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Algebraic Geometric Secret Sharing Schemes

over Large Fields Are Asymptotically
Fan Peng, Hao Chen and Chang-An Zhao
arXiv:2101.01304v1 [cs.IT] 5 Jan 2021


In Chen-Cramer Crypto 2006 paper [7] algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes were proposed
such that the “Fundamental Theorem in Information-Theoretically Secure Multiparty Computation” by
Ben-Or, Goldwasser and Wigderson [3] and Chaum, Crépeau and Damgård [6] can be established over
constant-size base finite fields. These algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes defined by a curve
of genus g over a constant size finite field Fq is quasi-threshold in the following sense, any subset of
u ≤ T − 1 players (non qualified) has no information of the secret and any subset of u ≥ T + 2g
players (qualified) can reconstruct the secret. It is natural to ask that how far from the threshold these
quasi-threshold secret sharing schemes are? How many subsets of u ∈ [T, T + 2g − 1] players can recover
the secret or have no information of the secret?
In this paper it is proved that almost all subsets of u ∈ [T, T + g − 1] players have no information of
the secret and almost all subsets of u ∈ [T + g, T + 2g − 1] players can reconstruct the secret when the
size q goes to the infinity and the genus satisfies lim √gq = 0. Then algebraic geometric secret sharing

The research of Chang-An Zhao was supported by National Key R&D Program of China under Grant 2017YFB0802500.
The research of Hao Chen was supported by NSFC Grants 11531002, 62032009 and the Major Program of Guangdong Basic
and Applied Research Grant 2019B030302008. The research of Chang-An Zhao was also partially supported by NSFC Grant
61972428, the Major Program of Guangdong Basic and Applied Research under Grant 2019B030302008 and the Open Fund
of State Key Laboratory of Information Security (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
100093) Grant 2020-ZD-02.
F. Peng is with College of Mathematics and Statistics, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China. (E-mail: peng-
H. Chen is with College of Information Science and Technology/College of Cyber Security, Jinan University, Guangzhou,
Guangdong Province, 510632, China. E-mail:
C.-A, Zhao is with School of Mathematics, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, P.R.China and with Guangdong Key
Laboratory of Information Security, Guangzhou 510006, P.R. China. (E-mail:

schemes over large finite fields are asymptotically threshold in this case. We also analyze the case when
the size q of the base field is fixed and the genus goes to the infinity.

Index Terms

Algebraic geometric secret sharing, Quasi-threshold, Threshold, Algebraic-Geometry codes.


A. Linear secret sharing schemes (LSSS) and applications

Let K be a finite field. A K -linear secret sharing scheme (LSSS){K, V1 , ..., Vm , u} on a set of
participants P = {P1 , ..., Pm } is defined as a sequence of subspaces {V1 , ..., Vm } of K e , where Vi ⊂ K e
and u is a given vector in K e . A subset A of P is qualified if u is in the subspace of K e spanned by the
{Vi }i∈A . For any secret value s ∈ K , choose a random linear mapping φ : K e → K such that φ(u) = x,
{φ(ei1 ), ..., φ(eidimVi )} is the share of the participant Pi , where ei1 , ..., eidimVi is a base of Vi ⊂ K e . Only
the qualified subsets of P can reconstruct the secret from their shares. The access structure, Γ ⊂ 2P , of a
secret-sharing scheme is the family of all qualified subsets of P . The adversary structure Γc is the family
consisting of all subsets of P not in Γ. The minimum access structure min Γ ⊂ 2P is defined to be the
set of all minimum elements in Γ (here we use the natural order relation S1 < S2 if and only if S1 ⊂ S2
on 2P ). We call a secret-sharing scheme a (k, m)-threshold scheme if the access structure consists of
all the subsets of P with k or more elements, where the cardinality of P is m. The first secrets-sharing
scheme was proposed independently by Shamir [32] and Blakley [2] in 1979, and is in fact a threshold
secret-sharing scheme. The existence of secret-sharing schemes with arbitrary given access structures
was proved in [1]. The complexity of the K -LSSS is defined to be λ(Γ) = Σm
i=1 dimK (Vi ). When the

complexity is m, the LSSS is called ideal. One of the main open problems in secrete sharing is the
characterization of the access structures of ideal secret sharing schemes [4].

2 2
Let {K, V1 , ..., Vm , u} be an LSSS over K , denote v = u ⊗ u ∈ K e and Vi′ = Vi ⊗ Vi ∈ K e for
i = 1, ..., m. This LSSS is said to have multiplicative property if v is in the linear subspace of K e
spanned by all {Vi′ }i=1,...,m . This is equivalent to the following fact : for any given two secrets x (with
shares ci ∈ K dimVi for i = 1, ...m) and y (with shares di ∈ K dimVi for i = 1, ..., m), the product xy is in
the linear span with coefficients in K of ci di (here the product can be understood as a bilinear mapping
K dimVi ⊗ K dimVi → K dimVi ). It is said to have strongly multiplicative property if the v is in the linear

subspace spanned by {Vi′ }i∈P−B where B is any subset of P in the adversary structure.

