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Firstly, I would like to thank Allah as He gave me the strength and chance to work correctly.
Secondly, I would like to thank my kind faculty for helping me throughout the research. And
Without her guidance, it would have been hard for me to complete the research. Her support is
appreciated. Finally, I would like to thank all the participants who filled up the survey. It is
appreciated that they found time to fill up my survey. Without their response, it would be hard
for me to research without any primary responses, and they helped me complete the research

Table of content
Topic Page No
Abstract 4
Introduction 5
The Objective of the Study 5
Participant Profile 6
Research Methodology 7
Data Presentation and analysis 7- 14
Reccommendation 15- 16
Conclusion 17

The topic of preparing this research paper is misogyny in Bangladesh. What kind of misogyny
women face in Bangladesh, the reason behind it, where and at what age they face it the most are

part of this research paper. Misogyny is a social problem. My research paper consists of all the
inside things: what is the reason for misogyny and how to prevent it altogether. My paper is
based on a survey filled out by students and employees of various professions and workplaces.
For an in-depth study, I used various websites. Following the survey, I have created a conclusion
that gives children a proper education about respecting other people regardless of gender,
encouraging girls to pursue their ambition and stand up for themselves rather than depending on
a male, and raising awareness of the most effective way to prevent misogyny.


Misogyny refers mainly to the hatred of women or prejudices against women. It is a culture
where women face violence and hate because they are women in the world of men. According to
a psychologist, misogyny is- "the system that operates within a patriarchal social order to police
and enforce women's subordination and to uphold male dominance." (Katte Manne,2018)

Misogyny supports sexism by condemning those who oppose women's inferior status and
rewarding those who accept it. People are born in a male-dominated society, and they
incorporate and maintain the traditions and social mores that characterize this culture and
practice misogyny unknowingly. Girls tend to outperform boys from a very early age. That is
when society starts to control them and teach them how to live in the male-dominated culture.
Even if they get ambitious and pursue their dream, they can not be more successful than men.
Society sets a glass ceiling for women so they can not surpass men. It prevents girls and women
of future generations from truly educating and training themselves in the skills that are essential
to sustain in this diverse society. Misogyny smothers the ambitions of girls and constantly
threatens women's success.

The objective of the study

My research paper aims "to find out the causes and impact of misogyny on Bangladeshi girls
and womens' ambition and success and the prevention of it."

Research Methodology

I have prepared questionaries and conducted a short survey with ten different questions. The
survey was given to and filled out by 20 females of different occupations. There is no personal
interview taken for the research paper.

After that, I gathered all the information from the survey and presented it through pie charts. I
used percentages to show the respondents' opinions.

Data Presentation and Analysis

This section will consist of detailed discussions of all the survey questions to narrow down
people's opinions on misogyny and its impact on women's confidence and ambition. The data
will be presented through pie charts, and results will be explained below that.

Figure 1- "Have you ever experienced misogyny, like-"

Here, the pie charts show the responses of 20 females to the question- "Have you ever
experienced misogyny, like-" by percentage.

The pie chart shows that 10% of the people, meaning 2 out of 20 people, have selected option
one; they were expected to tasks that are not included in their job description. The percentage of
them hearing not to go anywhere alone just because they are women is 45%, which is 9 out of 20
females has selected. 15% of the females means 3 out of 20 females were excluded from

important tasks because of their gender. The percentage of the females hearing women should
know their place is 30%, which is 6 out of 20 females.

So, here we can conclude that most people were asked not to go anywhere alone because they are
women, and they were told that "a woman should know her place."

Figure 2- "At what age did you start to face misogyny?"

The pie chart shows the percentage of the age range of the females when they first started to face

Here, 60% of the people, 12 out of 20, had started facing misogyny when they were 8-15 years
old. The percentage of people facing misogyny from the age of 16 to 23 is 40%, which is 8 out of
20 people. None of them started facing misogyny from age 24, so the percentage of 24 or above
is 0% which is 0 people.

The majority of the people started facing misogyny from a very early age when they were 8 to 15
years old.

Figure 3- "What do you think the reason behind misogyny is?"

The pie chart shows the percentage of people thinking the reason behind misogyny.

Here, 30% of the people, or 6 out of 20 people, think that teaching children the idea of masculinity from
a very young age causes misogyny. The percentage of people thinking that men think women are just
their subordinates is only 5 % which is 1 out of 20 people. 5 % people, 1 out of 20 people believe that
lack of social awareness causes misogyny. The percentage of people thinking all the reasons are
accurate and causes misogyny is 60 % means 12 out of 20 people.

