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GOAL: “Recognition to others for actions and words you otherwise consider
ASSESSING REALITY: I carried out a survey for my close friends and family even the house
help that comes to place. I got various responses when I asked questions like: “How good have I
been in saying thankyou?” “When you do something nice to me. How do I react to it?” “How
many thankyou emails and text messages have I sent to you, since I’ve known you?” The
response that I received for the first question was very good, mostly people answered in my
favour saying that I’m pretty good at saying thankyou. Even when they answered the questions
for my survey I said “thankyou” so that explains. There are a few examples which I got that
justified their answers; For example every time my parents take me out for dinner I thank them, I
thank my house maid when she finds something that I lost. The response for the second question
was fairly good, my friends said that I’m usually expressive when it comes to thanking someone
and intensity of it varies. The response for the third question varied from person to person, some
said I sometimes thank them via text and sometimes I don’t. I usually just thank my Best friend
via messages. Giving you an example of two days ago, when I went to my best friend’s house
and texted her after coming back just to say thankyou for being such a great company. Coming to
whether I have thanked my teachers for lessons, so answer of that is Yes I have, but I usually
don’t go to them separately just from my seat when everyone else says it.
ACTION PLAN: After the survey I got to know where I was lacking the most which was not
saying thankyou via messages. I often forget to thank my specific friends through messages after
they did something nice to me, but that also varies from situation to situation. I would send my
friends and my sister thankyou messages or voice notes from now on. I would also start to thank
my house maid, for making my eyes brows by not just saying thankyou verbally only when she
makes it pretty good but also giving her some extra tip apart from what my mothers gives. I
would also start to recognise the guard of my house when he comes to my house to drop
groceries from our car, I usually tip him but I never say thankyou to him.
FEEDBACK: When I started implementing the things which I mentioned above, the response of
it was fairly good. My house maid got really happy when I tipped her extra and thanked her with
a smile for making my eye brow and putting efforts just to make it perfect. I also thanked my
guard with a usual tip, his response wasn’t like my house maid just a simple chin lift, but it
looked like he appreciated it. I would want to work on thanking my guard more often with a
much better thankyou. I also thanked two off my friends and my elder sister after a hangout via
messages and voice notes and they really appreciated it with a big welcome.
FREQUENT PRACTICE: What I learnt from this assignment was I should tend to observe how I
thank people more and should act according to the given responses in future. As I observed
where I was lacking and from whom I got the most satisfactory responses from, I would want to
improve myself with it . Obviously if I make it a habit of something which will please people
and make their day, the world would definitely be a better place.

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