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Audience Analysis

Age Range 13-19

Male-Female Ratio 5:5

Educational Background Senior High School Students

Educational Institution San Juan de Dios Educational

Foundation Inc.
Place of Residence (city,
Nothing in particular
province, town)

Marital Status Single

Economic Status (Household
Below 30,000
income above 30,000 or
below 30,000)
Language Spoken English/Filipino
Religious Affiliations/Beliefs Nothing in particular

General Purpose To persuade

To persuade Sjdecians
Specific Purpose to have a proper time
management to avoid



How time management and

Specific (Narrowed procrastination are related.
down Topic) Reasons of procrastination
Ways to avoid procrastination
and to have a proper time

Speech Pattern

1.) Have you been procrastinating and squandering your time on

unimportant tasks out of laziness?

1:1 Base on the article by Oxford Learning, students frequently

procrastinate because they don't see how a project is relevant
or significant to them.
1:2 Today I'll teach you how to properly manage your time in
order to avoid procrastination.
2.) For a number of reasons, many students procrastinate.

2:1 Time management is one of the things we can do to boost

productivity and efficiency.
3.) Time management entails managing your available time and
restricting how much time you spend on specific activities.

3:1 I'll show you how to effectively manage your time.

4.) Ways to have a proper time management.
4:1 Setting a time limit.
4:2 Prioritize your tasks.
4:3 Create a to-do list.
4:4 Avoid multitasking
4:5 Get rid of distractions
5.) Did you know that procrastination and time management are linked?
5:1 The how and why of the importance of time management to
avoid procrastination.

6.) Conclusion
Have you been procrastinating and squandering your time on
unimportant tasks out of laziness? Procrastination is one of the issues
that many students face, causing stress, worry, frustration, and other
negative emotions. Base on the article by Oxford Learning, students
frequently procrastinate because they don't see how a project is
relevant or significant to them, they don't comprehend the topic, or
they just don't know where to begin. When it comes down to it,
procrastination is a mix of challenges with motivation, confidence,
and comprehension. Today I'll teach you how to properly manage
your time in order to avoid procrastination.

For a number of reasons, many students procrastinate. Students

procrastinate for a variety of reasons, including abstract goals,
overload, perfectionism, fear of failure, task aversion, a terrible work
environment, and sensation seeking. Time management is one of the
things we can do to boost productivity and efficiency.

Time management entails managing your available time and

restricting how much time you spend on specific activities. Some
people have an easier time managing their time than others, but
everyone can improve their time management skills by developing
routines. I'll show you how to effectively manage your time.

The first thing we can do is to set a time limit. You can be more
focused and efficient if you set a time limit for accomplishing tasks.
Making the small extra effort to figure out how much time you'll need
for each procedure may also help you see potential problems before
they arise. You'll be able to design a plan for dealing with them in this
manner. Effective time management requires prioritization. Start by
eliminating any tasks that you should not be undertaking in the first
place. Then, pick the three or four most important tasks to perform
first; this will ensure that you finish the essentials.
Next is to make sure you start each day with a clear understanding of
what you need to do that day and make it a habit to jot down your
"to-do" list for the next weekday at the end of each workday. You'll be
ready to depart the next morning this way. All of your tasks become
more manageable when you write them down. When you have a clear
picture of the things you need to do and those you've already
completed, it's simpler to stay focused.

Avoid multitasking. This is one of the most fundamental time

management concepts, but it's also one of the hardest to put into
practice. Remove all distractions and focus only on the task at hand.
It's tempting to multitask, but doing so will only lead to you shooting
yourself in the foot. Switching from one task to another is inefficient
and slows down productivity. Similarly, don't let a mile-long to-do list
overwhelm you. It will not go quicker if you stress over it, so take slow
breathes in and out and concentrate on one task at a time.

Lastly, get rid of any distractions. There are a plethora of distractions

available, including social media, web surfing, text messaging, and
other forms of communication. For personal time management, being
proactive about getting rid of them is critical. To avoid interruptions,
close your door. Close everything but the one you're now working on.
Put your personal phone calls on wait until after lunch and turn off
your message notifications. Take small steps forward. Choose your
two biggest distractions and attempt to eliminate them for two
weeks. Also, remember that getting adequate sleep, drinking enough
water, and eating well may all help you stay focused at work,
especially when the afternoon slump hits.

Did you know that procrastination and time management are linked?
Effectively managing your time may help you feel in charge of your
work, enhance your productivity, and raise your confidence. As a
result, you'll be less prone to procrastination and better able to
establish a good balance between studying and other activities.
Because one effects the other, time management and procrastination
are inextricably linked.
Procrastination, in particular, squanders your time-management
efforts. You can overcome procrastination and start spending your
time more efficiently if you understand the how and why of this

Why? This one should go without saying. It's understandable that if

you keep putting off a task that has to be completed, you'll waste a
lot of time. You end up wasting hours of time that may have been
better spent elsewhere. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop time
from passing. All you can do at the end of the day is push all of your
outstanding tasks to the few remaining hours, which obviously causes
a great deal of stress and anxiety.

How? Even after procrastinating, the obligations you postponed can

occasionally be completed in a short period of time, but most of the
time, it's difficult to do them within the same working hours. So
before doing anything else, make sure to accomplish the given tasks
on time.

Did you know that procrastination and time management are linked?
Effectively managing your time may help you feel in charge of your
work, enhance your productivity, and raise your confidence. As a
result, you'll be less prone to procrastination and better able to
establish a good balance between studying and other activities.
Because one effects the other, time management and procrastination
are inextricably linked. Procrastination, in particular, squanders your
time-management efforts. You can overcome procrastination and
start spending your time more efficiently if you understand the how
and why of this concept.

So it should be evident by now that time management and

procrastination are inextricably related, and that time management
may assist you in avoiding new procrastination problems. You must
see good outcomes from your time management strategies in order
to overcome procrastination. Few things make a person feel better
about their professional and personal lives, as well as making them
more productive, than good time management and less
procrastination. This is where my speech ends. Thank you for your
time and I hope you keep in my my discussion about time
management and procrastination.

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