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Factors of Stress-Level Management Strategies among Senior High

School Students of Fiore Del Carmelo School: S.Y 2021-2022

Trondillo, Louie Mark Angelo D.

Celades, Aileen C.

Mapanao, Justine Khem

Grade 11 – St. John of the Cross

Miss Ariane D. R. Cabasan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

 in the Subject

Practical Research 1

November 2021


Factors of Stress-Level Management Strategies among Senior High School Students of

Fiore Del Carmelo School: S.Y 2021-2022

Trondillo, Louie Mark D.

Celades, Aileen C.

Mapanao, Justine Khem

Date of Oral Presentation: December 1, 2021

Panel Members Approve Disapprove

Mr. John Paul Viñas

Ms. Jaimefer Santioque



First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His showers of

blessings throughout my research work to complete the research successfully.

We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our research supervisor, Ms.

Ariane Cabasan for giving us the opportunity to research and providing invaluable guidance

throughout this research. Her dynamism, vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply inspired


It was a great privilege and honor to work and study under her guidance. We are extremely

grateful for that. We would also like to thank her for her patience, dedication and knowledge that

she imparts to us. We are extending our heartfelt thanks to our adviser Mr. Elesio A. Adolfo Jr.

for giving us an opportunity to have an interview with him.

We also thank our classmates for their sincere support and friendship at the same time as

they're also working on their research study.

The Researchers want to thank every one of the informants for their time, effort, and

support in the research by noting their opinions regardless of their timetables.

The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the participation

and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be enumerated. Their contributions

are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.

Significantly, we give our parents a heartfelt gratitude for their love and unwavering

support. Thank you for supporting them ethically and permitting them to stay awake late for

them to have the option to finish this requirement.



This study entitled Factors of Stress-Level Management Strategies for Senior High

School Students in the School Year: 2021-2022. It aims to determine the stressors that Senior

High School Students faced for this School Year: 2021-2022 in order to know how they can

surpass it, what are the coping mechanisms that they can do to relive stress and what is the

perception of teachers in handling the stress of his/her students.

A qualitative method was used in gathering and analyzing the data. For this purpose, the

participants were personally interviewed. Using the data collected from five (5) informants of

Senior High School and one (1) informant for teachers.

The results obtained show the different stressors that the Senior High School Students

dealt with this new way of learning. The informants indicated strategies that they use to cope-up

with stress despite of the difficulties that they encountered. Hence, they manage stress by doing

the things they want and meditating. Furthermore, stress isn’t a joke it can lead to serious mental

and physical illness. That’s why it is important to know the Stress- Level Management



Title Page

Approval Sheet



Table of Contents

Chapter I Introduction

Introduction 1

Theoretical Framework 2

Conceptual Framework 3

Statement of the Problem 5

Research Objectives 5

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 6

Significance of the Study 6

Definition of Terms 7

Chapter II Review of Related Literature 10

Foreign Literature 10

Local Literature 12

Chapter III Methodology 14


Research Participants 14

Research Instruments 14

Data Collection Method 14

Chapter IV Findings, Analysis and Interpretation of Data 16

References 18

Internet Articles 18

Review of Related Literature 20

Appendices 21

Appendix A 21

Appendix B 23

Appendix C 24

Appendix D 37

Appendix E 43

Appendix F 44

Appendix G 45

Appendix H 46



Stress is the body’s response to the changes that we encounter in our life because life

includes an unvarying adjustment. Stress can come up from numerous sources, which are known

as “stressors” while in a way on how we experience it, it is called “stressful”. Being stress is not

good, for the reason that it affects the mental and physical health of the students. Stress also

increases the feeling of irritability and anger that may lead into a fight or misunderstandings that

can boost the level of the stress that the student is facing. Besides, stress decreases the

productivity and focus of the Senior High School students plus stress makes them look older.

Some possible stressors that trigger the stress among the Senior High School Students are:

deadlines, pressure or fear of failure, poor time management, problems at home, academic or

personal competition and getting too little sleep.

Now many students are still struggling to cope up with the new distance learning; the

modular and online classes, including the Senior High School students and these may lead to

stress. Fiore Del Carmelo School temporarily discontinue the face-to-face classes and settled for

having modular and online classes due to the COVID-19 restrictions to avoid the spread of the

virus and to keep away the students from getting infected by the virus. As a student, we also

experience stress and pressure that’s why we wanted to determine the different factors of stress

to the academic performance of the Senior High School student like us. As researchers, we

wanted to find an idea toward this topic and also find an appropriate solution to this problem to

help the other Senior High School students that are also dealing with stress.

