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cure them of this afflic on if they discover their

Spiders and plight, but the giant spiders are not currently
being affected by magic, so detect magic,
iden fy, and similar magic will detect nothing

Sages amiss.) The mage has retreated into his tower

refuge, and has been hunkered down there for
several days conduc ng an arcane ritual that he
believes will grant him terrible shapeshi ing
Encounter Difficulty abili es.
“Spiders and Sages” is balanced as a hard
Notable Characters
difficulty encounter for adventurers of 3rd or
Norith Groth
4th level.
Chao c Neutral Male Giant Wolf Spider. The
It would be an easy difficulty for adventurers of sta s cs for Norith Groth are in Appendix B.
5th level or above.
Norith was a notorious drunk who had one too
It would be a deadly difficulty for adventurers of many the night all the residents of Recluse’s Rest
2nd level or below. Inn were transformed into spiders. Norith’s mind
has not become that of a spider; he is sleeping in
his room unaware of what has happened to him.
Monsters/NPC’s Prior to this unfortunate transforma on Norith
4 Giant Spiders; 9 Giant Wolf Spiders; Gilly worked on and off as the tavern singer, though he
Graves;* Dorian Morkoth. had very li le musical talent.

The sta s cs for a Giant Spider are on p. 328 of Gilly Graves

the Monster Manual. The sta s cs for a Giant Chao c Good Spider. The sta s cs for Gilly Graves
Wolf Spider are on p. 330. The sta s cs for Gilly are in Appendix B.
Graves are in Appendix B. The sta s cs for
Dorian Morkoth are in Appendix B. Gilly was once the daughter of a local fisherman
and is one of few residing at the inn to retain her
*For Gilly’s figure, print the Giant Spider file at human memories and disposi on. Gilly has a love
40% size. of adventure and a kind soul and will try to help
the adventurers if they treat her fairly. If the
Se ng the Stage adventurers find a way to transform Gilly back
into a human she will most likely offer to con nue
Dorian, an insane mage, recently began to adventure with them, as she has been
conduc ng magical experiments in the small, orphaned and has nowhere to go.
abandoned guard tower near Recluse’s Rest Inn,
Dorian Morkoth
a emp ng to create exceedingly powerful
Chao c Neutral Male Human Wizard. The
polymorph spells. In his raving a empts to
sta s cs for Dorian Morkoth are in Appendix B.
create these wild spells the mage accidentally
transformed almost all the residents of the Inn Dorian always had a fondness for spiders and
into giant spiders. transmuta on. Fascinated by strange and obscure
Nearly all those affected lost all memory of their arcane rituals and texts, Dorian traveled the world
former lives, transforming body and mind into seeking out new spells and magical rites and
tradi ons. His eccentricity and the discovery of
giant spiders. (The adventurers can a empt to

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strange and some mes unspeakable new brother Belthos.

knowledge slowly drove the mage insane.
■ The adventurers come across the Inn on
If you’re running the Verdant Queen adventure: their way south to inves gate the
Dorian was recently given a book of magic by Southern Terror.
Revaniss the Watcher, promising him the book
contained magical knowledge the likes of which
he had never seen before. The book drove Dorian Some Ways to Resolve the
further into madness. Encounter
■ Kill the spiders.
Encounter Hooks
■ Subdue the spiders, perhaps hoping to
■ The insane mage is the brother of a nearby
seek a cure for them.
merchant, Belthos, who expected him to
arrive in town a few days ago. Fearing the
■ Find Dorian.
worst he sends the adventurers to
inves gate, promising a reward for news of
■ Find evidence, or spider egg casings.

