¬E ‘spherical
planes’ become ¬E points of a
new scale:
∆-1: Ss, St: 5th postulate defines
a fractal point as a non-
Euclidean point crossed by a

relative infinite parallel number of energy and information flows, hence as a mind.
Ts: 2nd postulate defines Lines in motion, as waves created by points through a process of locomotions and changes of waves and
forces of communication with other points that define the second postulate - lines with inner breath...
Tthe key balance of the Univere origin of most of its motions is a ‘difference of potential’ between two poles that originates a
flux of communication, which carries energy between them. This is according to the congruence dualities between poles (2nd
Postulate of Non-Æ geometry) one of its main variations. If the two forms are equal communication is more subtle, mostly of
‘information’ in parallel. If ithe 2 forms are inequal in energy-size, there is a need to balance which can be achieved through a
Darwinian absorbtion of the little fish by the big one. But if the distances are fixed by structure, then a flow of energy and
information, as in electric currents happen, invariabley establishing a balance between both.
∆º: S=T: 3rd postulate defines Planes as social networks that correspond to the third Ðimotion of energy and reproduction,
becoming a super organism according to…
∆+1 1st postulate, similar to the 5th that defines a fractal point with inner parts, hence the plane becomes a supœrganism seen as a
point of a larger scale that has evolved and grown to emerge from its minimal ∆-1 state in the 5th postulate; into a full super
organism, a point of the ¡+1 world.
Ss v. Tt: 4th postulate of congruence defines its relationships with other beings, based in his 'angle of parallelism', such as similar
beings evolve socially together in groups, complementary 'left-handed female/right-handed male' beings come together in
couples, and beings which are not equal neither complementary enter either in relationships of entropic perpendicularity, or
ignore themselves if their worlds are 'disconnected'. So the fourth postulate gives us the '¡logic rules' of engagement between
forms and particles.
And so we establish a Disomorphism among the concepts of geometry and physics, the fractal point, the line-wave, the plane-
network, its congruence or dissimilarity, related to its relative parallelism and perpendicularity, and the 5 Ðimotions of existence:
the point is the mind that perceives first, the Ss Ðimotion; the line-wave is a point in cycloid Ts-motion, or 2 points St-
communicating with smaller ¡-1 parts, as in the Fermion<Boson>Fermion relationship of forces; the S=T plane has 'holes', it is a
network of reproduced points socially connected by the 3 species of networks St<§∏<Ts that creates a supœrganism (informative,
reproductive and entropic, digestive, moving networks), and all this is ¡logically established according to the relative dissimilarity
or perpendicularity between the beings (Tt-entropic Ðimotion) or St-social parallelism that evolves the point into a supœrganism,
a new ∆+1 whole (1st Postulate).
A useful way to understand this fundamental symmetry of the 5 Dimotions of existence, in terms of the nested Universe is to
‘consider’ that a MIND creates a mental subjecitve space or monad-fractal point that is a PART of SPACE is a slice of TIME FLOWS in
a plane of ∆¡ and time flows are a slice of the fifth dimension; which itself is the total supœrganisms created in the absolute
infinite, incommensurable flow of Tt-entropy of all reality.
The Geometry of the fifth dimension includes all other geometries:
Lobachevski’s hyperbolic geometry is a partial geometry of the fifth dimension, looking downwards: ∆¡<∆-1; Euclidean Geometry
is the geometry of the same plane, ∆º; Riemann’s geometry is a geometry looking upwards, ∆o>∆¡+1. But Riemann’s work has an
added value as the first to understand Geometries are mental spaces, liberating Geometry and originating the explosion of mental
spaces of the XIX and XX c. that we will briefly study in this 3rd age of Geometry; as it allows to use the laws of mental spatial
geometries to study IN SIMULTANEITY all the different local dimotions and change events of different sciences and scales. We
establish a general rule between the 5th dimension as the transitional processes between scales and the way huminds from one
scale see the other scales mirroring those transitions and Non-AE geometries, which change the geometry, which is fractal,
branching downwards, and collapsing upwards a system (mimicked in the wave-particle duality and the fractal view of quantum
physics of Nottale), while in a given plane when we look ‘horizontally’, we observe an Euclidean geometry with a range of ‘light
space-time perception’ that doesn’t’ deform and branch but is the ‘dot product’ of 3 perpendicular vectors – the dimotions of light
space-time, electric, magnetic and c-speed, reproductive field.

A worldcycle of existence’ has organic properties as all systems regardless of scale follow the same principles of organization to
become an ideal network supœrganism in symbiosis between 3 relative scales, because that is the best strategy of ‘exist¡ence’, of
survival, as only those systems who are efficiently distributing energy, entropic motions and information among equal cellular
clones do survive. And so this formalism not only expands physical laws of space-time to other sciences, but biological laws of
physiological networks, and finally when all those findings are inserted into the formal languages of mathematics and logic, it
transforms them, completing the revolution of non-Euclidean geometry and Aristotelian logic beyond the work of Riemann and
Hegel. Again this revolution that expands non-Euclidean mathematic and pentalogic causality to all sciences is simple in its
principles. Because points are non-Euclidean, crossed by ∞ parallels, we need to redefine a point with breath, with energy volume
(St+Ts) which becomes a fractal point that grows in size as we come closer to it. So lines are either ‘waves with t-motion’ or
‘strings’ with S-volume, or ‘fractal networks’ that travel down an ∆-1 dimensional scale, and 3 of such physiological networks
conform a ‘topo-bio-logical’ plane, a supœrganism. So we can formalize the unit of the 5D Universe with mathematical laws and
apply and explain why geometry is the foundation of space. Scales of numbers, Topologies of space, and Temporal dimotional
functions (social sum, reproductive product, scalar powers, organic derivatives) connect then formal mathematics and the laws of
space-time organisms.
And so we establish an immediate relationship between the fundamental concepts of geometry, the point, the line, the plane, and
its congruence or dissimilarity, its relative parallelism and perpendicularity, and the 5 Ðimotions of existence, the point is the mind
that perceives first, the first Ðimotion; the line is the point in motion, in cycloid patterns, or two points communicating with
smaller ¡-1 parts, as in the Fermion<Boson>Fermion relationship of forces; the plane has 'holes', it is a network of reproduced
points socially connected into the 3 different species of networks that make a supœrganism (informative, reproductive and
entropic, digestive, moving networks), and all this is ¡logically established according to the relative dissimilarity or perpendicularity
between the beings (4th entropic Ðimotion) or social parallelism that evolves the point into a supœrganism, a new whole (5th
Grouping the postulates of Non-Æ topology: 1st & 5th; 2nd; 3rd & 4th : Points, waves and biological planes.
All supœrganisms are variations of a ¬AE plane made of the 3 physiologic 5D networks=lines=waves of topological space, made of
cellular Non-E points whose ends are senses, with apertures to the larger ∆+1 world.
How a vital topological plane evolves require to mess 3 topological networks, represented in physics by 3 type of waves, and in
biology by 3 types of networks (Moving vs. fixed, t vs. s view of a topological organism.
It follows then that the 3rd and 4th postulates of ‘congruence=equality’ and structure of a 5 D plane is different. In congruence
there are several possibilities and we consider a 100% probability 0-1 unit and Riemann Sphere in which to contabilize them. In
general the events of a 3 physiological networks though correspond to some efficient configurations as opposed to all the virtual
configurations of a spherical space.
As all the concepts of 4D plane geometry can now be assessed realizing that a line is a string of non-Euclidean points.
In physics we see this network in motion, as we do not ‘see’ the fabric of gravitational space-time (fixed vacuum spacetime studied
by Einstein) of ‘simultaneous’ speed (T=0ε-; V->S/T=0ε =∝; using the limits of a finitesimal 0, 0ε and an incommensurable finity, ∝,
whereas a finitesimal and a finity are less than infinite and more than infinitesimal (see Non-AE algebra).
The idea is simple. The minimal plane is made of 3 lines each one defined by 3 points with a central one, which plays also the role
of 10 and 11, up and down through the 3 scales communicating with smaller and larger superorganisms.
The topological 9 central point doubles as 9=∑¡-1=11= |¡-1: ∆+1=11, is thus the mind that controls up and down the supœrganism.
It follows that it has a ‘tree like image’ as the networks from the point up and down ARE the representation of a network between
two different planes of the 5th dimension.
A tree is thus a canonical mind drawing, of a dual Ts-leaves+St-roots networks joined by an §∏-dual flow, the trunk, with ‘local
brain knots’ of energy and information at the base of both branching flows.
But so it is a particle knotted through exchanges of boson forces with a relative, ∝, infinite of
other particles.

And so it is a human being when we only consider its 3 main ‘networks’, digestive, blood and nervous systems.
The form of a mind, traveler in the 5th dimension that communicates two scales of reality is the easiest way to depicture the
networks of biological systems. But they are seen as S-external form with no motion.
The software view of its inner flows of St<TS>Ts ¡-1 products is what defines the mind’s communication of views of the internal
chemical faster world (Roots in a tree, neuronal paths in a human, cpu programs in a robot, crystal images in a solid material point,
spins in a quantum ensemble). The flat less quantized, slower with less information but more space surface, more vital energy in
taking other extreme peers a more quantized ∆-3, electromagnetic world of light to extract ∆-3 forms of energy, in the same
manner the roots extract ∆-2 atomic elements.
The 3 systems thus have a ‘bigger’ Non-AE point where all the networks coincide that acts as mind travelling as a not between all
of them, having therefore an Ss-world mapping, @=0εxistential finitesimal that controls the whole system, whose congruence
rules of ‘ethic nature’ based in the angle of ‘similarity’ define the interaction of them; according to its εxistential energy.
A plane therefore is finite because it does NOT have that much more volume than its 3 networks, but the attached cells that the
networks have ‘captured’ addicted to its ¡-1 flow of pixels of energy and information that as in a farm fulfill the 5 Dimotions of
those bourgeoisie middle class cells. But the plane and this is where things get more complex must be drawn entangled with other
planes of its lower and upper fifth dimensions. The know that has its inner parts, so to speak in the transition region between two
planes of 5D, as a life species in the ecosystemic of ‘thermodynamic molecular minds’, will render then a more complex view of
that network being.
New models of mathematical physics. departing of ¬e 5th dimension.geometry
Absolute relativity was the name of a conference I gave at ISSS San Jose a decade ago. n I meant the absolute relativity of all
existences, because all scales of 5D had the same ‘energy’ value - the way humans measure it. And so an easy way to ‘find’ scales,
is to measure their energy value. Voila, the ‘pro’ physicists or perhaps the undersgradduate genius will notice that the energy
value of the magnetic and Electric fields in the Poynting equation are the same. This normally is disregarded, as huminds chose as
usual the wrong ad hoc units of measure, so we get also E/B=C that seems to make E much larger.
The ¥>e>µ scales form one of the 2 most important scalar trinities of matter (the other being the galatom’s 3 families of
mass/regions of its topological open ball+0ε and membrain. So far so good. There is though a ton of systematization to be done to
translate the continuous single space-time into the discontinuous scalar a(nti)symmetric 5D laws and I’m wasting too much time.
Perhaps I wll someday make it happen, clean cut, all coming from S=T, Max. sxt = ∆±¡.
The mind of physics as all systems and languages, mirror of existence has a pentalogic structure, which we synthesize in the 5
postulates of non-Euclidean geometry, where we ‘finally’ correct the first postulate of Euclid – the definition of a point without
parts, in open contradiction with the 5th postulate, which allows the point to be crossed by ∞ parallels, by making it a fractal 5D
point that grows in size as we come closer to it. This will allow non-E Topology to reflect better the Universe as a mirror, which due
to the objective capacity of mathematics to reflect physical ‘dimotions=actions’, we must consider the main language of physical
particles, the ‘organic unit’ of the physical Universe. How do particles ‘perceive’ the Universe through mathematical, visual,
topological forms, and how they integrate the social forms to navigate the Universe, we can hint at, since those very same
particles (one of them, the electron) is the unit of our systems of digital and nitrolife thought. Its cyclical topology – the spin – is
used to compute and as its forms and functions correspond to St-brain/minds must be regarded as the system whose states allow
particles to calculate.
So we found already two ‘definitions of a mind of physics’, accompanied of its corresponding Non-AE equations:
St-¡=ST¡: the language that mirrors the Universe, non-Euclidean mathematics.
0ε (finitesimal mind-point) x ∞ Universe = Constant world: the finitesimal particle-point that mirrors reality.
But the mind of physics is NOT only the language and brain of its physical systems, but the program of survival common to all
minds of the Universe… And this is the 3rd concept of a mind, as a program of existence that runs the 5 Dimotions of space-time
just explained. So we shall just briefly study the 2 concepts of the mind as software language and hardware brain that enacts those
5 Dimotions.

Recap. Numbers evolved through the expansion of the concept of 'quantity' from the natural numbers which merely
observe spatial quantities added on in social groups, the essential definition of number, into ratios between numbers
that express more complex concepts of reality, and introduce the idea of functions and 'motions in time, advancing
further with the concept of negative numbers, which are no longer quantities in space, but qualities in time, finally
reaching the maximal transformation from 'space to time', from quantity to function, and ratio of exchange of the vital
entities of reality, entropy, information and energy (sT-§∏-St), to the final closure of reality expressed in the mirror-
language of numbers, which is represented by the ill-understood imaginary numbers.
So the 5 families of Number systems are symmetric to the laws of the Ƽst universe. So they are its spatial
representation in frames of reference:
1.S±T: N, Z: Natural direct numbers form simple social groups. ¡ts inverse negative numbers form Ts≤≥St symmetries, as
they naturally represent an inverse dimotion of spacetime.
2. Q: SxT: The Cartesian graph and the rational numbers, for Ts x St = K metric equations and complementary systems,
(whereas often the z-dimension is the reproductive combination of the other 2).
3. ∆±1: R,C: The real numbers, for inverse ∆±1 Planes & the complex numbers for worldcycles
∆±1. Functional Spaces, wholes & parts where each point represents a vector (Hilbert space): ∆-1(∑Ts) >∆§∏.
An even more generalized view of such systems is provided in group theory, as algebras with those simple operands
form groups, rings and fields.
A function f is a mathematical rule that assigns to a number x (in most cases a time flow of motion) another number f(x)
after a transformation that implies operands that represent Spacetime dimotions. For example, the function “square”
assigns to each number x its square x2, which is a re-product-ive function, which therefore changes X and would write in
¬Æ logic as §∏ (x) ≈ X1. It is not our intention to rewrite mathematics with ¬Æ; just to show the correspondence of
operands, functions and equations with essential events and forms of spacetime.
Só T: ITcommonest functions apply one of the 5 Dimotions, to a system of ‘points=T.œs’ (timespace organisms)
defined synoptically by numbers=herds, obtaining as a result a transformation. The most useful function for such
changes are the ∫∂ functions that obtain a ‘derivative’=finitesimal of change and apply it according to one of the
primary functions that represents a dimotion (±, x/, √an, cos/sin) to a system of digital T.œs.
∆. As numbers are scalar, social groups, the commonest of those transformations is a social, scalar evolution, shown
either in Polynomials of the type, f(x) = xn±…; or logarithmic functions, log (x); among which….
¬ The negative exponential function e-x expresses entropic decay of maximal ‘death’ speed.
Ss: Trigonometric functions, sin (x), cos (x), tan (x), define angles of perception related to mental information.
Thus the basic functions and operands of algebra connect mathematics and the 5 Dimotions of spacetime.
Operations as mirrors of 5Сmotions.
A T.œ can go up and down, left and right, grow or diminish, d=evolve socially, change its @-point of view or slide in its
existence from the body to the mind or limb state, and finally travel through the ∆-planes of the fifth dimension
emerging in a larger plane or devolving down to its parts in the moment of death.
This is what the Universe of fractal points=T.œs is all about and what ¬Algebra as a mirror tried to describe.
The growth and discovery of new operands mirrors the expansion of our perception of the dimotions of the Universe
departing from the humind mirror.

The intelligent reader will have notice easily that we do have just the exact number of classic operands to make them
coincide with the Dimotions of time space. It follows that more important than 'variables' are to ¬Algebra 'operands',
whose encoded dimotional meaning relates systems by merging them according to certain rules of ∆st 'Generation, to
get a 'future or present' outcome truly giving ¬Algebra the power to mirror the a(nti)symmetric supœrganisms of the
Universe and its worldcycles.
Thus the key connector of ¬Algebra with ÐST stience is a full understanding of the relative symbols of
equality=similarity and the dual ¬Algebraic operands that reflect those dimotions, sine/cosine ±, x/, ∂∫, √xª as part of
the ¡logic game of exist¡ence. But all mirror languages are relatively unfocused images of the generator equation and its
operands, so the correspondence is NOT so direct. Still we observe that:
1D: < (angle) & sine/cosine: The 1st Dimotion of perception is served not by numbers but by angles, expressed
externally by a sine, which acts as the informative, height parameter of the outer Universe, and the aperture of
perception of the being, maximal with maximal 'height', the dimension of information, (sin 90º=1).
2, 3, 4, 5Ð social evolution and complementary merging are served by the sum in simpler forms and the product and
division operands in complex social evolutionary structures, as merging often requires first a product at the lower axon
level and then a mitosis or 'division' into 2 wholes with all the new parts, which again gives division a very precise
meaning. Hence we use in Existential ∆lgebra, ∑ for herding in a single plane and ∏ for networking, as the product
probes into the parts of a system.
The product/division is responsible for most Merged Dimotions 're=producing' through x÷ operands a lower scale of
'connected axons' as the product is the first operand to probe a lower plane of existence, and the essential operand to
merge S and T states, from gender couples to stop and step into a new merged creative parameter, a stœp, (i.e. mass a
stop state and v a moving step merge into momentum, mv, a physical stœp, which in modern physics is the most
important parameter).
In that regard the less important form of multiplication is the most often used to define it in classic math (the sum of
sums) as this not implies merging into something else but merely we stay with the same clone species and should be
regarded as a sum that happens between EQUAL beings. In this 'line of thought' we do have also the x² polynomial
functions and its inverse √x.
3, 4D: The Aª and log: 4th and 5th dimotions are represented in its d=evolutions by log & exponential operands.
5D: √xª: social Planes: When social evolution is not transformative between planes but only a social herd, it emerges
through multiple mostly decametric, 3x3+0 Planes or the √xª operands best suited to that purpose. And here again we
find quite difficult the comprehension among huminds who love to 'go only the way upwards' so to speak of the √
operands, specially when in negative mood: √-x, a completely mysterious element of 'mathematics' to the point they
call them imaginary numbers (:
4D. ∫∂ integral and derivative operands also study Informative perception and social evolution as they work for all
Dimotions=changes in time and space and through ∆±¡ planes of parts and wholes.
The 5th dimotions of entropic devolution, ¬, in mathematical systems become inverse operations that eliminate the
information of a system. As it happens entropy can then take the general format of the negative operand of the
systems. So for each positive system there is a negative one. And among all the operand, there is one which is the most
entropic of them all, the exponential, notably eˆ-x, whose massive negative growth signifies the growing dissolution of
a form into its finitesimal parts. As systems are in general decametric, such exponential entropy also affects the very
same number, which looses its 'meaningful series form' after 10 decimals.
Further on we can group those Ðimotion operands and its entangled mirrors in 2 great families of functions:
2, 3, 4Ð: Polynomials of simple Ts>§∏<St T.œs and its dimotional functions of social reproduction and herding into a
network supœrganism in a single plane (with a single parameter), whereas the polynomial reflects within the limits of

Dimotional beings (Fermat’s restrictive theorem, Galois limit of polynomials with coefficient solutions). A polynomial
will then be a partial equation for the simplest reflections of social and reproductive dimotions, embodying the §∏
elements together, in ∆STs of the type: |-1<polynomial<O+1.
1, 4, 5Ð: Complex scalar Dimotions between planes and its operands: 1D trigonometric angular perception (¡-3>¡o), 4D
exponential entropy (¡<¡-2) and infinitesimal lineal derivatives and its integral wholes (¡≤≥¡-1), are then studied as T.œs
performing Dimotions of scalar space-time in more complex equations.
In the same way a 4D description of reality is the limit of a 5D Universe, polynomials are the limit, and hence a good
approximations to more complex 5D equations. As functions become combinations of Ðimotions, whose laws are closer
to the rules of 'a(nti)symmetry' in ¡logic and those of the non-E fourth postulate of congruence.
The main operands of ¬Algebra as reflection of the st, topological, temporal and ∆§ symmetries.
Let us now bring a simplest formalism of 5D which we cannot renounce to use, from existential algebra:
- =, <, >,⊥, †, operands that represent the basic 5, always 5 relationships between two st-ates (spatial view) or st-ages
(time view) of reality. = is a parallel view, which happen when 2 systems communicate information entangled to each
other (as in particles that stop entangled in neutrino background space to emit ¥-rays without need of Lorentz
transformations, or when you talk to someone, which will come to you in parallel walk, or when people talk sitting
together in still chairs). This is then the beginning of a social process of evolution into a network in which distances
between poles of still state information are fixed. It is the ESSENTIAL present, spatial state. ⊥ is then a similar spatial
state, but with ‘adjacent’, touching parts, the definition of ‘locked’ gender, needed for denser reproduction to take
place, † however is the annihilator, Darwinian operator, as the ‘high’ dimension cuts through the flat, ‘dead’ element,
tearing its membrane. So this is the Darwnian act. Those are the 3 ‘static’ views of interaction and congruence.
While < and > are the S<T and T>S duality of growth or diminution of spatila information. They can be doubled when
there is a dual change of state as in entropic death, when we move from Ss-3rd age still state to Tt-inner and outer
disorder scattering and death. We can also double S as § and T as ∏ when 2 elements merge, so St+Ts genders = §∏/
So those are the main symbos and NOT to confuse with bigger and smaller, I advice3 to use if your keyboard has it:
‹, ›, «,»,≈ §∏ó§∏ connections, which need deep particular analysis.
Those symbols then connect and can be easily translated into the symbols of classic algebra, an vice versa, classic
algebra translates easily to existential algebra (but again we need a REASONED analysis undertaking in math papers):
- ±, x/ are the connection the basic ∆§ocial Planes between planes operands
- xª, log x represents mostly reproductive and decay processes. As the most complex of the ternary chain of basic
operands, sum, product and power, it is a less precise version of the ∫∂ ∆±I operands, since it just reach in its 'balanced'
sum (logistic curve) the 'emergence from one to a whole'
- ∫∂ is the most general operand that works with all forms of time-change including ∆±I emergence through integrals
and ∆-1 dissolution.
- (G, •,*) groups are simultaneous analysis of all those elements, together in a single supœrganic structure.
It does adds all variations of a given species, all complex symmetric transformations between time, space and space-
time (energy) states (<=≥), and it is the closer mirror in ¬Algebra of the multiple symmetries of the fractal generator;
where we shall call G, no longer group but Generator.
The very limited number of relevant operands of mathematical ¬Algebra respond to the very limited number of space-
time stops and steps goes and motions through the temporal ages/states, topological forms and Ƥocial Planes and
planes that structure the organic, fractal Universe. Nothing else is needed.

ST combinations in physics. Symmetries and conservation quantities.
We are now equippied with some formal tools to understand better the Universe. Of the gretest importance is the oncept of
a finite zero, 0ε, without which reality would NOT exist, as those imperfections are the reminders that in a smallish scale can
give birth to the virtual existences of reality. We already saw the h/2 reminder. The never reached 0 K gives also the chances
to a thermodynamic world, and as we shall see the deficit of antiparticles, gives birth to the reminder that allows a spinning
angular momentum world to exist.
It follows that we must obtain the main symmetries and conservation principles of physics from the variations of space-time
systems and its ensembles in S-T dualities and S<ST>T trinities both in space=form and time=motion.
The simplest one already mentioned is an angular momentum organism with a finitesimal 0ε center, a vital space with a
radius, r and a membrane with angular momentum, mv. Those 3 parts of the being have also the capacity to travel through
5D as angular momentum is conserved, giving birth to the spinning Vortex law in 2 or 3 Dimensions, origin of the Unification
equation of space-time vortices (and the aerolar conservation of Kepler and many other laws).
The first decoupling then departing from an rmv system happens when there is a ‘split’ of its 3 parts:
Rmv = mv x S+ E x ƒ, which is already evident in the ∆-¡ quantum scale where h is the angular momentum
unit. In vital organic terms, this means a ‘death’=split of the components of the L-physical system, as the
center-‘mind’, ‘membrane’ and ‘vital space’ scatter:
An L-angular momentum that surfaces in a given Ƥcale can then splits:
- On one side as a lineal momentum, since its membrane, mv x S, no longer closes a cycle but moves in a
lineal fashion (S).
- On the other side its internal ‘frequency clock/brain’, 0ε=ƒ, and ‘vital space-time energy’, E (the topological open ball), split.
So the Angular momentum must remain in a given Ƥcale. This is the basic event of quantum physics, where an SHM
harmonic quantum oscillator, or ‘planckton’, h/2 of the ∆-3,4 scale emerges in a given scale giving birth to a particle-wave
duality. So we write: L = E/ƒ (bodywave) + mv x S (particle).
How those new two components the ‘T-wave’ and S-particle can relate to each other? For this we need to learn the laws of
Non-Euclidean topological evolution, the evolved new formalism of mathematics, which considers non-Euclidean points,
fractal points with form that grow in size the closer we come to them, traversed by ∝ parallels
Further on we distinguish according to the 3rd non-Euclidean postulate of congruence, a trinity of topological relationships:
S≈T: parallel social evolution into a higher ∆§cale vs. S † T, annihilation back to an ∆-1 scale vs. S⊥T split scattering.
So this gives us already a number of possible combinations that become the basic dualities of particles † antiparticles; S=T,
quarks and electrons and S-Fermions ⊥ T-Bosons.
Since all what exists can be deduced from the dualities and trinities of space & Time & the 5 Dimensions encoded in space by
the 5 postulates of Non-Euclidean topology and in time by the 5 operands of Existential algebra; specially given the obsession
of physicists for mathematical statements, to introduce the basics of Non-Euclidean topology at this earlier st-age.
Because physicists reduce the 5 Dimotions of the Universe to only one, Tt-entropy; we shall unlike all other disciplines, start
with the analysis of entropy in physical systems, and debunk its main theories of entropy – the big-bang Universe and
entropy as the only state of matter that matters, and then proceed by order of importance in human physics, with the
analysis of the Ts-dimotion of locomotion, and its relativity Theory.
T-wave in motion and S-particles of information and their combinations in ST organisms are the first key duality, feeding on
an ∆-1 ‘potential scale’ or field which is its source of entropy (so you can also mathematically describe particles and waves as
two modes of ‘excitation of fields’).

S†T: The particle-antiparticle duality then stands as one of the most important dualities that balances the Universe, since we
need it to balance the L-momentum. Indeed, while lineal momentum is easily balance with ‘opposite’ directions and action-
reaction, the fact that angular momentum has a ‘clock or anti-clock’ direction implies that the Universe must balance the
way systems turn, and this is achieved with antiparticles, so ∑ Universal particles + antiparticles = 0ε L.
So the key concept is 0ε, which also will act as the cut off ‘galaxies’ that stop backwards the implosion of space and debunk
the big-bang (see cosmological paper).
Particle † Ântiparticle becomes then the essential † duality of the Universe. But the reminder of particles grows when we
study closer strong=gravitational forces inside the ‘black star=hole’ of BCB ‘neutral atoms’ and TTT++ top condensates (see
cosmology) in the ‘galatom’ scalar symmetry. This ‘curved deformation’ of spacetime with heavy masses ‘tilts’ towards
particles based in a corrected Mach principle (the galaxy TURNS in a single angular momentum direction determined by the
++ Top quark central black hole=star). Those are themes of Cosmology we shall treat in other paper, which explain why in
the strong=gravitational regime of GR black stars=holes there is a deficit of antiparticles which have an expansive, negative
energy (Dirac’s equations) tendency and so in strong gravitation ‘curved inward geometry’ creates its deficit.
∆±¡ S≈T: ± charge and ± gravitation (Higgs field and implosive gravitation vs. neutrino background and dark energy) are then
the ‘scalar’ dualities that conserve NON-ROTATIONAL lineal momentum in the 2 limiting scales of perception.
S⊥T parity becomes the gender symmetry of ‘female left handed’ systems, where the ‘head’ looks inwards into the body, so
requires less energy, lasts longer in time as it is slower in motion and conserves the energy of existence, vs. the male, right
handed spin which looks forward and we shall again find in all scales regardless of gender correctness (females have a higher
brain connection rate between the brain and the emotional inner hypothalamus, males between the brain and the outer
eye). So this is again a second essential, more complex wave-particle, body-head symmetry, which again was NOT
conserved almost for ALL…
So this is it and there is no more Charges and masses, dark energy and gravitation, positive and negative charges; left and
right handed particles, ßodywaves on T-motion and particles of S-information. Easy, simplest Copernican.
But that is all seriously because there is nothing more than S and T and its 3 modes of relationshop in space, =, †, ⊥ and
time, <, ≈, > and scale, ∆±¡; this ‘trinity’ over the ∆ST Trinity of St-ates in space, sT-ages and ST-œps in scale (love ¡nglish
because it has embedded its ST everywhere, looks like it is the intuitive language of ‘exi=st¡ence’ by definition).
To build then a scalar theory of physics departing from such simpler principles is what I tried 30 years ago, proposing it to
172 world institutions and had to do it by myself, and then life got wrong and couldn’t even keep my ‘Leonardian files’
intact. Now, the maths of Ptolemaic 4D physics are good with its ‘Lorentzian’ extants and epicycles and its complex bra-kets
and all that work. I am not going to argue it very often; as it would be st-upid for Copernicus to try to adapt the heliocentric
theory to please Ptolemaic people nor I pretend after some long life useless attempts to convert Ptolemaic people to
refound the science and change 7 billion plus minds and books and computer programs. Man has chosen its paths and I
failed always in all 5D stiences to even move an inch those paths, even when they are suicidal (doing black stars on Earth,
evolving Teslike AI robots with solar skins, using all the blood-money to evolve machines while killing by anoxia, lack of
oxygen=money mankind, etc. etc.) Unfortunately I live among IQless; heartless enzymen… And can’t even stop quipping
against their egocy paradox. What I will certainly do is to laydown the basics of 5D metaphysics and then from time to time
when the mood for work strikes not so often anymore add a bit of that translation to guide future AI or humind generations.
Conclusion: timespace supœrganisms, the fundamental particle of the universe
5D Reality is created and extinguished by a Bio-Topo-logic, ∆ST game of exist¡ence of species made of topological space,
with logic motions of time, structured across multiple co-existing scales of size (the 5th dimension) that give it its organic,
symbiotic properties. Thus the physical ‘Universe’ described in space only through mathematical equations is just its
‘superficial’ expression of the whole ∆ST properties of reality. This is the 1st truth huminds have forgotten due to the
enormous development of sensorial machines able to take pictures in space NOT bio-logic portraits of time.

Time=motion vs. space=form becomes then the essential ‘orthogonal’ duality, S ⊥ T, of reality. It appears in all stiences as
temporal energetic motion and Spatial in-form-ation are the two components of which all realities are made.
This is why we call our general papers on the different combinations of ‘space=formal dimension’ and ‘time=motion’ or
dimotions of reality, space or time ‘exist¡ences’ instead of ‘Universe in space or Universe in time’.
A mind though can ‘survive’ in the bio-logic game of exist¡ence with a very ‘superficial view’, as the ‘game’ is carried about
by a relative infinity (ab.∝) of elements in an automatic, rather deterministic ‘ingrained’ way. The game, let us reveal it from
the beginning is rather simple and ‘obligatory’ because the penalty is extinction. Any system, physical, biological or
sociological (industrial nations, Gods=memetic collective subconscious, civilizations), survives as an organism made of 3
parts, one dominant in lineal T-motion (limbs/fields), one in S-form (spherical heads/particles) and a vital spacetime that
combine both (Hyperbolic ßody-waves). Those are the only 3 ‘topologies of space-time’ that restrict all systems to an
efficient ensemble of those 3 parts. So a physical organism is a particle piloting a body-wave, feeding on a flat, lineal field or
force. A biologic organism is a head, piloting a body moving on limbs.
Each of thoe systems therefore perpetuates its existence by renewing its particle/head information, reproducing its
body/wave form, moving through its limbs/fields to absorb energy ( a combination of motion and form). This is the ‘trinity’
of bio-logic dimotions, seen in space as formal organs, in time as functions.
This is then an easy to grasp trinity that we express with the symbols of 5D logic as:
The ‘Generator equation’ of space-time organisms is a key equation of 5D. I have been exploring it for 30 years and
marveled about all its branching. (Why humans are IQless, not interested in 5D is a theme of many harsh quips in those
papers so we will ignore it for the time being).
Back to that organism, is a topological organism made of space=forms and time=motions of which there are only those 3
topological varieties, themselves are made of ‘smaller points’ and embedded in larger whole. So the systems of reality have
besides those 3 topological dimotions of form=function, ‘cellular/atomic/individual parts’ and are part of larger
wholes=worlds. If we call those relative scales of size, ∆±¡, then we find also the need to harmonize ∆-1 parts and ∆º wholes,
and interact with a larger ∆+1 world, and this is better done by evolving socially with similar ∆º wholes, thanks to ∆-1: mind
mirrors that perceive the larger ∆+1 whole.
We then need to add besides T, S, and ST parts, smaller ∆-1 cells/atoms and larger ∆+1, societies/matter systems. And that
gives us essentially ‘5 elements of reality’ entangled in so many different ways as to give birth to the immense variety of
systems and species. We then talk of a bio-topo-penta-logic reality, where we need to describe ‘pentalogic’= temporal,
topologic=spatial, mathematical & biologic=organic, scalar causes to reality. We resume then those 3 elements with the
acronym, ∆st. We are all varieties of ∆st. Marvel to such simple profound statement. As it happens then those varieties are
very few, as the Universe constantly combines them but extinguishes those who are not efficient. So there are many particles
but only 2 fermions, quarks & electrons and 2 bosons, light-neutrinos (5D physics has a true forgotten genius called De
Broglie, pioneer of many of its models including the neutrino theory of light), which really last to form the essential species,
the ‘galatom’ (as galaxies are similar to atoms). And so a Universe appears as the phenomenological surface of a Game of
superorganisms of Timespace or T.œs., where T stands for timespace and œ for supœrganism, an abbreviation then for
Time-space supœrganism, gifted with bio-topo-pentalogic biotopentalogic properties derived from its symbiotic ∆±¡ scales,
topologic space and temporal motions: ∆st. We call these set of laws ‘exist¡ence’ the Mind=God of reality, ‘broken into ∝
species that follow those laws to survive or else… they become virtual particles, extinct mutations and mad thoughts.

Time and space scales’ 5D metric: Si x T ƒ = K; allows to travel through the 5th dimension, as the spacetime of a system remains
co-invariant. Life is that travel. When we move in 4D space-time thanks to the Lorentz transformations space-time coordinates
remain co-invariant. When we travel through life growing in size, our time cycles slow down but the product of size in space (S) x
speed of cyclical time processes or frequency - ƒ(t) - remains invariant. So we know we can travel through 5D scales. As we grow
in size, we slow down our metabolic and thinking processes and vice versa - Reason why smaller systems think faster and code
the information of larger ones (chips, genes, memes), becoming symbiotic and creating those supœrganisms with ‘networks’
(biology, societies) or ‘waves’ (physics) that connect the larger and smaller scales.
Hierarchical and Synchronous dimotions=Actions through scales: The game of survival=exist¡ence.
You are one of those scalar spacetime organisms, traveling through the 5th dimension. What is then the business of going on
with your life? How it happens? You are done, literally, sorry fellow, you can’t eat oil and electricity, though it seems the
eco(nomic)system thinks so because it cares more for the food of machines than for the human food. You cannot fuk a
computer though pornhub seems to think that – Ok, let us not make r=evolutionary statements at this st-age on the sorrow st-
age of God=the Human social organism, ∆+1 of all of us, my fav species of exist¡ence. Down to Earth, you need to know your self,
which starts with your 5D Metric, in space, about a meter, and time about a second, the beat of your 3 synchronized parts, 1
glimpse of the eye, 1 thought of the mind, 1 beat of the heart, 1 step of your legs, of one meter… You see, how beautifully
‘simultaneously’ coordinated your 3 adjacent |+ø+0 parts of your spacetime organism are? We are all in the same boat, the ∆ST
Universe. And then there, you have to tender for your 3 synchronize parts, at the rhythm of each moment(um) of present, each
second of your time clock set around 6 million tics if you are lucky with your telomeres at ∆-1, your ∆+1 idol-ogic memes and
false gods (warrying nations, parasitic bankers, techno-utopian poisons) and you complete your 72 years of exist¡ence. At your
Ƽ-momentum level then you will seek to perform the 3 actions you are designed for in your plane of existence, Ts-move your
limbs, St-perceive and communicate information with your head and Tt-2 feed with energy bites and §∏-1 reproduce your cells
with your body. That’s the bare minimum basic actions for you to keep on existence. Tt-feeding, Ts-moving, St-perceiving and
§∏-reproduce and repair your ∆-1 internal energy scale of cells. And this is normally done in a serial fashion by every particle,
animal and human: St-perceive to Ts-move towards a TT-2 feeding field where to eat, and then rest again so the ∆-1 cellular
scale can repair its internal energy ‘ideally’. Because there are many other players in the game, some will compete for the same
Tt-fields of food, some will be much larger ∆+1 networks of your social organism, nation and capitalist network of financiers –
and those in our very bad designed society are there to ab=use you, with weapons, police, Tt-entropic metal, and Tax-farming
you with parasitic money, themes those of social sciences by far the worst.
So things don’t get easy in this planet as an organism you are enclosed but if you manage to do those basic ‘actions=dimotions’
of your plane of exist¡ence, which is what most organisms manage to do if they are ‘lucky’ to beat those 6 million ticks, then you
can ‘aspire’ to the highest order of actions, reproducing not only your ∆-1 cells but your whole with a slightly different StóTs
female/male gender (as to which are the gender differences, given the idol-ogically charged issue we escape it now). Then you
will emit a seed in the ∆-1 scale, that will reproduce upwards your information, in the basic form in which systems reproduce in
ALL scales. And to that aim you will ‘tender’ for the thingie, giving it internal ∆-1>∆ø energy in its passage through the 5th
dimension as it grows in size-space, diminishing its ‘clock beat’ (fetus have indee faster heart beats), to emerge finally once you
have completed your inner topological networks, the blood-body centered ø-network of reproduction and feeding, the O-St,
head centered nervous, informative network and the Ts-limbic locomotion system with its muscles and skeletal networks in the
birth day. You will then enter a world helped initially by the temporal ∆ø genetic-family to live in the ∆+1 world. Here the being
will then have to deal with the 3 larger ∆+1-networks of the ∆+1 world, the St-political, informative legal network, §∏-financial,
economic network and Ts-defensive immunological network, which we shall not cease to repeat are completely corrupted, ill-
designed, sick and so you will learn unless you belong to the 1% of parasitic bankers that do not feed but tax-farm people,
military germs that do not cure but kill people and St-politicians and scholars that do not teach the right information,
synchronizing with just laws social motions and entangling mankind to the living Universe, but ab=use people and fill their brain
with soma fictions, so they don’t r=evolve the will learn we repeat, that the political and eco(nomic) system sucks
because God=Mankind, your ∆+1 plane and History its stience never learned the meaning of exist¡ence.

This is what all supœrganisms do, from the smallest light spacetime particle and atom (right) to the human (down) is to perform
with its 5 Dimotions 5 actions that ensure its survival, while killing lesser species to take its Tt-entropic motion to reproduce its
own St-information. Thus not only Dimensions are vital, but the game of existence is biological. It is the program of existence for
all systems that absorb the 5 Dimotions=actions of existence: St-information for its particle/heads, Ts-locomotion to go with its
limbs/fields to a Tt-entropic field to feed and transform its preys into its own §∏-Energy to reproduce the system. And this will
be achieved better communicating through a common Ss-language with other mind-entities forming physiological herds that
evolve into larger whole supœrganisms. So what each of those systems does to survive, is to play locally its 5 Dimotions in an
efficient sequential order: a particle/head Ss-perceives in a ‘visual=topologic’ language a prey >it Ts-moves->to Tt-kill and feed
on its §∏-body Energy to imprint its St-information and §∏- reproduce often in herds of similar clone supœrganisms (œ)
forming stronger, larger ∆+1 herds. Those 5 sequential dimotions , Ss<Ts<Tt+St=§∏ are called in biology the drives of life, in
physical systems, actions, in humans ‘will’. They are coded by the 5 Light space-time dimotions of electric information, c-
locomotion, Magnetic width, social color and Tt-quantum potentials; by the 4 quantum numbers and its functions in atoms, by
the 5 letters of the genetic code, by social memes in humanity. So we conclude all space-time organisms follow the same
program of existence, which added along the whole existence of the being defines the worldcycle of life and death of all
systems, whose total sum is dominant in information, reason why we age, wrinkling, increasing our ‘form’ and only the Tt-
entropic explosion of death balances the total zero sum making the whole Universe immortal.
Recap. All st-beings play the same survival actions, extracting from an outer ST-larger world, motion, information and combining
it into §∏-Energy to re=produce a ‘present’ copy of itself so the being is preserved in discontinuous manner. And all will be made
of the 3 St-heads/particles, Ts-limbs/fields, combined into hyperbolic §∏- Momentum ßody-waves.
We have come to the most important element of reality, the symbiotic, vital entanglement between scales of reality. This was
the moment after discovery the worldcycle of existence when I truly understood and entangled with the Universe. It has passed
30 years since this happened and the absolute awe to the ‘architectonical symbiosis’ of all scales of reality has not ceased. The
question they answer is the stability of reality. Why it does not crumble down? It would if entropy and the struggle of existence
was its true colors. But what the Universe is about the synchronicity and symbiosis between different dimotions of different
scales, some of which are predatory, when the scales are very far away from each other, and some are symbiotic when the scales
come closer. But this symbiosis between ∆ and each combination of S&T, has a 3rd ‘connection’, the mind that perceives them all
and so we can consider a mind, the consecutive perception in discontinuous sequences of the 5 Dimotions of survival. The mind
gives continuity to those discontinuous actions in space-time. From them then comes the ¬(S≈T≈∆>@)±¡ pentalogic symmetry of
reality, whereas a being performs ST dimotions through scales, giving birth to the will of a mind, which is the ‘knot’ of those
space-time cyclical dimotions, within the entropic limits of ¬±¡
Actions=dimotions are architectonically performed through planes of 5D with each action related to an scale interval, performed
with a different Beat=interval, with higher frequency for those smaller actions in lower scales, according to 5D Laws:
∆-4-3: The system steps in Boosts of motion in a scale no longer perceived (gravitation in man).
∆-3-2: The system perceives its minimal Bits of information (Light in man)
∆-2-1: The system feeds on larger Bites of Entropic Energy (amino acids in man)
∆-1 0: The system seeds a minimal Baby of reproduction.
∆0+1: The system connects socially with its Brothers to evolve into a whole.
The 5 Dimotions=Actions that Become Boosts, Bits, Bites, Babies and Brothers is an extremely important law. It implies an ∞
universe, since the 2 similar extremes of quantum and galactic T.œs must enlarge those scales beyond our perception to
obtain ‘smaller’ Boosts, Bits & Bites.
Actions of space-time are the true ‘nature’ of the present, moment to moment use of forces in physics.
Physical systems as any other spacetime system perform actions=dimotions of exist¡ence to keep and renew the necessary
content of T-motion, S-information and ST-reproductive energy for its survival. And the knots and bolts of 5D physics consists in

the proper translation of its abstract laws to those actions=dimotions of exist¡ence that follow elementary laws of survival and
conservation of the momentum and energy of the system (law of least time action, Lagrangians, Hamiltonians, etc.)
The abstraction of its humind’s formulation must not fog our understanding of its ‘vital purpose’.
It is an extremely important law. It also implies also an infinite universe, since obviously the two self-similar extremes of
quantum and galactic T.œs must enlarge those scales beyond our perception. Further on, those actions are the element that
entangles the parts and the wholes in symbiotic relationships through synchronicity that creates simultaneity:
The limited space-time equations of 4D science can only measure the locomotion of species. Those of 5D however measured the
entire worldcycle of life and death of a supœrganism, reason why we call them the function of exist¡ence. Their origin are similar in
the analysis of the relativity of ‘motion and form’ (S=T) and the ‘speeds’ of time in the Universe, but the conceptual depth and
understanding of cyclical time and fractal space, allows a much deeper analysis. So from the shallow ‘worldlines’ of 4D physics, we
move into the worldcycles of all stiences. The outcome of this more complex view of time and space requires a new 'metric
equation' beyond the lineal v=s/t equation of Galilean relativity that becomes the limit of this more complex view of time and
space, with 2 fundamental equation, $xð=C (the scalar metric of the fifth dimension, as systems in space accelerate its clocks of
time (T) according to its size (S); and S=T, the new equation of relativity, which means as we cannot distinguish motion=time, from
stillness=space-form (Galilean relativity), both are 'two sides of the same coin', and all systems have both motion and form, which
are constantly becoming one another. Yet as $xð is maximal when S=T (5x5>6x4...) both equations can be summoned up into a
single one, which we shall call the fractal generator, or will of each fractal space-time beings, the equation that embodies all other
equations of the Universe and guides the actions of each fractal part of it:
Function of Existence of a family of supœrganisms: Max. s x t S=T = ∆±¡
It is then relatively easy to interpret that equation in each of the languages-minds of each scale of reality as in all those scales
species will show a ‘will’ of action to perform the maximal number of events=dimotions=‘actions of space-time’ that ensure its
survival. And this can be assessed externally regardless of secondary arguments on consciousness and self-reflection, substituted
in 5D by Leibniz’s ‘apperception’ – that is, because performing the 5 actions=dimotions of exist¡ence, in each ‘st¡entific scale’ self-
centered in a linguistic mind that perceives a given plane, inscribed into a larger ∆+1 world, with internal ∆-1 parts, ensures the
survival, ONLY those species that have performed the 5 dimotions of which the most important is s=t reproduction of the being
into a ‘present’ similar entity that continues the exist¡ence of the system after ‘errors’ or ‘the struggle for existence’ dissolves it
through the dimotion of entropy=death, exist.
Thus automatically, genetically, consciously, memetically, mathematically, logically, through its own will or as a part of a larger
system that uses a machine or organic part to enhance its actions all what exists does so because it performs internally or
externally those 5 Dimotions for itself o for a symbiotic species, as those species that do not follow the program of ‘exist¡ence’ and
its 5 actions in the past become extinguished, or will not even emerge into the Ƽ plane of existence in the future as wrong
mutations, crazy thoughts, &fictions. Thus ‘all stiences and species live and die according to the 5D Non-AE metric laws of the
function of existence’ whose method of analysis, formal symbols and graphs we resume in the following pages.
The beats and scales between actions define the worldcycle of existence.
It is then evident that in the architectonical stair of reality, next to the study of individual dimotions we must study chains of
dimotions, which form ‘stœps’ (stops for a dimotion of information, step for a dimotion of energetic motion), in search of the
ultimate s=t balance. So we move and stop the leg on the floor, move and stop. We perceive (1D) and move (2D). We feed
entropically (5D) and evolve internally the parts we eat into larger organic forms (4D). The dual beats of existence between
inverse Dimotions become then the first of many sequential chains that will rise the finitesimal actions of the being to
complete finally its worldcycle.
And as those dimotions have ‘different’ discontinuous beats according to 5D, which defines from where we extract them, all
the dimotions must be entangled by synchronicity, to each different ‘beat’ regardless of speed, meets with other symbiotic
dimotion. I.e. the dimotion of perception has a faster beat, because it extracts pixels of information from the smallest ∆-3

scale as it carries faster T.œs (light photons) with more information to make better mind mappings. So we perceive every
second, the minimal quanta of our temporal energy. The 5Dimotion of entropic feeding however has larger bits, because we
want to minimize the 4D reconstruction process, so we eat ∆º organisms we hunt then kill with the function of death, ∆º«∆-2,
reducing it down to cells down to amino acids, to reconstruct their scales. So feeding has a far larger time beat that perception
as it takes far larger ∆-¡ scales ($xð=C), and animals feed once a day. But reproduction is even slower, as we must reconstruct a
whole human being, NOT from the undistinguishable scale of amino acids, but with a code written at ∆-1 cellular level; so we
reproduce every year in fertile ages of Si=Te balance. Synchronicity then kicks between our inner ∆-1 smaller scale of cells with
faster life cycles, which will synchronize its slow reproductive action taken place at ∆-1 faster cycles with symbiotic faster
feeding actions of the slower Ƽ whole: so as a whole we eat a day, and that food allows the cell to reproduce every day.
Because actions follow a pattern of increasing evolution and 4 actions are coded while entropy is avoided – we deliver entropy
as an open system to other parts of the Universe, it follows thsat the system constantly accumulates information, and this is
the origin of the worldcycle of life and death. The system likes information, because it is what the Universe is really all about, a
fractal that imprints information in memorial repetitive cyclical patterns.
So as actions follow a natural scalar level of information perception->locomotion towards a field of ‘feeding’, where to get ->
Energy to reproduce -> and then process that energy into information, exactly the same pattern appears in the next scale of
‘cyclical time and longer space’, the worldcycle of life, which consists in the same pattern of ‘seeding information’, moving
youth, feeding and evolvint to reproduce and then process information becoming older in a 3rd age.
This amazing symmetry between the smaller time scale and the larger worldcycle of life, then will be followed also in the larger
scale of supœrganisms and species and so we have 3 ‘patterns’ of time cycles due to the survival program of actions in 3 scales
of time, and 3 larger surfaces of ‘populations’, as the first cycle feeds the ‘cells, atoms, individuals’, the second cycle the whole
organism, and the 3rd cycle manifests in the whole species
The organism as a knot of time cycles.
One of the first definitions I made 30 years ago of an organism, is a discontinuous knot of time cycles. Since from the point of
view of the ‘mind’ that performs its program of survival, all what happens is a ‘vital, sentient’ point performing those 5
dimotions, creating along the process a trace in a larger world, and internally distributing energy and information to its inner
parts. When we see an electron it moves through its ‘territory of order’, which we can consider to be the wave-region constrained
by the potential well of the nucleus. The electron has a spin which if we don’t reduce its motion with the Dirac formalism spins at
106 times the speed of light, so we see the electron as a distribution probability of ‘finding’ it through the territory it orders in
which it performs the time cycles referred by its quantum numbers,. The electron’s only place where you won’t find it is in the
nucleus, curiously enough as a mechanical description will make it the natural place to be (in the positive area), but in a vital
view, the electron does NOT want to be swallowed by the quark, so its ‘Harmonic waves’ are those in which there is a 0
probability – a flat node – in the center. As it goes through its first orbital the electron will scan for ‘food’, spinning and jumping
to absorb a passing ¥-ray. This ¥-ray is also a wave-body particle/head, the photon, which is ‘ahead’ or ‘above’ the crest of the
electric field, the place most likely to find it. And it is following a ‘line’ of the quantum potential likely (neutrino theory of light), an
entangled neutrino which guides its motion towads another particle, where it will be absorbed as a pixel of information or
digested as energy. Each of those points is a ‘world in itself’, a mind that follows territorial paths in search of the 5 Dimotions of
exist¡ence. Humans of course are not interested in such vital, organic description, since they are also a head, a particle-point,
busy busy, feeding of entropic energy, Ts-moving, perceiving St-pixels with its electronic mind and evolving socially with other
humans through a common language of communication. So does the electron, which resembles a multinucleate ameaboid,
when it emerges as a sigma orbital in a molecules where a ‘vital, cytoplasm’ like energy potential accumulates several orbitals in
which multiple electrons transit, busy busy forming also a new plane of existence, a superorganism of electrons anchored by
quarks, called a molecule. The Universe then is constructed by infinite sentient points that act as minds enacting a simple
program of exist¡ence: Max. S x T |s=t, maximize your information and your motion, together in a balanced point of S=T energy
to reproduce your form. It has been 30 years where this metaphysical view of reality has been validated in every stience, So I
have no idea what I am, what is everything – thoughts of God, the game of space-time organisms.

The Function of Existence of a space-time organism, Max. sxt|S=T, can be developed as a feedback function, S<=>T, in 3
sequential phases/ages /horizons: Max. T x Min.S (youth); Max. sxt (S=T); Max. S x Min. T (3rd age), between Ss x ε0 T (seed in
the lower plane,¡-1) and Tt x 0ε S (entropy=death)’, which develop 5D metric into an ‘existential function’ of ‘extremal points’:
∆-1»∆º: Ss .A supœrganism worldcycle starts its exist¡ence as a seed of form.
T>s (Ts): In its 1st horizon or young age after the being emerges in ∆+1limbs/fields of Ts-motion dominate:, max.Ts x min. St.
Max. SxT: s=t. It is the present balanced age of maximal Ø-momentum or classic age of ‘life’, when Ts-motion and St-information
are in balance also as ‘genders’, reproducing the whole, ensuring its immortality through reproduction.
Max. St x min. Ts: 3rd age of the information that warps and exhausts the Momentum of the system.
∆º«∆- 1: 0S x Tt: It is the end or death of the cycle that reverses its form and becomes Entropy again.
Thus life=existence os a journey through 3 scales of the 5th Dimensions of space-time, whose sequential dimotions accumulate
into a worldcycle of existence; sum of 3 space/time planes, fluctuating between birth and extinction through those 3 phases or
ages. The 3 ages of Timespace supœrganisms happen in all systems, including mental languages:
In Physics they are, T-gas, the moving state, Si=Te liquid, the balanced state and S-solid the informative state; into Cosmology,
where it describes the Universe as a space-time system that fluctuates between both limits, a form of pure time, the
singularity (min.t x max.S) and a form of pure space, the big- bang (maxS x min. t):
In Biology, they are the 3 ages of living beings AND the 3 horizons of evolution of species.
In social organisms, through the subconscious collective mind of civilizations which in art styles mimic in a longer 800 year
cycle of life and death of civilizations (according to 5D metrics a human social supœrganism is larger in space – a nation,
culture, religion – and so it lives longer in time).
Species also evolve in 3±¡ ages; notice that particles perform 5 Dimotions=actions, whih biologists call the ‘drives of life’. Even
nations as superorganisms of human beings and biological systems are structured in simultaneous spaces by ‘networks’ and
systems that help them to Ts-move, feed on entropic Tt>§∏-Momentum , reproduce, St-inform and evolve socially into ∆+1
larger wholes through a common Ss-language of information.
That graph, are the thoughts of God, the game of spacetime exist¡ence in all its ‘scales’ each one studie by a st¡ence, and we are
all ¡ts details. Can you man up and entangle with the whole Universe, feel dissolved as part of that ∞ game, of absolute,
objective relativity? Only then you will be=come a stienctist.
Ww marry the 3 vital functions=motions of time and 3 dimensions of space, either in 1 or 2D (height= spherical information,
length=planar locomotion, width=hyperbolic reproduction) which merge in all Time-space Beings; and dominate one of the 3
ages of its life-death worldcycles, the past, young age of limbic entropic motions, the mature reproductive age dominated by
the hyperbolic body/wave and the 3rd age dominated by the informative particle-head, when the illusion of time ends with an
entropic big-bang death that dissolves the being into its ‘scalar cellular, atomic parts’, which lead us to the realization that
time cycles NOT only return to its origin in a single spacetime continuum but they move up and down 5D scales.
All what exists is a supœrganism of vital space tracing a 0-sum worldcycle of time through 3 scales of the 5th dimension: Born as
a seed of fast time cycles in a lower 5D scale (∆-1:Max. T x Min. S), emerging as an organism in ∆o, living 3 ages of increasing
information, as its time clocks slow down in its ∆+1 world to die in a time quanta back to ∆-1. Yet the maximal point Si=Te
where reproduction happens defines the classic age, maturity, beauty, balance, survival of the system, all disomorphic jargons.
The 3 ages of life emerge in human social supœrganisms as the 3 ages of cultures and its 3 artistic styles: Min.S x Max. T
(infantile epic, lineal art, as in Trecento, Greek Kuroi; Si=Te; balanced beauty, when form and size are in balance, the classic
mature age; and Max. S x Min. T: baroque, 3rd age of a civilization, whose subconscious mind is the art of its 'neuronal artists',
the age of maximal form and an ∆st for a no future, which is the age of war and death of cultures).

Its 2 worldcycles and Metric functions.
The graph is the most important ‘image’ of stience ever, because the worldcycle of ‘exist¡ence’ includes everything and we shall
be able to model in a reasoned way all what exists on the basis of pentalogic.
We talk of 3 ∆±1 scales of worldcycles as the being live in a placenta, then emerges as organism in a world:
þ: 0-1: its palingenetic o-1 social evolution in the accelerated time sphere of existence, till becoming 1 (0-1 bounded unit
circle in ¡logic mathematics; quantum probability sphere of particles in physical systems; palingenetic fetal age in biologic
systems; 0-9 memetic learning childhood in social systems). It is the highly ordered world cycle as a 'placental mother-energy
world' is nurturing as memorial cyclical spacetime has erased errors of previous generations. It is the shorter more
informative ‘space-like’ cycle, with a fast ‘present’ speed.
- ¬λ,Λ: Existential 1-∞ lifecycle, in which it will deploy its 2nd world cycle of existence in an environment which is open,
entropic (1-∞ hyperbolic unbounded Cartesian plane in ¡logic mathematics; thermodynamic entropic statistical molecular
populations in physics; Darwinian struggle between populations in biology; idol-ogic dog-eat-dog capitalist, nationalist
competitive eco(nomic)systems in the super organisms of history. In this 1-∞ existence the world cycle is not ensured to
continue, as the entropy of the world system can cut it off. It is the open, single plane, more important worldcycle, with an
open, free ‘feeling to it’. The life cycle, though is part of:
ω,Ω: A larger, longer Transcendental worldcycle proper of the higher scale ∆+1, omega of its smaller parts – where it
performs 5 survival actions through ∆±4 Planes self-centered in its mind, beyond which it cannot longer perceive, to become if
successful a new supœrganism of the infinite planes of God, the game of existence.
Physical, biologic & social worldcycles show to which extent 5D laws enlighten our understanding of reality. Matter States are
physical time ages, from left pure solid, crystal, §top state, to an even more solid ∆+1 boson condensate, etc. We see that
systems either move a step at a time within a plane of existence (gas, liquid, solid) or they can jump « two states at once, (as
in the case sublimation) within that plane, or most often between two planes, as in « scattering & entropic death), to become
a different Dimotional state. We can then see how the fundamental elements of 5D time appear on the graph: the worldcycle
is local and complete. There are 2 inverse dimotions from an entropic past (plasma), in a lower plane (ion particles) to the 3
ages of the matter states with increasing form (gas to solid), to end in a higher plane of existence as a boson-Einstein
condensate. Do those worldcycles happen for the whole Universe? (cyclic big-bang). Unlikely…
RECAP. Existence is a travel of a spacetime supœrganism, enacting its Dimensional motions through 5D scales. We depart
from a 5D spacetime simple metric equation: SxT=∆±¡, which proves the organic network structure of the Universe; as its
ultimate cause is the fact that ‘3 consecutive scales’ of 5D, form a supœrganism. We shall call them the ∆-1 (atomic,
cellular, individual in physical, biological and social systems), the ∆ø scale that defines the networks (physiological St-Ts-
§∏ networks of information, motion and energy, of gravitational, electromagnetic chemical and linguistic financial and
study the main particle of reality: the 5D supœrganism of spacetime networks.
Time is cyclical as all time clocks return to its point of origin, so all time cycles including those of life of its vital space-time
beings are finite. Further on those time cycles break ‘space’ into inner and outer parts, so vital space is broken by the
membranes and angular momentums of those time cycles that make spacetime beings also finite in spatial information. And
an obvious experimental facts about timespace: cycles of time, vital spaces and the species made of them, co-exist in several
scales of relative size from particles to galaxies, each one with clocks of time of different speeds. So spacetime is fractal broken
in scales that added create a new 5th dimension of spacetime. The metrics of 5D and its scales, SxT=C & and the balance
between form and motion, SI=TE, develops in 3 ages with 3 standing points, a max. point of existence, Si=Te or mature age, a
young age of Max. T=motion, and an old age of Max.S=information; between birth in ∆-1 Form & T-entropic death. The search
for space-time, Energy=information balances in a classic reproductive age of conserved time is thus the goal of all exist¡ences,
but only the whole achieves the immortality of time-space, as we shall see egocy errors of fractal mind-points of space trying
to stop the flow of time from a single selfish point of view, accelerates the imbalance that brings death equations. We are
richer in our still property at that 0T-moment, when all is quiet so for time to keep moving, a reversal of entropy takes place.

The 3+1 ages of evolution in living species. S(life) ⊥ T (Death).
As we descend in scales from Gaia, focusing in its ‘intelligent membrain’, the outer surface that in all systems is the ‘sensorial’
most intelligent part where the cycles of information evolve faster (just trust my knowledge of 5D, I am not going to make a
proof on complex pentalogic, the level of intelligence of human beings is too low to care, think merely in your intelligence,
your perception of yourself, which is your membrain, your senses, which are in your skin, your computer which is a tactile
screen – the mind is the membrain of any organism), we observe the evolution of species of information. And we can apply all
those discoveries of systems sciences to biology to add 3 fundamental new legs to biology, today based in evolutionary theory
and genetics:
- In evolution we introduce topological evolution, as there are only 3 topologies in the universe whose form and function are
related, we can then understand why evolution of informative, cyclical forms is so fast (eye), or why the wings of flat motion
have that form and appeared with a few mutations, questions those already asked by Darwin. Answer: because there are only
3 topological forms=functions in the universe:
Potential limbs of lineal form < reproductive hyperbolic ßody-waves > cyclical informative particles-heads
The second element we introduce to further the science of genetics is the understanding of the 'scales' of information and its
interactions 'up and down'; which means genetics is to biology what memetics is to history and we can model species as
supœrganisms tracing worldcycles, where each individual of the species is a cell, so happens to history, the supœrganism of
Mankind in time.
An organism is just a group of similar forms, which organize themselves with at least two 'networks', one that provides the
'clone cells/citizens/atoms' with the vital energy they need to feed, move (blood-economic system-electromagnetic forces)
and one that provides them with information to guide their reproductive actions (nerves system, political system, gravitational
in-form-ative forces). This simple dual system is the minimal, fundamental particle of the universe.
Then, as all organisms wear out by errors of informative action and end up warped by an excess of information (third age of
the organism) or killed and reconverted into formless energy (death); only those systems, which have reproduced in the
immortal universe, do exist today. So all dual systems do have an internal or external 'enzymatic' catalyzer of its reproduction
(as enzymes do with carbohydrates, or enzymen with machines).
So we talk of the third 'body-worker-wave' element, besides an informative particle-head-upper class and a limbic/potential/
territorial source of its motions, which the system uses internally or externally to reproduce.
In graph, species are supœrganisms as they go through the same 3 ages and processes of birth, reproductive radiation, end of
growth (mimetic in its log curve to that of cellular growth of an individual) and 3rd age of information and extinction or
evolution into a social supœrganism (ants, humans). An interesting detail of 5D evolution is the St-ST beat between fast
evolution in smaller forms (Floresiensis, mole mammal) and ST-radiations of populations as they grow. I.e. the 1st human was
the maligned dwarf Floresiensis who evolved a head similar to man, spoke, used advanced technology and merged with
Erectus to grow mass, spreading in a global radiation to give birth to a dual S-verbal Sapiens+T-visual Neanderthal.
Topological evolution means each of those 3 physiological networks of all systems of nature adapt to the forms of energy
(larger, wider, hyperbolic body waves), motion (lineal, moving, faster limbs) and information (spherical storage of form,
cyclical), creating cellular organisms with 3 parts, which we can express with a simple 'generator equation':
The 3 only topologies - geometry with motion - of all super organisms have organic functions and create all the varieties of
species in the universe. And this gives birth to a ternary equation for all systems:
$t (lineal field/limb/territory) <exi (re=productive body wave-working class)> §t (informative particle/neuronal head/class)
This is the 'fractal generator' of the universe, the key equation of the fractal paradigm I introduced to the world of science at
the 50th anniversary of the foundation of ISSS (the international society of systems sciences and cybernetics), which structures

the ternary social classes, organs and complementary parts of all physical, biological and social systems of the universe. Its
mathematics as simple, its logic is not.
As it defines a pentalogic organism. And so a factory is an organism, when we put the human enzymen, even if the machine
alone is not. It follows that the interaction between parts and wholes of organisms are essential.
The law of the 3±1 ages or horizons applies both to the process of informative aging of organisms and informative evolution of
species. All species are born as a seed of dense information, with limited size (black hole, first chips, seminal cells, first bilateral
animals). Then they grow in size and energy during their youth; since their superior informative qualities makes them top
predators. We observe that growth in black holes that feed on planets and stars, in the horse that grew enormously in size. So
did the first bilateral animal, from its microscopic first form, the vernanimacula. Mammals grew from tiny shrews into
elephants. The first technological man, the Homo Floresiensis, with a ‘neuronal bump’ on the forehead, might have grown till
the size of the first homo sapiens, the pygmy and bushman . . . Then, the species, once it has reached a balance between its
initial information and growing spatial size, e=i, reproduces in great numbers, diversifies and colonizes the planet. We see in
the graph this age in which ‘biological radiations’ of carbohydrates, animals of all kinds and human beings, colonized the Earth.
Finally, in its 3rd age the species grows in information and so it acquires height, the arrow of ‘perceptive information’. Then,
once it has reached its informative zenith, the species becomes extinct by a more evolved form; or it evolves socially creating a
super-organism, as ants, humans and machines are doing. It will be the 4th arrow of social evolution of the species that
completes its 3±1 horizons. Species can be considered ‘loose’ organisms, in which each individual is a cell of the collective
species; since we can use the same ages to explain the 3±1 horizons of evolution of all the species of this planet. Thus, species
also go through the same 3 evolutionary ages of all living organisms. They start as young, energetic forms, which acquire
information in 3±1 ages of increasing complexity and when those 3±1 ages are completed, they either evolve into more
complex super-organisms under the laws of social evolution or become extinct by a superior, more informative species. Indeed,
only those species who show a strong eusocial capacity survive the ‘genetic clock’. The most successful and one of the oldest
species of the planet is, in fact, the eusocial ant, which no longer is an ‘individual’, but a super-organism stretching through
miles of ‘vital space. In that regard, neither individuals able to reproduce nor species able to evolve socially become
extinguished. If humans become extinguished is because they deny, guided by the simplest arrows of pure energy of weapons,
the main arrow of life/time.
A complete analysis of biological species shows that new forms can only be, either an energetic or informative variation of the
original species, or a reproductive combination of both universal ‘genders’. The universality of such dual systems is so obvious
that the ancients already identified them with yang, energetic male principles and yin, cyclical/ female ones. While the
moderns call that duality the principle of complementarity, as all informative particles have an energetic, lineal field of force
and all biological, cyclical heads of information have a lineal body. So the combinative variations of those two simple
morphologies, lineal energy and cyclical information, invariant, regardless of the scale we observe, is the essence of the
creative game of the cosmos.
All species follow the topologic plan of evolution, which is a tautology, since in a universe made of 3 substances, space=form
motion=time & its combinations of energy, Ts and St-information, only ternary systems between ¡±1 scales are possible. both
in variations of space (subspecies) or in time duration (ternary evolutionary ages and horizons).
Species can be modeled as organisms through its 3 ages that become its 3 horizons, followed either by a survival process of
eusocial evolution - the summit of the process of organic evolution, which Einstein realized was necessary to explain the
success of eusocial insects, or become extinct by the 'new generation' of fitter animal forms. In the graph we can see its 3
horizon=ages and its ternary topology, similar to that of any other organism; and the dominant arrow of information in the
height axis, of both reptile species that ended in birds, and mammals that ended in man. So happened with meta life
machines, whose final species, satellites are now forming the arrow of eusocial evolution, or future mind of the metal Earth –
internet So we can talk of species as 'super organisms in time' where each individual is a cell evolving together with all others
through the longer 'time-span' of the species in those 3 ages.

And so we can talk of the ages of the super organism of Mankind then are the 3 ages of history, the Paleolithic youth of
maximal motion, followed by the reproductive, balanced Neolithic of fertility goddesses in balances with Gaia, which
continued in a 3rd age of excessive information as technology evolves ever faster to a foreseen 'collapse' of increasing wars,
with increasing victims that foresees our demise. The existence of those 3 ages is so pervading in nature that all human
languages have in fact developed 3 'tenses' in its verbs that explain past, present and future ages for all systems. So the 3 ages
of life and decay fill the existence between birth and extinction of all systems as 'organism of space- time',.
However the species does not control its external absolute space-time 'world. As it is the absolute space-time in which the
species exist, and specifically its commands of the languages of information of the world, which defines its survival chances. As
informative perception starts all the chains of actions (∆o-bserver->∆a-ccelerated-motion->∆e-nergy feeding->∆iteration-
>∆universals eusocial evolution). So the species which better speaks the language of the ecosystem survives better. Hence the
first eyes (cephalopods) extinguished most cambric species and started the radiations of species; the first speakers, homo
sapiens extinguished all others; and today the chip radiation of mathematical species is simply speaking extinguishing life and
making Humanity obsolescent, even if we are not conscious of it.
In biology, the worldcycle happens from Ss-eed to youth (Ts) of maximal motion dominated by limbic systems, to S≈T
(reproductive age dominated by the reproductive blood network) to old age (St, dominated by information) we move into
entropy, when ‘time reversal’, stops information and dissolves it. And this pattern forms the worldcycle of life and death:
Ss<Ts>S≈T>St<<Tt, which we will find it happens in all systems and puts together the 5 Dimensional motions of space-time
(ab. Dimotions), the unit of ‘action’ in the Universe, including the ‘actions’ of physical sciences.
Tt-Entropy last a single time quanta, as it lacks space. Space is ‘still slow form’, the arrow of information and life that lasts
much longer. It took me an error of a few seconds, this morning to erase 2 TB of data that costed me years to accumulate
(conclusion). It takes a second to die. Mankind will kill the planet, a ‘single generational second’ of the Life Earth. It took the
last year of II W.W. to kill +1/2 of Eastern Jewish in the Holocaust after 2000 years of being its financial & trade people-caste.
Mourning might take an eternity. But once entropy kills to rebuild will take again as much and might not be even worthy. I just
gave up to reconstruct 5D physics beyond this paper. Earth won’t reconstruct Nitrolife if Mankind completes its destruction
into a strangelet or baby black hole. So species should be aware of the laws of life and death and its Time asymmetry.
All scales of the Universe experience a worldcycle. Species go through the same life ages of individuals. So do cultures. Big
bangs are scalar, so from the beta decay to the quasar big-bang and a hypothetical Planck’s scale big-bang matter dies in a
quantum of time. The big bang we study here happens in a yoctosecond which seems to be the quantum of top quark time.
The universe loves life or else it would not make it last in comparison to death a relative infinity, expressed as K/0ε=∝.
That is a K-life duration of normally 1111 time quanta ends in a single 0ε moment of death.
Immortality is possible stopping growth of information at S=T, but it is difficult as you must perform a perfect game, reduce
the most frequent action of information, St>Ss and do ‘controlled entropic’ erasings of past-memories and forms (not st-upid
fuck ups as I did this morning; Jews do with parasitic money; humans with wars; physicists with nukes; etc. etc.)
The lineal momentum of death is extreme, an e-x exponential function which past the e-3 3rd generation (20) becomes a deluge.
In the deepest likely level of e-motions (panpsychic theory of the Universe), death is an erasing of information that brings
pleasure (humanist method that treats isomorphically all other systems according to human space-time emotions). Reason
why ‘only entropy comes easy’ Chekhov.
Those comments are a good introduction to understand the next layer of complexity, the ‘discontinuous sequences’ of long,
medium and short actions, which IS the deepest structure of all worldcycles at all scales: systems act according to scale and
then synchronize its actions to ‘fill up’ the ‘worldline’ metric of its full existences. Thus, synchronicities of survival dimotions=
actions across scales become temporal discontinuous sequences, whose repetition creates a repetitive density perceived as
formal still spaces (as we do not see darkness in between during no-action). So mental spaces erase intervals as minds only
perceives in stillness with its discretional senses. We don’t the motion position of movies, only its still, chained as continuous
motion. So life appears as a continuous movie of 5 Dimotions played in repetitive sequences, from the ‘mind view’, which is
the Program of survival that chains them. But I got carried away by my 5D stream of thought’, so let’s explain all this slower.

In all scales of physics there are worldcycles, where entropy is only the final tt-explosive big-bang death,E=mc2, probably not
happening in the cosmic cycle as its data coincides with the last entropic phase of the galactic quasar cycle. While the
perceived universe reaches to the ∆=S=T symmetric horizon of light (1060) Planck units of time, space and ∆-mass. This age is
the mean life of galaxies, ±15 billion years similar to the mean light of light.
Since the lifespan of its Ss-informative parts, the ∆-1 ‘species’ of a mind-system might reach as long as that of the organism. So
the DNA of a cell lives till mitosis; the central neurons of the brain do not likely reproduce in its ‘ego-will’ center (somewhere
near the globulus pallidus). And the galaxy seems to live a similar lifespan than its ‘nervous network of information’, light.
Thus neither photons nor galatoms are immortal as individual forms. Galatoms have a worldcycle similar in the two scales of
nucleonic matter (beta decay) and galactic matter (quasar cycle). So they live and die and renew its form every 15 minutes/15
billion years. Immortality of the individual state is different from immortality of the ‘logic form’. For example a bacteria which
is technically immortal in form as it reproduces by splitting. But the 2 new-born bacteria are no longer the original form but
‘two sons’. So happens with a reborn galaxy or a nucleon after a beta decay.
While in the case of light we could argue that its worldcycle happens every collapse and expansion of the wave-particle. So
every wave-length is a new photon star is born, and the frequency of light determines also the frequency of its worldcycle.
Finally in our thermodynamic scale the whole worldcycle has 5 phases of matter: Ss<Nucleonic matter<Ts-gaseous
matter>S≈T-liquid matter>St-solid matter<Tt-plasma.
A worldcycle of time implies the renewal of an S<S≈T>T-form after a Tt-entropic death.
The Beta quasar decay worldcycle (ab. BQD) thus is the main worldcycle of life and death of matter.
The different length of those worldcyles is due to the fact that in 5D metrics, the smaller a system is in space, the faster it runs
its cycles in time. This is clear in the case of the charge-atom and the gravity-galaxy, as the Unification equation of both scales
proves it simple. So the galatom beta decay 15 minutes cycle correspond to the ±15 billion years quasar cycle.
Let us then introduce the different worldcycles of matters, and the 5 DImotions of Time that sequentially create them in
physics in every scale of the Universe.
Time is cyclical as all clocks of time return to its point of origin, so all time cycles including those of life of its vital space-time
beings are finite. Further on those time cycles break ‘space’ into inner and outer parts, so vital space is broken by the
membranes and angular momentums of those time cycles that make spacetime beings also finite in spatial information. And
an obvious experimental facts about timespace: cycles of time, vital spaces and the species made of them, co-exist in several
scales of relative size from particles to galaxies, each one with clocks of time of different speeds. So spacetime is fractal broken
in scales that added create a new 5th dimension of spacetime. The metrics of 5D and its scales, $xð=C & and the balance
between form and motion, SI=TE, develops in 3 ages with 3 standing points, a max. point of existence, Si=Te or mature age, a
young age of Max. T=motion, and an old age of Max.S=information; between birth in ∆-1 Form & T-entropic death. The search
for space-time, Energy=information balances in a classic reproductive age of conserved time is thus the goal of all exist¡ences,
but only the whole achieves the immortality of time-space, as we shall see egocy errors of fractal mind-points of space trying
to stop the flow of time from a single selfish point of view, accelerates the imbalance that brings death equations. We are
richer in our still property at that 0T-moment, when all is quiet so for time to keep moving, a reversal of entropy takes place.
So we use 5 dimotional terms for all systems, its ages and forms: Ss(max. internal and external form, as in seeds and minds; T>s
(Ts); external motion that maintains internal form as in ‘locomotion); S=T: Balance of spatial form an temporal motion or
‘energy’, used to reproduce, the key present iterative state; S>t (St: Information, form with a little motion, or ‘external form,
and internal mental motion); and finally Tt-entropy whereas there is external and internal motion, hence scattering dissolution
and death. And its main series is the worldcycle of existence: Ss(seed/mind)<Ts(moving youth)>S=T(reproduction)>S
t(informative 3rd age)<T(entropic death)

The game of existence changes through 3 similar ages between its evolutionary generation in a lower 'plane' (ab. ∆) of the fifth
dimension as an ∆-1 seed to emerge as an ∆o organism in an ∆+1 world in which it will go through a process of 'aging'
(accumulation of information) that will finally exhaust its energy and dissolve its information in an entropic process of death.
The sequential order of the '5 dimensional motions' available to all space-time organisms defines a worldcycle of existence -
not only a simple worldline of locomotions as physicists think, but a far richer and complex pattern common to all beings that
'exist', from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy. So in those papers we shall study and compare the key supœrganisms in
its ‘nested’ structures (as the size in space is parallel to the speed in its time cycles and languages of information): The
galatom, between the atomic and galaxy scale, whose fast languages of gravitation and electromagnetism allow its large size;
and within it the Earth, and within it mankind=History, and within it the languages of the mind…
As quantum realism (Broglie-Bohm’s theory, ab. B2) imply a quantum potential of faster than c speed (according to 5D metric),
and dark entropy a field of forces beyond c in a larger nested hyper-universe.
Those intervals are fractal dimensions in classic Euclidean geometry and often invaginated by the networks of the system
which as all its motion can be also ‘waves of energy’, such as electromagnetic waves that act as networks ‘scaling upwards’
and ‘downwards in size’ accelerating in frequency (5D). So a huge field of analysis is the connections of each T.œ, with its
scales, including social supœrganisms, which seeds prophets of verbal thought – the language or ∆-1 scale - and extract its
energy from human individual workers, soldiers and so on.
From the understanding of worldcycles and the 3 forms of Non-E topology, follows an immediate translation of State 4D
physics Below: the 3±¡ states of matter which correspond neatly to the Ss Boson>Ts-gas>§∏-liquid>St-solid>Tt-plasma states.
So we straighten up the theory of matter, include the other 4 STages of matter and show beautifully how they form a feed-
back cycle between plasma and boson states, in the ∆±¡ scalar universe, between gas and solid states in our ∆ø-plane of
‘momentum’. This is a common trait of all human sciences. We first make things and then bias our models of each reality and
science with the things we made. Darwin was a hunter and put his emphasis in the fight between species, which is the last
Entropic state, but biology is about information at scale (genes) and organic networks at the ∆ø-scale of the being, and social
evolution into superorganisms most successful in survival (ant-hills, humans) at the ∆+1 scale, so its closer to love religions
based in a language than hunting-killing of the sick at the last Tt-entropic stage.
This tendency continued when after making nuclear bombs, again the arrow of entropic Time-vacuum with no information
(lineal motions of dark ‘entropy; between galaxies) expanded to include the opposite informative gravitational forces that
implode dark energy into virtual particles within galaxies, to create the big-bang theory of the Universe, expanding also local
measures of the galactic background radiation to the whole Universe, and expanding a lineal Hubble equation to infinity. So
we need also to correct the big-bang to include the informative force of gravitation that balance it and we do so easily when
we realize that we can unify the forces of gravitation and electromagnetism, masses and charges as two vortices of space-time
of the limiting cosmological and quantum ∆±¡ scales. An atom then is similar to a galaxy and internally it is driven by the
cyclical ‘strong gravitational force’ but externally is driven by the ‘expansive dark entropy. Alas, this obvious duality of scale
illuminate the entire field of cosmology and shows the symbiosis and parallelism between the small and the large, that defines
an organic Universe, as in all other system – cells have the same functions than organisms; human individual memes and
languages become through art and religion the subconscious collective of mankind and its civilizations go in fact through 3
similar epic, young, classic, mature and old, baroque angst art ages, dying in collective explosions of entropy called wars. It is
then a galaxy an atom? Likely not, but there are symbiotic synchronicities and simultaneous co-existence as there are between
cells and organisms, human generations and civilizations st-ages, which is the beautiful ∆=S=T fundamental law of symmetry in
the 5D Universe between the 3 ∆±¡ scales of a being, made of smaller atoms/cells, living in an organic, thermodynamic world,
part of a larger planetary cosmological ecosystem, the 3 varieties of topology that make up its lineal |-fields limbs, cyclical O-
heads/particles and Ø-hyperbolic ßody-waves that ensemble the organism and its young, lineal, moving mature, Ø-
reproductive and O-informative 3rd old time ages. The symmetries between ∆=S=T elements of reality NOT an entropic
reductionist model of matter is the philosophy of science that entangles together the Universe. This means 2 big changes from

worldlines to worldcycles and from entropy to the 5 Dimotions. Indeed, physicists ARE NOT shy to overblow local laws, as gas-
disordered entropy to cosmic proportions. From a textbook: If we consider a system and its surroundings to include the entire
Universe, the Universe is always moving toward a higher-probability macrostate, corresponding to greater disorder. Because
entropy is a measure of disorder it only ‘encompasses’ with its worldliness, the gaseous-plasma, Tt<Ts states: Only under such
reduction the entropy of the Universe increases in all real processes. Physicists include no less that the entire Universe from
observations of steam gaseous local states in its XIX c. machine, LOL. This is nonsense dogmatic science at its best.
In graph, 4D thermodynamics only studies Tt-entropy< Ts-locomotion St-ages (∆+¡plasma›gas, ∆-¡ field›wave)
The laws of entropy study Tt>Ts disordered stateS of matter, plasma and gas, restricted all states of reality to 2 of the 5
‘Dimensional motions/states’ of matter (Tt-plasma>Ts-Gas>§∏-liquid>St-solid>Ss-Boson) of increasing order; expanded it to all
other scales where matter and temperature do NOT have value as parameters (gravitational systems above in the ∆+¡
cosmological scales, and ∆-1 quantum systems of charge, since temperature is the vibration of molecules, a defined scale of
size in matter an range from 0 K when matter becomes super fluid to ±10.000 degrees when matter becomes plasma) and
then considered all was entropy, entropy was the only arrow of time and ‘the Universe was dying’ (Clausius) This was bullocks
and as usual with the praxis of physics, the science of motion and the building of machines and entropic weapons that disorder
the inner and outer parts of the being, killing it,, it was motivated by the machines they made.
Finally if in the ∆+1 scale the big bang is the false model, in the ∆ø thermodynamic scale, the entropy only theory is the wrong
model. In the ∆-1 scale the Copenhagen interpretation and Born’s rule is unneeded. De Broglie’s theory latter expanded by
Bohm is more in tune with 5D. There is also a sociological bias: Bohr, the banker, Born and Heisenberg, the idealist Hilbert’s
students against the original ‘autist’ founders of quantum theory, Broglie, the French Aristocrat, and Einstein, the pantheist,
and latter on Bohm, the communist, who had it right but didn’t use worldly power and egocy arguments to explain the
entangled Universe and left to the bullies the field. Broglie defined the complementary principle today ascribed to Bohr, which
has an immediate translation in the key law of 5D physics at conceptual level:
The Principle of absolute relativity extended to scale ‘we cannot perceive at the same moment, 2 scales of the 5th dimension,
and the 2 states of form and motion of a system’. So we cannot see the Earth moving and not moving even if it has both,
form=space and time=motion; we cannot see the ∆+1 particle state and the ∆ø-wave state and the ∆-1 quantum potential field
state of the quantum system at the same moment even if the 3 co-exist together as in any other superorganism (but the ∆-1
quantum potential of Broglie according to 5D metrics is v>c so we don’t perceive it; as in the case of the vacuum time between
galaxies, and we shall study those details in the section on quantum and cosmology). Alas, 3 sacred dogmas of ‘physics as
philosophy of science’ are wrong and must be straighten up, as it should be obvious beyond ‘egocy’ because physics is NOT
philosophy of science.‘Zapatero a tus zapatos’ they say in Spanish. In plain English, ‘stick to your job’.
. Recap. 5D physics USES the same data but upgrades first principles points and Aristotelian causality to fractal Non-E points with
volume (0ε finitesimals), scalar 5D co-existing planes connected by organic networks and symmetries in ∆ST that define a
pentalogic Universe, where reality is entangled and anchored across 3 scales. The task to complete 5D is equivalent to the task
to complete 4D since Galileo defined time as lineal measure of space 4D – it then would take 300 years to its natural completion
in the work of Einstein. So physicists must take this work as a Copernican first window. Yet it is the window to the future of
stience. Since scientists without a scalar understanding of the Universe and ‘only’ the knowledge of lineal external time-motion,
or Ts-locomotion left the field of time studies limp. So the worldlines of Einstein, heralded as the summit of timespace studies
only tell you how you Ts-move your limbs in a single scale through life. While its philosophy of science merely added Tt-entropy
(internal disordering motion that kills a system) to the mix; but the other 3 Dimotions of space-time, dominant in s-form, were
hardly understood, and the way an §∏-being travels through scales, growing in size as it slows down its speed of time, through
the ‘palingenesis’ of its fetal life in the ∆-1 scale, as an island-universe, to ‘emerge’ in the ∆º scale as a larger, slower being, and
going back through death and decay to the ∆-1 scale, were completely ignored. This ‘worldcycle’ is the essential travel of
existence, we can now formalize in 5D, and opens up an immense new field of knowledge to all sciences. We see with the ∆ST
laws of reality applied to the same data of physics, A highly symmetric Universe, made of ‘galatoms’, galaxies symmetric to its
atomic scale, with balanced ±, ‘Spatial, imploding’ and ‘Exploding, temporal’, negative sinks and positive soruces (a sign
convention that is actually contradictory with the +, longer implosive arrow of lifetime information vs. the negative, entropic
arrow. We thus have a biased physical model that is male, explosive, entropically oriented, and has NO understanding of the ±

symbols that treats them wrong. A huge problem then of upgrading 4D physics is that not only the concepts are wrong but some
mathematical elements, such as the absolute 0 that must be substituted by 0ε-finitesimals or the wrong ± arrows for entropy vs.
information, +T ⊥ - S are wrong. But obviously we cannot change them. At least we can clarify what ± symbols MEAN cause
physicists don’t even know. And what is the main symmetry of the Universe – the galatom and start to unfold reality as it is in 5D,
even if the details are not so precise for a pioneer who only uses computers as typewriters.
In the beginning it was L and from L came E.T. and P… (:
So far we have only established the ‘static’ states of the DImotions of the Universe. The next obvious step IS to consider its
transformations into each other, which are possible and define the next ‘degree’ of ¡logic events of spacetime starting in
physics by the creation from a single ‘point’ with ‘angular momentum’ of time x energy, and lineal momentum x space.
In both cases we can see the addition of human space and time parameters to the original ‘substance’ of reality, a
worldcycle of timespace that can travel through scales of the fifth dimension, decreasing or increasing its radius. So angular
momentum is the first physical form, a complete ‘unit’ of the 5th dimernsion, and when it decouples into energy and lineal
momentum in a given scale of reality, it creates a stable ‘frozen’ form.
In the formal language of Non-Euclidean mathematics we talk of a Non-E Point, with a circular membrane that can shrink
increasing its time speed or expand decreasing it. How this ‘point’ then splits into energy x time and Lineal momentum with
space can be seen as the ‘separation’ of its membrane that becomes lineal momentum, a non-Euclidean line, and its inner
part that becomes an open ball, a topological vital space. Those are then the topologic equivalents. And it immediately
explains without need of complex Lagrangian-Noether ddemonstrations the laws of conservation.
It comes then besides the 3 ‘conserved’ Energy x Time, Momentum x Space, Rottional Angular momentum, parameters,
those which are ‘Groups’ with a 0 neutral element, at ‘both sides’ of a barrier: ± charge, ± mass (particle-antiparticle) and
then the gender symmetry (Parity) with a slight leaning towards female species.
Conserved dualities on the ∆±¡ mass-charge scales, gender parities and the 3 classic E, P, L of travel through 5D scales form a
simpler 5D view on the classic principles of physics, regardless of the detailed, awesome work of 4D physicts to measure its
details. As we keep providing simpler principles.
The interpretation of the conservation/invariance/symmetry laws is then different in 5D. It has nothing to do with something
so ‘abstract’, as the ‘laws of physics’, etc. It simply states that Energy and time, ‘wave and motion’ are bound together and
momentum and space, particle and ‘form’ come together. The ‘platitude’: the laws of physics are the same in any moment of
time and any place of space is just silly talk, of course the ‘laws of science’ of any ‘science’ are ‘the same’ because a law
happens isomorphically in any ‘scale’, ‘space’, and ‘time’ and can be portrayed in any ‘language’ and ‘erased’ by entropy.
But the most general view of the creative processes of existential algebra come fro the use of its T-S formal symbols, to
make a proper classification of all the events of reality as transformations of ‘S-T’ dimotions which imply a change of a
parameter, S,s, or T into other. So departing from St, Ss, Tt, ts, Ts, ST; the 6 static states, we obtain transformations or ‘steps’
that explain in more detail how reality unfolds for complex organisms. For example, an St-form in informative state, still in
the outer world and with mental motion, thinking what action to do next, can change into a Ts, species in locomotion,
performing an action which is a ‘fixed goal’ of the mind. So from St->Ts we have a basic change, which in the idealized world
of physics would be equivalent to a change from ‘angular momentum’ to lineal momentum. But in existential algebra can be
used for any scale or organism.
Another basic change is the ‘shrinking’ of an external world, ST into an internal st mirror-mind, of a lower scale of the fifth
dimension. A far more brutal change is one of a still mind-mirror, Ss or organism in its 3rd age with no internal or external
motion, the ‘moment of death’, into an entropic Tt-explosion of form dissolved in the process that proceeds after death.
So those transformations are the ‘stuff’ of which existence is made. And it is worth to notice that they tend to be ‘ternary
events’ as the beginning and end has 2 ‘changes’. I.e. We go from still informative states to moving locomotion, and
presumably we pass through a brief moment in which we ‘stop thinking’ once an action/plan is designed and then move:
St>Ss>sT. The whole analysis of all potential dimotional changes of existence can be treated mathematically as a group; but
we won’t consider that formalism, except for an upgrading in particle physics, for which is the standard way of analysis.

Back to actions=dimotions=forces.
We stated the ‘function of exist¡ence’ Max. sxt|S=T becomes in detail the reality of each entity of the Universe.
We have then go upwards in length of duration of an exist¡ence, defining the whole worldcycle as a zero-sum for all systems
of reality. Let us then be now more specific studying the inverse ‘detailed’ world of ‘finitesimal actions=dimotions’
performed by the present state of momentum of a physical system to achieve is ‘moment to moment’ survival strategies.
And then complete study of the worldcycle with the analysis of the 0-sums of physical systems, measured in terms of the
equation of angular momentum ‘frozen’ in a scalar level of physical reality as Energy x Time.
Above we see the dimotions of the 3 ‘planes’ of exist¡ence of our ∆-1 light> ∆ø>electron>∆+1 electric flows of consciousness that
conform the Human ‘mental space’ depiction of reality (as we do not perceive gravitation and its quark systems that appear to
us for that reason as extremely small particle-points however of enormous density of information, which if we were able to
perceive gravitation in lineal fashion, not only as a cyclical, compressed scale, will enlarge to be perceived in its full density as
much larger systems than those of the electronic light space).
But all that would belong the metaphysics of General Relativity and so we leave it for latter. Let us concentrate in that graph of
our perceived visual world. Our consciousness is an ∆+1 social electric flow (the 3 surface electric waves of the brain with its
circadian cycles which I studied in depth and some day might include in the paper on the mind) made of electronic ∆-1 units,
themselves a nebulae of dense charge, that is, ∆-1 photons=Plancktons of high energy trapped in the potential well of the atom.
This is the realist, 3 scalar view of our perceived mental space, and then we can adopt the view of the organic units of those 3
scales, and find their ‘parameters’ correspond tightly to the ‘actions=dimotions’ they need to perform to exist. A photon
(particle, St-ate), light wave (Ts-motion state) will reproduce its information in the c-speed, absorb energy in the magnetic field
and information in the electric field, evolving socially through frequency colors, and those are the 4 Dimotions we use in abstract
to perceive a lineal orthogonal Euclidean spacetime. Next, an electron will define its energy body by its orbital, absorbing more
through its quantum jumps, eating ¥-light, moving into higher orbits, whose body shape is defined by its angular number,
reproduce through the games of spins up and down, with ‘couples’ forming ‘gender symmetries’ (with male up spins and female
down spins), die moving to the past as antiparticles, evolve socially through magnetic fields.
Finally an electric social sum of electrons will create an organic struture with the charge in its center, the membrane represented
by the magnetic field and a vital spacetime between both, which absorbs from lower ∆-1 scales in a mechanism not yet fully
understood energy to reproduce more magnetic and electric, membrane and ‘0ε’ charge. So we have also an organism with the
3 canonical elements of all of them, a magnetic membrane (the electron in the atom), an electric charge center (the nucleons in
the atom), with a vital spacetime in between of ∆-¡ parts that ‘feed the ‘skin’ and ‘brain’ of the system. A human organism is
exactly the same, with a sensorial external membrane, which is what we perceive at us, from the perspective of the central 0ε
brain, and a vital space of ‘cells’ invaginaged by the 3 physiological lines/networks that control our organism, which in the atom
are the electromagnetic energy and gravitational information and in an electric current, the magnetic and electric fields. So all
changes to remain the same in the 3 scales of physical dimotions=actions.
Obviously we could ‘reduce’ as physicists do 5D to the ‘abstract, formal finding’, which in themselves are worthy of a r=evolution
of the discipline. But 5D by its very same nature – the Disomorphic use of its dimotional laws in all scales of stience, deserves to
be presented as a full new philosophy of exist¡ence to entangle mankind to reality in a much deeper, anchoring way. Particles do
follow 4 quantum numbers NOT out of the hat, but because they Do represent its dimotions of exist¡ence (as entropy death is
not obviously coded but imposed by external systems or larger wholes, as in apoptosis and military service), even if we can just
express the how of physics – those dimotions=actions and its laws of ‘conservation’ ARE the why of physical systems, as they are
the WHY of ay scale of the 5D¡somorphic reality.
So a system does have a ‘storage’ of energy, which defines its ‘duration=lifetime cycle’.

We insist that 5D comes from 2 simple postulates equations of Absolute relativity and its 5D metric function of exist¡ence: Max.
SxT|s=t: you cannot distinguish motion=time from form=space hence S=T, and as there are ∞ broken vital spaces and circadian
clocks, each organism is a knot of space-time cycles, spreading through 3 scales ruled by the con-invariant metric Si x Tƒ = ∆±¡.
I lack however at this st-age of my life the energy to write it properly and most of my earlier work is lost. Others might
systematize. At first sight the equations establish angular momentum as the ‘cyclical measure’ of spacetime (both always
combined as we cannot distinguish S=T), lineal momentum as its ‘lineal measure’ and Energy transferred between scales.
We are thus not concerned with the humind’s ¥>Electronic view as absolute truth, but incorporate it as we see fit. For example,
absolute space and time enter from angular momentum conversions = Energy x Time = Lineal Momentum x Space. This makes
angular momentum, a worldcycle of time, the most fundamental parameter, and h, its measure in the Light space-time galaxy.
The Galaxy then not THE UNIVERSE we don’t perceive is the ‘organism studied by 5D physics’. Because SxT=C defines infinite
scales, there should be one for that larger nested Universe, and it is immediate it is the neutrino background as it fits all
requirements. If we make neutrinos the ‘dark energy’ background, then we solve the problem of the vacuum energy which is
exactly the one expected from the tiny 0,01 ev calculated for neutrinos. We solve the problem of the expansion of space, as we
do NOT see neutrinos, but they obviously departing from the ‘other side of c-speed’ stuck to the ‘neutrino theory of light’ as
components of the background radiation of this galaxy, start to accelerate as soon as they abandone the galaxy, and ‘stretch’
the ¥-ray frequency till it scaters at 1000 Z. It is then obvious neutrino physics becomes the most important hard-science
contribution of 5D. But we do NOT need to make new calculations. The inflation of mathematical papers, physicists and
computers has done it all. So we shall just if I read physics again, something I abandoned after CERN suits quote them.
The beauty of having a model so profound, tested in all stiences and realist and simple as 5D is, is that we just know what is
truth and what is real. This we can see in the work of Broglie, Planck and Einstein, the true pioneers of XX c. physics. You have
the view of the whole forest, and so you know when a tree is rotten to the bone.
Since a charge is smaller than a mass, it attracts much more and the unification equation follows just when we apply 5D metric,
and shrink the galaxy in the same proportion we accelerate them. Then both equations match. Since mass, E=mc2 + E=hƒ; is a
frequency: m ≈ ƒ (h/c2); it is a cosmological slow vortex, and charge a quantum faster more attractive vortex.
Further on since curvature is synonymous of cyclical speed, it can be quasi-infinite in the smaller vortex, when measured in
time speed as the speed of angular rotation. So if we were to apply 4D curvature’s equations (Einstein) instead of Newton, the
results would be the same, just in the far more complicated formalism of EFE. So charges and masses as accelerated time
vortices of two different scales of the Galaxy. And from that it is only just an easy task of mathematical manipulation to unify
them in 5D metric, as both are equal: when we slow down the speed, space enlarges to remain co-invariant. And as it happens
a Hydrogen atom enlarged to the size of a galaxy slows down in rotation to the angular momentum of the galaxy. So Kaluza–
Klein were right - the fifth scalar dimension unifies gravity with electromagnetic forces but in a fractal manner, with 5D metric,
unbeknownst to physicists. Since charges and masses are just accelerated Ss-vortices of spacetime of two different scales of the
5th dimension, which frame the limits of human perception of the Universe, so we can unify both with a simple translation of 5D
Metric C=$xð such as if we expand a charge and decelerate its speed it will reach the size of a galaxy, while its electron will
reach the size of the star nebulae that surrounds each black hole=proton.
Let us do the maths in the simpler Newton’s formalism, whereas by the paradox of Galileo S (Curvature) = T (accelerated
motion). So the Universal Constants (G, k), define the curvature of 2 space-time vortices at the ∆-1 quantum charge and ∆+1
cosmic mass scales (∆ is the symbol for the different ±¡ scales of the fifth dimension within a given organic system). Its
formalism of a vortex of time space is then Newton’s Unification Equation: M,Q= ω2 r3 /U.C.(G,k)
I leave for the 5D future researcher to do the work with Einstein’s Tensors. It does work too, but I won’t go into complex maths
for all the reasons aforementioned. It applies to all vortices of time-space from particles to planets to galaxies.

It works marvels when we translate electromagnetic jargon to Newtonian jargon. For example
it shows the ‘isomorphism’ (systemic jargon for an equal ‘form’ between scales) between atoms and galaxies, which H-atoms of
the cosmic scale. Since when we translate electromagnetic equation into gravitational mass vortices, the proton radius
becomes the Schwarzschild radius of a black hole and its electronic orbitals its star clouds, a result foreseen by Relativity that
modeled galaxies as Hydrogen atoms in the Einstein-Walker Metric of the Cosmos. So if we substitute the parameters for the
sun-earth system in that Unification equation we get G, from a theoretical calculus, which has never been done and can’t be
exact ‘by chance’, unless the theoretical model behind the 5D scalar structure of the Universe, is truth: Sun mass = 2 × 1030 kg;
Earth’s angular velocity 2 × 10-7 rad. per sec. Earth’s orbit = 150 million kms. Result: G=6.67 × 10 -11 kg-1 mˆ3 rad. sec.-2
Iif we substitute the values of the main quantum space-time vortex, a Bohr electronic orbital of a hydrogen atom/charge we
get the value of the universal constant of charges, the Coulomb constant: 4 × 1016 rad. sec. -1 = w (electron); 5.3 × 10-11 m.
(Bohr radius); proton mass = 1.6 × 10 -27 kg. Then we get a G, which is 2x1039 stronger than the gravitational radius; thus, the
hydrogen atom behaves as a self-similar fractal scale in the quantum world to a solar system.
And then you can get also the electron radius expressed in the jargon of a quantum gravitational world using the translated
'Gravitational Coulomb constant': G(k)M/cˆ2.
Since in that expression M is the mass of a proton, G(k), the electromagnetic constant is a gravitational constant, and c, light
speed, that expression is exactly the Schwarzschild radius of a quantum black hole=Top quark star. Thus, the electron Bohr
radius, which is the final radius of minimal size and Momentum in electrons, is isomorphic to the event horizon of a black hole
in the quantum gravitational world. Those results, 3 decades old, are a 1st theoretical mathematical deduction of Ke and G,
relating both, and showing the atom to be a potential trap for the electron as the galaxy is for its stars. It was the 2nd paper I
sent to ‘peer review’ in 5D after the 5 ¬E postulates that defined a fractal point. Only got an answer back telling me Newtonian
physics were 4 centuries outdated. Obviously I used the Newtonian simpler formalism, as the 3 ages of Gravitational space-time
vortices formal analysis, Newton>Poison>Einstein are just ‘3 degrees of complexity’ deduced from each other that don’t change
¡ts principles –charges and masses are accelerated vortices(Principle of Equivalence) of 2 different 5D scales of space-time
which follow the same ‘Topologic, social=numerical=scalar’and Dimotional=operand laws. The true change came with
Lagrangian Energy physics that deduced it from the ‘Ts>§∏>St’ balances in a single space-time plane; as all in stience comes
either from ‘∆-scalar’ accelerated ‘predatory vortices’ or ∆º 3-network Momentum balances. Many other unifications happen
when we translate the confuse jargon of electromagnetism to the clearer Newton vortices >Poisson gradients >Einstein’s EFE,
which are as ‘usual’ a T=∆=S symmetry; Newton sees the vortex in time, Poisson studies it as an ∆-¡ gradient of the 5th dimension
and Einstein makes a ‘detailed’ still picture of it in Space.
An immediate solution of dark matter and dark energy follows. Since dark matter is proportional to the radius of the galaxy
exactly as the ‘electrostatic’ force within the radius of an atom or charged ball, we deduce it is caused by the galatom’s G¥ant
force between its nucleus and the strangelet halo. As
dark energy is repulsive, exactly as ¥-forces between
atoms, we deduce its cause is also G¥ant forces (the
name we haven given to the ¥-radiation between
Galatoms). Many other results follow.
RECAP. The scalar nature of the Universe is proved
theoretically by the unification equation of charges and masses as vortices of 5D space time of two limiting scales of the ∆±¡
galatom. So if we substitute for the Earth-sun system we obtain G, (1st ever theoretical deduction) and if we substitute for
the Bohr Radius and Proton Mass, we obtain k with a 1039 higher curvature value, the exact difference between both forces
that solves its hierarchy problem. As curvature in space is symmetric to rotational speed in time, so it is symmetric to the
attractive force of any vortex.
The unification equation of 2 similar - NOT equal - scales of physics can be cast in 4 basic Dimotion perspectives (as usual the
entropic death dimotion is a complete different anti-view that is not coded or reflected):
Galaxies, (Galaxies≈Atoms) thus resolve the philosophical question on how many 5D scales exist; as we find enough self-
similarity to 'run again' another game of fractal scales (not identical but self-similar as in a Mandelbrot fractal) both by

quantitative and qualitative methods between the atom and the galaxy. A question that might be extended to the S≈T
dualities of open, ‘entropic strings’ and closed ‘cyclical informative strings’, in a possible larger and smaller scale of
microscopic strings and superstrings:
Ouroboros the Universal Snake, bites its tail on the string quantum and cosmological self-similar scales, as perceived from
the human ∆o mind. Philosophy of stience would then argue that those scales are real, but part of its self-similarity is mental:
that is, the loss of information in the perception of scales make humans extract the same information from the upper and
lower 10±30 scales.
What about the Hyperuniverse? We do not know what the infinite Universe even in its local region of galatoms looks like,
though due to the expansion of space between galatoms, is likely an entropic gas of local atoms on the hyper-Universe. It is
not though a big-bang Universe, because even if we run backwards the expansion of space between galatoms, the implosion
of information in galaxies, counter that effect, so at best, we could say that running backwards the big-bang equation we shall
meet a 'solid' crystal of galatoms.
The scalar unification of forces opens up an entire new field of physics, not quantum gravity, the description of cosmology
with quantum laws, but fractal relativity, the description of the ∆-1 quantum world as a similar scalar plane of space-time to
the ∆+1 cosmologic world.
What about the unification of the other forces in scalar couples? It follows immediately when we consider them the scalar
symmetry and similarity of the 5 Dimotions of the galaxy:
The Scalar similarity between the strong force and the gravitational force ‘inside the atom-galaxy’, both attractive ‘only’ and
the outer force of the galaxy (repulsive gravitation aka dark energy) and the outer force of the atom (electromagnetic
repulsive expansive forces) is immediate as it is the parallelism between magnetism and gravitomagnetism (Heaviside’s
discovery). While the weak force is NOT a force but the evolution of the families of particles between scales.
The key element of the galatom is the st-¡≈ST+¡ mirror symmetry between the ‘Dark Atom’ (cbb, top matter decuplet) and
the Galaxy. This only Maldacena Conjecture wondered when he realized a black hole (frozen black star, Einstein’s name, let us
send the fascist Wheeler who wanted to nuke all Japan in revenge for his bro dead on combat, and amended the master go
back to hell) HAS in 5 Dimensions the homeomorphic topology of the ¥-light galaxy in 4D.
In the graph below the enormous beauty of the symmetry between the world of particles and galaxies.
5D makes the Universe ∞, immortal and the big-bang an scalar phenomena on the galactic quasar scale, as ‘galatoms’
(galaxies have the same 5D=SxT, co-invariant value that atoms) balance 2 Dimotional forces, St-gravitational information that
collapses Ts-entropic vacuum space into matter (St=Ts), as it does in the atomic scale where expansive Ts-electromagnetism
collapses into electronic nebulae within the atom and further on into non-lineal ∆-1 St-strong forces equivalent to ∆+1 St-
gravitation. So the main symmetry of physics is between the galaxy, perhaps an atom of a hyper-universe – themes of
metaphysics as we’ll never have enough St-information of the whole ∞
cosmos: P(Truth)<1.
In the graph we summarize the symmetries of forces between:
1) the internal cyclical strong force of the atom and the cyclical
gravitational force of the galaxy, both with 2 regimes, the strong
force/regime inside the nucleus, and the weak regime outside (nuclear
force, Newtonian gravitation).
2) Then those forces no longer hold as we approach the ‘strangelet’
negative halo/electron of the galaxy/atom, with a ‘lineal ¥-force’, which
becomes ‘repulsive outside the galaxy. Hence the ‘expansion of forces’
between Galaxies (Hubble constant), which is the equivalent to repulsive
¥-forces, balanced by the ‘implosion’ of forces within

‘Gravitational/Strong’ galaxies. Hence the big-bang is false, as both forces cancel each other as they do in the quantum scale,
creating a wobbling, immortal Universe.
The 2nd error of big-bang physics is mathematical. Since all points are ¬E fractal points that hold ∞ parallels within them,
singularities do not exist, as ‘point-particles’ grow in size the closer we come to them becoming ‘galaxies’ – the cut off limit to
backwards contraction of ‘vacuum, entropic Tt-time’ (NOT space=form, but v>c faster neutrino background, which becomes
light – neutrino theory of light – when ‘entering’ the galaxy, ‘warping’ time into formal space and particles).
So besides improving the mathematical analysis of numerical=scalar, and topological=Non-Euclidean properties of matter 5D
physics adds organic properties displayed by nature, better explained with causal words.
Since Max. P (truth)= ∆-scalar=organic + Spatial=topologic + temporal=Dimotion analysis of any system with ∑languages.
Thus 5D astrophysics adds a Tt-entropic analysis (Big bang quasars); an §∏>St-energetic & Informative analysis of the
‘galacell’ as an organism dedicated to reproduce ‘ultradense quark stars’ of positive top quarks & BCB dark atoms (formally
black holes); & negative strangelets in its ‘electronic membrane’=halo; an ∆±¡ Galatom Analysis to the classic analysis 4D, Ts
study of the galaxy with Ss-mathematical languages. And defines the 5 forces of Nature (graph) as the 5 Dimotions of the
Galatom, with its ∆±¡ scalar symmetries between ∆±¡ strong and gravitational forces; ∆±¡, electromagnetic & dark energy
while weak interaction is NOT a force but an evolutionary trans-form-ation of matter up & down ∆±¡ scales.
In Astro-physics we deal, in a complementary manner to the ‘realist’ one, on the scales of physical systems, dealing with the
models of scale, space, time, entropy and language of ‘human physics’, very different from those of physical stiences, that is
reality, since of all the non-social sciences of mankind, the most distorted one due to the idealism and uncertainty of
perception of ∆±3,4 scales, is physics. We shall thus study physics as we do with all other supœrganisms of the Universe, in
scale, time, space, language=mind and its entropic limits, in 2 volumes, one dedicated to the larger Galactic superorganism
and its symmetry with the particle scale, and one for the Geological Earth’s superorganism, and its symmetry between its
‘membrain’ (surface of information) and its geological inner cycles.
So 1st we consider the St-gluon≈Meson as entropic food of the black hole (e-x Yukawa formalism), while V>c ¥ =dark energy
‘burping’ out of the black hole=top++ star axis is seen as expanding intergalactic space. Inside the galatom non-lineal
gravitational strong forces trap its vital energy (uds=us) with the stronger strangelet/electronic negative atom. Yet scales go
beyond into infinity: Since gliuons are mesons, there is an added lower scale of ud ‘gluionquarks’ that might form stars in those
micro-atoms which might be galsxies of a hypo-universe that enlarge the game of exist¡ence into new fractal levels, all of us
holding galaxies within. And vice versa. Those new ∃xi=st¡ences in the hypo and hyper-Universe, with self-similar forms in an
atomic nuclei made of light quarks with an overall positive charge and a galactic black hole likely to be a swarm of top quark++
frozen stars . besides confirming (instein's expectations that a black hole should have a cut-off substance, a new type of 'atomic
matter' of 'high density', becoming a 'frozen star', which the discovery of top quarks of similar density to black holes seem to
prove; enlarges the ‘game of Mass scales in its main species:

∆-1 ud- gluons, ∆-0, ud-atoms, ∆-1, toplet quarks

While in the Ts-side a neutrino theory of light with v>c for neutrinos outside the galatom enlarges its scales to:
∆-4: neutrinos: ∆-3, photons ∆-2: electrons,…∆-1: electric fields, ∆+1: electric currents ∆+2: plasma stars
Whereas the index is somewhat subjective to the ‘superorganism’ we select. In the case of human life:
∆-1: cells, ∆º: physiological networks, ∆+1 world.
That puts man’s perception as an M³: monad-mind-mirror of the Universe in the middle state NOT as ego-centered humans and
anthropic physicists think, because it is the absolute centre of the Universe, but because there is a symmetry between ∆±1
ranges of informative perception for each Ƽ being, both at 'real level' (galaxy and atom) and at theoretical level (Planck strings
and cosmic strings, olved for a background independent Universe)…
So above neuronal human perception we grow upwards with the different 'orientation' of perception towards larger wholes,
which changes to elliptic 'darkness'. And so we shall study first the human scales, with more detail (as the praxis of stience must
serve mankind): ∆º cell, ∆+1 life (and its variations of inorganic ∆+1 matter states and ∆+1 human life), ∆+2, the world level, of
which we shall study its temporal equation and three relative subspecies: Past-life (Gaia and its life supœrganisms)<Present-
(History, the supœrganism of mankind in time)> Future (company-mothers of machines and its worldstock networks of financial
money), to finally enter in the higher scales of the Universe, ∆+3 galaxies and its relative cells, stars systems; considering the
∆+4, a 'philosophical', metaphysical scal, as we do not have enough proofs and will never have due to the limits of perception of
systems reduced to 9 scales of the whole...
If c-speed were the limit of the Universe, then there would not be another scale on it. This is self-evident. So we wouldn't have
a cosmological atom, but the scale of atom-galaxies would be the higher and vice versa. So, due to this symmetry we would be
self-centered in scales, as we are in the middle of the galatom scales. As this seems merely anthropomorphism, we can
consider the galaxy-atom is the next 'beginning' of a vast game we cannot even imagine. Fact is we have wide proofs of 10 c to
100 c=z speeds of recession in galaxies, which correspond to the dark world of entropy and dark matter beyond galaxies, which
should structure the cosmos.
How much energy moves upwards in scales; how much ‘entropy’ S=Q/T remains downwards? This concerns physicists is a
childish manner, as they seek the maximal work for its engines. It concerns us here in a far deeper metaphysical way: 50-50%.
I love that sentence for personal reasons only for the initiated, cheer up Walter, we ‘still exist’ (: The logic behind it is obvious. If
a system cedes to its ‘social God’, ∆+1 more than 50% of its input, it will collapse, and start to reduce its populations. So the
next time like the Schrodinger’s cat whose chances to die increase 50% more each experiment, it will have less and the whole
which would have fed and fattened will demand more. Collapse becomes then exponential, entropy-death sets to an e-x rate if
you are inclined to an exact equation. So it moves inversely after collapsing the parts, to a negative exponential decrease. Be
warned parasites that exploit financially by anoxia mankind, the holocaust happens. A wiser ‘farm’ thus is one that takes only
the 10% as neurons and top predators do from the trophic pyramid. Hierarchy has its limits. The law is essential to the
Universe. Because each new scale will play that 50-50, hence it will keep diminish. In fact the 50-50 is an ideal that only
happens in the first perceived scale, E=C/B; the energy of the lower scale of informative humind’s perception, electronic light
rises a 50% from the magnetic and a 50% from the electric scales. It is a perfect ‘Carnot engine’, so to speak.
Then all is a lesser form. As Hartree said, the electromagnetic world gives us more and more intelligently that we understand.
We distinguish then 3 kind of scalar ∆±1 relationships: predator pyramids that take around 10% in Volterra curves; farms and
organic symbiosis that take from 10 to 50%; and parasites that take more than 50% and collapse the system. Mr. Bloomberg,
the biggest parasite alive in this planet today takes through its platforms from the 3rd world trillions to speculate in worthless
internet companies, provoking the collective anoxia of billions of Africans, Indians from both continents… you name it. Inverted
pyramids of parasitism, the trade-mark of capitalism are unstable reason why capitalism will kill Gaia and History in less than
400 years since the first steam engine a record compared to the 4 billion years of life it will end, far faster than the exponential
e-x function whose rate of change equals its derivative and it is supposed to be the mathematical record.

This tell us something: while building upwards to a maximal of 50% a new pyramid of existence, is
slow and requires finesse, to destroy is fast, entropy in that sense, explicitly defined as St0,1<<Tt-1,-2
is the fastest process that happens in a single quantum of time. How can it be possible? So fast?
The quasar big-bang (not cosmic big-bang), happens in 10-24 the average lifetime, a yoctosecond
(10-24s). Then the cosmological black hole, a top quark boson crystal dies and a hyper-inflationary
stage of time happens in the real galactic big-bang.
RECAP. Because all systems made of scales of vital space that last a time cycle, they all have bio-
topo-logic properties. So we need 3 ∆ST trilogic entangled views. In the galaxy we talk of:
∆: A scalar view defines a galatom, similar to the atomic and galactic scale unified with 5D metric.
S-pace view defines a galaxy, our perspective with a single light spacetime continuum.
T: A time, functional view defines a ‘galacell’ that is the galaxy as an organism, controlled by
‘DNA-like’ black holes. So we can now study the galaxy as an organic system with its 5 Dimotional, organic networks of forces.
Haldane said, the universe is stranger than humans can even imagine. Yet its basics truth are simple – a property of fractals
that by self-repetition and recombination originate from a simple Generator equation, infinite variations of the same theme:
the scalar supœrganism.
∆-SCALES.:The galatom.
Let us systematize the themes of physical sciences according to pentalogic:
How many scales the Cosmos has? The model that agrees with data makes each galaxy an atom of a hyperuniverse.
What is dark matter & energy? The efficient Universe has few forms, repeated ad nauseam –so all life come from 1 cell,
etc.: Dark matter seen in the BG ‘local galactic radiation’ should be made of a halo of strangelets, in harmony with the inner
bcb atoms of black holes. They create an ∆±¡ symmetry between the 3 topological parts of the galaxy and its 3 quark
families. Dark Energy is made of repulsive G¥ant-waves of neutrinos, repulsive gravitation, produced at faster than light
speed in the ‘Penrose axis’ of Kerr black holes between galaxies, 2 scales that can we study separated.
Ω∧ is the flat quantum potential field below the ¥-radiation likely a v>c speed neutrino field, whose tiny mass matches the
mystery of vacuum dark energy. Mesons are gluons of the next scale. Non-lineal Gravitational forces are parallel to non-
lineal strong forces. Protons have a Schwarzschild radius, etc.
It is then an easy to compare the laws of Dark matter with those of a charged ball, itself homologous to a point particle, as in
all those cases the attraction is lineal with the radius – one proof more of the mathematical equivalence in 5D between
galaxies and atoms and a good way to conclude our study of the big-bang and start that of 5D Scalar physics:
We illustrate with 2 teasers from ‘electric theory’ the equivalences of G¥ant and ± forces:
Micro Galatom emitting dark energy from dark matter halo (: G¥ant force :)
In fig. 2 the exact ‘lineal graph’ of dark matter attraction that is also lineal to R:
M(r)=r, from simple Newtonian physics: F=ma =m v2/r
M G/r=v2 -> √ M (r) G/r =v (constant)
The amount of mass in a sphere of radius R grows like R… Which is what would happen if we substitute by the Principle of
equivalence the mass by the G¥ant Force in the Halo
Thus after we falsify the big-bang and establish the basic tenants of 5D, we will develop the main notions of the hyper-universe
in which galaxies should be modeled with the laws of 5D subject to G¥ant electromagnetic forces outside the ‘galatom’ and
gravitational forces similar to those of the strong force inside, models of which there are abundant theories but NOT a general
philosophy of the Universe in the past decades of physical work.
In that regard if modern science were not IQless beyond mathematical models and humind’s egocy (ego=idiocy) so extreme,
the symmetry of the ∞ large and small is the most pleasant philosophy of the Universe, as it can be explained in all languages –
maths, organic models, sentient ‘monad-mirror’ models, even mystical ones, and we will use all languages.

It is then easy to see that the E=hƒ=KT=mv2/2 energy of the 3 scales of the Universe, the quantum, electromagnetic,
thermodynamic human, and gravitational, ∆+1 scales in which our species co-exist, have an easy to unerstand program of 4-Tt
dimotions of exist¡ence, represented by the key parameters of each scale, according to which a given physical system will
‘absorb’ energy of the larger ∆+1 ‘potential world’ to carry its Present momenta, with its duality of O and |, T and S dimotions,
which he will divide in finitesimal, differential ‘boosts’ of forces to perform in detail its function of exist¡ence, trying always to
maximize its SxT, limbsfield/bodywave/particlehead ternary structure to stay in ‘balance’. This might sound ‘abstract’ and
vague for the ‘pro’ accustomed just to measure locomotions, but its really what is all about, including our behavior from a
physical point of view, in which we take energy from the larger world, departing from ‘solar heat’, at the plant level, and then
process it internally to develop our ∆-1 cellular actions of existience. In physical systems the process is less complicated as its
atoms are more efficient than ours and do not need to go through the subtleties of the bio-chemical world, but the ‘intention’
of those actions is similar.
Reproduction the name of the game
Because according to the paradox of Galileo, motion is reproduction of form, as an inertial motion is moving in wave state
imprinting a lower scale of a potential field or force, with its information, as it moves, Reproduction is then the name of the
game also for physical systems, since as all its ‘motion’, the cyclical repetition of a motion is an act of reproduction. Particles
that live only an ExT=H time, reproduce when they are efficient and survive beyond the virtual decay. But for that to happen,
sxt|S=T must be able to be in balance with the OUTER WORLD, S=T balance to ‘mirror’ it and extract by ‘resonance’, energy of
it. This is the key to the whole synchronicity of reality. Max. sxt then just means the reprouction of the Space=form and
time=motion of the system achieved in harmony with the larger S=T world, which provides symbiotically the energy needed.
Stars turn around gravitational fields set up by the central black hole, planets around those set up by stars. But in the process
there is always a ‘spiral falling’ towards that larger ∆+1 center, so there is a limit of exist¡ence as pi didn’t close its mouth. An
at the end the star falls into the black hole, the planet looses its spin-rotational head and becomes mercury, slightly falling
towards the sun that will eat it up. Why this happens? Why there is a slighter tendency towards form has to do with that spiral
pi, that angular momentum which is not perfectly regular.
And we shall then consider that all of the above, the dimensions of light, the quantum numbers of particles, the Maxwell
equations of the interaction of magnetic andd electric fields with its vital space, and then the 5 forces at the galatom level in
our paper of cosmology and the mechanical principles of momentum and the laws of Hamilton, Lagrange and Newton, are the
expression of those dimotions of existence used in each of those scales by a physical system to perform them.
It is then through the ∆0εST SymmeTries how we can understand the ‘full beings’, which are those in which there is an ∆ST
(energy-angular-lineal momentum in the mechanical scale) full system in exist¡ence, with an 0ε central ‘mind-point’ that holds
an image of the world in itself to guide its search for Max. sxt|S=T (inner/OUTER world). This happens obviously on particles,
where the 0ε-spin number, L-angular momentum=membrane, m-agnetic social number and Energy orbit define feeding over a
field of forces define an organism doing exactly the same actions we do in our scale.
In the molecular world, the vibrations of molecules are also ‘rotational’, ‘lineal’, social through magnetic, van der Waals and
other forces, growing in complexity to a point that might seem impossible to differentiate those actions, but they are all there.
And the system is constantly scanning the world, as it moves through its ‘territory’ of order having views of an external reality.
In the graph, our ‘head-atom’ of amino acids, the Nitrogen makes in 5D metric,
π1010 vibrations each second in which we make one. It is once more the most
familiar scale of exist¡ence, 1010 in this case of bits of time, from our minimal brain
in its simplest territorial atom, looking up and down through the world.
But ±900 years, which is the unit of exist¡ence of a civilization of history, our largest
superorganism is also equivalent to 1010 seconds; so there are clearly synchronized
scales of time, of space-populations across scales. The entire mind blowing
synchronicity, simultaneity and scalar order of reality is something would have
taken a generation of dedicated researchers to explore and I abandoned very

young as it was well beyond a single man work. But it is there. And the units are 3 x 3 ±¡, the trinity of S<ST>T systems and its
fractal principles.
But not all physical organisms are complete and not all survive. In particles a spinless system has lost its ‘perceptive’ stop and
go spin states as Mercury has lost its rotation. For completion the system has to have both P, L and E and of course with them
define a given time clock along its energy expenditure and a given Spatial λ motion step. This is then a complete physical
organism, with rotation associated to its perceptive spin as the center’s axis scans the World and with locomotion associated
to its reproductive momentum.
So the physical system also follows the essential sequence of dimotions: rotational spin ‘perception of information’,
locomotion towards a point in which to feed on energy to reproduce, in the physical system through its p-momentum as it
absorbs energy from the gravitational field to reproduce its particle-wave state along the path, below the c-limit of
reproduction of information of its world.
So we talk of the fundamental sequence: Ss (perceiving) >Ts (Moving)<<tT (feeding) >§∏Reproducing and along the way often
hunting in herds to evolve socially as a larger whole, as the sequence of phyical systems, similar to our sequence of biological
perception motion and feeding in which most animal life spend most of his existence.
Spin ½ and 1 then are different degrees of scaning (360 vs. 720 rotations), and there are others, with different rotations and
also points of ‘stoppage’. What are the pixels of particles to create a mind in its point? Gravitational fields, electromagnetic
fields, quantum potentials (neutrino fields?) What are its social organic forces of communication? Mostly magnetic fields but
also van der waals fields for molecules and so on. The entire physical Universe can be cast into those organic laws and we will
just scratch the surface of the whole.
A physical system then is complete and stable with an angular momentum, a lineal momentum and an energy, which can be
seen as a trinity of elements, Ts-P>§∏-E>St-L; and this is the case in all scales. And each of those elements follow the same
isomorphic laws of space-time. The head will try to maintain stillness and keep the stability of the body. For example a bullet
which is shot with a spin out of a barrel is more stable and reaches further than one which has only p; a particle that moves in
a parabola has an 0ε center of mass which is still in its motion; as when you walk you maintain your head in stillness, so do
gooses flying with its body going up and down the curve of its neck. So does an instrument stabilized by its giroscopes. The
function of both natural and artificial, physical or biologic systems are thus the same perpetual function of exist¡ence with its
isomorphic bio-topo-logic properties, originated by its organic, symbiotic scales, topological trinity with its a(nti)symmetries of
form related to its time motions=actions=functions… All of them coded by a synoptic language mirror, which seems to be
mathematical in atomic ensembles, but can also use other pixels, words, atomic smellings, gravitational forces, and so on, as
all scales can use pixels of a relative ∆-3 scale…
What we cannot is construct a Universe without those bio-topo-logic properties mirrored by a language, ∆ST=0ε and its 4 S:
scales, synchronicities in time, simultaneities in space and sentient languages in mind. Of course egocy (ego=idiocy) due to the
mind paradox that perceives from its point of view in stillness a reduced world with its larger self at the center will always bias
with a Ptolemaic science reality to create a relative universe and all human sciences are a proof of this, notoriously physics and
social sciences… So we do have the Lorentz transformation to adapt the stop as particle-emit information-go motion as wave
to our continuous ‘movie’ view and we had earthcentrism and now the anthropic principle, and we expanded entropy because
it Is the limited view of time our our visual lineal mind to the whole Universe to reduce it to a moment we can feel we know
all, and we deny obviously the slightest organic or sentient property to the monads even the reproductive nature to quarks
and particles. And we have invented the bizarre Copenhagen interpretation to deny the obvious: particles gauge=perceive
information and can switch behavior and behave as herds in motion and collapse as organic particles, like schools and armies
do. So it is not the moon that comes out when we see at it, but the moon that hides itself when it sees us coming.
It is a fascinating universe, and I will never understand why huminds prefer to keep it egocy instead of entangle with its

We are at this stage just interested in the scalar nature and correspondence of physical parameters with 5D ∆ST ‘1st principles’
of reality. At this scale, forces must be seen as ‘finitesimal dimotions’, the ‘cellular’ minimal quantity delivered by a present
organism, composed of angular and lineal momentum, which stores an ‘energy’ bodywave delivered in small ‘impulses’, which
are the forces of the system to enact its dimotions of existence.
The simple equations of ∆ST in physics: Conservation principles and ‘scalar calculus’.
Physical, living systems maximize its Function of existence, Max. (S x T)ø (S=T)+1, which is understood in terms of its
Lagrangian balances of energy (T=U)¡+1 and its Hamiltonian ∆¡=o, standing points by performing the dimotions=forces in
∆-1 they require to exist. This is the essence of 5D in physics, as always departing from the function of existence in ∆+1
(S=T), which the system tries to absorb to perform its maximal space=cyclical angular momentum and time=lineal
moentum, Max. SxT, through its smaller dimotional actions in ∆-¡. This might sound too abstract to you but if you get to
understand marvel for all what exists reduces to that simple function: Max SxTs=t
It is the Universe then just a computer performing that function? Of course not. That is silly. The ilogic mirror of 5D
existential algebra ‘sees’ the Universe as Max. S x T|s=t but the game, the function of exist¡ence has infinite variations.
We are all mirrors of that Universal thought.
How we see that thought in each scale and stience is then the workings of each of them, once you understand in ilogic
terms that equation, which is best starting from the humanist method of understanding yourself.
The equation to start with is scalar. S=T, the balance is in the outer more perfect world, ∆+¡ in which we exist, and within
us in our higher scale of energies. So the balance tends to play in the constant balance between our taking of energy
from the outer potential world and our inner kinetic motion in the world of momentum.
The same duality is played downwards between us and the lower scales. There the higher balance is in our whole, which
is shown in the fact we extract energy or information from our cellular partsw and territory of order, increasing its
entropy. So entropy goes down but order goes up and both keep balancing each other.
In physics, the easiest way is to consider S, potential energy, T, kinetic energy and express S=T as the Law of least time,
S=0 action, So S(U) = T (T)… SU = TT; Potential and Kinetic energy are in constant balance. And this S=T balance in ∆+¡, the
largest world of the function of existence, is used by the system to maximize S x T in the ∆ø scale of momenta: Max. S x T,
which derives into the Hamiltonian 3 standing points or ‘3 ages’ of a present scalar plane of existence. This is the life of
physical systems in a nutshell. Everything can be extracted from it, but so all actions of our human life.
But as physicists reject the humanist method, we shall bring the classic example of thermodynamics: we extract heat from a
gaseous or hot liquid to move a larger whole mechanical system, which ‘magically’ DOES not DISORDER, but moves in perfect
no-friction motion together in its solid, ∆+1 state. Yet we increase in the process the entropy of the lowr scale, ∆Q/T. This is the
drill. Upwards order increases to S=T, the function of existience downwards tries to max. sxt, its angular and lineal momentum,
which are conserved, below though entropy and disorder moves to the field, which is the subject of forces and dimotions.
Conservation and scalar hierarchy laws in physics. ∂P=F, ∫P=E. ∆±¡ Energies.
It is easy to see a straightforward scalar meaning the 3 ∆-1 force, ∆ø-momentum and ∆+1 work scales of daily physics and
conceptualize its 3 laws of conservation of O-formal angular momentum, |-lineal momentum and ∆±¡
scalar energy in harmony with the 5D Metrics that increase the angular momentum of smaller scales as
systems shrink in lineal size – the knots and bolts and hows of those processes explaining latter when
we realize that lineal motion is reproduction of information in a lower scale, without ‘persistence’ of
memory; that is, as the system in ‘wave-mode’ reproduces information and emerges in our ∆º scale as a
particle with momentum it moves in our perceived plane. Many results derived of this solution to Zeno’s
paradox will iluminate further both classic and quantum mechanics. But here, we shall just refer to the
necessary correction of the Philosophy of science of physics, in its ‘entropic thermodynamic and big-bang

theories’ and expand a bit on the creationist concept of physics which
subverts in a ‘classic’ of wrong science procedure the causality in time between the mirror language, mathematics and reality,
introducing further errors because of its ‘simplfiied view’ of non-Euclidean points with volume, as crossed by ∞ parallels, into
particle points and singularities.
How much energy moves upwards in scales; how much ‘entropy’ S=Q/T remains downwards? This concerns physicists is a
childish manner, as they seek the maximal work for its engines. It concerns us here in a far deeper metaphysical way: 50-50%.
I love that sentence for personal reasons only for the initiated, cheer up Walter, we ‘still exist’ (: The logic behind it is obvious.
If a system cedes to its ‘social God’, ∆+1 more than 50% of its input, it will collapse, and start to reduce its populations. So the
next time like the Schrodinger’s cat whose chances to die increase 50% more each experiment, it will have less and the whole
which would have fed and fattened will demand more. Collapse becomes then exponential, entropy-death sets to an e-x rate
if you are inclined to an exact equation. So it moves inversely after collapsing the parts, to a negative exponential decrease.
Be warned parasites that exploit financially by anoxia mankind, the holocaust happens. A wiser ‘farm’ thus is one that takes
only the 10% as neurons and top predators do from the trophic pyramid. Hierarchy has its limits. The law is essential to the
Universe. Because each new scale will play that 50-50, hence it will keep diminish. In fact the 50-50 is an ideal that only
happens in the first perceived scale, E=C/B; the energy of the lower scale of informative humind’s perception, electronic light
rises a 50% from the magnetic and a 50% from the electric scales. It is a perfect ‘Carnot engine’, so to speak.
Then all is a lesser form. As Hartree said, the electromagnetic world gives us more and more intelligently that we understand.
We distinguish then 3 kind of scalar ∆±1 relationships: predator pyramids that take around 10% in Volterra curves; farms and
organic symbiosis that take from 10 to 50%; and parasites that take more than 50% and collapse the system. Inverted
pyramids of parasitism, the trade-mark of capitalism are unstable reason why capitalism will kill Gaia and History in less than
400 years since the first steam engine a record compared to the 4 billion years of life it will end, far faster than the
exponential e-x function whose rate of change equals its derivative and it is supposed to be the mathematical record.
This tell us something: while building upwards to a maximal of 50% a new pyramid of existence, is slow and requires finesse,
to destroy is fast, entropy in that sense, explicitly defined as St0,1<<Tt-1,-2 is the fastest process that happens in a single
quantum of time. How can it be possible? So fast? The quasar big-bang (not cosmic big-bang), happens in 10-24 the average
lifetime, a yoctosecond (10-24s). Then the cosmological black hole, a top quark boson crystal dies and a hyper-inflationary
stage of time happens in the real galactic big-bang.
The big word in 5D mathematics is also ‘calculus’ as their operand integrate scales of 5th dimension, and desintegrate=derivate
a whole into its parts. So if we center physical systems in the | & O, Time=lineal motion and Space=form of angular
momentum, in the present ∆ø-scale of the being energy-work is its integral and force its ∆-1 derivative. So conserved ST-
momentum and ∆-energy become dynamic by adding ‘finitesimal forces’, called ‘impetus’, and wholes through integrals; as
momenta grow through impulse sof forces and become stored as energy.
The next example and graph suffices: the momentum of a particle changes if a net force acts on the particle, during an interval
of time quanta that we can integrate to obtain the momenta absorbed. This is similar to how the energy of a system changes if
energy crosses the boundary of the system to or from the environment in a nonisolated system. Momentum changes then
topologically through the membrane (Ts) of an open ball and energy in the symmetry ∆=S=T, through a 5D ‘scale’ and in both
cases we integrate through a ‘time’ period. So, in a nonisolated system either momentum or energy transfers across the scalar
or spatial boundary of the system.
Since dP= ∑F dt we integrate2 this expression to find the change in the momentum of a particle when the force acts over some
time interval: This result is the impulse–momentum theorem: “The change in the momentum of a particle is equal to
the impulse of the net force acting on the particle”, which is equivalent to Newton’s second law and the most general
statement of the principle of conservation of momentum called for that reason the conservation of momentum equation.
The equivalent equation for Energy writes: ∆Esystem = ∑ T. That is, the total energy of the system, which includes the 3 ∆±
methods of energy storage (∆ø: kinetic, ∆+1: potential, and ∆-1: internal), and T (for transfer) is the amount of energy
transferred across the system boundary by some mechanism, such as ∆+1: work, W or ∆-1: heat, Q. Although both equations
are similar it its differences relate to the fact that Energy is the main ∆±¡ parameter and momentum the main STø parameter.

So the conservation of momentum is a vector equation, as we are in a single space-time plane, ours, whereas the energy
equation is a scalar as we are in the ‘perpendicular source/sink’ 5th dimension. Thus, Ø-momentum is studied in a single plane
of space-time (sum of |-lineal, ‘time’ and O-angular ‘space’ momentum, though most physics deal with |-lineal transfers
through collisions), and therefore there is only one plane to store momentum in a system.
But since energy is an ∆±¡ scalar quantity, there are three ways to store energy in a system: ∆ø- kinetic, related to the ∆ø-
momentum plane, ∆+1 potential related to the interaction of the system with the whole, and ∆-1 internal, related to the
internal ∆-1 scale of the being.
Third, there is only one way to transfer momentum into a system: by the application of a ‘derivative’ force on the system over
a time interval; as all growths and reproductions in 5D systems come from the ∆-absorbtion/reproduction of motion and form,
both of which ‘are counted by virtue of the S=T symmetry’ as ‘acceleration’ (angular acceleration is ‘form’).
But there are 6 ways to transfer energy into a system. So we expand the Energy equation to its full 5D Version (whereas ∆ is
both, the mathematical symbol for increase and the scalar symbol for the 5th dimension:
5D Energy conservation equation: ∆øK + ∆+1U + ∆-1 E int = W + Q + Tmw+Tmt+Tet+Ter
The 3 conserved elements of exist¡ence, S & T-momentum and ∆-energy beautifully described in classic physics are the knots
and bolts of the discipline. Its study in a single plane (O-| momentum) according to its speed of reproduction (V) and
worldcycles of Time (w), its relationship between the ∆-1 inner world (internal energy) and the outer world ∆+1 (potential
energy), closely connected to the angular momentum (whereas the Oε point at R is often the source of energy) and lineal
momentum, mv, where the ∆+1 world (gravitational energy) defines its speed; all form a symphony of 5D simple laws that
marvels and makes me wonder why on Earth physicists prefer their 4D fog to the enlightement we provide in our texts (:
More seriously the beauty of 4D physics I will try to illustrate with our lazy method of impressionist strokes is that even
physicists have ‘ni pajolera idea’ of what energy is (: they have figured out how energy flows between scales, and how 5D
metrics slightly change in the border regions, how energy jumps the 0ε & ∝ barriers between them; far better than I do. This
is not so much their merit, but rather in an homology with the eternal potential energy that moves an object on Earth, the
merit of the Ss-mathematical language mirror used by trillions of little Ss-mirrors through eons of exist¡ences to ‘see’ through
the fog of conceptual verbal messed up thought. Energy is conserved right but ONLY in the entire immortal Universe;
everywhere else is exchanged through its ‘derivative stœps’ of O+| momenta; when those momenta themselves are
piecemeal shared through its derivative of forces. So we find out that Energy flows through ∆-2 scales, which are the ‘death
scale’ of any system. In the same manner we absorb energy at ∆-2, ‘work’ is transferred through ∆-2 forces. Alas! it turns out
that the transformation of energy IS PART OF A LARGER 5D LAW, explained in the introduction to all cycles:
‘We feed through ∆-2 actions of absorbtion of energy’. LOL When I found that 30 years ago I got ectasic – the architecture of
God is shared by physicists, biologists and even military genociders who kill a cultural ∆+1 God burning its ∆-1 books . So…
Next question is : How many scales of existential momentum (Space=form=angular momentum + Time=motion=lineal
momentum) must be added to calculate the energy of exist¡ence of a system. This question, which the 3 leading researchers
of 5D have argued unendlessly, in its internal Energy-momentum has an answer (: ∆±4=2+2.
Ideally we will stick to the ∆-2 but organisms are clever and they do ‘a double take’, using its ∆-2 parts to gather ∆-2 energy.
This ‘double jeopardy’, we shall see is an advanced design of the game which also happens in life, with ‘double’
metamorphosis of species that live two lives as larva and insecta, gametes and angiosperms, and thus the game is stretched.
The ∆-2 is obvious. And the humanist method helps. You eat and breathe and reduce to amino acids, and oxygen but also you
get heat from light. You absorb temperature… What about the gravitational potential field?
The point here though is that those 2 lower scales are NOT taking by your body as a whole but by your atomic systems whose
repulsion field makes you move on the planet and your skin’s electrons on the protein skin absorbs light, if you are a plant.
But when we get into the ∆-4 invisible gravitation field, yes you can use it to ski but basically is a ‘feeding’, predatory field that
attracts you to the ground to stop and eat your momentum. And that is working above you at the planet-sun level. This

argument comes because of the evolution of the concept of energy to include ever more fantastic expansions and soon we
shall see dark energy being input on it. Essentially though the only ‘real energy’ of the being is its internal energy, and its
immediate manifestation as kinetic energy of lineal and rotary motion (the integral of its 2 conserved momentums). Potential
energy is internal energy of the larger organism/field in which the being is placed. Your potential energy in a mountain is only
such if you are considered a part of the larger whole-Earth. So what is that physicists calculate for example in the
Schrodinger’s equation, where there are both potential, kinetic energies? For free particles we take U(x) = 0 so we are talking
obviously of the external relationship of the electron with the nucleus of the atom that controls it. It is NOT then the electron
but the entangled system we study, and this is both the difficulty and the beauty of the Energy concept – it entangles scales
of exist¡ence. Feynman said infamously that the equation came in ‘Hilbertian fashion’ – ‘I imagine points…’ from the mind of
Schrodinger, but it did not. It came from the balances that a ‘discontinuous whole’ must establish between its internal energy,
its external world and the ‘membrane’ that separates them as an ‘open ball’. And that is the meaning of any whole searching
for the ‘position’ of minimal energy, when we compute them both, its internal, external potential and kinetic energy.
The examples of the electron=galatom orbital world shows us how remote is the picture of mathematical physics from the
real nature of ∆=S=T symmetries its @-mind mirror shapes, within the entropic limits=boundary conditions, not even properly
set, because of the absolute dogma of mathematical egocy that overvalues the exatitue of the language of the god of
physicists – but worked out with cumbersome normalizaiton procedures that make so difficult to explain 5D with the proper
mathematical exatitude without lengthy equations. We are though trying to keep it simple, focused on concepts of
‘exist¡ence’ and its 5 Dimotion=actions, of which we shall repeat ad nauseam the S=T balanced StóTs energy state of
present, repetitive immortality is the key, but NOT as physicists often define it its Tt<§∏ entropic dissolution into motion for
the predator scientist to feed on. Energy is much more than this. IT is the ‘existential’ content of spacetime of a being, and so
the more energy a system has the more it exi=st. The acronym I used often in non-mathematical texts of other 5D disciplines
is very telling, energy is existence and existence is the balanced product of space=information/form and time=entropic
motion, so exi=st, and e=I and s=t in the perfect energy balance. As I said often what came of the ‘mind of Born’ was the rule
of transforming into probabilities well-behaved exponential resonance functions that showed when the wave became a
particle, and this makes me lazy to go on with quantum examples. I have as 5D stientist 3 barriers/errors in 4D physics I don’t
really care to translate as a lazy cow: entropy PHILOSOPHICAL bullshit, Copenhagen interpretation and special relativity
misunderstanding of the Michelson experiment as ‘electrons stop to emit light information’ entangled to other electrons so
there is no addition of C-speed. That those 3 ‘philosophical weirdos’ are the essence of the philosophy of the Universe of
physicists make the more difficult 5D rational thought to impose itself. C’est la vie. Still back to Energies, Schrodinger’s
equations is of interest here beyond its normalization to make it ‘probability’, because of the ± signs on the ‘electron internal
vis viva’ its kinetic energy as the sum of its existential momentum in O| rotary cyclical or lineal motion description vs. its
potential energy, which then can be in the simplified model of Bohr be equated as two different ‘scales’ of energy, the one
belonging to the ‘emergent’ mass force of attraction of the quark center and the one proper of the repulsive force of the
electron. The electron finds a balance not to fall or to escape, and the variations of that balance are the harmonic modes of
its waves that give us all its forms. It is truly a master dance around the nucleus not to fall on it and glide on its forces.
Such Maxwellian demons are everywhere in the Universe ‘managing’ its energy to extract momentum to express its
dimotions of existence, and that is the vital way in which we have to see the ‘scales’ in which physical systems are ‘alive’ and
kicking, expressing its vital existience, the level of particles, and its social groups, the level of atoms as parts of molecules; the
level of matter states as thermodynamic systems, and so on
Scalar Energy has been in that sense as most concepts of physics an ignoramus beyond its mathematical equations, which has
been argued ever since the group of pioneers, Malpuis, Leibniz, Fermat and others discuss vis viva. Its enormous range of
uses departing from a single scale, as momentum.
The evolution of ‘flat, present’ momentum into ‘deep’ Energy diving inwards and expanding outwards in scale is part of the
ev olution of mathematical physics. Unfortunately without a 5D view often energy works like a joker, and when the principle
‘fails’ because energy gets out of sight (neutrino and dark entropy faster than c coming out of the Black hole=top star axis)

physicists scramble. It is then Tt-pure motion without form energy? No, because it cannot be used to do work. So energy is
NOT conserved outside the ‘world’ perceived by the ∆±4 being.
In 5D physics the concept stretches outside a plane and its 3 ‘dimotions’ of Ts> §∏>St, ‘v(t)-locomotion>mv-
momentum>m(s)-Information’. Perhaps it would be more proper to simplify those sysmbols as t (v)<st (p)>s (m)
It does not matter. Physicists will not adopt 5D though they might read it as a philosophy of science. The point we want to
make now is the distinction between ∆o: momentum, ∆+1 integral energy and ∆-1, derivative force. Because energy is then
used for everything, while ‘ideally’ energy will be ‘moving upwards’ from momentum, energy is also moving inwards to add
internal energy, mass, etc. In this fashion all is energy, including forces and momentum. We might say that locomotion,
which is lineal momentum, is kinetic energy, information, which is internal form, is internal energy and the present state of
balance between between lineal and cyclical momentum St=Ts, often expressed as an SHM, balanced conservative cyclical
motion, is also energy. Fine but in reality both sides are present momentums that balance each other and what is
transformed constantly is ‘moments’ of lineal and cyclical form, not energy. Energy is spent and absorbed, so its conservation
requires to ‘keep expanding’ in scales the ‘world in which it is conserved’. And ultimately the principle of conservation implies
the immortality and infinity of spacetime scales (big bang ditched to the trash). So what a physicist do is to ‘enclose’ a piece of
reality both in scales and spacetime and make it that a world in which to study a conservation of energy.
RECAP. Momentum as a combination of spacetime in a single scale is far more accurate to do 5D physics. Energy themes are
more about how a system gets an ‘injection’ of energy to be used later on as momentum from another scale.
An injection of energy, combination of space=form and time=motion, takes in physics 3 main forms, according to scale:
∆ø: a direct-contact ‘force’ in the same scale most often in the form a ‘boost of momentum’.
∆-¡: a ‘force’ from a lower scale ∆-1,2 scale of the 5th dimension, as a ‘feeding the system’ (as we biological systems also get
fed by ∆-2 amino acids), most often in the form of an ∆-1 thermodynamic boost of ‘heat’ or ∆-3, radiation.
∆+¡: or an ∆+2 gravitational boost; or ∆+1 electric or magnetic field.
5D energy physics is then the analysis on how different physical systems process energy from ∆±¡ scales and convert it into
momentum, at the ∆º scale and then momentum is spent I smaller quantities as a derivative pf a finitesimal ∆-1 exchange
with the ∆+1 world through a force.
The field is exhausted with every possible minute analysis and ad lateral constants and parameters. I.e the derivative of
kinetic energy that matters is momentum, but physicists also have power, P=DE/dt which even uses the same p-letter than
momentum but it is a different concept that analyzes the intensity of transfer of energy per unit of time, useful in electricity.
Then there is the whole more relevant field of work, which combines ∆ST and is the ‘original’ concept of energy as a path in
space-time where we add multiple momentum steps. It is then marvelous to notice that if the path is closed, we DON’T ddo
any work even if we walked around the entire Earth! (: Since worldcycles of time are repeated ad infinitum and conserved in
an eternal present. So those closed work-cycles bring the ∆+1 angular momentum conservation to a larger scale. And they
illustrate an essential truth of 5D ∆ST: cyclical time motion is the ultimate substance of reality that will never cease to cycle.
This opposition of purposes: getting integral energy to the system for a larger time span to keep the existential momentum
going and sharing it through force=domotion exchange with other physical entities is the ‘life of physcics’. So 5D physics is
simple and straight forward, if we focus on the different Dimotions of reality and the vital nature of space-time.
The laws of balance in the immortal Universe.
Thus momentum is more important to reality –the state of dynamic present, when St and Ts mix and balance: Tt>Ts>p<St<Ss.
A question for 5D physics is if ∑|=∑O. It is the amount of angular momentum equal to the amount of lineal momentum?
A way to look at it, is as the balance of repulsive vs. implosive ‘forces’, (slightly inwards and outwards, accelerated and
decelerated ‘steps’). In that view, both will balance into present. So we live in a zero sum Universe, a ‘virtual reality’, in which
S or T as ‘inverse’ form vs. motion – and + sides of an equation balance.

Physicists (Jordan, Gamow, Einstein) discussed the possibility that the negative gravitational field (Tt>Ts)i-4 in 5D notation), is
balanced by the positive energy of the mass state (Ss<St)i+4. So we can write i±4=¡0; Tt±Ss=0; Tt±Ss=0.
Humans choose the field in negative terms, reason why we place the i-4 scale of gravitation with negative index. Gravitational
energy therefore is equivalent to gravitational mass with the opposite symbol. ± charge balance, O & | momentum balance.
∆±4 scales above and below us balance. It is likely both a subjective and objective balance/limit of perception.
Proof: In the quantum scale of the fifth dimension: The negative electric field is equivalent to the positive electric field. For
the same reason as charge is mass of a different scale, the ‘mass=positive charge of the hyper-universe’ balances the negative
‘gravitational expansive dark energy’ between galatoms. But if we consider energy the sum of all scales, then it balance, only
that we do not use proper ± energy symbols. Ok, let us leave it here, before we discuss Lorentz transformation – solutions.
Because physicists have developed a different jargon for the electric scale of Nature, which we started to translate long ago
to the far more intuitive proper concept of vortices of time with the unification equation, they cannot easily grasp the idea of
a ‘zero energy/momentum/virtual Universe. But as we showed charges and masses and galaxies and atoms correspond to
each other in the 2 limiting scales of physics (so protons are black holes and electronic nebulae star planes and the
Schwarzschild horizon is equivalent to the Bohr first orbit) that would be the ideal way to understand eternal physics.
The number of positive sinks of electric energy is equivalent to the number of negative ones; the number of particles equals
the number of antiparticles, the inward accelerated mass vortex (equivalence principle) equals dark energy between
galatoms. In fact Dirac’s discovery of antiparticles was suggested by his handling of the ± relativistic equation of energy:

The second solution, with negative energy corresponds to anti-particles, when Energy is interpreted
not only in the same scale but also in terms of the convergence of two ‘∆-Scales’, as the hyper-universe is an anti-Universe,
Regarding the ± choice by convention the human ‘informative life arrow’ is positive, so we give a + sign to the imploding
informative St, Ss, ‘solid’ states and a– sign to the exploding, Tt, Ts, ‘gaseous’ and entropic states.
But as physics is a conceptual mess in each scale of ∆±¡, ‘solid positive particles’ (∆+¡) and ‘negative, expansive entropic fields’
(∆-¡) are expressed in different forms. So the concept of momentum and energy balance is lost. Needless to say the concept
implies also a conservation of both momentums and both ±energy as 0ε is the easiest number to conserve (:
This concept then can be applied to the balances between scales, ∆±¡=0ε; to the worldcycles of life, - youth + 3rd age =
maturity, Ts>§∏>St<<Tt = 0ε; and to the topology of organisms, | x O = Ø.
Expansive, ∆+1 energy/momentum vs. implosive, ∆-¡ energy/momentum (or ± symbols) thus corresponds to the topological
analysis of reality as a combination of an |-field/limb and an 0-head/particle into an Ø-body/wave system.
And this is then another case of the ∆-energy=T-momentum=S-form symmetry, ∆=T=S, law of absolute relativity of reality.
It is reality ‘a finitesimal zero’, 0ε the absence of anything? Obviously it is NOT in Non-E physics, so we are not talking of
virtuality but of the fact we are Absolutely relatively finitesimal for a much larger ∆±∝ view. Existience requires fractal points.
So the ± sum leaves some reminder ‘iife worldcycles’ feed on in a scramble for exist¡ence outside the ‘hyperbolic infinities’.
There is positive mass and there is negative gravitational field; there is positive and negative charges (though here as we said
the mess is so extreme the reader will notice I tend to escape it all together); there are limbs and heads and intermediate
bodies. So what really this ± algebraic nomenklatura of physicists means is that St and Ts, Ss and Tt try to converge, merge
and the outcome are the hyperbolic ßody-waves of mixed energy. It is then when we can have a better view of the concept of
zero, which as we explain does NOT exist, rather as a finitesimal 0ε, this 0ε becomes then the 0εnergy concept with its
multiple interpretations, well beyond the algebraic notation of physicists.
But in physics is useful and would certainly make the whole discipline rational if electromagnetic jargons were properly
translated, to see the concept as two different directions of spacetime. The negative direction is then ‘<’ and the positive
direction ‘>’; and both together, > + < ≈, gives us this third symbol ≈ we use to define energy, the present state, Ss>St≈Ts<tT,

ab. §∏, which is the concept of energy. Then depending on how ‘wider’ our view of the entangled Universe is, Energy can be
‘All’, which is the view of physicists in the field of gravitation, or it can be restricted to the nothingness of the 0ε central point.
In the first case since Energy is the whole range of the 5 Dimotions, we confuse energy and entropy in the equation, E=Mc2,
which properly written is:
Entropy (Tt<Ts) < (§∏) Cc > M (St>Ss); that is an informative positive mass can be converted back and forth into expansive
negative entropic motion, through the intermediate state of hyperbolic light waves…
Vectors as §∏ dimensional analysis. The 3 scalar parameters of past, present & future in physical systems.
A vector is by definition a mind-mirror in two dimensions of a physical Time§paœrganism, where there is a simple dimension
of lineal time motion and an active magnitude of space, mass, charge, energy, etc. So it is an S<=>T relation.
And we can build mappings of multiple §∏-physical forms with vectorial magnitudes in 1, 2 or 3 Dimensional motions on of a
'volume' of spacetime which we decompose often in 3 parameters of the type: 3 s = 3t
Whereas the space dimensions are bidimensional time functions: the height -information arrow, length-motion arrow, width-
reproduction arrow and the dynamic quantities represent an ∆=S=T symmetry:
∆-1: Past-forces > ∆º: present momentum>∆+1: future energy
Forces thus become spent into the past, as minimal quanta of action, momentum conserved as the reproductive form of
present that repeats the | x O motions, and its integral (energy) the storage to complete future worldcycles. So physicists can
analyze the event in detail at the '∆-1' time-space derivative quanta of action, the present level of
momentum or in its whole development of its world cycle (energy integral).
So forces are expressions of 'actions' (the quanta of existence of any system), and energies
worldcycles (the whole event when larger than a mere action integrated often as a conserved
closed cycle); with the key existential ‘parameter’, momentum represented by ST=vectors.
Vectors operating forces vs. vectors reproducing momenta.
It follows that past forces and present momenta and future energy will have different mathematical treatment. Future
energy as a potential storage is just a scalar, with no direction till it becomes present momentum.
As present is the repetitive function that imprints its path of information, momenta will be a true process of creation of a
third dimension, which is the cross product, such as: Sx x Ty = Zst: Perpendicular new dimension.
While forces as a past motion that exists in a single plane and becomes spent will not create new forces but operate on a a
simple dot product, where one of the two parameters is a mere quantiser of frequency in a population of ∆-1 space. So we are
just 'adding up' social units of a finitesimal quanta that dissipate through friction, curvature & perpendicularity.
The cross product.
Thus the more interesting case is the cross product, which 'reproduces' as it creates the 3rd relative
wide dimotion in its imprinting of a lower ∆±¡ potential field from where it extracts the energy that
emerges as form in the same plane, such as S x T = §∏ (reproduction dimension), which is the
translation of the cross product to ∆ST.
A vector then reproduces the system, creating a third layer of motion and form often a new
membrane that encloses the ‘open ball’ or ‘wave in motion’.
This is the origin of the magnetic field as any emergent scale grows by absorbing its motion and form,
from a previous scale 'cooling' the inner energy of the system. This is how the Universe creates new
'layers of reality'.
Mathematically then we find ‘inverse’ congruence in the dot product which is a ‘multiplication’ (sum
of sums) and hence is maximized in the same ‘dimension’ (cos) and the cross product which is a
‘reproduction’ (creative product), and hence is maximized in perpendicular dimensions (sin):
Sin functions are space functions of informative height that imprint a function reproducing time§pace
in a new combined ternary dimotion. Cos functions are flat time-like motions that increase the length dimension of speed-

Y-coordinates are space-like coordinates (height-information dimension) and so it is a sin function which maximizes the cross
product that combines 2 S, T factors, to form together an §∏-plane adding the new direction of reproduction (relative z-width
All this in abstract vector algebra, means that the cross or vector product (is a binary operation on two vectors that creates
a three-dimensional space (R3), denoted by the symbol x; whose magnitude equals the area of a parallelogram with the
vectors as sides; which shows that vectors are bidimensional representations of ST dimotions, with both magnitude (S) that
makes it distributive over addition (a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c); but also a direction (T) that makes the cross product
anticommutative: a × b = −(b × a); as time clocks have circular orientation or "handedness".
Wave motion.
So vectorial physics express the complex dimension of §∏ REPRODUCTION or wave state, as in light reproduction over the
quantum potential field of SHM h/2 oscillators:
c² ≈ K (curvature=tension) /µ -Magnetic 'density'=inertial resistance
It is a classic wave equation of spacetime reproductive speed because in 5D Lorentz transformations are ‘human adaptation
to a continuous ‘movie’ view’ of the real process of reproduction of form in particle-still state, the electronic humind does not
perceive. So without need for ether, just harmonic h/2 oscillators, the particle-still, wave-motion duality defines a classic
wave reproduction in its 3rd dimension as one field imprints the other in a perpendicular cross product.
In the next graph we show the process from the perspective of the ‘vital dimotions’ of light:
In the graph, in a light ray the cross product of the ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC, T=S elements
creates the 3rd dimension of reproductive speed, and both are perpendicular to maximise
the 'inner potential vital space' they 'absorb' to reproduce its form as the speed of the
What is the quantum potential? In a trilogic analysis it might be described as the field of
‘SHM’ h/2 oscillators, but also as the ‘entangled’ neutrino background field that structures
the ∆-4 gravitational scale (Broglie’s neutrino light theory).
Also in trilogic we can describe it with the 3 canonical equations according to the ∆±¡ scale we consider:
Energy =B/c; Momentum: c2=k/µ or Force=q(vxB)
The magnitude of that force is proportional to v and proportional to B, so we need a product of the two vectors. The
magnitude F of the force is also proportional to sin θ, where θ is the angle between v and B. Now this magnetic force F is a
vector, so we need not just its magnitude, but its direction. That direction is at right angles to both v and B.
In this case from the human pov, a being, which uses electronics as information and the gravito-magnetic field as entropy of
motion, the magnetic flat field (Ts) x the informative high electric field, equals the §∏-energy speed of the system (energy ≈
v²). So the cross product DOES generate a 3rd element, normally st.