The Senior High School students and teachers are all facing different kinds of stress and

it’s up to them on what will be their strategies to lessen it. Stress-Level Management Strategies

are highly effective in terms of helping the Senior High School Students to significantly reduce

vulnerability to experience stress. Effective stress management strategies will be of great

assistance to senior high school students in leading a happy and optimistic life and enjoying their

activities without worry. To sum up, Stress-Level Management Strategies helps the Senior High

School students relax and gain control. It also helps the body and mind of the Senior High

School students to slowly but effectively and efficiently adapt to the changes that they stumble



The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping Theory

The Transactional Theory of Stress and Coping is a framework that focuses on

assessments in order to evaluate the three elements of this model the: damages, threats and

challenges. This theoretical framework began in 1966 and it is the result of the research

conducted by Dr. Richard Lazarus. He continued on with his research and published a variety of

books and articles. For this, he has worked with other scientists, together with Dr. Susan

Folkman. The product or the outcome of this appraisal is a portrayal of the process used to

manage stressful situations.

This theory was greatly related to the Stress-Level Management Strategies among Senior

High School Students of Fiore Del Carmelo School for the reason that, it  assesses how

momentous life events affect the emotions of Senior High School students that lead to stress.

This theory also encloses ways on how to deal with stress. Another reason is that Transactional

Theory of Stress and Coping links up to our study since it talks about how the student interacts to

the changes in the new distance learning that they are experiencing.

Theory of Preventive Stress Management

The Theory of Preventive Stress Management was founded by Quick, Quick, and

Nelson’s in 1979. It is a philosophy and set of main beliefs grounded in public health, which

organizational leaders and consultants can use to help their organization operate to its fullest

potential. This document describes the theoretical concepts included in the theory, reviews the

empirical findings from the theory, and outlines the organizational practices related with the

application of the theory. This theory is helpful to our study because it presents the transactional

relationship among the individual and the organization which is good since this study will not

only benefit the Senior High School Students but also the teachers and the school administrators

to help them stimulate the development and feasibility due to stress for the Senior High School

Students of Fiore Del Carmelo School.


This research was developed to highlight on the Factors of Stress-Level Management

Strategies among Senior High School Students of Fiore Del Carmelo School: S.Y 2021-2022

which will be really helpful to other students to handle their stress and perform better in class. In

this analysis, we used the Input-Process-Output (IPO) Model .  It is a useful chart that

identifies the inputs, outputs, and necessary processing tasks required to convert inputs into

outputs. The input includes the main source of stress to discover their pre-stress behavior

during and after the modular and online learning classes and lastly, to establish whether

they have any mitigation or risk factors for stress causes. The process will specify the series
of procedures that must be taken. The output is to determine the effective Stress-Level

Management Strategies for the Senior High School students.

Know the main
sources of stress

Be acquainted
on what they do
whenever they

Know the
perceptions of
teachers about
handling stress
for Senior High

Conduct an
interview for the
Senior High
School Students
of Fiore Del
Carmelo School.

Interview some
of the available
teachers of Fiore
Del Carmelo


Proposed at least 10
effective Factor

Improve the
productivity of the
Senior High School
Students by
reducing their stress
through the given
Strategies that we

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework using the Input-Process-Output model



This study wants to prove that the stress did not have any good benefits in us, more over

stress give us anxiety, depression, mental breakdown, lack of sleep and stress that can trigger a

person to commit suicide that is why we think that stress is one of the major problems in our

school. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following:

1. Why does it is important for the Senior High School Students to cope-up with stress?

2. What are the primary stressors that they experience for the School Year of 2021-2022?

3. What are strategies that Senior High School students use to deal with their stress-


4. What are the perceptions of teachers about handling stress for Senior High School



The study, therefore, aims to acquire the following:

 To identify the factors causing stress among the Senior High School students.

 To analyze the specific stressors and taking positive procedures to lessen their effects.

 To find out the factors of Stress-Level Management Strategies.

 To know the perceptions of teachers about handling stress of the Senior High School




The coverage of this study will be the Senior High School student that ages are 16 to 19

years old who experience stress to academic performance in modular and online learning classes

of Fiore Del Carmelo School during the S.Y 2021-2022. This study will also cover on how stress

affects the health of Senior High School students and what are the Factors of Stress-Level

Management Strategies. This study was conducted from August 2021 until November 2021.

The study does not cover those students who are 20 years old and above and those

students that are not studying in the Fiore Del Carmelo School during the school year 2021-2022.

We conducted the study to the Senior High School students of Fiore Del Carmelo School for the

reason that, we the researchers are Senior High School students and we want to know what are

the Factors of Stress-Level Management Strategies that will help our schoolmates and classmates

so that we will be able to study efficiently, effectively and enjoyably.


