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1.Warm Up
Jumping into stretches cold is NEVER a good idea. It’s extremely important to get
your body warm before your flexibility training. Any 5 minute cardio workout will do,
but don’t leave it out!

2. Be Consistent
Consistency is key to improving flexibility. If you only stretch once a week, that will be a
huge contributor to slow progress. Aim for 3 days a week, and add time after your body
gets used to that!

3. Breathe
Breathe, breathe, and breath some more. Breathing is one of the most important things you can
do in your stretches. It allows oxygen to go to your muscles, helping them relax in your stretches.
With that said…

4. Don’t Completely Relax

Even when it’s passive stretching, you still want certain muscles engaged to help the
opposing muscles relax. There needs to be a balance of engagement and relaxation to get
the full benefit of any flexibility training.

5. Build Your Foundation

Good technique is more important than looking impressive. Lay down your foundation.
Do not push yourself too hard. Instagram worthy pics are not worth a potential injury.

6. Work at Your Level

No matter your starting level, it’s extremely important not to force yourself to immediately
go into the next level. Know your level and work at it, you will progress in time!

7. Progress is Slow
Flexibility training is not instantly gratifying; it takes a lot of hard work and patience. Don’t get
frustrated if progress doesn’t happen as quick as you’d like. With consistent practice, you will get there.

© Catie Brier Contortion 2018

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