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Șerban Teodora


A moment when I realised the importance of time

I vividly remember the autumn of 2018. It was the end of September and my house was a
mess: piles of clothes, random items everywhere you looked, bags, suitcases, and many other
things. My sister was about to move to another city for college.
She was beyond excited to start a new chapter of her life, and I was too, but not only for
her, but for me as well, because I was preparing for the first day of highschool. We were in
similar situations, except she was leaving town to continue her education.
That week of our lives was quite crazy. She was stressed because her life was about to
change, and she began feeling nostalgic because those were the last days she would spend at
home with me and my parents, at least until the winter break.
When my parents drove her to her college dorm, I joined them. It was a long drive but I
was curious to see where my sister would live from now on. It was a nice place, and I realized
that in less than 4 years, after I have finished highschool, I will be in the same situation as her.
That week I realized that it is so important to cherish time. I could not realize that time
had passed so quickly and my sister was now an adult and will live on her own. It was hard for
me the first few weeks without her, and my parents would agree that the house is much more
quiet now that she is not home all the time.

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