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Green roofs - construction and functional requirements for four

buildings on the IST campus

Morvarid Mobasheri

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in


Supervisors: Professora Ana Paula Filipe Tomé

Professor Mário Miguel Franco Marques de Matos

Examination Committee
President: Professor Manuel de Arriaga Brito Correia Guedes

Supervisor: Professora Ana Paula Filipe Tomé

Members of the Committee: Professora Maria da Glória de Almeida Gomes

October 2014
This thesis would not have been possible without the help and the guidance of some valuable
people, who gave me help and assistance in many ways.

Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. Ana Tomé for the
continuous support of my Master study and research, for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm,
and immense knowledge. Her guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of
this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my Master study.
Besides my advisor, I would like to thank my Co-supervisor: Prof. Mário Matos, for his
encouragement, insightful comments and his collaboration.

Also I thank prof. Pedro Guilherme Sampaio Viola Parreira that had collaboration with
structural analysis of the thesis.

Architects Cindy Marquez and Marcelo Silva are the others I want to thank for the kindly
availability of their thesis.

Last but not the least; I would like to thank my family: my husband, my parents Mohammad
Reza Mobasheri and Soroor Hekmat Ara for giving birth to me at the first place and
supporting me spiritually throughout my life.
University campuses are cosmopolitan environments characterized by a continuous activity,
24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Arrangement of all operational functions in labs,
equipment and multi-functional spaces in order to provide effective energy consumption is a
challenging task. Processes to improve the energy and thermal performance in buildings that
are represented by university campuses have positive collateral consequences especially
regarding awareness of the academic population. Green roofs can be part of those methods
since they can simultaneously provide pleasurable spaces to live and improve the energy
performance of the built environment.

Around the world several university campuses are adopting a sustainable perspective to
present themselves as credible and innovative spaces aiming to polarize students and
researchers. This thesis is developed in the scope of the research investigation project of IST,
the “Sustainable Campus - Energy Efficiency in IST: From Theory to Practice” which aims to
improve the energy efficiency in IST campus.

In this project, for choosing the best solution to execute green roof, four case studies in IST
are considered. Various types of green roofs with different components and maintenance
methods are defined. Deciding on the best method for extensive green roof´s execution for
selected case study is also illustrated. Furthermore, thermal analysis of the selected case study
with and without green roof is simulated. Besides that, the architectural alternatives and
different details of selected case study with and without green roof are presented. There are
two main architectural alternatives. In the first alternative whole roof spaces of the selected
case study is covered with extensive green roof. In this alternative there is no public
accessibility to the roof. In the second alternative beside extensive green roof, a part of roof is
assigned to the public space. This alternative has public accessibility. There are three different
presented designs for green roof with pubic accessibility.

It is concluded that covering whole roof surfaces of the case study with extensive green roof is
more affordable with sufficient energy efficiency aspects.

Key words: Green roof, Structural evaluation, Extensive green roof, Intensive green roof,
Ecotect analysis.

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... V
1.1. CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABILITY ................................................................................ 2
1.2. DIFFERENT TYPES OF GREEN ROOFS ..................................................................... 2
1.3. ADVANTAGES OF GREEN ROOF .............................................................................. 5
1.4. HISTORY OF GREEN ROOF ........................................................................................ 8
1.5. GREEN ROOF TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................. 13
SOUTH TOWERS .................................................................................................................... 26
2.1. STRUCTURAL SURVEYING OF THE CASE STUDIES .......................................... 27
2.3. ROOF ACCESSIBILITY ............................................................................................... 44
2.4. ARCHITECTURAL ALTERNATIVES........................................................................ 48
2.5. THERMAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ........................................................... 59
2.6. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 61
2.7. ANALYZING MONTHLY LOADS DATA ................................................................. 64
2.8. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ....................................................................................... 70
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION................................................................................... 75
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 80
FIGURE AND TABLE REFERENCES…………………………………………………….. 84

Figure 1-1: Intensive green roof 3
Figure 1-2: Extensive green 4
Figure 1-3: Ziggurats of ancient Mesopotamia 8
Figure 1-4: Babylon 8
Figure 1-5: Asian Crossroads over the Sea 9
Figure 1-6: Geno Haus 10
Figure 1-7: City Hall 10
Figure 1-8: Chiropractic center 10
Figure 1-9: Chiropractic center 11
Figure 1-10: School of Art and Design 12
Figure 1-11: The Solaire, New York 12
Figure 1-12: Nine Houses 12
Figure 1-13:Historial de la Vendée 13
Figure 1-14:Sun Moon Lake’s green-roofed 13
Figure 1-15: California Academy of Sciences 13
Figure 1-16: Plaza de Lisboa / walking Clerics 13
Figure 1-17: Comparing drainage type 16
Figure 1-18: Nominal thickness of drainage 17
Figure 1-19: Lay protection mat, method 1 of executing of green roof 18
Figure 1-20: Install drain access boxes, method 1 of executing of green roof green roof 18
Figure 1-21: drainage plate 18
Figure 1-22: Install retaining edges, method 1 of executing green roof 19
Figure 1-23: Lay drain pates, method 1 of executing green roof 20
Figure 1-24: Lay separation fabric, method 1 of executing green roof 20
Figure 1-25: Spread gravel perimeter, method 1 of execution green roof 20
Figure 1-26: Spread soil, method 1 of executing green roof 20
Figure 1-27: Plant, method 1 of executing green roof 21
Figure 1-28: Install drainage system, method 2 of executing green roof 21
Figure 1-29: Spread granular, method 2 of executing green roof 22
Figure 1-30: Install drain access boxes, Method 3 of executing green roof 23
Figure 1-31: System with drainage mats, method 3 of executing structure of green roof 24
Figure 1-32: Lay drainage mat, Method 3 of executing 25
Figure 2.1: IST Campus roof plan 27
Figure 2.2: Central building 28
Figure 2.3: North tower building 29
Figure 2.4: Concrete core on the North and South tower´s roof top 29
Figure 2.5: Ventilation system on roof of South tower 30
Figure 2.6: Structural plan of two towers 31
Figure 2.7: Civil building 32
Figure 2.8: Pillars in the 3ro floor of the Civil building 33
Figure 2.9: Amianto tiles on top of the Civil building 35
Figure 2.10: Current situation of the roof in Civil building 36
Figure 2.11: New insulation for executing of the green roof on Civil building 37
Figure 2.12: proposed protection mat and drain boxes in Civil building 39
Figure 2.13: Proposed retaining edges and lay drain plan in the Civil building 40
Figure 2.14: Proposed separation fabric for the Civil building 41
Figure 2.15: Proper plant species for our case study 42
Figure 2.16: Current stairs in the 3rd floor for accessing to the roof 44
Figure 2.17: Plans of the main stairs in first, second and the 3rd floor 45
Figure 2.18: Outside views of the stairs boxes 45

Figure 2.19: The accessibility to the stairs of the 3rd floor 46
Figure 2.20: Facade of the building that the glassy elevators are situated 47
Figure 2.21: Elevator type is used for the case 47
Figure 2.22: Other facades of the Civil building 48
Figure 2.23: Proposed extensive green roof for all free spaces on the Civil building´s roof top 49
Figure 2.24: Proposed first alternative of extensive green roof and public spaces on the Civil 50
building´s roof top
Figure 2.25: Proposed public zone in the first alternative 51
Figure 2.26: Section of first architectural alternative 51
Figure 2.27: Hand sketches of the first architectural alternative 52
Figure 2.28: Proposed second alternative of extensive green roof and public spaces on the Civil 53
building´s roof top
Figure 2.29: Proposed public zone in the second alternative 54
Figure 2.30: Section of second architectural alternative 54
Figure 2.31: Hand sketches of the second architectural alternative 55
Figure 2.32: Proposed third alternative of extensive green roof and public spaces on the Civil 56
building´s roof
Figure 2.33: Proposed public zone in the third alternative 57
Figure 2.34: Section of third architectural alternative 57
Figure 2.35: Hand sketches of the third architectural alternative 58
Figure 2.36: PPD thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof of 14 of January 61
Figure 2.37: PPD thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof in 6 of September 62
Figure 2.38: Thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof of 14 January (10ºC- 40ºC) 62
Figure 2.39: Thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof of 14 January (10Cº- 20Cº) 63
Figure 2.40: Thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof of 6 September (10ºC- 40ºC) 63
Figure 2.41: Thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof of 6 of September (20ºC- 40ºC) 64
Figure 2.42: Selected offices for the thermal loads analysis 64
Figure 2.43: Thermal loads before green roof for offices in the 3rd floor 65
Figure 2.44: Thermal loads after green roof for offices in the 3rd floor 67
Figure 2.45: Differences of thermal loads before and after green roof 69
Figure 2.46: Detail of the current roof near the wall 70
Figure 2.47: Detail of the considered green roof near the wall 70
Figure 2.48: Detail of the considered drip irrigation system 71
Figure 2.49: Detail of the current roof near the joint interruption 72
Figure 2.50: Detail of the considered green roof near the joint interruption 72
Figure 2.51: Detail of the considered green roof near the joint interruption 73
Figure 2.52: Detail of the considered drainage box for green roof system 74


Table ‎1-1: Different characteristics of intensive and extensive green roofs ............................................................ 4
Table ‎1-2: Method 1 (system designation) of executing structure of green roof .................................................. 19
Table ‎1-3: Method 2 (system designation) of executing structure of green roof .................................................. 22
Table ‎1-4: Method 3 (system designation) of executing structure of green roof .................................................. 24
Table ‎2-1: Characteristics of the case studies ........................................................................................................ 33

This dissertation chooses as target study green roof theme, aims its learning more about the
role played by these types of roofs, in particular, to save and improve energy performance
inside the buildings, and to comprehend several benefits in the long-term. This study was
carried on at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) particularly in the scope of the research project
“Sustainable Campus” which aims to present a methodology to improve energy performance
in IST Campus. We surveyed four different types of buildings at IST Campus, to understand
what the current situations of buildings are, and to choose the best option of green roofs for
them (for those buildings have enough structural power to bear the extra weight of green
roof). Also we evaluate the buildings thermal behavior with and without green roof, using
Ecotect simulation tool.

The roof is one of the many ways that buildings can be designed and constructed in a more
sustainable manner. The roof surface can easily be overlooked the space that can be designed
into an environmental amenity for the building. The rooftop is typically the same size as the
building's footprint and is the structure's prime barrier against precipitation and solar
radiation. To the extent that the roof surface can be transformed into useful space, the building
becomes economically and functionally more efficient and can have a more benign effect on
the surrounding landscape (Carter et al, 2008).

Nowadays, seems roofs technology is in all around the world, with the aim of frugality in
consuming energy, more cleaning and aesthetic aspects in urban spaces. The origins of green
roofs began thousands years ago. The most famous green roofs were the Hanging Gardens of
Babylon. Modern green roofs are made of a system of layers placed over the roof to support
soil medium and vegetation. This was developed in Germany in the 1960s, and has spread
over many countries since then. Green roofs are also becoming increasingly popular in the
United States, although they are not as common as in Europe (Magill, 2011).

Green roofs optimize energy efficiency inside the building. This technology can help the
owners to benefit greatly from warmer inside´s temperature at winter and cooler one at the
summer. Thus, the cost of heating and cooling can be reduced noticeably.

Green roof is one of the best mechanisms to save rainfall´s water, and considering the rate of
rainfall in the winter in Portugal, it can be a great chance to save this water to use it for other

Acoustic insulation can be considered another advantage of green roofs. This is a good option
for environment as we need more silence in various places like educational centers,
amphitheaters, expeditions, libraries, etc.

It is true that any roofs that have a waterproofing material can encounter a serious problem
with the lifetime of this material, while would decrease over the time. Hence, this layer should
be renovated or replaced for commercial buildings each 15 or 20 years. Sunshine and
temperature extreme can cause the degradation of the roofs and fortunately green roofs can

minimize this effect. Green roofs virtues are gathered in this dissertation. Surveying about
these virtues of green roof helps us to make our decision to load green roof on top of the
building. In accordance with this description, this study surveys different solutions for
implementing a green roof on top of the Civil building (at IST Campus).


This study aims to:

1) Systematize the state of the art about green roof technology.
2) Analyze buildings of the Campus according to age, structural elements and free area of
3) Identify the best solutions that green roof technology can offer to improve energy
4) Survey the possibility of transforming the current roof of IST buildings to the green roofs
5) Survey the effects of green roof on thermal behavior inside the buildings in IST Campus.
6) Propose specific green roof solutions for the building study case.

The research questions concerning this study are:

1) Which items should be taken before carrying into action of the green roof?
2) How many types of green roofs are existed and which of them are proper for our case
3) What kind of plant species is proper for the extensive green roof?
4) How is the irrigation of the extensive green roof done?
5) How is the thermal behavior inside the building with and without extensive green roof?

Theme justification

Various parts of IST Campus are normally working in whole time of the day. So, the
improvement of energy performance is particularly beneficial in this center.

Green roofs can increase sustainability in the urban spaces from an ecological point of view.
Some barriers of executing green roofs are defined in economic (green roof is an expensive
technology to execute) and water availability issues. But, all of them can be managed by
offering some effective and practical solutions.

Green roof technology is more expensive compare to conventional one, but the different
potentials and benefits that green roof systems create can counterbalance the high cost such
as: 1) reducing building loads by preventing excess heat from entering buildings; 2) reducing
urban island effect with installing many green roofs to provide a medium to use excess heat to
evaporate water; 3) reducing storm water run-off, mitigating carbon dioxide and pollutants; 4)
improving urban aesthetic, and creating wildlife habitat (Dunnett & Kingsbury, 2004).

As the price of the energy production increases continuously, the concept of energy saving
gains more attention and it is the time to look for new ideas, respect for the environment and
save energy resources as much as possible. Saving energy in learning centers such universities

can really help the economy of a country in the long term , because most of learning centers
have special parts that are working whole time of the day thus, if we can save energy in these
centers, it has an acceptable result in the economy issue.

