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The philosopher who infused Christian doctrine with Neoplatonism.

-St. Augustine

Rene Descartes said that our mind and thought are true identity and he called it.


One of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosopher


The two philosophers who answer the "WHO AM I?"

-John Locke and Descartes

He doubted the basic idea of the individual character and says that there is no lasting self

-David Hume

Philosophy means in greek word "philosophia"

-Love of Wisdom

The philosopher who is considered the "Father of Psychoanalysis"

-Sigmund Freud

Rene Descartes said that our mind and thought are true identity and he called it


Father of Modern Philosophy

-Rene Descartes

It is the Philosopher who believe in that one can know only what comes from the senses and


He influenced Neo-Platonism

-St. Augustine

Philosophy is the study of

-Of general and fundamental problems

Philosophy is the study of.

-Of general and fundamental problems

It is focuses on the study of politics or government.

-Political Science

It is the study of different patterns in human behavior, thought and feelings.

-Cultural Anthropology

Ethnology means

-Is analysis, comparison and contrast of cultures of people

This social perspective focuses on the negative, clashed and ever-changing nature of society

-Conflict Perspective

Sociology comes from the greek words "sociouos" and "logos" which means

-Society and Study

It is also called Biological anthropology

-Physical Anthropology

Aguste Comte defines sociology as ____.

-Scientific study of society

This thinker looked and studied class struggle in society

-Karl Marx

What is Anthropology?

-Is the study of human behavior

This sociological perspective states that sociologist should look into details and symbols to
understand and interpret how people react

-Symbolic interactionist perspective

It is focuses on the study of politics or government.

-Political Science

The Spiritual Me or the Spiritual Self is further described by James as the "sanctuary of our
life" or the:


A close to perfect analogy of the Spiritual Self and the Spiritual Dimension is how
______________are connected to the ______________.

-Computers, Internet

According to Frank Trentmann, the old critics of luxury said that the human self was
something _________ that existed apart from the material world.


For William James, the study of one's identity must consider 2 aspects of the self which are

-I and Me

The material self can be judged by which of the following?

-All of the choices

___________ and _____________ envisages a flow between spirit and objects.

-Shinto, Buddhism

The spiritual self provides _______________ and ______________ to our physical self.

-Insight, intuition

For Trentmann, material things were an ___________________ part of the human self.


The Spiritual Self may be understood through the concept and existence of the _________.


For William James, the core of the material self is the _______.

Ruining each other's reputations and pulling each other down is a Filipino trait called

-Crab Mentality

Making their guests feel at home is a Filipino value and trait called ___________.


The sum of all our characteristics and our interactions isour _________________.

-Online Identity

The Digital Self can be seen in the form of __________.

-Profiles or Avatars

Desiring to look more foreign than local and favoring foreign products than Filipino
products is a trait called ___________________.

-Colonial Mentality

There is greater self-____________ from the individual in the online world even if it is true in
real life or not


"The Political Self" suggests, the psychological and the economic, the political and the
personal, in reality constantly ________and __________.

-Interact, interweave

The individual seems to be offered a __________ slate in the digital world.


Is the Filipino version of the famous line "hakuna matata"

-Bahala Na

One guideline for proper sharing of information and ethical use of the internet is _________.

-Be choosy about your online friends

Bayanihan is the spirit of communal unity and cooperation of Filipinos. It is also about
giving without expecting something in return.


Is regarded as the lack of patriotism and the attitude where Filipinos favor foreign products
more than their own. This does not only concern goods, but also the desire to look more
foreign than local and keep up with foreign beauty trends.

-Colonial Mentality

Refers to the attitude of eagerly starting things but quickly losing eargerness soon after
experiencing difficulty, just like how fast the fire of a Cogon grass burns out moments after
being ignited.

-Ningas Kugon

Is the Filipino version of the famous line "hakuna matata" meaning no worries. The phrase is
said to have originated from "bathala na" where Bathala means God.

-Bahala na Attitude

It was derived from a longer Filipino phrase called " Mamaya na" means dawdling things,
which could have been done at an earlier time.

-Manyana Habit

Filipinos have a habit of smiling and laughing a lot. Smiling has been a coping strategy for
many Filipinos especially during trying times and calamities.

-Cheerful Personality

Filipinos have this common attitude of arriving late at commitments.

-Filipino Time

Self-sacrificing attitude of Filipinos can be seen as an extension of the Filipino hospitality

-Self –sacrifice

Filipinos greet their elders by kissing their hand while saying "Mano po!" and constantly
using "po" and "opo" in conversations.

-Respect for Elders

Most Filipinos hold on their pride as if they are more precious than keeping a good
relationship with family and loved ones. When two parties are not in good terms, they find it
so hard to apologize and wait until the other party ask for an apology.


Filipinos maintain a tight relationship with their families regardless if the children are old
enough and already have families of their own.

-Close Family Ties

Welcome their guests and tourist as if they are their own brothers and sisters; they always
make their guests feel at home, offering them something to eat or even a place to stay.


It is the more toxic trait of the Filipinos, they ruin each other reputations and pull each other

-Crab Mentality

Cyberbullying has been rampant and caused deaths, suicides attempts


Being internet savvy increases a person's self-worth


Video games has caused a sedentary lifestyle especially amongst youth


The sum of all our characteristics and our interactions is our _________________.

-Online Identity

The dawn of technology and the use of internet has added to positive values of people all
over the world


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