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CXC Mathematics General Proficiency Matrices I & transformations I


1. Definition of matrices
Shop A Shop B Shop C
2. Elements in an Array Packs of noodles sold 36 21 43
Packs of rice sold 27 56 35
3. Types of Matrices

4. Matrix Addition and Subtraction of This table can be represented as a matrix:

matrices  36 21 43 

 27 
5. Matrix multiplication of matrices  56 35 
 row by column
6. Equality of Matrices
The order of a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns is
7. Finding the Inverse of a 2×2 Matrix
2 × 3 or 2 by 3.
8. Representing Information as a Matrix
A matrix is usually denoted by a capital letter.
9. Examination Question Examples
C  
 27 
 56 35 
 23
1. Definition
2. Types of transformations Elements in an Array
3. Translation
Each number in the array is called an entry or an
4. Reflections element of the matrix. When we need to read out
the elements of an array, it is read out row by row.
5. Glide reflection
6. Rotations Example:

7. Enlargement / Reduction
8. Examination Question Examples

MATRICES a11 = 2 (first row, first column) = 2

a12 = 4 (first row, second column) = 4
Matrices (singular: matrix, plural: matrices) have a23 = 9 (second row, third column) = 9
many uses in real life. One application would be to
use matrices to represent a large amount of data in a Types of Matrices
concise manner so that we can process the data in
various ways more conveniently. A matrix may be classified by types. It is possible
for a matrix to belong to more than one type.

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CXC Mathematics General Proficiency Matrices I & transformations I

Row matrix
Diagonal matrix
A row matrix is a matrix with only one row.
A diagonal matrix is a square matrix that has all its
E   4  E is a row matrix of order 1 × 1 elements zero except for those in the diagonal from
top left to bottom right; which is known as the
B  9 2 5  B is a row matrix of order leading diagonal of the matrix.
3 0 0
 
Column matrix B  0 8 0  B is a diagonal matrix of
0 0 2 

A column matrix is a matrix with only one order 3 × 3

C   3  C is a column matrix of order 1 × 1 Unit matrix

A unit matrix is a diagonal matrix whose elements
  5
D     D is a column matrix of order in the diagonal are all ones.
 3 
1 0
N     T is a unit matrix of order 2 × 2
0 1 
A column matrix of order 2 × 1 is also called a
vector matrix
1 0 0
 
P  0 1 0  P is a unit matrix of order 3 ×
Null matrix 0 0 1 

A zero matrix or a null matrix is a matrix that has
all its elements zero.
Singular matrix
0 0 0
 
O  0 0 0  O is a zero matrix If the determinant of a matrix is 0 (zero) then the
0 0 0  matrix has no inverse. This type of matrix is called

a singular matrix.

Square matrix

A square matrix is a matrix with an equal number

of rows and columns.

6 3
T     T is a square matrix of order
0 4 
7 1 9
 
V  3 8 5  V is a square matrix of
2 1 8 

order 3 × 3

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Matrix Addition and Subtraction of 7

3 

 3

0 

matrices 5 9    8 1 
11  2  3  4 
  
Matrices can only be added (or subtracted) if they  7  ( 3) 3  0 
are of the same order.  
=  58 9 1 
11  ( 3) ( 2)  ( 4) 
 
 first matrix  3 2 +  second matrix  3 2
 10 3
 
=  answer matrix  3 2 =  3 8 ans.
 14 2 

Matrix addition (or subtracted) is very simple; we

just add the corresponding elements. It is not possible to add or subtract matrices that
do not have the same order.

Work out the following: Examples:

 5 2    11 0 
   
1.  4 9  +  7 1 
not same order, unable to
10  3 6  8 1.
    add

not same order, unable to
 5 2    11 0 
2. subtract
   
 4 9  +  7 1 
10  3 6  8
   

 5  (11) 2  0 
  Matrix multiplication of matrices
=  4  7 9 1 
10  ( 6) ( 3)  ( 8) 

Two matrices can only be multiplied provided the
 6 2  number of columns in the first matrix is equal to the
 
=  11 10  ans. number of rows in the second.
 4  11 
 
 first matrix  4  3   second matrix  3 2
7 3   3 0  same
   
2. 5 9    8 1 
11  2  3  4 
  
The answer matrix is obtained multiplying each
element in the rows of the first matrix by each
Solution: element in the columns of the second matrix.

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 first matrix  4  3   second matrix  3 2 1

 3 2 1 
= 3 4 × 
2 
The order of the answer matrix is the rows of the 5  0  1
 23
 6
3 2
first matrix and the columns of the second matrix.
 first matrix  4  3   second matrix  3 2

 [1  3  2  2] [1  2  2  0] [1  1  2  ( 1)] 
same numbers  
 [3  3  4  2] [3  2  4  0] [3  1  4  ( 1)]
same  [5  3  6  2] [5  2  6  0] [5  1  6  ( 1)]
  3 3
=  answer matrix  4 2 numbers
 7 2  1
 
=  17 6  1 ans.
Example:  27
 10  1
 3 3
1. Work out the following:

1 2  1
 5

2 

Equivalent Matrices

2  ×  4 9 
 0 1 
 23 10
  3
3  2
Two matrices are equivalent if they have the same
order but different elements.
 5 2 
1 2  1  