So, most people think that misogyny is caused by teaching children the idea about masculinity at an
early age, men thinking women are their subordinates, and lack social awareness.

Figure 4- "Where do you think women face misogyny the most?"

The pie chart illustrates the percentage of places where women face misogyny the most.

According to the pie chart, 30%, 6 out of 20 people, think that misogyny happens at home. The
percentage of people thinking misogyny occurs in an educational institute is 30 % means 6 out of
20 people. The other 40%, 8 out of 20 women, think that misogyny happens in workplaces.

Here, we can see that most people believe that most women face misogyny in their workplace.

Figure 5-"What was the consequence for you of experiencing misogyny?"

Here is the pie chart of the consequences that the respondents faced after experiencing misogyny
by percentage.

The percentage of women facing no consequences is 9.5%, 2 out of 20 women. 22.7%, 5 out of
20 respondents' ambitions were negatively impacted because of misogyny. The percentage of
misogyny affecting the respondents' confidence and self-esteem is 40.9% means 9 out of 20
people. Lastly, misogyny negatively affected 27.3%, 6 of the respondents' mental health.

So, misogyny affected most of the women's confidence and self-esteem.

Figure 6- "How did you respond to misogynistic comments?"

The pie chart shows the response of the people to misogynistic comments by percentage.

35% means 7 out of 20 people laughed it off like it did not bother them after receiving
misogynistic comments. The percentage of people confronted the misogynist is 20%, 4 out of 20
people. 45% people means 9 out of 20 people avoided the misogynists after their comments.

Here, most women avoided the person who passed misogynistic comments on them.

Figure 7-"Misogyny smothers the ambitions of girls and constantly threatens women's success."

Here, the pie chart illustrates the percentage of people who agree and disagrees that misogyny
smothers girls' ambitions and constantly threatens women's success.

The percentage of people agreeing with the phrase is 100% means 20 out of 20 people agree with
the words, and 0% disagree.

So, everyone agrees that misogyny smothers girls' ambitions and constantly threatens women's

Figure 8- "Why do you think that? (based on answer no.7)

Here the pie chart shows the percentage of the people's response to why they have agreed or
disagreed on question no. 7, which is- misogyny smothers girls' ambitions and constantly
threatens women's success.

The percentage of people thinking misogyny smothers girls' ambitions and constantly threatens
women's success because it demotivates them to pursue the things they want is 35% means 7 out
of 20 people. 30% of people think it causes women depression and affects their mental health to
pursue their ambition. And 30%, 6 out of 20 respondents said it negatively affects their
confidence and self-esteem. Only 5% means one person commented that the world is not only for

So, most of them believe that misogyny smothers girls' ambitions and constantly threatens
women's success because it demotivates them to pursue the things they want.

Figure 9- "Do you believe that misogyny is a social problem?"

Here, the pie charts show the responses of 20 females to the question- "Do you believe that
misogyny is a social problem?" by percentage.

100%, 20 out of 20 of the respondents said yes to misogyny as a social problem. The percentage
of no and maybe 0% means 0 people are unsure or disagrees that misogyny is a social problem.

So, everyone agrees that misogyny is a social problem.

Figure 10- "What do you think the most effective way to prevent misogyny?"

The pie chart illustrates the percentage of people responding to the prevention of misogyny.

15% of people means three people agree that giving children a proper education about respecting
other people regardless of gender is the most effective way to prevent misogyny. 15%, three
people think that encouraging girls to pursue their ambition and stand up for themselves rather
than depending on a male is the best way to prevent misogyny. On the other hand, 0% means, 0
people recommended that raising awareness of misogyny can be an effective way to avoid
misogyny. Whereas 70% people, means 14 out of 20 people said by taking all the above action is
the most effective way to prevent misogyny.

So, Most respondents think that giving children a proper education about respecting other people
regardless of gender, encouraging girls to pursue their ambition and stand up for themselves
rather than depending on a male, and raising awareness of misogyny is the most effective way to
prevent misogyny.

For question no. 1

Here, women have experienced a different kind of misogyny, but according to the chart, 45% of,
majority of the women have been asked not to go anywhere alone because they are women.

For question no. 2

Here, 60% of the people had started facing misogyny when they were 8-15 years old. So, most
people began facing misogyny from a very early age when they were 8 to 15 years old.