Consequently, according this purpose, this dissertation will evaluate the feasibility of
executing green roofs on IST Campus buildings, in Lisbon, towards to reach sustainable

Case studies

Instituto Superior Técnico was established in 1911 in two sectors of industrial and commercial
parts, but it was extended during 1911-1922 by Alfredo Bensaúde. That was not the last
extension; throughout 1927-1932 it was extended by Duarte Pacheco one more time. This
information can act like the milestone of our project to categorize the current building
rendering their age, because different structures and ages of the buildings can bear various
extra loads of green roofs.

In this project there are four present buildings to consider: Civil building, Central building,
North and South towers. The history of IST Campus shows the oldest building on Campus is
Central. It is very crucial to have a professional determine the roof´s maximum weight loads.
Main sectors of green roof are growing medium and soil, that can be determined the most part
of loads that import to the building. This load is depending on resistance of building’s
structure (Velazquez, 2005). According to the expert opinion in the field of structural analysis,
Central building is not powerful enough to bear the extra weight of the green roof. Also the
only zones in two tower have proper power to load an extra weight are concrete cores. Civil
building has more reliable structure to execute green roof on top of that and the appropriate
solution of green roof is considered for this building.


In this phase several consideration and analysis should be taken into the account to achieve
this thesis purpose.

1) Evaluation of the structural behavior of the building´s case studies for loading an extra
weight such as a green roof on top of them, since different types of green roofs
(Intensive, Semi Intensive, and Extensive) have different weights stand. The most
workable solutions should be chosen.
2) Considering the amount of available area of the roofs to implement green roof. In some
cases the area is not enough and it is not logical to pay lots of money to cover just small
part of conventional roof with green one.
3) Analyzing different types of green roofs to know which of them is suitable to execute
on top of our buildings. This step has direct relevance with the previous one. Providing
to have extensive roof, it can be only an ecological cover on top of the building but
intensive one, it can be more substantial like a green roof providing public spaces and
more plants species. It depends on how much weight can be loaded on top of the
mentioned buildings on IST campus.

4) Choosing the plant species and manner of irrigation them. The type of the irrigation
system depends on the plant species and different times that plants need to be irrigated.
5) Analyzing the thermal behavior of the buildings with and without green reef roof. It can
help us to know about the amount of efficiency that this technology can create. We
survey this option with Ecotect Analysis program in this dissertation. To use this
software we can know about the amount of energy saving inside the buildings, and also
amount of money can be saved (for energy consumption) per year.
6) Design different alternatives for people to enjoy, when the green roof has public access.
For example, we can design spaces for relaxation, meeting and entertainment.

Work organization

Thesis is organized in two chapters:

Chapters 1. This chapter is about the features of green roofs. It explains the history of this
technology until recent activity. This part is assigned to the contextualization of the topic, the
context that this technology is providing in different aspects of society and the effects that it
has on buildings and urban spaces. The main concept of green roof and all important details
and advantages about this technology is explained in this chapter.

Chapter 2. This chapter is about the different case studies. The chapter is belonged to
different components of Central and Civil buildings and two towers. Also, structural
surveying is considered in this step. In fact at this level we decide about execution or not
execution of green roof on top of the mentioned buildings. Also, design an extensive green
roof for Civil building, different architectural alternatives, constructional detail and thermal
evaluation of Civil building are considered.


Summary: This chapter is concerned with concept of sustainability, meaning and historical
aspects of green roof technology. The chapter is about development process of green roof
technology in the other countries, and different important buildings are covered with that.
Also main concept of green roof, different types and components of this technology are
discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of green roofs is the next issue that is considered in
this chapter.

While energy savings are an important function of alternative roof systems, other benefits
may also be realized. In a traditional roofing system, rainfall hits the rooftop and is quickly
channeled into the nearest gutter or storm sewer system with the goal being to have the roof
shed water as quickly as possible. As regulations have mandated storm water management
plans for municipalities, rooftop runoff control has become an important management practice
for minimizing degradation of aquatic ecosystems. One solution is to create green roof, which
can capture rainfall from the roof surface and store it for a time before it is reused or slowly
discharged. In fact, roofs can call such a great surface to improve some types of energy
efficiency in different manners. Most of the time, it is one big free surface to save energy with
alternatives such as different types of green roofs (Carter et al, 2008). Green roof can modify
the thermal properties of buildings to bring cooling energy conservation and improve human
comfort. (Hongming He, C.Y. Jim, 2010).


Uneven development, poverty, and population growth caused to many critical survival issues.
Environmental degradation, first seen as mainly a problem of the rich nations and a side effect
of industrial wealth, has become a survival issue for developing nations.

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The present state of technology and social organization on environmental resources and
ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of human activities are the main limitations of
sustainable development. Those who are more affluent adopt life-styles within the planet's
ecological means are needed for sustainable global development. Further, for sustainable
development it is necessary to have harmony between population size and growth with the
changing productive potential of the ecosystem.

The direction of investments, the orientation of technological development, institutional

change are made consistent with future as well as present needs and process of change in
which the exploitation of resource, are the main concepts of sustainable development, and the
concept is not restricted only by the state harmony meaning (Burton, 1987).


Intensive green roofs

Intensive green (Fig. 1.1) roof is closest to what is known as a roof garden, it looks like a
garden or a park, because of amount of weights includes growing medium, plants, waters and
visitors import, these kind of gardens should be concentrated on a reinforced structure

Details of intensive green roofs (Dixon, 2010):

- Have more than 152.4 mm height
- Have diverse planting

- Have good insulation
- Have more aesthetic
- Have longer membrane life
- Have high capital cost
- Have high maintenance
- Have high load on roof structure
- Need irrigation

Figure 1-1: Intensive green roof [1]

Semi intensive green roofs: Simple or semi intensive green roofs are vegetated with
lawns or ground plant species. It requires regular maintenance. The tolerance of structure can
be moderate compared to intensive green roof, and this point makes it much more affordable
green roof (Stater, 2008). However, it is more expensive and complex than extensive roofs.
These roofs usually don´t have accessibility.

Extensive green roofs: Extensive green roof (Fig. 1.2) is the third one. This type of roof
needs minimum maintenance and usually it doesn’t need to irrigate. Extensive green roofs
have low weight and sometimes less soil, which helps minimize the cost and the structural
load on the roof (Stater, 2008).
Extensive green roof systems are expected to have a synergistic effect in mitigating urban
runoff, decreasing temperature and supplying water to a building. Mitigation of runoff
through rainwater retention requires the effective design of a green roof catchment. The
extensive green roof has a high water retaining capacity response to rainfall of less than
20 mm/h. As the rainfall intensity increased, the water retaining capacity decreased. The
catchment efficiency of an extensive green roof ranged from 0.44 to 0.52, indicating reduced
runoff comparing with an efficiency of 0.9 for a concrete roof. Therefore, extensive green
roofs have an effective role to control storm water on top of the roof (Carter et al., 2008). In
this type of roof plant selection must be consist of hardy, low height, drought resistant plants
like succulents, herbs, and grasses because in this roof plants are more susceptible to winds,
drought, and high temperatures. This roof would only be accessible for maintenance (Stater,
2008). Extensive green roofs are lighter (50-160 kg/m2) compare to intensive roofs (200-250
kg/m2). Semi intensive green roof is situated in intervals between two mentioned roofs
(Dixon, 2010).

Details of extensive green roofs (Dixon, 2010):

- Have 50.8-152.4 mm height (thin growing media)

- Have drought tolerant plants (fewer plants will survive)
- Less costly compare than intensive green roof (lower capital cost)
- Have light weight
- Have easy retrofit
- No irrigation needed
- Have less aesthetic
- Have less energy efficiency benefits
- Have less storm water retention benefits.

Figure 1-2: Extensive green [2]

Table1-1: Different characteristics of intensive and extensive green roofs [3]


Suitableness Roof garden; recreational Larger projects (more cost

applications effective)
Specification drivers A roof affording benefits of a small An ecological protection layer for:
urban park or domestic garden, - Air and water quality
offering recreational and amenity - Lower carbon emissions
benefits - Storm water attenuation
- Wildlife habitat
- Extended membrane life
Planting Planting includes: Colorful carpet of planting:
- Lawn and bushes - Hardy succulents
- Shrubs and small trees - Hardy succulents and herbs
- Can combine with hard - Hardy succulents, grasses and
landscapes and water features herbs

Build-up height 152 mm + 50-152 mm

Weight 200 kg/ m 50-160 kg/ m2
Maintenance Regular Minimal
Irrigation Regular No, unless specified

Green roof has physical, psychological, ecological and benefits. The point is that by adding a
green roof on top of the buildings, the area available for leisure, recreation or wildlife can be
increased. Also green roof can create very beautiful views. Roof gardens are becoming
popular in hospitals and care centers, because nature is excellent for mental health. Studies
have shown nature views help in faster recovery (Stater, 2008).

Create higher energy efficiency in the buildings: One of the most important benefits of
green roof is ecological. To make higher energy efficiency in the buildings, ameliorate the
extremes of temperature and humidity, to reduce storm water run-off, air pollution and noises
(VanWoert et al., 2005; TRCA, 2006; Carter & Rasmussen, 2006).
Transpiration or evaporation of water from plant leaves caused the largest share of the energy
savings in the summer or warm months. In fact transpiration caused to make cooler
temperature in the surrounding air, thus lowering the temperature of the surface of the soil,
and decreasing the heat flow through the roof. But we have to be aware that this option can be
beneficial when the water is gained from rainfall and no potable water. Also in the winter we
can save heat in the building, but it will be acted better if the soil remains dry, because wet
soil conducts more heat. The potential of energy saving in green roofs is depending on climate
conditions and the insulation level of the underlying roof (Miller, P.E., 2012).

Mitigate urban heat-island effects: When the dark surface of conventional roof is covered
with vegetation, caused to reduce the temperature above the roof. This benefit has been shown
in several studies, like Columbia University study. Unlike conventional roofs, which tend to
lose the ability to reduce temperature, vegetative roofs continue to have the ability to mitigate
the heat island effect. In fact, impacts of Storage water for evaporation and transpiration is on
the urban heat island effect, because vegetation and plant retain less heat than the hard, heat-
absorbent surfaces of cities (The urban heat island is a phenomenon that is happening when
the ground level air temperature is higher than rural areas. Green roofs help to retain moisture
of stored water and it helps to have more evaporation and transpiration through their leaves)
(Miller, P.E., 2012).

Reduce of air pollution: One more benefit is reducing air pollution .Vegetation can reduce
atmospheric pollution by filtering particulates and absorbing gaseous pollutants. Green Roof
systems can reduce heavy metal and other pollution in storm water run-off (Stater, 2008).
While the potential may be great for green roofs to improve air quality in densely developed
areas, the type of vegetation found on the rooftop largely determines the amount of air-quality
improvement. Trees, grasses, and shrubs filter pollutants and transpire moisture much
differently than the Sedum plant species commonly found on modern green roof applications.
Cross-applying air-quality improvements from one type of green roof application to another
can be very misleading (Currie and Bass, 2005).

Noises reducing: An extensive green roof can reduce sound by 8 dB or more when compared
with a conventional roof .In fact, the substrate that is used in green roof, cause insulates a

building against noise, so obviously the deeper soil can be a better insulator against noise. The
extra weight of green roof can play role like a sound insulation. Vegetative roofs can prevent
entrance of sounds that can bounce off hard roofing surfaces. This technology is really
suitable for libraries, educational centers, galleries and etc. to make these places more calm
(Stater, 2008).

Create various biodiversity: Green roof can be a great habitat for birds, and suitable habitat
for local animals and different plant species. The current research has shown that in
Switzerland and London green roofs need to be designed to meet specific local biodiversity
conservation objectives (Stater, 2008).

Prolong the service life of roofing materials: The multiple layers of green roof can act like a
protector in three ways: 1) protect from mechanical damage (mostly from humans, but also
from windblown dust and debris, and animals), 2) protect by shielding from ultraviolet
radiation, 3) protect by buffering temperature extremes that are minimizing damage of daily
expansion and contraction of the roof materials (Miller, P.E., 2012).

Make higher marketability for buildings: Green roofs also can create e a higher
marketability for buildings. For instance American and British studies show that the good
green cover can add between 6 to 15 percent to the value of the home. Green roofs can
increase visual and environmental benefits. They can be a place for day care, meetings, and
recreation. They also increase employee productivity.
The most significant benefit comes from local insurance markets that can encourage people to
implement this technology and even pass the implementation of green roofs. In fact policy
benefits can be development of more floor spaces of green roofs are installed, or offering a
reduction in drainage charges in line with falling rates of runoff (Stater, 2008).

Job creation: Job creation and enhancement in several different markets related to green roof
production, installation and maintenance are other benefits of green roof. However, there is no
indication that green roof projects will lead to a reduction in unemployment (Peck et al.,
1999). It is likely that job creation in green roof sectors will be offset by job losses in other
markets, most notably the standard roof material production, installation and maintenance
(Miller, P.E., 2012).

Improve water quality: In the case of improving water quality when we can control the rate
and volume of the storm water runoff from the roof, vegetated cover benefit cities with
combined sewer overflow (CSO) impacts. In cities with combined storm and wastewater
sewer systems, storm water dilutes the sanitary waste water, rendering treatment less efficient.
When the rainfall is heavy these systems also can be overflowed and discharging raw sewage
mixed with runoff into the receiving streams, harbors, or oceans and we have to be aware
about hazards that this happening can make for ecological damage and human health. So, an
important benefit of water improving (reducing CSO) is gained by controlling runoff in those
situations (Miller, P.E., 2012).

