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1. Sustainability is the balance between the environment, economy and ethics.

the role of ethics in this regard by taking suitable examples. (150W|10M)
1. Underlying Theme: Highlighting the role of ethics in environmental conservation
2. Keyword: Sustainability, environment and ethics
3. Introduction: There are quite a few important words in the statement. At times, many
aspirants tend to increase the introduction unnecessarily trying to incorporate all such
keywords in their introduction. This is not an efficient approach. Understand the main crux
of the question and frame an introduction accordingly. Ex: Extending the traditional
boundaries of ethics from solely including humans to including the non-human world can
increase the sustainability of our living world.
4. Body part:
 Cite some of the pressing environmental issues in the world today which have arisen
due to the unsustainable economic development. Example: Deforestation, plastic
pollution, global warming, financing mechanism to fight climate change, attitude of
some countries towards certain climate change agreements, quantum of responsibility
of developing and developed countries in combating climate change etc
 Science alone is not enough in combating all these challenges. When confronting
environmental challenges, considerations of fairness, equity, and justice and such other
ethical considerations needs to taken into notice
 Elaborate on the statement made above by taking specific examples
1. climate change and quantum of responsibility of developed and developing
2. Evaluating geo-engineering schemes and its effect not just on humans but also other
3. to assess our responsibility to future generations
4. Environmental rights of animals etc
5. Ensuring the burden of climate change does not fall on only poor people
 Make sure to briefly talk about five such issues by taking a relevant example
5. Conclusion: Optimistic solution and outlook must be written here. There is opportunity to
have economic progress along with environmental protection, provided we move in the
right direction which requires good ethical practices both nationally and internationally

Dos and Dont’s

1. Avoid point formats in such ethics questions
2. Give examples and reasons, especially of recent (current) occurrences. However, do not
focus only on examples or only on arguments (A very common mistake), there should be a
balance of both.
3. Maintaining word limit is important. The question specifically asks for role of ethics. Do not
elaborate more on economic aspect more than what is required.

2. Trust is one of the most significant elements upon which the legitimacy and
sustainability of government and governance systems are built. But it seems to be declining
around the world and citizens are losing their confidence in governments. Why do you think
the reasons are for such a trend? Suggest some measures to improve this (150W) 10M

1. Underlying Theme: Erosion of trust in the democratic and governance institute
2. Introduction: Explaining the significance of the trust in the governance process or even
citing some relevant study or index in this regard is sufficient.
3. Body part:
 What do we mean by trust in government? Trust means holding a positive perception
about the actions of an individual or an organisation. It is a subjective phenomenon,
reflected in the “eyes of the beholder”
 However, the trust of the people in the government is decreasing.
 Reasons for such a trend: The source for all this could be found in the rise in unethical
practices in the government and governance sphere. Example: Corruption (has
degraded the trust of citizens), increased rate of Crony capitalism, Favoritism, elitist
behavior and attitude, tyranny, religious intolerance practiced by some states (Example:
Rohingyas, Chechnya issue) etc.
 Drivers of trust in government: This can be done by improving
 Reliability: the ability of governments to minimize uncertainty in the economic, social
and political environment of their citizens, and to act in a consistent and predictable
 Responsiveness: the provision of accessible, efficient and citizen-oriented public services
that effectively address the needs and expectations of the public
 Openness and inclusiveness: a systemic, comprehensive approach to institutionalising a
two-way communication with stakeholders, whereby relevant, usable information is
provided, and interaction is fostered as a means to improve transparency, accountability
and engagement.
 Integrity: the alignment of government and public institutions with broader principles
and standards of conduct that contribute to safeguarding the public interest while
preventing corruption
 Fairness: in a procedural sense the consistent treatment of citizens (and businesses) in
the policy-making and policy-implementation processes.
5. Conclusion: Give an optimistic (positive) approach in conclusion. (ex: It is possible to
trust the governance system or governments provided the citizens are a major part of it
and the above mentioned measures are followed ) . Few lines would suffice since this is
a 10 marker.

