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Chapter 14 & 15

Reproduc on and Development

Chapter 14/15 Assessment Tracker

Outcome Topic Homework Drawing Quiz
Quiz Mark
2, 3, 4, 6, Male Anatomy Male anatomy drawing quiz
9 The great sperm race
1, 3 Female Anatomy Female anatomy drawing quiz
The Great sperm race
7, 9, 18 Hormone feedback Chapter 14/15 Assignment (STI and Tech)
7, 8 Microscopes Menstrua on Graph
Combined Female and Male Quiz
Part 1 Due of Project
Spermatogenesis and Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis Drawing Quiz
10, 13, 3 Layers Google form Ovula on and Gastrula on
14 Summary of Coloring Page
Implanta on
11 Trimesters and Google form for extra structures
Muta ons
12, 15 Lacta on feedback Feedback loop drawing quiz
loop Birth video
5, 16, 17, Diseases In Class Assignment
18, 20
Chapter Exam
Expert Appren ce Novice


Outcome # Outcome
1 I can iden fy the structures in the human female reproduc ve system and describe their
func on:
___ Ovaries
___ Fallopian Tubes
___ Uterus
2 I can iden fy the structure in the male reproduc ve system and describe their func ons:
___ Testes
___ Seminiferous tubules
___ Inters al Cells
___ Sertoli Cells
___ Epididymus
___ Cowper’s Glands
___ Vas deferens
3 I can differen ate between sperm and eggs in terms of their suppor ng structures such as
seminiferous tubules, inters al cells, sertoli cells, follicle, and corpus luteum.
4 I can describe how the Y chromosome causes testosterone to be produced leading to male
organ forma on, whereas it’s absence results in female organ development.
5 I can explain how STI’s like Chlamydia, gonorrhea, human papilloma virus etc
can interfere with fer lity and reproduc on.
6 I can describe the role of GnRH, FSH, LH, Estrogen, Progresterone, and testosterone in the
regula on of primary and secondary sex characteris cs in females and in males.
7 I can iden fy the principal reproduc ve hormones involved in the female menstrual cycle
and explain how FSH, LH, Estrogen, and Progesterone work together to maintain the
menstrual cycle.
8 I can graph the changes in Estrogen, Progesterone, FSH, and LH throughout the menstrual
9 I can Iden fy and describe the func on of Testosterone, LH, and FSH in human males.
10 I can trace the process from concep on to birth including:
___ Fer liza on zygote, gastrula on, blastula on
___ Implanta on
___ Extra-embryonic membrane forma on
___ parturi on / childbirth & oxytocin

11 I can describe the roles of progesterone, LH, hCG, prostaglandins, and oxytocin in human
development (i.e. in the steps above)
12 I can describe the general mechanisms of lacta on in human females a er childbirth and
the role of oxytocin and prolac n.

13 I can describe the main physiological events in human pre-natal development such as
neural tube / nervous system development, heart forma on, limb forma on, sex
differen a on as it relates to each trimester.
14 I can iden fy the major ssues and organs that arise from the ectoderm (nervous system,
skin), the mesoderm (skeleton, muscles, reproduc ve system), and the endoderm
(diges ve and respiratory systems, endocrine glands)
15 I can describe the influence environmental factors such as maternal lifestyle, alcohol,
drugs, and infec ons can have on embryonic and fetal development – i.e. teratogens
16 I can describe medical technologies such as in vitro fer liza on, vasectomy, and infer lity
17 I can describe reproduc ve technologies such as in-vitro fer liza on, ar ficial
insemina on (animals), and cloning.
18 I can describe the use of reproduc ve hormones in fer lity drugs.
19 I can describe technologies such as ultrasound, chorionic villus sampling (CVS),
amniocentesis, and fetal heart monitoring.
20 I understand that certain environmental pollutants such as second hand smoke, PCB’s,
heavy metals, etc can act as teratogens and lower fer lity.
Male and Female Reproduc ve System

What causes MALES to develop male reproduc ve organs and hormones?

The development of male sex organs begins before birth. The Y chromosome
carries a gene called tes s-determining-factor (TDF) that triggers the produc on
of male hormones known as Androgens (Testosterone).

The male and female sex organs originate in the abdominal cavity. By the third
month of embryonic development the genes on the sex chromosomes cause
gonad ssue to specialize into testes or ovaries.

The Y chromosome which helps with testosterone development later but early on
allows male organs to develop

Label the following diagram:

Male Reproduc ve System Func ons

Structure Func on
External Genitalia
Penis Structure used in reproduc on, carries semen into
female reproduc ve tract.
Scrotum Houses the testes, maintains op mal temperature for
sperm produc on (35 degrees celsius) by relaxing or
contrac ng muscles within the scrotum.
Internal Genitalia
Structures involved in sperm produc on/storage/transport
Tes s
● Seminiferous Sperm produc on (contain sertoli cells which nourish
tubules sperm as they develop).