For an adversary structure Γc on P , it is said that Γc is Q2 if A B 6= P for any A, B ∈ Γc , and
Γc is Q3 if A B C 6= P for any A, B, C ∈ Γc . One of the key results in [10] is a method to
construct, from any LSSS with a Q2 access structure Γ, a multiplicative LSSS Γ′ with the same access
structure and double complexity, that is λ(Γ′ ) ≤ 2λ(Γ) can be constructed. K -MLSSSs with Q2 and
Q3 access structures are closely related to secure multi-party computation. It is known that any strongly
multiplicative LSSS can be efficiently transformed into a polynomial complexity error-free multi-party
computation protocol computing any arithmetic circuit. This protocol is information-theoretically secure
against the adaptive and active Γc adversary. For details of secure multi-party computation and its relation
with linear secret sharing schemes, the reader is referred to [10], [11].

The approach of secret sharing based on error-correcting codes was studied in [8], [26]–[28]. It is a
special form of the above LSSS. Actually it was realized that Shamir’s (k, n)-threshold scheme is just
the secret sharing scheme based on the famous Reed-Solomon code in 1979 paper [28].

We recall the construction of LSSS from error-correcting codes in [8]. Let C be a q -ary [n + 1, k, d]-
code, let G = (g0 , g1 , · · · , gn ) be a generator matrix for C. We give a construction for a secret sharing
scheme for P = {P1 , · · · , Pn } as follows:
(1) Let the generator matrix G be publicly known to everyone in the system.
(2) To share a secret s ∈ Fq , the dealer randomly selects a vector

r = (r1 , r2 , · · · , rk ) ∈ Fkq

such that s = r · g0 .
(3) Each participant Pi receives a share si = r · gi , for i = 1, · · · , n.
We have the codeword c = (s, s1 , · · · , sn ) = rG. This is an ideal perfect secret sharing scheme. We
refer to [26], [27] and [28] for the following Lemma.

L EMMA 1: Let C be a linear code of length (n + 1) with generator matrix G. Suppose the dual of
C, i.e., C⊥ = {v = (v0 , v1 , · · · , vn )|GvT = 0}, has no codeword of Hamming weight 1. In the above
secret sharing scheme based on the error-correcting code C, for any positive integer m, {Pi1 , · · · , Pim }
can reconstruct the secret if and only if there is a codeword v = (1, 0, · · · , vi1 , · · · , vim , · · · , 0) ∈ C⊥ ,
i.e., the support of the codeword supp(v) ⊆ {0, i1 , · · · , im }.

B. Algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes over a constant-size field

Secret sharing schemes proposed in [7] can be thought as a natural generalization of Shamir’s scheme by
applying algebraic-geometric codes in the above construction. In Shamir’s scheme the number of players
has to be upper bounded by the size of the base field. In algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes this
restriction can be removed with quasi-threshold access structures instead of threshold access structures .
These LSSS from algebraic curves are quasi-threshold in the following sense, any subset of u ≤ T − 1
players (non qualified) has no information of the secret and any subset of u ≥ T + 2g players (qualified)
can reconstruct the secret, where g is the genus of the curve on which the secret sharing is defined.
Algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes have a remarkable application in the ”Fundamental Theorem
in Information-Theoretically Secure Multiparty Computation” by Ben-Or, Goldwasser and Wigderson
[3] and Chaum, Crépeau and Damgård [6]. The communication complexity in the above fundamental
protocols is saved with a log(n) factor and the information-theoretically secure multiparty computation can
be established over a constant-size field Fq with a decreasing corruption tolerance by a small √ 1 -fraction

(see [11], [12]). The asymptotical result in [7] plays a central role in [19] about communication-efficient
zero knowledge for circuit satisfiability, two-party computation [13], [14], [21], OT combiners [17] and
correlation extractors [20]. We refer to [11] page 342 for its impact in secure multiparty computation
and other fields of cryptography.

Let Fq be a given finite field with q elements, C be a smooth projective absolutely irreducible curve
defined over Fq with the genus g, and C(Fq ) be the set of (Fq ) rational points of C . {Q, P0 , P1 , · · · , Pn } is

a subset of C(Fq ), and G = mQ. D is the divisor P0 +P1 +· · ·+Pn . Let L(G) = f ∈ MC div(f )+G ≥

0 with dimension denoted by l(G), and let Ω(G − D) = ω ∈ ΩC div(ω) ≥ G − D with dimension
denoted by i(G − D).
We can define algebraic geometry codes

CL (D, G) = (f (P0 ), f (P1 ), · · · , f (Pn )) f ∈ L(G) ,


CΩ (D, G) = (resP0 (ω), resP1 , (ω) · · · , resPn (ω)) ω ∈ Ω(G − D) .

Assume 2g − 2 < degG = m < n + 1, then l(G) = m − g + 1 and i(G − D) = n − m + g by

the Riemann-Roch theorem. The first one is a linear [n + 1, k, d] code, and the second one is the dual
[n + 1, n + 1 − k, d⊥ ] code, where k = m − g + 1, d ≥ n + 1 − m, and d⊥ ≥ m − 2g + 2.
Applying Massey’s construction as follows.

