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Presented to

The faculty of Senior High School

Sarrat, Ilocos Norte

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Humanities and Social Sciences

Grade 12 Senior High School


Israel A. Edra

Martina Karelle A. Edralin

Laurence F. Jacinto

Shentle Joy J. Balauan

Jhon Franz J. Sonajo


The Researchers greatly acknowledge the following whose continues support and valuable

efforts have contributed a lot in realization in the study.

To Edmund Respicio, the practical research teacher, for his continues encouragement which

inspired the researchers to finish the thesis and for his efforts in checking the preliminary version

of the research paper.

The faculty and the administration for their willingness to strengthen the research program of

the school through encouragement and guidance they offer to the researchers which made this

study possible.

The families of the researchers for their inspiration and extended support.

The almighty God for the gift of life, wisdom, good health and the guidance that he gave to

the researchers from the start up to finish this study.




Stress is undetermined syndrome in our society that is neglected since the element of

mental health associated with it. Indeed, stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts,

your feeling, and your behavior. Every human being in today's fast pace word is plagued by

stress every day. Facing stress in unavoidable. But effectively tackling it is necessity.
A group of people who are most frequently affected by stress are students throughout

their academic lives, student face various challenges, and a whole lot of pressure in today's

competitive environment. Everyday pressures can activate it, too. For example, you might feel

stress before taking a test or a giving class presentation, facing a tough opponent in a sport, or

going on stage for a performance. Student need to be trained in handling stress is an art by itself

and it's need same proven scientific method to manage it. When the student feels that he/she

cannot meet the demands of the classroom trust on him/her then he/she is stressed. Stressed is

inevitable in the life of a student.

At times stress on student are forced by letting people down by teachers, parents etc.

generally students are more stressed on daily test and their works. It is common knowledge that

there are large number of students whose result appear to be almost incompatible with talent and


This chapter explains the concepts of academic behavior the cause and impacts of

physical classroom environment among students and their school performance and methods of


of stress
Stress is a response to pressure or threat. Under stress we may feel tense, nervous, or on

edge. The stress response is physical, too. Stress triggers a surge of a hormone called adrenaline

that temporarily affects the nervous system. As a result, when you're nervous or stressed you

might feel your heartbeat or breathing get faster, your palms get sweaty, or your knees get shaky.

The stress response is also called the fight-or-flight-response. It's an automatic response that

prepares us to deal with danger. But a situation doesn't have to be physically dangerous to

activate the stress response. Everyday pressures can activate it, too. For example, you might feel
stress before taking a test or a giving class presentation, facing a tough opponent in a sport, or

going on stage for a performance. Even in these situations (which are hardly life-or-death), the

stress response activates to help you perform well under pressure. It can help you rise to a

challenge and meet it with alertness, focus, and strength. Facing these challenges rather than

backing away from them is a part of learning and growing. When the challenge is over, the stress

response lets up. You can relax and recharge, and be ready for a new challenge.

The purpose of this study is to assess the level of satisfaction and stress on students and

its impact in their academic behavior. The researchers want to look into the students’

perspectives on how they manage their behavior. The basis for a suggested action plan to address

the problem of physical environment. This study will be used as a reference and as a guide for

future researchers who wish to conduct a similar study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the stress and its impact on the school performance of selected

Senior High School Students for the school year 2022-2023.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following question:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 sex;and

1.2 age

1.What are the impact of stress to the Grade 11 and 12 students?

2.What are the factors that can affects the personality of Grade 11 and 12 student?
3. What are the implication of physical environment in the academic behavior of Senior

High School Students?

4.How physical environment can affect the academic behavior of the students and the

implication to their study?

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will serve as a baseline data in determining the achievement of

the students and by preventing the stress in life of the students and awareness on how they

manage their stress in their physical environment.

The Senior High School Teachers, of their foremost roles is to guide their students and

teach them how to manage their behavior and to improve their abilities and a free from worries as

well as anxiety.

The Students, they are be the one to control themselves and know how to manage their

academic capacity, they are the one to create of their lives easier and not complicated in terms of

their studies if they are not to be stress and to be not afraid or shy in their presence they should

have a positive outlook in life.

The Parents, who play a big role in their child’s development, their involvement will

serves as reinforcement. Their advice and presence is helpful for their children welfare and

beneficial to them in their entire life.