● Inters al Testosterone produc on.


Epididymis Storage or matura on of sperm.

Vas deferens Carries sperm to urethra (storage).

Structures involved in semen produc on/expulsion

Seminal vesicles Contributes 60% of sperm’s volume with a mucus-like
secre on containing fructose (energy for the sperm),
releases some prostaglandins which cause contrac ons
of the uterus to help push sperm towards the fallopian
Prostate gland Alkaline buffer to help neutralize the acidic vagina.
Cowper’s gland Alkaline buffer to help neutralize the male’s acidic
Urethra Conducts semen through penis.

Testes – Sperm Forma on

A Cross Sec on of a Seminiferous Tubule

Male Hormones

The male sex hormone is Testosterone

● Made in the Inters al cells

● Requires for Sperm produc on
● Responsible for Secondary sex characteris cs which include:
1. Deeper voice
2. Broad shoulders/narrow hips
3. Facial hair
4. Increased oil secre on from skin (acne)

Female Reproduc ve System

Label the following diagrams:

Parts of the Female Reproduc ve System

Structure Func on

Ovum (ova)


Fallopian Tube




Fer liza on and Implanta on

A er sexual intercourse what is the pathway of sperm through the female

reproduc ve system?

___________________ occurs in the ____________________ and

__________________ occurs in the _______________.

What is ectopic pregnancy?

Menstrual Cycle

Stage Days Informa on

1. Flow

2. Follicle

3. Ovulatory

4. Luteal


Hormone Target Effect





Menstrual Cycle Graph

Female Hormone Concentra ons

Day FSH LH Estrogen Progesterone

1/28 8 12 5 3
2 16 14 4 2
4 19 15 3 2
6 20 15 3 2
8 17 15 4 2
10 14 15 5 3
12 15 28 14 4
14 18 45 13 5
16 8 20 9 6
18 7 19 8 7
20 6 18 10 11
22 5.5 16 11 12
24 6 14 12 13
26 7 14 8 8
28/1 8 12 5 3

Label the following diagrams as prac ce:


Spermatogenesis Oogenesis


STI Informa on

Hepa s

Genital Herpes

Human Papilloma
Virus (HPV)





Embryology: The study of organisms in their

early stages of development.

Fer liza on
● Over a period of about 38 weeks (266 days) a single fer lized egg cell undergoes a
staggeringly complex sequence of ____________ as it ___________, __________,
___________, and ___________ to form the hundreds of billions of ________ that make
up the ssues, organs, and systems of the infant human body.
● Prenatal (___________) development is divided into ______-month period called
● Another system uses two main period of prenatal development:
1. The __________________ period of development:
▪ This period of development takes place over the first _________ weeks
▪ Cells __________ and become ___________. Tissues and ________
form, as do structure that support and _________ the developing
2. The ________________ period of development:
▪ This period of development takes place from the start of the ______
week through to ________.
▪ During fetal period, the ___________ grow rapidly and organs begin to
__________ and ____________ to form __________ systems

From Ovula on to Implanta on

Day 1 :
First cleavage – cell divides by __________________________

Day 4:
16-32 cell stage. Ball of cells is called a ______________________________.

Day 5:
The cells of the morula begin to move around to form an inner and outer layer of cells. The outer layer of
fla ened cells are important for ________________________ in the uterine lining.

Day 6:
The layers of cells arrange themselves around a hollow fluid filled cavity called the _________________,
the actual cell mass is called a ______________________. The blastocyst, by means of villi and enzymes
secreted by the ______________________ (a membrane that forms around it), implants itself in the
uterine wall… _________________ (__________________________).

Cleavage and Implanta on

One group of cells, called the _________________________ forms the

________ layer of the blastocyst and will develop into a membrane

called the _________________.

This _______________ will later form part of the _______________.

