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Đề tài : “ Good learning habits ”



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1 21K620001 Định nghĩa + hình minh họa
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Learning good study habits
2 Lê Phương Anh 21K620010
+ hình minh họa
Learning good study habits
3 Nguyễn Hải Anh 21K620015
+ hình minh họa
Nguyễn Đỗ Phương Learning good study habits
4 21K620016
Anh + hình minh họa
The importance of good
5 Phan Thị Ngọc Ánh 21K620022
learning + hình minh họa


I. Opening.
II. Definition
III. Learning good study habits
1. Learn effectively in a short time
2. School groups
3. Make a timetable you could stick to
4. Record the lessons you need to learn every day
5. Remember to bring your ‘‘ work done ’’ to school
6. Teacher, let me ask
7. Learning with colors
8. Focus, focus, focus!
9. Love and take care of yourself
IV. The importance of good learning
V. End.

Learning is necessary work for a lifetime. You not only have to study today,
in high school, or university lecture hall, but always have to constantly learn
to hone and supplement your knowledge. Therefore, good study habits and

to study well are extremely necessary. Maybe one of the habits below, you
already have. But there are also some habits you "have never known", that's
okay, just practice daily so that good study habits become a part of you, and
learning becomes a hobby and excitement.
Building good study habits is not difficult, but not all students can do it.
Because most do not have a plan, learning principles. Therefore, study habits
can be learned and developed with certain techniques to improve learning
outcomes and ability to learn. These habits are important for children,
teenagers, college students, and adults who must study regularly, as
otherwise, it can be difficult to pass exams.
Academic success is when you face an exam, a test that you can do well. To
be like that it depends on your plan, your organization, the time you can
spend on research, to have a good material, learn all the most effective ways.
Study habits are the predictor most powerful indicator if we talk about
academic success, beyond the capacity of memory or intelligence that one

Therefore, if you want to get the most out of it, I encourage you to forge
yourself with study habits that enhance the way you learn. Study habits, like
the techniques you use when you study, are a part of your study. part of the
learning approach from each of us.

II. Definition
Therefore, it is necessary to understand what good study habits are and some
good study habits that we offer to help you improve your studies.
We can understand that good study habits are self-generalizing and
synthesizing knowledge; know how to solve problems on their own; self-
searching and reading books, knowing their own strengths and weaknesses;
self-discipline and initiative in learning... - At first glance, everyone thinks
they can do it, because these are familiar habits and skills. It is important
that you know that it is a learning created by repetition, so practice is
fundamental. Learning habits are eventually automated and eventually
become part of your repertoire of habitual behaviors.
Effective learning may be the most important tool students have when
achieving academic success.

III. Learning good study habits

Here are some good learning habits that we would like to mention:
1. Learn effectively in a short time
If you want to learn effectively in a short time, you need to follow the steps:

- First we need to set a goal: The goal could be to get a good score on
an exam, get a scholarship, or simply gain more knowledge. Use some
goal that is enough to stimulate your mind, and work towards it.

- Second, we must not delay learning. Start learning now and forever. If
you think you'll study in 15 minutes, you probably won't learn
anything by the end of the class. Always remind yourself of your
goals, stick posters on the wall to remind yourself how important that

- Next is to plan and find a good place to study. You need to know what
you have to do in a certain amount of time. Use a piece of paper to
write down the chapters you need to study in a week. Don't let the
schedule be too tight, let it be flexible if possible. Studying alone is
best when you don't have much time. Make sure you are not
distracted. Put your phone on silent and hide it. Make sure there is
enough light. The library can be a perfect place for learning.

- Make sure there is enough light. The library can be a perfect place for

- Especially, we only bring what is necessary for learning to avoid

distraction while studying.
- Next when we start to enter we need to read the summary first. then
try to concentrate intensely, don't let your mind roam while studying.
If you feel distracted, get up and wash your face. Remind yourself of
your goals, then come back to study.

- Finally, review the lesson as soon as you've finished studying and
don't forget to write short notes. Write down the most important
points: formulas, equations, reactions,... This will be very helpful
when reviewing for exams.

2. School groups
 Group study is very beneficial because :
- Group study to share knowledge Group study gives you the
opportunity to share knowledge with others. At the same time receive
a lot of new things, members have the opportunity to supplement your
knowledge. Thereby, you will have a better grasp of what you have
learned in the classroom. Besides, group study helps you to solve the
questions of the subject that you have not found the most reasonable

- Training the ability to work as a team Studying in groups will help
you practice teamwork. Team members focus on solving a job, so
everyone must have a high sense of responsibility for the common
job.Therefore, through group study, the members train themselves
with collectivism, self-discipline and a sense of responsibility.

- Group study saves you a lot of time. If you study alone, you will have
to solve the mountain of exercises yourself, the questions are
discussed, and you find a solution faster. With a lot of homework but
with collective strength, the team will solve them faster.

- Increase thinking and critical thinking ability when studying in group.
Group study is supportive, complementing each other's knowledge,
but at the same time, it is also competitive when debating an issue. As
a result, team members will be able to think faster, have the ability to
be critical and creative. The group study environment ensures a
deeper understanding of the knowledge that you might otherwise

- It also helps to improve the ability to focus on a certain task and

increase communication from group study.Through group study, your
ability to communicate also increases significantly. In a shared
learning environment, don't hesitate to share your learning questions,
don't pretend to hide the knowledge you have, share a lot to get more
in return.