This study entitled “Factors of Stress-Level Management Strategies among Senior High

School Students of Fiore Del Carmelo School: S.Y 2021-2022” is being created to benefit the


Senior High School Students. Most of the Senior High School students experience stress and

some of them are having difficulties to overcome it. This study is can be used to help them to

defeat the stress that they are facing so that they can avoid getting sick, have a better sleep and

become more productive.


Teachers. When the Senior High School students are stress, the teachers are also affected by it.

This study can be used by the teachers to have an optimistic study area and to build a healthy

relationship with the students to create a class wherein the students are all creative and

productive. In addition, the teachers can use this study to apply it to themselves if they are the

one who is experiencing stress.

School Administrator. This study will be helpful in improving the school's ability to have

competent, dynamic, and affirmative Senior High School students.

Future Researcher. The study's findings may serve as a foundation for future researchers to

gain new knowledge that they can apply to their chosen topic.



Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that

makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.


Senior High School (SHS) covers the last two years of the K to 12 program and includes Grades

11 and 12. In SHS, students will go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their




The Fiore Del Carmelo School is a private institution run by the Institute of our Lady of

Carmel. This congregation of Carmelite sisters was founded in Italy in 1854 by Blessed Maria

Teresa Scrilli.  The Fiore Del Carmelo School opened in June 2001 with classes in the nursery

and kindergarten levels. 


A strategy is all about integrating organizational activities and utilizing and allocating the scarce

resources within the organizational environment to meet the present objectives. 


An online classroom is an environment created through the use of a learning management system

that allows students and teachers to connect either synchronously (real-time, with teacher and

students meeting at the same time or asynchronously with the interaction between teacher and

students occurring intermittently with a time delay; teacher students are generally separated by



The word productivity is often used in the workplace. It can describe the performance of

individual workers, a department, or even an entire industry.


It is producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect.


Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress. It’s a feeling of fear or apprehension about

what’s to come.


A cause is the reason for an action or condition.


It is to engage in conflict with.




A review of Related Literature about the “Factors of Stress-Level Management Strategies

among Senior High School Students of Fiore Del Carmelo School: S.Y 2021-2022” is presented

in this chapter.

Foreign Literature

Based on Rogers and Yassin (2003), in order to cope with stressful situations, students

must learn a variety of coping mechanisms. Students’ capacity to perform might be harmed if

stresses such as financial troubles, sleep deprivation, societal activities, and others are not

properly managed. Students must acquire various coping techniques to deal with stressful

situations on a daily basis. Reddy et al. (2018) according to their findings, there is a variation in

stress levels among students based on their stream. Dealing with stress on a personal, societal,

and institutional level is important. Counseling, yoga, life skills training, mindfulness,

meditation, and psychotherapy were all found to be effective in the treatment of stress. The key

to deal with stress is to identify the source of it. Professionals can devise stress management

strategies that are unique to each individual. The holistic well-being of students is important not

just for the individual but also for the institute.

Subramani and Kadhiravan (2017) revealed the link between academic stress and mental

health among students. He endorsed that academic stress and mental health are correlated and

that students are cramped with the academic structure. Parents and schools pressure students’

way too much for the higher grades that dishearten the students. Furthermore, there is not enough

support from the parents and school in terms of guidance. Students are mentally healthy when

they perform constructively in the academic forums. They also proposed that, students from

private schools are more stressed as compared to students from government schools due to the

excess of homework and other academic-related assignments. A significant difference in the

mental health of students from private and government schools was found. He asserted that

students from private schools have a different level of nurturing and exposure as compared to

government school students who belong to poor socio-economic backgrounds and lack exposure.

This is one of the reasons for the escalation of stress.

Lesko and Summerfield (1989) found a major positive correlation between the incidence

of illness and number of exams and assignments, while Huli (2014) noted that disturbed family

dynamics, peer pressure, inability to cope with studies, drug abuse, lacked of competence are the

main reasons for stress during adolescence. Dixit and Singh (2015) suggested that the teacher

should understand the child psychology and should not over expect from the child.

Waghachavare (2013) suggested that steps should be taken to incorporate stress

management education into the curriculum, while Bartwal and Singh (2014) suggest that in order

to make adolescents stress free, there is a need to adopt better methods of teaching and learning.

According to the study results, Mathew and Jayan (2006) revealed that both boys and

girls experienced the same kind of academic stress, but there was no significant difference

between them, and similar types of coping mechanisms were used to deal with academic stress.

Exploring academic stress and its management and coping mechanisms, Mishra and Michelle

(2000) found that time management behaviors had a greater buffering effect on academic stress

than leisure satisfaction activities, and significant gender differences existed among all the

measures. Females had more effective time management behaviors than males, but they also

experienced higher levels of academic stress and anxiety. Males benefited more than females

from leisure activities.