Control storm water run roof: Urban areas are characterized by large the proportions of
impervious surfaces which increases rainwater runoff and the potential for surface water
flooding. Increased precipitation is predicted under current climate change projections, which
will put further pressure on urban populations and infrastructure. Roof greening can be used
within flood mitigation schemes to restore the urban hydrological balance of cities (Speak et
al., 2013).
When there is rapid storm water in the paved areas or on the roofs, it can be caused to habitat
destruction, pollution and erosion. But when vegetation exists on top of the roof, the cause to
moderate this run off in two directions of retention (water holding) and detention (water
slowing), in fact green roofs are reliable solution to prevent of destructive storm water runoff.
One interesting point is that these types of roofs are really proper for controlling runoff in
large size roofs like commercial and institutional buildings, because greater size of this roof
gives us the chance of more vegetated cover on the surfaces. Vegetated roofs make a better
position to decrease flooding, erosion and degradation of the channel in watersheds because of
uncontrolled runoff in buildings (Miller, P.E., 2012).
The green roofs can reduce storm water runoff around 50 % – 60 % (VanWoert et al., 2005;
TRCA, 2006; Carter & Rasmussen, 2006).
Economic advantages: It is one of the most important issues. Benefit cost analysis has been
widely recognized as a useful framework for assessing the positive and negative aspects of
prospective actions and policies, and for making the economic implications alternatives an
explicit part of the decision-making process (Arrow et al., 1996). While green roof projects
have recently generated significant interest in design fields such as landscape architecture,
little research has been done to evaluate the costs and benefits of green roof systems for urban
applications. Much of the peer-reviewed literature on the economics of green roofing systems
is found in conference proceedings and evaluate the private benefits at a single roof scale
(Lee, 2004). Compared green roof and traditional roof life-cycle costs over 60 years for a
single cap in Oregon showed the green roof to be 7% more expensive than the conventional
roof over this fourth dimension. This analysis included extended roof life, energy savings, and
storm water fee reduction in the economic benefits that the green roof provided (Clark et al,
2006). Green roofs provide significant environmental benefit over a traditional roof relative to
the life cycle and embodied energy of its materials (Alcazar and Bass, 2006; Coffman and
Martin, 2004; Kosareo and Ries, 2006). There are published reports typically focus on a single
green roof benefit (Wong et al., 2003) or qualitatively describe a series of benefits derived
from different types of green roofs (Peck et al., 1999; Banting et al., 2005).

Ignoring the benefit of air pollution uptake, green roof generally would break even between
39 and 40 years based upon the investment of the energy savings from such a roof. The
energy savings have the largest contribution to closing the cost gap. The incorporation of air
credits into the system reduces the time for return on investment to 36 years
with Sedum planted on the roof. The air credits generated from a Sedum roof meet 25% of
the cost gap of 36 years. If the annual savings were invested at a higher risk with earning eight
percent interest instead of 4, the payback period is reduced to 29 years (Clark, 2005).


First historical examples known

History of green roof, referred to thousand years ages (Magill, 2011). Despite the recorded
existence of roof gardens, little physical evidence has survived, but history reveals the
purposes of vegetated roofs were diverse. The main purposes of green roofs refer to escape
from the stress of the urban environment. It seems that the Romans used this technology on
the top of the institutional buildings. The ancient historian Pliny wrote about trees being
imported for these roof gardens. Steeply terraced gardens and green roofs were more common
in Renascence, in the city of Genoa. In Russia seventeenth century people were interested in
hanging gardens and in the twentieth century, hanging gardens and green roofs were
established in many countries in the world (Peck et al. 1999, p. 11-12).
In the cold climates green roof increases internal heat retention, and in the hot climates they
keep heat out (Peck et al, 1999, p. 11-12). Cold climate examples of green roofs include the
longhouses of the Vikings; they covered the walls and roof of their home with grass. Canada
has several Viking and French examples of sod roofs, found in Nova Scotia. The oldest roof
garden appears to be the ziggurats (Fig. 1.3) of ancient Mesopotamia, built from the fourth
millennium until 600 B.C.E. and situated in the courtyards of temples in major cities (Magill,

Figure 1-3: Ziggurats of ancient Mesopotamia [4]

Babylon (Fig. 1.4) is known as a land of stepped towers, with planting and shrubs on flat
terraces. The first accounts of the gardens are those of the priest Berossus, entitled Babylonia,
and were written in 290 B.C.E., more than 200 years after the destruction of the gardens
(Magill, 2011).

Figure 1-4: Babylon [5]

Archaeology has revealed the green roofs of the middle Ages. In this period plant materials
were derived from local grass, a substrate/water retention membrane from inverted grass
layers, and birch bark as a waterproofing layer, supported by roof boards and wooden beams.

Countries with grass roof traditions include Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway,
Greenland, Vinland and the Faeroe Islands (Magill, 2011).

During the Renaissance, the expensive green roof could be used by rich people. From the
1600s to 1800s, Norwegians used soil on roofs as insulation, utilizing grasses and other
species to hold the soil in place. American settlers used this technique in the late 1800s due to
timber lack.

Turf (grass) roofs were the earliest known green roofs, still practiced today in many parts of
Norway and Iceland. In fact, this is a Nordic tradition. The results of using grass, was a
durable and readily available building material to have an insulating effect. The first green
roofs in warmer climates were roof gardens. We can count several roof gardens like the ruins
of Pompeii, buried during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. The Guinigi Tower in
Lucca, which is currently the emblem of the green roof Organization in Italy are some
examples of roof gardens in the middle Ages (Magill, 2011).

Contemporary examples of green roof

Asian Crossroads over the Sea: One of the most beautiful examples is the Asian Crossroads
over the Sea (ACROS) building in Fukroka, Japan (Fig. 1.5). This project is type of
combination between public and private space. In fact this building is comprised series of
stepped roofs that create big spaces with different function including a museum, a theater,
shops, and offices. This building was built in 1995 with 100,000 square feet (9290 m²)
intensive green roof (heaviest type of green roofs with public accessibility) and has a soil
depth of 304-609mm. This building has is a rainwater system to save water for irrigation and
reuse (Stater, 2008).

Figure 1-5: Asian Crossroads over the Sea [6]

Geno haus: Terraced green roof technologies were developed in 1960s in many countries like
Switzerland and Germany. Geno Haus (Fig. 1.6) was built in 1969 in Germany and remained
functional until 1990 (Metropolis magazine). In 1970s, many of green roofing technology like
root repelling agents, waterproof membranes, drainage, light-weight growing media and
plants were performed (Magill, 2011).

Figure 1-6: Geno Haus [7]

Century-old city hall: Another building is a century-old City Hall (Fig. 1.7). It was built in
2001 in Chicago. This is the oldest green roof in the country. This building can be a great
example to show benefits of green roof, with both types of native and non-native plant species
on top of that. There are over 150 varieties of trees, vines, grasses, and shrubs are the subjects
of ongoing experiments. Plants are organized into bands of different colors, which change as
the season progresses (Stater, 2008).

Figure 1-7: City Hall [8]

Life expression chiropractic center: The third case is Life expression chiropractic center
(Fig. 1.8) that was built in 2001 in Sugar Loaf; this building is a great example to demonstrate
a Sedum extensive green roof (lightest type of green roof without public accessibility). It has
proven to regulate interior temperatures while controlling runoff. This is a great example to
show both energy efficiency and cost effectiveness without adding significant load bearing
issues to a green roof retrofit (Stater, 2008).

Figure 1-8: Chiropractic center [9]

Campus of the Delft University: The attractive site for the new library on the 1960s campus of
the Delft University of Technology (Fig. 1.9) is dominated by a large, concrete auditorium.
The concrete auditorium is made by Team Ten architects, Van den Broek & Bakema. The
concrete surroundings inspired a radical change. The university needed a campus atmosphere:
grasses with flowers and trees where students and professors meet informally on broad stairs
(Universiteitsbibliotheek Delft, 1998).

This project has different advantages (Universiteitsbibliotheek Delft, 1998):

- Improvement of air quality.

- Reduction of water discharge due to water taken up by plants partly for assimilation
and partly for evaporation.
- Reduction of peak loads of heavy rain.
- Conservation of habitat and biodiversity.
- CO2 uptake and O2 production.
- Noise reduction.
- Temperature regulation; moderation of the urban heat island effect
- Creating microclimates and microhabitats.
- Aesthetic improvements.
- Recreation space.
- Better living conditions inside the building (insulation, reduction of noise).

Figure 1-9: Library of Delft University [10]

Campus of Singapore University: The curving green roofs distinguish the building from
among the other structures on campus (Fig. 1.10) but, the line between landscape and building
is blurred. The roofs serve as informal gathering spaces challenging linear ideas and stirring
perception. The roofs create open space, insulate the building, cool the surrounding air and
harvest rainwater for landscaping irrigation. Planted grasses mix with native greenery to
colonize the building and bond it to the setting (Kriscenski, 2012).

There are important aspects about this campus (Kriscenski, 2012):

- Verdant turfed roof blends into the lush greenery and environment.
- Turfed landscape as scenic outdoor communal space.
- Green roof lowers both the roof temperature and ambient temperature hence reduce heat gain
to the air conditioned building.

- The building is oriented with its facades facing north and south to minimize solar gain.
- High efficiency discharge lights are adopted throughout the building.
- The rain water collection system is fitted on the green roof for irrigation.
- The rain sensors are installed on the green roof to automate the irrigation process whereby
irrigation is ceased when it rains.
- The curved building is embracing a courtyard with water features and plants. The reflection
of the trees and nature can been seen on the all-glass exterior.

Figure 1-10: School of Art and Design [11]

Different types of green roofs executed in countries all around the world are demonstrated in
Figures 1.11 to 1.16.

Figure 1-11: The Solaire [12] Figure 1-12: Nine Houses [12]

Figure -13: Historial de la Vendée [12] Figure 1-14: Sun Moon Lake’s green-roofed [12]

Figure 1-15: California Academy of Sciences [12] Figure 1-16: Plaza de Lisboa / walking Clerics [13]


Rationalization of green roof technology

It is necessary to know about the benefits and different components of green roof. It can work
as a green space in a harsh environment with a combination of abiotic and biotic components
(Magill, 2011).

A green roof is consisted of vegetation layer, substrate layer and drainage layer to evacuate
excess water (Mentens, 2006). Actually a green roof can cover a building with different layers
like vegetation and soil-like substrate, a filtration layer, drainage layer, root barrier, membrane
protection layer, waterproof membrane, and finally insulation (Dunnet & Kinngsbury, 2004,
Snodgrass, 2006).

There are different types of green roofs: intensive (heaviest type of green roof with public
accessibility), extensive (lightest type of green roofs without public accessibility) and semi-
intensive green roofs (semi-heavy type of green roofs without public accessibility). A green
roof is like a flat or sloped that is covered with vegetation to provide urban greening for

buildings, people and environment (Dvorak, 2010), also to manage storm water on top of the
roof (Anderson, et al., 2010).

Although, implementation of green roofs is more expensive than conventional ones but, the
long term benefits that green roofs apply can justify them. Reducing urban heat island,
reducing storm water runoff, aesthetic aspects and reducing urban pollution are some of these
benefits. Green roof has longer lifetime compare to conventional roof due to, reduced
membrane heat exposure, reductions in water ponding, and stringent waterproofing standards
(Dunnett & Kingsbury, 2004).

It seems that, today, the attention to the green roof concept is more intense compared to the
past. Because of the large population in cities, increasing in pollution, noises, urban heat
island and energy cost, it is more reasonable to find a solution and technologies to make
balance for all of these exceeding (Magill, 2011).

Government support
In 1980s the development of green roof markets in Germany expanded quickly, the annual
growth average of expanding was around fifteen to twenty percent. Continuing this process
around one million square meters green roof existed in Germany in 1989.Government was
really satisfied for this growing, and encouraged people to apply this technology by paying
them (Magill, 2011).

In Germany more than half of cities encourage people to have buildings with green roof
systems. They undertake 25% to 100% of implementation of green roofs to support this
technology. Also there are some indirect subsidy from some German states and cities where
drainage charges are reduced for development with green roof. Thus, in Germany around 14%
of buildings benefit of this technology (Stater, 2008).

Other European countries have been followed Germany and executed same types of green
roofs that German people have extended them. Piecemeal, in France, Austria, Norway,
Switzerland and other European states, green roofs became a commonly accepted feature in
the construction industry and urban landscape (Peck et al. 1999).

Europe tried to create a successful industry in green roof technology. The largest portion of
Europe’s early green roof research took place in Germany, Switzerland, and Scandinavia
(Dvorak, 2010; Koehler; 2007, Mentens et al., 2006).

From all of these experiences, were created a guideline calls FLL (Forschungsgesellschaft
Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau). In English it means: Landscape Research,
Development and Construction Society. The guideline was defined to plan and execute
utilization, specification, maintenance, and testing of green roof technology. Nowadays green
roof is like a common structure in countries have long path in adaptation system of green roof.
Also the association of Standards and Testing Materials (ASTM) has some regulation about
executing green roof on the North America including the requirements of structural loads,
permeability drainage and green roof growing substrate and also regulation related to plant
species selection and maintenance of them (Dvorak, 2010).

In a country like China with, such as economic growth, car ownership is increasing and
following that air pollution will be more and more. In Olympic 2008 that eyes of the world
focused on Beijing, they needed to make some initiatives to have a green city. Since Beijing is
too densely populated to add parks the Beijing Municipality and Forestation Bureau has set a
target of greening 30% of high-rise buildings and 60% of low-rise buildings by 2008. So the
official news has reported Beijing decided to increase roof gardens until 300,000 (between
80,000 and 100,000 square meters of roof gardens) in 2008.

