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il I YrlNlNlTrl[ NlTrI lll il 0t.

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ss ( 1\rLRl DI\lSX)\ l.r ORr\\ GrILk

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Wlen replying to adverts pleasemention Wargames lllustrated.
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Al lasllNewadditions
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zul4 Bdlishintanrry l ing
inshinandbGcesstanding Zurto Olficor,baidod paroliackgland sunh6hol poi inqMd
zul 5 Bdish inlanlryin shid, @sebac6s, slandngrcady ZU41 Oiiicerin bEidediacketand€p Loadins pisrol
ZUl6 Bdlshinlantykn€linqtinngin shirl,bandaoed head zU42 olt cn in b6id€d parbLiac*.Ind €p wth nf6

Renai$an@,Pennsular,An6d€n W ol Ind€p6nd6nce, W€llinglons Indie BanbsandT@janWa6 s welld IheVikingShip,Napol@nicLongboat,
Padde $eamer. Pide ship, RorkesDdttand$e AbbollsNapol@nicNavalannw€sl lndiandng6s. flgub pnce ior our h.ges ls 5oplorioot and e|||!6 90por !t,t0 |or nors, A trd prt@ tlst wltt be *it on equest,
P& P FIGUFESUK:10% ol oder pn@!p lo e50.00,lhenp6l lree.
EEC:30%oioderpne, minimum a2.50.
BESTOFTHEWOFLDAIBMAILT 50%ol od* valu€.ninimume3.50.
Wea@pl paymentn 6h, poslalorde6, cheques(butnol peGonalchequ6slom ov€e6 pl.d€), Eumh.qu.s andall majorcrcdit€ds Orde6 reeived by
telephone*ill nomally bedespaldedwilhin24 hou6.
CE|ITER, 1525Bid$ 163,YubaCity.CALIFOBNIA,95993. T6l:916.673
ausTBALtA:ESSEXMTNIATUFESAUSTRAL|A,I L@anaPtae,Homsby, N.S.W2077.T6t:(02)477€696
S 133-135 Canonqate,AoyatMle,Edinbulgh.
0t L.AGOST|N]S.a.s..
ViaNumidia1.ofi a3.FOMA.TeI:0677201012
SWEOEN:NEVEBWH€F€,Sroa Nyqaran37, 111 27Srockhom.Tel:03411 s2 52.
SiDpilie TAMPERE. T€ti358312133354.

When replying to adverts please mention Wargarnes Illustrated.

. . .ZULUWARScoivzrueo ala1 MountedBdnshinlanrrymanholding€rbine
zua2 MountedCarabinieror Nala Poti6 wilh upngh €6ine
zU50 olii@r in spikedsunhe mettuinepistol aJa4 Kiiq s Oaq@n Guad otlier vili srcd
ZU51 T@Fd in spikedsunhelmetadvancinorcadyw $ cadino ZUAs Kinqs Oraq@dGuad reper !,rh c.rbine
zu52 Tr@perin spiksdsunh6lm€ladvancingwith€/oine zUA6 17lhLanceronier wilhMd
zU53 T@per in spikedsunhelmetsiandinglldng ZUaT 17th Lan@rtsep.r, op€nhanded
ZU54 Tfeps in spik€dsunhelmalkn@linglling 7U3€ MouledBer s[h llolch .ar dndc.unqbMdoi.c. m'ng
2U55 HoGeholdortroomf n so k.d sunhelmet zU39 Mounr€!Ber, sloochhatandbaido ie6, finng
FBOI{TIEB UGHTI]OESEANDSIMIIAFIFREGULAR UNITS zu96 Mdnle! Frcntis ught ho€smanholdine€din6 acrcss
zU60 ldp€f n bEidedjackeled slouchhatadvancingwith€6iie
ZlJ61 T@per ln bdid€d jackalad slouchhal srandlngfinng€bine zu97 MounbdFrcnlq Lighlho@manclliching shoulder
ZU62 Tr@perin b6ided jackel4d slouchhal kn€€]ngfinnq zu93 MouniedBo* @frnsnd$ shouijig
ZU63 T@pe. cBwlingwounded zu00 Bntsh*aled walgonddver
ZU64 T@pe.lyinq dead zugt Acr seat€dwaggondriver
zu92 Zllu whipboy@lking wlh whip
BOEFSANOOTHEBIRREGUIAR UNITS zu93 suE@n sianding,pointinq(Surg6n ReFo ds)
ZU70 Aoeradvancingcrcuching.bandoier.slouchhat zlJ94
ZU71 Acr slandingl@ding,bandoli.f,sloudr hat zu95 ouanemasterwirhch4k llsl
zu72 Boerstandino15dng, b&dolisr, s ouh har zufus
zU73 Boerkn@ingiring, bandolier,barehead€d 2u100 zulu3randin! liing iie in anlishjackol
ZU74 B@rrunninq,lleatthe[€i 2U101ZuluslandnAfinngmusket
ZU75 Bod in shinw6a ngbandolieradv.ncingsilh ille ZUI02 Zulukn@ingfi.inqdi6 in Bnishi@kel
ZU76 g@f youlha<tuancing wM ni6 2U103 zu u runningwithriflein Bdish jad<61
zuz Ber youlhkneelir€tuin! ZUl04 Zu u,unm.riedr€imenl,crouchidgfidnq dusk.t
aJTa B@rgid withpislol
zU79 siandingBoerhoehotd€r NATALNATIVEII{FANTBY
ZU 05 NNCAdvdolq.bLchedwfiw@ne. €p ar ra$6al
CAVALRY{N.€d horss lrom rh. X r.nqe b.low) 2U106 NNCAdvancingcouchedwilhheadbandandrc ledbtanket
zlJ30 Bdish oi colon alolficer in baided iacket bacheaded. ZU107 NNCadvancngcouch€din s ouchhar
zurcis NNCKnelingfnng€dine injek6l

