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disorder and the
dopaminergic hypotheses
Expert Rev. Neurother. 10(4), 587–601 (2010)

Júlia P Genro, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common psychiatric condition that affects
Christian Kieling, approximately 5.3% of children worldwide. This disorder is defined by a combination of
Luis A Rohde and symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. Diagnosis is based on impairment in
these two domains determining several problems in personal and academic life. Although it is
Mara H Hutz†
known that genetic and environmental factors are important in ADHD etiology, how these

Author for correspondence
Departamento de Genética,
factors influence the brain and consequently behavior is still under debate. There seems to be
Instituto de Biociências, UFRGS, a consensus in the literature that a fronto-subcortical dysfunction is responsible, at least in part,
Caixa Postal 15053 91501-970 for the ADHD spectrum. Considering that these brain regions are rich in dopamine (DA), the
– Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil DA hypothesis has an important role to understand ADHD pathophysiology. The main goal of
Tel.: +55 513 308 6720 the present review is to show evidence from different areas that support the idea that
Fax: +55 513 308 7311 dysregulation in the DA system underlies ADHD. We discuss here evidences from animal models, pharmacology, brain imaging and genetics studies.

Keywords : ADHD • brain imaging • DAT1 • dopamine • dopaminergic transmission • DRD4 • genetics
• methylphenidate

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to symptoms of disruptive behavior, since boys

is a common psychiatric condition that affects have more hyperactive/impulsive symptoms and
approximately 5.3% of children and adoles- more conduct and oppositional symptoms than
cents worldwide. Although some authors have girls. Approximately 65% of children with the
described ADHD as an American disorder, a diagnosis continue to show symptoms of ADHD
meta-ana­lysis showed that the variation in prev- in adulthood, suggesting that ADHD could be
alence rates worldwide is more related to meth- considered a chronic developmental disorder [3] .
odological differences among studies than geo- In adulthood the sex ratio difference decreases
graphic localization and consequently cultural and the distribution among genders becomes
factors [1] . ADHD is characterized by devel- more similar. Perhaps the underdiagnosis of
opmentally inappropriate and impairing levels females at an early stage results from less obvious
of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. symptoms in ADHD girls when compared with
As currently recognized by the Diagnostic and boys. The high prevalence of the disorder and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth the consequences on a patient’s life as well as on
edition (DSM-IV), the behavioral symptoms of their family’s result in a huge impact of ADHD
ADHD load onto two separate dimensions, one on society [4] .
reflecting inattentiveness and the other reflect- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a
ing a combination of hyper­activity and impul- complex and heterogeneous disorder and its eti-
sivity. These dimensions may be expressed to ology is not yet completely understood. Despite
different extents among child­ren with ADHD, evidence that environmental factors play an
as reflected in the current DSM-IV designa- important role in its etiology, there is strong
tions of primarily inattentive, primarily hyper- evidence supporting a significant genetic con-
active/impulsive, and combined subtypes of the tribution for ADHD development [5] . Although
disorder [2] . it is know that genetic and environmental fac-
The ratio of boys to girls with ADHD is tors are important in ADHD, how these factors
between 3:1 and 9:1. Part of the difference influence the brain and consequently behavior
between genders may be due to referral bias related is still under debate. 10.1586/ERN.10.17 © 2010 Expert Reviews Ltd ISSN 1473-7175 587

Review Genro, Kieling, Rohde & Hutz

Barkley presented a neuropsychological theory that suggests based on quite different premises that there are many underlying
behavioral inhibition as the core deficit of ADHD, with distur- causes for the disorder, and computational simulation of it has
bances in five neuropsychological domains: working memory, supported the existence of two subtypes that involve no DTD, as
internalization of speech, self-regulation of affect motivation well as several subtypes that do. The three models have markedly
arousal, behavior ana­lysis and synthesis and motor control fluency different ways of accounting for key aspects of ADHD, includ-
syntax [6] . This pattern is similar to that observed among adults ing intra-individual variability, stimulant effects and extinction
with frontal lobe damage, which suggests that the frontal cortex deficits. The most important shortcoming of all models is their
or regions projecting to the frontal cortex are dysfunctional in at limited treatment of state-regulation processes, which are very
least some ADHD children. important in ADHD [12] .
Wilcutt and colleagues, based on a meta-ana­lysis review The main goal of the present review is to show evidence from dif-
including 83 neuropsychological studies that measured executive ferent areas that dysregulation in the DA system underlies ADHD.
functioning, concluded that the main impairments observed in First, we briefly review the DA system in an attempt to facilitate
ADHD children when compared with controls were in response the discussion. We follow four distinct lines of evidence that have
inhibition, vigilance, working memory and planning [7] . However, the strongest support for the role of DA in ADHD etiology:
they suggested that executive functioning weakness is neither • Evidence from animal models: manipulations of the dopaminer-
necessary nor sufficient to cause all cases of ADHD. gic system in animals are associated with symptoms of inattention
Wender, in 1971, was the first to propose that symptoms usually and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity;
present in ADHD, such as hyperactivity, inattention and impul-
sivity, could be the result of abnormalities in the neurotransmis- • Evidence from pharmacology: stimulants used to treat ADHD
sion system [8] . This investigator suggested that dopamine (DA) act in the DA system;
and noradrenaline (NA) systems were disturbed in ADHD, and • Evidence from brain imaging studies: brain regions innerved
that the stimulant medication used to treat these symptoms acted by DA show abnormalities in ADHD patients;
on these neurotransmitters to compensate the deficit. In the same
year, Satterfield and Dawson included neuroanatomical evidence • Evidence from genetic studies: ADHD presents high heritabil-
of this model, suggesting that ADHD symptoms were caused ity, and genes related to the DA system have been associated
by fronto-limbic dysfunction, wherein a weak frontal cortical with the disorder.
inhibitory control over limbic functions might lead to ADHD [9] .
Despite both catecholamines appearing to be important to The DA system
ADHD pathophysiology, the DA system has been the main focus At the circuit level, four major groups of neurons that diffuse DA in
to explain the disorder. The dopaminergic theory, proposed in the brain are located in the midbrain. One of these, the nigrostriatal
1991 by Levy, suggested that DA deficits in specific brain regions, pathway, has its cell bodies in the substantia nigra with projections
such as cortical areas and the striatum, could produce ADHD to the striatal structure (caudate nuclei and putamen). It is particu-
symptoms [10] . It seems to be consensus in the literature that a larly involved in the production of movement, as part of a system
fronto-subcortical dysfunction is responsible for at least part of called the basal ganglia motor loop. In another group, the meso-
the ADHD spectrum. Considering that these brain regions are limbic pathway, neurons project from the ventral tegmental area
rich in DA, the DA hypothesis still has an important role in to most of the structures in the limbic system (nucleus accumbens
understanding ADHD pathophysiology. [NAc], amygdala and hippocampus). It is known to be involved
New dopaminergic theories proposed that there is diminished in modulating behavioral responses to stimuli that activate feel-
anticipatory DA cell firing in children with ADHD, which was ings of reward (motivation) and reinforcement through the neuro­
termed DA transfer deficit (DTD). The DTD theory leads to spe- transmitter DA. The mesocortical DA pathway also originates in
cific and testable predictions for human and animal research [11] . the ventral tegmental area and projects to the prefrontal cortex
Functional problems in DA cell activity will not necessarily be (PFC), being involved in cognitive functioning. The last pathway,
observable as pathological alterations in brain structure. Dynamic the tuberoinfundibular pathway, transmits DA from the arcuate
imaging techniques able to resolve momentary variations in DA nucleus of the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland. DA released
release will be required to confirm the presence of DTD at the at this site regulates prolactin and luteinizing hormone secretion
biological level, therefore specific genetic variations in DA receptor from the anterior pituitary gland [13] .
and DA transporter function are not necessary for DTD. This Considering these main DA systems, three systems have been
model was compared and contrasted with the existing dynamic suggested to play a role in ADHD pathology. The mesolimbic and
developmental theory and the extended temporal difference mod- mesocortical pathways, also called the mesolimbocortical path-
els. The first two identify learning deficits as a key problem in way, as well as the nigrostriatal pathway are believed to control
ADHD, but this mechanism would seem at least as likely to cause functions that are altered in ADHD. For example, the NAc in the
other neurodevelopmental disorders. Learning deficits also do not mesolimbic pathway is suggested to be related to impulsivity [14] .
provide a natural account of ADHD performance worsening in The mesocortical pathway plays a role in selective attention and
longer trials, nor of stimulant action, nor of the high rate of test– working memory [15] , while DA dysfunction in the nigrostriatal
retest inconsistency. The extended temporal difference model is pathway is suggested to be involved in hyperactivity [16] .

