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Sing A New Song

an RobinEttafu

a new song un-to the [.ord, lctyoursong be sung from moun - lains high. Sing

ncw_song un-to thc Lord lctyour song bc sung,from mountains high- Sing a

Sing a ncw song ulr-to thc Lord your bc sung frorn rnoun - tains high. Sing a

a ncw song un-to thc Lord song bc sung from moun - tains high. Sing a

llcw song un-to thc Lord, sing-ing a - lc _ lu LYa - wch's pco - ple dancc for
2.tlisc O chil - drcn fronr your
3.Glad my soul for I Iravc

LYa - weh's pco - plc dancc for

2.Risc O chil - drcn frorn your
3.Glad my soul_ for I havc

ncw song un - to thc ta_ l.Ya - woh's pco - plc dancc for
2.Risc O chil - drcn from your
3.Clad my soul for I havc

ncw rcng un-to thc Lord, sine l.Ya - wch's Jrco - ple dancc for
2.Risc O chil - drcn from your
3.Glad my soul for I_ havc
o be - forc the Lord.--==*-*-=- Aud
your Sa - vior now has play for
the glo - ry of the Lord. Thc Hc has
trum - pct

o come be - fore- be - fore- the Lord.- And

youf Sa - vior now_ hos conle- has come.-- play for
thc glo - ry oL- tlte l-ord- the Lord.- The He has
trum - pet

o come be - fore be - fore_ thc Lord. And play for

your Sa - vior llow has come- has conlc.-=- Hc has
the glo-ryof the Lord- the Lord. The trum - pet

joy,- O be - forc thc Lord. And play for

sleep,- your Sa - vior now has oonte. Hc has
seen- the glo - r)' of the Lord Thc tnlm - pet

hinr on glad tam - bo - rines and let your trunl - pets sound._
tumcd )our sor - row to joy and filled your soul rvith sonq._
sounds, lhc dcad shall bc raiscd. I knorv my Sa - vior livei._

him- on glad
tanr-bo-rines and lct your truln - pets
funred- your sor - row to ioy and fillcd your soul with
sounds- the dcad shall be raised, I knorv my Sa - vior

hinr on glad tanr - bo - rines- and lel your rrum - pets sound
tunrcd your sor - row to Joy- ard fillcd your soul rvith song
sounds thc dead shall bc raiscd,_ I know nry Sa - vior livcs

him on glad tam - bo - rines and let your trum - sound._-

tumed your sor - row to ioy and filled your soul F,ets
rvith son8._---
sounds thc dead shall be raiscd. I knorv rny Sa - vior livcs.=-

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