Al .nd 42.F p.ck3 ol fghrlng ZulG wllh loEo3 dd l.g. ih.t
€n b€ nlr.d io cr€.16. v.riely ol llgue3 whh *p66te wporc sd z\32 Zulu,lopknolandloalhe6.chaEing,..............................-.....70p ol drieMl slbs, zx33 2u1u,Iopknotandiealhercsbndins..................................,..70p
?}.34 Zulu,€4llapsand laBeheadlealher. advancino,amoLl.......70p
zx1 Tenz!uswithheadnngs(frariedrcgim.nrs)........... ..... 16.50p zx35 Zulu,e4llapsandlarc6headl€alhqadvancing...,.................70p
z(2 T€nzuuswilhoulheaddngs(unmadedregidenls) ......... a660p zK36 Zulu,bunched lealherheaddrs advancinq, ams upGised ,,,.70p
aG Fi@&ad andwounded Zulusinlighling d€$ . ............m00p zx31 zulu,bunched lealherheadd€$,cha4 nq.............................70p
ZX4 zululndunaponlingknobk€rieandholdngshied........ ..... 70p zl3a Packoll€nManini-Hedry ||es...........................................!
ZXs ZuluIndunawaving shi€ldandGs€gai.............. .... ......70p z€9 PackottenManini'Honry cabins ..,....,.....,,,,....................
!t .00p
,G Zuluboy@lchingwilhbedmals andwalelgouds..................70p Packollenammunilion boFs,opened c|osed,.....,..........42.00p
DO Zuluboywalkingqilhbedmatsandwatergourd.......................70p ,(41 Bcr sharpsh@lei innq elephdt9unw€f rr@slump....,.. a1,50p
A(3 ZuluntulldFsswilhshi€ldcharginqandlunqing....................70p 462 Mount€d war@rispo.dent,usehoe Ze1 .........................,70p
A€ Zulunlulld€ssadvandngwilha$€ai.shield!p..................70pZ \ 4 3 L a r c o B € r w a q g o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 9 . 0
ZXl0 gaeh€ded Bn0shsoldi.rb6akngop€nboxwlrh lle ....e1.!Op 2(44 Par ol Brlish imbs ho6es............,. ...,............................
zx11 Bdli.heldi€rrunningwilhamnoboxinbolhhands......... 11.sop a(45 LlChudslanding.fin!pisio..................................................70p
ZXl2 .... .. el.sop ZG7 ColourSgtBoum6stndlng,roadngdne.................................70p
z(13 Zululnd!namounledonaho6e.poiilng...........................!2.0op D(43 Chapla n Smithinlong@ar,hudingourammunition..,............70p
D(14 &iisheldierd@ggingahmunitionbox. ...................... !1.sop a(49 T@p€. LuqAse.led ona panolammunitionbor€s,iinng e1.sop
Z:15 B@headed$ldierkn@lingandhddinQoulmmuniUon !1.50p D(,(J CprSolt*edning,l@dn9 fle.....,,.....,.................._............70p
z(16 Ca6bine/Nalal Poli@finngtom behinda d6adhore€......!2.:{p zt51 Adendodin N.M.P. unitom,slanding 6adywith€bine..........70p
Z(17 Bn$h Cavalry hoEelbt n9. --......................... ...................90p 2(52 F/ie Hir6hsilh woundedm n beh,carryingammunilion........70p
Z(14 Bnfsheva|ryho6e9a1oping...............................................90p ZX53 Soldidcarryn9mealiebagonhisback..............................!1.5Op
ZX19 rrcguta/Boerho6stronjns..... -,.-,..--.',,.'. ............90p ZX54 Trc me. wilhpati€nt onsr@bner andsp@ $etcher........ f3.0op
Z { 2 0 l r € g u l a / B o e r h o 6 e 9 a 1 | o p i n q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .z(55
. . . . . . . Tm
. . . 9irame
0 p beds,€i beshck.dr. ma*e&nks......,,,....,,... !1.5oo
ZX21 Bdlishsifrdngho6€..... . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0 pZX56 Soldierwilhblankelroleo.i6mebed...............................a1.oop
Zv\22 Trc gttishsoldieb€rry ngwounded 6mad6............ ., . f3.00p ZX57 Wd anid*aGd acrc$saddlewilhskelchpad ..................
Z(23 P6.*oi4 tshdeadandrcunded.....................................€3.00p
ae4 Boer@mandandingwilhyoungchild......................,
UQs &q womn loading nusket.............. ....................................70pSpeclal lor rhe Zul{ waE, .mpt.t st! ol ligur€.,
ae6 AdishGen€ElS6dic€waggon.........................,................e7.00p and bulldln$ lo @6.t 3om. olrheercltlng bat!6 otlh.fri
ZX27 Panoimulestorraqqons---- --.'.-,.'--.''--.'-.....P.00p Ev.ryrhhq you n4!l .l a .p&lal pd6 lncludlng P&P.
a(23 F@ketr@!ghfithrccketandcrsoltourmen. ................e5.00p ZlXi l$ndhlwaa:lhe0elen6otrh€Cmp................,,,,...,...f110.00p
Deg Brnish gpdriieldgunwilhc6w ol iivefigur6.............. ......!6.sop zl/\2 lsandhlwea:Ihezuu4nadG6..................._...................e65.00p
ZGo gilishartllerycr6wolfv€fquds......................... ...........!3.@p ZvB TheDelend.6otRo*€sDritt...,......................................!65.00p
D(31 Bdlishanilbryimber....... ...............!35op ZlX4 Ro*esDdli-|heBui|dings....................,......,,.....,,,.......!130.00p

