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Hello everyone
I am Jason
I am Joe
I am Yawi
We are students from the Chemistry and Nanoscience Group in the Department
of Applied Science and today we are going to introduce something about our
In freshman year, the general chemistry curriculum is extended from high
school, so if you've done well in high school chemistry, then freshman chemistry is
generally very easy.
However, the freshman year chemistry experiments are much more than the
high school chemistry experiments, because usually the high school chemistry
classes are not very experimental for students, while our department has a lot of
basic chemistry experiments since freshman year, among which the classic
experiments such as: acid-base titration, chemical equilibrium, soap synthesis, and
oxidation reduction titration.
To put it simply, soap synthesis can be produced by mixing grease with a strong
alkaline solution, but this is only a general description, in fact, there are many other
steps to do.
Although we are chemistry students, we also need to learn general physics and
basic physics experiments. We think that most basic physics experiments are easier
than chemistry experiments, but occasionally there are some alarming errors.
Next, we will introduce our sophomore year, when some more specialized
subjects begin to appear and we learn more about the work of the Chemistry
Department, which has four main axes: organic chemistry, analytical chemistry,
physical chemistry, and inorganic chemistry.
Organic chemistry is the study of various chemical substances that contain
carbon and often react biologically with living organisms; analytical chemistry is the
use of various chemical properties to analyze the composition and structure of
substances; physical chemistry is the physical perspective to understand the
principles of chemical behavior; and inorganic chemistry we have not yet learned.
One of the most impressive lessons we had was to go to Po Sang Middle School
and teach them some interesting chemistry experiments. It was a great experience.
From the name of our department, we can know that our department actually
focuses on the application of nano. In another chemistry lab class in our sophomore
year, we were taught how to synthesize "nano silver" in various colors. The colorful
colors make this class very interesting.
The above is what we are currently dealing with in the Chemistry group of the
Department of Applied Science, so if you are interested in chemistry, you can come
to us for discussion.

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