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The Mind Mine

Laborers toil desperately in this place. Located in a strange hillock sits the Mind Mine. On closer inspec-
tion adventurers will find a cozy bustling town on either end of the hillock divided by a deep gorge. A
strange mix of miners and what appear to be farmers descend into the depths. What they bring up is not
mundane gems or gold, but glass bottles full of strange red and black wisps which are carted away by a
magician to a far away tower to be safely disposed. What mysteries could this gorge hold?

The Bustling
Surface Town.

The Old
Watch Tower
The Gorge

The Mind Shaft

The Wound

The Ancient
Buried Beast
The Mind Mine
Brass Minding Armor

THE BEAST IN protects the Minder from

Hate Shadows and exposure.
A hired minor
THE DEPTHS air elemental provides
In the depths of this canyon is a horror, a fresh air to the
sealed helmet.
terrible monstrosity from eons past in a slumber
which was caused by cataclysmic trauma to the
head. It is unknown how the magicians or
townsfolk discovered the beast, but it is clear
that it is waking. Many attempts were made to
dispatch the beast in a myriad of ways, but alas A Brain Pick A pair of
Also called a Song Forged
the monstrosity exists in the “Between” so such
Piercer of Mind. Tongs.
that weaponry of magic and mundane nature
cannot harm it. So the magicians and thieves
came up with a plan. Entering through the crack
in the skull of the Ur thing miners toil away
removing malice and hate which is in gluttonous
excess and hurriedly preserve the minuscule
deposits of compassion and love. “Sowers” in
strange garb clad in flower wreaths and
pleasurable smells descend with “Minders”
clad in thick aprons and protective brass
apparati, descend hand in hand to quell the
Beast. The toil is long as the Minders
excavate thick strands of hazardous Hate
from the pulsing fatty wrinkles as Sowers try to
seed emotions of empathy and contentedness
into the mind of the Beast.

A magician contracted miles away safely Fig No 1: A Minder clad in full
disposes of the raw hate from the beast, as protective minding gear.
exposure to it leads the victim to fall into a blind
terror-rage before they transform into a living The Piercer of Mind
representation of malice. Though the properties
The Brain Pick and Song Forged Tongs are a
of such are sought after as weapons or to be sister forged set. The head of the pick is made
distilled haphazardly into some sort of tonic. It from iron made with items that hold sentimen-
is not uncommon for the cart to come under acts tal value to the wielder. It is then affixed to
of robbery for its dangerous cargo. Interested undying wood, which keeps the residual
persons of poor knowledge wish to seize the memory alive. The Tongs are made from the
same metal but are sung into shape by an
pure unfiltered wisps of cyclopean malice, Cantomancer. It is said the song is sung to calm
known as “Hate Wisps”, and manufacture it into the iron and make it clear that it is not a
a weapon or some sort of rage tonic. But the weapon, that it will not be used to harm. These
rage is too primal, too alien, to be distilled in implements are used to move away the fatty
any useful way. In fact magicians often have to lobes of the Beast’s brain and mine out the
wisps of malice. It is slow work, as the picks
rotate in the hazardous task of disposing of the cannot actually permanently harm the Beast,
stuff, as even the slightest bit of contamination but can pull out the wisps while another
can cause even the most resolute arcanist to fall Minder uses the tongs to grab the wisps in
into a destructive and lasting mania. deposit it into a cured glass jar for disposal.
The Mind Mine

Flower wreaths
of Calm Crown, a
flower found
Sowers often apply BUSTLING
perfume made from Calm Crown
only near the town. believing the pleasurable smells
keep the Beast calm.
The Bustling town is relatively isolated. Located
at least 2 days away from any major populace
center. Often they will send couriers for help to
the cities or with their trading caravans. The
townsfolk are a peaceful sort, not wanting to
An Empathy Seed resort to violence in fear of fueling the Beast’s
ready to be planted. murderous thought. Though if push comes to
shove they will defend themselves.