Sinha (2013) noted that adolescents can easily cope with their academic stress by using

stress relief techniques, managing work, and getting help from friends and counselors. Parents

can also help their adolescents overcome academic stress by being supportive, paying attention

to their wards’ needs, having realistic expectations, teaching children to overcome obstacles, and

so on.

According to Dixon and Ro (2005), all of those people encounter stress that leads to rapid

bodily change, which causes feelings of emotional unrest, and causes the body to strain with the

body part. Repeated stressful situations may lead to rapid tension and pressure that contribute to

physical and psychological problems.

Local Literature

Based on Duque (2007) cited common effects of stress, these are insomnia, headaches,

backaches, constipation, diarrhea, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, alcohol,

tobacco, or drug use. He suggested doing the following: After seeing the doctor, you should: 1)

Discuss your treatment plan with those who care about you. 2) Inform your friends and family

about your situation; 3) If your doctor prescribed medication, take it exactly as directed. Keep all

follow-up appointments with your doctor; 4) Keep in mind that it may take some time to feel

better; 5) Report any side effects to your doctor; and 6) Seek professional counseling. It's time to

develop healthy ways to cope with stress if your current ones aren't helping to achieve better

emotional and physical wellness. There are numerous healthy strategies to handle and cope with

stress, but all of them necessitate change. Either you can alter the situation or you can change

your reaction. When determining which option to pursue, keep the four A's in mind: avoid,

change, adapt, or accept. There is no “one size fits all” strategy for stress management because

everyone's reaction to it is different. Experiment with diverse tactics and strategies because no

single strategy works for everyone or in every situation. Concentrate on what makes you feel at

ease and in command.

Blona (2005) claims that students experience stress since some are trying to cope with the

demands of adapting to a new living environment, new peers, academic pressure, and sexual


Based on the study by Mazo (2015) entitled, "Causes, Effects of Stress, and the Coping

Mechanism of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Students in A Philippine

University" this study sought to determine the causes of stress, the effects of stress, and the stress

coping mechanisms of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students at Leyte Normal

University, Tacloban City. It used the descriptive survey approach to test several hypotheses

with 51 respondents. The most common sources of stress were thesis writing and research and

school requirements/projects. Stress is known to cause sleepless nights and irritable or moody

feelings. The male and female respondents had different perspectives on the causes and effects of

stress. Common stress coping strategies include using a computer and praying to God. There was

a noticeable difference between male and female replies.




This chapter describes the methods and procedures used in this analysis. It also includes

the research participants, instruments, data gathering methods required for the research.

Research Participants

The researchers employed convenience sampling to select at least six (6) informants. One

(1) teacher and five (5) senior high school students who attend Fiore Del Carmelo School for the

school year 2021 –2022. Informants would be selected depending on their availability and

willingness to participate in the research.

Research Instruments

The tools used in this study were a consent form and a meeting application to conduct an

interview. It is composed of 2 sections. Section I, for the personal information of the participants,

such as: name, age, grade level, and gender. Section II contains 5 questions regarding the stress-

level management strategies. For this analysis, researchers chose an online consent form and

interview method because it is way more reliable and convenient to gather data from a

significant number of respondents in the middle of a pandemic in an appropriate and timely

manner. Aside from that, through interviews, we can get first-hand information.

Data Collection Method

The researchers will send a consent letter to ask permission before distributing the zoom

link and will wait for approval from their research adviser on when they should do so. After all

approvals are obtained, each responder will be contacted individually via online platforms,

notably messenger, the researchers will give the zoom link to the participants and then the

participants will be interviewed. The whole interview was recorded.




This chapter describes the outcomes of the data collection process. It also demonstrates

how these data were analyzed, and interpreted.


To respond to the problem statement, this study relied on responses by the Senior High

School Students and one teacher of Fiore Del Carmelo School for the School Year: 2021-2022

that we obtained through an online interview that was carefully analyzed and interpreted. The

following are the findings of this study:

1. Why does it is important for the Senior High School Students to cope-up with


Based on what we gathered in our review of related literature, it appears that

coping with stress is important because if it is not well managed, stressors can have a

negative impact on the student's personal life and academic performance.

2. What are the primary stressors that they experience for the School Year of 2021-


According to the information that we get from our participants, the primary

stressors that they experience for this school year are poor internet connections and the

pressure of accomplishing the pile of activities at a given time. Poor internet connection

is one of the common stressors, especially in this modality of learning. Some of them

can’t understand what the teacher is discussing since it affects their focus. Next is the

pressure to finish the given task on time. This is also a common stressor that every

student encountered, particularly when the distribution of their performance tasks in all

subjects comes up simultaneously. Some of them are lacked of sleep and skipping their

meals just to finish those given homework and performance tasks that cause them to

become unhealthy mentally and physically. 