588 Expert Rev. Neurother. 10(4), (2010)

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder & the dopaminergic hypotheses Review

According to Swanson and colleagues, both the circuit and syn- a variety of interventions are possible. Although these models
aptic DA systems are well defined [17] . They suggested a simplified can be useful to investigate ADHD etiology, they cannot be
model for the synaptic level that includes three distinct steps: considered a replacement of human disease studies [13] .
• Cell firing releases the neurotransmitter, which has a specific Each ADHD animal model provides unique insight into
receptor as a target; possible gene defects and environmental conditions that might
predispose an individual to ADHD, and so these will also be
• A transporter recycles some of the released neurotransmitter, considered [14] . Motor hyperactivity is one of the most striking
which regulates its temporal and special distribution in the abnormalities of ADHD. However, for an animal model to be
extracellular space; of value in determining the underlying neurotransmitter distur-
• Enzymes operate to metabolize the neurotransmitter and to bances of ADHD, it has, in addition, to mimic the other two
inactive it. major behavioral characteristics of ADHD, namely, impulsiveness
and an inability to sustain attention. An animal model for ADHD
The target receptors for DA in the brain belong to a fam- cannot be expected to accurately reflect all three major symptoms
ily of G-protein-coupled receptors and mediate the DA physi- of ADHD. At best, an animal model can provide clues to the
ological effects. There are two types of DA receptors, D1-like underlying neurotransmitter disturbances that may give rise to
and D2-like receptors. The D1-like receptors comprise D1- and ADHD symptoms. The usefulness of an animal model depends
D5-receptor subtypes that are associated with stimulation of on three main aspects: mimicking the fundamental ADHD char-
adenylate cyclase. The D2-like receptors comprise D2-, D3- acteristics (face validity), confirming an ADHD theoretical ratio-
and D4-receptor subtypes and these are associated with inhibi- nale (construct validity) and ability to predict aspects of behavior,
tion of adenylate cyclase. It is interesting to note that DA can genetics and neurobiology of ADHD (predictive validity).
be excitatory or inhibitory depending on the receptor subtype Several animal models have been suggested for ADHD. They
(D1-like receptors or D2-like receptors). Activation of D1-like can be obtained using neurotoxins to create specific lesions, such
receptors results in stimulation of adenylate cyclase, but D2-like as the neonatal DA-lesioned rat produced by administration
receptor activation will cause an inhibition of adenylate cyclase, of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) and the prenatal 5-bromo-
which inhibits cAMP production. Thus, binding of agonists 2´deoxyuridine rat treated with 5-bromo-2´deoxyuridine during
to D1-like or D2-like receptors serves to depolarize or hyper- gestation. Other models have been developed with a genetic basis.
polarize the cell membrane, respectively. The interpretation of These models include rat strains selected for behavior features
the dopaminergic role in the pathology of ADHD is therefore similar to those observed in ADHD patients; for example, the
complicated by the dual excitatory and inhibitory roles of this spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), the Wistar–Kyoto (WKY)
neurotransmitter [13] . derived hyperactivity rat and the Naples high-excitability rat.
All DA receptor subtypes are expressed in the brain in distinct but Other models, also based on genetics, are produced with specific
overlapping areas. D1 receptors are the most abundant and wide- genetic alterations; for example, the DAT-knockout (DAT-KO)
spread in areas receiving dopaminergic innervations (the striatum, without DAT gene expression and the DAT-knockdown, which
limbic system, thalamus and hypothalamus). D3 and D4 receptors expresses only 10% DAT when compared with wild-type levels.
are present in the limbic system and striatum. D2 receptors are The coloboma mutant mouse also has a specific genetic change
widespread in these areas, as well as in the pituitary gland. that is caused by a heterozygous mutation in chromosome 2.
The transporter that accounts for recycling in the DA system Van der Kooij and Glennon described and compared 14 ADHD
is the DA transporter (DAT). DAT is a solute carrier protein animal models [13] . All models described in that review dem-
responsible for the reuptake of DA from the synaptic cleft back to onstrated some kind of DA dysfunction. However, the authors
the presynaptic neuron. This protein is expressed selectively in all concluded that the neonatal 6-OHDA-lesioned rat and DAT-KO
DA neurons, including those originating in the substantia nigra mice have the highest degree of validity for ADHD; therefore,
and ventral tegmental area, with neuronal projections to the stria- these two models will be discussed further.
tum, NAc, PFC and hypothalamus. The relative concentrations 6-hydroxydopamine injected intracisternally is toxic to both
of DA, DAT and DA receptor densities are not consistent in all dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurons, but it is possible to
brain regions. In the caudate-putamen, NAc and substantia nigra, select only dopaminergic damage using a NA reuptake inhibi-
the ratio of these three components of DA signaling is similar, tor, which allows the study of DA loss alone. The administration
and the DAT is likely to be a major contributor to DA signaling of this drug to neonatal rats results in temporary hyperactivity
strength and duration [18] . as well as learning and memory deficits [19] showing face valid-
ity. This model also shows DRD4 receptor alterations presenting
Evidence from animal models: manipulations of the construct validity. Autoradiographic ana­lysis indicated that motor
dopaminergic system in animals are associated with hyperactivity in lesioned rats was closely correlated with increases
ADHD symptoms in D4 receptor binding, but not D2 receptor in the striatum. The
Animal models present several advantages over clinical cases, D4 receptor binding levels were not affected in the PFC or NAc.
the results may be easier to interpret because groups are geneti- Hyperactivity was strengthened after treating the animals with a
cally more homogenous, the environment can be controlled and D4 agonist and attenuated with a D4 antagonist [20] . One study 589
Review Genro, Kieling, Rohde & Hutz