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WSI h,eGuan:dr
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de ArmySpecIalflsts


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WurlembuRef: PolishrSwedi(h and Dani<h *
.f SEYEIVYEARSWAA- Bnhshi Fench; PrussraniAuslrc.
AdCtAlI Srnerlao LateH€bEv, Bumesq Ttb€tac HanChtnesei ;
AMERICANCI\IL VIAR- t)nion;Coniedeiatei NewAssy.ianEmplEj Earl) Hoplte ceek Eaitv A.haementdpe$t.n;
ENGLISHClvlL WAR Royalist,ParliamentjNes llodel Armli
IHiiry yEARS'9AA - hDenalst; FpnchiSDanish;
IIAaIAIVWAns- spanishj Frenchj
l,,lilanese, Florenhnei venehan;
Alexanddan l'lr.edontacLaterAchaenentd
Tiiacla., GalltcEarlyCeimatrEarlyhpeilal RomatrAnctentBrtthh
S.trd tv! fir5t ds staDpsfor *p.r.te Chartorotalo!!..
8fdA155.1NCr - | ,encnHusuenor'rrcn\h iahotr. pc,i

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t n p t r s h ; tol ,r i 5 n ,

Pe.srdni Ustrgtltrtnture Flgurtn€s

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ldrerAchdemenrd Persia"
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c a v a r y : H e a v yD r a s o o n sH: u s s a E L: g h r D r a s o o n s . . .. !toao
; ThematicEyzantine,NikeDhoiianB\"antine,Nomau Teah. Drivere.Llmb€r. Gun C Crew. .. ... .... .. .. . i10.50
f lAdal Engl.Jn: Feudat frencn Angto. DIXON AMERTAI\ CtvtL wAR:0 iion or Conf€deraie:Infanky...Il.t 40
DIXON AMERrcAll CtvtLwAR: lnion or Conf€derate:Cava ry . . tl? 99 *

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Rose.Yorkict WaGoItheRosee.l ancd.hian, Setiua Tu.\i Sdrd.en
5rdaniAt'yubdfeypnaniLaterCtu\aderj Teutonk dd<r'
Theodorar-By?rnhne pd.6 (uti ono r Ff wP! pble
MongollldmlukEglprianjtlkhdnrdj Er6l
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'vAn - Fr€nch;Prussian;
CnlataAlvItAfl - B.itish; Russian;trcnchi
.4ftERlC,4ivINDIANWAAS-U.S.cavalrr lndians,
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CML WAR shn&hd p.d( ladr hd trdld TdP.ri^ke0i,ll'tro@niEt)tF 3075