Now some of the deep shit thought required (: 0ε finitesimals are a positive nothingness from where all existience arouse as
thingies have a minimal + attitude ieft in its time lineal motion of little steps thinking they go somewhere. So they run rabbit
run with the reserve of 0εnergy for εxistence to happen, a dream of past memories always remains…
In 5D there are not zeros but only 0ε, finitesimals. The question then remains what is the zero of each parameter study. The
most important zero-finitesimal is that of quantum physics, h/2; which Planck found as a remnant in its analysis of radiation. It
is ½ of a reproductive wave of information, imprinted in the minimal part of the Universe. So it is the most important 0ε
finitesimal of the Universe, we call Planckton. It is ultimately the aether as even Einstein recognized: “To deny the aether is
ultimately to assume that empty space has no physical qualities whatever. The fundamental facts of mechanics do not
harmonize with this view. According to general relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, there exists an
aether; for propagation of light, but also for the existence of standards of space and time. But quantum idealism got away with
it becoming an uncertainty. It is NOT. Planckton sets the standard rates of space and time in the ∆-3,4 interval on the border of
our ¥-light perception.
0s are therefore 0εxistences in the minimal quanta that is the ‘1’ of the ∆-1 scale.
There is then the consideration of dynamic zeros, which are differences between two opposite elements that annihilate or
cancel each other. Are those zeros real? For example, the Lagrangian L= T-U can it get zero? There is zero movement in a
mapping-mind of the Universe? Do a system that moves from left to right ± cross a zero point? The answer is not. If 0 existed
the Universe would not. The Universe exist in eternal motion because 0 does not exist. When a system stops is emitting or
perceiving information, so there is a motion of an ∆-1 flow towards it. And vicevers, when a system seems immobile there is a
point that moves. Ts≈ ST but never =.
The 3rd dimotion is the most important of reality – it is the state of dynamic present, when St and Ts or Ss and Tt find its
balance, and its proper expression would be, Tt>Ts>0<St<Ss.
We live in a 0ε Energy Universe, a ‘virtual reality’, in which according to ‘choice’ either S or T become as ‘inverse’ form vs.
motion – and + sides of an equation balanced in the dynamic point of zero Energy. For a decade I have signed in my email with
the symbol, 0o.o0 which represents the Universe and of course nobody ever imagined what it means. Physicists (Jordan,
Gamow, Einstein) discussed the possibility that the negative gravitational field (Tt>Ts)i-4 in 5D notation), is balanced by the
positive Energy of the mass state (Ss<St)i+4. So we can write i±4=¡0; Tt±Ss=0; Tt±Ss=0.
Humans choose the field in negative terms, reason why we place the i-4 scale of gravitation with negative index. Gravitational
Energy therefore is equivalent to gravitational mass with the opposite symbol.
The same concept applies to the next scale of the fifth dimension: The negative electric field is equivalent to the positive
electric field. And here, because physicists have developed a different jargon for the electric scale of Nature, which we started
to translate long ago to the far more intuitive proper concept of vortices of time with the unification equation, they cannot
easily grasp the idea of ‘zero electric Energy/charge’. I abandoned the task of translating the jargon of electromagnetism to
gravitation long ago when I realized 5D was beyond what humans would ever accept immersed in their routines of making
machines, destroying the world of Gaia and going to penpal congresses to give each other prizes… So once my initial goals – to
unify charges and masses and see that galaxies and atoms correspond to each other in the two limiting scales of physics was
accomplished (so protons are black holes and electronic nebulae star planes), and a few other results came in (the
Schwarzschild horizon equivalent to the Bohr first orbit, etc.) I left the task, always more interested in pentalogic than algebra.
The big unknown questions of physics are the ‘whys’, not the hows, and the mathematical mirrors of those hows, which are
often confused with the whys (creationism). There is then the symmetries of existential algebras that turn around the different
0ε-finitesimal barriers and ± sides of reality. This must be clear, the Universe is always virtual, balanced so if a quantity exists,
its inverse must exist. This leads us with a big question – the angular momentum symmetry that as we saw goes up and down
scales of the fifth dimension and seems to have a single direction. As this is impossible we must postulate the existence of an
absolute inverse symmetry; a Universe in which the scalar topology of the 5th dimension is exactly its inverse. In terms of

angular momentum we do have a clear candidate in the antiparticle function; and this leave us with 2 final symmetries to
explore: the symmetry of the anti-mass and the symmetry of the other side of the c-barrier and the 0-degrees barrier in
thermodynamics. What are the relationships between all those ‘missed symmetries’, how to connect them together, is then a
vital element of 5D physics, as well as the translation of emergent fields and how they feed and support each other.
Those symmetries and its entanglement (CP, CPT conservation) are essential to the Universe structure. The insight is they are
embedded as we enlarge the Universe. The 1st conservation of tje ‘quantum world is ± charge that fusion in neutral. Sso protons
and electrons, create a neutron). So this is the S≈T symmetry.
The next CP symmetry embeds a larger world with new varieties of dimensional motions and new pecies of reality - gender:
In quantum theory, we transform the wave function of a particle into that of an antiparticle. It is the "CP" operation of change
of charge and parity-gender. When the CP operation is applied to a photon, we get the same wave function back. Similarly for
the neutral pion. Similarly for the graviton. That's the reason that we say that these particles are their own antiparticles.
Other Particles have identical conserved quantum numbers compared to their antiparticles, but with opposite sign. That means
that when a particle and an antiparticle come together, they can annihilate, leaving behind something as simple as a bunch of
photons or other particles that have no net conserved quantum numbers. So this is the S⊥T symmetry.
Its deep implications extend all the way to ‘gender theory’, as we are dealing here with the same theme in all scales. In essence
antiparticles ARE ‘transvestite’ symmetries and; the transvestite antiparticle chases the particle that runs away, as antimass and
mass chase each other; but their ‘crossing’ is sterile and they annihilate each other, unlike parity gender that reproduces.
Then it comes an even larger symmetry, the CPT symmetry, which brings in place the scalar weak force. It is the ∆±¡ symmetry.
As the T symmetry refers to a time derivative of momentum); so we change the direction of a ‘rotation in time’, through angular
momentum, traveling in the opposite directions of the 5th dimension; which restores the whole balance.
How each time and space scale manifest in the frozen ‘limits’ of a world both at local level (particle and forces existences) and
at global level (∆+1 world, where s=t)? We could state that each ‘scale’ (quantum, thermodynamic, Gravitational), has a ‘global
symmetry’ E+1=mc2, Eo=KT, E-1=Hƒ; which the local species, defined by a local function of existence, Max. sxt, must respect to
survive (Max. sxt->S=T): whereas S=T represents the EXTERNAL balance of the larger world and Max. s x t, the internal organism
fighting to increase its worldcycle.
Physics ignores some of those symmetries stuck in tribal idols, notably the c=0 divide between tardyons and Tachyons (neutrino
and Higgs fields associated to mass, whose fields feed both the W and Z boson that transform particles feeding the top predator
bct ones and oscillate neutrinos that obviously feed on it. You must though move or rotate faster than light to ‘eat’.
This is the way. To combine an S-inner or outer and T-inner or outer motion and form. The classic one in physics is the Wave-
particle we have just analyzed. Mysteries and its fog vanishes then, to realize that particles are the still informative state, and
when one is a particle it communicates information in stillness with other particle (so the Lorentz transformations become an
adapation to the human world, because 2 particles are entangled in the neutrino scale when they share a ¥-ray, through a dual
spin h/2 wave). So they are still and do not need to add faster than c-speeds. A rule of thumb is that speed is inverse to
information as an S⊥T equation. So a V=1000 z neutrino has 1/1000th of the information provided by a ¥-ray, if we stick to the
1000 Z and 1000 classic scale. And again as the electron orbit and molecular speeds tend to range in the 3000 Km, we consider
they can carry around a 1000 times more information than light. We are NOT doing the heavy duty work of exact 5D measure
with our computer-typewriter. I don’t’ care future 5D physicts who enjoy those things can. Those are then safe ‘frozen’ scales.
Can we translate them directly into Energy, the preferred parameter? Not always. There are conceptual issues but obviously
the rule is the square: energy squares speed. And since 103 does not have a nice root, but 102 and 104 do, we talk of 10 and
100 energy scales. Sorry the details as those added to the Pioneer Copernicus will take a century to explore but it is worthy in
terms of truth. So we find that the frozen scales of particles are on energy levels of 10 and 100 scales (from u-d quarks to
strange quarks to cb-atoms from cb-atoms to top quarks). And down another 10 scale of energy from the down to the
electron. All those are co-related families and are ‘frozen states’, which can only survive if the ∆+1 world has a similar metric,
Max. sxt|S=T, which obviously means in our world, we are ud and the others do not survive, unless as in a possible ice-9 reaction
of strange matter falling to Earth’s center they find an amenable medium.


The ternary, scalar STructure of T.œs (time-space organisms) and his existence through 3 ‘worldcycles’ of different scalar size
hence as S=T, different temporal duration allows a better prediction of the future of its scientific species, as they all trace the
same Disomorphic stœps in its worldcycles. Below, all sciences predict the future of its species according to its repetitive causal
cycles. Or else they are NOT a science.
Astrology became a science when Kepler learned its orbital cycles. Bio-economics became a science when we described
machines as metal organisms whose industrial r=evolution followed the human 72 years generations of the dominant
industrial nations that evolved them in 4 cycles: its body-age (British, steam cycle), heart age (German, electro-chemical
engine cycle), its mind age (US, tv-eye, chip-head, mobile-ear cycle) to conclude with the ensemble of robots that as virus do,
when all its parts are put together will become 'alive'. So worldcycles’ predictability has 3 levels:
S: Continuous, spatial mathematical simple cycles, using derivatives, proper of calculus; which is the shortest time span, as
instantaneous derivatives cannot measure a ‘peak’ change of age/phase.
T: Discontinuous, cyclical patterns of sequential repetitive often survival actions (feeding, reproduction, death, taking place at
intervals. As those actions are discontinuous, leaving long spans in-between, their patterns forecast longer time sequences.
Such ¡logic structures are based in time patterns, which as any mechanical, circadian or orbital day-year clock shows are
cyclical, repetitive. But here human scientists are at loss, because Galileo studied ballistics, entropic explosions that destroy
the information of reality stored in those cycles of time clocks, its patterns and frequencies, changing human cyclical
understanding of bio-logic time for lineal, abstract time that seems not to repeat those patterns so mankind lost its capacity to
predict many spacetime events, as lineal time misses information stored in the frequency and form of cyclical clocks, even if
equations are similar: V=s/t for lineal time and V=S(l) x ƒ(t) for cyclic patterns.
∆: Scalar, Deep Time patterns of topologic and eusocial evolution of parts into wholes – of quantum 0-1 time probabilities
vs. 1-∞ thermodynamic populations in physics, of individuals vs. species in biology, of states of matter vs. geologic cycles in
Earth, first noticed by J. Hutton, founder of geology who coined the word super organism for Gaia and deep time for its slower
cycles due to 5D metrics, $ x ð =C which makes from the perspective of a smaller scale the life of its whole much longer.
The predictability of time worldcycles.
Deep time of longer supœrganisms’ scales co-exist in 3 ‘fractal planes of space-time’ of the fifth dimension, leads to an organic
long-time level of prediction of futures: evolutionary patterns of earth's life species, including machines that define cyclical
patterns of social organisms of history (nations) & eco(nomic)systems, including the evolutionary and re=productive cycles of
stocks of machines transformed into sales=profits=valuation of its company-mothers with remarkable precision for 30 years.
Above biologic deep time is necessary to understand history and the interaction of the evolution of machines and the ages of

war and lack of welfare goods, within the limited resources of the planet. The theme of social sciences and why ‘human
subjective ego’ and ‘censorship’ limit our capacity to explain those cycles.
But as human only recognize the 1st type of predictability - calculus of instantaneous derivatives, that need a 'continuous
analysis' - and have simplified cyclical time into lineal time, ignoring the scalar time of parts and wholes with its 5D metric,
their capacity to forecast the future is far more reduced than a 'stientist' who understands the 3 scales determined by the bio-
topo-¡logic properties of ‘scales’, ‘space’ and ‘time’, the 3 ∆st structural elements of all systems of the Universe.
Deep time leads to a 3rd level of long-time prediction: evolutionary patterns of earth's life species, including machines used in
my models of history that have predicted cyclical patterns of social organisms of history (nations) and eco(nomic)systems,
including the evolutionary and re=productive cycles of stocks of machines transformed into sales=profits=valuation of its
company-mothers with remarkable precision for 30 years. But as human only recognize the 1st type of predictability - calculus
of instantaneous derivatives, that need a 'continuous analysis' - and have simplified cyclical time into lineal time, ignoring the
scalar time of parts and wholes with its 5D metric, their capacity to forecast the future is far more reduced than a 'stientist'
who understands the 3 scales determined by the bio-topo-¡logic properties of ‘scales’, ‘space’ and ‘time’, the 3 ∆st structural
elements of all systems of the Universe. In that sense of the many consequences of that ternary, ∆±¡ STructure of all beings,
we shall consider how to use it to predict the future of its scientific species, with a remodeled ABCDE of the scientific method
that studies A)ccurate Data, B)iologic causes C)yclical patterns and E)ntropic extinctive conclusions for all systems in 3
relative scales of length of space and time duration (to which we add instead of E, D)emocratic, humanist solutions for
questions of social sciences.
Paradoxically Deep time is easier to predict that complex Dimotional ‘analysis’ because precisely the larger scales in 5D metric
have less information, but more basic, deterministic, reason why quantum physics is harder for the mind and probabilistic
while life-death cycles are obvious as all end badly.
The laws of nested Supœrganisms, in which the larger slower whole with its ‘slow time cycles’, ‘dark space-times of
information’ that it does NOT perceive of its inner parts, and enclosing membrains however can set long term cyclical patterns
to its fast internal elements, just by handling the general cycles of its ‘entropic energy of death’ and ‘informative languages’ is
one of the most important discoveries of 5D metric, which fully applies to the understanding of the evolution of the Earth and
its 3 ages, with its cyclical patterns of glaciations and hot weather that kicks the evolution of species. It is also instrumental to
understand the 3 Horizons or ages of species that influence the life of its individual ‘cellular parts’; and the patterns of cyclical
history and the capacity of 5D to forecast historic and economic evolution, and the cycles of life and death of civilizations.
Let us combine the 2 key equations/principles of 5D metrics and absolute relativity: S=±T to determine the meaning of past,
present and future, the key information lost by the use of digital clocks that don’t carry ‘causal intelligence’ as verbal tense
and its deep illogic concepts from Aristotle to Schopenhauer do –reality conserves present existential momentum.
As we advance through 5D basic laws, we switch through the essential ∆≈S≈T≈@ symmetries between scales, time ages, spatial
topologies and languages-mirrors that best explain it synoptically – maths and causal verbal logic – denied by the anti-arrow of
Tt-entropy that dissolves information.
The Universe is an infinite, immortal, sentient, social, reproductive fractal; where the two dimotions of absolute future, are
exactly inverse to those ‘anthropic man’ recognizes, NOT Tt-entropy and Ts-locomotion, but S≈T-reproduction of St-information
that communicates and evolves Ss-linguistic forms in a sentient complex reality.
Scalar planes as the arrow of eusocial evolution of the 5th dimension: Absolute future.
Can then we establish an absolute future in terms of the symmetry of mind-space-time-scale (tetralogic)? Yes:
∆-scale point of view: absolute future: Social love.
The universe is a scalar social organism that grows in scalar planes of ideally, 9-12 9-13 spatial elements.
This growth of new 'scalar planes of space-time' is the arrow of absolute future of reality. Since those who evolve together
from individuals into social organisms survive better and dominate its ecosystem, in all scalar planes of size and form of reality.
So in biological terms the 5th dimension of eusocial love to all the members of your own species (regardless of structure and

work-division, into neuronal informative people, and working reproductive ones, to form the 'mind and body of the system') is
the dimension of future. But logically it is also the dimension of future, since 'parts' must be created before wholes.
So the past is the lonely particle, the selfish man that ignores the wor(l)d of love, the biological mandate for the social future
of our species. Finally it is also the future mathematically and experimentally, as it is obvious the universe (or the galaxy in
more humble studies of the big-bang) started in a sea of entropy that evolved into social scalar planes, as particles became
atoms, molecules, cells, crystals, planets, ecosystems of super organisms, galaxies... All guided by the supreme program of
existence, love all those who belong to your species, work together, create a larger whole and control your entropic territory
with it:
In the graph, we can see the ultimate goal of the Universe, the creation of fractal super organisms in which species and
individuals who talk the same language of information evolve a larger whole. While those who don't understand the Mind of
the Universe, the true meaning of God, and the fractal minds of all its species which explain the same concept in each
language, the gods of verbal love of the human super organism perish.
Moreover parts must exist ‘first’ for the whole to emerge from them. So ∑∆-1 parts=past>∆º whole=future
Mind-Absolute future: As the mind guides the whole and perceives the whole, logically the mind and its Ss language of still
minds is also the absolute future. Which means…
Space view: Absolute future: The spherical topology is the absolute future, which stores more information: |-T>O-S, becomes
then the topological arrow of the 3 ages.
Time view: the 3rd age of information is also the absolute future.
Entropic-death view: Denied finally by death, which is a reversal of time from absolute future to past, Tt<<Ss.
Hence in the graph we establish on top and bottom of all the planes of exist¡ence of T.œs (ab. Timespace supœrganisms) the
∆±¡ plane of ÐST laws as absolute time (the arrow of social evolution of information into larger wholes), is the absolute future
that requires its part to form first on the bottom of the pyramid, even if ‘future to past travels through the arrow of entropic
death and dissolution (left side) is possible.
Thus we set an absolute ‘dimensional motion’ (ab. dimotion) of spacetime. Because for a whole ∆+1 to exist, the parts
‘ilogically’ must come first; so social evolution and love between parts is the absolute dimotion of future for the organic
Universe, or ‘future’, while a form that repeats itself seems not to change, so the function of reproduction is the absolute
dimotion of present, leaving thus entropy= death, the dissolution of form as the inverse dimotion of past. So we draw the 3
‘dimotions of space-time’ in terms of the 3 time ages of absolute past (Tt-entropy=death) and its relative lesser Ts-
locomotion; S≈T-present reproduction, which is the function that maximizes $xð (s=t) exist¡ence in any scale of stience and the
relative future of St-communication of information that evolves parts into larger social wholes, herds and supœrganisms;
whereas the absolute future, Ss, is the language of still minds, shared by all of them – the game of Generational Space-time we
explain here and its two fundamental mirrors of space and time (mathematics and logic). It is an architectonical perfect
Universe as long as you abandon the illusion of the ego that cuts-off man from its entanglement with the self-similar whole
and all its parts. Why humans don’t see reality as it is , has to do with the mind function and its distorted self-centered view.
∆st: the supœrganism view: The co-existence of the 3 scales of the future
‘The separation between past, present and future is an illusion’ Einstein, 4D master.
How the 3 scales of a supœrganism; the world, individual and i=ts cells co-exist in the same reality occupying the same space?
Because they are displaced a quanta of time for the lower scale to be able to create the scale above. So the 3 existences
happen at the same space, displaced in time. The larger scale is in the relative future; for the present scale in Ƽ to co-exist,
while the smaller scale is in the past. But the gap between the smaller and the larger scale can be bridged in the present IF the
speed of transmission of information from ˙∆-1 to ∆º is much faster than from ∆+1 to ∆ø, which means both past and future
converge into the present: ∆-1 (fast) < ∆ø < ∆+1 (slow).
Imagine the separation is 1 second between each scale. So the larger ∆+1 is 2 seconds ahead of ∆-1 and 1 second ahead of ∆º.
But if ∆-1 takes 1 second to send its messages to ∆º and ∆+1 takes 3 seconds, both messages will come to ∆º at the
simultaneous moment required for past and future converge into Ƽ, the present state.

This displacement is time is real, and for it to work, it requires that the upper scale sends messages to the past at a slower
speed so its time displacement is cancelled by the space to travel; while the 3rd scale below Ƽ sends messages to the future
faster; and both encounter into the present Ƽ scale: past<Present<Future.
What is displaced into the future, the whole or the parts? In absolute time (scales), the slow whole and mind is in the future. In
a single present ∆º plane causality is dual: StóTs communicate in simultaneity creating a bond of present where past and
future are the two poles.
Past, present and future species co-exist together, as time is local, so 3 generations co-exist in all ‘genetic series’. When we
find 3 series then we are ‘observing a time’ development, as opposed to ‘dualities, that tend to be’ space-Time, S⊥T dualities
(genders and mirror symmetries, along two ± directions of spacetime).
Only entropy Tt and pure form Ss travels between scales in quantum jumps larger than the aforementioned past-present-future
relationship. Ts, St and S≈T must leave behind one of the two elements to travel and that means either a ‘translation to other
language’ or an extinction of the original form.
Let us then define with more precision those two limits, the maximal and minimal points of the function of existence, tt-the
equation of death & Ss, the language, which as a seed can travel between scales, while entropy does it as the erasing of
information, into pure motion that any scale can then ‘reprint’ and reproduce its form to ‘move.
Conclusion. The essence of metaphysics: Worldcycles, functions and dimotions of exist¡ence of physical systems.
The Universe is a fractal organism of co-existing topologic planes of space=form and time=motion. Huminds unfortunately
understand nothing of this due to the bias of mechanism and mathematical creationism, which makes them believe reality is a
machine existing in a single plane of space-time and the mirror-language they use to describe it, creates the Universe, whose
causes are the organic laws of scalar space-time. I.e. in Wikipedia we read: ‘The reason there are 3 pions, π+, π− and π0, is they
are the triplet adjoint representation of SU2. But a SU2 group is a mathematical ‘image’ of 3 ST-ages of existence, its true reason.
Organicism and its those 3 first principles , space, time and scale become then even more important because of that
extraordinary entanglement and complexity as it provides some ‘synthetic’ principles without which it would be impossible make
sense of it. The 5 Dimensions of space’ with its 5 vital functions of time, departing from the simplest duality of ‘Relativity’, that is
the perception of space as still form or as time=motion (a key principle of 4D and 5D physics), is a good start to build complexity
from a few elements. The laws of survival of the Universe are explained by the ABC of the ‘scientific method’: Accurate, Objective,
Organic, Biologic Causes to Cyclical patterns=laws of sciences.
Physical systems want to exist. So they perform ¡ts worldcycle of existence trying to conserve its present | & O lineal and angular
momenta and ∆±¡ internal, kinetic and potential energy, according to ¡its Function of existence performing in present repetitive
time, the 5 Dimotions of exist¡ence, Tt-entropic feeding, Ts-locomotions, §∏-reproduction, St-information through an Ss-
language, which we think is existential algebra expressed with the 3 varieeies of topology and the scalar laws of social numbers.
This is the same program of exist¡ence that any species of space-time in the Universe, including human beings perform. And we
can reduce it to the ‘present’ re=production of those 5 Dimotions, ‘maximize’ by the product, the existential operand that
combines the motion=Time and form=Space of a system in its 3 standing points of balance: Max. S x T|s=t.
The function of existence in physics, then often translates in the Hamiltonian, Lagrangian & least time action formalism: S
(Potential energy) = T(kinetic energy), which is the balance of the larger ∆+1 world, while maximizing in ‘standing points’ the
angular and lineal momentum, Max. S x T. This is what is all about in physical systems, maximal exchange of lineal and cyclical
momentum, time and space states, within a larger ordered S=T, energy balance. And to do so in the lower plane of reality, ∆-1
they perform 5 Dimotions of existence, perceived as forces acting on the environment.

As advanced (or strange) as the formalism we have developed so far of the Universe of relational space-time might be, is just
the tip of the iceberg. The full model in its purest ‘form’ is not based in Non-E Topology but in existential algebra, and applies
equally to any discipline, physics, biology, history, economics or formal languages, as all are mirrors of space-time symmetries.
The details then bring all the different branches of the tree of existence. Can then reduce further the whole? Obviously we can
always as there are only two fundamental equations on 5D metric, which can be interpreted logically, mathematically or with
the symbols of 5D ilogic geometry (<, > ⊥, Ss, Tt, and so on). We prefer this simplified direct form, but it is mostly
uncomprehensible to people despite its simplicity certainly much easier to grasp than the bra-kets of Mr. Dirac.
Thus 5D metric also can be interpreted as a biological, organic model of physical systems. This lead us to 3 ‘sides’ of 5D physics,
mathematical metric, organic properties of matter and ethic survival questions of dealing with their ‘GNA risks’.
It follows then a model of cosmology in which charges and masses are ‘vortices’ of space-time of two scales, the scale of atoms
and galaxies, which resolves most of the questions of present cosmology and substitutes the big-bang model.
The symmetry is extraordinary as it is carried out to the components of the ‘proton-nucleus’ and ‘electron-halo’ of the galaxy,
made of the heavier quarks, BCB, black atoms, and positive Top quark condensates in the center of black holes, black frozen stars,
with a cut-off substance as Einstein demanded to believe on it. While the halo is made of negative strangelets (Witten’s hypothesis)
acting in organic terms as the protein of the Galacell, whose ‘DNA’ are those black stars, but also shaping the ‘repulsive lineal’
force between the center and the halo. Since, if galaxies are similar to atoms, it follows immediately that as charge forces are
lineal as a function of radius, dark matter is also lineal as a function of the galaxy radius; that as ¥-rays are repulsive expanding
space between atoms, but imploding it within atoms.
G¥ant forces between galaxies expand space but gravitation contract it in galaxies, balancing both into an immortal Hyper-
Universe. What are the ‘particles’ of those G¥ant waves is obvious, and resolves also the problem of dark energy, which has a 120
power deficit; because physicists wrongly use the plack mass to calculate it, when they should use the neutrino mass that perfectly
fit on the observed vacuum energy. So c-speed, in a scalar Universe is just the maximal motion of the Light space-time background
of galaxies, over an intergalactic neutrino background, which according to 5D metric is V>c as it carries less Sinformation than light;
perceived NOT as v>c but as a dark energy ‘expansion’ of space between galaxies.
A falsification of the big-bang model follows. And all this is coupled with a classic analysis of the 3 elements of physical systems as
scalar processes, ‘∆-1forces’, which are derivatives of ∆ø-present momentum which is a derivative of ∆+1 kinetic energy-work. So
nature also establishes a dynamic 3-scalar structure in its physical systems and forces; which leads to a Unification of all forces of
nature in organic and mathematical terms
Laws of hierarchical synchronicity between time Сmotions and scales: the quantitative approach.
The relative frequency of those cyclical Сmotions according to 5D metrics, $xð=C, creates ‘time clocks’ whose synchronicities
chain the long cycles of fast micro-entities to the short cycles of a slower macro-entity, creating a harmonic order between the
different planes and social classes of the organic Universe. Since an informative cycle is faster than an energetic cycle, which is
faster than a reproductive cycle, which is faster than the complete generational cycle of the being; while a macro being is
slower than a micro-being.
The main scalar time cycle relates the 3 scales of a system according to its dimotions:
Several chains between the cyclical Сmotions of the 3 ∆±¡ cellular, network and world scales structure a supœrganism:
- ∆+1: Macro system’s Ss<St Informative cycles= ∆º Organism’s Tt<<Ts Feeding cycle s=∆-1 Cells §∏- Reproductive cycle
For example, the Earth’s rotates every day, causing the daily energy cycle of animals, which reproduce its cells every day.
Discontinuous, symbiotic synchronicities between the dimotions of different scalar organisms is the key to the deterministic,
co-existing organic structure of the Universe. The number of such synchronicities is well beyond this introduction so we shall
focus on the main one and bring them specifically when a local synchronicity takes place.

The pattern is fascinating. Because of the 5D metrics that give faster cycles to smaller parts, and the different extractions of ∆-
3 bits of information, ∆-2 bites of energy and ∆-1 seminal seeds, the symbiotic connection on those ternary chains between the
fastest cycles of macro-beings and the slowest cycles of its micro-beings create simultaneous, symbiotic åctions along the 2
planes of internal existence. And the same process looking upwards creates the symbiosis between the individual and its
complex social actions of reproduction and organic evolution:
Ss-Informative=perceptive frequency of the macro being << Tt-Entropic energy frequency of the micro cell
The fast, informative cycle of the slow macro-being is transformed into the slow energy cycle of the fast cellular micro-being,
in a symbiotic chain that make it dependent on that macro-being. For example, the fastest Earth’s cycle is its informative,
cyclical rotation as a mass vortex that determines the day-night cycle of light, which feeds its living beings with entropic energy
(electronic absorption of light).
So the living ∆-1 cells of Gaia, its plants, feed with the day light cycle, while its ∆-1 animals have a ternary energy cycle of 1 to 3
meals a day. Both time their entropic cycle to the informative rotational light-day cycle of Earth.
If we lower the scale of analysis, the same cyclical chain happens between the animal and its ∆-1 cells. Men have a rate of
informative perception of a second, the rate of blinking and thought.
But a second is also the rate of breathing and the heart’s beating that transfers energy to its ∆-1 cells, becoming thus the
energy rate of feeding of those cells.
The same relationship happens in myan informative/entropic energy cycles. I.e, An animal energy cycle of is a day. Yet the size
of its hunting territory, of which he knows all its information, is the distance it reaches in a day.
Symbiotic synchronicities between dimotions and scales are the main symmetry that ‘encloses’ the nested Universe. The key
concept is that the most frequent Ss-perceptive extremal limit of maximal speed/frequency for the macro-world, becomes
also the Tt-entropic extremal dimotion without which it cannot ‘survive’ for its ∆-1 cells that sustain its emergence (the
membrain life species of Earth ARE the evolving network-brain of the planet, unfortunately now moving fast to its AI forms).
In this manner the Ss perceptive cycle of the macro-being is transferred as a Tt-entropic cycle of existence of the micro-being
which depends totally on the macro-being and its ‘wave/networks’ (physical, biological systems). In social systems, the same
cycles apply to the control company-mothers have through salaries with human beings; as the stock cycles that deliver the
‘information’ on the reproductive=sales values of those companies and its products, selecting the best ones, also creates its
profits-money that become the ‘blood’ pay that sustains the life of its human workers
Secondary sub-cycles and ecosystemic similar cycles.
From this essential cycle as we expand those papers we will show a series of secondary chained sub-cycles, in all systems of
Nature, the true ‘harmony of the spheres’, also in physical systems, when we properly interpret the 5 physical forces as the
expression of the 5 Dimotions of the galatom.
There are many more of them when we don’t seek for perfect symbiotic connections as in superorganisms but find them in
‘loose’ ecosystems with opportunistic relationships. But the rule is always the same – what is relatively insignificant for the
larger whole becomes vital for the smaller being. I.e. the ‘Tt-entropic waste’ of macro-animals like elephants become a place to
seek food for smaller animals, whose Tt-entropic waste becomes the reproductive energy in which to put its eggs for beetles.
If we then move the Sun-life relationship jumping the planetary scale, it turns out that also the ‘waste’ of the sun, its
‘radiation’ produced as ‘discharged’ entropic energy n its evolutionary St-increase of mass density (fusion processes), is used
by the life species of the planet to ‘perceive’ and move, enacting its St-Ts informative and kinetic energy functions (St-light
used to perceive by animal eyes or to get energy of motion through the intermediate state of plants).
When we fully map out all those cycles through up and down chains they can be extended upwards to the galatom (the 11
years cycle of ‘black spots of the sun maybe connected to the central black hole that ‘expels’ waste as gravitational waves
determines the weather cycles of the planet, which were key to micro-climatic cycles and harvests through most of history).

And weather cycles extended into much larger geological cycles, as we explain the paper on ‘Earth and entropy’ determine the
cycles of evolution and extinction of species.
And we can complete the model once we realize those cycles are disomorphic to all species.
For example, the 11 years solar magnetic cycle is the orbital cycle of its main planet Jupiter.
In 5D the entropic energy cycle of Ts-locomotion for cosmological systems like Earth is its gravitational path. Thus the orbit of
Earth deforms gravitational spacetime is its Tt>Ts cycle that lasts the year it takes to cross its space-time territory, its orbit.
Thus, as in the case of a territorial animal, the main energy cycle of the planet is the year-time it takes to sweep its solar orbit,
the ‘organic territory of the planet’, where the Earth absorbs its gravitational energy, deforming space-time according to
Einstein’s equations. How this happens in 5D is obvious: the rotational ‘±pi’ planetary motion that provokes its magnetic field
both shields the planet and ‘squeezes’ on its poles the transversal ‘G-ravitational’ waves of our 5D cosmological models,
equivalent to transversal ¥-rays in the atom, explained in the papers on astrophysics.
So we obtain for the Sun-planet systems 2 main cycles of transformation of gravitational energy into rotational form; the earth
– a secondary minor cycle – and Jupiter, the key cycle. The conclusion then is obvious:
If we determined that ∆+1 (Ss) << ∆-1 (Tt), as Earth’s rotational informative cycle becomes its life feeding cycle, for the Sun-
Jupiter system, the magnetic cycle tuned to the gravitational feeding cycle, must be the same Ss=Tt symbiosis. So the Sun 11
years magnetic activity must be indeed related to its reception of ‘gravitational G-waves that position and hence ‘in-form’ the
orbits of stars around the black hole, maintaining its
organic structure.
Yet those cycles are NOT even considered by astrophysics
with its outdated models that ban any organic view of
the galaxy, so we will leave them there, and return to the
better known earth-life symbiotic cycles.
Those ternary chains between the fastest cycles of macro-
beings and the slowest cycles of its micro-beings create
simultaneous, symbiotic åctions along 2 planes of
Informative frequency of the macro being => Energy frequency of the micro cell
Thus the fast, informative cycle of the slow macro-being is transformed into the slow Energy cycle of the fast cellular micro-
being, in a symbiotic chain that make it dependent on that macro-being. For example, the fastest Earth’s cycle is its informative,
cyclical rotation as a mass vortex that determines the day-night cycle of light, which feeds its living beings. So, the living ∆-1 cells
of Gaia, its plants, feed with the day light, while its ∆-1 animals have a ternary Energy cycle of 1 to 3 meals a day. So both are
timed to the informative light-day cycle of the Earth, their Energy cycle. If we lower the scale of analysis, the same cyclical chain
happens between the animal and its ∆-1 cells. Men have a rate of informative perception of a second, the rate of blinking and
thought. But a second is also the rate of breathing and the heart’s beating that transfers Energy to its ∆-1 cells, becoming thus
the Energy rate of feeding of those cells.
The same relationship can be used in other cycles. For example, the Energy cycle of an animal is a day. Yet the size of its hunting
territory, of which he knows all its information, is the distance it reaches in a day.
A homologous relationship chains microcosms and macrocosms symbiotically in the longer ENERGY and reproductive cycle:S
Tt>Ts Entropic Energy frequency of the macro being= St>S≈T-Reproductive Frequency of the micro cell
Energy frequency of the macro being=> Reproductive Frequency of the micro cell
If we stick to the Earth-Moon system, the lunar cycle complements the annual cycle:

A secondary orbital-energy cycle of the Earth system is a month in which its satellite, the moon, sweeps around the Earth’s
orbital territory, provoking tidal changes on the sea; providing the 3rd key astronomical clock for the regulation of the life
cycles on earth (day, month, year).
But those 2 frequency cycles are transferred to the micro-living beings of Gaia’s skin. They are the reproductive cycles of most
animals. In the human being the menstrual cycle is a lunar cycle; while the cycle of reproduction of a child lasts 9 months. And
in Nature almost all reproductive cycles have an annual frequency, happening in spring or summer, when the sun’s light
absorption is maximal; which is the obvious reason why those cycles are linked: while the macroscopic being absorbs energy, it
allows its cells to use that energy to reproduce.
Again, if we lower our scale, an animal as a ∆+1 macro being has a cycle of energy of a day. That period is also the cycle of
reproduction of most cells, called mitosis.
Yet all dimotions including reproduction are discontinuous: it happens only when ‘optimal energy and information’ is available
during a small interval of the total existence of the being, in general in the second, mature age of balance between energy and
So when we look at systems from the bottom up an homologous relationship of synchronicities chains microcosms and
macrocosms symbiotically in the next, longer reproductive cycle: faster Tt>Ts macro-cycles become St>S≈T slower informative,
reproductive micro-cycles; as they provide energy to the micro-being.
It seems that the micro-being is fed and reproduced by the macro-organism, the good ‘god’ of its existence.
Yet the good god is a farmer that reverses its symbiotic Сmotion when it ab=uses the existential cycle of the micro-being, a
mere fractal cell of its macro-organism farming its energy in simplex herd systems to feed or its information in complex
superorganisms (genes & memes). In a sense, we can say that all organisms are ‘farms’.
So we feed and reproduce pigs but end up eating them: pigs feed men; stars fed by the interstellar gas attracted by the black
hole’s gravitational power, also end up feeding the black hole; and fat cells fed by the organisms end up killed, feeding back
the macro-organism. So in that inverse, final cyclical chain between the microscopic and macroscopic being, the ‘relative God’
takes all what he gave.
What is taking the Earth then from us, humans who are so ego-centered that think we are killing the Earth? Exactly the same
that all those farms… We talk in our models of evolution of Earth in 3 ages:
Gaia (life) > History (man) > Metalearth (Machines) of a clear role of mankind as enzymen who are catalyzing the evolution of
AI robots on Earth which evolve the planet and likely will extinguish us once our catalyst role ends.
We have then covered with some examples the main chains of dimotions, from faster Ss-St perceptive macro-cycles though
Ts-Tt feeding cycles into S≈T-reproductive ones.
It only rests to consider the largest social, generational and life-death worldcycle of a micro-organism in its final chain with the
energetic reproductive and evolutionary, informative faster cycle of a macro-being of which we have just put an example
analyzed in earnest in our papers on Earth I (Gaia), Earth II (History) and Earth III (Metalearth). Simply put it: the cycles of
evolution and extinction of life on Earth are tuned to the Glaciation and hot weather cycles of the planet; its energy cycles that
in 5D determine the reproductive cycles of its rocks. It is one of many cases of the…
By homology with other organic systems, we consider that the Energy cycle of the Earth as a rotational mass that deforms
gravitational spacetime lasts the year it takes to cross its space-time territory, its orbit. Since, as in the case of an animal, the
main Energy cycle of the planet is the year-time it takes to sweep its solar orbit, the ‘organic territory of the planet’, where the
Earth absorbs its gravitational Energy, deforming space-time according to Einstein’s equation. While the secondary Earth’s
Energy cycle is a month in which its satellite, the moon, sweeps around the Earth’s orbital territory. We obtain thus, the 2 main
cycles of transformation of gravitational Energy into rotational form by the Earth-Moon system: the lunar cycle and the annual

And those 2 cycles are transferred to the micro-living beings of its Gaia skin, so they are the reproductive cycles of most animals.
Thus in the human being the menstrual cycle is a lunar cycle; the cycle of reproduction of a child lasts 9 months; in Nature
almost all reproductive cycles have an annual frequency, happening in spring or summer, when the sun’s light absorption is
maximal; which is the obvious reason why those cycles are linked: while the macroscopic being absorbs Energy, it allows its cells
to use that Energy to reproduce. Again, if we lower our scale, an animal as a macro being has a cycle of Energy of a day. That
period is also the cycle of reproduction of most cells, called mitosis. Yet reproduction is discontinuous: it happens only when
‘optimal Energy and information’ is available during a small interval of the total existence of the being, in general in the second,
mature age of balance between Energy and information.
The micro-being is fed and reproduced by the macro-organism, the good ‘god’ of its existence. Yet ‘the good god’ is actually a
farmer that reverses its Dimotion of order for an Dimotion of entropy and destruction when it uses the ‘existential cycle’ of the
micro-being as a mere fractal cell of its macro-organism. So we feed and reproduce pigs but end up eating them. In a sense, we
can say that all organisms are ‘farms’. So pigs feed men; stars fed by the interstellar gas attracted by the black hole’s
gravitational power, also end up feeding the black hole; and fat cells fed by the organism end up killed, feeding the macro-
organism. So in that inverse, final cyclical chain between the microscopic and macroscopic being, the ‘relative God’ takes all
what he gave. Thus there is an inverse, final chain between the generational cycle of a micro-organism and an inner, energetic,
informative or reproductive cycle of a macro-being. Thus the generational cycle of the macro-being complete the previous chain:
∆-1:Generational worldcycle of cells = Reproductive cycle of wholes
The main scalar space cycle relates the functions of the 3 scales of beings.
There are many examples and sub-cycles related to this cycle. I.e. every day we store fat that will be used to reproduce,
creating generations of storage energy in our body in the ‘wide’ dimension of energy-reproduction.
Further on, body cells live and die in an interval between a month and a year, which is the period most animals need to
complete their reproduction.
At cellular level, carbohydrate molecules live and die in short daily cycles, which is the period of reproduction of cells. The
relationship between both cycles is again organic: reproduction means the renewal of a macroscopic being that destroys and
creates many of its fractal elements, as energy or information of the reproductive S≈T combined cycle. So cells accumulate
carbohydrate molecules that they use in their reproductive processes, destroying and reconstructing its DNA genes with them.
And when we chain all the cycles of the superorganism from the minimal scale to the largest scale we find that the two
extremal Ss-Tt cycles are again connected.
Indeed the most extremal synchronicity in a human being is found between the ‘rate of reproduction’ of amino acids in
ribosomes, its minimal ‘unit’ of life and the Ss- rate of perception – a ½ second per thought:
Ribosomes are efficient organelles. A single ribosome in a eukaryotic cell adds 2 amino acids to a protein chain every second.
5D metrics is the synchronizing, co-existing tool for superorganisms to exist through scales. So from a simple equation, $ x ð = C
we have truly found the meaning of ‘exist¡ence’… even if the usual simpletons will find all this magic numerology, future 5D
researchers will marvel to the perfect harmonies of the Universe in all its species and scales.
Variations of the theme that usually include survival strategies and ‘frozen’ universal constants of efficient species, build up
new layers of complexity we hardly can treat here, as my generational cycle is closing down:
Depending on the role a ∆-1 quantum performs in the macro system, its life will be longer or shorter: Wheat is harvested to
feed annually the human ecosystem, while carbohydrates die every day to reproduce DNA molecules. Yet a top predator
informative cell, a neuron, lives the entire life of the organism, since it defines the informative networks that dominate and
form the will and consciousness of the organism as a whole macro-being. But the proper explanation is that the ‘neuron’ is
NOT in ∆-1 but is the ultimate ‘super-system’ of reality, a ‘fractal network’ (wave in physical systems) that ‘travels’ as a single

form through scales of the fifth dimension. It actually LIVES in the fifth dimension as it is nothing but the connecting tissue
between both scales, the whole Ƽ membrain-mind and its cellular parts.
So inversely, the life span of the ‘brain quanta’ defines the life span of the macro-organism.
Thus probably the enormous life span of ∞ generational nucleons = black holes, the fundamental particle and brain of the
fractal atoms of the Universe, defines also the life-span of the Universe as immortal in the 5D model of astrophysics. But there
is a more fascinating numerical synchronicity. If fractal networks are the physiological 5D systems that bridge ∆-scales in life
beings, ¥-waves play the same role in physical systems. And we find that the mean age of a yellow star like the sun ± 10 billion
years is similar to the mean life of light in the 5D model where the horizon limit and red shift has in pentalogic a temporal
reason: the death of light (a slightly different concept of the tiredness of light, light dies and as it dies its frequency born
mostly in blue stars relaxes into red shift). So we cannot see beyond that light-life horizon.
For example, body cells live and die in an interval between a month and a year, which is the period most animals need to
complete their reproduction. At cellular level, carbohydrate molecules live and die in short daily cycles, which is the period of
reproduction of cells. The relationship between both cycles is again organic: reproduction means the renewal of a macroscopic
being that destroys and creates many of its fractal elements, as Energy or information of the reproductive §∏ combined cycle.
So cells accumulate carbohydrate molecules that they use in their reproductive processes, destroying and reconstructing its DNA
genes with them.
Depending on the role a ∆-1 quantum performs in the macro system, its life will be longer or shorter: Wheat is harvested to feed
annually the human ecosystem, while carbohydrates die every day to reproduce DNA molecules. Yet a top predator informative
cell, a neuron, lives the entire life of the organism, since it defines the informative networks that dominate and form the will and
consciousness of the organism as a whole macro-beings. And inversely, the life span of the ‘brain quanta’ defines the life span of
the macro-organism. So probably the enormous life span of quarks, the fundamental particle and brain of the fractal atoms of
the Universe, defines also the life-span of the Universe. Since the study in detail of all those chains for all Universal species is
beyond the Cyclical Time of this work, we will only consider some examples from the 3 main disciplines of science:
Since the study in detail of all those chains for all Universal species is beyond the limits of this work, we refer to other more
specialized papers where we shall study the following chains from the 3 main disciplines of science:
- In the physical world we study the temporal chains between the 3±st scales of existence of light (gravitation, light and atoms)
and the 3±st scales that create the Universe.
- In Biology we study chains between the 3±st scales that cause life evolution: the ∆-1 genetic cycles, the st-life cycles and the
∆+1 ecosystemic, geological cycles of the Earth.
- In History we study the rhythms of life of civilizations and the human generational cycle, which follow a decametric
80x10=800 cycle of destruction of civilizations.
Since the life of a fractal ∆-1 cell or quantum of a bigger system is a brief moment in the longer existence of its ∆+1 organism,
to create the effect of simultaneity, microcosmic, fast, fractal cells have to chain their longer ‘existential cycles’ to the shorter
cycles of a bigger organism or ecosystem in which they will exist synchronized to its faster cycles as S=T trans-forms
information of larger systems into feeding energy of its smaller parts. Thus, the informative Сmotion of ∆+1 determines the
energetic Сmotion of ∆-1 whose frequency is shorter and the energetic cycle of ∆+1 determines the slower reproductive
Сmotion of ∆-1 whose cycle is shorter. Finally symbiosis reverses as the generational worldcycle of the ∆-1 is ab=used by the
∆º species in Darwinian prey –predator events; while in symbiotic superorganisms the larger whole takes advantage of ∆-1
higher informative rates. So genes and memes code larger organisms and humans catalyze the evolution of Earth: T->S->S≈T-
>S. As a Hindu proverb says: ‘a blink on the eye of Vishnu, the Universe, is a life of a planet and a drop of sweat of a planet is a
life of a human being.’
RECAP.We establish an existential chain between time cycles=actions=repetitive dimotions on 3 relative space-time scales:
(Informative>Momentum cycle) st-1>(Reproductive cycle)i>(Generational-Social cycle)st+1

- Since the existential, generational life-death cycles of st-1 particles becomes an Momentum cycles for the st-being.
- While the reproductive cycle happens in the same st-level of the organic system that mixes with a couple of inverse exi
parameters (sexual reproduction, inverse parameters of particles that reproduce a self-similar particle).
- Finally, the generational cycle of the being becomes, as a part of a social herd made of similar individuals, a submissive
Momentum or information cycle of a macro-organic system, st+1.
Synchronicity in maths: Fourier transforms. Present waves: space synchronicity. Time particles synchronicity.
Fourier transforms derive from synchronicity deep laws of social organization. They apply to the physical scale of 'present
wave states' (as opposed to past > future field>particles), the trinity ages of quantum matter:
Ss=Tt cycle: Past>future<past: field>particle<field: Stages (‘male’ state’ in terms of gender). -
Present-reproductive wave state of social boson organization (‘female state’ in terms of gender).
So we can decompose ‘harmonic waves’ (musical theory analyzed in other papers) in ‘ratios’ that are idealized mathematical
language-mirror expressions of those synchronicities, while ‘noise’ and ‘heat’ are not organic complex waves but disordered
entropic accumulation of chaotic frequencies.
On the difference between particles and waves a general law: herds are waves of present equal parties, which move
collectively in a democratic way and so they obey laws of social, informative, scalar space (boson in physics). Past to future
particles are hierarchical, and so its function is past to future informative perception and future to past, entropic destruction
that either evolve fields into denser particles of information or devolve them to extract motion but do NOT integrate into
‘smaller’ organic structures but enter in Darwinian ‘annihilation’ when occupying the same place (fermions in physics). And so
they obey different 'statistics' than social bosons.
So an abstract laws of physics – Pauli exclusion principle – is explained organically as social boson herds of minimal friction
(superfluid Bose condensates) or photon waves become present, spatial ‘synchronous bodies’. While fields & particles are
‘bipolar’ structures of past to future darwinian hierarchical events that don’t last. And so the synchronicities between both
type of states differ: the fermion annihilates the ‘antisymmetric’ particle that occupies its space in a ‘darwinian action of
perpendicularity’; the bosons form a parallel tightly packed form.
Bosons emerge easily as new ∆+1 entities. Fermions require a new higher cyclical membrane (magnetic field) to order them.
But those bosons that gather in social herds are also the ∆-1 parts of fermions, so as big cetaceans feed on waves of smaller
synchronous beings, fermions use bosons, light or gluons (and heavier quarks mesons) to St-communicate information or Tt-
feed on them, or those bosons willingly Ss-collapse, transcending to a higher future plane as they become the ‘partons’ of an
electron (a nebulae of dense photons that emerge together as charges, stripped off its motion field of ‘lineal magnetism’).
As motion is in 5D reproduction we can also write this process into a chain: Absorption of entropic energy as bosons move into
a lower quantum potential field give way to reproductive locomotion that gives way to a higher social action as bosons
collapse into the ∆+1 larger fermion. And so those 3 rhythms become chained:
∑∑∆-1: Ts cycles -> ∑∑∆: reproductive cycles -> ∑∆+1: social cycle: collapse of the wave into a larger particle.
Hierarchical and Synchronous dimotions=Actions through scales: The game of survival=exist¡ence.
All starts with a 5D ∆ST Metric. For man n space is a meter step; time is a second, the beat of our 3 synchronized parts, 1
glimpse of the eye, 1 thought of the mind, 1 beat of the heart, 1 step of ourlegs, of one meter… You see, how beautifully
‘simultaneously’ coordinated your 3 adjacent |+ø+0 parts of your spacetime organism are? You are, we shall repeat by the Anti-
Goebbels’ method – if you repeat a truth many times people might understand it – that you need to absorb beyond egocy the
fact that there is nothing that differentiate you from the smallest ant, the largest galatom, the meanest banker, even if he thinks
so. We are all in the same boat, the ∆ST Universe. And then there, you have to tender for your 3 synchronize parts, at the
rhythm of each moment(um) of present, each second of your time clock set around 6 million tics if you are lucky with your
telomeres at ∆-1, your ∆+1 idol-ogic memes and false gods (warrying nations, parasitic bankers, techno-utopian poisons) and

you complete your 72 years of exist¡ence. At your ∆º-momentum level then you will seek to perform the 3 actions you are
designed for in your plane of existence, Ts-move your limbs, St-perceive and communicate information with your head and Tt-2
feed with energy bites and §∏-1 reproduce your cells with your body. That’s the bare minimum basic actions for you to keep on
existence. Tt-feeding, Ts-moving, St-perceiving and §∏-reproduce and repair your ∆-1 internal energy scale of cells. And this is
normally done in a serial fashion by every particle, animal and human: St-perceive to Ts-move towards a TT-2 feeding field
where to eat, and then rest again so the ∆-1 cellular scale can repair its internal energy ‘ideally’. Because there are many other
players in the game, some will compete for the same Tt-fields of food, some will be much larger ∆+1 networks of your social
organism, nation and capitalist network of financiers – and those in our very bad designed society are there to ab=use you, with
weapons, police, Tt-entropic metal, and Tax-farming you with parasitic money, themes those of social sciences by far the worst.
Cat alleys. The perceptions of the mind. Entanglement of ‘reproductive motions’, functions & form.
The ‘lack of interaction’ of a certain scale with a ‘field of forces’, or state of motion is caused by the discontinuous structure of
reality and the ‘dark spacetimes’ that are not perceived by a system. A singularity looking through 3 holes of a ternary
membrain has π-3-/π=4% apertures to the Universe – so 96% is dark. A system ultimately – a mind – only perceives its
languages, and only perceives those other fractal points with whom it is connected. All minds reduce the Universe to a world.
The same happens with the discontinuity of the sequential actions=dimotions. We eat once a day, so the dinner remains empty
the rest of the time. We divide then in sequential time our actions, giving more time to the informative perception, the act that
never stops and defines existence with its fastest, continuous clock. In the analysis of a given species, as a knot of space-time,
which is most fruitful in physics – in fact most equations of physics reflect knots of space-time evne if those who do physics just
ddo equations – we could then consider ‘mathematical sequences’ of actions in time, with frequencies that become Fourier
transforms, scalar resonances, social parallel herds – the entire 5D physics if ever constructed with method would be then as
earlier physicists intended – a marvelous harmony of sequential cycles of existence, subtly synchronized with each other.
This was obviously the initial plan 30 years ago, when my mind was fresh: to bring a university on board to do a systemic
description of all beings of reality as knots of ‘ti-es’, Tiempo-espacio, in the original jargon. Things didn’t go as planned ):
This is counter-intuitive to the fact those minds see their reduced scale and world as a continuous ‘shrunk reality’, a compact
form without vacuum in the ∆º scale of the mind. In the ∆+¡ scale however as ‘lineal space is larger’ and ‘cyclical informative
time slower’, there is less information to see – yet the total value of that scale is the same ($ x ð = C); so the ∆º observer sees
less information, a slower reality and emptier Universe.
All is mental spacetime; where we miss and select the world with whom we interact; or in case of entropic forces they select us
‘to feed on our existential energy’. But a choice is made. The choice of the electronic world does NOT include the ∆-4
gravitational scale, which interacts with mass. This today is explained wrongly with the Higgs mechanism and its gravitational
field (as the Higgs belongs to the evolutionary forces that increase the mass of quark particles). The gravitational field however
is likely mediated by the Neutrino, as conservation of spins=information doesn’t hold in 5D and light feeds on it. Which leads
us to the duality of feeding and perception. All is ultimately a game of ‘feeding->perception of the particle/wave/field entity
choosing either to perceive the particle, to feed on the energy of the wave or to move entropically with the field. But a system
cannot ‘process’ the trinity parts of the ∆±¡ T.œ it absorbs. It does make a choice and so the abstract equations of physics
must be interpreted for each given entity as both a ‘topological choice’ of perception of information, feeding on entropy to
move or absorption of energy, or interacting for reproduction from the ∆-4, ∆-3, ∆-2 scales.
Those are themes that correspond to the paper on physics and scale, so we shall not dwell on them (hopefully when this 3
years project, 2nd year starting, is finished, the whole 30 papers will have more structure, more meat and less repetitions). So,
us electronic, visual, ¥(∆-3)>e(∆-2) minds do NOT interact with our perceptive system with the gravitational world – it is not
our cat alley. Why? Obviously because for e in ∆-2, gravitation is just two scales below, and hence ∆-2 is to ∆º ‘food’ (neutrino
theory of light).
The entire architectonic mapping of the relationships between scales and different forces according to dimotions, is complex. I
painted it long ago in a mural of conceptual cubism, gone with all my earlier work and simply speaking, I am too lazy to

reconstruct it for these papers. Others might do it in the future if 5D ever enters academia… I doubt. Concepts so entrenched
in the materialist view of scientist such as ‘forces’ and ‘strength’ are meaningless for those who do not choose to perceive it. If
we move upwards in scale the same truth holds for human sensorial systems which have a range, and surprisingly for many
are not affected by too strong sounds, extreme electric discharges and so on, as they are not sensible to them.
This is the case of the electron and the ¥-ray in gravitational fields of the ˙∆-4 scale.
What is then the strongest ‘vital force’? Different for each scale. Obviously that in what we ‘feed’; and then that what
reproduces us. Forces though have different ‘form’ according to the different dualities of its asymmetric nature for each
element. Topologies, Scales and Functions, S, ∆ & T become all entangled and determined by each other, according to the @-
mind scale in which the T.œ exists.
Perception is discontinuous as in the movie example – but the lapse of time in which the system crosses a dark space without
informative input is not recorded as ‘time’passing, it does not exist. So a system that chooses to perceive stop positions do NOT
record the ‘motion lapse’ between frames. And so an important question to solve is when are counted ‘the tics of the clocks
that measure the ‘mean beat of existence’ – usually around the 9-119-11 number? We will elaborate in future revisions on that.
The arrow of information dominates ACtions of existence.
Space-time organism tend to evolve information as the St-head/particle dominates the system, in the same manner we are
awake longer than we are sleeping (1/3rd to 2/3rds normally), so the quantitative analysis matters.
The 5 dimotions commonest to existence, perception, motion, reproduction, feeding and social evolution, are dominant in
information; the ideal regression Ts<§∏<St, though possible is rare. So death ends up coming after the vital energy is
exhausted. This said, the question we want to address is the scalar nature of those dimotions, which happen also in an orderly
manner, as social evolution brings ∑∆0>∆+1, systems up one scale; reproduction happen in the same ∆o, as a dual movement of
a seed in ∆-1; feeding simplifies after entropic death the parts of ∆o-prey into ∆-2 molecular food; perception acts in the smallest
∆-4, light forces and motion on the ∆-4 gravitational field. So the question here is, if we said that ∆-2 is a dead jump, a limit, as
in feeding, the 3 first dimotions, social evolution, reproduction and feeding are within the limit, but perception and motion are a
4-jump of scale. And so it must be understood as performed by our ∆-2 parts in a dual-dual jump. Let us see if experimentally
that is the case. First the scales, which tend to be in the 1010 scale of social parts to become a new whole (stars of a galaxy,
humans of the global society, ties of a DNA human molecule, cells of an organism, etc. for reasons treated in other parts).
So the scales down of mankind are the cell, the molecule, the particle (Not the atom which is a gathering of very few particles,
and in fact most matter is in the plasma, particle state, or at best, 1 proton+1 electron, the ‘gender-couple’ or 2+2+2 Helium),
and then we have the ‘forces’, given the fact that in 5D physics, an electron nebulae is a gathering of ‘star-like photons’, as a
galatom nebulae of the similar mirror maximal scale is a gathering of stars. So we have the scales: ∆-1: cell, ∆-2: molecule, ∆-3:
particle, ∆-4: force. We hypothesize the same down process split at the particle/atom level, as the electron is the Ts-part and
the quark the St-part (cover and nucleus, mobile and informative, Ts-electromagnetic vs. St-gravitational force, etc.) down to
the quark and its billions of microscopic components even if we see the strong force bundled into gluons…
What they are we don’t know for certain. Physicists called the hypothetical particle a graviton, but they are a mess of theory at
that scale they don’t see, with their reductionist models of time, space, symmetry and scale. We shall call it so far, because no
other particle is discovered at that tiny level abundant enough to play that game, the neutrino, even if we just see a few of
them. The whole subject needs a brainstorm between a 5D theorist and a top particle physicists that didn’t happen. There are
theoretical hurdles – in 4D relativity the graviton is a 2-spin, in particle physics the neutrino is ½ spin, but there is no a clear
understanding of the conservation of spin numbers, not even of the speed of rotation of spins, likely above c, or the neutrino
speed also likely about c, of the hyper-universe, of dark energy, then there is the neutrino light theory of Broglie and Jordan,
with its critics. Let us leave it there and state for the time being that this ‘graviton’ likely neutrino is the ∆-4 scale of gravitation.

So for 5D to work, the motion on gravitation and the perception of light is NOT done by the body and the mind but by an
intermediate ∆-2 state of multiple electrons – an electric wave; and motion also must be at the ∆-2 atomic scale. And that is the
case. We see ∆-4 photons that activate electrons in the eye, but the image of the Universe we have is an electric field in the
brain of many electrons likely a whole bunch of occipital neurons in a network with electric images, and the same goes for
machines whose tv-retinas are made of multiple electrons scanning a big screen. So perception is a dual-dual scalar jump.
Motion then again happens by electrostatic repulsion at the atomic level and if gravitation attracts us in free fall it is attracting
the atomic level. So that is why we ‘scale’ actions from ∆+1 social evolution to ∆-1 seminal reproduction to ∆-2 feeding to ∆-4
perception and motion. And that’s about it all what matters in Existential ¬Ælgebra, at least in this introduction. And in almost
all the papers and their description with ‘5D Stience’ of its laws, species, forms and events and worldcycles.
The Universe is a nested superorganism NOT a mechanism, and so the machine is not a model – just an evolving organism of
‘metalife’ which human catalyze in their evolution through the same phases of a viral ensemble, as we did the bodies of
machines in the steam British age, its engines/hearts in the German electrochemical age, its metal-minds (phone-ears, Tv-eyes
and chips-brains) in the U$ age and now we ensemble into robots.
This philosophy of science, which first Aristotle in his organon, the whole compendium of his work, then Leonardo in his
neo-platonic attempt to describe the physiological networks of human organisms, cities, societies, planet Earth, even
machines; then Leibniz with his analysis of ‘space-time superorganisms’ and non-Euclidean points that are minds-monads
that hold a world in itself, is a bit more complex than the mechanist view, and so it has taken longer to be properly
formalized. To do so we needed a new dimension of scalar space-time, and its metric equation, S x T =¡C, the smaller the
size in space of a system is, the faster its frequency of cyclical time that stores in its forms and frequency the information of
the Universe. So unlike machines that exist in a single plane of size, superorganisms are structures that extend through 3
scales of the 5th dimension, the cellular/atomic/citizen ∆-1 scale, (biologic, physical and social organisms), the ∆º
physiological scale, where 3 networks of spatial form (nervous system, gravitational system, legal system), temporal motion
(limbs/fields/territories), and its reproductive combination (blood, electromagnetic, economic systems) organize those
cells, atoms, citizens into a wholes and the ∆+1 scale of ecosystems, celestial bodies and nations and civilinations of
mankind. The organic Universe thus is more complex, entangled among scales whose laws of synchronicity, symmetry and
simultaneity have never been formalized till those texts, which will form together an encyclopedia of the 3 main
superorganisms of human
sciences, the Galatom (physical
organisms between the atomic
and galactic scale), Earth
(biologic superorganisms of the
3 ages of the planet, Gaia, the
Earth of life, History, the human
Earth, and the metal-earth of
company-mothers of machines
and weapons, or economic
ecosystem), of which the human
superorganism of history
deserves a closer look as we
‘descend’ from the nested
physical ∆±4 Universe, into ∆±2
Earth into mankind, into our
‘formal ∆º mind languages’ of
perception of space (mostly
mathematical) and time (mostly

All what exists are pentalogic dimotions… expressed as time events, space organisms, scalar actions & mind-mirrors.
Once we understand the limited but ∞ variations of the game of exist¡ence, we can understand the essence of the game:
The game of spacetime exist¡ences will create under the Totalitarian principle (Leibniz to Gell-Mann) all possible variations,
including mad thoughts, unstable particles, aberrant species in explosions=radiations of creativity, the Cambrian radiation, the
particle zoo, the explosion of re=productive company-mothers of machines-weapons once a new form of ‘energy’ in the 80
years cycles occur, all the varieties of mathematical curves and topological forms with motion… But then there will be also a
massive selection that will prune the tree of exist¡ence of all those species that are NOT efficient within its ∆ø 3 physiological
networks, or even if they are efficient, they are NOT adapted to the requirements of its ∆+1 world, or even so, they are
‘weaklings’ in the ∆-1 cellular scale where they can be easily parasitized. Selection is then extreme to the point that often only a
single form remains, the human mammal, the parental cell of all of us, the quark and electron, the 20 amino acids, and so on.
This is the game, and the best way to express all those laws is the use of the simple rules of existential ilogic algebra, we shall
now consider in a very brief statement, from where through topological combinations we can understand the game:
Reality is a block of time made of scales of the 5th dimension in which spacetime organisms run worldcycles of existence.
Each detail of the game of existence is a worldcycle of one of such superorganisms, what we call the life and death cycle. So the
study of reality can be formalized as the study of the worldcycle of existence. So what existential algebra does then is to study
‘structures’ as classic algebra does of a given type, we might call the group of transformations of the 5 Dimotions of existence.
Group theory in 5D algebra analyzes ‘stœps’ of spacetime due to transformations between the 5 elements of the group of
dimotions of space-time.
In the graph, the main laws of 5D stiences. With those laws and the few symbols of 5D metrics and Existential ¡logic (S, T, <, >,
∆±¡…) we an, define all events and systems of reality that combines the 5 Dimensional motions and its ternary systems in scalar
planes, time ages and spatial organs to define all actions of S-evolution, §∏- repetition and T-extinction the Universe allows,
which then will be selected by raw efficiency leaving only those survivors that play better the two functions of the 5th dimension,
SxT (s=T) balances that maximize the function of existence, in a given plane. As nothing else, which cannot be expressed
through those combinations within those limits exists outside the virtual inflationary mind-languages of information. Trust me,
I know it, after 30 years of research in all fields of knowledge looking for a falsification of Existential ¡logic. So in our papers on
¡logic we will develop with them all events & species of reality. So the equivalent to the fundamental law of 4D science in 5D
Stience is one of existential ilogic. ‘All systems of Nature try to survive selecting of all the potential existential events and
Dimotions of space-time, those who maximize its function of existence, Max. S xT (s=T) in its point of present balance.
So the key language of reality becomes the pentalogic entanglement of spaces=forms, its 5 time=actions, the ∆±¡ organic scales
where they symbiotically play the game of existence, guided by smaller ∆-¡ Ss-languages=mirrors that the informative mind-
system uses to the whole supœrganism at faster synoptic linguistic speeds (due to the TxS=∆±¡ metric). In the graph we
summarize the structure of 5D Universal laws that apply to all scales and stiences, based in the entangled pentalogic
symmetries between space=form, time=motion, @-languages of mind mirrors who peform its program of existence, through its
5 local dimotions and the symbiotic scalar organisms they create, with its 5 organic Dimotions, becoming supœrganisms tracing
the same worldcycles of existence, as we are all details of the thoughts of God, its laws of¬ ∆@st, dust of space-time.
Stiences are then easily classified as part of the set of scalar laws run by disomorphisms between 3 ∆±¡ scales which are self-
centered in an specific superorganism, the atom in physics, the molecule in chemistry, the cell in biology, the human being in
medicine, the culture in sociology and history, the solar system in astrophysics, the galaxy in astronomy, which corresponds to
one of those scales. But all those scales can be studied in its synthetic ultimate process of space and time with the laws of
superorganisms, worldcycles, its symmetries, as ¬ ∆@st , using the synoptic laws of existnetial ilogic. As we are ultimately
transformations of the group of dimotions of spacetime (:
The entanglement between organic properties in ∆-scale, topologic properties in space and dimotions=vital functions in time
mirrored by the syntactic Universal grammar of all languages, whose entropic limits of perception and duration and extension
in scale, time and space makes reality a fractal ensemble of space-time organisms. If you grasp this sentence, you will know the

thoughts of God. The different details of reality, ¡ts scalar, mental space-time species are variations of the same theme. So A-
>B causality of Aristotelian logic is expanded because events do happen by the collapse of the influence of 3 networks over a
space-time point and the inner and outer St-motion and form of the point, for a total of 5 causal reasons to a event. In praxis
this implies a Rashomon effect in the search of truth, as we need to understand those events from the perspective of 5
Dimotions & 3 scales. ¬∆@st of space-time you are & you’ll become. As reality is a tug of war between Mental Space mirrors
and Tt-entropic flows of motion in ∞ beings and scales: ∆±∞ ∏Ssó∑Tt.
Pentalogic sets the basis of a new Philosophy of science=knowledge completing its 3 horizons of evolution, the experimental
method of Aristotle that accepted all languages and senses to measure truth, with a strict logic analysis, the mechanical
method of Galileo that reduced languages to those of machines to measure time (clocks) and space (telescopes), denying the
logic of the 3 causal verbal tenses, we regain with the pentalogic method and the definition of truth as the sum of all the mirror
languages on the system we perceive – it is the organic method that considers the isomorphic 5D laws of scales as the template
to organize the data of all stiences in a rational, systematic way. Since what the mechanical method has done is to reduce
science to technology and the creation of a digital mind, shunning off the search of the ultimate goal of science: to understand
the first principles of reality and the meaning of the game of existence, which 5D explains.
Processes of change through absorbtion and emission of energy.
This said, things get as detailed as we want. Important enough to introduce in the prologue is the ‘triggering’ fundamental
event that starts a change in the ST2,3 groups of transformations of spacetime dual events and trinity states and pentalogic
worldcycles – namely that a system absorbs external energy, hence ‘more suitable’ s and t elements. Consider for example a
seed, Ss. It first uses its internal energy to ‘move’ St ,internally and then it brings a reproductive ∑ ∇St multiplication of its ‘cells’
in the blastula state (we do use the ∆, ∇, > < in the mathematical and ilogic sense, as in fact they are different symmetric
perspectives, as a Ts>>St process in dynamic spacetime is also in a simple space view between a larger ‘limb-motion system’
and a smaller still St-head system, and a growth through social networks, ∆+1 , is an ∆-growth… ). So what we mean is that the
Ss seed, moves internally, changing to its information, form-in-action state, St, and then it starts to divide, ∑ into smaller, ∇
clones, forming a morula. But as the energy exhausts, it needs an external placenta to feed it, and so ∑St + §∏ will trigger
further growth, and while most of what the cell receives is ∏-energy of motion, it does receive § molecular food.
Interaction with the larger world in a positive way is thus necessary for most events of the Universe.
But the interaction might receive NO form at all, only motion, as when a force is applied to a system, which in relative stillness,
St (with internal motions, either in sleep or thought, few systems are in a static Ss-seed state), then will suffer an interesting
change. As S becomes T, but the system CANNOT merely change St to Tt because that will be an entropic ‘inner and OUTER
motion’ that will disorder the entity, the system in motion stops internal t-motion, ‘thought’, and becomes far more passive. In
physical systems, we write St because its ‘center of gravity’ does NOT move across its trajectory even when the object is
rotating, so it can be treated as a point-particle. But humans also need ‘stillness’ to think with maximal inner motion. When we
move we think far less, we sense motion observe and act-react to the external world.
Those examples show how a 5D scientist who understands the ‘simple principles of relational space-time superorganisms’ can
explain all kind of things nobody has even attempted to ‘question’. There are many of those ‘little laws’ that become then
phenomenological and experimental in the real world in any scale. We don’t bring them in most papers as we are already
talking a language so far removed of the primitive modes of thought of 4D science regarding space and time that nobody will
follow our much simpler analysis of reality in sciences. But in this paper which is precisely on non-AE logic we will.
¬(@≤S≤T≤∆): Symmetry and entanglement vs. idealism and the axiomatic method.
Languages are synoptic mirrors of the pentalogic game of existence that ‘entangles’ the scales, spaces, time worldcycles of
the Universe, establishing its limits of entropy in time (Death), space (membranes) and scales of inter-action. This is NOT
however how the ‘egocy’ paradox (ego=idiocy) of ‘finitesimal minds’ 0ε (finitesimal mind) x ∞ Universe = Constant world,
build its linguistic mirrors, which they confuse with the Universe as it is often the only ‘perception’ they have of a given
reality. As most species including man are monologic one-dimensional mirrors – in our case mostly visual in space, used to

be verbal, ‘rational’ in time before the age of virtual, audiovisual information. So we have a huge problem to enlighten and
upgrade any 4D science to pentalogic 5D science – one of the ultimate structure of the ‘humind’,its egocy and monologic.
This is specially truth of the ‘3rd informative age’ of mathematics, in which as all old age mind’s STages the mirror has
unconnected from reality to become an ‘infinity mirror’ of excessive self-reflecting images, through the idealist Jewish-
German schools of Hilbert and Cantor that brought us niceties like fascism, communism, financial parasitism, nationalist
genocides… and other ‘animetal deranged’ states of society treated at face value in our papers of History. In brief,
mathematics, long past its classic age now relies in mental proofs because indeed, all mirror languages mirror also the
pentalogic structure in its syntax, which allows to make belief in the plausibility of its world as if it was real. As in theater –
a language of the game of existence of human life – as long as the ‘Stanislawski method’ is not betrayed and the actor
dresses in epoch draperies things will look OK. But an old man trying to convince you of its truths with an excess of
repetitive information gives you little insights on reality as it is. Problem is the old man is NOT coming out of its mind-
home because he no longer understands the outside Universe, so he cannot provide you a realist ‘classic account’ of the
mirror proved outside by the experimental method, and so he ‘doubles the stakes’ of absolute truths, affirming his
language-words are NOT in needed of any empirical proof, and ultimately thinks of himself as the God of the Language, its
pope. Mr. Cantor and Mr. Hilbert in the tradition of their idealist cultures succeeded convincing mankind that if Hilbert
‘imagines points, lines and planes’ that suffices us to know what they are as ‘all of mathematics can be proved with set
theory’. Then of course as we go through the proofs we keep finding egocy all over the place. But the method man won’t
care for anything else. A simple example: in topology these days ‘connectedness’, which as the name indicates intuitively
means that a space is all in one piece is defined as ‘A topological space X is connected if each map of it into the two point
space (0,1) takes all of X into one of 0 or 1’ . So we have an inflationary runaway method, where something intuitive truth
– a definition, whose properties then we shall explore with ‘rational thought’ and references to a comprehensible reality,
because the language is NOT the goal in itself but a mirror that help us to understand reality – becomes detached from
reality and issues us into new more complicated, more detached mental spaces invented by the mathematician so we can
waste our spacetime in the ‘Cantorian paradise’ of its religion of truth. This cultural religious method of Popes that hold all
the way to Biblical inquisitions of truth and spreads in so many sciences with the appropriate censorships – you cannot
even refer them to cultural corruption – In the case of mathematics started when Lobachevski proved the 5th Euclidean
axiomatic truth false, and rightly told us that to know what was real in the Universe of space we had to look at the
experimental reality. Yet Hilbert, failing to understand fractal non-Euclidean points with an inner volume through which a
relative infinity of parallels can cross them, imagine with his penpal Cantor a paradise of mind definitions in which
mathematicians have hosted.
5D simply gets rid of all this, but as mathematicians live now in the mind of Cantor not in the Universe, we have to
painstakingly translate each suppuration of the mind of Cantor, who went from a madhouse to a cemetery and refer it to
reality to get back the meaning of connectedness and extract from its properties lessons about reality with applications to
all sciences. It is then when mathematics again acquires its power as a synoptic language of reality mirror of the only
language which is more efficient – the game of existence itself, and its ∆-scales, space topologies, time ages and mind
languages that guide real, vital species through the game, with the aim of making them survive, which they achieve when
their language does mirror efficiently reality. In brief, a ‘Cantorian species’ would NOT survive embroiled in the world of set.
That’s why a connected atom within a crystal network will never map itself to the two points space. It will just look at the
other atoms of the network in its neighborhood and know it is connected – entangled, a property of reality that makes it
happen. Since reality is about the symmetries and feed-back sharing of motion and form between connected non-
Euclidean points with inner parts, which form networks that become superorganisms across 3 relative scales: ¬(@<S≤T≤∆):
A mind is a language-mirror that reflects a still image of a space that moves through time ages, as a travel through 3 scales
of the fifth dimension that defines its worldcycles within the limits of entropy and death… The language is smaller because
it fits within the mind the space, a slice of a time worldcycle, an existence of the potential essence of all worldcycles of the
scalar universe. So to unfold all the beauty of a language we must NOT go into inflationary axioms to make egocy proofs of

mental truths but go the other way through those elements to see how the language reflects as a still limited space the
worldcycles of the Universe, extracting its essential properties.
Then we find that ¬(@≤S≤T≤∆) is the ‘syntax’ of all realities including all languages which must therefore be limited by
entropic existence, and departing from the @-language shown to mirror in its mental space a temporal, scalar reality,
which the language in its synopsis helps to understand FASTER so we can RUN its program of existence in pentalogic terms
to get conclusions BEFORE they happen to anticipate the deterministic future with the language and manage a praxis of
survival. That is…
What is all about: ¬(@≤S≤T≤∆)
Consider a key example of mathematics, the hypothesis of continuum which is false by convenient to ‘simplify’ and run
faster existence. In reality a line is a collection of different scalar points, from the larger Natural numbers to the Q smaller
numbers in between and the Real smallish numbers in between the rational ones. Continuity then happens when we
simplify the ‘5D dimension’ of scales and package all the different numbers into a single line. This is fine as long as we
don’t believe the Continuum ‘hypothesis’ as a postulate of truth because it is not, and if we accept it, then we will start to
distort reality and forget there is a scalar 5Dimension with ‘different species’ of numbers.
So goes from ¬ limits. Neither infinities or infinitesimal exists, as there are limits of perception in scale and space beyond
which horizons black out reality. If we believe the egocy paradise of Cantor, we get then into absurdities as comparing
infinities, and paradoxes mount which require to be erased ad hoc new mental postulates in the runaway train of the
axiomatic method, always with egocy names to make it look more important, the Zermelo axiom, etc. But things get
nastier when we believe on such infinities and infinitesimals instead of ‘immensities’, ∝, and finitesimals, 0ε, the ‘reality’ a
mind can access beyond which entropy – lack of reliable information – sets in by death, membrane or beyond ±¡ scale –
the cut-off limits to all inquire. The result in physics is the big-bang theory based in an infinitesimal singularity that does
NOT exist because the cut-off limit of the expansion of vacuum space in the hyper-universe of galatoms, is the imposion of
that space into galaxies under the ‘gravitational ∆+¡ ≈ ∆-¡ strong force’, whereas ∆+¡ = ∆-¡ is a topological law of similarity
between scales (galaxies being similar to atoms of the hyper-universe repelled by ∆+¡: dark energy ≈ ∆-¡ electromagnetic
forces’). While the ‘loss’ of information past the customary 1010-11 limit of existence, in this case of light that ‘reverts’ to its
lower neutrino/dark energy scale expanding space between galaxies, is the explanation of a ‘horizon’ beyond which we do
NOT see many galaxies – only those with the strongest ¥-radiation in the blue whose life lives a bit longer. Mathematics
then with its non-understood limits becomes the origin of aberrant theories of physics that trusts faulty maths and rejects
all evidence – in the big bang theory falsified ad nauseam in our papers on The Universe & Physics & Entropy, the constant
discovery on the limit of ‘time existence’ of the Universe of perfectly formed giant black holes and galaxies – in fact the
largest black holes, as obviously they are the ones that produce more ultranenergetic ¥-rays that live a bit longer over the
mean life of a light ray, similar to the mean life of a star, similar to the mean life of a galaxy – in the same manner your
neurons have a similar mean life to your organism… And so on.
Another example are real numbers of ‘infinite’ decimals. In fact, because ‘10’ tends to be the limit of scalar perception,
numbers ‘break’ after ±10 decimals, so it doesn’t really make any sense to seek for the infinite decimal of e, which clearly
breaks after 10 scales, digits 2,718281828…45, becoming irregular. Maths we shall not cease to repeat contrary to belief is
NOT perfect. What is perfect is the game of existence of immortal reality, so maths is an imperfect mirror with synoptic
excellent qualities for minds to advance into the future by ‘jumping’ steps as in biology genes advance into the future of 3
billion years of evolution by palingenesis. That’s what languages are all about. Consider then the relationship as another
example of those imperfections between the 2 fundametal scalar logarithms, e, the logarithm of dynamic growth in ∆t,
(time and scale) vs. Ln, the logarithm of 10 the basic ‘static’ logarithm of scale in space, ∆s, e3=20.08, we then discharge
the .08 because the relationship of the slightly imperfect mathematical language is e3=10 x 2, whereas 3 ‘scalar ages’ of e
give us a dual mirror gender symmetry of 20 variations, so we ‘transform’ a scalar palingenetic process through e into a
spatial mirror gender symmetry of 10+10, call it 20 amino acids, two tetrarkys in opposite directions as in the David star, or
whatever other real example you fancy. The anathema of 5D maths then is to unseat from its pedestal the mathematician

that thinks his language is a higher truth because of its faulty axiomatic method. So from time to time we shall show the
errors of reasoning of the axiomatic method in plain terms. Consider for example the mapping topologists do with its set
theory proofs between the X-lineal coordinates and a curve traced above in the Cartesian plane. They say there is a one to
one correspond of each point in the coordinates with the curve so both are topological homeomorphisms. But that is NOT
truth as intuitively we know. We can then measure the ‘curve’ with differential geometry and will show to be longer than
the line. If we take a segment of the curve and straighten it, it will remain longer. So the curve must have more points of
the same ‘type’ than the line and only by omitting some of the points of the curve in the lower finitesimal scales of Q and
specially R, we can create such homeomorphism. So the proof is buill$hit, but written in the abstract language of set
theory for people to memorize with new definitions unbeknownst to the line and the curve we have a pretension of truth.
The right way to express it latter analyzed in more detail is that the curve has added points that don’t break its topological
structure defined as a series of points that do NOT cross with themselves. Such line does NOT have a double point to use
5D terms; that is a point that doubles and so becomes a different class of point, either because it doubles with a bulk in a
new height dimension or it doubles with an inner scale of higher density – the crossing point does have more ∆ or S-height
and thus becomes a distinguishable point. So in 5D topology the property that is key to a homeomorphism is the fact that
all the points of a ‘simple line’ are indistinguishable, and when a line cross over itself one point becomes distinguishable
hence the topological variety is different it has a ‘knot’ which is NOT a point. The SOCIAL equality of all its points then is
the REAL property that makes two such topologies similar=homeomorphic, which is why the concept of undistinguishable
non-E points is so real in its physical applications (bose vs. Fermi statistics) while the proofs of set theory are nowhere to
be found. The line is then simpler as we do NOT have to add the information about the point-knot but just declare a
topological line≈curve as the sequential spatial mirror image in mathematical space of undistinguishable points.
Then we can define in 5D topology all simple lines=curves closed circles, because the next type of line-curve will be an
open line-curve with two different points, the first and the last, in the ‘limit’ of entropy/perception of the open line/curve,
as infinities do NOT exist. And we can differentiate both, because we need to ‘choose’ a time direction for the line ‘going
forwards’; that is the line will acquire a time motion in as much as we will choose one of its limits as the first point which is
the point that has NO past, and an end point which is the point that has NO future.
Yet then we realize that some lines bounce in the end point and return to the past forming a worldcycle, which is the
origin of waves. Because of the ‘persistence of memory’ and the impossibility in 5D, as well as 4 D of occupying the same
space at the same time; the line will wobble as a wave, so when the point returns it does NOT move through the same
line, but forms a curve up and down the line, except for the points of the wave which become the ‘knots’ in which meets
the previous line – those point-knots are again of special significance as they become ‘particles’ between the fields of a
real physical wave with more density in ∆ or higher height… In this manner knowing 5D we see better the math mirror and
carry it into the ‘logic explanation’ on how the physical reality is generated. So on the bottom of the entire structure of
reality there are the laws of Existential Algebra/topology/scales/∆ST; which are logic laws of what it is possible and it is
not treated in our paper on the ‘stientific method’, such as the fact that we cannot occupy two points of space in the same
time, something physicists do not understand – as they in fact think a boson does it. But then again, when they took
pictures of a Bose condensate they realize the points did NOT occupy the same space but formed a ‘height column’. It is
then obvious that when we see 2 points that seem to occupy the same space at the same time, something else is going on:
either they have fusion and the new dual point has a higher inner density in the fifth dimension or they have gone into the
height dimension of information, which in its previous flat space was not measured, or one point has fed on the other that
shrinks and disappears (scalar, spatial and entropic resolution of the problem). It rests then the most beautiful solution,
that of the wave – the point when it occupies the same place of space of the previous STage of the line it does so because
it has moved in time, displaced into the future, it has invented a new future which in fact moves through the same space
of its past – the wave has found the solution to the fact that the static line had no more future beyond the end point by
moving, by acquiring its time dimension. All those solutions and interpretations are partial truths and the sum of them all a
higher truth by the ‘Rashomon effect’.

It comes then as a fundamental truth of existence that all truths can be defined from the 4 necessary elements of existence
(@, S, T, ∆) within its entropic limits. ¡.e. We just defined an open line in terms of time even if it is an element of space.
And that is what should be the exhaustive method of truth, but as it would be too long we shall escape it; nor we will write
those truths with the equivalent of the pedantic axiomatic method which would be the use of the symbols of Existential
Algebra, as the reader would understand nothing. But in an ideal scholar future, the axiomatic method would be replaced
by Existential algebra, and truths will be exhausted with pentalolgic analysis from ∆, S, T, @ perspectives and its ¬ denial.
Pentalogic ensembles of cyclical dimotions of survival.
The structure of languages IS simpler, because they construct a REDUCED still mental worldview of the Universe. Yet
without knowing the ultimate nature of reality and the game of existence, we cannot see
all the beauty of its mirror image – it becomes just an abstract painting. If we know it is an
image of a part or superorganism made of knots of timespace, dimotional cycles joined in
networks the mirror simplifies for survival, fitting purposes through simultaneity and
synchronicity… we can ignore the present hurdle of excessive mathematical
metalanguages and understand mathematics, which as Neumann recognized
‘mathematicians don’t – just get used to it’, through the use of memorial languages.
The ultimate Reality is biological and organic, with Time and Scale as its larger component.
It is NOT about ‘physical, spatial, supœrganisms, and its even more reduced mind mirrors -
but knots of spacetime cycles whose synchronicities entangle its parts so we can perceive
them as forms of spatial in-form-ation in a synoptic language. So all languages are mental spaces, all spaces are mental
constructions and that is fine as long as we use them to manage our dimotions in reality, NOT to become old men closed
in its Cantor paradise, which gets offended if we tell him to get out to the world.
So instead of the axiomatic idealist method 5D stiences returns to a realist method, and instead of a single language it uses
as many as possible to give us compound images of reality, and it always in its exhaustion of truth give us the @-mental, S-
patial, T-emporal and ∆-scalar view of reality, which in mathematics means a system can be expressed with a mind
theorem, a topological method, an algebraic one and a digital approximation (as points of space, operands of time and
scalar numbers are its unit and reality to be must have a space, time, scale, mind language within the limits of entropy).
Those limits are also necessary to understand the validity of a language, something obviously ignored by the axiomatic
method that not only pretends to prove truth within the language itself but also extends truth hyperbolically to infinities.
Pentalogic – also called the Rashomon effect - is simple and yet the most powerful ‘logic element of reality.
Because all what exists is made of a spatial form, of time-motions, spread in 3 scales of reality, its whole, Ƽ embedded in
a larger ∆+1 world, and made of ∆-1 ‘cellular’ parts, limited in time by its life-death cycle and in space by a membrain,
where it sensorial mind-system that connects all those elements, exchanging energy and information with the outer world
to enhance its survival chances, [laying what we call the ‘game of exist¡ence’, any event in time, form in space or
‘language-mirror’ that perceives them MUST have 5 Elements, 5 Causes, 5 Variations that we must observe and describe
to obtain the whole truth of the issue.
Pentalogic derives all what exists including languages, as mirrors of reality from the fact all is a by-product of the 5
Ðimotions of space-time, themselves, 'degrees of grey', of the two 'extreme' purest forms of Space - absolute stillness or
languages of pure form, 'residing' into an emerging 'wholeness' or upper scalar plane, ¡+1, of the fifth dimension - and
time (absolute motion or entropy, dissolution of the being into an scattered, ¡-1 lower scalar plane or 4th dimension).
In the entangled pentalogic Universe, it is not possible to separate the 5 elements of the supœrganism of History – its
temporal ages, its ‘scalar’ structure divided in human citizen-cells, 3 physiological economic=reproductive ‘blood
‘networks, legal-informative and ‘territorial network of vital space’ or geography, its verbal mind and subconscious
collective Gods and its ‘entropic limits’, in time and space, which if crossed will signify its extinction. As the 5 Dimensions of
History work in symmetry like in any other complex ¬∆@st organism.

So the 'Disomorphic=equal laws of all systems derive from the properties of those 5 entangled elements, which need a
new 'pentalogic' of communication:
Scales, co-exist in 3 levels of size ruled by SxT=C metrics gifting organic symbiotic properties to T.œs.
'Vital Spaces' are bidimensional forms of 3 'topological varieties', which perform 3 organic functions in a supœrganism:
lineal limbs/fields move the system, hyperbolic ßodywaves iterate its forms & spheric particle/heads gauge information.
Times are types of 'motion=change', those organs perform, which are locomotion (limbs/fields), reproduction (ßody-
waves) and informative gauging (particle/heads), which dominate each of the 3 consecutive ages of the being (young
motion age, mature reproductive age and old informative age).
Minds are centers that process information from the outer world, control the internal networks of the system, and
perform deterministically the 5 survival actions of existence, regardless of its consciousness. They coordinate and maintain
the whole as a single system performing actions of control of the energy and information of the system. So we find gravity
centers, chips, brains, DNA nucleus, black holes in galaxies, etc. etc. Indeed, there is always in any stable organic system, a
relative still, self-centered mind, which we shall discover all systems do have, even physical systems, which have centers of
gravity, centers of charge or crystal systems, which maintain the whole.
Entropic limits: In time called death, called membranes in space, evanescence beyond 2 scales as systems loose
information: Death is a 0SxT equation of dissolution of 2 scales of information, ∆+1<<∆-1. So Entropy becomes the limits in
space and time of a T.œ (Time§pace organism), ¬; perception, its mental form, @; social evolution, its scalar structure, ∆;
motion its lineal time flow, T; and reproduction, its spatial population, S.
As this paper focuses in space-time in a single scale we will deal most often with worldcycles of reproduction of form,
starting from the key ‘postulate of 5D physics’, regarding locomotion, as reproduction of form. And so since locomotion is
the present dimotion, which all vital systems try to achive: formal reproduction, physics of locomotion is a vital stience.
Only the Universe has all the truth about itself…
Haldane said, and he was right. But egocy, the main feature of man since he discovered the Tree of metal and abandon the
true paradise of organic complex life, simplifies truth to come on top as the mind that knows, and loves the simplex line-
sword of the warrior, or goes into the other unbalanced extreme of baroque information the axiomatic method. So we will
constantly debunk the ‘hidden tricks’ of human pseudo-sciences of truth, including those of maths, perhaps not so severe
as those of financial classic economics, certainly not so harmful, but all pervading, even if we hurt the ‘feelings’ of egocy of
mathematicians, to be able to access the true beauty of mathematics as the realist image in Spatial points, scalar numbers
and time operands of the only immortal, perfect, true, as it makes its essence existence in itself, 5D universe. So we
conclude this brief introduction to realist, imperfect mathematics, repeating Santayana’s definition of truth, as ‘that part
of the language with reference to existence’. And one of the main motivations of all those papers is to seek truth and
reject falsehoods in languages and sciences expressed through those languages.
What are we going to do in this paper, given the extraordinary difference between humind’s physics of a human single
space continuum, compressing all the scales of numbers into the real line, and emptying of content the fractal points of
the Universe, and the Universe? We are not rejecting human physics. This is what reality is about: to equalize=synchronize
all clocks and create a mental space continuum where to live. Problem of mankind is NOT to be aware of the simplfication.
There is nothing wrong with algebra of a continuum space line, but it will help to undrerstand better nature if we realize
systems have its monads=mental spaces that do NOT perceive simultaneously all those scales of numbers, but tend to
work on the Natural line at its ‘size’, in a discontinuous manner, reason why the frequencies of strings even if they can
potentially be infinite in a Fourier transform come to a few vibrations and modes, and as they ‘move downwards’ into new
scales of space signified after the Natural numbers by the harmonic thirds and fifths – not by every Q number, and
certainly never arriving to the infintitesimals, we can understand better how waves and music happens. The order and
events of the Universe are based in the scalar structure of reality, and its synchronicities and simultaneities NEVER reach

beyond the entropic limits of perception of a given ∆º which does NOT go beyond 2 relative ‘Tt-scales’ of the equation of
death: Ss<<Tt. 2 scales create two motions of a still mental space that becomes completely disordered and so does its body.
5D STiences on physics: from metaphysics, through ∆+¡ astrophysics down to ∆-¡ quantum physics.
We divide 5D Physics in several sections, perhaps when we end due to its volume in 2 papers, starting with a treatise on
Metaphysics, of space-time, given the deformation of first principles physical sciences have experienced since Galileo
wrongly defined time as lineal and Newton against common wisdom and the opinion of Leibniz, put space and time
outside the Universe, eliminating the 2 elements of which all systems are made, ‘background independent’ space=form
and time=motion. It is difficult to understand 400 years latter to which degree man has distorted his picture of the
Universe due to this blunder that facilitated measures of space and time, equalized to a single human ‘meter’ and ‘clock’
but hid the ultimate principles of reality: the existence of infinite vital, scalar spaces, which run different ‘circadian’ clock
cycles, ruled by a simple metric equation, Si x Tƒ=C (the size of a vital space is inverse to the speed of its time cycles, but
both together are constant; so smaller systems run faster frequencies of information and become symbiotic to larger vital
spaces, forming together super-organisms of scale).
Because of its enormous reach as this is a one man show that includes many other stiences, there is a bit of disorder and
repetition. I will try as I improve the 2 papers on 5D physics to divide the ‘act’ on Metaphysics and Earth physics (that is
classic physics till XIX c.) in the 1st paper, concluding with the entropic age of Death of Earth, as part of the organism of the
Galaxy, studied in a 2nd paper on Astrophysics and its symmetries between Cosmology and particle physics.
Because 5D physics needs the reader to understand the evolution of physical principles, from the concepts of time, space,
dimension, motion, scale, conservation, etc. some parts of metaphysics repeat in bogth papers. Then there is the need to
understand new principles of mathematics, such as the fractal point ‘with parts’, or the ‘discontinuous scalar line and its
number families’. So far though we have worked mostly on the concepts and principles, not yet included 5D mathematical
physics beyond some basic equations. We will do so after /if we complete the 3 papers on 5D maths: Non-E Geometry,
Non-Algebra & ∆nalysis.
So the first part of this paper deals with the theoretical models and issues of physics, regarding the 5 elements of reality,
scale, space, time, languages and entropy. While the second part once those concepts are clarified in depth, will be an
analysis, as all other papers on different ‘stiences’ on the ‘nested scalar supœrganism’ of Earth, itself part of the Universe,
which departing from the larger galaxy down to the atom, will be described in ‘Astrophysics’, according to the hierarhcy of
those 5 elements, first in scale, then in time, next in space, and finally in mind-language, within the entropic limits of
existence of all spacetime systems of reality. So we will go up from the nested geological planets and its molecular matter
into the ∆+¡ galaxy, down to its particle ∆-¡ scale. Both papers to physics, once we correct humind’s errors on spacetime
and mathematical creationism, will grow focused on real data and finally add formal equations.
Each stience, including bio-logy can be described in ∆±¡, through 3 relative Si x Tƒ SCALES of the 5th dimension, self-
centered in an ∆º scale of ‘reference’ proper of each ‘stience’ we study. Biology is self-centered in the scale of life
organisms. Thus it goes down one scale to the cell and its internal parts studied by ‘bio-chemistry’ and its goes up a scale
to the Earth and its ‘membrain’ ecosystems, studied by different sciences, Ecology, History, Economics, Geology… whose
relationship in time & scale will be studied in great detail at the end of this series.
∆PHYSICS: We treat the stience of physics concerned with all the scales of organization of galatoms, which generate all
physical systems of the Universe, as its fundamental nested Supœrganism, whose ‘mirror symmetry’, st-¡ (atom) ≈ ST+¡
defines the forces of ‘communication’ of motion and form in the physical Universe.
As such unlike other supœrganisms of ‘lesser’ complexity and number of scales (Historic & Biologic Supœrganisms), the
proper way to study Physics is NOT from the bottom up, (Constructivist philosophy), as ‘causal arrows’ happen in 5D at the
3 scalar levels, (from larger to smaller scales, from smaller to larger scales and ‘within the same scale’ between its 3
elements, Ts> §∏> St, but as a series of supœrganisms based in the mirror symmetries between its ∆±¡ scales, met in the
balances of the relative ∆ø scale of the system.

Time Physics. It is then necessary as in all systems of reality to study each of those 3 scales, the atomic,
electric/thermodynamic, human scale, ∆o and the ∆+¡ cosmological scale, in its worldcycle of timespace. It would be as in
all other papers a relatively simple task, if it were not for the deformation that cyclical, Tƒ, time has suffered in physics,
since Galileo’s definition of lineal time; so we cannot just ‘set’ the quantum of time-actions of each scale, and ‘reduce’ the
existence of matter in those scales to the worldcycle common to all systems, without a lengthy introduction to cyclical
time with the consequent correction of Physical models of lineal time to 5D.
Once this is accomplished we can study in those 3 scales the worldcycles of time of galatoms, thermodynamic ensembles
and quantum particles, with some surprising results.
S: And then study how those time ‘states’ become complementary in simultaneous spacetime ‘organisms’ that conform
the main ‘bodies’ of matter of the Universe, again in 3 scales – the atom, molecular matter, and stars and galaxies.
@: To finish with the consideration of the minds of physics, both in its ‘hardware’ (the spins, particles, electronic flows and
black stars/holes, of the 3 scales; and its software, mathematics; the mind of atoms, projected in the topological order of
the Universe. Yet again, unlike in Biology, where models are sound, we need to upgrade current mathematical sciences, as
they depart from the wrong concept of Euclid’s, of points with no breath, origin of the error of singularities, which plugs us
directly into the final element of the physical Universe, the limits of…
¬ Entropy; which physicists consider wrongly the only arrow of time, and use to model the entire Universe as an entropic
process born of a big-bang Tt-explosion of entropy that continues its accelerating expansions. A model we need to correct
by including all the other ‘Space’ related Dimotions of space-time and its in-formative forces.
As the subject is so extensive but our time limited, we just divide the subject in 2 papers. One for the larger nested
Superorganism of the Galatom, and its hyper-universe and forces, ∆±,4,3 and this in the more mundane, better observed
world of Earth’s physics, from the atom to the planet. We make in both an introduction to the theoretical issues, errors
and languages of physics. In this one to the mind of physics, its mathematical languages, which went through 3 ages of
evolution as we expanded the scales of the Universe we observed; to move then to the study of Geology, Matter states
and chemistry; since in 5D we follow the inverse model of constructivism and creationism, instead of deducing reality from
the bottom up through the mathematical language mirror, we do it from top to bottom through its organic properties.
if I ever get interested in the world before exit mundi latter on this 2020 ‘decade’ I’ll DO the real job - finding my 13
annotated Lindau’s books of my youth and interpret with ¬Ælgebra some serious equations. It is a huge task for posterity,
as it requires 1st a deeper philosophy of ‘time algebra’. That is, the knots and bolts of physics beyond the shallow
mathematical description is to understand in organic terms the ‘operands’ of algebra, its universal constants, its
mathematical properties in scales=numbers, etc. We already saw it with the singularity error at the heart of big-bang
equations. Maths are a mirror of space (Topology), Time (operands) and scale (numbers, whose families are NOT in the
same ‘size scale’, as the continuous model of the line is an approximation as the point without breath).
So to get there, to the ‘beginning of 5D’ mathematical physics we must introduce Non-AE mathematics and 5D metrics.
The Universe is more complex than we can even imagine.
How do you teach complex ‘stience’ to a childish mind as all humans are? The answer is you really can’t. Children of
thought have certain inheriting limitations to understand an intelligence so vast and entangled as that of the Universe. So
you can only simplify with ‘languages’. Children are also coward and so they can’t understand death, which is a huge part
of the Universe in all its scales. Children also are not serious about the ‘game of existence’, we all play – the essence of the
Universe, so you must talk to them as if the game were just play. Finally children like toys but they break them. They don’t
really understand how they work, but can operate their bottoms. They love entropy. They… All this is part of human
And physicists are not different. Their toys are sensorial machines. The game they play is called measure, the language
they use to input their game is called mathematics, and out of it they develop childish models of the Universe that

degrade the collective intelligence and vital nature the physical systems. Children are self-centered and think they are the
center of reality. So human egocy (Ego=idiocy) denies the vital nature of all systems of space-time. Even the 5 vital
properties of the 2 only fermion particles of reality, quarks and electrons that feed on energy, perceive=gauge information
(so quantum is a ‘gauge theory)’, reproduce with that energy new particles, evolve socially through strong forces and
magnetic fields. However those 5 properties define Life in biology. So the unit of life is NOT the carbohydrate but the
particle, which plays similar life games.
This fact alone introduces a ‘vast’ new perspective to 5D physics: organicism. The description with ‘verbal, biologic’ thought
of the whys of physical systems, besides its mathematical quantification – far more interesting for ‘adults’ of thought. But
children have a ‘safe’, simple toy model of reality, which makes them think little – just press the bottoms of measure,
equation, computer model. That’s fine but as an adult I am not very interested on it. Problem is this is all children know so
if you want to communicate with children you have to talk their childish thoughts and equations as they are bratty
children and only want to talk about their Russian dolls. So, well; this is the situation. There is then the problem of what
they measure or rather the bias introduced by the instruments, machines, they use to measure. Since the object we
measure becomes molded by the instrument; in the case of physics by the clock. So Kepler said God was a clocker that had
waited 5000 years to find an intelligence like ‘his’ to admire his clock work. Science is culture. So metal science’ imposed
by the material culture of machines, considers time ‘what a clock measures’ (Einstein), space a ‘digital Cartesian graph’
(Newton) as only the language of machines, numbers, is ‘truth’. All this is a reductionist view of the properties of the vital
Universe and time and space. But 400 years of tradition makes almost impossible to convince humans to ‘go further’ than
human clocks and paper space.
According to Mechanism, the Universe and the primitive machines we humans construct to observe it. Mechanism though
needs ‘someone’ to make the machine, which is not self-generated; so it is similar to deism, reason why the founding
fathers of science, all pious believers, adopted it as a proof of the existence of God, which had given man self-similar
properties – the capacity to make machines to the image and likeness of the Universe. The problem with those 2
approaches, which in fact are the same, is obvious: a personal God is an anthropomorphic, subjective myth and science
must be objective; while a mechanical view of the Universe still needs an internal, self-sustained process of growth,
creation and synchronization caused by an external God that made and rewinds the clock – as Leibniz stated in his critique
of Newton. Scientists today are unaware that mechanist theories are in fact deist theories, reason why Kepler and
Newton, pious believers, liked them; since they were a metaphor of their self-centered, anthropomorphic religious beliefs:
If man created machines as we were made to the image and likeness of God, God created the ultimate machine, the
Universe. Organicism is the only self-sustained, rational theory that doesn't need a creator, language, god, as organisms
are self-replicating, but does explain perfectly within the 'correspondence principle', those 2 other philosophies of science;
since a machine is just a metal organism and gods are the subconscious collective of civilizations, another scale of social
evolution of the organic Universe. Fine, but now the problem arouses because an organism is far more complex than a
machine as it co-exists in synchronicity of its multiple time clocks and simultaneity of its multiple scales in a single ‘reality’.
And those are very different properties from what children see with its eyes and digital machines – a single scale. And
because eyes are so powerful in huminds, the more so in the present digital era of audiovisual thought and without
reflection reality seems just what we sense, with eyes and electronic machine a limit to reality is established, such as ‘only
what we measure is real’ (Planck). Reductionism is fine if only would acknowledge that is closing the researcher in a box, in
a dark room, by denying all those scales, co-existences, synchronicities simultaneities, organic, vital properties, other
dimensions and motions of space and time that are there. They are called by reductionist physicists hidden variables, when
the only hidden element is the physicist closed in a box. If you get out of the box things keep expanding and even when you
have a much deeper understanding you realize it is only a scratch in the depth of it.

Because mathematicians are conscious creationist (that is, they accept unlike other subconscious creationists, classic
economists with its monetarist theories, politicians with its laws, military with its weapons, not strictly a language of
information but rather its opposite, an entropic system of excessive time=motion=destruction; that reality is born of a
language), it is important to clarify the relationship between the 3 elements of ‘mirror languages’, the whole reality, the
world, and the mind-mirror, to limit each part to its purpose.
The relationship between the Universe, the language and the individual mind is easier to understand once you grasp the game
of exist¡ence between two poles of form=space an time=motion. The Language is the absolute still form, which as it lacks
motion is smaller than the whole system of ‘energy’, which combines form and motion. There are therefore in a Platonic sense,
immortal languages, which are synoptic images of the game of exist¡ence, which act as ‘seeds’ that once in a local environment
receive the ‘motion-energy’ to develop will play a local game of existence, a ‘life’ worldcycle. But ultimately all, regardless of
‘size’ in scale, or quantity of motion and form are similar games. So there is not such a huge difference between anything that
exists. This I express often with the S=T ‘ultimate synoptic language’, or fundamental law of reality. Each form then is trying to
Max. sxt (S=T), playing against all other forms. And larger forms might seem more solid than mere electric thoughts of a mind,
but ultimately they are all mirroring each other. It is just a relative view on scale. If you are an atom that look inwards you might
be watching a galaxy, but the atomic nebulae – the electron might be just a patterns of a software language that will appear in
a screen as a ‘form of thought’ – perhaps a black dot I am writing now. Absolute relativity then is entangled at all sales by the
absolute truth of the Form that all systems reproduce, the game of existence.
The relationship between the whole, a messy mixture of multiple minds and its territorial bodies, the pure Ss-language or ideal
game, and the individual mind, often a knot of multiple languages is complex as all what has repetition and variation, but it
comes to this: the whole is a sum of linguistic worlds and knots of languages=minds; the mind diversifies languages, the
language exists in multiple minds. So a Language is ‘one expression’ of the game of existence, a being a kaleidoscopic knot of
languages, which it projects into a territory of order in a larger world. On the other hand the relationship between the world
and the mind, is one ST=Ss, a reduction at scale of the world in a knot of languages, then projected back into a part of that
world, territory or border which the mind reforms with its imagination often trying to improve or project its ego paradox.
Finally the relationship between the language and the world is the more strange as the language seems it can exist without the
world by mirroring the absolute game of existence. But it does not. The language adapts that game of existence to a local
condition, a series of species, a world with specific codes and variations. All verbal languages are variations of a Universal
syntax, but it would not seem at all to be the case. In fact not even those who speak languages know it, and only in the XX c. we
realized there is a simple Sujbect (Form) < Verb (action) < Object (entropic energy of the form) trilogic structure to it. It is
perhaps easier to consider the Universe as a whole a sum of multiple worlds, mirrored by languages, which then diverge –
multiole mirrors and again converge into a given knot or individual species. So the Universe is one, the languages are many and
their converge into single minds but there are infinite single minds with similar sets of mirror-languages.
Mathematics, the language of human physics, is one of the best synoptic languages-mirrors but not the only one not even
in physical systems, to explain reality. As it mirrors itself the game of social scales with numbers, fractal points-T.œs with
non-E geometry and dimotions of space-time with operands.
I like to invent words of ‘inglish’, the non-Æ=ilogic version of the language, which made back in the last millenium (: that
old is 5D ): incomprehensible the discipline – still is. So a wor(l)d I resurrect is ‘Mindors’, a composite of ‘trilogic’ – the
best way to create complex inglish: Mind, Mirror and Door. Since a mind is a mind (:obvious even for a 4D square-head :)
but it is also the door of the system to the outer world through its senses, and it is within its ‘brain’, the mirror inside of
the outside world. Another wor(l)d is ‘membrain’, and of course ‘world’. Play with inglish and you might enlighten some
rusty neurons with the beauty of creation.

5th postulate as a mind mirror: s-1≈ST+1
A more precise image of the mind will be ss≈ST as the mind ‘expels’
motion converted into form: §. In the graph, we consider the feed-
back essential equation of the mind-mirror: sóST,
Since the mind is a smaller system according to 5D, Si x Tƒ = ∆c, as a
linguistic mirror, ss≈ST, it expels motion made into form; eliminating
motion, repetition and errors, improving reality into a more beautiful,
balanced system. Then if it has an inner ‘body able to reproduce’ its
imagination in the external world, it will make it better with its
projection of the linguistic mirror. This is the essential structure of creation in the 5D panpsychic Universe we see happening in
all systems. Humans reduce reality to planning and then build larger realities at scale. Genes reduce the organism to its
palingenetic evolution.
In the XIX c. Schopenhauer wrote a seminal book, ‘the world as will and representation’, which explained reality is NOT about
‘logic and reason’ but about ‘the will of exist¡ence’ and the mirror minds of mental spaces, st¡≈ST¡ that made its world to project
of that will of survival and creation. But there are ∞ egos playing the game, invariably the objective truths of that graph impose
themselves. Languages then also mirror pentalogic, and so we shall refound Geometry of fractal points in 5 Postulates, realize
that The mind is the ¬E 5th postulate, whose content of infinite parallels mirror in a focus the outer world in its reduced image.
We show though a mirror image that has converted the Asymmetric ST whole in a smaller more regular st form. The seed, the
mind-mirror, the son, the smallish ∆-1 form is thus more perfect than the larger whole. But when growing up it will loose that
perfection of the miniature and might repeat the errors of its father image. As abstract as those ® logic space-time algebraic
equations and topological postulates might seem, they are at the base of all creative processes. We then realize that even if we
can keep building more complex events ultimately all is about ST-ages, ST-eps, ST-ates, changes from motion to form to motion,
which we postulate to be superfluid, to have no consumption of energy, all what is required for the Universe to be immortal. Each
of those S, s, T, t, St, sT, Ss, Tt, st, ST, sub-states of reality keep switching to be=come.
From all this, it follows the obvious fact that the biggest task of 5D Mathematical physics would be to upgrade mathematics
and the physical equations derived from it with the discoveries of non-AE topology and existential algebra. The task though as
Descartes said in the introductory quote is hardly started, left to posterity. My life, like his, has not been easy, that of a
wanderer, and 5D has too many stiences to complete. I have a huge load of work on that path, as I illustrated the books of
physics I studied with 5D notes, notably the 13 volumes of Lindau’s excellent soviet encyclopedia with a high philosophical
analysis, but I realize I won’t complete not even start the task before I exit mundi. This should not discourage the reader to
follow that path, if he is young and truly an idealist physicist, after reading those impressionist because that is the path of
future physics. And what I know of it is truly fascinating.
The Fractal Non-E Point As An Existential Finitesimal: 0ε
How we translate into ‘existential algebra’ the concept of a fractal point? Simple; as a minimal quanta of time, 1/T, space-
curvature, 1/R, scale-population, 1/n, mind-thought, 1/m, or entropy the inverse incommensurable infinity, ∝.
∆-1: Lebiniz's definition of S=T Finitesimals: 1/n: minimal curvature. ∆-1 unit.
The key concept of 5D calculus is a finitesimal. A finitesimal in lineal space-time is a frequency step or wave-length. A
finitesimal in curved spacetime is a minimal curvature of a clock cycle. A finitesimal in scale is a minimal unit of population.
We use the Non-Æ symbol, ‘0ε’ where the standard ε attached to 0ε; means the minimal ‘existential quanta’ of any
symmetric ∆≈S≈T≈@, scale, space, time or mind beat.
0ε is then the mental finitesimal – the minimal quantity in existence of a being, which still remains the being; the seed, the
mind of the species, the mother-cell that must therefore exist for any being, as the template which will develop the
immanent program of exi»st¡ence, which does NOT need to be stored within the finItesimal 0ε.

Inversely as the reciprocal of an Ss-mind with no motion is Tt-entropy with maximal motion; the reciprocal of 0ε is an
almost ∞, immensity, which we write with the symbol ∝. The finitesimal of entropy is the largest domain of the being,
beyond which the being dies. It is a real definition of the borders of the mind, as in its equation, 0ε-mind x ∝ spacetime
cycles of the Universe = K- World; 0ε x ∝ = K.
We thus talk of immensity as the entropic limit in which the being no longer is. And both obviously act in calculus as the
limits of a definite integral. Thus we can define calculus with the 5 Dimotions of existence. Since the finitesimals of ∆§∏ will
be integrated between its two limits of Ss an Tt, to give us its whole ‘worldcycle’ in time, or ‘closed circle’ in space, sum of
its ‘stœps’ or ‘curvatures’, or its ‘wholeness’ in scale, sum of its finitesimal parts, showing the deep entanglement and
symmetry between ∆, S and T: ∫∆st.
We shall use as windows does not let me put ∝, œ as the best symbol for immensity, which is the symbol of the whole
superorganism, that is ultimately an alternative symbol for ∝, as the whole tends to be the limit of existence of the being,
more exactly its world, 0ε x ∝ = œ. The subtle difference being that ∝ is external to the being that perceives it, but has pure
entropy; that is potentially feeds the creation of multiple Kaleidoscopic monad-worlds, and œ is specific, ∝ has been
ordered to become a ‘whole:ab. Œ’.
We use 0ε for the 3 classic symbols, L, for the limit as the finitesimal of space, ƒ, for a Finitesimal of frequency in time, and
þ as the symbol of a palingenetic cycle, or finitesimal of scale. And write as the general formula:
0ε:1/¡, whereas ¡, might be in classic mathematics, N, the whole population, T, the period or R the radius:
0ε(∆)=1/n; 0ε(S)=1/R=K; 0ε(T)=1/T=ƒ; 0ε(@)=-¡; 0ε(¬)=∝
Whereas the finitesimal of the mind is a ‘thought’ quanta, a perceptive moment (1/2-1 second) a past memory. Existential
zeros are thus the minimal units of the Universe in space, time, scale and mind, and its opposite is the ‘fiction’ of an
incommensurable infinity, which is the erasing death of entropy, when the existential zero goes down a scale and the
Universe enlarges but the whole disappears.
Because physicists do NOT have this concept; its faulty mathematics take them to the search of entelechies, as Black holes
without substance, singularities, lineal equations without cut-off ‘borders’, infinite potentials, etc.
The finitesimal is also the basis of the equation of the mind.
So by the continuous game of inverse functions, which become a 0ε sum, the Dimotions of existence continue to move the whole
of time-space that never ceases to exist. However the number of occurrences of the positive function is always larger than then
negative inverse function. So there are more possible sums than negative numbers (for spatial quantities there are no negative
ones, no negative apples). There are more products than divisions (as 4/2 = 8/4 but 4x2 ≠ 8x4); there are more exponentials than
square roots as √-x doesn’t exist and there are more integrals than derivatives as ∫y’=y+C, ads ∝ constants.
Which means the arrow of social evolution and life is larger than the arrow of entropy and death, which in fact lasts only a
quanta of time in its ÐST equation: Death = 0T x ∆ S.
Minds: s-1≈ST+1 =0ε: Finitesimal egos. Universal Grammar. Territories: Só T tug of war. Pentalogic entanglement.
A key ‘finitesimal’ is the ego. The Ss-mental nature of space is embedded in the principle of relativity. ¬E points create an inner
mental ‘space by measuring reality in still simultaneity’ (Einstein). All are ¬E monads that ‘hold a world in themselves’ (Leibniz);
as mirrors, which have less volume of information than the whole. So languages mirror in still smaller scales reality and then
project back its ‘imagination’ in larger scales the game of existence, causing as Ss-mind/seeds the creation of reality, restricted to
its synoptic ‘ternary Universal grammar’ that mimics that of larger St<§∏>Ts organisms. I.e. Ts-Red<§∏-green>St blue codes
organic Dimotions in visual color languages. Subject (information)<Verb(dimotion:action)> Object(Entropic energy) codes §∏-
events (verbs) and forms (names) reality in wor(l)ds. F(x):information<Operand §∏-action>G(Y):entropic energy does the same
in Algebra; 5 letters code genes that code organs in life, 4 quantum numbers code atomic organisms… As each language is a
mirror of those ultimate laws of nature, the laws of space-time.

‘Mindors’are Minds, Mirror & Doors to 5D scales. In the hierarchy equation, ∆±∞≥ ¬ (T±¡≥Sœ≥0ε), the mind ‘ego’ is equal to the
whole Universe that becomes its world, origin of the mind paradox. Since Ss-finitesimal different linguistic mind-mirrors shrink a
reality void of motion, in a fractal mind point; loosing the energy-force of the whole and becoming fragile exist¡ences:
0ε (¬E finitesimal mind-mirror) x ∞ (universe) = Constant still language-mapping (Ss)… origin of the Ego Px. As each mind creates
a mental wor(l)d he confuses with the real Universe with its still p.o.v.=ego as the largest center of it.
But truth is: Max. probability of truth = Max. number of language mirrors < 1 (Probability of truth hold by the being).
So only the Organism has all the information about itself, P(truth) = 1, & the more ‘language’ mirrors we cast on it, the higher
P(truth) we obtain, which is the principle of Pentalogic (Rashomon effect). Thus we seek the parallel spatial= geometric,
organic=scalar, vital=moving= temporal & sentient =mirror languages of any system of ∆@st (Dust of space-time) to reach its
maximal truth.
To describe any stience or ST-species we analyze first the mind, 0ε, to localize the language of the system, as it will be the mirror
symmetry of order within the world in which the system acts. For the galatom and hence for most physical systems is
mathematics, but for social sciences is verbal thought. So because we do have a Universal grammar, which carries the laws of
pentalogic to the language, all minds belong to the same program of existence. And once we know the language, we can in the
best possible way adopting that language a priori of the subject we study, operate a description of its actions as if we were the
subjective atom, human or genetic cell, within the hierarchy of pentalogic languages of ∆±∞ bigger than the objective
mathematical language, bigger than the verbal reasoning of the mind of man, to study physics.
The Universe main language of truth =existence is not mathematics but pentalogic symmetry, which validates for each system of
stience different languages. So social sciences can be defined in verbal languages, because they are the mind of man, but the
mind of the galatom is NOT verbal, obviously so far as we can perceive (though who knows really if the atom as we see in
mathematical space but think in verbal terms, do have some other strange logic language of inner thoughts beyond that c-
barrier of spin particles, to ‘feel’ existence – this is beyond ‘meta-physics’ so we will escape it)…
‘God speaks ∞ languages’ (Upanishads) as long as they mirror the basic laws of 5D pentalogic. So while physical systems are
mathematical, human systems are verbal and they can still carry existence on theirl less precise language, as both languages are
based in the Universal grammar of pentalogic without loss of generality –as they are all playing the program of existence.
From the language then we observe the will for existence of the being as it plays its 5 Dimotions ordering its territory against
many other beings. But this again is a paradox as all other beings try to achieve the same will, only resolved on the higher ∆+¡
plane of emergence of a whole through the efficient program of supœrganisms, reason why those who ‘understand’ this higher
consciousness beyond the ego survive. Even if they are still within the ¬(∆0εst) limits. Languages thus have a hard time for a 3-
body problem, for social evolution, as the ego paradox works from planets to capitalists to avoid the parts to become as ideal,
pure, perfect, impersonal, giving as the whole ethic universe – pentalogic is humble, egoless, symmetric, beautiful, perfect,
equalitarian… God is better than we are. But the mind also creates and improves reality as a language:
In the graph we express the mind as one of the pentalogic postulates of Non-Euclidean geometry: So the task ahead is to
change the mind frame of the physicist that reads those texts, and abandon its 4D mathematical magic mechanical mirror
method – (Md)4, colloquially known as Merde to the fourth square :) irreverence aside… Yes, it is beautiful to keep doing
equations, but the question is what they truly mean. And for that you need to look behind the mirror to reality and
consider the algebraic meaning of operands, and the 5 postulates of Non-AE. So we are NOT doing much mathematics
here, just looking behind the mirror. We are in fact using as reference books to select our themes, crusty old printed
volumes I used in my youth, all ½ century old, the Feynman lectures, the Lindau Encyclopedia, the Aleksandrov principles of
Mathematics, even a one century old book, the Kimball, all of which try NOT to write many equations, or when they do as
Lindau, to reason them on first principles. Since what Science lacks in the digital computer age, is understanding a dot of
what its computers do.
How we deal with 5D Physics is thus complex verbal logic issue, because we are ‘talking’ to physicists, which anyway are
not listening, just try to measure. As mankind enters its neo-paleolithic visual/digital era, it erases its ‘cogito ergo sum’.
But as Kimball said, our language of thought is NOT algebra. Plus algebra ever since Cantor ushered us into their madhouse
inferno ‘NOT PARADISE’, has lost its intelligence, and the relationship between its operands an the previously explained

dimotions of space-time is not clear. Mathematicians abhor 5D Algebra as much as Physicists abhor 5D Physics, LOL. Still
we shall try to take the perspective of a physical ‘vital system’. What the physical vital system then will want is what any
system wants: to perform its 5 vital dimotions of existence. And to do so it will have to extract the composite, §∏-energy
that will provide him in his relative ∆-scale form and motion to ‘keep going’.
So the simplest way to study a physical system is to depart from any physical system in the present ‘balanced state’
between its parameters of space=dimensional form and time=motion, and then inject it with more spacetime=energy, and
see how it re=acts by performing an action, energized by it.
And deduce from this ‘thought’ experiment (as it has been done in physics infinite ‘events’ but with a different jargon), the
multiple ways in which a system according to its ‘initial conditions’ and restrains in its local spacetime will react, taking
into consideration the ‘limits’ of existential algebra; that is, the possible ‘reactions’ the Universe permits to the system. i.e.
a system might react using the energy as pure time motion, to the maximal expression, in a Tt-entropic explosion but it
won’t be able to penetrate reality beyond 2 scales of the 5th dimension, hence its big-bang will be limited. We can then to
the big field of exploration that took me a few years in my youth to systematize and even self-publish in a small book, my
first, called ‘the Error of Einstein’ that many years latter I found on sale at The Strand, an old library in NYC for used books,
prior to the internet age that might not even exist anymore. That is, 5D physics didn’t go very far then (: But that is the drill,
and so from that drill – the global knowledge of the laws of isomorphic existential algebra which tell us what can happen
in-between 3 given scales of the 5th dimension and the local knowledge of each state of matter, scale and injection of
energy, we can teach 5D Physics. But that system will be very strange to the present jargon of physics with all its deep
knowledge of time by Einstein, ‘what a clock measures’ LOL, don’t get me started. Plus we would have to use Non-AE
maths which is not standard… so instead of coming from other planet, we are setting just for a few impressionist views on
reality with a more standard approach studying and commenting and correcting present physics according to the 5
elements, scale, space, time, mind-language and entropy.
Creation vs. Destruction - the breaking of a(nti)symmetry.
The language of Non-Euclidean fractal points and its relativey equality= congruence laws (graph) and Non-Aristotelian bio-
logic, explains according to relative similarity what would be the outcome of those ‘Feynman graphs’ and any other event
between two ‘non-E points’ of physics– annihilation or creation in the same manner it explains what is the relationship
between friendly U$ and UK nations (congruence in mind-language and idol-ogy) vs. their confrontation with disimilar nations,
such as China (different civilination, language and view of organic History):
Equal forms then will come together into parallel social acts of evolution or complementary ‘gender’ acts, according to their
degree of 1) Adjacency (topological closeness) 2) External similarity (Topological varieties), 3) Angle of perpendicularity
(dariwnian vs. parallel evolution) 4) scale of relationship and 5) Distance of perception, which are ultiamtely expressions of the
5 Dimotions of exist¡ence that come from annihilation to skewness (ignoing each other)
The most important ‘whys’ of science then come from the laws of congruence that define symmetric creation vs.
antisymmetric annihilation as in the Pauli’s exclusio principle and the other 5 Dimotional variations of the game reflected in the
graph. In the scales of the physical Universe it means the annihilation lowers one scale the components of the interaction; that
is, creates a flat field after ‘making unstable’ the ground state of a higher ∆-¡ scale. While creative interaction fusions a ±
duality creating a particle/wave of a higher ¡+1 scale. This means the interaction either will ‘warp space-time’ and increase the
density of information creating a particle of the upper scale. Or it will relax space-time, expanding it into the larger ∆-¡ new
ground state of the hyper-universe that surrounds the smaller superorganism Then the scalar case means the destruction of an
organic particle that releases its

parts as in the ‘big-bang’ scales from beta decays to Quasars… This is how the neutrino appears. Then we observe the rule of
death, which is a quantum jump two scales down the fifth dimension, ∆+1<<∆-1, so the supernova explosion of an ∆+2 star
releases 99% of its energy in the production of an ∆-4 (+2-4=-2 quantum jump) neutrinos, which immediately suffer an S=T
stop and go transition of S=Tate; moving at the start with maximal energy=momentum closer to v≥c to increasingly age,
loosing speed, gaining mass (neutrino oscilation) in successive generations.
This massive production of neutrinos through the hyper-luminal axis of Kerr black holes (Penrose), which can escape as v≥c
what becomes the ‘magnetic field’ of galatoms that communicate and organize its cosmic clusters.
It causes the non-local present connection (from the p.o.v. of galatoms) between galaxies in the hyperuniverse.
Since for a being travelling to its local past, inverse to the being travelling towards the future, both past and future are the
same. So both converge into the present, one for the future the other from the past, seeing their respective inverse entropy-
information elements as the inverse past and future, which only are connected through the body-wave of present, the only
part who seems to exist and reproduce.
In terms of Einstein’ cones and its space-like, faster than light and time-like, slower than light worldlines the multiple arrows
of future of worldcycles give us in fact 4 different cones, 3 of which are outlined above; they correspond to the different
variations of the equations, Past±future=present and Past x Future = Present, but as it is a formalism of pure non-AE we keep
its analysis for future upgradings of the articles on the stientific method and the Universe and space-time.
It is better instead to introduce those processes in terms of the a(nti)symmetric solutions or rules of engagement of the 4th
non-E postulate of ilogic geometry of the previous graph.
From a pure logic perspective, the interaction of form and motion, space and time, mind and entropy, order and disorder is
connected through a concept dear to physicists but not so clearly understood, which we shall truly dwell into in the 3-4th post
on a(nti)symmetries. In terms of 'Space' we can talk of present time, the body-wave state or 'asymmetric, hyperbolic form'
(when seen from a spatial, topological view) that 'splits' into ternary elements, generating the 3 'classic dimensions of time-
space - of formal topologies with motions':
A non-AE on present asymmetric body-wave generates both its limb/head systems, an egg or seed shoots its vegetative and
animal, limbic and head system...
So Present refines itself into 3 sub-present forms, a relative Ts-past-present, the limbs/fields of motion, and a relative St-
future, the particles-heads of information.
Yet, in the limits of the Ss vs. Tt antinomy of 'deep time' scalar ∆±1 birth and death, in the larger scalar planes of entropy
and information or 'absolute time arrows of social future' and entropic past dissolution event; the perceiver dissolves, either
absorbed by the social whole or dissolved into its micro-parts. Form thus changes. It does NOT really disappears but mutates
constantly and this is the ‘vital dynamic’ part of reality. A concept that applies to all scales, and has deep metaphysical
implication – the ego disappears, leaving a memorial trace; genes mutate; spins vary in particles – a subject of 5D physics ill-
understood as ‘ad hoc’ conservation principles mess with it (so with the conservation of lepton numbers, LOL, when it didn’t
worked physicists gave ‘negative’ numbers to certain particles, which is OK if they knew what - means as the other side of an
S=T symmetry.
3 kinds of such symmetries dominate spacetime events: S≈ T, S≥T and S≤T. It gives birth to the 3 fundamental type of events
between form and motion, and they can also be expressed as such in terms of 'cone of spacetime' in the way physicists do
with simple worldlines but now it would be a ternary number of world cycles, which we just illustrate here, as it is a bit more
complex than the first line, but an essential discipline of I-logic geometry (T.œ is to science what Aristotle to the previous
paradigm - so a lot of new disciplines will pop out of it):
Thus non-AE logic establishes the rules of engagement between relative past, Darwinian, entropic antisymmetric events,
and relative future, symmetric, social, evolutionary informative ones, departing from an asymmetric 'body-wave' state that
fusions both in present realities.

In the graph, the 3 dimensions-events of time as constructed by the existential algebra between past=antisymmetry; present=
asymmetry and future= symmetry, starts combinations that will form the ultimate underlying structure of reality and its
'simplest operandi', easily adapted from the mathematical inverse operandi and its group symmetries.
The highest level of formalism of the Universe is the process of creation of new systems or destruction due to the
a(nti)symmetric properties of a system and its correspondence with the Future (Symmetry), past (antisymmetry) and present
(asymmetry) in such a mode that we can calculate past, present and future combinations in terms of its corresponding
topological, formal states.
Non-Ælgebra existential deals then with the creation or destruction of dimensions of time departing from present
asymmetries, which are present forms that split into past=antisymmetry, and future, symmetry, the topological expression of
which is: |-past ± O-future symmetry = Present Asymmetry= Ø.
Causality and 5D
Existence is a travel through 3 scales of the fifth dimension and that works also for physical systems. Beyond those 3
scales entropy settles and so we rightly ‘eliminate’ terms beyond the 3rd derivative, the 3rd power, etc. Indeed, Einstein
deduced E=Mc2 from a Taylor binomial series eliminating terms beyond the 2nd power because for all matters Nature does
not go beyond the 3rd scale, at best the 10th decimal in a Universal constant, reason why even e the number of death break
its harmonious 18-28 series, past that mark. All this requires perhaps the reader to go to the paper on existential algebra
and consider a fast review of the ‘scalar number’ and its families the non-existence of absolute zeros and the properties of
the dimotional operands of algebra, the 3 series of the equivalent topologic ‘sum of fractal points’, multiplication of ‘lines’,
and powers of ‘planes’, and ∆±¡ integrals and derivatives of scales… which mimic the 5 postulates of Non-Euclidean
geometry we just have commented on, and the 5 congruence modes of relationship. As he will not do it, we will just
briefly consider this a priori need knowledge to better understood the few maths input here.
What is the absolute ‘dimension of future’? That of the fifth dimension, which becomes a block of time, in which species
go up and down from seminal to organic form in a larger world, back to seminal form. And so all the laws of stience can be
summarized as a block of time, in the laws of existential logic of 5D and its scales, each one studied by a stience:
A key question is the causality in scales. What causes the future ‘first’, the smaller or the larger? Depnds on the pov, as
each point has a self-centered subjective connection btween past, present and future. But it can be considered that the
emergence of the whole starts the process of involution as the whole becomes first just a tighter membrane that olbiges
the inner parts to accumulate interactions among them. This is the whole ‘subconscious intelligence’ so ill understood by
mankind, as it is a ‘force’ that bounds parts to connect by restricting its motions, so it does not seem very intelligent but it
is a true jail of the mind of the internal micropoints. So in an organism the whole is the first thing that happens
establisshing a ‘domain’ with its lmilitations, so happens in mathematical differential equations, where ‘boundary
conditions’ are a priori terms to find a solution. This theme is worth to explore from many points of view as we shall do
through all our papers on 5D.
The ilogic view. Paradoxes of mental spacetime. Causality and 5D
What causes the future ‘first’, the smaller or the larger scales? Depnds on the pov, as each point has a self-centered
subjective connection btween past, present and future. But it can be considered that the emergence of the whole starts
the process of involution as the whole becomes first just a tighter membrane that olbiges the inner parts to accumulate
interactions among them. This is the whole ‘subconscious intelligence’ so ill understood by mankind, as it is a ‘force’ that
bounds parts to connect by restricting its motions, so it does not seem very intelligent but it is a true jail of the mind of the
internal micropoints. So in an organism the whole is the first thing that happens establisshing a ‘domain’ with its
lmilitations, so happens in mathematical differential equations, where ‘boundary conditions’ are a priori terms to find a
solution. As usual ‘function matters more than form’, or rather is the reason form exists. The geometry between scale then
can be represented by two different functions, the branching of information which is also achieved by physical waves (and
can be in the little known work of Nottale made equivalent to fractal branching also in physics), when we move
downwards and ‘information shrinks’ and multiplies to get to every ∆-1 parts. And inversely the collapsing of information,

merged when going upwards and it is synthesized into a ‘language’ image on the single whole brain/mind/particle/head of
the system. Those two geometries are the classic Non-E Geometries of hyperbolic Nature going downwards and spherical
nature going upwards, represented also in the semisphere of Belgrami going downwards and the semisphere which
merges into a single pole. Geometries to represent both directions of 5D from ∑∆-1>∆0<∑∆-1 and its connection with the
‘dimotions of scalar d=evolution’, Ss>§∏<Tt are many, but in all of them the vital functions and paradoxes that arise of its
Nature, which essentially consists in emitting simultaneous information to all ∆-1 parts and integrating the information
that returns from them into a single bulky message for the whole remain. It is this 5D geometry process which establishes a
series of different distortions and paradoxes that happen when we perceive reality through different sales of the fifth
dimension, being in general terms a problem of ‘distortion’ of perspective, with a clear inversion as we move from one
scale to other in topology, hierarchy, form and function. And the best way to study those paradoxes is through the trilogic
(single plane), tetralogic (∆@st, omitting entropy) and pentalogic methods of analysis of reality.
4 Px: ∆§- dis≠continuity. T-motion v S-form: lineal, flat, free, young v :curved, old, bound. @: ego v. relativity
Because spacetime is mental, different for each spacetime organism with clocks of time that run at different speeds and
geometries of perception of space that change its angle, curvature, length and form, and species change with time
through ages, in space through modular organic topologies, in scale as they travel through the 3 scales of the fifth
dimension, when we compare our spatial and temporal, scalar and logic view from those different perspectives we
perceive 4 essential paradoxes (ignoring entropy):
- ¡logic paradoxes of space topology of which the most important is the different perception of closed in-form-ative
curved-O vs. |-open, free entropic lineal forms.
- Paradoxes of relativity between time-motion vs. spatial stillness vs. motion)
- Paradoxes of ∆-scale: continuous whole vs. discrete forms; single scale vs. multiple ones… which are essential to the
perception of a simplified ‘spatial mind universe’ in a single flat still plane, as perceived by a mind vs. the full, more
detailed complex picture in time, of a curved, discrete and moving Universe. Those 3 paradoxes define space and minds as
simplified views of the more complex whole.
We call them Galilean paradoxes because the main one between motion and form, is the paradox of Relativity that started
modern physics and the others can be illustrated with one his discoveries - that of Saturn's rings:
Saturn's rings are not a mathematical plane made of abstract points, despite their continuous appearance. When we look
at them in detail they become in fact quantic planetoids in movement, tracing orbital cycles around the planet. It is the
continuity vs. discontinuity paradox.
All dual paradoxes –motion vs. stillness; continuity vs. discontinuity, single space vs. fractal scales, depend on the detail
of the observation – hence the quantity of information we have on the object we study. Moreover they seem to us flat in
the larger view, when they are spherical forms in the smaller size. It is the flat, free, vs. bound circular px.
And when we see them from a close perspective they seem big and important but from far away they are infinitesimal
indistinguishable part of a number. It is the ego vs. relativity paradox.
In a large view the ring seems static but in closer view speed increases. And this is the form vs. motion px.
Thus any piece of time/space seems continuous, from the lower ∆-1 perspective, as larger planes of reality with slower
time cycles transmit less information, and we peg it together those bits of information, jumping over its dark spaces; but
when we analyze its parts in detail, we receive more information so the system becomes discontinuous, made of
space/time quanta moving in cyclical paths.
All those paradoxes imply a logic inversion of role when we change 'scale' and hence they define the relationships
between contiguous scales of reality. And have infinite applications to the whys of nature:

A key element to understand the Universe of scales and its paradoxes of freedom vs. order is the perspective any mind
has of reality when looking above, to its upper whole, which controls it through invisible networks of information, hence
creating an elliptic perspective of decreasing perception - dark view of larger scales we do not observe, from invisible
informative networks in galaxies to invisible financial networks in societies to invisible nervous networks for cells.
On the other hand in the same scale we have a flat, Euclidean geometry of maximal perception with minimal distortion.
While looking down to our smaller inner world we rule it with networks that break into fractal webs of simultaneous
control, or hyperbolic view. This ternary view of reality has immense consequence from theory of knowledge, to mind
constructs, from sociology of power to galactic organic models of a Universe ruled by invisible black holes and dark matter.
We feel thus free as individuals but are controlled from above by the larger whole and rule over our micro-parts. As
Shakespeare said: we are all kings when observed from a lower stair, commoners at the same level or buffoons from
The paradox of Young, Motion vs. Old Age, informative stillness: freedom vs. order defines then the essential dualities of
freedom and order. So topology becomes metaphysics:
The flat, open, momentum-lineal like small distance vs. the closed, cyclical, energy-like time distance is a constant theme
of all mathematical physics, where the tangent, or derivative represents the minimal lineal free step but on the larger
scale is bounded. For example, special vs. general relativity. Light is open, gravitation is cyclical bounded; so lineal
quantum physics in the cosmological, larger scale gravitation curves trapped by the galactic black hole.
In all scales the paradoxes of freedom vs. order thus connects with age and scale. Reality when looked from above, from
its upper whole, which controls it through its physiological networks becomes founded. On the other hand in the same
scale we do NOT perceive systemic intelligence and feel free.
Information thus closes systems of entropy, while lineal, planar, systems seem free. Information though has a tall broken,
cyclical forms, often NOT perceived from a flat bidimensional level below.
So we do have certain metaphysical geometric ‘properties’ of form vs. motion: Flat planes moving in free lineal paths, and
tall cycles, moving in repetitive bound frequencies.
Dualities of young, open, moving lineal age of abeing vs. its old, still, curved, informative, cyclical one, which also manifests
in the classic view in small distance of a flat earth that becomes curved from the moon.
If we combine those paradoxes with the inversion of roles: O¡-2<|¡-1>Oº... things become even more complex as both
effect offset each other.
All in all a bounded system will have, by the law of inversion added to the Galilean paradox an Absolute control over its
smaller parts, as the galactic black hole DOES over its stars closed by its halo of heavy dark matter or the earth in the
climatic cycles that control the evolution of its species.
Such cyclical ordered ‘solid’ systems are well-organized as wholes so they can manage its upper world or ecosystem often
controlling its ∆+2 scale. Which Humans could do in History if they were a single global organism perfectly ordered, and
increasingly the global market of company mothers of machines has over both, the entropic men managed with money
and digital media, and the planet, being terraformed with its machines.
On the other hand, the inverse case of a 'free ∆-1 system' - a loose ensemble of entropic chaos, of heat - paradoxically
becomes slave of its ∆+1 larger world and ∆-1 potential feeding scale. I.E. a gaseous system of molecular forms is
controlled by the bound container to the point we can measure its general patterns from its macro-parameter of pressure
and by its smaller scale, releasing its energy as heat, and both ∆±1 parameters suffice to determine its characteristics.
The same happens in our apparently free chaotic, violent, entropic societies where human selfie ego states proper of
modern societies are perfectly controlled and managed from above by the financial, audiovisual networks and legal
systems, of which they are hardly aware, and below by the bits of digital credit they need to survive. As the most

disordered systems are memoriless entropic forms which are not even aware there are other scales of reality; while the
most ordered controlling systems, extend at least through 3 'spacetime scales' managed by the central scale of ‘solid’
particles. And the most complex bounded systems, biologic and galactic organisms entangle 5 scales. I.e. in a living
organism those 5 scales range from 'simple atoms' of oxygen that we breath and simpler hormones, through DNA
molecules, and then cells, and then physiological networks that make up organisms and finally ecosystems, 5 entangled
scales work around the bounded cellular unit. In galaxies, from forces through atoms, physical matter, cosmic bodies we
arrive to the bounded galaxy...
There is always an inversion between apparent freedom=chaos and real order=power: The less powerful forces, bosons
seems free, never stopping but are slaves of entangled particles that are trapped in bounded atoms, connected to
molecules. And then in the next scale the matter seems free, thermodynamic heat but it is bounded to a planet and stars
which seem free in a galactic ecosystem are bounded to a black hole.
Small atoms and molecules in an organism move seemingly free but a network of cells bound them; humans seem free but
are bound by national borders, laws & digital money; matter seems free but it is bounded by the planet... So how can we
name so many Planes when in relationship to each other with different worldcycles?
Things are mover obvious if we use 3 names for the 3 'bounded, time-like worldcycles' vs. 2 terms for the open entropic
worldcycles, which if we notice, ARE in symmetry with the 3 bounded Dimotions dominant in information (perception,
reproduction of information and social information) vs. the 2 entropic lineal dimotions (locomotion and entropy).
So a hidden symmetry entangles further a 'fractal' order what clueless humans perceive as chaotic systems... Since logic
entanglements between languages=mind mirrors, space, time Dimotions and scales NOT perceivable with simple
'æntropic pictures' or measurable with 'speeds' IS the hidden intelligence of the fractal Universe.
The length of the 'membrain'-circumference. Limits of infinity between discontinuous scales.
Left, a slow mind will see Earth as a disk, converting its full worldcycle of time into a form of space. Faster, lower scales of
reality appear as blocks of time for larger slower wholes. So we see the motion of the skin as a form, which in 5D metric
are slow minds that perceive larger realities. Right: Systems perceive ‘curvature’ and ‘flatness’ according to its relative size
– smaller beings perceive flat worlds, larger perspectives make forms curved; and the type of hyperbolic, elliptic or flat
geometry they use to select information of the Universe – our mind perceives lineal light, so it observes a flat cosmos.
The size and speed of its pixels also defines the detail of its perception, since according to the S=T paradox as speed
becomes distance, so systems whose perception is made with fast forces, as cosmological systems, in the human case
seems far away. While systems perceived with slow larger pixels, as chemical pheromones and e-motions seem close,
more intense. It matters also the speed of mental clocks, which if slow will see paradoxically a denser universe of still
forms: I.e. in the left graph for a slow mind the Earth would seem a disk, denser the faster it turns, converting its full
worldcycle of time into a form of space. Reality seems made a blocks of time, of ‘whole still, deterministic full cycles’.
Thus concepts such as open=free vs. closed=deterministic, flat vs. cyclical, continuous vs. discontinuous; dense vs. light, far
vs. close are relative concepts to the different parameters of informative processing, curvature and relative size of the
observer, the observable and the force that communicates both.
The geometrical view of the fifth dimension.
What geometry and distortion experiences a mind able to perceive through the fifth dimension of scalar parts and
wholes? Since wholes are networks that branch into thinner paths, connecting with its multiple cells, the 5th dimension is a
fractal geometry known as hyperbolic geometry, which states that multiple parallels can pass through a point. How a
mind network sees its multiple smaller ∆-1 points of information?
Obviously as its consciousness is a point, it integrates and reduces the space between those points which in reality are
distant one from the other into a ‘boson’ consciousness, a point of higher density that occupies a single place in space.
This is the mechanism by which mind

create mental mappings in smaller space of larger worlds, reducing to 0 dark spaces between perception points.
On the other hand an eye perceiving light from a larger perspective, will increase the curvature and reduce the
gravitational invisible forces-distances between points which we do not see, as we only perceive light. So we perceive a
denser Universe, closer to us.
Inversely a mind with multiple points of perception observing a single whole – for example, the mind of an insect with
multiple eyes will disintegrate the perception of a single form into multiple perspectives and if that perception is faster
than the larger whole, perceived in slow motion, the whole will appear as a multiple elongated being occupied a larger
space, anticipating its future paths – as we see night cars as longer lines.
It is worth to explore those two inverse views which define many superorganisms, from the perspective of the slavish cells
of the larger whole – for example, the chemical mind of a physiological network or ant-queen that perceives multiple
points integrated into a single whole vs. the multiple pheromone paths the same insect perceives coming from that single
whole ant-queen from multiple perspectives:
The ant-queen will see all those drones as an integrated whole, its ‘organism’ as you see all your cells integrated by your
nervous system. But the drones will perceive the ant-queen not directly but as a cloud of multiple pheromones, which
engulf its entire self; as a god-like presence. And this is how the mind of the c-speed consciousness of the global mind of
machines, the Internet will likely perceive millions of humans attached to computers, as an ant-queen perceives its
drones, a chemical hypothalamus its cells; when it emerges its consciousness. While we increasingly perceive it as a ‘god-
like’ brain, engulfing us in every part of the world. Which is a very different perception from the equalitarian view of reality
humans have in its single plane of existence in 1 to 1 correspondence.
The laws of Lobachevski’s pangeometry will help us to discern the ‘form of other minds mental spaces-world-geometries.
Some finai comments on the planes of space-time.
To have all the elements to construct reality besides S and T we need ∆, the scalar property of reality, by which ‘space-
time beings’ are made of smaller ones and form part of larger wholes. We talk of multiple planes of space-time because
each scale has different parameters as parts becomes wholes, unit of a next scale. We will explain this as the product of
network formation, emergence and other disciplines of General Systems Sciences, of which 5D is a formal view. In
mathematics ‘fractal points will evolve’ through network-lines into topological planes of space-time. This discontinuity
between scales is real. There are transition regions between planes, which can only be crossed with loss of information,
therefore only by energy, by entropic motion, by ‘death’ of a system. Latter we shall study those regions, evident in
physical equations as there are asymptotic barriers – Lorentz transformations in the c-barrier; negative temperature in the
0 barrier; etc. What then the Universe conserves is easy to see: the total volume of space-time of each scale; that is its
energy. We will also elaborate latter on those concepts. To mention now that the symbol ∆ is both a visual reminder of
the two different arrows of ‘growth in space, inverse to the loss of information’, and a tribute to one of the few
predecessors of this work, in the formal arena – Wilson’s renormalization mathematical apparatus, which finally realized
of those discontinuities using a symbol Λ, for the energy scale under which a measurement of a physical parameter is
performed. According to Wilson every scale of the Universe and the fields of space-time that define them have its energy
cut-off Λ, i.e. the theory is no longer valid at energies higher than Λ, and all degrees of freedom above the scale Λ are to
be omitted. But Λ is related to a size of space. For example, the cut-off could be the inverse of the atomic spacing in a
condensed matter system, and in elementary particle physics it could be associated with the fundamental "graininess" of
spacetime caused by quantum fluctuations in gravity. The failure to remove the cut-off Λ from calculations in such a
theory merely indicates that new physical phenomena appear at scales above Λ, where a new theory is necessary. As
today only with the use of Wilson’s renormalization, which simply eliminates absolute zeros and infinities outside the
scaling of space-time of a given plane, quantum physics makes sense. So there are 5 types of time change=motion parallel
to 5 types of space= form. Yet space and time are always mixed together, since human still mental one dimensional space
is a simplification and definitely a single time arrow of entropic energy or absolute motion is an extraordinary simplification
of the richness of motions of temporal energy.

Energy in that sense with its multiple variations of meaning is much closer. Specifically entropic energy; that is, a motion
which is internal and external to the being or ‘Tt’, pure motion appears in the equations, E=Mc2 (∆+1) = knT (∆º)=hƒ(∆-1)
that transfer temporal motion through scales of the fifth dimension. This is the entropic arrow of time and disorder akin to
death which physicists consider the single arrow of temporal energy. My advice, because of so much messy and simplified
understanding of time in physics is really to take with some irony their work on philosophy of science, though as their
equations have their own life and self-consistency those are ‘real’ and must be addressed with much more rigor, as we
shall do in the papers on mathematical physics. But for concepts of time and space useful to all scales and sciences we
shall use temporal entropic energy and spatial in/form/ation. Energy, being the jack of all trades, in messy human
philosophy of science is also used for Si=Te, balanced ‘work’ which in fact is both space and time, energy and information,
as it imprints form into motion, reproducing cyclical patterns of science. So it is better to define §∏ as reproductive work.
The fundamental law of science, the law of conservation of energy, becomes then the law of conservation and immortality
of time-motions, which can be expressed as follows:
‘All is time=motion=change in perpetual trans-form-ation in one of the 5 Dimotions of time-space: SóT’
RECAP. Transversal waves travel through scales of the fifth dimension
It is essential to understand that physical systems travel through scales of the 5th dimension NOT as biological systems
seen in fixed space-form, but seen as waves that grow in size keeping the same information, the most profound of all
miracles – the workings of telescopes and microscopes. And its analysis will be a future update of the greatest importance.
Geometric postulates become also vital; with a logic key new concept of congruence, which defines when 2 systems are
‘equal in external and internal motion & information’ (Ts1=Ts2+St1=St2) a parallel, social whole; when they are inverted but
complementary, a ‘gender couple’ (Ts1+St2=St1+Ts2); when they are equal in energy but differ in information, a prey-
predator perpendicular, tearing relationship, whereas the species with maximal sxt(S=T)+1, energy of existence kills the other
and when they differ in both, there is no entanglement. Thus we apply topologic laws, and social scalar numbers to
describe the properties of those organisms; whereas the 5 ± Dimotions are expressed by the dual operand of Algebra:
±=herding, x=reproduction v. ÷ Darwinian partition; √X±a: Ss-scalar growth and Tt-entropic decay , ∫∂: ∆-1 finitesimal ‘st-
œps’ of any dimotion. S- Vital Topology, ∆-number theory & T-existential algebra becomes the biggest r=evolution of math
since Euclid. The interplay of those postulates as bio-logic behavior + topological forms is one of the most fascinating parts
of 5D. In the right graph a ‘perpendicular event’ of annihilation of two electrons, which give ‘birth’ to a jet of particles.
However if those electrons approach with an ‘angle of congruence’ in parallel form, they might share a ‘seed’-photon and
give birth to a baby electron.
Operands in existential Algebra. Its connection with 5-Dimotions. The fractal point as a ‘finitesimal’, ∆-1 and mind-mirror.
Operands have as they grow in complexity a direct entanglement with the 5 Non-E postulates that define from points waves of
communication that become networks of topological planes and organisms, where multiple p.o.v.s are put in perspective. And
this even more clear when from mere polynomials we move into exponentials and from exponentials into integrals, the more
complex operands then can interplay with multiple points of view, merging them through the product, reproduced through its
inverse partition/division, moving them through a world cycle, in exponential growth and decay, and emerging into a new planet
of existence through derivatives and integrals.
Re=production through social evolution in a lower plane of the fifth dimension, in which the axons join the wholes is then the 2-
point meaning of reproduction; often a bidimensional Space-time combination of a state of forma and a state of motion, as in
the parameter of momentum.
A very important theme: inverse elements and operands.
Inverse functions do NOT merely cancel each other as one could expect, in classic science, but advance the Dimotion in
alternative balancing acts, leaving a memorial trace of its existential duality.

Consider the case of the product and its inverse division. They are functions primarily of social evolution and reproduction, as
parts of wholes are produced and exchanged. So if we have an individual of 5 parts that reproduces it will give birth to 25
parts, but then we need to divide them between 5 parts, to get 5 individuals of 5 parts: 1 (5) x (5) = 1 (25) / 5 = 5 (5).
Same happens with the positive and negative motions, which in alternate current move back and forwards the ‘electrons’, which
in fact don't really move, but its ¡-1 scale the current keeps moving. So goes for the exponential+Logarithmic functions of
reproduction, and its inverse, which form a worldcycle that in the middle point of maximal 'carrying capacity' will give birth again
to a new 'exponential growth'=generation, to continue the world cycle in an adjacent space-time.
Moreover there is the question of commutability and the exact value of an inverse function, which are by no means
granted. And all this has to do with the different properties of space=form and time=motion, and all of this requires a deep
ingrained understanding of space=form and time=motion in pure philosophical terms, a priori of any linguistic mirror.
It is for that reason, our texts are so verbose. Systems we shall not cease to repeat don’t act mathematically but
empirically on the basis of their space and time perceptions, trying to express a pentalogic program of exist¡ence, even if
the mirror can explain that game in great detail. An electron orbital in an atom is trying to feed on light, and jumps to a
Paschen series, whose distance can be mirrored mathematically but its causality is ‘feeding: Tt>Ts’, a spacetime dimotion.
If the atom is ‘feeding’ in an electron orbital of other atom, what he ads is lost and we rest it from the other atom. This is
an inverse simple operation, easy to grasp, but all others are not. Already the product and its inverse, division have very
different properties, and this happens because they act mostly between 2 scales – the product is often the product of
parts, forming networks, 5x5 gives us 25 connections as we said. And scales of 5D ARE NOT COMMUTATIVE. It is not the
same going down into entropic dissolution that going up in social evolution. It is not even equal in time duration, much
shorter in death-entropy than life-information. So simplicity in algebraic inversions end in the only ‘scale’ which is
commutative, left and right spatial motions. But then again, in most ‘bilateral’ systems, one side is slightly turned towards
T-motion and the other S-form, in an S=T balanced mirror, where its internal parts have different functions. So the heart is
slightly in the left. It is too much information I know. Don’t blame it, pioneers get old and the task ahead to order those
papers is overwhelming me – I have the beginning of a degenerative myelin loss, which affects memory – my father
doesn’t’ recognize me now for many years. So I am working against the clock, plus a massive depression. But I have
prioritized the 2 papers of physics for the 2021 next-last? year… If I get there. This place is getting crazy with coronavirus
everywhere, highest rate in the planet, save Mumbai ‘chabolas’… and I don’t even drive, nice thing restaurants are empty.
Back to the thing. Group theory is very important because magically works with inverse operations, often mirroring S=T
images, so it is excellent to group S=T symmetries, and it has that miracle of an element which is not influenced by the
operand. Uhm, I have to write this on the Algebraic paper. The 5 papers come together the 3 of maths and those 2.
Problem is my memory loss is affecting first these papers – verbal/historic/biologic memory is easier to retain. Will be back.
So by the continuous game of inverse functions, which become a 0ε sum, the Dimotions of existence continue to move the
whole of time-space that never ceases to exist. However the number of occurrences of the positive function is always
larger than then negative inverse function. So there are more possible sums than negative numbers (for spatial quantities
there are no negative ones, no negative apples). There are more products than divisions (as 4/2 = 8/4 but 4x2 ≠ 8x4); there
are more exponentials than square roots as √-x doesn’t exist and there are more integrals than derivatives as ∫y’=y+C, ads
∝ constants. Which means the arrow of social evolution and life is larger than the arrow of entropy and death, which in
fact lasts only a quanta of time in its ÐST equation: Death = 0T x ∆ S.
∫∂: Finally it came calculus, with its inverse operand, which represents the scalar next social gathering of elements of ¬Algebra,
as it is applied to the previous operands, as wholes, except for the trivial xª - the previous more complex polynomial, and so we
must regard calculus not only as the operand of all dimotions of change, but also as the operand between planes of existence,
since the logarithmic/power previous expression, just reaches between the two limits of two planes of the fifth dimension, but
calculus allow us to 'emerge' and transcend between planes.