About _______ days a er fer liza on the blastocyst a ached to the _____________. The trophoblast
cells secrete an _______ to help digest some cells of the endometrium – this is called _______________

Implanta on is complete by the __________ day.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

The ______________ produces a hormone called __________ (human chorionic gonadotropin) which
has a similar effect as ____________. It’s main role is to ____________________ the
______________________ (________________________)

The _______________ will take over this role a er ____ months into the pregnancy

Gastrula on

● Gastrula on start on day _____________________

● Gastrula on is the process in which the _______________________
(single layers of cells) turn into a three-layered _________________
(ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm)
● _______________________ develops into gastrula

● Cells begin to differen ate at this point

▪ Outer layer of blastocyst forms 2 membranes

o _________________ - produces hCG
o _________________ - fluid filled sac protec ng fetus
▪ Gastrula undergoes gastrula on to form 3 germ layers which
_____________________ (change) to form specific organ systems

Three primary germ layers created during gastrula on

Summary of events a er implanta on

-10 a on begins – major cellular reorganiza on into the three germ layers (the endoderm, ectoderm, and
ula” stage is when different genes will be turned on the express different organs in the later stages of the


5-21 ence of the body plan. “Primi ve streak” start to form (at site of Gastrula on). Neural Groove forms (future
brain and spinal cord

4 ars, and lower limbs begin to develop


Other Extraembryonic Structures

Structure Func on


The Placenta
▪ Embryo is a ached to the ____________________________ by the placenta
▪ Rich in blood vessels for ______________________________
o Oxygen, _____________________, _____________________ and an bodies move
o Carbon dioxide and __________________________ (urea) move from FETUS TO MOM

o But there is NO mixing of _________________ between mother and embryo

What are 2 important hormones that the placenta secretes? Why are these hormones important?

The Umbilical Cord

▪ Rope like structure that forms a er 8 weeks
▪ Runs from the ____________________ of the fetus to the _____________________
▪ Contains 2 ______________ and 1 _____________________
o 2 arteries carry _____________ blood from the fetus to mother
o Vein carries _____________________ blood from the mother to fetus
▪ Normally arteries carry oxygenated blood
▪ Only 2 excep ons exist – pulmonary artery and umbilical artery!
▪ The umbilical cord naturally has a ____________ to it since the veins are longer that the arteries

Pregnancy can be divided into three phases:

Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3

Weeks 1-12 Weeks 13-24 Weeks 25-38

▪ Body mass increases (by
seventh month fetus weighs
4 pounds)

▪ Brain forms rapidly

▪ Organ development
completed by 8th month

▪ At birth typically: 7 pounds

& 20 inches long

Labour and Delivery Hormones

Hormone Informa on

Progesterone and estrogen



ac n (released a er delivery)

Draw the feedback loop for parturi on:

Stages of Parturi on

Stage Informa on

tage 1: Labour ▪ _______________________________________ (enlarges)

(2-20 hours) ▪ This causes the release of __________________________ from the pituitary
o _____________________ muscles are s mulated and contract
▪ Uterine contrac ons push the baby’s head down more and causes the cervic to stretch
o This causes more oxytocin release = ___________________________
▪ Amnio c membrane ruptures (__________________ this helps lubricate the birth canal

e 2: Delivery (0.5-2 ▪ Contrac ons

hours) ▪ Expulsion of ___________________________________
▪ Birthing mother can be horizontal, squa ng, par ally upright or in water

ge 3 - A erbirth ▪ Expulsion of ___________________________________ and umbilical cord

Lacta on
▪ Lacta on is the _____________________ and ______________ of breast milk
▪ _________________________ is produced (ant. Pituitary) a er birth when levels of
____________________________ and _______________________ drops. It ini ates milk
produc on
▪ Why is calcium so important?

Lacta on and Oxytocin

▪ Oxytocin is also involved in ____________________

o Oxytocin triggers ______________ of milk
o The __________________ causes the anterior
pituitary to make more oxytocin =
▪ Breast milk contains fats, ______________,
carbohydrates (lactose), vitamins, minerals,
_________________________, & WBCs
▪ How does prolac n differ from oxytocin?

Reproduc ve Technologies

Ar ficial
Insemina on

In Vitro
Fer liza on


Superovula on

Technologies that Reduce Reproduc ve Poten al

Abs nence

Surgical Steriliza on

Hormone Treatments

Physical or chemical

Natural Family Planning

Learning Objec ve: I am learning the male Success Criteria:
anatomy of the reproduc ve system, along with 1) I can iden fy the p[arts of the male
the func ons of the parts anatomy diagram
2) I can describe the func on of the parts of
the male anatomy diagram
3) I can explain using a diagram or words to
show the process of sperm forma on
4) I can explain the role of testosterone in
regards to secondary sex characteris cs
5) I can diagram the feedback loop of how
testosterone helps build sperm

Learning Objec ve: I am learning the female Success Criteria:
anatomy of the reproduc ve system, along with 1) I can iden fy the parts of the female
the func ons of the parts anatomy diagram
2) I can describe the func on of the parts of
the female anatomy diagram
3) I can iden fy the different structures that
arise during the making of the ovum
4) I can iden fy the hormones role in the
development of the ovum, ovula on and
maintaining the lining of the uterus
5) I can diagram the feedback loop of the
hormones found in the female