sdo 3G76 Cdnmrd pad. oftd. StL boad,
hrmtYhk 9l,tdcddblml nn, AsrLd 19!6 h nisd d6 *trah Tdpsrbdddrhal,fri"serhiElo h.ds
tF.ii. 8G77 Obmui.d IDop€r
Bl Fii'g {frudbuyrrd0 radbd d{d rmd.d {6!. F*) Tops in ked in's €nne bMd
sG, ,rd@dtgF€d balos) cmiE rdpd( urr6 oifs, 514 T,ap{inslod' hal r'ins €rbi,E hlftt In@@L

C*rDnd pdd(Udd oiter, srd. Tepshked*hdEqx 3G73

htry h r.C tu*, ntr !d id 44ord eG79
CmrE d p.dcCotrh&ElB
06.d, Iooptrind4drhllrrh5holh eGo
EC{ A 0Elady (ftsdtsFEr) comrdpad(ofi@r,sdb€@ 3G31
3G5 Aivrrt€ dE r&Ed ddi.l clrEd oadccd&daib offd, hddittt tiftldtthoB 3G32
3G6 oErir{ (hh.dba,qE{ m$fi C.msld pdc Otur Sd.bsEi mB3
m35 cflmd pddclftrl|y oitur i.
scs KEIiE ffiO {ftadbaydd) cdmandpadcorfieisd.bsa4i s631
8Gl A|lanjm nEltd 49 (fGdb.ydt l) Condndp..b r&fiy Ofrt{rh hd6. sldrhi4 mlLiigl$€ m35
C.madpdc 0ft6, BG36
hdq sldrh i€l dt!4irEhoe
ht tll' h r.*.h.ll l.clal N.qulpndtt BG37
C v tRV:SuliiL to.onionsd Coni.d€d.
3Gl2 Ou,!L! (frudbayoe!
EOl3 &ri, ftld(@l fring Coisrn P&L2 osnld. Unm BGO 'Idtd
SArr &!j, d(@t UanLrrcq h .lddr ha!d6h sd
rdc 2 &hid Cdftd. TdFr h kd intg 6nn6 hMrn mEl Unh.rrill loJhdEEh
mlaA SrintitE pdd,kqi n!.d pc6 Tdp.l b cdrdth.tfriig erttF
BGE2 lr.Itr$rlb6$ddrs 9or
zou vEsih rapr0d tur !{dptui
lnldty l..tosh h, rdo &d bbr.r !n
DklMbd tla€ft inkpi (*dbd dim
BGls Fd's (frcdbltq'd)
sr6 ^dcd'g {ft4dbEqd) EFJnaid @ rl'is 425
l2dlr{apdtrdM Sop
l@rParDldM sop
hhfy b aoucnh4 lrdq lull p*k md 3GFl gpdrwihErdtffi sA
SGES l2Ddlvlhnrdtffi sA
3Gl3 Alh€ Esdy(FEd&ydtd) Mdodp.idr 9A
3Gr9 Ad€rEltS tul+Jd aMlcl Th rb6r rbni.Blndodr rElrttr
BG?0 qwlitrg (fr€db6)qEl) llE{l ldrln clln wa hhnll| 3. ,.:
BGTI lYcd &lEd qr. rrbbl. ld thor e
3C,22 ltE r'E rriE lftd b.ydd)
3G23 trhdin! nElcr 4so(ft6db.t6d)
C Vltit Cdh.E|! 13lUtlln&
bB dm, qnb*, 2 dmm6.rn
htity li jdch h4 ddl l&l€! m.qullr6l cavalFtl:sdbbr€lorunlonmd coni.dab
5brB rrsqab
c.mndt6dc 0r[6,sld.b6a|ErG BGEIj