3. What are the strategies that Senior High School students use to deal with their


The Senior High School Students interviewee used various strategies to overcome the

stressors that they encountered. They emphasize that to deal with it they are doing the things that

will make them happy such as: watching videos on YouTube, eating, hanging out with their

friends, reading books, playing online games and watching movies. Meditating, and listening to

music is also their way to have a peace of mind and avoid getting stress.

4. What are the perceptions of teachers about handling stress for Senior High School


Based to the Fiore Del Carmelo School teacher that we interview, the perceptions

of teachers in handling stress for Senior High School students is to motivate them and ask

what seems to be the problem. For example, the student is having a hard time to catch up

to the lessons. As a teacher, he/she will give an advice to the student. After that, the

teacher will compromise in terms of giving loads of work. In that way, the student can

finally catch up to the lessons that the student missed.




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Sisters, C., & Profile, T. A. A. K. (n.d.). OUR SCHOOL. Institute of Our Lady of Carmel.

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Holland, K. (2020, September 3). Everything You Need to Know About Anxiety. Healthline.

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Davis, B. (2021, May 26). What is senior high school in the Philippines? –




Guevarra, R. S., & Cimanes, R. A. (2017). Stress Coping Mechanism and Its Impact to their age

among Senior High School students at Parañaque National High School-Baclaran. Stress

Coping Mechanism and Its Impact to Their Age among Senior High School Students at

Parañaque National High School-Baclaran, 3(7), 53–65.

Mazo, G. N. (2015). Causes, Effects of Stress, and the Coping Mechanism of the Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology Students in A Philippine University. Causes, Effects

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Technology Students in A Philippine University, 9(1), 71–78.


Prestige e-Journal of Management and Research. (2007). Prestige E-Journal of Management

and Research, 4(2), 58–67.





Interview Guide


I. Personal Information



Grade level:


II. Five (5) questions regarding the Stress-Level Management Strategies

1. When was the last time you felt stressed?

2. How do you handle it?

3. What are some stressors (cause of stress) that you encounter for the School Year:

2021-2022? Examples of stressors: death of a loved one, examinations, deadlines,

poor time management, difficulty in organizing work.

4. Give at least five (5) examples of Stress-Level Management Strategies that you do.

5. What are the stress management strategies that you usually do?


I. Personal Information



II. Your Perception to the Stress-Level Management Strategies of Senior High School


1. How can you determine that your Senior High School Student is stress?

2. What is your perception as a teacher about handling stress of the Senior High

School Students?

3. In your own opinion, how can you help your students to overcome the stress in

efficient way?





RESEARCH QUESTION 1: Why does it is important for the Senior High School Students to
cope-up with stress?

INTERVIEW QUESTION 1: When was the last time you felt stress?


Put here the exact Clarify the line, Think of a word or Put your own note here

line, review, or review, or two that (ex. Striking words,

statement. Each line statement (ex. summarizes the expressions etc.)

should have one Arrange the data


meaning. grammar,

punctuation etc.)

PARTICIPANT A: Last Sunday was Last Sunday Sunday is renowned as a day

the last time I felt of relaxation, so maybe this

“The last time that I
stressed. participant had a lot of work
felt stress was last
to accomplish.

PARTICIPANT B: The last time when Homework It is really stressing to meet

I felt stressed, was deadline the homework deadlines,

“The last time where I
during the especially when the
felt stressed was during
homework deadlines come
the homework
deadline. simultaneously.

PARTICIPANT C: The last time that I Last week The distribution of

felt stressed, was Performance Tasks, Unit

“Last week”
last week. Tasks, and the completion of

missed activities took place

last week. Presumably these

are the factors causing this

participant's stress.

PARTICIPANT D: The last time I felt Mobile games Another cause of stress is

stress is when I mobile gaming. It's

“I do this online mobile
played online frustrating to lose the game

online games” mobile games. round after round. It has an

effect on the mood of Senior

High School students,

causing them to become

easily irritated.

PARTICIPANT E: I guess the last time Last week The distribution of

I was stressed was Performance Tasks, Unit

“The last time I felt
last week. Tasks, and the completion of
stressed… I think, last
missed activities took place
last week. Presumably these

are the factors causing this

participant's stress.

INTERVIEW QUESTION 2: How do you handle it?


Put here the exact Clarify the line, Think of a word or Put your own note here

line, review, or review, or statement two that summarizes (ex. Striking words,

statement. Each (ex. Arrange the the data expressions etc.)

line should have grammar, punctuation

one meaning. etc.)