The School Principal, the result and findings of this study will be the basis of a program

the students for through engaging self-confidence to remove discrimination and something that

may cause stress to the students. A program that create a positive outlook to their well being.
And lastly the Researchers and Future Researchers, this study is a significant for them

because of some benefits and to obtain a good result and findings for the future researchers also

established a parallel study or follow-up study relevant to the present study so that they can make

a comparative analysis pertaining to the present issue.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined for the enlightenment of the researchers conducting this study.

Academic Achievement or (academic) performance. Is the extent to which a students,

teacher or institution has achieved their short and long term educational goals. Cumulative GPA

and completion of educational degrees such as High School and Bachelor’s degrees represent

academic Achievement.

Academic Stress. Is mental distress with respect to some anticipated frustration

associated with academic failure or even unawareness to the possibility of such failure. Students

have to face many academic demands, for them to achieve their demands on their selves.

Behavior. The way in which one acts or conduct oneself especially towards others.

Mental Health. Mental health is a level of psychological well being or an absence of

mental illness. It is the “psychological state of someone who is functioning at satisfactory.



A Brief History of Stress

A key to the understanding of the negative aspects of stress is the concept of milieu

intermixes the internal environment of the body), which was first advanced by the French

physiologist Claude Bernard In this concept, he described the principles of dynamic equilibrium.

In dynamic equilibrium, constancy, a steady state (situation) in the internal bodily environment,

is essential to survival. Therefore, external changes in the environment or external forces that

change the internal balance must be reacted to and compensated for if the organism is to survive

Examples of such external forces include temperature, oxygen concentration in the air, the

expenditure of energy, and the presence of predators. In addition, diseases are also stressors that

threaten the constancy of the milieu interuire.

The neurologist Walter Cannon coined the term homeostasis to further define the

dynamic equilibrium that Bernard had described. He also was the first credited with recognizing

that stressors could be emotional, as well as physical. Through his experiments, he demonstrated

the "fight or flight" response that man and other animals share when threatened. Further, Cannon

traced these reactions to the release of powerful neurotransmitters from a part of the adrenal

gland, the medulla. (Neurotransmitters are the body's chemicals that carry messages to and from

the nerves) The adrenal medulla secretes two neurotransmitters, epinephrine (also called

adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), in the response to stress. The release of these

neurotransmitters leads to the physiologic effects seen in the fight or flight response, for

example, a rapid heart rate, and increased alertness.

Hans Selye, another early scientist who is known for his studies of stress, extended

Cannon's observations. He included the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base of the brain. as
part of the body's stress response system. He described how this gland controls the secretion of

hormones (for example, cortisol) that are important in the physiological response to stress.

Additionally, Selye actually introduced the term stress from physics and engineering and defined

it as "mutual actions of forces that take place across any section of the body, physical or


In his experiments, Selye induced stress in rats in a variety of ways. He found typical and

constant psychological and physical responses to the adverse situations that were imposed on the

rats. In rats exposed to constant stress, he observed enlargement of the adrenal glands,

gastrointestinal ulcers, and a wasting away (atrophy) of the immune (defense) system. He called

these responses to stress the general adaptation (adjustment) or stress syndrome. He discovered

that these processes, which were adaptive (healthy, appropriate adjustment) and normal for the

organism in warding off stress, could become much like illnesses. That is, the adaptive processes,

if they were excessive, could damage the body. This observation, then, was the beginning of an

understanding of why stress, really overstress, can be harmful, and why the word stress has

earned such a bad name.

Signs and Symptoms of Poorly Managed Stress

Excess stress can manifest itself in a variety of emotional, behavioral, and even physical

symptoms, and the symptoms of stress vary enormously among different individuals. Common

somatic (physical) symptoms often reported by those experiencing excess stress include sleep

disturbances or changes in sleeping habits (insomnia or sleeping too much). muscle tension,

muscle aches, headache, gastrointestinal problems, and fatigue. Symptoms of many preexisting

medical conditions can also worsen during times of stress. Emotional and behavioral symptoms

that can accompany excess stress include nervousness, anxiety, changes in eating habits

including overeating or undereating (leading to weight gain or loss), loss of enthusiasm or

energy, and mood changes, like irritability and depression. Of course, none of these signs or

symptoms means for certain that there is an elevated stress level since all of these symptoms can

be caused by other medical and/or psychological conditions.