2  ×  4 9  =
 0 1 
 23 10
1 2  1 a b c 
  3
3  2
R  
2 0 1 
 and S  
d e f

  23   23

 [1  5  2  4  ( 1) 10] [1  2  2  9  ( 1)  ( 3)] 

 [ 2  5  0  4  110] R and S are equivalent.
 ( 3)] 
[ 2  2  0  9  1Matrices  2 2
 [5  8  10] [2  18  3] 
=  [10  0  10] [4  0  3]  =
  2 2 Equal Matrices
 3 23 

 20  ans.
 1  2 2
Two matrices are equal if they have the same order
and the corresponding elements are identical.
1 2
 
2. If A = 3 4 and B =
5 6
 3 2

3 2 1 

2 
 0  1
 23

then evaluate A × B

A × B

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E.g. Finding the 2×2 Matrix Inverse

1 2  1
Matrices P  
2  and Before we can find the inverse of a matrix, we need
 0 1  23
to first learn how to calculate the determinant of a
1 2  1
Q  
2  are equal.
 0 1  2 3
Calculating the Determinant of a Matrix
1 2
  a b
But matrices A  3 4 and  
5 6 If A =  
  3 2 c
 d  2  2
3 2 1 
B    are not equal because their
 2 0  1
 23
then the determinant of A = a  d  b  c .
order is different and different elements.
Alternative notations of determinant
Equality of matrices can b used to solve for
I. det. A = a  d  b  c .

Example: II. A = a  d  b  c (determinant of A).

1. Given that the following matrices are equal,

find the values of x, y and z . Examples:
2 1
 
1. If B =   , then find the determinant of
3 5 

B = 2  5  1  3 = 10  3 = 7 ans.
Equate the corresponding elements and solve for
the variables.
2. Calulate the value of x for which the
x+3=6  x=3 determinant is 5.
y = −1
 5 2
4 = z −3  z = 7  
 
 2x  1 x 


5  x  2  2 x  1 = 5

5x  4x  2 = 5
5x  4x = 52  x = 3

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Finding the Inverse of a Matrix When a matrix has no inverse it is called a singular
Use the formula
Matrix inverse =   adjo int  or If the determinant of a matrix is 0 then the matrix
determinant has no inverse. It is called a singular matrix.
 adjoint 
3 6
2. Find the inverse of  1 .
 2

a b
 
If A =   then:
c d Solution:
  2 2

Determinant = (3 × 2) – (6 × 1) = 0
1  d  b
I.  A 1
=  
a  d  b c  c

a 
The given matrix does not have an inverse. It is a
 b
singular matrix.
 d
 
II.  A 1 =  c a 
ad bc Representing Information as a Matrix

7 8 A store sells large and small sizes of blue shirts and
1. Given that P =  5  , find P -1
, the inverse
 6  yellow shirts. The selling price of either shirt is $x
of the matrix P. for a large size and $y for a small size. The table
shows the number of shirts sold in a day.
large small
Calculate the determinant:
blue shirt 5 3
yellow shirt 6 4

Finding the adjoint: The total income from the sale of the blue shirt was
$84 and from the yellow shirt was $104.

5 3  x
1. Given that A =  6 
 , B =   and C =
Substituting:  4  y
 84 
  ,
104 

(a) write down an equation connecting A, B and

 3 4
 P =  5
-1 7
  ans.
 (b) find A-1
 2 2
(c) calculate A -1C
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(d) Explain the significance of your answer to

part (c)
Transformation involves moving an object from its
original position to a new position. The object in
1. the new position is called the image. Each point in
the object is mapped to another point in the image.
(a) AB = C
(b) Determinant = (5 × 4) – (3 × 6) = 2


 2  1.5   84  12 
(c) A 1C =   3   =  
2.5  104 
 8 The original object is Δ ABC and the image is Δ
A/B/C/. (A/ is read as A prime etc.)
(d) The answers in part (c) are the answers for the
matrix B.
Types of transformations

There are many types of transformations in math:

I. Translation, represented by the letter (T):

involves “sliding” the object from one
position to another.

 cost of large size shirt (x) = $12 II. Reflection, represented by the letter (M)
involves “flipping” the object over a line
cost of small size shirt (y) = $8
called the line of reflection.

III. Glide Reflection, represented by the letter

(G) involves translating the image of a

IV. Rotation, represented by the letter (R)

involves “turning” the object about a point
called the center of rotation.

V. Enlargement / Reduction, represented by the

letter (E) involves a resizing of the object.

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VI. Stretch, represented by the letter (S) involves

a stretching along the x-axis, the y-axis or Finding the image under a translation
both axis of the object.
To find the image of a translation, the vector of
VI. Shear, represented by the letter (H) involves a translation, T, is added to the object:
stretch on the diagonal of the object.
I. Using mappings (coordinates) method:
Translation, reflection and rotations are called isometric
transformations because the image is the same size and shape T(x, y):  object    image 
as the original object. The original object and the image are
T(x, y): P(x, y) = P/(x + x , y + y )

Enlargement / Reduction is not an isometric transformation

because the size of the image is not the same as the object. Addition of coordinates
The original object and the image are similar i.e. they have
the same shape but different size.
II. Using matrices method:
Translation  image  =  object  +  translation 
In a translation transformation all the points in  x  xT 
the object are moved in a straight line in the same =   +  
 y  yT 
Matrices addition concept

Example: Finding the image under a translation

1. The triangle P is mapped onto the triangle Q

 4 
by the translation   1 .
 

