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What you think you know about the Lunar Ecosystem up until now is just one piece of a much

greater platform that we’re building.

A platform that fundamentally changes how people interface with crypto.

That’s why the name for the Lunar DEX Wallet is changing in place of something that better
encompasses what we’re truly building.

Introducing Lunar.

We’re not just uniting a wallet and DEX, Lunar is uniting all of crypto.

1. A single platform for the entire process

Imagine if instead of having to switch between 10 different disconnected apps and websites, you
could access everything you need in one place. This is the reality we’re building.

Not only will Lunar integrate a wallet and an exchange into the same platform, Lunar will integrate
ALL of the functionality that you use on a daily basis into a single platform with a seamless user

This includes: wallets, trading, price charts, token information, token explorers, reward tracking,
portfolio tracking, price alerts, watchlists, staking, NFT trading, and more.

You’ll have all of this functionality in one intuitive interface that allows you to switch between
features in a single click.

Because why would you want to fumble between numerous platforms when you could easily
access everything you need within one platform?

Some of the tools that Lunar will replace/integrate with:

- Trust wallet, Metamask...

- Pancake Swap, Uniswap...
- PooCoin, DEX Tools...
- CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, CoinSniper...
- Blockfolio, CoinStats...
- BSC Tracker, MoonScan
- OpenSea, Rarible, Solanart...
- + more
The great news is that the technologies that power these platforms have already been created,
meaning that we can implement these features into the ecosystem relatively easily. In addition,
we will make improvements on these existing technologies, allowing us to have features that are
both better than what’s currently available, and accessible within a single location.

At that point, there will be little to no reason to use another platform, allowing us to win the
market across numerous verticals within the space.

2. A fully interconnected system that unlocks new functionality

Because everything will be interconnected within Lunar, this allows us to deliver features that you
can’t get with seperate systems.

For example, instead of having to juggle multiple different wallets across multiple different wallet
apps, Lunar consolidates all of your wallets in one place, and lets you treat them as a single
master wallet within the system so you can easily see and deploy all of your holdings together.
(you can see them as separate wallets as well)

Aside from being a major user experience improvement on its own, it unlocks the ability to pay
for crypto from multiple wallets at once, meaning that if you don’t have enough balance in one
wallet to cover the full transaction, we can pull tokens from other wallets to cover the difference.

This is just one example of the many incredible functionalities that our fully interconnected
system will unlock.

3. Connecting the entire crypto landscape with Lunar Plexus™

Our mission to build a seamless crypto user experience doesn’t end with the tools you use. It
permeates down to the blockchains themselves.

With our Plexus™ technology, you will be able to trade any crypto currency for any other crypto
currency across different blockchains in a single transaction.

What this means is that we’re building the connective tissue amongst the entire crypto industry. A
high-speed transportation system of sorts that connects nearly every component of the crypto
landscape, allowing you to move anywhere throughout it almost instantly.

No longer will blockchains be treated as separate entities that require 3 apps and 4 transactions
to move between. With Lunar, you can move between blockchains just as easily as you can move
within blockchains.
For example, you could trade Cardano for Shiba Inu, Polkadot for Algorand, or Bitcoin for Lunar in
a single click.

This doesn’t just apply to coins either, if you look at our app screenshots below, you can see that
there is a “collectibles” tab on the page. If you hadn’t already guessed, this is for NFTs.

We’re applying our same Plexus™ technology to NFT trading to allow you to purchase NFTs with any
crypto currency in a single transaction. So you could buy an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain with
BNB in a single click, for example.

That’s it for now. What we’ve shared today isn’t even the full picture. We have plenty more to unveil as
this project continues to grow, so stay tuned and hodl while we work on building the most influential
project the space has ever seen.

What we’re building here represents a complete paradigm shift in the way we interface with crypto,
and we hope you are as excited as we are to make this a reality.

With Love,

The Lunar DeFi Team

(PS: Below are some previews of our Lunar web app UI to give you a peak at what to expect.)

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