It is also known that people under stress have a greater tendency to engage in unhealthy

behaviors, such as excessive use or abuse of alcohol and drugs, cigarette smoking, and making

poor exercise and nutritional choices, than their less-stressed counterparts. These unhealthy

behaviors can further increase the severity of symptoms related to stress, often leading to a

"vicious cycle" of symptoms and unhealthy behaviors.

The experience of stress is highly individualized. What constitutes overwhelming stress

for one person may not be perceived as stress by another. Likewise, the symptoms and signs of

poorly managed stress will be different for each person.

The Risk Factor of Stress

Stress comes in many forms and affects people of all ages and all walks of life. No

external standards can be applied to predict stress levels in individuals -- one need not have a

traditionally stressful job to experience workplace stress, just as a parent of one child may

experience more parenting stress than a parent of several children. The degree of stress in our

lives is highly dependent upon individual factors such as our physical health, the quality of our

interpersonal relationships, the number of commitments and responsibilities we carry, the degree

of others' dependence upon us, expectations of us, the amount of support we receive from others,

and the number of changes or traumatic events that have recently occurred in our lives.

However, it is possible to make some generalizations People with adequate or strong

social support networks report less stress and overall improved mental health in comparison to

those without adequate social support. People who are poorly nourished, who get inadequate

sleep, or who are physically unwell also have a reduced capacity to handle pressures and stresses
of everyday life and may report higher stress levels. Some stressors are particularly associated

with certain age groups or life stages. Children, teens, the newly married, working parents, single

parents, and seniors are examples of the groups who often face common stressors related to life


Different Kind of Stress.

Many people feel stress after dealing with the loss of a loved one, while going through a

divorce or even after a tough day at work, but most people don't realize is that there are different

kinds of stress. The types of stress relate to how the stress comes on or what symptoms are

associated with the stress, but psychologists typically differentiate between the different types

based on how long the periods last. Learning more about the different types and periods of stress

can help individuals learn how to battle stress.

Physical Stress. A common type of stress is physical stress, which refers to actual physical

activities and events that wreak havoc on the human body. One good example is travel. Traveling

frequently can send you to different time zones, which makes sleeping and waking difficult

Physical stress also includes stress brought on by sleeping too much, not getting enough sleep,

spending too many hours on your feet or working long hours. If you ever spent a day chasing

your kids around an amusement park or stuck in an airport and dealing with flight delays, you

have likely experienced physical stress.

Emotional Stress. Out of all the different kinds of stress, emotional stress is the most common.

This can occur after you go through an intense break up or divorce, lose a loved one, have a fight

with your spouse or experience any other problem that causes you to feel depressed or anxious

Emotional stress often manifests in the same way that depression does. You may experience

weight changes, changes in how you fall asleep or how long you sleep, feelings of isolation and

mood swings. Emotional stress can also occur when you feel overwhelmed at home or at work
Traumatic Stress. When thinking about the types of stress, many people don't think about

traumatic stress. Traumatic stress is a type of stress that occurs because of some type of trauma

to the human body and may lead to intense pain, coma or even death. It often relates to some

kind of physical change that occurs. If you went through an operation, your body may experience

stress until you recover from that surgery. A car accident, second or third degree burns or even a

case of pneumonia may all cause traumatic stress.

Theoretical Framework

This study anchored with the stress theory, theory behavior and theory of Eustress and

distress to give more insight on the topics presented.

Stress Theory. Hans Selye was the first scientist to identify "Stress" as underpinning the

nonspecific sign and sign and Symptoms of illness. Selye explained his stress model base on

physiology and psychobiology and psychobiological as general adaption syndrome (GAS) alarm.

Alarm. The alarm stage is also known as the fight or flight stage when you're in the alarm stage

your heart beat faster sending more blood to your arms and legs in case you need fight of fly.

Resistance. Resistance stress keeps blood pressure and hormones, such as adrenaline and

cortisol, higher than normal, but not quite as high.

Exhaustion. This is the last stage if stressors continue beyond bodies capacity, organism

exhausts resources and becomes susceptible to disease and death.

