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Water Resources (2nd Quarter) Earth Science

Name: Gregorio, Jenwel Q.


Water Resources
Earth, the “Blue Planet”
 Because of the abundance of water.
 Over 70% of the Earth’s surface is
comprised of water, producing a vivid
blue color when viewed from space.
 The evaporation of water through minute pores, or stomata, in
Where is our water? the leaves of plants.
 The distribution of water on the Earth’s surface is extremely
uneven. Only 3% of water on the
surface is fresh; the remaining 97% is
salt water.
 Freshwater, 69% resides in
glaciers, 30% underground, and
less than 1% is in lakes, rivers, and
 Only 1% of the water on the Earth’s surface is usable by
 The transition process  Formation of clouds
humans, and 99% of the usable from the vapor state to (made of tiny water
quantity is situated underground. the liquid state. droplets)

Water existence in different locations

Surface water includes still bodies of
waters and river systems.
 Watersheds include all the land
area that supplies water to a river
Groundwater seeps Aquifers are permeable
through the soil layers of rock and soil
becomes contained that holds water.•
in underground  The release of water
aquifers. from clouds in the form
Salt of rain, freezing rain,
sleet, snow, or hail.
• Most of the water on Earth is salty.
Freshwater • They are found on oceans and seas.
• Includes water in ice sheets, ice caps, glaciers,
 Although water is constantly cycled around the planet and the
Water cycle absolute quantities of fresh water on Earth have always
• Also known as the hydrologic cycle or remained approximately the same, the uneven distribution of
the hydrological cycle, water and human settlement continues to create growing
problems of freshwater availability and accessibility.
How does water move from the atmosphere to the ground and back?
 So let us all conserve water. Let’s keep water pure and clean
while protecting the environment. Conserving water means
 The water cycle describes how water evaporates from using our water supply wisely and be responsible.
the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere,
cools and condenses into rain or snow in clouds and
falls again to the ground as precipitation.
 The water falling on land collects in
rivers and lakes, soil, and porous layer of
rock, and much of it flows back into the
oceans, where it will once more
 The cycling of water in and out of the atmosphere is a
significant aspect of the weather patterns on Earth.
 The transfer of water  The main factors
from the Earth’s surface affecting evaporation are
to the atmosphere temperature, humidity,
wind speed, and solar
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[Earth Science] Unit 3. Earth’s Processes: Exogenic Processes

Unit 3. Earth’s Processes

Exogenic Processes
 Processes that occur in the earth’s surface.
 Those procedures acting at the outside of the Earth and basically,
determined by the sun powered vitality are called exogenic
 Weathering
 Erosion
 Sedimentation Types of Physical Weathering
 Mass wasting

Rock Cycle

Temperature Changes
Hotter temperatures may make
minerals extend, and cooler
temperatures cause them to contract.

Salt Wedging

Physical Weathering  Salt wedging happens when

salt takes shape out of
Mechanical Weathering is the arrangement
Abrasion as water
breaking down of rocks without dissipates.
changing its composition. 
Abrasion happens
As when
salt gems rocks crash
develop, they
against one another whiletothey
apply strain the are
shipped by water, chilly ice,wind
encompassing stoneand
Exfoliation gravitational power.
debilitating it, until it in the
Is a mechanical enduring end splits and separates,
procedure whereby pressure in a empowering the salt precious
stone is discharged along equal stone to gem to keep
arrangements close to the outside developing.
of the bedrock and layers or pieces
of the stone along these
arrangements sever from the
Agents: Wind, Water, and Living Things
bedrock and move downhill by
 is the gravity.
process of Three Types of Weathering
disintegration (physical) • Physical Weathering
and decomposition • Chemical Weathering
(chemical) of rocks; • Biological Weathering
breaking down of rocks Page 2 of 3
into smaller particles.
[Earth Science] Unit 3. Earth’s Processes: Exogenic Processes

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