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| Airbus A320 FMGS Free Play Trainer |

| Version 3.03 RELEASE NOTES |
| (c) FAROS JULY 1999 |

This file lists the points which have changed between the version V3.02
and the version V3.03 of the Airbus-A320 FMGS Free-Play Trainer software.

1. For the ACARS simulation, several MCDU pages that were not saved in Lesson Plan
are now.

2. Correction of NWA#129 (inhibition of selected heading update with current

heading when
"entering" a lateral discontinuity and HDG mode already engaged.

3. Correction of the software crash that occurred in 3D Dual Side when the aircraft
the Holding Exit Fix of a holding pattern.

4. Correction of the impossibility to perform a second flight after a landing,

existing the simulation. The aircraft did not take-off : it accelerates on the
runway but
never rotates.

5. Correction of NWA#114, NWA#116, NWA#117, NWA#119, NWA#121, NWA#122, NWA#123,

NWA#125, NWA#126, NWA#127, NWA#128.

| Airbus A320 FMGS Free Play Trainer |
| Version 3.02 RELEASE NOTES |
| (c) FAROS FEBRUARY 1999 |

This file lists the points which have changed between the version V3.01
and the version V3.02 of the Airbus-A320 FMGS Free-Play Trainer software.

! CAUTION: this software in 3D configuration MUST be used with firmware REV2.2 !
! or higher for the FCU (see item 3 below). !

1. A bug introduced by the Dual-Side update for the 3D configuration was

corrected :
"ILS" and "FD" lights did not come up on First Officer side, in case of a Single
Side First Officer configuration.

2. For the 3D configuration, the ND Display LEDs on the EFIS Control Panels
are now restored in the configuration saved in Lesson Plans.

3. The baro setting in InHg is improved. This explains why the software release
V3.02 requires the FCU EPROMs V2.2 to work properly. If the software is used
with older EPROMs, the baro value can not be set on the FCU.

| Airbus A320 FMGS Free Play Trainer |
| Version 3.01 RELEASE NOTES |
| (c) FAROS DECEMBER 1998 |

This file lists the points which have changed between the version V3.00
and the version V3.01 of the Airbus-A320 FMGS Free-Play Trainer software.

1. A new HtoDB.exe database converter (Version 3.10). This new release

adds the "A/P REGION" field to the WAYPOINTS database.

2. The 3D and 3DFM software can use the A340-like MCDU faceplate.

3. When the directory indicated for the Memo files does not exist, the software
will create it.

4. Lesson Plans are sorted by alphabetical order and a default Lesson Plan
is proposed.

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