■ A member of the local merchants' guild The Recluse’s Rest

has gone missing, and was last seen at the
Inn. The guild hires the adventurers to Inn
discover what caused the disappearance,
promising a membership in their guild if You walk towards the sprawling Recluse’s Rest
the adventurers should prove successful. Inn, following a muddy dirt path carved into
the earth by years of creaking wheels and
■ An eccentric wizard believes he has merchants plodding along to take shelter in
discovered a way to create slippers of the tavern. The sky is an overcast gray and a
spider climbing. He has heard tell that mis ng rain falls on the fog-shrouded Inn. The
giant spiders have been spo ed near building is strangely quiet, with none of the
Recluse’s Rest Inn. The wizard asks the usual hustle and bustle of a roadside tavern.
adventurers to retrieve three spider egg
casings which he believes must be in the
area. He promises to give the group of Scoping Out the Loca on
adventurers a pair of slippers of spider
The adventurers can a empt Wisdom
climbing he has been using in his research
(Percep on) checks to spot addi onal details
regardless of whether his experiment is a
before they get too close to the dangers within.
success or not.
The adventurers can enter through the door, or
through any of the windows shown on the map.
Encounter Hook for Any means of entry will tug on one of the many
The Verdant Queen: spiderwebs coa ng the area and will alert all
spiders to the adventurers’ presence.
■ The adventurers seek out Dorian a er
hearing of his disappearance from his

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Exploring the Inn

Suggested Skills: Wisdom (Percep on) Each of the rooms has a closed door as
DC 10 Wisdom (Percep on) check: Through the indicated on the encounter map. Only the door
fog and rain you can see strange gossamer to area 5 (Large Bedchamber) is locked.
filaments of webbing strung from the sides of the
inn and covering the windows and doors. You
The strange magic of the crazed mage has
realize the en rety of the Inn has been covered in
caused all fire within the inn to become
a sheet of s cky webbing.
frozen in me, and new fire cannot be
DC 15 Wisdom (Percep on) check: You spy
created within the inn, or affect the inn. Flint
something large crawling around the side of the
building, and hear a high, insec le chi ering. won't spark, fire bolt spells won't cast, and
Following the creature around the side of the the adventurers can't burn anything, even
building reveals nothing new, the creature having with the fire already present in the Inn.
crawled back inside.

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The first me each adventurer searches a room rooms as the chest opens. Within, you find
that has a flame, have the adventurer make a what appear to be the belongings of families,
DC 10 Wisdom (Percep on) check to no ce tradesmen, and shopkeeps.
something is strange about the flame. If an
adventurer examines one of the flames, convey Search the chest. See the Random Treasure
the following: The flame burns in a strange, Table.
almost repe ve way, as if caught in a Enter the room without first searching for
perpetual loop. It casts light, but no heat is enemies. If no creature has been declared to
generated by the fire. be looking for enemies, the spiders make a
Dexterity (Stealth) check against the entering
Allow the adventurers to make a DC 10
creatures’ passive Percep ons. Each creature
Intelligence (Arcana) check, and on a success
whose passive Percep on is lower than the
convey the following: The whole of the inn
result of the spiders’ check is surprised.
appears to be affected by strange and erra c Unless the adventurers carry with them a
magic; the flame within the inn appears to be strong light source or destroy the majority of
frozen in me. the webbing in the inn these spiders have
advantage on their Dexterity (Stealth) check.
1. Main Hall Ac vely search for enemies before entering
the room. Each creature which has been
The main hall is en rely filled with webbing: declared to be looking for enemies may make a
the floor, ceiling and walls are encased in Wisdom (Percep on) check opposed by the
gossamer thread that runs across the open spiders’ Dexterity (Stealth) check. Each
spaces of the room. On the far side of the hall creature whose result is lower than the result
is a bar and near to it is what appears to be a of the spiders’ check is surprised.
large chest, wrapped in webbing.
Unless the adventurers carry with them a
strong light source or destroy the majority of
A pair of giant spiders lurk in the shadowed the webbing in the inn the spiders have
alcoves of the main hall’s ceiling. When a advantage on their Dexterity (Stealth) check.
creature enters the room, the spiders a ack the Search for valuables. Aside from the items in
creature. the chest at the bar, there is nothing of value in
this area.
Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks
Open the chest at the bar. The webbing must
be torn or cut from the chest to open it. This Random Treasure Table (chest at the bar)
requires a DC 12 Strength check to rip or saw
the threads open, followed by a DC 12 The chest holds three of the following items,
Dexterity check to avoid having hands or determined by rolling three d10’s.
weapons entangled.
1 2,000 cp, each piece stamped
If the adventurers open the chest or move it, with a spider insignia
read the following aloud:
2 1,100 sp covered in blood
You touch the gossamer strands of the chest,
the webbing vibra ng subtly, rippling down 3 100 gp coated in spider venom
and out of the main hall into the adjoining