In general, a translation can be represented by a

 x
column matrix or column vector T =  y  where
 
x is the number of units to move right or left along
the x-axis and y is the number of units to move up
or down along the y-axis.

Properties of a translation

The size, the shape and the orientation of the image (a) Find the coordinates of triangle Q.
are the same as that of the original object. Same (b) On the diagram, draw and label
orientation means that the object and image are triangle Q.
facing the same direction.
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Solution: Describing a translation

 x
(a) Using co-ordinates method First and foremost, calculate T =  y  , the vector of
 
translation; in this case, the object and image will
As a mathematical notation, we may write: be given, to find the vector of translation.
T(x, y): P(x, y) = P/(x + x , y + y ) T T
Using the coordinates obtained, we can then
describe the translation.
to mean object A is mapped onto B under
the transformation T.  x
In T =  y  ,
 
T(4, -1): A(2, 5) = A/(6, 4)
T(4, -1): B(4, 2) = B/(8, 1) if x is a positive number, this describes a
rightward movement.
T(4, -1): C(1, 3) = C/(5, 2)
if x is a negative number, this describes a
Using matrices method leftward movement.

 image =  object  +  translation  if y is a positive number, this describes a

2 4 1  4 4 4  upward movement.
Q =  5  + 
1 
 2 3  1  1

if y is a negative number, this describes a
 2 4 4 4 1 4 
=   downward movement.
 5  (1) 2  (1) 3  ( 1) 

6 8 5 Example: Describing a translation

=  4 1  ans.
 2 
2. The vertices of two triangles ABC and A/B/C/
A  1, 3 , B   1, 5 and C   4, 3 ,

A /  5, 5 , B /  5, 7  and C /  2, 5

The triangle ABC is mapped onto the triangle

A/B/C/ by the translation T.

(a) Determine the coordinates of T, the

vector of translation.

(b) Describe fully the translation that

maps ABC onto the triangle A/B/ C/ .


(a) Using matrices method

A B C 
/ / /
  ABC 
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5 5 2 The orientation is laterally inverted, that is they

T  =   
5 7 5  are facing opposite directions.

1 1  4

 3  Properties of a reflection
 5 3 

5  1 5 1 2  4 Under reflection, the shape and size of an image is

=  5  3 
 75 5  3
 exactly the same as the original figure. This type of
6 6 6 transformation is called isometric transformation.
=  2 
 2 2 
The line of reflection is the perpendicular bisector
6 of the line joining any point and its image (e.g. PP/
 the vector of translation T =  2 
  in the above figure).

6 All the points on the mirror line are not changed.
(b) T =  2   the object moved 6 units
  These points are said to be invariant. (R is an
rightwards and 2 units upwards. invariant point in the above.)

Reflections Example: Drawing the Image under a reflection.

Reflection involves “flipping” the object over a line 1. In the diagram, the figure A is reflected in the
called the line of reflection. line XY. Draw the image of A in the diagram.

In a reflection transformation all the points of an

object are reflected or flipped on a line called the
axis of reflection or line of reflection.

A reflection is like placing a mirror on an object.



In the above diagram, the mirror line is x = 3.

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Finding the image under a reflection Example: Finding the image under a reflection

I. Using mappings (coordinates): 1. Δ ABC has vertices A(-3, 2), B(-1, 4), C(-1, 1).

M : P  P/ Determine the image Δ A/B/C/, the image of Δ

reflection ABC under a reflection
image of
in the description
P(x, y)
(a) in the x-axis
changing the sign of the y-
x-axis P (x, y)
changing the sign of the x- (b) in the origin
y-axis P/(x, y) coordinate
changing the signs of both (c) in the line y = x
origin P/(x, y) coordinates
interchanging x-
line y = x P/(y, x) coordinate with the y- (d) in the line y = 1
interchanging x-
coordinate with the y- Solution:
line y = 
P (y, x)
coordinate, and changing
x the signs of both
(a) in the x-axis
other Draw the image
Using mappings (coordinates) method:
II. Using matrices:
M x-axis : P(x, y)  P/(x, y)
 image =  M  ×  object  A(-3, 2)  A/(-3, 2)
B(-1, 4)  B/(-1, 4)
reflection in the Matrix M
C(-1, 1)  C/(-1, 1)
1 0 
x-axis  
 0  1  The vertices of Δ A/B/C/ are A/(-3, 2),
 1 0
y-axis 
 0  B/(-1, 4) and C/(-1, 1)
 1
  1 0 
origin  
 0  1  Using matrices method:
0 1
line y = x  
1 0  A B C 
/ / /
=  M  ×  ABC 
 0  1
line y =  x   1 0   3 1  1
 0 
 A B C 
/ / /
=  0 
 1

 2 4 1 

   
other Draw the image
multiplying row by column
A B C 
/ / /
 [3  0] [1  0] [1  0] 
 
 
 [ 0  2] [ 0  4] [0  1] 

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 3 1  1 Solution:
 
=  
 2 4  1

 The vertices of Δ A/B/C/ are A/(-3, 2), B/(-

1, 4) and C/(-1, 1)

(b) in the origin

Using mappings (coordinates) method:

M origin : P(x, y)  P/(x, y)

A(-3, 2)  A/(3, 2)

B(-1, 4)  B/(1, 4)
C(-1, 1)  C/(1, 1)

 The vertices of Δ A/B/C/ are A/(3, 2),  The vertices of Δ A/B/C/ are A/(-3, 0),
B/(1, 4) and C/(1, 1) B/(1, 2) and C/(1, 1)

(c) in the line y = x

Describing a reflection
Using mappings (coordinates) method:
To describe a reflection, we need to find the mirror
line and state it.
M y = x : P(x, y)  P/(y, x)
The mirror line is found half-way the distance of
A(-3, 2)  A/(2, -3)
each point of a shape of the object and the image.
B(-1, 4)  B/(4, 1)
C(-1, 1)  C/(1, 1) Example: Describing a reflection
 The vertices of Δ A/B/C/ are A/(2, -3), 1. Δ PQR has vertices P( 4,  2), Q( 2, 0) and
B/(4, 1) and C/(1, 1) R(1,  3).

