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What is the one (1) key common ingredient in the talks that Chris Anderson had

-The one key common ingredient based on Chris Anderson observation,

the speakers are able to transfer into the listeners’ minds an idea, which is an
extraordinary gift. When a speaker connects with an audience, the brains of the people
in the audience begin to sync with the speaker’s brain and with each other. They literally
begin to exhibit the same brain-wave patterns.

2. What is the primary task of a speaker?

-The primary task of a speaker is to transfer ideas to his/her listeners.

3. Do you agree with Anderson’s statement, “Ideas are the most powerful force
shaping human culture”? In your opinion, how did he arrive at that conclusion?

-I agree with that statement because this statement emphasizes the importance of
giving a focused message to both you and your audience. It's not enough to assume the
audience knows what you're talking about, make it colorful and interesting for them by
including illustrations, drawing on common ideas, and using vocabulary that anyone can

4. What are the four (4) guidelines that he gave regarding building an idea inside
the minds of the audience?
-The four guidelines are the following: first one is to Focus on one major idea, Here's
the biggest danger when you are an expert; You know too much. It's tempting to cram
everything into the 18 minutes or less you have on the stage. Anderson says do the
opposite. "Explain that one thing properly and give context.". Second is Give people a
reason to care, Anderson says it comes down to curiosity. It's not only a matter of
having a great story or concept, but making it relatable enough to the audience so that
they want to learn more. It is putting them in your shoes. The third guideline is to Build
your idea with familiar concepts, "Build your idea, piece by piece, out of concepts that
your audience already understands," Anderson says. It's taking your big idea and
bringing it down to earth. Lastly Make your idea worth sharing, Anderson puts it best:
"Ask yourself the question: 'Who does this idea benefit?'... If the idea only serves you or
your organization, then, I'm sorry to say, it's probably not worth sharing. The audience
will see right through you.".

5. What can you say about the phrase “An idea is worth sharing”?
-In my opinion I agree that Idea is worth sharing because it can help a lot of people in
different aspects of knowledge that listeners want to get or learn from a speaker.

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