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one of its legs, li ing others in a “pick me up”

4 Bolt of black silk (25 gp)

5 Leather ribbon embossed with If the adventurers treat the spider fairly: It will
spider webs (25 gp) accompany them on their adventures.

6 Painted glass ring depic ng a The spider was a toddler by the name of Gilly
dragon atop a mountain (25 gp) Graves; her mother died in childbirth and her
father is the spider that killed itself in area 7
7 Leather belt with brass buckle,
(Fireplace Room), rendering Gilly an orphan.
the buckle depic ng a fish
swallowing a lure (25 gp)
Note: If Gilly accompanies the
8 Iron signet ring. The ring depicts a adventurers and you find this unbalances
bat upon a tree, the insignia of future encounters, look to the "Increasing
the minor noble house to which the Challenge" sec on to help balance
Dorian belongs. things out.
Anyone displaying this ring is
granted advantage on Charisma
(persuasion) checks when dealing If adding Gilly nega vely impacts your game,
with nobles, but disadvantage on consider these poten al resolu ons:
Charisma (Persuasion) checks ■ Have Gilly fully transform into an
when dealing with common folk. aggressive spider hos le to the
This effect is not magical. (50 gp) adventurers.
■ Have the adventurers encounter a cleric
Pewter torc (25 gp) who discerns Gilly’s afflic on and offers a
cure, taking her into the church’s care once
Sword of Vengeance (longsword) she is humanoid again.
Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks
2. Bearskin Rug Room
Search for valuables. See the loot table.
The room is dominated by a large bearskin
rug upon the floor. The rug, the bedding, and
all the other furniture is covered in webbing.
An oil lamp sits at the center of the room, 3. Clothes-Filled Hallway
providing light. In one of the corners of the
room lie three discarded egg sacks of young The hall is filled with clothes, torn as though
spiders, each egg sack roughly the size of a something burst through them. Trailing away
football. Res ng atop these eggs is a spider from the clothes are droplets of black ichor
roughly the size of a human child. The upon the floor. Their pa ern seems to indicate
creature makes no move to harm you and some ski ering creature le these sickly drops
watches you curiously. behind.

If the adventurers take no aggressive ac on

towards the spider: It slowly makes its way over
to one of the adventurers and taps them with

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Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks

Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks Destroy the webbing. The webbing has AC 10,
5 hit points, resistance to bludgeoning damage,
Follow the trail of ichor. DC 15 Wisdom and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
(Survival) check: Follow the ichor trails to one
Search for valuables. There is nothing of value
of the spiders hiding on the ceiling of area 4
in this area.
(Fine Silk Rug Room).
Search for valuables. There is nothing of value
in this area.
5. Large Bedchamber
The door leading into this room is locked.
4. Fine Silk Rug Room
This chamber is dominated by a large bed.
The room is dominated by a fine silk rug Something or someone bulbous and
which extends across the floor and is covered breathing in long shuddering breaths lies
in fine spider silk. Dead insects and small beneath the dark red sheets.
animals are wrapped all about the floor of the
room, and spiderwebs extend from wall to
wall. A smoldering fireplace and assorted Beneath the covers lies a rather confused giant
furniture adorn the room but the fire is low, wolf spider. Norith Groth, a talentless singer
cas ng eerie shadows about the chamber. working at the inn had been transformed into a
giant wolf spider while sleeping off a long night
of drinking and has yet to awaken (he will even
Six giant wolf spiders wait upon the ceiling, the sleep through the door being bashed open but
floor is covered in webbing, and thick webs will awaken if the covers are torn away or it is
extend across the room. a acked).
A creature a emp ng to enter the room must Surprisingly, Norith has retained its memories
succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or despite being transformed. Norith is more than
become restrained by the webs. As an ac on, likely to be terrified upon realizing what it has
the restrained creature can make a DC 12 become and even more perturbed to find a
Strength check, escaping from the webbing on a gang of armed adventurers rousing him from his
success. The effect ends if the webbing is slumber.
destroyed. The webbing has AC 10, 5 hit points,
resistance to bludgeoning damage, and Norith will likely a empt to flee but may
immunity to poison and psychic damage. perform other ac ons in an a empt to placate
or communicate with the adventurers.
The spiders immediately drop on a restrained
creature or one who wanders close to the space
beneath them.
Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks
Open the door. The door can be opened in a
number of ways. The key to the door can be
found in area 10 (Crate Closet). A DC 10
Dexterity check to pick the lock will also allow
the door to be opened. Failure on an a empt
to pick the lock breaks the lock, meaning the

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door can only be opened by brute force. A DC

15 Strength check bashes the door open. The This poor soul drank a home-brewed poison
door has AC 15 and 18 hit points. a er realizing he was slowly transforming into a
Determine the mo ves of the spider. DC 10 horrid monster.
Wisdom (Insight) check: It is clear from the
creature’s ac ons that it means you no harm Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks
and appears terrified.
A empt to communicate with the spider. DC Iden fy the substance in the chalice. DC 15
15 Wisdom (Percep on) check: Any me the Intelligence (Medicine or Nature) check: This
spider a empts to communicate an adventurer appears to be some form of home-brewed
must make a new check to a empt to poison.
understand its meaning. The spider can only Examine the spider’s corpse. The creature has
communicate simple words or concepts such no external wounds.
as “don’t go,” “scared,” “me,” “bad,” “danger,” Search for valuables. There is nothing of value
etc. in this area.
Search for valuables. There is nothing of value
in this area.
8. Single Bedroom
6. Dusty Hall A single bed lies within this chamber.

The hall is coated in a fine layer of dust.

Dozens of ny spiders, some dog sized, others A lone giant spider hides beneath the bed of
far smaller, rush away into various holes the chamber. When anyone enters the room the
throughout the room as you approach. You spider leaps from the shadows beneath the bed
note a small leather cord around one of the to a ack.
larger spiders, a brass tag hanging from the
cord which falls clanging from the creature as Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks
it rushes away. Enter the room without first searching for
enemies. If no creature has been declared to
Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks be looking for enemies, the spider makes a
Dexterity (Stealth) check against the entering
Examine the tag. The tag reads: Hershall, creatures’ passive Percep ons. Each creature
beloved dog. If found return to Recluse’s Rest whose passive Percep on is lower than the
Inn. result of the spider’s check is surprised.
Search for valuables. There is nothing of value
in this area. While hiding under the bed this spider has
advantage on its Dexterity (Stealth) check.
Ac vely search for enemies before entering
7. Fireplace Room the room. Each creature which has been
A large fireplace smolders in a corner of this declared to be looking for enemies may make a
Wisdom (Percep on) check opposed by the
room, and a mass of webbing covers a table
spider’s Dexterity (Stealth) check. Each
across the way. A dead spider lies near this
creature whose result is lower than the result
pile of webbing. Lying close by its mouth is a
of the spider’s check is surprised.
pewter chalice with residue from a black
liquid that spilled across the floor.