(1) To share a secrete s ∈ Fq , the dealer randomly select an element ω ∈ Ω(G − D) such that
resP0 (ω) = s.
(2) The share of the participant is si = resPi (ω) ∈ Fq , for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
Note that, in (1) of the construction above, due to Riemann-Roch theorem, we have i(G − D) − i(G −
D + P0 ) = 1. Thus there exists a non-zero rational differential ω ∈ Ω(G − D) \ Ω(G − D + P0 ) such
that resP0 (ω) = s. Then we have a codeword (s, s1 , · · · , sn ) ∈ CΩ (D, G). Let A = {Pi1 , · · · , Pit } ⊂ P
and PA = P ∈A P, then the complement Ac = P \ A is qualified if and only if there exists a rational
function f ∈ L(G) such that f (P0 ) 6= 0, and f (P ) = 0, for P ∈ A, i.e. f ∈ L(G − PA ) with f (P0 ) 6= 0.
So we have following three cases.
(1) When t ≤ m − 2g, since deg(G − PA ) ≥ 2g, so the linear system L(G − PA ) is base point free
[18]. Then there is a function f with the above property, thus Ac is qualified.
(2) When t > m, since deg(G − PA ) < 0, so L(G − PA ) = ∅, thus Ac is unqualified.
(3) When m − 2g < t ≤ m, it’s hard to determine Ac is qualified or unqualified.

In [9] access structures of LSSS from elliptic curves were completely determined.
T HEOREM 1 (C HEN , L IN , X ING ): Let E be an elliptic curve over Fq , and let {P0 , · · · , Pn } be a subset
of E(Fq ) of n + 1 nonzero elements. Let D = P0 + · · · + Pn and G = mO. Consider the elliptic secret
sharing scheme obtained from E with the set of players P = {P1 , · · · , Pn }.
Let A = {Pi1 , · · · , Pit } be a subset of P with t elements, and let B be the element in E(Fq ) such
that the group sum of B and {Pi1 , · · · , Pit } in E(Fq ) is O. If Ac = P \ A is a minimal qualified subset
for the secret sharing scheme from CΩ (D, G), then t ≤ m Furthermore, we have the following:
1) when t = m, Ac is a minimal qualified subset if and only if B = O.
2) when t = m − 1, Ac is a minimal qualified subset if and only if B ∈
/ {P0 , · · · , Pn } or B ∈ A.
3) any subset of P of more than n − m + 2 elements is qualified.


A. Main result

In this paper we will discuss the access structures of algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes when
q tends to the infinity and the genus satisfies lim √gq = 0. Roughly speaking quasi-threshold algebraic
geometric schemes approach to the threshold secret sharing in this case.

The access structures of elliptic curve secret sharing schemes are determined completely in [9], by
applying the finite Abelian group structure of E(Fq ). We will analyze elliptic curves and higher genus

curves cases when the order of the ground field q tends to the infinity. In the elliptic curve case, because
the set of the rational points E(Fq ) forms a finite Abelian group, we reduce the problem to the counting
of the number N (t, B, P) of the set
A∈ ⊕ P =B ,
t P ∈A
where P ⊂ G is a subset in N element Abelian group (G, ⊕) with the cardinality n, t is the set of
all subset of P of the cardinality t, and B is an arbitrary element in G.

This problem has been extensively studied in [23]–[25]. By Lemma (3), the asymptotic formula
N (t, B, P) has a main term nt /N and an error term Mt . Under our assumptions, we have M < δ′ n,
where δ′ < 1, so the error term is much smaller than the main term, as q → ∞, then our result follows.

The same method is used for higher genus curve case with a more complicated technique. The finite
Abelian group is replaced by the Jacobian variety Jac(C)(Fq ) over Fq . In Theorem 4 (or the main
result below) by the using of the Abel-Jacobi map we express the proportion of the qualified subsets by
P . 
N (t, a, P) nt . Further in (⋆), it can be bounded by
(  )

⊖ Wm−t (Fq ) n
n + ,
hq (C) t

where Wd = φd (Symd C) is the image of symmetric product of the curve under the d-th Abelian-Jacobi
mapping φd in Jac(C) and hq (C) = |Jac(C)(Fq )|. By Weil bounds for character sums, we also have

M < δ′ n, where δ′ < 1. hq (C) have the classical Hasse-Weil bound, and ⊖ Wm−t (Fq ) can be bounded
by Proposition 1. When q → ∞, all these bounds fit together to obtain our result.

Let Fq be a finite field with q elements, C be a smooth projective absolutely irreducible curve defined
over Fq with the genus g, and C(Fq ) be the set of (Fq ) rational points of C . {Q, P0 , P1 , · · · , Pn } is a
subset of C(Fq ), D = P0 + P1 + · · · + Pn , and G = mQ. for some Q not in supp(D). The set of players
is P = {P1 , . . . , Pn }. The following is our main result in this paper.

Main Result. We assume that q → ∞ and lim √g= 0. Suppose that m = δn, where δ is a constant
q→∞ q

between 0 and 23 , m and n go to the infinity as q tends to infinity. Suppose that C(Fq ) − P is bounded
by a constant c as q tends to infinity. Then

I) when 0 ≤ m − t < g, the proportion of the qualified subsets approaches to zero;


II) when g ≤ m − t < 2g, the proportion of the qualified subsets approaches to 1.