that measured DAT binding after intracisternal 6-OHDA showed reinforcement and less sensitive to delayed reinforcement than
an increase in DAT gene expression [21] . This model also shows an nonhypertensive WKY control rats [31] . The behavioral and cog-
excellent predictive validity. The main drugs used to treat ADHD nitive deficits in the SHR are responsive to stimulants, including
(methylphenidate [MPH], amphetamine and atomoxetine) are amphetamine and MPH [33] . This model also presents construct
effective to reduce hyperactivity in this model [22] . The site of validity because several studies have shown that dopaminergic
injection is critical to the predictive validity because stimulants and noradrenergic neurotransmission is altered when compared
fail to attenuate hyperactivity in 6-OHDA lesions given intraven- with the WKY, strongly implicating these systems in ADHD
tricularly instead of intracisternally [23] . It is important to note that etiology [34,35] .
other neurotransmitter systems may be involved in hyperactivity Mill and colleagues sequenced three dopaminergic genes
since antagonizing both serotonin (5-HT) and NA transporters (DRD2, DRD4 and DAT1) in the SHR and WKY to identify
reduced motor hyperactivity as well [24] . between-strain sequence differences, but only the DAT1 gene
The DAT-KO mice display hyperactivity and have spatial showed variability [36] . Helms et al. reported that the DRD4-
learning impairments [25] . In the DAT-KO, striatal DA content knockout (D4-KO) and wild-type mice present similar levels
is decreased by 95% as well as striatal DA release by 75% to of impulsivity and novelty seeking, despite the observation that
compensate for the loss of DA reuptake [26] . In DAT-KO mice, DRD4 alterations seems to be important in 6-OHDA-lesioned
DA is cleared very slowly from the synaptic cleft causing a fivefold rats  [37] . D4-KO mice also corroborate the idea that the DRD4
elevation of extracellular DA in the striatum, a hyperdopaminer- gene shows little to no behavioral abnormalities related to ADHD
gic state. Unlike the SHR model, striatal DRD2 autoreceptors in animal models [37,38] .
are nonfunctional and postsynaptic DRD1 and DRD2 are down- Considering the role of DA in animal models, most suggest
regulated by approximately 50% in the striatum of DAT-KO a dysregulated DA system; however, they may be either hyper-
mice  [17] . The administration of stimulants to these animals or hypoactive. In the DAT-KO and DAT-knockdown model,
attenuates hyperactivity, which is intriguing considering DAT a downregulated DAT results in an attenuated reuptake of DA
blockade by MPH and amphetamine. One possible explanation that leads to observed hyperactivity as a consequence of increased
is that the DAT-KO mice remain with a DAT reserve. However, extracellular DA levels. These animal models are in marked con-
the most probable explanation is that these drugs have another trast to the SHR, the Naples high-excitability and the coloboma
mechanism of action. This model presents face validity, since they rodent models as they suggest a hypoactive DA system. These
show hyperactivity and impulsivity as well as construct validity, apparently opposed views may be explained in terms of the ‘dual-
because the DAT gene is the main alteration in this model. The pathway model’, with differential involvement of cortical and
DAT-KO model also shows predictive validity because stimulants subcortical mechanisms in different expressions of ADHD [39] .
normalize their behavior. Despite presenting a high degree of Evidence suggests that terminals of mesocortical, mesolimbic
validity, it also corroborates the role of 5-HT in ADHD behavior. and nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons of SHR release less DA in
Evidence for an association between 5-HT and ADHD comes response to electrical stimulation and/or depolarization as a result
from a report by Gainetdinov et al. showing that MPH decreases of exposure to high extracellular K+ concentrations than WKY.
hyperlocomotion in DAT1-knockout mice by increasing 5-HT Vesicular storage of DA was suggested to be impaired in SHR, caus-
neurotransmission [25] . Administration of fluoxetine (a selective ing leakage of DA into the cytoplasm and increased d-amphetamine-
serotonin reuptake inhibitor) was found to reduce hyperactivity induced transporter-mediated release. While electrically stimulated
produced by knocking out the DAT gene (DAT-KO) in mice and release of DA appears to be decreased in the PFC of SHR, suggest-
had no effect on wild-type animals. Furthermore, when DAT-KO ing hypodopaminergic function, autoreceptor-­mediated inhibition
mice were treated with 5-HT or with the dietary 5-HT precursor of norepinephrine release appears to be impaired in SHR, suggest-
(l-tryptophan), hyperactivity was significantly reduced. These ing that noradrenergic function may be poorly regulated in the PFC
findings demonstrate the importance of 5-HT in relation to of the SHR. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that
hyperactivity observed in DAT-KO mice [25] . the behavioral disturbances of ADHD are the result of an imbalance
Investigations with knockout mice that lack the 5-HT1B recep- between noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems in the PFC, with
tor have demonstrated hyperactivity, intense exploratory activity, inhibitory dopaminergic activity being decreased and noradrenergic
aggressive behavior and increased vulnerability to cocaine self- activity increased relative to controls [40] .
administration [27,28] . Another study has also shown in experi- It appears that neural transmission is impaired by either direct
ments that the absence of 5-HT1B receptors in mice is associated disruption of dopaminergic transmission or a more general
with important changes in physiology as well as in behavior [29] . impairment of neurotransmission, which gives rise to compensa-
Although the two models previously described presents a high tory changes in monoaminergic systems that are not sufficient to
degree of validity, the SHR is one of the most used ADHD ani- completely normalize neural function. In general, results obtained
mal models and also demonstrates a high degree of validity [30,31] . with animal studies suggest that DA neurons are functionally
The SHR shows a number of behaviors that are closely similar to impaired. However, evidence obtained from some animal mod-
those seen in children with ADHD, including motor hyperactiv- els suggests that the noradrenergic and serotoninergic neuro­
ity, increased impulsiveness and deficient sustained attention [32] . transmitter systems may be the target of drugs that ameliorate
Moreover, the SHR is more sensitive to immediate behavioral ADHD symptoms [41] .