- The townsfolk need help as a fatty lobe has
folded over trapping Minders and Sowers deep
in a wrinkle in the Cranial Cave.
- A wagon carrying bottles of quarantined hate
must be escorted to a trained magician for safe
Letters of disposal along the old road.
- Hate Shadows have leapt out of the Mind Shaft
memories are
and must be dispatched before they ransack the
worn by the
township atop the hillocks.
- A new magician must be contracted to dispose
of the Hate Wisps, before a new haul comes up.
- The Sowers need help cultivating a crop and
ask for comforting and happy memories to
create Empathy Seeds.
- A shipment of Hate Wisps has been hijacked
and has spilled over contaminating local
wildlife, turning them into savage beasts.
- A shipment of Hate Wisps has been hijacked
and contaminated the wagon and the raiders.
- The Beast spasms from a new fold being mined,
causing an earthquake. It awakens something in
the area.
Fig No 2: A Sower, in sowing - Macro Parasites have made their way into the
regalia and an Empathy Seed. Cranial Cave and must be dispatched less they
waken the Beast or become infected by Malice.
- A cult has made camp somewhere nearby that
Empathy Seed worships the Beast. Make them leave or take
Empathy Seeds are the result pleasurable care of them as they plan to wake their slumber-
memories, comfort, and happiness, distilled ing deity.
into magical shape. Townsfolk are often asked - Contact has stopped from the magician
to tell tales of adventures, first loves, and
contracted to dispose of the Hate Wisps, go
wonder. The Sowers take the feelings from
these stories and shape them into “Seeds” and check in to make sure they are OK.
they plant them into the lobes of the buried - A shipment has been acquired by some black
Beast’s brain. Stronger seeds are made when market dealers, you must secure it before it falls
someone offers up the memory, a great into the wrong hands.
sacrifice, as it removes the memory completely
- Fortify the town before a dangerous storm
from the story teller. Though this can only be
done with the consent of the one donating the comes, as the store-houses are brimming with
precious memory. jars of Hate Wisps.
The Mind Mine

The Hate Shadows are the memories and
subconscious feelings of the Buried Beast
manifest into corporeal form. They are agile,
deadly and intelligent. Standing a head taller
than most people they are a force to be reckoned
with. As they are the manifestations of the most
vile, violent, and hateful deposits of the Beast's
mind they revel in such emotion, in fact, many
berserkers have found their merciless rage
fueled onslaughts only bolsters the horrors.

The Hate Shadows will attack with their terrible

claws attempting to rend victims. Along with
their inhuman strength, the horrors also emit a
supernatural aura that fills those around them
of weak will with absolute terror.

Weapons soaked in Calm Crown oil or have

nonlethal means seem to dispatch the creatures
with effectiveness, so do techniques that result
in the horrors being cast to sleep. A Hate
Shadow subdued or put to sleep will simply
cease to function and fade into oblivion.
However, a Hate Shadow cut down with
lethal means will expire violently in a
small explosion that will harm those close
around it. Worse still, if they combust, there is a
1 in 10 chance of those around them becoming
infected with Hate Wisps, leaving them in a
blind senseless rage until they are treated.

An unfortunate soul who is slain by a Hate

Shadow's claws has a 1 in 10 chance of turning
into a Hate Shadow. Fig No 3: The terror that
haunts the mind of the Buried Beast;
Summary Table (Hate Shadow) The Hate Shadow.
Traits: Fast, Intelligent, Large, Ethereal body (no
discernible internal anatomy), can only be harmed by
magical means.
There have been reports of horrors and ghasts
across the world that resemble the knife faced
Attacks: Rending Claws skeletal horrors that are the Hate Shadows. That
Special: Aura of Fear, Ability to absorbs damage from
evil arcanists find cruel ways to entice the
rage attacks, if defeated with conventional lethal means
horrors to serve as attack creatures. Could it be
possible that some shipments of Hate Wisps
will explode damaging all nearby with 1/10 chance of
have been smuggled out? Have they fallen into
those damaged succumbing to Possessed Rage.
the wrong hands? Are the Hate Wisps in fact,
Weakness: Weapons treated with Calm Crown, non lethal infant Hate Shadows? Does that mean the
attacks, sleep based spells and effects. Beast’s thoughts are not its own?
The Mind Mine