B. Open question

When the size of the base field is fixed and the genus goes to the infinity the situation would be
quite different. In the above proof of Theorem 4, the range of cardinalities of unknown subsets is

[T, T + 2g − 1]. The size of this range is 2g. Because lim √gq = 0, and n ∼ C(Fq ) ∼ q, then
lim 2g
n = 0. On the other hand, if we fixed q, and consider a maximal tower C = {Ci } over Fq ,

which means that lim g(Ci ) = ∞ and lim |Cg(C i (Fq )|
) = q − 1. When q is a square, this can be
i→∞ i→∞

achieved [16]. Because Ci (Fq ) − P < c, so the limit is lim 2g

n ≈
√ 2 , In this case, the Weil

√ n √ q
bound Φ(P) ≤ (2g − 2) q + c ∼ (2 √q−1 − 2) q ∼ 2 √q−1 n is weaker than the trivial bound Φ(P) ≤ n.
By this trivial bound, we have M > n, so nt < Mt . The estimate about (⋆) fails. We refer to [5] for
some results on the threshold gap of secret sharing. It seems that in the case q is fixed and the genus goes
to the infinity algebraic secret sharing schemes over a fixed base field are not asymptotically threshold.


In this section for x ∈ R, we denote (x)0 = 1 and (x)t = x(x − 1) · · · (x − t + 1) for t ∈ Z+ . For
 def t
t ∈ N, xt = (x) t! .

A. Li-Wan’s sieve

We recall the sieving formula discovered by Li and Wan [23]. Roughly speaking, this formula sig-
nificantly improves the classical inclusion-exclusion sieve for distinct coordinate counting problems. We
cite it here without proof, and there are many interesting applications of this new sieve method [23]–[25].

Let P be a finite set, and P t denotes the Cartesian product of t copies of P. Let X be a subset of
P t . Define X̄ = {x = (x1 , x2 , · · · , xt ) ∈ X|xi 6= xj , i 6= j}, Let f (x1 , x2 , · · · , xt ) be a complex valued
function defined over X and
F = f (x1 , x2 , · · · , xt ).

Let St be the symmetric group on {1, 2, · · · , t}. Each permutation τ ∈ St factorizes uniquely as a
product of disjoint cycles and each fixed point is viewed as a trivial cycle of length 1. Two permutations

in St are conjugate if and only if they have the same type of cycle structure (up to the order). For τ ∈ St ,
define the sign of τ to be sign(τ ) = (−1)(t−l(τ )) , where l(τ ) is the number of cycles of τ including the
trivial cycles. For a permutation τ = (i1 i2 · · · ia1 )(j1 j2 · · · ja2 ) · · · (l1 l2 · · · las ) with 1 ≤ ai , 1 ≤ i ≤ s,
Xτ = {(x1 , · · · , xt ) ∈ X, xi1 = · · · = xia1 , · · · , xl1 = · · · = xlas }.
For τ ∈ St , define Fτ = x∈Xτ f (x1 , x2 , · · · , xt ). Now we can state Li-Wan’s sieve formula.
T HEOREM 2: Let F and Fτ be defined as above. Then
F = sign(τ )Fτ . (1)
τ ∈St

Note that the symmetric group St acts on P t naturally by permuting coordinates, That is,for τ ∈ St
and x = (x1 , x2 · · · , xt ) ∈ P t , we have τ ◦ x = (xτ (1) , xτ (2) , · · · , xτ (t) ). A subset X ⊂ P t is said to be
symmetric if for any x ∈ X and any τ ∈ St , τ ◦ x ∈ X.
For τ ∈ St , denote by τ̄ the conjugacy class determined by τ and it can also be viewed as the
set of permutations conjugate to τ. Conversely, for one given conjugacy class τ̄ ∈ Ct , denote by τ a
representative permutation of this class. For convenience we usually identify these two symbols.
In particular, if X is symmetric and f is a symmetric function under the action of St , we then have
the following simpler formula than (1).
C OROLLARY 1: Let Ct be the set of conjugacy classes of St . If X is symmetric and f is symmetric,
F = sign(τ )C(τ )Fτ , (2)
τ ∈Ct

where C(τ ) is the number of permutations conjugate to τ.

For the purpose of evaluating the above summation, we need a combinatorial formulas. A permutation
τ ∈ St is said to be of type (c1 , c2 , · · · , ct ) if τ has exactly ci cycles of length i. Note that ti=1 ici = t.
As we know, two permutations in St are conjugate if and only if they have the same type of cycle
structure. Let N (c1 , c2 , · · · , ct ) be the number of permutations in St of type (c1 , c2 , · · · , ct ) and it is
well known that
N (c1 , c2 , · · · , ct ) = .
1c1 c1 !2c2 c2 ! · · · tct ct !
L EMMA 2: Define the generating function
Ct (q1 , q2 , · · · , qt ) = N (c1 , c2 , · · · , ct )q1c1 q2c2 · · · qtct ,
i=1 ici =t

and set q1 = q2 = · · · = qk = q , then we have

Ct (q, q, · · · , q) = N (c1 , c2 , · · · , ct )q c1 q c2 · · · q ct
ici =t

= (q + t − 1)t .