PARTICIPANT A: First, I will calm Calm down Calming down first at

myself so that I can every situation is a great

“First, I need to calm
determine what I help for the person to think
down so I can think
need to do and what clearly on what he/she
what I need to do and
priorities I need to needs to do and to avoid
what priorities that I
manage. committing mistakes.
need to manage”

Doing the things that the

PARTICIPANT B: I handle stress by Enjoy
person likes to enjoy is a
doing things I like or
“I handle that stress big help in reducing the
going to places I
by doing the things stress that he/she is
usually enjoy.
that I like or where I experiencing.

always enjoy.”

Meditation is an efficient
PARTICIPANT C: I handle it by Meditating
stress-reduction technique
meditating and eating,
“I handled it by since it provides a person
as well as, making
meditating and eating with a peaceful and calm
time for my hobbies.
and make time for mind.


PARTICIPANT D: Being optimistic, that Optimistic Being optimistic is

I will be able to win beneficial for the reason

“Thinking about
the next game. that it gives the person
positive that I will win
confidence to give their
next game.”
best in everything that they

are doing. Aside from that,

optimists embrace failure

as a fresh start to

something wonderful.

PARTICIPANT E: I deal with it by Taking break Taking a break is the best

exercising, deep way to improve mental

“I handle it by doing
breathing, and taking health.
exercise, deep
a break.
breathing, and also

take a break.”

RESEARCH QUESTION 2:What are the primary stressors that they experience for the School

Year of 2021-2022?

INTERVIEW QUESTION 1:What are some stressors (cause of stress) that you encounter for

the School Year: 2021-2022? Examples of stressors: death of a loved one, examinations,

deadlines, poor time management, difficulty in organizing work.



Think of a word or

two that summarizes

Put here the exact line, Clarify the line, Put your own note here
the data
review, or statement. review, or statement (ex. Striking words,

Each line should have (ex. Arrange the expressions etc.)

one meaning. grammar, punctuation


PARTICIPANT A: I guess the most Internet and These two factors of

common problem that Environment stressors that the

“I think its most common
I encounter for this interviewee mentioned are
problem is the internet.
School Year is the the common problems that
Sometimes it’s not so well,
internet connection. students face with this new
that it makes definitely
There are times that it way of learning.
and sometimes you cannot
is unstable and that's
go to the class because of
became the reason
it. Next is, of course the
why I wasn't able to
environment that you’re
attend the class. Next
in. Sometimes it’s noisy.
is the noisy
Sometimes you cannot
environment where I
understand the topic
lived in, I get
because you’re sick or like
distracted from the
noise outside,

resulting for me to not


fully understand the


PARTICIPANT B: The stressor that I Pressure Pressure occurs when the

“The stress that I’ve encounter this School person overthinks that

encountered is pressure. Year is pressure due he/she wasn’t able to make

Pressure of activities-- a to the numerous it. That’s when the stress

pile of activities.” activities. starts to happen.

PARTICIPANT C: Family problems, Problems Due to many problems,

“Family problems, internet connection people get confused about

internet connection problems, and mental how, when and what they

problems and emotional problems are some of should do to solve the

problems” the stressors I problem that they are

experience this school facing, because of this they

year. get stress.

PARTICIPANT D: The stressor that I Poor time Poor time management is

“Maybe the poor time encountered for this management the primary reason why

management. Where you school year is perhaps nearly all students fail to

are late on passing my poor time complete their activities,

requirements in schools.” management. assignments, seat works,

Wherein, I fail to pass and performance tasks on

the school time. This is one of the

requirements on time. factors why students

experience academic stress.


PARTICIPANT E: I assume that the Examinations and Examinations and deadlines

cause of stress that I Deadlines are also some of the biggest

“Cause of stress that I
encounter for this stressors that students face.
encountered for the school
School Year 2021-
year 2021 - 2022 is… I
2022 is the
think examination and
examination and
also deadlines.”

RESEARCH QUESTION 3: What are the strategies that Senior High School students use to

deal with their stress-problems?

INTERVIEW QUESTION 1: Give at least 5 examples of Stress Management Strategies that

you do


Put here the exact Clarify the line, Think of a word or Put your own note

line, review, or review, or statement two that summarizes here (ex. Striking

statement. Each (ex. Arrange the the data words, expressions

line should have grammar, punctuation etc.)

one meaning. etc.)