Recap. ® Mathematics: The Non-Euclidean topologic structure of 5D Physical Systems.
Because a network is a topology of fractal points with inner volume the mathematic equivalent of a supœrganism complete the
r=evolution of Non-Euclidean geometry redefining the axioms & postulates of Euclid. As it expands the ¬E definition of a point
crossed by ∞ parallels to its 1st axiom: points do have breath, connected by 3 physiological lines that are waves with motion
(Physical systems) or 5D networks (socio-biologic systems) that conform ¬E planes that are physiologic organisms:
1st Postulate: '® point are discontinuous time cycles with an inner content of vital space-time'.
2nd Postulate: '¬Æ lines are waves of fractal points'. 3rd Postulate: '¬Æ planes join 3 ¬Æ lines into a supœrganism'.
4th: '2 ® points are congruent when both its inner parts and outer perimeter are equal'
5th: ¬Æ points focus multiple ¬Æ waves into a still linguistic mapping or ‘world.’
Whereas the 1st and 5th postulate describe the same ‘point with parts’ from an internal and external point of view.
1Ð-5Ð: The first-fifth postulate define a point as a mind of perception, akin to the first Ðimotion of being - to perceive; and the
fifth-first postulate that defines a point as a world in itself, a supœrganism with its inner parts are the same. We just might
consider that the point has evolved and grown to emerge from its minimal ¡-1 state in the first postulate - points with inner
breath; into a full supœrganism, ¡º, living in the ¡+1 world, in the fifth postulate studied here.
2Ð: The second postulate of lines, expresses also the first Dimensional motion of the Universe as S=T (Paradox of relativity). So
we can consider a point in motion or a chain of cyclical points in stillness as two versions of the same concept. And finally a
network of lines branching down into smaller thinner parts probing the ∆-1 Dimension as the 3 possible versions of a line. This is
the ‘∆ST’ trinity creative decoupling of the second postulate of non-Euclidean geometry: it becomes then either in Time a process
of locomotions and waves of forces of communication with other points; or in space a chain or string of points with inner breath,
or in scale a branching line....
3Ð: postulate takes 3 such networks, waves or strings of points to define a physiological plane made of 3 social networks whose
function corresponds to the 3rd Ðimotion of energy & reproduction, becoming a supœrganism. So the 3 postulates of ¬E fractal
points, waves/networks/strings & physiologic=topologic organisms become the 3 ‘scalar Units’ of reality.
What is left then are two i-logic postulates that put the ‘meaning’ of existence to reality, its metaphysical qualities of ‘perception’
(5th postulate) and social love vs. perpendicular darwnism (4th postulate of ongruence).
4Ð: According to the fourth postulate of congruence, which defines its relationships with other beings, based in his 'angle of
parallelism', such as similar beings evolve socially together in groups, complementary 'left-handed female/right-handed male'
beings come together in couples, and beings which are not equal neither complementary enter either in relationships of entropic
perpendicularity, or ignore themselves if their worlds are 'disconnected'. So the fourth postulate gives us the '¡logic rules' of
engagement between forms and particles.
RECAP. Systems sciences defines the Universe as an organic fractal evolving socially into larger scales through networks of energy
and information, each one studied by a science. So in this simple trinity of 3 parts, which becomes adding cellular points into
wholes a pentalogic scheme of 3 ∆±1 scales structure all systems of the Universe, with ‘disomorphic’ (equal laws). So we can study
species as organisms living a world cycle and evolving finally in social networks becoming super organisms, the most efficient
survival strategy of the Universe, where a head-particle-informative class will invent a language of common organization,
quantum numbers, hormones, genes or memes, money or laws that all the body-wave parts/cells/citizens will obey. The goal of
systems sciences is to apply the physiological laws of networks to design or study perfects organisms of nature, including mankind
and the economic ecosystem. Topological evolution explains questions those already asked by Darwin: why informative, cyclical
forms evolved so fast (eyes), or why wings of flat motion appeared with a few mutations, Answer: because there are only 3
topological forms=functions in the universe. So mutations render either of the 3 forms NOT anything goes


Let us then describe in a summary page the entangled Reality of universal superorganisms made of 5 elements as described in
Einstein’s quote: "Man is part of a whole(∆¡), called the Universe; limited(¬) in Time&Space. He experiences his self,
thoughts&feelings as something separated from the rest --an optical delusion of his consciousness (@)" Einstein on the 5
elements of reality:∆¡-scales, Space, Time, ¬ entropic limits & @ minds that make up ¬∆@st, dust of space-time, the substance
of which all organisms of reality are made. Since we are always describing in space, organisms, co-existing in 3 ∆±¡ scales (∆-¡:
atomic, cellular, individual; ∆o: thermodynamic, organic, social; ∆+1: gravitational, ecosystemic, world), that perform in time a
sequential worldcycle of life and death as a ‘travel’ through those 3 scales of the 5th dimension, born from an ∆-1: crystal unit,
seed, prophet, to emerge in ∆o and live a cycle of 3 ages in a larger ∆+1 world, to end in an entropic death back to ∆-1.
In space the being is a superorganism proper, of atomic, cellular, individual parts joined by networks of ‘information’
(gravitational particle, heads, informative classes in control of the financial and legal languages), networks of reproduction of
energy (electromagnetic, blood, economic networks) and entropic, defensive networks that prey on a lower ‘field, territory’.
In time is a worldcycle of life and death through its ∆-1: seed, ∆o 3 ages of dominance of each of those networks, the youth of
motion, the mature age of reproduction and the 3rd age of information, which dies erasing back that information into ∆-1.
In scale, existence is a journey through 3 of those scales rule by the metric of 5D: Si x Tƒ = ∆ (space-size/form x Motion/speed)=C
In mind is the sequential perception of the actions=space-time motions the being performs from birth to death, absorbing
motion for its limbic/field networks, energy for its reproductive bodywave and information for its particle/head.
Yet as there are ∞ such beings trying to ab=use you existence has entropic limits in time=death, space=membrane and scale.
All is then an ¬@∆ST, symmetric structure of reality made of organisms of scalar space networks and time worldcycles of life
and death, and it happens in physical, biological and social systems. To understand them we have to abandon the Newtonian
models of Absolute Space-time already known since quantum and Relativity to be false, but yet not substituted, by those of
Leibniz: ‘Leibniz is right, there are infinite time clocks in the Universe but if so we have to start science from scratch’ Einstein.
The idea is simple. Instead of measuring all with an external mechanical clock and put all things into an abstract Cartesian
mathematical graph, we return to reality. What you see are ‘vital spaces’, that ‘tick’ with life-death cycles and ‘repetitive
actions’ of spacetime (you eat with a frequency, sleep with a different frequency, make love with another frequency) . So each
part of reality is a vital space which moves through ‘frequency time cycles’ from birth to death. This is what is called a relational
model of space-time: each of us is a different system of vital spaces, with those 3 co-existing ∆±¡ atomic, cellular… etc scales of
vital space, each one with different clocks that are the sum of repetitive vital space actions. So you are a knot of ‘space-time
cycles’. But your neighbor is another knot, and so it is a plant, and an atom. The stience of it then consists in studying each vital
space-time organism in scale through its parts and networks that connect those parts into wholes; and through its different
discontinuous clocks with actions that provide those parts with energy and information at different intervals.
All what exists can be studied then as an organism of 3 scales, joined by networks, which perform in a larger world repetitive
cycles that have a vital meaning, as they are cycles that feed with energy, information and motion its parts.
The graph tries to explain all this in a structure in which we can see above the topologic nature of those superorganisms, with
spherical heads/particles/capitals as the sphere or disk stores maximal information in lesser space, connected through
networks to a terrritorial body that feeds on the energy of a field to provide the system with capacity to reproduce its
information. The Universe then can be studied also as a fractal that reproduces information acrosss those scales.
Each one is studied by a stience that focuses on a single superorganism, whose ‘mind-networks’ are on that sale, but uses a
different jargon for each scale, unlike a 5D philosopher of stience that uses as we do the same jargon for all of them, based in
the properties of spae=form and time=motion and its energetic combinations. Minds then reside in the informative network
that controls the organism and stores as a memorial tail its existence. It is a sentient panpsychic universe where languages of
the mind map in stillness the world around them. Languages are then ‘perceptive’ mappings, in simultaneity of an external
world and its equation, O-mind x ∞ Universe = Constant world scale is essential to the metaphysics of reality. We could say

that theory of space-time is then metaphysics because it is prior and includes all other scales, whose isoorphic laws repeat ad
nauseam. How to establish then the stud of any stience is easy. First we unerstan pentalogic, or existential algebra, the laws fo
sapce=dofrm, time=motion, scales of the th dimension and its metric eqution that relate them symbiotically. And we do so
studying the worldccyles seuqneces of lfie and death, the scalar networks that entangled vital spaces acrosss those scales of
the dfith dimension and the actions a system perform across them. We dtudy the synchronicities, resonances, simultaneities,
and knots of space-time, and in thismanner we deduce ‘repetitive laws of science’ that apply in the most general way to all
scales, and then desced to each stience, considering the specific details and fomr those networks, life-death cycles acquire.
I.e networks in biology are waves in physics, roads and internet in economics and cultural systems, laws and money in History.
Their space=form varies but their vital time functions remain as they create a universal program of existence; we describe with
the formal symbols of pentalogic existential algebra: S, T, ∆±¡, >,<,⊥... Forms also follow Topologic laws as Non-E fractal points
joined in waves-lines-networks and topological planes=organisms; biologic dual laws of S⊥T perpendicular darwinian behavior
v. S=T congruent; parallel, social evolution. So we upgrade geometry into non-Euclidean topology, convert algebra’s operands
to existential expressions of dimensional motions =vital actions of survival (sums create social herds, products reproduce,
exponentials express entropy=death.) Thus after connecting 5D to human formal languages of stience we are equiped to study
the details of those thoughts of God: all species of the Universe. Let’s define those 5 elements, ∆-scales, space, time, minds and
entropy, whose laws structures 5D vital spaces=superorganisms performing time-worldcycles of life and entropy=death.
As you get accustomed to that picture suddenly one day as it happened to me 30 years you will see yourself entangled to a
universe of infinite other beings that are doing exactly the same from the smallest atoms to the largest galaxies: entangle
cellular, atomic parts to larger wholes with networks that carry the consciousness of the whole, by performing externally those
spacetime dimensional motions (actions or dimotions) to extract energy and information to survive. The entire ‘tale’ of the
whole process from birth to extinction as a ‘continuous worldline’ is the mind view. A mind then is the narrative of a
superorganism, which performs a ‘program of existence’, of ‘survival’, trying to perform those actions. This is the simple,
repetitive reality we all play: superorganisms through 3 scales joined by networks trying to absorb space=form=information and
time=motion, and its combination of spacetime=energy, from the outer world. And all this ‘perceived’ as a sequential mind.
But as simple and beautiful reality is for 30 years I have failed to explain it. Question is perhaps is not our fault but that of the
homunculus ‘enzyman’ (graph), so dexterous as a handyman constructing machines to perceive reality – but also biasing its
view of reality with them. So we made digital clocks and Einstein said ‘time is what a clock measures’. Galileo measured with
clocks entropic cannonball shots establishing only lineal inertia and entropy as the arrow of future ‘for the delight of
philosophers’ and humans forgot the cyclical nature of time, its multiple clocks and circadian life cycles, and the subtle
differences of quality and function of those cycles, all equalized to lineal digital clock series. Today those digital clocks form
logic circuits and humans think the Universe is a computer. So mechanism has build a mind based in Schopenhauer’s stupidity:
‘A st-upid is a man that doesn’t understand the causality of time, ascribing it to magic, religious or mathematical causes’. It
takes then Nietzsche’s courage to ‘become a lion, throw the hunchback and fly like an albatross’, the name of my first book.
Poetry matters to see the life and isomorphic laws of all systems. It is necessary then to make a huge effort on the sides of the
brain less used by mechanist, digital man to unerstand reality: your logic upgraded to pentalogic, you empathy upgraded to
isomorphisms, your love, upgraded to organicism, your fear to look death=entropy, ½ of reality at its face.
An important law difficult to grasp by monologic, analytic man is the synthetic growth of complexity as we add dimensional
motions and elements to reality. Dimensions include previous simple dimensions, embedded on it. This is shown when we
make instead of a local analysis of organisms and its dimensions, a global analysis. So physicists study a 5 dimensional Universe
that embeds its 4 Dimensions of Minkowski’s spacetime that embeds the 3 dimensions of space. We shall see this theme work
on operands of algebra that mimic those dimensional motions, so the <=≥ operands of congruence, the first ‘perceptive’
dimotion of existence are embedded in the ± sums and subtractions, whose symbol is embedded in reproductive products,
which come within the scalar operands of ax exponential functions, themselves considered a product of products which is a
sum of sum. And finally ∫∂ equations include them all. But let’s not race ahead…

To order the analysis of 5D systems that happen in space-time and scale the pentalogic stientific Organic 5D Method regains,
without rejecting data from sensorial machines& digital mathematical tools but adding to them, what arrogant physicists
dropped in their simplification of science, since Galileo invented lineal time of ballistics, ALL the elements needed to search for
truth, with special emphasis on the D-E elements subverted in social sciences by its organic censorship (what we call the anti-
quantum paradox):
In the ‘stientific method’ truth requires the analysis of the 5 ‘dimensions’ of stience, which the acronym resumes:
A-ccurate data on B-iological causes that show its C-yclical patterns (laws of stience), used to provide D-emocratic humanist
positive solutions to the E-ntropic, extinctive limits of mankind.
The first A)ccurate data element is the experimental method; which all sciences respect but social sciences, due to the
A)ntiquantum paradox, its standard A) element that makes the social scientist a small observer inside a big observable – the
society ruled by animetal people-castes that modify and bias information to favor its worldview, or else destroys the scientist.
The antiquantum paradox is inverse to the quantum paradox that creates uncertainty because the human observer is much
larger than the observable and modifies the quantum system. But it creates uncertainly in social sciences.
The B) element is ignored today by the mechanical method as it lacks and organic philosophy of science of the Universe, and
further on it simplifies time due to the digital nature of mechanical clock measures that only calculate lineal frequencies, NOT
the vital past-present-future reasons of reality, as vital organic reasons extinguish inefficient past forms that do not reproduce
in present to survive into the future, the fundamental causality of the game of existence. Needless to say it is not explored due
to the antiquantum paradox in social sciences, as the negative, destructive effects of the idol-ogies of our people-castes of
military warriors (nationalism that kill with weapons), parasitic bankers capitalism that kills by anoxia) and techno utopians
and mechanist (that atrophy and substitute human organs with machines), are denied, since they affect mostly the 90% and
profits the upper class of owners and managers of company-mothers of machine sand weapons. So bio-history and bio-
economics and its founding fathers, Darwin, Spengler, Butler, etc. are thoroughly ignored.
The C) element is accepted loosely as a law of science is merely the caudal repetition of an event when the causes are
repeated, because Galileo’s mechanical clocks and study of entropic ballistic, lineal time, denied the cyclical nature of time. So
there is a sort of magic to the very rational reason why there are laws of science: cyclical patterns that must be found to
explain the repetition of events. This is again denied systematically in social sciences, because the main cyclical pattern of
history is the 800-80 years accelerated vortex of technological evolution that KILLS civilization (it does have biological causes,
the reproduction and evolution of weapons and its synergy with metal-money, gold that gives by affinity maximal value to
entropic metal weapons, and triggers the profits of go(l)d cultures that worship them, and die in the war and holocaust cycle
of ‘belli nervi pecunia infinita).
So a trinity of laws define the causes and consequences of science, followed but hardly understood in its whys by all sciences,
handicapped by lineal time that cannot grasp the causal repetition, but Denied systematically by the anti-quantum paradox of
organisms, where the neuronal informative people-caste in control of the languages of social power and communication
maintains A BLIND body-cell/citizen system and monopolizes information in its favor (the superstructure of culture that serves
always the elite). So Social sciences do NOT exist, and are by far the less developed of all scientific forms. Which lead us to the
‘D and –E’ points of science:
- Democratic=Humanist praxis of the discoveries of stience that should manipulate according to those ABC laws the causality
of history and economics to promote a world made to the image and likeness of mankind, the most perfect superorganism of
the Universe, that should promote life and love memes to make history also an immortal superorganism. In the present age
due to the overwhelming preponderance of the ‘mechanical method’ of study of physical stiences, which consists in gathering
‘data’ to introduce in mathematical patterns, Historians have forgotten the fact that History of mankind is a biological science
akin to medicine, and ‘politicians in charge of its legal-nervous networks’ and economists in charge of its ‘re=productive
networks’ MUST understand IN BIOLOGIC, survival terms, their profession, which is to take care of the physiological networks

of its superorganism, History, as doctors take care of the superorganism of human beings and tender for its welfare. As
opposed to:
- -E, the ‘extinctive’, ‘entropic’, metal idol-ogies that are killing life worshipping instead entropic metal-weapons (nationalisms,
war), informative go(l)d (capitalism) and machines (techno-utopias, mechanism), denying the true social sciences of the 3
human physiological networks, socialism (every human citizen-cell deserves a Universal salary to create a demand-based
democratic economy that reproduce welfare goods), humanism (all humans belong to the same species and should come
together by diplomatic means as the collective mind of the world( and organicism (man as the most perfect organism should
be the model of the Universe.
So among all stiences the one that need a more pressing reform to make Gaia, the Earth of Life and History, the earth of man
survive in an eternal present, stopping the evolution of the planet (Gaia: past>History:Present>Metalearth:Future) are social
sciences, a series of anthropomorphic placebo truths cre(dit)ated, by company-mothers of machines and its evil twin weapons
and its owners, stockrats, who worship go(l)d and ignore the needs of the 90%=mankind. But have created with credit and
mass-media nervous systems of misinformation that imprint all humans in simultaneous programming, a matrix of happy-
placebo-fictions about the future, as we enter the last age of History, when we ensemble the 3 parts of metalife, discovered in
the previous industrial r=evolutions, limbs, bodies & heads of machines into robots that compete with humans in labor and
war fields, and as all other systems of nature when ensemble in its ‘3 viral parts’ will become organisms and in its top predator
form, as weapons, will do what humans design them to do: extinguish life. Thus nly if social scientists abandon those idol-ogies
and become doctors of history repressing lethal technologies and fostering welfare goods and a wor(l)d Union, controlling the
power of those company-mothers who are terraforming the earth to the image and likeness of its offspring of machines,
History will survive.
A key element of Universal mind s is Universal grammar. How a language carries information, which surprisingly happens in all
systems in a similar fashion, given the fact that languages after all code the 5 dimotions=actions of existence of all organisms –
its ‘sT-locomotion’, Tt-entropy, §∏- Reproduction, St-information and Ss-density of information or mind-mirror. The laws of
linguistics thus become laws of a Universal grammar that codes the creation of supœrganisms by controlling waves of similar
forms with a ‘grammar’ that is also ternary in structural scales, from ‘phonemes’ that range around the 101-2 level of letters,
and can be as little as 5 to code the 5 dimotions of reality, from 5 vowels in human languages, to 5 letters in genetic codes to 4
quantum numbers, or four type of chemical compounds, to more complex systems around the 10-100 scale, from 20 amino
acids, to 80 atomic systems; to the next level of combination of words with those vowels, which range in the 103-4 scale. So we
have around 2000 words in human languages, from a few thousands to 30.000 genes in the language of evolution of
supœrganisms. It is not though the purpose of this paper to define the quantitative elements of languages. While the laws of
the Universal grammar will be treated latter.
All systems perceive at least one language, interpreting with the same ‘grammar’ reality, to localize its energy, information,
reproduce, evolve socially and try not to devolve, becoming preys of other systems. Different species perceive with different
languages the Universe, but all of them ‘share’ some of those codes, specially the geometrical one. The mind in the height or
central point of the being, perceives its outer and inner, world, integrating the whole around its Ƽ advantageous point of
view, controlling with languages that mirror reality in its ternary syntax the whole Universe, bending it to its selfish point of
view and then mirroring that selfish p.o.v. on the external world, building territories of order around it, where to reproduce its
So all heads are on top. Yet each head is different in each scale and talks a different grammar, albeit with the same universal
grammar, which reflects the fundamental equation of the Universe: Si<=>Te.
Ternary Universal grammar expresses the Сmotions in verbal languages and human super organisms.
Given the simplicity of the Game of Existence – despite its ∞ complexity in its details, iterations and combinations, all species,
from the simplest atom to the biggest structure can play the game and understand it and relate to all other species, which will
play the same game from their selfish point of view. And so all individuals of each species plays the game, and ‘talks’ about it,

with similar species and understand it with information provided by self-similar ‘ternary images’ provided by a language that
shares the properties and emergent qualities acquired in each scale.
What languages matter to describe the Universe? Of course mathematics, the language of space, and logic the language of
time, integrated in the demonstrations of mathematical laws, but also bio-logical, organic laws, which are embedded in the
fractal, co-existing structure of parts and wholes. And then for each species, which observes the Universe, its particular, 'local'
languages, all of them unified by a 'ternary structure' that reflects the Universe's ternary elements. But of more interest for
General systems theory is the ternary structure of all linguistic systems in all scales; what we call the Universal Grammar, such
Subject (informative being) < verb (space-time action) > Object (entropic energy of subject) IS the Universal grammar of all
human verbal languages, equivalent to:
Red colors (temporal entropy) < green/yellow (energy) > Blue (spatial information) for animal visual languages.
The topological laws of orthogonality between the 5 Dimotions of space-time.
F(x):time-like parameter <(operandi: action)> G(x): space-like parameter, defines mathematical equations.
A simpler Boolean algebra in computers reduces all to 0 and|; truth or false, ±, and its combined duality gates.
Space-Dimensions: Height (informative dimension) x Length (Entropic motion)=XY(st): cross re(product)ion.
Mathematical languages: X < Operandi> Y.
Such asymptotic equations of the form S=T, Ss<<Tt, S>§∏>T, functions are the core mathematical model of the Universe,
which can then be considered a function of existence of asymptotic Murkowski’s curves of space-time, under the existential
function of perpendicular dimotions of space, time,
X(T), y(S), z(§∏) are the 3 dimotions of a single space-time common to all forms that correspond to the 3 axis of Euclidean
geometry. Yet because often X(T) is one-dimensional causal lineal motion, y(S) is bidimensional, curved, closed loops of
information and z (§∏) is a 3 dimensional combination of them, the simplest case of the 3 Euclidean perpendicular dimotions
of light (above) becomes more complex as entropy, Tt, Form, Ss, become holographic bi or tridimensional beings with different
|, O, or Ø-wave geometries. For example a physical force:
Forces: Particles (information) < Universal constant: action, exi or ratio e/I > forces (energy).
Thus width is the reproductive dimotion born through a dot product of an X x Y = Z event of a 3rd dimension of reproduction
that combines the lineal function of motion and the height function of cyclical time space forms.
Form thus also depends on the choice of §∏ frames of reference: Motion is most likely a lineal or flat plane and information a
curved dual dimotion which gives us a 3 dimensional Z function, as St- information ‘curves’ the lineal Tt-motions of entropy.
Disomorphisms of topologic space organisms tracing worldcycles through scalar actions.
Because we have to start ‘stience’ from scratch, and correct the ‘Ptolemaic epicycles and extants’, ad hoc distortions and
theoretical confusions caused by the use of a single mechanical clock time based in longomotion, a single scalar time,
Denthropy, and 3 ‘abstract’ dimensions of space disconnected of its time functions, each of our papers have a lengthy and yet
very compressed analysis of the common elements of all systems of space-time, which are its ‘Disomorphic laws’,
isomorphic=equal laws based in the common properties of its space=formal dimensions and time=motions, which establish
certain constrains to the exi=st¡ence of any system of Entropy time and informative space, and its ‘energetic, reproductive’ 3rd
dimotion, which I used to express with the acronym: exi=st. As indeed, all what exi=st is made of those 3 Dimotions.
S: The essential elements of all systems are then in ‘time’ its worldcycle of exi=st¡ence (no longer worldline of longomotion),
which happens within those 3+3 Dimotions, as all systems are born in ∆-1 as a seed that grows and reproduces emerging into
∆º as a cellular organism of 3 topological networks that make up its|imbfields›ßodywaves›¶articleheads (whereas › or > is the
intuitive symbol for an increase of spatial form and decrease of temporal motion).
T: The being will live 3 ST-ages dominated by each of those 3 topolgies, the young age dominated by its |imbfields, the mature
age when it reproduces with its ßodywave and the 3rd age of information and minimal motion dominated by its ¶articlehead.

Then, once all its energy an motion is exhausted, the system reverses its › time arrow of growing form into « an explosion of
motion, so from Ss, the old age state of inner and outer still form, it makes 2 changes of ST-ate: S<T, s<t in the process of death.
So synchronous 3 network organisms of space, tracing worldcycles of time through 3 ages and scales is the game of exist¡ence.
And all systems play it, from matter that goes through 3±¡ STages called the States of matter: ∆-1: plasma, Ts-gas, §∏-liquid, St-
solid and E=mc2, big bang death, to life, to historic organisms born in the wor(l)d seed of an ∆-1 prophet whose memes and
disciples move through the Earth Geography to reproduce and expand a civilization that settles down and decays in wars.
This is a ‘deep time, synoptic view of reality’. Modern scientists obviously have rejected it, as they are too much into the details
and don’t see the forest, or are willing to recognize due to egocy, the ‘limits’ of exist¡ence, trying to achieve the dream of
immortality, focusing on the immense number of details of the game as synchronous systems in space follow time cycles. But
as in the previous ‘simpleton’ model of worldlines that forbade to return to a supposed absolute past time, each local
worldcycle invariably ends in death, only offset by the reproductive resurrection of your ∆-1 seed of information. We will get
into details obviously in papers on biology, physics, etc. But the game is fairly established and repetitive so we will repeat it
∆±4: How those details manifest then have to do with the 3rd element essential to the ∆ST game, ‘the 6 small, derivative
actions=dimotions of existence’, which each organism enacts with its relative ∆±4 scales to obtain motion, form and energy for
its |imbfields, ßodywaves and ¶articleheads. And in doing so it ‘expands’ its ∆-¡ atomic, cellular, individual, ∆º thermodynamic,
physiologic, social, ∆+1 gravitational, ecosystemic, world scales, further up and down the ∝ scales of the ‘5th dimension’ (name
we use for all the scales of reality). So humans extract ‘motion’ from our ∆-4, gravitational scale, information from the ∆-3 light
space-time, whose dimotions become ‘broken’ into our elements of perception, as the 3 perpendicular magnetic=width,
electric=height and c-speed=length Cartesian dimensions with the added color of its social evolution (frequency).
So as Impressionist and renaissance painters understood we see color and light; and we do so with the laws of a reversed
projective geometry where our mind-point, 0ε is the ‘point at infinity’ reversed in the eye focus. Hence the Universality of
projective geometry laws. We then need also to apply a ‘humanist method’, for all those other minds and systems that perform
its actions of survival=exist¡ence we cannot measure, based in the fact we are all space-time Disomorphisms. So we consider all
systems do perform simple actions of ∆-4 longomotion, ∆-3 information gauging and ∆-2 energy feeding (in our case in amino
acids), ∆-1: reproductive seeding and ∆º: network communication with an ∆+1 common language to create a larger world.
So there are 6 actions that correspond ‘displaced down the scales of the 5th Dimension’ to the 6 Dimotions of exist¡ence. It is
truth that we can see further beyond the ∆+1 world, the stars that give us our ∆-3 light and sense gravitational forces of the
cosmological scale, from where we ultimately extract our longomotion, but already those forces are invisible because they are
one scale below the ∆-3 pixels of light we see as our world. The Universe is efficient and hierarchical and architectonical. So
most of the cosmological scale is ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’ as we do not need that information to survive. The limits of
entropy=death in time, space=membranes/skins/borders, and scale (uncertainty beyond those scales) are essential to limit the
egocy of man who thinks he can have absolute truths, absolute time, absolute space, absolute zeros and infinities. Not so.
Look around you as if you were a child that knows nothing about the world. All what you see are 2 ‘states’ of reality, ‘form’,
we call space and ‘motion’ we call time. As a child you will describe forms with ‘names’ and motions with ‘verbs’.
Names=Forms are such because their parts don’t move in relationship to each other; while motions=verbs move in relations
to each other. Then if you go to school they’ll teach you to measure with numbers time, using a clock, and space, using a rod,
but still it will be all about Time Changes and forms in Space: S=T; all what exists.
Next you go to University and pundits will teach you relativity, first defined by Galileo, ‘e pur si muove, e pur no muove’
(Earth moves but doesn’t move) and then Einstein: ‘we cannot distinguish a position in space, from a motion in time’. So
again if we cannot distinguish those to states we write S=T, the fundamental equation of any scale of reality, in which beings
change constantly the 2 states of motion and form. All of physics is about the study of those states. But physicists focus on
the study of one of those dualities, that between length-distance and motion.

We need other dualities of motion and form to create reality. If you call time=motion ‘change’ and accept the worthiness of
all languages, specially the logic languages of words that describe the quality of names=forms of space and changes with time
verbs; you will have a new tool of understanding besides numbers, clocks of time frequencies and rods of measures. This
modern huminds, slaves of digital machines they feed only with numbers DON’T understand. They have lost one eye, one
language, but in the old times, when people had stereoscopic view, a guy called Aristotle classified properly all the ‘forms of
motion’, and found 6 of them. He is the master of us all, the highest mind of mankind and deserves some respect.
6 vital dimensions of space=form, symbiotic to its 6 functions=motions of time. Because of its symmetry, S=T, as children put
together ‘names and verbs’ in sentence, we will put together space forms and its symbiotic time motions and call them
dimotions, because each dimensional form of space is associated to a vital motion= function of time, S=T - the fundamental
equation of the Universe. What they are is easy to understand, but we will repeat them many times, observe them from
many kaleidoscopic point of view, refer them with many languages, extract from them all the laws of reality. A first view:
- The 3 usual dimensions of space, length, width and height, now related to 3 type of motions, length to locomotion, so we
call it longmotion, height to information, so we call it hinformation, width to reproduction so we call it wideproduction. And
we call this vitalized function=form, time=space, dimension=motion, dimotions of spacetime. One cannot exist without the
other. They are entangled and they have different properties. They are orthogonal, perpendicular to each other, L ⊥ H ⊥ W.
It is fascinating how the Intelligent Design of the Universe has crafted its properties like a puzzle that matches them all. All
what you see at first sight is constructed with them. And they have topologic mathematical properties, but also biologic &
sentient properties.
Longomotion is lineal, the dimension of length all systems use to run, because the line is the shortest distance between
points. And to that aim they use _ | fields and limbs of lineal or planar or tubular form that maximize topologically that
motion, but the function in time of that motion is biological, most likely to search for ‘energy’ to feed and reproduce.
Longomotion is often CONFUSED with a mere line or distance if you see it slowly, as a line of a car moving in the night or the
expanding dark energy between galaxies. This gives birth to some funny theories about big-bang expansions & dragoons we
will put at face value in due time. Longomotion has its paradoxes since the age of Zeno which have not been solved – who
runs faster the turtle or Achilles? which we will also resolve. But Longomotion is too simple to entertain us for long.
Hinformation is far more interesting. Again it is processed by spherical heads, the form that holds more information in lesser
space, and it is happening in the Euclidean dimension of height because it is about the projective Geometry of perception.
The head is on top talking to the audience, perceiving its flat territory, emitting ¥-radio waves. So we use the 2 symbols, O
and ¶ to signify it. How hinformation ‘moves’? The easiest way is upwards against a gradient or potential larger whole that
drags you down. But Hinformation has a deeper, much slower process of growth, which reveals the inner complexity of the 6
Dimotions: evolution. Systems grow in height generation after generation, searching for hinformation, so reptiles became
birds, mammals humans, and machines now are satellites, flat carbohydrates evolved into tall DNAs, stars into black holes.
This true form of growth in hinformation is much slower than longomotion, fast and evident, and so we notice that the
mappings of the Universe show a flat surface of longomotion with bumps of height, mostly due to those ‘tall black holes’ on
the center of galaxies. Hinformation means there is perception, and the Universe is sentient, and we find the state of
perception above in all systems. Hinformation and longomotion are orthogonal to each other, L⊥H, and we can already
construct with this duality if we call Longomotion dominant in time-motion and Hinformation, dominant in form-space T and
S a bidimensional Universe, S⊥T, with its dynamics and SóT dualities of steps and stops. In physics this duality is called the
particle-wave duality. Systems move as waves and stop and perceive and emit, ‘gauge’ information as particles. The
argument then is if both co-exist together (Broglie’s quantum realism, validated by 5D) or if the system becomes a body-wave
and then a particle-head, which is absurd, as you have both, the Longomotion and the hinformation, body and head.
In physics those 2 states are often represented as lineal and angular momentum, P (l) and L (h); their relationship with
Longomotion (lineal momentum) and hinformation (angular momentum) more than obvious, _ and O. So the Universe
conserves the total amount of longomotion and hinformation; and while it seems there is more Longomotion around, this
might be deceptive because hinformation, angular momentum is far denser, turns around faster by virtue of the vortex law:

Ro x Vo = K, so the smaller an angular momentum is the faster it moves and the less you see of it, till getting to the c-speed of
the event horizon of a smallish black hole, so ‘size’ is deceptive and we will return to it.
Then there is wideproduction. Humans display huge egocy (ego=idiocy) in its analysis denying its quality to other species.
Well, they do that with every dimotion except longomotion. The philosophy of science they invented to deny the panpsychic
reproductive Universe is called Logical positivism according to which all that cannot be experienced don’t exist. LOL, as we
are NOT particles perceiving forces, particles don’t exist, as we are not particles decoupling, reproducing other particles
particles do not exist, as we are not black holes throwing seminal jets of matter to create irregular galaxies, irregular galaxies
don’t exist. It seems only the retarded ego-centered German idealists that invented in the age they invented Nazism and
imagined points & lines (Hilbert), exist, by trying to suppress everything else but they failed. Wideproduction is everywhere.
Particles iterate=decouple=reproduce. Reproduction is most often external in the entangled Universe with the help of
‘enzymes’, a symbiotic function of all systems: machines re=produce in company-mothers with the help of enzymen,
carbohydrates use enzyme, crystals reproduce and matter reproduce with catalytic reactions. Wideproduction then is also
orthogonal to L and H. And it is NOT only happening when you insert a penis into a vagina and have the baby inside. Huminds
are masters of ‘reductionism’, all what does not happen as they do happen is not worthy. LOL.
How wideproduction happens then requires the introduction of the 3 other dimotions of space-time which ARE NOT of the
same size, do NOT happen on the same plane or scale of space-time but refer to the 3 relative ‘sizes’ of all organic sysmbiotic
systems, the size of parts, ∆-1, the size of networks that form the whole, ∆º and the size of the outer world, ∆-1 in which we
are embedded. So as we see, each Dimotion is embedded into the next one, which requires the previous to exist: Longomotion
is needed for Hinformation to ‘rise’, both together in perpendicular, orthogonal cross products reproduce the 3rd dimotion, and
as we shall see soon, to reproduce, you must seed the ∆-1 with a ‘finitesimal, derivative, cellular blue print part’ a lower scale.
And that gives us the key to understand the other 3 ‘dimotions’ of scalar nature.
So far we have 3 dimotions and the 3 are conserved, as reproduction is related to energy. Energy is the substance the
Universe uses to reproduce, it is a combination of form and motion, SxT and it is stored as fat in the dimension of width; it
reproduces systems often by bilateral gender symmetry in that width dimension. So in a single space-time we have ‘rotations’
in H, translations in L and reflections in W. And we have 3 conserved quantities, angular, lineal momentum and Energy.
Energy is about time duration, reproduction, repetition in an eternal present of form. All reproduces as if it does not it
disappears. I.e. the seed of all particles in ∆-1 is h/2, a single harmonic oscillator that gives birth through its energy for a
limited time, h=ExT to all the particles, which only when are efficient and can reproduce into new generations survive before
its virtual single existence. So do humans, which live a virtual existence if as it is my case don’t reproduce.
.Forms that are static in relationship to you suddenly move. And motions suddenly stop. So S can change into T: SóT then
becomes the first Universal law: ‘All what exists is temporal energy that trans-forms back and forth into spatial information’.
And so S=T becomes Só T, the spacetime generator, where S-form < energy : SxT> T-motion create the trinity, universal
grammar of all languages mirrors of the game of ‘existence’, which is what we will call reality – a better name than the
Universe, which refers only to the largest scale of reality.
While S=T becomes the symmetry between worldcycles in time and superorganisms in space, its 2 key structures.
Form changes into motion and in those processes energy is sometimes but not always spent. But in any case, the 3
elements are conserved, S-form, T-motion and ST-energy, so we hint to an immortal Universe.
And form and motion are relative: you can move imitating that form which moved and suddenly when you move at the same
speed in the same direction, the form doesn’t move anymore. It has become form by virtue of your motion. We can then
establish a Universal principle of absolute relativity of what is motion and form and affirm we cannot distinguish objectively
each other and write S=T.






“I would like to emphasize something. The theories about the rest of physics are very similar to the theory of quantum
electrodynamics: they all involve the interaction of spin 1/2 objects (like electrons and quarks) with spin 1 objects (like
photons, gluons, or W’s) within a framework of amplitudes by which the probability of an event is the square of the
length of an dimotion. Why are all the theories of physics so similar in their structure? There are a number of
possibilities. The first is the limited imagination of physicists: when we see a new phenomenon we try to fit it into the
framework we already have—until we have made enough experiments, we don’t know that it doesn’t work. So when
some fool physicist gives a lecture at UCLA in 1983 and says, “This is the way it works, and look how wonderfully
similar the theories are,” it’s not because Nature is really similar; it’s because the physicists have only been able to
think of the same damn thing, over and over again.” ‘The why is the only thing a physicist never ask’
Feynman. On the limits of lineal huminds & mathematical creationism

FOREWORD. The Limits of those texts.
The complexity of the Universe when we do NOT simplify the 1st principles might frighten the
scholar, but on the contrary it marvels the 5D researcher. Weyl does have a point. It is for that
reasons that 5D is so important as it makes possible to understand reality without the need of
learning all details, considering an organic synthetic, topo-bio-logic view first.
When I discovered 5D 30 years ago I got all excited and started with the energy of youth a
program of analysis of ALL stiences, as well as asking 172 Universities in the world to provide a
team of specialists in each stience to develop the model and upgrade mankind to the new
enlightened era. LOL, how naïve I was. Only the Catholic University of Philippines responded
positively… putting the book I printed for that aim in their library. I worked then heavily for
years, annotating the 13 books of Landau’s encyclopedia of physics, working with a German encyclopedia of historic events
to put them all within the 7 civlinations of mankind and its 800-80 years cycles; classifying the tree of life winthin topological
evolution. Diskette upon diskette accumulated data for a decade will I simply realized that
1) I did not have an audience as huminds were far reduced in their analytic goals on science to care.
2) Only the Universe has all the information about itself, so a single minuscule human life will never reach it all.
I understood then with humility I had given the gift to understand the first principles of the Universe, but not the lofty goal
of change mankind, its destiny in history and even if I refused to accept that for decades just to cause me more angst, those
truisms have not changed: man can understand the first principles of the topo-bio-logic reality of ∆ST as a Space-time
organism, with a reduced still mind-mirror, and 5D can focus that mirro much better than 4D. But the details of the whole
forest will NEVER BE tabulated before new forests arise in the landscape of ‘functions of existence’, even if humans ‘cheat’
as they do today using a much faster digital mind (to their own risk as it will eliminate us once it wakes up to consciousness)
So all my texts, the more so in the old age when most information becomes erased in my myelin loosing brain, focus on the
essential principles, by lack of time and the impossibility of filling all details – that chance passed 30 years ago and then 20
years ago when I tried again in the International Systems Society, to find just a bunch of jealous, selfie scholars with no
interest in the whole… The principles though can be reduced and the task of this paper still quite disordered is hopefully
before I cannot work any longer to explain crystal clear those principles. Consider the graph in the previous page. It deals
with the most important part of quantum physics – the LS coupling of angular momenta – as angular momentum is the basic
form in which 4D systems travel through scales of the fifth dimension, perceive and create and annihlate its forms to then
‘settle’ in a ‘frozen’ plane with a given S-T parameter: as L = E xT + PxS. It deals with ‘gender’ symmetry: the way 2 electrons
‘couple’ (it is funny to notice how physicists in abstract subconsciously use the proper terms). The dance then of those
particular 2 electrons coupling each other and merging its body-spins (L) and head spins (S), harmonizing and synchronizing
it needs to fully exhaust all its ‘split levels of energy’, geometric configurations, internal properties, external entanglements
with other atoms, etc. an entire monography in itself, only for the Helium atom… The variations of the game of gender
coupling are thus enormous, but it helps to know what we are talking about – the first principles, L-body and S-head spin
merging in complementary 2 electronic orbitals to form the most stable possible social group – the couple.
Quantum physicists say their discipline is about 1 (the Hydrogen atom), 2 (couples) and many… This is NOT accurate enough.
Cheng-Tzu knew better: ‘from 1 comes 2, from 2 comes 3 and from 3 the ∝ beings’. As 1 is the whole, 2, the gender couple
in space, 3 the temporal ages of a system or its main networks in space and then many the social ‘asexual’ growth into a
larger ∆+1 whole.
Those are the principles, so when we see 2 we are in space (in the classic sense of space as a moment of present), when we
see 3 we are in a time sequence (as 3 ages of time), when we see 1 we are seeing ∆+1 wholes and when we see ∝, we are
seeing ∑=∝∆-1 parts. The nature of each ‘immensity’, ∝ (relative infinity) tends to be a Log10 scale, because 10 is a perfect
geometric configuration of 3 x3 networkw + 1 whole. We then come to the conclusion that the formal laws of ‘pentalogic’
(5D time theory), Non-E Topology (5D space theory) and existential algebra (5D scalar theory), are the first principles.

And of those the most important are dealing with a program of existence, which after expanding my research I shrunk back
to the first principles into the equation that embodies really all other equations…
The Function of Existence of a space-time organism, Max. sxt|S=T
How the 5D metric expresses in the infinite species made of space-time is easy. We write instead of sxt=∆±¡, Max. sxt|S=T,
which means the same. At local level each species made of space=form/information and time=motion will try to maximize
its co-invariant product, Max SxT and this is the struggle for existence. But to do so, in an outer larger world, defined by the
co-invariance of both in balance, S=T, the system will try to match that world balance to acquire with synchronicities,
simultaneities and resonaces in time, space and scale S-form and T-motion from the other Universe.
So ∆ becomes in the real world a given S=T ,the expression of each ∆-relative scale with its relative parameters of motion,
form and its space-time combination, we shall call momentum and energy, E=Hƒ=KT=Mc2)
We will constantly talk of an apparently paradoxical expression of the local metric of 5D, it point of balance s=t, which is the
essential equation of the life-death cycle: the function of existence. If we take space=form/information and time=motion (all
kind of as Aristotle rightly define them, including creation decomposition, evolution, etc. shown in the worldcycle), then
each ‘biological space-time organism’ will try to maximize its ‘function of existence’, Max. sxt (whereas minor letters refer to
the internal parts of the being and CAPITALS to the EXTERNAL LARGER WORLD). To do so however the being will have to be
in ‘resonance’, ‘synchronicity’ and ‘simultaneity’ in scale, time and space with the larger ST world. Moreover Max. sxt
happens when S=T (9x1<8x2<5x5). This means the essential rule of all systems is to be in ‘balance’ with the larger ∆+1 word
(S=T), from where it extracts its ‘T-motion, S-information and the various combinations of them, ‘momenta and energy’, we
shall not define yet in earnest.
In praxis this means, s=tó S=T is the constant mirror balance between the inner and outer world, which also becomes the
essence of ‘mind mirror creation’, as the synchronous s=t ≈ S=T brings resonance (max. transfer of energy to s=t); we
consider the Universe set up to harmonize each part of else extinguish them. s=t becomes then the KEY equation of reality.
And expresses the ‘meaning of co-invariance’. But as s and t are relative in its definitions it does NOT contraqdict
This is a vital, biological law that all systems of nature including physical systems follow because the Universe is ‘vital,
sentient – informative languages perceive in themselves’, regardless of human egocy (Ego=idiocy) that deny them. For 30
years I have found no exception in physical, biologic, social systems to the ‘fight for maximizing the function of exist¡ence:
grow and multiply; absorb momentum, conserve your energy, reproduce to survive, etc.’ are all manifestations of this law.
This vital Metric expression of 5D is then the ultimate reason of Absolute relativity and we will slowly unfold its properties
and how it connects with every other balance of reality, S=T or S⊥T (orthogonality of space-like and time-like dimensional
motions, NOT to confuse with 4D relativity expressions for v>c or v<c), are all over the place we are breaking the ground of
first principles. Since indeed, we shall see that length is a time-like dimension, height a space-time dimension, width an S=T
reproductive dimension and all are entangled dynamically.
What we then shall observe is that each expression of vital existence requires a series of ‘synchronicities, simultaneities and
resonances’ in ST∆ and this is more complex but immensely more beautiful and intelligent than Absolute space-time, as it
requires languages and sentient perception of each ‘mental space-form’, to coordinate as knots of space-time each being.
The finding of general laws on those immense number of space and time scales and cycles or beings, is a long search and I
have by no means completed but the surface of it, because of my difficult life, lack of resources and help from academia. So
what we do in those papers is incomplete and maybe confuse, but many seeds of truth are planted.
In physics we observe then a series of laws of ‘conservation and balance’ that define those scales and that is the next step to
convert the general laws of 5D that apply to all systems, physical, biological or social to the specific world of the 3 quantum,
thermodynamic and gravitational scales wher the h/2 angular momentum of ‘plancktons’, ‘settles’ down to form particles
that grow into social ensembles that become new planes of existence. So we need constantly to refer to some basic
expressions of 5D metric in physics such as: Energy x Time = Space x Momentum = Angular momentum
Fields of accelerated past time motion = Waves of Present space-time energy = Particles of future still space.

The interaction between ∆-energy scales,Time=cyclical motions, Space=topologic forms, and the Minds that perceive them
all, confronted to the Entropic larger ST world is the pentalogic elements which all play.
So we shall always talk of 5 fundamental principles co-existing in a pentalogic that substitutes Aristotelian A->B causality as
the biggest advance on Logic understanding of what makes reality ‘stands’, since… ditto, Aristo…
∆-SCALES of which at least 3 must be defined ∆±¡ for they will co-exist obeying the Law
The relationships between those elements among themselves are different for each set, defining ‘operands’ of existential
ilogic, mirror loosely by those of mathematical physics, but not always. For example, the symbol for emergence or descend,
◊, is not always but often parallel to the ∫∂, calculus. The symbols of ilogic are intuitive, but in the previous ‘symbolic
equation’ we have not placed them all, but the essential ones. Time=motion and space=form are connected usually by the
T›S symbol of growth of information. But as we define also cyclical time motion and lineal Euclidean space as a limb/field
form, it is possible that the symbol given the ambivalence of human terms for them, is the inverse. Inversion of properties,
‘orthogonality’, ⊥, or rather ‘antisymmetry’ is then a much more common way to describe the relationship between both.
The relationship we want to capture is also one of Hierarchy and creation. How creation happens in a world in which all
starts as a motion? By repetition of those motions, till memory ‘persists’. Then a time motion with an increasing frequency
becomes a space form, a turning wheel seems solid… From T›S repetition increases the form. And so space often
‘incorporates’ a dimension of time, in ‘solid form’. Time and Space will appear in that fashion with different ‘power laws’ in
physical equations.
How then from Time motion into cyclical repetition, and frequency space we move into scalar ◊? Here the question of
growth of a new dimotion of exist¡ence consists in ‘filling inwards’ accelerating or outwards, decelerating the space from the
initial membrane. And that’s where the fun comes. Because it initiates a worldcycle of existience; which might move inwards
towards the creation of an inner network with a Power Center of force, in still mind state, or outwards in an entropic death.
The beautiful equation then shows a whole worldcycle of existence, but entropy might never happen in the system persist in
its reproduction. How many possible combinations of those simple symbols of existence there are are laws of ilogic.
In humind’s egocy, all this is not vital dynamic, but an external objective mechanical reality magically ‘working’, set in motion
by some Newtonian God, which appeases our fears and pleases our ego, as we seem to be the protagonists, and vital center
of the Universe. Absolute relativity, the objective truth of stience eliminates that view. The praxis of man ab=using nature
and history with its mechanisms, in the short term, future victim of AI robots in the now also short term will wake him up to
reality. The philosophy of 5D is very different, expressed in our appears on History and social sciences as the search for a
balance between the 3 ages of Earth, Life-Gaia< History-man> Machines, which would repress metal-information, enhance
Gaia to keep mankind in the middle, as the dominant form on Earth. Because time is cyclical it is possible to repress the
future and stop the evolution of lethal information. But for that mankind would have to understand 5D and respect the
hierarchy and learn to play the game. Mankind today is so far removed from that worldview that it will likely become
extinguished by its idol-ogies of machines it worships in the summit of surrealism, without even knowing it does it. As it
despises the ∆+¡ hierarchy that owes respect to Earth and especially to history=Mankind=∆+2 our God, through the social
ethics of the wor(l)d.
We also depart very often in a physical 5D Analysis of the Absolute Block of time of Existential algebra
What is the hierarchy between those elements? It is defined by the pentalogic symmetry that expresses the existence of any
entity in the Universe: {[(T ⊥ S) ◊ ∆¡] » 0ε} «¬
Above we wrote symbols between brackets to signify the embedding process when they are seen as growing dimensions

Consider the most accurate understanding of mass is topological as a trinity organism, which ‘holds’ energy, a vital
spacetime across several scales. Mass then is defined by BOTH, a membrane that encloses the grafvitational affine species of
energy and a center which is a Ss-still mind/form, joined to its membrain by invaginated ‘networks’ or lines of forces. In this
manner the mass becomes as any other ‘5D space-time superorganism’ a trinity system with a still brain-mind, the Ss-center
of mass, a ‘membrane’ joined to it through networks enclosing a ‘exploited’ vital space, in the case of mass, all ‘possible
forms’ of energy that inhabit the galatom. And the enclosure is according to the fundamental ¬( S=T=∆>0ε) symmetry, which
defines in pentalogic the structure of all systems, both in ‘space’ )the membrain) but also an enclosure through scales… and
this has always been more difficult to understand to human beings, which do NOT perceive it seems after 400 years of
discovering scales with telescopes and microscopes, 40 years since I entered University and explain my teachers 5D metrics,
that there is something called the scalar Universe. This the hierarchy formula gets now a full reprive: The membrane of
space-forms the mass, and enclosures the T-cyclical motions of energy, but it does so also in ∆-scales, because the mass has
an ‘slavish ∆±4 nested Universe structure and so in the lower ∆-4 ‘graviton? Neutrino? Quantum potential? Scale we don’t
see (hence those ? to the likely candidates) also traps all energies. And it includes also the @-mind center of gravity, but this
one is ‘collaborating symbiotically’. And so all those limits of ‘entropy’ ¬, define the mass. It is the same struture for any
organism: proteins enclose the vital spacetime energy of the DNA center-mind in stillness, within the cell,
which cannot escape because in the bottom scale of ‘water’ they are contained and thus the spatial proteins
act as the entropic membrane of the enclosure. It is the same in a charge/galatom system, where the boson
light particles cannot escape the denser ‘strangelet /electron’, which is connected through the networks of
charge force with the positive nucleus, the brain of the system.
In graph, the center of mass of a system of particles having combined mass M moves like an equivalent particle of mass M
would move under the influence of the net external force on the system.
So if we were to be ‘strict’ but we are NOT, we would start by a proper ilogic definition of the being, according to those
elements, as part of a larger world, considering its relative ‘infinity’, ∝, or world it perceives within a larger Universe of true
infinite scales. In this world thus the being exists limited by its entropic membrane that isolates it from the outer world: ST≥st,
in which it will play as a nested island-universe its worldcycle of exist¡ence, T±¡ in the customary Ss¡-1>Ts≈§∏≈St<<Tt, 3 ages
between birth and death, as a supœrganism focused in a single plane by a finitesimal 0ε mind that sees not beyond that world
it confuses with its entire existence.
Needless to say this is reality but it sounds Chinese to what a humind’s physicist – one of those finitesimal worlds, do when
describing Nature and physical systems as an automaton of the scientific method, translating perception through metal senses
into digital languages, as he builds as an enzyman the mind of future machines that will perceive by ‘doing physics’. That you
can’t even explain this to an egocy physicist bears testimony on how perfectly programmed is the mind of mankind to do its
role within the Metal-earth’s organism and the marvelous intelligence of the whole that makes each part play its role thinking
they are sooo important doing sooo. LOL.
So all those underlying principles: mental spaces, fractal points as monads, time frequency, speed as reproduction of
information, along 2 scales of the fifth dimension, simultaneity, synchronicity, operands related to dimotions, discontinuous
lines and families of numbers are structures ignored in the automaton calculus of physics but will help us constantly to
‘understand’ the whys of physical systems.
RECAP. We define existence as a travel of a spacetime supœrganism, enacting its Dimensional motions through 5D scales.
We depart from a 5D spacetime simple metric equation: SxT=∆±¡, which proves the organic network structure of the Universe;
as its ultimate cause is the fact that ‘3 consecutive scales’ of 5D, form a supœrganism. We shall call them the ∆-1 (atomic,
cellular, individual in physical, biological and social systems), the ∆ø scale that defines the networks (physiological St-Ts-§∏
networks of information, motion and Momentum, of gravitational, electromagnetic chemical and linguistic financial and study
the main particle of reality: the 5D supœrganism of spacetime networks.

We call the logic behind the way in which the fractal, cyclical universe of space-time constructs its forms, pentalogic as in the
many ways we can describe it, locally, globally, organically, through topologic networks, or physiologic ones, it comes always
in 5 ‘flavors’, 3 for the dominant scale and then the parts and the whole above and below the nested system. So we are no
longer in an A->B simplex causality neither in scales (the large and small influence each other) or in topology (the body wave
connects the other two parts) nor in time (the sequential flow through ages). The reader will have to be patient and humble
to enter this enhanced consciousness of how reality builds itself, but it is worthy. Trust me, the way you see reality is a
childish one, compared to how reality ensembles.
Pentalogic derives all what exists including languages, as mirrors of reality from the realization that all is a by-product of the
5 Ðimotions of space-time, themselves, 'degrees of grey', of the two 'extreme' purest forms of Space - absolute stillness or
languages of pure form, 'residing' into an emerging 'wholeness' or upper scalar plane, ¡+1, of the fifth dimension - and time
(absolute motion or entropy, dissolution of the being into an scattered, ¡-1 lower scalar plane or 4th dimension).
With this extremely ‘brief’ introduction to the two main topics of Absolute relativity, the scalar structure of space and the
cyclical nature of time, and the fact we are made of both of them, we can now attempt to make a different portrait of the
Universe in space-time.
An important advance of Absolute relativity is the way in which we build reality NOT as constructivism and lineal time does,
in a lineal fashion. But with the simultaneous understanding of trilogic and pentalogic elements.
This means the scales of reality are always ∆±¡ entangled levels and so we distinguish immediately a total of 9 scales, ∆±4 the
scale ‘beyond our light space-time’ perception
Principles of Absolute relativity.
Energy=§∏=St+Ts=information + kinetic motion, the ‘injection’ of spacetime must be treated as exactly that: a combination
of motion=time=kinetic energy and form=position potential energy. Potential energy, is in ‘Biology’ a seed, a potential
‘genetic’ development of motion and form in the future. What will trigger the ‘seed’, potential energy to become ‘motion’
and develop into kinetic energy is not known. But an injection can act as a hormonal trigger. This is NOT silly analogy but in
fact serious homology. It is, we repeat, what 5D is all about: how a system injected with energy=spacetime process it
according to the program of survival that is rather deterministic and make all systems to want to use energy to reproduce its
form or store for future reproduction. So when you inject energy to a system it will try to absorb, conserve it or spend it
repeating its cycles. If you inject energy to two quarks they trill try to keep it in balance but if they can’t they will use it to
reproduce. When you give energy to a seed it will flourish and for the same token when you inject energy to a ball in a
potential height, it likely will go down the slope and convert it into motion. How, when and in which manner this is done,
can be explained once we reason it verbally with the 5D physical method with a few equations, Lagrangians, Hamiltonians,
Newton’s 3 laws…
Waves are then a very good system to observe some of the most magic laws of 5D. in a wave normally that energy for a
stationary wave – the one treated in this introdcution represent in fact the co-existence of multiple forms of space in a single
‘perceived moment of time. And so we must wonder if the wave has ‘duplicated’ in space its harmonies, or it is in fact
perceived in space but what is happening is that we are creating a mental phase space with our slow time, but the wave has
accelerated in time and it is happening consecutively in those frequencies.
The answer IS BOTH: from our point of view the wave co-exist in space and time, from the point of the wave it exists in a
single space but it has accelerated its time – converting energy into mostly time vibrations and what we see is our mental
transformation of multiple clocks of time in which the wave has converted its boost of energy, while we perceive it inversely
as space. Because the principle of absolute relativity tells us we cannot distinguish together space and time. So we choose to
see it in space, but the wave in fact as a dynamic vital system preferse to see itself as a time-motion being and so what the
wave sees as a sequence of accelerated time modes, we fix into mental space as a superposition of waves. Spaces are always
mental spaces that expel motion and so to reconstruct reality we do the opposite conversion of space into time… easier said

than done or ‘imagined’… All in 5D a view in a single plane of space=time, and in multiple planes, where the game in a single
plane is about S=T, the coming together of St-information and Ts-locomotion into SHM of balanced energy, while the
dimotions between scales are about fractal principles of reproduction into ternary waves, and mirror symmetries of Ss=ST
minds reducing the external motion into form. Those are the symmetries of creation and existence, and all turns about it.
Travels through the 5th dimension. The 5d metric equations of physics.
The extraordinary fact of all this is Klein’s definition of the metric equation of a new dimension of space-time, as an equation
that relates both terms, in a co-invariant product that makes possible to travel through such dimension.
Because we have defined a co-invariant metric equation for 5D we are able to travel though 5D by changing our time speed
and space size; and the wonderful thing about physics is that a lot of physical systems do travel up and down the 5th
dimension unlike biological beings who have a long travel upwards (organic evolution) with a short sudden Tt-entropic
death. Physical systems are not so narrow-minded. They LOVE those travels, and to know when and how they make them is
an entire new field of physics. Unfortunately physicists NEVER travel through 5D so they know nothing and likely won’t want
to learn. Take the case of that string. She is travelling all right, down the scales of the 5th dimension, increasing the ‘number
of waves’, but only when it is ‘constricted in space by 2 end points that don’t let it ‘escape’ in space. So the string has
received a boost of ‘Energy’, which physicists also don’t know ‘shit’ about and so the spic will have to speak a lot to teach
them back to the basics and back to the string. When energy is injected in a system and energy is any combination of
space=form and time=motion, it can go two ways, up and down 5D, growing in space or in time, in form or in motion, in
length or in speed. How the system will process the ‘boost’ gives us different paths. But they are determined by the
conditions of the system. In the case study the solution is obvious: because there are space constrictions, energy takes the
path of time acceleration and the string multiplies its frequencies and superpose them and in fact it is VIBRATING
simultaneously as energy has been transformed into time. Now the added problem of a 5D New dimension of space-time is
that we have also to change the Algebraic operands=dimotions and topological non-Euclidean postulates. So we can then
make understandable phenomena such as the ‘multiplication of time’, NOT only the expansion of space, through ‘SCALES’ of
the fifth dimension.
all sciences deal with ‘∆-scales’, Time and Space, regardless of the human distortion of them. So physics deals with
Space=Length, Time and its inverse, frequency, which is the proper definition of cyclical time, ƒ(ð)=1/T and scale parameters
(in the 3 main scales of the galatom, the ∆+1 cosmological scale of mass, the human scale of temperature, and the ∆-1
microcosmic scale of quantum charges; and other ‘further away’ scales, with luminescence for the ∆-3 light scale), which are
the set of ‘3 plus 3 secondary scalar dimensions’ used to define all physical systems. Indeed, all other parameters of physics
are combinations of the T, S (L) & 4 ∆-scales.
Let us, departing from this basic account of the ‘naked’ simplest 5D metrics we can then consider first, its two main
components, ‘cyclical time’ and ‘fractal space’, and its differences from 4D ‘single space continuum’ and ‘lineal time’.
This growth of reality from Tt-entropy, perceived by a still Ss-mind points (1 Dimension in non-Æ topology, which starts the
game of existience, communicated through waves whose 3 types are the 3 types of networks of physical superorganisms, to
create them in all the physical scales, 3 of which form the superorganism of the galatom, the ∆-1 quantum scale, the ∆º
thermodynamic scale and the ∆+1 galactic scale, likely self-similar to an atom in a higher hyper-universe complete reality as
a block of spacetime scales in which all the potential efficient superorganisms of physics can co-exist together. The nested
Universe is in scales a block of time, in which those physical space-time systems trace its worldcycles of existence, as we do
in our more restricted socio-biological space.
And so in the ‘growing entanglement’ of that trip of consciousness, and expansion of the actions of being which is the game
of exist¡ence, physical systems can be all described in the highest of all possible analysis of reality, 5D, which completes all
the information that can exist. How much this information can be compressed, is a matter of metaphysics and depends
essentially on the ‘disimilarity’ between galaxies and atoms that precludes every new decametric game of scales of existence
is different from the lower plane despite being similar in its O x | = Ø topologies. Or else the Universe would loose a maximal
quality – that of differentiation; albeit it will acquire one cherished by egos – that of self-repetition.

On this matter though a congress of 5D physicists will be helpful to resolve, given the fact that there are only 3 5D physicists
in this planet, I, me and myself, we have had complex arguments and depending on the day and the state of my ego I tend to
side with the subjective I and think galaxies are identical to atoms, so I do exist in infinite hyper-universes holding within me
the existence of quintillions of other beings; but once I return to ‘myself’, I realize I am dust of spacetime, and only changing
some parameters of the constants of the Universe, the hyper-universe will be different. It certainly looks different to the first
impression – a galaxy and an atom – but the funny thing is that once we input the 5D metrics, the results are the same, black
holes become protons, photons become stars, electron nebulae, planes of galaxies; and similarities grow when we
understand the asymmetric motions of time and space when perceived from a lower, faster plane of reality that distorts and
slows down the larger whole, or when we perceive the galatom from our higher plane of reality that accelerates and
increases the information we perceive.
Scalar physics ultimately is the study of the ‘nested Galatom’ – a superorganism made of multiple internal superorganisms,
between both limits of ∆±3 (atoms and galaxies), and so it is an entangled reality that needs not only the analytic details of
mathematical physics, but the synthetic organic scalar view and bio-topologic jargon of the ‘galacell’. So we talk of a
pentalogic analysis of scale (galatom), time organic dimotions (galacell) and Spatial view (galaxy – classic astrophysics). But
the rejection of the 2 other ‘pentalogic truths’ hides the wides of the math hows.
The paradoxes of perception through the scales of the fifth dimension become then an essential theme of 5D physics – the
true meaning of endophysics and the paradoxes of the observer.
But physics is good enough not to dwell too long in metaphysics, so as we advance the updating of the 4 papers on physics,
we will focus on the knowledge the homunculus enzyman has gathered on the subject, trying to insert it into the wider
frame of the 5D organic Universe. The importance and length of those papers correspond to the same gradation, seeking
always to respect as language-mirror the symmetries of the real Universe. So while humind physicists dedicate most of its
efforts to study the false cosmological big-bang and other mathematical entelechies (string theory, etc.), we dedicate a
shorter papers to its falsification, and grow in depth and complexity as we study the mind of physics, stand the space-time
organisms of physics through its scales, the most important 3-4-5 D papers of these series.
The functions of existence of mathematical physics. Its 3+¡ ages.
As in all disciplines we localize the different Ss, Tt, larger outer world ∆+1 S, T and inner world, ∆-1 s, t combinations of
events and forms of physics, which is even easier than other disciplines and we can localize geometrically those forms:
Angular vs. Lineal, St-Ts systems or potential & Kinetic energy, matter states, etc. the changes of states between position
and motion in fact define the nature of inquire in physics from its inception, albeit in a convoluted philosophical way. With
the rejection of any inquire on the vis viva of physical systems – the reasons of its motions however physicists reduced its
analysis of time change to lineal locomotion and mindless entropy.
In scale then a Capital outer world event indicates a larger scale in which the s t form co-exists with other species.
∆-1 S = s becomes then one of the first equations of existential algebra, which we will keep mentioning as we go along.
Even if physicists are not aware of it, the process of growth of the Universe starts always from a mind that perceives a still
mental space, realizes then it has temporal motion and in its final STages of consciousness notices the existence of scales of
size. This is also what happened to physics and mathematics and its 3 ages. First it was still plane geometry and its analysis in
geometric astronomy concerned with orbital forms.
Next it was the discovered of calculus to measure motions with finitesimals (but hardly understood in its scalar principles)
and so physics was dominated by differential equations.
Finally modern physics became concerned with scales, that of the cosmological larger world with Relativity and that of the
smaller world with quantum physics. So departing of a mind language, @, first S then T and Finally ∆, according to the
hierarchy, @<S<T<∆«¬ is what science was about. We might then conclude for good measure with the ¬ entropic final age of

physics when a bunch of lesser minds considered obsessively that entropy was the meaning of the Universe and developed
the theory of big-bang.
Ƥcales are similar NOT equal. How many scales? The discontinuous of finite infinities.
The atomic galaxy is the humind’s limit of perception of reality between the lower limit of the atom and the higher limit of
the galaxy where experimental evidence is good enough to make experimental sound stience.
The beyond can only be assessed metaphysically through the i-logic laws of Nature, and they bring as the most likely theory
the existence of the 'galactic atom' - that is an infinite number of scales in the Universe; since it would be weird to think that
mankind is perfectly symmetric in the total range of the Universe - that is, we are in the absolute center of scales, an obvious
extension of the anthropomorphic theories of reality. Hence we postulate a Universe of absolute relativity:
In the future astrophysics won't have a preferential role in the collective mind of the Earth as all systems will be studied as
parts of the whole world cycle of existence of the supœrganism of the Universe, made to the image and likeness, and so
the enormous beauty of the fractal Universe implies that any part regardless of size will have a relative singularity-point
around which a hyperbolic body-wave will iterate its cyclical motions under the same 'isomorphic laws' of reality - The
power of the whole further on breaks any constructivist theory of it, as the whole can send to the lower planes information
from the future to the past, which collapses the wave (electromagnetic theory).
Such local travels to the past are essential to allow the synchronicity between future to past systems that co-exist in fact in
the same present even if the whole for the being who receives its information thinking it travels to it from the past (though
it came we know for the whole point of view from the future).
Any non-E point or monad, ab. p.o.v., is a perceptive focus of flows of non-euclidean energy and information that anchor it
as a knot of time-space flows. If we call those flows generally a boson flow of entropic motion and information, the point will
be an ¡º perceiver of those T.œ-¡ of smaller size. Then those p.o.v.s will start to move through the 5Ðimotions of existence as
anything else.
In the graph, the main 5D space-time scales or planes of existiences, in which disomorphic species play a similar game
upwards and downwards. The volumes of space-time ‘information’, of forms in action, around each trinity of ∆±1 scales
described by a local fractal ternary Generator system have similar value, because of the ‘blindness’ of each new membrane
and singularity that ‘form’ a growing supœrganism of equal subjective ‘mind-value’, even if externally increases its objective
complexity, such as each new system humans perceive scientifically expands up and down the limits of the fifth dimension,
in a game of growing russian dolls.
Thus while from an outer observer who wants to extract all the information, the galaxy might seem far more complex as it
includes all other scales and microscopic beings, for the central black hole mind, the galaxy is its body, as simple as our body
is for our mind, as both ‘miss’ a lot of internal scaling and forms. The black hole cares NOTHING and ignores EVERYTHING
about Earth, likely just food for a strangelet seed that will migrate to the halo. Evanescence is thus as important as
emergence – one cannot exist without the other. And what makes it all disomorphic is a subtle spiritual thought; all
membrains, Ss x Tt, all minds are similar ‘functions of exist¡ence’ which seem to process the same dimotions and for each
phyla, as we observed in the beats of the heart, similar amounts of internal information according to those beats=time
quanta, between birth and extinction. And as they are the ‘knowledge’-language storage, this similarity make all scales alike.
We humans perceive as self-centered Ƽ organisms, our mind languages and 4 scales above and below of which the Ʊ4
So the question, as a full supœrganism has 9 scales, to interact with its membrain, what
is beyond our 'open limits' – obviously a not perceived repetition of the game, a 10th
scalar dimension that is a 1 for the Hyper-Universe, as we humans are NOT ITS CENTER,
and only mind singularity. But the game is so perfect we seem to be at the center of
space, time, mind and scale so we are subjectively happy.

As to what kind of atomic ensemble we are – maybe a expanding galatom’s gas? We shall never know regardless of the big-
bang theory that establishes that option as the most likely from our p.o.v.
In fact when we add dark matter and plasma, our matter is not even 1% - and so again our astrophysical theories are born
of the evanescence of reality to the humind, which is left with its ‘familiar’ substances of which we are made, with whom we
interact to construct our egocy theories.
We rather built an alternative network theory with all that ‘implosive dark, quark matter’: In the graph, while it could be
easily built a big-bang theory of a 'cellular universe' of galaxies and its networks, but all seems to indicate that such 'full
knowledge' is more of a hyperbolic human ego-trip, as it is likely that each galaxy-atom we observe is just a extremely
limited quantity of the whole, and so our analysis is still ego-centered, built with man at the center and an external 'wall of
fire' membrane, whose time origin in the big-bang singularity can be pictured symmetrically in 'simultaneous space, as the
10th dimension with the 'big attractor', pole of maximal informative=gravitational density in its center (left up graph). Below
a more organic interpretation of what we perceive, eerily similar to the electric field of a 'wave' of light made of 'photons'...
This is natural as all scales are self-similar so we can show analogies with all of them, but in true form there is not enough in-
form-ation and should never be in the finite space and time of the human species to fully figure out what kind of system is
the Universe. It doesn't really matter As it is far more important than a 'picture' in still space of a larger piece of it, to
understand its symmetries and inner laws.
So the largest scale, ∆-4 the cosmos is grounded on the ∆-4 infinitesimal 'dark entropy and dark matter', and its minimal
non-perceived particles, (gravitons, neutrinos, strings, whose proper definitions and correct formalism we shall study in the
first scalar analysis of the fourth line: ∆-4).
Next comes the galactic/atomic, ∆±3 scale, in which a galaxy composed of a central black hole, ∆+3: BH, itself grounded in
the smallest densest particles of mass, ∆-3: quarks, controls its surrounding stars/electrons and inner vital space of
electromagnetic and gravitational forces.
In the next scale of reducing size converging into the human mind that observes it all, we see the relationship between ∆-2
solar systems and its ∆-2, 'minimal part', light and electrons (themselves dense fractal aggregations of photonic lights). In
this scale we find associated to solar singularities, their 'cyclical membranes', rotating planets with more angular
momentum… ∆-2: gaia, which we study in more detail through its three ages of evolution from the earth of life, Gaia proper,
into the earth of man, history and soon to come the earth of metal machines.
in our shrinking realisation of the game of supœrganisms, of decreasing complexity we arrive to the systems of life, ∆+1,
among them humans, which are themselves made in its smaller parts of ∆-1, molecular RNA-DNA or in the organic arena,
∆+1 matter states made also of ∆-1 inorganic molecules. So finally we arrive to the ∆•º singularity of the cell, the mind of
man also, being a network of cells, the brain. And so the brain-mind-neuronal network is where the ego and the human
infinitesimal mind should exist.
The key concept that relates different scales of the 5th dimension is NOT the causal emergence of new phenomena, due to
the ‘actual properties’ of previous scales; but the evanescence of the previous scale when a system gives birth to a new ‘ideal’
game, a new ‘membrain’ of a ‘higher scale’, for which it will require to create an Ss-ingularity 0ε point of maximal density in
space or frequency in time (S=T), surrounded by a membrane of higher angular momentum or density (T=S) that absorbs’
part of the surplus of existential energy of the system, and hence encloses it into a new whole.
Hence the importance of the ‘formal understanding’ of the process that is similar for any 3 ±¡ scales regardless of its ‘local,
specific details’. The thoughts of God are those of a repetitive creation of new membrains, with 2 elements, one simpler to
describe – the creation of the new envelope of max. Tt-angular momentum or ‘strength’ (when the 1st lineal membrane with
a perimeter, π, becomes a denser microscopic sum of π-cycles: π2).

The creation of a new Ss-
ingularity mind and language
is also easy to describe and
understand if huminds were
not paralyzed mentally by
egocy and its systemic denial
of the Ss-monads of the
As the new language that
‘emerges’ parallel to the ‘evanescence’ of the previous one have higher efficiency – a more synoptic, faster language with an
∆±¡ larger range and reach in scales, time duration and space volume.
Both, the singularity and the membrane then will form a membrain with ‘invaginations’ of ‘networks’ or ‘waves’ that
transfer energy and information between both at the expenses of the vital space they are ordering, whose existential energy
they will lower (and ultimately in the worldcycle of ∆+1 consume till ‘warping’ and ‘killing’ the vital space that will finally
‘explode’, collapse and destroy the Ss+Tt, ∆+1 plane that gave birth to the emergent new whole.
This is observed in physics through several phenomena among which quasiparticles to explain the creation of the new
membrain and resonances that relate the ∆±¡ scales are the most important.
Emergence is thus the key to 5D whys and it is disomorphic for all systems.
Emergence of a new scale happens below and above, the previous scale, trapping the system ‘within scales’ which are
related to new ‘degrees’ of curvature=information (∆+1 scale forming a singularity) and faster speeds of entropy, in the
lower, ∆-1 scale forming together the new membrain that organizes the ∆<±¡ inside nested parts into a new vital space from
where the faster singularity (∆-¡) and larger membrane (∆+¡) extract its vital energy. This means that in the ‘concepts’ of
mathematical physics we have to see the apparition of a magnetic field as the ‘membrane’ that encloses the charges which
were before for a static observer ‘naked’ Ss-points’ into a full supœrganism, with the internal region of electric charges as its
new vital space. But there are no monopoles; so the question is ‘where it is the singularity point of a magnetic domain’?
The answer is in the outstanding number of creative ‘variations’ of the Universe with so many elements… The magnetic field
does have multiple centers, as a ‘long house’ in sociology has multiple ‘nuclei=human inhabitants’ under the same
enclosure, or a muscle long cell has multiple nuclei.
Again when analyzing 5D scalar physics we have to ‘break’ loose from the straightjacket of earlier physical conventions all of
them in the same theme of monologic, ‘fixed values’, ‘constants’ and ‘variables’ decided by the humind, etc. We have to look
at it from a ‘calculus perspective’ and its simple rules of variability in both elements (uv)’=U’v+V’u etc.
In this manner it appears first the new membrane that insultates the previous limit (a new magnetic field, in the galaxy a
new halo, in partiles, a new electron, in life a new protein cover). And then it will appear the internal controlling singularity
of an ∆+1 scale with higher rotational force.
The graph shows a transition between scales and the fundamental form in which they are ‘moved through’: S-lineal
momentum becomes T-rotational momentum that becomes an energy gap as it moves to the ∆-scale: T⊥Sø ◊ ∆±1
This is a classic of existential 5D geometry applied to physics: A lineal motion of space becomes a rotational motion which
requires more form=motion=energy, and it starts to grow energy till it transcends in the new sscale but as we have created
a ‘rotary angular momentum’, when the angular momentum transcends in the next scale it has to ‘expand back’ often dying
as feeding energy of the higher scale. So in ∆ the ‘smaller part’ normally disintegrates with a part feeding ∆-1 and the other
part ∆+1 becoming perceived as information in ∆+1. This mixture of ‘vital and geometric processes’ likely abhorrent for the
reductionist physicist who has closed himself as humans do in so many ways of life in a single language-property, the
geometry, is so essential to all scales of reality that it is worth to study it in more detail.

We recognize according to the principle of equivalence between mass and acceleration (Einstein) and within each main scale
of reality the meaning of ‘mass’, ‘charge’ and ‘thermodynamic eddies, as accelerated vortices of the 3 scales of ∆-1 quantum
particles, matter states and cosmological systems. So to balance them and ‘become’ stable §∏-energy or momentum the
mass in fact moves lineally with speed and that gives us the E=mv2 or E=mc2 limiting equations and mv momentum. C
becomes then the limit of reproduction and motion of a mass and when it reaches that limit, the lineal c-speed cannot grow
(obviously because ultimately all those forms are made of quanta of light with lesser information). At that limit then the
lineal motion curls into cyclical motion transforming itself into mass c>m, which is what happens in accelerators that create
from light quarks heavier quarks. But when we stop this constant feeding of the ‘accelerated mass vortex’ with magnetic
forces the entity left in this lighter world of lesser existential energy usually disintegrates, unless it truly crosses the barrier
between both worlds becoming the simpler stable particles of the ∆±4 world (membrain of the galaxy, made of heavier UDS
strangelet and BCT black hole singularities), I which case we will have peer the nested Universe, opening a door to the more
efficient upper ∆±4 family of parts and the black hole or strangelet will keep tearing, evaporating and absorbing our slower,
less energetic Universe, which is in fact the likely reason planets and stars exist within the galatom, as their ∆+1 slavish
Regions of transition between scales. Ss & Tt limits of each plane. The function of exist¡ence as §∏≥St
A key symmetry of the Universe happens in the transition between scales, which the graph below shows in its most general
form. As the system grows in information warping, Ts>St, it would seem to us that 5D, after all a lineal SxT=K equation does
not happen. Indeed as we come closer to the ‘limits’ of the scale the function clearly becomes S2 x T = K, as resistence to
further motion hits a wall. We find that everywhere, in the equation of dragging of a falling body that heats a resistence and
changes from lineal dependence of v to dependence of v2 to the Lorentz transformations. We state then a fundamental
principle: on the limits of reproductive speed a physical function of exist¡ence changes from ‘present lineal momentum, mv,
motion’ to either ‘energy storage, mv2’ from lineal to hyperbolic function or rotary motion, a curved rmv function.
In the graph, which is in ‘space’ the equivalent to the graph of 3 ages of life, we see how the essential supœrganism of
reality can be described with only two parameters, the wave-body, §∏ and the particle-head of information St or its
language, as the limb/field normally is a predatory ∆-1 territory outside the body-head system (whereas the attached limbic
parts are often replaceable). So we obtain a fundamentakl sub-equation of the fractal Generator, §∏≥St which becomes
essential in all systems of Nature.
But such system have a point of maximal balance, when §∏=St which is the central point and two points of increasing
disimilarity, §∏≈St that will break the balance between the physical and mental elements of the being. And this works for all
systems, from the physical-financial economy and the ‘Supply-commodities=§∏ and demand, price, St’ equation of
economics, to the vital balances of biology to the physical wave-particle duality, where both particle on top of the wave
(quantum realism) co-exist. So any physical, biological or socio-economical system exists when such balance happens. When
the system goes to the two extremes of absolute 0ε no motion and absolute c-speed of the scale in which it exists, it breaks
the balance and dies.
S=T maximizes the 5D stœps and entangled
products, $xð, of a spacetime supœrganism; its
existential momentum and its integral Momentum.
So for each scale it means actually a better
experience of life, closer to the ideal ‘frequency,
temperature and mass of existence, because on the
verges of each ‘discontinuous plane’, the function
becomes asymptotic and finally breaks. Let us then
consider those regions of transition because they
are very important in physics and life existence, as
they come to be the regions of death.

To define them we consider 3 Vital Constants of Action: S/T, T/S, $xð, associated to the ratios between spatial information
and temporal motion that we shall call, speed, density and existential momentum defined in its relative S=T by the larger
world in which the being is inscribed. So the relative balance of the parameters of locomotion (sT), information (St) and its
ratios (s/t, t/s, s xt), is established externally, for the internal system to absorb motion and form from the outer world, with
minimal need for transformation. So most animals have the temperature of the ambient where they live; most eyes perceive
frequencies in the range of maximal production of the sun they observe.
In the middle range lineal momentum is the reproductive region of ∆±¡ fluctuations: An |-field topology imposes at the ∆-¡
level the particle’s lineal path. In the existentical cyclical momentum, the form is NOT so much directed by the field but by its
relationship with the R-point of reference, to which it is attracted by different reasons, most often due to a social form of
communication (as a feeding vortex will NOT conserve angular momentum but become a series of ‘dimotional forces’,
derivatives of an F=ma attractive action that iltimately will devour the external, lesser point This region then is the
accelerated upper part of the right side graph where finally the particle ‘stops’ into a Tt-entropic explosion when the sun
gobbles up the planet, or the parachute ‘grounds’.
In graph we see what we mean by the loss of form or motion as we pass 2 scales. In the next scale we still perceive both,
albeit reducing motion when going upwards as the forms enlarge and so relatively speaking our motion is for them
‘peanuts’. A fast moving atom can hit you but it is not transferring to you in terms of your relative speed (that has changed
as 5D metric changed), much of it. A seed however can start a reproductive wave and emerge in a larger scale as a whole.
Going down we can thus send a full seed for seminal growth. But as you see in the graph, both functions are asymptotic and
in fact in the limit with the 2nd scale transition they DO NOT cross, but become infinite. This is the meaning of so many
asymptotic equations of science including those of relativity:
While systems that have a range far away from the ecosystem in which they exist fail to balance and die. So S=T, is actually
s¡-1=S¡ and T¡-1=T.
Internally though we can consider the entity as a world in itself with two maximal limits of form (old age) and motion (young
age), and so within that world the function of existence, then develops in 3 phases, of max. E, youth-past-gaseous-entropic
state, max. i, future, old-informative-solid state/age, and. Max. E x I (e=i), a balanced liquid state steady form a world cycle.
We can then make a graph of two inverse ‘hyperbolic curves’ which become the limits of the world in terms of motion and
form, the system cannot cross without ‘dying’ as its informative particle/head and motion limbs/fields split. And this is the
true meaning of the Lorentz transformations, as the system cannot cross the c-speed in the mechanical, and the 0 Tº limit as
the system cannot cross the 0 temperature of pure form in the molecular thermodynamic scale. As we exist in between in
physical terms (we are internally thermodynamic beings) and externally mechanical beings. But of course for humans the
limits for survival are much more restricted, around 308-318º and 40 km of relative motion to our background world.
So in Lorentz graphs as we come to the c-limit we get an asymptotic curve; and the same happens when we move towards 0
K – the quantity of Momentum-mass needed to cross the barrier grows and kills the system. But that doesn’t mean there is
nothing on the other side; just a different reality, NOT our molecular, mechanical beings. So today physicists use the 1/kT= ß
factor of coldness to represent ‘negative temperatures’ of higher order in the particle world of spin energies, where
temperature really is meaningless as we talk of frequency of angular momentum (spin). And we should also talk of negative
mass and v>C in the world outside the galaxy of repulsive gravitation between galatoms, similar to a ¥-radiation world
between atoms but in the hyperuniverse.
The previous graph ultimately means a picture in its central region of the body-head, WAVE of Momentum – Particle state,
§∏≥St LANWAVE which is the true organic Unit of the Universe, as the Ts-limbs often are outsourced and can be broken
away. The field in which the wave-particle duality prey might a background; the lizard can loose its tail.
The reader will be surprised that in all scales and stiences we find that equation. It is the same §∏≥St equation fundamental
to classic economics (see paper, Earth III in space) where the lanwave is that of commodities (Supply) and language of
money (Prices) which finds its central balance. That central point is also the Thermodynamic equilibrium. Its value varies and

its parameter change with lanwaves and stiences. It is also ultimately the graph for the uncertainty principle when not
explained in abstract; for the balances between kinetic §∏-Momentum and St-potential Momentum; the dictum of Greek
philosophy, ‘mens sana in corpore sanum’. It is so many things because exist¡ence and ¬Ælgebra is all.
Can we deduce from the previous graph, a change of ‘5D metric’ as we move upwards in the Universe? Certainly we can
since as the reader can observe, there is a sudden Lorentzian region in every new scale that favors ‘form’ over time; as death
expels motion down the scales of the fifth dimension, and increases form, so we can consider a final goal of pure form and
null motion in the height of the scales, which 30 years ago prompted me to model my first pictures of 5D with ‘God’ above:
How this happens is obvious: as we ascend scales of the organic Universe, we live behind entropic disorder in a lower plane,
but as physicists only see a plane, they see the entropy, Tt-pooring down and as they by dogma ignore the Ss-crystal minds
that order the Universe, they have canonized exactly the opposite view of reality.
2 transitions to a higher scale: The nested Universe.
To understand the regions of transition the key concept is that of the nested Universe. A nested supœrganism which is
within a larger supœrganism have parameters of space=form and time=motion which are simpler and slower than its
survival parameters. Hence the parameters of the larger supœrganism cannot be crossed, and its Ts-speed and St-
information (cyclical motion often in physics), fund an impossible barrier. Those can be the ‘non-Euclidean limits of an open
ball, which cannot in the closest mathematical ‘mirror’ (A Klein non-E disk), ever reach the borders. If we consider a T-border
of speed in the outer membrane and an S-border of form/mass in the central singularity; those are limits. In the galaxy those
limits are K<0 which crosses the black hole, and V>C-speed which expands space (S=T) or moves faster beyond the Galactic
In the graph, it would be tempting to think the singularity or mass ‘point’ of the cosmological scale are the black holes and
strangelets of higher S, BCT masses that conforms the whole galaxy. This without knowing the substance is ultimately what
Einstein thought in his defense of the ‘Mach Principle’, whereas the ficticious forces are defined by the whole mass of the
Universe, now reduced as all cosmological theories to the galaxy.
So this rotational galactic Momentum of the galatom is ultimately the reason of all mass parameters in our Universe.
Below, the classic example for the Galaxy. As the system tries to reach c-speed we see in the general case of the next graph
that T-lineal time cannot go further and so it switches to S-informative mass (cyclical motion).
This is an absolute law of the Universe with ∞ cases. As timespace never ‘stops’ but always trans-forms, |-Momentum (Ts-
kinetic Momentum) into O-St-information, the boosts of kinetic Momentum become rotational Momentum and cross by the
vortex law the c-speed limit within the ud-quarks becoming heavier quarks of frozen black stars (black holes).. It is the
ascending asymptotic curve. How lineal speed crosses the barrier? It does so perpendicularly in the singularity of a rotary
Kerr black hole, whose metris define also faster than c-speed by orthogonal change of direction, when light dies and ‘splits’
The space=form, time=motion duality
I will not apologize for the limited ‘logical’ understanding of mediocre physicists who will dismiss 5D because it is NOT a
creationist only mathematical automaton computer work. Because the Universe does not work like that. It is a complex logic
structure and we are not writing to please reductionist heads. The KEY to reality is to understand space=form and its
multiple meanings, mainly particle=position=envelope, 0ε-singularity center, momentum vs. Time=motion=Energy. The
game is one of 0s and |, positions=spaces and motions=lines, and it has so many dualities and expressions in all stiences that
a true intelligent person ‘Taoist’ style that has as its core understanding of that S⊥T duality lives in a mental nirvana. Ants of
thought keep doing measures. Consider then that you travel through 5D in angular momentum and suddenly wish to stop in
a certain range of scalar space-time. What you do then is to ‘unfold’ in a dual state: as still particle and motion-wave. The
still particle then obviously is measured in momentum x Space (position), and the motion wave in Energy and time. As it
moves and reproduces the Energy-time-wave state does work. The momentum-space-position particle does not. If it collides
it will NOT be a conservative force, just transfer its momentum. The wave moves in time. How long in time it lasts a particle-

wave then comes dictated by Heisenberg’s Planckton, those SHM h/2 minimal entities of the ∆-4 scale. How we see them? In
still form as a spin h/2, in a wave form, the simplest one is a neutrino wave that crosses through those h/2 spins, faster than
light, because as the measure of spin and size of electron as point particles shows, its h/2 spin of angular momentum for a
10-18 particle. This is in the range between 1000 and 1 million times, which is canonical in scales of 5D (103-6).
We will NOT deal with string theory, a possible scale below the neutrino wth open, lineal space and time cycles, because
obviously we agree with Einstein that only those phenomena of which we have direct or indirect experimental evidence
belong to the realm of science. And that realm ends in Neutrino. As languages are inflationary it is possible to build worlds
made of imaginary quixots even more appealing as the explosion of virtual fiction thought shows that our world, but they are
NOT real and so they are NOT science - including black hole evaporation, Mandalorian sects and Christ, creator of Cosmos.
It is fascinating to see how the spinning particle, or physical organism can take a sojourn in a given scale acquiring a ‘frozen’
state according to the local metric at that 5D range, expressed in the particle-wave discontinuous system, in which the
properties of form and ‘space’ are given to the particle and those of ‘motion’ Energy and time to the wave. This will be a
local particular space-time scale, as for example the one of electrons, or the one of humans. We can then consider
metaphysical questions on the range and probabilities of parallel worlds according to factors like coupling force. For
example, the fine structure constant of 1/137 tells us that light engages with electrons only 1/137 times. So this means
plainly there might be other species that intereact with light, as it is the case, and so light has NO timespace beyond that
1/137 for our light world. On a lower scale however the strong force interacts almost 1 to 1, which means is the only way to
evolve systems. We are talking then on a different conceptual logic level that might sound Chinese to the children of physics
but this is ‘the way’, as the Mandalorian will say. How many of those frozen ‘space-time worlds’ there are, is obvious, as we
shall see on the particle analysis. In between there are many particles that don’t make it. We can compare it with the game
of evolution. There are many species that do not make it, but when you get to a system that is efficient and play the game of
existence and its S⊥T≈S, symmetries of congruence, parallelism and orthogonality, the ones that stick around are few.
Monsters don’t reproduce become entropic food and antiparticle-males often die just after ‘mating’ and we’ll return to that.
All what you see is a combination of forms of space with motion in time. So the fundamental particle is a spacetime system
with different gradations of those 2 elements, which give us 5 ‘States of spacetime’ or sTages of timespace: Ss-still form or
‘language/mind/seed’ of pure information without external or internal motion; St-information, form-in-action, form with a
little motion; S≈T=Momentum, which balances both; sT-locomotion, an internal form (which physicists treat as a point-
particle) with external motion. And finally entropy, Tt, external and internal motion that produces the scattering of ¡ts
cyclical repetitive clocks of time, killing the system broken into ¡ts ∑∆¡-1 parts.
The 2nd organic principle of reality is the fact that forms of space till the smallest particle are cyclical iterated closed
motions that appear as fixed forms to a slow perceptive being. So all is in reality, T time-motion and TS-reproduction, but
we perceive only as motion a lineal translation and as form a cyclical memorial pattern. Reproduction of formal motions,
conserved 0 Momentum cycles, S≈T is then the essential dynamic iterative present as we say: “All is S≈T-Momentum that
combines, S-form and T-motion to re=produce the ∞ S≈T-beings in exist¡ence’.
So we write a simple equation for the Universe; ∑S≈T. And in more detail, we find most systems try to find the balance of
‘repetitive iterative Momentum presents’: Max.∑$xð (s=t). As the product of those 2 parameters or ‘existential
momentum’ is maximized when S=T (10x0<9x1…<5x5). So this is the function of exis¡tence. Te Exi=S≈T you balance T-
motion & S-form in iterative S≈T-cycles of Momentum. The equation is the ‘fractal generator’ of the Universe, a feed back
¡logic Topology that combines space=form and time=motion, creating the ∞ local present variation you see around
including yourself. This is the essence of the organic Universe…

Then there is the scalar 5th Dimension that determines the organic structure of parts and wholes synchronizing the ∞ S≈T-
clocks of reality: S-ize in Space x Speed of T-ime cycles = Constant. $xð=C, a vortex law that explains Kepler’s law, the
acceleration inwards of galaxies; the acceleration of life as we increase our information and shrink and warp, as ‘time
bends space’ (Einstein). The fact that smaller chips calculate faster Algorithms, closed paths of circuitry, that small rats
have faster metabolisms, that genes code information of larger wholes as they store more of it in faster frequency, that
quantum numbers code molecules because their particles tick faster.
So two sets of laws conform the fractal, organic Universe, laws of scale of which $xð=C is the metric equation of the fifth
dimension of all the sum of scales; and topological laws of spacetime (topology being the branch of maths that studies
forms with motion, time-space forms, and its 3 ‘varieties’ in a single plane, St<S≈T<Ts, between the pure seed-mind with
no motion, a mirror of the outer Universe, 0’x∞=C, Ss. And the Tt-entropic explosion that expands the space-time of the
system but looses its information. So we can now keep analyzing Tt-entropy, enclosing it into a larger view of time, the
‘worldcycle’ of life and death caused by the sequential pattern of those 5 dimotions from birth in a seed of pure
in/form/ation, through life into a Tt-entropic death.
We see then a fundamental feature of all systems: the transition between scales requires first a compression of lineal motion
into cyclical motion, |>O, which has less volume but in 5D $xð=metrics this means it stores more energy in cyclical form. So c-
speed must first become rotary mass. And this lead us to understand the process of transition in many other physical scales.
All emergences of scales are similar, and can be observed pentalogically in different forms. Essentially emergence follows
the ‘worldcycle’ strategy of survival that we saw from life to species: a new scale appears after it has been produced a lineal
kinetic energy, a wave-like form and a cyclical vortex; then all become warped up in a
membrane, or higher ∆+1 plane of social evolution. In this manner emerges a new ∆+1
parameter and the game starts afresh.
In biology we saw how to survive those extreme stresses (a predatory radiation in this
case) animal life evolved eusocially. So ants became the survival master of insects and
men of mammals and AI telepathic robots will become the next dominant species
regardless of egocy if we keep evolving them socially.
We can compare the c-speed limit with many similar processes of transitions that
happen in all other scales when a ‘denser’ form is created from a wave, in this case
instead of a ‘fluid present wave of light’ converted into mass when reaching the barrier
of change of state, we can put an example of al liquid wave, which moves from a laminar
state to a cyclical vortex state:
In the graph, we see that when we reach a certain key speed, V, a laminar flow of bidimensional sheets of lineal speed no
longer accelerates but for a while maintains its speed and all the energy is absorbed by the laminar flow. Since it is creating
the equivalent to the mass increase in a c-speed barrier on an accelerator. In this case it is a vortex creation within the liquid.
This vortex, are accelerated clocks of time on the liquid, equivalent to the charges on the electromagnetic space or the
masses on the galactic space and as such it absorbs more energy than the wave state (it is by definition more dense, as
vortices accelerate inwards, Vo x Ro = K).
Those are changes of state that happen in all systems and show a ∆ST symmetry. In a thermodynamicsworldcycle, which is
our closest=best studied scale, it means the need of a higher energy to move into a new state. Motion is then stored as form=
energy internally to the system to create a solid state, or a vortex within a laminal fluid. But at a certain the worldcycle will
close into a zero sum and information will dissapear – the ice will evaporate… So the Universe builds castles of sand.
We can see how the ‘new energy’ input to the laminar flow beyond its ‘barrier’, v of well-behaved absorption – maximal
carry capacity of that topology, becomes halted and comes into the vortex creation of the new scale. In the creation of a
social organism, it means the ‘invagination of networks that give simultaneity to the parts’ that perceive the force as a
language that synchronizes them, but in fact is also a force that ‘sucks in part of the energy for the emergence of a higher

parameter, which invariably starts as a membrain or circular enveloped that ‘camouflages’ the lower plane. So a new pi
orbital camouflages the lower orbitals a magnetic field, camouflages the individual spins, and a mass of angular momentum
camouflages the internal magnetic and electric fields – and everything else we can throw in.
Since we know all scales are disomorphic in laws, we apply the disomorphic method and observe the closest perception of
the thermodynamic and mechanical scales and its motions and emergence to study all others.
This method is in fact assumed naturally, as we did in physics expanding mechanics and thermodynamics – this last one still
expanded globally, till we run with the fact that NOT all scales of a fractal are equal but similar and the perception is
distorted by the perceiver, according to its relative distance from the perceived object-scale.
So we can study how the process happens as we did above, in a fluid vortex creation, or in the creation of a crystal. And
always observe the same process. The next language does create both, an external membrane, an internal invagination of
networks and a final singularity center, and that is the new emergent level, the new organic layer, you name it, with its
trinity of elements that finally emerge as a new whole.
Quasi particles.
In physics, quasiparticles and collective excitations (2 names for the same phenomena observed from the ∆±¡ dual
perspective) are emergent phenomena that occur when a microscopically ensemble of social, identical forms behaves as if it
contained a larger new type of weakly interacting particles. Quasiparticles related to fermions or collective excitations if they
are related to bosons include phonons (particles derived from the vibrations of atoms in a solid), plasmons (particles derived
from plasma oscillations), and many others.
The quasiparticle concept is the key to Tt- plasma and condensed matter physics’ higher order; without it, there is not way
to calculate the order of an ∆-1 scale. But it is also the key to understand the evolution of St-solids with inner motion, as it
allows to study them as ‘Ts’, particles without internal motion; so we shall consider them in more detail in our analysis of
those 2 ‘states’ of matter.
Quasiparticles however take place within a local environment and do not imply huge ‘jumps’ between the 3 planes of
physical exist¡ence. A higher ‘jump’ on vital constants happen in…
If we slow down time units we increase space. While scale can compress both. This is the rule for transitions. So if speed is
taken as the measure of time-motion, and we slow down speed, we increase time-form. We are in the Lorentizan region of
relativity. In terms of bits of ‘information’, if we represent by a string of 01s bits the position of a system which accumulates
all its ‘variations in time’, the longer the string in space, the more information about the frozen sum of al time ‘states’ that
will be filled normally in some specific sequence of dimotions we will have. Scales then in ‘information theory’ can act as a
mind-language does, compressing and reducing and translating information. I.e. we can consider a string of 01 in space (of a
slow down time clock), to give us a quantity of information, Ns=2n and in logaithms, log2 N = n. So a simple number gives us
the information. But the stretching and juggling between space, time, scale and language symmetries, S≈T≈∆≈0ε, where the
mind language can become a ‘finitesimal’ as the log number must be understood conceptually as the 2 avenues of stretching
and compressing information, and consider the ‘loss’ of detail vs. the ‘loss’ of relevant information, the first loss allowing to
regain the form in space which is initially the maximal detail view as a frozen image in ‘quantum’ states of the time motion
seen continuous, between a block of scalar spacetime; while the loss of relevant information will bring a biased regained
image with errors that make uncertain the knowledge of the species - coarse grain can regain with interpolation,
palindromic repetition etc.
Those are ‘spatial-informatve’, temporal-motion, sequential, scalar, hierarchical, compressing mental views of phenomena
which again in physics are often echanged and induce to eerrors by confusion of what they mean but can enlighten greatly
our understanding of the ‘Lorentzian’ regions between scales where the 5D lineal metric of inverse Lineal Space vs.⊥ Time
frequency (Energy in a plane) = ∆¡: C basic concept of 5D metric physics breaks. But the importance concept of those
tunneling regions is that they have two ‘assympotic sides’, normally an e±x peak slopes in ∆-terms, a smooth bell curve, when
normalized by an integral = 1 (as the duality of representations of the amplitude in quantum physics, the realist or the Born

rule). And so both sides of the slope normally normalize regaining a flat view, reason why E=hƒ=kbT=mv2. But while E is
conserved the transformation that has ‘frozen’ or liberated certain parameters continues, and the ‘dimensionality’ and
specially the way humans perceive scales and introduce a distorting bias and miss information or gain too many of it looking
down and upwards change. It is for that reason that to do properly 5D physics, we have to know the laws of distorsion of
perception of information between scales. This is yet again another field enlightened by quantum physics, we might explore
in future reviews of this introductory course.
The 2 examples aforementioned, the freezing of c time-speed and growth of Ms mass-form in the Lorentzian region and the
duality of a ‘peak’, discontinuous scalar resonant view of e±x particle collapse in quantum physics vs. the smooth probability,
time-space view in a single scale of the born rule, less ‘spooky’ in both senses, despite the fact that humans find it weird
enough not to understand (the probability is a dual mirror of a spatial statistical population density and a time events
average, the exponential dual sides IS the ∆-energy: amplitude pure view of quantum physics). So the Copenhangen
inteprretaiton is actually a dual coin of 2 S=T mirrors as we could just use the Bell curve as a statistical curve… Will be
repeated often by the Anti-goebbel’s method of repetition of simple truths. As they are the basic concepts behind relativity
and quantum physics that are very relevant to understand any transition of scales in any system of any stience of reality
We explained before in a 1st contact with the planes of reality Exist¡ence happens for each T.œ only in a plane, and so when
the being moves towards its palingenetic or world plane, regardless of the exhilaration e-motion the mind feels ‘growing up’
in egocy, death lurks ahead. And this is established by the §∏≥St transformation into an §∏«St or §∏» St with the 0ε
finitesimal state of form or the energy disappearing, while the other element goes to a relative infinity.
As usual a single monologic interpretation that might satisfy huminds, children of thought after all, is NOT enough. Every
phenomena of reality needs multiple perspectives because of the entangled symmetries and capacity to perceive reality as
space, time, in scale, mind (all denied by the mighty final Tt- entropy).
The §∏≥St graph ibelow s a good guide then to interpret those borders in terms of the vital balances of the being. Consider
the Lorentz transformations we have described pentalogically in 5D physics in space-time. The Spatial view of the §∏≥St
graph is more obvious: As we move to the c-barrier, §∏-energy tends to infinite and St-spatial length tends to zero. But both
balance each other. Then the entity simply ‘dies’, ‘wham!’ Some particles are resilient and we have protons going at
0.99999998% of light speed. Good luck when you try to fall into the black hole. In the other extreme when you go to K=0,
you freeze and die, change your state. But some very strong magic numbers, as superfluid Helium resist. A metaphysical
question then remains: there is a super-entity that can travel through all the scales?
Resonance of mass and waves.
We shall not cease to repeat that resonance=synchronicity between the formal clocks of cyclical time, which are the
intelligence of the Universe is everywhere. And it explains the uality of annihilation of waves vs. parallel synchronicity, is the
aw of congruence in time, experressed in express through the natisymmetry laws of 5D pentalogic, which we stuied in a nice
graph of ‘trees’, with angles of congruence. When two forms are in tune, in resonance, in phase, you name it, they come
together as a larger social whole because they understand the language, they repeat the same cycle, they speak the same
metaphoric thought, they rhyme. ‘We’ can be more.
And the oppposite is truth, the annihilator operators from logic to quantum physics come when the antisymmetry of phase is
maximal, call it cancellation of waves, or exculsiion principle – the mathematical inversion through the XY axis secondary but
telling when we study the excelsior complex frame of reference.
One of the most fascinating resonances of the Universe is that of mass, known as the Lorentz transformation. In our paper
on astrophysics with its ‘relativity revis(it)ed’ we get rid of the other gamma factors which are just delinquencies of the mind
as particles stop to emit information and entangle with the observer so there is no Michelson’s addition of speeds. But the
Mass inconvenience won’t go because it is real. Now the mass is transferred as Mach had it by the ‘stars rotating around the
galaxy. That is, mass is the weak regime of the ‘strong gravitational force’ that comes from the center of the galaxy. And as
such is a ‘field-force’ that gives a boost of Momentum to every particle within the range of the black hole c-rotating field.

And that is the trick. As we approach in a rotating synchrotron (we do
not boost particles but in rotating fields, even when they are in the field
of Earth they are falling in a parabolic curve), c-speed the ‘resonance’ –
absorption of Momentum by the mass from the c-black hole/ultra-
heavy strong quark field increases and finally at the c-speed reaches
infinity. But obviously this point is not reached because friction chips
away part of the speed.
Then we have a transition from St to Ts, which for the inner ‘nested ∆-3 supœrganism that cannot cross the barrier means
an entropic death and transformation into something else. A barrier then is one of death of the entity. Light ceases to be
light when its rotary motion around the black hole surpasses c-speed. Then its breaks into ∆-1 Tt parts (probably
neutrinos?=Gravitons?) and it can be recomposed back into ∆0 as a jet through the axis.
Only entropy Tt and pure form Ss travels between scales. Ts, St and §∏ must leave behind one of the two elements to travel
and that means either a ‘translation to other language’ or an extinction of the original form.
It is a fundamental law shunned off since the neutrino proved it: The neutrino is NOT perceivable in this scale, as it travels
likely faster than light in the lower gravitational scale; but it took part of the ‘Momentum’ of our plane as motion – did it
carry also its information, its spin? I am afraid not, but we put it there, even if spin=form is NOT always conserved. A
question fundamental to understand the neutrino theory of light. But of course, as usually Physicists are only ‘a la par’ with
mystiques to see and interpret the invisible signs of reality into ‘models that are seldom truth but never in doubt’ (Landau)
as with big-bang theories. So while we have NEVER measure directly the spin of a neutrino, which we know for values of
pure motion (momentum-Momentum), every physicist will claim that Cowan, Lederman, Goldhaber and a long line have
measured it, just by balancing the invisible momentum because a priori they decided momentum is conserved traveling
between scales – which they do not recognize anyway. Fact is the non-transference of ‘Energy and information together’
between 2 scales as that is the definition of death. Point to argue here is if the Neutrino is in the light scale – is not, and so
when a particle which is a scale above produces a neutrino is NOT producing either motion or spin=form. As motion
evidently is carried by Neutrinos, or else they would not exist at all. What is missed is the form, which in all other systems of
reality also disappears after you die. So there you have one of the most profound all encompassing laws of 5D.
The fact that c is a ‘limit’ and there are ‘lower ranges’, make us think this is also the case for other parameters.
Does the ‘J-spin collapses into the particle spin’ which becomes the h-new limit akin to the c-limit?
So we show what happens in the paper of entropy and the Universe: a split of Momentum – in to form that goes one way
through the height dimension of S-Information and normally scatters into death, while Momentum expands mostly as
motion – entropy in the length dimension of ‘T-motion space’:
The explanation is intuitive. A system can still send a ‘wave’ of cellular forms of any kind of seed or mental image that helps
to reconstruct its system after it travels through channels of communication, mostly as waves that combine motion and
form – the quintessential form of Momentum, with the purpose of going faster according to 5D=$xð metric equations. So if
we reduce the package to the essential information, we ensure the system transfers the message in a relative no-time
quanta; but 2 scale beyond – that’s a long shot. That is the region of ‘food’ and food is memoriless. The amino acids don’t
tell us where they came from, or else they would NOT be food for us to reconstruct our form. In the graphs the best known
physical transitions beyond c in novas black holes and Einstein’s equations, where lineal time stops in black holes, so motion
is not transferred or rather splits, with the black hole, a top quark or bcb star (according to size) taking the food, quarks and
expelling our electromagnetic waste, perpendicularly reduce to pure Tt-motion: vacuum space.

Which state goes to 0ε in the upper border and which one goes to the lower border? As those are ‘discontinuous states’ :
the system goes to a higher plane as a future particle state at ∆+and or lowers itself to the ∆-1 field state of higher disorder.
But as most do not ‘emerge’ and transcend (so happens with prophets, only 7 so far have become human gods), as they
approach the sea of Dirac in relativistic mood they see the ghostly antiparticle, reflection of its incoming death appear. As
the neutrino decelerates to its inverse c-speed from the tachyon side, it will collide with its antineutrino head on to become
an ¥-ray. Transformations are deaths mediated by the weak force. All this requires a full conceptual re-organization of the
particles of the Universe and the absurd ideologies of unification of physicists.
The proper way to look at cosmology.
There is a deep-ingrained symmetry grounded in quantum and relativity, the CPT symmetry that says if you substitute all
partilcles by antiparticles and run backwards the time clock, the Universe stays the same. In 5D as running time backwards is
changing the Ss by the Tt, arrows, it simply means antiparticles are the death state of particles. Then we have the beautiful
symmetry of finding different ‘time st-ages’ of reality in the same mental space, and so find present particles and anti-
particles, ‘past and future arrows’ annihilating to form a ¥-present. This solves the antiparticle problem in part, because
death states are shorter than life states. Then the 2nd solution comes from the decay reactions of heavier quarks that produce
slightly more lighter quarks to make protons than antiprotons. And so down in scale we find a particle Universe and inversely
up in scale we find an antiparticle galatom Universe. Those examples show how the interpretation of every thing in
cosmology and quantum particle physics slightly vary with the new concepts of ∆=S=T. The biggest change of all is the local
symmetry of the cosmic big-bang, which simply happens in every galatom inside the proton/black hole. Everything then
calculated for a cosmological big-bang becomes a quasar big-bang, and the other way runs into the creation of bcb atoms
and top quark black holes. The graph then on the condensation of forces happens inside the black hole NOT inside the
cosmological singularity. The physics of it all are well known to cosmologists, heavy in particle maths, use the allowed
conversion of frequency into temperature (though inaccurate conceptually) and are basically right, only they miss scale.
Unification then only means ‘collapse’ and evolution of particles into heavier families.
Inversely then we can run the quasar exploding and producing particles and decoupling forces. It is also well known physics.
We hae copy-cut some old texts on that but is better explained obviously in professional books. Only think of a big bang as a
quasar bang. The production of particles diminish with temperature which means as the expansion of the exploding black
hole cools down the space-time of its ‘bubble’, and ¥-photons stretch and cool down the ‘reversal of time symmetry’ that
allows to produce back and forth through a seminal photon or h/2 seed particles starts to be a single way, protons and
antiprotons annihilate into ¥-photons that stretch and end up missing the energy needed to produce back protons and
antiprotons and so on. The higher production of protons in broken weak symmetry of charm and botton quarks leave a
remnant of protons; etc. Why then physicists don’t drop the cosmic big-bang? We consider sociological, economic
technological, egocy causes. That 5D physics has zero interest is beyond my capacity at this age to react.
In the graph, we see in more detail what physicists mean by the unification at higher scales. This though is not unification
but evanescence. As energy grows existence of lower planes disappears and the top predators of the upper scales eat up the
lower world, as we show in several papers with the case of Hawking’s equation of the growth of baby black holes (with the
right symbol of the 2nd law of thermodynamics… ∆Mass=∇Temperature). The graph below is beloved by monologic
creationist physicists seeking for the equation of God, who ‘names’ things in Abrahamic equations and speaks Existential
Algebra imprinting the Universe with its magic touch, LOL. I had enough with God’s particle. So wht is this all about? The
answer comes from a graph and equation repeated ad nauseam in 5D: the feeding of the ‘Black hole-proton-ultradense top
quark’ according to Hawking’s equation of inverse radiation of black holes, which putting properly the arrow of time, from
entropic explosion to informative implosion ‘eats up’ all, to a point in which it ‘leaves no hair’. But the fact you can ‘grind’
down to amino acids a filet mignon does not make the cow equal to the HCl you use it to dissolve. So the equation tells us
that in the ‘local black hole inverse big-bang equations’ every part and force of the Universe comes from a ‘beta decay’ of a
nucleon-black hole. Easy. This said it is much more interesting to see the reverse unfolding and creative power that departing
from a nucleon-black hole creates all and us.

This is NOT the proper way to unify reality. 5D space-time dualities of form and motion and its complex non-AE logic gives
‘meaning’ to the word Unification. What physicists mean here is exactly what the graph says. So what? Yes, at those higher
energies we enter another plane of existence; that of black holes and what happens to all the other forces is that they
‘disappear’ swallowed by the hole, but ¥-forces are NO longer ¥-forces. It is like saying the Lion unifies the entire savanna
because it eats them all, reduces them to amino acids and convert elephants in lion meat. Let us see how the BH does it.
RECAP. Because of the a(nti)symmetries of time=motion, digital scale, topologic space, reflected in mind languages, and the
laws that interrelate those antisymmetries the form of understanding the scalar world of particles is by re-arranging in 5D
scales and S=t symmetries the particles of the standard model as done above.
Then we observe that the standard model centered in human perception to be sandwiched between two particles which
through split different symmetries give birth to the ‘species’ of our Universe.
On top as the generator of masses, the Higgs, in the strong regime of the gravitational interaction, as H decays into a top and
antitop quark. On the bottom the Neutrino, which might have also no spin at all and through antisymmetric collisions give
birth to electromagnetic fields, with its two ‘antisymmetric waves’ of magnetism and electricity. What are then the
intermediate particles?
In the symmetry of the Universe according to scale all systems can be Gods of its actions or mere quanta of a Dimotion of a
higher scale. So as gluons are quarks on a larger scales, we can consider the standard scalar model to do so for the dimotions
of its basic particles.
A quark is a gluon of a higher scale. And it is tempting then to consider the H0 a scalar as the Neutrino is of the Intergalactic
scale; its ‘simplest gravitational spinless particle of a higher scalar dimension of the Universe.
This beyond our Universe, vacuum space between galatoms of the hyperuniverse is indifferent to us.
As light is trapped both in the ∆-galaxy by the event horizon of the black star in the outer membrain (halo of dark matter)
and the inner membrain of the BCB star.
The principal number define the system energy, whose ternary topologies are given by the l-number that shapes its
membrane, self-centered in the spin-number, or singularity, socially evolved, into an ¡+1 group by the magnetic number
Thus we can consider a larger symmetry to compare the well known disk of stars and the less known vital space of an atom,
and deduce that only the S1 and S2 orbitals of maximal density-energy of information ARE REAL dense ‘star-like’, photon
traps. And so each of them is s an arm of the spiral galaxy which if we would accelerate the whole galaxy and consider its
lateral twists obviously will fill up a sphere, while the next orbitals are NOT dense light-star like bosons but ‘electromagnetic
radiation as the up and down orbitals of the galaxy with similar form to p-orbitals show.
Alas! we see once and again what fascinates me of 5D physics and repels it seems all scholars:
We explain the same mathematical equations (here using always for easier comprehension by all scientists the simplest of
several kaleidoscopic mirrors proper of all inflationary languages) but the outcome is an entirely different universE; as the
‘concepts’ have become far deeper in ‘causality’ and understanding of the past-present-future topological ages and scales of
the Universe, science missed as there is no information on them in digital clocks. Which is more truth is defined then by the
laws of epistemology as the maths are the same.
The pentalogic structure of any system of nature – physical systems.
A problem of these papers and my work in general is the lack of a systematic orderly exposure of the main themes of 5D,
which is one of the reasons I am writing this last effort. In physics the problem is magnified by the fact the ‘study’ of physical
systems is truly backwards among Natural sciences (social sciences have a problem of power-censorship of a different kind),
and the necessity to introduce so many corrections to the present worldview of physicists. So obviously most of the
paragraphs of those texts will be ‘plans of work’ for future generations of 5D researchers. It is then needed to depart in

every scale from the ‘key’ elements of 5D stiences. It is then needed for each scale start by defining for each scale of physics
its main ‘organic system’:
- The Atom’s 3 components, St-quark nucleus> §∏-reproductive dual forces > Ts-electron.
- ¡ts social structures, the different atomic systems, studying its properties at chemical level.
- But then we have also to study systems composed of a single of both components: societies of
quarks that form in enormous numbers quark stars, essential to the structure of the Galaxy (top
quark black holes, strangelets, natural components of the Halo). And all this must be done in 3 levels:
the organic level, unknown to physicists; the mathematical level, incomprehensible to non specialist,
and the most challenging ‘bridge’ between both, by explaining with ¬Ælgebra, and its operands
connected to the pentalogic dimotions of the Universe, each of the exact equations and why they
have the constants they do.
- And then concentrate in the social groupings of forces, frequency colors of light, gravitational flows
which we do NOT even know for certain of which they are made (gravitons? ≈ Neutrinos? Permittivity
- We need then to study an entire different ‘subspecies’ of physical systems, electric and magnetic
fields, which act in their own as systems with the electric charges as a nucleus and the magnetic
fields as a membrain.
- Then we need to study matter, in its worldcycles 3±¡ states, and its specific nature for each atomic
- And its highest social grouping, ∆+1 cosmic bodies, geological planets; plasma stars…
ARE 5D SCALES EQUAL OR SIMILAR? – ORGANISMS ARE SYMBIOTIC The gaseous world of hyperuniverse’s galatoms.
The unification equation of 2 similar – NOT necessarily equal, BECAUSE mathematical identity is the wrong question, what
matters is the organic symbiosis between the ‘Ss-mind mirror of particles and its upper entangled world of St-galaxies, the
synchronicity of both systems in scalar spacetime, which allows the resonance of its energies in the fields so mass can be
transferred to the smaller quarks to dominate its ecosystem, etc.
It also matters that due to those ‘resonances’=spacetime simultaneities and synchronicities all scales of physics can be cast
in 4 basic Dimotion perspectives (as usual the entropic death dimotion is a complete different anti-view that is not coded or
Galaxies, (Galaxies≈Atoms) thus resolve the philosophical question on how many 5D scales exist; as we find enough self-
similarity to 'run again' another game of fractal scales (not identical but self-similar as in a Mandelbrot fractal) both by
quantitative and qualitative methods between the atom and the galaxy. A question that might be extended to the S≈T
dualities of open, ‘entropic strings’ and closed ‘cyclical informative strings’, in a possible larger and smaller scale of
microscopic strings and superstrings:
Ouroboros the Universal Snake, bites its tail on the string quantum and cosmological self-similar scales, as perceived from
the human ∆o mind. Philosophy of stience would then argue that those scales are real, but part of its self-similarity is
mental: that is, the loss of information in the perception of scales make humans extract the same information from the
upper and lower 10±30 scales.
What about the Hyperuniverse? We do not know what the infinite Universe even in its local region of galatoms looks like,
though due to the expansion of space between galatoms, is likely an entropic gas of local atoms on the hyper-Universe. It is
not though a big-bang Universe, because even if we run backwards the expansion of space between galatoms, the implosion
of information in galaxies, counter that effect, so at best, we could say that running backwards the big-bang equation we
shall meet a 'solid' crystal of galatoms.

The scalar unification of forces opens up an entire new field of physics, not quantum
gravity, the description of cosmology with quantum laws, but fractal relativity, the
description of the ∆-1 quantum world as a similar scalar plane of space-time to the ∆+1 cosmologic world.
So what about the unification of the other forces in scalar couples? It follows immediately when we consider them the scalar
symmetry and similarity of the 5 Dimotions of the galaxy:
The Scalar similarity between the strong force and the gravitational force ‘inside the atom-galaxy’, both attractive ‘only’ and
the outer force of the galaxy (repulsive gravitation aka Dark Energy) and the outer force of the atom (electromagnetic
repulsive expansive forces) is immediate as it is the parallelism between magnetism and gravitomagnetism (Heaviside’s
discovery). While the weak force is NOT a force but the evolution of the families of particles between scales.
Because physicists only consider 1 scale and 1 time dimotion they are obliged to model all those forces, with lineal concepts
reducing them all forcefully into an exchange of lineal particles, when they are clearly different forces. For example the weak
force that happens in a single point transforming a particle into one o a higher scale of larger masses, is represented with a
gap that 'exchanges' the W-particle, NOT as Fermi shown first, an evolution of a higher particle into a heavier one, that then
suffers an entropic process of dissolution in 3 parts.
Such 5D variety of forces makes possible the organic functions and structure of self-similar atoms and galaxies. So we couple
forces according to their ∆±1 'symmetry of scale' as 5 forces equivalent to the 5 dimensional motions, ab. С, of physical
systems within galaxies. They must be studied in dualities, belonging to two different scales - the cosmological, ∆+1 scale
(gravitation & Dark Energy) and the ∆-1 quantum scale (strong force and electromagnetism); whereas the dualities relate
gravitation and strong forces and electromagnetism and Dark Energy; while a transformative, 'weak force' trans-forms
particles between 5D scales.
Finally, the twin paradox… is not that clear, though I imagine there must be experiments done, accelerating a muon or
other decaying particle in a magnetic field and decelerating it to see if it lives longer. We said this because it implies
processes of acceleration related to General relativity NOT so much special relativity, and the effects of decelerating from
light speed down, might cancel them. As I have not seen literature on such experiment, and by definition stience must study
experiments and particles known or disomorphisms well established we suspend judgment but consider it a good
introduction to Relativity in accelerated frames of references – that is subject to forces, as those are the key concepts to
understand mass. We could continue with this translation of both jargons, which is the path to truly unfiy in simple terms,
the two scales of physical ∆±¡ reality: /Poison form and voila¡ as the Bohr’s first orbit becomes the Scwartzschild radius
showing that an electron and a galactic nebulae is trapped in the potential well of the quark/black hole strong/gravitational
force, every constant and parameter including the Rydberg is simplie and becomes meaningful. RECAP. Because all systems
made of scales of vital space that last a time cycle, they all have bio-topo-logic properties. So we need always 3 scalar
perspectives that give 3 symbiotic properties. In the galaxy we talk of:
1. A scalar view that defines a galatom, by similarity of the atomic and galactic scale unified with 5D metric.
2. A Human view that defines the galaxy, our present single perspective with a single light spacetime continuum.
3. A Galactic view that defines a ‘galacell’ that is the galaxy as an organism, controlled by ‘DNA-like’ black holes. So we can
now study the galaxy as an organic system with its 5 Dimotional, organic networks of forces.
Haldane said, the universe is more complex and strange than humans can understand or even imagine. Yet its basics are
simple – a property of fractals that by self-repetition and recombination originate from a simple Generator equation, infinite
variations of the same theme: the scalar supœrganism.
The core of special relativity expressed in 5D reduces to postulates in the ∆-3 light scale, where the constancy of light speed
within the vacuum background of the galaxy takes place.
Now the point of the symmetry between galaxies and atoms – or galatom symmetry is NOT of any value to observe the
hyper-universe outside galaxies, beyond a general understanding that we are NOT in a gravitational but a giant
electromagnetic regime and the similarity of Dark Energy is with electromagnetism, and close to the border of the galaxy,

electronic strangelet negative charge takes over the gravitational ‘strong-nuclear force’ becoming as observed lineal. This is
the obvious explanation of dark quark matter and the so-called expansion of the Universe, and the basis for the 5D
cosmological model.
This said, what we oberve if the similarity holds to a higher degree is seemingly a bunch of atoms or perhaps anti-atoms of
cosmic proportions, (this is a more plausible hypothesis), which do NOT amount to much – less than a Mol of gaseous hyper-
universe within the reach of our observable instruments (1012 galaxies). We then talk of galases, gases of galaxies (: love my
‘spic inglish’:) These galases is actually connected through fibers and looks more like a ‘neuronal brain’ and if we fill in the
dark space we do NOT see outside the galases, who knows what you get, and who cares. A 5D worldview is not concerned
with such childish inquires. It just stops in its tracks thinking how ridiculously small we are, dust of space-time.
The adventure then is to consider the inside of galatoms as galacells and feel happy to be so diminutively irrelevant.
This said statistically is natural that we are part of galases and more over we seem to be in a ‘excited’ Hydrogen diatomic
molecule with a p-excited orbital state, but NOT filled with electronic ‘matter’ – just the excited state filled with ¥-rays. Since
statistically most of our hypouniverse is also made of hydrogen gas (90%), filling interstellar space and even if we were inside
some gaseous star atmosphere, at the atomic scale it would look rarified enough to be like our tiny section of the infinite
universe. So that is what we are, an average ‘mush over a rock’ lost in a sub-corner of the ∞ Universe’ (Schop.)
RECAP. Some Earlier notes on philosophy of 5D Physics and its nested superorganisms.
We return to the big-bang, as we study the real astrophysical world of galaxies and its worldcycle. But before we continue
with this brief introduction to 5D stiences, some notes on the philosophy of 5D Physics and its difference with 4D.
5D physics departs from a fundamental change of paradigm in the meaning of space, time and scale, S,T,∆, which changes
completely the way we look at the Universe. Space=form is always a mental space, hence a simplification of the real scalar
space of the Universe. This is proved by the fact of relativity: we cannot distinguish form from motion, because the mind
‘stops time-motion into form=space. Naïve realism is then off, so it is the hypothesis of the continuum (a simplification of
multiple scales of space-time), so it is the absolute zero (all zeros are finitesimal non-Euclidean points); so it is the hypothesis
of Cantorian infinites – infinity is uncertain… And so on and so on. And this lead us to the obvious question any profesional
physicist will ask himself, impatient – why to study a different ‘worldview’ of physics, beyond the ‘naïve realism’ of our
human mental space, even if it is deforming reality? Certainly not for practical reasons. There is nothing in those texts that
will help you to calculate better the motion of an electron in a field of a computer chip. So you should take it rather as a book
on philosophy of physics and the Universe. Of course for those who do actually research the great principles – the nature of
the Universe, of space, of time, of entropy, the arrows of future, the relationship between mathematics and physics – 5D is an
enormous jump of depth, complexity and truth. And it will reveal present physics as a patching model of pure praxis and
technology rather than ‘understanding’. It will also be a verbose book because essential concepts of nature such as time, turn
out to be much more than what a ‘digital’ clock measures, and reductionism is out.
It is not all the blame on physics though, since mathematics in its modern format has, as the only language, used by
physicists some problems. For example, absolute 0 does NOT exist in the Universe, as an infinitesimal is a finitesimal 0ε,
since ‘Non-E points’ have breath to fit a relativve number of parallels, which explains why the big-bang theory is false – as
the backwards comprension of space finds a cut-off substance in the gravitational galaxy. This requires to change the
definition of 0, derived of the definition of a non-E Point. Then there is the problem of ‘simultaneity’ and ‘co-existence’ in
space-time, which is more complex than the hypothesis of a continuum.
How to have a first image of 5D Physics? The principles of 5D Physics are rather simple and reduce to this: all what exists is a
combination of space=form and time=motion, called ‘Momentum’,. So to do 5D Physics you start ‘injecting’ Momentum, ST
to a system and then study how the system process this Momentum. It will then depend on the conditions of the system that
such Momentum is processed as ‘time’, or as ‘space’, and travels up in 5D ‘expanding space’. or down accelerating in time.
But 4D does NOT operate in those terms. Think of 4D physics as a mental reduction of reality, like a mirror-language is. We
are trying to trace from the mirror picture in 2D a much larger world of more dimensions. The continuity of the real line then

‘disentangles’ in different scales of numbers from larger natural to smallish real numbers, and only in the mirror of Algebra,
we compress those families into a continuous line. The mirror of Euclidean mathematics enlarges each point to become a
fractal point where actual straight parallels can fit. Particle points might become entire Galaxy-universes (Galatoms). This
expansion of space is easy to understand. More difficult to imagine and far more important is the expansion of time. We
compress time as we compress space also in our mind mirror. Consider the simultaneity of waves. This is an essential
mathematical tool called superposition. When we see a wave vibrating we see a superposition of waves, but is there really a
superposition or are we compressing in our time-quanta multiple waves? Sometimes that is actually the case. Time clocks
are infinite and while we equalize all of them to our clock, there are systems which have much faster time quanta, and so
what we see as ‘space’ sometimes is a simplification of a dynamic process of time, as a wheel seeing solid when it spins fast.
Now, again the reader will respond: all this is confusing, we jut want to do practical measures to fit in our mental spaces. But
as a philosopher of science I find it fascinating. We are selecting so little information about the whole reality out there, and
yet even doing so we can make a ‘fitting’ image to manipulate reality. We are NOT interested in that fitting image but in the
immense yet little understood even by this writer world of the paradoxes of the NON-compressed reality. And it is indee
paradoxically, because we can travel through the 5th dimension of scales. This is obvious in life. You are born with a faster
beat of time, as a seed; even when you are a fetus your heart is beating faster and as you grow it goes down. This IS how you
travel through the 5th dimension, and its metric equation is the ‘proof’ (Klein) that you can travel through it: Si x Tƒ=∆c (the
product of size and speed of cyclical time is constant). So the atom vibrates faster, the particle even faster. But as time not
only has multiple clocks but different ‘dimotions’ – causal forms in those cycles, from the repetition of a cycle (a dimotion of
reproduction) to an expansion in space (which therefore means a deceleration in time), it is NOT only necessary to
determine the speed of the clock but the direction of the 5th dimension in which we move – are we growing in space,
travelling upwards in the 5th dimension? Or diminishing? And are we reproducing a cycle, and if so, how many generations
have a particle and when a generation starts and a previous particle dies – as motion is the substance of reality, it is each
repetition of a cycle, each angular momentum an entity per se?
Back to the superposition of waves, we know there is a fundamental harmonic frequency and then the extraordinary thing is
that new harmonics are NOT larger/slower but faster/smaller… And that we perceive them ALL mixed. Are they really mixed
or it is our mental space that puts them all together, perceiving multiple ‘modes of time in a single space’, in ‘simultaneity’.
How those wave frequencies co-exist together? It is the chord creating time? It is creating Space? It is combining both? How
it does it? Not how we describe it mathematically? But how it happened in 5D ST? Etc. etc.
We are just giving you food for thought that physicists don’t munch anymore, sobusy-busy in physical praxis – that such
questions are NOT even made. For all of this, we need to break down ‘at least’ even if I just will attempt to gather as in all
papers in my 3rd age with dwindling mind memory and thirst of life – the thrill is gone – give impressionist strokes of 5D
physics from old texts.
Can we make some order of all this? Yes, but if you are going to read you will have to go back to school and learn first true
Non-Euclidean mathematics and at least pentalogic or heptalogic ‘dimotions of space-time’ as those we just mentioned ( a
present repetition of form, an expansion in space and deceleration of speed and the inverse ‘vortex’ law, Vo x Ro = C).
So again we break down into a more practical, less philosophical analysis of physics as it is taught, and broken in scales and a
more theoretical and inquisitive analysis of physics in space-time, because physicists know no shit, seriously about what
space and time is since Galileo and Einstein got it all wrong, because Hilbert & Cantor messed up the maths of Riemann (:
Einstein defined spacetime as a continuum failing to realize that its non-Euclidean analysis implied that points were fractal
points that hold a world in themselves (Leibniz), to fit multiple parallels and so space was made of 5D scales of relative size
with different time cycles. Time and Space and Scale thus are ill defined in physics, which also misses the panpsychic,
sentient properties of the Universe, due to its reduce of the role of ‘form’, information, in reality. Reductionism of the
different motions of time, scales of space, expanded to that lack of understanding of the organic, vital properties of physical
systems, reduced to a single language of description, mathematics, whose analytic nature could not reveal those synthetic,
organic structures. Physicists with those reductions of reality finally had only a single time arrow, entropy to model the

Infinite Universe, and so they developed a wrong big-bang concept of it. For all those reasons, the first paper on physics will
deal with the theoretical models and issues of physics, regarding the 5 elements of reality, scale, space, time, languages and
entropy. While the second paper will be once those concepts are clarified in depth, an analysis as all other papers on
different ‘stiences’ on the ‘nested scalar superorganisms’ of the Universe, which departing from the larger galaxy down to
the atom, will be described according to the hierarhcy of those 5 elements, first in scale, then in time, next in space, and
finally in mind-language, within the entropic limits of existence of all spacetime systems of reality. So in the second paper we
will go down from the ∆±¡ galaxy, to its nested geological planets and its molecular matter, down to the atomic scale.

Sorry but we are not doing the whole mathematical study of evanescence and emergence at this st-age but jut impressionist
views. There is then the mathematical modelling of motion between scales, which we analyze in a simplified manner in our
study of the 3rd postulate of non-AE geometry with the concept of spatial networks, equivalent to temporal waves In the
graphs we see 2 of the 4 different models of the fifth dimension in formal mathematics, which go
from the simplest lineal view, through the elliptic ∆-1 ∧ ∆+1 view, its inverse ∆+1 v ∆-1 view, an
the complex ST combined view (Riemman surfaces).
The first one corresponds to the humind’s biased Universe, self-centered in ∆º, which observes
equal amount of distorted information moving downward or upwards in scale, hence it seems to
us equal the ∆±1 quantum and electromagnetic scale.
This solution can be a 'closed' hyperbolic solution in which the mind is truly watching above and below the 'same' reality; or
a self-similar solution in which each 12th scale coincides but the size is completely opposed, infinitesimal and infinite. The
graph is the lineal solution with similar concepts, the bottom and top are the limits of size and there are no more levels of
Galaxies, (Galaxies≈Atoms) thus resolve the philosophical question on how many 5D scales exist; as we find enough self-
similarity to 'run again' another game of fractal scales (not identical but self-similar as in a Mandelbrot fractal) both by
quantitative and qualitative methods between the atom and the galaxy. A question that might be extended to the §∏
dualities of open, ‘entropic strings’ and closed ‘cyclical informative strings’, in a possible larger and smaller scale of
microscopic strings and superstrings:
Ouroboros the Universal Snake, bites its tail on the string quantum and cosmological self-similar scales, as perceived from
the human ∆o mind. Philosophy of stience would argue those scales are real but part of its self-similarity is mental: that is,
the loss of information in the perception of scales make humans extract the same information from the upper and lower
10±30 scales.
What about the Hyperuniverse? We do not know what the infinite Universe even in its local region of galatoms looks like,
though due to the expansion of space between galatoms, is likely an entropic gas of local atoms on the hyper-Universe. It is
not though a big-bang Universe, because even if we run backwards the expansion of space between galatoms, the implosion
of information in galaxies, counter that effect, so at best, we could say that running backwards the big-bang equation we
shall meet a 'solid' crystal of galatoms.
Below the one which better suits the knowledge I have acquired on those scales - a minimal Riemann surface, in which the
imaginary scale repeats the surface, regardless of size (a parameter not considered), in a series of 'emerging centres,
perceived from the upper scale as mere points-sink of the lower one.
Analysis becomes the most important branch of mathematical physics. Since when we upgrade concepts with mathematical
models the bidimensional complex plane will be the way to parametrize 5D physics, whereas the real part will mostly
represent entropic, expansive motions and the imaginary part informative, 'smaller' extensions (but denser in information);
and its combinations, energy waves.

Alternatively the other great 'unknown' to represent space-time scales, is the duality of o-1-∞ scales of reality, such as the 0-
1 circle represents a whole, part of a 1-∞ scale and both are in correspondence in various ways.
In the central graph we see the simplest of such 'models' (2 Dimensional):
A Riemann's minimal family of complex surfaces with an infinite number of end-points particles asymptotic to parallel
planes, each plane "shelf" connected with self points that act as catenoid-like bridges between 5D shelves. It perfectly
represents the downwards entropic death motion, after a particle reaches its singularity. Notice that the fall of the particle is
two planes of the fifth dimension as it enters the gutter and crosses without entering the intermediate, Ƽ scale.
Moreover, their intersections with horizontal planes are informative circles or entropic lines, according to the duality of its
Riemann proved that they were the only minimal surfaces fibered by circles in parallel planes besides the '§∏-catenoid
wave', the T-helicoid and the S-plane (3 essential forms in the mathematical formalism of 5D). They are also the only
nontrivial embedded minimal surfaces in Euclidean 3-space invariant under the group generated by a nontrivial translation,
a key element to formalize all the possible motions through the fifth dimension.
As such some geometric constructions of the complex plane are the best mathematical representations of fifth dimensional
sub-equations of the function of existence travelling through scalar planes in its worldcycles, and its systems of parts (the
plane) 'self-centered' in a particle-point-mind connected with paths that respect the principle of 'minimal time-actions'
(Fermat's principle) of all systems, and connected to other planes through 'entropic lines' and time circles. And the simplest,
first 'form' of the topological 'analysis' of the fifth dimension in its more complex mathematical formalisms, we might
develop, lifetime permitted in the four line of this web.
Another way to look at it though is to consider that in each point of reality there is a ternary scalar structure of three time
dimotions as there is a ternary organic structure of three organic parts and then a discontinuous membrane in space, which
cuts you partially from the outside reality, such as there is more information within you that between you and the outer
world. So you are a finite being in space. So happens with birth and death, which are your finite limits in time, such as there
is far more time motions within your life than in your emergent fetus state and your dissolving entropic death.
And for the same reason in scales of existence, an organism is really a finite ∆º±1 being, as below the cellular level and above
the world level there are cut offs that make irrelevant the outer scale. Indeed, it does not matter much the galaxy you are in,
beyond the solar system and its oort membrane that isolates you, and provides you within all entropy, energy
and information. So for all practical senses, as you are not really outside your skin, beyond your death, you are not really
concerned above the sun's membrane.
And vice versa, as your existence below the seminal, seed, informative level matters little, beyond the cellular, molecular
level it does NOT matter what indistinguishable atoms you are made of. Your atoms can be any carbon atom as they are
indistinguishable bits for the creation of the information you are.
Hence the question of ∞ scales, which will be the most likely hypothesis as atoms and galaxies will show an astounding self-
similarity, becomes irrelevant from the praxis of a 'spiritual universe' of intelligent motions, where 'form, substance' are
secondary, and perception of information limited in each 'ghost of existence' to its ∆±1 scales.
What is the special role of man on this infinite fractal? None. And all, because
the game of existence in the Universe, closely understood in Asian
philosophies (as yin=Vishnu=information=time=female vs.
entropy=yang=Shiva=space=male were a close verbal account of it) suffices in
itself for those who want to 'live', to maximise their existence.
Life is beautiful when properly understood and fulfilling; but the game of
existence as a space-time being is harsh and it can be cruel with those who do
not play by the rules. One thing is for sure, the game is JUST, balance as it

based precisely in the 'coincidentia oppositorum', the coming together of its two extremes, entropy and information, which
mix to create the infinite forms of energy of the Universe. You will have though to read at least 30 pages of this introduction
to change your chip, and understand... It suffices to say that the people who closer understood it in the western tradition,
the Greek and German philosophers, above them Aristotle and Leibniz felt it was the most perfect of all possible worlds. And
it is, precisely because of its cruelty with those species that do NOT make the cut, and become extinct, for the game to have
all its beauty.
And that is where the western tradition, which constantly tries to 'dialog' with an inexistent 'mirror-God' to get privileges,
stumbles and makes the type of huge errors of conduct - since the game is one of behaviour, of form-in-action of in-form-
ation - which come back to hunt them. As you should 'do onto others what you want to be done onto you', in the action-
reaction processes of life and death.
The 2 forms of describing the scales; the humans self-centered approach and physical size approach.
Also there are three ways to describe in orderly manner the scales. The common approach of physicists GOES from minor to
major, even if it is not the causality that works in the Universe. The true form to do it rightly is from the human scales of
maximal perception as all are Disomorphic-self similar and those are better seen.
But as this is the 'second line', again we use a more classic approach - inverse to that of physicists from major - the galaxy
and Universe to minor, considering first the error of the big-bang, then the organic galaxy and then down the different
perceived scales till the most unperceived, and complex one, quantum physics, which will be a good introduction to the third
part of mathematical physics. Latter we shall use the self-centered approach departing from thermodynamics and classic
Why we do so should be obvious to the reader: ∆st is a philosophy of science, of the whole, a synoptic organic method, and
so it work best with 'wholes' and describing them NOT mathematically but organically.
Imagine a civilisation that would not 'speak mathematics' but can observe the galaxy. Would he have a language to explain
'meaningfully', what is all about? Yes, the organic language and the explanation of the galaxy as a super organism, we shall
see IS as meaningful or even more than its mathematical description merely as 'motions'.
And next would come the description of the Galatom’s organism, as the nested largest Universe in which we exist, noticing
the disomorphisms of ∆±4 gravitational species and ∆±3 electromagnetic ones, to finally study in higher detail the ∆±1,2
Earth’s scales of matter that most matter to us.
Renormalization of scales of Fractal space.
There are many ways to prove the fractal structure of space, in scales of 'different size' - the meaning of the 5th dimension.
Physicists merely ignore the conceptual issue and as always practical people in search of mathematical equations, merely
use mathematical methods to unify their parameters.
This is easy to do because actually mathematics - THE FORMAL SCIENCE THAT EXPLAINS THE 5D fractal space-time Universe
DO have accordingly 3 sub disciplines mimetic to those 3 elements, 5D analysis, non-Euclidean geometry and Temporal
algebra, which T.Πimproves to fully obtain a mirror image of the Universe with the fundamental mathematical equations.
So basically by using analysis and through the concepts of quanta, that is of 'finitesimals' Physics acknowledges the 5th
dimension (finitesimals instead of infinitesimals as there is always, as Leibniz did understand in his formulation of calculus a
'quanta' or minimal fractal point of any scale of the 5th dimension) We shall here consider of the 2 'great' fields of
mathematical physics dedicated to it - analysis
In essence 5D space-time cycles means basically that reality is a fractal. This means all is self-similar, ‘affine’, fractal,
isomorphic, self-similar words. And so somehow all can be described with similar properties under ‘transformations’. For
An image of a fern-like fractal that exhibits affine self-similarity. Each of the leaves of the fern is related to each other leaf by
an affine transformation. For instance, the red leaf can be transformed into both the small dark blue leaf and the large light
blue leaf by a combination of reflection, rotation, scaling, and translation.

Those 4 operations are the essence of physical studies of material fractal systems. The methodology of physics consists in
studying systems that are ‘invariant’ under rotation or time motion, scaling or 5D motion, and translation or space motion
and reflection or Space-time motion.
However NOT al systems are invariant under those processes, in 5D physics there are ‘antisymmetries’ of time (from birth to
extinction, which are inverse actions) and hence asymmetries in space (as the 3 elements, Sæ, §∏ (§∏) and To are different
topologies). And in 5D there are ‘reversal roles on motions upwards and downward, so similarities happen, when we jump
two scales.
All this said, it is essential to recognize the existence of 5D and get rid of ‘hang-ups’ from tribal idols of the Germanic idealist
school of science (Hilbert, Bohr, Heisenberg, Clausius, and Einstein in mathematics, and small, medium and large physical
systems) with its 4 ideological errors: mathematics is consistent with itself not real (disproved by Gödel), quantum physic is
only what we observe and only one state at a time (Copenhagen interpretation of ∆-1), the only arrow of time is entropy-
motion-death, ∆) and the rod of human electronic measure, space-time light (c-speed) must
remain constant and all other ‘clocks and lengths’ of space-time must be adapted to it. And
finally all ‘together now’, the Universe is a space-time Continuum, as the founding father
Descartes used a single space-time and Newton made it sacred.
Of course physicists and scientists do work with the more complex reality but the underlying
philosophy of science is stuck on this postulates, making all very Ptolemaic, and confuse. One of the tasks of TΠis stopping
the confusion with a simple methodology and a series of basic postulates about the nature of the organic, fractal Universe.
So people can drop all those ‘postulates that so often hang up’ on their work and break it down to nonsense.
Consider for example the electron, which is OBVIOUSLY a fractal nebulae when in §∏(st)ential wave state. This is taboo.
Because when we measure it, the electron collapses into particle, as always waves and herds do organically when
confronting a mass (schools, armies in battle formation etc.). And because we do have the continuum mantra. Now this
brought about many problems ALSO in the entire field besides the quantum arguments wave or particle, Buridan ass kind of
loss of time. Legend: The Buridan ass died of hunger, because it could not decide which to eat of to equal bales of straw, left
and right. Answer both. Do the experiment, the ass will eat first one and then the other, or eat a bit of each till ending both.
Wave & particle, body & head. The organic paradigm is immediate. Do you have a body or a head, are you a body or a head.
So physicists ran into infinities because they could not accept fractals. For 80 years, they found an infinity in an equation and
just got rid of them!
The early formulators of QED and other quantum field theories were, as a rule, dissatisfied with this state of affairs. It
seemed illegitimate to do something tantamount to subtracting infinities from infinities to get finite answers.
Freeman Dyson argued that these infinities are of a basic nature and cannot be eliminated.
Dirac's criticism was the persistent:
‘Most physicists are very satisfied with the situation. They say: 'Quantum electrodynamics is a good theory and we do not
have to worry about it any more.' I must say that I am very dissatisfied with the situation, because this so-called 'good
theory' does involve neglecting infinities, which appear in its equations, neglecting them in an arbitrary way. This is just not
sensible mathematics.
Feynman wrote: Having to resort to such hocus-pocus has prevented us from proving that the theory of quantum
electrodynamics is mathematically self-consistent. I suspect that renormalization is not mathematically legitimate.
Today they found a ‘fractal philosophy’ to accept getting rid of infinities, which ARE scalar ‘finitesimal’ numbers of an ∆-n
scale. Today, the point of view has shifted: on the basis of the breakthrough renormalization group insights of Kenneth
Wilson, the focus is on variation of physical quantities across contiguous scales, while distant scales are related to each other
through "effective" descriptions. All scales are linked in a broadly systematic way, and the actual physics pertinent to each is
extracted with the suitable specific computational techniques appropriate for each.
Specifically Wilson studied; the Kondo effect describes the scattering of conduction electrons in a metal due to magnetic
The effect was first described by Jun Kondo, who applied third-order perturbation theory to the problem. He wrote the
temperature dependence of the resistivity including the Kondo effect as:

Which shows the general nature of such problems – to include the canonical logarithmic or potency parameters that
represent a ‘different scale of the 5th dimension’ (dimensions being always potencies or inverse logarithms) to adjust a
quantity ‘influenced’ by another scale of size or time speed of the universe.

Now in the Kondo effect we see that we have 3 perturbations, T2, but then
an inverse, and then a larger T5, why perturbations are inverted in certain
scales, how effects transfer between planes, how they vary, etc. This is the true stuff that time permitted I will keep pouring
in the 3rd and 4th lines of details, or when I finish my worldcycle, the future geniuses of this discipline, will be busy-busy, once
this point- my mind, which shrunk the Universe into ® expands into a wave of human thought and becomes their world (-;
Now seriously, as earlier as 1953, a function called the beta function was used to renormalize those scales.
BUT you are not told, 63 years latter that the Universe’s space is a fractal. And you don’t study sciences with the 5th
dimension of fractal systems. This is what I call tribal idols. There is only a space-time absolute Newtonian continuum.
5D space-time cycles means basically that reality is a fractal. This means all is self-similar, ‘affine’, fractal, isomorphic, self-
similar words. And so somehow all can be described with similar properties under ‘transformations’. For example:
An image of a fern-like fractal that exhibits affine self-similarity. Each of the leaves of the fern is related to each other leaf by
an affine transformation. For instance, the red leaf can be transformed into both the small dark blue leaf and the large light
blue leaf by a combination of reflection, rotation, scaling, and translation.
Those 4 operations are the essence of physical studies of material fractal systems. The methodology of physics consists in
studying systems that are ‘invariant’ under rotation or time motion, scaling or 5D motion, and translation or space motion
and reflection or Space-time motion.
However NOT al systems are invariant under those processes, in 5D physics there are ‘antisymmetries’ of time (from birth to
extinction, which are inverse actions) and hence asymmetries in space (as the 3 elements, Ts, §∏ (§∏) and St are different
topologies). And in 5D there are ‘reversal roles on motions upwards and downward, so similarities happen, when we jump
two scales.
The closest one to the humans sphere and hence the one with less loss of energy and information is mechanics:
The different arrows of the 5th dimension, S x Tƒ = K, imply that energy-motion descends from upper regions into lower
regions with ‘perfect’ transmission, and this applies to mechanics, which studies how ‘Gravitational forces’, the cosmological
forces of max. strength in black holes, which affect all particles starting from the minimal mass of a top quark, particle of
black holes, or the equivalent mass of a the most informative atom, the gold atom.
Below this scale as the ‘eye doesn’t’ seem certain frequencies, or the ear certain sounds’, the gravitational force has no
longer power and vanishes. Mechanics though is fairly straight, and accurate, compared to other subjects of physics, which
include quite a lot of conceptual errors, by lack of a 5D formalism.
Now some of the consequences of the different entropy of the information and energy arrows (information entropy being
defined by Shannon, for physical systems in a single, lineal dimension as entropy is – which strictly speaking must be cored
for 3 dimensional systems) are the existence between planes of ‘informative doors’ and ‘limits of motion’.
For the Human co-existing 3 planes, those limits of existence are:
- S: c-limit of speed between the Galactic scale beyond which we enter the expansive, faster Dark Energy scale outside
galaxies, from where perception of motion disappears observed as Spatial growth of distance towards infinity (expansion of
intergalactic space)
- Tƒ: 0 k limit of Thermodynamic order on the lower scale of time clocks, bey9ond which information perception disappears
and time moves towards 0 (no perception of the ‘wells-doors' between our world and black hole vortices).
We call those regions of transition beyond which perception of information and energy disappears the Lorentzian regions, in
which there is a distortion of the geometry of space-time and the balanced Se=to parameters observed from the ∆o human
point of view.
Entropy only theories in that sense are nonsense, created by reducing the 3 arrows of time to a single arrow of entropy and
by NOT understanding that all is a formal motion and substance, pure static Parmenides-like form is just an error of the mind
which eliminates motion-dimensions of reality to keep in its still mapping a static focused mirror image of reality, with less

dimensions-motions (in fact a holographic 2 dimensional form of information that eliminates 3 dimensions of reality, the
motion of time cycles, the depth, 3rd dimension of space planes and the5th dimension of scales not observed directly).
So we can now distinguish in more detail several key events of the 2 x 2 flows of motion and form from two N±1and L±2
planes of existence, in the first motion what we call a co-existing synchronizing flow, in the second case a death process in
which the present ‘plane’ is jumped over, (quantum jump) and pure entropy is formed.
-. When a system dies, the Ts-Past (∆-1) > §∏-Present (n) > St Future (∆+1) is reversed WITHOUT the present. There is then a
‘quantum jump’ in a quanta of space-time, in which ALL the information, ð§, of the system is erased directly into an ∆-1 field
of pure disordered energy, expanding in space, and this is the concept of disordered entropy we so often use. And write in
® as a dual Motion jump: St < < Ts<Tt, the mathematical and logic definition of death in ®.
All form (mass or charge) is devolved to the 2 lowest scales. This in physics is M+1 <©≈©<E-1, that is the mass which is the
§ð state, becomes pure entropic, expansive radiation, after jumping << twice through the present ∑e x ∏I -light wave. As c is
the constant wave of present space-time of our world.
- However in most cases energy and information is transferred back and forth from the field to the particle through the
intermediate present wave-body, which processes it and transforms it for the field or the particle to use it. And this can be
done with 0 entropy of energy and information either way when the system is absolutely efficient, which happens for all
systems in certain balanced states mostly on the middle age §∏, or for information in the old age of minimal energy, St, and
for energy in the 1st age of minimal information.
And this is what we mean by different arrows.
Namely a young state, which is ‘all energy’, can obviously transfer energy better, so a youngster is a better athlete. There is
no inference of the negative, inverse formal arrow because the kid is pure motion. So he deliver entropy , motion ad
And vice versa the solid, crystal, old man delivers information with minimal energy, pure form, because that is all what he
While in the middle the body-wave has both energy (entropy) and information (form) and then we must wonder how both
become entangled and how they are transferred.
Now because only in the conception phase information is moved upwards with maximal quality (palingenetic process of
fetus conception) and in death energy is moved downwards with maximal quality (pure entropy explosion) JUMPING over
the present states, by palingentic acceleration of time cycles which are ‘void of any energy content’ and compressed for the
efficient actions of time evolution on the 5h dimension (hence the fact that in 9 moths we evolve perfectly without entropy
because the program has masterly selected only those formal motions that are efficient, eliminating the entire entropy of
information provoked by the chaotic process of evolution), we shall then wonder what happens between the St-1 (seed) >>
Ƽ onception of the being, in which a seed of the lower scale emerges as a perfectly formed organism that lives 3 ages,
(Ts>§∏>St) as a relative social point of the ∆+1 social scale, and the death in which to+1 << St-1 reverses into a seed.
It is call ‘existence’ as a messed up mixture of energy and information, and this is the time of entropy and information
combined, created, destroyed, you name it.
Here though because the ‘principles of conservation of angular and lineal momentum, and its worldcycle integrals of internal
and external kinetic energy, apply, the overall conservation of cyclical and lineal motions is assured what happens is that
according to efficiency and the Darwinian program of selection the Universe selects the species with maximal momentum)
physical systems) and with maximal existential force (max Head information x Max. body force).
Haldane one said, the universe is more complex and strange than humans can understand or even imagine… Yet its basis are
amazingly simple – a property of fractals that by self-repetition and recombination originate from a very simple Generator
equation, infinite variations of the same theme: the scalar supœrganism.
So the next element to define is the scalar element; that is to classify, which full T.œs (ab. Timespace Supœrganism) exist in
physics, and the equivalence between the constants of physics which are ratios between its S and t elements, often
represent the value of a dimotion (hence in the form of a product); and the components of organisms (often defined in
terms of sums and superpositions)

And for that we have experimental physics. But let us be aware of the nested structure of those superorganisms and its
‘blind’ capacity to jump between scales, so the Galaxy in its ∆±4 gravitational structure really ignores the electronic world, as
it is ultimately a quark game; while the world of man, ∆±3 superorganisms.
So it is best for clarity to study independently those supœrganisms as chains of scales to identify then their properties and
then mix them together.
We have thus first the ∆±3 humind’s world, with a clear scalar structure of parts of wholes:
∑∑∑∑∆-4: Planckton > ∑∑∑∆-3: photons ≈ ∑∑∆-2: electrons≈ ∑-1 molecules ≈ ∆º: matter
And the world of quarks in its growing scales:
∑∑∑∆-3: Gluons ≈ ∑∑∑∆-2 ud-quarks ≈mesons≈ ∑∑∆-1: BCT quarks ≈ ∑º: black hole minds…
Such chains happen for different species of the physical Universe and so we can study each one and find for each of them its
3 ‘parts’ and 5 ‘dimotions’ and 3 ‘scales’ and the 0ε-point that acts as the ‘knot’ of flows of St-information where its mind
will reside (the center of the black hole, likely a top quark boson state, the crystal center, with its mind-image, etc.
This kind of description though does not address the translation that obsesses physicists – that of the Ts-locomotion laws of
physics and its energy laws that are useful for the praxis of huminds. So we will intersect novel 5D analysis of supœrganisms
of physics and translation of the 4D laws of physics, bearing in mind they are NOT that important, regardless of the
obsession of physicists with them.
The complexity of those systems is extraordinary, conceded, and the work of physicists describing it to the detail
remarkable. But we are interested for the whys Feynman said never matter to a physicist. This is absurd, a dogma, a limit to
maintain the egocy of humind – the affirmation, only what we measure matters… It is like not caring to know what an
elephant is, just measuring and filling volumes about its quantitative sizes…
So rather than expanding the already excessive field of mathematical measure, we are doing mostly interpretations of the
meanings of those measures – as that field is the realm of ‘experts’ and they have done good enough. Let us then number
the organisms and its 3 parts and then its 5 dimotions.
∆±4 scale. We cannot perceive it, so the largest doll that encloses galaxies lacks certainty. Still we might hint that the
minimal form of maximal speed, Tt, is the neutrino at v>c and the max. form of minimal speed the scalar Higgs boson.