If we set qi = q for d | i and qi = s for d ∤ i, then

d−1 d−1
z }| { z }| {
Ct (s, · · · , s, q, s, · · · , s, q, · · · )
P c1 c2 cd cd+1 · · ·
ici =t N (c1 , c2 , · · · , ct )s s · · · q s
= P
P⌊t/d⌋ d +i−1 s+t−di−1
= t! i=0 q−s
−1 s−1
≤ t! t .

Let (G, ⊕) be a finite Abelian group with order G = N, and let P ⊂ G be a nonempty subset of
cardinality n. Pt denotes the set of all t-subsets of P, then Pt = nt . For B ∈ G, let
N(t, B, P) = A ∈ ⊕ P =B ,
t P ∈A

N (t, B, P) = N(t, B, P) .

Ĝ is the group of additive characters of G with trivial character χ0 . Note that Ĝ is isomorphic to G.
Denote the partial character sum sχ (P) = a∈P χ(a) and the amplitude Φ(P) = max |sχ (P)|.
For our application, the estimate N (t, B, P) is crucial, when G = Jac(C)(Fq ), which is the rational
points of the Jacobian variety of an algebraic curve. In [23]–[25] the authors gave estimates for some
special finite Abelian groups. We use their method to give an estimate for a general finite Abelian group.
L EMMA 3: Let N (t, B, P) be defined as above. Then
N (t, B, P) − t ≤ , (3)
N t
n o
where M is defined as M = max Φ(P) + t − 1, n+Φ(P) 2 , n−Φ(P)
3 + Φ(P) + t − 1 .
P ROOF. Let X = P t be the Cartesian product of t copies of P, and X̄ = {x = (x1 , x2 · · · , xt ) ∈

P t |xi 6= xj , i 6= j}. It is clear that X = nt and X̄ = (n)t . Then
t!N (t, B, P) = N −1 χ(x1 + x2 + · · · + xt − B)
x∈X̄ χ∈Ĝ

(n)t X X
= + N −1 χ(x1 )χ(x2 ) · · · χ(xt )χ−1 (B)
χ6=χ0 x∈X̄

X t
(n)t −1 −1
= +N χ (B) χ(xi ).
χ6=χ0 x∈X̄ i=1

For χ 6= χ0 , let fχ (x) = fχ (x1 , x2 · · · , xt ) = i=1 χ(xi ), and for τ ∈ St let
X t
Fτ (χ) = fχ (x) = χ(xi ).
x∈Xτ x∈Xτ i=1

Obviously X and fχ (x1 , x2 · · · , xt ) are symmetric. Applying (2),

(n)t X X
t!N (t, B, P) = + N −1 χ−1 (B) sign(τ )C(τ )Fτ (χ).
χ6=χ0 τ ∈Ct

Assume τ is of type (c1 , c2 , · · · , ct ), without loss of generality, we can write

τ = (1)(2) · · · (c1 )((c1 + 1)(c1 + 2)) · · · ((c1 + 2c2 − 1)(c1 + 2c2 )) · · · .

One can check that

Xτ = (x1 , · · · , xt ) ∈ P t xc1 +1 = xc1 +2 , · · · , xc1 +2c2 −1 = xc1 +2c2 , · · · .

Then we have
Fτ (χ) = χ(xi )
x∈Xτ i=1
X Y c1 c2
Y ct
= χ(xi ) χ (xc1 +2i ) · · · χt (xc1 +2c2 +···ti )
x∈Xτ i=1 i=1 i=1
= ( χi (a))ci
i=1 a∈P
ci mi (χ) ci (1−mi (χ))
= n sχ (P) ,

where mi (χ) = 1 if χi = 1 and otherwise mi (χ) = 0.

Now suppose ord(χ) = d with d | N . Note that C(τ ) = N (c1 , c2 , . . . , ct ). In the case 3 ≤ d ≤ t since
|sχ (P)| ≤ Φ(P), applying Lemma 2, we have
sign(τ )C(τ )Fτ (χ)
τ ∈Ct
ci mi (χ) ci (1−mi (χ))
≤ C(τ )n Φ(P)
τ ∈Ct
d + Φ(P) + t − 1
≤ t! .
In the case d = 2, it can also be prooved that [25]
X  n+Φ(P) 
sign(τ )C(τ )Fτ (χ) ≤ t! 2 .
τ ∈Ct
Similarly, if ord(χ) > t, then
Φ(P) + t − 1
sign(τ )C(τ )Fτ (χ) ≤ t! .
τ ∈Ct

Let T be the set of characters which have order greater than t. Summing over all nontrivial characters,
we obtain

t |T | Φ(P) + t − 1 π(2) n+Φ(P)
N (t, B, P) − ≤ +
N N t N t
1 X d + Φ(P) + t − 1
+ π(d) ,
N t

b of order d. The sequence { n−Φ(P) + Φ(P) + t − 1}d>2 , is

where π(d) is the number of characters in G d

decreasing. So let
n + Φ(P) n − Φ(P)
M = max Φ(P) + t − 1, , + Φ(P) + t − 1 ,
2 3
we have the inequality.