590 Expert Rev. Neurother. 10(4), (2010)

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder & the dopaminergic hypotheses Review

Evidence from pharmacology: stimulant medication DA activates only the very sensitive presynaptic DA autoreceptors,
For more than 60 years, the mainstay of ADHD treatment has which will lead to an attenuation of DA release in response to a
been stimulants, which are believed to enhance neuro­transmission salient stimulus [51] . The second suggests that increased extra­
of DA and NA [42] . MPH is the most used stimulant to treat cellular DA subsequent to DAT blockade overcomes the inhibi-
ADHD and is among the most effective treatments for ADHD tory effects for activation of the presynaptic autoreceptors, leading
symptoms. Approximately 70% of children present a satisfactory to a net effect of DA accumulation in the synapse and subsequent
improvement, reducing on average 50% of symptoms. Because amplification of DA signals [46] . It is important to note that MPH
this drug inhibits the function of the DAT, increasing the level also affects the noradrenergic system, blocking noradrenaline
of DA in the synapse, this is one of the most important pieces of reuptake and increasing its extracellular levels. Therefore, there
evidence for the ADHD DA hypothesis. Another stimulant used is a third hypothesis considering this noradrenergic action, but
to treat ADHD is amphetamine. This drug also interacts with this discussion is beyond the scope of this review [52] .
the DA system but less specifically when compared with MPH. It
can act directly to block the DAT or on vesicular storage of DA, Evidence from brain imaging studies: is the ADHD
promoting DA release. Considering that MPH is more widely brain different?
used, we will concentrate our discussion on this drug. Recently, several reviews in ADHD neurobiology have indicated
For decades, basic research on the neurochemical and behavioral that individuals with ADHD have smaller brains when compared
actions of stimulants has focused on higher doses that induced loco- with controls [53,54] . In addition to this overall reduction, there
motor activity and promoted DA release in ventral and/or dorsal are some specific brain regions that have shown more important
striatum. In contrast to animal models, stimulant medication in differences. Two of these regions, the caudate nucleus and globus
humans used for ADHD treatment reduced locomotor activity and pallidus, which are both innerved by dopaminergic neurons, are
improved attentional focus [43] . Kuczenski and Segal published the smaller in ADHD patients than in controls. A meta-­a nalysis by
finding that solves this paradoxical action of stimulants in rats and Valera et al. confirmed a regional reduction in caudate (right),
humans in 2002 [44] . They demonstrated that low oral doses that as well as in cerebellum and corpus callosum [55] . Two notable
produce MPH blood levels similar to those detected in ADHD reports investigated brain structure over time. Castellanos et al.
patients could decrease locomotor activity in juvenile rats. tracked changes in anatomical sizes in a large sample of ADHD
Although the exact neurochemical mechanism of MPH action patients (n = 152) and controls (n = 139) [56] . They found that
is unknown, there is a consensus that this drug influences DA anatomical differences (smaller size) were present in childhood
transmission. Moreover, its action in the DA system is thought to and remained into adolescence, suggesting that these discrep-
be responsible for behavior and cognitive effects [45] . MPH binds ancies were due to an early environmental effect or genetics,
to the DAT acting like an indirect agonist. The DAT is the main or even a combination of both. Shaw et al. refined the speci-
mechanism by which the DA terminal removes the DA released. By fication of size from measures of cortical thickness, expanded
regulating the concentration of DA in the synapse, the DAT deter- the sample (233 cases and 233 controls), and classified ADHD
mines both the magnitude and the duration of the dopaminergic cases on the basis of outcome [57] . This study showed persistent
signal. Therefore, MPH induced blockade of DAT, and increased global differences between ADHD and controls, moreover the
DA concentrations in the synapse and extracellular space [46] . reductions in thickness of frontal and parietal brain regions in
Given an estimated median effective dose of 0.25 mg/kg for oral ADHD with better outcome were smaller than in the subgroup
MPH, therapeutic drug doses (0.3–0.6 mg/kg) can be expected with worse outcome; in the first ADHD group the thickness of
to occupy more than 50% of the DAT [47] . Before this study, oral parietal regions normalization was apparent due to differences
MPH had been traditionally considered a weak agent, much dif- in trajectory over time.
ferent from cocaine, assuming that not much of the drug would Functional MRI techniques are increasingly being applied to the
reach the brain since it is rapidly metabolized into ritalinic acid, study of brain activation in ADHD during cognitive and behav-
and thus would have minimal pharmalogical effects. The results ioral tasks. The initial functional MRI studies showed decreased
from this study indicated that therapeutic oral doses of MPH do activation of the DA pathway [58] . Recent studies have confirmed
reach the brain, that MPH has a strong affinity for DAT, and the that the patterns of hypoactivation of ventral prefrontal and infe-
site of activation of MPH in the living human brain was defined. rior parietal regions appear to be present in unaffected siblings
The synaptic [48] and circuit [49] effects of MPH were investigated of ADHD children as well as in ADHD cases [59] . Casey and
in subsequent PET studies with 11C-raclopride. Oral doses of MPH Durston reviewed studies that investigated brain activation during
displaced raclopride binding in the striatum, indicating increases tasks and demonstrated hypoactivation involving motor inhibition
in extrasynaptic DA, which supported the view that clinical MPH (frontal lobe) and task switching (prefrontal, temporal and parietal
doses produce their therapeutic effects by increasing DA and cor- regions) [60] .
recting an underlying DA deficit. Neto et al. also found this effect In vivo, SPECT could measure DAT density in the brain. The first
in a C-raclopride PET study of adolescents with ADHD [50] . SPECT study with DAT reported much higher than normal DAT
Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain the clinical density in striatum in adults [61] . This result was replicated by two
relevance of subcortical DAT blockade by MPH. The first sug- reports, one in adults [62] and the other in children [63] . Moreover,
gests that subsequent to DAT blockade increased extracellular in adults, treatment with MPH reduces transporter densities to 591
Review Genro, Kieling, Rohde & Hutz