PARTICIPANT A: The five examples of Relax and Socialize This

Stress-Level participantwanted to
“First thing that I do
Management reduce the burden that
is to calm down. Then
Strategies that I do he/she is carrying in a
second is prioritize
are: First, is to calm way of relaxing and
the things that I need
down. Second, socializing.
to prioritize. Third, I
prioritize the things
need to... I need to
that I need to
make myself happy of
prioritize. Third,
the third one and
making myself happy.
fourth, is to stress eat
Fourth, is to do stress
if I have time. Then
eating. Lastly, by
fifth is talk to
talking to a stranger to
strangers so I can
voice out and express
pour out some
my emotions.
negativity notes, like


PARTICIPANT B: The five examples of Busy The way for this

strategies that I do to participant to cope up

“Five examples of
relieve my stress are with stress is to make
strategies to relieve
the following: his/ herself busy.
my stress is… are
playing, watching the
doing... playing,
YouTube contents of
watching YouTube
my favorite content
contents from my
creators, eating and
favorite content
hanging out with my
creators, eating, and
going outside with


PARTICIPANT C: The five things that I Meditating Meditating is a way to

do to handle stress have a better mood,

“I handled it by
are: meditating, improve sleep, and
meditating, eating,
eating, sleeping early social intelligence.
sleeping early and
and listening to my
listening to my
favorite music.
favorite music.”

PARTICIPANT D: I don’t have exactly Wants Doing the things that

five examples to the person wants

“For me, it manages
relieve my stress but I helps him/her to have
to relieve my stress by
manage my stress by fun. In that way, it
reading books,
reading books, will also help the
watching my favorite

movie like harry watching my favorite person to lighten up

potter, winning some movie, winning in his/her mood.

online games. That's online games and

all, I don't have five... stress eating.

Ow! Eating! Stress


PARTICIPANT E: The five stress Exercise Exercising trains the

management mind of the person to

“The stress
strategies that I do gain a positive
are; swimming, attitude and avoid
strategies that I do:
getting enough sleep, irritability. It benefits
First, swimming.
dancing, exercise, and the mental and
Second, sleep that
keeping a positive physical health of a
helps renew the brain
attitude. person.
and body. Number

three dancing.

Number four, always

exercise and number

five keep a positive


INTERVIEW QUESTION 2: What are the stress management strategies that you usually do?


Put here the exact Clarify the line, Think of a word or Put your own note

line, review, or review, or statement two that summarizes here (ex. Striking

statement. Each (ex. Arrange the the data words, expressions

line should have grammar, punctuation etc.)

one meaning. etc.)

PARTICIPANT A: As I mentioned Stress Stress is the feeling of

earlier, the first thing being overwhelmed or

“Like I said earlier,
that I always do is unable to cope with
first thing that I do is
calming down. Next, mental or emotional
to calm down that's
is prioritizing the pressure.
what the always that I
things that I need to
need to do. Then the
do and then showing
second step, then the
of my expressions to
fifth step. That's the
the strangers.
things that I do.

That's all.

PARTICIPANT B: The stress Meditation Meditation helps to

management relax the mind and

“Meditation and
strategies that I body to process
relaxing to music.”
usually do is properly and lessen

meditation and the chance of getting

listening to music.


PARTICIPANT C: Relaxing my mind is Calm mind It helps the person to

the stress management avoid getting

“Relaxing my mind”
strategy that I usually frustrated and

do. anxious.

PARTICIPANT D: My stress-relieving Eating Eating gives relief to

strategy that I usually the person. That’s the

“Maybe eating,
do is eating ice cream. reason why some
eating ice cream.”
people consider eating

as a stress reliever. 

PARTICIPANT E: The stress Exercise Exercise provide

management stress relief to

“The stress
strategies that I thebody while
usually use are: imitating effects of
strategies that I
exercising regularly, stress, this can also
usually do is exercise
taking a deep breath lead to positive effects
regularly, take deep
and sleeping to relax in body including the
breath and sleep to
my brain and body. cardiovascular,
relax your brain and
digestive and immune
your body.”


RESEARCH QUESTION 4: What are the perceptions of teachers about handling stress for

Senior High School students?

INTERVIEW QUESTION 1: How can you tell that your Senior High School Student is stress?


Put here the exact line, Clarify the line, Think of a word or Put your own note

review, or statement. review, or statement two that here (ex. Striking

Each line should have (ex. Arrange the summarizes the data words, expressions

one meaning. grammar, punctuation etc.)