Dos and Dont’s

1. NOTE: When one word is given heavy weightage over others (In this case TRUST),
recognize them and try to define it in simple words in introduction itself.
2. Adequate usage of ethical words and examples wherever necessary is good. Try to
underline them.
3. Avoid point format and write in paragraphs with sub headings if need be.
3. You are heading a district administration in a particular department. Your senior officer calls
you from the State Headquarters and tells you that a plot in Rampur village is to have a building
constructed on it for a school. A visit is scheduled during which he will visit the site along with
the chief engineer and the senior architect. He wants you to check out all the papers relating to
it and to ensure that the visit is properly arranged. You examine the file which relates to the
period before you joined the department. The land was acquired from the local Panchayat at a
nominal cost and the papers show that clearance certificates are available from the two of the
three authorities who have to certify the site’s suitability. There is no certification by the
architect available on file. You decide to visit Rampur to ensure that all is in order as stated on
file. When you visit Rampur, you find that the plot under reference is part of Thakurgarh Fort
and that the walls, ramparts, etc., are running across it. The fort is well away from the main
village; therefore a school here will be a serious inconvenience for the children. However, the
area near the village has potential to expand into a larger residential area. The development
charges on the existing plot, at the fort, will be very high and the question of heritage site has
not been addressed. Moreover, the Sarpanch, at the time of acquisition of the land, was a
relative of your predecessor. The whole transaction appears to have been done with some
vested interest.

1. List the likely vested interests of the concerned parties.

2. Some of the options for action available to you are listed below. Discuss the merits and
demerits of each of the options :
1. You can await the visit of the superior officer and let him take a decision.
2. You can seek his advice in writing or on phone.
3. You can consult your predecessor/colleagues, etc., and then decide what to do.
4. You can find out if any alternate plot can be got in exchange and then send a
comprehensive written report.

Can you suggest any other option with proper justification? (250 words)

Case study needs different approach which is not similar to part A. As UPSC has stated that
GS4 as a paper will test ethical competence of a candidate, it is important to identify all the
ethical concepts that are applicable in a given case. For instance, in this case the question is not
asking specifically, still, make sure you write the ethical issues involved in the case study.

1. Underlying theme: Accessibility, conflict of interest, Responsibility, Duty (Dharma), Child

rights (right to education), justice, etc.

2. Introduction: Write a brief introduction with above mentioned theme. It has to be concise
and should capture the entire case study in few words.

3. Body part:

-Ethical dilemmas faced: child rights versus duty to state, administrative convenience versus
Public benefit, long term versus short term goals etc.

- Mention the stakeholders involved: ie all the people who will be directly or indirectly related
or affected by the school. Ex: myself (Government department head), my senior officer, school
children, villagers, panchayati head, architect etc.

a) Make a list of vested interests of each of the stakeholders. Analyze how it will be beneficial
to each party or harmful if a school comes up in Rampur.

b) Under each sub question, give both merit and demerit. Try to mention few ethical values in
those merits or demerits. Ex: If I wait for my superior officer, it may delay the process, so I may
have to take responsibility, I should be brave to handle it, etc.

Also in each question try to address the impacts or dilemma or values of other stakeholders
too. Ex: maintaining neutrality, participation, accountability, leadership, Persuasion, Human
rights, etc.

Mention any other suggestion, for example, referring to old records with similar cases as it
would have been tested or implemented.
Conclusion: Considering all the above options, with each of them having its own merit and
demerit, there are many possibilities to arrive at a solution. Hence write a positive or optimistic
conclusion by ensuring that the interests of most of the stakeholders are served, especially the
children for whom the school is being built for

Dos and Dont’s:

1. Avoid introducing new characters or stories into case study.

2. Ethical dilemmas, even if it hasn’t been asked, try mentioning few, if not dilemmas, and then
the ethical issues in the above case must be written.

3. In cases such as these, it is okay to mention points and list the merits and demerits as it will
be easy for evaluator to recognize them. But avoid point format in other answers of ethics.

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