For question no. 3

60% of people and the majority think all the reasons are accurate and cause misogyny. So, it is
true that misogyny is driven by teaching children the idea about masculinity at an early age, men
thinking women are their subordinates and lack social awareness.

For question no. 4

40% of the respondents think that women face misogyny at the workplace the most. Women still
face misogyny at home and educational institutes, but the percentage of them facing misogyny is
indeed in the workplace where they are overlooked and overheard.

For question no. 5

The respondents have faced many kinds of consequences after receiving misogynistic comments,
but 40.9% of women's confidence and self-esteem were affected by those comments. Misogyny
indeed affects their confidence. It's a way of pulling women down and making them believe that
they are not capable of anything. It is a problematic attitude that is like a barrier for women who
want to seek success.

For question no. 6

45% of people avoided the misogynists after their comments. After receiving misogynistic
comments, women don't want to make a scene, so they choose to keep silent and avoid the

person. My recommendation would be to confront the misogynist because women are equal to
them, and women to raise their voices to prevent that kind of situation again.

For question no. 7

100% of people agree that misogyny smothers girls' ambitions and constantly threatens women's
success. It indeed causes girls to lose their interest in what they want to do and creates a glass
ceiling for women not to succeed.

For question no. 8

The participants were asked to present their points of view. The percentage of people thinking
misogyny smothers girls' ambitions and constantly threatens women's success because it
demotivates them to pursue the things they want is 35%. When women receive misogynistic
comments and always hear how girls will never be equivalent to boys, they lose hope and get
demotivated, so they do not dare pursue their dreams.

For question no. 9

100% of the respondents said yes to misogyny as a social problem. It is indeed a social problem
that needs to be solved because in a misogynistic society, half of the population, meaning
women, are overlooked and overheard, which paralyzes half of the society.

For question no. 10

70% people said by taking all the above action- giving children a proper education about
respecting other people regardless of gender, encouraging girls to pursue their ambition and
stand up for themselves rather than depending on a male, and raising awareness of misogyny is
the most effective way to prevent misogyny. Misogyny can be prevented all the way if only we
take all the necessary steps together.


The women in our country are victims of misogyny. The constitution of Bangladesh and the
common legislation guarantee women in Bangladesh gender equality. The patriarchal
interpretation of the constitution, however, fails to prevail over patriarchy. "The subordination
that we experience at a daily level, regardless of the class we might belong to, takes various
forms – discrimination, disregard, insult, control, exploitation, oppression, violence – within the
family, at the place of work, in society." ( The Arts Faculty Journal, July 2010-June 2011)

Bangladeshi people have to raise awareness, take responsibility, and teach the next generation to
respect each other and follow their ambition no matter what. That is the effective way they can
prevent misogyny in this country.

The impact of Psychological contract breach to EVLN Model.

Finally I would like to thank all the lecturers and ....

Misogyny - Wikipedia

Penaluna, R. (2018, February 27). Kate Manne: The Shock Collar That Is Misogyny. Guernica.

Abeda Sultana,. (2010, July). Patriarchy and Women’s Subordination: A Theoretical Analysis.
The Arts Faculty Journal, July 2010-June 2011.

1. Have you ever experienced misogyny, like-
 You're expected to do tasks that are not included in your job description.
 You were asked not to go anywhere alone because you're a woman.
 You were excluded from important tasks because you're a woman.
 You were told, "a woman should know her place."
2. At what age did you start to face misogyny?
 8-15
 16-23
 24-31
3. What do you think the reason behind misogyny is?
 Teaching children the idea of masculinity from a very young age.
 Men thinking women are just their subordinates.
 Lack of social awareness
 All of the above
4. Where do you think women face misogyny the most?
 Home
 Educational institute
 Work
5. What was the consequence for you of experiencing misogyny?
 There was no consequence.
 It has negatively impacted your ambition.
 It affected your confidence and self-esteem.
 It negatively affected you mentally and your health.
6. How did you respond to misogynistic comments?
 Laughed it off like it did not bother you.
 Confronted the person.
 Avoided the person.
7. Misogyny creates a glass ceiling for women and threatens their success

 Agree
 Disagree
8. Why do you think that? ( based on answer no. 7)
 Explain-
9. Do you believe misogyny is a social problem?
 Yes
 No.
10. What do you think is the most effective way to prevent misogyny?
 Giving children a proper education about respecting other people regardless of
their gender.
 Encouraging girls to pursue their ambition and stand up for themselves rather than
depending on a male.
 Raising awareness of misogyny.
 All of the above.


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