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Perawat 1

N: Assalamualaikum. Good morning. My name is Mifta and my partner, karolin. We’re going to
be your nurse for today

K: Wa’alaikumsalam. Good morning, nurse

N: Before we start I need to ask you some questions. First, could I have your name please?

K: My name is Luthi

N: And your baby’s name?

K: Her name is Putri

N: “OK. Could you tell me the reason for your visit today?

K: Yes. My baby got fever for 2 days. She has taken medicine but her body temperature is still
high and I don’t what to do

N: Alright Ms. Luthi. What is her date of birth?

K: 10 desember 2020.

N: Does you have any medication problems? Like allegic?

K: No, She doesn’t, nurse

N: Alright. That’s all my questions. Next, nurse Karolin will teach you how to apply a warm
compress to help lower her body temperature. However, before that nurse Karolin will check
your child's vital signs first, okay?

K: Ok. Nurse

Perawat 2

N: Ok Ms. Luthi. I’m karolin, in this moment I will teach you how to do warm compress to your
baby, but firstly I’ll check her vital sign. There are 4 of them, body temperature, namely blood
pressure, respiratory rate, and pulse. I need about 15 minutes and I’ll do it at here. Are you
willing Ms. Luthi?

K: yes, I am
N: Before I start is there anything that you want to ask me?

K: No, there is not

N: Okay. I’ll put this thermometer in her armpit until it makes sound. While it’s working, I’ll
check her pulse rate

K: alright nurse

N: Her body temperature is quiet high. It’s 39,2 degree and your pulse rate is normal,

K: Ohhh It was 39 degree yesterday

N: So it’s getting higher. Alright, you don’t need to be worried. Because I’ll teach you to do
warm compress. But now, I’ll check her blood pressure and respiratory rate.

K: Okay nurse

N: I will put this cuff on her arm and then I will pump it up. Don’t worry it’s not gonna hurt your
baby. Are you ok with it?

K: It’s okay nurse

N: Alright. I already checked her blood pressure and it’s normal, 80/55 mmHg and her
respiratory rate is also normal. It is 102x/minute.

K: Okey thank you

N: Next, I’ll teach you to do warm compress. First of all you only need to provide a bucket of
warm water and a small towel. make sure the water temperature is not too hot and not too cold.
Soak the towel into the warm water and then wring it out. you can put the towel on her forehead
and wait for a while then repeat again. Can you understand what I explain?

K: Yes, I understand nurse

N: Alright. In addition to compressing the forehead, you can also compress the folds of her body,
such as the armpits and do it repeatedly until her body temperature becomes lower

K: alright nurse. Thank you so much

N: You’re welcome. Now, I’ll check her body temperature again.

K: Ok nurse.

N: It’s 38.7 degree. it’s getting lower. So, how do you feel about this?

K: ohhh thank god. I feel relieved

N: Ok, glad to know that. So can you repeat about what I just taught you?

K: Yes. I only need to provide a bucket of warm water and a small towel. make sure the water
temperature is not too hot and not too cold. Soak the towel into the warm water and then wring it
out. I put the towel on her forehead or armpit

N: Yes, you are right ms. Luthi. Then, before I finish it, do have question for me?

K: No, I don’t

N: Alright then, If you have any question you can ask me or nurse mifta. Thank you so much for
your cooporation and I hope you get well soon. Assalamualaikum

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