Japan had the same problem. Tokyo is the most densely developed metropolis on earth, the
problem of increasing Urban Heat Island was appeared. In 2001 authorities decided to make
more parks and green spaces and set a target of creating 30,000 square meters of green roofs.
For the same year the Tokyo metropolitan government amended its Nature Conservation
Ordinance to compel developers of new private buildings with a footprint larger than 1000
square meters, and new public buildings with a footprint larger than 250 square meters, to
make green 20% of their roof areas, or face an annual fine. This new law was caused to build
more green roofs, after that some construction, green roof companies were established,
including some by leading car manufacturers like Toyota.

Toronto City Council (North America) in 2002 recognized about benefits of green roof that
caused the reduction of Urban Heat Island, following a discussion in 2005, adopted a green
roof strategy. The targets of this strategy were grants for experimental projects and production
of technical booklets, and considering agreements to have one secure green roof. Also, they
were considering about different ways to decrease water required for other properties with
green roofs.

Portland, Oregon was encouraging people to have roof gardens with different creative plans. It
was one of the leading authorities on green roofs in North America in 1980s. According to
new regulations requiring green roofs on public buildings must have a roof with at least 70%
vegetative cover.

Two major player of green roof were Chicago and Illinois. The most important aims that they
were following had been concerned over the urban heat island effect and air quality. The city
authorities accepted green roofs to have minimum solar reflection of 0.25. Also buildings with
green roof can have higher density. By these policies Chicago had about 80 green roofs
covering 100,000 square meters in 2004 (Stater, 2008).

According to all of these information; clearly, green roof approximately can be adopted with
any type of climate in the world, from Asia to Europe and United States. This technology has
good flexibility to adapt itself to any type of regions. Also government can promote people to
use green roof technology with different good offers.

Different components of green roof structure

Waterproofing: The most important function of roofs that concealments in itself, is
waterproofing capacity. In fact, this concept involves impervious concrete, a hot or cold
liquid-applied membrane, single-ply sheet membrane, or built up roof system based on three-
plus layer. Common choices can be modified bitumen, rubberized asphalt, polyvinyl chloride

(PVC), ethylene propylene dine monomer and thermoplastic polyolefin. It has needed to note
that if we want to use organic material for waterproofing, an additional root repellent barrier is
necessary to prevent roots from damaging it (Technology. C, 2008).

Drainage: The function of this part is to convey excess water to external or internal drains. To
use this structure is important because, as we know excess water can kill plants, and also it is
harmful of the roof deck. Also, there is designed drainage for saving water, providing to use
this type of drainage it will be possible to save water for extra uses in the future (Technology.
C, 2008).

Drain boxes: Drain boxes prevent soil and granular drainage media from entering the roof
drains, but allow water to flow freely through slots covering the sides and top. Their modular
design accommodates extensive, semi-intensive, and intensive green roof systems since 101.6
mm to 812.8 mm thick. A 304.8 mm hole in the base of the box fits over most membrane
roofs drains (Technology. C, 2008).

Drainage type: Drainage Type P (Fig. 1.17) utilizes drainage plates, waffled plastic sheets that store
water above and drain water below. Drainage plates are lightweight, are easy to install, and are available in
two sizes to meet the drainage and water storage requirements of almost any green roof. Drainage Type
G (Fig. 1.17) utilizes a lightweight, porous inorganic granular media embedded with slotted plastic
triangular drainage conduit. Granular media is heavier and is more labor-intensive to install than
drainage plates, but provides a superior environment for plant root growth. Drainage Type M (Fig.
1.17) utilizes a drainage mat, a multi-layer fabric mat that combines soil separation, drainage, and
protection functions into one product. This system is faster to install and creates the thinnest and
lightest green roof assembly. However, its water storage and drainage capacity are limited, so it is
primarily used for sloped roofs not suitable for drainage type P or type G (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-17: Comparing drainage type [14]

Growing medium: This layer can be called critical substrate to the success of a green roof in
the long-term. Growing medium (growth media) is designed based on extremely light weight
engineered soil substrate as it is possible, and it has a high ratio of organic minerals to organic
materials. This kind of soil also can contain pathogens, undesirable insects and weeds. Growth
media should provide stability for the plants. It can be composed of inorganic components like
to expand slate and shale, extrude clay, crushed recycled bricks and concrete rubble, lava,
rock wool, and perlite. Also, it can be composed of organic materials like, well-rotted humus
materials (Technology. C, 2008).
Plants: The most vital and interesting part of execution green roof is to cultivate vegetation
layers. Before starting this sector, we have to be aware about geographic information and
climate consideration of region like, cold and heat tolerances, rainfall, humidity, wind and
sun/shade exposure. Depth of growth media can determine plant species we can use. For
extensive green roof we have to use appropriate plants that can be grown in harsh
environmental conditions with very thin growing substrate, like those that exist in the crevices
and rocks, dry meadows, edged by woods and steppes (Velazquez, 2005).

The roofs are not natural spaces for plants to survive. Thus, it is important to choose the best
proper plant species for the roof top. One group of these flowers that we can introduce are
Sedums, there are around 1,000 species of these flowers in the world. They can be the most
popular choice for extensive green roofs, because they can have great perform on top of the
roof and also they have a really good look. Native plants are recommended just for small
numbers to use (perhaps up to 20%) until enough study has been conducted to determine their
long term viability in various geographic regions (Velazquez, 2005).

The plant species are available to be used, are depending on depth of soil we are using (Dixon,
- For 0-5 cm depth: sedum mosses and lichens.
- For 5-10 cm depth: short wildflower meadows, long-growing, drought-tolerance,
perennials, grasses, alpines and small bulbs.
- For 10-20 cm depth: mixture of low or medium perennials, grasses, bulbs and annuals
from dry habitats, wildflowers and hardy sub-shrubs.

Nominal thickness of green roof:

The nominal thickness of a green roof (Fig. 1.18) is the approximate total height of the soil
and drainage components that constitute the green roof system, excluding the roof structure,
insulation, waterproofing, and plants. These distinctions can be more precisely quantified by
the four thickness ranges shown below (Technology. C, 2008):

76.2-101.6 mm 127-177.8 mm 203.2-279.4 mm 304.8+ mm

Figure1-18: Nominal thickness of drainage [14]

Different steps of green roofs execution

First method
- Lay protection mat: If the primary roof waterproofing is not root resistant, first apply a root
barrier membrane (Fig. 1.19). Then unroll Protection Mat, overlapping adjacent sheets at least
six inches (152.4 mm), and cut openings for roof drains (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-19: Lay protection mat, method 1 of executing of green roof [14]

- Install drain access boxes: Position drain access boxes (Fig. 1.20) over roof drains, adding
sidewall elements as required, fitted to the system thickness (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-20: Install drain access boxes, method 1 of executing of green roof green roof [14]

Green roof systems (Table. 1.2) of this type are drained by waffled plastic sheets called
drainage plates. Water is retained within pockets on the upper sides; excess water flows
through small holes and spills over the edges to be carried off the roof. An air gap between the
high-water level of the plates and the top of the plates assures proper soil drainage at all times.

Since drainage plates are lightweight and easy to install, they have become the most popular
drainage system for green roofs. Drainage plates are recommended for roofs with slopes less
than 1:12. Drainage plates (Fig. 1.21) are laid over the mat, preferably with staggered joints.
Two thicknesses are available to meet the drainage and water storage requirements of almost
any green roof: 25 mm (1" thickness) is standard for thin extensive roofs and 40 mm (1.5") is
recommended for enhanced water storage and drainage on thicker extensive roofs, semi-
intensive roots, and intensive roofs (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-21: drainage plate [14]

Table1-2: Method 1 (system designation) of executing structure of green roof [14]

(3”=76.2 mm 5”= 127 mm)

- Install retaining edge: Retaining edge (Fig. 1.22) should be installed on extensive green
roofs approximately 30" (762 mm) from roof edges with roof drains and 18" (457.2 mm) from
other edges. If there will be a gravel perimeter, the retaining edge will separate the soil and
gravel and does not need to be attached. If there will be no gravel perimeter, the retaining
edge should be attached to the waterproofing membrane or the protection mat (Technology. C,

Figure 1-22: Install retaining edges, method 1 of executing green roof [14]

- Lay drain plates: Lay drain plates (Fig. 1.23) in a staggered pattern. Multiple layers of
plastic plates can be easily cut with a circular saw, or half-sheets can be purchased to speed
installation. The plates should tit tightly but are not overlapped. Two thicknesses are available
to match drainage and water storage requirements: 25 mm (1") and 40 mm (1.5")
(Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-23: Lay drain pates, method 1 of executing green roof [14]

- Lay separation fabric: Separation fabric (Fig. 1.24) is engineered to retain soil without
clogging while allowing plant roots to easily penetrate to reach water in the drain plates.
Unroll Separation Fabric over the drain plates, overlapping adjacent sheets at least six inches
(152 mm) (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-24: Lay separation fabric, method 1 of executing green roof [14]

- Spread gravel perimeter: Spread well-washed gravel (Fig. 1.25) screened to 3/8" (96.52
mm) minimum particle size. Whenever possible, the gravel should be dispensed from super
sacks suspended from cranes to minimize the potential for damage (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-25: Spread gravel perimeter, method 1 of execution green roof [14]

- Spread soil: For extensive roofs (Fig. 1.26), spread extensive green roof is soil at a
minimum rate of one cubic yard (0.76 m3) per 100 square feet (9.2 square meters). For
intensive roofs, spread intensive green roof is soil as needed to obtain the required system
thickness. Where possible, the media should be dispensed from super sacks suspended from
cranes to minimize the potential for damage (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-26: Spread soil, method 1 of executing green roof [14]

- Plant: Insert green roof plants (Fig.1.27) in a random pattern, two per square foot (0.185
m²). Irrigation should be during dry periods for the first two years during extended dry periods
for the first two years (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-27: Plant, method 1 of executing green roof [14]

Second method

- Lay protection mat: This step is similar to the first method of green roof execution (Fig.
1.19) (Technology. C, 2008).

- Install drainage system: Position drain access boxes (Fig.1.28) over roof drains, adding
sidewall elements as needed to match the system thickness. Construct drainage "trees" using
triangular drainage channels and tees. For optimum performance, any point on the roof should
be within two channel lengths of the closest point of the drainage tree: this will be achieved if
the "branches" of each drainage tree are laid four channel lengths (4 meters or 13 feet) apart
(Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-28: Install drainage system, method 2 of executing green roof [14]

Green roof systems (Table. 1.3) of this type are drained by a base layer of lightweight,
inorganic, granular media. To maximize water storage and minimize weight, the granular
media should contain a significant percentage of porous material such as heat-expanded rock.
To minimize separation, a well-graded blend of particles with sizes ranging from 1/8" (47.72
mm) to 1/2" (30.48 mm) is preferred. A slotted plastic drainage conduit with a triangular
cross-section is embedded within the media to transport excess water. Although, granular
media is heavy and labor-intensive to install when compared with other drainage systems, it
provides an optimal environment for plant root growth. Granular drainage is recommended for
roofs with slopes less than 1:12. A network of slotted plastic triangular drainage conduit is
assembled over the mat and connects to roof drain access boxes. Then 2" (50.8mm) of

granular media is spread over the mat for extensive roofs and 4" (101.6 mm) to 6" (152.4 mm)
for semi-intensive and intensive roofs (Technology. C, 2008).

Table 1-3: Method 2 (system designation) of executing structure of green roof [14]

(2”=50.8 mm 4”= 101.6mm)

- Install retaining edge: This step is similar to the first method of execution (Fig. 1.22)
(Technology. C, 2008).

- Spread granular media: Spread granular drainage Media (Fig.1. 29) or other free-draining
inorganic media with well-graded particle size and neutral PH. Apply a minimum of one cubic
yard per (0.76 m3) 150 square feet (13.93 square meters-50.8 mm) for extensive or semi-
intensive roofs and one cubic yard (0.76 m3) per 75 square feet (6.9square meters- 101.6 mm)
for intensive roofs. If feasible, the media should be dispensed from super sacks suspended
from cranes to minimize the potential for damage (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-29: Spread granular, method 2 of executing green roof [14]

- Lay separation fabric, lay spread gravel perimeter, lay spread soil and lay plant: these
levels are similar to the first method of execution (Fig. 1.24 to 27) (Technology. C, 2008).

Third method

- Lay protection mat: This step is similar to the first and second methods (Fig. 1.19)
(Technology. C, 2008).

- Install drain access boxes: Position drain access boxes (Fig. 1.30) over roof drains. On
sloped roofs that use scuppers instead of roof drains, drain access boxes are not required
(Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-30: Install drain access boxes, Method 3 of executing green roof [14]

Green roof systems of this type (Table. 1.4) are drained by a multi-layer fabric mat called
drainage mat that combines soil separation, drainage, and protection functions. Compared
with green roof systems using drainage plates or granular drainage, this system is the fastest to
install and creates the thinnest and lightest green roof assembly. However, its water storage
and drainage capacity is limited, so it is primarily used for sloped roofs not suitable for
Drainage Type P or Type G (Technology. C, 2008).

Drainage mats are only recommended for roofs with slopes greater than 1:12. For this reason,
they are frequently used for residential green roofs.

Drainage mat is laid over the protection mat and the remainder of the roof with the ribbed
drainage channels following the roof slope. Finally, soil is spread over the drainage mat. See
the following pages for installation details.

If the roof slope exceeds 2:12, a mechanical slope stabilization product is installed over the
drainage mat. If the roof slope exceeds 3:12, the drainage mat should be mechanically
fastened at the high end of the roof (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-31: System with drainage mats, method 3 of executing structure of green roof [14]

Table 1-4: Method 3 (system designation) of executing structure of green roof [14]

(3”= 76.2 mm 5”= 127 mm)

- Install retaining edge: This step is similar to first and second methods (Fig. 1.22)
(Technology. C, 2008).

- Lay drainage mat: Unroll drainage Mat (Fig. 1.32), overlapping adjacent sheets at least six
inches. This mat combines the functions of protection, water storage, and drainage in one
product (Technology. C, 2008).