3. Make a timetable you could stick to

One of the most valuable skills you can have as an online student is effective
time management. The better you manage your time, the easier it is to
achieve your goals. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, meaning, it’s
not about how much time you have, but how well you can manage it.

As a student, making a study timetable will give you an effective time

management strategy and allow you to succeed at uni. Time is the one
resource that can’t be bought yet many, at one time or another, either use it
ineffectively or waste it. It's also a great way to help you achieve the goals
you have in life, both big and small.

You have to take a look at it frequently all through the semester for as many
lessons as you could. Some human beings take a look at each day, others
position it off to a few times per week. The frequency isn’t as essential as
truly analyzing on an ordinary basis. Even in case you simply crack open a
notebook as soon as per week for a category, it’s higher than ready till the
primary examination in a huge cram session.

When someone asked, how to make a timetable for study which can be
followed too. Ironically Time Table and Following timetable both terms
appear contrary to 98% of the students. According to is a
little harsher in stats, they say 99% of students who make timetables don’t
follow it.

According to, the way to make a schedule and stick to it is:

1.Writing Down Your Most Important Daily Tasks

0 Prepare a list of what you need to do on a daily basis

1 Write down the big tasks and the little ones.

2 Ask yourself questions related to your activities.

3 Analyze your list

2. Making the Timetable

3. Optimizing Your Timetable

Once you have a schedule, studying and organizing your time becomes
easier than ever.

4. Record the lessons you need to learn every day

 A similar format to the notebook when you were a child. But instead of the
teacher or the assistant class taking notes for you, you will write them
yourself. For example, on that day, when the teacher told you to take the
test, you should take out your notebook and write it down quickly: the date
of the test, the content of the test... The notebook will also be used to record. 

5. Remember to bring your “work done” to school! 
It sounds a bit weird at first, but such a simple thing creates a habit? Yeah,
it's that simple, but if you don't pay attention, you'll forget it. Ask yourself,
during all these years of school, have you ever forgotten your homework?
To avoid this "tiny" thing, it's "easily easy". The secret lies in an envelope
that "never leaves the briefcase". When you have any homework done,
quickly put it on the cover. With the exercises that are always done in the
workbook, when you have completed any subject, put it in the pair right
away. Before you leave your desk, take out your “attention” notebook, check
your work, and open your briefcase to see if it has been put in. Now it's safe
to go to sleep! 

6. Teacher, let me ask.. 
An old piece of advice that never gets old to learn well is: If you don't know,
ask. And the person who most accurately answered what I didn't know was
the teacher. Honestly, asking teachers is really "difficult", even "torture".
That's partly because we are still far away from our teachers, impressed by
many "rumors" from our friends about teachers. Just imagine the subject
teacher as the homeroom teacher, or it is a teacher I love and open,
obediently talk to. Initially the greetings, happy meeting, gradually the
feeling of "afraid" to ask will disappear!

7. Learning with colors 

A tight notebook, full of a blue ballpoint pen (sometimes adding a few red
pen strokes)... looking at it forever, looking at it all the time. But a notebook
with bracketed paragraphs, highlighted paragraphs, underlined words... then
sticker paper, crocheted arrows with notes of all colors red, yellow, orange
will definitely "hold" them. It took me a long time, but to "get in the head"
we were really fast, weren't we! The secret is to prepare a lot of pens and
notes! When you first copy the lesson, just write it with a normal blue pen.
Any points that the teacher explains more, write it on the sticker paper next
to it. That night when reviewing the lesson, mark, underline, make notes,
and put stickers on it. So you have studied the lesson 2 times already. After
that, when reviewing the lesson will be extremely easy! 

8. Focus, focus, focus! 
Today there is homework, must review for next week's test, there is a lesson
to prepare in advance...But today there is also a live broadcast of Musical
gifts, a friend invited me to chat, yes go to facebook to plant can
i play and learn at the same time? The usual way we still do it is to put aside
"some lessons that don't need to be done right away", let's do it tomorrow.
But gradually, gradually, day by day, it will create bad habits, and those
"pull-up lessons" will fall on you at any time. When you are in such a
"difficult" situation, focus, concentrate, and really focus on making "lessons"
the number 1 priority. Complete the frequency of today's lessons, what you
plan to do. Today, it's time to step to priority number 2 for entertainment.
The little secret to staying focused is to ask yourself, “What if I don't study
and do enough? Are those pleasures worth the "sacrifice"? What days can I
watch and play again?…” 

9. Love and take care of yourself !

IV. The importance of good learning

For us of the present: Learning helps individuals integrate into the
community and interact with society, cultivating knowledge, skills and
experiences in the learning process will help achieve success in any job. be
highly effective.

For the future now: Knowledge is the most important premise for living in
the digital age, having knowledge is like a person walking in the dark with
lights on.

What if we have no knowledge? People who do not study will become

backward people, unable to integrate into society, unable to contribute to the
country, and unable to develop themselves in the future.

IV. End.
Don’t forget to learn!
Studying isn’t just about passing an exam, as most students look at it as.
Studying is an effort to actually learn things, some of which you might
actually care about. So while you’ll have to take your share of classes that
have little or nothing to do with your interests, you should still look for
interesting things to take away from every experience.

By the time you’ll realize what a great opportunity school is, you’ll be well
into the middle of your life with a lot of responsibilities children, mortgages,
career pressures, etc. Then most people have neither the time nor energy to

go back to school. So take the time to learn some stuff now, because you’ll
appreciate the opportunity later on.


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