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TEACHER ANALYSIS Teaching is the distinctively

human activity. It is imparting knowledge and the learning process, the means by which the student assimilates
share of it. It is concerned with growth and development of whole personality of the student-her mind, spirit,
character and effective behavior.
DEFINITION “A teacher is a person who selects and organizes teaching – learning methods, consciously
planning and controlling a situation directed to the achievement of optimum student learning.”
 Clear exposition of subject matter  Ever loving nature
 Good communicator  Keen observer, supporter
and listener  Leadership ability as well as a deeper knowledge
 Interest in students • Thorough knowledge of her subject matter • Excellent speech • Neatness and poise •
Sense of humor • Broad interest • Well balanced personality • Professional well- groomed • Tolerant and fair,
without partiality.
ROLES OF TEACHER 1) Instructional role 2) Faculty role 3)Individual role
1)INSTRUCTIONAL ROLE  Plan and organize courses.  Create and maintain a desirable group which
will encourage and enhance learning and will lead to the development of learner self-discipline. Adapt
teaching and preparing the instructional materials to the varying interests, needs and abilities of the students 
Motivate the challenging students to pursue and to sustain learning activities which will lead them towards
acceptance of responsibility for their own learning.
2) FACULTY ROLE;- The role of faculty vary according to philosophy, objectives and setting of teaching
institution.  Chairperson, secretary or member of one or more committees.  Counselor of students in
matters  Researchers  Resource persons to groups outside the institution, health agencies, or other schools.
3) INDIVIDUAL ROLE ;- Plays a personal role as a member of a family, a community and a citizen.
Dignified and distinct personality
PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES The following statement of professional responsibilities must be
adhered to by all teachers. In carrying out their duties and responsibilities all teachers must:-
1) be conscious of their special duty of care to the students of the public education system in all educational
activities in and out of school. 2) demonstrate the highest
standards of professional behaviour, exercise professional judgement and act in a courteous and sensitive
manner when interacting with students, parents or caregivers, staff and the public.
3). collaborate in the development of school plans, policies and programs devise and document teaching and
learning programs and develop and implement appropriate evaluation mechanisms.
4) treat students equitably, including those with disabilities or other special needs. 5)
meet the individual learning needs of students and assist each student to maximise his or her learning outcomes.
6) effectively manage and implement programs for child protection and student welfare.
7) undertake appropriate ongoing professional development to promote competence in curriculum development,
delivery and evaluation, classroom management and teaching skills. 8)
comply with legislative and industrial requirements and the Department’s Code of Conduct, policies, including
The Use of Employer Communication Devices and procedures. 9) be familiar
with the provisions of legislation relevant to their official responsibilities. 10) comply
with reasonable directions given by a supervisor or principal and adhere to official guidelines concerning the
performance of their duties. 11) implement the priorities
of the Department and the school and ensure their professional actions reflect Government and Departmental
policy. 12) be fair in exercising delegated responsibility and
promote personal and professional development of staff.
13) perform their duties efficiently and effectively and with honesty, integrity and fairness at all times.
14) ensure that decisions are made fairly and conveyed promptly both within the Department and to those
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students and members of the public who have a right to know. 15) use
information gained in the course of employment only for proper and appropriate purposes.
16) use public resources economically.
FUNCTIONS OF TEACHER 1.Explining And Informing:- The
good teacher is expected to be well-informed in the areas in which she teaches. She is expected to be able to
communicate information needed for background, enrichment and motivation and on many occasions to explain
relationship to children.
2. Initiating, Directing And Administering:- one of the most important functions of teaching is concerned with
initiating, organizing, directing and making decisions. from morning till evening, the teacher faces and handles
many problems which require the initiative, direction and administration also.
3. Unifying The Group :- In the beginning of the session, a teacher is confronted with a number of children who
are not unified. As they live together they become a unified group. An important task is to develop a group
spirit within the group.
4. Giving Security:- Many children are in need of warmth recognition, praise and friendly atmosphere. There
are children who feel a sense of loneliness, isolation, rejection and economic insecurity. So teacher should
identify the needs of students.
5. Clarifying Attitude, Beliefs And Problems:- Many students are confused by social influences. Looking at so
many different ways of living on TV, radio, movie and reading materials etc. which introduce new and unusual
ideas. So the teacher should clarifies the doubts and creates opportunities for children to state their attitudes,
interests and problems, to talk about their purposes and interests and aspirations
6. Diagnosing Learning Problems:- there are children in every class who do not make expected progress in their
studies, growth and development. The teacher must diagnose the learning problems of individual students and
should suggest the possible solutions.
7. Making Curriculum Material:- Curriculum plays an important role in the course. The teacher should modify
the curriculum in accordance with the needs of group and the local community
8. Evaluating, Recording, And Reporting:- the teacher has to evaluate the progress of class as a whole and
individual students by means of tests and periodical examinations. She has to report the progress to the principal
and parents.
9. Arranging And Organizing Class Room:- It is important responsibility of a teacher to make a class room a
beautiful place for learning. Arrangement should be flexible to change it to suit the different occasions.
10. Participating In The School Activities:- The teacher should participate in other school activities in addition
to his routine teaching assignment. These may include picnics, games, organizing some shows etc.
11. Participating In Professional Life:- Every teacher is expected to enter wholly into professional life and to
make his contribution to the improvement of the profession.
SUMMARIZATION Today, we have discussed about-  Introduction
 Definition of a teacher  Characteristics of a
teacher  Roles of a teacher
 Professional responsibilities  Functions of a

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