Figure 1-32: Lay drainage mat, Method 3 of executing [14]

- Lay spread gravel perimeter, lay spread soil and lay plant: These levels are similar to the
first and second methods (Fig. 1.24 to 27) (Technology. C, 2008).

Green roof maintenance

Irrigation: Watering for the first few seasons is necessary for plant establishment, and there
must be a water supply nearby. There are different methods of irrigation that we can use one
of them based on our expectation. For instance, there is an elaborate method, that system can
be placed under the drainage substrate. One more simple and inexpensive method is drip
irrigation system. Ecological options are also available for powering irrigation systems by
using solar energy for both active and passive irrigation (Velazquez, 2005). Active rainwater
catchment refers to systems that actively collect, filter, store and reuse water and passive
irrigation is based on storing rainwater in the form of ponding across a membrane or drainage
layer (Pushard, 2010).
There is one more method, for water irrigation we can use cisterns for rainwater catchment.
These systems can be set roof or ground level, using solar panels or cells to power the
irrigation processes (Velazquez, 2005). The different methods of irrigation are existed but, we
have to choose the best option, according to the type of green roof.

Semiannual maintenance inspections: Every roofs needs to be checked periodically. For

green roof is recommended owners at least performing semiannual maintenance. In this way
they can look for problems such as invasive weeds, disease and stray tree, seedlings
(Velazquez, 2005).

Fire prevention: It is important, consider about ensuring having access to an adequate supply
of water in case of fire, which can accrue in any type of buildings. Thus, we can choose plants
are inherently non-flammable, such as succulents or others that store water. Green Roof
should have some vegetation free spaces around the perimeter and edges of roof protrusions,
for fire break and allow sure footed access to roof by firefighters also (Velazquez, 2005).


Summary: This chapter is a survey about, current situation like structural aspects of different
buildings that are involved in the IST Campus for the execution of the green roof. In fact, we
decide that which buildings of the IST Campus are proper and ready to execute green roof on
the top of them and of course because of inappropriate situation some of them will be
eliminated from this green roof study. Also, technical aspects of green roof execution on the
Civil building rooftop, architectural alternatives, construction details and thermal evaluation
of the Civil building are considered in this chapter. Thermal behavior of Civil building with
and without green roof is also simulated.

This chapter is belonged to the surveying of technical and structural aspects of the Central and
Civil buildings, North and South towers in IST campus. Since its creation in 1911, Instituto
Superior Técnico (Fig. 2.1) is one of the most important educational centers in Portugal. IST
University has different building. Central building is the oldest part of the IST Campus. Civil
building has less age compare than Central and North and South towers are the most recent
buildings in this learning center. During 1911-1922 IST was promoted by a wide-ranging
reform in the Portuguese higher technical education, responsible for the first Engineering
courses at IST: mining, Civil, mechanical, electrical, and chemical-industrial (IST Campus,

1- Central building 2-Civil building 5- North tower 20-South tower

Figure 2.1: IST Campus roof plan [15]


Central building: Looking at the history of IST Campus, the Central building (Fig. 2.2) is
the oldest building in IST collection, thus in this case should be more deliberate about the
scheme that will be adjudicated to be done. This center almost is situated on the center section
of the IST Campus. The nearest entrance of the IST to the Central building is situated in the
Western part of the Campus. Central building is comprised of six floors: basement, ground
floor intermediate, ground floor, first floor, first floor intermediate, second floor. Some of the
most important functions of the Central buildings are: offices, meeting rooms, banks, classes,
bar, libraries, laboratories, etc. photos bellow show some important part of the Civil building.

Figure 2.2: Central building / Image by author

Usually, for this form of roofs that have old structural network, it is necessary to reinforce the
current situation for most constructions. The trouble is that this reinforcement is expensive
and it depends on power of buildings for carrying extra loads. The cost functional includes the
costs of concrete and reinforcing steel. The design variables include not only the cross-
sectional dimensions and steel ratio, but also the quality of concrete. Semi intensive and
extensive green roofs have almost the same structures. They have very similar characteristics,
but extensive green roofs are lighter with less complexity and maintenance. So in the similar
situation between these two roofs, it is more logical and advisable to use extensive ones,
because they are much lighter, cheaper with all ecological benefits of green roof.

The structural situation of this building is not proper to load the extra weight on that. In fact,
the structure of the building is old and it is not feasible to load weights without any
reinforcement. Furthermore, based on consultation with structural experts, any types of green
roofs cannot be good alternatives for the Central building, since intensive green roofs need
great reinforcement that this is not affordable, and also the structure of the building is not
reliable to load extensive green roofs without good enough reinforcement. The structural
survey shows this case should be eliminated from this zone.

North and South towers: Couples of the constructions that are considered in this project
are North and South towers (Fig. 2.3). They are the most recent buildings in IST Campus and
they can be more reliable to execute planted roof on top of them, according to their structures.
In this case there are some calculations to know about current structural aspects of the

North and South towers are comprised of 12 floors and different spaces with various functions
alike, water tank spaces, laboratory, classes, amphitheaters, offices, etc. South tower almost
have similar functions of the North one. These photos show some sections of towers.

Figure 2.3: North tower building (most part of South tower is equal to the North one) / Image by author

According to consult with structural expert Prof. Guilherme Sampaio Viola Parreira, the
Structures of two buildings are constituted by a rigid core reinforced concrete floors on which
they are balanced metal structure and console. The structural analysis confirmed that is
inappropriate any increased load on the sides and this can only increase the coverage of the
concrete core (Fig. 2.4). The picture shows the concrete core of the building. The scheme of
Fig. 2.6 demonstrates the ability of the implementation of a green roof.

Figure 2.4: Concrete core on the North and South tower´s roof top / Image by author

Also one more matter that should be explained is, the South tower that belongs to Chemistry
department, currently is covered with huge ventilation systems around the concrete core on

top of the roof (Fig. 2.5), and logically there is no chance to execute green roof in that area,
and the available part just belongs to the concrete core. Thus, the potentiality of the whole
area to be covered with a green roof is around 144 m2. Photos can demonstrate this situation

Figure 2.5: Ventilation system on roof of South tower / Image by author

Undoubtedly, planted roofs have numerous advantages in social and ecological point of
opinion, but the most important detail that should be considered is, the implementation of
green roof in the current status of the building is the best resolution for the project or not?

It is certainly true that green roof has many benefits such as controlling storm water run-off,
improving water quality, mitigating urban heat-island effects, prolonging the service life of
roofing materials, conserving energy, reducing sound reflection, transmission, improving the
aesthetic environment in work and cost/benefit. But the question is that how much of these
benefits come true?

In addition, based on all the gathered information, green roofs can be an expensive investment
and implementation of that needs an economic analysis (out of the scope of this study) in

order to inform better a final decision about the ability of the execution of green roof.
According to the conclusions of the structural analysis and lack of free spaces to execute
green roof, it seems that, execution of green roof in this case is investing a large amount of
money without gaining our goals. Therefore, we can come to the conclusion that maybe it is
more logical to find out more affordable solutions like solar panels.

Figure 2.6: Structural plan of two towers /Scheme by Prof. Guilherme Sampaio Viola Parreira

Civil building: Civil building (Fig. 2.7) is the next building to consider. The building has
twelve meters height and it is situated around a Central atrium with Polycarbonate roof. The
basement of the building is belonged to the restaurants, classes and other education parts.
Most of the classes are situated on the first floor; the second and third floor is more belonged
to the offices. This building suffers from not having proper ventilation. The places that are
located under the atrium with Polycarbonate roof have a basic problem with air temperature in
different seasons. They have hot weather in summer and really low temperature in winter. So
there is no comfort weather in various seasons and the situation is irritating for people use
these spaces. Only classes and offices are positioned in front of sunlight in the winter have
good situations and the others do not have. Inversely the offices with sunlight have a really
high temperature in summer.

Figure 2.7: Civil building / Image by author

It is really essential to think about different kinds of systems to prevent such problematic
situation. Executing green roof on top of this building can optimize the current situation.

According to the expert consultation, recent structural survey of Civil building that have done
around four years ago, shows that these buildings do not have enough strong structure for
bearing lots of extra loads. Also, the pillars in the third floor are thin and short (Fig. 2.8). As a
result, the first downside that we can recognize is that it is not feasible to have an intensive
green roof on top of that. Intensive green roof is possible to do in every case, but according to
the structural situation of the building it needs reinforcement. Unfortunately, it is impossible
to reinforce the structure at this moment for economic reasons. Consequently, according to
explained the contents and based on the results of consultation with structural experts, the best
solution for this case is an extensive green roof solution.

Figure 2.8: Pillars in the 3rd floor of the Civil building / Image by author

Finally we can define our case studies briefly on this table:

Table 2-1: Characteristics of the case studies/ Table by author

Buildings of the case studies Structural aspects and proper Selected green roof
area on the roof top
Central building Not proper position -
North and South towers Not enough and proper area on top -
of the roof
Civil building Moderate structural position Extensive green roof


Two types of proposal were offered for this study and some steps are followed to achieve the

First proposal: In the first alternative all parts of the roof are covered with extensive green
roof. In this proposal there is no public access for common people to go top of the roof and all
of roof space will belonged to the extensive green roof and the only person can have

accessibility for top of the roof is who wants to do the maintenance. This phase is divided in
some steps:
1) Eliminate current roof material.
2) Provide a good insulation for roof top.
3) Perform technical levels of executing extensive green roof top of Civil building.
4) Select the best type of plant species and proper irrigation method for them.
5) Survey the details of the executed green roof.
6) Illustrate thermal analysis of building with and without green roof.

Second proposal: In the second alternative there is public space on the roof beside extensive
green roof. In this proposal there is public access for common people to go up and use the
green spaces. In this phase, there are some architectural alternative to design the public spaces
in different shapes. The steps are almost similar to the previous proposal, but this phase has
one more step.
1) Eliminate current roof material.
2) Provide a good insulation for roof top.
3) Perform technical levels of executing extensive green roof top of Civil building.
4) Select the best type of plant species and proper irrigation method for them.
5) Demonstrate architectural alternatives.
6) Survey the details of the executed green roof.
7) Illustrate thermal analysis of building with and without green roof.

According to the information in the first chapter (three execution methods of green roof),
execution of extensive green roof can be done in different manners. Here there is a short
review of the methods. Here there is a shot review of them to choose the best option.
1) First method is the most common and proper to our case. It has proper thickness, suitable
waterproofing and drainage, fire prevention, proper spread soil, and plants (sedum and herbs).

2) In the second method, green roof systems are drained by a base layer of lightweight,
inorganic, granular media. To maximize water storage and minimize weight, the granular
media should contain a significant percentage of porous material such as heat-expanded rock.

3) In the third method, green roof systems are drained by a multi-layer fabric mat called
drainage mat that combines soil separation, drainage, and protection functions. Comparing
with green roofs systems using drainage plates or granular drainage, this system is the faster
to install and creates the thinnest and lightest green roof assembly. However, its water storage
and drainage capacity is limited, so it is primarily used for sloped roofs not suitable for
Drainage Type P or Type G (are explained in the first chapter), so it can´t be proper solution
for our project. So the first option can be executed.

Step 1: Eliminate current roof material: In the current situation, the roof is covered with
Amianto tiles (Fig. 2.9). Because of the chemical composition of these types of covers,
nowadays, using this material is forbidden. Also, they are really fragile and cannot be proper
materials for loading extra weight on top of them. So the first step is to eliminate this material

and work on the main structural slab of the roof that is about 50 cm lower than the Amianto
covered one. Current situation of the roof is demonstrated in Fig. 2.10.

Figure 2.9: Amianto tiles on top of the Civil building / Image by author

Figure 2.10: Current situation of the roof in Civil building/ Image by author

Step 2: Cover roof with the proper insulation: On the second level the roof needs good
insulation. The irrigation and roots of green roof vegetation can damage the main surface of
the roof. Good insulation can prevent this happening. In this phase we can use Waterproof
Roofing Membrane (Fig. 2.11) .Waterproof Roofing Membrane is an elastomeric membrane

for using in roof gardens. Roofing Membrane provides a waterproof; seamless coating that
can be quickly and easily applied and readily accommodates complex roof configurations and

Features and benefits of using waterproof roofing membrane:

1) Quick, easy installation.
2) Readily accommodates complex roof structures and protrusions.
3) Ability to bridge cracks (elastomeric properties).
4) Light weight, requires no protection board.

Figure 2.11: New insulation for executing of the green roof on Civil building [16]

Step3: Technical levels of executing extensive green roof:

- Lay protection mat: Implementation of extensive green roof starts from this step. Lay
protection mat (Fig. 1.19) is the first step of green roof implementation. This mat is used when
the primary roof waterproofing is not root resistance. This is work as a root barrier membrane.
When the waterproofing layer would be proper enough, implement of protection mat is like an
optional decision. There are different types of this material. The best case of protection mat
that is proper for our case is a non-woven geotextile from recycled polypropylene. It is
puncture resistant and has a water storage capacity of 41/m2, making it ideal for protection
and supplement water storage under plastic drainage plats. Standard protection weights 500
g/m2 and rolls measure 2m x 25m and cover approximately 500 square feet (46m2) of roof
with a 15 cm overlap (Technology. C, 2008). According to this information for an area with
2,860 m2 scopes we need 62 rolls of this material to completely and entirely cover the roof.