B. Abel-Jacobi Map

Let C/Fq be a smooth projective curve of genus g over the finite field Fq . The divisor class group
of C is defined to be the quotient group Pic(C) = Div(C)/Prin(C), where Prin(C) is the subgroup
consisting of all principal divisors. For a divisor D ∈ Div(C), the corresponding element in the factor
group Pic(C) is denoted by [D], the divisor class of D.
We have the degree zero divisor class subgroup Pic0 (C) = Div0 (C)/Prin(C). Assume that C has
a Fq -rational point Q, it is well known that there exists an Abelian variety Jac(C)/Fq of dimension g
with the property that for every extension field k/Fq , there is a naturally isomorphism

Jac(C)(k) −→ Pic0 (C)(k).

Moreover, the so-called Abel-Jacobi map φ1 : C/Fq → Jac(C)/Fq given by

φ1 : P 7→ [P − Q]

is a morphism of algebraic varieties over Fq .

Let Symd C denote the d-th symmetric product of C, and let Divd+ (C) denote the set of the effec-
tive rational divisors of degree d. Then Symd C(Fq ) can be identified with Divd+ (C), And let Ad =
|Divd+ (C)| = |Symd C(Fq )|. We can further define the d-th Abel-Jacobi map φd : Symd C → Jac(C) by

φd : D1 + · · · + Dh 7→ [D1 + · · · + Dh − dQ],
where D1 , · · · , Dh are closed points of C/Fq , with i=1 deg(Di ) = d. Let Wd = φd (Symd C) denote
the image of φd in Jac(C).

The Abel-Jacobi Theorem says that φ1 : C → W1 is an isomorphism, φd : Symd C → Wd are birational

morphisms, for 2 ≤ d ≤ g, and Wg = Jac(C). Let hq (C) = |Jac(C)(Fq )|, then there is Hasse-Weil
bound for Jac(C) [30], [34]
√ √
( q − 1)2g ≤ hq (C) ≤ ( q + 1)2g . (4)

We have the following estimates (For details please refer to [30], Lemma 5.3.4) as well.
P ROPOSITION 1: Let C/Fq be an algebraic curve of genus g ≥ 1. Then for any integers d ≥ 0 we
hq (C) 2gq 1/2 q
Ad ≤ g−d 1/2
− .
q q −1 q−1
Consequently, we have
2gq 1/2
Wd (Fq ) ≤ Ad ≤ hq (C) −
, (5)
q g−d 1/2
q −1 q−1
for 1 ≤ d ≤ g − 1.

C. Character Sums on Curve

Jac(C)(Fq ) is a finite Abelian group. Let χ : Jac(C)(Fq ) → C∗ be a character. Via Abel-Jacobi map
φ1 : P 7→ [P − Q], one can consider character sum on curve C , let
sχ = χ([P − Q]).
P ∈C(Fq )

If χ is trivial, we have Hasse-Weil bound

sχ − q ≤ 2gq 12 .

If χ is nontrivial, we have the following Weil bounds for character sums (For details please refer to [22],
proposition 9.1.3 and [31], chapter 9).
P ROPOSITION 2: Suppose χ is a nontrivial character of Jac(C)(Fq ), then
|sχ | ≤ (2g − 2)q 2 . (6)


In this section we consider the case of secret sharing schemes from elliptic curves when q → ∞ at
first, since in this case Theorem 1 can be used to count qualified and unqualified sets directly.

Let E/Fq be an elliptic curve, and let C/Fq be an algebraic curve of genus g at least 2. In this section
we let the Abelian group G be equal to E(Fq ) and Jac(C)(Fq ) separately. ⊕ and ⊖ denote additive and
minus operator in the group.

A. Elliptic curve case

Let G = E(Fq ) with zero element O. As in Theorem 1, {P0 , · · · , Pn } are a subset of E(Fq ) of n + 1
nonzero distinct elements. D = P0 + · · · + Pn and G = mO are divisors of E. We have the secret sharing
scheme from CΩ (D, G), with the set of players P = {P1 , · · · , Pn }. Then we have the following result.
T HEOREM 3: Suppose that m = δn, where δ is a constant between 0 and 23 . As q → ∞, we assume

that n and m all approach to infinity, and G − P is bounded by a constant c. Then
I) when t = m, the proportion of the qualified subsets approaches to zero;
II) when t = m − 1, the proportion of the qualified subsets approaches to 1.

P ROOF. Note that P is the set of players {P1 , · · · , Pn }. Recall that Pt denotes the set of all t-subsets
of P.

Let A ∈ t be a subset of P with cardinality t. Then Ac = P \ A is a qualified subset if and only
if we can find a rational function f ∈ L(G) such that f (P0 ) 6= 0 and f (P ) = 0 for all P ∈ A.
Now we divide into two sub-cases for completing the whole proof of the theorem.