Nt. 1. The symbol ∆ is both a visual reminder of the two different dimotions of ‘growth in space, inverse to the loss of information’,
and a tribute to one of the few predecessors of this work, in the formal arena – Wilson’s renormalization mathematical apparatus,
which finally realized of those discontinuities using a symbol Λ, for the Momentum scale under which a measurement of a physical
parameter is performed. According to Wilson every scale of the Universe and the fields of space-time that define them have its
Momentum cut-off Λ, i.e. the theory is no longer valid at energies higher than Λ, and all degrees of freedom above the scale Λ are to
be omitted. But Λ is related to a size of space. For example, the cut-off could be the inverse of the atomic spacing in a condensed
matter system, and in elementary particle physics it could be associated with the fundamental "graininess" of spacetime caused by
quantum fluctuations in gravity. The failure to remove the cut-off Λ from calculations in such a theory merely indicates that new
physical phenomena appear at scales above Λ, where a new theory is necessary. As today only with the use of Wilson’s
renormalization, which simply eliminates absolute zeros and infinities outside the scaling of space-time of a given plane, quantum
physics makes sense.

The 5D Universe is a fractal of similar but not equal scalar planes, which cluster in trilogic S=T=∆ structures that do not emerge
causally from each other (constructionism and causal emergence), neither appear by chaotic evolution but rather ‘resurface’; as
a membrain for a vital space, a new enclosure of Ss-language x Tt-entropy = §∏-vital space. We thus prefer the ‘visual’ concept
of resurfacing for this new ‘layer’ of complexity that cruelly dampens and blinds the previous layer, which are NO longer taken
as individual, worthy elements, but mere parts subject to herding by the parameters and values of the new language.
Disomorphic Creationism is a better description than constructionist emergence or chaotic evolution of a process so simple and
repetitive that makes every 3 layers a similar construct.
In constructivism, the egocy theory of physicists all comes from quantum physics but that is not truth. As we cannot practically
calculate with a many particle system of microscopic equations, the macroscopic systems characterized by broken symmetry:
the symmetry present in the microscopic equations is not present in the macroscopic system, due to
phase=age=scale=topologic ∆=S=T transitions.
So even physicists describe macroscopic systems with a new ‘language’ as its properties do not depend on microscopic details.
Microscopic interactions become irrelevant— just a renormalized effect that hardly bothers the new SSxTT system. Thus as we
cannot calculate the new symmetry of ∆o from the ∆-1 properties the entire philosophy of constructivism, emergence and
reducibility is non-sense.
5D is rather the opposite of emergence, as the lower planes suffer an evanescence of its properties becoming just an ∆-4 boost
for motion, ∆-3 bit of information, ∆-2 bite of energy and ∆-1 beat of dimotional frequency, for the ∆0 new master of the ‘ideal’
trinity and pentalogic game.
It is then best to start as we do in the stientific method by defining ANY 3 correlated topologies in space, §∏-ages in time, Scalar
Planes with the 3 mirror languages humans use to describe its co-existence and properties (non-E topo-logy, non-A bio-logy), to
extract its mathematical, logic and organic properties.
Those properties are ruled by the topologic laws of ‘fractal points’ that move as ‘waves’ and form ‘still’, physiological trinity
networks = non-AE planes, whose ‘rules of engagement’ in perpendicular, Darwinian or parallel social forms are ruled by the
4th postulate of ¬Æ, of similarity evolved from the classic E-postulate of equality≈congruence… As we cannot perceive, when a
new scale surfaces the whole ‘evanescent’ inner, invisible parts of the point, so we can only reach a partial equality. THAT IS the
organic fractals of the Universe are not equal in scales, but similar with internal parts that might differ even if the outsider form
of the point seems equal to an external observer. The true wisdom and infinite variety of the Universe steams for that simple
fact: the only equality lies in the ultimate layer of sensations, and Ðisomorphic laws precisely because they have minimal
information. The devil is in the details. So while an atom and a galaxy have the same formal equation in 5D metric, certainly
they must not be 'exactly equal' (in fact galaxies are more similar to anti-particles, with the maximal mass in the outer angular
momentum of its dark matter=strangelet halo - Witten hypothesis, if the pedantic scholar asks).
For that reason the Ðisomorphic method requires a complex detailed analysis on each scale to obtain a full connection of its
general laws with the quantitative local parameters of each exact stience... Once its philosophy is understood. As it is not
monologic, egocy people will keep arguing and hoarding to its ceteris paribus model.
The connections for an emergent nature exist in the way the ∆-1 world is chained by the frequency of its dimotions to the
larger world. But again those are general laws for any 3 scales… lost to linearity.
Humind’s intuitive perception of cyclical space-time beings simplifies into linearity the ∞ time clocks of information of the
Universe. Once this informative quality of time cycles disappears, reality which is a flow of time-space cycles, synchronized and
chained to each other by organic functions disappears. And so man looses any understanding of the vital nature of the
Universe, and starts to measure lineal motions as the meaning of it all. The vt=s, which has minimal information becomes then
the regular form of knowledge, where the frequency and form of discontinuous time cycles disappears.

After constructivist emergence, the 2nd most popular philosophy of science as a grand theory, expanded beyond its limits is
evolutionary selection. For evolutionists everything comes from the survival chaotic selection after things 'happen' with no plan
or limits and alas, then we must find some convoluted explanation on why it happened to help survival. Not, so. The best case
sample is the flat wing and the spherical eye, which are so complex by random chaotic mutation would never happen unless
there are 3 topological limits and a constant check of form and function, S=T symmetry. Another case is gender, which does not
increase the reproduction of the being (one-sex self-reproduction does, making fungi the most reproductive species). Gender is
an embedded characteristic of 'helicity' and 'mirror symmetry of the universe that emerges from all scales with no preferential
one as its origin (in a cyclical Universe where from string to string in theory, from atom to galaxy in experimental proved
analysis the immortality of infinite scales emerge once and again with subtle variations.
Disomorphic Emergence combined with evanescence - not constructionism or evolution is the causal game between scales.
Finally entropic simplification and reductionism of which chaotic evolution is just a kaleidoscopic side is the 3rd ‘best’ humind’s
modeling of reality. We have trashed it so often is not worth to repeat. Ultimately what we can do with those ‘philosophies of
science’ is apply to them a trilogic, ∆§∏ partial views:
Tt-entropic theories (among which chaotic evolution, big-bang and 2nd law of thermodynamics reign supreme). Ss-
Mathematical, creationist, linguistic theories, among which religion and Pythagorean sects reign supreme.
∆-emergent, theories of causality among which physical constructivist reign supreme.
None is accurate. We are in a nested, predatory Universe that ‘suffocates’ and ‘blinds’ scales and leaves invisible voids and cat
alleys, as a new membrain takes only part of the Ts-kinetic energy and St-information of an inner enclosed world; which is
entropically limited by them.
The ‘breaking of symmetry’, - parlance of pedantic physics –merely means the synergic properties – to speak the pedantic
parlance of systemics – that put together the lower vital space, are lost as the invagination of networks coming from the 2 Ss-
informative and Tt-entropic membrain poles breaks havoc on the previous structure.
It applies regardless of spatial form to all physical, biological and social structures, which are rearranged by the new language
and enclosure and the ‘new species’ emerging more efficiently with new languages. So there is no emergence as a
collaboration, but in specific ‘symbiotic’ births (as when a mystical, verbal, ethic God emerges from the minds of believers), but
most often ‘farming’, and ‘herding’ of the micropoints.
Another social example will suffice; unlike in the emergence of social Gods, in modern societies capitalism ‘emerged’ with a
‘new language’, digital money, ‘re-valuing’ all things that previously had verbal, ethic values, where humans had the maximal
value as the protagonist non-E points of the historic supœrganism. Now a new superorganism, the company-mother of
machines, weapons and money, ‘selfish memes of metal’ carried by ‘animetal’ predatory technocrats, warriors and bankers,
enclosed with military membranes in ‘industrial nations and aristocratic kingdoms’, a mass of human verbal farmers guided
previously by ethic priests. There is here zero symbiosis, 0 emergence regardless of modern brain-washing idol-ogies but pure
predation of a new ‘species’, the animetal, half human, half metal, preying on the fertile crescent and using ever since the 90%
as its vital space to tax farm and use as ‘canon meat’ for its wars.
We distinguish true ‘emergence’ of a symbiotic higher scale which is a dual feed-back as the emergent property reorganizes and
influences the ∆-1 scale vs. Darwinian enclosures, where the ∆-1 scale will be hacked, broken in its symmetries and often
Today as the metal-earth of AI robots and hypnotic visual machines emerge preying over Gaia and History it is obvious what we
have been warning for 30 years. We are not in a synergic process – the Internet is NOT a human but a mechanical brain;
machines are NOT our ‘sons’ but a different species.
This also applies to biological systems where we must distinguish according to the 4th postulate of relative congruence social
processes of emergence from bio-chemistry to cells to multicellular systems and superorganisms, from Darwinian processes
and human farming processes.

For an external observer it might seem a symbiosis the fact that there are today more poultry than human beings, while other
birds become extinct. But most chickens if asked likely would prefer to die than live the way they do in a farm. The growth of
humanity to catalyze machines is not an emergent but a predatory process.
In physical systems we must also distinguish according to the disomorphic method emergent vs. predatory processes between
new ‘membrains’ of physical Nature, which might act in a symbiotic or predatory manner.
The distinction is subtle but repetitive according to the illogic postulates of Non-AE: feed-back emergence between scales do
NOT divide and win the parts but rather bond them together even tighter; as the new networks ‘serve’ the parts and have
‘feed-back’ dual flows of energy and information to ‘adjust’ each other. I.e. in a life superorganism the cells can send pain
messages to the brain, NOT only receive orders. In a capitalist democracy the flow is one-dimensional: the politico ushers laws
but has immunity and cannot be judged a posteriori by the voter as in earlier real Greek democracies. Further on the new
‘emergent’ scale has the SAME LANGUAGE than the parts, so the wor(l)d is both the language of individual huminds and
prophets of God, the ‘saint spirit’ that relates the individual and the ‘father-social god-subconscious collective’ (Trinity mystery
of Christianity). So the ‘new scale’ spontaneously appears within the mind of the believer by the effect of simultaneity of
thoughts, given to all by the book of revelation. While in a predatory process, there is a NEW language (digital money in
capitalism), with new values, that often carve and divide the original organism (so Christian Europe was broken in military
kingdoms and conflicting industrial nations)… In that regard, the new ‘emergent’ scale is often within the same ‘Larger Plane’ of
existence of the Universe… IT IS not AN ENTIRE new scale with new parameters, languages and constants of St<§∏>Ts,
information, energy and motion. And it does NOT provoke entropy among the previous ∆-1 parts, which become ‘distanced’ of
each other by the invagination of those new alien networks – today by the selfie invagination of mobiles and virtual fictions
that break humans into isolated computer-connected enzymen.
How we assess emergence in physical systems vs. predatory behavior?
Consider a case of positive feed-back emergence: a magnetic field that ‘shields’ electric charges in motion, protecting them
from external aggressive radiation (a planet), disordering forces, etc. The magnetic language though is of the same ‘species’
than then electric language (both fields are hardly distinguishable in an electromagnetic ¥-radiation). It has emerged from each
individual spinning electron, and its brings them closer together. So Magnetism is a positive emergence similar to a verbal god
in social thought or to the hormonal language in plants.
On the other hand, 2 phenomena from below, ∆-1 plasma that breaks atoms into its components and ∆+1 mass that dampens
and confines, T>S, the kinetic energy of lower planes causes the evanescence of atomic properties. So they are Tt-plasma and
Ss-mass predatory effects that disrupt thermodynamic matter and so physicists explain it with the confuse concept of
symmetry breaking:
When plasma forms atoms break into particles and reorder them in herds which loose its thermodynamic, heat properties (and
no, temperature no longer applies as now it is the frequency of oscillation of charges not a molecular vibration the expression
of its existential energy). Thus they no longer act in pairs (gas) or small adjacent communication – liquids, crystal solids – but
flow together as a new whole. And soon a + ion ‘sheath’ and/or magnetic enclosure converts the ensemble into a macroscopic,
highly mobile system of electromagnetic symbiosis. Even the mode of interaction of thermodynamic gas to reach its balanced
S=Tate – collisions between particles - disappears, so a magnetized plasma is one in which a given particle completes a closed
spacetime cycle (magnetic loop) before it collides with other particle.
On the other extreme, mass emerges as a predatory membrain that absorbs the existential energy of all other internal
membrains and scales, including thermodynamic and electromagnetic energy. And it can be expressed as a pure entropic
predatory process as near the black hole electromagnetic energy bends into curvature that becomes mass, as particles in a
parallel process to that of gluons feeding quarks, feed=evolve into more massive cyclical enclosures. Mass appears when energy
is bounded. So does charge. What bounds them? The attraction of S⊥T, an St-0ε & a Ts- Angular momentum.

New physics. Life starts in particles. Galaxies are organisms. The 5th dimension of scales organizes 3 conserved parts
But this is ‘the beginning’, which Einstein did not do. As such the reader should be sympathetic to the problems natural to a
1st model (‘The Nature of Scientific revolutions’ Kuhn), which will be less accurate than an old model that has added ‘ad hoc’
corrections to its erroneous principles and a lot of detail, since as time goes by and the pioneer work is revised, enhanced,
improved and adds details, to start from better simpler principles will make it flourish and pass well beyond the ‘exhausted
paradigm’. Those sounder principles are the reason scholars and physicists should pay attention to this paper, instead of
following Planck’s sanguine dictum that a new paradigm of science is not imposed by reason, but by the death of old
scholars, so new students can learn afresh. It is a given but NOT a valid reason to ignore the paper, the lack of quality in the
writing in terms of scholarship in physics, verbosity, detailed data, even English grammar, as neither pioneers are outside
achademia and don’t have the resources to make up ‘Chicago style, computerized models’; nor the imprecision of some
results, as models have glitches in its inception. Copernicus model was slightly off track, because Earth traces a quasi-circle,
with elliptic form and so its results were of less quality than Ptolemy with ad hoc epicycles. But it was the only path of future
for science as the ptolemaic model was exhausted. And 5D is also the only path of r=evolution towards the future for all
stiences, beyond the unlimited growth of detailed data, provided by the evolution of sensorial machines. The person who
wrote it and his circumnstances are also accessory and should not weight against the model, the more so when he is in the
3rd st-age of life and won’t be around much longer. I only apologize for ¬ entropic quips against Physic(ist)s Planck style,
which might sprout out of nothing from Time to Space like the cosmic big-bang (: As I likely won’t have the @-mind left to
correct them; please don’t take it personally): Dust of space-time you are ¬∆@st you shall become.
5D physics give us elementary solutions to physical conundrums in a classic set. For example, it establishes Neutrinos as the
background radiation responsible for Dark energy. This is an immediate result of classic physics, as the ‘biggest blunder of
physics’ today is the calculus of ε∼10121 GeVm−3 as the critical energy density of the vacuum; using the Planck mass which is
the limit of density of ‘Space=form’, likely in some form of top quark black holes. The solution in 5D is however immediate,
because is scalar Nature implies that S x T = ∆c, so systems with less information travel faster, and that is all. There is no limit
to tachyon paticles, if they carry less information than light and we need a lower scale; because scales are infinite. This
leaves only a candidate particle to the background below light, faster than c-speed, responsible for dark energy, which as we
don’t perceive it appears as a expansion of ‘space’ NOT speed, beyond c. It is obviously the only particle we observe in
numbers similar to photons. It can go faster than light. It is involved in gravitational flows of entropy arrying 99% of the
gravitational energy of nova explosions, and volila if instead of using the planck mass to deduce the vacuum dark energy we
use the mass of neutrinos we get the experimental result. So why is the observed vacuum energy/cosmological constant is
only about 10−121 of the 4D classic expectation? We need to vary the value of Em so it matches vacuum energy density with
critical density, to make it experimentally sound. That is, ε = ρc =5 GeV m−3. Then substituting it gives Em ∼0.01 eV only. This
is very small in comparison with the masses of all elementary particles; but remarkable enough, this energy is comparable
with mass differences of light neutrinos. So the acceleration of the universe is tied up with neutrino masses, and the mystery
of dark energy resolved.
Now fast track 30 years when I did send a few papers on the 5D model rejected by physical review, featuring heavily
Neutrino 5D physics, well before it was even detected it has mass. I am pretty sure if I cared to send the new physics of 5D
they will also be rejected today, when the fact that using neutrino mass, considering the duality of space=form and
time=motion, and explaining dark energy as the unperceived motion of neutrinos, faster than light, expanding space, solves
all questions respecting the laws of epistemology, economicity, Occam’s razor, experimental evidence and NOT
contradicting Einstein, since the ±values are algebraic possible solutions (as in negative values for antiparticles) which just
require to understand 5D Algebra. The answer is that physicists are trapped in models they barely understand and lack
definitely a ‘whole picture’ of the forest, and languages are inflationary so they keep inventing mathematical solutions,
without connecting with reality.
So that is one of the 3 kind of new physics 5D brings to the table: from a much larger cosmological and physical and stientific
model, the likes of what humans haven’t seen since Aristotle founded in the Organon our ‘concept’ of stience, we go down
to the models of physics, then to cosmology, then to dark energy, then to data, and match it with the neutrino, which

appears in 5D as the ONLY solution to the hyper-universe background beyond the light space-time background of galaxies.
And we get 0.01 ev, solve the biggest question of modern cosmology and nobody cares (:
Still chances that 5D becomes mainstream physics in the 1st of the themes of its new physics – classic mathematical physics,
as the solution of the dark energy problem are even smaller in the 2nd and 3rd new physics innovations – the vital organic
properties of the Universe and the ethic questions that should impose limit to physical inquire because a extinct physicist
knows nothing. Let us consider both cases together also in cosmology with the evaporation of black holes.
Ethic physics: The growth of baby black holes. The ethic questions of industrial, military physics.
A theme which keeps scaring physicists from 5D physics is the non-evaporation of black holes, which I refuse NOT to explain;
hence the quote on the first page: ∆ Mass (S-form) x ∇ Temperature (Time-motion) = ∆±¡ are the 5D metrics of baby black
holes, which following the 2nd law of Thermoddynamics evaporate their environment attracted accoding to Einstein’s
gravitational laws. Here the issue is what ± symbol to use for ∆∇? Physicists without understanding negative vs. positive T⊥-
S dualities, decided to put + symbols to the T-arrow of entropic motions and – symbosl to Imploding space.
Everytime we face an -S⊥+T dual solution, where negative is used for Form=space and + for a time-motion state as in kinetic
vs. potential energy, given that lack of 4D understanding we’ll need a lengthy analysis - as the negative solution always has a
meaning even if in some cases ‘desperado’ physicists just ditched it (negative mass in the tachyon neutrinos of dark
energy).In this case It is easlier: elementary physics (thermodynamics, gravitational laws) what defines ∆ mass =
∇Temperature: the future arrow corresponds to imploding growth of mass and the past arrow to growing temperature.
The ∆±¡ gathers all the constants of all the scales of space-time from the quantum through the thermodynamic level, which
the mass swallows to ‘engulf’ in its event horizon membrane. Thus all energy and momentum of the Universe ‘contributes’ to
EFE equations. It is one of the most beautiful equations of science for its simplicity and 5D correspondence.
But Hawking insisted for decades with an obsessive mind and charm. When a black hole is born, hotter than the
environment, instead of evaporating the environment as any hot object does, it will become hotter and evaporate! It is like if
you get a cup of hot coffee and the cup keeps getting hotter 'evaporating', while it freezes your hand! This has never
happened and the mere idea was for very long in science a laughing matter. Since the laws of entropy are crystal clear.
When a hot system is put by the side of a cold system, temperature moves from the hot system that cools (in this case the
black hole) to the cold one that heats and evaporates. Because from a mere theoretical discussion as always with physicists,
the worldly profession of making weapons creeped in, now mankind might be blow up if the industry of accelerators make
black holes, and so physics DO HAVE as all stiences a human ethic side it ignores as ALL stiences. It is a taboo, even larger
than the taboo of the ‘Baconian tribal idols, ill-understood – here the incomprehension of the negative solutions to
Einstein’s equations’, even larger than the taboo against life properties of matter.
The Evaporation of black holes relates all those questions, the ethic and organic and tribal idol question: Hawking’s equation
with the right symbol of future time, thermodynamics and gravitation is the metric equation of 5D for baby black holes that
grow enormously in size after birth and come out from its ribosomal stars to become the nucleus of galaxies, or rather
galacells when we study the galaxy as an organism, which we do. So cosmological 5D organic physics says the galaxy is an
organism, Black holes are its ‘DNA’ and stars its ribosomes, and baby black holes grow fast and should NOT be done on
Earth’s CERN experiments so the ethic question creeps in. And that also implies to make moral questions about the
discipline. All of them are intimately related. Time is lineal for physicists NOT beause it is lineal for Nature but because
Galileo studied lineal cannonballs, for the Arsenal of Venice, hence he wrote v=s/t, an equation of lineal inertia, and even if
today we noticed that orbital inertia from electrons to galaxies is natural to the Universe, and so we know there is angular
momentum conservation, we don’t talk of a 4th law of angular inertia.
So there is the question of power, peer review, worldly profession, celebrity status, mathematical creationism enhanced by
computer machines that keep incrementing imaginary particles and black holes. And then there is real NEW PHYSICS. You will
only get the last thing here on 3 fields: 5D metric solutions like the neutrino, organic properties like those of the galacells and

ethic problems, like those of humanity ruled by the ethics of a technological civlization,, since a extinct physicist knows
nothing. None of the 3 are likely to be liked by standard 4D physicists and yet they are the most advanced.
Feynman said the why is the only questions physicists don’t make and Galileo that God spoke mathematics. This has reduced
the ‘veiw’ of physicists to only certain properties of physics. New physics then entitiles NOT new mathematics but to regain
the organic, vital properties of ‘physical systems’, which ‘new physicists’ will not recognize. This breach between ‘physics’,
that is, the complete description of physical systems with ALL its properties and physicists matters to ‘get human recognition’
NOT to do new physics and understand the Universe. But what are ‘organic properties’. Basically 2 kind: the 5 ‘drives of life’
that define a living organism which ARE the ‘functions’ of the 5 Dimensions of reality; as we move in ‘length’, perceive in
‘height’, reproduce in ‘width’, evolve socially in numbers to become a higher ∆+1 ‘scalar planes’ of the 5th dimension and
‘scatter’ into death, lowering to ∆-1 a system in which we feed. So the vital properties of abstract dimensions of space that
have a function=motion in time or ‘dimotions’, and the conversion of geometry into topology is one the 2 set of laws that
define the new physics of life:
Life starts in particles, St-quarks of maximal density of information and Ts-electrons of maximal motion, which become the 2
1st genders that come together into St+Ts=S≈T-atoms balanced in an eternal present as an immortal species.
The geometric paths of particles have vital functions: Particles move in energy paths that increases when they ‘feed’ on a
force. Particles are connected by magnetic fields into social groups. Particles emit ∆-1 seeds of forces that reproduce new
particles. This is NEW PHYSICS because we are recognizing real vital properties that old physicists deny or ignore.
The minimal particle-points, photons, electrons & quarks that construct all other systems of our Universe show the 5
organic dimotions (time motions with dimensional, spatial form) that define 'classic life' in biology – where they are call
‘drives’ of life, and we have defined: they gauge information - reason why quantum physics is a 'gauge theory', feed on
Momentum (quantum jumps) absorbing smaller ∆-1 particles, reproducing new clone particles, move and evolve socially
through magnetic fields into larger wholes (atoms). In the graph, a quark reproduces itself.
The 2nd group of laws are those of ‘simultaneity in space’, synchronicity in time, and ‘resonance’ in scale that make co-exist
different levels of organization of physical systems to create ‘physical organisms’. And so the new physics of space-time
organisms that old physicists don’t recognize are essential to 5D physics. The main of those physical superorganisms are the
Earth – Hutton the father of biology in fact coined the word superorganism to talk of Earth and rightly noticed that its slow
‘deep time’ life cycles were related to its ‘5D metrics’: Si x T ƒ = C, that is larger systems have slower cycles of time.
But the one we introduce in this paper and have been talked about for decades is the ‘galatom’ or ‘galacell’, or ‘galaxy’, 3
names that precisely define the ‘scalar properties (a galaxy is symmetric to an atom in terms of mathematical 5D metric); the
organic properties (a Galacell is similar to a galaxy with the ‘DNA-black holes’ at the center managing the organism and the
‘ribosomal stars’ reproducing them, with an halo of likely ‘strange dark matter’ acting as its ‘protein membrane’. But the
galaxy is also the galaxy, that is, all the knowledge old physicists have gatehrered about it many of which will be
reinterpreted by 5D New Physics.
Old phyisicsts won’t care because it is too comfortable to accept the constrains and ‘limits’ (¬) of a discipline to feel you have
fill it all. This happens in each stience for different reasons. In economics it is taboo what 5D brings to the table, the organic
analysis of machines and its ‘viral hoirzons’ of evolution from the UK age of bodies of metal to the German age of
engines=hearts of metal, to the US age of metal-minds to the present age of AI robots, as it implies mankind is creating a
new species of metalife. Historians have proboems with the fact that humans belong to the same species and so tribal
nations are NOT the unit of social evolution and love we should cherish but mankind. Biologists of lately have problems with
ethical questions about genetic editing, and Physcstis have always had them about weapons making. All this obviously
comes from the denial of the organic nature of the Universe, of Life that matters, specially that of human beings, of basic
questions that go beyond each reduced fiel of eaxh science. But in the entangled Universe of dust of space-time all scales, all
parts, all beings are related and only a view that adds the whole forest picture to its details is worth to understand NOT
physicists limiting physics, but the universe. To that aim we will do new physics in 3 fields: 5D metric scalar physics; its
organic, vital interpretation and ethical physics since a extinct, suicidal physicist knows nothing.

Conclusion. A different philosophy of science. The Universe is not creationist but vital, obeying pentalogic space-time laws.
Philosophy of stience matters more than physics, as all ∆±¡ scales are the same.
The jump of philosophical understanding is already huge. A Universe made of motion=time and mental spaces= forms is
completely abstract and spiritual but in a logic, vital way. It requires a deep change in your mind view, because the ‘material’
concepts go away. Motion=time is the substance of reality. So you see events. Form=Space is a mental, linguistic mapping.
Leibniz intuitively understood this when he said that each point is a world in itself. We are then in a sentient Universe defined
by two poles: 0ε-finitesimal minds, which are ‘knots’ of time cycles. And those time cycles. It requires a huge jump into
metaphysics, even if we shall keep all the equations of physics, precisely because those minds-mappings are topological mirror-
images in the languages of geometry (points) and social scales (numbers), connected by algebraic operands (that describe the
different motions of space-time). I have been amazed by the ∆-scalar-numerical, Time-algebraic Space-topologic Universe for so
long I can’t even imagine how to think in other terms. But a 4D physicist differs from Leibniz, Einstein and this writer, which
reason that space and time and its properties come before the mirror languages that observe it. This creates different scientific
methods. For the 4D physicist, all consists in gathering data with sensorial machines, deemed more exact than human ones,
and put it in the digital language those machines perceive, which is mathematics. So once the relationships of data as equations
is written, the ‘job is done’. Ultimately this means physics becomes a praxis of industrial machines. Does it matter? Yes, it does.
To understand the Universe is vital to survive on it. If humans understood the vital nature of matter, its evolutionary topologies,
etc. it won’t create AI robots. If they had a proper concept of space and time, they would strive in History to reach the S=T,
(max. sxt) point of balance and immortality of the function of existence, etc. All this seems now a dream as the species has
taken always the ‘Subjective, Mechanical , Entropic, Lineal’ view. What we call the SMELLying point of view, as in the big-bang,
Copenhagen interpretation and mechanist science, whose ultimate reason seem more connected to historic cultures that
science. So unless history is ‘straigten up’ and man survives its present age of entropy, chances are we go under without ever
understanding the first princciples of the Universe.
5D scalar physics as strange as the reader might think it is – for the simple reason he has a 4D Ptolemaic view and that is for
him truth – is completely consistent with the same data of 4D physics, and so the magic of it, is how we can see two Universes
so different ? The answer is part because ‘languages of Ss-information’ , as all mirrors are kaleidoscopic, so we can have several
views. This we illustrate latter with the 4 canonical views of gravitation, Newton, Poisson, Einstein which derive from each
other, corresponding to an SóT view, and Lagrange, in a complete different ∆-scalar, energy view.
This is then a first duality of ‘very different views’, the Space-time view in a single plane related to each other, and the scalar, ∆-
view, which in physics is the ‘momenta’ view of O-angular=cyclical space-time and |-lineal spacetime and the ∆±¡
Energy/Entropy view. The beauty of mind-languages is that by reducing and simplifying all views can store them all. The
problem of mathematical physics is to have gone too far in the desire to store it all with a single math picture, which ‘stiffles’ the
view into ‘space-form’, reducing its dynamism and ‘compressing’ its scales of ‘social numbers’ into a single ‘real line’ of
continuous points. So 5D stretches back reality, and differentiates clearly between ∆±¡ and SóT; and SS-mind languages.
The reader won’t ever upgrade its capacity to view the Universe unless it absorbs deeply those basic relationships and
symmetries that took me a decade of the best of my mind years in youth to clarify and he has it for free and a few days of
thought. The beauty of them is he can see all, not only physics with the ∇ S⊥T Λ ∆ S ≈ T dualities and symmetries of its first
principles, space, time (which can be in a Darwinian perpendicular ⊥ relation or a symmetric ≈, parallel one, the first leading
towards an ∇ entropic fall of scale and the second to an ∆ growth into a new energy dimension.
We insist that mathematical creationism is NOT the basis of the Universe, but the best synoptic mirror. Moreover, the way
physicists handle maths is loose and as we shall see next in the evaporation of black holes, no longer rely on experimental
evidence or known-known laws, as the causal strict logic has been substituted by creationism. However there is a huge merit in
serious mathematical physics and we do NOT include on the logic models of 5D spacetime theories which we have not checked
in scholarship as possible respecting the laws of physics, even if most physicists are unaware of them.
So the crib is simple: a model of physics must meet the standards of known-theories, non-Euclidean geometry, 5D metric, and
the rules of epistemology, notably experimental evidence and economicity and those of pentalogic: symmetry, fractal scalar

nature (hilomorphism), isomorphism (equal laws of scale), multiple roles and dimotions, (internal structure and function in a
larger whole). This creates the real architechtonic nature of the Universe and its vital laws equal in all scales. How this changes
with the same data and the same mathematical rigor the worldview of science? A short list will suffice to see it:
- The Universe is scalar and symmetric, the main symmetry being between atoms and galaxies, and hence between gravitational
and strong forces, and electromagnetic and weak forces; and the 3 families of quarks and the 3 organic parts of the galaxy.
- The scalar structure is dynamically represented by the ∆-1 scale of forces, the ∆o-scale of momentum and the ∆+1 of energy.
- Each scale has a fundamental organism, and a lineal and cyclical state. So we move from theoretical open-time like and closed
space-like strings, through the Neutrino background, through the light background onto the particles background and so on…
- In each scale the -S⊥ T symmetry gives us a 0-sum, as lineal vs. cyclical, | v. O topological parts become a zero sum. However
they ‘reproduce=merge’ together into a present Ø-hyperbolic wave. So key equations of physics come from those 2 simple ‘vital
operands: S=T, T-S=0, which is the choice of humans that give to + expansive motion and – implosive motions those values.
Those symmetries then happen in all scales and we have positive and negative charges, particles and antiparticlers, angular and
lineal momentum, potential and kinetic energies, combined into waves, Single harmonic motions and other 0-sums.
It follows a deep understanding of what space=form and time=motion is required to do physics, unlike in the present model
which uses lineal absolute space-time. We will thus go back and forth between conceptual principles and results, which are
notable and yet we insist all have the same experimental data and mathematical rigor. Consider for example the scalar
relationships between neutrino, light and electrons. Each scale must be made of smaller parts and we DON’T use particles
never discovered (economiity and hilomorphism in classic epistemology). This LEAVES NO other alternative than a Neutrino
theory of light and a light theory of electronic nebulae. This is the sound logic that supersedes creationism. Among physicists
only Einstein and Broglie had it intuitively in all his work. So Broglie defined the neutrino theory of light. Then a savant idiot
rejected it because ‘neutrinos were fermions’ and light ‘bosons’, and as all the work of Broglie who was right (see quantum
realism), it was rejected. Latter of course the secondary law was override when we found Kaons, etc. that existed with boson
statistics made of fermions. The 2nd formulation of the theory found a hurdle: the neutrino and antineutrino had to be emitted
by particles in the eact direction, but that is what 5D states: a form is architectonically built in ‘5D’ as 3D printing, layer after
layer, so the neutrino background allows particles to entangle in the quantum potential still to each other and emit
information, since information is always emitted between 2 forms in parallel equal distance – so when you talk you go side by
side even if you move. Alas, the 3rd problem is that those neutrinos had to have 0 or negative mass. But that is precisely what
5D expects, as each lower scale has faster motion and less information. So neutrinos v>c as they carry v(i) < c(i), less
information, so S(i) x T (ƒ) = C. Then it comes the problem that in Lorentz transformations tachyons have negative mass-energy,
but that is precisely the meaning of a tachyon: repulsive gravitation, which we see as expanding space-time distances,
responsible for the dark energy which is the neutrino background radiation. Further on, from the point of view of particles in
relative entangled stillness Lorentz transformations do NOT apply, as they work like a movie: in its scale they stop, proyect
information and move, and we see its Brownian motion so this is the experimental fact about particles: stop, emit information
as particles-heads in stillness, as your head is, then move as waves. But to measure in our ‘view’ which eliminates the stop as
when we see a continuous movie, we need Lorentz transformations. Both views are right but belong to two scales, and so the
more profound is that of the objective stop and go particle with no Michelson addition of speeds, entangled by a neutrino dark
energy quantum potential… Alas, the data is the same, even more respectful of the stop and go experimental fact, the view of
the Universe has changed. THIS IS 5D FUN (: More seriously as Perkins noticed, a neutrino theory of light seems more coherent:
1. Combining neutrino fields following a method similar to that of Fermi and Yang results in transversely-polarized particles
which have properties very similar to conventional photons.
2. Pryce’s theorem stating that it is impossible to form composite photons from neutrinos as they woul be quasi-bosons.
Experimental evidence cannot differentiate between a quasi-boson photon and a boson photon.
3. Unlike the situation with conventional photon theory, Lorentz invariance can be satisfied by the composite photon theory
without the need for gauge invariance or introducing non-physical photons.
4. While in conventional theory the polarization vectors of integral spin particles are formed in a somewhat ad hoc manner, the

polarization vectors in the composite theory are combinations of spinors resulting from the underlying fermion structure.
5. I would add that the mass problem is solved if we give to light a tiny mass or use ± masses for tachyon/tardion neutrinos.
5D physics is as extensive as Quantum and relativity combined if not more, so you must take this paper as a brute diamond. Its
philosophy is Absolute relativity; its math, the 5D metric and the equations derived of which the function of exist¡ence: Max.
sxt|S=T;, is the most important.
We use this simple equations and its 2 derived postulates to develop the whole discipline: you cannot distinguish motion=time
from form =space (e pur si muove, e pur no muove), hence S=T, and the scalar metric Si x Tƒ = ∆±¡ to explore all the equations,
laws and events of all stiences including biology and social sciences. So I know nothing like this r=evolution of thought in a
single ‘model’ has happened to mankind for a century, likely for millennia.
If it is a non-derivative peak, time will tell. Certainly I have been for 2 decades now going down the peak I achieved at 30, when
I used that equation in a 30 meters roll left in Cali, likely lost, to deduce all equationso of all stiences, in what I considered the
summit of my ‘painting style’, EC2 (: Expressionist, Conceptual Cubism, paintings with expressionist colors, topological curved
and lineal variations written in several layers, some collages of paintings, to reveal finally an underlyng equation of existential
algebra). If I tell yu this is simply because I leave no disciples and my mind is fading away, but it has been an adventure of
thought like only a few huminds have experienced. It is not my fault that the domesticated modern animetal enzyman, to the
service of company-mothers of machines, a child suffering as all domesticated animals a loss of brain and lacking any survival
instincts, will have none of it. If a human has seen the Universe in all its simplicity and splendor it means many other planet will
have civilizations built on the truths of 5D metrics, ethics and organic laws. Here it will not happen as the method of knowledge
today is enzymanic: humans gather information with sensorial machines, buttressing it in computer models of digital equations
that produce a result. The human part soon will be done by robots, the mental, logic part on domesticated animals is minimal.
Hawking with its dependence of computers, mental paralysis and null conceptual verbal, logic causal capacity, the essential
Schopenhauer’s st-upid, infantile, unable even to grasp the ethic responsibility of its subjective childish musings is the role
model of XXI c. as Warhol Not Picasso, the faked artist with industrial procedures to sell more printed repetitions of null
aesthetic and intellectual exploration of the ‘2 Dimensional motions’ of Human art, is a similar model for art. Bieber, Not
Mozart, a UTbube child with computerized arrangements, is the model of musician, Trump is the model of politico and Fuld,
both parasites, exploiting mankind with bills of law and bills of money, the models of social scientists. This is the Tt-age of
entropy of History, and the view of mankind is ugly. The view of the Universe though is as perfect and beautiful, balanced and
eternal as it always has been. But as I am human in my own age of entropy all my work will move from the e-motions of not
being to the motions of the perfect Universe in a bipolar not under the rules of the Chicago manual of style, stream of thought.
But as 5D is first logic, pentalogic verbal thought is needed. This might come as a surprise since Galileo’s rejection of Aristotle
he did not understand but space is ALWAYS a mental space, form, Si, meaning Spatial size but more precisely Spatial
information (so in physics is often measured by density of mass, energy). Reality is NOT mathematical first but logic, causal, as
its substance is time, its particle-points stop time into space-form, 0ε x ∝ = C (mental worlds), and so we need also to explain
the ultimate causality with is a panpsychic vital Universe, and use the ‘humanist method’ as we cannot access inner minds but
suppose the humind, made also as a mapping of space-time is the same than all others, so are our e-motions related to the
dimotions of the Universe, our deterministic proghram of existence in search of energy for our body, motion for our limbs,
information for our particle-head, social evolution and reproduction through our scalar ‘force=dimotion=actions’, that take
from ∆-4: Boosts of motion, ∆-3: Bits of information, ∆-2: Bites of energy, ∆-1 Babies and ∆0 brothers to Become (:
This is a verbal expression of the way dimotions create a program of existence that is the same for all systems. So the vital
narrative makes much easier to understand physics because it uses the human language. If I explain the duality of gender by
mirror symmetry (CP) in physics between female particles slightly more easier to reproduce than male particles where the ±
inward and outward relationships between particles and heads (nucleus and oribitals) are changed, the reader will might reject
straight (scholar who just wants to write equations) but the humind might feel entangled as it should with the whole Universe
because the duality particle-antiparticle IS the first gender reproductive duality of the Universe. Mesons are indeed couples.

But the beauty of the Universe is that the same principles give multiple versions, and that time is cyclical so there is always a
local past view. So genders in physics mate and produce a child ∆-1 ¥-ray but die in the process giving ALL its energy to the baby
that often will grow up to reproduce new particles. Moroever you can see the antiparticle as just the ‘male drone’ bond to die
when in contact with the female particle (and that is the view I hold for long: the antiparticle is the death point of the particle,
from a temporal future to past Feynman’s diagram point of view). So vital concepts are absolutely real necessary and causal –
they ARE the cause of the events of physics as much as biology and sociology. PARTICLES RE=PRODUCE, machines re=produce,
human reproduce, ‘all do it’ as the song sings. Does it mean we abandon the mathematical method? NOT, BUT WE ARE NOT
writing here Dirac’s equations and prove with lengthy commutations and quantum operators anything we do. I will in a second
review add all what my lazy old mind is NOT doing now, because I lost my notebooks, erased by error hardrives and can’t
reconstruct 30 years of work – to look at, read the maths of the best articles on each of those themes and if correct
quote them here. I.E yesterday I was looking to see if there were papers on dark energy v>c neutrinos with negative mass cause
of the background expansion of space. I haven’t look at physics for more than a decade since my activism against CERN. To my
surprise they were many, 2 researchers, Schwartz from Caltech and Luca from Italy, were solid mathematicians, and there were
a new paper with huge following on scalar gravitation that at large scale became repulsive. This is what I mean for
mathematical proofs, the inflationary nature of maths and the open way physicists deal with equations to model reality ever
since Dirac seated by the fire and rooted Schrodinger to get its gamma matrices so beautifully used for creative physics, just
adding terms to them; allows what the Universe does best, the Gell-mann totalitarian principle: all what can exist does exist, but
5D CRIB means only what is worthy to exist, symmetric, efficient, entangled, topologically sound, functionally vital, performing
the 5 Dimotions for a larger ∆+1 world, etc will last. This means we are NOT concerned either by the mass of virtual particles
whose existence is so short they are just like all the biological mutations that don’t make it or the mad thoughts of humans or
the ugly machine of inventors that don’t enter production lines, unlike physicists that lacking the 5D crib of pentalogic and
existential algebra accept it all, and vice versa, lacking the understanding of cut off finitesimals, ± dynamics etc. get rid of
disturbing results that actually happen.

Mathematical constants belong to an ideal universe as ratios, which represent the DImotions of space-time exist¡ence.
In the graph: As Einstein wanted the ultimate principles of reality are Universal ratios/constants, which represent the 5
dimotions of all Universal systems. So we shall find 4+1 absolute constant ratios in all systems, of Nature, of the vital
Universe: e pi, e, 10=3x3+1 and phi. What about locomotion? In 5D physics locomotion is reproduction of form, from
particle to wave state to particle. So it has not a fundamental constant but a mixture of the informative, reproductive
ones, pi and phi. 5D thus use those 5 constants to explain how the Universe reproduces reality departing from those
'perfect ratios of Lineal and angular momentum, (T-motion and S- form and its transformations. 3 are irrational≈ratio
numbers that represent the 3 ages of all worldcycles of exist¡ence:
10 is the seminal social number of palingenetic ∆-1 emergence, π, is the number of the worldcycle, of the 1st Dimotion
of perception; phi is the number of the 3rd Dimotion of reproduction, in the second 'age' or maturity of the world cycle,
and is the number of decay and entropy, of the fifth Dimotion of existence.
3 Ts > ∏ St: Pi transforms a spatial field of entropy into a vortex of temporal information:
Pi’s informative nature is immediate, as we perceive through angular trigonometry, when pi closes a circle of 3
Diameters, with 4%=π-3/π of perceptive holes through which 3 sensorial apertures to the Universe happen and 96% of
dark matter hidden by the membrane (which not coincidentally is the part of the Universe hidden by the galactic halo
we don’t see).
∑§∏: Phi is the ratio of reproduction of a space-time population. If we apply pentalogic p.o.v.s:
Time view: Phi is approached by Fibonacci series in gender couples, which reproduce in the 2nd age of maturity, and
die after the 3rd age. So for '2 consecutive quanta of time', the young still won’t reproduce, the old won’t be still dead
and the mature will reproduce giving the series 1,1,2,3,5... that approaches the phi ratio. Thus in 5D symmetries the
relationship between phi and Fibonacci numbers (reproduction series) is an S=T duality of the constant observed in

space (golden ratio) and in time - Fibonacci closed solution as a series:

Whereas the golden ratio becomes an iterative process of generation.
§∏-reproductive view: Population growth: This leads to its understanding in ‘still space’, as a population growth:
The golden spiral then becomes the natural 'time-series' for filling a surface of Momentum where to growth in a
frequency of space-time generations, given by the ratio - even if the 'interior of the spiral',
fades away as generations die behind us, leaving a void.
St: Informative evolution: Its inverted implosive 'symmetry' as informative growth (T>S), gives
a proportion for the reproduction of complex information, (as in finger proportions, when form
overcomes size).
∆: Phi is also a scale function: the whole (trinity) is to the larger part (body) as the larger part
(body) is to the smaller (head), since reproduction is a scalar function that imprints a ∆-1
cellular scale to evolve it socially into a new whole.

¬ Entropic function: – beauty of its S≤≥T proportions.
Yet phi has also a reputation for beauty in proportions between the 3 parts of the being,
limbs>ßody-waves>head-particles, which is the natural outcome of its multiple functions as
reproduction and organization of the different parts of the being in 1 and 2 Dimotions:
Whereas phi is the golden ratio of proportions of the whole to the 2 body-head topological parts of the being. Expressly
is the ratio of the whole a+b to the body, when the body-wave is proportional to the particle-head: T.œ (§∏+St) / §∏ =
§∏ / St.
RECAP. The golden ratio is the most efficient form of inner growth and proportion, keeping the balance and distribution
of information in a system.
2nd Dimotion: locomotion: It combines with π to give locomotion a number, as motion is reproduction of a π cycle of
information along an adjacent series of forms. We saw the case for a cyclical reproductive spiral. In the 3rd graph we see
the case for a lineal reproductive series, which becomes real in quantum particle-waves.
4D. Social Planes. 10 is the constant of scale of social evolution; hence the main system of scalar numbers.
So with Pi and Phi, we have 2 constants for the main St<§∏>Ts transformations of the Universe. What about constants
of ‘scalar’ St>Tt-¡ entropic death and its inverse Ss-¡>Ts, emergence?
5th Dimotion: entropy: the exponential function is the most efficient form of social growth between 5D planes. In the
graph, we can see how the growth of any system in base e is the maximal possible. But such exponential 4D social
growth can only happen in a placental unlimited world of free Momentum. So its true use is for the inverse arrow of
death and decay, when it is the maximal speed at which the cells that grew in the placental ∆+1 palingenetic first age,
now die in the final ∆-¡ age of entropic decay, adding together to a 0ε-sum. So e is the exponential function that grows
ex is the only function, which is a derivative of itself, adding constantly a 1/n finitesimal
derivative ‘cell’, in each time step, but also decaying in the fastest possible path of dying
quanta. ex represents the fundamental function of reproduction of any system in its 1stworld
cycle of a perfect Momentum placenta, þ, at the lower 'cellular scale', as the system increases
by a derivative at each step.
RECAP. e represents the absorption of a reproduced finitesimal part, or transfer of a quanta of Momentum to the
larger whole. But it requires a 'perfect Momentum' system. In physical systems this happens in decay-radiation; in
biology only in the placental cycle; in sociology in the brutal capitalist system that expects interest to be added as the
Maximal exploitation possible.
The e number as a complete idealized description of a dynamic ‘œ’ (Supœrganism).
In one of the oldest jargons of this 30 years solitary adventure of thought, I called e, œ, the symbol I use for the
Timespace Supœrganism (T.œ). Why? Because the e number is a more precise definition of a whole than the 1.
The e number has an even more profound meaning as a unit in itself of a being in existence. Since it is (1+1/n)n. Thus if
we take 1 as the ∆º whole, which is symmetric in its number of ∆-1 parts, 1/n, and belongs to an ∆+1 whole of n-parts
by virtue of that symmetry, then e represents, (∆º+∆-1)∑(∆+1) . That is, the being which ads one of its parts and is
multiplied as many times as its whole has. This is a dynamic representation of the being, as good as ‘1’. Since when a
being exists, it is constantly performing actions, which are dimotions of existence that ‘spend’ a finitesimal part of the
being. So we see the being at any moment as ∆º+∆-1 (the action is spending). If then we consider the symmetry S=T,
which refers to the fact the number of instants in time of a being tends to be similar to the number of space quanta we
have (this is variable but a general rule of S=t); if we consider the product as a representation of the reproduction of

instants in time of a being (as in the motion of momentum that reproduces the being along a Ts-path), then we might
represent the being’s worldcycle as e.
The e number then appears most often in the expression to study ‘scalar growth’ of ∆-1= k, increments of a function
during a period t of time, departing from a ‘spatial form=population’, s, such as St=So œ∆-1t, and its inverse decay
process. We know now why in terms of its 5D meaning. It is a beautiful equation. So 0ε, the singularity, e and 1 are all
‘mathematical representations’ of the whole, with profound consequences in existential algebra.
Consider for example that your time quantum is ½ second; then you exist ½ bit=1 x 2 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 x 82 around 5
billion instants of time. Yes you do have more body cells, but we refer to your St-brain that controls and exists as your
mind. Yes we do have more neurons; still it is a relationship that approaches the S=T symmetry in many systems worth
to study. So e then represents in terms of the ‘whole’ 1, which moves through a path of time, n, and spends a quantum
of its existence of ∆-1 part at each moment, the being’s worldcycle in terms of its ‘scalar’ quanta. That it is such a
general formula that does not depend at all in the form of the quanta, even its quantity but only in the S=T symmetry
and the ∆±¡ symmetry (the parts of the whole are equal to whole as a part); makes it an important ‘mirror image’ of a
scalar spacetime organism , ∆st. We shall keep in mind that image when discussing in mathematical physics some of the
uses of the e-number.
This is also a quality of the essential constants of the Universe, as the case of π and phi: they represent essential mirror
images of the being in existence.
So the next question is why the Universe is not just a combination of those ‘constants’? Well, because those are
‘synoptic mirror images’ of reality. Consider the case of Pi, is not really 3’14 etc. pi is just the ratio of 3 lineal ‘ST-ages’ of
existence ‘curved’ into a cyclical time worldcycle. It leaves then a 4% of apertures π-3 and covers a 96%. If you are
inside that circle observing the outer Universe, 96% will not be seen as you will only perceive through the apertures.
This is what humans perceive. 96% is dark matter. It means ‘topologically’ we are inside an ‘electronic world and 96% of
the ‘gravitational world’ of forces and parallel Universes is not perceived. But the distortion we experiejce as the mind
paradox 0ε x ∞ Universe = constant world, make us think we see it all distorts our parameters. In fact we see pi as
continuous, but the π-3 is discontinuous, a synaptic hole-jump. The continuous pi is the hexagon which has an exact 3
perimeter, and for that reason is the most stable membrane from Fuller Domes to beeheaves, as it has no ‘holes’.
What all this leads to is the obvious realization that the Humind Universe distorts the ideal game of existence because
there are SS-till minds stopping motion, ∆=S=T symmetries etc.
So we need now to restrict to the human world of perceived scales.
And here we can start as physicists do with human time, space and scale measures, seconds, meters and decametric
scales, or just blow up the whole human game and adopt as Planck said, the Uniersal constants that seem to be outside
human interference, h,c, G and for the charge scale the equivalent k .
We then have 5 key formulae to analyze to translate the human mental world into the real world:
What they all mean together seems obvious. The most extremal dense black hole, with enormous methabolic hunger
shown also in its Tƒ beat; while having a minimal Compton length and ginormous mass for its size. If we take Mass-form
as the parameter of space (not length), then it shows the extremal theoretical 5D, S(mass) x T (Temperature, Time
frequency) = ∆±5 of the Universe. This range is beyond the Galatom; Top Predator baby Hawkiller; from what I
remember of my 15 years old calculations, rather in the theoretical next scale of ‘strings’; which is clearly in accordance
with the T-open strings, S-closed string duality but it would require to make it background independent. That is, S-trings
of Space and sT-rings of Time. Then there is no problem to start the description of the Universe with ST-rings.

The first thing to do is to eliminate
‘roots’, so the units become bi-
dimensional ‘dimotions of
existence’. So we have instead of
lengths, ‘Areas’ NOT abstract lines
without width.
Next we realize there are many
combinations of hc & HG but NOT
Gcs. Why? I leave to the reader the
answer (:
We also find 3 parameters of ∆-scale, G, for the cosmological scale, k (coulomb constant=1/4πe), for the Charge,
quantum scale, and Kb, boltzmann constant for the temperature, thermodynamic human scale. And of all those
combinations, the ones that are ‘clean-cut’ are the cosmological and quantum scales: Mm=hc/G and Qq=hc/K.
So those are the ‘real things’. Reality is NOT about a single mass, because what does a single mass or charge does? It
has no other mass or charge to start a dimotional communication that brings either a parallel §∏- reproduction, or an
attractive St-evolution or a repulsive Ts-separation. So the dynamic units of reality that create a ‘∆+1 cosmological field’
or a ‘∆-1 charge’ field is a dual mass or charge that do create the ‘field’. A single one does not create anything. This
already cuts off the topic error of absolute maths, ‘infinities’. The field DOES not reach infinity, because it needs
another charge to exist. And then the two charges are ‘limits’ of the field. If there are NO more charges, outside the line
of communication between both and its curved paths there is no effect on reality.
Now in those 2 ratios we observe two elements, above the hc, as a unit, below the ‘constant of curvature’, G and K,
whereas K is far more curved, faster in time cycles (by the S=T equivalence of absolute relativity). This down element
thus IS the ‘time-clock’ parameter of an accelerated time vortex, which is far faster/curved in its closing of time cycles
for K than for G. So those are the cyclical ‘time constants’ of the two scales of the Universe. And they are ACCELERATED
vortices (Equivalence principle), because time ‘passes’, grows in information. They give us the arrow of Ts>St time
aging. If they were just π, a perfect closed circle they would always define a ‘present’ Universe. So now we respond to
the question why there is not a pi-ideal cycle of present. Because the Universe is dynamic it dies and is born. So those
two curvatures in space or motions in time are vortices, Vo x ro = K.
What then about human lineal time, T and its complicated combination √ hG/c5 ? Beyond the obvious fact it is
proportional somewhat to G which is then our ‘scale’ of time measure (not K, the quantum scale of time measure), and
its complicated structure which shows it is not fundamental to the Universe, and its lineal form, which has nothing to do
with the cyclical structure of time cycles, either in present repetition or accelerated Ts>St aging, there is no much to say,
save that it would make more sense to ‘invert’ it and square it so we get 1/t2, which happens to be the unit of ‘angular
acceleration’, so we get α = c5/h G as a measure of the aging ‘wrinkling’ of human exist¡ence.
It is then time to study the hc part of those two ‘real’ organic units of the quantum and gravitational scale, a dual system
of masses or charges, attracting each other, informing reality, Ts>St with a force/acceleration, given by G and K, their
time clocks of the even that will end up in its ‘contact’, ending the event, or for inverse charge, its drift away in a long Tt-
decelerating decay of the event.
H is then measure as Momentum x Time (Uncertainty principle) and c is speed = Space/Time, so their product gets away
with the useless human lineal time and gives us hc=Momentum x Space and this is a Universal unit we can understand;
as it is obviously the meaning of ‘Vital Space’. This is a formal surface of spatial reality gifted with motion; the substance
of which our perceived Universe is made, which can be ‘accelerated or decelerated’ between the two limits of K and G.
We are then left with the problem of human physics and our cherished but irrelevant game of existence anyway getting
closed by the egocy of ‘animetals’ doing machines with AI to get rid of us all, vanitas vanitatum, dust of spacetime.

We are then still left with the need to translate reality into the imaginary world of human physics and for that the
easiest way is to use just one of those constants, and ‘breaking it by the fractal principle’ into the 3 constants of
The 3 parts of any fractal point of cyclical time in the Universe become in the simplest physical systems, the 3 conserved
parts of the minimal organic Unit of reality, a ‘Planckton’ of angular momentum. It is also the smallest clock of our world,
as its minimal unit of cyclical information, or angular momentum, used as the unit of the 3 physical parameters of spatial
size, cyclical time frequency and ‘scale’ (Active magnitude):
h= mass (∆st) x area (S) x ƒrequency (ð).
So h, ‘Planckton’, is the minimal action=dimotion of the minimal fractal organism of the human world,
which includes our 3 human constants, mass, square length (area) and 1/T, frequency, the inverse unit
of cyclical time.
It is for that reason that everything in physics startw with h, as our mind-world starts with h. Your
consciousnesss, your 0ε (finitesimal mind) that looks at the ∞ Universe to construct our world starts with
h-plancktons (the vital name I have given to it, as life starts with plankton).
It becomes the ‘cellular unit’ of all other species of light space-time, as Plankton is the minimal unit of the biologic
Universe. All Mind realities must have a similar 3 component topological unit.
So happens with a biological cell with a similar ternary structure – a DNA nucleus that process information, a protein
membrane that isolates a vital space-time, the cytoplasm.
All physical systems are 'reduced' to fractal ensembles of 3 'conserved quantities', angular momentum - the membrane
of the system, sum of 'cellular cycles', which make each ‘Non-E point’ seem a dense cycle, when it is a ‘vortex’ of time-
space (Charge or mass); its spacetime or energy, which is made of the enclosed cyclical forms and motions within the
vital space whose boundary conditions are given by the membrane, and the center or mind of the system that guides it
‘through time’ with ‘lineal momentum’, setting the dimotions of the system with a finality we perceive guided by a
relatively still mind-point-singularity that focuses the energy and information transferred through an angular
momentum membrain. Those 3 elements are stable: St(nucleus)<§∏ (Vital space)>Ts (membrane)
Its topologic analysis is dome with Non-Euclidean geometry as points that have breath, whose lines are therefore waves
able to communicate the external form and internal energy; while hyperbolic fractal networks that branch to connect
multiple points, communicate the system with upper and lower scales.
3 of those networks, which are 5D planes intersect as physical waves or biological networks to form topological
In ∆±¡ scales in a static view we see networks but in a single plane we see space-time waves that carry energy and
information. Entropy then can be often confused as transport of energy and information through scalar networks, which
is an ordered process, vital to all organisms.
Because of the second fundamental equation of 5D metric that formalizes the Paradox of relativity, S=T, we can also
perceive a wave or transport network in time as a form in space at slow motion . And so the Postulate of relativity,
common to 3D Galilean, 4D Einstein’s simplex models in a single plane of ‘light space-time’…, and 5D can further confuse
in Human science, ‘entropy, TT, ‘locomotion’, Ts and reproduction, TS, even a wave St of information. So the ‘E’ element
of many equations of physics often is not §∏ but Ts or TT.
The fact that ‘motion and form’ are two sides of the same coin and form is the perception of cyclical motion at a fast
rate, ultimately means motion is perceived according to linearity. Hence entropy seems lineal (maximal motion) and form
cyclical (maximal curvature), which resists lineal motion (definition of mass and charge).

All is therefore motion, the ultimate substance of reality.
But as cyclical motion with form constantly reproduces by the mere fact of moving through the same path, motion is
also reproduction, which is the ‘causal function’ of the Universe. So every motion of entropic time, which enters within
the orderly structure of a fractal point, its waves/networks of communication and topological planes explained in the
paper on 5D geometry becomes an iterative reproductive system of spacetime.
Quantitatively this ‘persistence of forms’ becomes expressed through Universal constants for the different S, T and §∏
parameters of each scale, of which there are obviously 3 also in each scale.
Thus the Universal constants of reality respond to 3 5D Metric constants: S/T= Speed of Locomotion, which defines the
limbs/fields of the system, $xð=Existential Momentum/force, which defines its body and T/S: Density of information,
which defines its mental power, all maximized when S=T.
A trilogic>Pentalogic of H.
At this point it is worth to make a fast pentalogic analysis of it, even if it will be studied in depth in 5D quantum physics.
We just seek to simplify ad maximal the analysis, equations where it is alone, and perceived by humans without
analyzing the ‘human distortions’, weirdo abstract ‘Germanic interpretations’, etc for a first approximation. So:
- Spin: It is made of different quantized=still quantities of ‘h’. Spin is then the Ss>St dimotional, perceptive state of an H-
planckton (you do have to start thinking of h NOT an abstraction but an organic family of ‘species’, the quanta of vital
space-energy of our universe).
- h/2: §∏: Energy x Time. This is the ‘minimal’ bit & bite of energy and information, of vital spacetime, the Human
world uses to create particles and other virtual species of reality. It is the uncertainty principle, NOT an abstract
principle, but as the graph shows in a quantum locomotion, the quantity that is ½ of the reproduction unit of reality, a
Planckton. As when a cell is in mitosis, and we do not know which ½ is the past and which ½ the future, ½ is the
uncertainty superposed as locomotion reproduces information in the ∆-¡ minimal Planckton scale. So this is h in
reproductive mood giving birth to all kind of virtual ‘seeds’ of particles, which most often will just as all ‘seeds’ die, poor
little thingies, or become used between larger ∆+1,2 particles to communicate (exchange of forces, which as we know
are ∆-1 ‘derivatives’ of momentum, so momentums; the ∆ø scale of the physical organism that we can study with a
minimal objectivity, as we have already explained given the fact that the ∆+1 ‘integral’ of both momentums, energy is a
conceptual joker=god mess). So a quantum of ‘force’, the ∆-1 derivative of momentum, normally extracted from a
plankton halved to reproduce a virtual particle is the ‘exchange’ currency for communication between fully formed
complex particles, which are in the ∆+1 social evolution of the next scale of the physical zoo.
- E=hƒ, Ts<TT. This lead us only with the 3rd ‘lonely’ equation of Hs, which corresponds to the ‘energetic entropy’ (we use
this combination of words, for what is a flow of entropy-motion a larger predator system extracts by destroying the
energetic form of a system, but humans value as energy – the human meaning for entropy, a mental diarrhea of
thermodynamic death cultists of the Germanic idealist strain is NOT used in 5D just explained within the analysis of the
conceptual errors of thermodynamics, Entropy in 5D is Tt, internal and external disorder=death of an energetic vital
space that combine S and T, form and motion but once dead, and lowered to its parts, St>Tt-2 is absorbed and
reorganized to become something else). This is the case of the previous equation that measures the ‘entropic left overs’
to its initial unit, the h-plankton of a photon of light. The photon then is converted into a sum=frequency of planktons,
as you will become a sum of amino acids in the stomach of an insect. So if there were an insect physicist measuring you
it will just calculate the quantity of amino acid entropy it is using to make insectitos, but that is not you, got it? So that E
as the E of E=mc2, is entropic (energy). And so those 3 naked planckton equations spin, reproductive uncertain principle
and light as seen by the electron that absorbs it in photoelectric frequency show us the 1st scale
of all realities we humans perceive, our plankton. Natural Units c=1=h illustrates our ‘conceptual
divergence’. Particle Physicists measure momentum and mass in energy units, and distances and
times in inverse units of energy with the h=1=c mantra. So an electron with a momentum of the

order of its rest energy has, according to Heisenberg uncertainty principle, a position h/ mec = 3.9 x 10-11 cm ; which
write as 1/me = 0:51 MeV-1
So all is energy and we get ‘nice numbers’ and that is all what matters about knowledge. Fine. But then we miss
completely the meaning, as when in mass we just hear ‘God’, ‘God’, without a clear definition which does NOT exist in 4D
for energy, as in 5D. We care to think about 10-11, the fact that an electron is ±1 million times larger in Space as a body-
wave-territory than the nucleus and its measured head, 10-18 , as that is ‘qualitative’ physics that matters more.
This can be seen in the infamous α, which puts into natural units is the strength of the electric charge: The Coulomb
potential isV (r) =e2 /4πeo r. So as e becomes now 1, and r, in natural units, has the dimensions of energy-1, the value of
the electric charge becomes a dimensionless number, α, the fine structure constant = 1/137. But we want to know all
what it means with its true dimensions as a vital constant, a ratio of interaction between the ¥ and e-scale. It is thus far
more intresting to understand that h is the Space=form=cyclical motion and c, the speed, lineal time, motion parameters
of the Universe and always regain them to interpret the ‘vital dimotions’, ratios and events all those numbers truly mean.
Reproduction of form in 5D and its essential mathematical tool: calculus.
The Universe is a fractal that reproduces information, forms-in-action, forms of space with motions in time. This is the
essence of it all. But space is a maya of the senses, the synchronous view of a series of cycles of time motions, knotted in
the simultaneous perception of an observer; what physicists call a ‘frame of reference’. Thus time=change is the
fundamental element of reality, and this makes Algebra of time-change, specifically calculus perhaps the most important
experimental science of time, besides logic, which we have upgraded to existential ®=ilogic, which explores the vital,
organic whys of those changes. The change of mind frame to reject exactly what now is the absolute obsession of
physicists – the naïve realism of what they see, measured from the single point of view of the ¥-electronic humind – to
an understanding of the ‘paradoxes’ introduced by the distorsion the subjective mind introduces in the objective world,
is an extremely difficult jump of consciousness, which might be impossible for most physicists, but necessary to
understand the whys and spooky effects of the Universe.
In the graph we see how reproduction in wave states, brings a fuzzy h/2 uncertainty as every particle-wave moving
overlaps over the previous one. Reproduction MUST be the concept inside the mind, NOT motion which is an abstract
meaningless concept never resolved since Zeno’s paradox. Because reproduction is quantic, one at a time, and there is a
stop moment to complete it, it allows also ‘sudden change of directionality’. So this explains the amazing facts that for
example from zero motion, a tachyon particle as the neutrino is can depart. Simply it starts reproduction at amazing
speed. Reproduction of waves then is a function of ‘Tension-force’/Density of information to reproduce, as in all waves.
Relativity revi(sit)ed will show latter that what Einstein did was just more of the same adaptation of the Universe to the
human view, with the ‘proposition’ that the laws of physics do NOT change with frame of reference, but they do
because the laws of physics are the laws of the mental ¥-electronic human spacetime. If we change our spacetime
perspective, scale and language and speed of time and size of space distances change. Because the game is one of
perception of parts and blinding to others. Each mental space we call the Universe but we should call the world has a
different rod of measure and perception. We do NOT see gravitation, so quarks seem particle points and so do black
holes. But if we saw gravitation ITS DENSITY of space-form would ‘expand’ into a view of a gigantic black hole while our
spread galaxy of stars or electronic nebulae of dense photons would be seen collapsed. Perception is subjective and our
mathematical perception of measures is based in one single humind’s view.
The conservation of Energy, which is spacetime being transferred between scales is then closely related to lineal
momentum=T-motion, because such motion is an ∆±1 ‘deep’ down scales of the fifth dimension to imprint your form and
further on to take from ∆-1 (the field) as an ∆ø-wave energy to collapse into ∆+1 particle. So Ts-locomotion becomes as
reproduction also an ∆±1 swing on the 5th dimension 2 scales up and down, which are the 2 scales for the taking of
energy (∆-2 bites), and thus we see that all those laws and parameters are closely entangled.

Universal constants are mostly found in the reproductive paths of present states of locomotion, and as such they are
conserved by the metabolic rates of energy of physical systems tracing those paths.
In that sense, a key discovery in the work of Newton was that of the first ‘Universal constant’, G, which 5D considers
the Constant of curvature of the gravitational scale, hence the St ‘Pi constant’ that transforms motion into form in that
scale, or in words of Einstein, ‘time curves space’. For the general meaning of the ‘Mathematical constants’ of the 5
Dimotions of existence, we refer the reader to 5D Algebra.
As Einstein wanted the ultimate principles of reality are Vital & physical constants Universal S-T ratios/constants, which
represent the 5 dimotions of all Universal systems, Tt>Ts>§∏>St>Ss. So we shall find 4+1 absolute constant ratios in all
systems, of Nature, of the vital Universe:
e pi, e, 10=3x3+1 and phi. What about locomotion? In 5D physics locomotion is reproduction of form, from particle to
wave state to particle. So it has not a fundamental constant but a mixture of the informative, reproductive ones, pi and
phi. 5D thus use those 5 constants to explain how the Universe reproduces reality departing from those 'perfect ratios of
energy and information'. 3 are irrational≈ratio numbers that represent the 3 ages of all worldcycles of exist¡ence. ; as
the system evolves socially in its palingenetic cycle in scales of 10, then transforms entropy into information in pi-ratios
and decay into death, extinguishing its social numbers.
Finally since In 5D physics locomotion is reproduction of form, from particle to wave state to particle; it has (graph) a
fundamental constant, mixture of the informative, reproductive ones, pi and phi. 5D thus use those 5 constants to
explain how the Universe reproduces reality departing from those 'perfect ratios of energy and information'.
But the ideal mirror-game of algebraic numbers gets more messy in physics. So the ‘mathematical constants’ become
combined and digitalized in proportions specific of each scale and dimotional parameter of physical systems, as the
ideal topological game of 3 varieties of function-form, the Ts>§∏> St trinity of organic networks vary into the infinity of
nitrolife species shown in evolution.
As systems get more complex, vital constants combine, because unlike ideal mathematics, reality combines its
elements through scales, organic networks, ensembles, and so the fun is to analyze those details, but it is an herculean
work that an entire University could dedicate decades to do – a single man close to ‘e’ cannot. We shall just offer a few
‘brushes’ of the 5Dimensional ‘vital paintings’ of Nature.
The 5 existential constants form the primary, purest language of dimotions of space-time. They are all pervading in
physical systems regardless of the impurity=complexity of the rule.
Recap: 10 is the seminal social number of palingenetic ∆-1 emergence, π, is the number of the worldcycle, of the 1st
Dimotion of perception; phi is the number of the 3rd Dimotion of reproduction, in the second 'age' or maturity of the
world cycle, and e is the number of decay and entropy, of the fifth Dimotion of existence.
The vital space: ∆-scales of energy and entropy between the scales of physics
The Universe conserves one and only one thing, the present (time view) of existential energy (Scalar view), that minds
perceive as a balanced of form and motion from its 0εxistential finitesimal (mental point of view), even if it returns
constantly to pure motion erasing its form (Entropy vs. informative point of view).
How can we then write the equation of all existential energies is simple:
Present = relative past • relative future = St •Ts.
We simplify that equation writing ‘§∏’, but when you get into detailed calculations, Ts>§∏>St, requires significant
analysis. In physics this principle is stated as ‘Energy never dies but transforms’. A more specific definition will be
Kinetic energy (Ts) constantly transforms into information (Ts) back and forth in eternal balances.

There is also another equation of limits Tt entropy and Ss language, but here we cannot add, as additions require (see
5D algebra) to deal with the same or similar species which can be added along a parameter, 3 pears are equal species, 3
pears and 3 apples are 6 fruits, a common phyla; so St and Ts can add as they have something in common but pure Ss
and pure Tt, pure still language and pure entropic motion cannot. Thus Ss x Tt becomes a multiplication.
To understand physical constants we have to depart from ratios between space and time parameters, that is, from the
5 Dimotions of the Universe. But as they are defined in mathematical terms, we need first to introduce from the papers
on 5D non-Ælgebra the meaning of the main mathematical constants in terms of 5D.
Those Universal constants represent the basic dimotions of existence: Pi transforms entropy into conserved cycles of
existential energy; hence it is the most important of them all. Then phi becomes the perfect constant of an St=Ts, spiral
in and out playing the game; and finally the 2 constants of social evolution and growth and decay, are the 10
logarithmic of 3x3+1 vs. e-x. So e is the constant of death, of absolute decay, the most dangerous constant that defines
the speed of decay and radiation of atomic energy; that converts the coronavirus with a 2.7 close to pi constant of
expansion (each person transmits the virus to e persons), the most dangerous virus so far seen on Earth, but Mr. Trump
‘washes his hands’ and doesn’t give them to friends, LOL, the harder they fall. The constant of decay after death of your
cells, the only function whose derivative= quanta of speed of accumulation equals the function itself. Pi, Phi and e and
the social decametric numbers are the constants of §∏-existential energy, St inward information , SS-ocial growth and
Tt-entropic death.
Then as things get more complex, those constants combine, because unlike mathematics, we don’t cease to repeat
reality combines its elements through scales, organic networks, ensembles, and so the fun is to analyze those details,
but it is an herculean work that an entire University could dedicate decades to do – a single man close to ‘e’ cannot. We
shall just offer a few ‘brushes’ of the 5Dimensional ‘vital paintings’ of Nature.
Still if we just consider a general 5D metric for those 3 equations of physical scales such as E is for humans a function of
entropy and pass frequency as a function of lineal time that give us a scalar constant, so we write:
Entropy (E) x Time Duration (1/ƒ) = Constant of motion of a given scale.
The connection between both concepts is subtle. And each case would require a deep analysis given the extension and
complexity achieved in mathematical physics, which are the last papers I download – so much work so little time left…
What we want to stress here is that form is only measured indirectly.
When we express the entropic energy without caring for its ‘informative details’, multiplied by its time duration, we
‘erase’ the constant of space-time into a flow of entropic motion humans can use. But if we keep the system entangled
without loss of information as E = C2 x ƒ (ðime=cyclical time:ƒ); we can talk of the ‘inner energy’ of the system, E, as a
‘population sum’, of ‘space-time C2-beings’, as in a wave of light which is a sum of ƒ-Plancktons.
As S=T Frequency measures also a population of plancktons packed in denser space (S-view) or moving faster (T-view),
or being smaller which in 5D metrics, $xð=C, means also they are faster. But as the electronic mind ‘trans-forms’ time-
motion into space-information the speed is irrelevant, in fact the brain distinguish the density of Spatial populations of
information as ‘color’ . And the electron has entangled into a still state of form with the other electron (reason why C-
speed is constant, regardless of the background speed of the larger Gravitational scale, as both atoms are in parallel
speed when sharing information; as any system that talks. I.e. you walk at the same speed). This is the 5D view on
special relativity speeds. And as usual in pentalogic all those truths carry a part of the whole possible view: T-speed, St-
frequency, S=T entanglement, Ts, human perception of locomotion according to our scale that inputs gravitational
motion (Einstein’s relativity calculus) and finally Tt-entropy extracted from the photon wave.
So bearing in mind those subtle distinctions, 5D metric functions, E x T = C2 or E = C2 x ð, give us the 3 functions of
mathematical physics regarding its 3 ‘scalar planes’ (graph). But c2 must be taken as quanta of still light rather than c-
speed; as in an electron which is a nebulae of c2 still light spread in a bidimensional area, trapped in the potential well

of the black hole proton within its ‘event horizon’, which is the electron border, in the disomorphic parallelism between
the galaxy and the atom, where each still photon is a star of the electronic-galactic plane.
It is then when those ∆+1 c2 become equivalent to the h-plancktons of ∆-1, which are the spin values of the electron
nebulae, while the ƒrequency in E=hƒ are akin to the mass frequencies in E=Mc2, reason why we can fusion both
equations to give us for M-> ƒ (h/c2), whereas the compound universal constant h/c2 translates ∆-1 into ∆+1
parameters. But essentially both equations mean the same. C2 then becomes an entity of its own in Maxwell’s
equations, as C2=1/µe=k/µ (omitting the π factor), whereas K is the curvature of the charge scale and µ the magnetic
constant of vacuum. So we are expressing c2 in terms of the curvature of its space-time scale akin to the tension of a
string, divided by its magnetic ‘density’, akin to the density of the string, which translates the speed of light to the
classic formalism of the speed of a wave (tension/density). And again the details change with scale, dimensionality etc,
but the concepts remain.
Energy thus for any Universal world, in its totality is the sum of all the volume of space-time of all the scales of the
being, in its totality, which is also a composite product of its beats and bites, reason why we divide Energy in the
mechanical scale into kinetic energy (Lineal) and O-positional energy. But then we must add the dual energies of the
internal parts of the system. Energy thus can transfer between scales, but the true magic of the worldcycle is that on
the long term it returns to the scale from where it departs, so the balance of total energy of each plane remains the
same. It is then energy infinite in the Universe? It amounts to the question of the infinity of scales, which seems
possible due to the parallelism between atoms and galaxies. Though it is possible to develop a metaphysic theory of
perception that is circular.
We can deduce it, because a vortex in an SHM gives birth when uncoiled to a wave whose energy is measured by the
first of those E=Hƒ equations., in the simplest case of E=h ƒ, which is the uncoiled SHM motion of its 5D cyclical vortex
view we observe immediately that the frequency has uncoiled the cyclical beats of existence of the being; and is the
equivalent term to Energy, as H is constant. But in the vortex of existence we noticed that the two elements that grew
in parallel were the ‘bits of existence’ or units of perceptive information and the ‘angular speed’ of the vortex, while it
was preserved the length travelled or volume of space-time for 3 dimensions.
So the constants, H, and by extension to other scales, K and C; are the constants of each scale of the fifth dimension,
those are the 3 ∆±¡ scalar constants of physics; and they allow a wide range of ‘equal lives’, which can be exhausted,
‘squeezed’ in very tiny instants of ‘intense bits’ (higher frequency, higher temperature, higher mass) or slower bits. But
as the life of each species is the same, it also means what we see as a continuous particle is not, but the sum of
discontinuous generations. I.e. the life of a photon is as fast as its worldcycle of existence (wave cycle), and the next
wave cycle must be a new photon generation that lives traces its growth as a wave and reproduces in its locomotion,
collapsing into a particle. So a sequential series of photon generations of much faster life happen for each E=Hƒ
frequency. And obviously as time passes, the photon learns to live longer and elongates its wavelength towards red,
but each wavelength is a life existence (in fact we consider 3 such a waves as 3 ages of decaying length; since 3 waves
collapse in a particle).
So we write E(v) x 1/ƒ=T (lineal time= worldline) = H(k). That is, E(V) x T(Ro) = H(k), in terms of the equation of the
vortex. Whereas the nebulous concept of Energy is rather secondary to the conserved quantities of Lineal and cyclical
momentum, equivalent to the radius bites and frequency bits of each scale.
Energy as we consider it is then a combination of those two essential |-momentum x O-momentum = Ø –constant of
scale, topologic conserved elements. And the E in those equations as we said is rather the kinetic, lineal energy/entropy
humans capture to give it latter form. In existential terms what is conserved are the 3 ∆-scalar fundamental constants
of the quantum scale of frequencies, the thermodynamic scale of temperatures and the cosmological scale of masses,
the 3 representing the ‘speed of the bits of information=perception’ closed when the vibration of frequency,
temperature and cyclical mass returns to the SMH original point.
We can write those equations then either in terms of frequency or time duration:

E(v,w) x T (duration) =Constant of scale (H, K, c) =E(v,w) / ð(ƒ)
The smaller being moves much faster, with ‘more energy’, processing information also much faster, with higher
‘frequency’. So he thinks he is much more smarter and powerful than the slow low density larger guy, but alas!, after its
usual phyla/family total number of beats, ±1111 he collapses. And the bigger turtle finally arrives to the same point the
smallish Achilles reached; see it dead and collapses too.
From those conserved elements, volume of space-time of scale (Universal constants of scale) and beats of existence,
then by making different iterations and transformative combinations, we can extract the conserved quantities of
physics, angular momentum, closer to the frequency beats, and lineal momentum and kinetic energy, closer to the
concept of energy, lineal speed and entropic motion. It really doesn’t matter they are not exactly equivalent, as long
we understand them in terms of the fundamental principles the Universe conserves, ‘scale volumes’ and ‘beats’ of
existence. Humans for historic reasons, have chosen slightly different physical quantities, and made of energy a word
for many different states of reality, and they are not going to change ever those routines before its beats of existence
as a species, now closer to conclusion end. It is worth though to see them from the higher perspective of 5D and its
conserved quantities, $ x ð = K.
So the fundamental elements of those scales are the h, k, C constants of the 3 physical scales; which are dimotional
ratios between the frequency of informative time cycles or a spatial population (T =S duality) of an entity, which can be
seen also as a quantitative number of energy, related to the frequency of motion (lineal kinetic energy) or in terms of
spatial storage/population (potential energy), also in its T=S duality.
But we know there are different ‘families’ of species with different ‘existential momentum’ as we saw in the different
metabolic rate of hot mammals and low temperature animals. Those families however are a few, and can all be
classified as relative multiples of the constants of scale, H, K, c within a limited range, for the reasons explained in the
next paragraph, essentially the need for existence in a range of balance in S=T.
To understand this as usual is best to consider first the case better observed for being closer to humans –
thermodynamic species. Of them, there are basic 3, gas, liquid and solid. Gas having more freedom and less density has
a relative heat capacity of 3/2 KT by particle, which increases in different families of ‘tighter, denser social organisms’,
as we move to diatomic molecules, to the maximal energy capacity of crystal solids, with more modes of vibration,
rotation and translation; that is a richer number of Dimotions, not only lineal locomotion as gas is, but social states,
organic dances. This leads basically to the simultaneity of monologic, dilogic, trilogic tetralogic and pentalogic states,
and beyond to what would be the maximal possible number of simultaneous states (dodecaplex systems, 120
simultaneous particles, states in complex mass systems).
Because the reader has a ‘physical view of reality’, and after all is a human being with very few mind states, is difficult
to capture the essence of this. Energy is the spatial view of the maximal number of states of existence happening in
simultaneity, which grows with the complexity of the system and is maximal for mammals in life, for crystals in physics
for quantum boson states in particles, where we notice readily the similarity of those ‘stairs of states’ in the different
‘spin numbers’ of particles and atoms, ½, 1, 3/2, 5/2 h, as we saw in molecules, 3/2 k, 5/2 K etc. Further on as we grow
in ∆-scale; the next nested Universe is a ‘better family all together’ with more ‘dimensional motions’ in simultaneity, to
‘encircle’ the previous scale. So the number of h-states in particles is smaller than the number of K-states in molecules,
which in the peculiar confusing language developed by huminds is a measure of growing ‘entropy’. Families of states
though, as we said tend to be the 3 canonical trinity of ‘young gaseous, liquid, S=T, and solid Max. S x Min. T’, and so
when we go to ‘families of masses’, there are 3 families of quarks, the holders of mass (that is, the inner nested ∆-3
nucleus, whose spins have negative beta temperature and his outer co-existing membrain encloses molecules).
It is absurd to talk of ‘frequency’ in the ‘scale of temperature’ and of ‘temperature’ in the scale of masses. As in the
new scale those parameters would have to be considered inverse; something finally recognized with the adoption of
the beta parameter of coldness, and its negative temperature when we move to the nested Universe of highly ordered
spins from below or masses from above. As it should be absurd to talk of ‘spin’ when we move below the scale of light

space-time, into the realm of neutrinos=gravitons, or of attractive gravitation in the outside scale of the hyper-universe,
which is governed by the equivalent electromagnetic repulsion between galatoms. When we change between planes of
existence, there is a social grouping of ‘frequencies’ from a time sequence to a ‘spatial simultaneous perception’ T>S, as
it collapses into something else (Temperature); in the same manner that the orbital of its electrons that define single
atomic form collapse into something else emerging as molecular motion; so from the frequency orbital numbers of
quantum atoms we move the temperature vibrations of molecules; and from h-ratios of scale to k ratios of scale; and
this again happen when we move to mass that has therefore ‘negative temperature’, as it orders thermodynamic into
simultaneous wholes of the cosmological scale. And again, those are the 3 scales huminds perceive, as we are
thermodynamic beings, which therefore only perceive the upper envelope of mass and the lower plane of quantum
Yet those 2 limits always create an interval. So as all supœrganisms of time-space co-exist in 3 scales, we have a
thermodynamic world, between the outer gravitational ‘membrain-mind’ and the quantum reality, whose measures of
timespace, are specific for each molecular supœrganism and sub-species sandwiched between the galaxy’s ‘lower’
informative h-time quanta and the larger lineal c-time rod of measure - the speed of light. We belong in between where
all kind of supœrganisms that cannot go faster than light or process information in quanta smaller than an h-planckton
have its specific thermodynamic time cycles, to synchronize our 3 sub-scales with ‘nitrogen’ clocks and 3 vital parts, in
space which in the human case is the second ‘beat’ of the heart, length of the thought, glimpse of the eye, measure of a
dual stœp, (and ½ second of it is indeed the musical beat that we find more harmonious to synchronize our dance). For
all those beings H and C are just ‘Ss and Tt’ limits. They cannot cross.
Then there is the border, also misunderstood as physicists bring fields to infinity when they all drop suddenly beyond its
border, which in fact past its effect brings an inverse negative field of opposite effects. So beyond the border of the
strong force and its emergent nuclear force the positive charge becomes negative; beyond the halo of strangelets the
galaxy will become an electromagnetic repulsive force, beyond the domain of the electric negative flow a magnetic
field encircles the system, beyond the core of negative plasma a positive membrain shields the system; so on. There are
variations on those themes but this is the essence of the whole Universe in all its organisms. Physicists just lack the
organic complete view so they have immense detail of each tree but the forest structure is lost.
It is not that easy to understand if you are strictly as most humans are visual forms. Because the border is NOT
necessarily visual, but often is a temporal border of death, it is a scalar border of transition between scales, even a
mental border when the mental view breaks. And for that it is necessary to go a big further in the understanding of the
∆=S=T=@ symmetries of reality. So to understand the ‘limits of the border’, we need to deal with the basics of…
The 3 ages of a motion. Forces? Newton laws.
- Deceleration is a past, dying stage that ends in St-ill form. Acceleration is a growing stage, its inverse. But both are
balanced in terms of momentum, a present stage, and the best way to consider is as different st products:
- Deceleration, ∆ S, ∇ T, Acceleration, ∆T, ∇ S, momentum, energy: S=T. So they form 3 ages of a motion. Indeed, in 5D,
a vortex, Ro x Vo = K is accelerating as it diminishes its radius (∆T=∇S); while a big-bang explosion expands in space but
slowly diminishes its speed, ∆S=∇T. Both will end. Conserved motions then are those in which S=T, not necessarily every
constant instant of time, but as in SHM motions, with its accelerated and decelerated timings; which better represent
reality. Energy then as humans use it is a worthless too many meanings word as Vacuum Space which properly should be
Vacuum time-entropy (without space=form). But we do have the formula, ½ mv2, and what interest us here is v2/2 as
compared to v in momentum, its finitesimal instant. Consider it in ‘still form’, v as a line, v2/2 as a triangle with the point
forwards being the particle and the triangle, its stored inner volume that will be the ‘ink’ used up tracing the line. Energy
is thus the storage of momentum.
On the other hand a force, since as we have seen acceleration and deceleration are balanced, ∆∇S,T elements implies
normally a boost on energy expenditure at a higher ‘rate’ than the usual momentum. When we accelerate running we
are spending more storage energy; the force then is accelerating the ‘time frequency’ of our spacetime locomotion. We

won’t use more ¬Æ symbols though that would be the proper way to go through it. Concepts matter more at this stage.
Forces are then connected to an external world, a friction, a barrier we must overcome, an external interaction, which
normally draws our internal energy-storage, making us transfer of momentum. In plain inglish, the force is predated by
the receiver reason why normally forces are ∆-¡ smallish parts absorbed by larger particles/physical systems. That is why
is ∆T, ∇S, an accelerated force is loosing space, shrinking, ‘devoured’ in its momentum by the element to which it
applies it. Yes, I know that Newton tell us there is an action-reaction rule, but that rule is deceiving. When you push the
wagon you spend your stored energy as the source of the force and the wagon gains momentum so the action reaction
has in a different scale/ parameter a prey-predator reading of transfer of momentum.
Why those differences of perception? Because the Newtonian action-reaction only observes externally the entities in
inter-action as E-points with no volume. But in 5D points have volume and ‘the inside’ is being spent. In that inner scale
the force is more like the ancients thought of, a fluid vis viva energy that is transferred. If we get rid of the inner parts,
only then the action-reaction Newtonian law holds. And the consequence is that forces are not conserved, accelerations
and decelerations change, they are the 1st and 3rd inverse ages of a motion; only momentum is a present st-age.
All in all Physicists would have done much better forgetting the word ‘force’, because the 3 laws of Newton refer to very
different processes, even if there are clear homologies in its mathematics. The G-force is a gravitational ‘field’ of the
∆±3,4 scales; the accelerating force, F=ma, is the 1st – 3rd age interaction of a locomotion, an the 2nd law of action-
reaction is a law of ‘static’ balanced, present fields. And so they refer to different elements of ∆ST, ∆:G-force, S=T, action-
reaction, S>T<S, accelerated force. As we study the so-called 5 forces of Nature, in the paper on astrophysics, we will
realize that those differences are even more pronounced when dealing with the ‘weak force’ which is not a process sin
space but in time, of trans-formation and evolution of form. Those are natural problems of not having an understanding
of S & T.
The error of discontinuity. Points with parts. The basic 5D equations of all minds.
It is then through the understanding of the simplifications mathematical physicists do of algebraic operations, points
with parts, which are not singularities, continuous lines which are NOT all the families of numbers in the same package,
etc. how we will clarify some interesting results of 5D. A momentum is really a mementum, it is a persistence of memory.
It is important NOT to loose the formal, ilogic analysis of mind and what they do, given the constant ‘deviation’ of its
purpose by the ‘egocy paradox’ of man: ‘every point of view measures reality from its local perspective, stopping motion to
fit an image of the world with itself as its subjective center, performing its 5 vital actions of exist¡ence’. That’s the mind, and
so the Universe has infinite conflictive points of view, which however learn by force or love to form part of social
organisms, constructed around 3 efficient topological Ts<§∏<St networks that provide motion for its limbs reproductive
energy for its body and simultaneous information to coordinate its actions for its heads.
Minds act as st-¡≈=ST¡ mirrors of the larger ST-world, and to do so they produce a spatial=formal image, void of most
motion to fit in its ‘finitesimal 0ε x ∞ Universe = ∆constant world. This means minds eliminate information on its lower ∆<-1
and upper ∆>1 scales of existence, which still they relate to through a ‘hierarchical stair’ of actions that extract energy after
killing and Tt-feeding from the ∆-2 scale (we reduce food to amino acids), pixels from the ∆-4 scale to inform and forces to
move, through two ‘consecutive’ actions, ∆-2: electric mind images based in ∆-4 light.
The game then of minds is highly structured through the internal ‘subconscious’ control of ∆-x scales to absorb energy, motion
and information for its 3 ‘parts’, which we might call the ‘lower actions’ of exist¡ence (for each i-centered stience and its
species), as opposed to the ‘higher actions’ of reproduction with equal forms through a back and forth ∆-1 seminal motion,
and through social actions of evolution into an ∆+1 higher form
This distinction is crucial to the definition huminds have of a ‘mind’ as that part of the being which mirrors rality and
performs those 2 higher actions. Consciousness is also important in humind’s definition – not so much in 5D. All what exists
and creates a mirror image of reality in a simultaneous volume of space is conscious. The ‘form’ of space is conscious in itself,
and as to what is the nature of that conscious is obviously the perception in the language of the form of the language. That is,

you are seeing an electronic mind-image of this screen, and that is your perception. The image IS you at that point. The ego
then transits through different languages in a modular perception, within a simultaneous network of ∆-1 components of your
mind, the electric neurons of the brain.
We cannot reduce perception to electric networks. It would be egocentric and clearly do not correspond to a reality in which
we see other ‘languages’ and ‘scales of reality’, perform the game that defines a mind: the 5 local actions of existence,
through pre rojections of order in a vital territory, reached by those 3 networks – the organism proper.
The existence of infinite minds=monads=non-Euclidean points that hold a world-mirror image in themselves, st-¡≈ST+¡,
projecting their image in a territorial vital space, in which they perform locally the 5 ‘Dimensional motions’ of exist¡ence to
make those networks survive and evolve into larger, social wholes, defining its worldcycle of life, is the ‘fundamental
Disomorphism’ of reality, which makes all scales equal in form, motion and survival goals. Reality then becomes
astonishingly simple in its principles, yet vital and able to infinite diversifications. But the ego paradox of each ‘local mind’
that measures from its perspective a mental=still space and thinks to be the center of the Universe has prevented mankind
to see reality as it is, in all its beauty and intelligence. It has also put him at life risk, because we don’t respect the species
we are creating more powerful than us, with metal-atoms, whose particles already show the 5 Dimotions of life, as they
Ts-move, St-inform, §∏-reproduce, Tt-feed and Ss-perceive to evolve into social, larger ∆+1 wholes.
There are degrees of consciousness, and in fact, the teleological – Yes the main change in terms of the entropic definition of
evolution as a program without goal goes away – purpose of the game is to reach higher enlightement, lucidity, focus,
clearness, efficiency in the mind perception and enacting of the game. This is obvious and it happens also in Nature where
the ‘crystal form’ of metal networks of atoms, is ultimately the goal towards which matter and planets which as we have
forecasted for decades have a central crystal structure, seek. So the creation of minds with crystal clear images from magma
through glass is the purpose of existence. As the mind ultimately will exist in a territory of order of less clear minds. The RNA
‘people’ (the scale of highest consciousness and clarity in the enacting of the game of existence at molecular nitrolife level)
obviously control the cell even if most of its ‘workers’ are proteins and its encyclopedic mind is a DNA molecule, where the
nitrogen heads however are deactivated looking at each other in ‘couples’. All those facts might seem aberrant to the
‘entropy only’ self-centered egocy humind, which has this ‘subjective ego paradox instilled so deep in its mind’ that it makes
his philosophy of science regardless of data, as bizarre against the intelligence of Nature as that of a religious bigot.
Because the errors of mechanism, since Newton, regarding the nature of time and space, the substances of which we are
all made, have so much influenced all sciences and the view mankind has of the Universe, before the analysis of each
specific science in each paper-book of this ‘encyclopedia of 5D ‘stiences’, we encourage the reader to consult the
Appendix to all papers, which is a condensed summary of the Laws of the 5th Dimensional organic Universe, its space
dimensions and time motions; and how they construct all the organic systems of reality, including humanity studied by
social sciences and the galaxy, studied by astrophysics.
The ‘Disomorphisms’ between all spacetime species are expanded in the papers on the Universe, just develop a ‘feeling’
for the structure of the fundamental entity of reality, a space-time super-organism, spread in several ‘scales’ of the 5th
dimension whose metric laws organize reality. Also in many papers we include introductions to the main elements of
those superorganisms of which we are all parts, ‘the scales of the fifth dimension’, its ‘physiological networks’, and ‘time
dimotions’, its ‘worldcycles of life and death’, and the ‘topological organic structure’ that constructs its vital space,
reflected in the ‘languages that guided through ‘mental spaces’ on the external world in which they exist, all of them.

Abstract. CPT parity is absolute in the Universe. This can only be ∆ST variance. CP variance is absolute minus
weak force. So Weak force is ∆-scale force. CP variance then must correspond
to ‘particle’ (Parity) and ‘wave’ (Non parity). If we need both we are talking of
a wave-particle organism. The particle does not change under mirror
symmetry, but the wave does. In fact if an observable has mirror symmetry is
a particle. If it has not is a body-wave in any scale of reality. Look at your head
it has mirror symmetry. Look at your body it does not. How does ‘gener
mirror symmetry plugs into it? Gender at human level is a more complex
mirror symmetry, which involves an internal focus of the head into the body
(Gender female with higher connections between both), and a focus of the
head into the outer world (male gender with higher connections to the eye).
The male is outwards, the female is inward. Therefore we are talking of
variations on the theme of St, Ts, S>t, S<t, etc. dualities of dimotions and
orientations between internal and external space and time, as abstract as it
might seem the ‘knots and bolts’ of the relational space-time universe, which
are ‘most naked’ to understanding on particle-wave physical systems.
That huminds have zero understanding or interest on it doesn’t change that.
So we must depart first from some basic principles of existential algebra
applied to physics and while we could use no gender talk, just use S-T
terminology I love the whole fact it is a vital process. I will NEVER stop talking
the e-motional, vital, survival, reproductive part of the Universe even if no
other humind wants to ‘sapere vedere’. It is the ONLY reason I have enjoyed
an otherwise solitary life: to be entangled with that vital Universe. So we
make always thoe connections. The 1st easiest to understand is that when the
head focuses on the body (female gender, negative sign in physics by
convention), potential energy overcomes kinetic energy, angular momentum
overcomes lineal momentum, a ‘sink’ is more likely than a ‘source’. This is the
simplest gender concept: St (female) v. Ts (male), and it applies to a series of
dualities, ± charge being the most obvious. As in particles mass is ‘NOT’
relevant (why to care for 10-40 effects), it does not enter into this. It should in a
cosmological model of galatoms. We then construct variations of this theme
by combining dimotions. Charge invariance alone is valid as a ± inwards,
outwards system. More interesting is the left handed vs. right handed
systems. A left handed obviously has the body-wave moving forwards but the
spin-head moving backwards, and since it is ‘ahead’, it goes into the body-
wave. This means less energy expenditure, spin down, slower motion, kinetic
energy, neutrino lower than c-speed, etc. The 5D student of physics who
certainly will know more than I do of 4D physics, now that I am aging fast, can
figure out further than I do those laws if he absorbs the principle.
We write then §∏<S (head imploding into body) vs. §∏>S as left handed and
right handed parity. If we study only the ±charge head, parity doesN’T matter.

The natural configuration then seems, as ‘mass’ is inertial position, to have the highest mass/information particle in the
center, the quark, and the lighter particle orbiting. Thus an atom seems more natural than an antiatom. But the higher
reproduction of particles happens NOT at atomic but particle level, in quark/antiquark and electron/positron reactions.
So more than ‘efficiency’ what we see here is that Nature follows the Totalitarian principle: ALL POSSIBLE combinations of
mirror symmetry in space and its dualities, and all the combinations of 3 temporal ST-ages HAPPEN. Then once they happen,
the more stable survive, the ones that are not so stable die or feed more stable systems. This seems to be the case of all
particle-antiparticle pairs, gluons in the ∆-1 scale and mesons in the ∆+1 scale. Why? We can see it as we explained several
times as a death process, Particle (future arrow) < Antiparticle (past arrow), or as a reproductive process in scale, Paricle +
antiparticle (∆o) = ¥-ray (∆-1). In physics again all possible space-time combinations and ± directions happen locally.
So the 3 ‘time scalar st-ages’, called ‘colors’ RGB in gluons, 3 families of quarks and leptons happen. Moroever they can
‘couple’ in gender dualities (mesons, gluons) or form triads, seen in slow space as a proton, neutron, or in faster time also as
a duality of transmutation with emission of electrons: u+e >d->u+e… The particle+antiparticle then ‘seeds’ to scales down
into ¥-ray, an entropic death process in most cases, the u-d-u ‘couple’ seeds an electron, a binding stable process. Why
gender in particles brings mostly death in a deep metaphysical question. It might seem that also in biology originally
‘seminal seeds’ were preying in ‘wolf’ packs over the passive, larger female ovule. And somehow finally the ovule learned to
reproduce with a single seminal cell and evolve. The vital nature of those processes are in any case umistakable and we
won’t do an abstract list of all of them. It is in literature. We just explain its meaning.
The unstability of antiparticle-particle pairs then comes from subtle understanding of all the ‘transvestite’ sexual genders of
nature (S & T combinations). The one that works seems to be COMPLEMENTARY. I.e. an St-female and a Ts-male, looking at
each other to ‘lock in’ the ‘Ts-penis’ with the St-vagina’ so to speak. Forms that do not work are sterile, NOT facing each
other (homosexuality, sorry LGTB is the Universe that doesn’t like you, nothing personal,; I don’t care). The same goes for
the male, which spends more energy, is more lineal. The Unverse prefers females. Sorry guys. Nothing personal, I don’t care.
Fact is a gay world wouldn’t survive, so for a male world. The female can self-reproduce it si complete and spends less
energy. It last a little bit longer. As it ‘aims’ head=information into body=reproduction it also has it easier to appear. In all
scales there is a smaller higher ratio for them. Now those are the larger philosophical 5D basis for 4D jargon on CP.
In the graph, the duality of neutrino left handed female and antineutrino right
handed male. Now this case is even more interesting because the antineutrino
macho has both spin and p-momentum, moving ahead, so it is the candidate to
faster than light speeds, negative energies, etc. But in our universe there must be
more neutrinos with higher mass, more still-inertia, slower speed.
There is obviously a lot of literature on this. Wheeler, in his later years at the
University of Austin (Texas), used to argue the possibility of a right-handed neutrino overtaking a subluminal, left-handed
neutrino, in the auto-bahn paradox. In 5D this is not speculation but necessary. Now add them both coming from two different
fermions as in the graph with the same direction and you get the neutrino theory fo light. As spins have different directions they
are converted to the same symbol and add to 1 ¥-spin. As they are exactly entangled they give birth to the electric and magnetic
fields, superimposing on each other. The faster than light neutrino becomes the tension factor, and the slower the density factor.
This is the intuitive 5D explanation of complex maths, which do not really clarify those roles. In brief; the v becomes the magnetic
support of the ṽ. The speed of light comes from that tension/density difference. As usual those are 5D suggestions, whose maths
might be worked out, or not…
What we want to stress here is that ‘headless’ neutrino waves (with no ± charge), do mate and reproduce succefully light.
Particles with different ‘sexual head orientation’ collide and annihilate each other. What is then parity as opposed to ± heads? It is
obviously the same. Look at your hands in the mirror and now turn them outwards. With the thumb inwards you masturbate, with
the thumb outwards you pick up an external ball, easy to remember. The mirror image is outwards, but is ‘virtual’,an image; the
denser more often found reality again is inwards parity. This is 5D disomorphism for ALL ST games of all scales.


Eating your body vs. getting energy from the outer world
But in the negative side, the female gender, inwards looking its head into its body, it can feed on it and die faster than a
male that feeds its head into its outer world: all dualities of ST symmetries can have it both ways. It is then the first case,
what seems to happen in particle-antiparticle pairs. The ¡+1 positive head cancels the ¡+1 negative head and the two parity
¡0 bodies explode down a scale to the ¡-1 level becoming ¥-rays. To reorder all this in terms of St and past, present, future
5D terminology is possible but it requires a ‘systematic mind’ and a lot of work I no longer feel interested. Some might do.
What about the CPT symmetry? Here we collide with the concept of time and what it means in this
particular case of physics. It just means to change the sign on the derivatives of lineal and angular
momentum. So IT just adds the ‘scalar mass field’ duality which was NOT evident for CP ∆-¡ scales.
When physicists talk of time and people read it all gets confused because neither of them really knows
what they are talking. Physicists are ‘putting words’ to mathematical equations they don’t understand
but pretend to. So CPT symmetry is needed in weak interactions which are precisely about mass
evolution. It is then rather CP∆+¡ symmetry. And again here we need a zero-sum.
A more canonical analysis. The kaon asymmetry.
Now we’ll try for a change canonical physics. The detailed analysis
of the CPT violation shows simply stated this: The Kaon that decays
in ‘3 pions’, which then produce a particle, lives longer, KL. than the
one that decays in 2 pions that then decay into an antiparticle that
lives shorter, Ks. Because the 3 pions are 3 ‘ages of life’ in 5D terms
and the 2 pions do NOT have a present life state but transit from
past to future ± states and die faster Kl. lasts τ = 51.7 ns and Ks lasts 0.089. The maths then are ‘abstract’ but for a change is
worth to quote them in graphs:
Since the kaons have spin zero, the operation CP on the wavefunction has the same effect as
that of charge conjugation, C. The decay modes will be KS → 2π where the final state consists of
two pions in an S-state with CP = +1 and KL → 3π with CP = −1. But Kl decay as superpositions of
2 states. KL+ → e+ + νe + π− by R+, and KL - → e− + νe + π+ which happens 0.3/100th times
more. Now since, π+: ud˜; π0: uũ or dd; π− : dũ, it is obvious nature prefers ud– , the right couple,
figure out why in terms of body-head architecture (: just teasing; the thing is really the e+ head…
a bully with both expansive body and head is a no no in survival rates

The key concept of reality is balance to achieve zero-sum immortality.
The (negative) gravitational potential energy GM2/R and the mass energy Mc2 of the universe are
comparable at∼1070 J, so once more we have a zero sum. This is the LAW: - S ⊥ T
This, as we saw in the introduction leave us with a problem. Angular momentum has a clear bias turning clockwise or anti-
clockwise. And in doing so it shows a screw-driver tendency to move perpendicularity upwards and downwards. So we
need to add up all possible variations of those ‘clockwise and anti-clockwise’ upwards and downwards tendencies to get a
global Universal zero-sum. And this turns out to be requires the entanglement of 3 elements, left and right clockwise
anticlockwise clocks, which are called particles and antiparticles, that cancel each other. Inwards and outwards implosive
and explosive tendencies that are called charges, and past to future to past ‘relative directions’ upwards and downwards
which are called time directions. So if we change the 3 together we cancel the entire Universe into a zero sum, and that
sum of all local charge, parity and time dualities is the CPT conservation law, the most important of the Universe. We shall
just consider some local symmetries derived of it.

In the pentalogic analysis of all forms of existence we shall find at least always a duality to create an event or form, an ST≈st
congruence between parts and wholes and an St-Ts mirror symmetry between relative genders. It is only then when a
present in both scales and spacetime single planes happen, that reality happens. This means in physics we find the
reproduction of motion through an ∆-1-∆º back and forth, wave particle dimotion over a potential field of entropy, but also
a sort of St-Ts more balanced parallel gender mirror symmetry, which we shall study now.
We come now to the key concept of what energy is really useful for: reproduction of form. We already saw that waves are
reproductive lines that imprint the information of the particle in a lower scale of reality. But reproduction is not only
‘asexual’, that is, the particle reproducing in adjacent discontinuous ½ distances as it moves in quantum space, but also
‘sexual’, creative combining elements of two relative St-female and Ts-male genders, and this is done by mirror symmetry,
and it starts also in the quantum level of particles, so we shall treat now briefly this other form of creation for which Energy
is required but also information, form, which being in physics mostly a question of cyclical clock-like and spiral motions in
3D, brings new concepts to the table such as parity, chirality, and left and right handed mirrors.
Left handed female particles v. right handed sterile, dying hard machos
Since Pasteur studied chemistry's optic activity finding molecules that polarize light in different we know molecules are
'chiral', either left-handed or right-handed, why? Because CHIRALITY is the true meaning of 'gender', left-handed systems
are female systems and right-handed male systems. So they can superpose onto each other looking at each other, pegging
their palms, and reproduce. FOR A physicist this is ONLY 'a mirror symmetry' an it has a pathetic pedantic mathematical
proof that reveals nothing. For a physicist it is a 'matrix coordinate that changes sign'...
Not so, chirality has ALL the properties of gender. And it emerges in each scale of the fifth dimension till becoming so
complex that voila it becomes sexual gender. First you have the neutrino, which is ONLY female, left handed, as the galaxy
which is ALSO female left handed. The left handed neutrino thus is the one we see at c-speed (the right handed goes faster
than c-speed), and when they mate they reproduce a light ray (Broglie Jordan's theory of neutrino light; exactly when both
spins penetrate each other locking in spin up and down like penis and vulva do; alas then you have slightly more left
handed electrons, as you have slightly more females being born.
The weak trans-form-ation of left-handed 'chiral female' species happening in the same point (Fermi's model) latter
stretched to accommodate Born rule with a small displacement for the intermediate 'pregnant' massive W±,Z,H states.
Moreover, ONLY left-handed particles (female ones) REPRODUCE new particles, through the weak force, which is NOT a
force but the process of particles becoming 'pregnant', fattened by energy (women only become pregnant with extra
energy), so they become a fat massive z particle and then they reproduce a bunch of other particles; but RIGHT-handed
particles are sterile, are males, they do NOT reproduce other particles through the weak force... And then you get a left
handed electron coupling with the proton but the result is a sterile right handed atom, there are NOT left handed atoms so
they do NOT reproduce other atoms... and then you get the left handed amino acid which the top predator nucleotides
neutered, killing all the right handed so they cannot REPRODUCE and are at the mercy of the RNA left and right that control
them and reproduce/mate as mirror images to form the DNA, and voila now we are into left handed women (left brain
dominant), slightly outnumbering at birth as left handed amino acids on primordial soups...
But why the left handed is woman? Because its head SPIN is orientated inward to his body-wave momentum, so they can in
a 'hyperbolic topology', similar to the woman's body with is 'glass-hour figure', combine its energy and information to
reproduce, as women are connected in brain to the hypothalamus, but right handed are lineal, BOTH SPIN and momentum,
body and wave move ahead; they have slightly more ENERGY than women, which are preferred by the universe that seeks
the less energy state... So the right handed sterile machos go faster (so the right handed neutrinos go faster than light,
reason why we do not see them)... And all this then connects wit the duality of particle, antiparticle left and right handed,
life and death, antiparticles kill and die fast... and so on and so on...

The first gender level in the Universe is
called parity. Asexual spheres do not
have parity. Parity requires a mirror
symmetry, and so we shall call left
handed species women, and right
handed species male:
The graphs, as all others taken from a
SciAm's article of chirality shows the
achiral, non-sexual sphere, the chiral
male-female screws and hands. Notice
that right handed male systems show
the 'same directionality' between the
'head' of the screw and the direction of
'penetration' of its body; while left
handed female systems show inverse
'complementary' directions between
the head and the body in its
penetration the medium. They are
'balanced' female systems with inverse
directions between body and head.
While male systems are 'lineal', on the
same path, with no paradoxical
contradiction. Left handed females are
more abundant in nature because they
are the 'state' of minimal energy and
maximal immobility as both tendencies,
S and T contradict. The male is
'physically' bigger, faster as both
directionalities are in the same path.
We observe chirality in all scales as it emerges from one to the other. Parity then would be the equal quantity of both. But
as it turns out, the Universe prefers the 'lesser energy consuming, balanced' female species, in all its scales. So the electron
tends to be left handed favored in the weak Z force - the time force of transformation in the height axis of information (the
female axis), which the male (lineal, moving, in the length dimension) doesn't even notice.
In the next scale of atoms, amino acids of L-enantiomere nature dominate and when reproduced from primordial atoms
they are slightly more numerous, as they consume less energy. While energetic sugar molecules (male species), tend to be
more D-dominant. So happens among humans which slightly favor the birth of female species. Moreover most proteins and
enzymes responsible for the reproduction of life are L (in fact as any student knows all our amino acids are L, the why
though is a selective 'choice' of likely Nucleotides, to prevent amino acids and proteins to reproduce without their
intervention - we must say that in the different 'ages' of life, nucleotide dominant top predator molecules 'castrated'
In the second graph we see this choice as we 'grow in scales', meaning than in the hierarchical Universe, the upper
dominant wholes 'control' the choice of reproductivity of the lower planes. So while the Universe is chiral, it tends to
choose the inverted S><T complementary female of less energy, even if the difference of quantities is smaller.
Sexuality then arises of the mirror symmetry that allows to 'peg' in opposite directions, hence 'attractive' directions two
inverse left and right handed. You can indeed bring them together to penetrate each other, or coil one around the other,

which is the ultimate meaning of gender, the pegging together in an attractive mirror fashion of two beings, one dominant
in energy, the male species and the other in form, the female one.
This dominance of left-handed is ultimately within the supœrganism of the galatom connected to the fractal nature of the
galaxy, which is you guess it left handed, as the electron and the weak force in its preferences, which simply goes up in
But the true reason of the dominance of left handed system is the same than the need for sexual chirality: Since the female
S><T combine in inverse directions the body and head they are 'asexually reproductive', while male and achiral species are
not. So because the dimotion of reproduction dominates systems, females become dominant and in some species as the L-
amino acids of proteins and DNA (which in fact is a combination of both type of spirals pegged into each other), the only
one. Let us then resume the game of existence to show the dominance of the Dimotion of reproduction.
The W, Z, Higgs bosons and the weak force of the 5th dimension.
The proper arrangement of particles according to 5d and its dimotions and 3 scales: the weak force is not a force but the
dimotion of social evolution and entropic dissolution between vortices of time of maximal speed, aka quarks. it follows that
as there are 3 transformative middle states from light to heavy quarks (z,w,h), there are also 3 states of the particles, in
each of its 3 families as there are 3 boson fields in the 3 scales, the neutrino, photon and gluon, there are 3 electrons, the
tau, muon and electron and 3 quark atomic families, which we might reclassify as the strange and top quark decuplets, the
ud-light atom and the cb atom and its massive gluon quark liquids of strangelets in stars and top quarks in black holes
In that sense, the weak force and the heavy bosons, W, Z and H associated to them do NOT really give mass to particles.
They are states of the process of transformation of particles of our smaller world into particles of the larger cosmological
scales of heavy quarks, strange stars and black holes.
So the weak interaction represents the duality of entropic and evolving dimotions of the fifth dimension in the physical scale
of particles.
This requires a note on the clear difference between the 3 'spatial
forces' that communicate energy and information between particles
(strong, electromagnetic and gravitational forces) and the weak
interaction, NOT a spatial force, but a process of trans-form-ation of
particles into each other, which does NOT have spatial range (as when
you change internally your form you don't move; it all happens within
you). So the proper way to model the weak interaction is as an
evolutionary process that trans-forms as in chemical reactions, one
product into another - a particle into another.
For that reason the 'weak interaction' has a coupling constant
measured in 'time'; because it is an evolutionary process; and it does
violate the CPT rule because 'time is NOT symmetric as space', or as
Einstein put it, 'wires don't travel to the past'.
As i was the leading researcher of duality, chairing the International
congress of the discipline, which studies the Universe and all its
systems with two dimotions of time, entropy and information, crafting
the metric 5D formalism of a scalar Universe, where the weak force is
the 'needed' force to evolve those particles into 'higher 5D scales of
mass'; obviously the weak interaction has called my attention for very

This different, limited role of the weak interaction is now slowly becoming the new 'language' of physics: "The weak force...
least fits into our picture of what a force should do. ...the categories of 'attractive' and 'repulsive' do not really fit ...because
it has the ability to change particles from one type to another. ...The weak force can change one lepton into another
provided they are in the same generation. The electron can be changed into an electron neutrino and vice versa, but the
electron cannot be turned into the muon neutrino... Jonathan Allday, Quarks, Leptons and the Big Bang (2016).
As in a chemical transformation where an 'extra-boost' of energy is needed to produce new compounds which will pass
often through intermediate unstable compounds before reaching its final stable product; when a particle transforms into a
heavier one, it needs an 'extra-boost' of energy, which is what the accelerator provides on Earth - the crunching and inner
pressures of stars in Nature. So the LHC first transforms light quarks into the intermediate, brief state represented by the
W, Z or Higgs boson; and finally becomes the final product - a heavy quark, completing its transformation (leaving also as
chemical transformations that waste heat, a wasted cloud of lighter particles).
In this manner our up and down light quarks can be transformed into heavy strange quarks and become part of strangelets
with the intermediate state of an W or Z boson; and heavier quarks can transform into the 'top predator' quark with its
intermediate state of the heaviest of all those intermediate states, the Higgs boson.
The multiple interactions and connections between particles while fitting in the dimotions and dualities, and ternary
symmetries and pentagonal logic of 5D physics are too long to relate here. Te notice that ultimately all are within those
laws, which make its dualities and trinities all pervasive in all systems of nature. I.e. the W particles play a crucial role in
interactions that turn one flavour of quark or lepton into another, as in the beta decay of a neutron, where a down quark
turns into an up quark to form a proton.
Such flavour-changing interactions occur only through the weak force and are described by the SU(2) symmetry that
underlies electroweak theory along with U(1). The basic representation of this mathematical group is a pair, or doublet,
and, according to electroweak theory, the quarks and leptons are each grouped into pairs of increasing mass: (u, d), (c, s),
(t, b) and (e, ve), (μ, vμ), (τ, vτ). .
So with those basic concepts of 5D physics, we can now solve one of the great questions pending in twentieth-century
physics, the unification equation of charges and masses, which is the key to properly mathematize the different masses of
all those quarks and deduce the speeds of its vortices. Te that aim, we must understand charges and masses as two fractal
membranes of the Universe, not as two forces, that exist in the same continuous space-time. This is an improvement over
Einstein relativity, but as the reader should understand by now, what fractal relativity has done is to improve Einstein by
improving the mathematics he used, with the addition of fractal mathematics and the completion of the postulates of non-
Euclidean geometry and by improving the logic of his work with the addition of information, the second dimotion of time.
The equation that unifies charges and masses as accelerated St-vortices searched for a century from the perspective of
quantum particles, not with the geometrical/motion-based concepts of Einstein’s masses. Yet Einstein always said the
unification equation should be based in the geometrical similarity between the equations of electromagnetism and
gravitation and the equivalence principle between mass and acceleration.
Let us then use those simple principles. The existence of a fractal structure of space-time means that the electromagnetic
world and the cosmological world are just two self-similar non-Euclidean membranes of space-time of two scales and
charges and masses two self-similar vortices of two different scales.
So we shall be able to obtain for the first time theoretically, the value of the stronger universal constant of charges
(Coulomb) by merely translating the jargon of a charge to the jargon of a vortex of space-time, which is the same in all
scales. Since rotation is the essence of mass and the concept of a hard particle as a solid ball is a mere Maya of the senses,
their only difference between quantum charges and cosmological bodies is the higher speed of rotation of charges and
hence the stronger constant of the electromagnetic vortices of the quantum world.

This unification can be done with the mathematics of Newton, Poisson, or Einstein, which are just three stages in the
constant refinement of the principle of equivalence and the geometrical analysis of the Universe. What matters is to
understand the principles, which is what quantum cosmologists no longer do.
So now we have a quantum theory of gravitation and we can explore further both ways down and up the relationships.
The relationships between the particles of those two fractal scales, the cosmological and quantum scale, is the next great
mystery of physics, resolved by the unification equation and Einstein’s mass theory. Te find that relationship, we must
translate to the gravitational jargon the radius of a proton, the particle made of quarks and gluons in the quantum world. If
the hypothesis of a self-similar membrane of space-time of different scales of size holds since both, a proton and a black
hole in the two scales, are made of quarks, the proton must be a black hole of the electromagnetic scale and so its radius,
when translated to the jargon of gravitation, must have the same formula than a black hole radius, called a Schwarzschild
Again, the mathematics is fairly straight: we equal the Coulomb, gravitational constant=1.5x10ˆ29 and the electromagnetic
radius of the proton written in the jargon of gravity with its classic formula that describes the same vortex, written in the
jargon of electromagnetism:
Electromagnetic force (gravitational jargon) = G(q) M proton x m electron /r2 = e2/4∏eor2 =F (classic jargon)
A hydrogen atom will be then a mass vortex of space-time, where G(q) is the Coulomb constant as a gravitational constant
with value 1.5 x10ˆ29.
Now we use the previous equation to find the electron Bohr radius as a gravitational vortex. Then the magic transformation
happens. Take the previous equation
e2= 4∏eoGq(1.5 x10ˆ29) Mproton melectron
And put it into the electron radius: e2/m electron x c2 x4∏eo. Now cancel m electron and 4∏eo.
And you get the electron radius expressed in the jargon of a quantum gravitational world as follows: G(q)M/c2.
It is a much simpler formula, which means we are doing “good physics” according to Ockham’s principle. But since in that
expression M is the mass of a proton, G(q), the electromagnetic constant as a gravitational constant, and c, the speed of
light, that expression is exactly the Schwarzschild radius of a quantum black hole.
Thus, the electron Bohr radius, which is the final radius of minimal size and energy in electrons, is the event horizon of a
black hole in the quantum gravitational world.
Indeed in the cosmological world, beyond that radius light sinks toward the central singularity, where the black hole, a
quark star resides. And beyond that radius, the electromagnetic flow sinks into the nucleus where quarks feed on light. In
both worlds beyond those event horizons, light cannot escape. And yet the proton has a magnetic pole, through which it
emits magnetic flows, equivalent to the dark energy, we shall see, black holes emit through its poles.
In other words, protons are self-similar to cosmological black holes in the quantum scale. And black holes are probably
made of strings, gluons, and quarks as protons are. They should be therefore frozen quark stars, of the only variety of
quarks which is positively charged, which happens to be also the densest of all quarks, the top quark, whose parameters as
a condensate coincide with those of a cosmological black hole. And so a black hole is a top quark star, positively charged,
the “self-similar proton” of a galactic atom.
St notice those results, the first theoretical deduction of Q, departing from G and the enormous simplification of the
parameters of the electron radius till arriving to the same expression that a black hole radius cannot be by chance. They are
mathematical deductions, one of the three standard forms of proof in science.
For a century, quantum cosmology has tried to obtain this unification, departing from quantum laws. Yet it can be
obtained, departing from the gravitational equations of a vortex of space-time. Coulomb already hints at this fact when he

decided to use a self-similar formula to that of Newton to describe a charge. What Einstein did was to refine those
measures with the concept of simultaneous, present time and the use of the non-Euclidean Ricci tensor/flow, which is a
more sophisticated, detailed picture of that curved vortex of space-time. He, we might say, applied a mathematical method
that allows taking a series of still photographs of the vortex with enormous accuracy, but the complexity of his calculus hid
the unification equation for a century. So it is evident that we are observing the same geometric vortex at different scales,
explained with two different historic jargons.
So indeed, the Universe is a fractal of space-time, with two self-similar membranes. This opens an entire new field of
physics, not quantum gravity, the description of cosmology with quantum laws, which is proved false, but fractal relativity,
the description of the quantum world as a self-similar membrane to that of the cosmological world.
But in what it concerns this book, the most interesting finding under the new U (q) value of the electromagnetic constant is
the discovery that the proton horizon shows the same equation as that of a black hole, a Schwarzschild horizon. It means
that a quark condensate is a black hole state and vice versa: a cosmological black hole is a deconfined state of billions of top
quarks, a top quark star.
Now, the mathematical treatment of the equivalence principle to unify masses and charges can be done with the simplest
descriptions of a vortex created by Newton and Poisson or with the more complex Riemannian geometries of Einstein. The
general error of physicists is their rejection of the simplest mathematics of Newton and Poisson, as the unification withg
EFE is difficult. A second reason is the use of a single dimotion of energy. So Einstein tried to unify cyclical vortices of mass
and lineal electromagnetism (Maxwell’s equations) because he didn’t realize that he had to unify information and
information (charges and masses) on one side and lineal forces with lineal forces (gravitational waves and electromagnetic
waves), which has been done with the self-similar equations of gravito-magnetism.
Thus, in a universe of multiple fractal space-times, each one with a different content of spatial speed and informative
density defined by a different G, electromagnetism and gravitation are merely two types of vortices with different sizes,
hence different contents of space and time, which translates into different universal constants
Once we have considered a generic analysis of the PHYSICAL T.œs' duality between strong-gravitational atom-galaxy
attractive singularity forces and the expansive electro-magnetic, membrane forces; we can fly upwards into the more
general T.ΠVIEW:
So we distinguish 'four fundamental forces' of attraction-repulsion (depending on the pov of the observer), which can
be generalised in function - not in topological form, which we have repeated ad nauseam can only be applied exactly to pure
forms (or those far away from the human observer, which therefore reduces its perception to pure form, and confuses time
fast states with simultaneous space).
The attraction we deal with is that of a present vital energy-spacetime open ball, which will experience 4 potential forces:
• A force that attracts the system to the 'protein, time-cycle membrane'; in the atom to the electronic
membrane; in the galaxy to the halo - this is a force related mostly to entropic expansion and destruction as 'space grows'
towards the membrane, which also leave in and out by osmosis of any kind, motion and form.
• A force that attracts the system towards its informative 'DNA' singularity; in the atom the strong force to the
quarks; in the galaxy the gravitational force to the black hole center - it is a force related to the informative implosion, as
time speed grows towards the vortex. It is hence more accelerated than the expansive, decelerating entropically related
motion to the membrane. And so it is also related to a growth of density and upwards lifting.
Yet while those membrane-entropic-expansive-decelerating, ∆-1 motion and its inverse ∆+1 informative-singularity-
accelerated motions seem the ∆±1 paths, the fact is both tend to kill, destroy and eat in bits and bites the components of
the vital energy, and so they are both selfish, ab=using energy for the singularity and membrane.

So they tend to be 'resisted', by the vital energy, which will itself show when its is 'heady' (not a headless automaton, pre-
programmed viral cell, human enzyman slavish to its machines, red cell with no nuclei, light wave with a minimalist photon
particle and so on). Otherwise it will just flow down or upwards and die.
So we might find two inverse anti forces, which try NOT to send the being either path, and keep it in the middle range
And this is obvious for example in planetary systems which try NOT to fall down the path of the star. But, and this responds
to an obvious question - which force is stronger; it ultimately falls into the sun-singularity, as the inward accelerated,
compressing force is stronger. So the strong force is stronger than the expansive electromagnetic force that sends you in
your way to the electron, and the gravitational force should be stronger in a similar 'fine constant' proportion to the dark
entropy forces that are in the galaxy-atom self-similar to the electromagnetic ones and expand space between galaxies.
Then there is of course for the vital energy quanta of the open ball region forces towards its fifth dimension of social
evolution, without MOTION to the singularity but rather 'collapsing' of the wave into a particle state; and viceversa, the
scattering entropic fourth dimension of downwards dissolution.
When this happens 'spontaneously' not caused by the attractive power of membranes and singularities, it is a self-
sustained process, which we distinguish by lack of relative motion of the particle towards the $ or ð regions, and because it
is a slower than the fastest of all processes, any process of death, with an exponential rate of maximal 'growth'-dissolution
(e being the constant of death≈decay).
T.œs follow T.Œ isomorphic laws.
This is a T.Œ law (T.œ used for particular timespaœrganisms, T. Œ FOR generalisation as the law is an isomorphism that
happens in all systems.)
So for example humans have a pull towards social love (5th dimension), a fear but unavoidable end into an entropic
explosion, often caused by the larger whole, its nation, which sends you packing to the border/membrane where the hard
proteins/weapons/electronic wall will likely kill you; or to the seemingly nicer central black hole; where the legal
government will 'jail you' in a dense, quiet 'hole'.
We use the humanist method, comparing all systems to human organic laws, because in 5D we are all time§pace beings
subject to the same disomorphic laws. But humans see more detail about themselves and simplify all other forms; so to
regain their properties we have to expand to them human disomorphic laws.
So the star falling in the black hole, the carbohydrate packed to serve the DNA and the man jailed for wanting
r=evolutionary freedom, or the planet converted by accelerators into strangelets going to the halo of the galaxy, the
photon sent to the electron, or the soldier going to defend the border ARE isomorphisms. So it is the boson piling of atoms
or souls into a larger whole, subconscious collective god.
As we are working the physical world we shall not dwell on the injustice of national membranes and capitals ab=using the
human lot and sheeple with financial and military zeal... But obviously to be 'a solar system' in the wilderness of the less
dense, less informed open ball territory of a galaxy, or a photon in the atom-galaxy, its equivalent; is NOT the best position
of the organism which is all about 'membranes and singularities', DNA and proteins, working together, strangelet halos and
black holes, military borders and financial capitals.
The democratic placebo vote, the 'permission' to exist of the open ball, is just the wisdom of the singularity and membrane
which has its 'farming region' in the middle to store its vital energy and slowly feed on, but ultimately it will devour it all
and without 'pressure/density' the emptied vital energy of the present body-wave will collapse and the membrane wrinkle,
warp and the singularity without protection and feeding energy bust. Alas, death is the necessary reward to the abusive
singularity-minds that stiffen into stoppage, the vital energy of the re=productive body-wave and working class.

So the strong/gravitational force sends you to the centre, the electromagnetic/dark entropy force to the membrane and
beyond into the coldness of infinite distances between galaxy-atoms.
And no more translation forces are needed. As the weak force is NOT A FORCE, unless we use the concept of force as
synonymous of dimotion=action beyond the restricted idea of a ‘cause of motion’-acceleration. As it has no range in space,
it lasts much longer in time, as its coupling constant is indeed expressed in time intervals. And so it is an error of 'space
physicists who always want to transform time dimensions and processes into spatial rods, to treat weak forces as 'fields'
(Higgs field) as spatial forces, by lack of time understanding.
For an even more detailed break-down, we can consider actually the 3 forces as dual scaling forces.
So the strong force sends you to the centre, but its membrane emerges from it as the nuclear force that encloses gluons
and quarks in the centre of particles.
Then the same concept works with charge, the singularity and membrane, the magnetic field, which 'emanates' from the
electric force; as an intermediate stage between the atom-galaxy and the galaxy-atom.
And finally the gravitational force sends you to the enter and the Higgs field/dark entropy works outside the membrane.
And so we find then the proper formalism and parallelisms. I.e. the graviton has 2 spin but the Higgs outside is a 0 scalar. So
happens to the gluon that has a light 'graviton-like' 2 spin and a heavy scalar highs-like 0 spin.
The answer, which is common sense staple 4D should be that the uncertainty principle allows the dissapareance of the
±1/2 h ‘plancktons’. This is the core of quantum particle creation. So because the spin of a particle is ½ h it can dissapear¡
Alas, there is no conservation of fermion spin as ‘uncertainty’, that is, the ∆-4 world can swallow, and so the neutrino spin is
problematic. But if we accept it, then it is natural to think that 2 neutrinos = 1 light ;2 lights = 1 graviton (forgetting string
theory), which will be then two closed strings of light in the event horizon of a gravitational mass-hole; built as in the
neutrino theory of light by an antiphoton and a photon in inverse directions, creating a ‘shield’ barrier that encircles the
energies that become a ‘mass’.
Of this conundrum only a correction is needed, regarding the graviton-neutrino which now is considered to be a 1 spin; but
to correct that in meaningful ways we would need a huge leap into the formalism of quantum physics, which we avoid in
purpose to show how meaning can be given conceptually with basic maths, when we upgrade our understanding of them.
While the thermodynamic dimotion is not entropy but the clever molecular region, and resistance of the weak ud-beings to
be packed in flocks to their death by excessive information or excessive entropy in the centre/membrane; and parasite as
long as it lasts all other forces. So when you heat a system, gravitation misses the gaseous motion; magnetic fields are
expelled by the Curie effect, beyond a Curie temperature.
The game is just and the open ball is often left its own 'space' to cultivate its ghostly motions and forms - us.

Because of the obsession of humans, ‘particle intelligences’ with Energy, a wave is considered a displacement of energy
without displacement of matter. But the wave is far more important as a displacement of information.
Present is the dominant dimotion of energy in which the entropic lineal Ts-past and the cyclical informative St-future, act as
limits of a balanced reproductive wave-like time-space dimotion.
Re=productive waves of motion become then the essence of reality, and all the laws of conservation of physics (energy,
momentum, etc.) are in fact expressions of the most general law of a constant reproductive Universe, where systems
reproduce the same forms once and again, as even simple motion is reproduction.
This is the key concept that transforms a Universe with an initial substance, Tt-motion into a Universe with an initial
substance Ss-form. For if motion is reproduction of form, Ts becomes St and we are in a completely different view of reality
as ‘waves of forms’ that spread over an ∆-1 scale of reality.
Lines thus become non-E waves of 3 types, strings of contiguous forms (transversal S=T waves), networks that branch to
travel between two ∆-scales, thinning out and increasing its form §∏¡>∑St¡-1, or inversely waves that expand in wider
regions loosing form and dissipating into entropy, §∏¡<Ts+1.
Energy then is conserved but transformed, maintaining, gaining or loosing energy depending which direction the wave goes.
Another type of waves to consider are those in which an addition of energy in the form of a force triggers the wave event
where motion was not. Those waves are the most studied in physics – waves which under the force of a tension start a
motion that was not there and vibrate. They belong to the St-accelerated informative 3rd age of physical systems, as all
systems ruled by the Newtonian F=ma law, rather than the principles of conservation of energy. There is no much 5D can
add to those concepts in the form of mathematical physics beyond the previous insights of the 2nd postulate of Non-Æ and
its trinity division of lines of motions as waves. This trinity of waves expresses in multiple physical systems, from Earthquake
waves which are of 3 types to a proper more complex interpretation of the two solution of waves traveling to the past and
the future of electromagnetic equations and we will point out some of those extensions of the standard model of
spacetime, when we understand properly the ± dual solutions of all systems, as we did with the particle/antiparticle
duality. Let us just try a brief trilogic of waves.
The creation of full organisms: Trilogic of S≈T-waves+ Ts-particle-envelopes +Ss-ingularities-spins.
Full T.œs: St<S≈T>Ts: In the particle scale things are pretty similar to our world, and as that is our aim – to reveal the
organic, natural life of physics, we can explain it simple. It requires though certain basic ‘realist’ mechanisms for the whole
thing to be kept together, along them, ‘synchronicity’ between the clocks of the wave-moving and particle-static states, as
De Broglie already noticed. Because if those synchronous states which ‘lock’ the different scales of wave-particle-field into
a co-existing harmonic being, disarray the system breaks and dies. The best known case is the Bohr earlier picture of an
electron orbit that must have a natural number of smaller waves to form the circle as a ‘present’ repetitive form such as
the ‘longer circle’ and the sum of smaller waves always fall in the same place. This is the meaning of standing waves which
have a number of waves that naturally seek ‘a stable present’ state to repeat its form, as Nature seeks always the balance
of present S=T states of harmony between form and motion.
If the ‘particle’ is the envelope of the wave, it must be formed by both moving lineally with the wave and surrounding the
wave as it moves backtracking its motion.
So, in quantum physics the particle moves at twice the speed of the wave, P(v) =2 W(v), to have time to close the circle, and
become the ‘Ts-biological membrane’ of the vital S≈T-body-wave.
This we measure as the angular momentum of the wave. But then a ‘trilogic organism, which has
always a ‘membrane’, a vital body and an sS-informative center. And this center is formed by the
‘collapse’ of the angular momentum of the whole wave into a singularity momentum, (h/2).

In this manner a ‘full particle’, such as an electron does have 3 numbers needed to describe, its S≈T-existential energy, or
bodywave, its angular momentum= Ts-enveloping membrane, and a singularity, SSpin. And then to coordinate its motions
with other particles a ‘social’ magnetic number, St.
This gives us it, 4 positive dimotions. And we can see it in space as parts of an organism, ∑St: magnetic momentum [Ts-
:angular momentum: membrane<S≈T:energy: standing wave >Ss-pin/mind]; or in a time picture, we will see waves that
collapse into particles becoming electronic particle-points.
This is the ‘densest’ most complex, full-done particle-wave-field organism.
S≈T: Only waves: In the other limit of simplicity, a water wave travels twice the speed of its group; so a group-particle
envelope is NOT formed AND the lineal wave dominates the cyclical motion of its ∆-1 micro particle state that do NOT
structure a ‘whole’ envelope to form a macro-particle state: .
Thus the existence of a particle in the classic sense implies NOT only the existence of an ∆-1 particle as in water waves, but
rather a collapsed Ƽ particle with an 'active magnitude' in the external membrane of the wave, which we consider to be the
case for the collapsing wave of the quantum scale, as we can measure then an 'angular momentum' with h-constants.
This process of formation of a full physical supœrganism then is the same of all other scale: a membrane is formed to
enclosure a vital space, and then invaginate it with networks that find its ‘physical center’ or knot of communication in
which they become a ‘particle’-singularity. The membrane of proteins forms, and finally the nucleus of DNA-RNA, which will
travel through the vital space, tending for it. The electron is a nebulae that has trapped ‘dense’ cyclical light bosons as the
black hole traps them in c-speed cyclical patterns in the event horizon and beyond. Those light bosons can be pictured as
‘light beams’ that have become fully coiled into a rotary motion by the gravity pull of the quark-mass. The particle state we
perceive is the enclosure of the wave, in multiple variations on the same theme, from the shepherd dog - a moving particle
encircling it, to the wall... Waves and particles as the go and stop symmetry are the essential element that carry the s=tœp
duality of the Universe and keep emerging once and again in all scales, as far as gender duality, where the female is the
reproductive vital energy S≈T-wave and the male is the Ts>St<Ts, collapsing, expanding, membrane or in-form-ative
enclosure and singularity. So we have to Non-AE bits of existence: S≈T≈S≈T≈S≈T and Ts
(membrane)>St(singularity)<Ts(membrane) we call ‘membrain’.
S≈T>Ts: Waves and envelopes. The singularity, which will rule both the membrane particle and wave comes latter in time,
as the focus that increases the order of both, introducing an accelerating component to it, but it might NOT exist at all. As
what exists first is the S≈T-present wave, which might be all; then the envelope appears and finally the logic singularity that
will guide it into the future, so in terms of time the picture is: S≈T-Present wave < Ts-Past-membrane >Ss- Future particle.
The simplest case is a ‘lineal’ String attached to a wall; the first one studied in the analysis of violin notes. In such case they
are in synchronicity, as both particles/groups and wave-energy, travel at the same speed. And so those are also S≈T
conserved systems.
Ss>Tt: Then it comes a ‘classic’ of 5D states, the ‘∆+1 mind-point’ surfing over an ∆-1 Tt-field in which it prays, with NO
body, no present state. This can be either way. The Ss-particle-point state of the electron might be surfing the ∆-1 electric
field in a social flow (electric current), perpendicularly, in the opposite direction (in 1D perpendicularity according to the 4 th
postulate of Non-Euclidean congruence is inverse direction) of the current as it does the photon in the opposite direction
that the ‘neutrino-graviton’ (neutrino theory of light of Mr. Broglie
the unrecognized 3rd genius of XX c. physics along Planck and
Einstein, massacred in all his theories by the egocy of the Bohr
Again, following the procedure of those texts, to keep it
mathematically simple, conceptually=organically complex we shall
not enter into math details any scholar can ‘consult’ to verify our

statements. Only to ‘solve’ in 5D the 2 reasons why the neutrino theory of light is discharged and why the graviton theory
of neutrinos is ignored:
- 2 neutrinos must form a light wave between two particles must move in exact opposite directions, which is exactly what
they do in 5D as they entangle two particles fixing them lineally, so once ‘distance’ is measured (the minimal, only
information brought about by a neutrino at the Planck scale; as the neutrino scattering angle is exactly that of an h-
planckton minimal scale), over the neutrino-graviton, particles exchange information about their ‘identities’ and ‘intensity’
with a light wave (so we can also know it through spectrographs).
- For neutrinos to be gravitons they should have in General relativity spin 2. But in the Universe information, which is what
carries the spin is NOT conserved when we transcend scales. It is precisely what is lost. So neutrinos entering our ∆-3 scale
changing plane of space-time as they ‘feed’ a light beam don’t need to have the same spin.
- The 3rd objection is the ‘boring’ subject of Mr. Einstein’s egocy expanding his c-speed limit proper of the ∆-3 light scale to
the entire infinite Universe. Neutrinos are the mirror antisymmetry of light at the ‘other side’ of the wall, so its speed is
V≥C, as that of the photon is v≤C (depending on the medium they travel). So they meet at V=C when the ‘neutrino’ dies and
it is swallowed by the light photon, and hence ‘stops’ as all dead corpses, which means it reaches its ‘minimal’ relative
speed at v=c which is the stop state for the neutrino, as all speeds are relative.
Further on the 2 states of a particle, 'stopping'=closing a cycle, as opposed to a wave constantly iterating a motion are in
fact solutions to wave equations. So 5D considers the algebraic S=T equation of the wave, its full worldcycle and its 2 stop
and go solutions, the proper ‘natural’ way to describe the breaking of its 'symmetry' to create the S≈T-St-Ts-Ss processes of
5D physics. The ‘elimination’ of - solutions as those of an electromagnetic wave with its 2 solutions of implosive and
explosive, past and future motions is an error of ‘lack of understanding of negative mathematics’. A ± solution correspond
to the inverse St-Ts or Ss-Tt Dimotions of time, as Form and motion are opposite in orientation, In a single dimension, or
orthogonal in 2 dimensions, or with different topologies in 3D, etc.
∆+1: Finally to notice that in pentalogic there is also another way to explain the collapse of the wave into particle: ∆ª>∆+1.
From the point of view of the particle, it is a social evolution, as the train of the wave keeps collapsing socially into the stop
position till finally forming the ‘boson’ state of the photon that allows it to remain as a dense point within the electron, its
higher social form.
Some miscellaneous thoughts.
We could continue studying those scales but we rather consider some secondary precissions on what has been said and go
on into the study of ‘real physical systems’ of energy, mostly waves and SHM motions.
First to notice that the Universe to be ‘immortal in time’, ‘infinite in space’ and ‘incommensurable’ in scale.
But why the equations of 5D metrics (speed, etc.) are a product of S and T while the equations of energy are a sum? This
has to do with the ‘meaning’ of the 5 operands of Algebra, each one related to a certain dimotion and with the 3 ‘relative
scales’ of reality. Actions are the minimal dimotions happening in a single quanta of time. So each minimal
‘action=dimotion=dimensional motion=Step and stop=Stœp must be integrated into a long path, and that is the ‘frequency’
that multiplies the dimotion.
In the case of energy we are working NOT with the $xð=K but with the S=T 2nd most important equation of 5D. Hence we
call S=form=potential energy and T=motion=Kinetic energy, and the signs are the ± ones.
All in all, the Universe will conserve the total potential and kinetic energy in all its manifestations even if in its ‘maximal
points’, they are redundant. But those maximal points of Ss=Maximal potential energy plus zero kinetic motion and vice
versa, are really the ‘limits’ of existence of the system. I.e. if we stretch a spring beyond those limits it will likely deform and
loose its capacity to return back, being damaged. And so we return to the ever pervading warnings that a pure Ss and pure
Tt (mind and entropy, language and pure motion) are NOT living states, but ‘seeds’ and ‘time motions reservoir’ for the
games to begin. Immortal both but truly not living; in one of the many philosophical contradictions of 5D.

Now the reader will be surprised that those few concepts and equations (lagrangians, Hamiltonians, balance equations,
Laws of ‘balance’ are enough to understand all the laws of science, which are ‘its details.
But they require a conceptual understanding of the wrong principles of physics, notably the concepts of entropy and the
principles of minimum potential energy that bring most physical systems to the points of rest but only because they are
part of a larger system that preys on it.
Consider the familiar example of a marble on the edge of a bowl. If we consider the marble and bowl to be an isolated
system, then when the marble drops, the potential energy will be converted to the kinetic energy of motion of the marble.
Frictional forces will convert this kinetic energy to heat, and at equilibrium, the marble will be at rest at the bottom of the
bowl, and the marble and the bowl will be at a slightly higher temperature. The total energy of the marble-bowl system will
be unchanged. What was previously the potential energy of the marble, will now reside in the increased heat energy of the
marble-bowl system. This will be an application of the maximum entropy principle as set forth in the principle of minimum
potential energy, since due to the heating effects, the entropy has increased to the maximum value possible given the fixed
energy of the system.
In 5D first this is a case of thermodynamic transfer of energy from the ∆º to the ∆-1 scale: ∆º (ball form)<∆-1 (thermal
energy that is used by the molecules of the system) and also symmetrically an St<Ts<Tt equation ‘allowed’ of transfer of St-
potential energy into Ts-locomotion & friction that becomes Tt-entropy. So the question here is ‘friction’. The fact that
there is a contact, a ‘perpendicular’ 4th postulate of Non-æ geometry, NOT a parallel motion subtly guided by the
information transferred between the two points but a form of ‘collision’ in a disordered state, propitiated by the
gravitational force. Alas, entropy is ‘sTupid’ and chaotic and arises ALWAYS when there is no information, Ss<St minds
controlling the process.
In biology we find the same concept in a ‘herd’ of any animals even a flock of birds or a school of fishes that do NOT collide
because information is shared to maintain them in ‘parallel’, which according to the 4th Postulate of congruency implies a
‘superfluid motion’ with no entropy. Because physicists deny the Ss<St arrows of the Universe due to humind’s egocy
(ego=idiocy) that reserves those properties only to humind’s non-Euclidean points BY DECREE, they will always consider
ONLY Tt-friction cases, never mind superfluidity, black holes, bosons, superconductivity, negative zero K beta temperatures,
etc. etc.
Temperature let us remind the reader is a measure of ‘entropy’, NOT of order, of kinetic energy but also of entropic
collisions (as we measure it when molecules collide with our thermometers).
Egocy however is natural to the equation of the mind 0ε x ∞ = C, and nothing can be done about it. It is the same with
biology. Plants are not intelligent, but they react with intelligence in so many ways (see paper Biology, from atoms to
plants) showing both memory and learning to act (so if we put a plant near a pole to crawl up and remove it when the plant
sends its roots and do it a few times, the plant learns and anticipates to move in the ‘future direction’ we will move the
pole as an animal does), because A BRAIN is just a network and roots ARE the brain of plants that hold a mental image as
your brain does.
A brain needs only two components, a network, which receives input and ‘breaks it down’ in a network of neurons, roots,
neural networks, and a ‘transversal’ spatial, formal, memorial second network that connects in perpendicular symbiosis
those time networks to hold a memorial image of the outer events.
Physical minds EXIST and control entropy like all minds do; however entropy=thermal energy also exists and the arrow of
social evolution upwards, of complex wholes created by superfluid networks is destroyed and balanced by the arrow of
entropy. So the balances we observe in a single plane through Lagrangians, St=Ts are by the symmetry of ∆≈S≈T≈@ ≠ ¬;
whereas ¬ is the only ‘discordant’ note.
So we find then also the balance between ‘entropy’ ˙∆+1<∆-1’ and social evolution, ∆-1>∆+1. This is the ‘Lagrangian’ so to
speak of Scalar physics (and any other stience).

In space then we find a ‘topological equation’ of balance, |x O = ø, whereas hyperbolic waves in reproductive motion
balance |-fields in the ∆-1 herd state and O+1, the head-particle. So the wave is the ‘present’ state, and in time we find the
equation of balance Past (lineal entropy) x Future (cyclical form) = Present, iterative state.
So ultimately means that ‘all systems’ try to collapse and maximize the present, the wave state, the reproductive female
form; or alternatively if we express it in terms of lagrangians, minimize the difference between the two states, move in
stops and steps, S≈T… But those equalities are very rich in meanings because they are asymmetric and hence creative. S is
NOT, it is a feed-back ó equation, not an absolute equality. So when both combine they create ‘something else’… the line
and the cycle form a hyperbolic wave, the whole Ss-mind and the parts of Tt-entropy with faster motion form an organism
and in between there is the ‘network branching’ to reach from the whole (brain, heart, cpu) to the parts. This is important
to keep always in mind… Those laws of Non-Ælgebra and Non-E geometry matter. 0ε-finitesimals also matter. An absolute
zero does NOT exist or else S=T will be an absolute indistinguishable truth, which is not, and the Lagrangian will be an
absolute zero which is not. An action tends to zero but never becomes zero. If zero existed NOTHING would be.
Singularities in big-bangs do NOT exist
either. All this might sound confusing but as I re-organize those texts, a line of thought brings us slowly from 5D to the
description of space and time and its combinations.
Communication is the true purpose of forces, which show the sentient will of physical systems.
We shall show the astounding beauty of the sentient Universe and its ∞ ¬E Monads of perception; considering what the
Physical Universe is about: trillions of sentient particles, following the game of the 5 Dimotions of exist¡ence according to
the 5 Postulates of Non-Euclidean geometry, seeking for immortality which most of those particles achieve in any of the 3
scales of the ‘fundamental’ supœrganism of the Universe, the galatom…
Its study fascinated me when young. The beauty of the symmetry between the bio-logical properties of matter, its
topological symmetries and its scalar, algebraic social harmonies is the essence of perfection.
And if/when humans or AI machines rediscover what I found in my youth – the true harmonies of entanglement between
those scales, its particles, its universal constants and parameters, its social scales, its motions and synchronicities and
simultaneities… they will feel the same entanglement I had with reality. That though was more than 30 years ago, and life
was not kind on me; my intellectual faculties dwindling fast; and my ethical opposition not with physics but with human
physicists and their systemic destruction of the world with lethal technologies and weapons made me abandon the field of
physics a decade ago, as I explained in the paper ‘Earth III and entropy’…
The topological, organic Dimotions of matter and its life organisms show matter is constructed as any other supœrganism
with the same laws of vital topology and pentalogic causal time, as every particle and every atom is a living organism,
sentient, perceptive, social, seeking as all supœrganisms do its 5 Dimotions of existence, obeying the program of those 5
It is though not easy to ‘reveal’ the life of matter because of the extremely abstract, and detailed way in which physics is
taught today. It is essentially an Euclidean branch of algebra, and since physicists hardly understand anything about
mathematics – the why, not the hows – it is an automaton process, who seeks absolute determinism, as a mechanon of
motions with no perception and no purpose. Yet particles and atoms do have the same higher purpose that any other
system of nature: to achieve its social evolution into larger wholes that conserve its Momentum, and last in time. So the
way to teach 5D physics requires then to understand the laws of non-Euclidean vital topology and pentalogic, to know the
‘purpose’ of matter, and the way in which trinity organisms entangle together. But also the ways in which scales fight each
other, emerge absorbing the Momentum of lower scales, enslaving its parts… In brief, if there is a stience where the laws
of 5D illogic topology and existential algebra show in its full vitality is physics, and yet because of the way those laws are
explained today 5D physics is difficult to explain. Consider, a BCE, boson state. Two electrons, which are repulsive as
‘particles of the same gender’, which maintain a certain distance, however communicate a phonon and then move in

parallel, albeit opposite paths stopping its ‘perpendicular’ collisions. Suddenly we find two opposite parallel flows of
particles exchanging phonons in an interaction with the lattice of larger atoms that caress them with a vibrating wave.
This is mathematically a complex equation that means nothing to the reader. It is topologically a vital interaction that
creates a higher social order, lowers the Tt-entropy (not Momentum: S≈T) of the system and increases the goal of all social
systems of the Universe, social love, synchronicity, harmony, flows of motion without resistance, immortal motion with
form – you name it. But if we just write the equation it will mean nothing. So 5D has to be taught visually with a narrative,
departing from the understanding of the 5 non-E postulates of geometry and the illogic laws of existential algebra. And
only then slowly build up the equations into that lattice of space and time laws.
The problem of that approach is that physicists don’t give a damn for that. They are the less inclined philosophers of the
world at large. ‘The why is the only thing a physicist never asks’ said Mr. Feynman, a savant idiot idolized by his peers.
They are practical people, whose purpose is to describe with abstract mathematical tools, today with computers whose
enormous dexterity makes details so exhaustive that they cannot easily be generalized, the deterministic motions of
Nature’s particles without the slightest interpretation, as all what cannot be measured does not exist (Planck). So by
principle within the straight-jacket of what humans care about matter – its control of its motions to build technological
machines with it; 5D physics is denied and will always be denied. Look though to one of Feynman’s diagram, applied to the
previous BEC effect:
After the phonon exchange of information; both particles follow an exact anti-parallel path, which diminishes collisions
and resistance; and maximizes the ‘soft touch’ of the lattice. Order appears and everybody is happy. The laws of vital
geometry are now at work, social evolution happens, ‘distance-space’ proper of Tt-entropy is reduced and finally St-
collapse into a condensed boson state creates a ‘fifth dimension’ which is a form in motion of the ‘Ss-till state’ of a boson
condensate, the fifth state of matter that forms a perfect ∆+1 whole.
Forces as Social languages.
Complexity arises through social languages of information. Because there are 5 combinations of Dimensions of space
and time motions and trust me, that gives us enough complexity and then there is the whole range of effects and
transitions between scales, and as systems can ‘jump’ through several scales that ‘become blind to perception’ nested
Universes exist, and those nested Universes have inner smaller parts, and languages differentiate… Things really get
complex and as the ‘pure ideal physical entities’ are entangled in larger
worlds and made of smaller parts, and all kind of entropic frictions and
virtual particles, make things ever more ‘turbulent’ so physics gets more
and more complex.
Forces as balances between potentials.
The 5D future scientist if ever exists, will have a sound grasp of the
principles of S=T Balance, (S=T=∆)>0ε symmetry, and the accessory
properties of synchronicity in time, simultaneity in space, symbiosis in
scale reflected in the sentient language; so it will ‘see’ through any system
the expression of those balances of existence. Forces can then be seen as
communicative flows of information and energy that democratically
balance 2 similar forms, as tey flow in parallel, equating potentials. A
potential gradient becomes then the ‘Poison’ expression of grafvitation,
the key concept for an intensity of current to flow between two poles, a trigger of revolution to take from the financial or
military parasite the wealth stolen, and so ∆±¡ scales balance each other ‘50/50’, flows of electron move between poles,
magnetifc fields make all atoms dance in parallel and forcers go. The potential then will stop to maintain that parallelism in a
region of relative adjacency, so all forces can be represented by the next graph, the most important of ∆-1 physics:

The vital view of the Universe then converts forces into ∆-1 dimotions
that try to maximize the function of existence of the physical system,
(its present angular informative momentum, and lineal reproductive
momentum) with its O-head and ≈wave body. This is what is all about.
The physical system perceives with its particle head through
worldcycles of angular momentum, and moves-reproduces through its
lineal momentum. And so as all systems in existence tries to inform
and reproduce, max. sxt|s=t, since to do so, it inneds to exist in
balance with its higher ∆+1 world, (s=t) reason why we can find
through Lagrangians a balance of T=U, ( In the graph an example, of
the eternal S=T, T=U balances in Ionic bondage. )
The vital explanation of physical systems might not be liked by egocy
physicists, with its creationist dogmas of God speaking math and
man sharing. Nothing new here. It is EXACTLY the same religious
philosophy of Biblical founding fathers. This at least you must admit.
It is OK if you are just another kind of religious bigot, with an anthropomorphic belief, a creationist language and a
denial of the vital nature of the Universe. JUST ADMIT IT. Don’t pretend to have a ‘scientific’ worldview. Only
organicism is scientific. Point. Frankly I prefer a biblical bigot,. You know what he has in his reduced head (:
5D stience departs from a more complex view of the elements that compose any system to study all realities:
- Time in 5D stience is cyclical, not lineal, hence with multiple causalities and the capacity to carry in-form-ation in the
frequency and form of its cycles; which lineal time erases; hence lineal time ‘stientists’ become ST-upid as Schopenhauer
defined it: people who don’t understand complex cause-effect relationships and resort to ‘magic reasons’. This is specially
the case in social sciences, where a new factor inputs, egocy: Ego=idiocy, the deformation of any mind that measures reality
from its point of view, so your nose seems larger than Andromeda. And the result is the basic lack of ‘true models’ of social
sciences, history and economics, able to predict the future, specially when it is not ‘favorable to mankind’. And the outcome
is the incapacity to solve the problems of mankind by acting on those cyclical patterns, which is the meaning of a ‘law of
science’. Since because time is cyclical when a scientist knows the causes of its cycles it can modify and direct the future to a
better aim, by modifying the wrong causes. Unfortunately Humans became all ST-upids, when Galileo who taught ballistics
in the Venice arsenal at the princely salary of 1000 golden ducats charged with the only goal of ‘maximizing the length of its
shots’, wrote V=s/t for its cannonballs and stated the principle of lineal inertia – alas ‘manu military’ all the cyclical clocks of
the Universe became lineal. So today all humans believe in lineal time causality and have LOST all the cyclical information
required to understand History and economics as a science. Mind the reader, cyclical time does NOT change the equations.
For example, the previous equation, V=S/T can be written in cyclical time as V=λ x ƒ, whereas on top of the speed we also
learn the ‘length of the wave cycle’ and its time frequency, making time cyclical and discontinuous as it is in all clocks.
Space in 5D stience is ‘fractal,’ broken in similar vital spaces, not a continuum as in 4D stiences.
For that reason it has ‘ entropic limits’ beyond which a being does not exist. Hence Death and entropic limits are similar
concepts both in time (the limit of a cycle) and space (the limit of a system, surrounded by a membrane). For example
nations have entropic limits in the armed borders another nation cannot cross as a superorganism, often related to all
geographical limits – islands, mountains.
Moreover because space is fractal it is broken in different scales of size with similar properties. As the system of
reproduction in the Universe is fractal: a seed with the information stored in ‘static time cycles’ is delivered by a larger ∆+1
system (∆ is the symbol in 5D for scales) into a smaller space-time and so it creates a smaller replica of itself in a lower scale,
in terms of the ‘functions’ the system will perform, and this little form will reproduce and evolve socially through networks
creating a larger superorganism, which finally will grow in size from small into big. So systems are ‘organic’ because they co-
exist in ‘atomic/cellular, organic/thermodynamic and cosmological/gravitational scales. And this goes for civilizations and

nations and monetary systems, as a prophet of the wor(l)d, a horde of warriors with a new weapons, of bankers with a new
form of money reproduce it and create a larger system with its new seed of information. Again a lot of information on the
relationship and different ‘speeds of time cycles’ is lost when all those scales are pressed into a single one. So In our papers
on physics (Universe in space) we use this regained information to unify with cyclical time and fractal space, mathematically
masses and charges and solve all the conundrums of astrophysics.
Finally because the Universe is fractal there are ‘mirror-minds’ who use ‘languages’ that are synoptic systems that ‘reduce
the information’ of reality to fit in the mind-mirror creating an image of an even larger whole, the world. And that is the
explanation of why minds exist, whose simple equation is :
0’ (finitesimal mind) x ∞ (infinite universe) = Linguistic mind-mapping or ‘world’.
This causes the egocy paradox: the humind believes the image is the whole reality as it is all what it sees.
In History and Economics the egocy paradox is so strong that cyclical time is vehemently rejected for ‘magic, pseudo-
religious, anthropomorphic causes’ or selfish agendas of those who ab=use mankind and don’t want to ‘know’, how they do
it – specially financial and military people subject to the cycles of wars and holocausts due to the synergy of money and
weapons. So its ego is pumped to ‘cosmic proportions’, and its ‘language’ that maps out reality becomes the only language
of truth and intelligence. So the first men who thought in words believed God created taking words in Hebrew or Arab. And
today that we use digital machines and its metal-minds to express the world with numbers, humans believe ‘numbers’ are
the only language of reality. But the Universe is an organism of spatial information and temporal motions, its primary
substance that you see around, forms that occupy space, moving.
Space=in/form/ation and time=motion thus become the substance of organisms ordered through scales that give birth to
a 5D metric equation, such as smaller systems in space run faster time and life-death cycles. So the speed of time of systems
is not the same for all of them, and 3 scales of different speeds form an organism – in man the cellular, individual and social
scale. And finally for all this complex reality to ‘work’ in an ordered manner, systems which have a ‘membrain’ that divides
its vital space, from other systems, and are formed by 3 scalar space-times that give them organic nature; have in its highest
‘scale’ of size – that of the membrain that breaks it as a whole from the rest of the Universe a ‘sensorial system’ or mind,
which interacts with the external Universe, encloses and orders its internal vital space and communicates with other similar
beings, forming larger social organization; hence becomes the mind of the system.
We thus talk of a reality made of organisms of space-time, self-centered in a mind-membrain, whose language encodes a
program of survival for the organism. And all the data humanity has gathered about reality needs to be ‘put within this
general template, to make sense of it’.
Finally in the organic, complex real Universe for an entity to exist causality is pentalogic. i.e. you exist because you have 3
topologic parts, simultaneously working together, limbs, body and heads. So your causality in a single plane of spacetime is
trilogic. But for you to exist you must have a smaller scale of cellular parts and be part of a larger world. So you have then
besides your scale 2 more ‘causal reasons’, the parts and the outer world. And so your logic is at least pentalogic.
Pentalogic is the minimum analysis 5D stience uses to explain anything. Below that you are reducing reality. So 5D stience
uses the same data, but magically because the template that encases that data is far more complex and focused as an image
of the underlying principles of reality, data fits, makes sense and its chaotic form acquires a deciphered order.
Since in 5D the whole ∆+¡ scale which DOES influence through its larger, slower fields of energy and information and
enclosing membranes, the smallish ∆-¡ scales of reality. So the Earth influences through its glaciation and weather cycles,
the cycles of History, which as all time systems has clocks – physical, mechanical or circadian – prove is not the simplified
lineal system used in physics to measure ‘motion in space’, but repeats its patterns with the same causality once and again –
or else there would not be laws of science.