near-normal levels [61,62] . Spencer and colleagues reviewed the first not necessary; consequently it is possible to disclose new genes in
eight studies and reported that in six, higher DAT density was disease etiology. On the other hand, it is difficult to find genes
observed in ADHD patients [64] . However, more recent studies with small effects, which is expected in complex diseases.
with larger samples did not detect differences between groups or Second, association studies. Genetic association studies have been
even lower DAT density in important regions such as the stria- largely employed to study ADHD genetics. Moreover, this approach
tum [65–68] . Volkow et al. analyzed ten studies and concluded that still represents a powerful tool to detect genes with a small effect in
a dramatically higher than normal DAT density was not apparent disease etiology. Two main association study designs were employed
in adults with ADHD, and in ADHD untreated cases the opposite in ADHD investigations: population-based with cases and controls,
may happen [68] . They suggested that DAT density might be plastic and family-based with a patient and his/her family, usually nuclear
and vary over time, dependent on homeostatic mechanisms that families (affected child, mother and father). In both approaches,
operate to maintain tonic levels of synaptic or extrasynaptic DA. investigators choose genes possibly related to the disease etiology. In
Therefore, considering this hypothesis, DAT density may respond the first, they compare allele frequencies between patients and con-
to DA levels. Moreover, this proposition could explain why patients trols. In family studies, the transmissions of alleles from parents to
under stimulant medication who present higher DA levels will affected offspring are considered and the frequencies are compared
present higher DAT density, which is also in agreement with the between trans­mitted and nontransmitted alleles. The advantage in
DA-deficit theory of ADHD. A recent study reported by Volkow family designs is that false-positive findings related to population
examined the D2/D3 receptors and DAT density in 53 nonmedi- stratification are avoided because family members act as an internal
cated adults with ADHD and 44 healthy controls [69] . They found control with the same ethnicity. However, they are more expensive
lower D2/D3 receptors and DAT availability in those with ADHD and complex than case–control studies, mainly in adult samples
compared with the control group in two key brain regions (accum- when it is much more difficult to access the parents. From both
bens and midbrain). Because these regions are involved in reward designs, it is possible to derive an odds ratio (OR) or relative risk
and motivation, these results corroborate impairment in the reward statistics, which assesses the magnitude of the association between
pathway to explain, in part, ADHD symptoms. disease and the allele. Recently, genome-wide association studies
have been highlighted in the ADHD genetics scenario. In this case,
Evidence from genetics studies: ADHD is among the similar to linkage scans, a priori hypotheses are not necessary. This
most heritable psychiatry disorders approach consists of the investigation of thousands of markers in
The risk of ADHD among children of parents with ADHD is an attempt to cover the whole genome and then compare allele fre-
increased by two- to eightfold when compared with the general quencies between cases and controls. The main concern with these
population [5] . Adoption studies, which allow separating genetics studies is that they require very large samples to reduce the risk of
and environmental influences, also suggest a significant genetic false-positive results derived from multiple analyses [72] .
contribution in disease etiology. Sprich et al. verified that ADHD In view of the importance of DA to explain the pathophysiology
rates are higher among biological relatives of nonadopted children of ADHD, the genes related to this neurotransmitter have been
than adoptive relatives of adopted ADHD children [70] . A meta- largely examined in ADHD genetics studies. Here we summarize
ana­lysis based on 20 twin studies estimated ADHD heritability the main results regarding these genes.
as 0.76, suggesting that ADHD is among the most heritable psy-
chiatry disorders [5] . Considering these facts it is not surprising The DAT gene (DAT1 or SLC6A3)
that genetics plays a key role in ADHD studies. There are at least three main reasons to credit a central role for this
There are two main approaches to ADHD molecular genetic gene in ADHD genetics. First, dopaminergic neurotransmission
studies. First, linkage studies. These studies require families or sib- is controlled by the DAT protein. Second, the DAT is the main
lings with affected members and the objective is to look for regions target for MPH. Lastly, ‘knockout’ mice for DAT1 lead to sugges-
that might harbor genes for the disease. It is based on the identity tive behavior of ADHD: hyperactivity and deficits in inhibitory
by descent scores for marker alleles. Assuming that siblings share behavior. All of this evidence corroborates the importance of DA
50% of the parental genome, alleles that co-occur more frequently in ADHD etiology.
in siblings than expected suggest a disease locus. The logarithm The DAT1 (SLC6A3) gene is mapped on chromosome
of the ratio of probability of linkage versus the probability against 5p15.3 [73] and consists of 15 exons separated by 14 introns that
linkage of a marker with a phenotype is termed ‘logarithm of span more than 52 kb. The protein-coding portion begins within
the odds’ (LOD) score. Lander and Kruglyak proposed that for exon 2 and ends near the beginning of exon 15. This gene presents
nonparametric studies LOD scores of greater than 3.6 indicate strong conservation in its coding portion, but there are many
definite evidence of linkage, between 3.6 and 2.2 is suggestive polymorphisms in the intronic and regulatory regions.
evidence of linkage, and above 2.2 indicates no evidence  [71] . The most investigated DAT1 polymorphism in ADHD is a
Recently, genome-wide linkage scans have been performed. In 40-bp repeat sequence variable number tandem repeat (VNTR)
these studies many DNA markers across the entire genome were polymorphism located in the 3´-untranslated region. The ten-repeat
examined to determine if any chromosomal regions were shared (480 bp, 71.9%) and nine-repeat (440 bp, 23.4%) are the most
more often than expected among ADHD family members. The common alleles, although these frequencies vary among different
major advantage of this approach is that a priori hypotheses are populations [74] . The first genetic association study performed with