The deed is done and the Mind Mine remains SONG FORGED ARMOR
safe for the Minders and Sowers to continue The armor is sung into being
their noble work! Along with a modest feast and from raw metals. The song
cups of foaming ale and steaming mead, you are is beautiful and the
presented with a small treasure from the town armor is light upon you
for your heroism and as a token for the grateful once donned. It feels
people atop the Buried Beast. snug, like an embrace,
as if the armor itself
Roll Table for Just Reward understands that it must
keep you safe.
1-12: The town throws a raucous party, confetti, ale, and
good food flow into the night. The Township presents you
Effects: Song forged
with a small chest, inside is a modest treasure of coinage
armor is of mastercraft quality and appears to
and jewelry given from everyone in town as thanks. have supernatural properties that shunt away
11-15: Same as above, but along with the chest a Sower some physical attacks.
and Minder approach with a small wooden box. Inside is a
surplus of Calm Crown Oil. 1d6+1 glass bottles wrapped in CONTENTMENT TALISMAN
soft cloth to see you safe on your future adventures. Made with the first bloomed Calm Crown of the
spring, because of this, only
16-19: Along with the chest of treasure chest of coins, the one can be made a year. This
town’s Cantomancer says they have enough spare magic talisman is the most
material to sing into 2 pieces of armor. They smile and ask valuable treasure that the
for suggestions and measurements to create the bespoke Township can give to
works of defensive art. someone as a show of
gratitude. May it give
20: As the party calms down and the townsfolk give you a you clearness of mind
small treasure chest of coins, the town elder approaches. and lightness of heart.
They present you with this year’s Contentment Talisman,
the greatest treasure they can give to their hero. Effect: This talisman
once worn, will prevent

CALM CROWN OIL the wearer from coming under mind altering
and rage educing effects once per day.
This perfume seems to take many smells, usually
something comforting to person BOTTLED HATE WISP
smelling it. The oil has many Nothing good can come of this. Whether it fell into
properties, from a soporific effect your hands through intent or by accident
when applied to weapons, to a what you carry is living hate. The
miraculous cure to serious injury townsfolk don’t know, should you
when ingested before a rest. The tell them? Or use it for your
Sowers adorn themselves own intent?
with it when they descend
into the Beast, and they Effects: Can be sold in the
now give you a precious bottle. black market for exorbitant
prices, can be thrown after
Effects: This oil can be used as a perfume, which holding onto it for a week.
calms those around the wearer who can smell it; If thrown the Hate Wisp will
or applied to weapons to add sleeping effects to turn into 1 to 6 Hate Shadows
them; or be consumed to help heal wounds on a that cannot be controlled and will attack the
long rest. closest available targets.
The Mind Mine


READING! Thank you to all my Patrons to patreon who
have it possible for me to do projects like these
The Mind Mine is a system agnostic adventure that I have always wanted to create! Thank you
seed, that means this adventure can be used in to all the following for your support!
your favorite system in order to run it. The
rewards, characters, monsters, and locations are
for you to play around with and change if you
Mike Poland
see fit! Feel free to add characters, monsters, or
even just give the time a name!
Jennifer Blight
Jordan Cope
The Mind Mine was inspired by a dungeon I
Isaac Salume
doodled in a note book one day where the
Dead Urals RPG
dungeon itself was a monster’s fractured
Adamn Smith
psyche, and I thought it would be fun to see
Melody Pinkston
people try to run a game using it as an
Nicolai ∅stergaard
adventure seed!
Michael Raichelson
Nicholas Wyka
Thank you again for reading, and I hope your
Jennifer Cox
adventures bring you great treasures, find you
Alexandra Lapides
new friends, chart new lands, and make a great
Noah Carden
stories to tell once you’re home safe!
Taggart Stanworth
Rachel Powell

POWERED BY Michael Jude Deleon Plondaya or Markerslinger
is a biologist, illustrator, rpg designer, and

PATRONS writer. He hopes to write more adventures and

currently he is working on a million things at
once. Follow him on these feeds, or help him out
by becoming a patron on his Patreon!


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