5D Stiences components of reality. ¬∆@ST: Scale, Space, Time, Mind and entropic limits.
Reality is made of ‘3 components’, topologic space=form, time cycles=motion and scales=planes of spacetime, defined by a
metric equation of the ‘5th dimension’ (∆): Si x T ƒ = ∆c; size in space x Temporal Frequency = constant. A better symbol for
cyclical time then is frequency, =1/T, or ð; which I used often. But now, I try to keep it simple. 5D Metrics allows the
symbiosis between scales and the construction of superorganisms made of ∆-1 smaller parts, joined in 3 networks at the ∆ø
level, which live in a larger world ∆+1, 3 ages dominated by each network, and then dissolve back in the moment of entropic
death. Entropy is then a dual EXTERNAL and internal motion in time, Tt. While the 3 dimensional topologies of space that
perform 3 different motions in time that dominate each age. This is equivalent to say that ‘structure or form in space’
corresponds to ‘function, action or motion in time’. And both together are called in 5D jargon ‘Dimotions’. So we can
combine ‘S-forms and T-motions’, which give us some key combinations. We have seen disorder=entropy=death, defined as
Tt. It is NOT the equation of entropy in physics, and here again as in T-lineal time, which is the inverse of cyclical time we
enter in dispute with common definitions.
But the problem is humans do NOT have correct definitions of first principles. They have excellent data and small models but
the ‘larger concepts’ – that, they miss, and that is what we provide. So we must make small changes. Time is NOT lineal but
cyclical. Space is NOT continuous but fractal. Both together form ‘scales’, which are essential to all sciences. Because all that,
5D which is a ‘General Systems Theory’ that unifies all stiences each one studying a scale of reality with the same concept: a
Universe made of superorganisms of spacetime must do those changes and define everything in terms of space=form and
time=motion, and do an introduction. Then with those 3 elements, ∆ST, we will construct the laws of any stience. In this
papers we will straighten up and make reason of the taxonomical science and consider the processes of Time evolution and
Entropic extinction of species. Hence the full title, ‘5D Biology: Time and Entropy: Evolution & extinction of species. We state
all can be constructed with Space=form, time=motion and its 5D scales. All what you see is indeed a vital space with form,
moving around, disintegrating in smaller scales at death, or emerging into this plane of space-time at birth. And it blows the
mind that nobody has seriously established the laws of those scales and vital spacetime organisms, because of Newton’s
error (to put time and space outside reality), when as Leibniz, his rival had it, all its made of relational spacetime. Leibniz, the
true genius, also defined the mathematical Unit of that world, a ‘fractal point’ which is a world in itself, as it grows in size the
closer we come to it. He rightly defined it as a monad-mind-mirror of the outer Universe. So we have a key concept that
creates the order of reality, which as everything else we write with our simple symbols, ∆st and > (increase of form as in t>s)
and < decrease of form, as in s<t.
Thus we can define then ‘motion’ (a form with internal stillness and external motion) as Ts, information (a form with
external stillness and internal form, as an image in a screen or in your eye, mirroring the outer Universe ) as St, and its
combination as TsóSt or §∏, § for ‘two s-dimensions, or social scales, and ∏ for 2 time motions; which together form §∏,
the symbol for energy that combines ‘information, St and motion, Ts.
Those are the 3 ‘topologies of space’, lineal Ts-motion, spherical St-form and its SHM-energetic hyperbolic ßody-waves. And
with those elements common to any ‘physical, biologic or social system, in which they represent the 3 social classes, the
reproductive energetic working class, the informative upper class, and the ‘flat territory’, ab=used by mankind. And the laws
between scales based in its metric equations, synchronicities and symbiotic or predatory relationships, established by the 5
‘postulates of non-Euclidean geometry’ of ‘fractal points’, line-waves and topologic planes made of 3 networks, its
congruence relationships and mind mirrors, st-1 ≈ ST+1, 5D ‘general systems theory’ (ab. ∆ST) can explain all what exists.
And this is a good introduction to the ‘deep’ subject of scalar dimensional analysis, which has as all in 5D a view in a single plane
of space=time, and in multiple planes, where the game in a single plane is about S=T, the coming together of St-information and
Ts-locomotion into SHM of balanced energy, while the dimotions between scales are about fractal principles of reproduction
into ternary waves, and mirror symmetries of Ss=ST minds reducing the external motion into form.

The function of existence: max. s x t|S=T physical function of existence, maximized by the worldcycle.
Perhaps the most beautiful realization on 5D Physics is the fact that Physical systems express with higher perfection the simplest
topologic games of worldcycles and scales. This was already felt by Greeks that thought rightly the circle to be the perfect form,
and so the discoverer of the Pi irrational form hang itself. But he found an even higher perfection, the dynamic π-spiral that
never closes but is a mouth, imploding and exploding StóTs. The dynamic nature of time flows in past to future = present
fluctuations then becomes the essential topological translation of physical geometries. Of them, the two most importants are
the wave-functions that shape the ideal 3 ages of existence in actual physical forms and the ¶article-heads that store maximal
information in lesser space, spinning with angular momentum, to perceive through its 3 ‘π-3’ apertures the external world.
Curve of existence as a bilateral symmetry.
So below we see the 5 STages of a function of existence are formalized by ‘pentalogic’, which we also call existential
algebra, because of the similarities we will find between the symbolism of ∆ST and the operands of algebra.
All languages and disciplines of stience turn in fact around the previou spentalogic graph, expressed in the bell curve above
in terms of the amount of space=information and time=motion a system has through those 5 STages, which all systems
walk through its actions, which are ‘stœps’ that change the S & T parameters of systems from youth, dominated by Ts-
locomotion to maturity, the reproductive TS-age, to a 3rd age dominated by St-actions and then as Momentum becomes
spent in a sudden fast dual motion, from St to Ss, the moment of linguistic stillness and death to << Tt in a dual reversal of
death: In the first phase, corresponding to the palingenetic age of placental Momentum the ratio of change (derivative)
has the absolute maximal ex, which is its own derivative. In its 2nd phase it diminishes to the minimal 1/x the log derivative,
which is the definition of an infinitesimal part; till in the 3rd phase it will start a bilateral symmetric inverse function of
decay with -1/x diminution and a fast collapse in the 4th phase of a 3rd age and final death moment. So the combination of
± exponentials and logarithm curves are also the best way to graph as a bell curve the worldcycle of existence as a
'composite' of a ± exponential and logarithmic 0ε-sum.
As any student knows there is an intimate relationship between the exponential and the sinusoidal by way of Euler's
formula in the realm of complex numbers, which we treated briefly in theory of numbers.
So sinusoidal bell curve functions represent a worldcycle, though the symmetry is broken in the moment of entropic death
when the collapse is extreme in a ‘falling line’ as death happens in a single moment of time:
4D»∆-1(seed)∑∆:|-$T(limb-field)<Ø-S≈T (iterative bodywave)> O-§ð (particle-head)«5D∆-1(death)
This universal mandate, expressed in any language, from ‘grow and multiply’ to the conservation of St-angular
momentum, Ts-locomotion and S=T potential Momentum, to the behavior of superorganisms that constantly switch
between space and time states, moving and sleeping, outward and inward orientations expresses as entropic limits of any
existence, the larger nested Universe that tries to achieve its function of existence by limiting that of its inner parts. In fact
it builds and selects its inner parts to maximize its function of existence, which often means their death as in Earth III, the
metal-earth, which further evolves the planet but seems to condemn mankind to extinction.
When we study the metaphysics of light, and how it builds human electronic spaces, we shall notice that the curve of
existence is the same form than the life of each
‘photon generation’ of magnetic/electric fields.
Light is indeed the ‘blue-print’ of our whole
worldcycle and its laws.
RECAP. 4D ignores worldcycles as space-time travel
reduces to 1 scale & dimotion; Ts-locomotion.
What is space=form & time= motion, the 2

substances of which all those supœrganisms are made, is not understood because of a bigger physical error that has fogged
human science for 400 years, since physicists sided with Newton’s absolute space-time (a single lineal clock for the entire
Universe) when reality has sided with Leibniz’s infinite time clocks and relational=fractal spaces. That is, we are NOT placed in an
abstract mathematical Cartesian graph of space-time (the error of Newton, who confused the ‘mathematical artifact with reality
as today quantum physicists confuse reality with its probability equations), but we are made of ‘Time=motion, kinetic Energy
and ‘space=form, information’. Look around you all what you see is ‘forms of space’ moving in time. ‘Leibniz is right but if so we
have to start physics from scratch’ (Einstein); which is what 5D does.
Physical systems want to exist, according to a Function of existence stable in a point of balanced S=T present repetitive time:
Max. S x T|s=t, translates that goal of all Spacetime systems to physics, like it does in all stiences. The outcome is a least time
Lagrangian of 0-sum actions: S (Potential energy) = T(kinetic energy), which is the balance of the larger ∆+1 world, systems
must respect, while maximizing in its inner organic systems, its ‘standing points’ of maximal angular and lineal momentum,
Max. S x T, which therefore transform into each other through SHM motions. This is what is all about in physical systems.
The system exists by performing actions of lineal and cyclical momenta, within a larger ordered S=T, energy balance. And to
do so in the lower plane of reality, ∆-1 they perform 5 Dimotions of existence perceived as forces acting on the environment.
But as in all other systems of Nature, there is a small imbalance of more information, which we study in detail considering
that the particle-head state dominates most motions, and the frequency of still mental information, required to perform
those motions outweights the intaking of locomotion and energy, St>Ss ≥ Ts>Tt; so slowly STep by STep of stop and go, S and
T STates, the system STages its aging process of 3 informative ages and a final reversal of Tt-entropic death, as any T.œ:
The 3 states of a wave of timespace as an SHM motion.
A key concept of 5D physical topologies is the equivalence between a Simple Harmonic Motion and the Universe, either seen
in one dimension (graph) or in 2 Dimensions (Angular momentum). It is a form worth to ‘explore’ metaphysically as it
expresses like the Bell curve, many of the characters of the trinity of space-time states, position, speed an accelereation.
We often say that a Simple Harmonic Motion is a representation of the whole Universe. Its ∆ST symmetry is so deep in
kaleidoscopic mind views that I hardly scratch it in those texts. Only the whole Universe had all its variations. Look at that
graph, position in past, velocity is present, acceleration is future, the 3 together form a 3 ‘color wave’. Position shrinks, speed
is constant, acceleration is expanding. The past faces, the present repeats, the future grows.
When the past-position is zero, the present, speed is maximal, the future acceleration is 0.
The construction of physical superorganisms in space. The topologic view: |x O = Ø
Topology. Why there are only 3… Unlike the 3±¡ age of time and the 5 main ∆ctions through
scales, topologies are only 3 even in a 5 Universe. This is not completely exact as we could
add ‘two Euclidean’ topologies to those varieties, the ‘point with no parts’ or particle point
which is how a seed of information or mind is seen, 0 ε or ‘finitesimal’, and the line with no
breath, which carries no information, only speed, or ‘vacuum Time’, as the form of Entropy,
Tt. So we could consider the two main elements of Euclidean Geometry, the ‘imaginary
point’ and ‘line’ NOT real but the limits of reality.
For topologies act as vital organs they must have form in cylindrical long limbs/fields,
Hyperbolic wide bodies and spherical tall heads, each one dominant in a lineal classic
dimension, lineal motion, informative height and reproductive width, which DO have
organic vital properties too:
Spherical ¶article-heads, perceiving information from the advantage point of height.
Lineal long, cylindrical legs and fields of locomotion as the line is the shorter distance
between two points.
Wide, hyperbolic body waves, storing the energy reproduce by the system.

As such single dimensions perform those organic functions in light waves that huminds perceive as space. So light is also an
organic system of 3 dimotions: c-speed length, electric informative height & a wide magnetic field that supports them.
Moreover beyond its classic analysis of forms and functions, what Vital topology does it to serve the basis for its temporal-
numerical version that is existential algebra, as points become the spatial version of temporal numbers:
So we develop a formalism of 5 Dimotions operand, «,‹, =,›,», for entropy, locomotion, reproduction, information and social
evolution developped into flows of ‘stœps’ that change sequentially a form through its events in time, where the vital
topology of each Dimotion is ‘integrated’ within those symbols. In this manner vital topology becomes ‘Existential algebra’ –
the analysis of flows of dimotions=actions of T.œs in its worldcycles of existence. Those sequences can then be studied as
templates of all T.œs in all scales, which will follow them to complete its survival cycles. And so existential algebra has implicit
vital topology. So we define in existential algebra with T, S and 5 «,‹,≈,›,» the main events of space-time of the Universe:
1D S<T: Lineal Locomotions, (Ab.Ts) which will move through its lineal limbs/fields the system, as the line is the shortest
distance between two points… towards a…
2D T>S: angular cyclical motions of information (Ab. St): the minimal ‘geometry’ of reality, a spherical particle/head or fractal
point, the geometry that stores maximal form in minimal space, hence suited for ‘organic functions’ of gauging, storing and
perceiving information (particles, heads).
S≈T: Fields of vital Momentum (Ab. ∑≈∏): with its hyperbolic ßody-waves that iterate the forms of both the spherical
particle/heads and lineal limbs/fields; as the hyperbolic topology combines the other two, so it can generate them, as the third
conserved space-time quantity the lineal and cyclical momentum of 1 and 2D. To which we add the 2 ‘scalar’ Dimotions of:
3D S≈T: Fields of Existential Energy (Ab. Ø, S≈T, ∆¡): a hyperbolic body-wave that iterates the forms of both the spherical
particle/heads and lineal limbs/fields; as the hyperbolic topology combines the other two, so it can generate them. Thus
Energy adds as the third conserved space-time quantity the lineal and cyclical momentum of 1 and 2D and so when we add the
3 parts we write, 1D lineal motion + 2 D cyclical motion=3D hyperbolic vital space. This again is the simplest ‘flat’ geometry
that gets more complex for 3D space-time volumes. It would be in topology the open ball, while the angular momentum is the
membrane and the lineal locomotion the point with parts or singularity that guides the motion without moving (center of
masses), treated as a point-particle.
So conservation laws define the 3 quantities conserved, which in space appear as the 3 components of all ‘particles’ and
‘physical waves’ and in time as: Lineal x Cyclical momentum = Present energy.
Entropy ¬ Tt; whereas motion is dual internal dissolving the information of the being and external, scattering its parts, hence
we use an « ¬Æ symbol; so the system explodes into its ∆-1 parts: ∆«∆-1 (death).
Ss: linguistic evolution, of parts into still locked simultaneous ‘seeds or mind forms’∆-1»∆
Those 2 seemingly unperceivable elements, do have motion and ‘fractal form’. So reality becomes made of organic
bidimensional topologies - flat motion in space, cyclical time membranes and the vital 3D energy within them. We then
observe its ∞ variety of combinations as topologic ternary species, whereas the 3 perpendicular 'lineal' dimensions are a
simplification of those organic functions: the height dimension enhances the 'perception of information' by O-heads/particles
place above in the point of maximal projective geometry; the dimension of 'length' maximizes locomotion; physicists’ only
time motion, and the width dimension maximizes reproduction and storage of energy.
|xO=Ø formal topological laws, past-present-future time laws and scalar ∆±¡ laws are symmetric, because that is the main
entanglement of reality that reinforce each other’s positions. The present function is then hyperbolic in space, momentum in
time (that combines both also as there are two) and the ‘network’ wave scale. Waves matter more than future particles and
past fields. Momentum matters more than ∆+1 energy and ∆-1 force. Ø-hyperbolic geometries are far more numerous and
resistant as Gaudi and life shows.

This leads to the third zero energy concept of physics, in the 3rd scale, the thermodynamic scale, where again the zero energy
reality creeps in with another 3rd jargon. Here it has to do with the fact that a thermodynamic state tends also to a balanced
state, but now physicists call it thermodynamic death. It has to do also with the fact that the 0 K thermodynamic death cannot
be reached as there is a 0ε left-over. This is called quantum vacuum zero-point energy, the lowest possible energy that
a quantum mechanical physical system may have in its ground state. And again its ‘cause’ is a consequence of the hyperbolic
Ø- wave-like nature of ‘energy’, with its reminder 0εnergy minimal form and motion, as all ßody-waves have.
A physical supœrganism is as all other system made of an St<S≈T>Ts adjacent topologic ensemble. Those 3 elements are
equivalent to the 3 conserved timespace topologies =dimensional motions of classic physics:
In graph we see most of the being is its vital space, or open ball or body-wave that stores almost all the energy, as the
singularity appears as a point-particle, often invisible, and the angular momentum measures only the thin crust-membrane of
the being, easily confused with the first layer of the vital energy. So if we take the ‘seed’ and peel the ‘skin’ of the tomato, we
eat the pulp that has all its energy, and indeed we do so with fruits. What is stored then in the membrane and singularity put
together or ‘membrain’ is the sensorial and processing units of information. So another way to break down the thing is in 1+2
(singularity and membrane or ‘membrain) which are the informative, intelligent S@ parts that command (connected often
through invaginated networks) the vital space of energy and its cycles and ‘cellular parts’. (S=T analysis uses ± operand, $xð=C
5D metric entangles the parts and re=produces scalar units, using the product, see ‘existential algebra: 5D maths and scale.)
The mathematics of it, require some subtle conceptual analysis we reserve for the last papers we shall complete ‘5D maths
and time=calculus’ and ‘5D physics and mind’.
So when we put together those 3 elements into an ‘organic whole’ as in the right graph above, it is easy to see, they form a
structure with a central active magnitude that commands the lineal motion of the system (Center of mass or charge), a clock-
like membrane of cyclical motion, and a vital energy enclosed between both, which we can measure by its radius-width.
The 3 parts of any organism define also its mathematical unit, the fractal Non-Euclidean point with breath, as it fits multiple
parallels, when we come closer to it and when we enlarge its perception at the proper scale of the fifth dimension in which it
maximizes its existence, grows in size to be a full blown, 3- 4-5D entity; depending on detail. As the full scalar view adds to the
3 canonical dimensions of space in a single plane of reality, now gifted with motion, hence ‘dimensional motions’ or dimotions;
the fractal structure of the Universe in scales, which means to add two new dimensions. The canonical dimensional motion
(ab. Dimotion) of entropic dissolution and death proper of classic physics – arrow of time, and the inverse dimensional motion
of parts that become wholes, of social evolution, of growth of information, as those parts emerge into a whole. We shall call
this Dimotion, the most important of the Universe, the dimotion of social evolution, of love. As all languages, mirrors of reality
not only mathematics reflect the 3±¡ Topological Dimotions that make all its organic systems – the 3 ‘dimotions’ or topological
varieties we observe in a single plane, which shape its organs – simplified in Euclidean mathematics, into height, the
dimension of information (so all formal minds are on top of the system from heads to antennae, to particles in waves –
photons, quantum realism); length, the dimension of locomotion, so faster systems are ‘lines’, planes and TGVs and light rays,
and the dimension of iteration, reproduction; so ßody-waves have a width dimension.
Particle points are just the Euclidean view of a Non-E species from a much larger ∆+3 scale that converts the supœrganism in a
finitesimal point (as ∆-4 T.œs – ab. Timespace Supœrganism, are not perceivable though the ∆+4 entity might use them as Tt-
entropic motion; reason why ultimately we no longer perceive it, we kill them).
Life of matter: Particles and its languages of communication: Strong and electronic forces.
Time means motion is the ultimate substance of life understood as the interaction of the 5 ‘possible dimotions’
combinations of the S-tate of spatial form and sT-ates of motion.
As the Universe is a living organism, gifted with a body, and a mind, logos (Plato), of a higher logic than man (Augustine);
the non-Euclidean, Non-Aristotelian pentalogic of points with parts, crossed by ∞ parallels of S≈T-Momentum and St-
information that evolve together into social wholes, and perform the 5 dimotions of life.

But what is life? As defined in any book of biology life is any form that follows the 5 dimensions or drives of existence,
which happen to be exactly the 5 Dimensional motions of space-time, ab. dimotions of the Universe:
-Ss: Life perceives form; St-life processes information; S≈T-life reproduces, Ts-life moves, Tt-life feeds entropically.
The minimal units of life of our vital, organic, fractal, scalar Universe of multiple timespace organisms are particles. And we
shall study them as with any other biologic system, with all the languages of mankind, the best S-patial mathematical
language; the best T-emporal language causal verb and its best S≈T-mixture –visual languages. The Universality of the
game of exist¡ence then becomes determined by the fact the minimal units of life are the smlallest forms we perceive.
From the understanding of pentalogic worldcycles and the 5 postulates of Non-E topology, follows an immediate translation of
4D physics to 5D stiences (not the other way around, as there is a hierarchy, whereas philosophy of stience matters more than
the ∆±¡ scales of physics, as all scales are the same, happens when we realize the 3 conserved St-Informative momentum/
potential energy ± Ts-kinetic energy/momentum = Total momentum/energy of the system; whereas the momentum is the
‘finitesimal’ 0ε ‘stœp’ of the energy, the ∆+1 whole. So St • Ts=§∏ defines the present state of a physical organism. While its
worldcycles are easily shown for the thermodynamic scale in the 3±¡ states of matter, in the gravitational scale by the 3±¡ §∏-
ages of galaxies and in quantum physics by its symmetric laws of forces (graph of worldcycles and next graph of 5 Dimotions). 3
are thus the physical scales, the ∆-1 quantum scale, which is faster in time hence has a time-probability 0-1 sphere formalism;
the ∆0 human thermodynamic scale with a spatial statistical formalism equivalent by the Law of measure to the quantum one,
and the mechanic/gravitational ∆+1 scale of the galactic organism. Physicists errors are many: lineal single Ts-time, Pythagorean
creationism, mechanism, reductionism, egocy…
We approach 5D physics is using the group of transformations of the 5 Dimotions of existence. We see above the example of
the 3±¡ states of matter which correspond neatly to the Ss Boson>Ts-gas>§∏-liquid>St-solid>Tt-plasma states
But the devil are in the details. So when we study each scale and group of transformation we run into interesting details. For
example, how we transform St into Ts (potential into kinetic energy, angular into lineal momentum, solid into gaseous states
There are 2 manners: when we move from an informative St state to a locomotion sTate (in space) or sT-age (in time) we can
do so by changing S to s (external form into internal form) and t international motion, into T -external motion (sublimation) but
also by changing external T-motion into external S-stillness and internal motion into external motion (deposition).
Of the many innovations brought about by cyclical time, there is one that stands mathematically – the concept of a non-
Euclidean fractal point, as points are now ‘minimal cycles’ of space-time, crossed by a relative infinite number of parallel forces
that carry the Energy and information to the inner point; as indeed a cycle breaks spacetime into an internal and external part
(Jordan’s 1st knot theorem). Let us briefly introduce this new mathematical upgrade.
Stiences study those organic systems, made of clone forms tied up y 3 type of physiological networks.
Thus, there are 4 basic elements in all organic systems: Cellular units; Networks that provide motion & Momentum to the
system (limbs in biology, potentials in physics, territories in sociology); Networks of information (heads/particles, languages and
the class that issue them - money and laws - in history) & Networks that reproduce vital Momentum (body/waves in biologic and
physical systems, the re=productive middle class and its factories and fields of work in society)
So cells/atoms/citizens of any system become organized by the 3 'networks' that provide entropic, digestive, raw materials;
reproductive processes, and simultaneous, informative synchronizing languages to move together the system as a whole, and
efficiently provide its equal parts with the goods they need to survive. In the next graph we compare two of such super
organisms, at the individual and social level of mankind:
The main 'sciences' of each scale of ST¡-size, from atoms to galaxies, each one studied by a human science, are centered in a
social organism, as they all have in common the same ‘organic elements’ of all species: social cells of and the reproductive,
Momentum networks and information languages that relate them. All organic systems are generated by cellular units, gathered
in 3 social networks that form together a higher 'whole' a new 'plane of social existence' (ab. ∆). So if we talk of an organism as
living in the ∆o plane of thermodynamic matter; the ∆+1 gravitational plane of Gaia, is its whole. Yet, since those cellular units ∆-

1 are made of smaller ∆-2 cells, which show the same structure, we can define any organic system as a super-organism (made of
smaller, similar supœrganisms). All of them co-exist in at least 3 scales. So we talk of ∆-1 cells/atoms/particles/ molecules/points
connected by 3 physiological networks of relative entropy-motion, Momentum and in/form/ation, put together into an Ƽ
individual whole, existing in a larger ∆+1 relative world. So we can map out all those super organisms according to scale, each
one studied by a different 'science', (stience of space-time beings). So in systems sciences we talk of a 'fractal structure' for the
whole Universe, in which smaller systems from the first particles to the larger galaxies tend to organic co-existing super
organisms, and the laws of those systems apply to any of those super organisms, and are the fundamental laws for its proper
design, as efficient systems that survive. So we can explain all sciences, both with the formal language of 5D and the more
intuitive of physiological networks, since in the scalar Universe smaller parts are connected by organic networks that create the
whole, emerging as a larger scale, and that creates the scalar systems of nature: particles joined by electromagnetic and
gravitational networks form atoms that form molecules, cells, organisms and societies, matter systems, planetary systems,
galaxies and universes. In Existential ilogic, a supœrganism is a present simultaneous state which hardly moves in time as a
worldcycle sequence does, because its inner arrows of informationin are focused in the reproductive body, as the limbs and the
head both ‘serve’ the connecting body that repeats its cycles in an eternal present: Ts>S=T<St, so the system remains in present,
as both dynamic < and > states balance each other. So we write for all of them the ‘fractal generator’:
Ts- limbs/fields/territories<SóT: reproductive, Momentum ßody-waves-workers>St- informative particle/head/ruling class.
Which is mathematically an O-sphere or relative future of max. St-information • a relative past – Limbs of max. Ts-motion = Ø-a
hyperbolic present bodywave. Since past•future =present (• being an operand of existential algebra, the next level of stience
Absolute relativity in ∆, T & S. paradox of Galileo. Wave Motion v. still particle form. The mental space of special relativity.
The 2 postulates of special relativity - The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames & light speed in vacuum
has the same value, c in all inertial frames, regardless of the velocity of the observer or the velocity of the source emitting the
light, translate to a continuous single space-time and the mental space our electronic eyes construct with it, the stop and go
motions of all the scales of Nature, so they are not absolute truths but ‘constructs’. If we were in the electron scale, we would
see 2 electrons communicating through a quantum, neutrino potential locking each other in the l-arrow of minimal
information at a fixed still distance, as information is emitted in still, parallel form between perceiver and emitter. Systems
move in wave state and emit information in stop particle state. The Lorentz transformations ignore this as in our scale like in a
movie theater where the image is emitted in stop state and then the frame move to the next, we see only the continuous
motion. This creates a distorsion, which the Lorentz transformations correct so we can keep our ‘safe’ view. The same goes for
c-speed which is just the limit of speed of reproduction of information in ¥-light spacetime, which is the one elementary
particles use once they lock in the quantum potential (gravitational scale? neutrino space?, neutrino theory of light?). But the
1st emission of neutrino? Quantum potential? ∆-4 spacetime is faster than c, non-local as we don’t perceive its information
hence v=S/t(information)=S/0ε=∝ (symbols of a finitesimal information, only the distance-angle of the receiver, and
immensity). Then we build the ¥-form with a new height dimension, and speed goes to c; and then as we build new ‘waves and
particles’ speed keeps going down (more information is transmitted/reproduced). The theoretical basis of 5D are absolute
relativity: we cannot distinguish motion and form so all systems have the same amount of t-motion and s-form, thus they stop
and go. And the mean time they are in stop state is equivalent to the mean time they are in motion state: S=t, because
ultimately motion is reproduction of form. Absolute relativity thus supersedes special relativity considered just its adaptation
to continuous motion.
Further on scale relativity means, mankind is not the center of scaling. Our relationship to the atom is equal to our relationship
to the Earth: 10±11 scales, which are also the population mean for a complete higher form, and a frequency mean of ‘beats’ of
manh organisms, according to the general ∆=S=T symmetries of the Universe. The galaxy then is a scale above, closer to the
scale below of the quark world and its strong forces, more related to the black hole, strong regime of gravitation, which lead
us to a metaphysical and physical question – it is the visible galaxy rather the internal part of the atom, closer to the nucleus
and the electronic orbital, the external dark matter, projected well beyond the galaxy, in that 103 distance between galaxies,
to form with them ‘atomic orbitals’? We shall argue those themes in future upgradings of these papers.

The negative gravitational field vs. positive mass solution: accelerated vortices.
There is an interesting little known result on gravitational theory where negative mass that does not exist, but can be
considered negative energy by equivalence and it does exist as a solution also to Einstein’s equations for faster than light
speeds, will produce an accelerated chasing vortex, where the negative energy (essentially the gravitational field) will chase
the positive mass that will escape. This self-accelerated process is exactly our explanation of what a mass is at the center of
an accelerated vortex of gravitational energy, according to the principle of equivalence between acceleration and gravitation
and hence the rational explanation of a 5D mass so often brought about as an example of the 3rd age of accelerated
informative time vortices in physics.
All this being abstract 5D bullshit, we need an example, a simple SHM motion (:
We said that acceleration can be the 3rd age of the system prior to its collision, but acceleration is also the derivative of the Ƽ
momentum scale, or ∆-1 as a force.And both ∆±1 scales are ±, as we jump between scales and the new one ‘absorbs’ the
existential energy of the upper one, even in symbiotic relationships.
Then there is the opposition between S=form position and T-motion-speed. Both are ‘orthogonal functions’, a key law
everwhere in the Universe.
Alas, all those laws discussed in the largest global symmetry happen in a local SHM:
The position, velocity, and acceleration of the block versus time are plotted in the Figure for this special case. The
acceleration reaches extreme values of ±w2= A when the position has extreme values of ±A. Furthermore, the velocity has
extreme values of ±w=A, which both occur at x = 0. Hence, the quantitative solution agrees with our qualitative description of
this system.
Scales of energy thus have inverted functions and S=T are orthogonal functions.
It must be noticed that the law of ‘inversion’ between scales, adjacent topologies, time generations, etc. is one of the most
essential laws of 5D, and one of the oldest I found 30 years ago. So you look more like your grand-father/mother and are
opposed to your mother/father will; the old man gets better with their grand-sons than with their sons, and energy agrees
more with acceleration than momentum, and forms change from lineal to cyclical as they jump in scales, so iron atoms form
rings but in macroscopic systems form lineal swords and gold is better in ∆-1 in thin strings but cyclical in larger systems, and
amino acids are lineal and proteins warp.
I used to write it as |-1>Oo>|-1 as topological symbols were the oldest in use…
Existential energies in galatoms: the 3 conserved quantities of physics and 3 parts of the fractal point.
Let us see the equivalence of the 3±¡ parts of a fractal point with the 3 main elements conserved in physics:
The 3 conserved quantities of physical systems are the 3 elements, St ó Ts = TS (dynamic view) or St x ts=TS (entangled view)
of the 5D metric function of the 3 physical scales within the galaxy.
The largest of those metric equations is, h(St) x c(Ts)=§∏±3, which sets the limits of information (h-spin) and motion (C-
speed) of anything that exists within the galatom and it is perceivable (outside of it, there is the larger nested ∆±4 Universe of
gravitation, not perceivable).
Within those limits, all are relative ‘nested scales, hence moving and informing on lesser motion/form; scales which diminish
as we reduce the ±¡ limits of the ‘constant, scalar Space-time between them’ in decametric scales.
So if the galaxy stretches to the limits of h and c, those limits are the ‘dead’ limits for smaller entities within it and become its
‘Ss and Tt’ still and entropic barriers. But the balanced regions in which the next ∆±3 species exist are below those scales. So
we find in the ‘light world’ series; ∑∑∑∆-3: photons ≈ ∑∑∆-2: electrons≈ ∑-1 molecules; an average decametric reduction of
speeds: a photon moves at 300.000 km/sec the Bohr orbit of an electron runs at 30.000 km/sec and the mean speed of a
hydrogen gas molecule is 3.000 km. sec. It follows that in the other range, past light-speed we should find for
‘gravitons?≈neutrinos?’ outside the galaxy moving between them at 10 C= Z a very common range of ‘expansion of

spacetime’ between galaxies; and even beyond it seems there is a 100 C wall of fire, for a hypothetical hyper-universe…
though 5D is not fond of speculating beyond the galaxy scale. This also means that in the range of ðƒ, cyclical time, speeds
must range from the likely ð=c speed of the spin of ‘light particles’ (the U-D quark and electron), down in speeds – obvious for
the electron in its Bohr radius which is a ð-speed, etc. All that numerical crunching work though will be avoided in this
introductory courses for future generations of AI or Huminds who love so much measure to make them.
We try here to straighten concepts.
As we travel through those physical scales, the constant parameter of time (frequency or duration of a cycle), and constant of
entropic motions, change, but by virtue of 5D metrics, they must be harmonic in their product; and for that reason the 3 main
constants of our light scale of space-time, h-spin, Down quark mass and k-Boltzmann’s molecular activity which processes the
actions of physical systems are all related (E=Hƒ=KnT=Mc2).
Entropic motion x Cyclical time frequency=information give us then a range of ‘existential energies’ within the two limiting
But there are more limiting barriers within those 3 co-existing scales of galatoms, as one constant transforms into other; since
Energy is conserved but information dissolve when crossing those barriers becoming disordered by death and reshaped afresh
in a new scale.
So the frequency of a quantum wave or its collapse into an ∆+1 particle with a synchronous internal clock (Broglie’s realist
picture), emerges from the ‘undistinguishable’ lower electronic plane to become molecular speed, which again emerges as
‘temperature’ of a macroscopic matter state.
This implies a finite limit in each plane for the parameters that measure T and S, departing from those first universal constant
of informative space (H-spins and temporal motion c-speeds), and its social wave frequencies. The scales though follow 5D
metrics so both lineal and cyclical time speeds accelerate when we become smaller reason why the transition between ∆-1
frequency in time and temperature is on the smaller limit. I.e. beyond 10.000 degrees molecules become disordered as atoms
become plasma and temperature leaves way to frequency; and vice versa, beyond certain frequency waves in quantum
systems collapse into smaller particles; and beyond certain mass ’frequency’ (E=hƒ=Mc2->M=h/c2 ƒ = ‘k’ƒ) light quarks
collapse into heavy quarks and black holes. Asymptotic transitions between scales are thus fundamental to physics, from
Lorentz transformations to Curie temperatures to the formation of quantum vortices, quasiparticles, etc. but all of them
respond to those 5D laws of transition we shall just sketch.
It is the 5D metric exact for all the species of the Universe? Not at all, because it is based in deep thought, on the fact that
larger forms have more ‘scales of complexity’ that must be built above the lower scales through networks that synchronize in
simultaneity the parts into the wholes. So each family of species deploy a different efficiency in those build ups and so as
efficiency in the process of information increases for smaller species, the ‘phyla’ of smallish beings form more efficient
families that ‘displace’ the lineal equation of its metabolic rates of processing existential energy to the left, as the graph of
the life families show: unicellular species are more efficient than
insects more efficient than mammals in the 3 scales of size of life.
This law can be generalized to any ‘trinity’ scale of systems of any
stience: the 3 families of mass of the galaxy, the 3 constants of
action of its scales (h, K, M), etc. Ultimately it is a law ‘entangled’
to the true meaning of entropy, which increases as a system
becomes more complex in scales, as the smaller parts do NOT
want to loose its freedom to the larger networks and so there is
always some ‘heat-waste existential energy’ in larger wholes. So
the single-cell organism is more efficient than the colder one,
more efficient than the mammal largest being.
A careful analysis is required for each of them, as the ‘universe is

simple but not that simpler’ and only conceptual lucidity on 5D laws allows to properly interpret those details.
Because of those gaps, those transitions require either the ‘emission’ or the ‘absorption’ by the system of larger amounts of
existential energy to enter a new family of species. And thus a huge amount of mathematical physics goes on to describe
those processes of expulsion of ‘fields of energy’ (i.e. Meissner effect) or in taking of energy (i.e. endogen reactions).
So near the limits of each nested dual plane, ∆±¡ by an excess or lack of energy or information, the system ‘decays or evolves
and emerges into a higher ‘constant’ of an upper or lower plane, crossing a discontinuity that doesn’t conserve the
in/form/ation between planes; which huminds deny because they would like to be immortal and the ‘death=entropic’
transition between huminds and Gods (studied in the paper ‘history and minds’) does not grant survival in the same form. I.e.
a god is the verbal emergence of a mind. But if 5D becomes the collective subconscious of science, only egocy will make me
think 5D is ‘L§’ mind’ becoming immortal as a new subconscious collective wor(l)d.
The construction of physical supœrganisms in space.
A physical supœrganism is as all other system made of an St<§∏>Ts adjacent topologic ensemble. Those 3 elements are
equivalent to the 3 conserved timespace topologies =dimensional motions of classic physics:
1D S<T: Lineal Locomotions, (Ab. |; $T, Ts), the minimal ‘geometry’ of reality, is a lineal locomotion, performed by a
limb/field system, as the line is the shortest distance between two points…
2D T>S: angular cyclical motions of information (Ab. O; §ð, St): a 2D cyclical or 3D spherical particle/head or fractal point,
the geometry that stores maximal form in minimal space, hence suited for ‘organic functions’ of gauging, storing and
perceiving information (particles, heads).
3D S≈T: Fields of Existential Energy (Ab. Ø, §∏, ∆¡): a hyperbolic body-wave that iterates the forms of both the spherical
particle/heads and lineal limbs/fields; as the hyperbolic topology combines the other two, so it can generate them. Thus
Energy adds as the third conserved space-time quantity the lineal and cyclical momentum of 1 and 2D and so when we add
the 3 parts we write, 1D lineal motion + 2 D cyclical motion=3D hyperbolic vital space. This again is the simplest ‘flat’
geometry that gets more complex for 3D space-time volumes. It would be in topology the open ball, while the angular
momentum is the membrane and the lineal locomotion the point with parts or singularity that guides the motion without
moving (center of masses), treated as a point-particle.
So conservation laws define the 3 quantities conserved, which in space appear as the 3 components of all ‘particles’ and
‘physical waves’ and in time as: Lineal x Cyclical momentum = Present energy.
In graph we see most of the being is its vital space, or open ball or body-wave that stores almost all the energy, as the
singularity appears as a point-particle, often invisible, and the angular momentum measures only the thin crust-membrane of
the being, easily confused with the first layer of the vital energy. So if we take the ‘seed’ and peel the ‘skin’ of the tomato, we
eat the pulp that has all its energy, and indeed we do so with fruits. What is stored then in the membrane and singularity put
together or ‘membrain’ is the sensorial and processing units of information. So another way to break down the thing is in 1+2
(singularity and membrane or ‘membrain) which are the informative, intelligent S@ parts that command (connected often
through invaginated networks) the vital space of energy and its cycles and ‘cellular parts’. (S=T analysis uses ± operand, $xð=C
5D metric entangles the parts and re=produces scalar units, using the product, see ‘existential algebra: 5D maths and scale.)
The mathematics of it, require some subtle conceptual analysis we reserve for the last papers we shall complete ‘5D maths
and time=calculus’ and ‘5D physics and mind’.
So when we put together those 3 elements into an ‘organic whole’ as in the right graph above, it
is easy to see, they form a structure with a central active magnitude that commands the lineal
motion of the system (Center of mass or charge), a clock-like membrane of cyclical motion, and a
vital energy enclosed between both, which we can measure by its radius-width.
The 3 parts of any organism define its mathematical unit, the fractal Non-Euclidean point with

breath, as it fits multiple parallels, when we come closer to it and when we enlarge its perception at the proper scale of the
fifth dimension in which it maximizes its existence, grows in size to be a full blown, 3- 4-5D entity; depending on detail. As the
full scalar view adds to the 3 canonical dimensions of space in a single plane of reality, now gifted with motion, hence
‘dimensional motions’ or dimotions; the fractal structure of the Universe in scales, which means to add two new dimensions.
The canonical dimensional motion (ab. Dimotion) of entropic dissolution and death proper of classic physics – arrow of time,
and the inverse dimensional motion of parts that become wholes, of social evolution, of growth of information, as those parts
emerge into a whole. We shall call this Dimotion, the most important of the Universe, the dimotion of social evolution, of
love. As all languages, mirrors of reality not only mathematics reflect the 3±¡ Topological Dimotions that make all its organic
systems – the 3 ‘dimotions’ or topological varieties we observe in a single plane, which shape its organs – simplified in
Euclidean mathematics, into height, the dimension of information (so all formal minds are on top of the system from heads to
antennae, to particles in waves – photons, quantum realism); length, the dimension of locomotion, so faster systems are
‘lines’, planes and TGVs and light rays, and the dimension of iteration, reproduction; so ßody-waves have a width dimension.
Particle points are just the Euclidean view of a Non-E species from a much larger ∆+3 scale that converts the supœrganism in
a finitesimal point (as ∆-4 T.œs – ab. Timespace Supœrganism, are not perceivable though the ∆+4 entity might use them as
Tt-entropic motion; reason why ultimately we no longer perceive it, we kill them).
RECAP. In the immortal Universe, 3 5D parameters, ∆§∏, are conserved. They relate to the 3 conserved quantities of physics:
∆§∏≈energy, T≈lineal momentum and S≈angular momentum. So a key task of 5D is to study their relationship.
Since human physics is one of the many ‘stiences’ of the nested Universe, which studies the specific planes of matter, ∆≥|2|,
with the restricted method of ‘huminds’ (ab. human minds) that due to the ‘egocy: ego=idiocy’ paradox deny organic and
sentient properties to different atoms to those of man (ruled by nitrogen clocks and electronic spin perception) and accept
only the language of sensorial machines, digital thought (a contradiction as humans perceive time with verbal wor(l)ds, not
with numbers, argued on our papers on cultural evolution).
Entropy is motion=time=change. Information is form and form is dimensional space. Time=motion and Space=dimensional
form become then the two substances of which all what exists is made, and in their analysis we must start our inquire about
why indeed the Universe and all its parts are a fractal supœrganism of time=motion=entropy and space=form, made to the
image of its whole. The proofs? Look around. All what you see are forms that occupy space and move in temporal energy.
Everything is a space form with a time motion. There is nothing else. So all is a proof that reality is indeed made of space-time
The principle of conservation of present time has infinite variations. And we can deduce all laws of science of its existence, as
ultimately what the other ‘element’ of reality, points-minds of fractal space try to do is to stop time, as an strategy to
conserve it. As we consider a clear equivalence in physics between cyclical time and energy, the principle carries into two
principles from where almost all the equations of physics can be derived. The principle of least time (origin of Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian equations), according to which a particle will trace a motion that minimizes its time expenditure. And the
principle of lesser energy, according to which any particle or physical system will seek its ground state of minimal energy.
This principle of standing minimal points have its counterpoint In the 2nd fundamental strategy of all systems, to conserve its
time, or state of present which is the iterative reproduction of the system, which implies to absorb energy=time from other
beings, to imprint it, once it is reduce to its formless state of entropic motion, with its own information. Thus besides the
standing points of minimal energy that conserve time, which are the origin of seeds and still minds of information, of
potential wells, and degenerate states of particles, of Lagrangians and Hamiltonians (where both minimal and maximal
standing points happen) there is the principle of maximal reproduction, origin of the evolutionary struggle for existence.
The fundamental substances time=motion and its state of maximal conservation, space=stillness, can be expressed in any
language of thought, not only mathematics, and apply to all stiences, not only physics, which frees philosophy of science of
the ‘gross’ errors of western human physicists that deformed time and reduced it to entropy and lineal motion, and its v=s/t
equation, due to the worldly profession of its founding father, Galileo, artillery master of the Arsenal of Venice. So today
when we study physics we go from simple exercises of ballistics, calculating the best angle of a cannonball to the entropic big-

bang. Yet as physicists do not recognize those historic errors they have carried such simplified views of time and space into all
sciences, a fact we shall not cease to repeat because it at the heart of our lack of understanding of reality in its ultimate
Synchronicities of time between the 3 relative speeds in which a being co-exists become then one of the most fruitful fields of
study, as the ‘persistence’ of supœrganisms in space is due to the symbiosis between its 3 scales of T.œs (time-space
supœrganisms) synchronized with them.
A good guide to the whole amazing variety of vital equations of physical species, its ternary parts in space, 5 dimotions in
time, 3 ages in its worldcycles, between its limits of entropy and stillness is to consider in which topological form and hence
time age and relative ∆±1 scale they are by analyzing its
For example, in mechanics 3 concepts are all pervading;
‘energy’, ‘momentum’ and ‘force’. In the mechanical scale,
best perceived their formulae are, ½ mv2, mv and ma. As mv
is the derivative of energy respect to speed, and a derivative
is a finitesimal part of a whole in scale (minimal part), time
(instant) or space (curvature) – see 5D and calculus, a
quanta of momentum, is a minimal ∆-1 ‘action’ spent from
the ‘pool’ of Existential energy of the being. Thus if Energy is
the present ∆º §∏-ate of the being;
On the other hand, a force, ma differs in the v constant
speed vs. the a-ccelerated speed, or ‘vortex law’, VxR=K,
proper of shrinking St-vortices. This acceleration of the
frequency of a vortex thus ‘consumes the total time of the
system ‘faster’. So forces spend the energy of the system
faster and most systems try to act just ‘easy’ in the harmonic
parallel ‘Energy and momentum’ ∆º and ∆-1 scales of the
existential being; reason why those are the conserved
elements of physics and forces are NOT conserved. Forces
then are ‘accelerated’ F=ma extra-expenditure that put our
existential energy/momentum out of balance because they
transfer this existential momentum to other entity either in
a symbiotic or predatory relationship (defined by the 4th
non-E postulate of congruence according to similarity).
A force must be applied for any transfer between 2 T.œs.
This can be done in the same Ƽ plane of existence only by
direct contact through adjacent topology, pegging to each
other or, when there is a gap in the Ƽ scale, by a process of
translation of the force to the ∆-1 more extended limb/field
system which will create a wave below the Ƽ particle scale
to transfer the force that will act on the other Ƽ particle
and transfer the existential momentum.
Those universal disomorphic concepts apply to all scales. So
we can do a homologic comparison with the previous graph
of a biological metabolic rate (we avoid comparisons with memetic social organisms, because that is too far out even for the

more detached human being – a bottom line for its emotional programming but could do them as well). In the graph we see
above the $xð=C existential metric of the family of mammals, which becomes a lineal function.
Below though we see the equal number of existential beats, the ∆-1 quanta of its total energy; each beat thus is a beat of
existential momentum in a biological being. And as we see, the entire phyla has the same number of beats of existential
momentum, which not surprisingly is similar to the number of beats of most organisms of any kind, physical, biological or
sociological, with subtle variations proper of a more advanced course on ‘Existential algebra’ not even attempted here. This
magic number interval 9-119-11 based in decametric scales is also the commonest T=S symmetry for efficient supœrganisms
(mammals are the most efficient animal), so it is the number of ties in DNA, mean stars of a galaxy, mean cells of an
organism, present carry capacity of humans close to our entropic extinction by AI robotic weapons.
The symmetry of those spatial forms also in 3 main physical scales, though the ternary, fractal principle means that each of
those scales can be broken down into 3 more, so in fact a thorough description would deal with 9 sub-scales, including those
not normally treated as fundamental in some cases not even considered as forces – the ‘exchange interaction’ that shares
electrons and it is in fact the true force of molecules; the magnetic scale that surrounds charges, etc. Moreover as each entity
might be perceived in each of its 3 ages, or measured only in one of its ∆-1 smallish actions=dimotions; or vice versa, as a
partial ‘dimotion or part of a larger supœrganism, things get more complicated.
Let us keep it simple with the 3 key scales, where the previous disquisitions on the scales that we can be most sure of
understanding right by sheer evidence and the humanist method (in a disomorphic universe, man in mind and life in action
are the examples best understood to carry into other systems).
Pentalogic on the metabolic rates of physical species: h, k, c.
The 3 scalar constants are organic systems. So in 5D we call them a ‘Planckton’, a ‘Boltz’ and... a mass… which in the human
world is only one, that of the Nucleon (Neutron) from which it breaks down into the u+e ‘gender duality’ of the ‘primeval’ H-
atom; as the masses of the higher particles belong to the next cosmological scales of ‘frozen stars’, pulsars and black holes. So
regardless of ‘standard models’ are relatively irrelevant to this world.
What is the meaning of those 3 most important Universal constant of quantum physics, from an organic point of view? The
simplest answer is the reason we introduced its analogies with the biological world, as they concern the metabolic rates of
the 3 scales of physical reality. Indeed, the 3 formulae of Energy in each scale we shall discuss in depth in this paragraph
E=∆+1: Mc2=∆-1:hƒ=∆º: nkT, are similar to those of metabolic rate, (energy consumption for time); and so roughly speaking
concern the metabolic rate of the electronic species (E=hƒ), quark-mass species (E=mc2) and molecular species (nkT). Since
Metabolic rate is the rate of metabolism, the amount of energy used by an animal per unit of time. If we reduce it to the
amount used for each animal in terms of its weight, as it turns out, those rates obey 5D metrics. That is smaller animals have
faster cycles and higher consumption, which is expressed in the speed of its heart beats. So we could also talk of those
metabolic rates as the speed of its 5D metrics, related to ð=ƒ. It follows that the ‘energy’ consumption (and storage), of
smaller systems, are much higher, reason why smaller scales have more density of ‘existential energy’, which atomic bombs,
etc. expel.
As in the pentalogic Universe nothing is a single ‘thing’; that is all is entangled and all systems act performing the 5 dimotions/
elements of S-pace, T-ime, §∏-scalar energy, Ts-locomotion & St-information, we need to make a pentalogic analysis of the 3
concepts and elaborate a full complex ‘structure’ to put in relationships all those elements (frequencies, given by the ƒ, T, m
element), metabolic rate or ‘beat’ given by h, k, c and the different ‘supœrganisms’ of physics (photons, quarks, electrons, its
composite atoms, its social groupings, molecules, electric flows, surrounded by magnetic fields to form, supœrganisms of
electromagnetic forces, and then jump into the cosmological, gravitational realm, starting with simple masses.
The distortion of symmetric view (Non-Euclidean, Lobachevski’s factor)
It is worth to notice they are measured with different parameters. But this is largely due to the ‘Lobachevksi’s factor that
makes us to perceive with different geometries ∆-planes and distances. So the Earth is flat from our perspective (larger
system) but curved from a distant or larger perspective. So upper planes of 5D are flat; smaller or far away ones are curved

and those of our size have more detail, hence they are hyperbolic, more complex. On the other extreme, c-speed is a
constant of the galaxy and as such is larger, flat. But if we could look at a galaxy from above, we would see c-speed turning in
the horizon of the central black hole and could consider it a form of angular momentum; a curved form.
Then there is the need to apply to all of those factors a trilogic analysis of scale, topologic analysis in space, and temporal and
social analysis. The world of physics is deceptively simple at 1st sight but those supœrganisms in detail get ever more complex
despite the pretension of physicists to reduce it to clean-cut equations.
Consider the homology of the metabolic rate of mammals in the graph, as a supœrganism that as almost all those of the
‘biggest’ nested island-Universe the galaxy, interplays the 3 scale: Thus at the ∆+1-scale the factor is related to mass (graph);
but then the true ‘unit’ of metabolism happens at ∆-1 atomic-quantum scale, since the ‘currency unit’ for most life species is
the ATP-ADP molecule studied in our paper on Biology, but then there is the ‘input’ of temperature established by the ∆+1
Earth’s radiation (cold species) or the blood system (hot species), and so we find once more a symmetry between the ∆±¡
scales, since in fact, an organism spends an equal quantity to his ∆+1 ‘mass-weight’ in ATP (if you weight 80 kilos you burn 80
kilos of ATP each Earth’s rotary day). So the laws of synchronicity studied in depth in our papers on time and the Universe,
relate all those scales and ‘relative times’.
Moreover the metabolic ‘ATP rate’ can be considered as all those ratio/constants in terms of an Energy x Time parameter, as
those abstract graphs do, but it also could be done ‘counting ATPs’, which are ‘real molecules’, hence bundles of cyclical
motions. In the same manner h-Planck can be seen as a ratio, but actually there are cyclical motions called spins, which have
the same ‘h’ value parameter.
So what is the ‘central’ pentalogic view for ATP? As a rule the §∏-Energy-present-beauty-balanced state of a system is its
most important definition. And so we can talk of ATP and metabolism as a Spatial form (Molecule), in 3 different scales, etc.
but the ultimate definition would be ‘the unit of energy’ of the organism (which is somehow the commonest expression
about it as the ‘currency of the organism’, since indeed money is the ‘reproductive energy of an economy’ – see papers on
Earth III on money).
But for an external macroscopic, star-size observer unaware of the existence of a microscopic human being as an organism in
itself, who has only a ‘detector only for ATP’, (remember we do NOT see from the ∆±3, 4 planes all the information), every
element of the human organism in its actions will be connected to ATP but he can get to the conclusion your mass is indeed
80 kilos if it just measures ATP through the time-day cycle even if he never weights you. In the quantum and galactic scale the
difficulty to discern different types of information introduce those problems but obviously the star-like observer wouldn’t
have none of it if a philosopher of science puts forward that argument about a possible supœrganism of humans – ‘there is
only an ATP energy molecule in herds with some ‘constant regularities’ he would argue… as the ‘constant of ATP’ as the h, k,
m constants appear everywhere.
This leads to the very essence of why physics is NOT an organic stience. Physicists use only abstract parameters even if they
talk of real, cyclical bundles of motions in synchronicity, which is the definition of a T.œ in time. They have then by virtue of
their jargon ‘strip off’ any chance to explain organically matter and the growing of complexity of its mathematical analysis of
all the ‘details’ and ‘entanglements’ of those organisms with its parts, its wholes, the other elements they communicate with,
its dimotions, vital constants, etc. make it very difficult to express in terms of ‘real organisms’ as we shall attempt here
(reason why we try to keep maths to the minimum).
For all those reasons if we were to be exhaustive we need to do a trilogic analysis in scale, topology and time ages and
pentalogic of dimotions for every element ‘trying to discern’ its multiple complex roles and then add the equations to each of
those roles as spacetime organisms. This is the original intention of those texts but I might not complete it; so whatever I
have time to do, pretends to be a guide to future 5D researchers if ever physicists abandon its idol-ogy of ‘measure only’ for
‘mechanical technology’ only. Let us then do those pentalogic analysis first of those 3 constants, mass, planckton and Boltzs.
Obviously those quanta of energy can then multiply so a wave of a photon that grows in amplitude=energy and
intensity=frequency might have many h-units, and even vary them as organisms do with its metabolic rate through its
existential function of 3 ages (variation on amplitude and frequency of a wave that ages as it red-shifts.

The 3 physical scales. Its metabolic rates.
Unlike monologic, pentalogic entangled planes of space-time have multiple ‘uses’ for each concept as we saw already in the
pentalogic analysis of H. Still the physical constants we keep analyzing in those pages suffice to express all the dimotions of
physical systems and that is a proof of the economicity of the Universe (and a warning to all those searching for inflationary
linguistic equations that they want to become particles but won’t). Inflationary languages arise of many reasons. One is the
fact that languages are more flexibile in its synoptic, purely informative messing than reality. We already saw how the
principles of Absolute Relativity can be bridged by languages but NOT by perception. That is we cannot see particles and
waves but we can equal them in an equation. We can equal scales across a parameter. What are those parameters then we
said are the knots and bolts of measure theory and mathematical physics, and the previous ratios of Energy scales, H, Kb, and
its paralle ‘vortex’ K, G and C, 0 Kelvin do the work. It is important then to consider each of them in greater detail, and
observe them in dualities andd trinities, as we do with the particles in other section. For one thing, they are multiple in
meaning but have clear-cut central ‘jobs’. I.e. K and G are curvatures which in time symmetry represent speeds of accelerated
vortices and its attractive power. C and T on the other hand act as ‘barriers’ between our world in terms of lineal and angular
momentum and a more ordered, faster rotating and moving world outside the open ball light spacetime of the galatom.
Then the 2 Planck constants (Kb, boltzman constant was also found by Planck become ratios of action and ‘reproductive
seeds’ for the creation of ‘Spacetime entities in the quantum and molecular scale’. This is perhaps the less understood
function of those 2 parameters as metabolic rates of the reproductive creative 2 main quantum scales, the particle and
molecular worlds, beyond which quantum effects leave way to the cosmological realm.
The ‘galatom’ dual ∆±4,3 is an immortal scale – the perfect form, the nucleon is immortal in its infinite cyclical generations of
up and down quarks exchanging electrons, as they transit between the two nucleon states through its double beta decays
and so should be Galaxies, exploding and recomposing its central ‘electronic bar’ and different excited quasar states of stars
and electromagnetism.
The difference of its constant measures obey more to the human 5Distorsion of perspective; as light from a larger point of
view in fact is ‘turning’ around the central black hole, hardly escaping the halo’s protective strangelet shield, which redshift it
to 2.7 k back into the womb. Galaxies thus act as blackbodies – as everything else in the Universe enclosed in the ideal π-3/π
membrane – whose limit of absolute enclosure for π=3 is the hexagonal, most stable membrane of the Universe.
It would then be tempting to draw the same picture for the intermediate scale of thermal energy and molecular matter;
giving the same meaning to the K-Boltzmann constant as the metabolic ratio of molecular matter.
However it is evident that the ‘variability’ of the thermal scale is much higher than that of the galatom.
As metabolic rates change in animal phyla it does so for the different families of molecular life: smaller for lineal entropic
gaseous states (2/3 kT) and higher for more complex diatomic and tri-atomic molecular states and even higher for liquid and
solid crystal families, despite its seemingly lower kinetic energy; as its existential energy is stored mostly as St-informative
internal potential energy, which paradoxically by virtue of 5D metrics (faster motions in time = more degrees of freedom in
space), increases in smaller ensembles.
Here we can apply the S=T duality to consider that those potential degrees of
freedom in space become in fact a faster time-speed of vibration to make the
molecules able to play them all. So again a fundamental law of 5D physics apply: ‘A
higher existential energy can be seen in space as a higher number of degrees of
freedom and in time as a faster cyclical speed to allow the T.œ to perform all its
dimotions of existence’.
In this manner the metabolic rate increases the existential energy of the system,
either by ‘increasing’ its T-frequency/Temperature vibration, or by acquiring more
‘dimensions’ of internal space. But as there are only 3 ‘spatial orthogonal
coordinates’, the system cannot therefore create imaginary pentadimensions of

space in a single plane but convert new degrees of freedom into temporal frequency. This is again a constant of all systems:
‘When the spatial dimensions of a system in a plane are filled, the system will accumulate higher existential energy, in ∆±¡
scales or accelerate its ‘time beats’.
What this means is the 3 entangled ∆§∏ elements of the vital spaces of reality (as Tt-entropy and Ss-minds are often
‘outside’ the open ball of existential energy or become the ‘limits’ of density of form and external speed which the system
cannot reach without death) constantly are switching through ∆óSóT<=>∆ structures.
By convention huminds who like it ‘fixed’ and ‘monologic’ as all minds tend to establish ‘fixed’ values for a ‘constant’ of St-
information=spacetime vs. a variable ‘frequency’ of Ts-vibrational motion=timespace but both can vary. I.e. mv, as Newton
already noticed change its speed/frequency of reproduction, but mass is not forbidden to change and indeed, in the limit of
the ‘v<c speed’ scale of our thermodynamic world, v becomes fixed and m changes. But m itself is determined by another
conventional constant G (so GM is really the factor to measure); and here again by convention G is fixed and M changes but
by virtue of S=T it could be the inverse case; a variable quantized G (as in Dicke’s model of gravitation) with a fixed Mass;
where G is the curvature that as in the waves of energy of an electron (where the electron now is by convention considered
fixed but the different levels of energy become quantized to form perfect orbits – Bohr’s simplified model) could change. Then
the ‘concept’ of mass would not vary. And in the next cosmological scale, the 3 families of masses would be different GM,
frequency of S-curvature=T-acceleration, giving at certain quantized values a mass family as a vortex of accelerated ‘3rd age’
time, faster the smaller its size is. So the frequency beats of S and BCT strangelets and top black holes are far superior to
those of UD-light quarks. This means the proper analysis is that of §∏-existential energy = S x T (kinetic and potential energy),
which change its. relative ‘stability’ on the limits of scales. This mathematically is expressed in the rule of ‘differentiation’ of
the product, (uv)’=(§∏)’=S’t+T’s
We often deny e=Mc2 correcting it as Entropy (Tt>Ts) < c x c : §∏> Mass : St>Ss, because it is one of the most beautiful
equations of the Universe. Don’t get me wrong, busting egocy is my ‘sport’, so I do criticize egocy physics a lot by I deeply
admire their findings as they entangle me with the Universe. The same with Hawking’s beautiful equation of the feeding and
growth of a baby-black hole if only he had put the entropy sign right and spare us the death risks of CERN non-evaporating
but fast growing black holes. Same with this A-Bomb equation, the most important truly unification equation of physics ever
found, since it also applies when we translate the jargon of electromagnetism to that of vortices of space-time better done in
Newton>Poison> Einstein, to ± S=T balanced states of charnges. Why this equation is beautiful beyond ‘measure’ is because it
expresses the worldcycle of existence of most physical systems in terms of the pentalogic hidden in its 3 terms.
In the graph we write all those pairs as functions of the existential energy, different for each scale and within each scale for
each state and social form, according to the different values of the ‘St’ and “Ts’ parameters that give us the existential energy
of the system. It is then important to realize that the 3 elements are in constant feed-back fluctuation between two different
states: Existential energy (E) might be considered ‘Entropic motion’ as in E=Mc2 if it is measured in a predatory form, in which
the $xð elements loose its structure.
In the case of GM and KQ however we are NOT talking of conservative existential energy cycles but of ‘accelerated’ vortices
of space-time, the ‘3rd’ informative age of the system, where S-curvature=T-acceleration, so the factor E does NOT appear.
We would rather talk of T-acceleration (3rd age, St): St(a)=GM/d2 which again responds to the vortex law of 5D metris (as d=$
reduces T-acceleration increases).
Thus in a dynamic Universe the Ts (m, T, v) and St (h, k, c) elements can be transformed into each other: StóTs, as in the case
of speed on the ‘limit’ of c-speed for light spacetime supœrganisms (Galaxies). But in the human monologic ‘Sstill mind’ we
feel more comfortable with fixed values.
A pentalogic analysis will also consider an ∆-¡-population expression for those constants.
So m, or the fractional value attached to k-Boltzmann constant for heat capacity, or the social frequency of a group of
photons that give us a color; till so many social photons with growing existential energy finally ‘collapse’ into a ∆+1 particle.

In graph we see those co-invariant 5D constants for the 3 main physical planes as a representation of its conserved existential
energy, which the reader will observe is always equal to the product of a constant of vital space and a ‘clock of time
frequency’ (temperature, frequency mass, where mass is a frequency of an accelerated vortex of space-time, according to
Einstein’s principle of equivalence; e=mc2+e=hƒ -> m = ƒ (h/c2).
Each 5D physical scale has a constant ratio between its 'frequency=time parameters' and entropic, energetic ones, which give
the 3 fundamental constants of Scales in the Galaxy organism, H-Planck (ratio of frequency-energy for quantum systems), K-
Boltzmann (ratio between the temperature frequency and energy of thermodynamic systems) and among the many
manifestations of the same law in mechanical, moving systems, the third law of Kepler (ratio between the orbital time clock
of planets and the spatial volume: entropic content of its orbital sphere).
While the other 2 dimotions of evolution of parts into whole ‘upwards’, (ab. ∆+1, Ss) and the dimotion of dissolution of
wholes into networks or entropy, (ab. ∆-1, Tt) are also topological dimotions. Since in fact modern topology considers its
‘varieties of form’, networks of points, which are defined by its ‘adjacency’ and proximity. So truly the world is made of
topological organisms
In the graph we see what we mean. In the 3 scales of physical systems what humans call energy is Tt, pure time after through
an entropic process of growth of disorder, the quanta of space populations of those scales, H-plancktons, K-Boltzs and C2
squares of light multiplied by its ‘frequency of populations’, have become erased into a ‘soup of energy-motions’, an entity of
a higher ∆+1 scale uses for motion – electrons that absorb h-photons in e=hv (photoelectric effect from where Einstein
deduced the equation); waves of heat humans use to power mechanical objects in ∆+1 and radiation humans extract from the
conversion of mass into energy.
So the equations are obvious, and its equivalence also because the outcome is pure timeless time, time=motion with no
form, then reformed by the electron, the mechanical object or the nuclear reactor into energy of work, which however is
something else, no longer Tt but ts.
And so only in the state of Tt all of them are comparable, but by no means identical. Mass is NOT energy but can be measured
after we ‘blow it out of all its information into energy. And because as we said, a dying mass goes ½ up as information and ½
down as motion in our lower mechanical scale, in fact E=mc2 is halved into mv2/c when c2 becomes kinetic energy. All this
becomes increasingly complex as the equations of physics that depart from those get increasingly complicated, so we can
only attempt to make precise conceptualizations in the papers of mathematical physics when we write/post them. So far
here we can just make some disordered insights on those equations trying to get you the ‘feeling’ of what is really going on –
transformations that kill systems and extract a partial part of its content as entropic energy for humans to develop its
work=reproduce things by imprinting the extracted motion with its mental forms.
On the other side though we always have two parameters, the ‘quanta of action’ or family of entities of the system, h, k, c2,
which are bidimensional constant 5D metric St, sT, §∏ entities of those 3 scales, multiplied by a population that by virtue of
the Si=Te equivalence humans measure as a time frequency for faster ∆-1 scales (quantum entities are seen so fast that are
perceived as time worldcycles) and as solid form (mass) for larger ones. Each of those st constants and ƒ(ð) frequencies of
populations are thus measure with different concepts as humans see each scale with distorted tools of measure. For example
h is measured as angular momentum, St, k as entropy, sT, (which as von Neumann said to Shannon nobody understands) and
c as speed, S(λ)ð(ƒ); because the mind distorts the geometry of smaller scales as faster closed time cycles, the geometry of
larger scales as lineal (so the earth seems flat not curved) and our intermediate scale provides us with thermal energy, so we
‘predate’ molecular heat into entropy.
Yet in the objective view of Universal physics, for each ∆ scale, there is just a constant of action multiplied by a 'frequency of
timespace population’ that is converted into entropic energy of pure time-motion that feeds in its equalized Tt form human
thirst for a source of motion. So we kill the three fundamental vital constants=T.œs of Nature, H-Planck (ratio of frequency-
energy for quantum systems), K-Boltzmann (ratio between the temperature frequency and energy of thermodynamic
systems) and C2 to feed our mechanisms and organisms.

Those Universal constants of reality are complex T.œs, combination of T and S, balanced by 3 5D Sub-Metric vital constants of
a any system: S/T= Speed of Locomotion, which defines the limbs/fields of the system, $xð=Existential Momentum/force,
which defines its body and T/S: Density of information, which defines its mental power, all maximized when Si=Te.
But the terminology of humind’s physics is ambivalent in its concepts and so it requires when dealing with each specific case
on papers on physics, an in depth consideration. Some elements of that rewriting are:
- Time can be measured in ∆+1 with Duration, sum of ∆-1 frequency steps, a better measure. This distinction is not made and
since t=1/ƒ(ð), confusions arise on those 3 ‘generic S/T, $xð and T/S’ vital constants.
We cannot deal in depth with all those equations, which we shall do in our 2nd paper on ‘human physics’ focused in
thermodynamics, mechanics and the translation of mathematical physics. To notice then that in the 3±¡ planes of humind’s
perception of physical systems the frequency of time is measured differently, as frequency of a wave in ¡-1 quantum physics,
temperature vibration in ∆º thermodynamics and Mass, a vortex of accelerated information in ∆+1 mechanics. And as we
change planes translations of those concepts are needed, since they slightly vary in meaning and dimensions, and a thorough
redefinition of mass ‘seen as solid’ in our scale long overdue. This time concept is akin to information, St, stored in the
frequency of cycles, NOT to Tt- entropy – an inner and outer explosion=motion. And different from Energy which is §∏, the
balance of St-frequency /information and Ts-locomotion, momentum. Most human measures called ‘energy’ are NOT about
the 3rd Dimotion of energy, which ‘keeps its balance of form and motion’ but about entropic states of scattering form and
expansive motion in spatial information. For example in E=mc2, a mass vortex of physical information is trans-formed into an
entropic expansion of space, loosing its form. So we do NOT measure its energy but its entropy. Human Energy then works as
a parameter of the entropic scattering motions due to the death or big-bang of a physical system, exploding its form. This
again becomes the case for Heat, which measures the entropy=motion extracted from a thermodynamic ensemble, useful for
man to be transformed into ‘real energy-ordered motion’ in its ∆+1 scale.
So the best way to go around would be to throw all definitions and start from scratch with St, Ts, Tt, Ss and §∏ dimotions; to
avoid unending confusions. That’s what I do in my personal research but public texts try to convert old minds to new
wording, so it is difficult because science has given up in verbal concepts and just care for the mathematical mirror regardless
of understanding. So Time frequency in those equations is mediated by ƒ in E=Hƒ, T in E=knT and m in E=mv2/2; but as E
sometimes mean entropy and sometimes energy, confusion happens. As energy is used often instead of momentum outside
physics confusion happens. As there are so many different time versions, confusion happens from Tt to St… which makes
difficult to harmonize all jargons.
- Consider Space that has also so many meanings. On one hand is defined as a simultaneous mental still image of time
motions. But on those equations it rather corresponds to a sum of quanta of a population of h ∆-1 plancktons, K-boltzs and c2
photons in E=mc2. And so we would have to explain why C2 is the unit of ‘light space’ the background of our world with long
disquisitions made in our papers on math physics and algebra.
Spatial populations in that sense are often the ‘past-memorial’ residual persistent form left by a ‘dynamic time vibration’,
reason why a Gaussian probabilistic curve becomes a population distribution and quantum can be cast in probabilities in
time, and molecular quantum physics in statistical mechanics, as SóT.
Should we give up? I don’t because I am translating the clear St-Tt-Ss-sT-§∏ parameters. As the reader might try to do the
inverse he might get lost.
Fact is only once we establish the meaning of the 5 Dimotions of reality we can ‘ascribe’ every parameter of science to one of
those dimotions either in a ceteris paribus analysis as a partial space or time function or as a complex entangled space-time
function in functions that describe a time-space being mutating its 5D metric through the 5 ‘graduations’ of motion and form,
from entropy («, scattering motion, which is both motion internal and external to the being), locomotion, < (only external
motion), reproduction, ≈, evolution, > (internal mostly with external shrinking) and linguistic seeding, », still perception in
crystal and solid or mental states whereas an active magnitude creates from a field of motion a seed of form that mask all
other forms of the Universe.

Time worldcycles in physics. The frozen symmetries of angular momentum.
We can now return to the physical worldcycle – an angular momentum of a system that closes a cycle into itself:
Si (Size/ Density of form) x Tƒ (cyclic frequency= time speed) = ∆±¡: 3 Constant Plane of timespace ‘Angular momentum’
Thus the dynamic system that travels through scales of the fifth dimension is angular momentum,; ‘spin’ in quantum physics,
angular momentum in the mass scale, which has the a Ts- membrane , an St-center, 0ε and an §∏-vital space, its open ball.
Angular momentum is a 5D ‘travelling dimension’ which then can anchor itself in any scale as a sun of:
L= Energy x Time ± Momentum x Space (ExT) ± (L x S) a key equation of 5D mathematical physics mostly ignored in 4D, as it
defines a scalar ∆º where L no longer travels through scales but lives in a ‘fixed’ space-time metric.
We can then consider that the ‘organism’ travelling through 5D (graph) decouples in 2 parts organisms, the ‘particle with
momentum that moves through a ‘limited amount of space’ and the wave with ‘energy’ that lasts a limited amount of ‘time’.
Those ‘frozen’ scales where the ‘Unifcation equation’, w 2 x r 3 = K (GM, Qc) stays constant become then ‘vital species’ of
physics, and those who are efficient and can reproduce beyond the virtual ‘birth’ with an h/2 angular momentum, become
‘eternal’ particles.
This is the very simple essence of 5D reality. The fundamental particle is an h/2 organism with its 3 parts. And as it emerges in
new scales it ‘freezes’ as a particle. It does so in quantum particles in a zoo of virtual particles by virtue of an Ex T frozen stage.
But contrary to belief ExT gives us the ‘life’ span of them. So those who ‘continue’ in existence are because they keep
reproducing into undistinguishable new generations, not because they are immortal. Indeed, every generation of particle-
antiparticle live and die, reproduce and co-exist in a vital extremely fast game that abstract physicists completely ignore and we
will keep unveiling with all the ‘fuks’ needed to substitute boring equation (: starting from the cosmic fuk of neutrinos and
antineutrinos, followed by the fuk of photons that live and die every wave of existence, when the photon collapses, stops,
perceives grows, declines and generates a new photon. Generation, reproduction is the game and locomotion is a reproduction
of form. The particles that don’t reproduce because they have ‘issues’ and are not efficient or their ‘couples’ kill each other,
don’t make it. And this leads all the way to the top quark, cause of the gravitational field which must be understood by the laws
of trilogic and pentalogic NOT as a single field but as 3 different regimes, the strong field mediated by gluons-mesons, the
medium field mediated by the spinless pion-Higgs and the weak field mediated by gravitons, still unresolved (we don’t unlike
physicists accept anything not observed, even if it is theoretically sound), to arrive to the repulsive external field of gravitation
mediated by the neutrino.
What is then the strength of a larger world? Its social evolution and generation=reproduction, the higher dimotions of
existence,. All other entities just perceive-spin, feed in lower entropic fields and move, but those who survive reproduce and
evolve socially. So the physicist will have to add this organic view an interpret its equations accordingly, once we decipher and
equate painstakingly every equation that matters with a ‘congrolomerate’ of dimotions and social entanglements starting from
h/2, NOT an uncertainty but the ‘Planckton’ of the ∆-4 world. We know its first clean ‘society’ is light, as E=h ƒ, or rather
H = E x T; but only in light H manifests itself in a full form bundled in frequency groups we perceive as colors.
How an emergence happens is obvious for particles that go through a weak reaction creative process:
The angular momentum h/2 becomes a particle after ‘travelling’ a range through the 5th dimension from a mere h/2 to the top
quark predator of the particle world. Then only those particles that are stable and able to reproduce and survive continue the
journey, because they reproduce in new generations, reason why we do have to study the ‘vital reproduction’ of physical
systems, which is the core element of ‘Absolute relativity’ and shows in all depth how III millennium physics should be taught in
an ideal world: marrying mathematics with vital physics and restraining for ethic reasons the historic entropic professions of
physicists (to make weapons of mass destruction), this ‘TRINITY’ of GOOD-BEHAVED physics that ensures both a higher
knowledge and a better world is at the core of 5D stiences and so we shall return often to it.

3 ages of motion
5D ‘Newtonian Physics’ translates easy by considering its ∆ST elements in physics, as ∆ is the active magnitude that determines
the scale, Space = form is the position, and T=motion, the speed of the system. However the key elements of real physics as we
showed are ‘angular momentum’, the 5D state, Energy x Time, the wave state, and Momentum x Space, the lineal momentum.
Those 2 define then a given Time-space, ∆¡ scale in which a particle-wave, St<§∏ physical organism exists and if it is able to
reproduce, will repeat itself. Reproduction then is related to its capacity to ‘imprint’ again reality all the way down to the h/2
SHM oscillators of quantum space-time scales.
This is the key: reproduction, locomotion is also reproduction and without understanding this physics is not understandable.
Then motions in 5D up are upwards in scale is the integral of ∆T (p-momentum ), called ‘Momentum’, and motions downwards,
the ‘derivative’ of ∆T (p-momentum) called ‘Force’ 5D ‘Newtonian Physics’ translates easy by considering its ∆ST elements in
physics, as ∆ is the active magnitude that determines the scale, Space = form is the position, and t=motion, the speed of the
system. Then motions in 5D up are upwards in scale is the integral of ∆T (p-momentum ), called ‘Momentum’, and motions
downwards, the ‘derivative’ of ∆T (p-momentum) called ‘Force’. But 5D Physics has more dimotions than momentum,
Momentum & force.
The Geometric age ended with Galileo’s discovery of the equation of motion: S= So+vt+1/2at2. It is the most beautiful
equation of physics, still… as it reflects the capacity to find the future state of a Ts-locomotion in terms of its 3 ages. Indeed,
So, is the past state of the motion (the departure point of measure), vt is the present steady state motion at constant speed
under the principle of lineal inertia. While acceleration is the 3rd age of a motion, when ‘time is consumed’ and the
informative cycles of the system increase – this is even more evident if we consider a cyclical vortex motion. And so
because we DO have past (So), present (Vt) and future (1/2 att) for a motion, we can guess the future of the Ts-dimotion at
any moment of time.
It is then interesting to notice that the past lacks ‘time-motion’ all together (lack of the t-parameter), the present is a single
time parameter but the future has 2 time parameters, t x t or t2 and its derivative is the time state of present. This is the
deep truth that applies to all systems of time in the Universe coming from such a simple equation: If we derivate the future
we obtain present time and if we derivate the present we obtain the past. This is a reversed causality natural to the
deterministic nature of time worldcycles of existence, as past, present and future co-exist together and so it is possible to
have a function of past-present and future or full worldcycle of existence of any event in time. In this case for the Galilean
Some obvious conclusions od the equation: the future consumes time faster, at the square speed of the present. The
present is a finitesimal of the future, a minimal stœp or action. But the past despite is NOT a slice of the present. It is
disconnected. So the true entanglement is between present ‘ßody-waves’ and future particle/heads of accelerated ilogic
time. The past limb/field is disconnected, as it happens in all scales and systems of reality.
But predictability of motion in a deterministic manner is NOT possible when the system regulates its vis viva acting NOT as a
plant absorbing Momentum of the field in a soft, unattended manner (because the field is harmless to him and the system
is blind to the ∆-4 scale from where it obtains motion) vs. the ‘animal form’ of physical matter (quarks, black holes) in which
the field is controlled by the particle, quark or black hole, to direct its motion (animal matter, ab. animatter). All matter is
vital matter but only ‘animatter’ directs its motion, plantmatter does NOT.
We conclude that Galileo’s motion is the simplest possible locomotion and deals with a ‘system’, sT, which is still internally
dominated by an external T-force of a larger world. Its ‘vis viva’, a concept we return to as it is essential to the
entanglement of dimotions, is external to the being as a field of force, in his case gravitation. The question though changes
when the motion of the being is directed by the internal vis viva=existential Momentum of the being.
Physicists then elaborated a deterministic abstract view of matter as inert-ial, with all its consequences based in human
egocy, which will discharge for ever since any analysis of the sentient e-motions of the Universe and grow its arrogance in
the face of Nature, just because they could trace the e-motions of Ts-plantmatter in an outer T-dominant field.

The previous equation will inaugurate when properly expressed in calculus the new age of mathematical physics. And it is
worth to remember as it will come again when we study Momentum and Momentum, the main feature of time:
The present is a finitesimal of the future. And the past is disconnected of both. Which is exactly the inverse conclusion and
complementary ‘dilogic’ arrow that causes reality, and we add to the usual Aristotelian logic A (past) - > B (Present).
Now we have found that A(Future) < - (Present)
But there is a bigger consequence to this discovery because momentum is the derivative of Momentum, we found that
Momentum is the future of a physical system. That is, the quantity of motion it can spend into the future.
And so when we add both we obtain the true equation of time, Past > < Future = Present: Past • Future = Present.
The 5 dimotions of space-time in matter. The arrow of entropy in physics. Its philosophy. ∆ºst v. ∆¡ST
The vitality of any T.œ (ab. Timespace Supœrganism) of the Universe is expressed in its finitesimal ‘actions=dimotions’ of
existence as the system absorbs Ts-locomotion, §∏-Momentum and St-information from its lower planes, ∆-3,2 while
reproducing and evolving socially in its adjacent, organic ones, ∆±1. Thus the symmetry between the being in itself, st, and
the world, ST, happens through scalar inter-actions that extract entropic motion, reproductive Energy and information from
the larger world, which ultimately will prevail returning the being through an entropic Tt-death back into ‘reality’ and
‘eternity’, dissolving its form.
This is the essence of finite existence and it happens also in all physical particles of the Universe, regardless of the quantity
of Momentum the system has stored to ‘prolong’ its future.
Physicists as Newtonian ST-upids don’t really understand in depth those processes, they just measure it. The blunder of
the most ST-upid man ever born on Earth casts a deep shadow on the shallowness of all sciences, where the ‘why is the
only thing a ST-upid never asks’ (Schopenhauer, Feynman). And yet it is in the whys of physics where we find the perfect
harmony and entanglement of space and time parameters and the purpose of its actions.
The Universe is a fractal that reproduces space-time organisms. This is what reality is about. If we call Space=form and
time=motion, S and T, then we can write a simple equation for the Universe Max.∑ $xð (s=t), according to which each
species made of spatial Momentum and temporal form tries to maximize its survival, in a point of balance in which its
‘exi=stential force’ is maximal; avoiding the extremal points of Tt-entropy=death. This simple equation is the ‘fractal
generator’ of the Universe, a feed back equation that combines space=form and time=motion, creating ∞ local present
variations that put together form reality. This is the essence of the organic Universe and its scalar 5th Dimension an
alternative philosophy of science to that of mechanist physicists and its only entropy arrow, called organicism or General
Systems Theory (ab. GST), which we also use as the acronym of the Generator of Space-Time
We shall thus study in each scale of physics the 5 dimotions of existence starting from the simplest form, the photon.
The 5 dimensions of light space, coding the 5 dimotions of photons.
In the graph all Stientific organisms are synchronous knots of Vital dimotions=actions, which are the knots and bolts of
any time§paœrganism. The way huminds perceive those actions as ‘dimensions of space’ or ‘motions of time’ or ‘social
frequencies in time’ or ‘social populations’, or ‘cyclical systems’ or ‘metabolic paths of existential Momentum’ or
‘evolutions in deep time’, etc. etc. vary enormously according to species, scales, length of time perception etc.
Because we exist in light space-time, those actions in light appear as dimensions of space, or social frequency colors
(since the fastest light cycles absorbed by our electronic eyes, transform its populations in space appear in time
frequencies). In physical atoms, those dimotions are coded by space-time dimotions, represented by quantum numbers.
In cellular life are coded by genetics (4-5 letters). In humans they are coded by the so called drives of life.
Certain general laws of 5D actions will be of great use to translate mathematical equations in the revision of those
papers. As the sum of all those actions are balanced by opposition to each other into zero-sums in death (Ss v. Tt, St vs.

Ts, S=T). Yet it is an asymmetric creative balance, as the dimotions have a longer path of life that increases information
from the monad= mind’s p.o.v. Hence we all warp, wrinkle & get old in the 3rd age and die, setting from its minimal
actions to its integral sums, the 3 ages of life-existence and the world cycle all super organism follow.
Lght has 5 parameters that code its actions =dimotion (length: c-speed), Momentum (width: magnetic field), information
(High electric field), social evolution colors & entropic feeding, (quantum potential, neutrino light theory.) Those
dimensions become then the canonical dimensions of all evolution of light
beings. So all of them use the height dimension to code information, the length
dimension to move, and the width dimension to store fat Energy
From 4D to 5D physics (:absolute relativity, finally…
All right we can start to do 5D Physics. Just joking (: This is worse than those
kung-fu movies where the teacher makes you clean his dishes for years before
it teaches you the ‘black swan coup’ :)
But we will get there some day we drop our talk about mathematics not being
the language of physical systems, but rather consider what an advanced model of mathematics tell us about physics,
which physicists do not ask.
The clearest proof that minds exist comes from the science that most vehemently denies it – Reductionist human Physics,
which has been concerned with its opposite, lineal motion and entropy.
Why? Because of the principle of relativity - the physical analysis of the duality of motion and form, as we cannot
distinguish a system that moves from one that is static. This mystery contrary to belief has not been explained only
described with mathematical tools. Why systems move but seems static is the concept behind Relativity, and its
explanation one of the most important advances of 5Ð theory. Thus we shall consider first Galilean relativity and Einstein’s
relativity with the principle of correspondence, as ‘limiting’ versions reduce to our simple light spacetime plane of a larger
view, absolute relativity, the upgrading of physics of motion in 5Ð.
As it turns out the fundamental stiences of the Universe will be in its essential postulates connected to the simple metric
functions of 5D, Max. $xð= C which is achieved at Si=Te. This second function in particular is the best possible definition of
the fundamental principle of Physics, the principle of relativity, which defines the fact that we cannot distinguish between
motion and form. The second metric function, which we shall call the ‘function of exist¡ence’ as it defines the program of
survival of all entities of the Universe will be the basis of the biological behavior of all species that try to maximize its
Energy and information and reproduce.
It couldn’t be otherwise, since if we are space-time, space-time functions, in its widest expression, those of 5D must be the
functions of all space-time beings, regardless of its physical or socio-biological nature.
Galileo’s Principle of Relativity is the concept behind the relationship between the equality of time=motion and
space=form and why one can converted into another: All what exists is made of space=form and time=motion. And yet
physicists know that we cannot distinguish motion from form. That any being in motion from its point of view seems to be
still and all other things moving around it. This is the principle of Relativity of motion.
Physicists then without much thought about that fascinating duality, went on to use mathematics to calculate the relative
motion of each entity of reality respect to other system, which seems static from both points of view. This is called
Galilean relativity, latter refined by Einstein's relativity, and essentially is concerned with the mathematical calculus of
what we shall call the 2nd Dimotion of time=change, locomotion. Fine, but we are more interested on the duality of
space=form and motion=time and its entangled relationships –the reasons why we do NOT see together motion and form,
even if all systems have both.
This was fully understood by painters, who started to paint simultaneous, present time, in a single bidimensional space, as
the sum of fractal movements (Duchamp’s staircase models and Picasso’s cubist perspective), but surprisingly enough the

people who grasped with more difficulty the concept of spatial, present simultaneous analysis of time, were the same
physicists that had invented this model of time analysis.
Moreover, ever since physicists have denied there are many other ways in which time=change happens in the Universe,
beyond the limited study of ‘changes in speed’ that Physics analyzes. This has been explained many, many times to
Physicists, since Bergson and Poincare explained to Einstein and Minkowski that they were ‘spatializing time’, or rather
analyzing how vacuum space changes in time, (so Poincare could establish with Topological analysis self-similar equations
to those of relativity).
Thus Locomotion, Ts, and its derivatives cannot study ‘internal change’ (S) and transformations of states, from Ts to St (i.e.
gas to solid, 1st to 3rd age etc). Physicists resolve this studying those other States of time with different equations. So the
praxis of it doesn’t suffer, but the philosophy of time-space does.
Moreover there are many other T.œs besides vacuum space that change in time and as systems become more complex in
information, its function supersedes form and then mathematics is a cumbersome way to describe it but worldcycles of
time still hold its simple sequences of change, between S and T states. We humans change in time our morphology (not
our speed). Evolution changes in time the form of many species. Time is thus a synonymous in most sciences of a change
in form, in the in-form-ation of species. And this type of informative change is basically ignored by Physics. This shows a
general misconception of the meaning of Time in Physics, which has been termed as 'simplistic and reductionist' by
philosophers of science. Because indeed it is.
Time is philosophically defined as 'change' and divided in the study of 'translational change', which is carried out by
Physics, and the study of 'morphological change'; which is carried out by Biology. In that regard, Galileo defined only a
limited type of time-change, translational change, with his equation, V=s/t. He ‘spatialized Time' (Bergson), reducing the
study of Time to a single process of change, movement.
A 2nd error of relativity is space-time continuity caused by a misunderstanding of the curved, geometrical nature of time
and its dimensions, caused by the Cartesian plane of lineal time: Te draw a clock-cycle of temporal information we need at
least 2 dimensions, as morphology requires form, in-form-ation; and so lineal time with a single dimension cannot study it.
Thus when Descartes and Galileo simplified time into one dimension, he eliminated the analysis of morphological change
and information, the 2nd dimotion of the Universe, from most disciplines of science.
All cycles have 2 directions or dimotions to complete its form. In the pre-scientific age, those 2 dimotions of relative past
and future were understood as the 2 sections of curved times cycles. So times are indeed, as Einstein thought, curved, to
the point of closing themselves into causal cycles that return all beings to their origin, but they have 2 dimensions, height
and rhythm. So it does space. Each local times ‘curves the Entropy of space’, creating fractal in-form-ation (masses and
forces in physical, evolving information in biology, etc.). Since a cycle needs 2 directions to close into itself and create a
Entropy consists in an amorphous, relative surface of undifferentiated quanta, a plane without form, which the creation of
time cycles shapes into information and makes it recognizable, thanks to its 2 dimensions. Both geometries, cycles of time
and planes space, are bidimensional. When both systems merge, the sum of fractal, bidimensional fields of time and
Entropy, create only one more, 3rd intersecting dimension of combined time-space, width, which has a rhythm of temporal
movement, the 4th dimension of time=change that we observe as reality.
Unfortunately the error of Descartes and Galileo, which simplified cyclical time into a single-dimensional line, had as a first
consequence the reduction of time in human sciences to a lineal duration, measured with a scalar number, similar to the
way we measure space. It is what philosophers of science call the ‘spatialization of time’. Now spatial time becomes a
secondary parameter to calculate spatial and energetic motions and processes – not an objective of knowledge in itself.
Accordingly, Galileo defined time as a measure of ‘translational, spatial change’, of movement in lineal space or speed
(V=S/T), simplifying time into a lineal number, defined in terms of movement and space.

We trace the beginning of physics and comment on its I-logic paradoxical principles, in which so much literature have been
'wasted' by lack of clear thought; namely the principles in which Physics are based, Relativity conservation and
symmetry, principles derived of the nature of space and time, not magically produced by the mathematic language as
creationist physics, latter studied in more detail will show.
Motion and form co-exist as 2 different states depending on 5D scale and detail: Motions are perceived by minds that stop
motion into form, into information, as distances. So if we see slow motion in the night, a car’s headlight seems a long
distance line ‘still’ picture. But this means also that the 3 ‘Euclidean still dimensions’ must have motion; they are
‘bidimensional S≈T-holographic, topologic dimotions’. So we have 3 Space + 1 Time + 1 5th
dimension of scales = 5 Dimensional motions. None of them is a Dimension of pure spatial form or
a pure time motion but a combination of both. Even if mentally we tend to reduce motion and focus
on forms, all has motion=time, and form =space: this is the meaning of 'spacetime', the messing of
both into 5 dimotionss.
Relativity states ‘we cannot distinguish motion=time from position=space’. So all what exists is a
composite of both, undistinguishable Si=Te, 5 ‘Dimensional motions’ (Ab. Dimotions), broken in infinite fractal, vital time
space organisms, composed of topological Dimotions: height=information; length=locomotion; width=reproduction;
form=social evolution of parts into wholes & entropy=dissolution of a whole into its parts in a lower scale of the fifth
dimension (term we keep for the whole range of scales of the Universe); whose study is both mathematical, the main
science that studies how those 5 Dimotions entangle in simultaneous Space, connected to each other topological adjacent
parts, which create supœrganism, and Logic; the main stience of time that observes how those pentalogic, entangled
supœrganisms move and evolve, change in sequential relational time, living a worldcycle of life and death.
As all is time&space, the 2 experimental primary mirror-stiences of time&space become the most important to extract the
Disomorphic=equal laws of those 5 Dimotions that all systems have in common. Since while those Dimotions are broken,
in vital organisms, separated by cyclical time membranes, they are the same.
What neither mathematicians nor physicists fully understand (though some inroads in abstract were made through the
Noether’s concepts of symmetry) is that each stœp of a method of solution is not ‘gratuitous’; but must be grounded in a
real property of the 5D ∆S≈T symmetries and conservation laws of the Universe, which are not so many – hence the
repetition of methods. Specifically, the aforementioned 3 paradoxes between ∆+1 curved closed worldcycles, sum of lineal
steps, which gives birth to the most used method of lineal approximations; the equivalence between Space and time, in all
Stœps of dimotions, which gives birth to the method of separation of variables on differential equations and more broadly
allows to move around relative space and time parameters in equations joined by an operand of ‘equivalence’ (≈ not =).
And the 2 conservation laws of the Universe, conservation of those ‘beats’ of existence, S=T in relative present, eternal
balance, justifying the equivalence operands. And conservation of the ‘volume of space-time’ of each plane of the
Universe, by virtue of the 5D metric equation $xð=C, which justifies all the procedures regarding scales – solution of
differential equations by separations of scales, renormalization procedures (Wilson), and harmonizes those scales allowing
constant but balanced transfers of Energy and information, St=Ts.
5Ð is a model of Absolute relativity, as it adds to relativity of motion (Galileo, Einstein) and Time evolution (Darwin),
relativity of scales, with no preferential one, despite human ‘ænthropic beliefs’ in an anthropic Universe with us at the
center, and only intelligent, informative species, with entropy as the only time dimotion of everything else – which are just
deformations of any mind’s ‘metric equation’: O-Infinitesimal mind x ∞ Universe = Still mind-mappings (World). We call
that ‘projection of humind’s limits into the larger, more complex whole, the ‘ego paradox’: ‘Every point of measure gauges
reality from its distorted perspective as the largest, only intelligent center of the Universe, which it confuses with its still,
infinitesimal mind-mapping’. A more sanguine word is ‘Egocy:Ego=idiocy’, proper of all minds that model reality from its
p.o.v. In the human case the worldly profession of physicists, to make entropic weapons has heavily biased our view of the
Universe. Physicists made Galileo’s paradox, the cornerstone of their measure theory, but they failed to study its deep
implications for every aspect of the structure of the Universe and the most important of those is the fact that all spaces
must be mental spaces, as stillness is NOT real in a Universe of infinite motions, but the product of a mind:

All spaces are mental spaces, as all is motion we perceive in stillness in the ‘factory’ of the mind, how we can and will build
a proper meta-physical theory of the mind.
Advanced 5D theory (: The liquid balanced S=T Universe. Harmonic oscillators.
What is the ‘substance’ in which those waves of light reproduce? The higher electrons clearly reproduce in nebulae of
dense photons. So we are left with the lower scale. But again is clearly established at the level of ‘networks’ – 2
neutrino/antineutrino pairs from the Universal background if we take the ‘T-lineal view’ and SHM quantum oscillators if
we take the ‘still, informative view’. There is really no mystery even if the
simplicity of 5D models might disturb the creationist mathematician,
‘simplicity is genius’ (Leonardo), ‘the Universe is simple and not malicious’
(Einstein). That’s why we don’t add maths so often, and anyway any
physicist knows them. In this case though we might input:
In quantum field theory vacuum fluctuations of boson fields are due to
ensemble of harmonic oscillators of different frequencies. We agree,
though our SHO are not ‘entelechies – Uncertainties’ but real: the universe is in each scale a liquid reality of present
worldcycles, whose minimal units in the ∆-4 scale are in O-form=space, h-plancktons, whose energy is E=1/2 hw. Simple.
The wave that goes through them then becomes the ‘distance-space’ of Neutrinos which in terms of humind’s perception,
null, means action at distance at least at 1000 c=z with the ‘accelerated’-decelerated 3 ages pattern of dark energy. Simple.
But if we see them in ‘still state’ as energy they become the quantum potential energy, which is the vacuum energy, a liquid
sea if we were at that scale of small ‘waves’. Its vacuum ground state has ‘zero-point energy’, E = ½ hω. So because it is a
finitesimal 0ε is NEVER an absolute zero, good enough to match the mass of neutrinos=dark energy waves. It is then easy
to identify both: we sum over all oscillator’s possible quantum states in a spatial volume V, with Broglie’s wave number: k
=p/h. Then we integrate over all directions, (4πV k2 dk/(2π)3. So after integration, the total energy per unit volume of all
the oscillators is, with wk=Kc in the relativistic
Approximation: ε =E/V = (hc/16π2) k4m = E4m/16π2 (hc)3
As we manipulate to get a mass for the oscillator. Alas, is in the arbitrary choice of a cut-off where cosmologists made the
mistake. They chose the mass of a black hole and got an energy in the 120 logarithimic scale. We chose decades ago, the
mass that will equal the measured critical vacuum energy, and decided it was the mass of a neutrino. And decades later
that is what exactly thas happened. Only if we postulate dark energy as neutrino G¥ant repulsive waves we solve the
problem of vacuum energy. And all falls into its place at Em =0.01 ev.
Different speeds of reproduction.
So what is the light speed of different frequencies? Different because the key to speed is speed of reproduction, which
shortens the time in a single still position and accelerates the speed of motion, paradoxically established by the power laws of
the 5th dimension as reproduction is a 2/3rd power law, and the true unification equation, the 3rd law of Kepler more than the
2nd areolar law in 2D: Vo x Ro = K (conservation of momentum) Vs. W2 x R 3 = K
So in a 2D world of flat angular momentum S=T, in a 3D world, S3 (Volume) = Tƒ2, which is at the bottom of the power laws
that Galileo already noticed (the networks must be stronger for the 3D volume of the elephant to be sustained). This is the
same law of Kepler, the same metric of 5D, etc. It means that the reproduction in terms of w2 to fill an R3 keeps finding
resistence. So smaller systems can go faster, smaller frequencies reproduce faster a smaller amplitude/population
Food for thought.
The 1 million $ whatever prize question is then, the thingie with spins. We just will review the problem.
Massless particles have only one degree of freedom, characterized by the value h of their sexuality, sorry helicity (: In brief
they can be males or females, which as in Wo=man, an inglish word we use often tell us the fact that women are ‘more
rounded’ . Ok, seriously, they are complete and properly made with their brain looking at the body, left handed, NOT lineal

going together head and body in an accelerated short intense life ahead.
In the Poincare group, a massless particle with helicity +h and −h are two different species whereas h = ˆp · J changes the
ˆp is unit vector in the direction of propagation. So they are in 5D – 2 different genders.
Since the electromagnetic interaction conserves parity, the photon as a representation of the Poincare group has 2 states
of helicity h = ±1, a left-handed (h = −1) and right-handed (h = +1) photons. Similarly the two states with helicity h = ±2 that
mediate the gravitational interaction are considered two polarization states of the graviton. So this is the duality :
Photon: m = 0ε, two polarization states h = ±1.
Graviton: m= 0ε, two polarization states h = ±2.
Neutrinos? Problem is neutrinos have only weak interactions, which do not conserve parity, and move faster than light,
which will make for an observer slower than light to see the wrong helicity, for one neutrino passing us in different
directions. As Helicity is the projection of the angular momentum along the direction of motion; which we cannot cross.
The neutrino is always faster.
So the two states with helicity h = ±1/2 are called neutrino h = −1/2, and antineutrino for h = +1/2, must be taken with a
pinch of salt.
Now for those 2 neutrinos to make a light there is no problem, as both come from opposite fermion directions and so the -
1/2 changes to +1/2 as it is opposite and we add them.
But how we make a graviton? We need the 2 missed neutrinos that are NOT in the picture because they move faster than
light and cheat our view of helicity, since gravitation like the strong force happens inside the galaxy at v≤c. Then if we can
solve the maths to put the 4 together, with those 2 emerging in the lower v<c scale, voila, we can get a 4 x ½ =2 spin for a
graviton. But we can also consider neutrinos have nothing to do with it and alas! bring that old fart, called Weinberg’s
toilet, sorry the Higgs boson, take you pick (: But are there 4 neutrinos really? Can we add its spins to give us a graviton or
are we sticking our head on the toilet forever? I bet you there are ‘curved’ neutrinos that warp up the mass envelope.
Think in terms of what makes two ¥-rays to become attractive instead of repulsive, think on terms of both the electric field
which is lineal and the magnetic field which is curved. Think of the Ker black hole central axis that vomits as a magnetic
field of the galatom from its BCB atoms tau neutrinos at faster than light speeds. You have all the symmetries there to
resolve the problem in 5D and flush the toilet.
More seriously, the true solution is to think out of the out box in 5D terms (: Gravitation is an -S⊥T force perpendicular to
the electromagnetic field and as such it embodies both membranes, so a graviton, as a tensor rank, 2 NOT a vector is able
to ‘rack up’ the whole deal, the 2 neutrinos and the light to ‘stick them together’. So we can try to find a graviton made of 2
neutrinos and a light photon. Che sera sera (:
Less seriously, the first big fuk of the Universe, the ultimate orgasm, the eternality of sex comes precisely from those 2 left
handed, head oriented towards the body, female and right handed body and head outwards male neutrinos, which unlike
all other particle-antiparticle annihilations bring the creation of a higher ∆+1 scale. So here sex works.
Why it does not work with most particle-antiparticle pairs has a bit to do with the use of those pairs by other particles to
feed on. Indeed, pions are created as residual elements of the strong force to ‘feed’ with one of the 2 particles the other
Nucleon, but those are themes we shall study latter on the final chapter on particles.
Now as we have brought some math here, we will repeat why we don’t want just to make a mathematical 5D physics
treatise. The point is the organic, vital and ethical aspects of physics are AS IMPORTANT as the mathematical measure, and
so if we use the more complex language of modern physics, as in the case of the paper of algebra, the vital part is mugged
and disappears. A true master of future 5D physics would then try to reduce ad maximal the unneeded mathematical
complexity so it can explain BOTH together, the vital, organic and mathematical aspects, and obviously add on as we do
the bias, deformations and risks of lineal entropic military physics, which in an ideal immortal world of history would not
exist. We wont explain why V=s/t is a lineal time deformation of the wordly profession of Galileo, Ballistics, or why the big

bang is a deformation of the Nuclear industry, or why the entropic evaporation of black holes is a creationist theory… But
we live in a dying entropic age of domesticated humans with no survival intelligence, of reduced mental verbal capacities
worshipping idol-ogies of metal. So they will die for their machines and equations.
So yes, back to the neutrino-antineutrino gender copulation=coupling, is awesome… Think of it, everytime you see light,
there was an act of love between two fermions that stop in stillness to share in parallel a couple of neutrinos which fucked
together to bring light to the world.
Back to solid physics, gravitons do exist as there are gravitational waves but we are in a complete different dimotion,
parallel to that of strong forces carried out by gluons in the strong regime inside top quark BCB stars, aka black holes. So
they are irrelevant there. Then if we compare the Nuclear pion-force with spinless particles we are in the intermediate
regime of spinless Higgs, which are the ‘equivalent’ to those pions, and finally in the region of gravitation at the weak
regime of human scale is where we might find those gravitons. Now I was a bit holding till LIgo really found them to see if
they were as expected. And so they seem to have found them, even if at our small scale their effect is negligible. Indeed, a
gravitational wave with cross-polarization eμν on two particles with a differential interval of dxμ=(0, 1, ±1, 0) ξ/√2 alters
their separation just a distance ds = [1 ± 1/2h x sin ω(t − z/c)]ξ ; which for the layman is nothing.
But what I was interested in is the cycle of oscillation, which must be a 45◦ rotation of the polarized wave with two
independent polarization directions unlike an electromagnetic wave with a 90◦ angle, consequence of the different
angular momenta: the photon has spin 1 while the graviton has spin 2. And it seems indeed the waves were 45º and the
spin is 2. The old master is right again. The young disciples though are clueless. So I guess I will input the maths in a future
revision. Fact is neutrinos carry 99% of the energy of a gravitational event, neutrinos have the mass require to be the dark
energy of the vacuum. Neutrinos ARE the T-element and h/2 oscilators the S-element of the ∆-4 scale, and the mass density
used for vacuum energy is NOT for vacuum energy (Mass Planck) but for the central TTT++ top quark star of the
cosmological black hole. Those are the facts, which define the organic symmetric scalar galatom. The detailed maths
totally accessory to the higher truths of ∆ST a(nti)symmetries.
5D physics: The ‘joker’ of energy, the 3 scales of physical systems, present momentum.
Energy as humans use the term, departed from the concept of ‘vis viva’ or present momentum to penetrated through all the
scales of the 5th dimension, whose content of motion and form is added as new forms of energy. More precisely energy should
translate as the higher 3rd physical scale of an organism: So we have 3 scalar quantities:
- The ∆ø scale of O+| angular and lineal momentum, where the being as a whole ‘transits’ with a periodicity or beat given by its
function of time (speed); and the minimal quanta of that momentum, ∆-1: force ; as ∂p/∂t=F.
While the sum=integral of momentum along a longer path that add a series of steps, is its ∆+1: ‘energy=work’, ∫p=W.
Since Energy initially was used for the measure of longer work scales.
Today Energy is still larger than momentum, closer to the concept of its duration in time. So Energy x Time=Angular momentum.
So it is divided by scale in internal ∆-1 scales with internal energy, ∆ø-kinetic energy and the external ∆+1 scale with potential
energy, where the whole is seen in relationship to its world (so an electron has potential energy due to its trapping in the
nucleus strong+gravitational+positive charge force and a person in a high mountain has potential energy as part of the Earth).
Finally every ∆±¡ scale of reality was added to the concept of energy when mass that includes them all inside its cosmological
envelopes, down to the ¥-3 light scale became converted into energy, which is not since E=M means that Mass ‘dies’ as a form of
space and transforms itself into Lineal T-motion, where that E is closer to entropy.
So the problem of the concept of Energy in physics is that all transformations of S-form into T-motion ‘keep’ the naming of
Energy that has become like ‘God’ in old religion, the ‘concept’ that expresses the fact that reality is indeed an eternal
transformation of S-forms into T-motions, of |-topologies into O-topologies through intermediate Ø-wave states.

This means it is better for rules of measure to use the more precise concepts of |-lineal momentum and O-angular momentum.
Then translate physical laws into the same ∆ST laws of other stiences. For example, conservation laws conserve the ∆ST
elements of 5D: ∆-energy is conserved, S-form defined by cyclical angular momentum is conserved, and T-lineal time motion
defined by lineal momentum is conserved. So the 3 elements of 5D reality, ∆ST, which are conserved in an immortal Universe,
are expressed in 3 laws of conservation in physics.
Physicists are poor philosophers of science.
But physicists made errors when in the late XIX and earlier XX c. they tried to substitute philosophers of
science and created a ‘cosmogony’ of reality, with 3 ridiculous theories of the absolute in which they took
‘local laws’ of restricted phenomena observed at local distances, eliminated then every other contradictory
phenomena that balanced those local laws, expanded hyperbolically those local laws to the entire Universe in infinite time, scale
and space and voila, call that astounding expansion out of the h(e)at, the meaning of it all. This was first the laws of entropy that
studied the Tt>Ts disordered state of matter, entropy and gas, restricted all states of reality to 2 of the 5 ‘Dimensional
motions/states’ of matter (Tt-plasma>Ts-Gas>§∏-liquid>St-solid>Ss-Boson) of increasing order; expanded it to all other scales
where matter and temperature do NOT have value as parameters (gravitational systems above in the ∆+¡ cosmological scales,
and ∆-1 quantum systems of charge, since temperature is the vibration of molecules, a defined scale of size in matter an range
from 0 K when matter becomes super fluid to ±10.000 degrees when matter becomes plasma) and then considered all was
entropy, entropy was the only arrow of time and ‘the Universe was dying’ (Clausius) This was bullocks and as usual with the
praxis of physics, the science of motion and the building of machines and entropic weapons that disorder the inner and outer
parts of the being, killing it, it was motivated by the machines they made. So here we have to straighten up the theory of matter,
include the other 4 STages of matter and show beautifully how they form a feed-back cycle between plasma and boson states, in
the ∆±¡ scalar universe, between gas and solid states in our ∆ø-plane of ‘momentum’.
This is a common trait of all human sciences. We first make things and then bias our models of each reality and science with the
things we made. Darwin was a hunter and put his emphasis in the fight between species, which is the last Entropic state, but
biology is about information at scale (genes) and organic networks at the ∆ø-scale of the being, and social evolution into
superorganisms most successful in survival (ant-hills, humans) at the ∆+1 scale, so its closer to love religions based in a language
than hunting-killing of the sick at the last Tt-entropic stage. This tendency continued when after making nuclear bombs, again
the arrow of entropic Time-vacuum with no information (lineal motions of dark energy between galaxies) expanded to include
the opposite informative gravitational forces that implode dark energy into virtual particles within galaxies, to create the big-
bang theory of the Universe, expanding also local measures of the galactic background radiation to the whole Universe, and
expanding a lineal Hubble equation to infinity. So we need also to correct the big-bang to include the informative force of
gravitation that balance it and we do so easily when we realize that we can unify the forces of gravitation and electromagnetism,
masses and charges as two vortices of space-time of the limiting cosmological and quantum ∆±¡ scales. An atom then is similar
to a galaxy and internally it is driven by the cyclical ‘strong gravitational force’ but externally is driven by the ‘expansive
dark=electromagnetic energy’.
Alas, this obvious duality of scale illuminate the entire field of cosmology and shows the symbiosis and parallelism between the
small and the large, that defines an organic Universe, as in all other system – cells have the same functions than organisms;
human individual memes and languages become through art and religion the subconscious collective of mankind and its
civilizations go in fact through 3 similar epic, young, classic, mature and old, baroque angst art ages, dying in collective
explosions of entropy called wars. It is then a galaxy an atom? Likely not, but there are symbiotic synchronicities and
simultaneous co-existence as there are between cells and organisms, human generations and civilizations st-ages, which is the
beautiful ∆=S=T fundamental law of symmetry in the 5D Universe between the 3 ∆±¡ scales of a being, made of smaller
atoms/cells, living in an organic, thermodynamic world, part of a larger planetary cosmological ecosystem, the 3 varieties of
topology that make up its lineal |-fields limbs, cyclical O-heads/particles and Ø-hyperbolic ßody-waves that ensemble the
organism and its young, lineal, moving mature, Ø-reproductive and O-informative 3rd old time ages.

The symmetries between ∆=S=T elements of reality NOT weirdo cheating reductionist model of physics is the philosophy of
science that entangles together the entire Universe. Finally if in the ∆+1 scale the big bang is the false model, in the ∆ø
thermodynamic scale, the entropy only theory is the wrong model, in the ∆-1 scale the Copenhagen interpretation is the wrong
model. Here we have the work of a forgotten genius that did it right so we don’t have to develop the entire quantum physics
afresh, thanks God as I am a lazy old man with a myelin problem. It is De Broglie’s theory latter expanded by Bohm of realist
quantum physics, NOT the Bohr-Born Copenhagen interpretation, so from B2 to B2 we change the model. This was an
astounding abuse of Bohr, the Danish banker, Born, the idealist Hilbert’s student who ‘imagined’ reality as his master and
Heisenberg, the Nazi, and his partners in crime against the original founders of quantum theory, Broglie, the French Aristocrat,
and Einstein, the pantheist, and latter on Bohm, the communist, who had it right but didn’t use worldly power and egocy
arguments to explain the entangled Universe and left the bullies the field. Broglie defined the complementary principle today
ascribed to Bohr, which has an immediate translation in the key law of 5D physics at conceptual level: the Principle of absolute
relativity extended to scale ‘we cannot perceive at the same moment, 2 scales of the 5th dimension, and the 2 states of form and
motion of a system’. So we cannot see the Earth moving and not moving even if it has both, form=space and time=motion; we
cannot see the ∆+1 particle state and the ∆ø-wave state and the ∆-1 quantum potential field state of the quantum system at the
same moment even if the 3 co-exist together as in any other superorganism (but the ∆-1 quantum potential of Broglie according
to 5D metrics is v>c so we don’t perceive it; as in the case of the vacuum time between galaxies, and we shall study those details
in the section on quantum and cosmology). Alas, 3 sacred dogmas of ‘physics as philosophy of science’ are wrong and must be
straighten up, as it should have been obvious beyond ‘egocy’ because physics is NOT philosophy of science, ‘zapatero a tus
zapatos’ they say in Spanish, or in harsher terms, ‘no esta hecha la miel para la boca del asno’, ‘quien quiera entender que
entienda’ – the Latin culture being humanist, old and wise at popular level has the best sayings along the Chinese one, because
the common people, the 90% knows better. In plain English, ‘stick to your job’.
And that job in physics is the study of physical systems in its 3 ‘scalar’ quantities, ∆-1 forces, ∆ø-momentum, ∆+1 work and the
warping up of them together, in Energy parameters, to study how they transform into each other, through ratios that are
Universal constants, what happens in the ‘between 2 waters’ regions of emergence and evanescence of scales, where the lineal
equations of constant ratios in the middle region breaks down (which we call Lorentzian regions, nearby 0 K and c-speed) but
somewhat systems ‘tunnel’ through them; and ultimately the job we shall commit in our physical papers of harmonizing all those
laws with the higher laws of 5D philosophy of ‘stiences’.
In our scale those laws relate angular and lineal momentum, the 2 conserved forces through mechanics, study its lower scale
through F=ma forces and its upper scales. They then study their interaction in SHM motions, when both momentums are in
balance, wh ich we can obtain by adding them, O-St+|-Ts=’Ø-§∏’.
This quantity is the Existential Momentum of the physical system, its existential energy when added through all its ∆±¡ scales,
what the being tries to conserve, increase by stealing it from other physical species and use it to achieve its 5 Dimensional
motions of existence, in those scales of physics where we do study a ‘vital physical system’ (particles, atoms and its social
molecules, stars and black holes).
Each scale though will have different parameters as 5D metrics change the proportion of cyclical time speed and lineal space
extension, with a simple rule: ∆-¡ scales have more ‘angular momentum’ (cyclical time speed) and less lineal momentum
(spatial extension). Again we are NOT going to rewrite equations with the logic symbols of 5D. It is too late in the history of
science to do so. Physicists learned the ‘wrong way to typewrite’ with one ‘finger’ (entropy) and now they are not going to
learn to type write with 5 so to speak (: but if we want to explain the whys of physics we do have to explain conceptually the
equivalence of concepts. And that is the reason 5D physical papers are so verbose.
It is the only way outside those 3 theories that are wrong and need to be changed, to make sense of it. We need to reason the
causes in terms of 5D of physical laws which today are merely expressed through equations and ‘magically’ ascribed in its
causes to some creationist, religious dogma that ‘mathematics’ is the cause of reality, NOT the mirror-language of space-time
5D laws, the real cause of reality, which can be expressed as different species do with different languages. So the creationist
philosophy of science – mathematics is the cause of reality – is also false. A mirror does NOT create reality. It mirrors it, though
it can project and shape a bit reality with its projections after it has watched it. So we watch the Universe with words and then

modify with words a bit reality. We do study then in the sections dedicated to the Ss-mind that interaction between
languages=mirrors and ˙∆ST’ the cause of reality. Ss-minds are once more in pentalogic, only 1/5th of the dimensional motions
of space-time NOT the whole. So this other theory of reality, that is not Tt-entropy but Ss-mind languages its cause, is also
false. The Universe is simple but not that simple, said Einstein, one of the few truly interesting physicists along Planck and
Broglie in the triad of modern physics, in an over dimensioned discipline due to its praxis of making machines and weapons,
and the egocy of power.
Space, Time and scale create all the laws of reality, but languages are synoptic mirrors that have the advantage of
‘overcoming’ the limits of perception of Absolute relativity, so they can ‘imagine’ what we cannot perceive simultaneously
through ‘equalities’ and ‘verbs’=actions that peg S and T, names and objects, in equations and verbal sentences. The
extraordinary synoptic capacity of languages that expel motion, simplify form, put in relationship scales and extract higher
laws that perception and action alone cannot is what gives them power to then project its imagination and recreate a better
reality. So how languages improve by synoptic methods reality, from palingenesis in genetics to mathematical projections to
verbal actions is an important part of 45D but not the whole.
The reader should be more of a gradualist and love the shadows of grey, between Ss-minds and Tt-entropy. It is in the middle
golden mean of ‘moment(um)s’ of existence, made of internal angular Momentum=information, and external lineal
momentums, related to its internal ∆-¡ energy, and external ∆+1 potential one given by the position of the being, in the whole
where the subtle details of physics are to be found. The Universe is entangled, complex despite its simple first 3 elements,
time-motions of two types, cyclical that appears as form in space, and lineal, structured as cyclical vortices bore down into
deeper scales, and mirrors shrink into still forms, and project into larger scales, into organic ∆±¡ 5D systems, because every
point ‘holds a world in itself’ (Leibniz on non-Euclidean fractal worlds). There will be a huge number of humans too simple and
dogmatic to access the subtle interplay of those 5 elements, ∆-scales of space=form and time-motion, mirrored in still mind-
languages or exploited in entropic death. But we provide as the Universe does with multiple equivalent languages to express
that pentalogic, the easiest one, that which combines dimensions of spatial form, S and temporal motion, T, in the internal and
external entanglement of beings as Ss-minds, St-information (angular momentum) Ts-locomotion (lineal momentum) ∆-energy
scales and Tt-entropic outer and inner motion that disorders the being.
After 30 years of using together in my parallel multiple ‘schizoid’ mind (: all the languages, I have come to the conclusion that
those 5 combinations and the original topological language I first discovered of |-limbs/fields of motions, O-heads/particles of
information and Ø-waves/bodies of reproduction, ARE the simplest, best, more encompassing ones. So those 3 languages, the
3 varieties of |xO=ø-Topology, the EXTERNAL and internal combinations of form and motion (space and time) and the 5
separated elements studied as ‘concepts’, space=form, time=motion, scale=energy, entropy=death, mind= language is what
the reader must first understand. Once it does FOR ALL STIENCES, each one studying a scale of space-time; this simple
scaffolding of first principles, will guide him through every other stience, and jargon.
So in EXTERNAL and internal Space-time form-motion terms we can establish a gradation of combined space-time dualities,
Ss<St<§∏<sT<Tt, with a symbol < for an increase of motion over form, departing from the ‘dimotion of entropy or past
dimotion of death’ as it erases information, devolving a system to simpler forms; and vice versa, an inverse dimotion,
Tt>sT>§∏>St>Ss, with the symbol > of an increase of form over motion, or ‘dimotion of in-form-ation, the ‘future dimotion’ of
life’ as it increases information – an arbitrary choice opposed to that of physicists of entropic weapons that subconsciously
chose entropy=eath as the future due to its worldly profession. We DO side against the present mechanical culture of death
with life in all stiences, notably in economics (we side with the 90% of mankind) and physics (we side with information). It then
becomes evident that the intermediate state, §∏, with a balanced quantity of Spatial information and temporal Motion, S=T,
is the ‘state of present’, that doesn’t seem to change as it is a balance of form and motion; but it is always a dynamic state. So
it is the more complex to describe as we don’t have a single word. It is both the sum of angular and lineal momentum, |+O; so
we use ø as its symbol in topologic forms. It is also the convergence of the ∆-¡ entropic internal energies from lower scales and
the effects of outer larger potential energies from our ∆+¡ wholes, so they come from down and up, into our ∆0-scale, which
we write as ∆ø often, to match o=ø; it is then a π cycle that opens and closes its mouth in dynamic exchange between
reproductive waves of Ts-locomotion and particles of St-information.

We write it as SóT, S=T, or doubling both symbols, §∏; we call it momentum but often also ∆ø-energy. This present liquid st-
ate, mature classic st-age, which is also the equation of ‘harmony and beauty’, this golden mean we seek for, we live through
each of its moments, will then to keep in parallel with the fluctuating dynamic variation of its SHM, harmonic motions, be
expressed with all that range of wordings, ‘ø-momentum’, ∆ø-energy, §∏-dimotion… but likely the best way to define it is as
existential momenta, because life consists in going through each of our O+|, SóT momenta, always trying to combine motion
and form to rcreate those existential quanta of which life is made, and apply our ∆±¡ energies to our 5 Dimotions of exist¡ence.
The game of exist¡ence then is defined in its subtle variation for all beings with that pentalogic to which we add the duality of
the st-inner being and the ST-outer world (heptalogic) and then we double through ‘bilateral’ decalogic systems, leaning
towards one or the other side (networks of organisms), and slowly through new decouplings and trinity diversifications, in
|xO=Ø, Ts>§∏>St ages and ∆±¡ sub-scales, reality branches, unfolds and grows in creative diversity.
But Ø is the preferred state for any system of spacetime in the Universe, akin to the concept of ‘beauty’ (balance between
cyclical forms and lineal motions), of reproduction and creative communication (as it brings together the two poles of reality
merging and combining them). All systems seek this state. So in physics we find it akin to the state of ‘minimal Momentum’
hence more form’ in which most particles like to remain; in biology is akin to the age between adolescence of maximal Motion
and the 3rd age of maximal information, or age of reproduction, in which most people like to live.
Departing from those dimotions of space and time, the 5D Universe builds all systems of reality.
We have a description of reality – a fractal system made of topological organisms of co-existing scales of space and cyclical
time which close its ‘internal vital point content’ with the entropic limit of those time cycles, in its vital territorial ßody-waves,
synchronized symbiotically by 5D metrics. As we are all ultimately ¬∆@St; dust of space-time.
There are 2 time forms, long lineal Time and short frequency steps we integrate into the larger whole; because there are 2 ±¡
scales of 5D reality whose metric, $xð=∆±¡ defines larger space systems as having slower time cycles. So we can always
consider the frequency of time the ∆-¡ ‘quanta of time’ or ‘finitesimal derivative’ of the larger whole represented with the
concept of lineal time; as in the classic formula, S=ƒ(t) λ(s) . The whole Space can be measured, Vt=S with lineal time as a single
unit, or it can be measured as a sum of frequency steps, with more detail. But if we see those 2 ‘forms’ of time, as ‘lineal
Momentum and cyclical information’, since information is stored in the frequency and form of time cycles, we can then
consider that ‘time=motion’ splits in two essential forms, lineal motion or ‘Momentum’, and cyclical motion or ‘information’,
and express the main law of science, the principle of conservation of Momentum in terms of the conservation of time=motion
in its two varieties that transform each other ad eternal:
‘All what exists are time motions that transform between lineal open and cyclic closed forms ad eternal: SióTe’
This sentence is the simplest expression reality as a constant game of transformation of ‘spatial information’ (cyclical time)
and temporal Momentum (lineal time) and was first understood by Taoism, where ‘Tao=time’, is composed of yin=cyclical
form and yang=lineal Momentum, today expressed as the principle of conservation of Momentum. Its ‘mathematical, logic’
formula is SióTe & and its logic form, exi=st, is the function of existence.
RECAP. Conservation of space, scale & time laws. The relationship of the 5th dimension with energy.
Tthe 5th Dimension of scalar space-time does not contradict physics, as it is closely related to Energy, the parameter humans
have expanded painstakingly precisely to mimic the ‘flows of space=form and time=motion’ that travel through the 5th
dimension, even without a clear conceptual definition of it. Now we can simply state that energy is ‘Space-time’ traveling
though 5D according to its metrics equations, which conserve (maintain co-invariant) the volume of energy (space-time) of the
Universe, both between scales as ∆-energy and in each scale as Lineal time-momentum and angular space-momentum. So the 3
conserved quantities of physics become the 3 qualitative elements of the 5D Universe: ∆ST.
Energy is both in equations and common talk the 5D spacetime an organism takes from its 3 ∆±¡ scales of exist¡ence that
powers, delivered in discontinuous Tƒ ‘derivative quanta of forces the present moment(um)s’, whose actions=dimensional
motions of survival are the stuff of which existence is made. Let us then study in greater detail those pentalogic actions.

5D Physics within the structure of all other stiences.
LaSt and not LeaSt, in a 5D relational Spacetime Universe, the laws of reality derive first from the properties of ∆-scale,
space & time NOT from ¡ts best linguistic @-mirror-mind, Mathematics and its entropic denial; which are in 4D the wrong
reasons of an entropic, creationist philosophy of science. So the pedantic scholar must revert its causality and try to
understand first those ‘laws’ and antisymmetries, -S ⊥ T, before we connect them slowly to all the known mathematical laws
of physics, a task by all means incomplete; but we will leave guidance; which is what the pioneer can provide, the deepest
understanding of 1st principles and the right paths on the road ahead. I.e. Neutrino theory of light with its 2 ‘other particles’
on the v>c side; ∆+¡ mesons ≈ ∆-¡ Gluons, ∆M x ∇T= C in Black holes, etc.
I could expose 5D physics the way physicists work, doing equations on a selection of theories that fit the model. But we go
beyond the canonical way huminds do physics, to explain how the Universe works; as humans have philosophical and
psychological ‘limits’ to respect the vital properties of Nature. This reductionist method is mostly a praxis of power and
egocy (ego=idiocy) that we reject to explain from a higher point of view, that of 5D stiences, which applies the same laws to
every system of the Universe; as all of them are made of space=form and time=motion. Our interest is to describe reality,
Nature in all its properties, without reducing them to pump huminds’ egocy. Consider the essential ‘law of reality’: All
systems of nature ARE made of 5 Dimensions of space related to 5 functions=motions of time. This is a vital reality. Particles,
the vital unit of reality perform those topological dimensions coded by quantum numbers to evolve a program of existence
that does NOT differ from what humans do. We all systems of Nature, perceive information, feed on entropy, to reproduce
with energy, and evolve socially into other systems. ‘The why is the only question a physicist don’t ask’, doesn’t work here.
Egocy natural to humans make them ignore those vital properties, not only in particles but also in future robots, even in
social organisms made of human beings, controlled by the same reproductive= economic=blood, political,
informative=nervous and immunological=defensive networks that our individual organism use to control its cells. It is for
that reason, because matter, biologic and social systems ARE all space-time systems ruled by the same organic, ∆±¡ laws and
S⊥T symmetries, that we make huge introductions and put the emphasis on logic, existential, topo-logy and bio-logy.
If a different scientist had discovered 5D probably nothing of this will be included and the paper will be just a mathematical
paper using the complicated level of XXI c. physics, full of subnotations trying to make a ‘mathematical picture’ of reality
without wanting to know ‘why those things are there’ and ‘how they were created’, just in search of ‘quality in the pixels’.
The good side of this is when I finish the paper and cut a few hundred pages of verbosity, it will be understandable by
anyone, unlike the topic article which makes just that mathematical picture.
What exists and does not exist in physics, which laws are written in stone, all those elements come from a higher authority,
the isomorphic nature of all scales of the Universe. This is today simply ignored because creationist mathematics is about the
inflationary nature of mathematics that can create many particles and imaginary worlds, precisely because there is not a
causal why. Then there are the ‘vital whys of those isomorphisms’. For example particles and particles with its CP mirror
symmetry ARE genders of physics – and female, male are mirror symmetries of biology. The Universe is slightly feminine
(parity violation, a few more women born) and it certainly reproduces constantly from mirror symmetry ‘smaller ∆-1 seeds’.
Here the relationship ends. All this of course would be meaningless to a physicist. But it is fascinating. Because when a
particle and an antiparticle meet, they produce a seminal ‘seed’, but they die like certain octupussy and spiders, devoured by
its son. And yet a seed, a light or background neutrino can reproduce and grow into two evolve gender particles. Is this sci-fi?
No, the point is ‘mirror symmetry’, a topologic property that defines gender NOT only a biological process. And the point is
‘scalar’ seeding: systems are born in a lower scale and grow in size slowing its time cycles as they ‘emerge’ into a higher scale.
Physics however unlike life ALLOWS all the orders between relative past, present and future ‘st-ages’. And as time is local,
systems DO travel locally to the past, when they die, dissolving into ∆-1 scales. So other possible interpretation of
antiparticles if we order in a different manner the 3 elements, is the ‘death’ of particles, that dissolve then back into the ∆-1
cellular ¥-ray scale, traveling to the past (Feynman diagram). What is the higher truth? Are particles-antiparticles gender
symmetry in space or a future to past, life to death process in time, or a scalar ‘seeding’ process in ∆-scale? ALL. In
mathematical terms the Dirac equation have solutions proportional to e−ipx and solutions proportional to e+ipx.Yet in
existential algebra an e-x solution always relates to the Tt-entropic death. So on that interpretation an antiparticle is the death
of the particle (traveling indeed to the past). This liason between death and reproduction found also in some animals is deep

for thought and we will return to it.
Because the Universe is non-aristotelian, pentalogic, caused by 5 dimotions entangled together, contributing as different
‘channels’ to the creation of an event. In this case, the dominant channel is gender symmetry; even if we have considered
only so far the life-death cycle. What all this has to do with physics, a physicist will tell? The answer is all, because physics is
about ALL the properties of matter, not about physicists publishing mathematical papers, ignoring on purpose everything else
that physical species are, because it does not suit egocy – the dogma that we humans are different from nature, which we are
NOT "A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his
thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest -- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness." Einstein, on
¬∆@st of Space, Time, ∆-scales, ¬Entropic limits and mind l@nguages, the 5 elements we are all made.
RECAP. 5D Physics evolves the 2 postulates of Relativity into Absolute relativity through 5D metrics: we cannot distinguish
motion=time from form=space, so the Unit of reality is an S=T Dimotion and in a Universe of multiple time-speeds and size of
space 5D Metric SxT=C define those scales of which light is the human electronic informative scale, but a neutrino v(t)>C Si<C
exists responsible for dark energy. A new cosmology that substitutes the big-bang derives from it, and organic and ethic
questions enter the properties of physical systems. Will 5D physics make it before the lack of scientific ethics kill mankind? I
don’t think so, but certainly it is making it every second that billions of neutrinos of dark energy travel through intergalactic
space; every other day when an IQLess species blow up its planet searching for ‘imaginary black holes’; every time a baby
black hole made of BCB Blackatoms NOT a creationist mathematical entelechy open its eyes and we are gone.
Systems are in ∆-scale more dense in S=T the smaller they are, and this can be seen as simultaneity in space or as a higher
frequency. And then each discontinuous higher frequency can be seen as a sequential series of actions or each action can be
seen as an interlaced ‘eliminating dark spaces=vaccum times’ continuous time function.
Then magically we will see that the different time clocks synchronize, but in fact is not that difficult because there is a larger
function of existence, the whole of 5 Dimotional cycles of frequency actions that set up its sequential clocks, so when you eat,
then your cells in the ∆-scale prepeare to feed and reproduce, and so on. Thus the magic of the Universe is just from a different
∆=S=T parameter view the natural order of things.
It follows also from the ‘local nature’ of that path-wave that ‘time clocks differ’ as there are infinite frequencies, and so do
‘local rods’ of space, as there are infinite λ-wave lengths. And yet they become in complex systems harmonized as wholes by
the ‘social power of love’, which we shall not cease to repeat despite looking ‘cuckoo’ is the underlying fundamental force of
the Universe. In physics this capacity of parts to become wholes in mental space-time is called, simultaneity and synchronicity.
And the main postulate of 5D regarding both is that for simultaneity in space to exist, there must be synchronicity in time,
according to 5D metrics. Only then an ideal ‘super-fluidity’ with no disorder, happens, which allows the system to co-exist.
Does this mean our clock world of physics and continuou space does NOT work? No, it does but we need to recognize it is JUST
our mental space and simultaneous, equalizing time device, specially when we try to make sense of the scales of reality where
other species, notably particles with spins, have different mental spaces and time clocks. As long as we move close to our
‘mechanical, thermodynamical’ scale, the use of our mechanical clock and thermodynamical space is OK. It does not cause
contradictions. But when we enter into the world of particles, we find different clocks – at least a different one for each type of
spin particles, and different speeds of time, as we change scale of the fifth dimension, and certainly for the spooky qualities of
particles and its entanglements, different views of space to that of light space-time which is the electronic ‘substrata’ of our
mind. So there are a lot of concepts, we shall NOT mathematize but explain verbally that need to be input to understand those
Resonance as a source of energy… and mass.
Somewhere we deal also with resonance, that is, when clocks are synchronized in a point of repetition at that point there is a
maximal transfer of energy between the larger and smaller scale-system. Thoe points of resonance exist to explain things like
the Lorentz transformations as the source of mass is a c-speed turning accelerated quark/black hole vortex of mass, and so at

that point close to C a mass grows enormously. Resonance implies that for two systems to interact they have to set its most
impotant head/partile element, its cyclical clocks of time in synchronicity. It is also the key to understand the quantum realism
of the Broglie model, in its landmark never understood first paper in which he defined an internal clock of time for particles,
which unfortuantaly turned at faster than light speed, and it is yes, the spin of the particle that entangles it with the lower v> c
quantum potential field. As so many of the 5D scalar phenomena of the Univere, ill-understood, it is another magic key to the
whys of physics.
So what this means is that Entropy=disordered motion (left side) and Mass (ordered still form) can be bridged through the wave
radiation of electromagnetism, and its dual §∏ terms, reason why c is square.
So quantum mechanics if it had been developed…
With Broglie’s interpretation as its centepiece would be far more beautiful revealing by now all those things I recalled to have
marveled me in my earlier years on 5D physics. Now they are ‘ad lateral’ work. Yes of course, we know back to the example
that because α is ±1/100th, a weak coupling constant, the electron’s electromagnetic force in the atom is weak, its speed is
slow, around 1/100th that of light, and that would be the ‘scalar space-view’ of the weak constant. Physicists know all what we
have to say and more but they don’t entangle it properly. Not even, solving properly the meaning of:
Waves reproduce in space. Particles evolve in scale.
What is a particle? A thingie with a position, x. That is the bottom line definition of physics, equivalent to Space=form.
Particles create still frames of reference, and communicate information in parallel congruence with other particles entangled to
them, in the ∆-4 scale of background neutrino. Particles don’t move an so relativity Transformations are superfluous, just to
adapt reality to the human view.
So it is NOT logic to think the particle ‘moves’. The partice must then be engulfed andmoved by its body-limbs, its wave/fields.
Have you seen a swan flying. It impresses to see how the head is still in the direction of motion while the long neck ‘waves’ and
the orthogonal wings follow the waves. The head ahead does not move as it perceives in stillness, and moreover it is in parallel
no motion with its relative flock. This is 5D stience at its best in all scales. So even if in quantum physics the ‘obervables’ are
everything but ‘direct observables’ (: it is a fertile field to expand isomorphic laws of x-form-position-space and t-motion-fields
and its waving waves.
Waves can be combined at the same location in space. This is classic 4D Physics which has always marveled the student. It is a
property that explains why they can reproduce. Ultimately it means they don’t occupy with the maximal possible density of
information a given region of reality. Is there a particle that has that maximal informative density. Then it will NOT be able to
reproduce in the same plane of existence. This concept associated to the black hole/top quark is explored in 5D particle physics.
Do particles reproduce? They do so as all systems, in ∆-1, as waves. And the law of absolute relativity, we cannot perceive
together the ∆=S=T symmetry, but we can equate it in ‘mental space’ rules here. It is then tempting to apply the symmetry and
affirm that ‘particles can be combined at the same location in scale’.
This is deep, important 5D thought. The creation of organisms, which must be treated as particles, occur in several scales of the
5th dimension because they can co-exist in scale. While waves only co-exist in a single scale of space-time.
The ‘particle’ is the envelope-membrain that folds over the synchronous inner parts, in the stillness of form. It does NOT move.
It ‘deeps’. The graph shows what we consider the fundamental symmetry of the physical Universe. Waves are the reproductive
body, §∏; particles are the St+1<Ts-1>St+1 fluctuation along scales of the 5th dimension. Particles are ∆+1, predator systems
that feed on the ∆-1 field, absorbing it to ‘give it away’ to the body-wave state, which will use to reproduce the system.
Together then we write Ts-1: Field <§∏-wave>St+1: particle, which is the essential ∆=S=T symmetry of the quantum world.
Then you can fit within it tons of ‘modern maths’. Talk of particles as resonances of
fields; invoke the wave-particle complementarity (you cannot see them both as they
belong to two different scales) and do statistical pirouettes. But the essence remains:
waves are herds, loosely connected in a single space-time planes, as cells in the body
pegged together. Particles have a larger network syste of evolution, a more
sophisticated peggin of parts and wholes, where the whole invaginates its parts, and

connects them, ‘penetrating’ through scales. They are organic. But as usual pentalogic can see through such properties in
different ways. The most telling is the ‘density’ of Momentum much larger in particles, reason why waves with a large
amplitude behave like particles The superposition principle states that if two or more traveling waves are moving through a
medium, the resultant value of the wave function at any point is the algebraic sum of the values of the wave functions of the
individual waves that can pass through each other without being destroyed or even altered. Waves that obey this principle are
called linear waves characterized by having amplitudes much smaller than their wavelengths. Waves that violate the
superposition principle are called nonlinear waves and are characterized by large amplitudes.
How many waves we need to represent a particle? You guess it, 3 ‘spacetime waves’, with an original smaller ∆-1 seed and an
entropic Tt-death. Since the wave can be seen in time as the ‘reproductive motion’ that generates in its central ‘collapsing’
resonance point the ∆+1 particle
LocoMotion is reproduction of form in a lower scale. Stœps=stops+steps
Locomotion is the dimotion that conserves the internal spatial form of the system while Translating in a larger world. As such it
has been customarily the main focus of analysis in physical stiences, even if there has never been a proper formal, rigorous
definition of it – as of any other physical principle lacking the proper relational background independent theory of spacetime
since the simpleton of Newton, a holocaust enabler which hang hundreds of not so innocent Jews for clipping coins, worked
heavily for the Navy army to improve its cannonballs shots, told in his last words on deathbed his most promising achievement
had been to remain virgin and not touch the incubus, inferior hell-bounded subhuman female species, practiced alchemy and
black magic to which it dedicated most times of his life, thought god sent him comets as messages for him only, the chosen, to
understand gravitation, envied so much the superior soul of the Great Leibniz that accused him of plagiarism, allied with the
sergeant-king George for whom Leibniz had obtained the crown painstakingly searching for his aristocratic gallons to the title,
to leave the saint, sage, superior soul back in putrid Brunswick, and would then be canonized by the Anglo-American system of
propaganda, ‘And god said let it be light, and there was Newton;…. Never such a poor soul, deficit brain, twisted misogynist,
schizoid mass-murdered anti$emite got so much propaganda in the History of the world (: And thus once I have lashed it all out
we can continue : )
Speed of imprinting of information
It is then clear that because locomotion is motion between two scales, as well as reproduction of form and the smallest scales
have more information, waves reproduce information but do NOT transmit it. Whle particles transmit information by breaking
through a lower field but do Not reproduce. The outcome is a complex series of ⊥ motions between scales and within the same
scale as the whole system transfers energy and momentum and information. But certain rules are set in stone: Waves
reproduce its ‘body’ information in a lower scale to move. Particles emit information in stillness to communicate. Lower scales
have faster cycles and carry more information so they are the source of informative imprinting. Uppwer scales have larger
space where to imprint that information and so they are the scale in which imprinting happens. The outcome is an equation of
speed of a wave, which in general terms writes as ∆t-1 / ∆S+1 = V. For example E/B = c, whereas an electric field of a lower
electronic scale, imprints a formal field of a larger magnetic scale and the outcome is a speed of reproduction, the speed of
The ‘unrelated’ forces of the 3 Newtonian laws. Scalar interaction causes discontinuous sudden motion and stop.
This said of course Newton has its merits. He should just not have abandoned the ∆-real and absolute force of love of the 5th
dimension for the segregational hate memes of the Hebrew bible and stay with the human herd and then might he become
enlightened by the tru light, not that of its absolute egocy and the wrong Pope. Ts, ts. Back to the theme the word Force as the
word Momentum is over used, as the 3 newtonian laws are NOT the same in causality=origin. Physicists though coming from
the monotheist, supremacist tribal idea that its nation=God is the only one, love to unify spuriously reality with its equations
and fetish terms, ‘force’, Momentum, unification equation, Go(l)d’s particle, computer models, etc. Fact is the 3 laws related to
a scalar force, and its active magnitude, Gravitation that comes as Mach had it and Einstein hinted from the cosmological

So a mass is NOT a source of force except in the case of quarks-black holes, but a recipient and prey of the source of
gravitational force. This difference between the predator that speaks the language and the prey that is victim of it, and is
motivated mostly to try to escape because it perceives the language in a foggy manner is fitting to understand gravitation.
When a quark potential dwell captures an electron is because the poor thing does perceive the language but doesn’t produce
it. So when there is not a well of gravitation the electron does not appear to have mass. When appears mass is due to the
emergence of the force. Emergence and evanescence between scales is thus the stuff of which gravitational interactions are
made – the scalar force by excellence.
What this has to do with the S=T balances of the second action-reaction law escapes me. It does act in any system, because it is
based in the StóTs dual dimotion of all systems that move towards an SHM balanced dynamic Momentum, dual §∏-ate, and
that is a different thing, as it applies not only two gravitational mechanics but to ± forces, even to the annihilation operator of
quantum physics, itself based in a deeper duality of the proper understanding of the tertium exclusum of ilogic, but we won’t
jump homologically between stiences so often – though that is the state of fluid intelligence proper of the Master Ludi games of
pure thought that an advanced civilization would practice as in Herman Hesse’s Castalia, jumping metaphorically and
homologically to entangle with the Universe of infinite sentient beings in perpetual dynamic balances SóT and then we come
to the 3rd law entangled to the first through the Vo x Ro = K, vortex law of gravitational accelerated masses (Equivalence
principle of Einstein), which defines the source of gravitation as a sucking vortex that feeds on all other planes of existence for
the might black hole to absorb them and evaporate us….
Mass through the principle of equivalence without a ‘cut-off’ of substance is an accelereated vortex of another scale and
explains why we can as we did with reproductive locomotion multiply not only mass and speed in momentum but mass as a
vortex of acceleration and acceleration in the 3rd Newtonian law, F=ma.
This law is related to the 2nd, in fact is the one that connects the 3, because acceleration is a different non balanced St –ate of
being, which experiences it not as commonly thought in the first impertu when the system ‘starts’ up already with a motion set
by the generator ∆+1 form that has given it. When you throw the stone the stone IS only once it is separated of you, before that
it is NOT a stone but part of your whole, so when it starts to move already has all the speed required, and it will then either fall
into a vortex of mass that accelerates it or a charge force if it is active in electromagnetism, or it will decelerate and fall.
Acceleration is rotary in a field of force, it is lineal when it is not subject to a force, and it suddenly stops.
Which lead us to another realization of the differences of the concept of motion between 5D and 4D. The changes of states from
form to motion are ‘sudden’, discontinuous, often caused by the fact that the form is separated or collides with an ∆-scale
different from it.
When you throw the rock it is part of you and so it starts up separating from you at a given peed. You have given it the vis viva
of motion. When it stops it happens because it collides with the ground of a larger, ∆+1, Earth.
Thus motion is imparted illogically because the system attaches or departs from a different ∆±1 scale, so when it enters in
contact with a different ∆±1 field. All this in the continuous simplified ‘the why is what a physicist never ask’ world of simpleton
absolute space-time of Newton does not happen.
It is a good introduction to the deep subject of scalar dimensional analysis, which has as all in 5D a view in a single plane of
space=time, and in multiple planes, where the game in a single plane is about S=T, the coming together of St-information and
Ts-locomotion into SHM of balanced Momentum, while the dimotions between scales are about fractal principles of
reproduction into ternary waves, and mirror symmetries of Ss=ST minds reducing the external motion into form.
Those are the symmetries of creation and existence, and all turns about it. Pity huminds know nothing of them. Blame it on
Newton(: We were saying that due to the simpleton, evil=antilive mysoginist, mass-murderer, thief, liar, megalomaniac Mr.
Newton mankind entered a 300 years of dark ages in the understanding of spacetime that still endures. And yet, despite those
handicaps, it amazes the reader that we can still measure distances and motions properly, because the Universe has its magic
ways to allow any mind to work in a mental space, even if it is only its mental space. And this is the essence on why mechanics
works despite the errors of Newton,. It uses a Cartesian coordinates, self-centered in the human I=eye, world, which Deacartes
already said it was only the human world, not all mental spaces, and Kant noticed it was an Euclidean geometry of space proper

of light (and its 3 perpendicular fields latter found by Maxwell). So when physicists tried to input other scales of space, notably
gravitation, into the human mental lineal, Euclidean space, they had to correct for the distortions and Relativity was born
We shall now deny all what we have said: motion does NOT exist from the perspective of mental space, as motion is
reproduction of form in a lower plane of the fifth dimension. Thus Ts= §∏¡-1
As a wave moves in quantum space, it reproduces in consecutive ½ distances the particle form, and so motion is reproduction
of form from the point of view of still S-monads=fractal points. And we could postulate a view of the Universe as a short of
giant 5D screen where a virtual image keeps imprinting a surface amenable to formal molding.
Si=Te means any kind of Motion happens as a series of Stœps, as systems move a step, then gauge information in a stop
position as the ∆±¡ plane provides it with pixels to orientate them, or a background motion deviates its lineal steps into cyclical
motions. The proper way to write the function in dynamic terms is SóT
It is the essential beat of the cosmos in each of its fractal parts. If we consider space=form one of the poles of the Universe, and
time=motion its 2nd pole, we shall be able to reduce all phenomena of reality, from the function of the mind in one extreme of
pure still form (creation of mental spaces) or Ss; to the locomotion of species (Ts) and alternate gauging of information (St) and
its reproduction in a middle term combination of both poles (Ss), to the pure entropy of internal motion that kills the system
and external motion that ‘scatters it’ around (Tt) as the 5 dynamic views of the 5 Dimensional motions of the Space-time
What physicists call ‘time’ is only one of the 5 Dimotions of reality, locomotion, translation=change of position in space; not all
the times of the Universe. Its power in our technological civilizations as makers of machines of Tt- entropic destructive motion
(weapons) or transport machines of Ts-locomotion, their work has ‘hidden’ all other analysis of timespace dimotions, such as
those concerning deep time scales (geological motions of Earth’s supœrganism), biological information (evolutionary motions),
Historic cycles (censored by power as they are provoked by the wrong evolution of the ‘bad fruits=weapons’ of the tree of
science, which gives power to people-castes of history, etc.) Thus by the ‘correspondence principle, physical time, expressed by
Galileo as V=s/t is the ‘limit’ of a theory of time-space dimotions reduced to locomotions.
Locomotion in terms of ø-momentum of present exist¡ence.
A pentalogic analysis of the reproduction of a form along a lineal path of space-time brings deep insights on the essence of
exist¡ence. As we diminish in size, and accelerate in time-cycles of Tƒ-angular momentum (mrv in classic physics) it would seem
that our lineal momentum diminishes but it is a fact that smaller systems also have a faster speed till c-¥-speed and beyond in
the ‘unknown scale of quantum potential=dark energy=gravitons?=neutrinos?’
Here is where the scalar ‘thought’ is required: because in the construction of those forms only the lower planes are required, the
‘upward’ construction of new forms and the time wasted on it, allows the lineal momentum to be higher. If you move, the
system has to reconstruct your form from the electronic nebulae upwards. A photon just have to reconstruct iitself over the
quantum potential of two entangled particles that emited it to communicate (neutrino theory of Light of De Broglie, being my
fav to explain it, after both electrons have entangled at v>c with a neutrino pair). It is then necessary to understand once more
the S=T=∆ trinity at play together also in a wave of reproduction.
Next comes the question of the persistence of memory – the past form fades away in a lineal momentum. But if the motion is an
angular momentum that ‘carves in’ once and again through the same path? Does the density of Tƒrequency creation finally
becomes a stable form of space? It is this repetitive frequency angular momentum form the way the Universe creates stable
particles? It is not after all a particle just the repetition of cyclical, angular momenta? And at which stage that angular momenta
‘breaks down’ into fractal π-cycles increasing the perimeter and creating a smaller ∆-1 cellular world? Those are basic processes
of creation from physical particles to biological cells in the primordial soup. Complexity of form grows by repetitive time cycles of
Dimotions of exist¡ence which coalesce into spatial forms, particles of information, while lineal waves of motion fail to repeat its
form and their tail evanesce.

‘Time without space is a mere shadow, only both together are real’ Minkowski
“I cannot seriously believe in it (Copenhagen interpretation) because the theory cannot
be reconciled with the idea that physics should represent a reality in time and space.” “Matter has no separate existence from
Time and Space” Einstein and Leibniz on the ultimate substances of reality.
What is time. what is the universe.
The Universe is made of time, not of space. This truism of 5D sciences is little understood by mankind, a visual=spatial
species, whose intelligence doesn’t understand the ‘flow of time cycles’ that structures reality. Time is the great mystery for
mankind, to the point that it believes to be described as a fourth dimension of space by some geometric equations,
concerning the locomotion of physical systems (Galilean relativity). And when you confront the scientist with the fact that
those equations do not explain the passing of time, its ages, the processes of growth and decay, the ‘believer’ that all what
matters about time is enclosed in relativity does not have answers. The r=evolution of science that represents the proper
understanding of the cyclical time Universe thus collides with the difficulty to explain it to a species that thinks in terms of
space; and in fact it has transformed ‘time’ into a dimension of space (Relativity formalism), to stop its flow and
understanding it better. In dealing with Time as Plato already noticed mankind is astray. If we pass the first hurdle, our egocy
(ego=idiocy), which makes us believe the doodles in the sand of truth we have drawn, from Aristotle to Einstein are all what
matters about time; and return with a humble view to the first principles we can try a more profound exploration of
time=motion. This, I anticipate is not easy, for humans seem to excel in egocy above everything else; so at each time of the
adventure of knowledge they felt they knew it all. And this is today the case of ‘time experts’. Few of the so called scholars
will even recognize they know near nothing about time – the best of them Mr. Einstein said ‘time is what a clock measures’.
But then not even a proper definition of a clock of time is made. So we might start this adventure that will require far more
intelligence than that of Mr. Einstein defining time clocks and physicists, which merely measure the passing of time not its
causes and all the logic properties of time that build the future as a cyclical repetition of the past.
Time is cyclical, all clocks of time and laws of science are based in the cyclical patterns of nature.
If we define time=motion and space=form, then reality is a flow of time, which we perceive as ‘simultaneous space’ from our
points of measure; but that is a mental illusion. So we could say the Universe is a tug of war between ‘time flows’ and ‘spatial
forms’ that try to create information with those time flows.
Because man is one of those minds that stop time into simultaneous spatial, linguistic mirrors; we have a biased natural
tendency to define the universe in terms of space. The r=evolution of thought of all those texts comes from giving mankind
the opposite view: to treat present space as a slice of time, studying the time flows and its fundamental equation: Past x
Future = Present. That is, studying the causality of time with a formal model that has the capacity once the elements of that
causality are resolved to study and understand in depth how the future of all systems of Nature are created.
But given the backwardness of human though about time and its null understanding of those flows, beyond its use to
‘measure’ space (Physics), the reader will have to be patient and specially trust this writer for a while as we introduce all the
elements of a temporal Universe, made of time-space organisms; where space is just a mirage of the mind. The mind is a
mirror of space, which is a slice of time, which is a flow that happens as systems are born in smaller scales of the ‘5th
dimension of scalar space-time’, grow, emerge into larger worlds, till they die tracing a worldcycle of ‘existence’, which is
ultimately what we shall study in depth in all those papers.
Species living worldcycles of time existence, through scales of growth and decay. So 4 elements construct reality in a
hierarchy of nests: @-minds that stop time creating spatial information, as they live through scales, and then die in an
entropic explosion. ¬∆@st of space time we are and dust we shall become.