- Install drainage boxes: The best drainage type that is common and proper for the project is
drainage type P (Fig. 1.17). Drainage Type P utilizes drainage plates; waffled plastic sheets
that store water above and drain water below. Drainage, plates are lightweight, are easy to
install, and are available in two sizes to meet the drainage and water storage requirements of
almost any green roof.
For nominal thickness (Fig. 1.18) the best solution for the project is thickness type1 (with
drainage type P) because it has the least weight with proper depth for our purposes
(Technology. C, 2008).
In drainage boxes slots on the sides and top allow water to flow freely, but retain soil and
drainage media. In fact, it is working to move out the excess water for irrigation. A 30cm
diameter hole in the base plates provides unobstructed drain access. Each drain box (Fig. 1.20)
includes a top, base and set of 10 cm sidewall elements. Additional sidewall extensions allow
height up to 80 cm increments to accommodate any extensive or intensive green roof. The
point is that these boxes should be installed on top of the drain on the roof. In our case there
are around 22 drains on top of the roof that some of them are in the corner and some of them
are in the middle of the roof. The point that should be attended is that around each drain
access box (until 23 cm) should be full of rubble (Technology. C, 2008). The architectural
plan is demonstrated in Fig. 2.12.

Figure 2.12: Proposed protection mat and drain boxes in Civil building/ Image by author

- Install retaining edge: In this case it will be proper to use aluminum edges. This material is
used to retain soil and at roof edges (Fig. 1.22) or to separate soil from gravel and pavers.
Holes in the vertical leg provide ample drainage while retaining soil, is made from a 1, 5 mm
tempered aluminum alloy. It is available in 2 m lengths in heights of 100 mm, and 150 mm,
both with extra-wide 150 mm bases punched with large holes to permit taping or welding to
underlying membranes (Technology. C, 2008). According to our measures we need 256 m of
this material. Edges should be installed on extensive green roof approximately 76 cm from
roof edges with roof drains and 45, 72 cm from other edges. The architectural plan is
demonstrated in Fig. 2.13.

- Lay drain plats: The following step is relating to lay drain plats (Fig. 1.23). There are two
different types of this material, 25 mm drainage plates and 40 mm. Regarding to which type
of green roof is suitable for the case, the proper drainage plat is 25 mm one. This material
contains of multiple layers of plastic parts which can be easily cut with circular saw, or half-
shelf can be purchased to speed installation. The upper side of sheet stores 51 m2 water and
the lower space serves as a high-volume drainage passageway. Water only fills to the
midpoint of the sheet, leaving an air gap under the separation fabric. Sheets measure 1 m x 2
m and cover approximately 2 m2 of roof or 1, 87 m2 of roof with a minimal overlap
(Technology. C, 2008). According to the area in the project (2,860 m2), the 1430 drain plate is
needed. The architectural plan is demonstrated in Fig. 2.13.

Figure 2.13: Proposed retaining edges and lay drain plan in the Civil building/ Image by author

- Lay separation fabric: Next level refers to lay separation fabric (Fig. 1.24). It is a non-
woven geotextile made from recycled polypropylene. Since it is significantly less likely to
clog than common filter fabric, it is ideal for separating green roof soils from underlying
media or drainage plates. Separation fabric weights approximately 200 g/ m2. The rolls
measure 2 m x 20 m and cover approximately 46 m2 of roof with 15cm overlap (Technology.
C, 2008). For this reason, in our case it seems 62 rolls of this material are needed to cover all
surfaces of the roof. The architectural plan is demonstrated in Fig. 2.14.

Figure 2.14: Proposed separation fabric for the Civil building/ Image by author

- Lay spread gravel: Using of spread gravel (Fig. 1.25) perimeters are the next step. This step
is necessary because the whole surface should not be covered with vegetation, since it can
decrease the extent of fire risk (Technology. C, 2008).

- Lay extensive roof fertilizer: It is slow-release fertilizer (Fig. 1.26) specifically formulated
to meet the nutritional requirement of Sedums on extensive green roofs. It should be applied
twice yearly until beginning the second year, typically in April and July, at the rate of 4 lbs.
per 92 m2. Standard bags contain 55 lbs. and cover approximately 1288 m2 (Technology. C,

- Plant: Planting vegetation (Fig. 1.27) is the last level. Insert green roof plant in random
pattern, two per square foot. Water thoroughly after installation, and during extended by dry
periods (Technology. C, 2008).

Step 4: Plant selection

Type of vegetation (Fig. 2.15) depends on the type of green roof and also the climatic
conditions. The best type of vegetation for extensive green roof is Sedums. They need less
maintenance and irrigation. They do not need a large amount of water during the summer due
to the fact that they can save the water in cold seasons (Dunnett et al, 2010).

Figure 2.15: Proper plant species for our case study [17]

Step 5: Irrigation method

Extensive green roof does not need much amount of irrigation, but it is better to devise
irrigation devices for essential situations. In green roof irrigation system it is important to
consider about the main resource of water that we need to use. Sometimes the accessibility to
water is not very easy. Also, in some countries with lack of water it would be difficult to
prepare irrigation water for green roofs. Further, the method that we want to implement for
irrigation is really important. In more complex methods it is possible to use water of the rain.
Besides, these methods are more expensive and complex to implement. It is really important
that we can manage the irrigation method and other maintenance aspects in the most effective
and reasonable way. In this project we can assume two proper methods of irrigation and
choose one of them:

1) One of the best and confident methods of irrigation is the Drip System; it is easy to
implement, not really expensive and proper for the extensive green roofs projects.
Hence at first we should start to construct the network of the pipes regarding the form
of ground. The second step is deciding to choose proper water resource. In this case
plants don´t need many times of irrigation through the year. Thus, we can use the
normal water of the building. Also, we can use valves that are working with
thermostat. These valves can be arranged to the temperature we want to start the
irrigation. In this case we can arrange them to be opened for instance in 38ºc to
prepare essential water. These valves are connected to a pipe that can direct the water.
The water will be provided by potable water and because of its good pressure of water;
it can be flowed to the pipe directly. These kinds of valves have a timer. For instance,
we can arrange them to be off after 30 minutes of the each irrigation.
2) In other case, for irrigation we use the drip system again, but the source of water can
be changed. For gathering water we use 11 reservoirs (each one 1000 liters) on top of
the roof. They will be situated on the corner of the roof that has more resistance for
loading extra weight. Reservoirs are filled with the source that provides required water
for the building and under normal pressure the water is transferred to the reservoirs on
top of the roof. The float that there is in the reservoirs can control the amount of water
inside. It is possible to save rainwater to be used for other functions. In this method
one big reservoir is situated under the ground to direct all of rainwater towards the
floor and the top of the roof to this reservoir. This water can be used as water a filter
for another use or be used for irrigating gardens and also it can be used in sanitary
services. But it is necessary to have the reservoir on the ground floor because when it
is raining just these reservoirs cannot save a large amount of water at the time.
Eventually, it is a must to gather all of the saving water plus water on other surfaces in
a big reservoir to keep them for later usage. This method can be a good solution to
save water for other usage but it has disadvantages of being expensive. Maybe we can
use it for our future development, but for now the first irrigation solution will be
proper for our project.

Access of the roof is one limitation of the Civil building because the accessibilities are not
very defined and obvious. For our case a straight accessibility to the roof is really necessary.
One way is the main stairs of the building which are not used for public accessibility in this
case. These stairs don´t have straight accessibility to the roof and for arriving to the roof top
people should pass a long distance. Also for using these stairs people should go inside the
Civil building, while they just intend to enjoy green roof. Thus, these stairs are not good
solution for people to go to the roof. Expect for the stairs can be used by person who has
responsibility for maintenance of the roof. In the Fig.2.17 we can see the plan of the main
Other accessibility way is the stairs that are situated in the office Nº 5.58 in the 3rd floor.
These stairs again can be proper for person wants to do the maintenance of the green roof
because the space of stairs is narrow, dark and without natural light. Thus, they are not proper
for public accessibility. In the Fig. 2.16 and 2.17 are demonstrated the situation of these stairs.

Figure 2.16: Current stairs in the 3rd floor for accessing to the roof / Image by author

Ground floor First floor

Second floor Third floor

Stairs, in office Nº 5.58 in the 3rd are the
only access to the roof

Figure 2.17: Plans of the main stairs in first, second and the 3rd floor /source: IST archive

Also two main stairs boxes in the facades of the building are demonstrated in the pictures
below (Fig. 2.18).

Figure 2.18: Outside views of the stairs boxes/ Image by author

In the Fig. 2.19, the distance and all spaces that people should pass to achieve the stairs in
office Nº 5.58 in the 3rd floor is demonstrated, since some people don´t need to come inside
the building and they just want to enjoy green roof.

Figure 2.19: The accessibility to the stairs of the 3rd floor / Image by author

For the public accessibility of the roof we have to create a new method because, some
straight, attractive and clear accessibility for going to the roof top is essential. In this case we
can use glassy elevators outside the building. For this reason we have to consider the space of
the roof that the green roof with public accessibility is situated. In the Figure 2.20 form
outside the building, we can see the mass of building that the green roof is executed on top of
that. Thus, the elevators would be situated in this selected facade. The structure of elevators
will be similar to the Fig. 2.21, steel structure that elevators are moving inside them to go
upside the building.

Figure 2.20: Facade of the building that the glassy elevators are situated / Image by author

Figure 2.21: Elevator type is used for the case [18]

The other facades of the Civil building (Fig. 2.22) are far from spaces we decided to execute
green roof. But if in the future we intend to extend green roof with pubic accessibility to other
parts of the roof, also we have to use different accessibility in the other facades. Also if we
want to have some spaces like coffee shop or restaurant on top of the roof, it is necessary to
create separate accessibility for carrying the materials of the these spaces on top of the roof.

Figure 2.22: Other facades of the Civil building /Image by author


In this thesis there are some architectural solutions beside the green roof execution. In the first
proposal all the roof´s free spaces are covered with extensive green roof (Fig.2.23). In this
case there is no public accessibility. Thus, it is not necessary to have different accessibilities.
The existed stairs are enough for going top of the roof and doing maintenance of the green
roof. This type of design is cheaper, since it is not necessary to think about different services
that we need to do for people going top of the roof, Therefore these stairs seem to be one of
the best solutions of green roof for our project.

First alternative (without public access)

Figure 2.23: Proposed extensive green roof for all free spaces on the Civil building´s roof top / Image by author

In the first alternative with public access (Fig. 2.24), one space of the roof belongs to the
public access. Thus, in this case we need public accessibility for people. These public accesses
proved by elevators outside the building. Also the main stairs inside the building and the stairs
of the 3rd floor can be used for people who are responsible for maintenance of green roof.

There are some sunshades on top of the roof. People can seat under these sunshades and enjoy
the weather and the views. More details are shown in the next pictures Figures 2.25 to 2.27.

First alternative (with public access)

Figure 2.24: Proposed first alternative of extensive green roof and public spaces on the Civil building´s roof top /
Image by author

Figure 2.25: Proposed public zone in the first alternative/ Image by author

Figure 2.26: Section of first architectural alternative / Image by author

Figure 2.27: Hand sketches of the first architectural alternative / Image by author

In the second alternative (Fig. 2.28) the roof´s access is the same with the previous one. But in
this phase there are different types of design. In this alternative we keep all of the green roof
zones on top of the roof. So we add a platform of the concrete on top of the polycarbonate arc,
and move the public space on top of that. The height of the platform from the roof surface is
two meters and people on top, have great view of all green parts of the roof along with the
view of the city. Also the accessible space will be covered with artificial grass. In this case
people can go on top of the green space too. More details are shown in the next pictures
Figures 2.29 to 2.31.

Second alternative (with public access)

Figure 2.28: Proposed second alternative of extensive green roof and public spaces on the Civil building´s roof
top / Image by author

Figure 2.29: Proposed public zone in the second alternative / Image by author

Figure 2.30: Section of second architectural alternative / Image by author

Figure 2.31: Hand sketches of the second architectural alternative / Image by author

Third alternative (with public access)

In the third alternative (Fig. 2.32) the main aspects are like the second one, but instead of the
artificial grass we use extensive green roof on top of the platform of the concrete. More details
are shown in the next pictures Figures 2.33 to 2.35.

Figure 2.32: Proposed third alternative of extensive green roof and public spaces on the Civil building´s roof /
Image by author

Figure 2.33: Proposed public zone in the third alternative/ Image by author

Figure 2.34: Section of third architectural alternative / Image by author

Figure 2.35: Hand sketches of the third architectural alternative / Image by author

All of these alternatives can be possible to execute while, it seems that execution of extensive
green roof without any accessibility is more affordable and acceptable.


In the next level, it is necessary to simulate all of energy saving that we can do in the project,
with a simulation tool. Ecotect Analysis helps us in this step.

Autodesk Ecotect Analysis

Autodesk Ecotect Analysis software is a comprehensive concept-to-detail sustainable design

analysis tool, providing a wide range of simulation and analysis functionality through desktop
and web-service platforms. Powerful web-based whole building energy, water, and carbon
analysis capabilities converge with desktop tools for visualizing and simulating performance
of a building model within the context of its environment are the abilities of this simulation
tool (Autodesk Ecotect Analysis, 2011).

The primary program analysis capabilities include energy analysis, thermal analysis, and
lighting/shading analysis. The energy and thermal analysis features take into account factors
such as resource management, heating and cooling loads, and ventilation and airflow. The
lighting/shading analysis tools allow for solar analysis, right-to-light analysis, daylighting
assessment, shading design, and lighting design (Azhar et al, 2009).

Objectives of Ecotect software

The main purpose of performing this software is performing an evaluation of Civil building´s
behavior with and without green roof. In fact, we choose some different days during a year as
an average (in cold and warm seasons), and the software helps us to calculate the thermal loss
of building in the average days in two different situations (before and after green roof). Also,
the graphs demonstrate these changes more obvious.
Characteristic features before and after green roof in the case study
A) Climate: Lisbon boasts one of Europe's mildest climates and warmest winter (December to
February) seasons. Weather in Lisbon during winter has daytime temperatures that average
over 15°C and the city rarely sees snow. Summer (June to September) is Lisbon's driest and
hottest season with average daytime temperatures peaking at 28°C in August. Spring (March
to May) and autumn (October to November) Lisbon daytime temperatures range from 17°C to

Summer: Summer season in Lisbon starts in May and lasts till October. During this season
the average high temperature in Lisbon stands at mid-twenties while the low stays at 20°C.
September is considered as the hottest month of the year with more than 30°C of average high
temperature. It gets a very high level of sunshine; more than 360 hours in July. The season
gets a much reduced level of rainfall as July remains the driest with 5mm of precipitation.