BCrf Cn{CtE(tud bayoBU Tlrdp{ h ksd, $d*teEd s'n

BGeT $o.lti4lEd.d frn€ Toopq h Cdd' ha! Suiddrd SGE12
BM Sdldrh.r,tEd ed. da*et dl, CAVALFI4
Conltd.. . S'4r LlghlDr4D@




oes@rch€dlithlo 24 houc
e,(}lr P6r FE
Unit 1, ShannonSquare,ThamesEstuaryEstate,Canveylsland,EssexSS8oPE
When replying to adverts please mention Wargames Illustrated.

MACBETH AfierDurant d€a \ (lrehadbecomewidelyunpopuiardueto hi! orF

goingwals ald inability to rule) it seernslikely flat an alian e berween
Warrior King of Scotland Thorfim ed l{acbeth occuEd Thorfim b€.ane 6In y €srrblis}Edin
W Dan Mener olkley ard Caidn€sswithoutany Sconishopposinorrard MmberhwEs
eled€dHigh Kjng in dlesummerof 1040.
Thji is dE drird article in my s€{iesabout Celric leaderEunlke
Uyi/eDr apCnrryd (wIlm) orCadwalon(wnm} few Rad€rscanhale MAOEIIIAS KING
failedto har€hFild of}{a.}dtl LnrDnalisedin Shak€speare\ play asa
nnlder€r, ty?nt ard u$rp€r, Ma.berh hrs Fiditionaly rE eived .tqd Contenporarycluooiclesr€ferto Mrlet't asa lib€ralandpro&clive
prEss".Iioircrr, tlE fiction l Macleth exiss in isolarionfion dE hi$o king. Frcm lO40to 1045,Ma.beft3 kjngdomwasp€aretulanda ltluild
cal maq N{abet! Hgh King of S.dlard was€ontempoftilynoEdas .a ing pocessocsrEd affs tlE devasialingy€arsofDrlcant Ieigr
libqal king ...ftn ad ta[' In 1041Tlnrfr|l\ pmbqblywith permjssionor aid fiom Ma.b€d!
b€gan!o nid Angl+SaxonNonhunbia fion a be carnpin SrarlElyd€.€s bom in 1m5, dE ornychildofFindla..h lvla.Ruaridh- TtE Nordumbda.nE rl Siwid altacl€dtlEsemide6 ard forceddEm to
MormaerofMoray.Atthis tine, S€odardwaser*irialy ffdl ard hadno atEar TtE folowing ye.r Thorfnn rcorEl not only with his NnxerFr
cenFdisatior!d|e qiordl basiswasrheclar ard alliances\lErernadeand from olkley ard Caihness,but wirh Scodishandlrish WarioIS(oo. nds
bmkel! creatingturds betw€enf€s clds. As weI asft€ Scotishinhabi- shBlion musrhave$iited l,,Iacbdh- althoughnot officialy ar war \rirh
lrns' NoFe s€dl€rsdea&d tlEir ovm eirldons, ard s€adds werecoIIts Nonhonbda his bord€rscorld be seone4 andtle alegianceofThorfim
lnor The S.ds wErEdrcaienedin rlE mrrh by tle NonemeJ!andin the gtlalanteed.Thorfirn stu.k dmogh C\lmbria and defeaEdtlte MeEian
soutl by AnglGsaxoN. Figlish in t*o baules.
In 1045fte only r€cordof intffizl Evolt againsll,,Iaderh"€s r€cod
TIIE MORMAM, OFMORAY €d - Criffi\ fEll€r of DrHr! waskiiled wih 180of rhisAf]oll n]:ni the
forcesnxt arDu*eld nonhof Penh.A decis e defearof dE Moma€r of
In 1020Mad€tht fadErwasslainbyhisnephe*s;tis \l?spossibly A*lo[ andhis folowrs ocsrE4 andnineyea$ of $abiliryfolou€d.
a poliricalkiling, drc to Ftudlaecl\associariom
wirhfE rilrl Houseof Dtdng rhesenirE years,Macbehvisitedtflehpe in Rone, ad Inailts
Atloll OrFof dEsen€dEwqMalcoq waselecred (tu
lo nne Scofish tairEd cofliactwith ihekingdornsofEuope. Tlorfnn encounerEd hisown
medndof su..ession), andhisblotFr Cilecomgain ruledafterlr.{atcotlnt gDblelnxar RognvaldBnasissaoofNo{vay dispuredhisclaimto ollg|ey;
d€athin 1029.Marbd}lhrd livedurd€rtre Fotectionof dleHighKing Rognvaldwasdef€led ars€ain dE PentlardFiri[ ard lalEron lard ati]E
MalcolrnII, whonhisfat]Frhadsuppoftd- islnd of S[onsay.
AgedsorrEwhsE in dErcgionof eighryye3 , Malcolntr seraboul
eliminating llNant€dcandidares for hishrgship,andoneof tlesewas INVASIONANDDOWMALL
CilecomgairlMactdlrrEsa[edcinecomgain OisfafEdsslay€r). ard il
is possiblethrrheplayedapertin hisd€arllWhaleveqMeldh srs €lecr- Malcolra sonof Duncan,hadnv€din exile in England,gainings+
ed as Momr€r of Momyin 1033ad continued his association