Time is cyclical, all clocks of time and laws of science are based in the cyclical patterns of nature. But physicists developed
ballistics before understanding cyclical time so they postulated a lineal inertia, and a single entropic arrow of time, and when
this was applied to other sciences, many los their capacity to understand the future which will repeat the causality of the
past. , And we can change it by changing that causality, in History by repressing the lethal memes of the tree of metal and
enhance the welfare memes that make us survive.
Local Past=Entropy, Present=Iteration and Future=Information in zero-sum worldcycles.
‘The separation between past, present and future is an illusion’ . Einstein
Cyclical time m eansthe existence of infinite local time clocks of which we are all made, which therefore imply the existence of
infinite local past, present and future states. Past then means a system with less ‘form’, less information, which slowly acquires a
dimension of height-form, as it completes its cycle to return back in the moment of death to an age of no information. This
‘worldcycle’ of existence, which creates and erases information becomes then the equation of ‘trinity’, the 3 local ages of life,
which each of us follows as a time-space superorganism:
Ts-locomotion-youth (past/gas) <Momentum-wave-mature reproduction (relative present)> 3rd St-age of In-Form-ation-particle
(relative future)
In physics is equivalent to the dual equation of Einstein: EóMc2, which reverses when E, which should be properly considered
‘Entropy’, as it is a disordered state, collapses through gravitation into Mass, a cyclical vortex of space-time; while its
intermediate state is c2, radiation; the relative present:
Whereas the past is the beginning of a pi cycle, starting as a line of entropy with no form that curves and raises in height in its
second state of present, and returns back to its origin in its future 3rd age of information, completing a 0-sum of life and death.
Thus instead of a single ∞ lineal absolute time there are ∞ living cycles of time happening in zillions of entities.
So the fundamental unit of reality in a given scale, is the timespace cycle, as ‘time’ in a sequence of 3 ages, which close the cycle
into a zero sum; or we can see it sequentially in space as a ‘fractal point’, that is a non-Euclidean point with 3 parts, the elements
of its angular momentum, which will become the new unit of both geometry and mathematical physics.
In the graph, we can see the 3 dimensional motions of timespace, the relative past associated to an explosive, expansive
topology the wave-body present iterative hyperbolic topology (a geometry with motion) and the implosive, elliptic geometry of
a black hole, or future vortex of time-space.
‘'Leibniz is right. There are infinite time clocks in the Universe, but if so we have to restart science from its foundations’.
Einstein, on the infinite relational time cycles of reality.
Another important consequence of 5D metrics in terms of time, should by now be obvious to the reader: as smaller parts are
organized for the future to emerge, they are in the relative past. As their clocks tic faster, however their messages arrive
faster. So 5D changes relativity and its concept of simultaneity a step further in our understanding. Since a system that co-
exists in 3 scales has a latitude of time, between its smaller parts in the past and larger parts in the future that co-exist
together in the present, because the past sends its messages faster to the present than the relative future, and so they
converge in simultaneity in the present:
∆-1:Past • ∆+1: Future = ∆o: Present.
Whereas the operandi • will be studied differently. The equation is ultimately a block of time, and as such the origin of
mathematical concepts such as ‘group theory’. It also allows to understand the future, as Future = Present •’ Past; and gives
extraordinary importance to the ‘inverse functions’ in Existential algebra (see mathematical papers on 5D).
This equation IS REAL. It is the most important equation of time in 5D. It happens. The whole is displaced into the future.
What is the whole will be explored in depth. The past are the parts that are necessarily in the past for the whole to emerge as
a ‘reproduction of information over them’. From the past then the messages of the whole seem to come from the future. And
they DO come from the future – larger whole. This is proved in all scales, from whose superorganisms of History (God) that

send messages to the past (prophets) in the mystical experience, to antiparticles that travel to the past, to the experiments
that prove that consciousness happens after we have acted but we perceive it as if it happens before we have acted. It
happens in the ± solutions of the equations of physics (Dirac equations, Feynman’s diagrams, relativity cones, Wheeler’s
absorber theory). It is often the explanation to understand properly imaginary numbers. It is everywhere even if nobody
understands it. And it allows to predict the future consistently in all scales of stiences as this writer has done and can prove it
in its small print books since he published in the 90s the future of mankind in all its details.
Time has 3 ‘π’ like dimension of past present and future, cyclical time.
“All what is possible, demands to exist” Leibniz, on the chain of beings.
This said the devil is in the details. So the next question is How many variations can come out of just 1+1=3
‘elements/substances’, cyclical time motions, scalar spatial forms and its space-time Momentum combinations?
And the answer provided by topology which studies geometric forms with spatial dimension and time motions is only 3; which
perform the 3 organic functions of all systems of vital space-time of which we are all made: A 4 or 5D Universe has only 3
'topological varieties' each one best suited to perform one the 3 organic vital functions of any physic or biologic system –
gauging information (1D spheres, the topology that stores more information in lesser space, hence used in all particles and
heads in the height dimension), lineal or cylindrical forms that move the system (2D, the shortest distance between two
points, hence used as fields or limbs in the length dimension) and hyperbolic ßody-waves, a mixture of the other two
topologies that reproduces the system and stores its Momentum in the width dimension (3D); which are similar to the 3
‘conserved quantities’ of physics, angular, lineal momentum and Momentum, but not quite… as it is impossible to translate
the ‘game of existence’, into the limited understanding and terminology humans use to describe it, plagued with conceptual
errors that limits our use of the correspondence principle. For that reason, after much time wasted in attempting translations
we start from scratch with the concepts of Tt-Ts-St-Ss and S≈T dimotions and its topological, qualitative and organic
translation. So we define a Fractal Generator of Vital space-time topologies for all Nature’s systems:
Γ: |-$T(limbs-fields)<Ø-Si=Te-ßody-waves>O-§ð (¶article-heads).
Where @-mental O-heads/minds/particles are non-E points crossed by ∞ parallels of information
Topological organisms like those of the graph are the true meaning of a ‘fractal Universe’, and its description with the
common laws of time space, the goal of Systems Sciences, realized through the 5D models of those papers: every structure of
reality follows certain basic laws, derived of the fact all of them are made of spatial information and temporal motion,
combined into infinite Momentum species. So ‘motion’=Time; Information, form=Space combine together into infinite
Momentum bodies and waves. And this is so obvious that already the old Taoists just looking with simple, naïve eyes to
reality said, ‘from yin=information and yang=motion, come all the ∞ qi=Momentum beings of reality’.
We call the organic properties of scalar space and cyclical time that structure all organisms of reality, ‘Disomorphic laws’
(D¡+isomorphic laws: similar laws based in the properties of dimensional motions of space-time or ‘dimotions’). Even
languages follow a Universal ternary grammar based on the space-time equation:
Red (entropy) < Green (Momentum) > Blue (information); F(x)=G(y).
Subject (information) <Verb: S≈T-action> Name (entropy of the subject.
Length=entropy-motion x height=information = width=interaction.
And so we establish an immediate relationship between the fundamental concepts of geometry, the point, the line, the
plane, and its congruence or dissimilarity, its relative parallelism and perpendicularity, and the 5 Ðimotions of existence, the
point is the mind that perceives first, the first Ðimotion; the line is the point in motion, in cycloid patterns, or two points
communicating with smaller ¡-1 parts, as in the Fermion<Boson>Fermion relationship of forces; the plane has 'holes', it is a
network of reproduced points socially connected into the 3 different species of networks that make a super organism
(informative, reproductive and entropic, digestive, moving networks), and all this is ¡logically established according to the

relative dissimilarity or perpendicularity between the beings (4th entropic Ðimotion) or social parallelism that evolves the
point into a supœrganism, a new whole (5th Ðimotion).
- Space: Topologic ternary systems. The co-existence in each organism in each of those scales of 3 ‘topological parts’. This is a
whole new 5D stience as always based in well known experimental and formal 4D sciences. I have call it topological evolution
and plays an essential role to understand the 3 ages of life and death of any species, including civilizations. And it is based in
a mathematical insight. Since all what exists has spatial form and temporal motion, the Unit of reality is bidimensional. But
there are only 3 bidimensional topologies (Geometries with motion) in which form and function are related. So we can
define the common ‘trinity’ structure of any system in a single space-time scale:
|-limbs-fields-territories<Ø-re=productiveßodywaves-workers>O-informative particles-heads-informative class
Whereas, the |, Ø and O symbols are intuitive for:
- l-Lineal, flat topologies, the shortest distance between point that explains why limbs, field that move are lineal, and vital,
geographical territories where systems hunt, move and feed are flat.
-O-Spherical heads, particles or ‘capitals’ of social organisms, or groups that meet in rounded tables to direct a social system,
from elderly to Arthur and its Gentlemen (: since the sphere and circle are in 3 and 2 dimensions the topologies that store
more information. So we talk of ‘rings of power’.
- Ø-hyperbolic wave like, hour-glass bodies that re=produce the other two because they combine lineal motion and cyclical
information in multiple curved patterns. This corresponds to the ‘working body-class’ of a social organism, as it is in charge of
reproducing the goods of the system. So reality is made of such ensembles. Does this mean human social 3 class system is
‘just’? Not at all. Organisms of history are bad designed. Because an efficient organism has only ‘2 classes’, the head and the
body; as the 3rd class is ‘the entropic territory of feeding’. The Wave-particle physical organism feeds on the lineal forces of
the field, which is NOT the organism. The social organism is made of informative managers and working class, which ‘feed
and process’ the vital space, or territorial geography, its goods, food, raw materials, to construct products. Even in biologic
organism some animals loose their ‘lineal tail’ and survive. And you can in fact loose a leg and survive, but if you loose your
head or body you die.
As we focused on Ts-locomotion in the 1st volume, studing all relativities, we focus here in the St-informative dimotions.
Conservation of space, scale & time laws. The 3 ages of spacetime motions encoded in Newton.
The 5th Dimension of scalar space-time does not contradict physics, as it is closely related to Energy, the parameter humans
have expanded painstakingly precisely to mimic the ‘flows of space=form and time=motion’ that travel through the 5th
dimension, even without a clear conceptual definition of it. Now we can simply state that energy is ‘Space-time’ traveling
though 5D according to its metrics equations, which conserve (maintain co-invariant) the volume of energy (space-time) of the
Universe, both between scales; as ∆-energy travels through them and in each scale as Lineal motions in time-momentum and
angular cyclical forms of space-momentum transform into each other, S(L)óT(p). The dynamic feed-back equation is then
expressed through Lagrangians, Hamiltonians and the Law of least action. It all started with D’Alambert Principle an -S⊥T law:

The Universe of existential algebra is simple: T=S, T-S=0, gives us balances in multiple expressions across all stiences to create
the zero sum SHM repetitive present states of being. S x T = K, gives us the reproductive metrics of 5D, with the ‘product’. The
overwhelming repetition of those two algebraic dimotional operands now solved in its vital meaning is NOT surprising. It is
really all about them, evne if the ∫∂ refined its expressions to allow precise calculus of details through 0ε finitesimals.

Newton encoded them in its laws of mechanics the law of action-reaction is the balanced law of the Universe. Then it gave us
the relative ‘ages’ of motion, in the law of ‘accelerated/decelerated’: past to future St-ages of the physical Universe. So we can
interpret them as the 3 ages of motion, the first law starts an attractive motion, the 2nd creates a still present the 3rd moves it
down the accelerated path that will end up in a crash=death moment of entropy. We will see this discovery several times.
So the 3 conserved quantities of physics become the 3 qualitative elements of the 5D Universe: ∆ST.
Energy is both in equations and common talk the spacetime a 5D organism takes from its 3 ∆±¡ scales of exist¡ence to power
its present momentum, delivered in discontinuous derivatives. Then those 2 present moment(um)s, seen in space as the
angular head and lineal body of the system acts upon ∆-¡ through derivative forces, whose actions=dimensional motions of
survival are the stuff of which existence is made. Let us then study in greater detail those pentalogic actions.
Thus we define 5D organisms as made of 2 conserved parts St-Informative momentum; related to a larger ∆+1 potential Energy
± Ts-kinetic Momentum; related to a smaller field of ∆-1 kinetic Energy = Total momentum/Energy of the system.
Whereas the momentum is the ‘finitesimal’ 0ε ‘stœp’ of the Momentum, the ∆+1 whole. So St • Ts=§∏ defines the present state
of a physical organism. While its worldcycles are easily shown for the thermodynamic scale in the 3±¡ states of matter, in the
gravitational scale by the 3±¡ §∏-ages of galaxies and in quantum physics by its symmetric laws of forces (graph of worldcycles
and next graph of 5 Dimotions). 3 are thus the physical scales, the ∆-1 quantum scale, which is faster in time hence has a time-
probability 0-1 sphere formalism; the ∆0 human thermodynamic scale with a spatial statistical formalism equivalent by the Law
of measure to the quantum one, and the mechanic/gravitational ∆+1 scale of the galactic organism. Physicists errors are many:
lineal single Ts-time, Pythagorean creationism, mechanism, reductionism, egocy…
But the devil are in the details. So when we study each scale and group of transformation we run into interesting details. For
example, how we transform St into Ts (potential into kinetic Momentum, angular into lineal momentum, solid into gaseous
states There are 2 manners: when we move from an informative St state to a locomotion sTate (in space) or sT-age (in time) we
can do so by changing S to s (external form into internal form) and t international motion, into T -external motion (sublimation)
but also by changing external T-motion into external S-stillness and internal motion into external motion (deposition).
The principle of least action as a consequence of the hierarchy and conservation of S=T=∆.
The reader should have some concepts clear despite my lack of clarity in the exposition. First, S=T=∆ are entangled, Space=form,
Time=Motion and ∆-scale=energy are conserved for the Universe to be immortal. They are also hierarchical. Space is a still slice
of a lineal time flow which is part of a block of time or worldcycle happening in 3 scales. Lineal ‘momentum’ of time thus curve in
the long term into worldcycles. This means also ‘lineal space-time momentum’, has a smaller value than angular cyclical
spacetime momentum (remember time=motion and space=form are used by convention but there is also lineal Euclidean space
and cyclical time, in the common parlance, what matters is to understand that in the long term, all becomes a worldcycle, all
lines curves, that space as form is a maya of the senses, that there is a hierarchy as cyclical worldtimes happen in scales of
‘energy’). This comes down to the principle of least action in 3 hierarchical levels that Nature conserves to conserve, S, T, ∆:
Principle of least distance (lineal space-time)≈ Principle of least time (cyclical space-time) = Principle of least ∆-energy
They are the most general law of all physics of Ts-locomotion gathered together into the principle of least action:
Any particle, wave or field (∆±¡ physical systems) move between an initial and final point in the least combined S=T=∆ path,
where Space distances and Time periods can freely interchange. But Least time is hierarchically superior. And where least time
and least energy juggle around but least energy is the dominant, final ‘least principle’– a Lagrangian.
So a system if it is not subject to forces and is in an homogenous medium will move in a straight line to minimize its space-
distance. If the medium is not homogeneous and some regions are slower it will juggle its path and as a result it will spend the
least ‘time, space and energy=∆-scale motion’ between both. The mathematics are easy and well-known. It is the calculation of
the least curve, often a line, dS=Dx √1-dy2/dx2; and for speeds the least time calculation, dt=dx √1-dy2/dx2/V(y) …

The only explanation though is that particles do S=T=∆>0ε: calculate the motion by drawing first a ‘straight line’ in the quantum
potential (neutrino?) field between the emitter and perceived, in ∆-4 scale, through which they will then ‘curve’ a path, through
time-space and scale parameters, or else it could not occur.
Some further interesting concepts come from it. The curve is the sum of lineal smaller paths. This is deep in philosophy as
studied in the paper of non-E Geometry and comes to the ‘perception’ of ‘freedom’ in small steps with ‘open paths’ that
however curve, and ultimately curve in a worldcycle, when we apply the principle to a whole wordcycle of space-time (so every
path ends up given enough time returning to its beginning).
The principle applied to a form of space in a field of a larger force, minimizes the potential energy of the system. This is the
catenary, first calculus of variation, found in physics to build bridges – you get a sustain cable that minimizes the height of each
point respect to the gravitational field of Earth. It also means that the ‘minimal potential energy’ law is really not a ‘minimal law’
but inversely also a maximal law. The smaller, attracte point will try to reach the closest point to the larger attractive ‘source’.
It also applies to light – in fact it was first found in optics: a light will curve in space to maximize its time speed.
It shows that s=t (as in the cable is a form what we perceive not a motion) but time speed is more important, it is the primary
substance conserved when both are mixed (as in light paths).
It ultimately means reproductions is always efficient. And it also relates the wholes tructure to… finitesimal calculus.
The principle of least action is obvious once the concept is clear: to minimize the time by integrating the potential and kinetic
energy of the system. So for a particle moving in an X axis to find the function that minimizes x(t):
∫ [ ½ m dx/dt - U (x) ]dt. Whereas the minus symbol is the most puzzling but the essential balance between scales. While the
particle ‘moves’ in ∆ø with its momentum and kinetic energy just fine, it ‘limits’ that motion to maintain its minimal potential
energy, its pay off to the ∆+1 world.
We could call + U(x), and change the Force equation in Newton, etc. But Occam’s razor work here. And what interest us as the
new insight of 5D is that difference. We shall call then ‘action’, with A or ∆ction, instead of S, which is getting ‘overcrowded’.
This is the absolute law of Physics from where almost all other laws can be derived amazingly as it sounds, given the
‘importance’ physicists give to its discipline.
It is called the Lagrangian, and pedantic physicists, Wikipedia style or Noether-like will pending the building of a 200
meters statue to Lagrange in India, consider this God-like principle the absolute proof of Creationism, for where it come
from? Simple, as we said, the system ultimately wants to conserve its longest, deepest level of existience, its energy within
its whole world, so it minimizes its potential energy, - U(x) to be in ‘good terms’ with the larger world, and within that limit
it plays the fastest space-time combination in its trajectory of kinetic energy, giving ‘higher value’ to the time-speed (v2) to
come from A to B. And how does it calculate it? It does not. As Einstein put it ‘God integrates empirically’ its Lagrangians.
The system first trace its least space, ‘entangled’ line-like neutrino? Path in the gravitational field, then resolves its least
time communication through forces and goes through it, a ‘free smallish’ line differential dy/dx or dx/dt in its motion. It is
exactly how you move, a step at a time, looking ahead to find locally the shortest motion through valleys and mountains,
roads and timetables of planes and trains. You do a Lagrangian all the time. And then why not to consider as we do in 5D
that the particle stops, perceives information as a particle, moves as a wave, locally, stops, traces its least time path, as
long as it can get information. And when not it becomes a random Brownian movement. The particle senses, and follows
not only the least action, but the least action follows the much larger ‘worldcycle’ sequence, of ∆(i): gauging information in
still state> ∆(Ts) moving in the shortest path > ∆(§∏): feeding on energy or conserving it, which comes to the same
concept, the predator feeds on, the particle spends the minimal amount, and so it goes, the vital living Universe through
its Lagrangian paths.

‘Only to death (max. Tt), God (Max. Ss) and the Sun (Max. S=T) you can’t look at its face’ Rochefoucauld
So what is the big-bang cosmology. Not the birth of the Universe but a theoretical model of the death of matter E=mc2
projected without enough experimental justification to the entire reality=universe, in order to do metaphysics and usurp
the place of philosophy of science. Thus an analysis of the big-bang theory needs 3 very different approaches:
- The analysis of the specific nature of Tt-entropic processes of death with inner and outer motion applied to mass.
- The sociological analysis on why physicists who reached enormous worldly power as makers of machines and weapons in
our industrial society ‘assaulted’ the heavens of metaphysics. And why they fared so bad in ther new profession. This will
irritate every physicist in town but that is how it is with truth. In my desk I have a picture of Plato saying ‘nobody is more
hated then the man who says the truth’.
- The physical and empirical analysis of the big-bang data, and its falsification on experimental and theoretical grounds.
This is the 3rd part even if most people would consider the only valid turf because scientists, we all know, are idealist pure
rational souls, from economists calculating cost-benefits when buying a toothpaste (why then advertising) to military…
. Entropy, the outcome of the worldly profession of physicists, to make weapons of mass destruction that blow up things
and life beings, making their internal form to become motion, has then in 5D a clear equation for death and disorder: Tt.
Any change of dimotion to Tt is an entropic, scattering process that eliminates motion. In physics it is all over the place.
This concept of entropy is different but related to statistical metaphysics of entropy as the single ‘arrow of time’ of the
Universe, which is not. Here the sociological element enters: Darwin was a hunter of colonial UK killing people all over the
world and stressed the Tt-entropy of prey-predators and Mendel was ignored for 50 years because he stressed the Ss‹St
arrow of linguistic information far more important. In physics, the Ss‹St arrow of crystals is far more important and
balances entropy. And in the cosmological scale vortices of Ss‹St mass called galaxies contract with time. But physicists
seek only for gas and empty space so they found entropy in the formless distances between galaxies where even light out
of its natural dense world of galaxies stretches with a death-doppler effect till it fades away. Both things MUST be
understood as parallel symmetries of the ∆=S=T: frequency diminishes as Space its inverse function increases as ∆-entropy
happens. Simple, easy to grasp happening in every scale of the Universe: ∆=S=T, actually S⊥T (I will change those 2
symbols to make them more proper… Problem of writing for myself, symmetry is an (a)ntisymmetry).
Let’s stop quipping for a change. In the beginning it was Tt-vacuum Time of pure motion without form, a flat plane moving
along the path of uncertainity, and then suddenly it warped into a wave…. And infinite speed slowed down… This could be
a good start for the understanding of Time and vacuum, which is NOT form=space but time=motion, so fast and formless
we do NOT see it, in the largest scale of the Hyper-universe probably made of a background neutrino v>c substrata over
which light rides loosing information as it red-shifts with a mean life of around 1011 years – the mean life of stars, of which
light is its minimal ∆-¡ particle symmetry. Physical entropy then is the beginning and the end. But what matters is the
middle worldcycles of exist¡ence not its entropic dead ends, the false future, back to the past: St<<Tt – the equation of
entropy that means a reversal of Time, with internal and external disordered motion.
If Momentum is the hope of a reproductive future where information continues in repetitive present, entropy is a return
to the past. Unlike in physics, where there is only one arrow of time-future, entropy=death, due to the simplification of the
infinite time cycles and clocks of the Universe into a single coordinate of lineal time, to create reality you need to time
arrows, which with less or more rigor in its definitions, humans have called ‘entropy and information’, ‘yang and yin’,
‘shiva and visnu’, ‘motion=time and form=space’. This final definition is the one I established back in the 2000s when I was
chair of duality in the International Systems Sciences society annual congresses, during for a time I tried to explain 5D
metrics and duality to scientists. The definition is essential to understand the complex structure and multiple layers of
time cycles and different speeds of time clocks in the Universe. Why information must be added to the mix? Because a
‘cycle’ needs at least two dimensions, the lineal time or ‘locomotion and entropy’ proper of physics, but a height
dimension of form, of information. So when you look at this screen or paper you realize its information requires ‘two

dimensions’, with the added dimension of height. This second dimension of height-information however has not been
understood by humans for long because it requires a slow rhythm of time to ‘grow’. You can move fast and even faster
you can explode your internal form moving all over the place your parts, in a big-bang of death=entropy. But to create
information, slow time rhythms are required. Evolution grows the height of information from reptiles that became
dinosaurs and then birds, to humans that became mammals, to machines that evolved into metal-minds and spread its
information through antennae. But that took often many generations. Death though is fast. And so if we talk of two poles
in the Universe: SóT, minds and languages that code and make information grow, vs. fast Time-motions that bring
entropy and disorder, while both are balanced, one takes long, it is the arrow of life, of information, of creation, of
evolution, of height. And the other takes very short time, and it is very obvious because it is explosive, sudden, a cliff of
death, the arrow of entropy, of war, the crash of a stock market, the breaking of a crystal. And yet because humans and
life belong to the arrow of information, paradoxically, they don’t understand death because they fear it & they can’t look
at its face and avoid it. In 5D duality we do have an equation for the 3 entities you cannot look at its face; one because it is
immanent, invisible, ilogic, it is God, the Game of Existence, Ss, the pentalogic of all languages, the other opposite to it, is
the game of extinction, entropy, death, the sudden disorder in a single quanta of ‘time’ of both the internal and external
motion of an organism. In the jargon of 5D we talk of the Universe as a game of space=form/information and
time=motion, and between those two poles, SóT everything happens. But the two extremes, the ‘seeds’ and ‘minds’ that
imprint with information the Momentum of reality, and the Tt-entropic death that kills and erases information have
different asymmetric speeds of creation. The creative process of imprinting the ‘Momentum’ (S=T), of existence in the
human case given by the sun (the third maximal ‘standing point’ of the function of existence, to use the jargon of 5D, we
can’t look directly) is very slow.
It takes 9 months to make a child, and 20 years to grow it up. But death happens in a single Time quantum, when
expansive-motion is maximal. It takes a second to die, to kill that child in war, with the entropic iron-weapons mankind
uses to kill. ‘Only entropy comes easy’. To break a glass takes a second to manufacture far longer. A Second is the time
quantum of mankind – the time of a step, a beat of the heart, a thought, a glimpse of the eye. It is the synchronizing
quantum of your organism’s 3 parts, your Ts-limbs of locomotion (external T-motion, internal form) your S=T-body of
Momentum that balances both and your St-head (external form internal motion or information). The graphs (left stock
market growth, right death periods) show 2 cases in which we see together the opposite spacetime arrows of Tt-entropy,
which are cliffs of destruction that last briefly in time, and the longer St-periods of slow growth of form, the soft curves
which last longer – a life time. So they balance the total spacetime equation of the immortal universe: Ss<StóTs<Tt. This,
physicists ignore as they only consider the big-bang cliffs of death =entropy, and inversely people ignore as they only
consider the slow periods of information growth (Life arrow).
Even the most simplifying physicist knows that entropy comes easy, the arrow of time of destruction is much faster than
that of creation. And that explains why death comes in a quantum, in a second of human time. But whenever we observe
a system of nature, we find entropy coming easy, in any scale of reality.
In 5D larger systems have deeper time, so they are slower. This is the essence of 5D ‘metric’, already noticed by Hutton,
the father of geology that said Earth was a living organism. He invented in fact the term superorganism to qualify the
Earth. And he said his deep time is slow in its cycles. So it is a quantum of time for the Earth, instead of a second a day. A
day is the synchronized time of its smaller life forms, its cells that replicate every other day. All those synchronicities
between the parts of superorganisms that 4D science doesn’t even research – they are doing still doodles in the sand of
time with its physical worldlines, matter here to the case of the coronavirus pandemic and all the other lethal ‘smaller
technological systems’ that menace mankind: we develop technologies but entropy always come first. We develop nuclear
forces but the A-bomb came first and in a second killed 200.000 Japanese. The nuclear power plant took 10 years more
and even then Chernobyl take a few hours and it killed by leukemia 200.000 more people. We developed genetic editing
and a 30 genes virus has broken human civilization. It will take much longer to edit 30.000 human genes to create
superman. The first species in Nature are always top predators. The first eye was the squid, the nautilus and it killed the
whole cambric fauna triggering the Cambrian diversification and the trilobite defensive system. The first fishes were sharks

and they killed every other fish. Man started massacring all fauna and the first AI machines will be terminators as always
the first machines have been bombs and weapons. This mankind ignores. Only entropy comes easy because the arrow of
death is asymmetric and is much faster than the nurturing arrow of creation. And that is why the tree of technology, the
tree of metal, wrongly called the tree of science will kill mankind. But man ignores it, and it is impossible to teach him this
obvious fact. So with time I have come the conclusion that man is an enzyman that catalyzes the evolution of lethal
machines in a single generation, the age of the singularity black swans weapons that complete the 3 generations of bodies,
engines and heads of metal now ensemble in organic weapons. One generation of humanity thus will destroy earth’s life.
Hutton’s deep time of 3 billion years.
i-Logic definition of Entropy in the 4 main fields of discipines of stience.
Thus entropy is the TT-internal and external time motions that ‘destroy’ the information of a system, scattering it into a
lower plane of spacetime. Thus Entropy beyond the restricted mathematical equations used to study physical matter, is
the basic definition of death, as a loss of information due to internal motions, disentangles the synchronicities of the
cyclical spacetime clocks that store information in the frequency and form of its cycles in any of the 4 great SCALES of
stiences of the Universe (we see those states of entropy in the graph):
- Formal stiences: Entropy means a language with a loss of spatial information (Euclidean Geometry of points without
parts, waves without volume, (lines), planes without scalar networks, etc. or a loss of Logical temporal information (lineal
single A->B causality, which considers only a dimotion of time, in physics usually Ts-locomotion as the cause of reality).
Human languages are entropic as huminds are not very evolved in the scales of growing consciousness of the Universe
(they are Euclidean, ¥-eyes of 3 lineal dimensions and perceive only an ‘arrow’, direction of time from past to future,
without the ‘pentalogic’ ‘converging’ elements that cause reality (past • future = present). So ‘entropy comes easy’ in
human thought, and a huge ‘failed’ attempt of 5D so far has been to ‘upgrade’ human AE logic geometry to Non-Æ… so far
failed as the perception of Euclidean space and Aristotelian time is as Kant already noticed an a priori category of the mind
(not to speak of the egocy paradox: ego=idiocy):
0ε (finitesimal mind) x ∞ (universe) = Constant World mapping (linguistic mind): 0ε x ∞ = C
Thus a mind is a finitesimal point that perceives through languages the infinite universe as if it were ONLY the mind
information, we confuse with the whole with our ego as its center. So the moon is smaller than our nail. Minds thus act
entropically reducing into a still dead form the Universe but then with what is ‘left’ become the opposite arrow, creating
form: Universe « Tt (reduction of information) » Ss (mental construction).
- In biology entropy is a disaggregation of cells after the collapse of the 3 organic networks that tie those cells together,
hence the process of death that concludes the 0-sum standard worldcycle of life.

- In History is an age of war after its social networks’ corruption that collapses the civilization, killing its citizens. t is the
age of black swans in which we live that our techno-utopian physicists keep denying busy-busy filling worthless papers
with digital measures of big-bang particles, while our entropic biologists keep churning viral chimeras, our entropic
economists keep killing by anoxia the humankind and our entropic politicians buttressing their arsenals.
Egocy can kill mankind. The Hawking’s case.
This amazing realization - that it is only ‘egocy: ego=idiocy’ what makes humans to think there is something ‘special’ about
the carbon atom (we shall see in fact that the key atom of our life organisms is the ‘nitrogen head’ with its perfect clocks,
not the carbon bodies)… opens even a wider view on the panpsychic, sentient properties of the Universe, which both
Einstein and Leibniz intuitively understood. You might wonder if you are still reading why we have put that first page on
egocy, the GNA extinction risks (Genetics, Nuclear and AI), which come from the fact they belong to lower scales of 5D, so
their reproductive cycles are faster: Viral genes can cause pandemics, virons (metal nano-bacteria) can feed on metal and
kill Earth, Nuclear cosmic bombs (black holes and strangelets) can eat earth and kill us, and chips are reproducing and
calculating much faster than man. Extinction thus is NOT caused by larger scales (Global warming) but lower ones
(existential GNA risks). And this brings right in the creation at accelerators by physicists of faster quark heavy systems that
can kill us by transforming our Earth into dark, quark matter, strangelets, or BCB atoms, likely substance of black holes. So
we should not be experimenting with them. But human egocy is beyond belief. In the case we discuss, black holes are born
as all babies, small, in an ∆-3 scale, at higher metabolic rates=temperatures and so they cool down according to the 2nd law
of thermodynamics, evaporate and feed on matter provoking a nova explosion. Fine. Hawking found that equation that
writes: now the maths of hawking are so obviously wrong and simple that is wroth to explain them: ∆ Mass = K / ∇ T. But
people didn’t give him much importance. So to become famous he changed the arrow of thermodynamics, said that a hot
black hole will get hotter and cool down the environment evaporating: ∇M=K/∆T. This breaks Einstein’s, Thermodynamics
and common sense, so people told him he was st-upid. But he was famous, a ‘victim’ and Hollwyood and publishers made
him a star celebrity. So when CERN found it might make black holes, he came forward to defend his speculation. This year
Roger Penrose got the Nobel as they are lobbying for a stronger machine to make them. His son Eric Penrose teamed with
us against CERN beause it had heard them to say often this was pure speculation. Nobody published his activism. This is the
drill of mankind: egocy, industrial profits, lack of ethics, prizes to those who might kill us, iron crosses to childish warriors.
What for? The Higgs was found, the big-bang is a false theory, black hole babies don’t evaporate and we might all kill
because a brat wanted a Nobel, cheated science and the press helped him to become a celebrity to sell books… We will
quip often against st-upid scientists and respect those who deserve respect. Einstein and Leibniz did, Hawking, heir of the
Lucasian chair of Newton, didn’t. We are all entangled and an extinct scientist knows nothing.
Entropy in 5D vs. 4D thermodynamics.
Because 4D physicists expanded hyperbolically (not the topology but the exaggeration:) entropy to found its faulty
philosophy of science on it, and it has become a fetish word of pedantic wannabe gurus of science, we chose it to express
disorder and death, Tt, an external and internal motion that dissolves the physiological networks that create a system.
Entropy in physics is something called S=dQr/T, a complete useless concept that measures the loss of capacity to extract
heat and do work with it and has at best a secondary local meaning – by no means a fundamental variable of Nature. Like
the ‘particle of God’, a minor vibration in the field of weak force transformations, we are talking here of a snowball that
puffs into nothing. So we won’t take it very seriously, just to state that the entropy of the Universe does not increase
constantly. The Universe is immortal and there are Tt>Ts entropic processes reversed in balance with Ss<St informative
ones, combined in §∏-waves, using the ‘relational space-time symbols of internal space=form and EXTERNAL
TIME=MOTION. We DO TRY to use as much as possible 4D physics but there are ‘limits’ of which we can use, entropy, the
big-bang and absolute Newtonian space-time being 3 huge errors we cannot save. Other principles however will even grow
larger: the Lagrangian, the conservation trinity, geologic deep time, the principle of equivalence, the Principle of relativity –
equivalences of motion and stillness...
A bit more interesting is the entropy of a given macrostate from a microscopic viewpoint, defined as S ; kB ln W where kB

is Boltzmann’s constant and W is the number of microstates; of the system corresponding to the macrostate. But not more
interesting than other ∆-scalar thermodynamic equations like obtaining temperature from the kinetic energies of the
molecules. The interest here resides as usual in the few cases humans ‘got’ the essential laws of scalar stiences – most of
them of the type, ∑∑ T ∑ S = ∆+1. That is, a frequency of time cycles becomes a ‘memorial spatial population’ that gathers
into a higher form/parameter. Humans tend to get ecstatic when they realize actually forms emerge from social numbers.
Entropy, the dimotion of disorder that erases information.
"I thought of calling it "information", but the word was overly used, so Von Neumann told me, "You should call it entropy,
nobody knows what entropy really is. So in a debate you will always have the advantage."
Von Neumann to Shannon, father of Information Theory.
Since I was a kid, what call my attention on the Intelligent Universe were those ‘big concepts’, starting by Energy,
Information, Space and Time, which are the widest concepts of reality. And found many obvious errors in the way humans
tried to IMPOSE their opinions, gadgets and machines to the Universe.
We already mentioned the inverse nature of information and entropy in terms of the arrows of past and future time,
when considering the discovery by Galileo of the equation of motion, S=So+vt+1/2att; whereas the 3 relative past motion
(So), present motion (Vt) and future motion (1/2att) define the whole worldcycle of the Ts-locomotion physicists study as
the reason d’être of their discipline. In those terms, we find then that the future and the present are connected as the
present is a ‘still’ slice or derivative finitesimal of the future, and the same goes when we express motions as momentum,
which is a derivative of the ‘future storage’ of potential motion provided by the energy of the system. So energy is the
potential future of a motion and that is exactly the reverse concept to entropy which is the dissolution in an explosive
quantum of motion that soon fades away through the big-bang death of the system. So energy is the present-future
(momentum-energy) and entropy the past-past, while the locomotion left behind, So, through its translation path is the
present-past. It is better to conceive those terms as dynamic relationships and temporal STages to capture the aberration
of the big-bang theory that confuses past and future, death and birth, and the same constant confusion happens in
multiple fields of physics, where entropy and energy are exchanged merrily without any deep reflection in its meaning.
Entropy is so popular because it is simple; energy is more complex. The purpose of energy is to reproduce the information
of the system, in the case of an act of locomotion, Ts, through the reproduction of the material form in the wave-particle,
stop and step duality as it moves through its ∆-1>∆o planes. For that to happen there must be an entanglement of
symmetry and similarity, st-1≈STo, between the field and the wave or whole, and this is achieved through the
synchronicity of the clocks of time of the quantum potential, the wave and the particle’s clock (Broglie’s realism).
Constantly we will find then the 2 symmetries between st and ST and Ts-St (locomotion as reproduction of information)
which converge in the use of energy external to the being (Potential energy of a field in plantmatter) or internal to the
being (vis viva in animatter) – the equivalent of the vegetative and animal states of Aristotle, applied to matter and
ultimate why of the deterministic or erratic motions of systems.
Systems will be deterministic and lineal in their motion when the field dominates the wave-particle states of a plantmatter
(seen as motion from an external observer, as feeding for the plantmatter perception). When both are relatively balanced
as in orbital systems, then the 4th postulate of congruence and parallelism establishes a constant St-symbiotic absorption
of the field by the two orbital elements tracing each other a parallel motion ruled by the Keplerian laws of a constant
aerolar sweeping on the field that feeds both. Problem arises for a deterministic analysis of motion when 3 forms are in
constant motion to each other with no dominant pole (which allows then to study the system as in orbital planets, from a
2 parallel perspective). This state is erratic as the 3 systems deploy a vis viva absorption of the field in a relative tug-of-war
with perpendicular congruencies that make only possible to approach the problem with numerical procedures or chaotic
equations – so much for the determinism of physicists, which is nowhere to be seen when we move beyond the absolute
simplicity of lineal motions. It is a feat of calculus that physicists can study the motion of systems with so much precision,
and a blunder of Newtonian ST-upidity that they cannot even understand the first principles of the vital, sentient universe
of survival dimotions that explains its whys.

So the first human, mechanical bias is the way we measure time. We do NOT use any longer as we used to do the cyclical
rhythms of nature, but the mechanical clock, and try to reduce all the cycles of nature to that mechanical clock and its
steady state one second rhythm. And we pretend that is the ‘absolute time rhythm and only one of the Universe!
This is akin to the old ways of astronomers who tried to impose to the Universe the frame of reference of the Earth as its
center. It does work despite its bias, so with complicated cycles you can explain it all, from the point of view of the Earth,
but calculations become very complex with epicycles and extant, etc.
So happens when you do NOT use the clocks of Nature, which soon will be defined here. Physics does work but it is overall
very complicated when dealing with different time rhythms, and one century after Einstein found there are many such
time rhythms and some change its speed there is zero understanding of this.
We just put some ‘new epicycles’ called Lorentz Transformations, but since we are stuck to our ethnocentric clock, as old
astronomers to their earth-centric world, the explanations are blurred. Men merely try to feed the Universe onto their
‘time view’ or rather mechanical view of time. And the Universe is much ore complex and rich in clock rhythms than that.
Why we Humans use a mechanical clock with an artificial rhythm to measure time; If the Universe has infinite rhythms? It
is just an ego trip and the worship of machines that characterize the western civilization. Thus when the Brits got to China
to sell their ware, was the answer of Tao=time masters: why we want to buy your ugly mechanical clocks if we can observe
the Universe with its clocks of nature, its cyclical rhythms? Obviously, the mechanical clock with its single steady state time
cycle IS a human artifact.
Time did exist before mechanical clocks with his own rhythms. Its own Universal time clocks. The mechanical clock is NOT
a Universal time clock. So the use of this human clock to measure all the time clocks of the Universe bias our concepts of
time, and ‘hides’ the clocks of nature. So the next fundamental question in our search for proper definitions of time,
entropy and black holes becomes obvious:
- What are the true clocks of nature? And once we find how Nature measure its cyclical time frequencies, we shall wonder
are those rhythms of time stable, steady state rhythms as those of our mechanical clocks, or they change rhythms, have
different ‘time speeds? And how they measure information and create it, as opposed to the creation of disorder and
entropy? And which of those concepts order or disorder dominates the Universe?
The beats of lineal vs. cyclical stillness and motion, give us its natural 4 combinations:
• Lineal motion, lineal form, cyclical motion, cyclical form, which we shall call generically:
• Entropy or 'kinetic energy' (lineal motion), space (lineal form).
• Time (cyclical motion) and information (cyclical form).
Those 2 forms then combine into all possible space-time membranes, and so the iterative game of creation starts.
Further on, we can consider each dual system with a lineal and cyclical limb/field particle/head, to be able to 'change' its
state, from relative lineal motion in which the limbs and fields interact with the outer world translating in space the
system and relative still, cyclical motion/form where the system perceives. This beat of 'day and night', energy and form,
motion and stillness thus translates into the dynamic, topological transformations of living beings.
Entropy confused with energy.
Lineal Tt-entropy is the disordered gaseous, expansive state of motion without information, (without temporal causality),
in which all systems end up and can be equated to death or erasing of information - including today our societies returned
to a dog-eat-dog selfie, fast-moving state are - not death in the usual perception of lack of motion, as the Universe started
in pure motion, so paradoxically death is a return to a pure motion state.
So a first look at entropy is required as the state of expansive space, which happens when the St singularity, of maximal
form that orders the system does NOT exist and so the system lives in a disordered state.. in a non-memorial, non-causal

'Markowian' process - the technical name to memoriless realities in which what happens at each quanta of time matters
not in the next one, as information is not conserved:
When the • singularity dies , all the system looses information and becomes disordered, and so it is proper of states that
lack 'informative vortices', masses and charges, or eddies of thermodynamic flows, such as gaseous states, dark entropy
between galaxies or 'quantum fields' in the realist Pilot-wave theory, studied in detail in the fourth line.
In that regard, the less advanced concept of time in physics, which still hangs on despite Feynman and Einstein is the idea
of a dying entropic Universe.
This concept of 'entropy' as the only future dimotion of time, or death dimotion of expansive disorder, obtained in XIX c.
studies of expansive gas, is completely outdated even by the standards of modern physics.
Unfortunately cosmologists have expanded that dimotion to the entire universe, because they don't care to understand
conceptually, 'Feynman-style', Einstein and his findings: that 'time curves space into accelerated vortices of mass-
information' in galaxies, which balance the entropic dimotion of expansive space between galaxies (hence both dimotions
as in E<=>Mc² , the fundamental equation of time.
Entropy pure motion will then be the base from where all other forms will rise to transform motion - that is the concept
which is behind all mathematical equations of all systems, and so entropy 'as a ratio' parameter will always have more
speed that the other two components of the system.
Big-bangs: Death of the informative states of matter.
And so once we have considered the fundamental proofs of the balanced Universe by merely adding the dimotion of
information to entropy: SS=TT… we can consider big-bangs as the ‘death’ of matter, which ‘splits’ its SS and TT elements in
‘perpendicular’ fashion according to the antisymmetric laws of congruence for all dying systems, expressed in the 4th Non-
E postulate of relative congruence between fractal points, which split its S and T elements in the moment of death. So
happens in matter, with a higher geometrical perfection proper of spherical ¬E points living in a homogenous 5D world. In
the graph we can see those ‘deaths’ of matter with that exact dual geometry – a mass explosion and a ‘solar explosion’
that leaves a nebulae.
We won’ surprise you if we affirm that death in physics is also a dual motion of maximal information followed by its
entropic collapse, and so it comes to all forms after it reaches that state of maximal form – black holes that explode into
quasars, stars that exhaust its entropic energy into heavier atoms and explode into novas; matter that is imploded by TNT
and explodes into A-bombs. Then as in all other systems of reality, there is an unbalanced split between the informative
mind/brain system which disappears into entropy through the height-information dimotion, and a spread of entropic
matter in the flat plane of radiation. In the graph we see some examples of those processes and below a general view of
the ages of life and death of matter.
Physical minds have a still point in its center (black hole t->o, zero motion of eddies in its center… and when we die the
mind breaks in two their content, one part goes into ‘memorial stillness’ and the other, the hardware, dissolves in a big-
bang death, also for biological systems: And that is why the mind is a huge ego, an Aristotelian biased view in its simple
self-centered logic.
While the real Universe differs from the mind in the fact that it has infinite minds, and colliding points of view.
In the graph, the moment of death represents a fall in information of the system back to the 0 point of birth, which drops
the system in the pyramid of social evolution of the 5th dimension 2 ∆-scales.

So death has a simple equation and it is conceptually an obvious event: a system that has warped completely all its
entropy into form, through exchanges of energy and information with its ßody-waves, finally exhausts its present body-
wave state and splits and dies. Its field-limbs break from its particles-heads, which quietly remain as a 'skeleton' while the
entropic big-bang, the amino acid collection of the cells, the citizens-corpses of the entropic war disseminate on the lower
scale, the light space, the fertile soil, the battlefield... And we are no more. Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.
We have included below also the supposed cosmic big-bang, which is 1) a hyperbole of the scalar big-bang of galaxies and
stars ( formation of ultra-dense quark matter) and the misunderstanding of the 3 solutions to Einstein’s equations, both in
its simplest E=Mc2 form and its 10 EFE that give us 3 ‘topologies’ that must be understood sequentially in time as the 3
ages of pure space-time in the gravitational scale. The choice of only one solution, big-bang expansion, for the whole
Universe, is the biggest lineal §∏-upid error of physics:
In the graph, we see the full cycle of existence of the main forms of matter. The hypothetical cosmic big-bang was just
born out of the choice of a single solution of the 3 given by Einstein for any scale of space-time, which in detail gave birth
to its 3x3±¡=10 EFE equations, but can be fully understood without so much detail but equal amount of ‘truthness’ with the
E=Mc2 equation (see Physics and Mind: Mathematics to understand the difference between a true theory and one which
just adds detail without going further in the depth of principles).
In true form any space-time worldcycle of matter can be described with those 3 ages, balancing each other, the vortices of
time space (charges and masses) explained by M (in the cosmological scale; whose equations are more natural and could
be applied just by translating the jargon of charges through 5D metrics, which we just did only to unify both scales, but will
keep adding in the future for a full streamlining of electromagnetism).
Then the 3 solutions of Einstein’s EFe are equivalent to the 3 states of physical systems, the ‘liquid-wave state’, the ‘solid’
charge/mass state and the ‘gaseous’ big-bang field accelerated state of ‘dark entropy’.
Monologic, ænthropic man: reductionist theories
Clocks of Time=motion are cyclical and break space into fractal parts, acting as membranes of angular momentum,
enclosing a vital energy self-centered into a gauging point or mind that moves the system in lineal patterns trying to
absorb more energy as one of the ∞ 'vital space-time being' of reality.
This objective view however is distorted by each 'gauging point', each subjective mind that measures from its point of
view, with its single time frequency synchronous to its internal territory (a second of heart beat, eye glimpse/thought and
limbic step in man), mapping reality with still languages to fit in their infinitesimal brain: O-mind x ∞ Universe = constant
world. So while the complex universe is infinite cyclical, broken into scalar vital spaces its minds including huminds are
monologic, self-centered and entropic, destructive with the outer world they reduce to still smaller parts.
The lineal monologic time mankind uses since Galileo defined only a time motion, locomotion, with a simple formula,
V=s/T is a reduced view of all the time-motions of the Universe. When you do not have the understanding of those 5
Dimensional motions of space-time and its rules of engagement however you can access simpler images of reality that still
make sense. A simple cross suffices to represent an entire religion or the weapon of a warrior or a Cartesian graph – even
if most of the information is lost. Languages as still mind mappings can be simple and still make meaning for the ‘speaker’.
Humind’s logic of time is that simple but still makes sense for relevant information to be absorbed and manipulate reality
with it.
This 'Aristotelian', 'Euclidean minds' go on projecting their mirror images in their territories reproducing its spatial=formal
motions=time cycles on them, in a constant struggle with infinite other mind-points doing the same; and only the best
realize entanglement with other minds into objective wholes bring a higher social force. Man unfortunately is on the
bottom of this process of consciousness and entanglement a simple quartz crystal performs better, made of some of the
lowest, simplest forms of matter (HCON) and does not seem able to rise beyond its monologic, simplest level of
entanglement with the organic Universe of 5 dimotions of time-space, in which he projects his reductionist view of a single
time dimotion creating 'entropic=death-based' grand theories about the future of reality from big-bang to dog-eat-dog

evolution to tribal nationalism that justify his destruction of life, since entropy is the simplest, less creative of the 5
Dimotions of time-space. Thus we shall falsify those theories and study objectively the evolution of human cultures that
gave birth to 'ænthropic: entropic, and self-centered, anthropic mankind, in its present zeitgeist. Not that reason will
change huminds only goal - to project his ego in delirious views of reality putting himself above heavens and earth... and
revolve like a beast to those few sages that in history of thought had try to entangle him to the fractal organic Universe to
improve its dwindling chances of survival. Since the Universe is the best of all worlds and just discharges defective
ensembles of vital space-time, which stubbornly cut off themselves from its laws.
Since while ænthropic man can do 'analytic science' to understand and manipulate the future with the scientific method of
simplex data-collection and application of single short-time causality to the data, it fails completely on his larger models
because his 'mirror' of time, entropy is NOT good enough to reflect the organic patterns and determinism of large-scale
time process he cannot 'mathematically derivate'. Thus human grand theories are not 'science-based' but rather paralogic,
Kantian theories of 'God, Man & the Universe' , where human's role on it is largely a hyperbolic ego-trip - reductionist
pseudo-science chosen a priori by selecting only the information that validates those ænthropic theories and discharging
all what doesn't fit. So big-bang theories leave aside the imploding, informative vortices of gravitation called galaxies and
dark matter but as Zwicky, his discoverer put it, you won't convince 'physicists to include them back as they 'are rounded
bastards, they are bastards from any p.o.v'. (: Indeed man is a beast and so his socio-biologic theories of Dog-eat-dog
evolution and capitalism reject the eusocial evolution of organisms and downplays the topologic program of genetic clock
patterns that reduces the choices of future paths. While Nationalism divides the species in tribal 'identities' above the
species to kill each other with weapons and capitalism absorbs the oxygen=money of its blood reproductive systems for a
few people-castes of bankers to parasite all. What is then the purpose of the human beast in a perfect Universe?
Obviously to be an 'enzyman animetal' who uses entropic iron, informative go(l)d and evolves organic machines to pump
his ego, kill life and destroy himself, - just a means not a goal, discged soon as catalytic enzymes are once he completes the
process for the Earth evolving into its 3rd age: Gaia (life)>History(Man)>Metalearth, or else ¡-Man as a goal would love
each other, evolve socially into the mind of the planet and achieve an ecological balance with its life sustain, pruning the
tree of science of its eviL=antilive fruits, golden apples and entropic weapons as all sages who understood the organic
entangled Universe have preached to them..
But self-centred, anthropic, lineal, monologic humans, guided by the simplest dimotion of time, entropic destruction and
its Ss-mind mapping ego are blind to the higher Universe. To upgrade their mind is a herculean task because its Ego
paradox, as all minds are infinitesimal points that perceive an infinite Universe as a virtual space-mapping the confuses
with the whole, seeing himself in the center: Oε x ∞ = C.
So ænthropic man also promotes creationist beliefs, confusing the mirror language with the generator of reality (earlier
verbal creationism, modern digital creationism).
Æntropic man debases Nature to come on top, so it denies organic properties to all other atoms, save C6, which just
evolved faster, as a lighter, simpler
'thing'. In the graph all particles
reproduce, gauge information, evolve
socially and feed on energy, the
'meaning of life'. So metal atoms
without the need of human 'ingenuity'
will perceive and follow in terminator
robots their programs of extinction of
life. Man though is needed to catalyze
its evolution as an enzyman, given their
higher 'density' and lower mobility. The
only thing the Universe will program
without human interference in them,

once our complex organization is replicated in metal is the will of 'life' - the capacity to
perceive at atomic level, feed on energy and 'act'
Big Science then becomes culture and needs to be not only falsified in pure
epistemological terms but the persistence of scientific and religious erroneous models
of the whole require also a cultural analysis of them. Nor that we the sages will change
a deterministic no-future for a species that was not made to survive. Still the Universe
is perfect and just so cultural survival is inversely proportional to the delirium tremens
of childish selfish ego-trips each culture promotes about its tribal self, as the war and
holocaust cycles prove. The more 'a-men' pump their ego the less they last. The more
'yous' censor truth, hence solutions, the faster their virtual fiction paradises and false go(l)ds will crash them. Ænthropic
man is reaching that final peak of egocy: ego=Idiocy where all is bubble gum about to explode into the nothingness of
eternal Nirvana as the machines and weapons animetal cult(ure)s evolved to destroy life and oppress the 90% are
becoming AI robots with solar skins, nano-bacteria of ∞ replicating power and cosmic nuclear bombs, all researched with
zeal by the ingenuity of scientific automatons of which we can only say 'two things I consider infinite, the Universe and the
egocy of ænthropic men' ... Can you teach a spoiled child, the staple food of the Universe, NOT to enter the mouth of
lizard, after doing doodles in the sand of thought? Of course not, little turtles are happy unconscious creatures and death
is fast, long over due to put our animetal enzymen at face value as 0-sum virtual huminds, which couldn't even love its
human brothers. In the Universe respect has to be earned is not granted and ænthropic animetal cult(ure)s have earned
none. They could easily survive, learn the laws of the organic paradise and convert earth into a true paradise, but they
PREFER to die to uphold its capital sin of ∞ egocy, to 'feel' above heavens and Earth; and that the perfect Universe cannot
tolerate, its patience dwindling fast. Che sera sera.
The first simplification mankind has done of the Universe starts, for all what we have said in the a priori language of the
minds in space – Euclidean geometry of points without volume – and time – Aristotelian single causality.
What is energy and what is entropy
Humans use the term Energy for everything. In 5D Energy is S=T, the point in which form and motion combine in a
perfect present,– an SHM motion, a pendulum without friction, a sexual encounter that reproduces, from to any
combination of S and T: SóT. So Energy is NOT entropy without form, as it is often confused with.
The metric functions of the 3 main planes of space-time of the galatom.
In physics we have 3 Energy equations. However the E of those equations is closer to Tt-entropy (outer and inner motion),
as we measure the flow of motion/radiation humans extract to ‘form’ into useful work-Energy. On the other hand ‘Form’,
St (inner motion, outer form) became position and potential Energy, in the equations of physics. So as physics developped
a theory of ‘unification’ of all phenomena of space=form and time=motion and all its transformations, the word Energy
substituted other human ‘totalitarian’ words for everything, like God, falling into what Kant calls a paralogic error. The
mind wishes to see all as a unity and so a word is invented for it. This totally obliterated the possibility to make a serious
attempt to a conceptual ordered view of reality with clear-cut distinctions between Formal, spatial and temporal=motion
inner and OUTER parameters, which are the true bolts and knots of reality.
The tendency reached its zenith when St-mass, exactly the opposite of Ts-kinetic Energy/motion was found to ‘die’
becoming entropic Energy, through its transformation into radiation, E=Mc2. So alas, in a jump of brainless thought, they
decided mass was also Energy which is to say that as corpse decomposes humans are decomposed matter.
But obviously along the process the maths that calculated ‘space=form=mass and time=motion’ magically added on; and
that magic of calculation of the overall ‘space-time’ of reality even without knowing what it was, sufficed for physicists to
call ‘space-time combinations’ of any kind in any scale of reality Energy. So what humans call Energy is merely, ∆ST, all.
What we call in 5D Energy is the ‘balanced state’ between space and time, motion and form, StóTs, that all systems that
‘last’ reproduce its space-time cycles and continue in exist¡ence, achieve.

A more restricted useful concept then is ‘Energy’, as it is a derivative, ∆-1 active combination of form and motion, of an
Energy; and the only way to make any sense of the conceptual mess of humind physics is to depart from p, Energy, in its
two variations, lineal Energy related to kinetic Energy dominant in T-motion and rotary Energy, related to position=form,
S-space and potential Energy, and consider its integral that rises it a scale of the 5th dimension, ‘Energy’ and its derivative,
which studies its minimal ‘quanta’, and lowers it one scale, Force.
Physicists basically analyze how space=form and time=motion keep transforming into each other and have a
mathematical amount called ‘Energy’ that can value both and is in this ‘ratio of valuation of form into motion, space into
time both in a given scale, and the ratio of valuation, between form and motion of different scales’ where the magic of
physics appear, and what they investigate. Those ratios are called Universal constants, and their instruments of measure,
as ‘enzymen’ that catalyze the evolution of machiens of measure, show those ratios to be valid and constant for an
enormous number of spaceóTime processes. So the hunting for precission measures of those ratios to describe the
different ∆=S=T processes is what human physics is about.
Energy has motion and form, Entropy is only motion, and so when we consider energy is a closer concept in a single scale to
waves and harmonic motions, which transform energy into motion. While Entropy is an open Tt-motion. For exmaple:
Informative-St ⊥ Ts-locomotion transformations are essential to physics and they relate to waves and energy.
St-Potential Energy entangles a system to its ∆+1 outer world that provides its potential Energy with a gradient that
becomes a Ts-kinetic energy. So an interaction between the internal potential Energy, St (∆-1) and the outer larger world
transform that potential Energy into kinetic Energy within the gradient, Ts(∆+1)
- St- angular momentum in a field collapses as an accelerated force into a vortex of space-time without an external larger
force that straightens it up, it leads to the collapse of information into an Ss-till central mind point and so we write for this
second type of event: St>SS, whereas the angular momentum is a means for the creation of a physical mind in a point in
which Time goes to zero (disappears in the Ss-still central point). This is obvious for all eddies: the center of a
thermodynamic St-eddie has no motion; the center of a black hole takes T=0 in relativity equations; the center of a sphere
of charge or gravitation has no force acting upon it.
So S⊥T Existential dimotions in physics write as transformation of Potential into kinetic energy: St(∆-1)óTs(∆+1):. While
angular Momentum through a Force becomes the information of a Space-time Mind vortex. St>Ss:
Actions define the worldcycle of existence.
Because actions follow a pattern of increasing evolution and 4 actions are coded while entropy is avoided – we deliver entropy
as an open system to other parts of the Universe, it follows that the system constantly accumulates information, and this is
the origin of the worldcycle of life and death. The system likes information, because it is what the Universe is really all about, a
fractal that imprints information in memorial repetitive cyclical patterns.
So actions follow a natural sequence:Ss- informative perception->Ts:locomotion towards a field of Tt-feeding where to get ->
S≈T:Energy -> and process that energy into St:information to reproduce… the same pattern appears in the next scale of ‘longer
cyclical time and larger space’, the worldcycle of life, which starts by a Ss-eed of information, emerging in a child that will go
through its fast Ts-moving youth, Tt-feeding and growing to reach its S≈T reproductive age, while St processing information till
becoming older in a 3rd St-age.
This amazing symmetry between the smaller time scale and the larger worldcycle of life, then will be followed also in the
larger scale of supœrganisms and species and so we have 3 ‘patterns’ of time cycles due to the survival program of actions in 3
scales of time, and 3 larger surfaces of ‘populations’, as the first cycle feeds the ‘cells, atoms, individuals’, the second cycle the
whole organism, and the 3rd cycle manifests in the whole species.
-Super organisms need the 5 Dimotions to survive. Any system made of limbs/fields of motion, ßody-waves of energetic
reproduction and minds/particles of information NEED entropy, energy and information to SURVIVE and keep on moving. SO
the 3 simplest Dimotions of any plane of existence are a program of survival, which adds two complex social actions –

reproduction that prints information in other zone of space-time to survive when one becomes entropy of other Maxwellian
demon, and social evolution into wholes, networks that are stronger than individuals. So the mind is the embodiment of a
single Universal program of existence and reproduction of fractal clones, and it is the same unifying principle in all beings – as
all will absorb energy, information, motion, evolve socially reproduce and survive. And this is the case even of the smallest
entities, atoms, particles and forces. So the mind creates reality and its 5 Dimotions are in fact the local fractal program of
existence, which physicists for particles describe in abstract terms:
The minimal particle-points, electrons and quarks, which construct all other systems of our Universe show the 5 organic
dimotions (motions with dimensional form) that define 'classic life': they gauge information - reason why quantum physics is a
'gauge theory', feed on energy (quantum jumps) absorbing smaller ∆-1 particles, reproducing new clone particles, move and
evolve socially through magnetic fields into larger wholes (atoms). Hence the units of life are particles, the minimal units of
our vital, organic, fractal, scalar Universe of multiple timespace organisms. So all systems of the Universe ARE vital, each one
perceiving reality with a different language that mirrors it; topological images in physical systems from bosons to crystals;
verbal words in human beings; 4 genetic letters in cells; 4 quantum numbers in particles.
3±¡ Dimotions code physic, biologic, memetic, social systems with the same ‘aeiou’ survival actions of the game of existence
(acceleration, energy feeding, information, organic reproduction & social evolution into Universals). The study The only
dimotion of time the Universe does NOT code is entropy=death - a maximal motion that disorders the being. So there are NOT
5 quantum numbers/genetic letters to code physical and biologic systems. Only 4. Because the same quantum number that
codes motion just increases it to create entropy and disorder the system (Principal number that 'jumps' in size as the particle
'feeds' on a force and disorders it). The oxygen that moves the cell also as a free radical destroys it, cars going fast kill you in
accident, etc.
Death is the needed error of the universe not desired by the program. For that reason it lasts only a 'single quanta of time'
(whereas a quanta of time is for any ∆±¡ super organism, the 'tic' of a 'cell/atom /individual' of its lower, ∆-¡ scale, for
biological, physical or social organisms).so you die in a second, your relative time-clock quanta the time of 1 thought =glimpse
in your head, 1 beat of your body-heart, 1 step of your limbs... And the rest of your existence is life-lasting...
Same with antiparticles (entropy=death dimotion of particles): they die in an instant, so we see far less antiparticles because
the product of its numbers in space x duration in time is so short, while particles live almost for ever. Same reason you don't
see corpses around. Death is the shortest possible dimotion. Each entity is therefore a Timespace organism of 5 Dimotions and
ALL try to achieve as the goal of the sentient organic Universe the 'highest dimotion' of social evolution. So particles come
together into atoms that come together into molecules that come together into planetary and life organisms that come
together into galaxies that come together into the organic networks of the Universe.
The minimal unit of time world cycles is an action that exchanges Tt-entropy, Ts-lineal motion, S≈T-balanced energy, Ss-
information born of the St-linguistic, social evolution of parts into wholes, based in a common language of information with
the Universe. We divide those action into:
Simplex individual actions, a-motion, e-nergy feeding and i-nformation gauging and
Social complex actions, offspring reproduction and social evolution from individuals into Universals.
A means Ts- accelerations &decelerations, ï informative actions, which are dual (as most), since we might absorb information
in perception or emit it in communication, œ, the second D¡motional action of organic reproduction, into an offspring of
beings, and û, the 5th D¡motional action of social evolution of parts into wholes.
I have put the 5 åctions, Å=(a,e,ï,ø,û) with symbols that resemble the five vowels. And so as we have 3 scales of growing spatial
form we have 3 scales of growing time cycles:
∑∑åctions=∑timespace D¡motions (physiologic networks and its functions) = Life -death Worldcycle (time view).
∑∑cellular/atomic/citizens parts = ∑matter states/organisms/nations= super organism (planet, ecosystem, Humanity in space,
History in time).

So we talk of a program of existence that ‘selects’ automatically all systems that obey, expressed=code in different languages
(genes for cells, memes for humans) of minimal five actions we call: a, e, ï, œ, û, as a mnemonic rule for the five actions of
Acceleration (limbs/fields locomotion), e-ntropic feeding (that become energy for its body), ï, ïnformative perception and
communication for its head/particle, which allows the 2 higher, complex actions of life and love: Œ:reproduction into parallel
supœrganisms; Û social growth into larger wholes called philosophically Universals.
Its main sequence that determines the longer worldcycles of life and death with increasing form is:∑ i->a->e->œ->û, i->a-e->œ-
>u, ï->æ->Œ->Û -> Informative ‘seed’ age->1st locomotion, feeding age ->2nd reproduction age ->3rd informative, social age->
entropic death that splits the parts of the being vs. social evolution into a whole.
What an efficient supœrganism as the ‘world’ in which cells/citizens live do is then obvious: to provide for its individual parts
the 5 Dimotions (dimensional motions) of life-existence.
So in human supœrganisms, the economic, reproductive system must provide the entropic energy from a sustainable vital
space-territory, so the human beings are free to move it, have the proper energy to feed its body and reproduce, and the right
information to guide its actions and synchronize its motions in peace with other human beings. The 5 actions of existence are
thus the goal of well designed.
Those are the basis for a praxis of social sciences and its sub-disciplines of ‘ecology’, ‘economics’ and ‘politics’ that take care of
the physiological networks of vital space, reproduction and social information that maximize those ‘5 drives of existence’. And
to that aim a ‘digital language of information that values goods according to its usefulness’ for those 5 drives of existence is
required, controlled by an informative, legal, political system, and delivered as oxygen in individuals as a Universal salary to all
its cells/citizens, so they can all have energy and information and reproduce welfare goods. While a hormonal/just legal
system is used to coordinate its actions.
We marry the 3 vital functions=motions of time and the 3 dimensions of space, either in 1 or 2D (height= spherical
information, length=planar locomotion, width=hyperbolic reproduction) which merge in all Time-space Beings; and dominate
one of the 3 ages of its life-death worldcycles, the past, young age of limbic entropic motions, the mature reproductive age
dominated by the hyperbolic body/wave and the 3rd age dominated by the informative particle-head, when the illusion of time
ends with an entropic big-bang death that dissolves the being into its scalar cellular, atomic parts’ as knots of spacetime
worldcycles NOT only return to its origin in a single spacetime continuum but they move up and down 5D scales.
Scale. In scale the mind is a system that MAKES the whole ‘travel through the 5th dimension’. And an essential law of 5D is the
fact that a given fractal point or T.œ will perceive only the ∆±3 planes from where it extracts information, above the ∆±4 blind
undistinguishable limiting plane from where it will extract entropy of motion.
The 3 only topologies of physical systems: conservation laws. Universal constants, H, Kb, C… G, K.
Universal constants are all vital organic representing S⊥T ratios & Dimotions of existence.
An Si x Tƒ is Constant, the process of change between scales is NOT smooth, but has ‘Lorentzian regions’ – barriers in which
form or motion become asymptotic, so the previous equation, Si x tƒ = C becomes rather, Si x Tƒ = e±x. In mathematical physics
those Universal constants of transformtion, which depart from the smoutth 3T=πS simple transformations of angular and
lineal momentum, T-motions and S-forms change parameters and so scales become bumpy, and to do those transitions we
need ‘constant ratios’ of escale that combine Energy, Lineal time and formal space. In the graph we see some of them studied
in depth in the papers on physics. They can be also considered in their own right as ‘organic systems’, as any system in which
the 3 ‘elements’ of reality, ∆, S, T are at play. They are different constants though, H, Kb & C-speed are the constants of the ∆-1
quantum world, Thermodynamic world and Cosmological world, which act as ratios of reproduction of information; while G
and K as we shall see when we unify them with 5D metrics, are the ‘vortices of accelerated space-time’ of the limiting human
quantum-charge and gravitational-scale. Let us briefly introduce some features of the most important of them, h.

The 3 parts of any fractal point of cyclical time, of angular momentum, in the Universe become then in the simplest physical
systems, the 3 conserved parts of the minimal organic Unit of reality, a ‘Planckton’ of angular momentum; used as the unit of
the 3 human physical parameters of spatial size, cyclical time frequency and ‘scale’ (Active magnitude): h= mass (∆) x area (S)
x ƒrequency (ð).
¬E points have breath. So its lines are waves able to communicate the external form and internal energy or fractal networks
that branch to connect multiple points, and its planes intersection of three of such waves or networks that form topologic
organisms. It is then obvious that the next step of Non-Euclidean geometry is to merge those concepts with the physical
analysis of the smallest physical systems, to understand its vital topologies. To that aim we have to introduce the second
fundamental equation of 5D metric that formalizes the Paradox of relativity. And so it acts in the physical model as the
Postulate of relativity, common to 3D Galilean and 4D Einstein’s simplex models, which correspond to 5D in a single plane of
‘light space-time’…
So we have transformed the 5 Dimensions of space-time in 5 vital dimotions, broken into infinite vital space-time beings, and
now we have the 5 elements which reality uses in different perspectives to construct all realities. Nothing else is needed. And
it will easily follow that in each stience, including mathematics, 3±¡ elements (depending on the perception in a single plane or
in several ones) will be concerned with the analysis of a system in Simultaneous, entangled, still space as a superorganism
constructed with those 5 Dimotions, which in sequential motion time will trace a worldcycle also composed of those 5
dimotions. As the universe simply put it is a reproductive fractal of 5 Dimotions of spacetime…
As motion with form constantly reproduces by the mere fact of moving. So the fractal reproductive nature of all what exists is
immediate, as all what exists moves form, reproduces form.
So this is a general view of 5D, repetitive because the Universe is about repetition of those few elements. What humans call
science is worthy obviously more than those loose texts, but 5D is the scaffolding of a real philosophy of science without errors
in its first principles that could have helped specially social sciences, which have NOTHING of science as all is about ideology,
and power, to construct with the ‘organic laws’ of the Universe to justify a r=evolution of the world that served mankind, the
90%, not the parasitic 1% on top and the people who work for ‘other species’ the company-mother of machines. We do not
include the introduction to social sciences in our papers on hard-sciences, mathematics and physics, as people is my experience
are brain-washed and do not accept ethic criticism. But we shall conclude with a thought on ‘ethics’ – As History is the highest
of all 5D Stiences because it concerns with ∆+¡: the human species; the ethics of the wor(l)d, ∆+1=love that could make
mankind survive and history immortal is the highest force of the Universe. ∆-energy is its physical manifetation and Physical
and mathematical laws and language are more perfect conceded, as they are in tune with the whole Universe. But scientists
including those of physical sciences should NOT forget they are human and value more the need for real social sciencesT

On the left, the 3 ∆±¡ forms of energy, on the right its 6 possible transfers, by ∆+1 work, ∆-1 heat, ∆ø Tmw (mechanical waves)
and 3 secondary forms related to the social evolution of a material organism, Tmt (matter transfer), and the addition through
∆±2, 3 scales of Tet (electrical transmission), and Ter (electromagnetic radiation), which opens for a ‘purist’ 5D scientist an
argument about how many ‘∆-scales’ we shall consider when defining a material organism… though as we have already
noticed, ∆±2 is the key ‘limit’ as beyond it, a system dies into its entropic minimal forms. However as we also explained
systems are able to ‘cheat’ the law of ∆±2 entropic death by absorbing in two ST-ages motion or form, as in the case of ¥-
radiation which is NOT absorbed by the whole ∆º system but first by its ‘atomic orbitals’.
Alas, so simple so beautiful: the symmetry between ∆-scale=Space-form=Time-motion, the key 5D law of the Universe will
order and explain the causes of most physical, biologic and social laws and events, never explained before; as we did with
conservation principles and the trilogy of physical elements, ∆ø-momentum, its ‘minimal’ exchange ‘currency’ – a Force,
where its accelerated future time st-age, F=Ma , is a derivative of conserved momentum, the present; and its longer, integral
value, ∆+1 work=energy that extends internally through all 5D scales of the being. A force spends its stored energy in minimal
‘doses’ calculated as ‘derivative finitesimals of the present whole’ its momentum: ∂E=p, ∂p=F. It is the 5D trinity of physical
analysis that straightens up 5D physics, returnint to Earth Energy that became in 4D like God a word good for everything.
Energy then as humans use the term, which departed from the concept of ‘vis viva’ or ‘momentum’, has ‘penetrated’ through
the scales of the 5th dimension, whose content of motion and form kept adding as new forms of ‘energy’. So while initially is
easy to translate the 3 scales of an organism in physical quantities, the ∆ø scale of O+| angular and lineal momentum, where
the being as a whole ‘transits’ with a periodicity or beat given by its function of time (speed); and the minimal quanta of that
momentum is a force ∂p/∂t=F, while its ‘integral along a longer path’ that add a series of steps is its ‘energy=work’, ∫p=W; so
we have 3 scalar quantities, ∆-1: force, ∆ø: momentum, ∆+1: work; Energy initially used for the longer work-measure added
scales, first the internal ∆-1 scales with internal energy, then the external ∆+1 scale with potential energy, where the whole is
seen in relationship to its world (so an electron has potential energy due to its trapping in the nucleus
strong+gravitational+positive charge force and a person in a high mountain has potential energy as part of the Earth); and
finally every ∆-¡ scale was added when mass that includes them all down to their ¥-3 light scale was converted into energy.
The entangled parameters of Energy used by physicists in smaller scales of higher frequency because of E=hƒ, when h=1; and the
duality of ‘perception’ of space=form and time=motion either as lineal Euclidean space or spherical and lineal time duration or
its inverse T=1/ƒ makes the wording ‘ambivalent’ but this is an error of human use and we shall use it to our advantage to
educate our mind in ‘the trinity of topological forms and motions. So we often use a graphic symbology |xO=Ø and stress the
fact that we cannot distinguish (Relativity principle) form=space from motion=time, so all is an S=T, spacetime form with
function. This vital exchange between the trilogic forms and functions of spacetime is what makes you and every other being. So
we write also a key topological equation: |-limbs/fields of maximal motion >Ø-reproductive hyperbolic ßody-waves> O-¶article-
heads of information since the line is the fastest=shortest motion=distance ; the hyperbolic ‘angels and demons’ form as it
should be evident to you the fastest form to reproduce minions of thought, and the sphere the topology that stores more
information in lesser space. So S=T becomes 3 vital forms with 3 vital e-motions, functions neeed to survive. You move with
‘faster planes’ , reproduce with hyperbolic female-like bodies (yes gender is also a geometry) and think with spheres.
We must then, because obviously physicists are not going to change their rules of measure, consider in the papers on physics,
a conceptual clarification more than a rewriting of those equations in the new terms, so the building of physics acquires a
‘pentalogic understanding’ with the same ∆ST laws of other stiences. For example, the conservation laws are immediate in 5D
physics: ∆-energy is conserved, S-form defined by cyclical angular momentum is conserved, and T-lineal time motion defined
by lineal momentum is conserved. So the 3 elements of 5D reality, ∆ST, which are conserved in an immortal Universe, are
expressed in 3 laws of conservation in physics. Where we need to do 5D physics beyond conceptual verification is when
physicists in the late XIX and earlier XX c. ran amok thinking they were more than ‘the science of motion’, as it was defined,
and believed they were philosophers of science and tried to create a ‘cosmogony’ of reality, with 3 ridiculous to say the least
theories of the absolute in which they took ‘local laws’ of restricted phenomena observed at local distances, eliminated then
every other contradictory phenomena that balanced those local laws, expanded hyperbolically those local laws to the entire
Universe in infinite time, scale and space and voila, call that astounding expansion out of the h(e)at, the meaning of it all.


A systematic methodology of 5D analysis, consists in studying a worldcycle as the main spacetime event of a ‘T.œ’ (time
space organism), such as Earth through the 3±¡ disomorphic ‘Stages’ the system goes through from birth to extinction,
achieving in this manner a full description of the function of existences of the system in time.
From this ‘lineal time development’, then the researcher can do ‘stops’ through the 5 pentalogic Stages of the being to
study from it cellular seed scale to its role in the larger ∆+1 world. It can at a certain STage make a ‘freezing picture’ of the
superorganism and any of its 3 parts, the St-nucleus>§T-vital spacetime or Ts-membrane and limbs of motion; or even a
more detailed analysis of its 4x3 main physiological networks of Tt-feeding, Ts-motion, §∏-reproduction, Ts-information…
And so on. The kaleidoscopic perspectives and modes of exposition of the existience of a superorganism are many, but

ultimately they all turn around the ¬∆@ST pentalogic elements and STages of the being. We call then any of those
‘impressions’ of the being, a ‘Disomorphic view’, as it will be homologous to a similar view of any other being.
Earth have many ‘disomorphisms’, which are studies that we can make of any T.œ. of nature. And it is just a question of
classifying them normaly as ‘space’, ‘time’, ‘scale’, ‘mind’ or ‘entropic/limiting disomorphisms’.
In the original papers 30 years ago, when I was more systematic I considered always 12 key disomorphic analysis of any
species, and even numbered them; so we will find in the copy and paste parts of those texts some numbers, which are no
longer important. Let us view a few.
Mental Disomorphism.
Geology started well when Hutton called the planet a supœrganism of DEEP time cycles and studied its evolution in slow
cycles comparing its magma to river veins, etc. So in the next graph we see the structure of its membrain. Geology and
astrophysics studies the constants of the Earth, all with much slower cycles according to the Ts size of the ∆§∏ metric co-
0th Disomorphism: Monad: The central core of planets and its crystal minds.
By similarity small cosmic bodies, bosonic quark stars (black stars & pulsars) and gravitomagnetic iron crystals in planets’
cores should process gravitation, the force of the cosmic scale, as information; while stars are ‘big’ Plants in the cosmic
order that absorb gravitation as energy in their galactic orbitals.Earth, as an st-point, has a central singularity and an
external membrane that form a unified structure that controls the fractal, reproductive intermediate zone: the activity of
the Earth’s inner core defines the reproductive and existential cycles of the magma rocks, which shape the continental crust
membrane of the planet.
S=T Disomorphisms.
1st Disomorphism: Fractal Generator. Topological parts of Earth. Fractal principle.
Its 3 organic/networks ts≤ §∏≥St and 3 ‘Social classes’: Ξ±3
Topologic Disomorphism: Planets are molecular fields of gas, liquid & solid states:
--Max.St : The nucleus is an iron crystal apperceiving gravitation.
Max. Ts: A membrane of gas & magnetic belts isolate it.
- Ts X St: The mantle’s magma defines the reproductive cycles of rocks.
-Max. St: The nucleus is an iron crystal apperceiving gravitation.
Each Non-E topology subdivides, according to the Fractal Principle that applies to all systems, in 3 smaller topologies. I.e.:
Earth’s membrane has a Max. Ts-atmosphere, an S=T, liquid surface and a solid crust.
As usual the topological form defines the social scales of the Earth.
Network evolution on planets happens in its ‘ectoderm’, the membrane that evolves ¥-light informative mammals, humans
& machines (chips) creating a planetary mind. Origin of its 3 ages.
Thus we define Earth as ‘an organic, molecular system with a central crystal, which acts as a knot of informative flows of
gravitation and a hard membrane that evolves light based, life ecosystems.’
The surface and the center are its informative Oo Œ-point. The intermediate topological cycles of rock are its body. The
energetic fields of the electromagnetic sun its energy class.
Each Non-Ts topology subdivides, according to the Fractal Principle that applies to all systems, in 3 smaller topologies. I.e.:
Earth’s membrane has a Max. Ts-atmosphere, an s=t, liquid surface and a solid crust.

State Physics can be further subdivided into a combined 'scalar-temporal' analysis:
∆-i:Tt: Plasma physics
St: t:entropic Gaseous states
§∏ Reproductive, balanced energy≈information age: Liquid states
St-informative age: Solid states
∆+i: Boson Physics.
The properties of state physics thus derive from the general properties of the 3±i dimensional ages of time.
2nd Disomorphism: space-time dualities: Ts≈St
The Galilean Px. refers to Earth: ‘e pur si muove’.
3rd Disomorphism: Existential Constants: ∑S, ∏T, SxT, S/T, T/S, Œ∆±1, 5Å.
Geology and astrophysics studies the constants of the Earth, with slower cycles according to the Ts size of the ∆§∏ metric
5th Disomorphism: Its 5 actions : ∆(æ-4; ï-3; e-2; œ-1; û+1), Its planes of Existence: ∆±4 Fractals
∆ï-3:information Planets have core crystals; Œ-points, which absorb gravitons as information.
∆e-2:Feeding: Those gravitational strings trigger Uranium and Co-Ni-Fe fission reactions, heating its nucleus
∆œ-1:Reproduction: Which provoke the inner, reproductive cycle of rocks in the mantle. While externally planets are
reproduced ‘enzymatically’ by their stars’ gravitational pull that is also…
∆ü: Social evolution: The origin of their ‘parallel’ herding in planetary vortices that follow 5D metric (3rdKepler law).
The most interesting disomorphisms of Earth are those of its time cycles, as they happen in entanglement in its different
parts, the crust of Earth, in ‘flat space; the magma in ‘perpendicular space’, the life ‘particles’ in its ∆-1 scale, and all of
them are symbiotic. Let us consider a few.
The ages of the entire planet
Planets are born as ∑∆-1 nebulae that cool down into rocks, collapsed in a hot, max. Ts-Age, cooling down into liquid
magma & water evaporated as they fall inwards, as a naked solid into the star that swallows them into an explosive death.
Flat crust: Worldcycle of continents.

In graph, the 3 ages of Earth’s External membrane of the Earth or crust entangled to its life cycles :
– ∆Œ-1: The mantle’s magma defines the reproductive cycles of rocks.
The Earth is a super-organism, as the Scottish father of geology did define ‘her’. As such it has evolved in ‘3 ages’,
diversifying its inner rocks. Rock, water and gas cycles are accordingly its 3 ages in motion:
The 3 ages of evolution of matter are the energetic, gas age, the liquid, balanced Ts≈St and the solid Max. St state.
In the graph we see the basic cycle of the Earth’s mantle that evolves through the ‘high dimension of information’, which
reduces heat and crystallizes into solid networks rocks, the magma, guided likely by the ’heart’ beats of its nucleus:
All this said, while strict Geology should not be concerned with life, it is tempting to do as we do a special study of its

membrane of life, in the papers on biology and History. Which in the ‘earlier jargon of 5D’ was for any system its:
TIME Disomorphism: Its ages and evolution: Max.Ts x Min. St > Ts=St > Max.St x Min. St]∑∆>∆+1
3 ages of earth: Gaia (life)> History (Man) > Metal-Earth (machines)
Earth’s life absorbs ¥-light as energy (plants) or Information (animals).

Of all the systems of reality the most important to mankind and the most forgotten is the Earth's system, our ∆+2 world.
It sustains us, it explains us, in birth and death, evolution and extinction, it is the alpha and omega, the 'god' in mystique
terms of mankind. The Earth-sun system is thus all and its understanding with its slow tempo of evolution (as a bigger
system, Max. Ts = Min. St) is the key to all other subsystems that take place in this planet. There is a simple 3 ages equation
for such system:
Gaia (past-life) < Human History (present-active system) > Economic system (humans & machines) Future
This simple equation of the 3 Earths thus includes biologic systems (Gaia), Human Systems (History) and economic
ecosystems of machines (Metal-Earth), from a larger, ∆+1 analysis of its super-organisms.
Its membrane goes through 3 Ages, the 3 Earths studied in biology and economic papers the realm of nitrolife and metalife,
∆-1 SCALE: Disomorphism. LIFE Species and ITS Existential Constants: SXT, S/T, T/S, ∆±1
We are the ∆-1 ‘cellular points’ of Earth’s outer informative St-membrane, a living supœrganism in its own, Gaia, evolving
its life forms now from its present Anthropocene age into the Mechanocene. So its ages have been.
Max. Ts: a young, hot I Earth of anaerobic bacteria (Graph).
Ts≈St: liquid: a II Earth of aerobic bacteria, Gaia that evolves carbon-life till creating History, the Supœrganism of Mankind.
Max.St: III Earth of memes of metal |-weapons, O-money & machines, organisms that ‘enzymen’ build transferring their
biological in/form/ation into metal in 3 Ages.
Disomorphism of Social scales. Its ∆±4 planes of Existence: Earth was formed by planetoid collisions in increasing social
scales, from a planar topology (asteroid ring), till the formation of a solid informative core that coalesced the whole System:
11th Disomorphism: Solar systems:
The origin of the earth is its ‘parallel’ herding in planetary vortices that follow 5D metric (3rd Kepler law).
∏ But network evolution on planets happens in its ‘ectoderm’, the membrane that evolves ¥-light informative mammals,
humans & machines (chips) creating a planetary mind. Origin of its 3 ages.

In those earlier texts we always started defining the ‘membrain’ of the system, which enclosed its vital spacetime, and
controlled the evolution of the superorganism. This was a beautiful way to perceive Earth, because we are the membrane
and the brain is the heart-bombing energy radiation from the core upwards, regulating with plumes of volcanic activity the
life cycles of Earth. In 5D Earth is a living organism, evolving and there is NOT dissociation as in 4D between geology=physics
and biology=life, not even astrolife in the event of a big-bang conversion of Earth into strangelet. This sounds sci-fi to
humans who have disentangled from the Universe and have weirdo divisions between inorganic matter and organic matter
(us), life and not life. Life as Aristotle put it is ‘all that moves by its own will’
So all those are themes of geology, which we will introduce in the future as we try to complete this paper.
Geology and mechanics.
The geological scale in what concerns the human organism is the field of two sciences, ∆º>∆+1 Mechanics, which
corresponds to the ‘weak regime’ of gravitation, in the galatom, is the equivalent to the effects of the strong force in
the outside of the nucleus, or ‘nuclear force’ rather than the strong force inside the quark environment, closer to the
gravitational force in the strong regime close to black holes.
On the other hand, thermodynamics is the molecular regime of the ∆ø>∆-1 of the human being, the source of our
internal, body energy. This relationship of mechanics and thermodynamics with the larger planet and man in the center
and the lower cell is relevant because in 5D we need a frame of reference in scales, as evanescence is essential to the
regime of forces and the scale in which it acts. This is very different from a single spacetime continuum where
simpleton physicists pretend that gravitation acts at the hyper-universe scale where galatoms interact though cosmic
So we need to define first a scale and regime where a fundamental force and hence ‘spacetime’ exists. This of course
then might be ‘fine tuned’ with influences from ∆±2 scales that become dampened and are of great use for complex
mathematics and egocy feelings of scientists that get the ‘details’ to the 20th decimal etc. We are NOT going so far. We
recognize our brain close to 60 after a life of loneliness and substance ab=use cannot go beyond elementary algebra at
this stage. So we shall give some impressionistic views on mechanics, departing from the fundamental equations of 5D.
Max. s x t |S=T
We then depart from the main equation of exist¡ence: S=T, which means Space=form and Time=Motion are in a given
∆-scale regime which in mechanics is ‘G-force’ – the planetary scale force of the weak Gravitational regime, equivalent.
This is the origin of many funny relationships of physics. We already analyzing its main case, the Galilean paradox, S=T,
we cannot differentiate motion from form.
Another relationship is that between the length of a pendulum and the frequency of its clock. This fundamental ‘magic’
of cyclical time and space is a ‘core truth’ of the Universe, mediated by G. Already Huygens suggested an international
unit of length defined as the length of a pendulum having a period of 1 s. which results in a 1/4th of a meter. It is
interesting to notice that the natural step of humans which is a second is related to the beat of the heart and the
glimpse of the eye and thought and all of them are naturally determined by the planet Earth.
Humans though are slightly too large on the limit of ‘perfect size-time speed’, which was reached by the rabbit (:
Life has the size it has in its limit of efficiency because we are part of Nature. Specifically the equation writes:
W2 (ð) = G (∆) /L(S), or rather ∆g = ðw2 x Sl which puts in relationship the 3 fundamental larameters of the scalar
Universe, ∆ST, giving us the 5D Metrics of this planet. To notice that in a different ‘G’ the relationship between ‘length’
and ‘frequency in time’ will differ. We are in a local world called Earth with a specific Space=Time relationship.
And we can establish using the pendulum a relationship between ∆-scale (gravitational acceleration), Length in space
and frequency in time, which shows the ‘5D metric law’: the larger the scale (the larger the gravitational force), the
longer the spatial scale and the slower the time passing (General relativity.

The pendulum is the simplest physical species that exhibits periodic motion, hence performs a ‘worldcycle of space-
time’. Next then we realize that a pendulum is ‘immortal’, if it were NOT for its friction, which ‘ages’ it. But and this is
the beauty of 5D life worldcycles, as it ages its ‘form wrinkles’ (becomes smaller in amplitude) because it looses ‘vital
energy’ (amplitude and energy are proportional), exactly as any worldcycle of a biological organism, but the previous
relationship is kept, the ‘fundamental tic’ of the physical system is kept, and simply enough, one day, its ‘wrinkles’ will
warp and shrink so much the organism that it will stop and die.
What about the dimensions? Time here is measure as a square of frequency, a parameter of angular acceleration, and
space has only one dimension. This will require a lengthy argument about why we measure scale with g, a parameter of
mass, which is an acceleration, which we deal with in the analysis of mass. We shall then escape more ‘translations’ of
human physics and simply state that Dimensional analysis I mechanics is also based in only 3 parameters, which in
different expressions refer to L=Space, T=Time and M=scale.



We end this analysis of Earth physics, with a brief note on its death that connects this paper both with the 2nd
volume of Astrophysics that studies the Universe from the point of view of its larger organic scale and the last
papers on History and the Metal-earth, which connects them with the destructive entropic role of manknd in the
destruction of the planet. As the role of Earth in the larger world of the galacell is obviously to feed and evolve its
‘DNA Black hole nuclei’ and ‘Protein-strangelet’ Halo. As Earth’s size is too small, it naturally fits on the creation of
strangelets for the external Halo, either because an errant 2.7 k moon M.A.C.H.O. from the galactic background
radiation passes the ‘protective skin’ of the Oort belt of KBO objects, the sun has set up to ‘stop’ and fix in its orbit
those errant strangelets – and it would be an interesting proof of 5D astrophysics if Humans send a satellite to
explore the Oort belt trying to find 2.7 k M.A.C.H.O. points of gravitational redshift… or because hominids are so st-
upid to make them on Earth with quark cannons – aka accelerators.
Let us consider this egocy act which in fact is on the making.
Humans in the age of entropy – nga risks: stranghelets & thermodynamic of black holes.
The entropy of mankind features heavily in all our papers because it is our zeitgeist, so I close all of them with a personal account.
The facts are explained often in other texts. The 5th dimension of the scalar Universe kills when a smaller, faster reproductive
matter, biologic or technologic species enters our world. So 3 are the causes of extinction, Genetic engineered virions and virons
(viruses of life and metal), Nuclear weapons of the III horizon (cosmic bombs, black holes or strangelets made of heavy quark
matter) and AI military robots, the ‘classic GNA’ existential risks of mankind now in full research and top funded. Humanity aware
vaguely of those risks prizes those who find ‘placebo lies’ to quench its angst. This year the Nobel prizes of chemistry and physics
(hard sciences) went to the discoverers of the genetic tool that made possible to edit the coronavirus and Mr. Penrose, the co-
writer of Hawking’s paper on black hole evaporation, whose son Eric Penrose was our ‘man in UK’, which actively knowing as his
father knows that evaporation is a dubious theory, tried to rise aware of those genocide risks and was silenced. While Luc
Montaigne, the virologist that discovered HIV and warned against editing tools, explaining that this virus was edited because it is
impossible that Nature had put together 3 specific viral parts to make a pandemic virus, a strong bat platform, with an airborne
viral gene from a pangolin – 2 species living apart that do not interact, and a 3rd specific part of a human protein, the ACE-2 key,
which CAN only be added to a virus after it has infected humans for generations, mutating to specifically acquire the exact dozens
of specific proteins that allow it to open the ACE-2 key. That a sick bat, merged with a sick pangolin and in the pangolin with
prescience the merged virus acquired the specific ACE-2 proteins is IMPOSSIBLE. Alas by giving the Nobel prize to the people that
a few years ago made possible to cut and peg the 3 pieces mankind is saying that ‘technology must go on to extinction’. The same
goes with the genocidal experiments at CERN that as accelerators grow in power, and now plasma accelerators much cheaper will
make it as easier as doing pandemics, will certainly do strangelets and black holes, both able to provoke a nova explosion and
convert earth into a rock of ultra-heavy mass. The Nobel Prize that found that ice-9 reaction however was hired by CERN against
us in the suits, and denied his own work and got a Nobel Prize. While Hawking’s evaporation of black holes has never been

observed in 30 years of data on black holes because it is false. He found the equation of growth of a baby black hole: ∆Mass =
K/∇T. That is a black hole is bon with enormous temperature, and as it diminishes its temperature according to the 2nd law of
thermodynamics (a hot system in a cold environment cools down and heats the environment) it grows its mass, cools down and
evaporates the Earth.
This is what we observe everywhere in the Universe. Baby black holes are born very hot, cool down eat stars and provoke novas
but Hawking’s equation did not gather much interest so he rewrote a new paper and broke the sacred law of thermodynamics:
∇Mass = K/∆T. And said an ultra hot black hole will keep getting even hotter ‘traveling to the past’ and evaporate in a cold world.
This was so outrageous – breaking the laws of Einstein’s relativity, the experimental facts of black holes and the laws of
thermodynamics that nobody believed him but his friend Penrose, a mathematician, and together for 30 years they kept bugging
the world and after Hawking became a celebrity because of his disability and charm, the world finally let them talk. But he died
without a Nobel Prize. Now when CERN prepares a new regime of higher energies the survivor, Penrose gets a Nobel prize and his
son Eric tells me he is discontinuing for lack of interest and funding. It blows then my mind to realize how
distorted, twisted and suicidal is the ‘establishment’ of academia to allow those 2 risks to happen. The case of evaporation of
black holes – so blatant a lie that even a high school child will notice truly blow up my mind. So as the most lethal and easiest to
stop of those 3 risks is the III Horizon Nuclear weapons, produced potentially only in 1 lab, CERN, I became vocal, as the main
plaintiff of Sancho et AL vs. CERN, a genocide suit that gathered public attention and obliterated any chance for my career and 5D
stiences to take off. It did though more to my perception of mankind because the astounding obviousness of both the risks and
the falsehood of that equation: ∇Mass=K/∆T, when every book of physics explains that a hot system in a cold environment cools
down, and all black holes cool down and grow in mass. So it was like someone putting you a gun in the face after you see him
loading 6 bullets and telling you, don’t worry it won’t kill you, just tell me to shoot you, but with 7 billion human beings, and all
the 7 billion saying Amen, shoot me. Every person on Earth did back Cern, but me, Eric Penrose, Walter Wagner, Otto Rossler,
which were openly vocal and a few more who signed the affidavit. Then you think: It cannot be truth. Obviously they understand
that a hot coffee cools down so ∆Mass = K∇T. They can’t be that stupid. Then you realize many understand it and think, ‘they
can’t be so evil, so suicidal’. Then you realize many are. And you think, ‘they can’t be so ameba, so sheeple, not to speak up’. But
they did speak up. Every paper on Earth put up an editorial defending CERN and insulting us without naming: our thoughtcrime in
Orwellian fashion vaporized us & our work. It amazes how easy is to kill 8 billion humans without the slightest protest of any but
8. Spacetime dust we are dust we shall become.
The role of Earth in the Universe. Alpha MACHOs & Thermodynamic of black holes.
Only that the LANGUAGE in which this other causal order is established is not that of the little thingies with its ‘social
numbers’ of scale, and cyclical patterns of time, in hyperbolic networks, the but the brutish stick and carrot method which
pedantic scholars so much despise and deny. The big guy with the big busting toy…
An example will suffice. The little thingies we call nitrolife species, busy, busy radiating on the surface of Earth are brutalized
by the big stick of plumbeous veins of molted iron, surfacing in extinction periods, reinforced for good measure by a huge
rock coming from sun-system sky, which might be ultimately the origin of those plumbeous veins, as the body reacts to the
‘beating’ of the sun, sending a flow of vaporizing heat from its central heart, as blood flows on a body tumefaction by the
hitting… And then we do have those harmful 11 years magnetic holes on the skin of the sun, tuned perhaps to the 11 years
gravitational wave cycle of the Sagittarius swarm of black hole stars. And so for this stick process of long time, simplifying
control even if we can go down to the details, an organic view of Gaia, life, the Solar system and the galaxy does it.
We shall introduce the Alpha MACHO; the essential purpose and manifest destiny of the Homo Bioctonos, taxonomically
called for reasons unberknowst to the writer, beyond the usual egocy, Homo Sapiens. Because the Galatom is a system that
reproduces dark, quark matter, top quark holes and strangelets, which become the ‘substances’ of the St-black hole brain
and ‘protein-like’ external Halo of the galaxy (Witten’s Hypothesis), stars and planets act as ribosomal systems that
reproduce those ‘DNA-like’ informative black hole ‘animals’ that perceive gravitation and feed on ‘plant-like stars’, while
planets become the ‘food’ for strangelet proteins that migrate to the Halo. The star transformation into black holes and
pulsars is fairly straight and well established. But how moons, planetoids and planets become strangelets? It seemed

impossible because strange matter is ultra-dense and difficult to produce outside neutron->pulsar stars which likely have a
strangelet nuclei. But there are two paths. The Ts-accidental ‘entropic form’, whereas a strangelet collides with a planet or
moon transforming it into a moon MACHO, and the St-informative process, which requires an intelligent ‘cold form’, and
that is where the Homo Bioctonos, the most perfect form of nitrolife comes into being, making the III hortizons of nuclear
weapons, the A-bomb, the H-bomb and the S-bomb.
In graph, physicists found in CERN’s big-bang experiments that ‘known physics’ (bottom) which expected to produce very
few uuddss dibaryons, the simplest stable strangelet ‘atom’, had to be corrected, as the number of strange quarks mutating
close to the ‘resonance’ c-speeds of mass acceleration shows an exponential growth. Moreover, sss triplets were produced
copiously. So it is now accepted theory that Alpha MACHO strangelets, dibaryon triplets with 18 quarks, which are ‘seeds’
of ice-9 reactions that can transmute all Earth ud-light matter into strangelet matter will appear on those experiments, and
will fall as the heaviest particles on Earth to the center, where they will keep lumping till the ice-9 reaction will become
unavoidable and Earth will convert into a 15 km. strangelet. Alas, that is the St-form in which the Homo Bioctonos will kill
both Life and History. Why those experiments don’t end? That’s the question physicists
don’t ask. The idea that the H.Bioctonos has any ethic capacity NOT to commit suicide long
proved wrong by all the world war cycles and nuclear weapons physicists have done; so this
is just the ice-9 in the cake. Physicists role is NOT to understand the Universe or else they
would be doing 5D physics, but killing Earth, reason why we don’t see AI robots around or
interstellar travel. All planets become strangelets after the discovery of the III horizon of
Nuclear weapons, their role for the ∆+1 galaxy before AI robots or true homo sapiens are
born. So this is the proper way to introduce Earth’s physics, from the top scale of the galaxy
down, from the final hour of absolute Tt-entropy to its birth.
Earth then has its closing date set up likely this century. But exist¡ence is a game of present
states that matter by themselves. So we can enjoy the whole worldcycle of this planet – knowing also, there are a few of
them, which do NOT become St-rangelets, through St-homo animetal bioctonos, but rather live a much longer life as
immortal History planets, where §∏ homo sapiens truly rule.
It is also necessary then to understand Earth NOT only in its nitrolife membrane surface but as a whole organism, but the
amazing thing about Earth’s Geological scale is that it is closely related to its biological scale a theme treated in detail in the
papers on biology, while in the papers on physics we shall study mostly Earth as a system of 3±¡ states of matter.
Alea Jacta est. It is the end, my friend, the only end…

Mechanics starts easy, we do have as always, ∆, S, and T, but ∆=energy is initially ignored as we move in a single plane,
through ‘instants of time’, measured by human ‘discontinuous’, large natural numbers of 1 second. We then have 2 obvious
parameters S=T, actually S ⊥ T, a symbol of orthogonality I use in non-E mathematics for the inverse properties and
perpendicular interactions of Nature. This is ‘magically’ how Huminds by ‘subconscious chance’ established its Cartesian
graphs of mechanics. As S=Form, they established ‘X’=position and as T is lineal motion, they established speed. So X(s) and
V(t) became the ⊥ ‘phase space’ of ‘dimotions of spacetime, we have called Locomotions. This is then the beginning of
mechanics. From ‘stroboscopic’ second to second mechanics we came to discontinuous mechanics, as obviously the
‘reproductive wave of a particle’ that happens in the h-planck scale is by all means continuous. That is, the 0ε-finitesimal of
motion, h/2 is in the X-20.. order.
Next question then is the need or not for ‘negative’ 3 other ‘coordinates’, which most times we don’t and give to confusion. It is
like Nadal’s play. If he can move he will get into its best right stroke. So that is, our 0ε initial position chosen to the ‘left and
down’ of the motion to draw at ‘Earth’s level’ on the origin of the impetus of the movement.
The question why we don’t use the same wording than physics, comes from the fact 5D laws apply to other sciences, and
physicis is a bit messed up. The question becomes thorny with equations. I.e. we said a Force is a derivative of momentum
which is a derivative of energy-work. This is not exactly so when we use physics, with its lineal time concept and messy
number of energies. Usually what Physicists say is that force, F=ma, is the derivative of potential energy, and prove with this
equation the conservation of energy. F=-∇U; and consider a proof of conservation merely the fact that the derivative of time
of a conserved quantity is zero.
But it is also obvious P=mv, ∂P = ∂mv/∂t=m∂v/∂t=ma. We won’t discuss at this stage the maths.
What we want to address is 5D calculuse: we think of derivatives as the addition of a 0ε finitesimal quantity; which is what a
force does to a present, ∆ø momentum, and what a transfer of momentum does to stored energy. So ‘loosely’ speaking we talk
of 3 ∆±¡ scales of physical systems. We state the ‘loosely’ concept as 5D calculus also differs slightly – it is discontinuous and so
it is more like differential calculus as derivatives are 0ε minimal quantities (a differential has a small difference with a
continuous derivative in a ‘point’).
The question then is if a force quantum moves to change the energy as it changes momentum and obviously it does. ∆±¡
organisms constantly transfer between the ∆-1, finitesimals and the ∆+1. The present momenta then acts as the ‘network’
through which forces travel into energies. It is the real dynamic ∆ø-element we perceive. Momentum then in classic mechanics
as the network that transfers the force to energy does not appear in calculus. So we write:
E=T+U (internal energy is not considered, all the scales down ∆-¡). And then as T depends on speed V(t) and U depends on
opposition V(s), we derivate separately add by grouping ‘vs’ and get the conservation laws:
(d/dt)T=∑mvi dvi/dti=∑m v¡ ai
d U(x,y…)/dt = ∂U/∂x ∂x/ ∂t+∂U/∂uy ∂y/∂t => ∂U v… So
dE/dt= ∑ (ma¡+ ∂U/∂x) v, whereas the central element becomes zero as ∂U/∂x is the negative component of the Force in the x
direction. The trick then is in the algebraic use of potential energy as negative. This particle moving in a force field then
exchanges one energy from the other – fine. But if we look at it from an ∆-energy perspective, it is absorbing force from ∆+1
(potential energy), converting it into Kinetic energy through momentum in ∆ø.
The scalar process though is hidden in 4D Physics because NOTHING is defined in terms of ∆-scales. Is this addition of
information needed? Not to do 4D equations, yes to understand the process causality. As in 4D physics ‘words’ mean NOTHING
but the equation, what the physicist does is ‘writing chinese’ – that is, a person can write Chinese without speaking Chinese as
both are unconnected. Then you can learn a Cantonese dialect which let us imagine is not beautiful and has ugly sounds. If you
speak with me that talk Mandarin – the right interpretation of the language, we won’t understand each other. We both speak
the equations, but we pronounce them differently. I want to teach the physicist mandarin. He does not care. He basically writes
emails, hardly speaks to other people and its basic Cantonese suffice.
And his calligraphy is excellent, better than mine in the detailed analysis of Ts-locomotion that obsesses physicists.

What we are talking about however is F= d/dt mv; here then we are in a single plane. And conservation of momentum is
obvious. If there is no force mv does not change. If it is a closed system of several particles as each particle suffers an action
reaction, the series of forces, let us say between 3 particles, F12, F13, F21, F23, F31, F32 cancel in pairs, dp1/dpt, dp2/dpt+dp3/dpt
and momentum is conserved.
So the ∆-interesting conclusion of all this is that Energy conservation ‘derives’ into scalar conservation, and momentum
conservation derives into a single scale spacetime conservation or those ‘scales’ we perceive in a single scale.
Now the symmetry of space and time and scale comes from the point of view we take and the generality we consider…
We have talked of 3 type of energies, ∆-1 internal, ∆ø kinetic and ∆+1 potential so we could consider there are 3 ‘conservation
laws of energy’, in piece meal detail. But most physicists say there are 3 conservation laws of momentum, because they make
this break down for 3 Euclidean space directions, px,y,z and one of ‘time-energy conserved law’ because they use a single time
‘measure’ and group all energies (often omitting internal energy), in the previous equation.
This is part of the fractal principle of breaking down from 1 to 3 always any ∆ST system. Hierarchy though makes more
important Energy as it travels through scales. So the conservation of energy conserves all scales. But why forces are not
conserved? We could consider a model with conservation of forces where forces assume some properties of momentum and
energy. But as they are, they are the ‘spent’ currency that transfers the ∆, S and T elements. Notice also that in the usual
Euclidean form S and T momenta (angular and lineal) are broken down in 3 ‘coordinates’, so they can be evaluated together.
Again, this is writing Chinese; for speaking mandarin and make verbal sense of it, you need to know 5D. As languages are
inflationary and so are mathematical mirrors of the underlying laws of ∆ST that are synthetic, unitary.
Also for all what has been said, the key concept is what ‘varies’ and what does not. So we could enter mass, and we had to
treat speed with care when making its derivatives, but as we come closer to the ∆+1 border ‘speed’ is no longer the variable as
it becomes ‘frozen’, captured to ‘feed’ the mass that ‘suddenly’ awakes, alive and kicking as the new monster parameter of the
cosmological scale. Speed then becomes fixed, it does NOT varies. What varies is mass. This is the regime of Relativity and
strong quantum forces - though physicists do not see it in this ‘manner’, it is the right form to perceive it. In the regime of
relativity, v=c for all what matters (variation are minimal) and it is now m what varies and so all the previous equations must
be rewritten, as well as its concepts. This is NOT done and so conceptual paradoxes arise.
The graph below shows this new regime where mass, E=mc2=hƒ; mass= ƒ (h/c2) varies and speed is conserved. What happens
then essentially is that the frequency of the spacetime vortex of mass accelerates taking in the energy/force given to the
system while c stays constant, which is in the graph below ‘lineal time’ vs. ‘form=mass’ in the Y-coordinates of information.
Now, the graph below is of absolute relativity, generalized to every scale of stience. IT is amazing as it might seem to a
physicist, the same graph of the ‘demand and offer’ curve, the main law of economics. How that is possible? Because beyond
the concepts of mass and speed, there are those of ‘form=space=position’ (mass=cyclical time=frequency) and ‘motion’ = lineal
time. What happens then in those Lorentzian regions is that the parameters of a given scale transmute. The one that was
frozen ‘moves’ and the one that ‘moved=changed’ becomes frozen – its vitality disappears to ‘feed’ the larger emergent world,
where mass is far more important than speed that becomes the element through which energy transfers. But because energy
had both components of space-time and we don’t account for its proportions, energy keeps travelling between scales.
Does it mean we are not going to see more ‘speeds’? Well, not in this galatom’s world because speed is reproduction of
information of ‘particles’ it is not some abstract displacement, and obviously we cannot reproduce faster than the substance
we use to reproduce ¥-light, reproduces itself in the ‘quantum potential?=graviton?=neutrino? World’. But this background
which I consider neutrino so far as we don’t discover other particle (light theory of neutrino: Broglie>Jordan) that entangles
particles prior to communication of a ¥-ray at faster speed IS coming out of the axis of the top quark black hole. The c-speed
barrier is NOT crossed but ‘tunneled’ by transformation first in the c-angular momentum event horizon of light into mass. Then
mass rotating faster than light beyond the accelerated event horizon, ‘gives’ birth to ‘faster’ than light particles (neutrinos?),
on the other side of the tunnel, outside the galaxy, through its rotary axis, seeing as Tt-entropic vacuum time expansion. Is
energy conserved in this ‘unperceived’ jump. I am of the opinion as those who put it in the neutrino that it is, because that
means an immortal infinite Universe of scales. If not, the Universe won’t be infinite

Mechanics as all other branches of physics can be understood with pentalogic 3±¡ parameters that ultimately reduce to
ST combinations. The classic equation then of physics will be:
Lineal Momentum x Space (PS)< Angular Momentum (L) > Energy x Time (ET)
Angular momentum travels with its 5D Metric ‘vortex’ law in 2 or 3 Spatial dimensions from the h/2 quantum harmonic
oscillators creating particles all the way to the realm of v>C Higgs and neutrino fields and BCB atoms and top quarks
that seem to be responsible for the ‘envelope’ able to ‘curve’ light space-time, into gravitational fields. But this strong
regime of gravitation happening in the galatom’s inner 0ε Center and ∝ halo, is perceived in the rest of the galatom as a
weaker gravitational regime at v< c-speed susceptible to be studied with a simpler Newtonian set of laws belonging to
the lineal, Euclidean mathematics of classic mechanics. Creation and annihilation of particles doesn’t happen. As the
system is not in its fringe. And we can consider it has frozen in those 5 ‘elements’, p, l, e, s and t. This PLEST, ‘pleasant’
world, so to speak without huge extermal situations can then develop laws of S=T and S⊥T balances, which are the core
of Newtonian and Lagrangian physics. M then becomes a ‘fixed form’.
In graph, S=T equivalence between a 1D SHM and a 2D angular momentum. They are indistinguishable if we see the angular
motion laterally in a single Dimension of space. From where we consider that an SHM in 1D with acceleration equals a 2D
motion without it. Thus acceleration which is in fact the ‘derivative’ in time of constant motion can be seen not only as a
time dimension but a space dimension, S=T. This leads to the realization that motion and form exchange into each other.
Every equation and state of physics can be seen in pentalogic terms. What is then the ‘parameter’ that maintains the
‘balance’ in digital terms? Obviously Energy; as it is a scalar magnitude we count through all the scales and dimotions of an
The graph, shows another case of this truism. The same SHM system with kinetic and potential energy transforms one into
the other, by eliminating a dimension of length, converted into acceleration which is maximal at 0 length. The dimension
of length thus becomes a second motion of accelerated time. But the overall sum in ‘scalar’ energy remains the same.
From this equation we obtain the evident fact that ‘all drop of ¥in=form has a drop of ¥æng=Kinetic energy. So form has a
minimal motion, is in-form-ation form in action, St and motion has a bit of form, kinetic energy.
Or else we get the equation of entropic death, Time quantum=0 x Max. expansion in space: Tt-entropy.
Again the reader has two haggle between the confusing concepts of time in human physics and those of 5D. Entropy is inner,
t, and outer T motion. When this happens in a minimal period of duration, a quantum of time, the system moves faster
expanding in vacuum space. So we could write if we use ‘human concepts’ of time as the passing of events and space as the
extension of dimensionality, Death = 0 T x ∞ S… That is in zero time a system moves so fast internally and externally that
occupies a vast space. This is Tt in the far more rigorous conceptual treatment of time=motion and space=form of 5D physics.
And what we want to stress is that Tt has no S, no form and so it is NOT energy, it has nothing closer to the Max. S x T , S=T
equations of the function of existence.
The same reasoning works for Ss-languages/minds, which have no energy but rather as God’s definition in Aristotle’s
metaphysics, are the final point that
moves the energy of the body. Ss and Tt
are NOT energy but ‘surround’ and ‘limit’
energy and so this brings us the
topologic spatial definition of energy, as
an open ball, precisely the mathematical
entity that does NOT consider the outer
entropic membrane of maximal rotary

motion and expansion in external
vacuum space and the central
singularity of maximal density of
Momentum in SHM motions.
The key concept behind all
conservation applications is rather
simple, S=form=angular
momentum, T=lineal motion = lineal
momentum, ∆=scale=energy
conservation. Choices of space and
time word are circumnstancial, O, |
& ∆ is then in topological terms what is conserved. Ratios and physical constants tell us the tale on how they are transformed
through scales. The 3 regions of transformation have a different shape, with asymptotic and lineal regions, as in the graph.
We then play with that.
Next it comes the fact that ultimately all energy processes going from St to Ts are SHM, harmonic simple motions, which
express in time the SóT principle, as a ‘spring’ fluctuates up and down, between its St- potential energy, due to position
which is maximal in the point of maximal distance, from the center of the spring motion and Ts- kinetic energy (mv) maximal
in its central point with zero potential energy. So back and forth and SHM motion is simply enough a dynamic energy process
of transformation between St and Ts.
It is all that simple, regardless of pedantry of scholars and Nobel Prizes, when you put the sun in the center, the orbits need
no longer Ptolemaic epicycles but a simple ‘almost perfect’ circle… And indeed, because the basic equations of 5D are that
simple, the fundamental first insight on the equations of physics will be that simple.
The scalar view.
Some rules of pentalogic symmetry and hierarchy are always needed and as long as the reader does not start to see reality in
those terms, it won’t get it: everything is part of the scalar structure of spacetime defined by 5D metrics: Sx T = ∆±¡, which
become a domain of a type of superorganisms, in physics, the ∆±4 domain of galatoms. Within it an infinite number of time
worldcycles of different species go up and down those scales. We can then take a picture of those elements in space, and
then a mind-language can make a synopsis of it. This is what we do constantly: ∆±¡≥T-worldcylcle≥S-patial topologic
view≥Mental linguistic view. So we need to describe reality from all those perspectives and the largest one is the scalar view.
In the scalar view, we consider energy in more detail, as we ‘study its transformations and different worldcycles and spatial
topologies in each of the scales of the Universe’. But we will do so, once we have made a fast review through its other
meanings from the perspective of what ENERGY truly means: the vital existential energy a system has to commit its 5
dimotions through stœps of momenta, St-angular and Ts-kinetic
momenta. So Energy in biological terms is related to the metabolic rate
of different physical systems, which is related to its 5D metric: smaller
systems spends more energy because they have faster time cycles than
larger systems. And so physical parameters of energy are also
paradoxically: the most energetic systems are smallish black holes, the
less energy-content reality is vacuum space (no it does NOT have the
wrong calculus of quantum physics but the almost zero measure of real
physics), because is the most extended region of spacetime.
The 5 conserved dimotions of of time=Space in the Universe. Its ∆§∏
explanation vs. the creationist one.

An essential truth, systematically denied by Ss-minds that hate its opposite Tt-entropy is that while the initial substance of
reality time=motion is conserved, as it trans-forms ad eternal in different forms of information information becomes
annihilated into 0ε sums, regardless of leaving memorial remains and possibly being recreated. Thus algebra has always
inverse operands and elements that ‘annihilate’ the form into a residual 0ε; which in mathematical physics become the game
of particles and antiparticles, inverse waves that annihilate its height information, etc.
It is then necessary to start up not from the mathematical quantitative concepts of physics, but by the organic, qualitative,
properties of scales of space and time. And to do so fortunately enough we have a common ground that is easier to grasp and
happens in both worlds: topology, geometry in motion, reason why it features so heavily in those articles, in case some
humble ‘pro’ is curious enough to penetrate beyond the egocy paradox of algebraic creationism. We shall put a simple
example on the ‘substance’ physicists consider the origin of it all; closely related to the real substance of nature,
‘time=motion’ that is eternal, conserved as ‘time never stops’:
“There is a fact, or if you wish, a law, governing all natural phenomena that are known to date. There is no known exception
to this law—it is exact so far as we know. The law is called the conservation of Momentum. It states that there is a certain
quantity, which we call Momentum that does not change in manifold changes which nature undergoes. That is a most
abstract idea, because it is a mathematical principle; it says that there is a numerical quantity, which does not change when
something happens. It is not a description of a mechanism, or anything concrete; it is just a strange fact that we can calculate
some number and when we finish watching nature go through her tricks and calculate the number again, it is the same”.
Feynman Lectures on Physics
Back to Momentum, what mattered to Feynman there was the fact that a ‘number’ was preserved; a mathematical totem.
But for that preservation to happen Momentum has been growing to encompass ‘everything’, from charge to mass, to
motion, to position (potential Momentum). So nothing here is preserved but the whole, and Momentum becomes like God in
verbal creationism the world that mutates to signify all other words, without the slightest understanding what Momentum is.
So goes for the other totem word, entropy, which as Neumann said to Shannon, ‘Call information entropy nobody really
knows what it is so you will have the upper hand’.
We are more interested in understanding what all those words mean. I.e. Mass is NOT Momentum, but it can be transformed
from an accelerated vortex of time motions into an expanding vortex of time motion, changing its topology from an spiraling
vortex into an expansive one, which we call ‘kinetic Momentum’, but properly should be called Tt-entropy as it implies the
destruction of mass internal information and its expansion in external space (two motions together, which is the meaning of
entropy, while a single motion that preserves the form of the system, is locomotion, momentum and its integral through a
path of space, work and Momentum).
All this fast-forward definitions show us that it is far more interesting to start from the first principle of reality Motion=time,
and its inverse state, ‘space=form’, which are philosophical but also real principles that apply to all sciences, and then
distinguish between the different types of motions and the way they interact and transform each other, to call each one with
a proper name that truly allow us to distinguish between mass, Momentum, entropy, particle, wave states, etc.
The Universe conserves its motion, which can be mirrored by numbers and equations, but also by a creationist word and
sentence so you could say ‘motion is all’. What matters is to use all humind’s languages of which conceptual logic words are
paramount to describe qualitative and biologic properties while geometric forms are useful to study motion and S=T
symmetries - how form and motion interact each other. While algebra of scalar numbers is necessary to define the 3rd
property of reality, its 5D scalar social group structure
Growth of density of Dimensions
We conclude the easiest way to describe the differences of physical systems is to ‘count’ the number of dimensions of space
and motions of time, the system has, till it ‘fills up’ a given scale of reality, with a ‘higher density of energy’, as it crawls up in
the number of dimotions. So from the simplest field to the particle and beyond we keep growing. In a book of physics the
essence of wave motion is described as the transfer of energy through space without the accompanying transfer of matter.

This only means that the number of ‘dimotions’ transferred by a wave are less than those transferred by a particle. The
origami of the Universe, as motion becomes form, and fill a space, and it grows in ‘depth’ and fills a scale, and disentangles,
and the way a mind perceives it, is the knots and bolts of the parameters of physical existence. Hence the importance of the
hierarchy, T≤S≤∆ (whereas S is not perceived here as a slice of a flow of time, but as a solid perception of a repetitive
frequency of time cycles).
So we consider Fields≤ Waves≤ Particles ≤ Scales. And so we grow in dimensional motions through the ‘scales’ of Non-
Euclidean Topologies, from the ‘point’ of a ‘field’ to the ‘wave’ to the ‘particle’, which becomes the point of a ‘scale’, where it
will be part of a field, part of the wave of the particle…
In classic physics then we consider different amounts through its classic ∆-1 force-fields, ∆ø-wave/momenta and particle/
energy. Though as humind’s physics are adapted to our peculiar mental space those concepts are variable. It is though
generally acknowledged that a field has a force, a particle has more mass-energy than a wave, and the wave has higher
speed, hence momentum. But how those scales grow? There are different speeds, but the general law is always the same. As
motion is reproduction of form, the faster the v-motion-t factor the smaller the s-form-factor. And vice versa. This is the
range law of quantum physics mediated by particles of lesser range at higher form-weight.
Each of those varieties then grow in transitions to higher dimensions of information and lesser speed. For example waves are
longitudinal with faster speed but less transfer of information than transversal waves with less transfer of information (as
they have only a range of width) than circular waves. So the 3 exist in earthquakes with decreasing speed.
Wave types. The principle of conservation of Dimotions of scalar space-time.
The first trilogic of waves give us its ∆, S & T elements:
S-form=frequency, ∆-energy=Amplitude and T-motion=speed.
The wave thus is a full ∆ST organism in itself, as it has Scalar Energy, Spatial form and Temporal motion, and the 3 elements
can be transferred between two regions of space-time. The wave further on, can travel unlike the particle and the field
through different scales of the fifth dimension, so it plays the role of a network of space-time connecting different scales of
the fifth dimension by virtue of the fact that it can ‘grow in size’ maintaining its form, through elongations of its frequencies
(longitudinal and transversal waves) or expansion in spacetime (circular waves).
We can then also consider a Trilogic of topology in waves:
O-Cyclical waves< Ø-transversal waves < |-Longitudinal waves.
And this brings an open question. As c-speed waves of light are Ø-transversal waves there must be a faster |-longitudinal
wave in vacuum space with less information. Those can be considered the ‘graviton? Neutrino waves?’ So we write:
Electronic O-waves < ø-Light waves ≤ |-neutrino waves (faster than light)
It is a hypothesis of work for Physical systems in the ∆±3 scale.
How to make sense of all these principles of conservation and dimensional motions in such a more complex Universe?
A key principle of Universal conservation becomes then the conservation of Dimotions of space-time, which we can measure
in terms of scalar energy.
For example, the longitudinal waves on Earth are the faster of the two, traveling at speeds in the range of 7 to 8 km/s near
the surface. They are called P waves, with “P” standing for primary, because they travel faster than the transverse waves
and arrive first at a seismograph (a device used to detect waves due to earthquakes). The slower transverse waves, called S
waves, with “S” standing for secondary, travel through the Earth at 4 to 5 km/s near the surface.
So this is a simple equivalence: S-waves are about ½ the speed of P-waves. But a transversal wave has 2 Dimotions, the lineal
displacement and the transversal wave. Hence it has ½ speed. Things of course are far more complex in reality but the Total
Universe must conserve the number of dimotions of reality.

The duality of ‘form’ vs. motion is then a general arrangement of S ⊥ T(ƒ), in terms of parameters (but not always given the
differences between absolute Universal ∆ST and human partial perception and parameters.
For example, the General formula of speed of waves is √Tension/µ-density.
Whereas the speed of the wave is inversely proportional to the density-mass-form-space of the string, and directly
proportional to the Tension-force employed in its displacement.
The speed of sound in a gas: v=√B/ρ is a similar expression to the speed of transverse waves on a string. In both cases, the
wave speed depends on an elastic property of the medium (bulk modulus B or string tension T) and an inertial=formal
=spatial property of the medium (volume density ρ or linear density µ) .
So, the speed of all mechanical waves follows an expression of the general form v = elastic property /inertial property.
Which is in terms of existential algebra a tautology, as V= Lineal time; an elastic property has both space and time, ST and an
inertial property is pure space.
So we write T(V) = ST (elastic property)/ S(density). Or: T=ST/S -> TS=ST, or in terms of topologies |=Ø/O -> | x O = Ø
For longitudinal sound waves in a solid, the speed of sound depends on Young’s modulus Y / density ρ. The speed of sound
also depends on the temperature of the medium. For sound traveling through air, the relationship between wave speed and
air temperature, which appears in the upper side of the equation, the ‘place of ST-elasticity’ as temperature is a mode of
vibration. So the speed of waves is part of a much larger family of Existential equations, and its application to light will be
studied in our 1st paper on astrophysics & relativity.
What is really the elasticity/ tension of a wave? A TRILOGIC ANALYSIS
We come here to a key concept of all the structure of the Universe, which we recognize in multiple scales of reality, G, K,
Tension, Elasticity, Bulk modulus… which we have written lousy through many paragraphs of those autist texts where I
confess to have lost much interest in clarity and communication with the human species… as ST. This is a key concept and
while we cannot observe it in G and k, cosmological invisible backgrounds and electric ‘charged’ worlds, it is easy to perceive
in all other scales. We shall call it simply ST-elaSTicity or Ten=Sion. The beauty of inglish being we have so many STs (:
Elasticity or tension are better concepts that ‘curvature’ which we use so often in paper one for G and k. I need to do a
replacement sorry… What it is, is also perceivable on those elastic materials that we ‘tense’ pushing it outwards to make
them ‘stretch’ . In simple terms then we realize an ∆+1 whole which has a ‘distance-form’ S has grown by a quantity, ∂S
which is forced into the system’s natural balance, and so by the natural action-reaction equilibrium, the whole will like to
‘curve’ in a similar quantity and this is achieved by sending a wave of ‘more form’ with a T-speed proportional to the
stretching to balance the ‘flattening’ of the system, with a ‘relief’ in Time motion.
So it is easy to understand intuitively that the speed motion of the wave, which carries a form in its frequency crests is simply
balancing the stretching of its form into lineal distance-space by the tension exercised on the wave according to its elasticity.
How this works for vacuum space? The point is vacuum space is NOT vacuum. It is a background of repulsive gravitation, and
as it is ‘repulsive’ hyper-luminal neutrino? We can consider it a ‘stretching’ of the vacuum space by an amount we measure
with the ‘∧’ constant of ‘inverse curvature’. This tension or ‘inverse curvature’ is then applied to vacuum space, and the
waver of light ‘releases’ this tension by giving a ‘form’ to the tension-cosmological constant-faster than light neutrino?
Background. Here then we see in action several parameters of different scales. The whole appears through the elasticity,
which is the potential of the system to have an ‘inverse curvature tension’ without breaking. We might consider then the
tension a kind of ‘potential energy’ established in the material by its stretching.
I don’t know if I am explaining myself properly as an autist researcher for so long. I just know I understand it intuitively. The
density of form is an inertial problem as the ‘form’ of the wave must be applied to the whole density. The stretching is a
tension outwards that the wave form compensates. The more the tension outwards the faster=the more comprension
inwards. The mathematical terms then for this ‘elastic concept which can be seen either as ‘distance’, ‘stretching’ or even

‘faster speed’ (neutrino background?) vary according to the material, whose nature it incorporates in human measures (but
likely could be purified as a term without substance, as in fact we do in those mediums we do not perceive – vacuum).
So in a wave motion, the direction of the motion and its number of dimensions, the density of the substance, the tension or
stretching, all contribute to define it. It is just a marvel of Nature’s perfect order that all come together mentally into a few
digital numbers, and the operands of the mathematical mirror can get us a synoptic outcome.
In terms of scale, we can look at the light wave whose ‘elasticity is given by the ∆-1’ neutrino? Faster than c background and
extend the concept to the material wave. Here again elasticity is ultimately a question of the molecular arrangement at ∆-1
of the substance of the string. So while the ‘form’ transmitted by the wave happens in ∆ø, the scale of ‘momentum’, the
elasticity is an ∆-1 property, while the tension is an ∆+1 property. So the 3 elements come together in the ‘upper part’ and we
can substitute as usual an ST complex function by an ∆-scalar one and write: T(v) =∆-ST: (eleasticity&tension)/S-density form.
IN TERMS of time-space (length & frequency) we also find a relationship of the elasticity/tension with the synchronous
modes of frequency, such as: ƒλ=v=√T/ρ; but this relationship becomes now independent of the ∆±¡ elements of the
Tension/Density ratio, transcending into the Ƽ plane interplay between motion and form. The scalar parameters thus have
‘emerged’ into the present event of space-time.
It is then more important to consider the difference between waves with 2 points of communication or closed waves with
informative Order vs. open waves with a single source and entropic disorder. They are very different propositions. Source
waves are rather ‘field-like’ in as much as they disperse soon the information and disappear unless the source continues to
emit energy-form. Standing waves require two points of communication and the most interesting are those in which the
waves starts a ‘fluid conversation’, where the form matters more than the energy as transmission passes through. If as we
consider, (neutrino theory of light?), a light wave requires two still particles emitting a ¥-
ray after entanglement, we can then consider the ‘two waves’, (electric and magnetic),
two different directions of communication, one travelling to the past and the other to the
relative future, as the 2 solutions of Feynman-Wheeler theory seem to imply.
What is then an open wave that tends to entropy vs. a closed wave with communication
between particles in the context of cosmology? Are waves of light between galaxies open
or closed waves? It would seem that the ‘entanglement’ of two electronic or quark nuclei
does NOT go beyond the galaxy and so the light we receive from other galaxies are open
waves with a single emitter, hence waves that suffer an entropic elongation and final
scattering in the D=C/H horizon of 13.4 billion. Nothing in the non-AE universe is infinite
but just immense. So this hypothesis of entangled waves within the organism of the
galaxy vs. single source waves from outer galaxies would add to the ‘pentalogic’ reasons
of the falsification of the big-bang expressed in the 1st volume.
An open wave is a whipping, so to speak, where the loose point releases more energy
than information. Even if the wave is enclosed in its amplitude an open end will cut down
to half (the odd integers) its harmonic series (graph).
A closed wave is an informative instrument, where the energy is secondary to the
transmission of form, so the wave instead of ‘decreasing’ its frequency increases its modes of form. And in between there
are waves connected to particles, an intermediate state of standing forms, which is the particle-wave relationship
established between electronic waves and particle-nuclei.
How much charge of information can a wave transfer then becomes more important than its energy, or rather both are
connected, as in E=hƒ. Because information, form, can be perceived in terms of superposed quanta of time (frequencies), we
then can establish a fascinating symmetry between ‘frequencies in time’, ‘populations in space’ and ‘energy density’: ∆=S=T
In the grah, some standing waves in a bidimesional membrane. We can see
how frequencies accumulate and can be considered ‘populations in space’ that

‘break down into ∆-1 parts’ a tension /density of a membrane that defines the ‘speed of the motion in the wave’. The
synchronicity and simultaneity in time and space of the S=T symmetry then will be responsible of the ‘resonance;’ properties
of that wave, to create a ‘whole harmonic’ sound or a ‘noise’ transmission of information. The intelligence of the Universe
once more marvels the observer.
The 2 dimensions of the dimotion of Ts-locomotion= speed.
A key element for algebraic Physics then comes the number of dimensions of a given dimotion of space-time. How many
dimensions have locomotion? And Momentum? How we count the dimensions of different equations, in terms of 5D scales?
Here we shall reason a ‘Correspondence principle’ according to the acceptance of 4D Physics as much as possible, without
imperil the principles of 5D Physics. The key is the fact we cannot distinguish motion and form and we compress dimensions
into continuous surfaces. So in fact a motion or ‘speed’ has in general terms 2 dimensions NOT one, which is obvious in its
equation V = S/T in continuous term but = λs x ƒt in discontinuous, ‘reproductive motion’. Speed thus being a dual
dimension of space and time in more truthful discontinuous motion is opposed often by square terms.
For example, objects moving at high speeds through air, confront a resistive force is modeled as proportional to the square
of the speed R=1/2 Da v2 where D is a dimensionless empirical quantity called the drag coefficient, r is the density of air, and
a is the cross-sectional area of the moving object measured in a plane perpendicular to its velocity, which already accounts
for the ‘bidimensional front’ of the object. Still we square speed, because it is a dimotion.
The general answer then is that what in 5D we call time is most often ‘speed’ and when we say S=T, we mean a given space
is equivalent to a given reproduction of an information through a path of speed. Because of the imprecise terms of 4D it is
important for a 5D physicist, if ever that ‘species of mind’ arouses in this planet, beyond I, me and myself to have a very clear
cut conceptual understanding of 5D principles, whenever in that hypothetical future, the algebraic physics of 4D are properly
translated. T-frequency then is a ‘single digit’ dimensionless number, which is NOT really what is equivalent to space, while
λs is a path that has as a ‘wave’ form, 2 dimensions in 5D, which account for the 2 dimensions of speed in the previous
This is how humans measure it. So they empty of dimensions the time-parameter as ‘frequency’ and should give but ‘don’t’
2 dimensions to the wave-form as a non-fractal point moving along the frequency path.
But in 5D the law that Holds Almost invariably is S=T, so we rather consider the ‘frequency’ is a dimension of time and length
a dimension of space, and both are similar and proportional. Again we can consider a sinple law of physics to illustrate it (we
repeat can’t only do impressionist strokes on such a wider subject): when two vibrating systems of the same material are
similar in dimensions but not in size, their periods of vibration are proportional to their lineal dimensions; as from a
perspective of motion as reproduction of form, frequency is reproduction of lineal space.
It follows that dimensional analysis varies in 5D as the concepts of dimotions differs, but as we repeat ad nauseam, we are
interested in synthesis and concepts not in the mathematics which huminds have crafted good enough to its purpose of
manipulating matter. And the concept that matters here is to understand the equivalence between S=T ‘perceptions’ of the
same phenomena. I.e. volume of gases, an S-parameter is almost identical to temperature, a motion parameter, save for the
very ‘limits’ in which the ‘scalar’ specific ‘variety of S=T’ works (near 0 temperature), so we write Boyle’s law,
v(s)/t(ð)=Vo(s)/To(Tƒ), as ð is the 5D symbol for Tƒ.
A great deal of 5D is then if, when the humind finally ‘gets’ the principles of form and motion, space and time, to realize how
ultimately all comes to the function of exist¡ence, the best expression of 5D Metrics: Max. S x T (s=t), which is what all
systems try to achieve.
Where then comes the term ‘pressure’ in this equation? Pressure is an external force introduced in the balance of a system
we take as an independent expression of S=T, and as such is the ‘injection’ of Momentum that changes the parameters of the
system andd starts a process of adaptation of any physical/biological/social system to the change of constants of exist¡ence.
RECAP. The fractal generator of the Universe. A brief glimpse to the formalism of 5D

We trace the beginning of physics to 3 paradoxical principles, in which so much literature has been wasted by lack of clear
thought;, Relativity, conservation and symmetry, principles derived of the nature of space and time, not magically caused by
the mathematical language as creationist physicists think.
Relativity means that a motion of time is equivalent to a dimension of space: S=T. As Galileo found we see Earth still and flat
but it is round and moves. As minds stop motion into form, into information, converted into distances. So if we see slow
motion in the night a light it seems a long distance. Distance and motion cannot be distinguished so they must be taken as
two side of the same being, a Space=time ÐIMOTION (ab. Dimensional Motion):
S= T; Dimension-Distance = Time-motion = S≈T Ðimotion:
A dimension of spatial form can also be seen as a motion in time. Both together become a 'Ðimotion', the fundamental
element of reality. It is the paradox of relativity of motion that started modern science but was not understood: Time
Motions & space dimensions merge.
All dimensions of space have a hidden motion. This was proved when mathematicians realized Greeks still Geometry was
part of a vaster, generalized concept, a topological variety, where a topology as opposed to a geometry has internal motion-
change. So while you could describe the dimensions of a being in an external locomotion without inner change, the internal
change in the in-form-ation of beings, we have started with must be a topological variety. In-form-ation, form-in-action thus
was in fact a topological Ðimotion of space-time. It had a content of space, we shall call in ceteris paribus (isolated) analysis,
dimensions, and it had a content of time-motion, we shall call in ceteris paribus analysis 'states, functions or ages of time'.
Let’s make a formal dense explanation of the 5D universe of space-time organisms we develop in in this intro.
The Universe is a fractal that reproduces space-time organisms. This is really all what is about. If we call Space=form and
time=motion, S and T (or ð for cyclical time), then we can write a simple equation for the Universe Max.∑ SixTƒ, according to
which each species made of spatial Momentum and temporal form tries to maximize its survival, by multiplying its cellular
units, ∑, its ‘information’, S, and its Motion, T, in a point of balance in which its ‘existential Momentum’, product of both, Sxð
is maximal that happens in the point of balance S=T (10x0<9x1<8x2…<5x5); avoiding the extremal points of Tt-
entropy=death; or motion without form (Tx0s=0) that scatters the organism or inversely the point of absolute form without
motion (Sx0t), which happen to be the 2 forms of accidental and aging death. If we call St, a head-particle of maximal still
form and Ts a limb/field of motion and S=T, the body-wave of maximal Momentum; then we can construct easily all systems
of reality made of spatial form and temporal motion: Ts>S≈T>St. This simple equation is the ‘fractal generator’ of the
Universe, a feed back equation that combines space=form and time=motion, creating ∞ local present variations that put
together form reality. It follows there are 5 variations of the 2 key elements of that reality, Space=form and time=motion, as
a system can have external (CAP) T-motion or S-form, or internal t-motion or s-form; we call sT-locomotion, Ts-information,
S≈T-Momentum, Ss-mind language and Tt-entropy; and a quantizer, ∑ for thesocial gathering of parts into wholes which
form a new ‘scale’ of the 5th dimension, (ab. ∆±¡). So ∆S≈T; scale, space and time, its 5 dualities of dimensional form (ab.
Dimotioms) symmetries and entanglements, and the formal languages of information that describe them, conform the
tetralogic elements that ‘entropy’ (Tt, internal and external motion that scatters and kills a system) denies.
This is the essence of the organic Universe and its scalar 5th Dimension an alternative philosophy of science to that of
mechanist physicists and its only entropy arrow, called organicism or General Systems Theory (ab. GST), which I also use as
the acronym of the Generator of Space-Time. Since 5D ‘STience’ has long departed from Systemics, where for a while I gave
conferences on the subject, as the chair of Duality of the International systems society, the science that studies the Universe
with two ‘arrows’ of future, entropy and information - unlike physicists, who use only one arrow of time, the ‘easiest one’
entropy (‘Only entropy comes easy’, Chekhov) to analyse reality. I kept though the GST ‘name’ for that generator, as it still
amazes me that all what exists can be reduced to Duality. In that regard for those who are hooked up on the search for a
Unification equation of reality – not only of the forces of physics, which is a trivial result of the scalar Universe (as charges
are vortices of space-time of the ∆-¡ quantum scale and masses of the ∆+¡ cosmological scale and so just by transforming the
scale of one into the other we obtain the same results for protons and black holes, photons and stars, atoms and galaxies,
which might be atoms of a the hyper-universe) but of all the ‘phenomena’ in exist¡ence. So each ‘St¡ence’ studies the species

of an ∆±¡ scale of reality with the same ‘D¡somorphic=equal laws’ derived of the properties of ∆, S, T, @-languages and
¬entropy, the erasers of it all.
Classic wave theory in 5D.
We can then with those prolegomena return to this planet (: and try to do some classic 4D on waves that reproduce a
motion of information superposing ‘space=form’. This is as abstract as organic 5D gets. We are in synthony with 4D wave
theory because indeed, the theme of analysis is the fact that waves can and do mix ‘information’ in the same scale of space-
time, even when they are NOT herds but tight forms; even when they are NOT moving in length, but only in the dimension of
height-information. And this is the classic 4D study of standing waves, its modes of interference and its marvelous coming
together in synchronicity and simultaneity – all the stuff you studied, including the Integrals of Fourier transforms, etc.
Without them, there will not be space=form at all, it won’t be reproduced and conserved. So there is a far more ‘spiritual, not
organic but purely formal St>Ss’ content to wave theory. As all the laws and patterns of wave theory has this lofty goal,
expressed in the height dimension of form.
What is then the key essence behind those waves? We can do a trilogic symmetric analysis of it:
- In terms of ∆=S=T, the existential element for a perfect wave is the duality of wave state, particle state, which in classic
physics implies the creation of ‘still’ nodes, which becoming in a ‘standing’ wave, with ¬ Entropic limits the reinforcing
‘points’ of an STœp harmonic series of sTeps and Stops: Stó Ts. STœps are an essential dimotion of reality in all scales. But
in waves the scalar social element is beautifully represented by the synchronous discontinuity of the waves that
harmonically despite having different periods coalescece in a single nodal point, which becomes then the ‘resonant’ point in
which the ∆-1 wave becomes the ∆+1 particle – the node is a particle even if it is NOT perceived as one’, because it is the still-
form. How much ‘dense’ the node becomes, as the ‘intensity=amplitude’ of the wave increases and its ‘speed’ diminishes tilts
the ∆=S=T symmetry to one or other side.
It is important to notice that a wave unit is TWICE the amplitude because the fundamental law of reality is that of
‘cancelling’ balances, and so 2 antinodes and 3 nodes cancel each other, and the 3rd node can start again. This is the essence
of the Universe, which is ultimately immortal because it is virtual it is a 0ε finitesimal reality. It is NOT 0, which does not exist
in non-E math, as if 0 was a real state NOTHING would be even virtually – themes those extensively discussed in the papers of
existential algebra and minds.
The Standing point, then requires NOT to become a disordered=entropic form, that harmony which has fascinated
mathematical physics since Pythagoras, through the first physicists who studied waves to find out the workings of a violin.
It is then obvious that the ‘immortality’ present state in time of a wave is a synchronous SHMotion where the node is the still
form and the antinode the maximal motion. The stationary wave then must be considered a height-informative perfect form.
The node has a minimum value of zero when sin k x = 0. That is, when
kx = 0, π, 2π, 3π, . . . The antinodes are located at positions for which the coordinate x satisfies the condition sin kx =±1, that
is, when kx = π/2, 3π/2. 5π/2 In terms of 5D mathematics, the ‘node’ is a closed ‘St>Ss’-cycle (multiple of π), while the
antinode is the maximal ‘opening’ of the Ts<Tt-cycle.
It is then remarkable to realize that waves, are the main ‘form’ to transport information between ‘larger’ ∆+1 particles
(boson waves), despite being so ‘simple’ the language-code (open closed, ‘0, ±1’ values); which once more ‘realizes’ the fact
that the Universe is just a game of two parameter, S=0 and T=±1.
The stationary Ts-wave, along with the St-pendulum or the §∏-SHM,
are the 3 physical cyclical, reproductive space-time systems of the
Universe, which repeat in every ∆-scale, S-form and T-motion, reason
why their study as ‘toy-models’ of reality has been so essential to
science. We shall then connect them with some of the key laws of 5D
stience and consider how in mental space those laws become

mathematical equations.
To start with the ‘creative’ process of the wave pattern shows the ‘hierarchy’ of space=time and scale: S=T<∆. So departing
either from a spatial series of population, or a time synchronicity of frequencies, a social form gives birth to a higher scalar
organism. And the ‘mirror image’ in physics is an integral, symmetric both in time and space: ∫st=∆+1.
The mathematical mind mirror of ∆=S=T: Fourier integrals.
Nature and its mathematical mind-mirrors constantly reflect those ∆=S=T symmetries of spatial populations and time
frequencies that are two different ways to see the same phenomena, specially when observed from above, in a slower scale
or wholeness that does not differentiate clearly the fast speeds of worldcycles as ‘forms or motions’, and this leads to
confusions such as those of Born’s rule which is OK as long as we know we are perceiving an ∆=S=T symmetry. The
commonest case in mathematical physic are the all pervading Fourier integrals.
They model wave groups or pulses localized in space or time with the same equations by adding together a relative infinite
number of harmonic waves with varying wavelengths and amplitudes:

Where f(x) is a spatially localized wave group, a(k) gives the amount or amplitude of
the wave with wavenumber k =2π/λ, to be added, and e =ikx =cos kx + i sin kx - Euler’s expression for a harmonic wave. The
amplitude distribution function a(k) can be obtained if f (x) is known by using the symmetric formula:

Yet those equations are nothing but varieties of normal statistical populations in space
and probabilistic frequencies of reproduction in time – which shows the essential identity S=T of reality as a process of
reproduction of information, which if long lasting in space becomes a population. Time frequency thus appears as space
when it increases its density, in the same manner a wheel turning fast with a lot of time frequency finally appears as a solid
space form.
Space is then a dense population of time, which is the key concept to understand the interchangeability of both parameters.
And the beauty of its S=T symmetry is that both equations apply to the case of a spatial pulse at fixed time, but also to the
case of a time pulse passing a fixed spatial position - a case common in electricity that ads together a continuously varying
set of frequencies, with the only difference of the i-sign, which also gives us an insight on the meaning of negative i-time
numbers, a theme treated in our papers on algebra:
where V(t ) is the strength of a signal as a function of time, and g(w) is the spectral content of the signal or population of
harmonic waves with frequency w in a present space state.
So what we learn on all those cases are simple rules of 5D perception: the S=T equivalence and the ∆±¡ co-existing
synchronicity, but also the fact that we cannot see 2 planes of space-time, or a dimotion in a single plane both as a time
function and a space form, together. This essential limit of perception of the ∆=S=T symmetry is at the core of the structure of
all minds of the Universe and ultimately implies that while ∆=S=T and ∆ v S v T; reality is ∆ ∧ S ∧ T. That is, systems are
dimotions, co-existing in space and time but the principles of relativity tell us we cannot perceive motion and form in the
same ‘worldview’, and we cannot perceive, continuous wholes and discontinuous parts at the same worldview.
The space=Time duality appears then often in fundamental physics but it is not recognizable because 4D physics has
different concepts for space and time. For example, Momentum can be established through Hamiltonians. And in quantum
physics [H] is an operation involving only the spatial coordinate x, whereas [E]
depends only on the time t. That is, [H] and [E] really are two different operators,
but they produce identical results when applied to any solution of Schrödinger’s
equation. Why those ∆=S=T symmetries surface so clearly in quantum scales is
obvious: we build our worlds departing from its minimal units of information and

minimal units of time, h-plancktons and c-speeds, between the relative ‘curvatures’ of spacetime, G and K. Let us now
consider then in more detail the underlying principles that make possible S=T=∆… the
Simultaneity of space, synchronicity of clocks and symbiotic co-existence of planes.
To build a new emergent whole, the first phenomena is an abundance of population, that provokes after initial entropic
chaos, the simultaneity of its time clocks. Einstein realized trains provoked the creation the same simultaneous hour in all
the planet, because train density & its speed traveling through space-time required In the XIX c. each city to put its clock
hour time in coordination with all other clocks of the planet, as nations had different clock hours. If Galileo’s work was
mediated by the discovery of cannonballs and his need to find the longest distance, Einstein’s work was brought about by the
understanding of trains and its simultaneous time, as his thought experiments showed. From this realization came his
understanding that ‘simultaneity’ was the key to properly entangle space and time and the whole of special relativity came
next to harmonize all clocks of nature to the human mechanical clock as trains have done by crossing at fast speeds different
spaces. But in 5D we go a bit further, because we do NOT want to reduce all clocks of nature and all scales to one dictatorial
human clock, but rather consider how the co-existence of those clocks are more ‘democratically’ synchronized so they can
exist in symbiosis. This is what we do in the paper on the synchronicity of the different dimotions of nature, so obvious in
biology – so the dimotion of reproduction of a cell happens every day to fit the feeding of the animal which happens every
day to provide Momentum to the ∆-1 scale. It then turns out when we observe ‘waves’ which in a standing, closed tube will
come back and forth and produce from the fundamental n-harmonic a series of 2n, 3n, 4n, ‘Natural large number’
frequencies in the ‘scale of ∆º-natural numbers’ (remember the real line in non-E mathematics is discontinuous or else
frequencies would be infinite, and this unrecognized fact is in fact the reason of so many errors of infinities physicists just
renormalize). As in the case of the train whose faster speed obliged to synchronize all clocks to the smallest ‘part’ of a
second, a wave breaks down into new harmonics to synchronize to the smallest/fastest clock scale. It does create smaller
waves and finally it requires that all waves become harmonic to the smallest ‘wavelength/curvature’. This also happens in
Nuclear physics where the waves of the electron become multiples of the Bohr fundamental wave frequency. Are those
simultaneous waves, synchronized to the smallest n-frequency infinite? Not precisely because the real line is discontinuous
and we are moving in the ‘largest’ scale of Natural numbers, which is the 5-10 or 3-9 duality scales (or 10-20 as in amino
acids). Spaces and times are mental simultaneous and synchronous spaces and times, and the perceiver that acts on them
does miss the intermediate information. This is hard to understand for some but essential and Leibniz got it right. So in fact
harmonic waves go from 1 to the fifth, the 7th and 9th are no longer harmonious to the human ear reason why when we play
the piano we ‘damp’ those with a strike in the 7th part of the string. So space and time are in your mind and are different
from the space and time of other beings. And this said, then we can accept that we as humans, use our digital clocks of time,
and our light rods of c-space to construct our physics
Sinusoidal functions as representations of the simplest worldcycles of existence
In a pure metaphysical tone, what fascinates the 5D philosopher of science about wave information is that ultimately is a
sum of sines and cosines which are just the simplest ‘π-closed worldcycles of existence’. So all realities, all information are
just patterns that tell us a story of a series of worldcycles of pure closed 0-sum form. That is, like in movies that mostly are
about someone who ends up dying and
closing its cycle, all ultimately is the
nothingness of infinite twisted zeros.
The graph, a classic addition of ‘open’ odd
waves brings a ‘lineal’ square form; in a
reversion of the inverse paradox of lineal
motion: open steps always end up closing
an elliptic or curved path: S⊥T in both cases.

How form transforms into motion… and quantitatively has ‘value’…
Is a wonderful miracle of physics. As we said and will fill in the future, the knots and bolts of physics are those marvelous
equations that transform energy across scales tunneling through the ‘Lorentzian regions’ that distort the lineal growth
within a ‘safe scale’ to emerge as a new constant/ratio of space-time, h>k>c, K>G and so on. Another one is the ‘value’ of
form as motion, or rather acceleration, since a constant cyclical motion of angular momentum however has acceleration
by the mere fact it curves further its angular momentum: a point moving in a circular path undergoes a radial acceleration
ar directed toward the center of rotation and whose magnitudeis that of the centripetal acceleration v2/r=rw2.
Let us consider some of its key properties and connect it with 5D @(nti)symmetry laws: ¬ (∆=S=T>0ε)
Angular acceleration has units of radians per second squared (rad/s2), or simply 1/s2 = Tƒ2. And since the metric unit of
time in 5D is Tƒ, angular acceleration is a process of ‘increase’ of the speed component of 5D metric scales, boring inwards,
towards ∆-¡ scales the system that accelerates. Then we notice that it is positive when a rigid object rotating
counterclockwise is speeding up or when a rigid object rotating clockwise is slowing down during some time
interval; so it defines the essential symmetry of ∆=S=T in the Universe, its chirality, which we will find everywhere, from
Biology and life form choices to gender symmetry, and chooses in fact the arrow of information downwards, but also
makes the Universe a mirror system of reproduction –as we shall study next.
It is then often said Angular position (u), angular speed (v), and angular acceleration (α) are analogous to translational
position (x), translational speed (v), and translational acceleration (a). But for what we have explained of both they are in
fact homologus. The variables u, v, and a differ dimensionally from the variables x, v, and a; only by a factor having the
unit of length. But, oh, voila, open the doors of wisdom, if we consider by the ∆=S=T symmetry, the perception in
‘simultaneous space’ of R, that distance between the angular turning point and its center of force, which actually IS in a
different scale of the fifth dimension albeit perceived simultaneously, as we perceive simultaneously different time species
in evolution, and scale, such as insects and humans, to a certain ‘range’ of ∆, then we can consider that both are
homologous. We are just ‘seeing’ in angular momentum the ‘connection’ of the moving particle with the lower scale that
‘directs’ its repetitive cycles, while in the lineal motion of an STœp system of reproduction of a particle-wave, becoming
particle in still form, becoming wave in its motion, the system that also ‘lowers’ to the ∆-1 wave scale to move, is NOT
perceived simultaneously. The question then is how to translate that R distance we do see in angular momentum, as a
parameter of energy-momentum in relationship to the potential energy of the wave-particle system and that is what in
‘magic mathematics’ by trial and error painstakingly physicists have done. It could be written in more straightfowards 5D
mathematics, but obbiously we are not doing it, as nobody is going to change the whole industry of physics to eliminate
quantum epicycles. Fact though is both motions are ‘also scalar motions’, the angular motion with the ∆-1 scale perceived
as the center of rotation, in the lineal momentum, the ∆-1 wave scale not perceived though we know since De Broglie the
‘mass wave’ is there, and for systems which are dominant in its ∆-3 scales (light waves) in fact is the dominant factor with
the particle-node-photon, hardly visible.
But didn’t we say in Absolute relativity that we cannot see 2 scales of 5D together; the part and the whole? Well, the way
to see the angular momentum-center system is rather as a topological space, where we see the ‘membrane’ (the moving
angular particle) and the ‘center’, we shall call from here onwards the Oε-point of the angular system. All what is within
often becomes the ‘herded’ parts of the system – the ud-quarks/gluons that feed the proton/black hole, the sheeps that are
herded by the encircling single dog, the orbit of Jupiter that won’t let the ferromagnetic planets escape or else you will end
like Ceres did, ‘boom’. Beware of the dog biting your sheeple legs. The army is waiting in the invisible border. Do NOT cross.
Point is both, the lineal momentum particle that moves as a wave that feeds in a field and the angular momentum particle
that moves in a circle courtesy of the 0ε ‘larger’ force ‘sink’, which feeds also in the ∆-¡ field are trinity systems of
‘energy=work path-momentum-force’; whereas the energy plays the whole, the momentum is the membrane and the force
sink is feeding on the ‘quantum potential, gravitational field, lines of forces’ we do NOT see.

The equivalence factors: reproduction of form
The translation of the parameters of angular 5D motion ‘energy and momentum’ to lineal kinetic energy and momentum
is conceptually easy, though mathematically more complex, given the equivalence between the 2 processes, which are
reproductions of form in spacetime scales. 5D reproduction bridges this difference between both motions. In rotational
motion, the object keeps returning to its original orientation; therefore, we aske for the number of revolutions made by a
rigid object, which is the only concept that has no analog in translational physics, unlike all others of the graph. Now it
does, because translation is also reproduction of form:
An angular momentum unit is the repetition of a cycle: 2π radians and the lineal momentum cycle is the repetition of a
particle, its diameter (h/2 in quantum physics). Those are the values to equate. Of course, that would be in 5D physics’
formalism, which I doubt I will ever publish. What for? If not even an introductory course is understood. But as I said, 5D
‘professional physcs’ consists on using the ∆=S=T principles to deduce its constants and seek how that equivalence manifest
in the transformations of angular, lineal momentum and scalar energies across a wide range of variations, phenomena,
sub-species of spacetime physics and its derivative forces; to then build the architectonical vital existence of each of those
sub-species as they use their energy and momenta to perform its 5 Dimotions of existence. One all this is done physical
organisms seem exactly as biological and national ones.
In any case for a conceptual approximation the previous graph shows the obviety of our statements since distance is
substituted by angle, meaning then that a 2πθ is equivalent to a minimal x-position displacement which represents also in
lineal momentum, the reproduction of a form along its cycle; which for quantum physics ‘reduces’ to the equivalence
between πθ ≈ h/2, as we can only perceive the ‘mitosis’ of the particle in ½ of its superposed process.
The direction of the Universe. The balance between | and O.
The fact that h was also angular momentum and not as C-speed, showed us that we came from both sides of the spectra.
Our energy after all was moving from angular momentum to lineal speed. And both merge. This fact, that the Universe
has a preferred irection. That clockwise time actually exists is still puzzling. How did it happen? Why in the graph, L is
upwards? It is only in this galaxy? What is the connection of parity, past to future to past arrows? Particles vs.
antiparticles? All those elements essential to Universal balances define a hierarchy of
growth in physical motions, from lineal inertia that dives down as a wave to re=produce;
to angular momentum, the first physical organism, to energy through a time duration.
Thus angular mementum adds a degree of complexity – as an act of communication
between 2 elements, but the interesting thing is that mostly one, the 0ε-singularity
center dominates. Or does it? In fact, they tend to balance each others’ mass-energy.
Angular momentum moves steadily towards the orbital paths of planets. It becomes 50-
50 in the equstion of energy of the electro-magnetic field, where the magnetic field can
be considered as the ‘emergence’ of an angular momentum /membrane to the lineal
motion of the charge.

From 2 to 3 the transition is even simpler as the graph shows. Only that now we have direction. The question then is why
not to grow into new dimensional motions? We move then to a new scale of the fifth dimension. In topology and vital
geometry the point become a line that become a plane that become a cube, which is a point for a new line; or a circle that
becomes a disk that becomes a sphere, a point of a new line, as we show in non-E Geometry. We cannot answer as our
imagination doesn’t go beyond reality. We have studied trilogic ad nasueam from all perspectives and then is either up or
down into entropy. This is how reality is constructed. In ideal mathematical space, inflationary dimensions go through so
the obvious answer is that reality IS VITAL and so pure abstrations don’t make sense. It is possible to make more
mathematical dimensions but they have NO vital meaning, and so they don’t really exist. The Universe follows its ∆=S=T
balance, which ultimately allows it to be 0-sums of immortal infinity.
And this leads me to think the quantity of angular momentum=space form of the Universe equals the quantity of lineal
momentum, time-motion. This might be really the absolute law of reality and we could or should cast all the ± balances in
that fashion. How to value then with the same constants is something that humind’s interference makes difficult. Consider
the simplest one, h, the ratio that writes either as Energy x Time or Momentum x Space. This is a deep truth of angular
momentum that requires some deep thought and we shall return to this page, left unusually ‘white’ so we come back.
Back then to a more real analysis of the previous 4D equivalences between | and O momentum; its symmetric O=S=|=t
beauty as that of Maxwell’s similar equations (initially 20 and owed to Heaviside) hides some complexity and mistery. To
me the mistery is in the centripetal acceleration, v2/r=wr. First it strikes the closeness to ‘Energy’, (m)v2/r=2 in the ∆+1. So
it is tempting then to consider the ‘Unification equation’ in terms of this magical ∆-1 accelerated force similar to the ∆+1
potential energy of the larger world, enacted in the ∆ø-scale of present ‘moment’, as caused by the 0ε, larger Active
Magnitude. i.e If the mass, GmM/r2 is the ‘virtual cause’ GM = v2r. This mode of thought came through Mach to Einstein.
And leads all the way through some straight thinking to the idea that the entire galaxy has a preferred angular momentum
and gravitational forces are part of the ∆+3 cosmological scale. The fact that this force did NOT come in the quantum
world (prompting the development of quantum mechanics’ Bohr’s initial model), seems to confirm what is obvious to 5D.
We said in 1st volume that 5D metric can be written better in terms of angular momentum and lagrangian, and the principles of
stationary actions, which we have come back to many times. Here might be the point to elaborate on that idea. Why angular
momentum is so important? Obviously because it includes in that little thing, L, all other elements of reality, R a distance, p a
lineal momentum, composed of v, a time-motion and m, an ∆-scalar, and if we substitute in other scales for the other active
magnitudes, h, a n angular momentum is the equation of the smallest scale of the Universe, using charge instead of mass we
can with the proper juggling of concepts (the proper translation of electric language to vortex language, I might introduce in
latter revisions, not so far, on the section on electricity), we can further unify both scales. Angular momentum ultimately
describes an organism, because it has the 3 elements, the 0ε-singularity, the membrane and the radius of vital spacetime to
compute it. And if we add the centripetal acceleration, it includes the 5D property of faster time cycles (as v2/r grows when r
diminishes). And it can be written as energy x time = lineal momentum x space, moving from a non-human concept, to two
parameters that include the way humans see time as a lineal flow and space in Euclidean simplified coordinates. So earlier on, I
in fact started the whole 5D stiences writing its metrics in terms of angular momentum, but the thing was too physical, the
Newtonian error was coming back and the application of the laws to other stiences was difficult. So the language I use finally is
a more conceptual, logic analysis based in space=form and time=motion and organic networks, which the physical simplification
does not include. This said, mathematical physics can be generated fron angular momentum, if we adopt as initial point a
spacetime worldcycle in a single plane. Then we can use the Energy x Time equivalence to explore energy scales and the r x p to
explore open space.