(d) in the line y = 1 Δ P/Q/R/, the image of Δ PQR, has vertices

P/ (2, 4), Q/ (0, 2) and R/ (3, 1).
Using mappings (coordinates) method:
Describe the single transformation that maps
M x = 2 : P  P/ Δ PQR onto Δ P/Q/R/

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Solution: (a) Determine Δ D/E/F/, the image of Δ DEF,

under a reflection in the x = 1.
Using mappings (coordinates) method:
(b) Determine Δ D//E//F//, the image of Δ D/E/F/,
P(4, 2)  P (2, 4)
  2
under the translation T =   3  .
Q(2, 0)  Q (0, 2)
 

R(1, 3)  R/ (3, 1). (c) Describe the single transformation that maps
Δ DEF onto Δ D//E//F//.


 the single transformation that maps Δ

PQR onto Δ P/Q/R/ is:
Reflection in the line y =  x

Glide Reflection
The glide reflection is equivalent to “translation (a) reflection in the line x = 1
and a reflection.
 The vertices of Δ D/E/F/ are D/(1, 1),
 image =  M   object  +  translation 
E/(1, 1) and F/(1, 4)
  2
(b) Translation in T =  
 image =  translation  +  M   object    3

Example: Finding the image under a glide  The vertices of Δ D//E//F// are D//(1, 2),
reflection E//(3, 2) and F//(1, 1).

1. The vertices of Δ DEF are D(1, 1), E(3, 1)

and F(1, 4).

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(c) description
Using a protractor, draw a line 90˚ anticlockwise
from the line OX. Mark on the line the point X / such
 The single transformation that maps Δ that the line of OX = OX /
PQR onto Δ P/Q/R/ is: Glide Reflection
Repeat steps above for point Y. Join the points X /
and Y / to form the line X / Y /.

A rotation is a transformation in which the object

is rotated about a fixed point. The direction of
rotation can be clockwise or anticlockwise.

The fixed point in which the rotation takes pace is

called the centre of rotation. The amount of
rotation made is called the angle of rotation.
Finding the image under a rotation

I. Using mappings (coordinates):

R : P  P/

Anti-clockwise / clockwise rotations about the


rotation about the

image of
origin through an description
P(x, y)
angle of
Drawing the image under a rotation 90° exchanging x
(anticlockwise) and y, and
P/(y, x) changing the
Example: Drawing the Image under a rotation 270° (clockwise) sign of the y-
1. Determine the image of the straight line XY changing the
under an anticlockwise rotation of 90˚ about 180° P/(x, y) signs of both
O. exchanging x
270° (clockwise) and y, and
90° P/(y, x) changing the
sign of the x-
(anticlockwise) coordinate


Join point X to O.
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II. Using matrices:  image  =  R   object  Solution:

Anti-clockwise rotations  R  = (a) Using matrices method:

 Cos   Sin   Q /
R / S /T /  =  R90   Q R S T 

 Sin  
 Cos    0  1 2 3 6 5
Q /
R / S /T /  =  1 
0 
 
1 
 Cos  Sin     1 3 3
Clockwise rotations  R  =   Sin  
 Cos  
 multiplying row by column

rotation about the origin through

Q /
R / S /T /  =
an angle of Matrix R
 [0  1] [0  3] [0  3] [0  1] 

 [ 2  0] 
90° (anticlockwise) 0
 1
  [3  0] [ 6  0] [5  0] 

270° (clockwise) 1 0 
1 3 3  1
1 0  =  2 
180°    3 6 5 
 0  1
 
270° (clockwise)  0 1  The vertices of the quadrilateral Q/R/S/T/
 
 1 0  are Q/ (-1, 2), R/ (-3, 3), S/ (-3, 6) and T/ (-1, 5)
90° (anticlockwise)

Anti-clockwise / clockwise rotations about any (b)

point Q /
R / S /T /  =  R90   Q R S T 
anticlockwise rotation  0 1 2 3 6 5
about any point
image of P(x, y) Q /
R / S /T /  =   1 0   1 3 3

1 
  
Draw the image
multiplying row by column
 1 3 3 1 
Example: Finding the image under a rotation Q /
R / S /T /  =   2 3 6

 5 

1. The quadrilateral QRST with vertices

Q(2, 1), R(3, 3), S(6, 3) and T(5, 1).  The vertices of the quadrilateral Q/R/S/T/ are Q/
(1, -2), R/ (3, -3), S/ (3, - 6) and T/ (1, -5)
Determine the image of the quadrilateral
undergo a rotation about the origin through an
angle of:
Q /
R / S /T /  =  R180   Q R S T 
1 0 
(a) 90° in anticlockwise direction.
Q /
R / S /T /  =  0 
 1
 

(b) 90° in the clockwise direction. 2 3 6 5

 
1 3 3 1 
(c) 180°.
 2 3 6  5
Q /
R / S /T /  =   1 3 3

 1 

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 The vertices of the quadrilateral Q/R/S/T/ are Q/ The sign of the angle depends on the direction of
(-2, -1), R/ (-3, -3), S/ (- 6, -3) and T/ (-5, -1) rotation. Anti-clockwise rotation is positive and
clockwise rotation is negative.
Describing a rotation
Example: Describing a rotation
When describing a rotation, we need to state the:
1. The vertices of Δ ABC are A(2, 1), B(5, 1) and
I. centre of rotation, C(5, 4).