592 Expert Rev. Neurother. 10(4), (2010)

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder & the dopaminergic hypotheses Review

ADHD examined this polymorphism and described an association DA D2 receptor gene (DRD2) has been mapped to chromosome
between the ten-repeat allele and the disease [75] . Several other stud- 11q23.1 [109] . The association studies with this gene have been
ies from different countries and with different methodologies tried focused on a Taq I restriction site polymorphism. However, sev-
to replicate this finding. Approximately half reported a positive eral reports have shown that this variant is located more than
association between the ten-allele and ADHD [76–83] , but the other 10 kb downstream from the DRD2 gene in an exon of a neighbor-
half did not find support for this association [84–96] . Two pooled ing gene, ANKK1. Gizer et al. [100] included three trans­mission
analyses of family-based association studies reveal a significant but disequilibrium tests [110–112] and three case–control studies [113–115]
very small effect of this VNTR on ADHD, with an odd pooled in their meta-ana­lysis and did not detect an association in random
ratio of 1.13 and 1.17 [5,97] , while two other meta-analyses showed effects ana­lysis.
no significant association between this polymorphism and the dis-
order [98,99] . A recent meta-ana­lysis with 34 independent studies The DA D3 receptor gene (DRD3)
with family and population designs confirmed a modest, but sig- The DA D3 receptor is expressed in the NAc and the striatum
nificant, association between the ten-allele and ADHD (OR: 1.12; and seems to play an important role in incentive learning [116] .
95% CI: 1.00–1.27; p = 0.028). They also detected substantial The DA D3 receptor gene (DRD3) has been mapped to chro-
heterogeneity in effect sizes across studies [100] . mosome 3q.13.3 and contains a functional polymorphism in
In an attempt to better understand these conflicting results, exon 1 that results in an amino acid change (Ser9Gly; rs6280).
another VNTR in intron 8 of the DAT1 gene has been investi- Barr et al. published the first study between ADHD and this
gated in several studies. This VNTR is a 30-bp repeat sequence gene in 2000 [117] . They examined the polymorphism in exon 1
with two common alleles of five and six repeats. Three reports and another polymorphism in intron  5 and reported no evi-
found an association between the specific haplotype derived from dence for association for either variant. Gizer et  al. [100] put
the two VNTRs (10-6 alleles) with ADHD [87,101,102] , but in one together this study [117] and five more studies with the exon 1
Brazilian sample this association was not detected [103] . More poly­morphism  [87,110,114,118,119] and concluded that this poly­
recently, variants in the promoter region of the gene were also morphism is not associated with the disease. Two other studies
associated with ADHD  [102,103] . These results, taken together, investigated additional SNPs and failed to detect an association
suggest that other regions of this gene might also be important, with ADHD  [87,118] , suggesting that perhaps this gene is not
and that allelic heterogeneity must be considered in association important for ADHD etiology.
studies with distinct populations.
The DA D4 receptor gene (DRD4)
The DA D1 receptor gene (DRD1) Dopamine, in addition to noradrenaline, is a potent agonist of
The D1 receptors are also present in important brain regions for the DA D4 receptor and it is prevalent in frontal–subcortical
ADHD, such as the PFC and striatum, and have been shown networks implicated in ADHD pathophysiology. The DRD4 gene
to influence working memory processes [104] , which appear to is located on chromosome 11p15.5 and was first associated with
be impaired in ADHD [53] . The DA D1 receptor gene (DRD1) the novelty-seeking personality trait [120,121] . Because this trait is a
is located at chromosome 5q35.1. It is similar to DRD5 in struc- common behavior in ADHD, the gene attracted interest for asso-
ture and function and also consists of a single exon [105] . Misener ciation studies with ADHD. Most DRD4 association studies have
et al. conducted the first association study between this gene and examined a highly polymorphic VNTR variant in exon 3, which
ADHD  [106] . They tested four biallelic variants and their derived presents two to 11 copies of a 48-bp repeat sequence. In the gen-
haplotypes, and found an association with one of the three common eral population, the most prevalent alleles are the four- (~67%),
haplotypes identified (haplotype 3) with ADHD and a stronger seven- (~12%) and two- (~10%) repeat alleles, but the frequen-
association with inattentive symptoms. In another study, this group cies of these alleles vary widely in human populations [122] . The
examined the same haplotype in families with reading problems DRD4 gene and the DAT1 gene were the most studied genes in
and verified the same previous association with inattentive behav- ADHD. La Hoste et al. were the first to report an association
ior suggesting that this gene could be important in the etiology of between the seven-repeat allele of this VNTR and ADHD [123] .
inattention. Bobb et al. also reported an association between two A large number of investigations tried to replicate this initial
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the DRD1 gene and finding, but discordant results have been found. The first meta-
ADHD  [107] , but Brookes and colleagues did not find an associa- ana­lysis of the association between the seven-repeat allele and
tion between this gene and ADHD [87] . Because few studies were ADHD described a statistically significant association in both
conducted for this gene, a meta-ana­lysis was not performed. This case–control (OR: 1.45) and family-based (OR: 1.16) studies [5] .
gene could be important for ADHD, mainly in inattentive type, but These results were further confirmed by two other meta-analyses.
more studies are needed to understand its role in ADHD. Li and colleagues reported a pooled OR of 1.34 in 33 studies [98] ,
whereas Gizer et al. confirmed the previous reports with a modest,
The DA D2 receptor gene (DRD2) but significant, association (OR: 1.33) [100] .
The DA D2 receptor is expressed in several brain regions relevant A small number of studies have assessed other DRD4 poly­
to ADHD, such as the basal ganglia and PFC, and it plays a morphisms. McCracken and colleagues found an association
key role in regulating the mesolimbic reward pathway [108] . The between ADHD and a 5´ 120-bp duplication [124] , but four other 593
Review Genro, Kieling, Rohde & Hutz