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While hiding under the bed this spider has 11. Bedroom with Desk
advantage on its Dexterity (Stealth) check.
Search for valuables. There is nothing of value A lonely wri ng desk sits in an alcove of the
in this area. room and a web-covered bed sits across from
it, the sheets ruffled as if someone got out of
the bed in a hurry.
9. Web-Covered Bedroom
This room is filled almost en rely with
webbing, the simple traveler’s bed in the Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks
room coated in the s cky substance. There is Search the desk. Near a knocked-over inkpot
a small desk set into the corner of the room, lies a single scrap of paper. It reads: “The mage
likely serving as space-saving storage for is mad, not much me, already my limbs are
simple travelers not wan ng to spend the spli ng…. I will soon be one of them….we
coin for a larger room. placed our heirlooms in the main hall in the
hopes that someone... Oh gods…. Everyone in
the inn… all of us… becoming…..” A er this the
Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks
text becomes an illegible scrawl.
Search for valuables. There is nothing of value
in this area.

12. Crate-Filled Closet

10. Crate Closet The closet is filled with stacked crates covered
in webbing. The crates appear to be fastened
This closet is filled with crates, and a ring with with simple rope and easily opened.
keys hangs just inside the doorway.

Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks

Poten al Ac ons/Skill Checks
Open the crates. The crates appear to be filled
Open the crates. The crates are filled with with common trade goods. See the loot table.
ro ed food. Each me a crate is opened, each
Search for valuables. DC 15 Intelligence
creature within 30 feet must succeed on a DC
(Inves ga on) check: A silver ring emblazoned
12 Cons tu on saving throw or be poisoned
with a stylized boar is wedged within one of
for 1 hour.
the crates, and the same insignia can be seen
Search for valuables. Single key, on a key ring.
on a small indent in the room wall. It seems as
It opens the door to area 5 (Large
though the ring would fit within.
■ Press the ring to the wall indenta on. A
secret hatch opens. See the loot table.

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webbing is applied Dorian casts off the webbing

Mage’s Ruined Tower at ini a ve count 20 (losing ini a ve es).

Approaching the tower, you can see strange

flashes of light coming from within, blas ng Poten al Ac ons/Skill
up into the dark sky. Checks
Create a distrac on. This may enable the
Behind the inn lies a crumbling watchtower now group to sneak around, or out of, the area. The
the residence of the mad mage Dorian. His Game Master may determine if crea ng the
insane spells s ll emanate power from within, distrac on requires a skill check. A distrac on
cas ng light into the dark sky. Dorian is may divert the spiders from adding webbing to
entangled within webs of his own crea on, Dorian.
conduc ng an arcane ritual that will bestow Decipher the runes swirling in the air. The
upon him arachnid-like powers. When the runes are pure lunacy; it is surprising the mad
adventurers near the tower he has almost mage did not destroy the Inn or transform
completed the transforma on. those inside into something much more twisted
than spiders. But there is something beau ful
When the adventurers enter the tower, read the about them.
following aloud:
DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check: On a
When you enter you behold a chamber of success, the creature making the check
sca ered tomes and alchemical ingredients. recognizes the runes as the sprawling wri ngs
Strange flashes of magical light and runes of a madman.
dance through the air in the chamber, a
On a failure, the creature becomes entranced
maddening swirl of arcane power weaving in
with the runes and gains the charmed
insane pa erns. A squirming mass which
condi on when dealing with Dorian. The
appears to be a humanoid wrapped in spider
creature can make a DC 15 Intelligence saving
silk is suspended by webs in the center of the throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
room. Hanging above it is a trio of massive, the effect on itself on a success.
grotesque spiders, chi ering madly as they Reason with Dorian, convincing him to remain
descend upon silver strands towards the docile a er being freed. Dorian is completely
squirming body. mad and not easily reasoned with. Adventurers
may lie to him and a empt to gain his trust
The three spiders (one a giant spider and the and obedience; in midate him into
other two giant wolf spiders) are allied to submission; or a empt to cajole the mage into
behaving passively un l they can discover a
Dorian. The spiders are applying addi onal silk
cure for his madness. [Recommended DC 20
to Dorian to aid in his strange transforma on.
Charisma (Decep on, In mida on, or
NOTE: The spiders do not a ack unless they or Persuasion) check; this could vary based on
Dorian are the targets of an a ack or threat. adventurer interac on.]
Search the tower. See the loot table.
If the spiders are killed before they can use their ■ DC 10 Intelligence (Inves ga on) check:
ac ons to apply addi onal webbing Dorian does You discover a stone in the wall which,
not emerge un l 1d2 rounds later. If the when pressed, opens a small chamber
filled with the prized possession of the

