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Oledan, Hazel Joy D.

June 16, 2021

Quiz 02 LU no.2

Q2.1(A1) Take any technology. List down its end-users and customers.

Private Car
The possible end-users are car owners and the paying
customers probably also the owner.

Most probably the end-users are the family inside the house
and the paying customers most of the time are parents or
elders in the family.
Pen Tablet
In this scenario, the possible end-users most of the time are
digital animators and teachers in online classes. Most of the
paying customers are also the ones who use it.

Q2.4(A1) Classify the following products according to customer segment

Geographic Demographic Behavioral Psychographic

(a) Bathroom Family at home All of the Customers who Customers who
Soap members of the uses everyday are bathing as
family. in bathing. hygiene.
(b) Transparent Customers at All of the people Customers who People who
Soap home. except the one uses everyday have particularly
with allergies in bathing. dry or sensitive
and babies. skin
(c) Papaya Customers at All of the people Customers who Customers
whitening soap home. except those uses everyday wanting to have
who have in bathing. lighten skin,
allergies, remove their
sensitive skins acne and who
and babies. have dry skins.
(d) sulfur soap Customers at All of the Customers with Customers
home. persons certain allergies wanting to treat
suffering from are required to their skin
allergies. use only once a disorders.
Q2.7(A1) In the example of the mobile platform for buying cameras, de- scribe
the kind of market segment. Explain your answer.

Mobile platform for selling cameras

- I think it belongs to Geographic kind of market segment because it will
turn out asking “where” or simply it says where is the location of selling

Q2.10(A1) What is the role of stakeholders in the development of a technology?

- In simple terms, anyone or anything that impacted by the business a

stakeholder. Hence, they’re the ones who strive to achieve the goal of
their company or their businesses. A stakeholder is someone who is
interested in how technology evolves. In other words, they’re also the
supplier of how technology develops time by time. They make
investments to propagate the use of technology for all people and
influence other businesses.

Q2.12(A1–Optional) According to reference [2], what are internal and

external shareholders?

Internal Shareholders
- Are the investors who are influenced by the associated company’s
performance. In conclusion, they have direct relationship with the
company such as ownership or investments.
External Shareholders
- Typically, a person or organization impacted by the business's
operations. Hence they do not have direct connection to the company.


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