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1) Translate the following sentences into English: 20p

1) Noi căutăm mobilier pentru dormitor în perioada aceasta.
2) Eu deja i-am oferit ei biletul pentru concert.
3) Magazinul de jucării nu închide de obicei înainte de 9 pm.
4) Cât timp ai așteptat aici?
5) Voi închide fereastra căci este foarte frig.
6) Mă vei ajuta să împachetez cadourile?
7) El va fi terminat de scris tema până când tu ajungi acolo.
8) El tocmai terminase de spălat mașina când a început să plouă..
9) Am fost foarte ocupat în ultima vreme.
10) Cred că ea va fi un ghid excelent.
2) Write synonyms for the following words: 20p
dirty= recovered=
improve= anniversary=
money= have in mind=
quiet= forwarded=
suggest= admits=
take part= such as=
maintained= vendors=
situated= in the heart of=
irresponsible= achievements=
variety= admired=
3) Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets: 20p
1) After Jonathan _________________ (finish) his degree, she wants to work in an office.
2) Lola looked down to discover a snake at her feet. When she saw it she___________(scream).
3) I borrowed four books on gardening the last time I ______________(go) to the library.
4) By the time I go to bed tonight I _______________ (finish) my work for the day.
5) Mark Twain _________________(grow) up in a small town in Mississippi.
6) If my parents arrive tomorrow, they _________________(see) our new baby for the first time.
7) Jim, why don’t you take some time off. You _________________ (work) too hard lately.
8) My grandfather ____________ (fly/never) in an airplane before, so this is his first time.
9) I _________________(live) in this city since I was a small child.
10) While I _____________ (watch)TV last night a small mouse ran across the room.

4) Answer the following questions (2 sentences/answer): 20p

a) What makes Guadalajara a special city?
b) Which are the most beautiful places in Turkey?
c) Which are your best school memories?
d) Which were the reasons why Florence Nightingale was called “The Lady with the Lamp”?
20p granted

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