II. direction of rotation and The vertices of Δ A/B/C/ are A/ (-3, 2),
B/ (-3, -1) and C/ (0, -1).
III. angle of rotation.
Δ ABC maps onto Δ A/B/C/ by a single
transformation. Describe the transformation
Finding the centre of rotation
that maps Δ ABC onto Δ A/B/C/.
The centre of rotation is obtained by constructing
the perpendicular bisector of two line segments Solution:
joining the object and the image.

Step 1: Choose two points of the object and two

corresponding point of the image. Draw a
line to match the points.

Step 2: Construct the perpendicular bisector of the

line segment matching the vertices of each
point. The single point where the two
perpendicular bisectors meet is the centre
of rotation.

Step 3: Write the co-ordinates of the centre of

rotation from the axes.

Finding the direction of rotation

The direction of rotation is either clockwise or anti-

clockwise rotation.

Finding the angle of rotation  The single transformation that maps Δ ABC onto
Δ A/B/C/ is: Rotation
After obtaining the centre of rotation, just measure
the angle between the two lines.  Centre of rotation = (0, 4)

 direction of rotation = anticlockwise

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 angle of rotation = 28° Enlargement / Reduction

Enlargement / Reduction involves a resizing of

the object. It could result in an increase in size
(enlargement) or a decrease in size (reduction).

Enlargements have a centre of enlargement and a

scale factor. 

The distance the points move depends on the scale


In dilation, the centre of dilation is the only

invariant point.

any length of image

Scale factor = k = same length of object

 If the scale factor is greater than 1, the

image is an enlargement.

 If the scale factor is between 0 and 1, the

image is a reduction.

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Drawing the image under enlargement /



1. Draw the image of ΔOPR with O as the

centre of enlargement and a scale factor of

Note that in this example, all the points in the

triangle have been transformed except point O,
which is the only invariant point

2. Draw the image of Δ ABC with C as the

centre of enlargement and a scale factor of
 3.


k = 2

Extend the line OP to the point P/ such that

OP/ = 2OP.
Extend the line OR to the point R’ such that
OR/ = 2OR.

Join the points P/R/ to form the image.

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3. Draw an image of the figure PQRS. O is the

Join the points P’Q’R’ to form the image.
centre of dilation and the scale factor is 1.5.


Join OP.

Extend the line OP to OP /, such that

OP / = 1.5 × OP Finding the image under enlargement /
reduction about the origin
Repeat for all the other vertices Q, R and S.

Join P /, Q /, R / and S / to form the image. Using matrices method:

 image  =  E   object 
k 0
 image  =    object 
0 k 

Example: Finding the image under enlargement /

reduction about the origin

1. Δ ABC has vertices A(4, 1), B(6, 1) and

4. Enlarge triangle PQR with O as the centre
C(3, 5).
of enlargement and scale factor .
Find the vertices of Δ A/B/C/ , the image of Δ
ABC under enlargement with scale factor 2
about the origin.


Using matrices method:

A B C 
/ / /
=  E  A B C
2 0 4 6 3
Join O to P. Q /
R / S /T /  =  0 
2 
 
5 
 1 1

Mark off the point P/ on OP such that OP/ = OP.
2 multiplying row by column
 [8  0] [12  0] [ 6  0] 
Repeat the steps for all the vertices: point Q to get Q Q /
R / S /T /  = 
[0  10] 

and point R to get R/ .  [0  2] [ 0  2] 

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8 12 6
=  2 
 2 10 

 The vertices of the quadrilateral Q/R/S/T/ are A/

(8, 2), B/ (12, 2) and C/ (6, 10)

2. The quadrilateral QRST with vertices

Q(2, 1), R(3, 3), S(6, 3) and T(5, 1).

Determine the image of the quadrilateral

under enlargement with scale factor  3 about
the origin


Using matrices method:

Q /
R / S /T /  =  E Q R S T 
 3 0 
Q /
R / S /T /  =  0 
 3 

2 3 6 5
 
1 3 3 1 

Q /
R / S /T / 

 [ 6  0] [ 9  0] [ 18  0] [ 15  0] 

 [0  3] 
 [0  9] [0  9] [0  3] 
 6 9  18  15 
=   3 
 9 9  3 

 The vertices of the quadrilateral Q/R/S/T/ are Q/

(-6, -3), R/ (-9, -9), S/ (-18, -3) and T/ (-15, -3)

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Describing enlargement / reduction = 8.25 units

When describing a rotation, we need to state the: length PQ = (7  3 ) 2  ( 4  3 ) 2 = 17

I. scale factor and = 4.12 units

II. centre of enlargement

 To find the centre of enlargement the

vertices of the object and the image are to
be joined using straight lines.