Learning Objec ve: I am learning the phases of Success Criteria:
the female menstrua on cycle and reviewing the 1) I can iden fy the names of the phases in
importance of hormones on the cycle the menstrua on cycle
2) I can explain each phase using correct
3) I can apply my understanding of the
phases in a graph form showing the roles
of the hormones to each phase of the

Learning Objec ve: I am learning how sperm and Success Criteria:
ovums are formed in the process of oogenesis 1) I can diagram the process of
and spermatogenesis and how the development spermatogenesis

of these can result eventually in fer liza on and 2) I can diagram the process of oogenesis
the growth of an embryo 3) I explain the different stages that occur
a er fer liza on: Cleavage, Division,
Morula, Blastocyst, Implanta on and
4) I can explain the key steps that occur from
days 1-6 a er fer liza on
5) I can explain the role of hcG in role of
maintaining the endometrium lining

Learning Objec ve: I am learning how Success Criteria:
gastrula on leads to the development of the 1) I can describe the role of gastrula on in
three embryo layers. I am learning the roles of making the 3 layers
the layers in development of the embryo, as well 2) I can iden fy the 3 layers and what each
as the key structures that give rise to new layer is responsible for forming
structures in fetal development
3) I can explain key events that occur from
day 7 to week 8 a er implanta on has
4) I can iden fy extra structures and their
role in maintaining the embryo
5) I can explain the role of the placenta and
the umbilical cord in the exchange of
nutrients and hormones for the fetus

Learning Objec ve: I am learning how the three Success Criteria:
trimesters are separated and the development 1) I can explain key parts to each trimester
that has occurred. As well as understanding the 2) I can iden fy different teratogens
dangers of different teratogens during the 3) I can explain the dangers of teratogens
development of a fetus. during pregnancy and what effects they
can have.

Learning Objec ve: I am learning the phases of Success Criteria:
labor and how the hormones help create milk for 1) Iden fy the role of progesterone, relaxin,
lacta on to produce and release oxytocin and prolac n in the role of labor,
delivery and lacta on
2) I can explain the 3 stages of labor in
regard to posi ve feedback look
3) I can explain the posi ve feedback loop
that occurs in the process of lacta on
4) I can explain the role of estrogen,
progesterone, oxytocin and prolac n for
lacta on
5) I can diagram the feedback loop for
lacta on

Learning Objec ve: I am learning the different Success Criteria:
reproduc ve technologies and contracep ves 1) I can iden fy chemical contracep ves
2) I can iden fy barrier contracep ves
3) I can explain the difference between
ar ficial insemina on and in-vitro
fer liza on
4) I can discuss the dangers of STI’s role in
preven ng contracep on or the dangers
it has to a pregnancy.

Vocabulary Tiers
Rankings and their Meaning:
1= 3= I know this word and feel confident using it in a sentence or relate it to our Biology discussions
2= 2= I recognize this word but either don’t know how to use it in context to our Biology discussions
1= I do not recognize this word at all and have no way to use it in our Biology discussions

Differentiation Vas deferens/ Ductus Amniotic Sac Testosterone Penis


Teratogen Polar body Seminal vesicle Ejaculatory duct Prostate

Cowper’s gland Epididymis Testis Gonorrhea Seminiferous tubule

Interstitial cells Acrosome Sperm/spermatid Spermatogonium Secondary sex


FSH Uterus Primary spermatocyte GnRH Herpes

Infertile Vagina LH Secondary Cervix


Fimbriae Fallopian tube/ Ova Oogonium Ovary Ovum/ Ootid


Primary oocyte Corpus albicans Fertilization Implantation Ectopic pregnancy

Immature/ Ovulation Corpus luteum Sertoli cell Progesterone

developing follicle

Estrogen Endometrium Myometrium Trimesters Embryo

HIV/AIDS Blastocyst Morula Chorion Cleavage

Trophoblast Placenta hCG Zygote Totipotent

Barrier Birth Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm Amnion


Yolk sac Allantois Syphilis Chlamydia Amniocentesis

Chorionic villi Oxytocin Prostaglandins Prolactin HPV

Parturition Hepatitis Artificial insemination Invitro Fertilization Surrogate

Super ovulation Abstinence Tubal Ligation Vasectomy Hormonal Birth


Post Assessment of Vocabulary

In the chart below and using ONLY the vocabulary words you identified as Tier 1 and Tier 2 from
your pre-assessment, write the words into the columns provided below

I feel confident I know and I still need to review and I still need to learn or do not
understand practice understand


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