Conceptual Framework

The main goal of this study is to assess the Academic Behavior and Social Media

Exposure among Senior High School Students in Sarrat National High School for this school

year 2022-2023.

The profile of the Obtain data through Discover the

Senior High School a survey about the students’
students as to their: satisfaction of perspectives on how

1. Name physical environment and causes os stress they rid of their stress in
manage to get

2. Age their environment

3. Gender Assess the level of

4. Physical satisfaction of Increases their environment physical environment understanding

about commonly on students and its how stress effects
observe impact in their their academic
academic behavior. behavior
5.Level of
stress the

Figure 1: The Research Paradigm on Physical Environment Observation.

The Input refers to the profile of the respondents as to their name, age, gender, physical

environment commonly observed, and level of stress the respondents observe. To carry out the

study, the researchers obtained data through a survey among the senior high school students of

Sarrat National High School. As a result, the researchers discovered the respondents’

perspectives on how they manage to get rid of their stress in their environment of senior high

school sudents.


This chapter discusses the general outline of the procedure used in the study. It includes

research design, locale of the study, population sampling procedure, research instruments, data

gathering procedure, statistical treatment, and ethical considerations to be used in this study.

Research Design

The descriptive quantitative survey method, employing questionnaire was used in this

study. Copies of the questionnaire we’re administered to the target respondents to obtain

substantial data pertaining to the causes of stress it’s implication to school performance of the
selected Senior High School.

The purpose of quantitative descriptive research is to provide a complete summary of

specific events experienced by individual groups of people. Such a quantitative design category,

according to some researchers.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at Sarrat National High School. Specifically, at Barangay 4, San

Francisco Sarrat, Ilocos Norte. The town traversed and divided into two by the Padsan River,

creating north and south areas that are connected by the Sarrat Bridge.

Figure 1. The Provincial Map

Population and Sampling Procedure

The participants in this study will be two hundred (200) senior high school students

between the grade level of 11 and 12. One hundred (100) people must participate in order to

collect the necessary data for the study.

Research Instruments

The principal data gathering instrument of this study is a survey questionnaire. The researchers

adapted a survey questionnaire and prepared the following criteria for its construction based on

the statement of the problem.

The survey questionnaires were referred to the research adviser for correction and modification.

The result of the version will serve as the basis for its improvement and refinement. Data

Gathering Procedure

The information for this study will be gathered using a survey questionnaire. The survey

was made up of appropriate questions adapted from previous studies.

Nineteen (19) questions will be asked in the survey, all of which were linked to the

participants' experiences with social media exposure among senior high school students. To

ascertain whether respondents agreed or disagreed with the statement, the questionnaire

employed checklist and ranking rating questions. The questionnaire was delivered to the students

after the teacher related the survey. The survey form was confidently assured by the researchers.

The researchers also realized that people's consciousness could influence their honesty and

effectiveness in responding to the survey, so they provided respondents the option of remaining

anonymous. Participants were given time to respond before the survey was collected by the


Statistical Treatment

The following statistical and statistical methods will be used to tabulate and statistically
evaluate the data collected from the set of questions. The frequency was calculated by counting
the number of people who responded to each question. The percentage was utilized to create a
profile of the respondents and other related data. The weighted was used to assess the level of
stress and satisfaction and its impact in their academic behavior.
Range of Means Descriptive Interpretation

4.51 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

3.51 – 4.50 Agree

2.51 – 3.50 Neutral

1.51 – 2.50 Disagree

1.00 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree
Ethical Considerations

The researchers adapted nine ethical considerations from the website. These are the guidelines

that the researchers must follow in conducting this study to ensure a safe and secure environment

for the participants to be protected from psychological, physical, and emotional harm.

1. Research participants should not be subjected to harm in any ways whatsoever.

2. Respect for the dignity of research participants should be prioritized.

3. Full consent should be obtained from the participants prior to the study.
4. The protection of privacy of research participants has to be ensured.

5. Anonymity of individuals and organizations participating in the research has to be


6. Any deception or exaggeration about the aims and objectives of the research must be


7. Affiliations in any forms, sources of funding, as well as any possible conflicts of interests

have to be declared.

8. Any type of communication in relation to the research should be done with honesty and


9. Any type of misleading information, as well as representation of primary data findings in

a biased way must be avoided.

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