 The intersection of the straight lines is then

the centre of enlargement.

Example: Describing enlargement / reduction

Scale factor = k = = 2

centre of enlargement = (6, 0)


 The single transformation that maps Δ PQR onto

Δ P/Q/R/ is: enlargement with:
1. In the diagram above, Δ PQR is mapped onto
 Scale factor = 2
Δ P/Q/R/ by a single transformation. Describe
the transformation that maps Δ PQR onto  centre of enlargement = (6, 0)


any length of image

Scale factor = k = same length of object

length of P / Q /
= length of PQ

length P /Q / = (8  0 ) 2  (8  6 ) 2 = 68

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Examination Questions (to do) (f)

 1


 3 
 
 1
   2
Attempt ALL questions.
 2  2
  0 3
All working must be clearly shown. (g)  4 5   
 3 3 0 
 1 

 4 4
  3  3
(h)  2 1  
1. Evaluate  2 3 0 
 3 

 1 0  3  5
(a)   +   2 4  3 2 7
 2 3 1 2  (i)    
3  1 5 
  6 0
2  1  5 4
(b) 
3 
 +   3 2 7 3 2 7
 4   2 6  (j)    
6 0 5  6 0 5 
2  1  5 4
(c) 
3   
 4 
  2 6  2 1 4  8 5 3 
   
(k) 3 2 5  4 2 5 
 3  5  1 0 1 3 6   2 2  1
(d)       
1 2   2 3 

7 5 1 5  1 4 
1 1
(e)     3. Evaluate   +  1 
2 1  2 3  1
  2
  2

2 1
2. Work out 4. Given that P   3 0  and
 
4 2 3 4 8  2  2 2
(a) 
2 
 +   Q    , Calculate
 1 0 3 7  4   1 1 

3 1  2 3 (a) 2P  Q
   
(b) 2 1   4 5
1 0  1 0
    (b) P2

 3 1 3 1 1 5  (c) P2  Q
(c) 3
 4 
  2
6 
 7 5  6  3
 2 1  1 1
5. If A   0  and B   1 
  1  2 
 2
 
(d)  3 5 2 1 Calculate
 
(a) A  2B
 6 11 
(e)   15  9  
 23  10 
(b) B2

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6. Given that 10. Evaluate the determinant and state which of

the matrices is singular:
 3 1  2 1 
P    and S    1  2 
 2 0    5 2
(a)  
1 3 
10 9
(a) 2P  S (b) 
 5 
 8

(b) S
1 6
(c) 
1 
 7

(c) S 2
+ 2P

2 5
 1 4 (d)  
7. Given that A    1  and 3 1 
 2

 3 0 9
B    , evaluate A 2  B . (e)  
2 5  5 8 

1 0 4 2
Given that A   0  and 11. N is the singular matrix  6  . Find the
8. 3  k 
 
p q value of k.
B    and that A B  A  2 B ,
0 r 
12. Determine the value of g given that M is the
calculate the values of p, q and r.
2 4
singular matrix  .
p 8 

m 2
9. A = (3 n ) a n d B   4  . Given
 3   4 x 
13. M is the matrix   10  5  . Calculate the
that AB = 11 3 , calculate the values of  
m and n. value of x which would make M a singular

 5 4
14. If  m  1 2  is a singular matrix, calculate
 
the value of m.

3 4
15. M is the matrix  p  . If M is a singular
 q 
matrix and p = 2, calculate the value of q.

16. Find the inverse of:

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(a) What percentage of the mixture using

1 1 Recipe A is chocolate?
(a)  
3 2 
(b) By showing suitable calculations, determine
0 2
(b) 
4  which of the two recipes, A or B, is richer in
 0
 chocolate.
9 3
(c)   (c) If the mixtures from Recipe A and Recipe
6 2 
B are combined. What is the percentage of
chocolate in the new mixture?
 2  4
(d)  
 6 0 
(c) A vendor makes chocolate drinks using
1  1 Recipe A. 3 cups of milk and 2 cups of
(e) 
3 
 3 

chocolate can make 6 bottles of chocolate
drink. A cup of milk costs $ 0.70 and a cup
of chocolate costs $ 1.15.
2 5
17. Given that M  5 15 (i) What is the cost of making 150
 
bottles of chocolate drink?
(a) Show that M is a non-singular matrix.
(ii) What should be the selling price of
(b) Write down the inverse of M. each bottle of chocolate drink to
make an overall profit of 20 %?
(c) Write down the 2  2 matrix which is equal
to the product of M  M 1 .
19. The table below shows the types and
number of drinks which Mary and Jane buy
(d) Pre-multiply both sides of the following each week:
matrix equation by M 1
Malt juice Sorrel
2 5  x   13
7       Mary 5 3 4
 15  y   17 
Jane 2 7 6
Hence solve the equation for x and y.
(a) Show this information as a 2  3 matrix.
18. Two recipes for making chocolate drinks are Name the matrix P.
shown in the table below: (b) Given that the cost of a malt is $ 2.00, juice
$ 1.50 and sorrel $ 1.00, write a column
Cup of milk Cup of chocolate matrix Q to represent the cost of the drinks.
Recipe A 3 2
(c) Calculate the matrix product PQ.
Recipe B 2 1

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(d) What information is given by EACH  2

(d)  
number in the resulting matrix?  3

20. In a competition, 3 points are awarded for 2. Some transformations are represented by the
winning a match, 0 points if the match was following matrices. Describe the
lost, and 1 point for a draw. transformations.

