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Human Resource Management

Carter Cleaning Company - The New Training Program
Nishith Vyas - 21BSP0102

1) Specifically, what should Carter cover in their new employee orientation

program and how should they convey this information?
 Employee orientation is done in such a way that new employees can be made aware
of everything they need to function and this will also help employees to bond
emotionally with the company. Carters should open employee orientation with a
greeting or welcome speech.
 It defines the work environment and helps new employees feel part of the team.
Carters must then provide background information about policies, procedures, and
benefits (paid time off, delays, health benefits, etc.).
orientation should cover
 Information on employee benefits and personnel policies
 Company structure, processes, and operational security measures and regulations
 Daily routine
 Facilities tour

For a successful orientation, you need to do a lot of things for new employees:
 Make them feel welcome and help them understand how the company is doing
 Help them understand the organization and its culture.
 Clarify what you expect from them in terms of performance and behaviour.

2) in the HR management courses Jennifer took the book suggested using a job
instruction sheet to identify task performed by an employee. should the carter
cleaning centres use a form like the counter person job ? if so what should the
form look like ,say, for counter person?
 Yes, Carter's cleaning centres should use a form like this for their counter service
work. The form can describe/highlight in bullet form some of the activities the
employee is in charge of. Some of these will include greeting customers,
collecting clothes from customers when they come to pick them up, using
different payment methods, then changing if necessary, taking notes on their
clothes, introduce a new product or promotion, and say goodbye to them in a cute
tone for them to visit again.
 These will allow employees to get used to things, and eventually won't need the
list and will memorize it on to-dos. This form can also remind employees of the
rules to follow at work such as no eating, and can also remind employees to do
things like tidy up / arrange the storefront if necessary.

3) Which specific training techniques should Jennifer use to train her pressers, her
cleaner/spotters, her managers and counter people and why should these
training be used?

 Each category of work will require a different combination of training methods. For
propellers and cleaning/positioning units, it is most beneficial to use vestibular
training in these positions, as they must be exposed to machinery with which they
must be familiar. To learn how to use different machines, they must use them. Due to
the dangers associated with using this machine, it is best to wear workout clothes
outside of working hours.

1) For pressers and clean spotters, you need to train on-the-job training: a coaching /
learning approach to provide the learning and practical skills you need for your job.
2) Managers must first undergo off-the-job training. Lecture: About the products and
devices used, and
 Management games: problem-solving, planning, leadership, collaboration
skill development
 Behavioural modelling techniques: Know how to deal with different
3) Counter personnel should be trained in the following techniques:
 Lecture: Providing knowledge about customer types and how to respond
appropriately Job Orientation Training: Step-by-step instructions, key points
and basic tasks, training courses and soft skills
 Behavioural modelling techniques: Provide employees with communication
skills and knowledge to serve different types of customers.

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