PARTICIPANT A: I can determine if my Simultaneously Giving students tasks

“Okay, so I can determine students are stress, in at the same time is

if my students are already terms of the loads extremely stressful

feeling stress. In terms of that they're dealing because not all of

the loads of that they are with. For example, them are capable of

experiencing. For example, when the teacher multi-tasking. Some

if they experience or if instructed the of their parents still

they... if the teacher students to do require them to help

instructed them to do the multiple task at once. with doing household

task simultaneously. Let’s Let’s say, the teacher chores that reduce

say for example 3 tasks per give three to four their time for doing

day or 4 tasks per day. The tasks per day. The the given activities.

students tend to experience student tends to

stress because the experience stress

student... the student because the student

doesn't know how to start doesn’t have an idea

what he/she will do on the on how and where

task because it is done he/she will start

simultaneously. So the doing the task since it

student is already confuse is done

where he/ she is starting, simultaneously.

right? So that's my


INTERVIEW QUESTION 2: What is your perception as a teacher about handling stress of the

Senior High School Students?


Put here the exact line, Clarify the line, review, or Think of a word Put your own note

review, or statement. statement (ex. Arrange or two that here (ex. Striking

Each line should have the grammar, punctuation summarizes the words, expressions

one meaning. etc.) data etc.)

PARTICIPANT A: My perception as a Compromise If the teacher

teacher about handling the compromises in terms

“My perception is… to
stress of the Senior High of giving loads of
motivate them more in
School Students is to activities, it is a great
terms of giving them
motivate the student more help for the students
advice whenever the
by means of giving advice to lighten the burden
student feels stress… I
to the student in a way of that they are
need to chat the student
messaging or talking to experiencing.
right away. For example,
the student. For example,
the student feels… he/she
the student feels that
does has the hard time to
he/she is having a hard
cope-up with the studies.
time in coping up to
So the teacher needs to

comfort the student by his/her studies. The

giving him/her the advice teacher needs to comfort

and then afterwards, the the student in a way of

teacher will have a giving the student an

compromise in terms of advice. Afterwards, the

giving the loads or teacher will also do

workloads in… for his/her part. The teacher

example seatworks or will compromise in

assignments .So that, the giving loads of activities

student will catch up.” to the students. In that

way, the student can

finally catch up.

INTERVIEW QUESTION 3: In your own opinion how can you help your students to

overcome stress in an efficient way?


Put here the exact line, Clarify the line, Think of a word or Put your own note

review, or statement. review, or statement two that here (ex. Striking

Each line should have (ex. Arrange the summarizes the words, expressions

one meaning. grammar, punctuation data etc.)


PARTICIPANT A: We have different Companion It is significant to have a

ways on how to companion in solving the

“How do the students
situation. Having a
overcome stress. First,
overcome? Okay, so they
companion will help the
is by having a
can overcome stress we students carry out the
companion to guide
have many different ways problems that they are
the students wherein
on how we overcome facing. The companion
the student can
stress so the first one will serve as an support
expresswhat seems to
there we need a system to the students to
bethe problem, encourage and motivate
companion to talk about
especially at this the students during their
what’s the problem?
online class set-up. So difficult times.
That's—that’s the—that’s
that, the problem can
the big issue here eh,
be easily
especially here in the
resolved.Second, the
online class setting? We
student should think of
have so many problems
“where do I will start”.
but we don’t have a
Making a plan for how
companion to talk about.
the students will solve
So we need someone to
the problems, from
talk then… what happens
simple to complex, is
there is we... we have a lot
a great way to reduce
of… interms of what are
the stress that he or
the problems that you
she is experiencing.
need to address of? What

are the things that we

need to do first in order to

resolve the problem or the

issues that we

experiencing,right? And

then the other one, is you

need to think of yourself

that “Where do will I

start?” so we need to start

from the basics until to the

complex things. So that

everything goes on the

process so that you- so

that you don’t have a

difficult time in doing

such activities that's all.”



Consent Form Responses



Address: Happyland Street, Doña Carmen Subdivision,
Barangay Commonwealth, Quezon City

Contact Number: 09475263770


Educational Background

Primary School Fairview Elementary School

Elementary School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Elementary School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Junior High School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Senior High School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Personal Information

Birthday: January 21, 2005

Age: 16

Height: 5’9

Weight: 65 kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language: Filipino, English


Address: Doña Nicasia Puyat Subdvision, Samsung Street,
Barangay Commonwealth, Quezon City

Contact Number: 09260416524


Educational Background

Primary School Fiore Del Carmelo School


Elementary School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Elementary School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Junior High School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Senior High School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Personal Information

Birthday: July 04, 2004

Age: 17

Height: 5’4

Weight: 52 kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language: Filipino, English



Address: 124 Mt. Fair Weather Filinvest 1, Batasan Hills,
Quezon City

Contact Number:09460218588

Educational Background

Primary School Beanstalk Primary School


Elementary School BSPS Elementary School

Elementary School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Junior High School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Senior High School Fiore Del Carmelo School

Personal Information

Birthday: December 29, 2005

Age: 16

Height: 5’7

Weight: 65 kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language: Tagakaulo, Bisaya, Filipino, English

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