I) Suppose t = m. Because f is a nonzero element of L(G) with the divisor G = mO, it has at most
m distinct zeros. It follows from the assumption t = m that the divisor of the function f should be
div(f ) = P − mO.
P ∈A

The existence of such a function f is equivalent to saying (see Theorem 11.2 of [35] )

⊕ P = O.
P ∈A

Namely A ∈ N(t, O, P). For our purpose, we now give an estimate for the value Φ(P). According
to the basic properties of group characters, we have
χ(g) = 0

for a nontrivial character χ. This implies that

χ(g) = − (g)
g∈P g∈G−P

and so

Φ(P) = Φ(G − P) ≤ G − P = G − P ≤ c,

if G − P is bounded by a constant c. Now let n → ∞, if t < 1
6 n, then M = 2 ; if
1 n−Φ(P)
6n ≤ t = m < 23 n, then M = 3 + Φ(P) + t − 1. in a word, M < δ′ n, where 0 < δ′ < 1. It
follows from Lemma 3 that

N (t, O, P) 1 t
 ≤ + n
N t
δ ′ n
1 t
≤ + n
N t
1 (δ′ n)(δ′ n− 1) · · · (δ′ n − t + 1)
= + .
N n(n − 1) · · · (n − t + 1)

δ′ n δ′ n − 1 δ′ n − t + 1
1 > δ′ = > > ··· > ,
n n−1 n−t+1
(δ′ n)(δ′ n−1)···(δ′ n−t+1) 1
it follows that lim = 0. Note that lim = 0. Hence we have
q→∞ n(n−1)···(n−t+1) q→∞ N

N (t, O, P)
q→∞ n = 0.
This means that the proportion of the qualified subsets approaches to zero if t = m.
II) Suppose t = m − 1. For the same reason, the divisor of the function f should satisfy
div(f ) = P + P ′ − mO,
P ∈A

where P′ ∈ E(Fq ) and P′ 6= P0 . Similarly, the existence of the function f is equivalent to

⊕ P = ⊖P ′ 6= P0 .
P ∈A

That is to say, A ∈
/ N(t, (⊖P0 ), P). Similarly, one can show that
N (t, (⊖P0 ), P)
lim n
 = 0.

This implies that the proportion of the qualified subsets which is equal to 1− N (t,(⊖P 0 ),P)
to 1 if q and m tend to infinity and t = m − 1. This completes the whole proof of Theorem 3.

B. General curve case

Let C/Fq be an algebraic curve of genus g. Let {Q, P0 , P1 , · · · , Pn } be a subset of C(Fq ), and let
D = P0 + · · · + Pn and G = mQ. We have the secret sharing scheme from CΩ (D, G), with the set
of players P = {P1 , · · · , Pn }. In this section, we will consider the asymptotic access structures of that
algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes as q → ∞.

We denote G = Jac(C)(Fq ) in this subsection. Because Abel-Jacobi map φ1 : C → Jac(C), is an

embedding. For a subset S ⊂ C(Fq ), the symbol S sometimes denotes its image φ1 (S) ⊂ Jac(C)(Fq )

by abuse of notation. By Hasse-Weil bound we have q − 2gq 1/2 ≤ C(Fq ) ≤ q + 2gq 1/2 . If the genus g

satisfies lim √gq = 0, then C(Fq ) ∼ q . Thus C(Fq ) and hq (C) = Jac(C)(Fq ) ≥ (q 1/2 − 1)2g both
approach to infinity as q tends to infinity. We prove the following result.
T HEOREM 4: We assume that q → ∞ and lim √g = 0. Suppose that m = δn, where δ is a constant
q→∞ q

between 0 and 23 , m and n go to the infinity as q tends to infinity. Suppose that C(Fq ) − P is bounded
by a constant c as q tends to infinity. Then

I) when 0 ≤ m − t < g, the proportion of the qualified subsets approaches to zero;

II) when g ≤ m − t < 2g, the proportion of the qualified subsets approaches to 1.
P ROOF. For any A ∈ Pt , let Ac = P \ A and PA = P ∈A P ∈ Divt+ (C). Then Ac is a qualified
subset if and only if we can find a rational function f ∈ L(G) such that A is contained in the zero locus
of f and f (P0 ) 6= 0, i.e. f ∈ L(G − PA ) \ L(G − PA − P0 ). And by the Riemann-Roch Theorem [33],
we have the following equivalent condition for Ac qualified

 l(G − P ) > 0, (a)
 L(K − G + P ) = L(K − G + P + P ), (b)
C A C A 0

where l(G − PA ) = dim(L(G − PA )), and KC is the canonical divisor of C.

I) Suppose 0 ≤ m − t < g. If Ac is qualified, then

l(G − PA ) > 0,

by the condition (a). We choose a nonzero element f ∈ L(G−PA ), and let DA = G−PA +div(f ) ≥
0 which is an effective divisor of C, with deg(DA ) = m − t.

Consider the following map Pt ֒→ Divt+ (C) → Jac(C) given by
A 7→ PA 7→ [PA − tQ].

Because DA is linearly equivalent to G − PA , we have the divisor class equality

[DA ] = [G − PA ]

in the Jacobian group Jac(C). It follows from G = mQ that

[DA − (m − t)Q] = [G − PA − (m − t)Q] = ⊖[PA − tQ].