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mad mage Dorian: a wand, carved in the must con nue with my … work! Yes … it has
shape of a spider spinning a web, with the been difficult the past few days, but I have
spider as the handle. faith my experiments will yield fruit! And I
shall be hailed as the great transmuter of our
If you’re running the Verdant Queen me!
adventure: see “The Verdant Queen Tie-in” for
addi onal loot items.

A ermath
Roleplaying Dorian ■ If the adventurers return to Dorian’s
A er emerging from the webbing, Dorian brother with good news: Belthos is
a empts to explain his situa on to the overjoyed to hear of his brother’s safety,
adventurers, but exposure to his own magic has and gives the group of adventurers the
driven him completely mad and it is likely he promised pair of gloves of swimming and
will a empt to a ack them. climbing.

Mee ng Belthos again may be difficult if

Poten al Dialogue the adventurers encountered him in
■ I’ve done it! All eight legs! Eight! The Chivesse and are considered criminals
magic number! Mwhahahahha! there due to using force to free Sibil (see
the encounter “The Fate of Sibil
■ It’s done then…. All of them… all Broadcloak”).
those people turned monster… what
have I done? ■ If the adventurers return to Dorian’s
brother with bad news: Belthos is
■ More experimentation is required. My heartbroken to hear of his brother’s fate,
form is not yet complete… soon I, too, but s ll gives the group of adventurers
shall be as beautiful as the arachnids! the promised pair of gloves of swimming
Eight eyes to see, eight legs to scurry and climbing.
about, pincers of poison, and webs!.....
oh, beautiful webs… Mee ng Belthos again may be difficult if
the adventurers encountered him in
■ Tell me… have you ever been the Chivesse and are considered criminals
subject of a polymorph experiment? there due to using force to free Sibil (see
the encounter “The Fate of Sibil
If Dorian is killed, the adventurers discover a
journal on his person with the following entry: ■ If the adventurers were tasked by the
merchants’ guild with finding a missing
I’ve done it! All eight legs! EIGHT! The magic member: The merchants are NOT pleased
number! All of them are now arachnids, with the adventurers’ failure to bring back
everyone in the inn! I can’t believe the missing merchant.
wasn’t the result I was hoping for and further
study is needed...Perhaps more legs next ■ If the adventurers were sent to retrieve
me...Perhaps another creature...But s ll I spider egg casings: The wizard will give
the adventurers the promised slippers of
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spider climbing as soon as they give him