reports failed to replicate this association [86,95,125,126] . Arcos- the German sample  [136] . Ogdie et al. performed a pooled ana­
Burgos et al. reported an association with a haplotype including lysis with 424 ADHD-affected sib-pairs and suggested genetic
this marker and the exon 3 polymorphism [127] . Gizer et al. also heterogeneity and a common risk locus at 5p13 [142] .
included this polymorphism in their meta-ana­lysis and found Zhou et al. published a meta-ana­lysis of genome-wide linkage
no association with ADHD [100] . Another polymorphism in this scans of ADHD including all of the papers cited above [143] . This
region, a SNP located 521-bp upstream of the transcription start ana­lysis showed that one of the regions that presented nominal
site (-521 C/T; rs1800955), was included in this meta-ana­lysis suggestive linkage is in chromosome 5p; however, the region
and showed a significant association with ADHD (OR: 1.21) observed in this study is a little away from 5p.13.
from five studies [86,119,128–130] .
Expert commentary
The DA D5 receptor gene (DRD5) Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnosis is primarily clini-
The DA D5 receptor is highly expressed in the hippocampus cal. However, it is important to note that ADHD is a very hetero-
and related structures, and is thought to be involved in the geneous disorder considering its clinical expression. The subtypes
induction of long-term potentiation related to novel events [131] . defined in DSM-IV, for example, already point to important differ-
The DA D5 receptor gene (DRD5) consists of a single exon ences in symptom manifestation according to patient diagnosis. In
and has been mapped to chromosome 4p15.3. This gene con- addition, a wide range of concomitant psychiatric diagnoses often
tains a highly polymorphic dinucleotide repeat in the 5´ region co-occur with ADHD. Moreover, there are individual differences
presenting 12 alleles ranging from 134 to 156 bps in length, in terms of persistence, as approximately half of patients continue to
with the 148-bp allele being the most common [132] . The first present with clinical symptoms in adulthood. In addition, there are
association study between this gene and ADHD was published distinct treatment approaches and different responses to treatment.
in 1999. Daly et al. reported a preferential transmission of the It is probable that this complexity in ADHD phenotype reflects a
148-bp allele from parents to probands [77] . Two meta-­a nalyses complexity in its etiology. In fact, despite the vast amount of studies
confirmed this association. The most recent meta-ana­lysis in this field, ADHD etiology remains poorly understood.
included six transmission disequilibrium test studies and three In this present review, we summarized four distinct lines
case–control studies [84,107,133] and confirmed a moderate, but of evidence that corroborate the DA role in ADHD etiology.
significant, association between the 148-bp allele and ADHD Nevertheless, it is necessary to note that a single theory probably
(OR: 1.23). could not explain all ADHD complexity.
Other markers in this gene have also been described to be asso- In relation to the first line of evidence described here from
ciated with ADHD. Hawi et al. detected an association with a animal models, it can be concluded that although the role of DA
3´ untranslated region SNP and with three haplotypes derived in the pathogenesis of ADHD is unambiguous, focusing on this
from four markers investigated, the two polymorphisms already neurotransmitter alone is an oversimplification. For example, the
mentioned and two additional 5´ microsatelite markers [80] . two models that present the highest degree of validity for ADHD,
the 6-OHDA and DAT-KO, show a paradox. Although both
Linkage studies animal models have hyperactivity and are calmed by stimulants,
Linkage results also corroborate the role of DA in ADHD huge differences in the extracellular DA level are associated with
genetics. Genome-linkage scans have been initiated recently, the same phenotype. Furthermore, in the DAT-KO the calming
but they have presented a rapid increase rate in ADHD genetic effect of stimulants has been attributed to their inhibitory effect
studies. The most used design is based on sib-pairs, but stud- on the 5-HT transporter [25] .
ies with extended families have also been published. Several Regarding the evidence from stimulant pharmacology, there
reports from different countries have performed linkage ana­ is no doubt that stimulants are effective in ADHD treatment
lysis. Five have used sib-pairs: Ogdie et al. analyzed 270 sib- and interact with the DA system. However, there are two impor-
pairs from the USA [134] , Bakker et al. 164 sib-pairs from the tant points to discuss here. First, the stimulant medication also
Netherlands  [135] , Hebebrand et al. 155 German sib-pairs [136] , interacts with the noradrenergic system and this innervation is
Faraone et al. 600 sib-pairs from the USA [137] and Asherson denser than dopaminergic innervation in the cortex [144] . The
et al. 142 pairs from eight European countries [138] . Two have second point here is that nonstimulant medications could also
performed family studies: Arcos-Burgos et al. investigated 16 be effective to treat the disorder. More recently, atomoxetine,
extended and multigenerational families from a genetic isolate in which was used as an antidepressant, is now being used to treat
Colombia [139] and Romanos et al. analyzed eight extended pedi- ADHD. This drug blocks the noradrenaline transporter thereby
grees of Germans with high-resolution linkage mapping  [140] . inhibiting noradrenaline reuptake, but DA can also utilize the
Although the maximum LOD scores reported in these studies do noradrenaline transporter [145] . Another important point is that,
not coincide, the only region for which the Dutch, German and despite MPH being very effective to treat ADHD, approximately
US studies found a LOD score of greater than 1 is on chromo- 30% of children do not respond to this drug, suggesting that
some 5p13, which is near to the location of the DAT1. Friedel other etiological factors must be considered in ADHD clinical
et al. [141] suggested that genetic variation in DAT1 at least par- expression. Therefore, a more integrative scenario will possibly
tially explained the linkage peak on chromosome 5p observed in better explain the role of pharmacotherapy in ADHD symptoms.

594 Expert Rev. Neurother. 10(4), (2010)

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder & the dopaminergic hypotheses Review