with pctrtunderfE new hng, Enrard theConfessor(dDwnedin 1043).Ur&{
trs HouleofAtholL Englsh law Malcolrns claim to thelfigh Kingsiip of Scorlandwasl€giti-
mate,whereasit wasnotsounderScodish]a\r. Horeler, commandfor an
THDRISEOFDI]NCAN invasionfol\r was sivm ro Ead Siwad - who had pevioudy def€aled
lit lcolrnI diedatc]amis on 5 November1034,ard hiseldestgrdnd Sii{md wasa feaEomeieader- he hadbeheaded dE raitor &d lbei
sonDrncan Ma.Ginan waselect€dHgh King in DecerSq hEvioosly, ard delivsedhishead!o tlE king. h July 1054,Sirad led a lalgeEnnyof
Duncans exFriare of kingshiphad beenlimiM |o a p€aykinsdomot NorthunbrianiandDarEso!€r fE Sconishb.rd€r !o r€clairnrlreS.o0ish
Ctnltiai lE washowevera song foloir€x of dE Holle ofAdlol. lhone fof Ma.lcoln
Drrcan was describedas a vicious rymni (akin to the ficri$|al TheAnglo-SaxcnCl'rwicle r€cordstlDt ftis ariny sbught€rEd many
Ma.bdlr) ad waged\|"I againstt'le Nolsead Anglesaxonssimuft4rF Scotsandput Ma.le$ lo fljght, ho*eve4 Siwardlcr his own sonin rhe
oosly.Hepe onalyinid€dNonhunkiaarenplingbrakeadl"ntageof conflict,ard tte war be.arE pellonalro hinl Mdcoln accompanied rhe
tre Erglish dis?uEsof slccessioqwhilsthjsrleplEwModdanassadt€dihe anny,ard ralied Afrol to hisca$e. The armyheadedfor Scorle,l,,Ialcolin
NoNemanThorfimt Gilhrcss. ]Epingro beel€d€donceMacI€$ wa! deposed.
Dmcail wasa pmrle.ader,sendingr€peaied c.avalry
cf'argesagains!tlle TheAnglo-Scodshfor€e€laslEdwidnMaderh's nen at ttE fanous badle
\r€Is ofDrtwn - tlEseca!"lrymenwereslaughEr€d ard dEAnglosaxon ofDnsinane, lying be8rEenPenh,nd Scone.
&fede$ tEn salliedout !o defeatthe S€onishfooL !oo. The $rvirus Thebatle wasnot decisi\€.alhdgh Mncbelht Scotslost3,000rEn conts
r€lr€al€dto Scotlard whilstfE unfornlrlare
deadhrd lhen headrdisplayed paftd to Siwad s 1,500ca$alties.Siwardagdn106ra sonin ttE bade- ald
on tlle wallsofDurham tlis lilne a nephewloo lnd wasforE€d!o retear iom Scdlard wirlbur
Moddanhad b€enforcedto r*Ear t€o, andirFr up wilh his rnclet pLcing tle Englishslrrp4his€r Makolm on tlE Scdjsh duone,ard witlts
nteating force Tl s combirEdfole aMckedThcrfirnr'sNo6e in a com- out kiling Ma.hdll Tlle Fice ofthis defeatwasgrEa!for Siwad ard tE
biied landard ea c&npaign;agaiaDun an net wih def€alin rhes€abar- folowiry yearwhilst iI wifr &/sty, lE drEw himself tully dnou€d
tle ofiDesrEss. Moddaq awaitingldsh lEinforcem€rts" ""s s{pised by frDmLqewatlsofYa*rartErtnn dying 'like acow on $mw'.
theNoserEn in a nigtna&ck ar hjsrFn sleF;his annywasdefealrdand IGlcoln *"s oficiaXy rE ognisedasKiry ofQrmbria, aid hjs corts
he hins€r beh€2d€d wih a singleblow fiom Ttlorf€I CII|or6m'sfoser ra& Tosig GodwinssonrEcei!€ddF Faddomof Nodhurnbda Macldh
fadEr). Again Drran mnied ard againwas defea@d by TlDrfm in lqained contol of much of S€odan4and hjs goodqualiriesof Kingship
Augus.1040). gavehim muchsjppod
O!€r a |elElhy periodof ile nexrilneeyears,Malcolrnad lbstig sel
THE RF-H\4ER,GE\CEOFMACBEfi abou destoyinglvbrlqh's rule. h 1057.on 15AUUsf Mahon hled
Mrcldh; fiis batrleFdditionaly js beteved to have ralen pla€ ar dle
TheaccomtsofDuncanafterrhisdefeatvary;somesyhefled Ebat, an€iertstorEcircleof PeelRing.athrnphan n in Mar - I4alcoin andhis
te, ht othersnoledut hewassldnbyhisgeoeral Ma€betlAnots ink{- Anglcltanish Eoopshad F$hed Mrlelh into IElEattom Scone.Ttle
petatioflco'id seeMacbeth asThorfim\ aly,fightingfor Mo|ayagaiflg Adlol clanhadpllbably ris€nin $'pportofMa.lcolrn,forcingMr:bdi filf'
rheFddirionaly ival HoussofAhol. tx{ noft into seoft tcEitory