Within the No check required:
the egg casings.
Hidden Wand of Spider Form
Chamber Wand, uncommon (requires
a unement by a spellcaster)
This wand has 3 charges.
Area 1 No check required: While holding it, you can use
(Within the 3 Randomized items (see the an ac on to expend 1 of its
Chest) chest table in area 1.) charges to cast the
polymorph spell (save DC
Area 2 3x Spider egg casings 15) from it. However, the
new form is always a giant
Areas 3-9 N/A
Area 10 Key that opens the door to
Area 5 The wand regains 1d2
expended charges daily at
Area 11 N/A dawn. If you expend the
wand’s last charge, roll a
Area 12 No check required: d20. On a 1, the wand
1 sq. yard of canvas (1 sp) crumbles into ashes and is
1 lb. of cloves (3 gp) destroyed.
1 lb. of saffron (15 gp)
1 lb. of salt (5 cp) Dorian No check required:
Po on of Web Slinging
Area 12 Cont. DC 15 Intelligence Po on, uncommon
(Inves ga on) check:
Silver ring with a stylized A er drinking this po on,
boar (25 gp) you can use an ac on to cast
the web slinger* spell. The
Within the No check required: effect ends a er you have
Hidden Spell Scroll (Grease) cast the spell once, or when
Compartment (common) 1 hour has passed.
2x Po on of Greater Healing
(uncommon) This po on’s bo le is
covered in interlocked metal
Wizard’s No check required: strands made to represent a
Ruined Tower Coins: 1900 cp, 1600 sp web. A metal spider with
Azurite (10 gp) gleaming amethyst eyes
4x Banded agate (10 gp serves as the stopper for the
each) bo le.
Hema te (10 gp)
Lapis lazuli (10 gp) *See Appendix C.
Malachite (10 gp)
Obsidian (10 gp)
Tiger eye (10 gp)
Turquoise (10 gp)

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■ A trade route has gained traffic since the

spiders have been cleared from Recluse’s
Increasing the Challenge Rest Inn, and the adventurers are tasked
If the encounter would be too easy for the with clearing out the goblinoid tribes in
adventurers consider increasing the difficulty in the nearby woods, ensuring safe passage
the following ways: to and from the Inn.

■ The rooms are filled with various ■ A local mage has been using silk from the
permanent or med darkness spells Inn for material components in his spells.
which obscure the vision of the Saddened by the declining number of
adventurers and give the spiders the spiders in the region he asks the
upper hand with their Web Sense ability. adventurers to take an egg he has found
to an eccentric druid associate nearby so
■ The insane magic that transformed the that he may help in incuba ng the egg.
people staying at the inn also renders
some of the spiders permanently invisible
(un l killed), making them even more
deadly foes.
The Verdant Queen Tie-In:
Along with the possessions noted in the loot
■ The magic that transformed the people of table the adventurers find a journal filled with
Recluse’s Rest transformed them into insane scribbling. Few words are recognizable
phase spiders instead of giant spiders or but some phrases stand out as lucid. One
giant wolf spiders. passage reads:

The Verdant Queen is not evil, as many

Encounter Tie-Ins suppose! No, no!
A er the adventurers have resolved the
encounter, consider using one or more of the Another reads:
following e-ins to build off this encounter:
The acidic empress lives beyond the pass,
■ The adventurers hear of a sorceress well and she is clever to make her lair there. No
known for her dark rituals, able to army could defeat her, for she would have
transform those who have been cursed no trouble no cing a large force and would
back to their original form. They must have me to for fy and block the pass.
seek her out to save the people of
Recluse’s Rest Inn.
Sandwiched between two pages of the
journal is a note wri en in a very different
■ The adventurers learn of an evil hand. It reads:
necromancer who has discovered the
insane research of the mad mage and is “When you finish learning the spells in this
a emp ng to recreate his experiments book, come visit me at my home and I’ll
and create a chao c horde of giant give you more. Remember the password I
spiders. The adventurers must find this told you to get past Ugrohkgrolund.
research and destroy it.

The Lost Adventures Playtest ©3D Printed Tabletop, LLC

Confiden al Informa on of 3D Printed Tabletop, LLC.
Do not distribute.

The rest of the page is taken up by a map

showing a pass through the mountains which
leads into the wooded realm of the Mistmarc
beyond. There is no men on of a password in
any of the rest of the wri ngs, and no
spellbook anywhere in the tower or the inn.

A numbered room guide of The Recluse’s Rest Inn

The Lost Adventures Playtest ©3D Printed Tabletop, LLC


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