0 1
The results of seven matches played by (a)  
1 0 
three teams, J, K and L are:
  5
Team J won 3, lost 1, and drew 3; Team K (b)  
 5 
won 2, lost 4, and drew 1; Team L won 3,
lost 2, and drew 2. 0  1
(c) 
1 
 0 
(a) Write a column matrix to represent the
points awarded for win, lose and draw.  0  1
(d) 
1 
Name the matrix P.  0 

(b) Write a matrix to represent the results of the  Cos   Sin  

3. The matrix R =  Sin  .
matches played by the three teams.  Cos  
Name the matrix R. Determine the image of the point (1, 2)
under the transformation R when  = 90˚.
(c) Construct a matrix product which may be
used to find the number of points each team
 3 2
was awarded at the end of the competition. 4. A transformation F =  5  the points
 4 
maps the points D (1,  3), E (4, 2) and
(d) Using your matrix product, calculate the
total points awarded to each team. F (2,  3).

(a) Calculate the coordinates of D/ , E/ and F/.


1. Describe the transformation: (b) Determine the matrix of the transformation

which maps D/, E/ and F/ back onto D, E, F.
1 0  5. Vis the transformation represented by the
(a) 
 0 
  1
 1 0 
matrix  0  . W is the
 0 1   1

(b) 
1 
 0
 transformation represented by the matrix
1 0 
2 0 
0 
(c)     1

0 2 

(a) Describe FULLY the transformation, V.

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Draw the triangle DEF with vertices

(b) Describe FULLY the transformation, W. D (1, 1), E (3, 1) and F (1, 4)

a b
(c) Write the single matrix  c  , which (b) Draw the image of  DEF under reflection
 d 
in the line x = 4. Name the image  D/E/F/.
represents the combined transformation, W
followed by V.
(c) Draw the image of  D/E/F/under translation
 0 
(d) Calculate the image of the point (6, 4) // // //
 5 . Name the image D E F .
 
under the combined transformation in (c)
(d) Name the type of transformation that maps
 DEF onto  D///E///F///
6. Some transformations are represented by the
information below.
8. On a sheet of graph paper, using a scale of 1
cm to represent 1 unit on both axes, draw x
(a) Write down the 2 x 2 matrix, R, which
and y axes for  4 ≤ x ≤ 5 and  6 ≤ y ≤ 6.
represents a reflection in the y-axis.

(a) Draw a triangle with coordinates (2, 1),

(b) Write down the 2 x 2 matrix, N, which
represents a clockwise rotation of 180 (3, 3) and (4, 3). Label it A.
about the origin.
(b) Draw the image of triangle A after a
(c) Write down the 2 x 1 matrix, T, which reflection in the line y = -1. Label it B.
represents a translation of – 3 units parallel
to the x-axis and 5 units parallel to the y- (c) Draw the image of triangle A after a
axis.   4
translation by the vector  2  . Label it C.
 
(d) The point P(6, 11) undergoes the following
combined transformations such that 9. The transformation, M, denotes a reflection
in the line x = 2. The transformation, T,
(i) RN(P) maps P onto P /
  2
denotes a translation represented by  0  .
 
(ii) NT(P) maps P onto P / / (a) On a graph paper, using a scale of 2 cm to
represent 1 unit on both x and y axes, plot
(iii) Determine the coordinates of P /
the points A (4, 2) and B (3, 1). Join AB.
and P / / .
(b) Draw the image A/B/ of AB under the
7. transformation, M.

(a) Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit on (c) Draw the image A//B// of AB under the
both axes draw the x-axis and the y-axis transformation, T.
axes for  2 ≤ x ≤ 8 and  5 ≤ y ≤ 6.
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(b) Reflect triangle P in the y-axis. Label its

(d) Describe FULLY the single geometric image Q.
transformation which maps A//B// onto A/B/.
(c) Draw the line y = x and reflect triangle Q in
10. Draw, on a sheet of graph paper, as shown, this line. Label its image R.

(d) Describe, in words, the single geometric

transformation which maps triangle P
onto triangle R.

(e) Reflect triangle Q in the x-axis. Label its

image S.

(f) Write down the 2  2 matrix for the

transformation which maps triangle P
onto triangle S.
(a) Draw
(g) Write down the 2  2 matrices for
(i) the reflection of quadrilateral A
(i) a reflection in the y-axis
(ii) the line M1
(ii) a reflection in the line y = x.
(ii) the line M2 (h) Using the two matrices in (g) above, obtain
a SINGLE matrix for a reflection
(b) Draw the reflection of quadrilateral A in the in the y-axis followed by a reflection in the
mirror line, labelled M1. Label its image B. line y = x.

(c) Draw the reflection of quadrilateral B in the 12. Triangle DEF, shown below, undergoes a
mirror line, labelled M2. Label its image C. rotation such that its image is triangle
D/ E/ F /
(d) Describe FULLY the single geometric
transformation which maps quadrilateral A
onto quadrilateral C.

11. On a sheet of graph paper, using a scale of 1

cm to represent 1 unit on both axes, draw x
and y axes for  7 ≤ x ≤ 8 and  8 ≤ y ≤ 8.

(a) Draw a triangle with coordinates ( 3, 3)

( 1, 3), and ( 1, 6). Label it P.