φt (PA ) = ⊖φm−t (DA ) ∈ ⊖Wm−t ,

where ⊖Wm−t denotes the set that contains all negative elements in Wm−t .
Now we get  
[ P [
A∈ φ−1
t (a) ∩ = N(t, a, P)
a∈⊖Wm−t a∈⊖Wm−t

by the definition of N(t, a, P).

For our purpose, we give an estimate for Φ(P). By Proposition 2, for a nontrivial character χ, we
Φ(P) = Φ(C(Fq ) − (C(Fq )\P)) ≤ Φ(C(Fq )) + Φ(C(Fq )\P)) ≤ (2g − 2)q 2 + c

(2g−2) q
if C(Fq ) − P is bounded by a constant c. Since lim n = 0. In Lemma 3, as the elliptic
curve case, we have M < δ′ n, where δ′ < 1.
We are now in a position to show that the proportion of the qualified subsets tends to zero , i.e.,
the ratio

X .n
N (t, a, P) → 0,

as q tends to infinity
On basis of (3), (4) and (5) one has
N (t, a, P)
( n  )
⊖ Wm−t (Fq ) M
≤ n +
hq (C) t

Wm−t (Fq ) (δ′ n)t
< + Wm−t (Fq )
hq (C) (n)t
1 2gq 1/2 q
≤ − +
q (g−(m−t)) q 1/2 − 1 q − 1
 Y t−1 ′
hq (C) 2gq 1/2 q δ n−i

q (g−(m−t)) q 1/2 − 1 q − 1 i=0 n − i
1 2gq 1/2 q
≤ − +
q q 1/2 − 1 q − 1
 Y t−1 ′
(q 1/2 + 1)2g 2gq 1/2 q δ n−i
− , (⋆)
q q 1/2 − 1 q − 1 n−i

where n ∼ q and t ∼ δq.


1 2gq 1/2 q √g δ′ n−i
When q → ∞, we have q − q−1 → 0, since lim = 0. And < δ′ < 1, this
q 1/2 −1 q→∞ q n−i

implies that
t−1 ′
Y δ n−i
≤ δ′δq .
(  Y t−1 ′
(q 1/2 + 1)2g 2gq 1/2 q δ n−i
ln −
q q 1/2 − 1 q − 1 i=0 n − i
2gq 1/2 q
≤ 2g ln(q 1/2 + 1) − ln q + ln − + (δ ln δ′ )q
q 1/2 − 1 q − 1
→ −∞,

as q tends to infinity. Thus (⋆) approaches to zero. The conclusion follows.

II) Suppose g ≤ m − t < 2g. By the Riemann-Roch Theorem, we have

l(G − PA ) ≥ deg(G − PA ) + 1 − g = m − t + 1 − g > 0.

This means that Condition (a) always holds. It follows from the Condition (b) that the set Ac is
unqualified if and only if the set L(KC − G + PA ) is a proper subset of L(KC − G + PA + P0 ),
L(KC − G + PA ) ( L(KC − G + PA + P0 ).
K = K −G+
Let us choose a nonzero element f ∈ L(KC −G+PA +P0 )\L(KC −G+PA ), and let DA C
K ) = 2g−1−(m−t),
PA +P0 +div(f ) ≥ 0 which is an effective divisor of C, with degree s = deg(DA
and 0 ≤ s ≤ g − 1. This fact will play a vital role in the proof.

In a similar manner, we consider the following map Pt ֒→ Divt+ (C) → Jac(C) given by
A 7→ PA 7→ [PA − tQ].
K is linearly equivalent to K −G+P +P , by definition, [D K ] = [K −G+P +P ],
Because DA C A 0 A C A 0

[DA − sQ] = [KC − G + PA + P0 − sQ]

= [KC + P0 − (2g − 1)Q] ⊕ [PA − tQ].

φt (PA ) = φs (DA ) ⊖ [KC + P0 − (2g − 1)Q]

fs ,
∈ φs (Cs ) ⊖ [KC + P0 − (2g − 1)Q] = W

fs is the translation of Ws by the element ⊖[KC + P0 − (2g − 1)Q].

where W
Namely, Ac is a qualified subset if and only if
[   [
/ φ−1
t (a) ∩ = N(t, a, P).
a∈W fs

Since s ≤ g − 1, similarly one can show that

N (t, a, P)
lim n
 = 0.
So the proportion of the qualified subsets approaches to 1 as q tends to infinity. This completes the
whole proof of the theorem.


Algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes have been widely used in two-party secure computation,
secure multiparty computation, communication-efficient zero-knowledge of circuit satisfiability, correla-
tion extractors and OT-combiners since the publication of [7]. In many cases when Shamir’s threshold
secret sharing scheme is replaced by algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes the base field can be
constant-size and communication complexity can be saved by a logn factor. Thus it is quite important
to answer the question how far from threshold these quasi-threshold algebraic geometric secret sharing
schemes are. We showed that when the size q of the base field goes to the infinity and lim √gq = 0,
algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes are asymptotically threshold. It would be interesting to know
asymptotic situation of algebraic geometric secret sharing schemes in the case that the size q of base
field is fixed and the genus of curves goes to the infinity. In particular are algebraic geometric secret
sharing schemes asymptotically threshold in this case?


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