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Personal Background

My religious background has been, all things considered, pretty common, what with a run of the mill, if
somewhat extreme, fundamentalist family. Baptist for the most part, but after we started hopping
churches, I’ve seen a bit of everything, except for Messianic churches since my mother really likes them.
Initially, I had a group that I got along with well, but since it’s all but disbanded now, we left. I haven’t
really found anywhere like that since.

Family History

In my childhood home, for better or for worse, the Bible was the ultimate authority. I was sometimes
spanked with a belt, and apologetics books littered the house (and still do). That changed, however,
when I realized the final ramifications of doing that meant, such as the regulations of Leviticus. That, as
well as learning about the piecemeal nature of the Bible, has caused me to view it in a different light
than your average Christian.

Life Experience

All throughout my life, my mother and father have argued, sometimes over the most trivial or chaotic of
things. However, most of these were incited by my father due to some slight misconception of my
mother. I tried multiple times to break it up, but my father would have none of it because “the Bible
commands it”. I didn’t want to believe it, but he was right. So yes, that did change my understanding of
the Bible quite a lot. You can guess how.


As what I thought to be the only viable path up until a few years ago, the Bible has kick started my
spiritual journey. If not for it, I doubt I’d be anywhere near where I am today. It’s helped me in good
times and bad, and it’s helped me greatly during my childhood, and even after everything, I will still
reserve a space for it in my life.

Religious Community

I don’t really identify with one community, per se, but the communities I’ve connected most with
treasure it, but don’t blindly accept its words. It’s a delicate balance, to be sure, but one I think they do
well. Diversity is very important to them, as lack of it will eventually lead to stagnation. And with that
diversity, comes new interpretations.

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