Concerning brain-imaging studies, there is enough evidence Although animal models have been useful to understand
showing that ADHD patients have differences in the brain when ADHD etiology, it is difficult to extrapolate these results for
compared with people without the diagnosis. These findings are human diseases. Determining the status of multiple neurotrans-
mainly related to size and activation patterns; moreover, brain mitter systems (notably DA, NA, 5-HT and their metabolites)
structures innerved by DA, such as the caudate nucleus and in specific brain areas (in particular those in the NAc, PFC
globus pallidus, have shown differences in ADHD patients. [particularly the orbitofrontal cortex], basolateral amygdala
However, again it is difficult to suppose that only these DA and striatum) in ADHD patients and in relevant animal mod-
brain areas are important to disease pathophysiology consid- els may clarify the complex interplay of neurotransmitter dis-
ering the wide spectrum of ADHD behavior. Recently, other turbances resulting in ADHD. An imbalance between differ-
brain structures not innerved by DA have also been implicated ent neurotransmitter systems, including DA, NA and 5-HT,
in ADHD neurobiology. and perhaps dysregulation of firing states in specific neuronal
Evidences from classical genetic studies suggested that ADHD populations could underlie ADHD symptoms although this
is among the most heritable psychiatric disorders. Regarding this remains to be clarified [13] . Concerning ADHD pharmacology,
strong genetic contribution in ADHD etiology, many association despite the high efficacy of ADHD medications, these treat-
studies have been performed to disclose which genes are important ments remain palliative, not curative, leaving patients with much
to this contribution. Because DA has a significant role to explain residual disability. One hope for genetic studies is the potential
ADHD neurobiology, genes related to the DA system were among for the discovery of new biological pathways and new targets for
the first to be examined. The DAT1 and DRD4 genes have been treatment [146] . In a recent review of the five genome-wide asso-
the most extensively studied genes in ADHD molecular studies. ciation studies, Franke and colleagues have shown that none of
Despite conflicting results, recent meta-­analyses corroborate the the individual investigations report any association that remains
role of these genes in ADHD genetics [100] . The DRD1 and DRD5 significant at the genome-wide level after correction for mul-
genes also seem to have a small role in ADHD susceptibility. tiple testing [147] . However, the most important finding is that
These results corroborate the ADHD DA hypothesis, although there is little evidence supporting a role for the ‘classic’ ADHD
it is important to mention that all these genes have a very small genes, namely the ones related to dopaminergic, noradrenergic
effect in disease risk. On the other hand, since the DA system and serotonergic systems. On the other hand, genes related to
could not explain all ADHD complexity, genes not related to DA other neurotransmission and cell–cell communication systems
should also be considered in genetic studies. Indeed, other genes are suggested, including processes such as cell division, adhe-
have been confirmed by meta-ana­lysis to play a role in ADHD sion and polarity, neuronal migration and plasticity, extracellular
genetics; for example, genes related to the serotoninergic system, matrix regulation and cytoskeletal remodeling. Thus, although
such as 5HTT and HTR1B, or even genes related with more gen- without statistically significant results (probably because of the
eral functions, such as SNAP25, which codes a protein involved insufficient power in all studies), the findings from genome-
in axonal growth and synaptic plasticity [100] . Collaborative stud- wide approaches indicate a whole range of new and promising
ies with large samples and meta-analysis approaches could help possibilities for ADHD molecular genetic studies. In relation to
us to understand the genetic complexity in ADHD. The main the neurobiological studies in ADHD, it should be noted that
conclusions regarding these studies are that there is a lot of hetero­ these data provide insights into cause and pathophysiology, but
geneity between association studies, and despite high ADHD more work is needed before they can be considered diagnostically
heritability, each isolated genetic factor has a very small effect in useful. For the genetic evidences the case is not much different.
disease susceptibility. It seems to be premature to consider genetic factors in ADHD
The investigations performed to date on ADHD are far from diagnosis. Perhaps future studies with more genes and/or genetic
conclusive. Many more studies are still needed to raise new bio- environmental interactions could help in knowledge application.
logical hypotheses linked to neurotransmission and neurodevel-
opment in general in order to define new candidate genes for Financial & competing interests disclosure
association studies with ADHD. Knowledge of such genes will Luis A Rohde was on the speakers’ bureau and/or acted as a consultant for
allow us to identify specific biological markers. In addition, defin- Eli-Lilly, Janssen-Cilag and Novartis in the last 3 years. Currently, his
ing target genes is the first step toward the development of novel only industry-related activity is taking part in the advisory board/speakers’
drug therapies for ADHD. bureau for Eli Lilly, Novartis and Shire (less than US$10,000 per year
and reflecting less than 5% of his gross income per year). The ADHD and
Five-year view Juvenile Bipolar Disorder Outpatient Programs chaired by him received
Much effort has been made in the scientific community to unrestricted educational and research support from the following pharma-
uncover ADHD neurobiological bases, and although we have ceutical companies in the last 3 years: Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli-
obtained huge advances, there is still a lot of work to be done. Lilly, Janssen-Cilag and Novartis. The authors have no other relevant
According to Kieling et al., the transition from a phenomenologi- affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with
cally based classification system toward an etiologic and neurode- a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or
velopmentally oriented framework will require a substantial body materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed.
of evidence to be accumulated and synthesized [54] . No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this manuscript. 595
Review Genro, Kieling, Rohde & Hutz

Key issues
• Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common psychiatric condition that affects approximately 5.3% of children
worldwide and it is defined by a combination of symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity.
• Although it is known that genetic and environmental factors are important in ADHD, how these factors influence the brain and
consequently behavior is still in debate.
• There is increasing agreement that dysregulation of frontostriatal circuits may underlie many of the behavioral symptoms of ADHD,
which corroborates the dopaminergic hypothesis to explain the disorder.
• The main goal of the present review is to show evidence from different areas that supported the idea that an altered dopamine (DA)
system underlies ADHD.
• Evidence from animal models: manipulations of the dopaminergic system in animals are associated with symptoms of inattention and
or hyperactivity/impulsivity.
• Evidence from pharmacology: the stimulants used to treat ADHD act in the DA system.
• Evidence from brain imaging studies: the brain regions innerved by DA show abnormalities in ADHD patients.
• Evidences from genetic studies: ADHD presents high heritability, and genes related to DA system are associated with the disorder.

deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a meta- 15 Davids E, Zhang K, Tarazi FI,

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145 Bymaster FP, Katner JS, Nelson DL et al. Affiliations • Luis A Rohde
Atomoxetine increases extracellular levels of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Division,
• Júlia P Genro
norepinephrine and dopamine in prefrontal Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Federal
Departamento de Genética, Universidade
cortex of rat: a potential mechanism for University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto
efficacy in attention deficit/hyperactivity • Mara H Hutz
Alegre, Brazil
disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology 27(5), Departamento de Genética, Instituto de
699–711 (2002). • Christian Kieling
Biociências, UFRGS, Caixa Postal 15053,
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Division,
146 Neale BM, Faraone SV. Perspective on the 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre,
genetics of attention deficit/hyperactivity Tel.: +55 513 308 6720
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul,
disorder. Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Fax: +55 513 308 7311
Genet. 147B(8), 1334–1336 (2008).
147 Franke B, Neale BM, Faraone SV.
Genome-wide association studies in ADHD.
Hum. Genet. 126(1), 13–50 (2009). 601

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