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(a) Describe COMPLETELY this rotation by (a) Draw the triangle with coordinates (2, 1),
stating (3, 3) and (4, 3). Label it A.

(i) the coordinates of the centre (b) the image of triangle A after a reflection in
the line y = -1. Label it B.
(ii) the direction of turn

(iii) the size of the angle turned. (c) the image of triangle A after a translation by
  4
the vector  2  . Label it C.
(b) Triangle DEF is mapped onto triangle ABC  

  6
under a translation, T =   3  . 15. On graph paper, draw the x-axis and the y-
 
State the coordinates of A, B and C, the axis. Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1
images of D, E and F, under T. unit on both axes, draw the triangle DEF
with vertices D (1, 1), E (3, 1) and F (1, 4)

13. Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 1 unit on (a) Draw the image of DEF under reflection
BOTH the x and y-axes, draw on graph in the line x = 4. Name the image  D/E/F/.
paper the triangle PQR and P/Q/R/ such that
P (- 3, - 2), Q (- 2, - 2), R (- 2, - 4) and
(b) Draw the image of  D/E/F/ under
P/(6, 4), Q/(4, 4) and R/(4, 8).
 0 
translation  5 . Name the image D//E//F//.
(a) Describe FULLY the transformation, G,  
which maps triangle PQR onto triangle
P/Q /R/. (c) Name the type of translation that maps 
DEF onto  D//E//F//
(b) The transformation, M, is a reflection in the
line y = ‒ x. 16. The vertices of Δ ABC are A(1, 0), B(1, 1.5)
and C(2, 1).
(c) On the same diagram, draw and label the
triangle P//Q//R// the image of triangle P/Q/R/ (a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on
under the transformation M. each axis, draw x and y axes for  4 ≤ x ≤ 5
and  2 ≤ y ≤ 6. Draw Δ ABC, labeling the
(d) Write down the 2 × 2 matrix for
vertices clearly.
(i) transformation C
(b) Δ ABC is mapped onto Δ DEF by
(ii) transformation M enlargement with centre the origin and scale
factor 2.
(iii) transformation G followed by M.
(i) Determine the coordinates of Δ DEF.

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(ii) Draw and label Δ DEF. (d) Δ PQR is mapped onto Δ MNO by reflection
in the line x = 3.
(c) Δ ABC is mapped onto Δ GHI by rotation
with centre, the origin, angle, 90˚ and (i) Determine the coordinates of Δ MNO.
direction, clockwise.
(ii) Draw and label Δ MNO.
(i) Determine the coordinates of Δ GHI.
(e) Enlargement with centre the origin and scale
(ii) Draw and label Δ GHI. factor - 3 maps Δ PQR onto Δ JKL.

(d) Δ ABC is mapped onto Δ JKL by translation (i) Determine the coordinates of Δ JKL.
  1
with vector of translation T =  3  . (ii) Draw and label Δ JKL.
 

(i) Determine the coordinates of Δ JKL. 18. X is the point ( 1, 1), Y is the point (1, 5), and
Z is the point ( 3, 3). X, Y and Z are the
(ii) Draw and label Δ JKL. vertices of Δ XYZ. Δ XYZ is reflected in the
line y =  x.
17. The vertices of Δ PQR are P(4, 1), Q(6, 1)
and R(4, 2). (a) Determine the vertices of the image of Δ XYZ
under the reflection above.
(a) Using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on
each axis, draw x and y axes for  1 ≤ x ≤ 8 (b) Using 1 cm to represent 1 unit on each axis,
and  4 ≤ y ≤ 7. Draw Δ PQR, labeling the draw x and y axes for  6 ≤ x ≤ 8 and
vertices clearly.  8 ≤ y ≤ 8. Draw and label the image of
ΔXYZ under the reflection above.
(b) Δ PQR is mapped onto Δ STU by translation (c) Δ XYZ is mapped onto Δ STU by translation
  3  7 
with vector of translation T =  2  . with vector of translation T =   7  .
   

(i) Determine the coordinates of Δ STU. (i) Determine the coordinates of Δ STU.

(ii) Draw and label Δ STU. (ii) Draw and label Δ STU on the graph
sheet above.
(c) Δ XYZ is the image of Δ PQR under
anticlockwise rotation of 90˚ about the origin. (d) Δ PQR is the image of Δ XYZ under rotation
of 180˚ about the origin.
(i) Determine the coordinates of Δ XYZ.
(i) Determine the coordinates of Δ PQR.
(ii) Draw and label Δ XYZ.
(ii) Draw and label Δ PQR.
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(e) Enlargement with centre the origin and scale

factor maps Δ XYZ onto Δ JKL.

(i) Determine the coordinates of Δ JKL.

(ii) Draw and label Δ JKL.

(a) Describe FULLY the single transformation that

19. In the diagram below, not drawn to scale, will map triangle BCL onto
triangle ACD is an enlargement of triangle triangle FHL.
AB, with A as the centre of enlargement, AB
= 6 cm and BC = 4 cm (b) Describe FULLY the single transformation that
will map triangle BCL onto
triangle HFG


(a) the scale factor of the enlargement which

maps triangle ABE onto triangle ACD.
(b) the area of triangle ACD, in cm², given that
the area of triangle ABE is 18 cm²

20. The diagram below shows a pattern made

of congruent right-angled triangles. In each
triangle, the sides meeting at a right angle
are 1 unit and 2 units long.

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