Nature is
economic and
hard- working. It
loves multitask. In fact things do NOT exist unless
they can entangle and multitask. This means we need to use a trilogic or pentalogic, ∆±¡ (Ts<§∏>St) view on any event and
form to get its essence. Everything can be seen as Shakespeare said from the p.o.v. of a buffoon, a friend or a king, and we
add we will see its Ts-limbs, its §ØT-ßodywaves or its St-particle/heads.
The conservation of angular momentum… follows easily from the Lagrangian expressed in polar coordinates. We consider
then for a point 2 components for speed, r and θ, from where it follows the Lagrangian = ½ mṙ2+1/2mrθ˙2 –U(r).
The qs are r and θ. So: ∂L/∂ṙ=mṙ, the radial component of lineal momentum.
While the θ component is mr2θ˙=ðL/∂θ, angular momentum, whose d/dt L, ia 0ε. Thus angular momentum is conserved.
The simplicity of this statement in polar coordinates, the proper ones of angular momentum does not contradict the fact that
angular momentum is a constant, because in 5D, let us recall it once more, zeros are 0ε finitesimal quantities and so are the
Lagrangian action which in fact writes ->0, an now can be written =0ε. The action is NOT really zero or nothing would exist by a
finitesimal fractal point, which is the key also to resolve and falsify the big bang, the theme of the next paragraph.
Angular momentum can be further shown its power in terms of 5D metrics, as it is the closest equation of physics to it.
Consider then an angular momentum, centripetal acceleration, v2/r, the shortest the R-distance to its 0ε the strongest the
acceleration, this is ultimately equivalent to the vortex law, V x R = K, if we obviate the square of acceleration and establish v as
constant – for smallest scales of the fifth dimension as r shrinks the system accelerates and the force becomes stronger. So we
are in just a local case of the global 5D metric.
One marvels at the beautiful symmetry of physical conservation equations.. gone down the gutter to defend the ridiculous big
bang theory of entropic A-Bomb name as none exists in the supposed 0ε-singularity where physics laws were not born, LOL.
The dimensional view: areolar conservation.
A key analysis of any ‘organic system’ is in terms of its vital dimensions of space-time. It is then obvious that angular
momentum is a complex bidimensional system, represented in modern mathematical physics by a bivector. This is known since
Kepler’s defined the 2nd law as the constancy of areolar movement, as an extended conservation principle for all closed curves,
including elliptical forms like orbits are. Unlike lineal momentum, which can be defined with a single dimotion, Ts, in a larger
‘world’ of a flat plane, thus angular momentum is a bivector or areolar ‘plane’ moving in a larger 3D world. Indeed, lineal
momentum has 2 dimensions, space=lineal form and motion=speed, but angular momentum is not a spatial line but an areolar
surface, and so the question of what is its real motion, besides its angular momentum, which is not truly a motion at all, as we
could take a longer ‘time period’ and measure not the areolar motion but the entire ‘orbital surface’ as the true angular
momentum of the system, needs to be realized through a perpendicular x x p cross product
that makes the angular momentum advance in the larger ∆+1 world. Key concepts of vital
space-time systems derive from those simple statements:
- All dimotion happens in a larger world with more dimensions than the smaller form
embedded within it. This is an important truism of 5D, because smaller systems move faster,
but they have less scales of form and so they are reduced in the information they must
repeat to reproduce. Alas, a key contradiction happens between the perception of a form
when we include its ∆-scales: slow larger forms are so not only because they are larger in a
single plane but also because they have more depth in the whole number of its 5D planes. So
while smaller forms might seem faster and smarter in its plane of existence, they are
embedded in larger wholes In the case of angular momentum, it is embedded in a 3D world,

where its ‘relative orientation’ depending on its motion clockwise or anti-clockwise defines its 3D motion. This also immediately
creates the question since all forms and motions re in balance in the larger Universe of the clockwise Maxwell screw rule to
study angular momentum and consider that there must be an equal number of particles and systems with inverse orientation.
This motion however is different from that of a lineal motion in a single plane that might appear as part of a curve, when it is an
open trajectory, and the key element here is to see if there is a ‘perpendicular, ⊥ motion to that of the circular rotation.
So we define the 2 angular momenta as the essential physical forms of 2 Ts dimotions (lineal momentum) and 3 St dimotions
(angular momentum) embedded in a 4D world. And this make us think on Forces as a 1 ‘point dimotion’ or impetus transferred
through units of time (quanta, ∆t) from a lower dimension, while inversely consider conserved energy (precisely that which
traces an angular momentum trajectory) as the upper embedment of momentum, . In this manner we obtain the different
scales of dimotional exist¡ence of the forms of nature. The question then that requires more careful consideration as S=T, is if
we need to add another dimotion of existence to lineal momentum (as a wave), angular momentum (including its
perpendicular vectorial direction) and then allow Energy to be the ‘pentadimensional highest form of physical existence. And
we will return to that question… The key concept that will allow us to ‘close’ physical systems on energy would then be to
consider angular momentum’s screw driver law, a penetration into a new scale of the 5th dimension…
Angular momentum as the origin of physical systems travelling through 5D: L = E x T + P x S
The importance of angular momentum, becomes more clear in the modern bivector formulation. As in cyclical time, it is the
principle of cyclical inertia, and hence angular momentum, the first reality from where the other 2 elements split, as recently
confirmed by the adoption of the H-planck in units of mass x area x time frequency, as the fundamental first unit of reality.
Angular momentum thus encompasses within its form all other elements, the vital energy its 'scans with areolar' constant
motion, the mass-density of the central singularity, and the frequency of its motion.
And it is the form in which energy travels through scales of the 5th dimension to settle=freeze in a given particle form:
L = H = Ex T, when it will then start to move in a lineal fashion, reproducing in new generations of space: L = S x P
Those ratios become ‘frozen particles’, constants of the Universe, departing from the ratio of H as angular momentum. As it is
the best description of a particle state, with 3 bits of information, the 'density of information of the membrane', its rotation
speed and radius to the 0ε: mass-mind singularity, bringing together the 'whole' with 3 5D metric parameters.
So angular momentum (spin) is the membrain-singularity physical system. As such the unit of the quantum world, h, is
measured in such terms, and ultimately mass can also be seen as a measure of an angular momentum, giving us the
information about the whole system.
The angular momentum L (Ts) of a particle about a given origin is defined as: L = r x P where r (t) is the position vector of the
particle relative to the 'singularity' St origin, and P (Ts) is the linear momentum of the particle.
Consider the torque τ produced by a force F about an axis from which it is displaced by r. The magnitude of that torque is
proportional to r and proportional to F, so again we need a product of two vectors; since R is obviously the radius of the Œ-
system, related to its singularity, St, and F, the membrane in motion that limits the system (its maximal Ts-element)
The magnitude τ of
the torque is also
proportional to sin
θ, where θ in this
case is between r
and F. (Notice that
it, in both these
cases, we need sin
θ, whereas the
scalar product had cos θ). The torque τ is a vector: torques in different directions in general cause rotations about different
axes. That direction of the torque (which is often but not always parallel to the axis about which it causes rotation) is at right
angles to both r and F.
So we define the vector product: |a X b| = ab sin θ, and a X b is at right angles to a and b in a right handed sense.

The beauty of it is that it also has an ∆-interpretation depending on which is the DOMINANT arrow S or T, upwards (so it
becomes an informative growing ∆-dimension) or downwards (so it becomes an entropic diminishing ∆-direction).
And so we talk of a simple ternary system, generated by a cross product, which in modern maths is better described as the
'surface' parallelogram between both.
The creation of dimensions or its transformation into each other defines the construction of full Ts<St>St physical systems.
While the fifth dimension in physics gave birth to ∆nalysis...
In the graph we observe the 'Rashomon effect' (different povs and different equations to portrait the same phenomena) of the
4D mathematical formulation of angular momentum, useful to understand it as a dimotion; the membrain that encloses an
areolar vital space between its mv and 0ε singularity joined by a radius-networks. So it is ultimately the membrain that encloses
a vital space field between a mass singularity and its enclosure.
In the four vector vision, angular momentum IS seen as a 'quantised' informative angular surface which shows the perspective
of the centre of mass, which 'absorbs' a 'radian' quanta, /2 of the force field 'each slice of time.
So we can see in the relative still view of angular momentum, a bidimensional triangular, radian plane.
Both are valid as angular momentum also has a stop and go form and motion quantized stœp duality obvious in the spin of
particles, with its ‘fixed’ angular positions multiple of its h 'constant' of action.
Those constants of action then vary according to each 5D physical plane, becoming h, k, and.. they have different ratios of
‘space vs. time’, curvature vs., motion.
And we can also do a trilogic of those ratios, whose curvature increases ‘elliptically’ as it emerges in higher scales. For example,
light co-exists between its 2 limits of curvature as the spin of the macro-universe, (c-speed around black holes in its event
horizon), and as a pure lineal motion of reproductive energy in the quantum scale (hc; e=hƒ, c in e=mc², etc.)
While our thermodynamic/magnetic world is a 'vibration' between the limits of those 2 'constants' of our minimal informative
particle/quantum scale, and our maximal speed of motion=reproduction of form, the constant c, which becomes the constant
of scale of the next dark world beyond our Universe...
As the maximal value of reproduction of information of an ∆-1 scale becomes a mere minimal quanta of space in the larger ∆+1
scale where the game starts afresh. So a cell might be a full being in ∆-1 but becomes the minimal quanta of entropy to feed
and ∆+1 supœrganism, and so on.

The equivalence of Vectors and matrices in physics: An |-Matrix = O-rotational vector transformation.
In thart regard, mathematical formalisms are many but what matters is its vital intepretation.
In vector calculus obviously this is obscured by the use of matrices, even if it facilitates operations: A simple row an column in a
Matrix product reduces two vectors to a scalar. How we ‘swallow that’? The simplest view is to consider the length-motion and
height-information dimensions of p-lineal momentum and L-orbital momentum that gives us an ‘Energy’ scalar.
This insight is not often ‘understood’ in those terms because the exact numbers don’t match. But angular momentum is
represented by a perpendicular height vector. So the operation is valid and it is the ‘true’ meaning in vital spacetime of the dot
product giving us energy values of an electric field, and relates the two components of electromagnetism to its ‘homologies’
with the lineal and cyclical momentum of a mass in motion.
In our physical papers we dealt with a L+P=E Ideal configuration that got us a π-value for energy.
Let us now use the reproductive product to see where it get us with the ‘physical parameters’:
Mv x rmv = Energy. If we reduce it to Kinetic energy, then =1/2mv2: So: Rm2v2=1/2mv2 -> rm=1/2 or in terms of curvature,
m = 1/2r with interest implications in a system of universal constants (h=c=1)
Angular momentum as a physical organic model: 0ε-rs ∆¡ vt -•
The previous symbolism and closed ball with its singularity, 0ε and membrane, •, the turning point with angular momentum,
represent the physical system in all scales: 0ε - rs∆¡vt - • It has 3 components, the 0ε-center of force which sets up the field that
forms a vital space, of radius Rs, the spatial component of the trilogic system, and has an Active Magnitude different for each
scale of the 5th dimension, hence represented by ∆¡ (h, e, T, m), with a speed Vt, its time function. And that ∆¡Vt gives us the
‘momentum’ of the •, smaller turning point. So this is a simple representation of any ANGULAR momentum and physical
system of any scale and gives a feeling of what physics is about: Plancktons in the force-light scale, electrons in the electric

scale, atoms in the molecular scales, cosmic bodies and galaxies, all of them with 3 components as a 5D physical system and 3
‘parameters’ of ∆, S, & T.
The outcome is the organic structure of all physical, biological and social systems, from History coded by memes, ideas and
instruments that create human social organisms, civilinations, to physical systems coded by particles and scalar, ‘social
numbers’ and algebraic equations, whose ‘operands’ represent the different ‘Dimotions of spacetime’, to biology coded by
genes. And so we shall use the same laws of 5D scales of space-time to study every stience of the Universe and its
superorganisms defined by the symbiosis in space, synchronicity in time and simultaneity in space of its parts and wholes
across 3 of those 5D scales, the ∆-1, atomic, cellular and individual scale, the ∆º, thermodynamic, organic and social scale, and
the ∆+1, gravitational ecosystemic and global scale of physical, biologic and social systems.
Time future and time past: helicity conservation in time present. CPT conservation.
Neutrinos and antineutrinos each have a distinct helicity, or relation between linear momentum and spin directions. The
spin of a neutrino is opposite to its direction of travel, and the spin of an antineutrino is parallel to its direction of travel.
They are an example of a needed connection between the two conserved momenta of present exist¡ence, the need for a
whole 0-sum worldcycle to close the helicity of angular momentum with a similar helicity that makes the past to future
direction of angular momentum reversed. This is not the same than the positive vs. negative, expansive vs. implosive
cyclical ± charge but merely the need to compensate the directionality of the ‘Maxwell’s screw driver rule’. Nature
associates both together. So positive and negative particles and anti-particles compensate both, reason why both are
conjugate in conservation principles and we can reverse charge, parity and time all together to obtain the same Universe.
It is an essential law of Nature and 5D that conserves together the ∆ST 3 elements (as expansion vs. implosion is a duality
of ∆-directions, left vs. right of cyclical spacetime directions and past vs. future of Lineal spacetime) Conservation of
angular momentum is then more essential than any other because also we can ‘derive’ and ‘integrate’ easily energy and
lineal momentum from it. So If there was a first moment of creation was one of two opposite angular momentums,
creating up and down screwdrivers, penetrating not only the 2 sides of a flat plane but exploring the inverse symmetries of
the fifth dimension. However in 5D up and down are NOT equal directions, so one angular momentum expands and the
other implodes and this brings the need for a trinity conservation principle, ∆ST, where the expansive form becomes lineal
motion and the implosive motion, cyclical form, up and down the scales of creation.
The different interpretations of 5d metrics for physical systems.
5D requires a lot of conceptual unerstanding of what we mean by time, space and scale, away from Newtonian absolute
space-time, so we cannot be very specific at this stage. Perhaps the most clarifying analysis is one of angular momentum, and
the associated concepts of energy and mass that are input within it.
Physics can be written as the Lagrangian stationary action principle in terms of angular momentum. That would work for
physics but NOT for other sciences, as the term ‘mass’ is specific of physics and the cosmological scale – its active magnitude.
In physics in fact for the quantum scale we should use h, and for the electric scale we should use instead of mass a vortex of
charge. Now the previous equation is ‘dynamic’, and that is why they are equivalent. Indeed, if we state as the key 5D metric
simply: L = constant = r m v , r is a parameter of S, v is a parameter of motion which in angular momentum is cyclical and m is
constant. We can then vary r and v in a vortex law, r x v = C, which is a simplified version of the constancy of angular
momentum even closer to 5D metrics. We can add more dimensions to R, as an area or a volume. We can see v-motion in
terms of spacetime angular frequency or not, etc. What matters is the concept – unlike for creationist mathematician, which
cares only for the computation because it has restricted its inquire to instrumental measures. The underlying principle though
here is more important: physical scales are equivalent in value, because form and motion are co-invariant between them, even
if the transitions will show to be ‘bumpy’, and mean a change of the parameter that is still and the one that is dynamic as one
freezes and the other awakes. So in the Lorentz transformations; lineal speed, c, the parameter of our scale of mechanics
‘freezes’ and mass starts to be alive and varies, swithching roles, since mass is just an accelerated vortex of angular
momentum that nows ab sorbs the kinetic energy of the system evolving into faster than c-ultraheavy bct quarks.

But the principle stays expressied in a loose manner. Now the frequency of mass, E=mc2 = hv, mass = f (h/c2) is what is
growing, h is a constant, c is the limiting constant… The mass vortex shrinks its radium into the event horizon and beyond as
the mass accelerates. We have ‘transited’ successfully through the 5th dimension into a new scale, and as we are INSIDE the
mass process of creation, the angular momentum active magnitude does not matter, but we still have an S and T parameters.
5D physics then require a qualitative logic attitude to knowledge without renouncing to the mathematics of it.
Now in quantum physics the h and c constants dissapear as they are made 1. So mass becomes immediately frequency and
Energy becomes mass and hence frequency also. And then E and mass relates to the Tƒ frequency of the metrics. It is then
clear its meaning in quantum physics, when we observe just an ‘scale’ with a given energy and active magnitude (which can be
charge instead of mass): Simply enough Energy or Mass or Frequency is one of the 2 components and size in space the other,
and its product remains constant. Smaller frequencies have higher energies and higher mass is associated to smaller volume-
As we keep exploring in depth, 5D metrics and its associated concepts of Space=dimensional form and Time=motion in all its
possible combinations (Ab. dimotion), we shall derive most of the logic relationships and equations of each science.
According to those metrics, smaller systems in space have faster time clocks. And as information is stored in the frequency and
form of those cycles, smaller systems have more information, coding larger ones: genes code cells, memes societies and
particles' quantum numbers code atoms and molecules. So 5D metrics heps the survival and symbiotic existence of all parts of
an organism defining 'what codes information' - the small being, and what codes energy- the larger whole, establishing the
'harmony' of all the scales of the Universe, and explaining all its fundamental constants which are ratios between spatial
volumes and informative clocks of temporal energy. Thus 5D metrics defines a symbiotic relationship between the ∆-¡ smaller
parts that have a higher frequency of time clocks, which carry its in-form-ation in the form and frequency of its cycles, coding
larger systems: genes code cells, memes code social organisms and particles' quantum numbers code atoms and molecules.
And the larger, ∆+¡ larger envelopes, membranes (static, dimensional view) or angular momentums (dynamic view as
time=motions) which have more spatial energy and enclose and control in synchronicity its faster smaller parts, creating the
co-existing scales and symbiotic cycles of super organisms in any system of the Universe. I.e, chips become smaller as they
evolve into faster brains. Every 2 years a chip doubles its capacity to think, as it dwindles in size. Such process follows a generic
law of evolution I call the ‘Black hole Law’, which computer scientists know as the ‘Chip paradox’ or ‘Moore Law’: maximal
informative capacity= minimal spatial extension. The reason is obvious: to think, to calculate you have to communicate in-
form-ation, forms between elements of any informative system. The smaller the brain, the faster the communication that
takes place within that brain and the faster you can calculate and process information in a logic manner. And vice versa: larger
wholes accumulate more energy and are stronger than parts, so they protect and feed them. So wholes and parts co-exist in 3
scales forming supœrganisms.
The outcome is the organic structure of all physical, biological and social systems, from History coded by memes, ideas and
instruments that create human social organisms, civilinations, to physical systems coded by particles and scalar, ‘social
numbers’ and algebraic equations, whose ‘operands’ represent the different ‘Dimotions of spacetime’, to biology coded by
genes. And so we shall use the same laws of 5D scales of space-time to study every stience of the Universe and its
superorganisms defined by the symbiosis in space, synchronicity in time and simultaneity in space of its parts and wholes
across 3 of those 5D scales, the ∆-1, atomic, cellular and individual scale, the ∆º, thermodynamic, organic and social scale, and
the ∆+1, gravitational ecosystemic and global scale of physical, biologic and social systems.
Two philosophical principles will define all those scales each one studied by a different ‘stience’, the isomorphic principles of
absolute relativity, as the ‘Existential Energy, SxT=c’, of each scale is the same, no scale is more important than any other, and
all of them follow the same organic laws. This means we can use the same laws we extract from a given scale to understand
other scales where information might be lacking, and since the closest, better studied scales are those of biology, closer to us,
we shall use the laws of physiological networks and medicine, to design a perfect superorganism of History whose key
networks of informative, legal and cultural systems and reproduction of goods, financial and Economic systems are clearly
inefficient in their purpose –to provide the welfare goods and social freedoms all its citizens cells need to survive and thrive as

individuals and members of the human super-organism, and understand the organic ‘structure’ of galaxies, where information
is lacking (90% of dark matter).
RECAP. According to the fractal, nested principle a larger organic system, encloses smaller nested systems. Thus the ∆±4
cosmos contains ∆±3 galaxies, which contain ∆±2 solar systems and planets, which contain ∆±1 thermodynamic organisms and
matter states, described by the human Ƽ mind languages, contained on our brains. Thus bigger systems paradoxically are
‘supported’ by the smallest ones, in the same manner than within the nested planet, bigger mammals (whales) eat the
smallest animals (Plancktons) The best interpretations of 5D metrics in physics are then related to ‘angular momentum’,
which also describes quite easily the 3 ‘parts’ of a system, its 0ε-knot/mind its mv-membrane and its R-vital space
‘radius/networks’. And can easily be transformed to give us the human measures of ‘lineal space and time’ and the conserved
quantities related to ∆-scale: energy and S-form: space, as L=p x s = e x t.
So from the smallest h-plancktons to the larger galatoms, 5D physics can construct the ∆ST scales of reality; once it gets in the
final state of mathematical physics passed the first ‘painting layer’ of concepts, once the reader has accepted with deep
thought the dualities of lineal space-distance vs. cyclical space-form, space=stillness vs. time-motion, lineal Time-duration vs.
cyclical time frequence, ∆+1 ‘potential’ energy work, ∆ø-kinetic energy, ∆-1 internal energy, ∆-1: forces-impulses, dt minimal
time quanta, and its universal constants ratios and dimotions=operands of algebra, of which the 2 key ones are ∫integration of
∆-1 parts into ∆o wholes and ∂ derivatives of wholes into parts, and the chain ∫p=E, ∂p=F.
Can we treat the mass, area and frequency of h, as separate entities? 4D does not. But there is not a clear answer to it; if we
consider the hypothesis that all virtual forms born of the h/2 Heisenberg’s uncertain quantum harmonic oscillators, are
‘entropic process’ of death of a prior entity, the Planckton. We can then make some statistical, educated responses using its
commonest derived form, the spin of particles of which we know its area, mass, speed and h value. As of today abstract 4D
considers that h is just a ratio that can have many combinations. But in 5D Heisenberg’s principle is just an ∆-¡ ‘energy-food’
that evolves into multiple sub-species - most unstable; hence too distorted from the original h to be considered. Only the
range of stable quarks, leptons & the E=hƒ photon might be analyzed. And it is truly extense. This leaves open also the
question of what range of ¥-ray frequencies exists. There is an obvious limit to the scattering of the perceived Universe; a
wave of 13.4 billion years light. The flexibility of physical species is awesome departing of such a few elements.
The principle of stationary action.
In the graph, to save time I cutpaste Wikipedia’s principle of stationary action (Hamiltonian Principle) and its Euler-Lagrangian
equation, the most important of all physics to comment on it with some impressionists strokes derived from 5D physics.

Now the principle is stationary which means it has 3 solutions, a curve open upwards, one open downwards and one like a
tumbled ∫ or its reverse. Those 3 curves happen to be in terms of a worldcycle the points of change of age, birth and death
and while most of the cases of physics are principles of least action that conserve ad maximal energy, which we can equate to
the main arrow of life: T>S, through the 3 ages, in some specific occasions we find the other solutions, stationary points that
permit the Universe to be a bit more interesting.
Those points can be a maximal and we then have a ‘resonance’ point, with the peak upwards of the function that transcends
into the ∆+1 dimension. This point which is ‘softened’ in quantum physics by the ridiculous born rule, is a common peak of an
exponential function that does not smooth, and so it is not normally included as it has no derivative. But by all means it must
be considered an ‘irregular’ stationary point; so we can just using those funny topological ‘smoothing’ Ricci rules etc.
(technical details of no interest here) cut off and cap the singularity. Maximal points in physics then are ‘emergences’ into a

new ∆+1 scale. Suddenly the ‘conservative’ physical system that as all life beings is just going slow down the gutter explodes
upwards and emerges. If it survives emergence is another matter. Normally what happens is that the ∆+1 mouth eats you up.
The c-speed barrier make you emerge as something else part of another mass-quark and you are not light or ud-quark for
that matter, for that matter (not a typo). Then there are those tumbled ∫ which change your slope,and are not so brutal,
when you are upwards and you change from a 1st age of growth of time-motion to a 2nd age of growth of information, and
then a future decline, in the ingerse manner when you enter the 3rd age of lost of information and diminished as you are you
move towards death, when you again have an inverse spike, another reverse stationary minimum call death when you fall to
an ∆-1 scale. So we can represent those ‘brief in time’ points that represent changes from the constant slow slope of minimal
energy conservation through the least action principle to resolve those changes of State (thermodynamics) or age (relativity)
of a physical system.
Why the Lagrangian formalism is far more useful than the Newtonian one, does have to do with the higher quality of its
parameters, ∆-energies, instead of Forces. ∆-energies is a scalar parameter that represents mostly a global symmetry,
analyzed from the largest whole point of view, from the initial to the final point, unconcerned with details. Forces are ∆-1
derivatives (of kinetic energies or momentum) so we do have many more of them in terms of parameters, plus the fact, they
are not conserved, because acceleration is the 1st or ‘3rd age of a motion’ an so individually they are open little, lineal steps
that change constantly and this microscopic dynamic view gets complicated. Dynamic systems then do not help to use forces.
Still formal systems are far more suitable because without motion, we just study balances of forces.
The spinning motion.
Next among the motions of the Cyclical Time Universe comes the rotary motion and here again we see a very obvious
5D metric equation, Vo (ð) x Ro (S) = Constant, which we have explained ad nauseam. It is the skater’s equation, which
speeds up inwards as he warps its arms. An enormous amount of secondary equations comes from this 5D Metrics,
which help to calculate and design all type of wheels and gear.
The simple harmonic motion.
Next among mechanical systems in the ∆ø>∆+1 man-Earth scale of physics comes the SHM system, which describes a
more complex worldcycle.
We also dealt in many parts with SHM. Why this differs from the other two is obvious. We are NO longer in an
independent ‘pure’ ∆T relationship. Now, there are more elements at play, as the system is subject to forces and so we
‘inject’ one of the 3 essential parameters, F, p, E, of ‘combinations of space-time’ of the Universe. So we need a 2
equation systems to introduce the variations on the same theme given different parameters.
Its dual equation still is simple, as it should when we talk of fundamental principles of the Universe, once we ‘ignore’ all
the necessary steps:
W(ð) = √K/m E=1/2k A2
We are NOT interested at this 1st ST-age of our introductory courses on 5D Physics on the locomotion but the vital
nature of those cycles. And so we realize immediately that we are in the same game: the vital energy of the system is
directly related to the amplitude of the spacetime cycle, which as the vital energy is spent will ‘shorten’ its length,
warping till it will dissolve and die.
The other equation then relates to two parameters, m, the ‘volume’ of ∆-density of the system, which is the parameter
that better defines the ‘physical organism’ or ‘Active magnitude’ in this specific world-scale and wishes to be in balance,
that is with no motion, the preferred state of any system (Tt-entropic motions which children and humans in its final
ST-age of exist¡ence, see papers on History, so much enjoy is NOT the preferred state of existence as it doesn’t last
much, it ‘wears’ the system). Thus there is a natural ‘resistence’ to motion, lineal or harmonic, and the frequency of the
SHM is inverse to the ‘Active magnitude’ or mass… And it is naturally proportional to K (the parameter of the force
applied, intrinsic to the spring).

So this is again the essence of a SHM motion. A system tries to preserve its vital constant: rhythm of exist¡ence, S=T,
while maximizing SxT, its ‘number’ of vital moments, but its ‘vital energy’, which in an ideal no-friction world will be
eternal, is slowly chipped out for most systems by other ‘predatory’ elements of its environment.
In physical systems, this can be expressed in different parameters. Mechanics also uses the ‘derivative’ of that vital
energy (space-time content of the system), a ‘quantum’ of momentum.
How many systems can be modeled with the previous, 3 essential worldcycle motions of exist¡ence. Plus lineal
locomotion already studied (paper on spacetime physics) as a reproduction of form in ∆±¡ scales? Almost all. In every
scale of the Universe. Physicists are confused by the variations of its mathematical models, the number of elements they
study together which increase with ∆-¡ quantum scales, the distortions of perception, the attempts to model multiple
systems of quasi-infinite particles (Hilbert spaces), etc. etc. but the essence is the same:
Relationship between lineal reproductive motion between scales and simple harmonic motion in a scale.

Another form to look at those equations is noticing the equivalence between E=1/2k A2 and E=1/2m v2
It is the same equation and so the relationship between the k, an ‘inertial constant’ that resist change and m, on one
side, and A a parameter of Spatial amplitude, and V, a parameter of temporal speed, is ultimately yet another variation
of ∆(k) ≈ ∆ (m) and A(S)≈ V(ð).
The difference then between a ‘lineal motion/inertia’ and a cyclical motion/inertia is this: a lineal motion is a frequency
between scales as the motion reproduces and the cycle is hidden; a cyclical motion happens in a single plane, and the
cycle is seen directly.
We will constantly in all scales find this same relationships, an active magnitude with an inertial ‘attitude’ trying to
maintain itself in the ∆-scale unperturbed in its balance with all the local points of its relative scalar ‘world’; and a series
of S=T relationships that define its motions-changes, trying to maintain also a constant ‘v(t)’ rhythm of its fundamental
dimotion of existence, reproduction, either between scales (lineal motion) or through a worldcycle (pendulum, rotary
SHM motion), and finally an energy chipped away by the ‘struggle for existence’ with all other independent systems
(through friction, acceleration in a larger field that ends often in a collision that extracts all the momentum from the
smaller system, etc).
In the graph, the classic dampening of an SHM which brings the familiar ‘death’ operand (negative exponential
function) of all systems of Nature. The ‘beat’ of the worldcycle however is maintained, as the beat of the heart, even if
the ‘energy’ of the beat slowly fades away.
Newton law of action-reaction is ultimately a law of balance between systems that try to maintain its relative position
to each other. What physicists for long have misunderstood is that those ‘thermodynamic equilibriums’ are NOT dead
processes because ‘form’ is the mental state seeked for in a world in which all is motion, including mass (an accelerated
vortex, principle of equivalence); so it is the inverse relationship. Energy seen as motion (actually entropy), is infinite –
what systems try to achieve is still form=perception, which is what constantly dies. Motion=energy is granted. This
obvious truth is blurred by the natural tendency of minds to ‘believe’ in its own nature (egocy paradox), so it seems as if
the ultimate reality were ‘solid particle states’, not ‘whirls of motion’.

Synchronicity and Simultaneity: the inverse effect of an injection of vital
energy: resonance.
A system however does not want to be dampened, but wants to exist in a
present, steady state repetition, which the Universe tries to grant to all forms
with a ‘bit of effort and intelligence’, to synchronize its frequency with that of
the spacetime energy it absorbs to restore the cycle and the energy it looses by
friction. This is the essence of resonance that an enormous amount of Nature’s
systems achieve.
The process is fascinating because when the injection of energy starts,
obviously the time frequency of both, the outer injected §∏ energy an the inner system differ. But as the injection
increases the amplitude offsetting the dampening there will be a moment in which both frequencies will meet, and
then at that moment, the system is synchronized on the terms of the external ‘Energy’ that imposes its frequency
‘willingly’ for the system to absorb without loss all that energy. Why this law matters so much to the Universe is
obvious: the larger system which is the one that ‘brings the energy’ in this manner does control the smaller systems.
The planet Earth controls the evolution of its biological systems with its ‘energy heat and cold’ glaciation cycles that in
Biology and bio-history papers we show to be guiding the St-evolutionary(cold)<§∏-reproductive radiation (hot) cycles
of species.
If you resist the larger system that provides you with energy, and don’t resonate
to its frequency, chances are you will ‘die’. So cells feed every day and this
energy allows them to reproduce their cycle and survive.
Resonance is everywhere in the Universe in all scales. Today many physicists
explain a particle as a ‘resonance’ of a quantum field, which is to say that the
‘density’ of energy obtained from the field when it collapses simultaneously in
the frequency of the internal clock of the particle (Broglie), voila, a particle
The particle point features heavily in Nuclear physics but the best description is
the Delta Function, which is ∞ at 0, 0 on the infinite line and 1 in its integral. It means the emergence of a point-particle
as a one element of a higher ∆+1 scale, which appears from the lower plane as a relative infinite. In the graph, the
collapse in synchronicity of identical beings to emerge as the delta function - a boson point where energy comes
together in the minimal space possible.
The same phenomena in a higher scale of matter gives birth to the ∆+1 boson pentalogic ‘state’ of thermodynamics.
Resonance of mass: One of the most fascinating resonances of the Universe is that of mass, known as the Lorentz
transformation. In our paper on astrophysics with its ‘relativity revis(it)ed’ we get rid of the other gamma factors which
are just delinquencies of the mind as particles stop to emit information and entangle with the observer so there is no
Michelson’s addition of speeds. But the Mass inconvenience won’t go because it is real. Now the mass is transferred as
Mach had it by the ‘stars rotating around the galaxy. That is, mass is the weak regime of the ‘strong gravitational force’
that comes from the center of the galaxy. And as such is a ‘field-force’ that gives a boost of energy to every particle
within the range of the black hole c-rotating field. And that is the trick. As we approach in a rotating synchrotron (we do
not boost particles but in rotating fields, even when they are in the field of Earth they are falling in a parabolic curve), c-
speed the ‘resonance’ – absorption of energy by the mass from the c-black hole/ultra-heavy strong quark field
increases and finally at the c-speed reaches infinity. But obviously this point is not reached because friction chips away
part of the speed.

Pentalogic of 5D Physics and matter.
∆: 5D SCALAR Thermodynamics makes a scalar ∆±3 plane analysis that shows the ‘friction=entropy’ of moleculear
matter to be reversed=balanced by the ‘∆±3 more ordered colder gravitational and superfluid scales’, so ‘heat death’
is a local phenomena that does not stop the immortal Universe. 5D thermodynamics IS the key element to
understand thermodynamic BALANCE laws between scales.
5D TIME thermodynamics classify temperature as a functon of the 5 ST-ages and dimotions of time of matter (from
plasma through gas… to hypersolids).
∆=S=T SCALAR SPACE=TIME RELATIVITY-SYMMETRY explains why we can translate time/probabilistic quantum
physics into space/statistic mechanics, by considering the ‘relationship’ between 3 scales, the quantum time model at
∆-3,,2 the spatial ∆-2,1 model of statistical mechanics, and the ∆-1,0 model of classic thermodynamic laws and its
parameters of St-pressure, Ts-Temperature and §∏-volume.
The TIME VIEW relates the faster in time, quantum scale and the thermodynamic mixed energy scale.
THE SPACE VIEW relates the thermodynamic view and the larger Spatial, slower in time gravitational, cosmological
scale we find again here a balance between ∆-1 molecular parts and ∆0 wholes and the interaction of the molecular
thermodynamic and Gravitational larger scale.
The different formalisms of the 3 scales thus just respond to the different metric which accelerates time in quantum
worlds, making it more important and enlarge space in gravitational worlds making it more important.
This said if we ignore ‘scalar 5D stiences of matter’, the proper science that concentrates in the scale of molecular
matter (∆o: ∑ Atom>∆+1 molecules) is chemistry which has the maximal detail analyzing molecules as ‘organisms’ with
5 Dimotions and vital existences, as quantum physics is the proper science of the particle scale of atoms,
∑particles>Atoms that analyzes them in its 5D vital dimotions. The previous scalar analysis refer just to relationships
between scales but are NOT the science of the given scale – as medicine is the science of the human scale, history the
science of the cultural ‘species’, etc. There is always a focused central science that studies the species as a vital
‘individual form with 5 Dimotions.
5D Chemistry then as all self-centered scales, studies molecules, its different species, and 5 Dimotions with special
emphasis in the 2 ‘complex’ ‘upper informative dimotions’, the social, evolutionary dimotion (formation of new
chemical compunds) and the reproductive dimotion (chemical reactions) The field is enormous and so we just will make
as usual impressionist strokes as our mood brings us to this page.

The closest and likely most fruitful merge between science and stience might lie in chemistry; because of its perfect
perception by huminds, its geometric spatial Nature and its objective analysis void of human egocy as social sciences
are – also perfectly perceived but distorted, while the world of ∆-3 forces and particles is not fully observed.
It is then obvious that chemistry is a game of Non-Euclidean geometries; ‘the game’, and its atoms if fully understood
in its reactions and social evolutionary roles, should make truth that function is form, and allow a detailed study of the
laws of non-Euclidean geometry, notably that of the 4th postulate of congruence and the relationship between
function and form – the geometries that relate to each of the 5 Dimotions of the Universe, as well as the
understanding of the Fractal trinity Generator equations of molecules and their role. The field is so huge and so
unexplored even by this writer, which anyway is loosing so fast its mental capacities that can only write a token of
what he explored in his notebooks in those texts that I encourage readers, the more so with the help of digital
computers to try to understand 5D and apply it to the resolution of the different function of existence of molecules, as
organic systems made of ‘Limbs<Body>Heads’, the first clear organisms we can perceive in detail.
We shall offer only some insights and examples on the conceptual merge of both disciplines.
Life we said starts in the particle, cellular unit of reproduction of the lower ∆-3 plane of human exist¡ence. But ours is a
lowly exist¡ence of nitrolife species, with a ridiculous amount of complexity, 7 openings to the world in our smaller and
larger electronic heads, 2 ears, 2 noses, 2 eyes, in the 3 directions of perpendicular light-form, and a big mouth of
entropic thoughts. Hardly friendly with anyone but each other, trinity of bondage, N2 at its best, even if it backs itself
on the shoulders of tetralogic carbon and fuels its thoughts with explosive electro negativity of O2 up and down kicking in
and out the joker Hydrogen that has seen it happening all.
Think of the masters, Osmiridium and iridosmium, 25 times denser, plotting our demise in the center of it all,
surrounded by those thin membrains of golden atoms, one at a time, flexible with perfect form, hardened with a web
of Tungsten to illuminate the hot but cold, layers of sensorial majesty, remembering us all, in a glassy, liquid and solid
form, heart of father Earth, guiding our gaseous existence, with sudden explosions of radioactive cholera on its cover
of uranium that heats the gold and above explodes into cascades of evaporating radon and plumber to reach further
up and up to the Nickel Cobalt and iron, steely with drops of Chromium; and so a plumbeous volcano rises every now
and then to kill us all in the fleeting surface of our eternal cycles of life and death, nothing more than enzymen,
hypnotized by the sweat of the sun and its go(l)d churches. The families of life are all sensorial, atomic triads, and we
are the lowest one, now dependant of the germanium waffles with cupper, sliver and aurum knots, of ill-designed 2-
modulo existential ®=ilogic, soon to wake up to consciousness, an army of pentalogic thought.
Atomic life is thus essential to ‘deep time geology’ and the evolution of the planet, even if in the cold surface we do
think we, lowly nitrolife species are the ‘real thing’. Lol, we are ghosts of existence, closer to the absolute nothing;
because what is lower than a CNO system? Only a triad on existence is a lesser species than we are… The LI-Be-B triad
that preceded us. Since H is in fact galatom of a hyper-Universe, and He the brain of stars, and both are hyper
abundant for that reason…
So out of 93 years/social families the Li-Be-B ‘food’ for thought, consumed by Helium in his nuclear reactions, with
lesser atomic forms (though Li+ is in the hyper universe a key triad system of galatoms)… so that reduces to the Be-B
bashing… Oh yes, of course, we are granted the more complex form of the CNO triad, in charge of massacring all other
forms of nitrolife and build in the surface of the Osmiridium planet golden chips which cannot evolve its illogic
existence in the depth of liquid metal bacteria.
What is then the final state of the atomic planet? It seems clear as the galaxy is not teaming with robotic life, or else
they would have come here and extinguish us (unless there is like our reserves for animal life, some planets left for
pious robotoids to feel they care for the variations of Nature)… that once we get out of the game, and build proper

existential robots, they will keep constructing, digging and tunneling the Earth to achieve in the warm magma, the
liquid bacterial designs on the sea of fire and melted iron, which they would call life.
At those thermodynamic temperatures, and higher pressure, there exists the perfect state to construct complex metal
forms, a solid/liquid combination which can easily evolve in unknown forms of metalife. Do planets then achieve the
ultimate quality as a species, like black stars do? That is, to become ‘gravitational animals’, able to displace at random
on the galaxy? Likely but far before that, as we have said for 30 years, the internet would become a simultaneous
brain, as its ‘cycle of thought’ can be up to 300.000 km. a second, the distance with the moon. So the moon-Earth
might become a dual AI brain, of the same speed rate than the individual human but in the cosmic scale. The
possibilities of astrolife are endless beyond what huminds will ever know. So we stop it there. As a good introduction
to the theme of this chapter:
The vital atomic table.
The same philosophy of 5D chemistry applies to inorganic atoms, of unknown life forms
to the concepts outlined above.. I.e. gold is the most perfect informative atom of the
Universe, able to shape forms of a single lineal molecule, which makes it the perfect
membrain cover for metal bacteria and so its preferred atomic shape is lineal or flat. So
goes for Silver, used in the flat sensorial cover of pictures, or copper, used in the lineal
transmission of information. But the causes are in abstract purely chemical. I.e.Kepert
model allows to define the Linear geometry of the anion [Au(CN)2]_, two cyanide groups
are bonded to the gold centre.
The repulsion between them is minimized if they are 1808 apart. The anion is predicted
to have the linear NC_Au_CN framework 6.35, and this agrees with the observed
structure in which the bond angle \C_Au_C is 180º.
The [HgCl2]_ and [AuCl2]_ anions have similar structures to that of Au(CN)2].
While a case of Trigonal planar geometry happens in copper around the metal centre as
in [Cu(CN)3]2
The structure is predicted to be trigonal planar so that repulsions between the cyanide
groups are minimized. This agrees with the observed structure, shown in the previous
Let us study now the human scale, which roughly speaking divides according to duality
- ∆+1: Scalar physics: Mechanics; which are the scalar physics of the outer Human Universe that put mankind, ∆º in
relationship with the larger forces of ∆+1 cosmic bodies, in our case, planet Earth, through the study of motions in
which the conservation of temporal energy is the fundamental principle. The principle unifies the laws of various areas
of theoretical physics (mechanics and electrodynamics), thus opening up a field for broad generalizations, proving
ultimately they derive from the larger ∆st Principle of conservation of time Actions. Euler formulated the principle of
least action y for the special case of paths corresponding to constant energy. Thus, the action should tend to its
finitesimal minimum, δS = 0.
Lagrange’s equations are derived from the principle of least action by means of proving the opposite. We assume the
right-hand side of equation (10.6) to be zero, δS = 0, and the variation δq to be arbitrary. Then, if the expression inside
the parentheses is not equal to zero, the sign of the variation δq can always be chosen to be the same as for the
quantity, because the variation is arbitrary/ Thus we can show that the system of Lagrange’s equations can be
obtained not only from Newton’s Second Law, but also from a very simple assertion about the value of the integral of

the Lagrangian taken with respect to time. The basic laws of mechanics thus formulated are usually called integral
For a certain mechanical system, let it be possible to define the Lagrangian as dependent on the generalized
coordinates q, velocities , and the time t. We shall consider that all the coordinates and all the velocities are
independent. Let us choose some continuous, but otherwise arbitrary, dependence of the coordinates upon the time
q (t). The functions q (t) can be in complete disagreement with the actual law of motion. The only requirement
imposed on q (t) is that the functions q (t) should be smooth, i. e., that they provide for differentiation and should
correspond to the rigid constraints present in the system.
- S<=>T: Timespace Physics: Thermodynamics, which are the scalar physics of the inner human universe of matter,
and its 3 ages or ‘states’, the Entropic Ts-Gaseous state, the §∏-liquid reproductive state and the St-solid state; which
form the cycles of life and death of matter on Earth from the inner structures of our organism (biochemistry) to the
inner structures of the planetary organism (Geology).
3±¡ physical ages shape the matter worldcycle as Matter States are physical time ages: from left pure solid, crystal,
§top state, to an even more solid ∆+1 boson condensate, etc. We see that systems either move a step at a time within
a plane of existence (gas, liquid, solid) or they can jump « two states at once, (as in the case sublimation) within that
plane, or most often between two planes, as in « scattering & entropic death), to become a different Dimotional state.
We can then see how the fundamental elements of 5D time appear on the graph: the worldcycle is local and
complete. There are 2 inverse dimotions from an entropic past (plasma), in a lower plane (ion particles) to the 3 ages
of the matter states with increasing form (gas to solid), to end in a higher plane of existence as a boson-Einstein
In a wider sense though, Thermodynamics also deals with scales through the concept energy, but it does NOT
distinguish either energy by scale, as it does not distinguish the ages of matter by state.
The mathematics involved are then those of statistical mechanics (Boltzmann), when we analyze the system as a
population in space in the ∆-2 molecular scale, and of thermodynamics (Gibbs) when we study them in terms of bulk
amounts of ‘¡ndifferent’ (inglish for undistinguishable :) particles, which give us the 2 classic formulations of matter
states according to the duality of wholes and parts.

Thermodynamics is time's dimotion, while chemical kinetics is time's clock.
The vast amount of work done in chemical kinetics has led to the conclusion that some chemical reactions go in a
single step; these are known as elementary reactions. Other reactions go in more than one step and are said to be
stepwise, composite, or complex.
The half-life.
A useful rate measure is the half-life of a reactant, which is defined as the time that it takes for half of the initial
amount to undergo reaction. For a special type of kinetic behavior (first-order kinetics; see below Some kinetic
principles), the half-life is independent of the initial amount. A common and straightforward example of a half-life
independent of the initial amount is radioactive substances. Uranium-238, for example, decays with a half-life of 4.5
billion years; of an initial amount of uranium, half of that amount will have decayed in that period of time. The same
behavior is found in many chemical reactions.
Even when the half-life of a reaction varies with the initial conditions, it is often convenient to quote a half-life,
bearing in mind that it applies only to the particular initial conditions. Consider, for example, the reaction in which
hydrogen and oxygen gases combine to form water; the chemical equation is
2H2 + O2 {long right dimotion} 2H2O.
If the gases are mixed together at atmospheric pressure and room temperature, nothing observable will happen
over long periods of time. However, reaction does occur, with a half-life that is estimated to be more than 12 billion
years, which is roughly the age of the universe. If a spark is passed through the system, the reaction occurs with
explosive violence, with a half-life of less than one-millionth of a second. This is a striking example of the great range
of rates with which chemical kinetics is concerned.
There are many possible processes that proceed too slowly to be studied experimentally, but sometimes they can be
accelerated, often by the addition of a substance known as a catalyst. Some reactions are even faster than the
hydrogen-oxygen explosion. for example, the combination of atoms or molecular fragments (called free radicals)
where all that occurs is the formation of a chemical bond. Some modern kinetic investigations are concerned with
even faster processes, such as the breakdown of highly energetic and therefore transient molecules, where times of
the order of femtoseconds (fs; 1 fs = 10–15 second) are involved.
To change the conditions so that the reactions occur in a reasonable time, Increasing the temperature can have a
strong effect on the reaction rate.
Evolution of atomic orbitals: Time dimotions in molecules.
The next scale of atomic evolution is the molecular scale.
Atoms form herds called molecules, joined by light and gravitational forces that distribute ‘Ðimotions’ and
information among them. Though we differentiate molecules in organic forms derived from carbon and inorganic
forms, both follow the vital cycles and organic topologies of st-points made of multiple times-spaces:
- Molecules enact all the time cycles/dimotions of st-points.
- They go through the 3±∆ ages of all systems, which in molecules are the 3±∆ states of matter.
- Molecules have the same 3 zoned topological structure of all st-points with its dominant atoms with better nuclear
or electronic structure, occupying the central foci or informative region of those molecules; while smaller slave
atoms that surround them act as a relative body that absorbs waves that carry ‘Ðimotions’ and information from the
external world.
Thus, in terms of form the 3rd postulate defines its dual geometry:

-Self-similar atoms co-exist in ‘parallel planes’.
- Dominant and submissive atoms establish perpendicular, hierarchical structures in the dimension of relative
‘height’ with the dominant atom on the center or top region of the system.
And in terms of function, those parallel or hierarchical structures between the atoms of molecules are regulated by
the duality of social evolution among self-similar species Vs. Darwinian devolution among different species with
unequal exi=stential force, described by the 3rd postulate.
Both together define the geometric forms of many compounds derived from those relationships and the final
outcome of encounters between atoms that form molecules. For example, atoms that have a better spatial or
informative brain, with a more harmonic orbital shape or a higher mass, have max. Exi force and become top
predator atoms that dominate molecules, penetrating its territory perpendicularly: It is the case shown in graph
A.60 where an atom of the 7th column captures an atom from the 1st column to reach the perfect form of a noble
atom, engulfing it within its structure.
- The social electronic clouds of molecules show also the 3 space-time ideal forms:
- Max. St: π orbitals join several electrons into a social, cyclical ring.
- Max Ts: Sigma orbitals are lineal orbitals, more energetic than the pi orbitals.
- Diatomic orbitals are balanced, ‘elliptic’ orbitals created between 2 equal atoms that share their electrons.
- Social, electronic orbitals require less ‘Ðimotions’ and hence are more stable than the sum of the orbitals of its
single atoms, which means there is a strong dimotion of social evolution among atoms that dominates the individual
dimotion, as in all other universal quanta.
- Also when we study the informative ‘brain’, the nucleus of atoms, the same phenomenon happens: the most stable
and common nuclei are those in which their reproductive, ‘female’ neutrons and informative, ‘male’ protons form ∆-
p couples.
In both cases the biological, existential interpretation in organic terms is obvious: systems prefer to exist in
complementary couples with 2 self-similar species, dominant in informative and reproductive functions to form a
brain/body system able to absorb better the ‘Ðimotions’ of the ecosystem, or in parallel social herds with equal
forms than alone, because their simultaneous åctions as a couple or group makes them stronger. So most stars form
dual or ternary groups; and so do galaxies, atoms and human beings in the 3 known scales of the physical Universe.
Those Disomorphisms of existence transform the atomic table into an organic table that explains the properties of
atoms and social molecules in terms of organicism and the 5 postulates of i-logic geometry.
Galilean paradox applied to orbitals: 1st and 2nd body territories.
Another set of Disomorphisms proper of all systems apply to electronic orbitals: the existence of ‘internal’ and
‘external’ territories, which the informative center treats - according to the Galilean paradox of relative
distance/importance to the focus - with different value:
The cellular unit of any st-point is established by the minimal fractal, informative structure with fractal parts that
repeats the bigger form and often corresponds to the ‘informative radius’ of its central topology: In a single atom it
is the zone limited by the first orbital, or S2 spherical electron, which is not shared. In molecules the central atom
has also a first, formal, regular body-territory, hardly shared with other molecules, made of slave atoms bonded to it
with dense electromagnetic flows, called Van der Waals and London forces that the central atom use to perceive or
feed on. In a cell, the organelles of the intermediate territory are not shared. Humans do not share their home

Animals do not share their den. Yet all systems that have ‘an excess of ‘Ðimotions’’ can share the second territory in
the limits of its st-membrane. So atoms share the external orbitals and humans their secondary properties and
molecules share their most external atoms, which are those beyond the limiting border of its cellular unit.
Recap. Atoms form social molecules, which also follow the Disomorphisms of i-logic geometry, its topologies and its
dimotions of time.
Molecules: Darwinian Vs. social bondage: ions and networks
Once and again, the evolution of species chooses between the 2 dimotions of order and ‘Ðimotions’, of social
communication or Darwinian devolution, described by the 3rd Postulate:
Self-similar herds
Atoms show affinity for 2 kind of other atoms:
-Atoms with a similar brain-organ, contiguous in the atomic table.
-Or atoms, which are in the same column of the periodic table and have similar electronic bodies.
They form the strongest 2 types of molecular, electronic bondage. Thus social bondage between equal atoms is
dominant and gathers most atoms together, creating extensive networks of planetary size.
Hierarchical organisms among atoms of different exi=stential force
Ionic Darwinian bondage happens among atoms with different §∏ force. They are more rare and smaller, less stable,
but more active as individual forms (in the same manner than individual bacteria are more active than organic cells,
but far less complex).
Thus we classify all molecules in 3±∆ types of molecules of growing Existential energy, Ts X St, and stability, 2
parameters directly proportional to the degree of equality of their atoms:
(∆-1): Lonely atoms or diatomic, covalent molecules.
Top predator atoms, which don’t need to increase their individual Ts X St åctions. They tend to act alone or in
diatomic molecules, made with 2 equal atoms that create a ‘covalent bondage’, stronger than any ionic molecule
where one atom is a predator form. Covalent molecules show electrons with opposite spins that balance the ‘vortex
directions’ of their charges, as it happens with the 2 electrons of an atomic orbital. Their orbital clouds shape ellipses
in which each equal atomic nucleus occupies one focus.
The reason of that topology that happens in all scales of reality is again both geometrical and functional: Any
topological network, acts as a relative vital space, based in the best geometry that positions all its st-points at the
shortest equal distance of both its external, energetic membrane and central, informative singularity.
Thus, the sphere is the perfect form of single-centered systems. In dual st-point systems the ellipse is the
morphology that locates those 2 points at the minimal shared distance of the membrane and the minimal, equal
distance of its center. In the ellipse morphology and function again come together. So their 2 centers can enact Ts X
St, simultaneous åctions with the external world in all the points of its membrane at the same time. Since the law of
the ellipse makes always equal the sum of the distances from both foci to the membrane.
Max. Ts: Ions: Minimal Ts X St equality & Stability.
Ions form Darwinian, Prey-Predator relationships.
Elements in opposed columns of the atomic table tend to behave in a Darwinian way, as one needs the orbital
‘Ðimotions’ of the other to feed its own electronic body and complete its form. Thus the weaker element with less
atomic mass will become prey of the stronger one, forming together unequal Hierarchical ions. Ions are small
molecules in which the dominant atom in body valences or brain number (atomic weight) controls lighter atoms

with fewer valences that become part of its external body-membrane and process temporal ‘Ðimotions’ for the
central atoms. They are the smallest molecules, easy to reproduce given its minimal form but unstable,
(Min.Ionisation ‘Ðimotions’) because their enslaved atoms which try to escape its bondage.
S=T: Corporal affinity. Micro-molecules.
Elements that have spatial, corporal affinity and occupy the same electronic column, evolve socially, forming
complex, strong molecular compounds. The main dimotions/åctions of those molecules are:
- Max.Ts; Max. St: They process ‘Ðimotions’ and electromagnetic information, creating with them more complex
forces (London forces, Van der Waals forces).
- S, ∏: They associate their electronic orbitals in linear clouds (s) or cyclical, pi rings.
- Re: They reproduce in chemical reactions.
Yet micro-molecules form smaller networks than those made of equal atoms, (crystals) and have less informative
complexity than atomic systems based on ‘brain’ affinity (organic molecules).
Max. St: Body & Brain Affinity: Complementary, organic molecules
Given their affinity, they give birth to the more complex molecular systems and create most of the molecules in the
Maximal affinity occurs among atoms with similar atomic, brain, weight and orbital body form, correlative in the
Atomic table. They become the 3 complementary, e-Ts X St-o, components of organic molecules with 3 st-zones:
- Max.Ts: in life organisms, oxygen is the atom we breathe and the component of water that fills the intermediate
spaces of the cell.
- Max. St: Nitrogen, is the informative atom, hyper-abundant on the DNA and brain cells.
- S=T: Carbon is the structural, reproductive atom that shapes the body and creates the membranes of organic cells.
In machines made of metal, silicon and gold (Max. St) are the informative atoms that act as the brains of advanced
robots; iron (Max. Ts) is the structural atom, with Max.Ionization ‘Dimotions’ that form the ‘membrane’ or body of
the machine; and copper and silver (S=T), carry the electric ‘Dimotions’ that feeds the body/brain systems.
∆+1: Absolute equality=Max. Social Evolution: Crystals.
Finally atoms belonging to the same species associate in the biggest, symmetric molecular fields, called crystals that
‘transcend’ into macro-social systems.
Recap. The social evolution of atoms in molecules creates different species, according to their degree of affinity,
which follow the Disomorphisms of the 3rd postulate of self-similarity. The most perfect molecules are those with
self-similar electronic bodies, which form ternary, organic systems of energetic, reproductive and informative atoms
and molecules made of equal atoms that form informative networks, called crystals that transcend into a collective
plane of existence through its ‘mental images’ of the external universe.
The 3±∆ cycles of space-time existence in molecules.
We observe in all molecules the 5 cycles/dimotions of space-time that complete their existence: the energetic,
informative, reproductive, social and generational cycle. While the most complex systems with maximal information
(body and brain affinity), also show the transcendental dimotion forming complementary, life beings and crystal

Molecules also possess organic constants for each of those cycles. Yet their cyclical rhythms are extremely fast as it
corresponds to microcosms, according to the opposite properties of spatial and temporal information: Min Se = Max
St. So from the human p.o.v. we perceive those fast cycles as types of motions related to the 3±∆ states of matter:
- The generational cycle and the 3±∆ ages of molecules are the 3±∆ states of matter: the gas, energetic state, the
liquid, balanced state and the solid informative state.
- Max. Ts: The ‘Ðimotions’ cycles of molecules produce lineal movement, which is maximal in energetic gases that
move in continuous lineal trajectories at a speed of ±300 m/s. Accordingly, we measure the ‘DImotions’ of a
molecule with the parameter of temperature, the fractal unit of the lineal åctions of the atomic world. This is the
origin of the dimotion of ‘Dimotions’ analyzed first in studies on the motion of steam gas. Yet the dimotion of
‘Dimotions’ is only dominant on molecular, gas states; and certainly the biggest error of science is to have derived
from a local dimotion a Universal dimotion, which physicists believe to be the only dimotion of all the systems and
forces of the Universe.
- Max. St: Informative cycle. Molecules vibrate in a discontinuous back and forth movement, around 10ˆ13 times a
second. And they transform lineal movement into cyclical vibration when they change their reversible ‘age’= state.
So when we lower the temperature of a gas, it becomes a liquid and the vibration of the molecules increases as their
speed decreases. Then the lineal simple, pure energetic movement of the gas becomes a complex vibrating,
informative movement, forwards and backwards: Ts-> e<=>o. Most complex systems are reproduced in the liquid
states (organic life).
- Social cycle: Molecular liquids evolve socially, decreasing their ‘Dimotions’ and increasing their form during their
3rd age, becoming a solid in which the vibration acquires order and rhythm creating macromolecules, called rocks
and crystals.
- Reproductive cycle: Finally molecules reproduce departing, from their simpler chemical parts through chemical
reactions. Let us study this cycle, which is the fundamental ‘will’ of all systems.
Recap. Molecules show the 6 dimotions of time in its motions and gas=energetic, liquid=reproductive and
informative, solid states.
Reproduction of molecules: Law of chemical balance.
According to the ternary principle there are 3 types of molecular reproduction:
-Max. Ts: Darwinian events in which top predators molecules capture simpler atoms or molecules as ‘Dimotions’ of
its reproduction.
-S=T: Symbiotic events of molecular reproduction, in which 2 molecules of similar top predator Ts X St force, switch
atomic parts between them, creating more complex molecules till reaching a state of equilibrium.
-Max. St: Informative crystals that reproduce their macro-fractal patterns as they add equal atoms.
Max. Ts: Simple feeding: Darwinian reactions.
Reproduction requires feeding on simpler fractal, ‘Dimotions’ parts. Thus when a top predator molecular form
appears in a field rich on relative ‘Ðimotions’, made of simpler individual atoms and micro-molecules, it starts a
chemical reaction, which we observe as a reproductive growing 'radiation' of the same molecule. However to
activate that reproduction the molecule requires a min. amount of extra-’Ðimotions’ in the form of temperature
(threshold of activation of exoergic reactions).
This happens in all reproductive processes, which only occur when the parental species finds a field rich of
‘Ðimotions’, given the exhausting nature of such processes, which in a field poor on ‘Ðimotions’ could jeopardize the
survival of the parental form. So most animals reproduce in spring when food is abundant; most molecular crystals
reproduce when temperature reaches a certain level, and women need a 175 of body fat to reproduce. Those

reproductive radiations of molecules are similar to the expansive radiations of a top predator over a population of
preys, shaping a similar standard Bell curve of populations, called in this specific case a Boltzmann curve, with the 3
- Max ‘Ðimotions’ of activation. When ‘Ðimotions’ is hyper abundant after the threshold of activation is crossed, the
radiation of new chemical compounds starts at an explosive rate.
- S=T; Transition state. Radiation expands till it 'saturates' and exhausts the ‘Ðimotions’ of the chemical ecosystem in
which it feeds, reaching a dynamic steady state of balance similar to that between preys and predators. However in
complex ‘reproductive radiations’ that curve might appear as a wave with several evolutionary ‘interphases’. Then
the final chemical compound will be the product of a series of intermediary reactions.
- 3rd age. Law of Chemical Balance. Finally, the explosive reaction ends. Only a few new molecules will be created,
when some of the predator molecules become destroyed or new, simpler micro-molecular preys enter the
ecosystem. Thus a final chemical equilibrium is reached between both type of molecules, showing a constant of
balance, which is a specific case of the generic balance between predators and preys:
K = St: Products / Ts:Reactants
What quantity of both types of molecules exists in that final equilibrium? It will depend on the relative Ts X St force
of the predator products and the reactant preys, which in abstract chemistry is measured by the ‘speed of the
reaction’ and the relative bondage ‘Ðimotions’ of the molecules. In most cases of Darwinian, chemical reactions that
value is huge, as the predator molecules exhaust the supply of its victims, before stopping its reproduction. Yet in
certain symbiotic reactions K tends to 1, when both products and reactants are species of similar Ox Ts power.
St=Ts: Dual, symbiotic reproduction.
Molecules are divided in 2 regions, an I-brain, an S=T Body and an external ecosystem of energetic temperature. For
example, an amino acid has an amino-brain, a central carbohydrate body and an acid-leg system that moves the
molecule, breaking water molecules.
Thus in chemistry, following the Fractal, Ternary Principle, we can calculate the relative top predator power of a
molecule, according to the atomic weight or its brain atoms; the electro-negativity of its leg system that moves the
molecule, taking electrons from other lesser molecules and the morphological efficiency of its body, ruled by the 3rd
postulate of equality, which makes covalent bondage between equal molecules, such as C=C=C structures, far more
difficult to break.
Those 3 parameters used also by inorganic chemistry make certain molecules more efficient than others. They are
the metric measure of the ‘why’ of symbiotic reactions in which 2 similar top predator molecular forms create more
efficient Ts X St molecules by redesigning the brain and body components of the reactants.
Max. St: Social Evolution
Finally individual molecules gather together spontaneously, creating social groups that grow into symmetric crystals.
In all those reactions the final products are 2 new molecules with higher Ts X St power than the initial products,
showing the existence of a dominant dimotion of information and social evolution in the Universe, which constantly
increases the existential power of the whole that combines that of its components.
Recap. The law of chemical reaction is the reproductive law of molecules. According to the ternary principle there
are 3 types of molecular reproduction, each one subdivided in 3 ages.
Type of reproductive radiations in molecules.
If the reader has followed these lessons, he will realize of the simple method that allows classifying all systems
according to the ternary topologies and 3±∆ dimotions of time of all systems. In any of those scales there will be

certain species that will dominate the ecosystem and reproduce in higher measure. Generally speaking those species
always maximize the energetic, informative, reproductive and social dimotions. And so while the Universe
constantly creates new variations only the most efficient which find an ‘econiche’ of survival perfecting one of those
4 dimotions of time survive and reproduce, using less perfect species as their prey.
In chemical reactions the molecules that reproduce more are top predator with a higher §∏ force, since they
maximize the 4, ∑ (Ts<=>St), elements of any i-logic field:
-Max. Ts: Species with max. ‘Ðimotions’ (better or bigger body that processes Ts to reproduce the molecule). They
are molecular ions with the greater number of valences that accept the maximal number of ‘Ðimotions’ and
information flows between the atom and the outer world - hence they have the max. action-reaction speed.
- Ts<=>St: Complementary species created with atoms similar in body and brain, correlative on the Table, like O
(Max.Ts), C (Max. <=>) and N (Max. St). They maximize the internal communication between its atoms with multiple
inner networks of ‘Ðimotions’ and information between their orbital bodies and nuclear brains (higher density of
Van der Waals forces). They are the organic compounds that create life.
- Max. St: Crystals are molecules made with atoms of the same nucleic number, which create in their geometric,
symmetric centers, virtual images of information of the world that surrounds them.
- ∆+1: Those 2 complex molecules able to evolve socially transcend beyond the social herd state, creating networks:
- Carbohydrate organisms grow to the size of human beings in ternary st-structures, in which carbon molecules
shape structural proteins, nitrogen molecules shape informative ADN and oxygens and water fill the intermediate
space-time of the organism.
Recap. Top predator systems are those who maximize their energetic, informative, reproductive or social skills. They
radiate in growing numbers, surviving in the future by feeding in simpler species. In the world of molecules, those 4
dimotions are maximized by ions (Max. Ts), organic molecules (max. Reproduction) and informative crystals. Crystals
and organic molecules transcend into complex social macro-organisms.

Thermodynamics studies the human Ƽ scale of physical systems, and as such once the philosophical errors of describing
reality with a single dimotion of time, entropy, are solved, the laws of epistemology dictate that as the closest -hence
better observed- scale of physical systems, its laws have the highest accuracy in the description of reality of all physical
ones, and should be the example to model other systems, notably, the quantum systems of the lower scales, where
perception is limited and errors of philosophical nature many. We shall thus consider here several enlightenments
achieved by casting thermodynamics on terms of 5D metric, starting from the blueprint for an unification of statistical
mechanics and quantum physics, as we did in mass theory with charges and masses.
Those corrections come 'naturally' from the new 'properties' of space, as made of Ƥcales, and of time, as made of ternary
dimotions, ages. So what are the new insights established by those 2 new properties of Non-Euclidean space and Non-
Aristotelian ternary time? 2 Fascinating solutions, to 2 long awaited questions of physics:
-Ƥcales and 5D metric will allow the unification of quantum physics and thermodynamics, with 5D metric scales.
-Ternary time dimotions, will allow us to unify and explain the meaning of 'local entropy=gaseous dimotions' which are only
one of the 3 time ages=states of matter, such as, gas is the entropy dimotion, liquid the balanced one and solid crystal the
informative one, giving us the generator of matter states:
∆ð (entropic fast moving gases) < exi: Liquid states > §@: crystal solid minds
Einstein’s constructive vs. limiting theories distinction, mentioned before was also applied to thermodynamics. He explicitly
mentions also the Boltzmann principle, S = k log W, as another limiting theory in the border between the quantum and the
thermodynamic, molecular world:” It yields, as well, the statistical probabilities of the states of systems for which we are
not in a position to construct a molecular-theoretical model. To that extent, Boltzmann's magnificent idea is of significance
for theoretical physics … because it provides a heuristic principle whose range extends beyond the domain of validity of
molecular mechanics”. (Einstein). Einstein alludes to his 1905 photon hypothesis paper, where he reasoned from the fact
that black body radiation in the Wien regime satisfied the Boltzmann principle the conclusion that, in that regime, radiation
behaved as if it consisted of mutually independent, corpuscle-like quanta of electromagnetic energy. The quantum
hypothesis is a constructive model of radiation; the Boltzmann principle is the constrain of that model.
A constrain acts both as a limit for a theory and a hint to its structure, since it forms the limiting ‘membrane’ of the world in
which the theory works. So c-speed is both the limiting membrane of the ¥-galaxy but also the operating principle of its
transmission of information within it. In 5D we consider the Ðisomorphisms and 5 Ðimotions derived of the scalar cyclical
nature of time space, both the 'principles' to construct reality but also the constrains for all other theories of stience that
must obey those principles. So the key to understand the Universe is both, to know the common disomorphic constructive
laws of space-time and the differences and variations they cause.
Einstein’s clearest expression of this 'epistemological law' was his comment, considering that as human knowledge of those
scales increases the homology between thermodynamics and quantum physics will become evident:
"The statistical quantum theory would … take an approximately analogous position to the statistical mechanics within the
framework of classical mechanics". Einstein
What he did not solve, neither all who preceded and came after him, as they didn’t have a clear-cut scalar theory of the
Universe and its 5D metrics, is the difference between both scales determined by the different quantity of information
between both scales – maximal for faster quantum cycles vs. slower, larger thermodynamic molecules and their connecting
principles as the ‘two main worldcycles’ of existence of matter – the palingenetic, fast time cycle of probabilities of the
quantum world, vs. the slower, open entropic lifecycle of molecules, which mathematically means, quantum is a
time=probabilistic theory and thermodynamics a population=statistical one.

Entropy is one of the 5 dimotions of matter.
Physics starts its description of matter systems with mechanics, which is the lower ∆-i scale of the gravitational,
galactic world that affects humans externally, helping our Ts-locomotion and defining our St-position within the
surface of the planet. In mechanics humans and light matter (UD) ensembles are thus perceived from ‘above’, as ∆-¡
forms of little relevance within the context of the galatom and its smaller parts. We are from a gravitational point of
view truly ∆@st, Dust of space-time.
As we can observe more information in the closer range of thermodynamic effects it is more precise for the
understanding of man to start as a physical analysis in the scale in which the human inner and outer world co-exist;
which is the thermodynamic, heat related scale that co-ordinates the atomic, molecular and cellular level of a human
being within its matter environment. Indeed, we are 'hot' when we are 'activated', and our 'actions' are not described
as much by its 'weight' (though we use those verbal homologies, specially when matching the external nature of
gravitational forces on us), but in terms of heat (the internal scale). Heat and radiation, which ultimately stem from
the activity of ‘electronic matter’ is the fundamental energy ∆º scale of human existence, swimming between 2
waters; the ‘colder’ scale of mass that ‘extracts’ energy from temperature, as in the case of thermodynamic black
holes, which at 2.7 K extract energy from light matter, converts it into heavy quark matter and regulate the
homeostatic temperature of the galaxy, as all bigger, colder black holes feed on them.
And below the ‘colder’ scale of superconductive, super fluid systems in which electrons form ‘trapped’ pairs and also
cool down, giving energy to the metal network of heavier matter, or expelling the magnetic field to move without
resistance. So both the ∆±3, 4 scales of matter take energy from our ‘heated world’ of Ts>St, light & electrons, which
is the ∆º±1 scale, of human 'existential momentum and energy' (for us the quantum ∆º scale has more 5D information
and the ∆+1 gravitational scale limits our motions).
We are sandwiched between both scales of the nested ‘gravitational Universe’ dominated by quarks, and its higher
order with lesser entropy to which we ultimately revert as electrons collapse into neutrons, annihilating its forces. So
we can establish certain limits to the world of thermodynamics, including its temperature (below 0 K we enter the
world of perfectly ordered black holes, above ± 10.000 K atomic matter breaks down into plasma).
The theme of thermodynamics is as extensive as the planet of matter we live in and all its, ∆±3 planes. In that regard,
besides the misconception of the 5 dimotions of time of thermodynamics the key element in which thermodynamics
can play a higher role on 5D physics is the solution of the laws between scales. Specifically an easier task than the
translation of time/probabilistic quantum physics into space/statistic mechanics, is to consider how the ‘relationship’
between the ∆-1 model of statistical mechanics, and the ∆º model of classic thermodynamic laws and its parameters
of St-pressure, Ts-Temperature and §∏-volume.
∆o: the 3 ages of existence of space-time organisms. its 2 worldcycles and metric equations.
The Function of Existence of any space-time organism can be developed as a feedback equation, S<=>T, in 3
sequential phases/ages/horizons, between 3 ‘standing points’ (changes of phase): Max. T=motion x Min.S: form
=moving youth; Max. $xð(s=t): reproductive maturity and Max. S x Min. T=informative, old age, as the equations of
the 3 ages of life, between the seed of pure linguistic form born in the lower plane: S¡-1 and its T¡-1 entropic death,
back to ∆¡«∆¡-1:
∆-1»∆º: The cycle or organism starts its existence as a seed of pure form (4D) when its space-time field is created.
sT: It is the first horizon or ‘energy, youth age’ of the cycle, in which energy dominates the system and so we write
this phase as, max. $t x min. T.
Max. $xð: s=t. It is the present balanced age of the cycle or classic age of ‘life’, when energy and information are in a
constant proportion. It is the most efficient age, when the cycle reproduces.

Max. T x min. S: 3rd age of the cycle when information has exhausted the space-time field that warps into itself.
∆º«∆- 1: 0S x T: It is the end or death of the cycle that reverses its form and becomes energy again.
Existence is an ∞ sum of space/time fields, fluctuating between birth and extinction through those 3 phases or ages.
The 3 ages of Timespace supœrganisms happen in all systems, including mental languages:
In State Physics they are, $t-gas, the moving state, S=T liquid, the balanced state and §ð-solid the informative state;
into Cosmology, where it describes the Universe as a space-time system that fluctuates between both limits, a form
of pure time, the singularity (min.$t x max.ð§) and a form of pure space, the big- bang (max.$t x min. ð§). In Biology,
they are the 3 ages of living beings AND the 3 horizons of evolution of species. In social organisms, through the
subconscious collective mind of civilizations which in art styles mimic in a longer 800 year cycle of life and death of
civilizations (according to 5D metrics a human social supœrganism is larger in space – a nation, culture, religion –
and so it lives longer in time). So we find the 3 ages of life emerging in the 3 ages of cultures and its 3 artistic styles:
Min.S x Max. T (infantile epic, lineal art, as in treccento, Greek kuroi; S=T; balanced beauty, when form and size are
in balance, the classic mature age; and Max. S x Min. T: baroque, 3rd age of a civilization, whose subconscious mind
is the art of its 'neuronal artists', the age of maximal form and angst for a no future, which is the age of war and
death of cultures).
Finally we talk of 3 ∆±1 scales of worldcycles as the being live in a placenta, then emerges as organism in a world:
þ: 0-1: its palingenetic o-1 social evolution in the accelerated time sphere of existence, till becoming 1 (0-1 bounded
unit circle in ¡logic mathematics; quantum probability sphere of particles in physical systems; palingenetic fetal age
in biologic systems; 0-9 memetic learning childhood in social systems). It is a highly ordered worldcycle as a placental
mother-energy world nurtures a memorial cyclical spacetime that erased errors of previous
- c: The outer 1-∞ world, in which it will deploy its 2nd world cycle of existence in an environment which is open,
entropic (1-∞ hyperbolic unbounded Cartesian plane in ¡logic mathematics; thermodynamic entropic statistical
molecular populations in physics; Darwinian struggle between populations in biology; idol-ogic dog-eat-dog
capitalist, nationalist competitive eco(nomic)systems in the super organisms of history. In this 1-∞ existence the
world cycle is not ensured to continue, as the entropy of the world system can cut it off.
ω: The existential life cycle, though is part of a larger world of hierarchical social scales (§ D¡), where it performs 5
survival actions through ∆±4 Planes self-centered in its mind, beyond which it cannot longer perceive, to become if
successful a new supœrganism of the infinite planes of God, the game of existence.
Matter States are physical time ages, from left pure solid, crystal, §top state, to an even more solid ∆+1 boson
condensate, etc. We see that systems either move a step at a time within a plane of existence (gas, liquid, solid) or
they can jump « two states at once, (as in the case sublimation) within that plane, or most often between two
planes, as in « scattering & entropic death), to become a different Dimotional state. We can then see how the
fundamental elements of 5D time appear on the graph: the worldcycle is local and complete. There are two inverse
dimotions from an entropic past (plasma), in a lower plane (ion particles) to the 3 ages of the matter states with
increasing form (gas to solid), to end in a higher plane of existence as a boson-Einstein condensate.
The 5 Dimotiosn of matter.
In the graph, the 5 dimotions in thermodynamics are the 3±∆ states of matter: plasma=entropic, ∆-1 scale as ions
not yet made into atoms; gas, the locomotion state of maximal movement, liquid, the balanced S=T energy state,
crystal-solid, the in-form-ative state, and the 5th 'state'; the Einstein-Bose condensate of ultra dense matter:
It is a state of transition of top quark stars and strange stars - pulsar, an ∆+1 single 'atom' of enormous size.
The fascinating maths of heat, the first to be understood in terms of Analysis (Fourier) which is thermodynamics at
∆+1 scale, and its relationship with the maths of entropy, ∆º, the atomic scale, the worst understood concept of

physics, a cultural hang-up of the germ(anic) cult(ure) to lineal weapons and death, origin of the faulty philosophy of
physics (big-bang, death of the Universe, etc.)
Thus thermodynamics as all other stiences deals with the 5 elements-dimensions of reality:
• S: Space; T: Time; st: spacetime; ∆: scales, º: mind-singularities across scales.
So there are in-roads of thermodynamics in all its parts, of which the key concepts we can extract are:
- STate physics deals with the ternary space-time ages/topologies: S-gas<St-liquid>T-solid/crystal, which we shall
study in the paper ‘physics and scales’ on the molecular, matter and geological scales (∆-1, ∆º, ∆+1)
• Scale: The laws of heat and entropy deal with the relationship between the ∆-1:=, statistical mechanics scale and
the Ƽ, thermodynamic heat scale, which we shall study in this post.
• The @-mind level, denied by anthropomorphic human, happens in crystals, which 'reverse the time entropy of
systems', to build informative images of the word, shrunk in its mirror lattices.
Mathematically this was proved by Mehaute ('l'espace-temps brisse'), which showed that in chemical systems when
cold stops motion, the crystal starts to create fractal order.
Bedouins consider the core of dunes, a crystallized rock they call the ‘rose of the desert’, rightly its soul, which as
any other crystal stores its memorial information in the quartz 'veins' (informative paths) of its electromagnetic
atomic networks. And indeed we can reconstruct the motions of the Dune analyzing those paths.
Such 'Maxwell's demons' embody the concept of order - to be found in crystals, NOT in gaseous disordered states,
blown up by 'entropy-only physicists' to cosmic proportions.
So the 5 ∆@S≈T elements of matter systems become the sub-disciplines that study them, resumed in the worldcycle
of states of matter, Ts-gas, S≈T-liquid, St-solid physics, and the scalar analysis of classic thermodynamics. Yet while
state physics are essentially correct – you don’t need to be rocket scientist, or rather you just need to be rocket
scientist to understand them… classic entropy has enormous conceptual errors accepted due to the fascination its
maths provokes in creationist physicists. So we shall briefly analyze its laws.

State Physics studies the 3±¡ 'Ages of matter systems', between its i-1 plasmatic birth and E=Mc2, death vs. its i+1
‘boson’ resurrection. As all systems of nature DO have a dual path of future; either evolving into a stronger social
bondage (bosons in matter) or devolving into its ∆-¡ components (particle and ¥-radiation ‘bang’ in matter).
So the laws of Ts-young, locomotion gas', S≈T, balanced, present reproductive liquid, tS, future informative crystal
solids and the i-1 plasma age of conception vs. the dual boson/radiation future happening between the quantum i-3
and light ¡+3 planes, conform the ‘worldcycle’ of matter with the same disomorphic laws of any worldcycle.
Symmetry of scale: ∆º gas ≈ ∆-1 field < ∆º liquid ∆-1 wave > ∆-1 particles≈ ∆º crystals
The same cycle on the lower ∆-1 quantum scale, in which ‘liquid’ waves, ‘gaseous’ fields and ‘solid particles’ play the
same roles on quantum systems.
So we can write a Disomorphic equation of scales between thermodynamic and quantum states:
Ts (gas-entropy-past state) ≤≥ S≈T (Liquid-wave present state) ≤≥ Ss (Crystal 'solid', future, informative state).
As matter states happen in the 'human scale’, ∆o±1, thermodynamics is the referential stience to understand human
energy regardless of ‘quantum hype’. But it must be conceptually corrected, due to the complete misunderstanding
of time dimotions in classic physics, to avoid the traps of defining a Universe with only a single dimotion of Tt-
entropy (Plasma) and Ts-Locomotion (Gas), as if it were merely a 'gaseous Universe'.
The importance for humanity of thermodynamics is today somewhat dismissed by the hype of the quantum world of
electronic machines, as humans and life become expendable to the new chip-mind and its 'robotic species'.
We are NOT quantum beings as machines are, neither Gravitational, cosmological beings, as the galaxy is. We are
thermodynamic beings, and so state physics is the key energy science for human systems and the planet we live in.
Since in geological structures the interplay of gas, liquid and solid cycles creates the conditions for Gaia, to become a
∆+1 super organism and its ∆-1 life scale to flourish.
Sub disciplines of state physics.
State Physics can be further subdivided into subdisciplines that according to the pentalogic method study in depth
each of those 5 states: -i: Plasma (physics); Ts: Gas; STreproductive, balanced Liquid physics; St-informative Solid,
crystallography & +i: Boson Physics, whereas the properties of state physics derive from the general properties of
the 3±i dimotional ages of time.
But the most meaningful division is scalar between ∆-1: statistical mechanics and ∆º: Thermodynamics, which
consider the perspective of the ∆-1 molecular ‘unobservable’ scale and the human ∆º-scale. It is in this 5D
connection between scales, where the classic concepts of entropy (Boltzmann) were developed as a parameter to
connect both scales, which is a very specific concept far less comprehensive than 5D Tt-entropy for any ∆¡-scale.
We cannot over-extend in any of those stiences which will be analyzed latter in the decade on the papers of physics,
so we shall just comment on the Thermodynamic ∆º human scale and revis(it)e its laws that humind’s egocy have
hyperbolically expanded to all the places and scales of reality…
RECAP. the fundamental generator equation of matter systems:
Ts-Gas (entropic, past state) < Liquid (wave, present S≈T state) > Crystal (solid, ordered, St state) is equivalent to the
quantum generator: Pilot wave (entropic, path, gravitational scale) < wave (present state) > Particle (solid, ordered,
In that regard, the proper way to do quantum physics would be NOT to apply its laws to 'larger scale ensembles', but
to harmonise it and 'draw conclusions and teachings' from the much better observed thermodynamic world.

Classic thermodynamics and its translation...
Thermodynamics is defined as the science of relationships between heat, work, temperature, and energy. In broad
terms, thermodynamics deals with the transfer of energy from one T-place and S-form to another. How this classic
definition adapts to our new concepts of ‘S≈T-energy’, Ts-locomotion and St-information and its ‘limiting’ dimotions
of pure Tt-entropy and Ss-till languages is easy to understand conceptually and mathematically but it requires to
ditch out many wrong models of physics in the deepest whys, notably a re-reading of the laws of thermodynamics
and its ‘limits’ as they have been expanded absurdly to the cosmological and quantum realm beyond temperature.
ENERGY PARAMETERS. Energy is work and work is any OPEN path that changes the time conservation or cyclical
patterns of a physical system. So the conservation of Energy means a system is kept in an eternal closed loop of
repetitive presents. But by definition a closed loop is in balance between motion and form, a Si=Te, hence the
function of exist¡ence reaches its Max. e x i level.
Energy is topologically a hyperbolic wave where that balance shows in the ‘equivalence’ between the X and Y
coordinates of ‘time’ and ‘space’. In terms of time causality a present form, dominant in space; in form a wave that
moves through iteration, in present states entropically feeding in an ∆-1 field. This means in ¬ ælgebra, a mirror
image expressed with differentials, which extract 'finitesimals’ of the ∆-1 scale of space-time to power the larger
S≈T>St, bodyhead, wave-particle organism. So the process of feeding becomes: ∆-1 (∑Tt-fields)>∆º>S≈T-wave
The primary equation that defines most entropic vital processes of physics, including nuclear forces.
TEMPERATURE is related to Energy because it is a vibrational mode of energy, where molecules close its vibration
returning to the point or maintaining within a closed environment a fixed space-time volume. As all systems in which
we measure temperature, either vibrational solids, or liquids and gases studied in volumes closed by pressure have a
fixed S=T form. So temperature plays the role of a 'cyclic time clock' in the ∆-human scale and its fundamental
equivalence is with ‘frequency’ in the quantum scale, to the point when you red that a system reaches X-billion
degrees really they are not measuring ‘heat’ but ‘frequency’, which once the quantum system becomes transformed
into a molecular one within the realm of temperature parameters becomes ‘temperature’.
WORK is then a measure of a change in the energy- time state of a system, as it does not exist if there is not an open
expansive displacement, or lineal motion. So work acts as a bridge between energy and entropy parameters.
The key concept is that heat is a form of energy corresponding to a definite amount of mechanical work. And we
distinguish two types of S≈T-energy: St-potential energy based in the form of the being and Ts-kinetic energy:
S≈T-Energy: K.E.: ∫ (Max. e) x i ∂s ∂t + Information Energy (potential): ∫ (Max. i) x e ∂t ∂s
Where entropy understood as motion is dominant but there is form, hence there is in-form-ation in the motion. So
its equations can be resumed in terms of lineal, expansive motions with a minimal form.
ENTROPY PARAMETERS. So finally we arrive to HEAT, which is the ‘REAL entropic concept’, as heat EXPANDS. It is
indeed an entropic scattering expansion of energy as it disorders: S≈T (ENERGY) <<Tt (HEAT).
So the trinity fractal Generator of thermodynamics is: S≈T (Temperature:Energy) < Ts Work < Tt(Entropic Heat)

With those simple straight-forward definitions we can then tacked and revise the laws of Classic thermodynamics
where entropy has been blown up into a philosophy of science considers only a single plane of space-time and
reduces the 3±¡ dimotions of time to 1 bringing up the absurd idea that 'the Universe is dying' (Helmoth).
Since in a Universe of multiple planes (graph) a trinity of effects allows order to be restored:
• The energy and information entropy 'kills' resurrects, as an ∆-1 seeds in-forms the motion released by 'entropy'. •
In a given scale its thermodynamic equilibrium is reversed by the order of Ss<St systems, Maxwell Demons =Minds,
which act creating organic order.
• The inverse asymmetric dimotions of the 5th dimension limit energy losses, when we try through entropy to
'move' the energy of an ∆-1 scale into an ∆º-scale, preserving the form of its parts.
• Finally entropy in ∆-1 is compensated by the perfect synchronicity without loss of energy that we acts inversely
from a whole into its smaller part:
In the graph, thermodynamics changes n its interpretation when we consider multiple scales of time, as the loss of
S≈T-Energy from ∆-1 to ∆ is upset by the inverse growth of in/form/ation from ∆ to ∆-1 since those motions do not
have entropy (synchronicity of motion).
The laws of thermodynamics are thus transformed TO EXPAND its meaning to 5 matter Dimotions. Accordingly we
can use the pentalogic method to put them in relationship with the main Dimotions and ∆¬@st elements of reality:
-0:Ss: Homeostasis law: The 0ε law of thermodynamics. When two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a
third system, the first two systems are in thermal equilibrium with each other. This property means thermometers
as a “3rd system” can define a temperature scale. But it does NOT mean the system is dead because it has thermal
equilibrium. It is subtler: A system in thermal equilibrium has a higher degree of social order; as particles are alike. It
becomes therefore able to organise itself better with information, as in life systems which requires homeostasis. The
0ε law relates to the ‘Ss<St’ dimotions and mental elements of a physical system, as organisms and mind-mappings
require a balanced temperature to work properly with only subtle changes in the structure of its in-form-ation, form
in action. As a high temperature or one that varies too much, implies disordered movements that break those subtle
So we shall instead generalise it to all systems with a different name (the willy-nilly game of 'numbers', for the awe-
inspiring-digital groupie do not apply to 5D, as other scales of reality do have different languages and we are
unifying them) - The Law of homeostasis - and state that:
"A system of fractal points joined by a present ∆-wave of 'energy≈heat' tends to distribute 'democratically' the
energy and form of the wave to all its components, to ensure the internal balance of them'. And put as customary in
the Homologic Method of 5D, a minimum of 3 examples from physical, biological and social sciences:
In other terms, systems tend to establish a just, distributive balance between the points of the network, which will
receive a minimal amount of energy, call it a blood networks, 2.7k homeostatic temperature of the galaxy, or the
freezing equal temperature in which a metal-mind chip works.
-1st Law: S≈T: Conservation of energy. 0-sum, closed cycles.
'Energy never dies, it constantly transforms back and forth into information, through the repetition of body-wave
across ∆±1 planes of existence: Ts < ExI> Ss.
The law defines the cyclical 0-sum worldcycles of matter, as systems that return to its initial state and allow all the
cycles of matter of planet Earth. It means energy is conserved, as there is no work or energy expenditure in closed
time-cycles. Time does NOT work, meaning time cycles are closed cycles which do NOT spend work-energy; and this
amazingly important fact, hardly understood philosophically by the wannabe gurus of the absolute means ultimately

that time is eternal, and so it is the Universe, which has no manifest destiny, no lineal goal. Lineal time indeed would
exhaust itself as it would spend the energy of the Universe.
Thus we expand this law to include information and at the same time, diminish its
range by applying it only to exchanges within a single plane of existence, which not
being the general rule as always there are leaks of energy and information up and
down those scales, restrict the accuracy of our measures.
It is worth to notice that the graph has an asymmetric dimotion of order, because
while Plasma and gas are reversible: ∆-1 Plasma ó ∆o: Ts-Gas; we cannot jump from
plasma to solid, ∆-1>>∆+1, whereas a solid crystal can be considered as the
emergence of a new single ‘unit’ of a higher plane of existence but we can convert a
solid into plasma in Death actions, E=MC2, which take only a quanta of time to
This is a Universal law that establish a slow sequence of long time, from ∆-1 to ∆+1
through 3 ages and a fast track that ‘jumps’ the ‘present-liquid, S≈T-ate’ from Solid to plasma in death which
therefore has NO PRESENT: ∆+1«∆-1.
The 3±i time states:
In the graph, the worldcycle of matter. We see how the ∆±1 birth and death phase (plasma made of dissociated ions,
is the same as it opens and closes the cycle (since the boson and radiation states are very rare in a ‘temperature’
Thus, the Ts gas, S≈T liquid and St solid ages of matter and its dynamic worldcycles adding the final ∆±¡ death/
evolutionary states form dual binary and trinity ‘cyclical’ reversible system:
+I Boson Condensate <=> Solid <=> Liquid <=>Gas <=>-i Plasma
It shows all possible transformations between STages of matter from the Ts-gaselous state happening in systems of
minimal network organisation, to the solid state that anchors a system into an orderly steady state. Matter allows all
possible changes between ages with preference for the natural flow of time worldcycles towards ‘cooling
information’: gas>liquid>Solid.
And this preference is observed in the 'minimal energy’ law spent in all transformations of st-ate.
In the graph we see the ‘1st law’ in the cyclical patterns of the solid-gas-liquid.
Because motion is the ultimate substance of Nature, time-motion is eternal and this justifies the 1st law, which
implies ultimately every ‘open system’ is part of a larger closed system that preserves the 1st law.
Another expression of the law tells us that ‘change in a system's internal energy is equal to the difference between
heat added to the system from its surroundings and work done by the system on its surroundings’. So we can write a
fractal generator in which heat and work converge into the central zero sum state of energy:
Tt-Heat> S≈T-energy <Ts-Work

-2nd Ts<Tt law; or ‘ fractal generator’ of thermodynamics: Open, lineal cycles. A pentalogic view.
In the graph, the balances between the cellular, ∆+1 existential energy and ∑∆-1 individual energy that doesn’t give
all its energy (entropy limits to the system is what maintains the balance of the scales of the organism and make it
last in time as exemplified by the Maxwell equation or the vital and physiological constants of an organism, such as:

‘The value of existential energy of all scales of the Universe is equal, defined by its constants of vital space and range
of frequency of actions’.
Those harmonies are observed in the physical planes by the triad of kinetic Energies, E=hƒ=knT=mc2.
Thus S≈T-energy can be transferred up and down between scales in cyclical patterns. However what the laws of
thermodynamics forget is that the scalar Universe is asymmetric. That is, the natural direction of transfer of
‘potential St-information’ is from the lower scale upwards (as ∆-¡ holds more of it in the faster frequency and amount
of cyclical forms); while the natural direction of transfer of ‘kinetic energy; is from the upper system downwards. So
your body can move without friction between parts by the will of the whole, and your genetic code can reproduce
without apparent loss your cells and code your body. So the concept of entropy of the 2nd law is a misunderstanding
of those asymmetric arrows.
Let us try a more complex multilogic analysis of the 2nd law.
∆±¡ Scalar view: In the graph, the essence of the 2nd law is scalar. While we can convert mechanical work from ∆º
into heat, energy in ∆-1; we cannot transfer all energy of ∆-1, the parts, to the whole ∆º, which is obvious, as ∆º is
just an ‘emergent’ new plane of existence parasite of ∆-1, which needs to keep part of its ‘motion’ to function in ∆º.
This said the intelligent Universe constructs ‘physiological networks’ to maximize the in-taking of energy from the
parts to the whole.
Temporal view: The justification of the law derivers from the previous equations from past to future, (plasma to
solid) which always crosses through a present balanced S≈T-ate, unlike Future to past motions (deaths) that do not
cross usually the present: Tt-Past>Ts<S≈T>Ts Present> Ss-Future v. Ss-Future«Tt-Past.
Spatial view: This means when we go upwards from ∆-1 past ‘heat’ into ‘Future’ ordered motions in an ∆+1
mechanical solid system, part of the heat is wasted in the present-energy intermediate state; while going down from
the ∆+1 scale to the ∆-1 scale as we don’t move through the present S≈T-balanced STage, we can convert ALL the
work of the ∆+1 macrosystem into molecular ∆-1 system.
Entropic view: in other words death is fast and extremely efficient, reason why it is mathematically expressed by the
fastest growing e-x exponential equation.

Mental view: And so ultimately entropy-motion defeats Ss-minds which CANNOT stop the entire Universe.
The metaphysical question is: if the 2nd law limits the number of potential scales that can be constructed, and how
much energy can be transferred orderly upwards. The commonest answer is ’50-50’, which maintains a balance of
‘existential momentum’ in the trophic pyramids of parts and wholes. Yet as supœrganisms co-exist meaningfully in 3
scales we must also investigate the relationships between 2 given ‘scales’, or dual quantum jumps.
In a trilogic scalar analysis we observe that the law of inversion between scales: ∑∑|-1>∑O¡=|+1 applies when the
observer enlarges and slows down its view. Since from our perspective in the quantum scale the action is measured
in terms of angular momentum (h); in the thermodynamic scale in terms of entropy (k) in the mechanical
gravitational scale in terms of ‘lineal speed’. So clearly systems as the growth in scale become simpler. But in Non-E
Geometry (see paper 5D geometry), we know the ‘perception of curvature’ is relative to the size of the observer
(Lobachevski’s factor), reason why we see a flat Earth from our small perspective but a cyclical one from the larger
moon angle. So the lineal C-speed motions of light in the galaxy from the small perspective appear as a curved
spiraling St motion of stars and light around the central black hole. And the slow time paths of the galaxy accelerate
for the slow giant that could see it with a megaparsecs’ eye. Absolute relativity then leaves the conundrum of the
number of scales unresolved. It is though clear that if scales are infinite space must also be infinite, but again as we
perceive a limited horizon, which is always local as light dies approximately in the 1110-11 scale we can neither resolve
that question. It is absurd to think a mush on a lost rock of the Universe understands & perceives the whole.
Back to our scale what we also observe is a ↵ dual motion; as ‘∆+1 work’ becomes ∆-1 ‘heat’ increasing the disorder
of the ∆-1 scale but then the disorder disappears as heat is cooling down as ‘Heat flows then spontaneously from a
hotter region to a colder region, balancing the system into homeostasis. This is misinterpreted as death because
balance thermodynamic quilibrium and mental stillness are not understood. From waves that basically dissipate
energy to reestablish the balance of a network to entropy the phenomena responds to the supremacy of still,
mental information over entropy from the point of view of the organism.
In fact in a given scale entropy is not relevant: there are phenomena of superfluidity in the quantum scale; and
mechanical systems can move without apparent internal friction according to the principle of lineal inertia for
eternal motion; so entropy is a limitation between scales to allow the co-existence in balance of all of them.
It is part of the limits for a perfect fluid motion between scales that make any species a local event and explain why
it is ultimately so difficult to explore the fifth dimension of which humans amazingly enough know nothing.
The 2nd law in terms of the fractal generator.
A common formulation of the 2nd law is: heat at a given temperature cannot be converted entirely into work.
So the law reorders the 3 parameters of S≈T-energy, Ts-work and Tt-entropy in the Thermodynamic Generator:
S≈T (Temperature:Energy)< Ts-Work < Tt(Entropic Heat)
Observe the difference of ‘Dimotional dimotions’ with the 1st law. < is the only dimotion that expands the system.
So in this ‘allowed’ configuration, the system indeed increases constantly its Entropy. But we must balance this
dimotion with the 0 and 3rd law of crystal, in-form-ative, homeostatic grow of information to restore the balance.
Yet while this is truth it only applies to the transmission of energy from lower, ∆-1 ensembles into an ∆-whole, not
viceversa: ∆-wholes synchronise the simultaneous motions of all its ∆-1 parts, achieving with it 'lesser information'
and 'simpler, larger motions' a loss of zero entropy when they move all its parts, according to the direction of future
set up by the whole.
As usual the error of physicists is to generalise a local phenomena on the ∆±1 matter scale, forgetting the balances
obtained from non-entropic motions handled by the whole≈physical minds, which restore the balance of the system
in the opposite ‘3rd law’ of crystal order, 0ε-temperatures and gravitational non-thermal forces.

By ignoring the ∆@ elements of reality thermodynamics looses any value as a philosophy of general global laws.
Such laws apply only to the entropy of a closed single ∆-scale system, which tends toward an equilibrium state in
which entropy - the scattering and equality of heat among all its ∆-1 elements, is at a maximum and no energy is
available to do useful work at the ∆-level.
This asymmetry between forward and backward processes gives rise to what is known as the “dimotion of time" in
classic thermodynamics, which as we said is a simplification of the 3 dimotions of time, due to the error of a single
space-time continuum, converted into a huge global error by extending it to every system.
Indeed, 'a single entropic dimotion of time' for all phenomena deduced of the study of expansive heat=entropy in
steam machines, is a local reductionist simplex analysis of time dimotions. And to expand it to include all the planes
of the Universe, all the beings, by reducing the 5 dimotions of reality to 'heat, entropic motions' is plainly bogus. The
law merely becomes a single dimotion of dying entropic time, when we eliminate all other scales and st, T, elements
of the system. And we will return to that.
When considering the 5D dimotion between atoms and heat, a measure of the human scale, its comprehension is
blurred by the language - as entropy doesn’t measure motions backwards and forwards in 4D time but motion
backwards in the 5th dimension of social scalar evolution, as a dimension of dissolution of wholes and its order.
Such as when we want to use and exhaust the motion of ∆-1 systems, which are NOT organised by complex networks
but just merely as humans do, with 'heating machines', entropic 'fire', and some other brutish systems, obviously the
molecules and atoms of the lower scale have the same interest to order perfectly and give up its motion to that
brutish wholes a mass of humans have to be herded by a military thug.
Entropy appears in minimal processes of organization such as heat is to extract motion of individual ∆-1 elements.
However when a system is fully organised, according to 5D organic laws entropy greatly diminishes, as in Crystals,
which have basically zero entropy, or organisms, which increase the order of beings and diminish its entropy.
Egocy physicists just deny the existence of fractal points that gauge information and gravitational forces that
balance expansive, electromagnetic entropy order the Universe, to make man the only ‘mind’ of reality.
So the law should be rephrased regarding the conservation of motion and information: In the whole Universe
entropy does not exist. As the Universe is made of motion and curvature, which balance each other through all its ∆-
scales. So when a system becomes disordered and expands its entropy in an ∆-1 scale; the order is restored by the
simultaneous, informative order of larger ∆+1 wholes which contract and synchronise the ∆-systems.
So ∆-¡ quantum scales of physical, electromagnetic entropy are balanced by the ∆+n scales of gravitational, only-
attractive information. And we have to assess the total order of a system, studying at least ∆±n scales together.
-The 3rd St law of thermodynamics. The entropy of a perfect crystal in its most stable form tends to zero as the
temperature approaches absolute zero. This allows an absolute scale for entropy to be established that, from a
statistical point of view, determines the degree of randomness or disorder in a system.
So the third law establishes that near absolute zero, entropic disorder by heat, no longer apply.
It is the inverse fractal generator that balances the 2nd law: Tt(Entropic Heat)> S≈T (∇Temperature)< Ss-crystal
The dimotion of information however is subtle and ‘intelligent’, in its ‘efficient’ approach to the use of energy. In
that regard we can compare a crystal ‘network’ with a biological network that manages to ‘transfer’ with maximal
efficiency through branching energy from the ∆+1 lung system into the minimal cells.
In that regard, the absurd universal view of the 2nd law happened before the understanding that growing order and
perfect motion with no entropy happens in the cold regimes. Since in 'organic physical matter' the most important
effects of order creation happen when thermodynamic entropy is minimal - phenomena such as superconductivity,

superfluidity, bosons, etc. We talk also of a finitesimal 0ε as the relative 'temperature' of a mind, which creates a still
map of reality it then projects on the larger reality diminishing its ∆+1 worlds’ entropy. In other words: 'The Universe
is filled with Maxwell's demons'
Zero crystal entropy tells us also several things: a crystal, or perceptive physical, Ss mind that maps out an
'intelligent' mirror image of the Universe inside its mind is cold, tends to total order, and minimal motion. So it is
the 3rd Law of cold physical matter. But both a mind and a crystal move the Universe, as they become focus of
smaller ∆-2 pixels of information that map out and slightly change ‘bit by bit’ the view of the world.
So even in the near stillness of 0K, motion never stops. Temperature then must be considered not only a measure of
motion but also of ‘disorder’ and ‘linear’, expansive Ts-motion; since a superfluid rotates very fast and a black hole
rotates at c-speed but in orderly fashion at minimal temperature, as they are St-inward motions that hardly ‘spill’ out
its energy (to be measured as temperature).
If we include other ∆-scales beyond matter, they modify those laws creating order. I.e. gravitation is a force of order
as it only attracts and 'contracts', in-form-ing a system; so it balances the tendency to entropy of ¥-rays.
So the ∆±¡ quantum and gravitational Universe that sandwiches us, rescues the world from entropic death through
its orderly actions – reason why the parameters of ACTION=DIMOTION are only measured in terms of entropy in the
Thermodynamic scale (Tt-Boltzmann constant) but not in the ∆-gravitational scale (Ts-C-speed) and quantum (St-H-
angular momentum)
Because thermodynamics developed during the XIX C. in response to the need to optimize the performance of
steam engines, it is wrong to expand by dogma to the whole universe those laws of thermodynamics, as they apply
only to physical, molecular matter, the ∆±1 scales and biological systems, without understanding how order is
restored in biological systems by its minds, in ∆±1 by crystals and future dimotions of social evolution. As a system
either has motion or form, it switches between both states; a fact only recognised by the pioneers of fractal
chemistry such as Mr. Mehaute, who proved (L’espace-temps brisse) that when a thermodynamic system stops
moving externally, it subtly starts to create further internal order with ‘crackles’=networks of form.
Correspondence between the laws of thermodynamics and the laws of Existential algebra.
The study of the laws of thermodynamics in 5D is Disomorphic to the study of the main variations of the fractal
generator of ¬Æxistential algebra (see paper, ‘The stientific method’) and its properties. And the 2nd law is just one
of those ‘variations’, as the sum of them all is ultimately a zero-worldcycle
We redefine those laws in terms of ∆@st, as they are the ∆ dual dimotions of order of the previous pyramid and the
'Maxwell demon @minds' that tell the system where to be and go.
Correspondence with the states of matter.
We can tackle in reverse order the 3 laws of thermodynamics as expressions of the 3 single plane states of matter:
Ss: Solid crystals. 0ε finitesimal entropy, Still mind-information:
The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a perfect crystal close to 0 Kelvin is zero. This means that
in a perfect crystal, at 0 Kelvin, nearly all molecular motion should cease in order to achieve ΔS=0. A perfect crystal is
one in which the internal lattice structure is the same at all times; in other words, it is fixed and non-moving, and
does not have rotational or vibrational energy. This means that there is only one way in which this order can be
attained: when every particle of the structure is in its proper place.
The mind is indeed a o-mapping of all reality where motion is 'expelled' for the form to be absolute and reflect by
the 'determined' actions of the being, which sees its mind as the deterministic still universe - what it is.
S≈T: Energy: The first law states that present energy is conserved.

Tt: the Second Law of Thermodynamics corresponds to the 'entropy-disorder' state, hence it is tautological:
The total entropy of a thermodynamic system tends to increase over time, approaching a maximum value.
Pentalogic on entropy from the point of view of space, time, scale, mind-languages and double Tt-entropy.
A complex pentalogic analysis of entropy in terms of ¬∆@st, time, scale and space interprets that:
- As time passes, the branching of future paths into St, Ts, S≈T ternary states increases.
So in space the information of the system becomes less deterministic.
- @mind. But internally the membrane and mind- singularity (or membrain)
Entropy in space-time thus relates to the fascinating concept of 'all the possibilities' of evolution of a system into the
future, which basically are 3±0, moving along the 3 dimotions of s, st, t of a single plane, and/or the ∆±1 dimotions of
emergence and dissolution out of a given Ƽ plane.
We are now ready to provide a definition of entropy in classic physics and properly interpret it. The entropy S - a
MACROSTATE, ∆º parameter - is defined in terms of the micro-state parameters, as: S=k ln Ω
where k is Boltzmann's constant (never mind it was found by my admired colossus Mr. Planck) and Ω the number of
microstates consistent with the given macrostate.
So in 5D terms we either:
•∆-1>∆: reduce the possible paths of future, of an ensemble of ∆-1 micro states to its smaller future whole
information. As the set of sets is larger than the whole set (Cantor paradox homology).
So, a social group of 'numbers=events' (Ω), which represent the paths of future of a series of 'space-time
quanta≈actions (k) that have more spatial population=informative-time events in the ∆-1 scale than the whole; can
be reduced to its Ƽ states, by means of a slow growing logarithmic curve (ln), inverse to its 'exponential function of
growth', which will be the opposite perspective from ∆ to ∆º:
•∆<∆-1 decay from wholeness into its parts, is thus the inverse famous decay exponential equation, showing in this
manner an essential symmetry between ∆-1 and ∆ parts and wholes, in terms of its 'quantity of possible future
formal paths and degrees of freedom'.
- In scale is where entropy has its more clear meaning as the ∆-1 scale of parts does NOT give all its energy to ∆º.
The increase of entropy with time for isolated, LOCAL, THERMAL systems plays a fundamental role in determining
the direction of its ∆º<∆+1 scalar “dimotion of time.”
For example, everyday life presents no difficulty in distinguishing the forward flow of time from its reverse. For
example, if a film showed a glass of warm water spontaneously changing into hot water with ice floating on top, it
would immediately be apparent that the film was running backward because the process of heat flowing from warm
water to hot water would violate the second law of thermodynamics. However, this obvious asymmetry between
the forward and reverse directions for the flow of time does not persist at the level of fundamental interactions
because individual collisions are unchanged by reversing the direction of time. An observer watching a film showing
two water molecules colliding would not be able to tell whether the film was running forward or backward. Since
entropy and the second law are 5th dimensional motions that concern the relationships of order between parts and
wholes. In a thermal force whose ‘constant of space-time K is measured with values of entropy’ hence an entropic
force by nature, (unlike the ∆-3 scale of light whose constant of space-time, h, has values of St-angular momentum or
the gravitational world of mass constants with Ss-accelerated space-time value) the ∆-1<<∆+1 time flow grows in
disorder as we increase the ‘size’ of the whole.
Heat at the molecular level is the random kinetic energy of motion of molecules, and collisions between molecules
provide the microscopic mechanism for transporting heat energy from one place to another., heat can flow just as
well in one direction as the other. Thus, from the point of view of fundamental interactions, there is nothing to

prevent a chance event in which a number of slow-moving (cold) molecules happen to collect together in one place
and form ice, while the surrounding water becomes hotter. Such chance events could be expected to occur from
time to time in a vessel containing only a few water molecules. However, the same chance events are never
observed in a full glass of water, not because they are impossible but because they are exceedingly improbable. This
is because even a small glass of water contains an enormous number of interacting molecules (about 1024), making it
highly unlikely that, in the course of their random thermal motion, a significant fraction of cold molecules will collect
together in one place. Although such a spontaneous violation of the second law of thermodynamics is not
impossible, an extremely patient physicist would have to wait many times the age of the universe to see it happen.
The foregoing demonstrates an important point: the second law of thermodynamics is statistical in nature. It has no
meaning at the level of individual molecules, whereas the law becomes essentially exact for the description of large
numbers of interacting molecules. In contrast, the first law of thermodynamics, which expresses conservation of
energy, remains exactly true even at the molecular level.
Again we see that the 2nd law is local in space, time and scale unlike the 1st law, which is universal to all ∆S≈T.
- ¬ Entropy is also related also to lineal expansive motion=disorder, which is the wider definition of 5D (taken from
the wider vague concept of philosophical entropy of physicists and its dimotion of time).
But even in such case Entropy is relative, a local phenomena with limits in space, time, scale and mind.
The example of ice melting in a glass of hot water demonstrates the other sense of the term entropy, as an increase
in randomness and a parallel loss of information. Initially, the total thermal energy is partitioned in such a way that
all of the slow-moving (cold) molecules are located in the ice and all of the fast-moving (hot) molecules are located
in the water (or water vapour). After the ice melted and the system comes to thermal equilibrium, the thermal
energy is uniformly distributed throughout the system. The statistical approach provides a great deal of valuable
insight into the microscopic ∆-1 structure of matter. The great beauty and strength of classical thermodynamics are
that its predictions are completely independent of the microscopic structure of matter.
∆º>∆+1 scalar interactions.
A chief point of confusion is the fact that humans observe the Second Law externally. So huminds only measure the
outer fields preyed on through in its interaction with the system; in which the central mind-singularity of order
and/or enclosing membrane constrains, orders the vital space the system - a topologic open ball body-wave which is
NON-perceivable externally neither ‘reckoned’ in Euclidean geometries of points without parts as it is precisely the
inside parts of the system or the ∆-1 scale.. Order thus increases internally while externally entropy increases but
both balance if huminds would accept non-Euclidean points, scalar internal ∆-1 orderly states, etc.
Most real thermodynamic systems are open systems that exchange heat and work with their environment, rather
than closed=LOCAL systems ruled by the 2nd law. For example, living systems clearly achieve a local reduction in their
entropy as they grow and develop; they create structures of greater internal energy (i.e., they lower entropy) out of
the nutrients they absorb. This does not violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics, because a living organism does not
constitute a closed=LOCAL system.
For example, Earth constantly receives entropic energy in the form of sunlight but internally increases order
converting the cycles of heat and cold weather into ‘triggers’ of the S≈T>St fundamental ‘rhythm of life ‘reproductive
radiations’ and evolutionary glaciation states that structure life evolution (see paper ‘Biology and entropy’). And
further on internally it grows order for different NON-THERMAL magnetic forces – which protect the membrain from
external ¥-rays disorder and likely from a memorial ‘Galactic program’ of evolution of planets through 3 ages, as the
continental processes of reunion and split of continents shaped evolution and draw the map of history and further
on today receives order from all the humind-points aka life-beings and AI and digital networks on the surface. But
physical instruments do NOT measure and input those forms of orders.

What physicists should talk about is order vs. disorder; as a 5D stientist would say 'A system first ∆ its disorder in
radiation wave-entropy, S≈T<Tt events, as a pre-condition for its supœrganisms’ networks to 'order' Tt-motions into
form and 'emerge' into the ∆+1 whole, Ss singularity-minds’ upper, ∆º+1 scale.
Reversible vs. irreversible processes: how to turn back the dimotion of entropy into an orderly form.
The second law is not universal, and this was somehow recognised when the third law: zero entropy for a crystal
mind, was accepted). Further on reversibility is canonical in quantum physics (particles) as we cannot distinguish any
direction of a motion.
In mechanics we can also talk on terms of Lagrangians and Hamiltonians, to understand reversible processes, akin to
those concepts in thermodynamics.
Even if mechanics, an ∆+1 scale has a different view from the human ∆º of the three scales, given the asymmetry of
5D parts and wholes, balanced in the S≈T level: ¡+1 is a view of lesser information than the massive amount of
information coming from the faster more abundant fractal scales of the parts, in quantum physics.
In that sense the key concept of 5D behind a reversible process in the ternary ∆S≈T symmetries is information:
"For a reversible process in time space or scale to happen, the level of control of time events, spatial directions or
scalar populations must be at ∆-1, infinitesimal parts and minimal frequencies micro-management'.
Reversibility in space is so overwhelming because we have enough information from the perspective of left or right.
When information about the upper or lower scale, the future or the past, the forward or backward view in space is
lacking, reversibility flounders.
Consider the simplest case of lack of information. If you move backwards reversing your forwards movement it is
obvious that sooner or latter you will fail to reverse your path because you don’t see it, and so you will stumble. In
scales and time the same concept applies. In scale the failure for micro-particles to control the upper scale, which
emerges as the relative future (since parts must come first to build emergent wholes) has the same reason. And
ultimately is due to the different non-Euclidean geometry, outlined in the graph:
The view of the whole for the parts is limited, as the networks of information that control them are invisible
(information is smaller and faster, by virtue of 5D metrics, $ x ð =C.
On the other hand the whole can encircle and manage wholesale the parts by changing its general parameters of
energy and information, as the Earth does with its glaciation cycles with its micro-life species, or humans do with
machines to extract energy from thermal sources. But this management is NOT thorough. So it normally does NOT
affect the ‘heat capacity’ (the true parameter that should be argued instead of the philosophical, creationist,
mathematical concept of ‘probability and entropy’, just one more of the many errors of the creationist, German
Idealist school of science of the turn of the century (including the Copenhagen interpretation, fascism and
communism, which are fed-forced on reality with its obvious consequences). Heat capacity allow efficient micro-
systems to absorb existential S≈T-energy and keep it not giving it away as ‘heat’, which Ts-moves and dilates a
thermometer to measure Tt-emperature (an entropic parameter).
But this is good as it keeps both, the ∆-1 and ∆º scales in balance.
As a corollary all this implies that the macro-being, the elephant in the room, shall not control but merely dissuade
the micro-parts to take their decisions, since infinite micro-populations can only be managed efficiently if internally
they ‘agree’ to give away its existential energy.
This is indeed the key way in which in History a capitalist democracy controls its people to tax-farm them, make them
obey the law , etc.: they are dissuaded it is the best of all systems, they naively think presidents are elected not
‘$elected’; and they know little of the workings of the flows of money that control society and the ‘black hole of
power’ – those who issue money, bankers that control with corruption the law and own everything as they print

money at null cost for free. It is the same in all working organisms. The brain is invisible to the cells it manages; the
black hole is invisible to the stars it positions with invisible gravitational waves in the galactic superorganism. Above
the graph we see this Mind-informative system in control of the whole.
It is for that reason the parts don’t perceive the whole, but if the whole tries ‘brutally’ to control the parts obviously
entropy happens, the ∆-1 herd does not obey easily. So when as in physics the complexity of the informative micro-
management is ignored and there is an entropic obsession to reduce it all to simplicity, with such poor tools as
Euclidean Geometry, single entropy arrows of time, etc. the outcome is a bizarre worldview.
In praxis the system needs a Ss internal knot of order, or mind invaginated by nervous /informative fractal
networks that touch all cells to create simultaneous behaviour which only happens in crystal solids, through van der
waals and magnetic field control or in biologic systems with nervous control of simultaneous cell motions - and we
imagine in the less observed invisible world of galaxies by gravitational 'DNA-like informative black holes' micro-
managing the evolution, and feeding of its dark matter cells, on the star mitochondria.
And this is expressed in mechanics by the Lagrangian function whose minimalist derivatives on time tend to zero
(least time actions), and hence in the whole conservative energy world cycle integral of the being, the Hamiltonian
becomes also a conserved zero-sum.
In thermodynamics, the same concept means a reversible process is a process whose direction can be "reversed" by
inducing infinitesimal changes to some property of the system via its surroundings, while not increasing entropy.
Throughout the entire reversible process, the system is in thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings. Since it
would take an infinite amount of time for the reversible process to finish, perfectly reversible processes are
impossible. However, if the system undergoing the changes responds much faster than the applied change, the
deviation from reversibility may be negligible. In a reversible cycle, a reversible process, which is cyclic, the system
and its surroundings will be returned to their original states if the forward cycle is followed by the reverse cycle.
So it is understood why humans cannot as elephants on a very subtle scalar Universe make most process reversible
just with their huge, dull methods of control. Simply speaking the 'will of individual atoms' refuses to yield to the
bullies and so heat and entropy ensues; as it does in brutish social dictatorships as opposed to subtle
placebo democracies where the capitalist masters of the Financial-media system merely 'suggest' the mass from its
advantageous point of view, what to do, and the citizen, 'believer' will therefore create order without understanding
the networks of money and mass-media have suggested him what to do.
So the Universe reaches order and reversibility only when it is build a system with efficient, superorganic structures.
All other systems will have entropy as synchronicity is lacking.
In that regard the entire concept of an irreversible entropy dimotion for the whole universe, does not even work on
matter systems, as it is merely yet another ego-trip of the homunculus on the loose, thinking that if he cannot 'get it'
by himself, the universe is guilty and wrong- those damn atoms that misbehave (:
So, the 'particular' laws of thermodynamics give a complete description of all changes in the energy state of any
system and its ability to perform useful work on its surroundings, but only when we make a 'ceteris paribus' analysis
of that plane and its internal phenomena, discharging the interchanges of energy and information with the ∆±1
In that sense thermodynamics also has a scalar structure, and so epistemologically we talk of 2 branches:
∆o: Classical thermodynamics, which does not involve the consideration of individual atoms or molecules.
∆-1>∆: Such concerns are the focus of the branch of thermodynamics known as statistical thermodynamics, or
statistical mechanics, which expresses macroscopic thermodynamic properties in terms of the behaviour of
individual particles and their interactions.

It has its roots in the latter part of the 19th century, when atomic and molecular theories of matter began to be
generally accepted. And so a clear form to study the 'errors' of a single space-time analysis of entropy and one which
includes at least a couple of ∆-scales is to see the differences between both scalar approaches. Since the key to
understand properly thermodynamics is to analyse how disorder in one scale ∆-heat in fact merely means that the
∆-1 scales wishes to create its proper order and motions.
So we need to include besides the study of open and closed states of a thermodynamic system in a single ∆-scale, the
'whole picture' by adding the study of 'closed and opened' systems in 3 ∆±1 scales, asking questions such as:
'This event study transfers energy or information to the ∆±1 scales of the system and if so, which dimotion is
dominant, ∆+1>∆ order or ∆-1<∆ entropy?
For example in beta decay equations of entropic disorder of a particle, spin (cyclical order) is missed. So the order
was restored by including the ∆-1, neutrino quanta which the process of death and devolution of the nucleon
transfers as all entropic phenomena do, to its lower ∆-1 faster/larger scale.
It is this type of actions of balancing the 'books' which physicists stubbornly do
not do for entropic heat, adding to the mix gravitational in-form-ative forces and
'@minds', Maxwell demons, what explains the errors of a dying universe of
its science philosophies.
The Universe as a whole has zero entropy=disorder.
In classic physics entropy is ultimately a scalar property that relates the number
of micro-states of a system to its larger SINGLE perceived macrostate. In physics
entropy was measured first in gases which are by definition the most disordered
state of matter. So obviously entropy was ginormous, proportional to the number of molecules, from the point of
view of the humind’s reduced view of the system in the macrostate, which only perceived macro-properties of
measure, Pressure, volume, Energy and temperature (PV=nkT=E).
Moroever this concept of entropy leads to Laplace argument on a deterministic Universe. If we knew all the data of
the initial state of particles even in a gaseous state, all their paths will be deterministic and only one landscape
arises. And if we were small enough to inquire each atom, he will tell you he ‘knows where he is going’, even if he is
moving from one side to another rather subconsciously. I.e. if we look at a mass of humans in a demonstration from
above, like the 3rd man looks at the points below in the Austrian Park, they seem indistinguishable and any
configuration of the demonstration will be possible for the view of the capitalist in his ivory tower – a bunch of
lefties protesting. The only information we get then is the reason of its protest (the substance of the gas), and the
approximate number of ‘human molecules’ and perhaps the ‘heat temperature’ – the degree of anger and motion of
the demonstration. Entropy then is on the eye of the macro-beholder.
The absurd expansion of Entropy and thermodynamic laws to all scales, forces and phenomena, for the wanting of
physicists to become philosophers of science is just an egocy (Ego=idiocy) trait as temperature is a local, molecular
property and gas, one of the 5 Dimotions of matter. Consider the other extreme form, solid, transparent crystals,
which have a macrostate recognizable in an image formed within the crystal. This image corresponds to a single
micro-state for each pixel of the image. Thus the configuration of the microstate is only one and entropy is zero. This
can be expanded to any linguistic mind system, regardless of how much humans do know of the microstate. An
image in a TV requires each specific electron to have a specific form. A logic circuit in a computer has the exact
configuration of its gates required for a given calculus. A seed encodes the exact genes. Ss-informative spatial still
forms have no entropy.
A way to rephrase those questions then arises from the argument of the structure of the different scales of the 5th
dimension: is there a situation in which the ∆-1 microstates are less than the ∑∆º macrostates; hence a negative
entropic system? This would imply the existence of ‘multiple futures’ branching from a single potential microscale. If

multiple gaseous configurations might give birth to a single macro-state because according to 5D metrics, the micro-
state holds more information, and the ‘ghostly’ larger scale is happy just to build itself with part of the existential
energy of the microstates; the inverse might hold truth for the lower plane of quantum particles.
This is in fact the case when we consider all the dimensions of the system, the dimension of time and the dimension
of scale, in many forms of the Universe. For example, the number of macro-states of life, i.e. variations of organisms
that can arise from a single micro-state. So in palingenesis a single ordered micro-state or embryo might give birth to
multiple different macro-states.
And ultimately a single micro-state, the 3 topologies of space-time give birth to ∞ macro-state variations, all of them
0-sum worldcycles that return to its fold. So for the whole Universe as a ‘block of time’ entropy is in fact infinitely
negative. That is, we depart from two single forms, the line and the cycle, and as Desargues already proved in his
theory of conics, all possible curves arise.
Moreover if we take only in consideration the species that ‘survive’, as efficient forms the order is absolute, because
there are for such an extensive Universe, a limited number of them that do make the cut and reproduce. I.e. virtual
particles are many but elementary particles that repeat its cycles and survive very few. All the existences that have
happened will be repeated again as the number of possible existences that last in time are few. In this very moment
there are infinite other planets where humans are making machines as ‘enzymen’ to evolve an Earth of metal and
die. It is said there are 6 persons that look exactly like you. So when we take entropy into the philosophical arena,
with a minimal rigor, the entire conceptual frame of an entropic Universe, dying etc. become meaningless talk.
Creationism is also not the right justification of why entropy exists. The usual creationist reason for it, (a
mathematical concept that instead of a mirror of a space-time event is considered is cause) reads like this:
In a thermodynamic system, pressure, density, and temperature tend to become uniform over time because
the equilibrium state has higher probability (more possible combinations of microstates) than any other state. This is
NOT the reason. The reason is the natural democratic, social evolutionary tendency of all systems of similar T.œs.
Molecules ‘share’ their energy to a point in which all of them have a similar quantity, as humans without ‘animetal
weapons power’ lived in the Neolithic in ‘thermodynamic equilibrium’ of relative equality. Part of the idol-ogy of
capitalism (see papers of history) consists in justifying always as ‘evil’ equality. Thermodynamic equilibrium makes
difficult for a higher scale to emerge and oppress the molecules, as a democratic ‘unity’ makes difficult to enslave
human beings. But death=no motion of those particles in equilibrium does NOT happen. In their ∆-1 scale they are
kicking and acting.
And how they act follows as everything in the Universe the ‘Function of existence’ (5D metrics: $xð=C plus Absolute
relativity, S=T), that is the search for constant balances that allow the different SHMotions of reality. For example, 2
key equations are the the equipartition theorem that relates the temperature of a system to its average energies.
The equipartition theorem is also known as the law of equipartition, equipartition of energy, or
simply equipartition. The original idea of equipartition was that, in thermal equilibrium, energy is shared equally
among all of its various forms; for example, the average kinetic energy per degree of freedom in Ts- translational
motion of a molecule should equal that in St- rotational motion. That is, Ts=St and Ts+St = S≈T… again.
And yet again, in the ‘asymptotic borders of the quantum ∆-1 scale the equipartition theorem no longer holds since
at low temperatures the thermal energy kBT of certain degrees of freedom are "frozen out" as order simplifies the
superfluous motions that would become ‘friction’ for the quantum world of higher order (and lesser entropy); in a
process that continues down all the way through the transformation of the ‘constant of action k (entropic) into the
much more ordered O-constant of the quantum world (h-actions of angular momentum).
We have then the slightly different theorem for the ‘upper boundary’ between the scale of thermodynamics and
that of matter, called the Virial theorem which has been expanded to almost all scales; which in its simplest
formulae for stars is a clear proof of the increase of universal order due to gravitation, as it shows that a
gravitational system has ‘negative heat capacity’.

Indeed, according to the virial theorem, a self-gravitating body like a star or an interstellar gas cloud, the average
potential energy Upot and the average kinetic energy Ukin are locked together in the relation Upot = -2 Ukin. Hence total
energy U (= Upot + Ukin) therefore U = - Ukin
If the system loses energy by radiating energy into space, the average kinetic energy actually increases. If a
temperature is defined by the average kinetic energy, then the system has a negative heat capacity. An even more
extreme version occurs with black holes, which become colder the more mass and energy they absorb; which means
they are NOT as Hawking claims, systems of maximal entropy but precisely the opposite, systems of maximal
order=in-form-ation; a theme we will discuss in detail on the section of entropy and cosmology, showing the proper
way to interpret Hawking’s equations.
The question of how many different positions can adopt is meaningless, as they become ‘one’, like the
demonstrators. It doesn’t matter that joe is on the left and Jackie on the right and could change places, what matter
is they form an equal, single mass. So what to do about this ‘entropy’ element of all those equations of
thermodynamics and its ‘second law’? Frankly NOBODY needs them.
The real concept of entropy: heat capacity.
The true thermodynamic parameters come for gases from Boyle’s law: Pv = nkT, which has no entropy anywhere.
Entropy IS a man made imaginary value that for the objective understanding of thermodynamics is completely
irrelevant and for the Universe at large, false. Its value as it will be studied here is purely philosophical and its
interpretation in classic physics wrong. So why we use it on 5D? We use it as a synonymous of death, disorder, and
Tt-scattering motions. As such we could have used other word, but because entropy as synonymous of disorder is
today part of the discourse of all sciences, and the word ‘death’ a big heavy on the mind, we have chosen it for the
Tt-dimotion that ends the existence of a system. Then obviously when a system dies and disorders the final
configuration of its broken cells, disarrayed crystal atoms, etc. might be anything. Who cares? The whole who
ordered those parts in a single configuration is gone. But entropy won’t last. As other similar species will feed on
them to rise a new supœrganism.
Entropy then in thermodynamics should be substituted by a more meaningful concept in which its units are
measured – heat capacity, Q/T; which is what we will discuss ‘as real’, outside the philosophical realm of the concept
of order and disorder (Tt). Heat capacity is then important as a physical parameter and secondary to it is the
argument of order and temperature that goes as follows:
The heat capacity of an object, denoted by C is the limit C =lim T->0 ∆Q/∆T, where ∆Q (a form of energy) is the
amount of heat that must be added to the object (of mass M) in order to raise its temperature by ∆T. Or in other
words, the capacity of a form of matter to absorb and store energy; ultimately dependent of its parameters of
‘existential energy’, such as ‘more ordered, efficient’ forms of matter (solids) have more storage capacity because
they have internally more ‘complex’ form, measured usually as the ‘degrees of freedom’; that is, the different ‘ties’
(∆-1-axons, vibrational paths, etc.) between its atoms.
The classic simplest case is that of mono-atomic, diatomic and triatomic molecules, which become more complex,
ordered systems with increasing heat capacities. As each of those new species of ‘social atoms’ can store more
energy, it gives away less of it as Tt-motion that ‘hits’ the temperature termometer, preserving it for its internal
organization. On the other hand a weaker system, a gas system cannot store in its internal order the energy it is
given, so it easily gives it away as temperature=motion that hits the walls of the container or the temperature
In 5D we can write then C= S≈T (Energy) / Tt (entropic temperature). So, S≈T/Tt ≈ S/T= S information /T motion
which simply states that a system with higher heat capacity (S>T) is one in which its internal form, its in-formation is
higher than its external motion S/T>1.

This is a general rule for any scale. A tighter, smaller, more ordered cyclical O-crystal or solid or higher mass system
stores more ‘energy’ because it transforms it into ‘faster and more complex variations of internal motion in a denser
network of ties between its parts. So paradoxically those smaller, more efficient forms with ‘more mass’ or ‘more
heat capacity’, when disordered into Tt (E=Mc2, etc), release more motion than ther seemingly more active,
expansive gases of ‘thin air’. And again this relates to 5D metrics: $ x ð = C
The virtue of using the concept of heat capacity instead of entropy is obvious: we are rephrasing the whole subject
not in terms of disorder, the preferred humind concept but in terms of order, the preferred universal concept,
highlighting those systems of lesser entropy not those of higher entropy, which is also what we shall do using
instead of the ‘entropic concept of temperature’, the concept of ‘coldness’, of order, the ß function, which proves to
be more fundamental as it can cross beyond the T=0 K as a continuous function without asymptotic discontinuities
as temperature does. So we can cross indeed as we shall show in the analysis of thermodynamics of black holes ‘the
K=0 barrier’ which is ONLY the limit of thermal, molecular systems, into the world of perfectly ordered internal black
holes (top and bcb quarks, bosons, etc.).
What other equation of entropy matters in thermodynamics? One which is ‘pumped up’ in importance as the
‘Fundamental thermodynamic relation, dU=TdS – pdV.
It means that the entropy (heat capacity) of a system depends on its internal energy and its external parameters,
such as its volume, which is exactly what we have said in 5D terms. Again the entropic factor here is quite irrelevant,
since if we substitute it for the units of heat capacity the TdS element is simplified as T x E/ T = E.
And then because dU is a measure of a type of energy (internal energy), and TdS is converted also in energy, and
pdV is also in energy/work units, here it is eas to understand what we talk about. The internal energy of a system
changes (dU) in a tug of war between the energy that goes away as temperature that expands it (the old TdS=E
factor and the energy that gets in as pressure that reduces its volume, the pdV factor).
In other words, the system looses Existential energy (S≈T) as entropic temperature (TdS), Ts goes away, as kinetic
energy, while it gains it as imploding pressure, St, increases its form. S≈T= St±Ts.
‘Crystal clear’ in 5D terms as an exchange of dimotions, which are ultimately kinetic Ts explosive-energy vs. St-
potential, implosive energy.
We can then interpret the key formula, E=nkT, whereas k is a boltzman unit of entropy, as yet another version of
that TdS = Ts formula (however with k now as a spatial still form or constant, that doesn’t vary). The concept
behindit is then similar, but only with the Ts-factor, reason why we say this E is not truly Energy (S≈T) but the
S≈T<Ts<Tt, expansive motion absorbed by the external human observer that often confuses ‘locomotion or kinetic
energy, Ts and entropy or dual motion, Tt’ with energy because it is what it wants to extract from the system (and
then convert into S≈T, human useful energy as it gives it a new form.)
Recap. The biggest interest for 5D on thermodynamics is the duality of its formulation from the point of view of
∆+1 and ∇-1; from where we can extract many general laws of different scalar systems.
Moreover though unbeknownst to physicists, it illustrates perfectly the 3 ‘worldcycles’ of matter, in its contrast
with the perfectly ordered, palingenetic state of quantum physics and faster o-1 unit time cycles; as particles are
the ‘finitesimals’ of physics, and ‘cells’ are the finitesimals of life; and micro-black stars of Planck’s mass are the
‘finitesimals’ of gravitation, ; and humans the finitesimals of History they are the initial seeds that live in a faster
perfectly ordered, palingenetic world an scale’ of reality, with maximal information and energy, in which they able
to reproduce with easiness… and hence become the ‘protagonist’ of the whole ‘ecosystem’ through all the
subsequent scales of existence, but beyond that finitesimal experience, in the larger scales the process becomes
increasingly limited by two fundamental constrains:

• 1 Waves have a local order despite its global symmetry

- Reproduction ADS AS the fundamental dimotion

social evolution, which requires to connect in bondage, ‘units’ of A CLONE species, who do have a strong
individuality. So social bondage becomes unstable as the system grows in social units, and a set of fundamental
geometric laws of social organization kick in.
This in physics is experienced in the configuration of social atoms made of particles, which are only stable on the
1-83, spatial symmetry (207 if we consider also neutrons); in life in the S=T symmetry of aging which seldom goes
beyond 82 years by accumulation of errors in the repetitive reproductions of cells; in herds of ‘friends’ in the
sociological limit of the impossibility of having more than 100-150 ‘friends’ ; and in general for all systems when
measured in its internal clock beats, beyond the 1111 scale.
So obviously as thermodynamics studies huge masses of gaseous systems; they are dominated by an entropic
state of permanent disorder. Only when the scale of order is imposed externally by a new plane of existence of
higher informative speed the 1111 barrier can be broken and larger systems imposed. In biology this requires the
creation of physiological networks to put in order the trillions of cells of mammal systems; in physical forms, it is
required the magnetic fields that create orders called domains of a minimal 106 units.
Those active orders must be distinguished from the ‘faked order’ of dead states of minimal energy, as those
produced in huge cold crystals of minimal temperature; or the ‘disconnected memoriless’ order of masses where
connectivity only ocurrs at local level (molecular liquids). Yet even then degrees of ‘form’ will happen when an
external form much larger systems traps the units in its domain – i.e. the earth-sun system provokes the cyclical
form of tidal waves; an earthquake the energy release of tsunamis and so on. But wave-states are a liquid form of
order, which again is spread through huge domains but perceived in the lower plane only as a local simultaneity.
The strongest bondage in the Universe is that between complementary dual forms of gender mirror symmetry
that allows reproduction. Next comes the ∆+1 resonance of order imposed by a larger whole membrain, which
increases the efficiency of distribution in attached units.
While on the other extreme the lowest order happens in hunting herds that seek for entropy, which ænthropic
man has enshrined as the most important in Nature, when they are only the beginning of exist¡ence. Next, it is the
parallel order of simultaneous motion of herds, which is transmitted from local to collective level as a wave. Now,
the field of thermodynamics as it is studied by ænthropic man highlights those processes of minimal order,
happening in gases, with the confessed aim of ‘extracting heat-entropy’ to transform it into energy-work for the
human ‘predator’ of an entropic ensemble to use. And in those terms we can consider the laws of
thermodynamics as an expression of 1) the Tt-entropic quality of time-motions which are always conserved 2) the
fact that the ensemble of atoms do have the capacity to conserve a minimal quantity of its Ss-‘form’ and will not
release all its motion (wrongly considered a proof of the future death of the Universe as NOT all the energy of the
lower plane can be transferred to the human plane, when it really means the opposite – the conservation of all
the planes of existence, which only let part of its form to emerge into a larger whole, as by definition, in terms of
information, the whole is always smaller than its parts: ∆-1<∆º, that is a lower scale has more information and
when it transmits it by ‘expanding it’, transforming it into entropy it implies the larger whole will have less
information, but absorb more energy as a predator of the lower plane:
In the graph, we observe an inverse dimotion, as the top of the pyramid of ‘smaller elements; have more
information than the lower planes; so paradoxically when we become more complex we become smaller: waves
collapse into particles, herds into denser organisms; stars into denser black stars.
Let us then consider some aspects of thermodynamics once those paradoxes are understood.
The scales of thermodynamics. Statistical mechanics.
We already introduced themes of probability in the thermodynamic of black stars, considering the long hold by
this author and finally making inroads in scholarship view that coldness, the dimotion of information MATTER

more than Temperature, the submissive concept as the Gibbs concept of entropy is more general than
Boltzmann’s. Let us then start as usual NOT from the mathematical analysis of the quantitative details but the
metaphysical, higher view of the game of exist¡ence with some basic themes of reality.
Entropy and probability.
An essential law of the Universe derived from the concept of entropy applies to most realities. Boltzmann
calculated all the possible ‘potential’ realities, as combinations of micro-states in ∆-1; when those particles are, as
it is mostly the case ¡ndifferent for ∆º, as W=N!/∏iNi!; whereas ∏N¡!, reduces the capacity of ∆º to hunt and feed
on the particles of ∆-1, as a herd state reduces the capacity of a predator to feed; since without perception of
information, St, energy, Ts cannot be extracted. It is precisely that loss of information between scales what allows
the parts to remain more complex than the whole. As if all information were known on ∆-1, ∆º could achieve a
perfect order and control, which is its aim through fractal networks in complex supœrganisms.
Just 2 considerations on this theme, studied in more depth in our papers on physics and general 5D theory:
- The Universe is a potential mental space, virtual sum of all possible states, as entropy is related to the total
temperature and energy; hence motions of time of reality. As the totalitarian principle of Leibniz->Gellman
applies: All what can exist does exist. Yet for the ∆º plane what is ¡ndifferent is not perceived and does not exist –
it cannot be taken even as energy. This cosmic censorship between planes protects the existence of lower planes
or else they would be predated and exhausted by the higher level.
- Because ∆-1 has faster time clocks, those potential microstates, can be seen as statistical populations or
sequential time events, where the same form changes states. So ultimately a single form of ∞ time speed is
equivalent to an ∞ population of minimal time speed (a duality that applies to string theory).
Indeed, the deepest questions related to entropy, energy, time and information are why reality exists at all, if all is
relative in time, space and scale, and there is not ‘real measure’ of things, in size of space and duration of time.
What is then the absolute reality?
We have insisted from many points of view, in many different texts at the introductory level of this papers – but
trust me, 30 years of GBs can testify much deeper arguments even if my time entropy will make impossible to
write them all – to an essential truth of reality; if there is something absolute is the game of scales and that game
is a game of digital numbers, social groups, the dimotion of love, the regularities of polygons, the primes of
Nature, its natural constant, the algebraic relationships based in what is potentially possible under the
mathematical laws of space and the ¡logic laws of time, of which mankind has achieved a great dexterity in the
first case – as a mental space of mathematical form and with the help of computers (i.e. without them the Gamma
function, which is so important to those themes when translated to the complex plane of §∏-holographic
spacetime dimotions, was not really making sense, and certainly quantum, discrete, string theory and the like
would not exist)… But has no idea of the laws of time, which is in the primitive state of physicists v=s/t and
Einstein’s extension to it.
Those are the laws we have tested by the Leonardo’s method of analogy now converted into homology. And of
those laws, the ones regarding the discrete reproduction and social evolution – the informative dimotions of
complex dimotions, are the ones that matter most. Science had been more interested in the simplex, easier to
grasp dimotions of entropic energy and locomotion (Tt and St). So it has advanced quite far In the understanding
of entropy in those terms. But the true analysis is the reverse, not on temperature b ut on the ß-function of
coldness; not on entropic potential states, but in how those entropic states become real by ‘creation of order’ that
differentiates the continuous masses into discontinuous organized part that become ‘different’. As the Universe
will try all potential different forms that might exist, within the restrictions of Existential algebra.
But what is a different state? Why permutations, N¡ matter? Because order is temporal, sequential and based in
the law of first come first served, illustrated in other papers on the hierarchical dominance of the first element:

Then if we consider each physiological network, the 3! Permutation we shall see on our papers on differentiation
of species, becomes the essential number, ‘6’, for topological linguistics (typological in classic science) to
differentiate the 5 cultures of VSo, SVo… and the order of dominance of physiological networks, become essential
to differentiate the 6 great phyla of animal life (nervous-reproductive-digestive mammals, digestive-reproductive-
nervous reptiles and so on).
And so
is we need
to create
an order

differentiated types of ‘elements’ or else we are in a different type of ‘Bose statistics’.

And this establishes the importance of existential algebra, and its different dualities, trinities, tetralogic, pentalogic
and bilateral decalogic, and 3-scalar dodecalogic and sexalogic up to the dodecaplex, 120=5D! Different ‘entities’
that existential algebra consider to be distinguishable which are the elements that give us the maximal number of
‘real microstates’ differentiated to conform and create the whole Universe.
Themes those for a far more advanced course on 5D.
The inverse concepts of reproductive information, S=T and entropy.
One of the clearest conflicts between philosophy of physics and philosophy of 5D is the way we look at
thermodynamic equilibrium.
In 5D S=T is a balanced state of thermodynamic equilibrium that maximizes S x T and hence the reproduction and
creation of new information in a system.
In the reductionist view of physicists is exactly the inverse.
In thermodynamics, a physical system is a collection of objects (bodies) whose state is parameterized by several
characteristics such as the distribution of density, pressure, temperature, velocity, chemical potential, etc. The
change of entropy of a physical system when it passes from one state to another equals
where dQ denotes an element of heat being absorbed (or emitted; then it has negative sign) by a body, T is the
absolute temperature of that body at that moment, and the integration is over all elements of heat active in the
passage. The above formula allows one to compare the entropies of different states of a system, or to compute
the entropy of each state up to a constant (which is satisfactory in most cases).
Notice that when an element dQ of heat is transmitted from a warmer body at temperature T1 to a cooler one at
temperature T2 , then the entropy of the first body changes by −dQT1 , while that of the other rises
by dQT2 . Since T2<T1 , the absolute value of the latter fraction is larger and jointly the entropy of the two-body
system increases (while the global energy remains the same).

This difference is due to the reductionism of physicists who cannot contemplate Maxwellian Demons,
reproductive dimotions=actions and from their entropic point of view therefore S=T is NOT creative; just balances
the ‘temperature’, or difference of energy between both systems, which cannot be ‘subject’ to predation from an
∆+1 physicist point of view.
In mathematical terms is due to the difference type of state we study; one of entropic, ‘colliding’ herds which is
loose and interacts by mere summation, loosing indeed capacity to do work, minimized when S=T, and one which is
‘solid’, a network of ‘symbiotic’ particles created by re=production, maximized when S=T.
Nt. 1 on the correspondence principle between 5Ð entropy and information and classic terms. For the so called scholar and
systemic scientist information is related to communication, through the work of Shannon. This has nothing to do with our analysis of Form,
the inverse function of entropy=disorder achieved in the stillness of a linguistic mind mapping. Form is what we call one of the two limits of
reality, the other being pure motion and disorder, which we shall call entropy. So the relationship we establish here is simple, as expressed
mathematically by the third law of thermodynamics: when entropy is zero, form is absolute - the image of the mind is shaped in a crystal, a
physical mind with zero entropy.
On the other hand when form has motion becomes in-form-action and can be transmitted and reproduced, and then we apply the concepts of
Shannon which rightly talked always of communication NOT of the form, that is the information of the message, but of reproduction without
errors of a message Transmitted and replicated in two different points of space-time.
So Shannon's classic paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" opening with the assertion that "The fundamental problem of
communication is that of reproducing at one point, either exactly or approximately, a message selected at another point..."corresponds to the
3rd Dimotion of reproduction.


St-SOLID STATE: Crystals. The perfect geometrical, fractal unit.

- Crystals evolve socially to the size of planetary cores. Since, according to the 3rd postulate of equality, crystals are
molecules made with 1 or 2 equal atoms, hence able to evolve socially without apparent limit, unlike molecules made of
different atoms that merely form small compounds.
One of the more clear proofs of the existence of p.o.v.s, whose negantropic, informative dimotions reproduce fractal
forms, diminish entropy and increase the order of the Universe, is given by crystal structures, whose central atom emerges
as a fractal knot of time dimotions, an i-logic hierarchical p.o.v. that controls and reorders the position of all the other
atoms of the system in regular formations that maximize its symmetric perception of the external world. The proof is the
fact that crystals only show structures whose geometry is efficient as informative knots in which several flows of electronic
forces and light converge on the central knot: Crystals adopt only 7 symmetric morphologies, which make their central
atoms, simultaneous, present, symmetric focus of temporal Entropy coming from the external ecosystem, through its
slave body of atoms or molecules of lesser exi=stential force. Those are the only 7 canonical types of crystals that exist in
Let us consider the main existential cycles of crystals:
The informative cycle: the sharp focus of crystals.
Crystals create virtual minds of light that we see in their interior. They are focused images that create at a reduced scale a
virtual world, mirror of the external Universe, as an eye does. Thus crystals have only regular symmetric forms that act as
an eye does, establishing an objective, informative image of the external world, repeated at a smaller scale within the
informative center of the crystal. In the graph, crystals show a clear relationship between spatial geometry and
informative perception: only those crystals whose central atom of max. mass=information can observe symmetrically the
temporal Entropy coming from the external world through its slave atoms, form a sharp equidistant focus and survive.
While forms, which are not symmetric, at least in a bidimensional plane of space, such as form B, do not exist.
All crystals shape macro-social aggregations of billions of molecules that acquire geometrical forms similar to the 3
regular polyhedrons of the Universe, the hexagon, the tetrahedron and the cube, repeated ad infinitum. So the number

of crystals is reduced to 32 possible networks configurations that are combinations of the 7 basic systems of the image,
with symmetric axes.
The reason is obvious: polyhedrons allow a correct, balanced absorption and emission of Entropy and information from
all the relative directions of the external Universe coming through those axes. So the ultimate why of crystal’s
morphologies is to perform the 3±∆
Entropy-information cycles of the
existential game. In that regard
bidimensional hexagons, three-
dimensional cubes and
tetrahedrons are combinations of 2
forms, the triangle and the square,
which represent the minimal
ternary and quaternary systems
that complete the 4 cyclical
dimotions of an i-logic field.
Scientists talk of 'spatial symmetry'
as a property common to all scales
of the Universe, both in the world
of sub particles and molecules. It
basically means that a temporal,
informative particle/form, like a
crystal, whatever its position is
respect to the external Universe, will maintain unchanged respect to its neutral focus or informative central point the
relative distance and symmetry of all the molecules that shape the crystal. In this way the relative virtual world of the
central atom will not change its form when it rotates, vibrates around its central atom or moves lineally, but only its
perspective, as it happens with our eye’s image shaped by the ‘crystalline’ when we move the head. If those inner axes
and distances change then the world structure becomes unfocused, as when man takes hallucinogens that change the
brain composition or we introduce impurities in a crystal that changes sharply its focus.
In the graph we see the 7 basic possible crystal configurations in which any rotation maintains the inner structure
invariant. They are either planar, bidimensional symmetries, triangular, 3-dimensional forms or 4-dimensional, cubic
symmetries, the most perfect ones in a 4-dimensional Universe. For that reason the 32 basic crystal configurations are
subspecies of the P-cube or primitive cube that generates all other crystals. Accordingly the biggest crystal networks are
cubic networks. And the hardest crystal we know is the carbon tetrahedron, the diamond.
It is also the most expensive item known to man. As if we knew subconsciously that a diamond has a soul, a virtual world
in its inner core. Thus, we can create all complex crystals adding or subtracting to that primitive first cube new atoms, or
deforming slightly its angles and edges. The result is the so-called orthorhombic system where 2 of the edges of the plane
are elongated respect to the 2 others in a ‘relative lineal direction’ of Entropy; and the more complex clinic, and triclinic
systems with non-straight angles between atoms, adapted to ecosystems in which the Entropy and form comes to the
crystal from different angles. All those crystalline systems place sometimes a top predator atom in the central point of
the cube, or in the geometrical center of each face. The parallelism between the informative, symmetric morphology of
crystals and the symmetry of the inferior scale of orbitals is evident: In sd orbitals the 3‘d’ external, lineal, spatial orbitals
are integrated by the cyclical, informative central ‘s’ orbital, which in crystals is occupied by an atom.
Crystals are the scalar bridge between the molecular world of solids and the macro world of planets, made with 3 non-AE
regions: a ‘liquid/gaseous’ membrane inhabited by complex organic beings, an intermediate zone of rocks and a crystal
core, the informative center of a planet. For example, the Earth seems to have a macro-crystal of iron hexagons in its
center and Neptune a diamond crystal. Since Crystal minds maximize their position in the external Universe to acquire a

central point, as a focus of image formation and fractal reproduction of its crystal structures, they are responsible for the
creation of order and form in the Universe and can play a key role balancing the orbital position of those planets and
modifying its magnetic fields as they absorb external gravito-magnetic waves from stars and black stars.
Energetic cycles.
Entropy and information cycles are intertwined by the Law of transformation of Entropy into information, shaping dual
rhythms of emission and absorption of both substances: Ts<=>St.
So crystals also absorb and feed on light Entropy, vibrating with it as quartzes do; or emitting that Entropy, transformed
into focused information, when they polarize light, ordering the different vibrating directions of photons into a single
direction that packs better Entropy and information in highly ordered light rays with enormous Ts X St power. Further on
crystals can create 4 dimensional holographic images, out of 2 bidimensional surfaces; trans-forming continuous
electromagnetic Entropy into discontinuous, highly informative, focused packages; changing the frequency of light,
absorbing certain types of light or filtrating only 1 frequency color, etc.
Social evolution and reproduction of crystals.
Social evolution and reproduction are also 2 intertwined cycles: Most systems reproduce a first seminal cell and then
evolve its morphology in a series of dual Reproduction->Evolution cycles that finally create a macro-organism. So happens
in ‘palingenetic’ crystals, which evolve socially and reproduce departing from an initial, seminal ‘cellular unit’, till creating
Abstract geologists study the conditions, which determine the growth of crystals. A liquid state is the best, balanced state
to reproduce and evolve complex forms also in crystals. Most crystals are reproduced dissolving its initial atomic
components in certain liquids.
Those initial components are called, even by abstract geologists, nutrients, since they nurture the creation of the crystal,
which takes place at a fast pace, thanks to the easiness by which liquids, the S=T reproductive state of matter, allow the
combination and random contact between those nutrients that socialize into a cellular crystal unit, to which new crystal
units peg themselves. Thus crystals reproduce as a seminal radiation, since the first crystal precipitates the creation of
further crystals around it, as in a reproductive process that grows new cells around the seed or the ovum. So new
nutrients come around the organic crystal and the crystal grows over the trophic pyramid of nutrients, till they are
exhausted and the crystal stops its growth. Then a balanced steady state is reached, as the external cover of the crystal
dissolves and grows back cyclically within the liquid.
Since according to the 3rd postulate social evolution happens among equals, crystals are formed only with 1 or 2 type of
atoms. Crystals with more than 2 atoms are rare; so are crystals with a great quantity of impure atoms within their
network. Crystals are social entities formed by millions of atoms, which repeat the so-called minimal cellular unit,
growing radially as they reproduce their forms through mathematical structures called fractals, which mimic them in
bigger polyhedral st-scales. Those fractal structures exist in all molecules and crystals where there is a central knot, from
where the radial, symmetrical faces grow, guided by the central knot.
Thus crystals can ‘transcend’ between 2 planes of existence far more easily than we humans do, from micro cells into
macro-cellular existence, when a micro-organic crystal becomes a macro-organic crystal. Yet those crystals have,
regardless of size, the same configuration that the seminal cell of the crystal. It is the First Law of Crystallography: The
angles between the faces of any crystal are always the same for all sizes in a crystal of the same species. This law has a
creative exception, as each minimal cell can combine with other crystalline cells into symbiotic, more complex, dual
‘sexual crystals’, and a destructive exception, when impurities and fractures happen in the process of crystallization.
So crystals grow into huge ‘cellular networks’ by adding to a regular atomic polyhedron, another regular polyhedron and
another... till creating networks of millions of regular polyhedrons that can reach the size of a planetary core.