Winter: Throughout the winter months Lisbon receives abundant of rainfall as December, the
wettest month of the year, receives around 120 mm of precipitation. Although temperature

drops in winter, it remains still fairly warm for the tourists. The average high often climbs to
high teen while the low hardly falls below 10°C, as during January and February, the coldest
months of the year, the average low temperature in Lisbon stands at 9.3°C. It is a year round
destination, you may visit whenever you like albeit experienced tourist prefer the summer
months to wet winter.

B) Location: Civil building in Instituto Superior Técnico (Alameda campus):

This building suffers from not having proper ventilation. In the last floor there are
polycarbonate sections on the ceiling and there is no ventilation to make air circulation. Thus,
it can cause very cold air in this floor in the winter and really hot one in the summer. Also,
regarding the rest of the floors, there is no proper ventilation especially in the lobby of this
building (in the ground floor) that is very big atrium with the high ceiling, for this reason there
is not comfort temperature in various seasons and people are suffering from the bad air
situation most of the time.

C) Type of construction: Concrete structure

D) Type of the roof´s materials before green roof: 1) concrete floor that is the base part of the
roof,2) insulation 3) cement for covering on topo of the roof, 4) Amianto tiles.
E) Type of the roof´s materials after green roof: 1) concrete floor that is the base part of the
roof; 2) asphalt; 3) insulation; 4) polycarbonate various fillers; 5) plastic tiles; 6)
polycarbonate various fillers; 7) soil; 8) vegetation.
D) The average of hottest day for analysis: according to the weather life (Lisbon.WEA) 6
September is the average of the hottest day in whole of year and we use it instead of
analyzing for whole hot days.
E) The average of coldest day for analysis: according to (Lisbon.WEA) software 14 January is
the average of the coldest day in whole of year and we use it instead of analyzing for whole
cold days.
Two types of analysis are done in this project:
Thermal performance:

Calculate heating and sensible cooling loads for models with any number of zones or types of
geometry. Analyze effects of occupancy, internal gains, infiltration, and equipment items.

Thermal calculation can happen in different units. The units that is done in this analysis are
PPD (percent dissatisfaction unit), and mean radiant temperature (Cº).

Analyzing monthly loads data:

In this level the thermal loads is considering. The monthly loads/discomfort graph displays the
relative level of thermal discomfort likely to be experienced in a zone over an entire year.
There are some red and blue bars, the red bars represent the proportion of time considered to
be too hot, while the blue bars represent when it is too cool. The decreasing height of the
graph shows that the energy consumption is getting less.

This section is belonged to the thermal behavior of Civil building before and after green roof
that, regarding to Ecotect Analysis program.
PPD is percent dissatisfaction unit. For PPD analysis, the more yellow colors are the worst.
Yellow=100% of people that are not satisfied. Blue=0% of people that are not
people is satisfied with lower PPD values.

In Fig. 2.36 the thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof in 14th of January is
simulated. At the left picture that is before green roof the most of spaces have 100% PPD
(yellow color) that means they belong to the highest section of dissatisfaction (in PPD
analysis it is better the colors be near to the down of PPD graph. it shows the highest level of
satisfaction). Just small parts of the surface that assigned to the offices are near to the middle
part of the colors (between 70-80%).
So as we can see the thermal behavior of the building in the coldest day of the year before
green roof is not really acceptable.

In the right picture we can see the thermal behavior at the same data of the previous picture.
The changes are obvious. The comfort parts are getting more comparing the last situation. The
most part of the surfaces are near to the middle of colors (between 60- 80%) and this means
that in this spaces we have more level of satisfaction.

Figure 2.36: PPD thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof of 14 of January / Image by author

At the next level (Fig. 2.37) the thermal behavior of the building on the 6 of September for
both before and after green roof situations is illustrated.

The left picture is assigned to the thermal behavior on the 6 of September (the average of the
hottest day) before green roof and the second picture belongs to the same situation after green
roof. At the left picture (before green roof) the colors are near to the top of the PPD graph. But

in the right picture (after green roof) the colors are coming down in the PPD graph. So it
shows that the satisfaction level in the second situation is more than the first one.

Figure 2.37: PPD thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof in 6 of September / Image by author

In another level we survey the temperature of the surfaces before and after green roof, to
compare the differences between these two situations.

Figure 2.38 shows the temperature of the surfaces on 14 of January (the average of the coldest
day) before and after green roof. At the left picture (before green roof) the most part of
surfaces are 10ºC and small parts are near to 16ºC. The surfaces have really cold temperature
at the winter. But in the same date there are most of changes after green roof because in the
second picture (after green roof) most parts of surfaces are around 13-16 and 19 ºC and just
some parts of surfaces are 10ºC. So we have warmer surfaces after green roof at the winter.

Figure 2.38: Thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof of 14 January (10ºC- 40ºC) / Image by author

These two pictures (Fig. 2.39) show the same situation of the building before and after green
roof of 14 January in the smaller period (10Cº- 20 Cº) to make more obvious comprehension
of the thermal surface’s behavior on that day. To compare the colors between these two
pictures, after green roof, the comfort situation is in the higher level.

Figure 2.39: Thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof of 14 January (10Cº- 20Cº)/ Image by author

Fig. 2.40 shows the temperature of the surfaces before and after green roof of 6 September.
At the first picture (before green roof) the temperature of the surfaces mostly are between 28-
34 ºC. It shows rally hot weather inside the building at the summer. But at the second picture
(after green roof) at same date we can see the surfaces with the temperature around 19 to 25
ºC that is lower than the first situation.

Figure 2.40: Thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof of 6 September (10ºC- 40ºC)/ Image by author

Fig. 2.41 shows the same situation of the building before and after green roof in the shorter
period (20ºC- 40 ºC) to make more obvious comprehension of the thermal surface’s behavior

in 6 of September. The comfort situation is in the higher level in the right picture because the
temperature gets lower (after green roof).

Figure 2.41: Thermal comfort analysis before and after green roof of 6 of September (20ºC- 40ºC)/ Image by

After comparing all results of these analyses, the main obvious thing is the acceptable changes
that happen after green roof situation. In some cases the changes have effected to the half part
of the building and it can be an ideal conclusion.


Thermal loads before green roof:

For this level it is more reasonable to choose a small part of the project to do this analysis. In
this way we can have better comprehension of the results. So, in this section we will analyze
the some part of offices (Marquez, 2012) in the 3rd floor (Fig. 2.42). The graph below shows
the thermal loads before green roof on these offices. These red bars show (Fig. 2.43) the
heating that are used in the whole days of a year to make building warmer, and also the blue
ones are the cooling have to be used for making building cooler.

Figure 2.42: Selected offices for the thermal loads analysis/ source: Cindy Marquez´s Ecotect file

Figure 2.43: Thermal loads before green roof for offices in the 3rd floor / Image by author

The graph has some calculation to show the energy consumption in the duration of the year.

Monthly heating /cooling loads:

The main feature of the place was chosen for evaluations are:

Zone: offices in the 3rd floor.

Operation: Weekdays 00-24, Weekends 00-24.

Thermostat Settings: 18.0 - 26.0 C

Max Heating: 45.024 kw at 11:00 on 21st February

Max Cooling: 68.065 kw at 15:00 on 28th July

There is a table that contains all months in a year and shows using of the heating, cooling and
total energy consumption in each month (watts-hour) before the execution of green roof on
the Civil building roof top.

(wh) (wh) (wh)
Jan 10907500 0 10907500
Feb 8376274 0 8376274
Mar 5790064 0 5790064
Apr 3308878 0 3308878
May 2233614 0 2233614
Jun 689642 0 689642
Jul 0 1080140 1080140
Aug 0 2816104 2816104
Sep 118580 2435113 2553692
Oct 1326689 0 1326689
Nov 5226550 0 5226550
Dec 9066965 0 9066965
TOTAL 47044756 6331357 53376112
PER M² 52774 7102 59877
Floor Area 891.436 m2


Total heating for all months in a year is 47044756.

Total cooling is for all months in a year is 6331354.
Total amount of heating and cooling for all months in a year is 53376112.
Total amount of heating and cooling (per m²) for all months in a year is 59877.

According to Portuguese electric enterprise, If we multiple the KW of each item for 0,154€
we get the euro consumption (EDP, 2014). Thus:

w to kw €/year
Heating 47044756 /10000=47044.756 47044*0.154=7244
Cooling 6331357/1000=6331.357 6331*0.154=974
Total 53376112/1000=53376.112 53374*0.154=8219
Total kw/ m² 59877/1000= 59.877

Thus, the entire quantity of money we have to compensate for the total KW energy
consumption per m² in a year is 9.086 €.

Thermal loads after green roof:

The graph below (Fig. 2.44) shows the thermal loads after green roof. To compare this picture
(after green roof) with the previous one (before green roof) it is obvious the red and blue bars
are with less height. This means that, it has saved energy for cooling (summer) and heating

Figure 2.44: Thermal loads after green roof for offices in the 3rd floor / Image by author

Also there is some calculation to see the energy consumption in whole of the year.

Monthly heating /cooling loads:

The main feature of the place was chosen for evaluations are:

Zone: offices in the 3rd floor.

Operation: Weekdays 00-24, Weekends 00-24.

Thermostat Settings: 18.0 - 26.0 C

Max Heating: 37.308 kW at 11:00 on 21st February

Max Cooling: 59.926 kw at 15:00 on 28th July

There is a table that contains all months in a year and shows the use of heating, cooling and
total energy consumption in each month (watts-hour) after the execution of green roof on the
Civil building roof top.

(wh) (wh) (wh)
Jan 7766464 0 7766464
Feb 6013321 0 6013321
Mar 4132650 0 4132650
Apr 2392852 0 2392852
May 1381815 0 1381815
Jun 212849 0 212849
Jul 0 957691 957691
Aug 0 3049493 3049493
Sep 0 2227164 2227164
Oct 837227 0 837227
Nov 3693013 0 3693013
Dec 6365380 0 6365380
TOTAL 32795574 6234349 39029924
PER M² 36790 6994 43783
Floor Area 891.436 m2


Total heating for all months in a year is 32795574.

Total cooling is for all months in a year is 6234349.
Total amount of heating and cooling for all months in a year is 39029924.
Total amount of heating and cooling (per m²) for all months in a year is 43783.

w to kw €/year
Heating 32795574/10000=32795.574 32795*0.154€=5050
Cooling 6234349/1000=6234.349 6234*0.154=960
Total 39029924/1000=39029.924 39029*0.154=6010

Total kw/ m² 43783/1000=43.783 43.783*0.154=6

To compare the numbers:

Before green roof:

w to kw €/year
Heating 47044756 KW /10000=47044.756 47044*0.154=7244
Cooling 6331357KW/1000=6331.357 6331*0.154=974 €/year
Total 53376112KW/1000=53376.112 53374*0.154=8219
Total kw / m2 59877/1000= 59.877 59.877*0.154=9.086
Euro m² /year

After green roof:

w to kw €/year
Heating 32795574/10000=32795.574 32795*0.154=5050
Cooling 6234349/1000=6234.349 6234*0.154=960
Total 39029924/1000=39029.924 39029*0.154=6010
Total kw / m2 43783/1000=43.783 43.783*0.154=6
Euro m² /year

We saved almost 33.4 % (6 / 9 = 0.666 100 – 66.6 = 33.4) of electricity/euros after green
roof construction (2194 €/year for heating, 14€/year for cooling and 2209 €/year for total). It
can be an acceptable result of the long time. Thus, green roof is a promising solution for the
improvement of the energy efficiency inside the Civil building.

In this photographs (Fig 2.45) we can compare the difference of the thermal load before and
after green roof.

Figure 2.45: Differences of thermal loads before and after green roof / Image by author

Also the comparison between total consumption of energy after green roof in this research
project with other project by Marcelo Silva (Silva, 2014) shows that, the amount of energy
after green roof are almost the same. The total amount of energy after green roof in this thesis
is 43.7 and on the other project (that is done with Energy Plus software) is 40.3. As it is
obvious the numbers are almost the same. Further, we can be completely certain that the
results are reasonable.
It should be mentioned that Ecotect analysis tool, didn´t consider the evaporation effects on
these analyses. So, only the thermal insulation impact was simulated.

In this level the different details of the roof with are demonstrated. The details without green
roof are selected from the IST archive. But, the details with green roof are the new designs.
All of these details are demonstrated in Figs. 2.46 to 2.52.

The first detail demonstrated the structure of the roof near the wall and without green roof.
This is a simple detail of a normal concrete roof. The roof contains concrete, the main material
of the roof, and other materials like granulated crock screed, insulation that gets continued to
the cornet of the wall to prevent water infiltration , fiber cement, etc. that are illustrated in the
figure below.

Figure 2.46: Detail of the current roof near the wall/source: IST archive

Figure 2.47: Detail of the considered green roof near the wall / Image by author

Fig. 2.47 illustrated the structure of the roof near the wall and with green roof. The main
characteristic aspect of the roof is that concrete structure remained. The structure of the roof is

changed after the 3rd layer. The insulation of the roof completely gets changed and after that
the layers of the green roof are situated. There are some spread gravel between the wall and
green roof structure. These gravels help to prevent fire extension. Also they create a walking
space for the person who that does the maintenance of the roof.

Next detail (Fig. 2.48) is completely the same as the previous detail (Fig.2.47). The only
additional part is the drip irrigation system that is shown in this level.

