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Reading and comprehension

i. Intricate
ii. Hereditary
iii. Dissuaded
iv. Trudge
i. Lead – the manufacturer uses a specific type of lead to manufacture
ii. Well – I asked my sister who stays in London if she was doing well.
iii. Kites – I saw a majestic flock of kites soaring high in the blue sky.
iv. Right – my uncle told me to take three consecutive right turns to
reach his house.
a. Chandu and the narrator played at soldiering, shopkeeping or clerking. They
also played other little games that they invented themselves.
b. After the demise of chandu’s father, who died due to the plague, he
continued haircutting and shaving in the mornings, after which he would
bathe dress. Following that he hitched a ride to the town which was a six mile
c. The narrators mother resented chandu due to the fact that he had secured a
scholarship and she had to pay the tuition fees for her son. She also
dissuaded the narrator from playing with chandu as he was the son of a
d. Chandu always brought the narrator various gifts from the town such as gold
ink, white chalks etc. because of the fact that the narrator couldn’t go to the
village as he had to walk three weary miles to a secondary school which
chandu was absolved from attending. This was one of the factors that made
the narrator feel that chandu was nice to him.
Kindness; how hard working he was; he seemed to be the embodiment of perfection
because he could make and fly paper kites f such intricate design; and with such
balance I could never achieve; he admired the way he reciting poetry, for not only
did he remember by rote the verses in the textbook he could repeat the endless
pages of prose in that book so that they seem like poetry.
The Narrator Admire Chandu’s Kindness He Admire The Fact That
d . d
He Would Always Bring Him Gifts To Make Him Feel
Better. He Admire That Chandu Was Hard Working As He
Continue To Work Hard Even After His Father Died. He
Also Admired How Independen Chandu Was. He Looked Up To
Chandu Because He Was The Embodimen Of Perfectio Whe It
t n n
Came To Making And Flying Paper Kites With Such Intricate
Design That The Narrator Could Never Achieve. Apart From This,
He Could Recite Poetry And Narrate Verses By Rote From
The Textbooks These Were Some Of The Qualities He Admired
. .

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