PaulaM TeJesa
E#ffiS I neKeep
Boughtand Sold Sendsae for catalogue .ffieffi LeMarchant
fiffi;! wiltshire,
Devizes, SN102ER,
rr,irEfri8lmE Ter & Fax lol 380)724558
AFIRMACBE'III b..trh!follNins.nos h 6. n..t ftrl!6:
bd Jun, Frasco,La€d{
lvlrkoln did mt irnrEdiatelyake tE ScoujshKingshipi Macle$t
60lth Jlr , Ani*, Dsvt!5
si*son Lule wa! elededat Sconeard rEsisEdMalcolrnt any for the
iExt sevenrnc{nh6,Lrl& *?s slainin March 1058by [Each€ryardKing r3^ahrur- s.!sm MrinE cdsFn
'IrDrfn! 'lh4slhJu|.STAB'Boumdounl
Iralcoln Itr $Es c'owEd on X5AFil 1058. lvladerh's fomer
aly, diedin 1059- pctibly campqigning onbek fofhis o*n or Mebdtrl
ftmily. (arras1,
Nfl rso fid Panhacsrar€uoMw Avaiablo
lvla.berht le hadmified Scodandmolethanit hadeverbe€nbefoc ad
with Mrlcotm IIrs iftodclion of a f€ldal syslein along fE lincs of d!nq-'Mdbd-.Fdl|aFcrhtuEtu--rdr
Engl,ald,tE counFJhaserEdiF declineasa cl tuE s€psraie fiom dE rE$ r.nFhfirDsn*.*t
of Elrcpe
The collflid b€te€€nEglard and Scoilr.d had not finish€4 of mulse:
Malcoln rls engagedin hodililies by lm9. and was finaly slain by
Mlian Rufr$ in 1(D3. f hitua-irillrq-:N6r{idM