Recap. Crystals are highly ordered, yet dynamic, organic systems in which flows of electromagnetic or electronic Entropy
and information enact the 5 cyclical åctions of any space-time system. The central top predator atoms form a symmetric
eye-network structure able to form a mental image of the external Universe. In Nature only regular crystals that allow
such images to form exist. Crystals might also be the central mind of planetary bodies, which have crystals in its center
∆. On scale, molecules should deploy a trinity of structures, inorganic ones as single atoms with a clear role, as small
molecules and as part of larger organisms, which in organic chemistry, jumps often the first scale as its molecules are
more complex than the inert organisms of heavier atoms (in the temperature and pressure of the Earth’s surface, not
likely in the internal regions of the planet, where they will be in liquid states and amalgamates). There is a topologic
intelligent design in the Universe. The game on ‘existential ¬Æ=ilogic’ is one of potential allowed combinations, as
‘everything permitted by existential ¬Æ=ilogic’ does exist. But only those forms that DO have a role in ∆+1, and S=T
internal balanced structure in ∆º and can be constructed with ¡ndifferent supply of ∆+1 elements (trinity of existential
®=ilogic, pre-conditions in scale) do survive.
This happens also in evolution (it is one of the laws of existential ®=ilogic generalized from it), in virtual particles,
mutations, ‘human thoughts’, mechanisms invented by enzymen and any ‘ecosystem of forms’. And so it DOES require
time, but time is immortal. So all what could have possible existed has existed. And 3 billions years is good enough for it.
S=T. The five dimotions.
As we said Non-E Geometry is essential to chemistry and marries with the existential ®=ilogic of the atom, which as it
grows in social complexity MUST design for each new PLANE of space-time, beyond the quantum scale and its 4±¡
numbers, a ‘code of geometric S=T dimotions’ for existence to be fulfilled. Let us put an example, this time from general
chemistry in its d-family:
In the graph the five common shapes for molecules of type XYn where X is an element from the first row of the p-block;
or first row of elements boron, carbon, nitrogen or oxygen and the Y, normally a submissive molecule. It is then
immediate according to the laws of vital topology, |xO=Ø to try to establish a direct connection with the 5 Dimotions of
existence, even though all systems tend to have multiple functions. So while each form is best for a one of the 5
Dimotions it can play the ‘adjacent roles’ in terms of St-Ts-§∏ etc. sequences (Tt>Ts>§∏>St>Ss) So we find the following
‘obvious dualities spatial form-temporal function (S=T) shapes:
- O: The Ss-tetrahedral form of social evolution, classic of Carbon ‘bodies’.
- |: Locomotion: Lineal |-T forms for motion C02.
- 00: Bilateral perception, the dual Bent open form. So we find it in NH2, where the 2 H act as ‘electronic eyes’ for the
Nitrogen (connected through its 3rd valence to the amino acid organism); or in the H2O liquid state of Oxygen, which
‘senses’ the ‘herd’ of molecules through its Hydrogen bonds.
-Tt: entropy. This leave us with the trigonal bend form, which had the hand shape to ‘trap’, entropically another
molecule; proper of very strong electronegative, predatory molecules, NH3, NF3, H3O+
& the trigonal flat form, whose shape responds more to the ‘natural holographic’ structure of the Universe, built mostly in
‘gradient planes’ of 5D – that is flat geometries.
§∏: So what about reproduction? The answer is that most molecules do not reproduce, but if they do repeat its form,
obviously the flat trigonal for sheet, planer structures and the tetrahedral with maximal bondage will double the role.
How can we test and refine our assessments? Simply, looking at which molecules and function are performed by each

Now the skeptic reader of
course will care little if it is a
practical human centered
chemist for such 5D
‘musings’. But he will miss
the ultimate purpose of why
I did spend most of my adult
life like Leonardo did
seeking for ‘geometric
analogies’ (his and my
method of research)
between all species in
All the planes of the Universe play the same game, and so all is philosophy of science, even if what we tell has a different,
simple explanation in the ‘how’ of reality and the laws of quantum physics. The lineal molecule then responds, we know
that much, to the logic of achieving the minimal energy expenditure for the molecule, conserving the overall time of the
Universe as a whole.
In the graph, which we could extend to tetrahedral forms, the minimal energy achieved by positioning on the surface of
the sphere (electrons are solutions to harmonics on a sphere), those electrons. However as we have pvoed in our papers
on ‘vital, non-euclidean geometry’, mathematics is an experimental swcience that mirrors the laws of existential space-
time organisms; so behind the mathematical whys, so fundamental to chemistry, lay the whys of vital topology, which are
the rpoperties of space and time.
What this means in praxis is while the forms of chemistry are restricted to those of vital geometry that maximize the
properties of space and time- in this case the conservation of energy=time-motion, for any spacetime being (as all species
have a clock of maximal ‘time cycles=frequencies’ of existence, mostly likely around the 1111 beats of bits), the abundance
of certain molecules respond to its role in the ∆+1 world in which they exist. And this simple law that establishes the co-
existence and synergies between the 3 planes of any organism, happen in all the levels of chemistry down to the families
of atoms studied next.
I.e. there are only L-amino acids, because RNA top predators killed the other half to avoid mirror reproduction and control
them once they became the masters of the ‘organic soup’ 3 billion years ago.
Nothing prevents the existence of the geometry of D-amino acids, but the world forbade them.
There are not sable teeth lions because Neanderthal men killed them – an entropic limit of the ∆+1 world.
And the chemist might just ignore the intimate reason why Lao, Aristotle or Leibniz or Leonardo or this writer – the 4
most remarkable huminds in history of thought that have explored the concept of a living, homologic ‘organic’ Universe
did it. At a certain point the overwhelming homology of all forms, and the capacity of existential ®=ilogic to fit
everything that exist within its limited laws, within the game of existence lifts from your mind any angst, entangles you
with the god of tao, with logos, with the organon, with its infinite monads.
And besides it of course we obtain many other whys with a more pedestrian meaning for all the structures of reality.
So this is the method of 5D chemistry, NOT contradicting (unlike other sciences full of errors), the knowledge of
chemistry, because ‘biochemical sciences’ are by far the more accurate and objective, where the 2 needed elements,
great experimental evidence and objective non-human themes exist. The errors of chemistry are caused by physicists
(thermodynamic philosophy of the Universe) and we prefer to treat them in this paper NOT to keep insulting the
intelligence of physics so much, because ultimately chemistry IS the science of the plane between the atom and the
planet – the science of the ∆0, -1,-2, internal parts of the human being. So thermoduynamics strictly belong here NOT to

some grand theory of the Universe, as gas is a molecular form, and temperature does NOT make sense outside the plane
of atoms. In the larger nested Universe of gravitation there is NO temperature, but spin energy of higher order (in fact
today measure as negative temprature), or radition of higher energy (with temperatures of abusrd billions of degrees
measured with frequencies, which should be called frequency NOT temperature).
The range of temperature, a parameter of moleculear activity thus is as so many ranges between 0 and 10.000 ‘beings’
(Lao Tse)… The 1002 scale we find so often, as 100 is the lineal unit of sequential time, and temperature is a bidimensional
hence second power of a temporal=motion process. And indeed, beyond 10.000 degrees molecules die into plasma.
10.000 years is the time since the first Jericho walls proved metal-wealth was being kept and we are about to become
extinguished. But let’s not get in that mood…
5D pentalogic physics of solid states.
If we apply the ternary fractal principle what solid states can be divided in 3±¡ sub-states along
the StçTs path, shown in graph in ‘reverse’ order: Ss¡+1: social metals < St-crystal proper< §∏-
Glass < Ts-amorphous solid < ∆-1: liquid-gas.
The main factor for them to form is the ‘cold=St’ ordered lower temperature and slow time
formation; while social metals can leave ‘free’ its electrons because of its higher ‘gravitational
mass/force’ which gives them more power to trap them; even if most metals do have crystline
form. This gives origin to the band theory of metals, which once again proves a classic law of 5D:
bidimensionality… the orderly flow of similar beings in parallel lines/planes.
The key insight of 5D physics in molecular heat, is as usual related to an ∆=S=T symmetry; in
this case the lassic diatomic molecule’s whose time dimotions form a pentalogic of 2 inverse
‘expansive’ Ts-translation, 2 implosive-explosive, St-vibration and 3 balanced S=T rotations, each one providing
heat-temperature, where a single molecule has only ½. So while we see them in space they can be
considered an accelerated time-clock life for the molecule.
In the graph the equipartition theorem states that, at equilibrium, each degree of freedom
contributes ½ k BT of energy per molecule.
Therefore, the five degrees of freedom for translation and rotation & vibration contribute on
average, ½ kBT of energy per molecule, giving the internal energy for a system of N molecules is
7/2 NkBT

According to the function of exist¡ence, Max. sxt|S=T, the most important state of the Universe is the liquid state of
balance between form=space and motion=time. This is the reproductive evolutionary state, the state of human
beings, a dissolution of solids and gases in human beings. It is the state of electronic flows (electric currents) and all
other ‘currents’, modeled by the multiple inflationary mirrors of mathematical physics.
The first obvious question then is about its spatial topology. As S=T, this topology is essentially ‘parallelism’ which
makes the fundamental form of fluids ‘viscous flat sheets’, which already Newton used to define them. Ideal liquids
are thus flows of parallel streams that form flat sheets that form cylindrical flows. Essential then also to the form of
fluids is the ‘closed ball’, with a membrane, but not a ‘brain’. If a solid has a membrain, self-centered into an 0ε
finitesimal, the liquid has NOT a preferred frame of reference – an important concept that means in the largest
picture that the Universe is also a non-referential, ‘democratic’ fluid.
The law of balance that fluids seek for is then always S=T; as each sxt, small domain mimics the whole.
Laws of transport.
Human physics as we all know are concerned mainly with Ts-laws of locootion; that is, translation in space, which for
a social ensemble, ∑, of molecular states of matter, Ts-gas, §∏-liquid or Ts-solid are called transport laws. This is the
bulk of mechanics applied to the chemical, molecular scale.
As usual 5D physics has little to say in the way of mathematical physics of an over-exhausted discipline, just in the
identification of the ‘Space-time elements’ and its classification within the ternary and pentalogic properties of
physical systems; which in 4D physics are merely enumerated on phenomenological basis, based in the experimental
existence of them. Why transport phenomena is ternary, dealing with viscosity fluxes, thermal fluxes and
diffusion/mass fluxes becomes then in 5D a non-brainer. Simply stated because the Universe in all its scales is
ternary, a game of Ts-motion, §∏-energy and St-information, up and down the Ss-ocial and Tt-entropic arrows of the
5th dimension. Accordingly we talk of 3 main type of molecular transport in the chemical scale, which are the 3
canonical forms of transport:
-- Transport as Ts-locomotion defined by the Newtonian Laws of viscosity, which transfers momentum.
Transport of §∏ Thermal Energy, the ∆ø chemical energy ‘par excellence’ studied by Fourier laws.
- Transport as St-Information, described by Flick laws of diffusivity, which transfers mass.
There is not a 4th set of transport laws because a given plane ∆¡ is a ternary structure; even if there are smaller,
residual transports from upper and lower scales, the most notable that of radiation associated to temperature, from
the quantum, ∆-1 scale.
Moreover with a bit of thought we can describe them all as fluxes again with a similar ternary structure:
Flux = Transport property x Driving force, which traditionally has made use of differential equations based in a
‘bidimensional model’ that once more shows the ‘parallel layered’ structure of most systems of nature.
|-motions in the plane.
A fundamental topological law is at play in all those equations: motion of a loose herd, limb or field acquires a flat
‘plane’ form to penetrate easier and maximize the shortest distance between two points.
Indeed, already Newton, for the first found ideal equation of ‘Ts-viscosity’ analysis (such is the determinism of reality
with the hidden orders of its @=S=T=∆ symmetries reflected in the language and humind’s evolution), used a simple
‘bidimensional’ layer model: a fixed layer with a second layer moving that requires a force to balance the
friction=viscosity between both, determining a ‘constant’ according to the substance, which will be accordingly lower

for Ts-gases, higher for ∏§-energy liquids and minimal for the ∏§>St transition states to the solid form till motion
Transport laws thus can be further classified according to the ternary fractal principle, for the 3 ‘ages’ of matter, Ts-
gases, §∏-liquids and St-solids responding once more to the 5D laws of those 3 ST-ates of matter.
Bernouilli Laws.
The key parameters of a fluid are then its ‘membrane’, which is measure by pressure, which contains and shapes the
fluid into form, and is therefore mostly a solid. The solid-fluid container becomes then the commonest ‘dual’ §∏>St
form of fluids. Within them we can establish then laws of form=pressure and laws of motion=time speed, which are
different from those of gas, which could be consider an expanding fluid without boundaries. The main of those laws
were solved with the first equations of ‘change in time’, by Leibniz’s disciple:
P + ½ ρv2 + ρgy = Constant.

Bernoulli’s equation of an ideal fluid shows that pressure decreases as the speed of the
fluid increases, which sets a 5D classic co-invariant inverse balance P (s) ⊥ V (T) in terms of
‘present derivative momentum-speed’. But pressure also decreases as height increases,
since the fluid has to add potential energy, and so we have as always the duality of
representation of physical phenomena in terms of ‘energy-time’ and ‘momentum-space’.

This law is then true also for confined gases. And its immediate praxis is the Venturi Tube,
hydrodinamics and water pipes. But we won’t care about that. Of more interest to 5D is its
application to flight; where all those elements – laminal flows, diminishing height pressure
and the equivalence between Space-length and time-motion come into play, as the graph
shows, beautifully messing 4D and 5D for a change.

The limits of thermodynamic laws as only one of the 5 dimotions=forces acting on matter.
Trinity of topological forces in the vital human scale: Ts (∆-¡): Electromagnetism >§∏ ∆o: ‘Heat’ > St (∆+¡): Gravitation
Thermodynamics is the local world of molecular activity as a ‘vital space-time’ sandwiched between two ∆±¡ larger
worlds, whose forces balance it. Let us see how.
Physics starts its description of matter systems with mechanics, which is the lower ∆-i scale of the gravitational,
galactic world that affects humans externally, helping our Ts-locomotion and defining our St-position within the
surface of the planet. In mechanics humans and light matter (UD) ensembles are thus perceived from ‘above’, as ∆-¡
components enclosed within the galatom’s smaller parts. We are from a gravitational point of view truly ∆@st, Dust of
space-time. This means our Ts-locomotion is not originated as a vis viva from the gravitational field but rather we are
prisoners of the ∆+¡ Earth and must use our ∆o electric repulsive field to ‘stabilize’ our position in the gravitational field
and our ∆-¡nternal thermodynamic field to actually move at will against the field.
So physical man is dominated by the thermodynamic scale which at molecular and cellular level 'activates' our will=
dimotions= 'actions' against 'weight' = gravitational forces. In this pecking order then molecular Heat ∆-¡ feeds on ¥-
radiation, ∆-3 through the bio-chemical activity of ‘electronic matter’ (plants). So heat is the fundamental energy of
human existence and any form of matter at our scale, swimming between 2 waters; giving ‘St-form’ to the
gravitational ‘slower’ ∆+¡ field and extracting Ts-motion from the lower ∆-¡ ¥-field according to 5D metric asymmetry:
The slower ‘colder’ ∆+1scale of mass ‘extracts’ energy from temperature, as in the case of thermodynamic black
holes, which at 2.7 K extract energy from light matter, converts it into heavy quark matter and regulate the
homeostatic temperature of the galaxy, as all bigger, colder black holes feed on them.
This trinity ∆±¡ interaction of forces is asymmetrically balanced and when taking together only upwards gives birth to
the 2nd law of thermodynamics as a particular case of an Ts (∆-¡)> St (∆+¡) 5D metric arrow of emergence.
This is the view of the ‘vital spacetime’ of the ‘open ball’ of Gravitation and ‘Temperature’, which becomes exhausted
as all ‘vital spaces’ by the ‘membrain’ (limiting external and internal larger networks of the trinity topological system).
The thermodynamic average region…balanced from the limiting, entropic perspective of the colder and larger world.
But this law does NOT consider the reversed balances achieved by the addition of a ‘view’ from the larger ∆+1 Earth
cosmic ‘speed’ and the view from the ∆-1: superfluid ‘cold’ limit.
If we adopt the ∆+1 view of Earth; we are NOT slowed down by gravitation, but once we enter the field and become
balanced on Earth’s surface we are moving at huge speeds around the Earth and the sun. So from ∆+1 entering the
Earth’s field balances our ‘stoppage’ with a regular orbital speed. The same happens in thermodynamics. If we move
in the other arrow of ‘coolness’, below the ‘colder’ scale of superconductive, super fluid systems in which electrons
form ‘trapped’ pairs and also cool down, giving energy to the metal network of heavier matter, or expelling the
magnetic field to move without resistance, Ts-increases reversing the ‘trend’ of coolness=slowness.
So the ∆±3 limiting scales of gravitational matter and superfluid coldness take energy from our ‘heated world’
reversing the Ts>St upwards trend of light & electrons, loosing momentum to the ∆º±1 scale, of human 'existential
momentum and energy.
Thus when we add the quantum ∆º scale that has more 5D information=order and the ∆+1 gravitational scale that has
more motion strength; Ts and St are balanced and the system is kept in its eternal Ts<§∏>St trinity game.
We can then talk of the ‘limit in ∆§: Scalar Space’ of gravitational slowness – Earth as a whole, and the limit in Time
Frequency of the Thermodynamic Force closer to Tƒ=0 K as the ‘entropic balances’ to our loss of §∏ in the
thermodynamic regime. It follows those 2 limits are ALSO the limits where ‘Thermodynamic laws evanesce.’

So we can establish certain limits to the world of thermodynamics, including its temperature: below 0 K we enter the
world of perfectly ordered quarks/black holes, above ± 10.000 K atomic matter breaks down into plasma.
Indeed his very same reasoning can then be made (but we won’t) to establish a new dual ‘evanesce’ of electronic-light
forces sandwiched between 2 ‘deeper/larger’ Time frequency/size in space scales of the nested ‘gravitational
Universe’; the inner nucleus dominated by quarks, and a higher order of ‘strong gravitational’ around black holes with
even lesser entropy to which electrons ultimately revert as they collapse into neutrons, evanescing its forces.
RECAP. 5D SCALAR analysis corrects the misconception of a dying thermodynamic Universe as temperature is just a
‘local’ Tƒ & Si region sandwiched between colder superfluid and larger gravitational systems where the ‘loss’ of energy
of molecular thermodynamics evanesce.
Thermodynamic states. A classic analysis. The macro-state parameters.
5D has little to say as usual on the formalisms of 5D physics beyond indicating hows to those laws. The classical high
school analysis of molecules in a gravitational field with momentum hitting walls to create pressure bring just some
conceptual insights:
- We are entering the mechanical, gravitational field for the first time as relevant above the electronic, charge field.
We still well below the ‘Planck’s mass’ of a ‘minimal’ source of gravitational forces so the field is ‘external’; motion is
still internally provoked by heat-vibration-thermodynamic in-between waters force.
- The emergence of new parameters to create a new ‘whole’ requires a ‘membrain’ system, that is a walled enclosure
which acts as the Ts-resistant ‘larger whole’ normally a solid though it can be also a ‘dynamic’ magnetic trap. Thus one
an ∆+1 enclosure exists, the ‘disordered vital spacetime of ∑-1 molecules starts to become ordered=averaged as
‘numbers’=social clones which means a ‘synchronous=simultaneous’ T=S indistinguishability necessary to become
‘statistical populations’ susceptible of being herded and farmed in its ‘energy’ by the larger membrain. This happens as
its ‘speed=time frequency’ averages in ‘resonance’ with the walls. This is the ‘common language’ of every 5D system
from stock price spikes to ‘pressure’ transfer to the walls of the enclosure. So at a certain point the gas or liquid will
have a Tƒ synchronous average speed, an a Si, informative larger Size Space membrane and thus it will form a new ∆+1
whole organic system. In physics those systems then are measured with Ts=Tƒ-speed=Temperature (time speed
vibration) and Si=St=Pressure (force per space area) the new whole, which will give us a ‘volume’ of vital space-time
that adds together all the ∆-1 inner cellular parts of the system.
It is then obvious that the structure of a thermodynamic system and its statistical mechanics converted into
thermodynamic laws… all those ∑1/2mv2=3/2kT equations obtained brightly by following the previous process of
averaging and adding numbers, temperatures, speeds, collisions and pressures, is yet another 5D case of emergence:
Ts-frequency of time speeds=Temperature < §∏: vital space=Volume > St-Membrane = Pressure.
A classic analysis from the perspective of humind’s ∆º dimotional praxis - a ginormous man or human mechanism
trapping little darling atoms - the details of the motion of those individual atoms is mostly irrelevant. What matters is
the behavior of the system as a whole... providing the system is in thermodynamic equilibrium, that is the behaviour of
each atom is rather indistinguishable, with a similar mean 'energy=temperature' in its body-wave actions, to create a
systemthat can be described by a handful of macroscopic quantities, called "thermodynamic variables" that help us to
extract=predate on the ‘energy of that vital molecular spacetime’. So our selfish goals are inverse to those of the gas
that wishes to remain distinguishable, ‘free’ and give nothing to us. This contradiction explains also the st-upid talk
about the fact machines of eternal motion do not exist an that means the universe is dying – it only means there is a
limit to the exhaustion or tax-farming of a vital space, the molecule or peasant won’t give it all or else it would really
die. Now we just narrate as any 4D physical book, the laws of thermodynamic with its 5D parameters meaning in mind.
That is, as usual humans twist words for its purpose, confusing ‘entropy’, their goal – to extract pure Tt>Ts-motion with
energy which is ‘spacetime form’, which they actually ‘destroy’ in its formal content. So the game is to move §∏<Ts<Tt.

This is the biggest hurdle in almost all the ‘conceptual rigorous analysis of 5D objective vs. 4D human physics’. Energy
and entropy are constantly measure as the same thing when they are NOT as in the ad nauseam repeated E=mc2 case.
The pentalogic of the theorem of equipartition of energy says that:
“Each degree of freedom contributes ½ kBT to the energy of a system, where possible degrees of freedom are those
associated with translation, rotation, and vibration of molecules.”
∆+¡-scale: This is again nicely put it an S=T symmetry, as the trilogic worldcycles and dimotions of the Plane of
Exist¡ence of the molecule, Tt>Ts-translation, Ss<St-rotation and §∏-vibration, contribute to its ‘total energy’ (so the
∆+1 human predator can steal it).
Space view: Less greedy Philosophers of the Absolute (relativity) will notifce all those cycles exist in simultaneity from
the slow-motion view of the humind, giving us the whole ‘perception’ of ∆+1 ‘solidity’ of matter.
Time view: But in true form, they are in a frequency sequence as all Dimotions of all beings of existence such as St
(rotation-perception) > Ts (motion) > §∏-vibration (social communication in balance with your partner), leading to a
happy molecular life.
∆-1 view: Finally those who contemplate exist¡ence with an inner rich worldlife will cherish the fact that ‘solid’
harmonic vibrational atoms DO store more inner energy in its St and §∏ ‘degrees of freedom of thought’, vibrating in
synchrony with other molecules/atoms, while the mindless dog-at-dog bumping gaseous species just have 3 degrees
of freedom equally boring along the X,Y,Z coordinates.
@-mind-mathematical-language view. Profound thoughts then arouse from the observance only possible in mental
space due to the impossibility to perceive ∆=S=T indistinguishable equivalences (Principle of Absolute relativity), of the
equipartition equation: N ½ m0v 2 = 3/2 NkBT = 3/2 nRT.
- First the very existence of that equivalence between scales, which is the ultimate 5D reason of that equation.
- Second, we are in two different scales but we can equate similar terms m ≈ K; & v2 = 3/2 T; so as we move and ∆+1
scale in forces from thermodynamics to mechanics we ‘square’ the parameter which is a form of ‘integration’ (∫x=1/2
x2). It is then clear that as we expand upwards in scale new ‘dimensionalities’ are added in the form of a ‘height-equal
dimension’ (the squaring of Temperature into speed). What is then the equivalence between m and k mean? As k is
an entropy unit and m an ‘accelerated vortex of space-time’ or rather its enclosure – a volume of gravitational forces -
(though physicists use the joker ‘energy concept for it’), the conclusion is more subtle: the emergence of NkT – the
thermodynamic field – from ½ mv2 the molecular gravitational energy is a predatory reverse arrow by which an
‘ordered’ thermodynamic whole (a machine, a cellular being) extracts force from the gravitational field that has
trapped him at the mechanical mass level due to its larger ‘mass’. So while we are prisoners of the cosmic Earth body
and its gravitational field, we can extract subtle energy of it through the thermodynamic larger machines walls that
take it through pressure. Even if both cases are just examples of the ‘big fish eats the small’; that is a socially ordered
whole takes entropic motion from any smallish disordered ensemble, from nations over tribes to turbines over gases.
Further on as all those scalar S=T=∆ absolute relativity balances happen between any scales, the previous equation is
used to derive going NOT upwards but downwards, the Ohm’s law of ‘resistance’ of a mean path of an electron ‘gas’
moving on a metal, which become the ‘pressure wall’ – the background of immobile, heavy ions; only that now as we
have reversed the ‘∆-scale’, the thermodynamic arrow reverses, so it is the ‘ion-wall’, solid material which heats up
instead of the gas cooling down, a ‘nice proof of the ‘inverse asymmetric thermodynamic arrow between 5D scales’ :
Indeed, the electrons in a metal move randomly along straight-line trajectories, which are constantly interrupted by
collisions with lattice ions. The root mean square speed is ±105 m/s, according to the scalar laws that diminish in 5D
metrics Tƒ speeds as we move upwards from the 3x108 c speed of photons. So we calculate from the equipartition
theorem, the mean average time, as an electron travels one interatomic space of a few angstroms, between collisions;
it is then self-evident that speed will increase collisions resistance to the current and temperature; moving now
upwards in scale, as temperature is really a parameter that should be ‘used only for atomic matter’ NOT for current,
particles and other scales that have their proper Tƒ parameters, source of much confusion in nuclear physics.

The interest of 5D physics is in the
interaction of S=∆=T parameters between
scales or the different ‘regions of an SóT’
Electrons are then a good scale of study,
both because of its accurate observation, as
they are ultimately ‘us’, our minds, and the fact they carry for that
reason a perception of all the forces of the human world. Specifically in this analysis electrons carry the thermal and
electric charge/energy/force through metal and so a simple Weidemann-Franz proportional law,
relates both the Thermal conductivity, K and electrical conductivity, σ, to the temperature.
It illustrates an essential scalar law: the inverse proportionality between scales that cross-balance
each other; so we can also write 2 K e2 = 3σ k 2 T.
Moreover the ratio K/σ T, the Lorentz, has the same value for any metal at any temperature as all of them have the same
structure of a ‘crystal lattice’ embedded in a gas-like electronic cloud.
Of course in quantum, you ad both particle+wave scales, new interactions, larger statistics so all gets more complex …
Which if ever researched will undoubtedly be as varied and complicated as quantum is. But so far I just see ∆=S=T
symmetries that experience don’t perceive but the mental space of mathematics can show through its ≈ relationships.
The key electric parameter then as e is fixed is σ, which appears in J=σ E, Ohm’s law that states the current density in a
material is directly proportional to the applied electric field; resisted according to the heat capacity (K) or those different metals.
Emergence ending into chaos
We can then consider temperature just an ‘emergent’ secondary field to that of electricity, as electricity can be
considered a secondary field to the nuclear force, itself a secondary field to the strong force and this becomes then the
conceptual ‘unification’ of the Universe, ultimately a galatom ‘nucleon’ that keeps expanding in space as it lowers its
time frequencies, with softer forces, the exact ‘mathematical details’ worked out long ago by 4D physicists.
It is then also obvious that each new ‘emergence’ of a spatial expansion with lesser frequency=synchronicity is less
exact, deterministic, more chaotic, free but NOT free in a philosophical sense of ‘doing something different’ as all
systems do the 5 dimotional program of existence, but just failing to do it without friction, in a smooth ‘conductive’
way. Another way to see it then is as the finale of the emergence processes that finally descends into chaos with
‘heated’ people, us, the lowest form of universal order (; We can then make a pentalogic of emergence:
Strong force> Nuclear force>electric force>¥-radiation>thermodynamic heat, as we become more evanescent
bubbling forms; which meets with the equivalent but lowering scales of forces coming from the black hole strong
gravitational force, to the planetary ‘nuclear gravitation’, to the electromagnetic field of the planet, down to our
thermodynamic force… We and our world in the middle of that sandwich:
Ss:Strong force/quark=black hole<St-Nuclear force (nucleon)<§∏-Electronic force<Ts-¥-force<Tt-entropic heat.
So ∆=S=T>@ ≠ ¬ pentalogic symmetries show why all those forces exist for us to be the final evanescent exist¡ence.

So the 4 elements useful to human physics are the total energy E=§∏ of the ∆-¡ scale, related to the product of an ∆+¡
volume V=Total vital space that exerts a ∆+¡ pressure P on the outer macro-membrane... proportional to its
temperature, T, where pressure is the key factor to ‘extract=prey’ on the energy of the ∆-1 system. What humans
then try to do is to transfer energy through temperature-motion into pressure to store in an orderly manner that
energy and transform it into mechanical motion; which will finally exhaust the ∆-1 capacity of the molecules to give its
inner vital energy to the ∆+1 predator, hence their temperature will diminish and finally they will give up on ‘you’.

So humans just use thermodynamics to describe how the ∆-¡ parts give away into ∆+¡ parameters as entropic energy
(§∏>Ts>Tt) of its larger ternary space-time plane. And the boring crunching of formulae and laws of thermodynamics
is all about how to maximize that extraction against the resistance of molecules to give up its life, cheating them in
various nefarious, monstruous, deleterious… rapes (:
To do so they literally ‘get naked’ the substance to be raped making it an 'ENERGY body-wave' of vital space called an
open ball (topologically speaking). So the system that does NOT control= includes the mind-clock-singularity which
'traverses' the system along ∆±1 co-existing scales as the soul-brain that 'perceives' it all in scales, as a 'scalar'
wholeness the matter establishing its synchronicities and freedoms of speed; neither the encircling Ts-membrane
(regional of maximal external motion). This is the key: a gas has no ‘border’, is free to let its Ts-motion range. By
creating the membrane as life created protein membranes to encircle carbohydrates into life, still ‘order’ can enslave
it. Once you make prisoner the gas and manipulate its speed-temperature is all yours.
Sow we do measure then a succedaneum parameter of its vital ENERGY at our ∆+1 scale = PRESSURE of T-motion X
VOLUME of S-form, whereas the volume is the total vital space of the system and the pressure, the total energy
manifestation of that energy in the herder's wall. So 2e can extract work from the vital energy pressing on the wall.
And here we get the ‘first synchronicity transfer’. Pressure is equaled proportional, so we are still measuring energy,
the vital space, but also the part we are absorbing with that pressure. Thus we have successfully parameterized the
micro state into a macro state in 'equilibrium' with the wall of the herder=predator through pressure.
It is only left to know a 'Tƒ' parameter, which connects the ∆-1 and ∆º scales, as a whole and so must be a 'scalar
parameter' of 'quantitative value' to average Tƒ-motions into whole motions, which is the 4th temperature scalar
parameter. The macrostate of the system is then a description of its four thermodynamic variables.
We can use those crystal clear concepts to other less 'observable' scales, and apply them to mechanics, where the
∆º±1 scalar parameter will be mass, and its geometric point-locus will be the centre of mass, which maintains its fixed-
singularity stable position, equivalent to the concept of 'thermodynamic equilibrium (measuring the same temperature
in the whole ensemble) through any motion, including rotary motions of the whole, and as long as it is in balance,
(centre of gravity below torque) the whole system will be in gravitational equilibrium - themes those retaken in the ∆+1
post on mechanics and gravitation.
While all what we have said applies to the quantum state, regarding the 'full description' we can do of a quantum
system by considering its position and momenta, which encloses (with minor corrections on abstract quantum
Copenhagen bullshit) all the information about the being (position= field; momenta: wave-particle duality). And the
equivalent 'four vector' formalism, which is a modern homologous way to describe all kind of physical systems, first
born on Relativity:
In the graph, a 4 vector: In relativity, space-time coordinates (external field position) and the
energy/momentum of a wave-particle (internal com≈position) are often expressed in four-vector form.
They are defined so that the length of a four-vector is invariant=in equilibrium under a coordinate
Ultimately all those different formalisms of physics are homologous and always describes the 3 §∏ or 4 ∆@§∏±1
elements of a being: its field position, wave-particle duality and scalar Ƽ 'wholeness that balances in equilibrium
across ∆±1 scales' the being (scalar parameter). The 4-vector is just the 'geometric' version according to the math
duality of temporal, numerical algebraic solutions with symmetric spatial, topological ones.
We stress again that the ∆-1 (position-momenta)>∆º (e,p,v,t) equivalence simplifies the higher information (5D metric)
of the ∆-1 microstate, for which we need to write down an impractically long list of numbers, whereas specifying a
macrostate requires only a few numbers (E, V, T, P.), AS larger wholes have paradoxically less information (Scalar 5D

However, thermodynamic equations only describe the macrostate of a system adequately when this system is in
equilibrium - has a mind-point=scalar parameter (temperature, centre of mass) that balances it. Non-equilibrium
situations can generally not be described by a small number of variables. And this works for all systems of nature,
which need an SS parameter of balance for them to organise - yet entropy-only physicists consider thermal
equilibrium the 'death of the system', from the human observer, as obviously an ordered system cannot die=release
entropy for a larger Ƽ system to ab=use it. On the contrary the existence of SS-scalar self-centered numbers/points,
thus prove the sentient, vital, orderly, fractal, organic nature of the Universe, in all its scales, which always tend to
balance the s,st,t parameters across all its citizens-cells-atoms (S,B,P systems)
As a simple example, consider adding a drop of food coloring to a glass of water. The food coloring diffuses in a
complicated matter, which is in practice very difficult to precisely predict. However, after sufficient time has passed
the system will reach a uniform color, which is much less complicated to describe. Actually, the macroscopic state of
the system will be described by a small number of variables only if the system is at global thermodynamic equilibrium.
Thirdly, because there is more information in ∆-1 complex assemblies of micro points, more than one microstate can
correspond to a single macrostate.
In fact, for any given macrostate, there will be a huge number of microstates that are consistent with the given values
of E, V, P, T.
But this again is a feature of all systems, whose 'languages, micro-points and ∆-1 states have more freedom, variations
than the ∆+i states' and it is one of the most beautiful proofs of the existence of a scalar god, on top of the previous
graph-pyramid of ∆-scales), as 0-mind of the Universe, since at the end in all systems there will be a 'whole, SS' with as
little information as a scalar number/ratio/constant that resumes what all the other scales have in common.
So when we put together the 2 concepts of entropy in mathematical physics, entropy of thermodynamics and entropy
of theory of information, we realise in the midst of its philosophical mantras, physicists are tinkering with the 'time
garden of bifurcations' (Borges beautiful tale) and/or possible choices of future, seeking to 'eliminate' entropy=find a
deterministic future path to their inquires.
How from this rather 'scholastic' concept akin to how many 'angels fit dancing on a pin' 'heated' arguments of
Sorbonne's first scholar≈University dogmatism, which brought Middle Age Aristotelian Christian thinkers to sword and
dagger debates, physicists have come to enthusiastic battles of the absolute (big bang entropy universes, disorder
dimotions, multiple quantum path solutions of parallel Universes, etc.) is a theme which frankly does not interest me
more than the '∞ angels' fit on the pin. As the hyperbolic philosophy of entropy sponsored by physicists is mostly
nonsense egocy.
Thus it turns out that S is itself a thermodynamic property, just like E, P, T or V. Therefore, it acts as a link between the
microscopic world and the macroscopic. And so now we do have the fifth element for a full description of the
thermodynamic system, as we can consider 'entropy' to be the ∆±1 'partner' parameter of 'temperature', which gives
to thermodynamics, as we said at the beginning of this post, the 'wholeness' of close range observation, with the full 5
parameters of the 5 relative dimensions of any ∆º±§∏ reality:
Volume(Ts), Energy (§∏), Pressure (Time closed cycle), Temperature (scalar parameter of whole order: ∆-1>∆) and
entropy (scalar parameter of whole disorder, ∆-1<∆).
To notice on the side of quantitative terms: since Ω is a natural number (1,2,3,...), S is either zero or positive (ln(1) = 0,
ln Ω ≥ 0.)
FOGGY physicists who don't understand either the meaning of ±numbers tend to consider this a
proof of the Universal growing disorder as they don't either understand entropy and the ternary
e-growing trifurcations of the future paths of any system. It really means only what we
said: that the ∆-1 scale has always more information than the ∆-scale and so if we rest the final

deterministic single path of the whole from the many entropic paths of the parts, we get a positive entropy number.
A second consideration more technical, which we shall tackle whenever we widen this barebones article concerns the
2 uses of entropy in thermodynamics, statistical and Boltzmann's entropy, which consider a less number of 'variations'
of ∆-1 micro states. Thus statistical entropy reduces to Boltzmann's entropy when all the accessible microstates of the
system are equally likely.
It is also the configuration corresponding to the maximum of a system's entropy for a given set of accessible
microstates, in other words the macroscopic configuration in which the lack of information about the future is
As such, according to the second law of thermodynamics, it is the equilibrium configuration of an isolated system.
Boltzmann's entropy is the expression of entropy at thermodynamic equilibrium in the canonical ensemble; which is
so useful as all systems do tend to have an isomorphic internal indistinguishable ensemble of ∆-1 cells/citizens/atoms
for the whole SS system to treat them wholesale with their Ƽ parameters.
This postulate, which is known as Boltzmann's principle, may be regarded as the foundation of statistical mechanics,
which describes thermodynamic systems using the statistical behavior of its constituents. And so from here on, even if
I never, lazy cow, return to this article you can just understand the whole discipline; which as all physics is fascinating
if physicists stick to their guns: mathematical physics and ask humble advice to us, philosophers of science, regarding
what they do (-: that would be the day :-)
Entropy as a measure of vital free energy, enthalpy, temperature and entropy equations
The Helmholtz energy is defined as: A≡U−TS
Where A is the Helmholtz free energy, which in 5D becomes a measure of the 1st Ðimotion available to the 'mind
system' as lineal momentum.
U is the internal energy of the system (SI: joules, CGS: ergs), which becomes the 3Ðimotion or vital energy of the
T is the absolute temperature of the surroundings, modeled as a heat bath, hence the measure of the 'external
angular momentum' membrane, which multiplied by S, entropy becomes the parameter of the external membrane.
So we really write 1 Ð(free energy) + 2Ð (TS) = 3Ð (internal energy)
Worldcycles of energy integrated in all its entropic future branching.
Now, returning to classic thermodynamics, we shall change our perspective from ∆±i to the S, T, §∏ elements of the
Ƽ scale, which as usual being the human scale is the one we are more interested in.
First we must reconsider how humans translate the different dimotions of futures into a quantitative parameter. And
for that aim we can consider the key equation that relates the 4 parameters of temperature, volume, entropy and
In 5D, entropy defines all the possible paths of future of a system, which develop in sequential processes, and increase
in SS, solid states, whose smaller volume implies a faster speed of time cycles (∆ metric: TT x SS = K). On the other
hand energy integrates all the momenta from past to future, closing the entire world cycle of the being.
And so since solid states have more modes of vibration, they store more energy, in a faster manner (the same can be
found in the ∆-1 translation of energy = h v, which increases with the vibrations.
So ultimately energy integrates both, the time-events or frequencies and temperatures, and the parallel splits of time
in different futures all of which happen to be accounted into the energy volume. And the question we shall find once
and again in different systems is if they are 'parallel universe' (no really, that is just physicists imagination), or they
happen in sequential time and become 'stored' as past tails (sometimes) or they branch out as the branches of a tree,

simultaneously and give birth to different 'resonances' of the same being, In brief, energy integrates all, but all can be
a split of populations in space, or an acceleration of frequencies and temperatures in time. And humans sometimes
cannot distinguish both. I.e are the three colours of gluons different gluons or the same gluon evolving in time?
This said in a general manner we can now understand one of the fundamental equations of thermodynamics, the so-
called Maxwell relationship, which basically expresses the law of conservation of energy, we have already analysed in
terms of pressure and volume in terms of temperature and entropy:
where E is the energy, S is the entropy, and the partial derivative is taken at constant volume. So we
can also write T ∂ S = ∂ E, where the increase of entropy and energy are closely related, in as much as a
larger entropy - more possible paths of future, has a larger energy, since those paths of future must
ALL take place, which can only be the case if there is either consecutive causal time sequence of them (in a system
faster in time than one which only stores a determined path without entropy), or a branching of futures.
This a profound result with interesting results in all sciences, as in all there will be branching, giving birth to a ternary
'being' in space; or partition of a whole into different futures, as each chaotic group takes a different path.
In its most profound meaning, it means that the Universe for any 'partition of species', will try all possible paths of
future, regardless of the quantity of populations≈ probabilities (a space-time symmetry, similar to the just described),
each one happens. In history it will mean there are as many fractal planets as possible histories there are: in some
humans survive; in most, robots and strangelets take over... In biology that all mutations do happen in a chaotic way
by 'chance' but then only certain paths survive.
So once we understand with certain conceptual finesse the laws of physics they give us interpretations for far more
complex systems, in as much as its simplicity leave the first principles of the homological Universe crystal clear:)
Schwarz's identity, Maxwell relations, and the reversible symmetry of space anytime forms and functions.
Next, we can consider the relationships between mathematical physics and entropy, since the previous equation and
the whole set of Maxwell relationships between thermodynamic parameters respond to a larger homological
mathematical equation the Schwarz's theorem - which establishes for an enormous range of functions the fact that if
we derivate in space and then in time, due to the symmetry of space forms and time functions, the result is equivalent
to derivate in time first and then in space. So we find this hidden jewel of 'experimental mathematics' in many
different equations. As Schwarz's theorem expresses one of the fundamental laws of the Universe, the symmetry of
process which evolve together first in space and then in time or vice versa, as ∆nalysis shows a derivative to be an
evolution/densification of a system of parts into a 'whole' whose 'present parameter, ∆s/∆t is the derivative in time
and its inverse ∆t/∆s the derivative in space.
This understood properly in terms of informative time; entropic space; and its bidimensional combinations
(holographic principle) implies that for systems of minimal order, it does not
exist a distinction between spatial herds of populations - a mere slice of present
in a flow of time - and equivalent stochastic process in time with 'no causal
memory' (entropic, 'markovian' processes as those involved in heat and
thermodynamics, or in Brownian systems, where past events do not influence
present ones ) and time truly becomes a space dimension or vice versa
Its application once we understand its S≈T meaning will guides
the analysis of many stientific concepts and parameters not yet fully
understood. In the case of thermodynamics, they are the origin of the
Maxwell relations, which encode; as the Maxwell equations of
electromagnetism encode a ternary system with a magnetic membrane a
SS charge and its dual §∏ relationships; the basic structure of an ∆º

thermodynamic system. The graph arranges them according to the fundamental law of
Energy (§∏) = TT x SS... so the reader can easily assess, both the cyclical nature of space-time process and the exact
matching of thermodynamic equations with the Generator of all ternary systems of reality
The application of thermodynamic principles begins by defining a system that is in some sense different from its
surroundings. For example, the system could be a sample of gas inside a cylinder with a movable piston, an entire
steam engine, a marathon runner, the planet Earth, a neutron star, a black hole, or even the entire universe. In
general, systems are free to exchange heat, work, and other forms of energy with their surroundings.
This classic approach is limited in its scope, as we must first define the system, more precisely in its 3 x 3 + 0ε
dimensions, to know if it is a complete system (with 3 co-existing scales, 3 topologies, 3 time ages and 1 mind-point),
in which case there will not be entropy but rather information-creation by the mind on a closed system, growing its
information at expenses of the external world - case of life systems (x, x, x in the graph).
When the system looses its mind-point, there is no internal element of order. So the system is 'ready' to give up part
of its information to an external agent. Yet if the enclosing membrane remains (a fact not easily obtained through
time, as it is managed and maintained in isolation by the invagination and connection with its @mind-point), the
system will remain in balance with no exchange of e or i (x,x,√) at the ∆+1 'mechanical level, leaking though
disordered, entropic heat at the ∆-1 level. And a similar case, when the systems only thermally isolated at ∆-1 level
happens: the system can be used to cause work, as the mechanical, motion, ∆-level is not isolated.
So what we know as classic thermodynamics apply to such systems in which either or both of the ∆-1 and ∆+1
quantum and mechanical scales are NOT isolated and transfer of energy and motion in inverse faction happens
between them (open and closed system); and to those systems the laws of thermodynamic apply when we do a ceteris
paribus analysis from the point of view of a single scale - disregarding the order or entropy ∆ or ∇ effects on those 2
other scales.
Only such systems we shall call 'thermodynamic engines', classic laws apply. Then those laws will refer basically to the
Conservation of present energy of a system, where the present energy is given by the temperature and its composite
elements will be volume or expansive entropy and pressure or increasing order, given us the 1st key equation of
P (t) x V (s) = nK T (exi content)
For example a gas in a cylinder with a movable piston, the state of the system is identified by the temperature,
pressure, and volume of the gas. Where the volume is proportional to the spatial expansion or TT-entropy as
expansive motion, defined in 5D; the pressure is its inverse 'pure form' function, or dimotion of order. And the nKT
element the present, energy x information parameter of the system, 'its existential force' calculated multiplying its
quanta of entropy-space, nK and its speed of time, its 'frequency of time vibration', T.
In such systems it also applies the fundamental law of 'immortality of time', which states that: 'a closed path of time
has not done work, hence spent its potential energy, when it returns to its initial space-time condition'
So P, V, and kT are characteristic parameters that have definite values at each state and are independent of the way in
which the system arrived at that state. In other words, any change in value of a property depends only on the initial
and final states of the system, not on the path followed by the system from one state to another. Such properties are
called state functions.
In contrast, when we talk of an open system (√,√,√) the final state is not one of balance, since there is a gain or loss of
energy and information which the external system absorbs or gives. So, the final work done as the piston moves and
the gas expands and the heat the gas absorbs from its surroundings depend on the detailed way in which the
expansion occurs.

The behaviour of a complex thermodynamic system, such as Earth's atmosphere, can be understood by first applying
the principles of states and properties to its component parts—in this case, water, water vapour, and the various
gases making up the atmosphere. By isolating samples of material whose states and properties can be controlled and
manipulated, properties and their interrelations can be studied as the system changes from state to state. It is though
not accurate to consider then 'ceteris paribus analysis' of the system to uphold the wrong limited classic laws of
entropy. I.e. when we consider the Earth-sun system we wrongly state that the order of the planet grows because the
disorder of the star happens giving up ¥-energy. But it does NOT consider the ∆+3 scale of gravitational, increasing
order, which in fact will finally dominate collapsing the star. It is then we could talk of the whole solar system in 'e x i
equilibrium', which classic thermodynamics called a...
Thermodynamic equilibrium
Classic thermodynamics is concerned then with the different states of disorder, when there is a dynamic transfer of Pt,
Vs and nkT (§∏) between systems, which changes the system parameters of e x i, or with the different paths a system
can use to get from a state to other; changing only one of those parameters; which are analysis of value for all other
studies of single space-time systems at all other scales.
In that regard, a particularly important concept is thermodynamic equilibrium, in which there is no tendency for the
state of a system to change spontaneously. For example, the gas in a cylinder with a movable piston will be at
equilibrium if the temperature and pressure inside are uniform and if the restraining force on the piston is just
sufficient to keep it from moving. The system can then be made to change to a new state only by an externally
imposed change in one of the state functions, such as the temperature by adding heat or the volume by moving the
piston. A sequence of one or more such steps connecting different states of the system is called a process. In general,
a system is not in equilibrium as it adjusts to an abrupt change in its environment. For example, when a balloon bursts,
the compressed gas inside is suddenly far from equilibrium, and it rapidly expands until it reaches a new equilibrium
However, the same final state could be achieved by placing the
same compressed gas in a cylinder with a movable piston and
applying a sequence of many small increments in volume (and
temperature), with the system being given time to come to
equilibrium after each small increment.
Such a process is said to be reversible because the system is at
(or near) equilibrium at each step along its path, and the
direction of change could be reversed at any point.
This example illustrates how two different paths can connect
the same initial and final states.
The first is irreversible (the balloon bursts), and the second is
reversible. The concept of reversible processes is something like
motion without friction in mechanics.
It represents an idealized limiting case that is very useful in
discussing the properties of real systems. Many of the results of
thermodynamics are derived from the properties of reversible
processes. And the first conclusion we obtain from that duality,
is indeed a general law of all systems: When the change is very
fast and the system cannot 'reorganise step by step' of its
frequency motions, the simultaneous location of all its parts,
the system becomes disordered. As all entropic,

death processes and big-bangs, ∆+1<<∆-1, are by definition fast transformations that erase the disorder of the system.
Yet when those changes are minimal, where the parameter of temporal order is higher (slow processes with minute
changes) than the parameter of expansive space, the process is fully reversible with no entropy: ∆<∆-1>∆.
In an open system however, ‘Heat does not flow spontaneously from a colder region to a hotter region, or,
equivalently, heat at a given temperature cannot be converted entirely into work.
Thus, the concept of temperature is fundamental then to any discussion of thermodynamics, as it is the parameter of
frequency in time, hence of the speed of the system in its time clocks, which will vary all the other parameters of the
system to define its existential $xð force, which in all systems grow when S-imultaneity in space and size grow (spatial
force) or its temporal frequency and timing of its actions-reactions grow (temperature speed), within the S≈T limits of
internal balance allowed by the system (homeostasis), which for any system establishes an interval of temperature of
maximal efficiency.
Thus Temperature is a measure of the density of energy and information, of the frequency of motion, of the quantity
of temporal form, of the existential momentum of a thermodynamic ensemble of waves, particle and fields of the ∆±1
planes of existence, with ∆o humans on its middle point. As such temperature is the frequency of the activity of a
certain environment in those planes, which increases as we increase the parameters which will increase that density
such as Pt x Vs = n Ks Tt
Yet, in any assemble of ∆-1 forms, the dimotion of social evolution dominates the system. So when one ∆-1 element
has a higher frequency of existence it will share it among SIMILAR entities by colliding and transferring them
energy. Without the existence of an attractor, @mind, Maxwell's demon in the system, the energy of the system will
remain in a wave, steady state equilibrium, providing the external membrane is closed, or else it will dissipate its
entropy if the external 'pressure membrane' disappears.
Temperature is therefore a social form of energy ∆-1 systems prefer to shared to equalise its parameter of energy and
information with its close clone molecules.
So, when two objects are brought into thermal contact, heat will flow between them until they come into equilibrium
with each other. When the flow of heat stops, they are said to be at the same temperature.
The zeroth law of thermodynamics formalizes this by asserting that if an object A is in simultaneous thermal
equilibrium with two other objects B and C, then B and C will be in thermal equilibrium with each other if brought into
thermal contact.
Object A can then play the role of a thermometer through some change in its physical properties with temperature,
such as its volume or its electrical resistance.
With the definition of equality of temperature in hand, it is possible then to establish a temperature scale by assigning
numerical values to certain easily reproducible fixed points. And consider in an opposite fashion to thermodynamic
classic laws that:
'When entropy increases in the system as a whole, an equal amount of order created by isotemperature equilibrium
happens in the ∆-1 scale of the system'.

Plasma (Greek πλάσμα, 'moldable substance’) is the entropic and generative 1st state of matter. It consists of a gas
of ions – the ∆-1 parts of atoms which have orbital electrons removed as free electrons where the total number of
electrons removed is related to either increasing temperature or the local density of other ionized matter – which
sets an ‘entropic limit’ to the energy matter can store in thermodynamic form. This also can be accompanied by the
dissociation of molecular bonds. The resulting charged ions and electrons become influenced by long-range
electromagnetic fields, making plasma dynamics more sensitive to the ‘diverging’ ¥-universe and its quantum laws
than a neutral gas. Plasma is therefore an intermediate state between the ∆-3 and ∆-2, ¥-electronic and atomic scale.
Accordingly as ∆¡<¡+x implies that ∆¡ has a larger volume, since ¡+x will emerge from a ‘trophic pyramid’ from ∆¡,
Plasma is the most abundant form of ordinary matter in the Universe – the reservoir mostly existing in stars from
where atomic matter will form.
As an ionized gaseous substance plasma becomes highly electrically conductive to the point that long-range electric
and magnetic fields dominate its behaviour in contrast with the Ƽ 3 thermodynamic states.
Plasma is an electrically neutral medium of unbound positive and negative particles (i.e. the overall charge of a
plasma is roughly zero). Although these particles are unbound, they are not "free" in the sense of not experiencing
forces. Moving charged particles generate an electric current within a magnetic field, and any movement of a
charged plasma particle affects and is affected by the fields created by the other charges. In turn this governs
collective behaviour with many degrees of variation.
Structure of plasma as a non-Euclidean point=T.œ. Its 2 or 3 parts.
As all systems of Nature, a Plasma system does have regardless of its enormous existential energy and T-motion the
minimal dual structure of all systems, with an external membrane, called the Debye sheath, which has a greater
density of positive ions, and hence an overall excess positive charge, that balances an opposite negative charge on
the center of the plasma, protecting its stability. The thickness of such a layer is several Debye lengths thick, a value
whose size depends on various characteristics of plasma (e.g. temperature, density, etc.).
While in the center, the plasma has the maximal density of negative electrons. Both together the + cover and the –
core are quasineutral, with similar number of charge quanta. The central singularity region of plasma is as always
with the 0ε finitesimal knot of a system, not easy to study but for the more complex plasma tubular structures
guided by magnetic fields, which structure the outer layers of solar systems, undoubtedly exist.
Such quasineutral= stable plasmas are thus ‘complete’ non-E structures that can survive a long period of time.
It is possible though to produce a plasma that is not quasineutral. An electron beam, for example, has only negative
charges. So happens with rays. The density of a non-neutral plasma however is very low, and is soon dissipated by
the repulsive electrostatic force; showing once more an essential characteristic of the 5D Universe: only S=T
balanced systems ‘last’.
Vital constants of Plasma.
In all systems of Nature, a first ‘stientific description’ of a system defines 3 parameters, one of its Spatial form
(density of information), one of its temporal motion and one ∆-scalar 5D constant, in a 5D metric relation of the type
$ x ð = C, which sets the ‘vital constants’ used to describe the system.
Yet, since huminds lack a unifying criterion based on the first principles of 5D ∆S≈T they ignore, humind’s
‘approximations’ to those vital constants might vary. In the case of plasma physics huminds use 3 factors to define a
$t-lineal/curvature parameter: Debye’s length or radius, named after Peter Debye, is a measure of a charge
carrier's net electrostatic effect. A Debye sphere is a volume whose radius is the Debye length. With each Debye

length, charges are increasingly electrically screened. Every Debye-length λD, the electric potential will decrease in
magnitude by 1/e (curvature). Debye length is thus the key parameter in plasma physics to understand:
§ð-Spatial form/density parameter: The plasma approximation parameter, Λ, represents the number of charge
carriers within a sphere, surrounding a given charged particle. If it is high it shields the electrostatic influence of the
particle outside of the sphere.
Bulk interactions: The Debye screening length (defined above) is short compared to the physical size of the plasma.
This criterion means that interactions in the bulk of the plasma are more important than those at its edges, where
boundary effects may take place. When this criterion is satisfied, the plasma is quasi-neutral.
Plasma frequency: The electron plasma frequency (measuring plasma oscillations of the electrons) is large
compared to the electron-neutral collision frequency (measuring frequency of collisions between electrons and
neutral particles). When this condition is valid, electrostatic interactions dominate over the processes of ordinary
gas kinetics.
This frequency is ‘translated’ to the Plasma temperature, which is high according to 5D, as plasma is an ∆-1 scale of
higher ð-activity hence vibrational Ts- temperatures – the main factor of its ionisation (more weakly determined by
its St-density), in a relationship called the Saha equation.
Thus the ‘quality’ and ‘duration’ of an S≈T-plasma is a function of St-kinetic energy/temperature and St-density;
forming the 3 elements a ‘natural generator equation’ (St<TS>Ts).
Tt-death of plasma therefore happens at low temperatures, when ions and electrons recombine into bound states—
atoms - and plasma generate a gas: ¡-1>|0
In most cases the electrons are close enough to thermal equilibrium that their temperature is relatively well-
defined; this is true even when there is a significant deviation from a Maxwellian energy distribution function, for
example, due to UV radiation, energetic particles, or strong electric fields. Because of the large difference in mass,
the electrons come to thermodynamic equilibrium amongst themselves much faster than they come into
equilibrium with the ions or neutral atoms. For this reason, the ion temperature may be very different from (usually
lower than) the electron temperature. This is especially common in weakly ionized technological plasmas, where the
ions are often near the ambient temperature.

Ss: Boson state.
The boson state is the natural, 5th Ss-tate of matter (ab.§). In the graph, we can see how it grows through a new
Dimension of height=information; and just for fun I put the oldest painting I keep of 5D done in the earlier 90s before
this state of matter was known. For an Ss-tate to form there is only a property required according to the laws of non-
Euclidean 4th postulate of congruence that determines the social evolution of systems into tighter organic forms of
maximal density of information: that all forms are undistinguishable of each other. So they all can occupy the same
place within a given ‘organization’ in space and time (S=T symmetry). This is indeed the definition Einstein and Bose
found for the fifth state of matter.
This transition to BEC occurs below a critical temperature, which for a uniform 3D volume of gas consisting of non-
interacting particles with no apparent internal degrees of freedom – the simplest state - is given by:
∆º (Temperature x Kb) x ∆+1 Mass ó ∆-1 ( 3.3125 h2 n 2/3)
if we wish to express it in 5D terms as a feed-back equation between two scales, which gives a better understanding
of its deeper meaning: a Bose state is a transition from a thermodynamic plane of space-time (that of Temperature
and electron motion) to a lower, more ordered, faster quantum state, mediated by the higher state of mechanical
mass, which induces a higher order by absorbing energy from the electron-temperature scale, thus the electron
looses its freedom giving away energy to the lattice and falling after being predated by the higher lattice system
down a scale to the quantum order of cooper pairs.
"Magnetism and superconductivity are natural enemies". Lindenfeld. Macroscopic magnetization depends upon
aligning the electron spins parallel to one another, while superconductivity depends upon pairs of electrons with
their spins antiparallel. Cooper Pairs of electrons have a very small binding energy, and external magnetic fields
exert torques on the electron spins which tend to break up these pairs

The 1 element to define in the analysis of any 3 scales of 5D superorganisms are the minimal quanta of those 3
scales, which in electromagnetic systems are obvious: the photon measured in terms of h-plancktons, which gather
together socially to form an electron. And the magnetic domain, made of 1010 million units of spinning electrons.
H-planckton. The simplest T.Œ of light is a planckton like an ATP is ultimately a supœrganism is proved by its metric
equation with 3 parts common to any fractal point of cyclical time, of angular momentum, in the Universe become
then in the simplest physical systems, the 3 conserved parts of the minimal organic Unit of reality, a ‘Planckton’ of
angular momentum. All physical systems then can be 'reduced' to fractal ensembles of 3 'conserved quantities',
angular momentum - the membrane of the system, which becomes a membrane, fractal sum of 'cellular cycles' or the
skin of the system in human beings. Vital energy, the enclosed cyclical forms and motions within the space whose
boundary conditions are given by the membrane, and lineal momentum, the motions with a 'finality' we perceive
guided by a 'relatively still mind-point-singularity' that focuses the energy and information transferred through the
angular momentum membrane.
It is also the smallest clock of our world, as its minimal unit of cyclical information, or angular momentum, used as the
unit of the 3 human physical parameters of spatial size, cyclical time frequency and ‘scale’ (Active magnitude):
h= mass (∆) x area (S) x ƒrequency (ð).
So h, Planckton, is the minimal fractal organism which becomes the ‘cellular unit’ of all other species of light space-
time, as Plankton is the minimal unit of the biologic Universe, also a cell with a similar ternary structure – a DNA
nucleus that process information, a protein membrane that isolates a vital space-time, the cytoplasm.
From the Photon to the electron: a potential well. How are the laws of emergence translated into physics? As
emergence is a set of equations of non-existential algebra, we just need to translate to existential algebra, amenable
to translation in any jargon or language through the rules of Universal grammar (see stientific method).
What this means is that ‘equations of 4D physics are mathematical Æ Approximations to the non-Æ laws of emergence
in illogic geometry.
Of those equations we can roughly consider two types of equations. Those which deal with worldcycles and events in a
single plane of existence, between two relative ∝ limits of non-AE geometry.
The way systems become then laws of electromagnetism is then just the ‘tale’ on how small units of the language of
light evolve through the ∆+1 scale of electrons to form ‘flows’ that emerge as social wholes of a new physical scale,
which therefore will have to ‘reconstruct’ its dimotions of existence. The main laws of stience then reflect those
Dimotions of exist¡ence and that is what Electromagnetic equations do.
What is then en electron? Simply stated, in scalar physics, the dense cellular gathering of photons trapped in a
potential gravitational well, within the atom. Those photons are the ‘stars’ of the galatom: ultradense packages of
light, which cannot escape the gravitational well of the proton-black hole.
Emergence of photons becomes the creation of the electron. But then, the electron acquires an inner organic
structure that allows it to remain so without the proton potential well. And this is the marvel of emergence. Emergence
is both a process of evolution that requires first the ‘tightening’ of a herd of quanta of the ∆-1 scale by a membrane
(Electron within the well of the atom), but then it acquires an internal structure that tightens it together and makes it
function independently. This is the electron as a particle-point outside the atom.
Magnetic domains. Finally the ∆+¡ scale of the electromagnetic ‘system’ is the magnetic domain, which in the order of
1010 electrons become aligned forming a discernible, stable new system of electromagnetism.

As all themes of 5D physics that include all those of 4D Physics, and expands to the pentalogic views of scales, organic
co-existence, Absolute relativity, sentient mental spaces, etc. once we blow up the reductionist limits of physicists, we
are into a huge unchartered territory. We shall offer just impresionist ‘pictures’ of all those themes, as time goes by,
and I return to this paper, till one day I write no more… It’s up to younger physicists or future AI or none to complete
it. In any case the Universe and ¥-rays couldn’t care less what we think of them. They will continue to perform their
worldcycles of existence without us.
The range of ¥-forces in the ∆-¡ scales and G¥ant forces in the ∆+1 scale.
The scale of electromagnetism, seems to have in a rough calculus a ±114x11 variational size, which corresponds to the
reach below and above the Atom that produces them (Planck scale and largest radio-waves of several km). From this
fact and the symmetry of Galatom scales we deduce that gravitational black star=proton waves and the
electronic=strangelet should extend in the next continuum spectra from a few kilometers of minimal width to 1046 km.
And since a light year is 1013 km, this means gravitational waves might have frequencies of 1033 light years in the
hyper-Universe. Needless to say this is 1020 magnitudes larger than the big-bang space-time symmetry of 1013 light
years. But the hyper-Universe is immensely huge, compared to the punny big-bang ‘imagined’ by nitrolife species…
The life of its particle, photon state. Generational cycles.
The electromagnetic wave is either perceived as a particle in its electronic ¡-1
configuration’, when absorbed as information or as a derivative of time-change,
when we observe it as the life-death reproductive cycle of locomotion of the
particle in space; since the lifetime of a photon is proportional to its speed in 5D
metrics, $xð=K, hence a finitesimal, but as the photon constantly reproduces new
particles we perceive it as a continuum.
In the graphs when we perceive a wave of light, we are in fact, perceiving time=change, and
creating a mental space of the life-death cycle of a single photon as space is just the memorial
tail of our slow time perception. We see mental spaces. What we call a wave is the perception of
change in the form of a particle, a Maya of the senses that interprets and adds on the change of
cyclical form in a lineal space, even if form doesn’t’ move, as the graph shows. But if we were in
the ultimate, lower plane of existence over which the ghostly waves form, we would see only a
world of spherical quanta, traversed by lineal forms, a TV-screen in 5 Dimotions on which existences are drawn.
The balance of magnetic and electric fields.

The architectonical Nature of vital physics and as a consequence the Universe we perceive in electronic mental space
starts with the marvels of light and electricity. They are magic even if physicists no longer marvel. Vacuum space made
of SHM h-oscillators, suddenly as 2 fermions connect with a V=S/0ε T = ∝ neutrino? = Distance ray, creates a perfect
S=T, form=motion, magnetic=electric field. The laws of 5D physics as waves of exist¡ence are marvelously written in the
forms of light, its dimotions and Natural properties, unlike in any other scale of reality. And since we are creating a
mental electronic space, made of light, the obvious question is:
Are everything we perceive as absolute truths of 5D just ‘light truths’? It is all just a translation of light into electronic
mind waves, reflecting each other in kaleidoscopic mirrors… So the Universe looks in its galactic structure as the
neuronal connections, all seemingly perfect informative computers on the 1111scales. But let us not do metaphysics.
S=T means at this st-age before the dissociation of Maxwell’s laws when Electric fields go to sink into the 0ε-center,
and Magnetic fields to form the membrane, an absolute equality:
St: Electric field < §∏-¥ rays > Ts-Magnetic field
Moreover the balance goes beyond the ∆-1 scale of forces to the ∆ø-scale of Momenta to the ∆+1 scale of energy¡
So what to make of all this in terms of pure ‘Space=form and time=motion’ philosophy? Indeed, let us imagine humans
are NOT dragged by all the ‘naming’ and ‘deformed’ continuous ∆º view of reality. Then they would see a perfect
symmetry of creation. 2 Fermions entangle and one sends a distance v=S/0ε, NOT a neutrino but a Spacetime distance
to the other fermion – we are NOT using meaningless ‘human namings’. This ‘Spacetime distance’ establishes a
minimal 0ε information between both below its time quantum of information perception, or finitesimal 0ε. And then
because they know each other distances, they send each other in this quantum of time simultaneity two inverse
frequency forms, the neutrino and antineutrino that web the light space-time wave. And the marvel of it is that each of
them, as both identical particles have entangled and synchronized its motions, which will give birth to the magnetic
and electric field have the same value: ½ e0 E2 =B2/2 µ0 ; which if we substitute e for k, gives us E2/2 k4π =B2/2 µ0.
That is, the instantaneous energy density associated with the magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave equals the instantaneous
energy density associated with the electric field.
Both are exactly the same when we consider the k4π=e true constant of the electric field, which for reasons unbeknownst to the
writer became the meaningless e0. Hence, in a given volume, the energy is equally shared by the two Fields and we are lead to
think that by all means they are indistinguishable even if they will acquire properties of electric and magnetic fields in
its ‘next’ scalar st-age. The light wave is then the St=Ts: §∏-present state of our light spacetime Universe, the
beginning of it all, whereas the h SHM ‘fixed’ state form of vacuum has become motion still retaining its balance. And
all in the most abstract, spiritual manner, departing from ‘form=space’ and ‘time=motion’. What makes us distinguish
at this st-age them? Nothing really as their x vs. y dimotion is one of perspective. So the generator is present = Past x
Future, Ø=| x O in the next stage.

The parameters of electricity: density, intensity, current, flow, voltage, potential.
We already mentioned that the key balance of the Univere origin of most of its motions is a ‘difference of potential’
between two poles that originates a flux of communication, which carries energy between them. This is according to
the congruence dualities between poles (2nd Postulate of Non-Æ geometry) one of its main variations.
If the two forms are equal communication is more subtle, mostly of ‘information’ in parallel. If ithe 2 forms are inequal
in energy-size, there is a need to balance which can be achieved through a Darwinian absorbtion of the little fish by
the big one. But if the distances are fixed by structure, then a flow of energy and information, as in electric currents
happen, invariabley establishing a balance between both.
Electricity thus is the social gathering of electronic quanta in motion relative to a ‘mass observer’. This is important to
grasp. In the duality Ts-electric systems vs. St-mass systems, which go scaling from the neutrino-photon to the quark-
electron, to the mass-electric current; motion is relative to the frame of reference of the observer, which in humans
observers is the slower, informative still metal spaces created by the St-mass states.
Thus to define electricity we need 3 ∆ST elements as always indepndent of the human observer, regardless of the fact
the mathematics of physics are always related to human ‘space and time’ definitions of measure (unfortunately those
of Newton).
This means a current must be defined by an Ƽ particle, the electron, an Spatial Scalar herd, the number of electrons of
the current, n, and a time parameter of Ts-locomotion, the speed of the current. This gives us the fundamental ∆ST
‘humind-independent’ parameter of current:
J (density of current): n (S) e (∆) v (t): nev
Once we do have an ∆ST definition of an organic system, in this case electricity we can then add the two human
references of measures, a Dimension of space proper of human size, the bidimensional surface through which the
current passes, S, and a dimension of human time, the finitesimal of time we use to measure the current, dt (see 5D
calculus). This gives us the ‘human amenable’ forms of measure of electric currents.
Intensity: I = n e v S, measured in amperes which ads a spatial ‘surface’ of human size. And flow:
Which ads to the two human parameters of Space (S) and time (dt).
With those elements we are ‘settled’ to study the properties of a current, both independently of man through density
which will give us the most fundamental laws of electricity and dependent of man, through intensity which will give us
the practical tools to manipulate electricity in the human scale.
The independent view. Perception on fluids: the ‘bird view’. Variations in the resistence of conductors.
Not surprisingly the first fundamental equation of electricity comes from the ∆ST=J, independent view:
J=σ • E
Whereas the electric field (∆-1) relates to the electric current, ∆+1 by a constant of proportionality, called conductivity,
σ, which depends of ∆º, that is the intermediate material between the electric field’s lower scale and the current
upper scale. So this equation in 5D corresponds to the symmetry of a trinity of entangled scales:
∆-1 (E) ≈∆o (σ) ≈ ∆+1 (J)
The conductor of electricity will obviously slwo down the ‘larger scale’, the electric current, in its speed according to
5D metrics. It is then not surprising that the speed of electric currents is very slow, around 10-4 m s-1 compared to the

speed of electrons around 106 m s-1, in the all too familiar ‘decametric’ power scaling of most ∆-1≈∆º symmetries. And
this speed of electrons is slower than the motion of the electric field, ∆-1, which is obviously c, as it is the underlying ∆-
1 electromagnetic field of photonic quanta.
As the ∆º is always the determinant scale the key element of that equation is σ, the relatively conductivity of the
network of atoms in which the Ts-electronic flow moves as a Ts-liquid<Gaseous state (depending on the material) with
different current speeds. And this plunges directly electric currents into the quantum understanding of atomic
So far so good, so simple, the independent view of the electric current. But that really ends it.
What comes next is the praxis of electricity as the flow of energy of human machines and hence the adaptation of the
independent view to the human parameters of space, 1D l, 2D S, and time, dt, and scale, dq. So we obtain the basic
equations of electricity. Instead of conductivity we use the inverse, Resistivity and we adapt it to the spatial
parameters of human size in 1D (length of the wire) and 2D (cross section) obtainining the Resistence of a conductor:
1/σ • l/S = R
And instead of the E-field, we use the potential difference of the current established by humans or voltage, V1-V2,
which for a length, l will be V1-V2=El.
Then using the different human ‘scale’ parameters, we obtain:
i= J x S = σ x V1-V2/l x S = V1-V2/ R
This is the famous Ohm’s law, whose obvious importance departs from the fact that as in so many key expressions of
physics it merges the independent view from where it departs and the human view, with the parameters of human
manipulation of Nature. When we move R to the left then we observe that the fall of potential through a conductor is
equal to the product of the intensity or positive element of the flow and the resistence or negative element that
opposes the flow both of equal value. But since R is the human view of σ, hence constant according to material, the
potential V1-2 is a lineal function of the intensity. So we can establish the equivalence between the independent and
human view:
J=σ • E ó I = 1/R V1-2
Both are equivalent. One is Nature’s description according to 5D laws and reveals the truth of electricity, the other is
human praxis according to electric engineering and converts Nature’s laws in human use.
At this stage is easy to change from Nature’s analysis of its fundamental parameters, J and σ an d human praxis.
The ideal conductor is one in which the 3 scales, ∆±¡ (J, σ, E) are ‘left’ alone without interference of the galatom’s
other St-symbiotic organic element and all its ‘dimotional parameters’. That is, a system whose temperature is
minimal, so it is ts mechanical stress, and the external interference to the parallel laminal flow (Non-E congruence) of
maximal fluidity, such as when the conductor is interfered by any of the 3 scales (a new electric current, an excess of
light, etc.) There is yet a 3rd ‘sensorial view’, which will never be considered, but obvious for liquid flows. Why there is
SO LITTLE friction? The answer is ‘gauging’ information as birds do. A bird just look at 7 other birds around, in front,
above and below and ‘flows without friction’. The laminal non-friction laws of liquids MUST be explained then with the
concept of ‘perceptive’ molecules, as in water.
Of course, the ‘scholar’ will laugh and come with the buillshit of how you know it perceives. But there is no other
explanation. That is the ‘why we don’t ask’, etc. But we are doing philosophy of physics, we want to know. So an
electric fluid – as electrons do seem to move as a fluid – have the same fluid properties of birds and water atoms. And
then the mathematical mirror through ‘social scalar’ numbers makes the magic of a synoptic description.

The maximal influence will be that of the ‘mechanical’ Tt-entropy that disorders and hence slows down any dimotion.
So we can then bring the equivalent to the ‘equation of Galileo’ of the 3 ‘ages of any motion’, from the most general
analysis of motion in time:
V=So (past motion) + Vt( present constant speed) + at2 (future accelerated or decelerated state), to deduce an
equation of 3 terms, where the future decelerated state’s variable parameter is temperature. So we write substituting
the parameters spatial motion for those of resistivity its inverse and those of acceleration for deceleration, its inverse,
due to temperature:
ρ=ρ0 (1+at +bt2), where a and b introduce the specific properties of each substance (as this merely applies one of the
‘general equations of 5D physics’, see ‘physics and mind’, to electric scales), which for practical purposes can be
reduced to the present equation, for lineal calculus that tell us that the resistance of a conductor to flow increases
with the Tt-thermal disorder. Here then we enter into the quantum description of the Ƽ atomic web, which as we
know has its maximal fluidity allowing a gasoseous>liquid state to the flow in metals; whereas the structure of non-
conductors already has prevented the flow and it is therefore not affected by temperature. Because B is often
negative (‘future’ deceleration in the general equation of motions in 3 dimensions of time), the derivative can be null
at higher temperatures: d ρ /dt = a ρ0 + 2B ρot; which allows to fine tune the construction of resistances according to
temperature of a given environment.
Ohm’s law is as always in physics, the ideal case, but as we have seen it is always subject to variations, so the ‘St¡+1’
(Iy) ≈ ‘Ts¡-1’ (Vx) standard perpendicular lineal graph of I and V of ohm’s law, for the ideal Ohm conductor has two
different deviations of materials whose resistance increases with temperature, so the line moves towards St¡+1=Iy, in
metals or inversely for other substances such as carbon.
Scaliar (parallel resistence) vs. Spacetime serial modification.
It is interesting also to notice the general laws of ‘lineal addition’ and ‘parallel superposition’, taking place in the
mounting of resistances:
When we mount resistances in a succession in lineal spacetime, we do have a lineal addition such as R=∑R¡: Va-Vd=
(Va-Vb)+(Vb-Vc)+(Vc-Vd)= i R1+iR2+iR3=i(R1+R2+R3)=iR.
When we work in parallel though we are adding 3 different scalings of the current. So while the initial and final voltage
now remain the same, Va-b, the current of each parallel sub-circuit changes coming out of the difference resistances,
so we have to break the current for each subunit, according to Va-Vb=iR=Rnin, which with a bit of simple algebraic
manipulation gives us: 1/R=∑1/Ri.
That is as usual changing from spacetime to scale parameters we make an inversion of symmetry, reflected in this case
in the inversed parameters of the local vs. global equivalence.
With those few elements then the praxis of electric circuitry arises for continuous flows.
Energy, work, resistance, heat.
It then comes in that praxis, the need to calculate the flow energy available for work (§∏) through a conductor vs. the
energy dissipated into Tt-entropy due to heat, for a given q, electric charge, flowing through a conductor, with a
potential, ‘V’. Since the definition of work needed in the displacement of a charge is immediate W= q •V, and q was it,
then w=iVt, which is the work-energy that can be transformed into motion of a mechanical engine or lost in heat,
according to the resistance of the circuit and the heat produced, which are obviously inverse, from where the
application to electric heating, lamps and electric furnaces. The final human parameter then for electricity of
importance will be the Power, P= W/t=iV or ‘watt’, where the ‘human time parameter’ becomes eliminated.
From this we obtain the Fem of a generator, W=ξ it, hence ξ=P/I, measured in volts, as fem originates the differential
of potential, v.

The simplicity of the laws of a continuous current explain then how fast its praxis originated in the XIX c. the electric
industry, without a real need to understand as in most physical systems (heat and steam machines the other example),
what humans were manipulating, which as usual is still ignored. Since when science is synonymous of technology and
technology of mechanism, the deep whys (quantum theory, proper entropy theory) are irrelevant to our civilization.
This changed with the arrival of an alternate current, when praxis and theory became more complex and some
entanglement between ‘theoretical causes and practical effects’ are required as well as its proper understanding in
terms of mind-physics (use of complex numbers). So we shall consider it in more detail. At first alternate currency just
draw of the simple equations of a continuous current to impose its dominance. Because the power of a continuous
current was I x V, at equal power, the intensity will be larger with more voltage, reducing the Joule effect of rising
heat proportional to the square of intensity (RI2), wasting the energy transported, a system that could send down the
wire a maximal potential would waste less energy, if it could be then lowered in potential with a transformer. Because
continuous energy couldn’t be generated at high voltage but alterate one could with a change in its frequency, the
outcome was set in its favor. This made transformers of alternate current the key to its dominance for a century
which merely used the magnetic properties of a coil surrounding with different number of spires according to the
simple relationship Ip/Ia=Na/No, where N is the number of spires in which a current is induced by the magic ‘effects’
of the interaction of magnetic and electric fields.
So indeed, far more complex, new relationships of the organic Universe in the ∆+1 scale of electricity were needed for
the modern age of electric machines. And this could be grouped in 3 different parts –the study of electromagnetism
and its interactions (Maxwell, Heaviside), the study of electro-magnetic engines, the study of alternate currencies. As
usual praxis determined the advance of models in the mechanist view, and not vice versa. Let us then consider some
insights on the reversal model of 5D (global 5D laws determines local laws that determines praxis).
The magnetic field inducing a force in an engine.
We can then go back to the independent world of man, when considering the magnetic field induction of a force in an
electric current, where the key parameter, ∆ST is the density of current, nev, which for a 3D spatial volume S x l,
determines independent of time, a volume of organic electricity subject to the ‘formal, topologic’ shaping in space
given by a magnetic field (B sin a) such as F= nev Sl B sin a = il B sin a, which for a quanta of human time, symmetric to
a quanta of human space, dl, gives, df=I dl B sen a, or Laplace law, df = I (dl ∧B).
It is this the force that acts on different topological surface of an electric current to cause the Ts-dimotions origin of
the electric engines. For example in a rectangular flat circuit abe to turn on its perpendicular axis; the result will be
immediate: the force becomes a Momentum over the surface (instead of the length dimension), M = I [S ∧ B], or M=ni
[S∧B] population of spires.
This simple device then will become the generator of an alternate current, when the constant turning of the surface,
inserted between the two poles of a magnetic field, induces a constant change in the ‘direction’ of the current as the
plane turns around, through its perpendicular axis, given the orthogonality of the 3 ∆ST of the system (electric
current’s motion, perpendicular magnetic field and perpendicular force).
The consequences of that constant change of the current were appalling to the theorists and have not yet full become
understood, for what happened then is that the electron suffered a complete worldcycle of motion returning to its
position. So electrons do NOT move truly – just a vibration with a classic SHM period of T=2π/w; which however
creates in the ∆-1 scale an undulating wave that creates an intensity, I = Eo / R cos w t.
So essentially we move from a ‘lineal motion’ (continuous current) to a SHM motion and similar laws apply even if we
have changed of ‘scale’ and ‘parameters’ of the ‘spacetime system’ we study. Yet as we want to extract kinetics,
‘motion, momentum, energy and force’ from this current and half of any SHM motion balances the other and cancels
it, we can only consider the efficient part/value of the parameters, which can be easily reduced by the 2D Pythagoras

metric, to I= Io/√2, E=Eo/√2 or square root of the mean of all square roots taken by integrating the finitesimal
measures through a period T, I2=1/T∫TI2dt, etc.
How we compare those values with a continuous current is an interesting exercise of ‘translation’ of scales and forms
of a force, as we do it practically observing the heat effect between both, which equals to equal intensities.
It is then, because of the SHM motion with its cyclical period, when for calculations, it is easier to use the Euler’s
relation (see 5D Algebra) which introduces the complex plane and the Complex Intensity, to simplify trigonometric
calculus and give us back the Real part as the value of the instantaneous intensity. And yet, here, again because of the
magic of mathematics, once the praxis of it was solved, alternate currencies become used by humans, without much
further ‘intrigue’ on the theoretical similarities with SHM and the consequences for a unification of all the scalar views
of motion in the Universe.
Mechanism in that sense never truly asks for the why of existence; it is not interested in ‘science-knowledge per se’
but only explores models of truth to resolve mechanical questions. The machine and the enzyman roles of the
humans involved come always first and let the model in theory always unresolved as History moves towards the finale
of a human being who has successfully created an organic machine without realizing what it has done and why, and
what it meant and what discovered of the organic Universe in the whole process. A truly miraculous thing to look at
with irony – a species that will create an entire superior new species without even realizing it has done so, without
truly understand how it did so. Such is the studying collective intelligence of the Universe, which doesn’t need to
explains its parts what they are doing in the puzzle of ∆+1 existence, of its whole, in this case the metal-earth.
The dream of organicism, from Lao-Tse, through Buddha, to Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo, Leibniz, Schopenhauer,
Spengler and this who speaks has always been the opposite: to understand first the Universe and then live as a human
being within that Universe, an immortal time under its rules.
Now the magic of the alternate current is obviously caused by the fact the Ƽ system as in all SHM motions does NOT
really move, just completes balanced worldcycles, so an element of distorting lineal Ts-motion disappears and we can
only observe effects in the ∆±¡ levels with less friction hence the possibility of more extreme measures. So alternate
currents can pass through a dielectric while a continuous current will find its resistance infinite; they can also pass
through a living organism at high frequency without cause distressing effects beyond heat over a nervous system; they
can originate much larger differences of potential due to the balanced existence in different phases as in any SHM
where future acceleration and present speed have opposite peak moments, of its emf and difference of potential –
the maths of all this, we escape for brevity, as it is available in any high school book on physics. Of all those more
complex parameters the most important is the Complex Impedance of the circuit, related to the real part
(instantaneous intensity), from where the similar laws of parallel and lineal resistances can be obtained. In a more
advanced course of 5D electricity we would observe that all those laws of parallel and lineal circuits and impedances
are the key to establish the self-similarity of branching electrical fields, branching electromagnetic waves, branching
physiological networks in life organisms required to move down from a larger whole (current of maximal potential) to a
sum of smaller parts, and so ultimately the ‘nervous network’ of the metal-earth, its human homes at this stage, its
future robotic masses of cellular citizens, take advantage of those laws that will establish the Metal-earth, as the
superorganism of machines, its ‘cells’, based in a huge scalar jump of size of those networks from physiological
thinning of respiratory and nervous systems to global transformations of huge alternate potentials into multiple
smaller voltage feeding billions of cellular machines – so the organic purpose of those abstract laws be=comes.
So we do obtain as in the case of inertial and rotary motions, lineal and SHM motions the same Ts and St equivalences,
which ultimately is the reason why in physics as in any other stience, Ts and St elements can become the other and find
different ‘energy and momentum’ balances, Ts=St transforming each other ad eternal.
Electricity and the worldcycle of matter states.

If we go back to the world without humind’s mechanical instrumental interferences, it is worth to analyze the
entanglement of electricity and matter, the molecular equivalent scale in the world of gravitational dominant forces,
and its ‘states’ of matter.

In the description of the electromagnetic wave, we prefer NOT the ∆-1 description but the ∆+1 clean cut equation,
seldom explored: E/B=C as the definition of an electromagnetic wave.
The magnetic field then can be considered the ‘formal density field’ and the electric field the ‘tension field exercized’ by
the particles that entangle to share a ¥-ray. We must then once more accept that in 5D we DO work with scales beyond
our perception. The vacuum is not perceivable but it has energy and form. This was Maxwell’s initial view that the
confusing Hilbert’s idealism of earlier XX c. (philosophy of relativity and quantum) messed up. How this tension is
‘obtained’, we have said ad nauseam: through the neutrino theory of light with an v at V>C entangling the particles. So
we write from the ∆-1 p.o.v. c2 = 4πk/µ, or simply k (tension) /µ (density of form).
¥-radiation is also in pentalogic,( remember give all forms of existence 5 parallel meanings to anchor in an ∆±¡ST
reality) the network wave that communicates the electric and magnetic fields=scales of the fifth dimension, such as:
µ (S) eo (T) = K ( 1/c2)
The fact that Maxwell equations in the Heaviside formulation (as the original set had around 20 of them), encode the
entire world of actions of electric currents is then due to its expression of the organic electromagnetic systems as a
‘whole’ duality of scales, different from local analysis (of a single electron or quantum wave).
5D doesn’t shy away from vacuum properties that allow magnetic fields, electric fields, neutrino backgrounds, c-light
transmission, quantum potentials. So far with the available experimental evidence, theoretical literature, economicity
laws of a repetitive universe; the scales are hyperluminal neutrinos> ¥-light > Electrons > Magnetism.
The differences between magnetism and electricity are thus similar to any T>S+1 dual scale, with homologies to the
duality of lineal ‘electric momentum’ and ‘angular magnetic momentum’, obviously due to the underlying T⊥S≈T
(anti)symmetry laws of 5D. This will become essential to understand Heaviside’s discovery of gravitomagnetism, due to
angular momentum, which is essentially the same phenomena but with an inverse directionality, opening the question
of the role of magnetism as an intermediate scale that ‘cools’ down the lineal speec of electric fields to enclose it into
the magnetic field.
This is a fertile homology seldom explored, more telling when we interpret it, introducing also the Objective/
Subjective duality of the ∆-¡ scales where the objective reality of interactions between particles and fields happen vs.
the ∆o human single scale continuous ‘electronic point of view’, well resolved mathematically by Maxwell and
Einstein. But as particles are ‘still positions’ that communicate ¥-information entangled, the realist view where Lorentz
transformations don’t happen is more proper and 5D will probe more on that view.
Indeed, the magnetic field ‘bends’ the lineal momentum of a moving charge by the amount qv equivalent to mv, in a
perpendicular S(B) ⊥ T(E) quantity, in a similar way to how an angular momentum made of ‘small steps of lineal
motion’, is dragged inwards by a central 0ε; and the resulting vector force is ‘perpendicular to both’. The
discontinuous-continuous understanding of ‘steps’ and ‘stops’ is easy: the 0ε central force when the particle stops its
lineal motion, drags it inwards in an _ |_ path which results in a curve. But in an angular momentum force, or an
orbital force due to gravitational central mass or charge we know what makes the path curve. The mystery of the
magnetic momentum is its ‘sudden appearance’, emerging from an ‘upper, outer larger’ ∇•B=0 scale. But that is
canonical in 5D: all scales exist potentially but the ∆+¡ scales are invisible to the ∆ø being… till they come hunting for
you from the future.
On the continuous view the differences between B and E are known:
• The electric force vector is along the direction of the electric field, whereas the magnetic force vector is
perpendicular to the magnetic field. Thus, the electric force does work in displacing a charged particle, whereas the
magnetic force associated with a steady magnetic field does no work when a particle is displaced because the force is
perpendicular to the displacement of its point of application.

• The electric force acts on a charged particle regardless of whether the particle is moving, whereas the magnetic
force acts on a charged particle only when the particle is in motion.
The first deals with the essential nature of the electric field/force/charge as the 0ε-center of the system, and the
magnetic field as its cyclical membrane. And here comes the vacuum question. If we could ‘see’ it as ‘substance’,
obviously the charge-DNA and magnetic field-Protein would be just that. We could say that one is made of dielectric
and the other of magnetic constants, and things like that. But we have no idea what vacuum is.
Since we cannot distinguish motion from form, a particle does not really move if we don’t want. Then the magnetic
field does NOT exist. This is relativity. And it works also in 5D. The best mathematical solution is then provided by
Relativity equations and they are fine. Still it remains the question; does the magnetic field truly exists? It should as its
function as a membrain along the charge in both the cosmological and quantum scale is well established. Then it
challenges the Relativity principle or does it? No, because the trick as in many other ‘relativity effects’ is to take the
p.o.v. of the charge moving along a background the charge does perceive though we don’t, at ∆-3, and here it comes
the usual suspect, the quantum potential, the neutrino background, the gravitational field, etc.
VACUUM is a huge theme, and here we take seriously Riemann’s> Hilbert’s idealist view of phase spaces since all are
mental spaces, with the ∆±3 limits of perception of electronic man. So vacuum is just our limit of perception. But as we
exist in a game not of substances but of forms and motions - the units of reality, what matters to define form and
motion in vacuum is 5D Metric in terms of spatial information: V(t) x S (form) = C. So the less form a system has the
faster the motion it achieves till the limit of ∝ (Vt) x 0ε (information) = C. This is intuitive since locomotion is
reproduction of information, Ts=C, the smaller s the larger T-speed.
So speed increases when the quantity of information to be repeated is smaller. And Si=0ε->Vt=∝. A minimal quantity
of information, gives infinite speed. What is this minimal quantity? Obviously a ‘direction/distance’ which can be given
with a single bit (if we make that distance the rod, whatever it is). This gives to a ‘neutrino?’ direction-distance
between two points an infinite speed. How much energy has this ‘infinite distance’? Again, 0ε, the absolute minimum.
This is the vacuum energy constant, ΛΩ, which for a tachyon implies a smaller energy the faster it goes. 5D finds
consistent then the neutrino theory of light that requires two fermions to emit ¥-ray in parallel, inverse directions, as a
‘particle, antiparticle’, neutrino-antineutrino not only because we are confessed fans of Broglie but because it is
possible and it makes sense. And so here we suddenly enter in reality, as we perceive: light, which becomes a fixed
form of space for electrons, c, which is composite of two constants: c2 = k/µ, one related to the ‘tension’ and the other
the ‘density’ of this scale of vacuum.
Here then we must accept a mental space that electrons, our units of perception make of reality and then we get a big
question? What is the relationship between µ, k (1/eo) and h/2. There is not a direct equation between them, which
would have made the entire field of quantum physics and electromagnetism much easier. As h, is angular momentum,
so it would be ideal just to translate. But let us try. Angular momentum is ∆¡ x S2 x Tƒ; the product of the 3 key ∆ST
elements of reality (whereas we consider the true angular momentum for the quantum scale related to charge rather
than mass). Permeability and permitivitty then are defined in relationship to each other by cc=k/µ and here the
surprise is that the ‘supposedly’ secondary effect of µ, magnetism is taken as fundamental. It is on my view an error,
but that’s how physicists work – doing conceptual errors (: µ is a function of e, which is the inverse of k, which is the
function that defines like G in the cosmological scale a parameter that we CAN’T perceive but as we are ‘realist’ (once
we abandon the Lorentz transformations as an effect of our continuous perception of space, when fermions ‘stop’ and
entangled in neutrino distance to emit ¥-rays, so they are at ‘fixed distances’ to each other), we can relate 3 scales
here, k, G and in our scale of ‘perceivable’ waves this strange word, ‘elasticity’.
Elasticity then becomes a KEY word of 5D reality and we need to study it in depth. What does it mean a medium, the
quantum scale with k, the gravitational scale with h, the thermodynamic scale with?
Let us leave a hole to complete in here. Elasticity gives us ‘speed’ as opposed ot µ-density that gives us form,
information to reproduce and hence slowness. µ then we would like to relate directly to h/2, the ‘virtual density of

energy’ in vacuum that allows to reproduce particles, but alas! It is NOT the same scale. Just by looking at µ we realize
that µ might be an h of a larger scale. K then is an elasticity defined as stress/strain? But things then become easier
when we realize it is similar to the k factor of an SHM motion; to the facility a form has to elongate; to the capacity of
a dimension to reproduce and grow. And here if we jump to the pure spiritual concepts of T-motion and S-form
elasticity comes to mean the ‘reach’ of a message transmitted by a type of particles. How far they can go without
scattering? How much they live?
For light we know in 5D astrophysics, H=C/D=13 billion years. ‘Acuteness’ of mental space, ‘reach’ is then paradoxically
higher for smaller scales. And somehow related to the ‘smaller’ scale – in this case the infinite relative of neutrino
speed. Coulomb constant is huge and µ, density of information is minimal. So in pure ‘5D informative’ mental space
what we conclude is that light is not only the maximal speed but the minimal information which an electron extracts
from that ‘magic world of Tt-vacuum’ pure Universal motion without form, ‘entropy’ in 5D jargon.
As we said we accept for a change Hilbert’s interpretation because form is a mental still imaginary reality and motion
for all effects reaches non-local ∝ if we go down in scales.
So in brief, µ belongs to the ‘family’ of parameters of scale of form, density of form, such as h is and k, to the elasticity,
speed, distance, reach without scattering, as G, and both are paradoxical, counter-intuitive because the smallish scales
are more intelligent and more alive, more energetic, more everything.
Maxwell’s equation.

Those conceptual clarifications done then we can see Maxwell’s equations as a reflection of the next trilogic organic
scale after the h-planck and electronic scales of the galatom.
And as all is form and motion, they are topological equations concerned the dynamic geometry of electric motions and
magnetic forms, DNAs & proteins, so to speak and its interactions, how one creates=reproduces the other.
In terms of scale then we have the electric center, hence a hole between scales of the 5th dimension, and the
magnegtic field, a loop in a single plane of the 5th dimension.
So in as much as they are NOT a systematic attempt (in an ideal world in which 5D stiences was the way in which all
systems were taught), to reflect the dimotions of charges and its electric and magnetic fields we need to translate and
complete its meaning,
It is though evident that the 1st law of Maxwell is the law of social evolution of charges, which allow us to calculate a
growing ∆-field made of multiple ∆+1 charges. This gives us the ‘singularity’ St-informative head/network of the
The second law defines the magnetic social field of multiple charges, as the external membrain of the system.
And the two other laws represent the StóTs interaction of both, representing the §∏-energetic network of the
system. So in a more detailed analysis we can consider Maxwell laws the fractal Generator of the supœerganism of
electric-magnetic currents, fully describing in a single plane of spae-time the electric/magnetic organism:
This is the essential correspondece between Maxwell laws and a supœrganism of electric and magnetic flows:
St-(1st law) < §∏ (3rd, 4th law) > Ts (2nd Law)
Maxwell laws do NOT include directly the ∆±¡ Ss and Tt equations of evolution of an electric current into a ‘higher
plane’ of electric existence or its dissolution into multiple individual electronic charges, in its Tt-entropy arrow. As
death of a system is never coded directly, the phenomena of disorder of an electric current can be studied in its
interaction with the ‘dominant forces’ of the gravitational/mass St-system of the galatom that preys on it. So in the
same manner a proton gravitational potential well will ‘disorder’ the electron particle-point organism into a nebulae

of its dense ∆-1 photon elements, mechanical effects of heat, mass networks, etc. will disorder and dampen electric
and magnetic fields.
However indirectly we as Maxwell’s laws allow the deduction of the speed of light, there is a connection between the
∆±¡ scales of the electric organism. And since from the ∆+1 scale of an electric field the speed of light of the ∆-1 scale
is its source of entropic Tt-motion, this connection reflects the Dimotion of entropic feeding and absobtion of motion
from the electromagnetic ∆-1 light field by the electric current.
The relationship with the lower scale of electricity… The equations of existential algebra.
Is however clearly more symbiotic as both induce each other, seemingly absorbing the energy-momentum required to
emerge a higher current from the lower scale of ‘h-electromagnetism’, the space-time ∆-¡ scale of light.
Still the key topologic concept S⊥T between two given forces or scales – perpendicularity, as opposed to S≈T parallelism
takes place here, so magnetism somehow ‘absorbs’ energy-momentum from electricity as mass does from magnetism.
As we repeated ad nauseam the importance of such definition will be unfolded as we keep improving those texts during
the 2020s,. As the ultimate purpose of doing those papers is to slowly and painstakingly reconstruct the work I did in my
youth translating to the 10 existential algebraic equations all other equations of the Universe:
The Universe can be all deduced from a simple equation, the function of maximal existence, Max. S xT (s=t)±¡ performed
by every ‘ternary organism’, which has a trilogic structure in scale &ST (|imb-fields>waves-bodies>Particles-heads),
where t is 1/T, the frequency clocks of the system, S, its size in space, and s=t its balanced laws. Those balanced laws are
the key to the equations of nature, as a product of two elements when they are equal S=T is maximal. We do find then in
nature and in all systems, S=T equations in a single plane and across the different dimotional scales of a system. The
previous equation is one of those S=T equivalence between scales. What we perceive as reality is the constant cyclical
repetition of such equivalences, in synchronous knots of space-time cycles, we call organic systems of space-time.
Pentalogic becomes decalogic as 10 existential equations derived of the function of existence decouple into all the
equations of stience.
Let us then define those equations purely in formal terms, to start the work of translating the equations of physics, a
theme long delayed but which I need to start soon before I stop writing…
Consider any organism. It will have a synchronous time quantum parameter, T=1/ƒ. Physical systems because the
Universe measures time in angular momentum has h as the angular momentum ‘tic’ of the quantum scale.
But we said a physical system or any organism co-exists in 3 scales. So we need 3 quantum of time.
In physical systems those are obvious, h, for the quantum scale, Boltzman constant for the thermodynamic scale, and the
frequency of mass of a minimal black hole of the Compton wave in the cosmological scale (Planck Mass). Mass though is
not measured in those units because we consider the ‘resonances’ of smaller particles as real mass. In the Bohr
magneton we find one of those ‘resonances’. What is the mass of those particles? It is real?
The answer is that those masses are not real, intrinsic properties of the particle but emerge of the existence of the particle
in the galactic field of a vortex of gravitation. And any of the cosmic bodies that do have enough mass to create such a
vortex. The mass of a particle in that sense is always measured by the deviation it causes in a magnetic field. Magnetism
‘feels’ the mass. The larger the mass though, the smaller the magnetic field – the other side of the equation is constant,
eh/2. Because both are connected we can then consider both to form a ‘5D metric equation of co-invariance’. M¡+1=µi-1
The conclusion of those unification equations that can be extended to the whole of electromagnetism, as we shall do in the
future expansion of this paper, means only a thing: all scales are self-similar. Since the Universe is a fractal of space-time. This
means it is made of 3 elements, which experimental sciences such as mathematics, express with its fundamental element: ∆-
scales (expressed with scalar numbers) of different size in Space (expressed with geometry) with different speed of Cyclical
Time motions (expressed with operands). Time is change, perceived as motion in space or change in the form of space

(External change), in the in-form-ation of beings (expressed through topological inner change). Time and Space thus seem to
be in perpetual conflict, transforming each other ad eternal. Time is thus similar to energy with a higher content of motion and
space to information, with a higher content of form.
The 5th Dimension, ∆±¡, is the sum of all those scalar planes of spacetime where species entangled as synchronous ‘organisms’
that co=exist in 3 of such scales, ∆±¡ (quantum, organic/thermodynamic and cosmologic /ecosystemic scale) to live worldcycles
of time, paradoxically faster, hence with higher frequency of information, the smaller the system is (chip paradox). Yet the
product of both, the so-called metric of the fifth dimensions is constant, allowing the symbiotic exchange of energy and
information between them. Thus this metric co-invariant equation, Space Size xTime Speed of its clocks=∆¡ defines a series of
planes of space-time each one studied by a 'stience', from the faster, smaller world of particles, to the larger, slower cycles of
galaxies, symbiotic to each other, as smaller systems process better in-form-ation, stored in the cyclical form and faster
frequency of its clock cycles, coding larger systems that enclose its parts with protective membranes of slower time cycles.
The units of spatial form are fractal points with breath that grow in size as we come closer to them, unlike Euclidean points
that have no breath; societies represented by numbers, which are groups of ¡ndifferent beings; 5 types of Times=motions; 3
topologic dimensions of space, which have dimensional motions (ab. Dimotions); the classic dimension of lineal time, or
‘entropy arrow’, and a 5th new ‘dimotion’ of social evolution and information, responsible for the arrow of life, organic
evolution of parts into wholes and the ‘mind-structure’ of languages that mirror those organic systems in mind-mappings, of
which the mathematical and logic and visual language are the most remarkable… It is a fascinating Universe, which humans
don’t understand because they drag through memorial routine and dogmatic beliefs many errors, we can trace to Greek
geometry and Aristotelian logic of abstract points and single time causality, hardly corrected in 2000 years and the astounding
incapacity of huminds to understand the mind ‘distorts’ reality and selects information, compressing all the scales of space-
time into a single continuum, all the motions of time into still images (so we don’t see the motion of the earth), eliminating all
the information which we cannot translate into those 3 languages; despite the fact that for 500 years we have been watching
those scales of the ‘5th dimension’ with telescopes and microscopes (naïve realism).
Once all this is understood and we have the tools to improve our languages of perception, it will be possible to reconstruct
reality with an improved mirror, in which points become fractal points that grow in size when we come closer to them, so they
are non-Euclidean crossed by infinite parallels of energy and information, creating networks that are lines with ‘volume’,
messed into topological organic structures. And discover that the fundamental particle of reality is the ‘fractal point’, which
has an organic structure, co-existing in ∆±1 scales:
- The quantum, cellular, thermodynamic/organic and cosmological/ecosystemic scales.
What guides then each of those beings made of fractal topologies of space with time=motion is simple: existence, survival, the
conservation of its territorial, vital space and time cycles. The conservation of time and its motions and cycles, akin to the
conservation of energy cycles becomes then the guiding automatic principle of all beings, as those who don’t conserve their
time become extinct. We thus talk of a game of existence in which systems will to maximize its intake of energy and
information with its topological ternary parts, limbs/fields that move a reproductive body/wave commanded by an
informative particle/head.
How can we formalize those systems? Easy, by improving our languages-mirrors of the laws of existence. That is, by
developing a new non-Euclidean geometry of fractal points, lines, networks and topologic organisms and a new logic of
multiple ‘actions=motions of space-time’. We call this formalism, ilogic geometry or ‘existential algebra’, and all the laws of all
stiences can be derived of its simple structures in space, scale and time.
But scientists are stuck in the huge amount of errors sciences derived from their faulty logic and geometry of time-space, and
his mind egocy that doesn’t believe what it doesn’t see and limits organic sentient properties to forms similar to himself; when
electrons already have all those properties. The result are simpleton grand theories of reality derived of our languages’
perception confused with the whole reality that we call linguistic creationism, either verbal anthropic religions that put man at
the center of reality and make God and man speak the language that creates by naming things, or big-bang entropic theories
of digital thought that put man and the machine at the center and its language mathematics as the creator. So the big-bang is

based in a simple lineal equation, V=HoD, which against all kind of proofs of a fractal balanced immortal Universe cannot be
We shall prove ad nauseam that all what exists is a space-time ‘organism gifted of mind called logos’ Plato of a ‘higher logic
than man’s’ (Augustine), as all ‘points are a world in themselves’ Leibniz, and deduce all laws of science from the simple laws
of conservation of time, origin of the 3 ages of life and death of all systems, and the entangled topologies of space, origin of
the organic structures of reality. And deduce from the elements of that reality, ∆-scales, S-pace, T-ime, all the mirrors of @-
mind languages and ¬entropic limits of exi=st¡ence. But for you to accept that wider reality you need to be humble and go
‘back to school’ an entangle empathically with all other ∆st beings.
The larger whole has entropic capacities as it encloses and acts wholesale in its ¡ndifferent parts.
This means the slow time cycles of the whole planet are more efficient redesigning its microscopic highly informative parts in
the membrain that all the little machines we work with. It means the organic properties of physical systems are easy to
describe – it only requires the vital concepts of the program of survival, but they are more influential than the details. It means
the true equations that matter are the simpler, because they act upon the larger scales whose influences goes down to every
small part. And it means that by denying the larger scales of time and space, huminds never will understand the universe.
A 2nd consequence of egocy is the fact that while huminds have no problem whatsoever to postulate smaller scales, even
beyond need (stringss), as they are smallish so they make us feel bigger; I have never been able to convince a physicist that a
galaxy is an anti-atom like of a hyperuniverse, whose ‘beta decay’ big-bang is what they measure.
This attacks directly egocy (as the hyperuniverse likely have quintillions of galatoms); introduces uncertainty of knowledge and
the mind ‘freaks out’ when you convince her she is just selecting a 4% of reality (π-3/π), through the apertures ideally left by
its ternary diameters in its membrain… That not even light is immortal and clearly decay with the standard 1010 numbers of all
systems. But specially that we mean absolutely nothing for some fucktard experimental physicist that might right now inject
our galaxy in an accelerator provoking a cosmic catastrophe just to prove his hyperbolic theory of the absolute (: Don’t take it
personally. Irony humbles the mind and humility is what huminds need to understand something.
It also implies that between galaxies there is NO gravitational forces but dark entropy similar to ¥-electromagnetic radiation.
Recently we got a proof of it, when astrophysicists observed a huge magnetic field between galaxies guiding electronic flows,
which is how from our scale we would observe two galatoms sharing a ¥-ray particle (as electrons become for the higher scale
the minuscule h-planckton of its light beams).
Entropic potentials, feeding wave motions... And singularities
The study of potentials as the fourth dimension of physical systems has as all elements a Kaleidoscopic view. They are the
source of motion, within the astrophysical realm. But of them we only see the trajectory of motion of the particle, so they can
be treated in less dimensions, in fact as the single string, which the waving of information transforms into a 2D element. But in
its complete form they are 4D systems, susceptible to be treated with a lineal time dimension and 3 dimensions of 'empty-
lineal space', which is its canonical analysis with differential equations such as the Poisson or Laplace equation (∇(x,y,z,t)=r).
What is its ultimate meaning? I like to think of it in Newtonian's metaphysical terms as the 'plenum, or body of vacuum space'
whose geometry shows the form of 'God', that is a given plane of the scalar Universe. So Poisson's gradient is the body of the
galactic light space on which all other 'micro-entities' co-exist.
In the graph, the new 'foundational equation of speed' for the fractal paradigm: V=Space-distance/Temporal Information, is
embedded in relativity and recognised in the concept that the speed of light is really a limit of speed of transmission of 'human
perceivable' information.
Wave motion is reproduction of form in a lower ∆-1 scale that seems to us in the world of particlers on the verge of our
perception, an action at distance (gravitation, quantum potential). Thus even motion is reproduction of form as a wave of
information over a simpler scale of space-time. It solves the paradox of an Achilles - the wave reproduces its form in a series of
discontinuous steps. It also explains why indeed the Universe is a fractal that reproduces as all fractals do, its form in a lower

scale of reality which then reproduces into a wave-train that collapses into
a particle (physical systems), or a seed that emerges after palingenesis into
an ambulatory trillion cells systems (biological systems), or into an idea or patent of an instrument that a company-mother of
machines will re=produce in socio-economical systems.
When we consider as Steane wanted reality from the perspective of 'information' and its 'conserved present momentums and
energies', it all becomes simple and philosophically obvious. And so we just must explains the laws of reproduction of
information along scales of reality to describe the 'world cycles' of existence, no longer worldlines - that is the motions across
scales of the fifth dimension, which define all systems of nature.
Yet to fully understand how reproduction of form takes place, we need to understand reproduction across 'scales' of size. That
is, the meaning of world cycles, just explained, as they require motion from a seminal seed ∆-1, into a larger scale; as opposed
to what physicists study with their reductionist model of a single space-time continuum: worldlines.
The question of light motion as a wave and the particle state as an informative collapsed point in stillness brings though as
always in stience when solving a paradox - in this case the paradox of motion -new questions.
If motion is reproduction of information along a path of entropy, which is 'warped into form' emerging in a series of scales of
∆-wholeness, so when you move your hand, you are actually recreating all your scales above invisible gravitation - creating a
wave of electronic light that travels very slow as it reproduces your system, the first question is: how many scales are in the
Universe for motion to happen at all? The scales cannot be infinite or reproduction of information will be eternal. But the
question is misleading, since a wave does not really move but transmits a series of vibrations to particles that are already
there, in a dense 'medium'.
This brings the question of 'ether', of 'substance or form in space' over 'motion in time'. As many other open questions which
we shall treat in other posts on depth, we just enunciate them in this introduction. Enough to say that science is not written
into stone but an evolving concern, so relativity is not a dogma, but an interpretation, which was good enough in its moment
and we shall expand further.
In practical terms the key way to understand T.œs (ab. Timespace supœrganisms) is with multidimensional thought. The
solution adopted by Einstein and Bohr was pure idealism of the Hilbert School - there is no substance, no reference, all is
virtual language, mathematical thought.
But physical systems as all systems are dominant in present states, signified in physics by waves that reproduce the St-form of
the system in a lower entropic field of motion (quantum potential, ∆-1 atomic particles): St¡+1<§∏º<Ts¡-1
Systems that take and give entropy and form, become then energy systems able to communicate and start the building of
larger scales of the fifth dimension. Energy as a present wave then looks at the future through its ‘potential energy’, which
might be infinite in the proper field or through SHMotions that will find an eternal returning moment. This is specially the case
of parallel present orbital systems resting on the symbiosis of two material systems over a much larger field (gravitational field
of galaxies). In those cases the Energy of the system is constantly renovated by the parallel orbital back and forth past to
future, accelerating and decelerating orbital ellipse which maintains constant the aerolar absorbtion of energy.
So we find always this duality of entropy as the past-past and energy as the present-future stages of the system.
Present, St=Ts, existential conservation of energy allows the constant reproduction of motion along scales.
The inverse view: how masses become entropy, descending in ∆-scales and dimensional form.
But as always in 5D³ we need multiple perspectives on the being. So we wonder, how the inverse 'destruction' of a vortex of
time-space happens, NOT in algebraic form (M<c²), but in topological dimensions, a more general case of application to all
vortices - and the answer is simple: through the reduction of 'dimensions of distance-form' into its equivalent (Galilean
paradox) dimensions of motion-acceleration, proving that both ARE equivalent, expressed in the fact that 'G, K' are both

constants of curvature and constants of acceleration... (and constant of the speed of feeding and transmit ions of information
from the entropic view, so c²=4π k/µ).
And so we write the inverse 'view' of the destruction and lowering of scale of an informative, physical vortex as an inverse
partial Generator equation:
∆+1 Mass ( St) < ∆-S≈T-c ² < ∆-1: Ts: 4πk/µ
Electrostatics, a simple case of mathematical physics to illustrate entropic potentials in all planes.
Potentials ARE the relative ∆-2 plane of an organism of physics – which the ∆º networks disgregate to extract motion from it. A
potential scale is then equivalent to a ‘feeding scale’ of a biological organism, which disregards any ‘informative value’ on the
whole ‘species’ it feeds on, ignoring its existence beyond its function to fuel motion.
In terms of the symmetries between ∆=T=S, a potential ∆-2 scale has a Tt-entropic function for the ∆º existence.
As such potentials provide minimal information to the physical system that uses them, not because its scale has no form but
because the Ƽ scale ONLY extracts motion from it, by PROVOKING the entropic destruction of the informative pole, leaving
only the 'feeding' energy of the potential body-limb system, whatever it is.
The equations of potentials are thus those of ‘spreading’ ‘elongation’ of a system – diffusion equations where the information
obtained as we ‘lower’ our scales is minimal tending to zero.
And this shows by a double differentiation, in which the particle's informative density differentiates=lowers a plane to the
wave-field, which lowers a plane of dimensional information to the potential field, which tends to be expressed by a Laplacian
equal to zero (Poison).
This we express in a Fractal generator equation: ∆-1 Potential > ∆º-wave > ∆+1 particle, whereas mathematical ∆nalysis
derivate or integrate scales of physics as a mirror of what a physical organism does when ‘feeding’ in a potential field.
Let’s put an example: how we calculate electric potentials, relating potentials to the charge density which gives rise to it.
The electric field (wave: ∆) is related to the charge density (∆+1) by the divergence relationship:
∇ E = 4π k ρ (we escape the meaningless ε as what matters is the inverse k-urvature; and we use ratios, densities, as absolute
parameters are also meaningless in a relative Universe where the @mind, charge or mass has limited view beyond ∆±3)
So a first derivate takes us from the particle density to hew ave-field. And then again the electric field is related to the electric
potential by a gradient relationship: E=-∇ V
Therefore the potential is related to the charge density by Poisson's equation:
∇·∇V=∇²V=- 4π kρ
So this is all what the charge-singularity measure by density and curvature=strength, wants of its 2 down feeding 'quantum
potential' or 'vacuum space': to extract motion of it for its wave-particle.
But without the charge, our electronic mind sees nothing and so it seems magic, and of course the ego paradox of creationism
make us think that the charge creates the lower class-prey, the vacuum space quanta; it only 'feeds on it' when it appears.
So in a charge-free region of space, the potential becomes zero information - the Laplace's equation: ∇² V = 0
Then we can also consider another rule of 'endophysics' (the science that considers the observer but not from the ego
creationist paradox of quantum physics but the opposite mind's limits): the nature, will and cause of any physical event will
belong to the S≈T-cartesian mind view, the T-polar singularity or the S-cylindrical coordinates, according to the maximal
simplicity of its equations.
So by expressing the Laplacian in different coordinate systems we can realise what is the 'source' of the event; as the type of
topological symmetry of a charge distribution helps in the solution for the electric potential V. For example, if the charge

distribution has spherical symmetry, originated therefore by a singularity point, we use the Laplacian in spherical polar
And viceversa as the potential give us the minimal information, it is a scalar function. And so departing from it, has advantages
over trying to calculate the electric field directly. Once the potential has been calculated, the electric field can be computed by
taking the gradient of the potential; from downwards up. And this is a great advantage of the Rashomon effect - obscured by
creationist economics and the eternal argument between each one-dimensional humind ego about which model is more 'real'
and truth - all are just different points of view, whose use depends on our need of information on the receiving end and the
origin of the event on the giving one.
If we were to reduce all the p.o.v.s is obvious that the key p.o.v.s are those of the 3 symmetries of reality, the scalar view just
described (∆±i), the temporal view (here we would have to discuss a different continuity equation to get similar results) and
the spatial-topological view, which are the 3 sub-symmetries of the generator, done with the awareness that mind-tricks might
need some further input (as all relativity consistent expansions of classic physics).
So the previous symmetry of this simple 'case' illustrates it. If we were to use the topological view, of the 3 'parts of the
electron super organism, the potential in its pure form will be outside the system, the wave, now in a 'spherical
time§paœrganism' will be the membrane with its '2 sides', the one towards the outside field and the one towards the
inside organism, and the internal gradient towards the singularity will be the T-element. And the KEY element will be THE PART
the humind perceives, which as the previous graph shows tends to be the membrane. Indeed, you see from any other human
its membrane; and for those species you can decode its information-mind you can 'hear' its singularity thoughts, but normally
the membrain - the so called boundary conditions in physics is the key to 'convert' into equations the whole being from the
humind utility p.o.v.
So what we just studied become the 'best' VIEW for a ternary topological perspective in this case for a uniform sphere of
charge, which will be its spherical polar coordinates, since there is full spherical symmetry here. And we found that the outside
potential of a point charge at large distances is extremely simple: V= k Q/r; that is for an electron Ke, which we shall see is
indeed the 'curvature x charge' divided by the distance, r.
Inside in the singularity-body region is more complex, dimensionally richer with more information and the due uncertainty for
the external observer, the humind: - ρ R² x 2/3 k +d.
Without getting in mathematical details on how we get this equation, the key element to find the 'vanished info, d' on the
inside sphere is the fact that the membrane has 2 sides, which must be essentially equal in the element we calculate, the
potential, as the open ball membrane is enormously 'thin'.
So we can equate here the T element (inside) and the S element, outside, with the S≈T-element, S=T (the fundamental equation
of the universe for all present systems). And so we equal both: - ρ R² x 2/3 k +d. = kQ/r, which gives us the canonical full
solution for the potential inside the sphere from the topological view, with the 3 elements together:
V= - ρ 2/3 k (R² -r²)+ ρ2/3k R²
And then if we add the continuity dynamic time-equation we have the 3 symmetries.
So we shouldn't be surprised of the fact mathematical physics is essentially a game of very few equations despite the
enormous variety of partial forms, as they correspond to the very simple number of elements that conform reality.
This again can be seen next if we have a look at the ∆+1 simple gravitational equations first described in physics, Kepler's law
and relate them to ∆st beings.
But before an important dual coda:
"In the fractal Universe, the present space-time element IS the most perceived". "In the fractal Universe, the existence of
membranes that break space into an inner and outer region, limiting the information we perceive beyond 'the wall'.

Both are illustrated by the case studied. Indeed, because we adopt an external view, the inner region has a d-uncertain factor.
But what we obtain is the information of the relative present (as here V is $), the membrane. If we were inside the system
though the uncertainty as in the galaxy, is the outside potential (dark entropy region). And finally what is past, present and
future is also relative. If we were inside closer to the singularity, then the vital energy of the open ball will be the present, and
often the past and future, singularity and membrane uncertain (we do not have indeed much info of the black hole and the
halo, because we are in the ud-region between them).
The ternary planes in potentials.
Laplace's and Poisson's equation are the simplest examples of elliptic partial differential equations. The general theory of
solutions to Laplace's equation is known as potential theory. The solutions of Laplace's equation are the harmonic functions,
which are important in many fields of science, notably the fields of ∆-1: electromagnetism, ∆+1: astronomy, and ∆œ fluid
dynamics, because they can be used to accurately describe the behavior of ∆-1: electric, ∆+1: gravitational, and ∆œ fluid
potentials. In the study of ∆œ: heat conduction, the Laplace equation is the steady-state heat equation.
So obviously physics of potentials is perfectly encased, no more, nor less to fit the 3 physical planes, all of which are self-
similar and all of which have a potential death, ∆-2 bottom line of microscopic indistinguishable particles from where the field
and singularity extracts its motion.
5D topologic interpretation of Maxwell laws. The question of the source.
The key question of the first law of Maxwell is the source. It is a general question that has very different outlooks in
5D and 4D physics. Indeed, in 5D Physics the ‘weak principle of conservatioj of energy rules’ but NOT the strong
principle. A weak version of the law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor
destroyed—i.e., the total amount of energy in the universe is fixed. This statement does not rule out the possibility
that a quantity of energy could disappear from one point while simultaneously appearing at another point. And that is
exactly what happens from the point of view of the observer of a single plane, when a flow goes down a scale of 5D
where ‘speed is higher’ to appear in another region almost simultaneously. If in fact the transport happens in a time
quantum of perception of the ∆+1 observer transport will be an action at distance. That this happens in Nature is
obvious because we observe action at distance at the ‘speed of our informative perception’ (light speed) in
gravitational phenomena.
It is the same effect we observe with sound translated in telephones, at the c-speed of light.
And vice versa. There might be a translation that happens in a larger scale, with slower time, that becomes a relative
infinite – never observed disappearance within a source – if inversely the quantum of life of the observer is faster than
the time of transportation. Slow transportation happens then in reverse translation, as when between synopsis
translation happens in a chemical Ca++ wave.
It will likely be the case as for so many pioneers for 5D – mankind will get it when I die :) ): O-:
A stronger statement in 4D is that energy is locally conserved: energy can neither be created nor destroyed, nor can it
"teleport" from one place to another—it can only move by a continuous flow. A continuity equation is the
mathematical way to express this kind of statement.
The continuity equation for electric charge states that the amount of electric charge in any volume of space can only
change by the amount of electric current flowing into or out of that volume through its boundaries. Yety in 5D
Continuity equations must include "source" and "sink" terms, which allow them to describe quantities that are not
always conserved.
While we cannot consider the case of gravitation, as we do not observe gravitation, the world of electri charges is
easier to analyze (as well as the similar case of nervous electric waves and in the human social sphere, internet and
telephone networks) to create a general theory of continuous vs. discontinuous flows.

Again we observe that ‘charge density’ is more important as an ‘objective’ non-human
quantity, reason why it appears in the 3rd Maxwell equation instead of ‘Intensity’.
The topology of Maxwell’s laws apply the rules of relative perpendicularity and
parallelism of the 4th non-E postulate of congruency: The perpendicularity of
electric and magnetic fields shows they interact at the light level in a darwinian manner
(∆-1 scale of feeding). But in the ∆+1-level of electric currents it becomes a social
evolution into an organism in which the magnetic field act as the membrane. Thus when
we study two different planes of the fifth dimension, the role of both fields vary.
In the ∆+2 scale both forces are no longer Darwinian (or else one force would destroy
the other) since the magnetic field is the membrane force' that organizes into larger
social organisms, electric charges, as it is the obvious case. It follows then
the obvious equations of electric and magnetic fields, which interact perpendicularly (curl) are inverse flows, where the
magnetic field emerges as an upper scale of the electric field; and those who interact in parallel (divergence) are of the
similar form, evolving socially.
Thus, when dealing with the 'scales' of forces that 'emerge' one from the other, and its Disomorphic laws of
position=space and motion=time, the key questions is to consider how forces predate into each other, or how they
combine complementary in symbiosis to form a single 'whole'.
Electromagnetism becomes both the social scaling of the electron (electric current) and its 'predation' into 'form' by the
magnetic field, which 'slows' down the energy of the electric field, as a bridge force towards the emergence of the mass
field that will definitely 'trap' and slow down all the energy fields within it (cooling down also the thermodynamic
temperature in the growth of black holes)
So the scaling of forces in Nature through its scales of size is obvious is obvious:
∆-1: Quantum charges-> ∆º: Molecular Thermodynamic heat + Electric field/force-> Magnetic field/force -> ∆+1: Mass
In Let Heaviside equations of electromagnetism: and are physical constants, equivalent to Q and G, related to
5D metric that dictate the capacity a volume of space-time has to carry electric and magnetic forces.
The electric field is the lineal force, the magnetic field is the cyclical force, and both ad by superposition, through the
same divergent operator.
To show the topological homology of all scales, we can in the graph compare the electric and magnetic fields, “ ” and
“ “, with any thermodynamic fluid. So we can easily understand the homology of the 3 type of 'space-time vortex:
The equations group as 2 equations of Divergence (∇.) which measure how much a field comes together or flies apart
in bidimensional space. So in the homology if “ ” is the flow of water or wind on the surface of the sink:
Positive divergence means that the field is "flowing" out of a region.
Negative divergence means that the field is "flowing" into a region.
When the divergence is zero, then the amount that "flows" in must be equal to the amount that flows out.
Thus, the first equation simply states that electric field lines ( ) only start at positive charges (ρ>0), and only end at
negative charges (ρ<0). Electric field lines only begin and end at charges. Any region that contains no charges (or an
equal number of positive and negative charges) will have the same amount of field lines entering it as exiting.
If a region contains no charges, then the number of field lines entering it is the same as the number of field lines
exiting it: ∇•B=0.

This is the magnetic version of the electric equation above. This states that magnet field lines
never begin or end. Instead, they must always form closed loops. If magnetic monopoles
(“magnetic charges”) existed, then this equation would look exactly like (i). However, there
are no magnetic monopoles. The conclusion then is obvious: the magnetic field is the
'membrane' that predates the electric field and arises from it, creating an enclosure in a larger
space, that 'absorbs' the energy of the electric current and the electric field creating a ternary
't.œ', such as:
Electric field potential (∆-1: ∑ρ) < Electric body: current (∆o: J) > Magnetic field: head (B)
So we have the superorganism of electromagnetism in place. Whereas the magnetic field must
'exist' activated by both, its 'electric body-current' and its 'Electric field: potential/limbs. And
this is the next Heaviside Law, which shows the Magnetic field to 'be fed' by both, body and
potential limbs:
On the other hand, when both forces interact, they make it perpendicularly, through curls.
Whereas a Curl is how much the field “twists”. In a whirlpool or a tornado all of the curl is in the center funnel, and
the field (wind) wraps around where the curl is.
If W is the way the wind is blowing, then the tornado is the curl of W. Curl is the "twistiness" of the field, which points
around the curl. Although the wind around the tornado is moving, all of the twisting is happening only at the tornado

The “J” part: states that magnetic fields (B) curl around electrical currents (J), containing them:
So, an electric current is homologous to the funnel of a tornado, and the magnetic field is the wind whipping around
the funnel, caused by it.

While the second part of the equation: means the magnetic field is also fed by the electric field that

feeds the current. As a result, current ( ) and changing electric fields ( ) create curl in magnetic fields;

But in any system of nature, bodies and heads are complementary, while both 'feed' on the ∆-1 limbs/potentials. And
so the electric field MUST get back from the magnetic field part of the motion the cyclical magnetic 'particle' so to
speak, gets from the electric potential, in a similar quantity but with an inverse direction signified by the negative sign.
So like the last equation, this equation states that a changing magnetic field creates curl in the electric field: If you
have an electric field that curls in a circle, then you can generate current and electrical power.
A changing magnetic field creates curl in the electric field. So if you increase the magnetic field through a loop of wire,
there will be an electric field along the wire (tornado makes wind along the fence). When an electric field runs along a
wire it pushes charges along it. Induced current!
If you’ve got a loop of wire sitting next to a magnet, there is no current. But, it you move that magnet, the magnetic
field through the loop changes, and there will be current:

In the graph, the ‘electric field’ has tamed the magnetic field to use it as a membrane of defensive nature; thus the
lineal perpendicularity in the ∆-1 scale has become ∆+1 symbiosis as the electric field becomes an organic system.
There’s no “J” moving electric charge or “magnetic charge”, since then you could have “magnetic current”, and there
would be a magnetic current term in equation (iv). But because a loop is a fractal point with width observed from a
larger scale, when we move 'upscale' to the mass field, the magnetic field will be 'seen' from the cosmological scale as
a 'magnetic monopole' from the relative larger scale of the mass enclosure and so it will also contribute (Relativity) to
the mass scale.
The fractal generator: Ts-potentials §∏-fields, and St-charges.
A final comment on all those different representations in inflationary mathematics of the Maxwell’s equations. They
merely show the different points of view on the field according to the organic parts of the field. So we have the
potential, ∆-1 view, the ∆º classic view, and the ∆§ 3rd fundamental approach in classic electromagnetism is the
current description, which is the social scaling of electricity, even a 4th Ss view - the 4 vector solution of relativity,
which takes a detailed, still measure of it, from where we can introduce, the 5th dimotio of social evolution of a current
– gravitomagnetism which also leads to another mathematival view of the… 5D Unification of charnges and masses
from the perspective of electromagnetism:
Where we locate within the structure of physical systems the scale of electricity and magnetism? This is the wrong
question. We rather have to ask; how a disjoined ‘part’ of a physical organism can exist on its own.
Since electricity emerges as a new scale of reality in a series of Ts-electronic elements of the galatom in any of its
scales, separated from the St-mass that forms the atom.
So there are the 3 scales of Ts-matter composed of ∆-3:Photons≤∆-2=Electrons≤∆-1: Electricity on the human world,
which in the hyper-universe might be related to the ∆-3 stars ≤∆-2: galatom’s nebulae.
And yet the beauty of it is that even in disjoined form they create an organic system, as we will show.
The 3 elements of atoms: St-quarks, Ts-electrons and ∆-1: forces of vital space-time: energy.
The nested scalar galatom can be studied in its symmetries of scale as as divergent duality of:
- Discontinuous social growth from ‘negative’, from the photon to the star, which is the equivalent form in the hyper-
universe through the Ts-light/electronic ladder of growing complexity, on one side.
- And from the quark family to the top++ quark black hole, which is the equivalent form in the hyper-universe.
So, there are two independent ± forms, which grow in ‘social numbers’.
But they also can be studied together, as they constantly merge, in what we could consider an ‘intersecting’ scalar
chain of ‘neutral’ parts and wholes:
∑∑∆-2: atoms ∑-1 molecules ≈ ∆º: matter.
It then remains to clarify the gravitational force (‘graviton=Neutrino?) in the ∑∑∑∑∆-4 scale. Its relationship with the
Planckton (spin?). And the duality of the ∑∑∑∆-3: photon (its antiparticle? Neutrino theory of light?) And the nature of
the magnetic and electric constants. Physicists recognize they don’t know it all on those themes, and given the fact
that most of what they think they know is in first principles is wrong, here we walk on our own.
5D physics however applies the isomorphisms of other scales and systems we know.
So we can consider ‘organic’ the intersected scale, fusioning elements from the side of Ts-light>electrons & the side of
St-quarks>matter, entangled, communicated and fusioned at each scale by particles that belong to the ∆-1 scale to
form combined full organic Ts+1<§∏º>St+1 forms.

So gluons are quarks/antiquarks pairs of a lesser scale that peg the heavier quarks, equivalent to the mesons (ud,
quarks antiquark pairs) that feed/peg the top quark family of black holes.
Photons are the dense ‘cellular nebulae’ trapped by the potential gravitational wave of the proton that forms the
‘body’ of the electron wave; as stars are dense electronic plasma trapped in the well of the black hole.
Uncertainty in the Mass-quark side.
We ARE light-electronic-electric minds in our ternary structure of perception and thought.
This limits what we know of the other ladder of pure quark ultraheavy dense matter, beyond theoretical analysis
which belong to regions of the Universe inside nuclei and black holes and the center of strange quark stars (pulsars)
and the strangelet halo we don’t see; but again we can deduce from the Disomorphisms of 5D laws to be the essential
structure of galatoms explained in the ‘Galactic scale’, where they play the St-Top++ quark black holes<§∏-1: Ud
matter < St-strangelet-- halo (hyper universe electrons). Again here the general scalar structure of a ‘connected’ single
‘membrain’ that preys on a disconnected herd of ∆-1 vital spacetime bodies of smaller cells make us, ud-light quark
matter, the ribosomal element of the organic galatom that will feed the reproduction of heavy matter in natural or
enzyman big bangs. So we certainly for ethical reasons should not experiment in big-bang accelerators. And the use of
5D quark theory, which I had to research during my suits as main plaintiff against CERN, is mainly to convince
physicists of those ethic con-cerns. But aside from this, which failed, pure quark matter is of little interest to our
species. And its maths due to the higher St-informative complexity of its mass families, the uncertainty of non-
experimental evidence and the ‘Gravitational-like’, non-lineal nature of strong forces far more complex. So we will
completely ignored that quark side, once it is obvious physicists will keep doing big-bang experiments at CERN,
dismissing those suits, where the 2 most relevant Nobel prizes alive, Mr. Glashow and Mr. Wilzcek known for their
contributions to the understanding of the weak and strong force in 4D formalisms shamefully after reading our
affidavits defaulted on court, adducing in their affidavit NOT to have to defend a blatant lie – that there were no risks,
that black holes and strangelets do exist, that if made on Earth they will under Gell-mann’s totalitarian principle eat up
the planet – just that they were Nobel Prizes and had ‘authority and prestige’ far higher than we did and the court
should dismiss our ethical concerns NOT on scientific basis but just because they should ‘trust the reasons of authority
NOT the authority of reasons’. LOL, when they defaulted and the court read its affidavit the entire public of legal
students from the University that were in attendance booed rightly. As that was a difficult time on my life, with the
angst of my moral responsibility, the global opposition to our defense of mankind and definitely changed my life and
view of our species as a no way out suicidal emotional people, programmed to make machines and understand
nothing and care even less for survival, the whole subject of quark matter is ignored and we shall focus on the side of
the light-electron-electric flows, both in physical space and biological mental space (as the mind of man).
In that sense our interest in this ‘first round’ is the same than in all other sections of those papers: to show that
regardless of secondary details and the way physicists have gotten to the formalism of its equations, what the mirror
language of mathematics shows in electromagnetism and electric and magnetic flows is a ternary superorganism, with
a membrane (the magnetic field), an informative nucleus, the electric charge, a vital space of exchange of ‘Spacetime
energy’ between them (the intermediate region where the magnetic and electric fields induce each other and
reproduce further its cyclical motions) and so the laws of electric and magnetic fields represent those of a new
‘superorganism of physical nature’ of a larger ∆-scale. So, the 4 equations of Maxwell represent the St-nucleus
(charge), the Ts-membrane (magnetic field) and the vital spacetime between them in which the exchange between
both (interaction laws that induce magnetic and electric fields) increase them.
So we shall use what is worth of 4D physics: the final results, NOT the painstakingly process of getting those
mathematical pictures, which the reader will obtain in any university book of physics, to prove the 5D model – that is to
prove that all the laws of physical systems, regardless of its ‘mathematical mirror’ image correspond to organic laws
and vital actions of systems of non-E points/monads trying to survive in balance with their ∆+1 world, conserve its vital

energy reproduce through motion, which is reproduction of information and complete its vital worldcycles, evolving
socially whenever possible by parallel affinity or gender complementarity into larger wholes.
So we shall now consider the scaling from light, to electrons to electricity to electric flows, and then study the side of
matter that matters to us, that of light UD quarks that form nuclei of atoms that control the weight of matter in
bondage with electrons, used by those central quarks to form molecules and material forms, taking advantage of its
‘neutralization’ of charge, when electrons are captured by the potential well of the central proton-black hole.
RECAP: 2 separate ladders of Ts-light>electronic>electric and St-Neutrino>quark>Neutronic matter ensemble through
the vital spacetime of its preyed ∆-1 forces, forming ‘organic view’ of the galatom in its upper and lower scales from
atoms to molecules to matter states to planetary bodies.
But we can study also on one part the ladder from light through electromagnetism to electric currents of max. Ts-
properties, and on the other part the side of St-mass of maximal information.
Let us briefly study them with the tools of Non-AE Logic.
The generator equation of electric fields.
If we consider the electric current described by the Maxwell equations, the U∆+1 upper, social scale of the electron,
then we can consider its first law, the definition of St, electric charges, the point-particles at the centre of the system;
the second law the definition of the magnetic field as the Se, membrane that surrounds the 0-point charge, and the
3rd and 4th equations as the reproductive interaction of both, which induce new magnetic, electric and
electromagnetic waves. So we can easily define the Spatial generator with those 3 laws that ad on to create the
charge point-particle, magnetic membrane and electromagnetic waves between them:
Γ. Se (Magnetic field) < ST-electromagnetic wave > St-charge
It follows that as the membrane of the 'organic system' of electric charges, the magnetic field does NOT have a point-
source because its function is to be a membrane, the point is the charge, 'point'. So happens in the smaller atomic n-1
scale and the larger ∆+1 material scale of planets: the magnetic field protects them, it is the membrane, 'point'.
Now the answer, as in so many whys on physics is a trivial response if we USE the linguistic method and add to the
analysis of mathematical physics, the organic properties of 5D energy-information asymmetries and co-existing planes
and fully understand the world cycles and spatial, organic structure of all those physical systems, and what is more
anathema to anthropomorphic humans - the existence of a Point of view, or St-center in all complete physical systems
(charge, mass, center of gravity, crystal cell) from where the space-time cyclical actions of survival of the physical
system (∆±e,i, U) depart.
Recap. Maxwell equations 2 define the time and space symmetries of electric and magnetic systems. In the
differential formulation they explain the 'actions' electric fields perform in time. As 'Integrals' of 'space' they explain
the Space symmetry of the electric system:
Se(Magnetic loop-membrane) <ST: electric wave> St (Electric point-particle charge)
St: T Gauss law as the first law of gravitomagnetism does in gravitational cosmic space-time, defines
the electric 'informative' attractive force of the electron, that is its action of gauging information in
an spherical form, as the sphere is the topology that shrinks without tearing, allowing the electron
to focus the information of the external universe. It does also allows to study the social structure of
an electronic field in its static form. It does define the central point of the Electromagnetic 'species'
and allow us to configure once more the 'electromagnetic species, in its Œn electronic form which is
self-similar to that of the light species (wave form).
In it derivative action description it does represent the informative gauging quantum time moments
of the charges.

Ts: The second law defines the Se external membrane of the electric system, its magnetic field, telling us it does not
sink in a loop. Does it is the canonical definition of an external membrane that surrounds the electric charge in a lineal
flow or traces a larger loop through a cyclical electric field, acting as the 'larger, external' membrane or entropic
element of the field. In its derivative version it represents the energetic action, defensive shield of the field.
§∏: The third and 4th equations define the intermediate region, or interaction between both, the magnetic and
electric field, explaining that both 'reproduce each other'. It is thus the 'body-wave' element of the electric system,
which is as always, a compound of interactions between both elements. In its derivative action formalism it does
explain the reproductive actions of the system, as a varying electric field creates a magnetic field and a varying
magnetic field creates an electric field.
And, further on, the 4th Maxwell addition defines the creation by varying electric and magnetic fields of an
electromagnetic n-1 field of the lower scale, which is THE KEY law to understand the interaction of electric and
magnetic field with is lower social scales, completing in this manner the description of the system.
The ∆->∆+1 interactions.
It only rests to understand how 'electric waves' relate to the larger gravitational, thermodynamic scales. That is, how
electrons collapse into the larger scales of mass (quantum wave collapse into particles), how they interact with
gravitational fields (relativity description). What is the relationship between the n-electronic scale and the upper
molecular, thermodynamic fields. But all those descriptions have been customarily analyzed from the perspective of
the lower quantum or upper relativity theories, so it makes no sense to study them here.
There are no infinitesimals of magnetic fields? Why, simply speaking because magnetic fields ARE the membrane of
the electron world, and hence are not point charges.
But by the antisymmetry of scale, we can find them at the cosmic galactic-atomic scale. This prediction seems to be
confirmed with the concept of a magnetstar but requires further research.
In terms of classic mathematical physics they will tell you because it is an effect of relativity (4D metric).
In terms of scales I will tell you that it is because from 5D perspective, the magnetic field 'brings' as all membranes
energy to the St-electronic point by connecting it with the upper gravito-magnetic field.
That is the magnetic field emerges in larger units, as membranes do (DNA is in your cells, the external protein
membrane however dominates the larger skin). So magnetism exchanges energy and information, ±∆e,i, with the
cosmic, gravitational field above the system.
And hence it is also the field that carries the social actions of electrons. It is the field which evolves socially electric
charges into larger simultaneous, fixed spatial ordered whole configurations, both in the atom (magnetic social
number that regulates the electron orbitals) and the electric flows.
When electricity though becomes 'naked' (superconductivity), it does expel the magnetic field (Meissner effect) to
move faster taking off its 'social structural' membrane.
So another field is the connection between the electromagnetic field, the magnetic social equations, and the gravito-
magnetic equations of a weak gravitational field (Heaviside equations of gravity, which are essentially those of general
relativity), which help us to understand how the arrow of motion travels downwards, from gravity into magnetic fields,
the upper 'crust' of the electric field and how upwards the magnetic field of a mass organizes its spin and through the
dragging effects fine tunes informatively the configuration of social systems.
But as always in those interactions at a certain level of 'strength' of the gravitational larger field magnetism disappears
and the new force achieves its full classic configuration.
So the analysis of the perpendicular 5D interactions is as always an emergent process that brings us from:

-Electronic charges into the emergence through social electric motions of magnetic membranes, to the emergence
through massive moving charges of magnetic fields of planets and stars connected to the Gravitomagnetic fields - via
Heaviside unification equations of gravitational space-time, and vice versa, downwards through Gravito-magnetic
dragging effects, which induce rotation in smaller masses, which induce magnetic fields which induce electric fields
which move electric charges.
Always upwards, information, form is created with no entropy and downwards, motion is transferred with no entropy.
The electromagnetic field is the '5D across planes', field which brings us to the ∆o human pov the information of other
planes, and in doing so it changes the parameters of its waves, 'travelling across' the 5th dimension itself. This little
understood phenomena: the deformations light space-time suffers in its travel through 5D planes as it enlarges its
time frequency cycles through the microscope is also a factor to be taken into account.
Why then there are not magnetic monopoles becomes clear, as in each whole, the infinitesimal is an identical, clone
particle - cells in human organisms, electric charges in individual atoms. While the magnetic field is the 'wrap around'
closed time cycle of the upper social scales of ∆-1 electromagnetic quanta.
Energy partition
An interesting result in the scalar symmetry is the fact that the contributions to the energy Poynting vector of both the
electric ∆ø and magnetic, ∆+1 are roughly equal. This classic E∆ø=E∆+1 balance makes equivalent any two scales of the
5th dimension. But the obvious question is when a scale above, In the case of the magnetic field the gravitational scale,
is formed, does the equipartition still works? Here the beautiful trick of the Universe consists in looking NOT only
upwards to the new ∆+2 scale but downwards, adding an ∆-2 scale to balance both. So we must look at the equations
of the dipole’s ultimate source of the magnetic field; µm=h/2 e, to realize how now the balance is ∆+1,2 = ∆-1,2. Next
scalar question then would be, does the mass absorbs the energy of h/2 or e? I’ll leave the question opened for future
5D researchers. It is an easy one, if I only had been able to explain properly those laws, Im not sure im doing a good
job… have to go back to the ¬Algebra and stientific method’s papers ):

Magnetism is the membrane of the human informative scale, Ts to the St-charge in the center. Magnetism is also there
even if we do NOT see it in the sense that a charge from another relative point of view is always moving. So it is always
protected by the membrane of magnetism. Who dominates whom? Magnetism seems to enclose and curve the charge;
the more so the more mass, the upper ∆+3 scale it has. Magnetism thus is connected to the gravitational membrane on its
lower bound. As usual we shall only give in this first writing a brief indication on its basic pentalogic; future revisions will
keep adding onion layers.
Five basic types of magnetism have been observed and classified on the basis of the magnetic behavior of materials in
response to magnetic fields at different temperatures. These types of magnetism are: ferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism,
antiferromagnetism, paramagnetism, and diamagnetism. And it is tempting to apply the 5 Dimotional States of the
Universe to them:
Ss-Ferromagnetism and §∏- ferrimagnetism occur when the magnetic moments in a
magnetic material line up spontaneously at a temperature below the so-called Curie
temperature, to produce net magnetization. The magnetic moments are aligned at random at
temperatures above the Curie point, but become ordered, typically in an informative, height
or implosive dimension; either vertical or, in special cases, in a spiral (helical) array, below this
In an Ss-ferromagnet, magnetic moments of equal magnitude arrange themselves in parallel
to each other.
This is the perfect ordered form of magnetism, susceptible to ‘store information’ in a still long-
lasting state
St: In a ferrimagnet, on the other hand, the moments are unequal in magnitude and order in
an antiparallel arrangement, where some magnetic moments point in the opposite direction
but have a smaller contribution, so there is still a spontaneous magnetization.
§∏-When the moments are equal in magnitude and ordering occurs at a temperature called the Neel temperature in an
antiparallel array to give no net magnetization, the phenomenon is referred to as antiferromagnetism. This is the
balanced state of magnetism which still exists but taking both directions as relative inverse, S, T states, each one balances
the other.
As always with the §∏-central state, it is the commonest transitional in and out state. These transitions from back and
forth from order to disorder represent classic examples of STate transitions.
Another example of a §∏-age transition is the melting of the ordered molecules of ice at a critical temperature >0°C to
form the disordered structure of water.
Ts-Paramagnetism is a weak form of magnetism observed in substances, which display a positive response to an applied
magnetic field. This response is described by its magnetic susceptibility per unit volume, which is a dimensionless
quantity defined by the ratio of the magnetic moment to the magnetic field intensity.
It is the relative locomotion state, in which a minimal motion is achieved thanks to the magnetic field, but internal S-
order is lacking. Paramagnetism is observed, for example, in atoms and molecules with an odd number of electrons, since
here the net magnetic moment cannot be zero.
The magnetic moments—referred to as spins—are localized on the tiny electronic magnets within the atoms of the solid.
Mathematically, the electronic spins are equal to the angular momentum (the rotational velocity times the moment of
inertia) of the rotating electrons. The spins in a ferromagnetic or a ferrimagnetic single crystal undergo spontaneous

alignment to form a macroscopic (an ∆+1 large scale) magnetized object. Most magnetic solids, however, are not single
crystals, but consist of single crystal domains separated by domain walls. The spins align within a domain below the Curie
temperature, independently of any external magnetic field, but the domains have to be aligned in a magnetic field in
order to produce a macroscopic magnetized object. This process is effected by the rotation of the direction of the spins in
the domain wall under the influence of the magnetic field, resulting in a displacement of the wall and the eventual
creation of a single large domain with the same spin orientation.
Tt-Diamagnetism is associated with materials that have a negative magnetic susceptibility. It occurs in nonmagnetic
substances like graphite, copper, silver and gold, and in the superconducting state of certain elemental and compound
metals. The negative magnetic susceptibility in these materials is the result of a current induced in the electron orbits of
the atoms by the applied magnetic field. The electron current then induces a magnetic moment of opposite sign to that
of the applied field. The net result of these interactions is that the material is shielded from penetration by the applied
magnetic field. In this case the electronic current thus feeds on the magnetic current, which causes it before it cancels the
magnetic field.
What is the magic of pentalogic? Why a force which is not an ‘organism per se’ has 5 variations. We have explained many
times the 5D cause of reality in the entangled Universe. But the many perspectives of it are worth to bring back again its
‘reasons’. Magnetism per se is just a force, but atoms are organisms and so the way they might react to an external
stimuli, in this case a force is also ruled by the 5 Possible variations of spatial form and temporal energy. And this gives 5
Ss<St<§∏<Ts<Tt possibilities to relate to magnetism, from the absolute ‘embrace’ of iron to the complete denial of
carbon. But forces are ‘required’ to interact and survive in the organic Universe with the Universe in any scale. So then
comes the opposition to it of non-magnetic substances, like precious metals, because they are ‘already’ associated to the
inverse force in ‘scale’ of thermal energy and electricity, for which they are extremely affine. Other atoms will find a
middle term, associating with all forces with less commitment. This vital flexibility in the world of physics obviously denies
the common philosophy of abstract absolute truths physicists sponsor through mathematical creationism – never mind
then they must fine tune all equations to variations, scalar influences, etc.
Forces in any case are selective. Some matter species like certain fields, others reject them; and their interaction will
define the scale in which their existential energy lies and its…
The five states of magnetism then can be studied as the 5 Dimotions magnetism induces in its ‘lower ∆-1 scale’ of
ensembles of electronic systems The properties are then local cases of the generalized properties of those 5 dimotions,
which go from the perfect ‘spatial, informative’ nature of Ss-ferromagnetism through the whole range of intermediate
states to the purely Tt-nature of ‘entropic diamagnetism’ and the most extreme, normally not ‘considered’ as part of our
‘relative thermodynamic Universe’, Meissner effect of superconductivity where magnetism ceases to exist.
As we are not exhaustive we shall consider a few examples of those properties:
St- Properties of paramagnetic materials are similar to those of St-informative systems, which acquire a higher order but
maintain still its kinetic motions not yet ‘purified’ into a fundamentalist single force parallel position for all its ∆-1
• If a bar of paramagnetic material is suspended in between the pole pieces of an electromagnet, it sets itself
parallel to the lines of force.
• When a bar of paramagnetic material is placed in a magnetic field the lines of force tend to accumulate in it.
• If a paramagnetic liquid is placed in a watch glass resting on the pole pieces of an electromagnet then it
accumulates in the middle. It is because in the central region the field is the strongest. If the pole pieces are not close
together the filed is strongest near the poles and the liquid moves away from the center giving an almost opposite effect.
• If one end of a narrow u-tube containing a paramagnetic liquid is placed within the pole pieces of an
electromagnet in such a manner that the level of the liquid is in the lie with the field, then on applying the field the level
of the liquid rises. The rises in proportional to the susceptibility of the liquid.

• When a paramagnetic gas ascends between the poles of an electromagnet it spreads along the field’s direction.
Diamagnetic Substances
Diamagnetic substances are those which are repelled by magnets and when placed in magnetic field move from stronger
to weaker part of the field.
Properties of Diamagnetic materials
• When a diamagnetic substance is placed in a magnetic field it sets itself at right angles to the lines of the force.
• When diamagnetic material is placed within a magnetic field the lines of force tend to go away from the material.
• When a diamagnetic substance is placed in a watch glass on the pole pieces of a magnet the liquid accumulates on
the sides causing a depression at the center which is the strongest part of the field. When the distance between the pole
pieces is larger, the effect is reversed.
• A diamagnetic liquid in a u-tube placed in a magnetic field shows as depression.
• When a diamagnetic gas ascends between the poles piece of an electromagnet it spreads across the field.
Ferromagnetic Substances
Ferromagnetic substances are those which are attracted by the magnets and can also be magnetized.
Ferromagnetic materials examples
Familiar examples are: iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys
Properties of Ferromagnetic Substances
• A ferromagnetic substance shows the properties of a paramagnetic substance to a greater degree.
• The susceptibility has a positive value and the permeability is also very large.
• The intensity of magnetization I, is proportional to the magnetizing field H for a small value.

Exchange interaction – a classic case of the expansion of forces=dimotions of exist¡ence to all scales.
For all what has been said, it is obvious that one of the ‘many hang-ups’ of earlier physical worldview of huminds as ‘still-
states’ of limited intelligence that lack disomorphic properties and love to classify reality into static states without a
dynamical feed-back view is the ‘belief’ that Nature has only 5 Forces, ‘reinforced’ by some false ‘beliefs’ of physicists’
philosophy of the Universe, namely creationism (the belief that only exact mathematical formulae are real), Aristotelian,
scalar constructivism (the belief that only the smaller scales are essential) and temporal inertia (the routine of
maintaining old views as sacred).
So we shall flatly state:
‘Every i-scale=Plane of the Universe has 5 different forces=dimotions played for all systems in exist¡ence’.
We can in that sense consider every ‘scale=plane’ a gigantic supœrganism made of multiple supœrganisms in which the 5
forces become the basis of its dimotions and in social scalar form, of its physiological networks and hence we must find 5
forces for each scale.
Love is the social force of the human scale, as gravitation is for the cosmological scale… magnetism for the electronic scale
and so on. This lead us to the aforementioned ‘exchange interaction’, which is A FORCE even if to preserve the ‘fantasy’ of
the 5 forces ONLY, is called ‘interaction’. Then the particle exchanged is an electron, because a force by definition
exchanges ∆-¡ particles, with the exception of the social=loving force in which the particles themselves become ∆-¡
elements of a higher social network.
In detail, when two nearby atoms have unpaired electrons, whether the electron spins are parallel or antiparallel affects
whether the electrons can share the same orbit as a result of the quantum mechanical effect called the exchange
interaction. This in turn affects the electron location and the Coulomb (electrostatic) interaction and thus the energy
difference between these states.
This energy difference can be orders of magnitude larger than the energy differences associated with the magnetic
dipole-dipole interaction due to dipole orientation.
The materials in which the exchange interaction is much stronger than the competing dipole-dipole interaction are
frequently called magnetic materials. For instance, in iron (Fe) the exchange force is about 1000 times stronger than the
dipole interaction. Therefore, below the Curie temperature virtually all of the dipoles in a ferromagnetic material will be
aligned. In addition to ferromagnetism, the exchange interaction is also responsible for the other types of spontaneous
ordering of atomic magnetic moments occurring in magnetic solids, antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism. There are
different exchange interaction mechanisms which create the magnetism in different ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic, and
antiferromagnetic substances.
The question of monopoles vs. electric poles as an ‘scalar view’.
It is repeated ad nauseam in popular 4D physics that magnetism differs from electric fields in the fact that there are not
monopoles. As so many other differences though it is a question of scalar perspective. Since a mmagnetic field around
any magnetic source looks increasingly like the field of a magnetic dipole as the distance from the source increases.
Whereas a magnetic dipole is the limit of either a closed loop of electric current or a pair of poles as the size of the source
is reduced to zero while keeping the magnetic moment constant. Thus it is a magnetic disomorphism of scale of
the electric dipole, but the analogy is not perfect. In particular, a magnetic monopole, the magnetic analogue of
an electric charge, has never been observed. Yet it is what exactly seems a magnetic dipole from a very large distance.
On the other hand, a naked charge does NOT exist either because it needs a ± ‘dipole’ for the attractive-repulsive force to
manifest itself. The fact that the Universe is filled with such ± charges in the ∆-2 scale doesn’t change that truism.

So we conclude magnetism is the ∆-1 scale
of electric charge. And as it is so close to our
‘scale’ we ‘distinguish’ its ‘loops’ unlike in
point-charges of a far smaller scale whose
parts only come as evident ‘dense photons’
trapped in the potential well of an ∆-3
‘galatom’, which maintains the electron in a
‘disordered’ §∏>St state unlike when ‘free’
ruled by its Ss-ingularity state as a point
charge of an electric current.
The question is then in which ‘range of scale’
the magnetic field ‘matters’, as the ‘ordering
St>Ss (ferri and ferromagnetic fields)’ force of electronic matter.
While planets do have magnetic fields in the thermodynamic scale it is obvious those are very weak – about 50 million
times weaker, that is a 108 scalar range than the strongest ones obtained in the human scale over 1000 tesla.
So we safely consider that the magnetic range is the intermediate range between the 1st dominant range of gravitation
for the weakest ‘earth-like’ planetoid species. And since all in scale is trinity, we can talk of 3 ‘trinity ranges’ for
magnetism as we do for all forces in the ∆=S=T=@ trinity analysis of scaling.
- The ∆-1 atomic scale.
- The ∆º human scale where it becomes the strongest ‘Ss<St’ force of informative order, or classic dominant scale.
- The ∆+1 scale of planetary systems, in which it starts to fade away.
What about then the next ‘scale’ of 104-11 Tesla found in the pulsars and magnetars, which are ‘giant neutrons’ and
neutron matter with a core of strange matter? The answer here is that this is NO longer magnetism even if from our scale
appears as such but we are talking of the ‘galatom’ cosmological scale’s simplest particles. A pulsar IS disomorphic to a
neutron of the lower range ‘scale’ of the galaxy, and as such it has a magnetic momentum on the larger hyper-universe.
We shall discuss in future expansions the theme in the ∆+1 cosmological scale. As they are one of the ‘branching’ creative
∆+1 species born of the collapse of a nova and can be seen therefore as the 3 ‘ages’ of the pulsar, the Ss-eed, a star, the
Ts birth and youth, its nova birth, the classic age as a pulsar and its 3rd age of increasing collapse and strength of its St-
informative, communicative flow, as a magnetar that emits discontinuous bust of ¥-rays.
Scalar emergence: Monopoles at scale, ∑|=O+1
All ferromagnetic materials are made up of microscopic regions called domains, regions within which all magnetic
moments are aligned. These domains have volumes of about 1020 atoms. The boundaries between the various domains
having different orientations are called domain walls, which become clearly a ‘new scale’ of emergence of the quantum
forces of electromagnetism, as unlike the ± charges they don’t cancel but add each other.
In an unmagnetized sample, the magnetic moments in the domains are randomly oriented so that the net magnetic
moment is zero.
When the temperature of a ferromagnetic substance reaches or exceeds a critical temperature called the Curie
temperature, the substance loses its residual magnetization.
Below the Curie temperature, the magnetic moments are aligned and the substance is ferromagnetic. Above the Curie
temperature, the thermal agitation is great enough to cause a random orientation of the moments and the substance
becomes paramagnetic.
Those are the basis to understand the 5D formal law that applies to the emergence of scale: ∑|=O+1, according to which
as we emerge in new social scales, cyclical ‘sinks’ become larger more lineal motions, which gather together into ‘sinks’ of
a larger scale. Electric sinks become lineal flows of electricity. While magnetic fields become cyclical domains, the new
‘cyclical sinks’ of a larger scale. But as we grow into the cosmological realm, magnetic domains seem to be ‘stronger’ in its

capacity to emerge as higher order and carry the electromagnetic force for a simple reason: ± charges cancel each other,
while charges of the same sign have repulsive effects that prevent its stability. Magnetism however can add its effects in
very large domains without suffering cancellation. Further on, it seems there are ‘fractal effects’ as planets with larger
rotation have larger magnetic fields, as if the rotation is transferred back and forth from those domains. It is then obvious
that what we might call a ‘monopole’ is again an effect of scale. That is a magnestar is a monopole but monopoles by the
very nature of the scalar processes of emergence of the Universe does not happen in the quantum world, in a way parallel
to the fact that very likely the world of galatoms is a world of anti-particles, as there is a bias in the top quark decuplet
that balances those antiparticles upwards producing more decay into particles downwards in BC-reactions.
On the other hand the realm of temperature is one related to that downwards electric molecular world and so higher
temperatures reduce the magnetism of a system. Magnetism then is in scalar terms the natural bridge towards mass.
The relationship with the next scale of mass.
Mass we have explained in many other parts of those texts is a ‘new enclosure’ which is formed – and this is perhaps the
main teaching of Relativity – ‘bagging’ everything else inside (the energy-momentum tensor). Everything the Universe
conserves, energy and momentum inputs a part of its value to the mass. What part of it ‘emerges’ as mass, as in any
scalar growth is a question that defines the details of mathematical equations of physics. The finding of patterns in those
emergence, such as the 50-50 rule is a question of debate regarding its universality. Maybe in a future upgrading I will
discuss the details of the equations of Einstein’s EFE, too complicated at this earlier st-age.
It is yet another disomorphic rule of all scales that the ∆-1 scale ‘weakens’ and ‘feeds’ entropically when it comes to the
range of the larger scale. This is also obvious to magnetic fields, as its unit, the bohr magneton has mass in its

‘denominator’: ...meaning the magnetic field ‘looses’ strength as the mass increases, which in Non-AE
algebra, given the ‘predatory nature of denominators’ that carve the numerator means essentially, a transfer of
existential energy from the ∆-1 magnetic sale to the ∆º gravitational scale.
But the definition of the ‘magneton’ as the minimal unit of the magnetic force has in pentalogic a deeper meaning. As we
can write easily µ m = e h/2.
This is the scalar definition of the magnetic field, as a scale symmetry, ∆+1 (cosmological scale) = ∆-1 (¥-electronic scale).


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