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Project Report

The Final Project Report is a project deliverable and shall be submitted in accordance with Scope of Work.

Project Management REPORT FORMAT:

 Content

 Introduction:
Include the following subheadings and/or content: Description of the design Principles and
application, Background and Need for the Project, Management Actions Addressed, and Goals
and Objectives of the Project.

 Task 1, 2, 3,….

 Appendix

 Reference

Submission Requirement

Font : Times New Roman

Font Size: 12
Number of words: 7,500 words
Spacing Single Line Spacing
Printing : single-spacing
1. Introduction 1

2. Task 1.1 2

3. Task 1.2 3
Differentiate between the planning and design phase of the construction process and describe the
coordination and management of each phase:

Construction planning is an important and challenging activity in the management and

performance of construction projects. It involves the …….
Unit 01 Design Principle and Application

Report Format: Introduction, Content, Body (Task Question and Answer),

Conclusion and Reference.

Task 1.1
- Pre-contract  sketch drawing
Task 1.2
- Post-contactworking drawing
Task 1.3
- Tender
M1 - Select what contract you will use in this project (i.e design and build
contract/Management contract) and explanation
D1 - Project organization chat (Design and build OR management contract
organization chat), describe the duties for all parties
- Provide small conclusion

Task 2.1
- Procurement selection (i.e. design and build contract/Management contract)
M2 - Procurement consideration and provide example such as concrete/steel structure

Task 2.2
Chapter 2&3 - Green code/Green building/sustainable urban design and provide

Task 2.3
Finance + figure 8.2 + explain the diagram
D2 – Explain, and Select what contract you will use in this project
- Provide small conclusion

Task 3.1
1. Sustainable construction + example
2. Environment Architecture
M3 - Sustainable development -- Three dimension diagram + example

Task 3.2
Waste management + example
Task 3.3
1. Environment strategies  Building life cycle and sustainable management
diagram + example
2. Environment impact assessment
D3 - Provide the new and renewable sources or use in Lok Wo shak project.
- Provide small conclusion

Task 4.1
1. Client role (Chapter 1)
2. Designer role (Chapter 1)
3. RE role + organization chat (RE chat) and duties (in this project) (Chapter 6)

Task 4.2
-Contractor role + organization chat and each duties (in this project) (chapter 7)

Task 4.3
General condition of contract (GCC) what clause you will use in this project?
(Chapter 8)

Task 5.1
Chapter 10; Building Intelligence +Diagram (intelligent Building+green building)

Task 5.2
Chapter 10; Intelligence building in this project? (eg. IB@work/home)

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