Figure 2.48: Detail of the considered drip irrigation system/ Image by author

This detail (Fig. 2.49) shows the roof near the join interruption without green roof. The main
structure is the same with the first detail (Fig. 2.46). The insulation is continued until the
corner of the wall of joint interruption to prevent water infiltration. When a surface is long, we

have to consider joint interruption. It helps building to have monotonic movement in the

Figure 2.49: Detail of the current roof near the joint interruption / IST archive

Figure 2.50: Detail of the considered green roof near the joint interruption/ Image by author

Fig. 2.50 is structure of the roof neat the joint interruption and with green roof. The three first
layers of the roof are the same with existed roof (Fig. 2.58). After the third layer the insulation
gets changed and after that the green roof layers are situated. The distances between green

roof structure and the wall of joint interruption get filled out with speared gravel. These
distances help to prevent fire extension and they create a walking space for person who does
the maintenance of the green roof.

Next detail (Fig. 2.51) shows the structure of the roof near the polycarbonate arc on top of the
roof. The detail is designed with green roof. In this detail the three first layers are the same
with conventional roof (Fig. 2.58). After the third layer, the new insulation and layers of the
green roof get started. Also the distance between green roof structure and arc is repeated. But
a new part in this detail is creating a joint interruption between the arc and the roof. Because,
in this case we want to join different materials and different structures together, we need to
add a joint interruption between them to make a monotonic movement of the building in the

Figure 2.51: Detail of the considered green roof near the joint interruption/ Image by author

Last detail is demonstrated the structure of the green roof near the drainage system. The layers
of the green roof are the same with the other details. The issue in this case is the insulation
part. In this picture, it is demonstrated that the insulation gets continued until the bottom part
of the drainage box. Drainage box is the part of the green roof that leads the extra water of the
roof to the outside. Thus, this part of the roof is always wet. This is important to be sure about
good and enough insulation for this section of the roof.

Figure 2.52: Detail of the considered drainage box for green roof system/ Image by author


This dissertation aims to analyze the roles played by green roof technology, in the
improvement of the energy efficiency and functional performance in four buildings, in
the IST campus. The research follows the framework described above to achieve such

Structural behavior of the building’s case studies before execution of green roof is the
main considered aspect. Analyzing available areas on the roofs and choosing the best
solution of green roofs are the other issues demonstrated. Furthermore, proper plant
species, maintenance and irrigation´s methods are surveyed. Thermal behavior of the
selected case study with and without green roof is simulated. Architectural alternatives
with and without public accessibilities and different roof details are proposed.

Following the methodology, different results are achieved:

- Civil building (the selected case study) is the only case study that has proper structural
position to execute green roof.
- Extensive green roof is the best solution for the selected case study.
- Sedums are the best plant species for this project.
- Drip irrigation system is a suitable method for the selected case study.
- According to the thermal behavior of the selected case study with and without green
roof, there is 33.4 % of electricity/ € energy saving when the roof is covered with green
- Two main architectural alternatives proposed in the project. In the first proposal all
parts of the roof are covered with extensive green roof. Second proposal demonstrated
public space on the roof beside extensive green roof. The second alternative is contained
three different architectural designs.

In this project the main items, should be taken before carrying in to action of the green

According to the results obtained by Dixon (Dixon, 2010), various green roofs
(intensive, semi intensive, extensive) have different weights. Furthermore, the findings
achieved by Stater (Stater, 2008), demonstrate that intensive green roofs should be
constructed on a reinforced structure since; they are the most complex and heaviest
types of green roofs. Moreover, his results show semi intensive green roofs have similar
characteristics with intensive green roofs. Comparing these results to this project, it is
not reasonable to implement intensive or semi intensive green roofs for our case studies
since, we don´t apply any structural reinforcement and it is tried to apply less
intervention on the current situation of the case studies.

Extensive green roofs are more reliable to be constructed for our case studies since,
agreement with results obtained by Stater (Stater, 2008), extensive green roofs, have
minimum weight and they can be implemented on the unreinforced roofs but with

moderate structural position. Furthermore, it is not advisable to implement any types of
green roofs for buildings with unreinforced weak structure. It is rational to eliminate
case studies with this situation.

In addition, in this project we face to unexpected situation. Some of the case studies
don´t contain enough areas for green roof implementation. In agreement with results
obtained by Miller and Stater (Stater, 2008), green roofs have different advantages but,
based on results obtained by Clark (Clark et al, 2006), green roofs implementation
is around 7% more expensive compare to conventional roofs. If we apply green roofs,
we should be certain about enough efficiency and effectiveness of them in the long
term. If we decide to apply green roofs on these case studies without enough free areas,
we should be aware of the risks of less level of effectiveness. Comparing all these
results with our situation, seems, it is more rational to eliminate case studies that don´t
contain enough areas for green roof execution.

The previous considerations lead to choose just one of the case studies with
unreinforced but moderate structural position (Civil building) for extensive green roof
implementation. Other case studies (Central building and two towers) are eliminated for
the reasons of unreinforced weak structural position and inappropriate free areas for
green roof implementation.

Related to the proper plant species, in agreement with explanation of Velazquez

(Velazquez, 2005), choosing the plants are depending to some factors like, depth of soil,
amount of irrigation and types of climate. Comparison these factors with our project,
extensive green roofs have less soil´s depth. Furthermore, these types of roofs don´t
need to be irrigated many times. Moreover Lisbon has a rainy winter and the irrigation
would be stopped completely on that season. According to these items, sedums are the
best type of plant species. These types of plants can be adopted with harsh environment.
Moreover, they don´t need many times of irrigation since, the weather is not getting
very hot. Based on results achieved by Dixon (Dixon, 2010), they are appropriate for
depth of soil (5cm) in extensive green roofs. Inversely, if we decided to implement
intensive green roof, because of more depth of soil (5-10cm) it would be possible to
choose plants like wildflower meadows, grasses. For intensive green roofs with the
most depth of soil (10-20cm) it would be appropriate to apply shrubs. Moreover, this
type of roofs needs more maintenance and irrigation.

Sedums are the plant species with less irrigation needed; thus, simple irrigation system
can be applied for these types of roofs. About irrigation systems Pushard (Pushard,
2010), explains about active and passive irrigation methods with refers to systems
collect rainwater and use it for irrigation. Furthermore, Velazquez (Velazquez, 2005),
explains about combination of irrigation method with ecological elements like solar
panels. These methods can be interesting but, they are not proper for our selected case
study with fewer requirements to irrigate. It is not rational to apply an advanced
irrigation system since, it is not necessary to irrigate green roofs just two or three times

per year. Also, for applying these types of advanced irrigation systems need to be
invested enough. Thus, these types of irrigation methods would be appropriate for more
complex green roofs contain different types of plants and high level of requirement for
irrigation. Velazquez (Velazquez, 2005) says drip irrigation system is the best method
for extensive green roofs. This method is simple, effective and affordable. Thus, it is
chosen for our project.

Results obtained by Peak (Speak et al., 2013) and Miller (Miller, P.E., 2012) show,
green roofs follow some important advantages like control storm water runoff, energy
saving and economic benefits. These three advantages play roles effectively in our
project since, Lisbon has a rainy winter and it is possible to be applied storm water
runoff on the roof every winter. Green roofs can control this problem. This advantage
helps to prevent surface water flooding on winter. Furthermore, this surface flooding
can be caused to depredate conventional roof of the case study. Green roof leads to
decrees probability of roof erosion and degradation.
In additional, green roof can play role as a protection cover against sun. Clark
(Clark et al, 2006), explains about increasing of life time of the green roofs comparing
to conventional roofs. Compression our project to this result, Lisbon has hot days in
summer; thus, the sun effects on conventional roof of the case study can decrease the
life time of that. Green roof can play role as a protection to prevent this degradation.

This project demonstrates the thermal effectiveness that green roof is created and causes
to decrease energy consumption during a year. According to our simulations, green roof
causes to keep warm weather inside the case study in winter and cold weather in
summer. Also, less energy consumption for making appropriate temperature inside the
building in winter and summer, leads to increase economic factors. In fact, these
advantages are agreement with advantages results obtained by the other researcher
(Miller, P.E., 2012). In this project, the simulation of energy consumption is done by
Ecotect program.
This simulator tool cannot simulate the evaporative cooling effect that is created by
green roof. This effect will be studied in future works using other sensitive simulator, as
Energy Plus software which has a specific tool appropriate to this aim. The results
achieved will be compared with the results of simple insulation analyzed in the present
thesis. With this approach would be possible to simulate the energy consumption and
thermal behavior inside the building with a powerful simulator, to have more effective
results. In fact, evaporation layer is the most important substrate of green roof and is
created near the vegetation area. The moisture near the vegetation layer plays roll as a
great insulation. Evaporation layer prevents loss of cooling and heating and decrease the
energy consumption.

Furthermore, the project has limitation. One limitation to the implementation of the
green roofs, is trying to apply green roofs with less effort of intervention in the current
position of the case studies. Thus, in this project, is attempted to adopt the best solution
of green roofs to the current structural and architectural conditions. There is no

structural reinforcement or additional elements like traces or, platforms. For creating big
enough spaces, to implement green roofs. In fact, the lack of enough investment makes
us to apply the most appropriate types of green roofs for the current situations of the
case studies.
More complex and heavy types of green roofs should be implemented on a powerful
structure and, the case studies need to be reinforced for this reason.

Such approach can be developed in future considering different phases. Hence, if it is

decided to invest for structural reinforcement of the case studies, it is reasonable to
calculate the amount of budget that should be paid for this reinforcement. Then,
comparing the amount of money that should be invested to reinforce, with the
advantages of green roofs in long term like, energy saving and economic benefits, it
would be possible to justify if the investment would be affordable or not. The
reinforcement of the case studies helps to implement intensive green roofs as the most
ecological green roofs type. This development can be causes to apply advantages that
are demonstrated by Miller (Miller, P.E., 2012) and Stater (Stater, 2008). Job creation,
energy saving, economic benefits, control storm water runoff, making higher
marketability for buildings, improve air quality and aesthetic aspects are the imminent

For the architectural aspects, it would be considered, if is it reasonable or not to add

different architectural elements like traces or platforms on the case studies without
enough free areas to implement green roofs. The proper structural position can prepare
appropriate context for this types of designs. If we can implement some spaces like
platforms on the roofs, we can apply less intervention to the current condition of the
roof top and adding green roofs on new created areas. These platforms help to show
green roofs in more height and make it more outstanding in aesthetic point of view.

Green roofs with public accessibilities can lead to create new architectural alternatives.
Places like coffee shops or restaurants can be built on a green roof with reinforced
structure. These places cause to create spaces for servicing people besides enjoying
green roofs. Hence, applying these types of places follows different requirements like,
private accessibility for workers, separate accessibility for carrying food´s material and
other stuff to the roof. Moreover, for movement of food´s material or other stuff some
lifters in appropriate places can be applied. Furthermore, for the public accessibilities, if
enough spaces are available, attractive roof accessibilities like a combination of stairs
and ramps with green areas between them, beautiful types of glassy elevators or other
interesting methods can be proposed for these roofs. Accessibilities of these roofs play
important roles, since a straight, beautiful and enjoyable connection between ground
and roofs encourage people to benefit green roofs.

Other aspect to develop would be the irrigation systems of green roofs. More complex
types of green roofs usually need developed types of irrigation methods. As Pushard
(Pushard, 2010) explains, in these types of irrigation methods, it is reasonable to save
rainwater to use for green roof irrigation and also other usage like irrigation of the

garden in the ground or using for lavatories. This method is more sustainable and
ecological. Of course the developed types of these irrigation methods need to be
equipped with advanced and costly equipment. Also, the irrigation systems are working
with solar panels can direct our project to more ecological factors. These types of
irrigation methods need to be considered about structure, effectiveness and instructions
aspects. In future developments, it will be considered the years of payback of the system
(covering topics such as, e.g., water, maintenance, and energy) in comparison with the
simple insulation solution.

This work contributed to understand how green roof technology can be well applied for
improvement of functional and energy performances of buildings in IST campus. The
simulated thermal behavior of the selected case study before and after green roof in this
project, demonstrates that green roof helps to decrease energy consumption in the
building during the year and in our project there is 34% of electricity/ € energy saving
when the roof is covered with green roof. Also the obtained results by other researchers
Miller (Miller, P.E., 2012) and Clark (Clark et al, 2006), present the proper and
effective effects in increasing the life time of the roof with prevention of erosion in
rainy days and sun effects after green roof implementation in the selected case study.
All obtained results in this project prove that in the proper structural situation of a
building; green roof can be a reasonable solution to improve energy efficiency and other
functional benefits. Besides all effective results related to increase the energy
performance, green roof technology can create great environments for people to enjoy
form enlivening spaces on the roof tops.

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[1] Image Courtesy American Hydrotech, Inc, Assembly of Intensive Garden Roof.
Available at:
[2] Image Courtesy American Hydrotech, Inc, Generic Extensive Green Roof on a
Concrete Deck. Available at:
[3] Different characteristics of intensive and extensive green roofs. Available at:
[4] Ziggurats- Mesopotamia,
[5] Timelaspse- Gardens of Babylon Available at:
[6] Fukuoka Prefectural International Hall, Image via Metropolis Magazine.Available at
[7] GENO Haus, Image via Metropolis Magazine.Available at:
[8] City Hall, Available at:
[9] Life Expression Wellness Center, Available at:
[10] Delft University Library. Available at:
[11] School of Art, Design and Media available at:
[13] Plaza de Lisboa / walking Clerics, Photo by Pedro Alves. Available at:
[14] Technology, C. (2008). Green roof handbook, Conservation Technology 2233
Huntingdo Avenue Baltimore MD 21211.
[15] IST Campus roof plan, Available at:
[16] VERDISEAL™ Waterproof Roofing Membrane, Available at:

[17] Sedum Collection, Available at:


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