WARGAMINGMAGETII'S CAMPAIGNS &cib,6kB; !du: in,L .!id . errn

6$t pointb makeisthatcleir{y,Ma.b€$ rcednotfigrr€ in yol.l|garn€s
at aMtE inhmal mnfliqs of Malcoln trt leign (Mray Scotsvs,Alhol
Scols).dreeadyNo$e nids (Scotsvs Vftings) Dlran's war ofl t*o tqts
(Sc{ts\5.Anglo-Saxons c V*ings), Ilrorfmt midsonFnglad (Vkings
!ts. AnglcsaxcfiIs),Macbdh \5. Crinan ( vs. Scors} I{acbdh vs. rr*re&e'
Siwad andMalcoln (Scotsvs.Arglosaxons), l4aaberh$, Malcolrnand
lbclig (Sc{tsvs ScotsandAnglcsaxons),Mrlcoln vs,lxhcn (Scolsa
Angbsaxcns t/s.Scob),ald fnalt Malcom!s. dE lale Saxodw lian
Ruflls (Scoisrs, AnglcsaxonvAnglo-NoflnN) - tlEsealmst constiblt€
loo muchwalgamingto beir conrempbling!
lfEjoyof F nirc bades/canpaigns odirEd aboveistharfigucs can
beidErdtangdbe$eer nnies witlFdr€aIy beinginaccurdt€. Tn€b\l€r
cksswarioG wodd wearIirb anndr ard bealmedwith a shiddard spe,3r
d ar,e,andtlE upp€rclasswadors \Noddadditionalyv/€archainrnail3ld
lElrEt If anydring,dE ScoEcouldbe@ided in lessamnor andarr€d
wih srEI slrield ard swords"ald $e Nolseard Englidr canbe slighdy

HmglEn mnd bepesent,aliJrughonly in $nal numb€rs- it i! plot!

abb dut&tENorihunbdan6litecldd ddeasligfucavalry,ald S.ooishcav-
alry arcootedservingDurHn at tE batrleofDirtunl Tbwad! tlE erd of
bis eign Ma{beft took in lome rEtugeeNcrmanl|ors€rrlr it is poesible
dlaadEsel'€rE aI kiled in fte coiflict of 1051,ho\re,ff!
TtEcampaignsofmid€levedhcdr ry Scotlmdcaneasilybe pla)€d ro*AY
onin frltr dEDBAcarnpaignrules$it fE grrE, wilh mlping baredupon
dtalinclded lEre The protago.i$sshouldbe:
Mr.beth: PrE-FedalScolsor Sdo{sIsl€sard Hehlards Gns wanio$
aterecordedasbeingCE€iic);abo tlE HouseofMomy
TffiflL V*inC
Rognvald V*ing
Malcolin Ee-Rudal Scob:alsotlE Hcrse of Abotl
Si$ard/Iosig: Anglo-hnish

For $e garEr \{,hofanciestlE lllole Frditionalview of Madeth I

tl'ink a &nE b€sedarcutd Shak€Aqe's play is possible.N{acletr asa
tDro,hismis$s asa sorceroatlE tr€e wiirhesasa s(rcefor(combiEdirno
orE),Macdd asa Paladin- i}laasodof hing!
A fl}3l vord on figu{€s- gaminglvtacbet}t campaienscanbe done
\€ly ch€.41ywift Rercl Anglo-Sa@nsA coupleof box€ss]nuld eqrip
onearmy,irEhdingcavalFj. I rEcerflypojnEdsomeof tEse fuu€s fcr a
Hasdngsdiol?InalG my blodFr\ clar$oom and$ey canreup vsy nica

Opposile:The Perry Twins &

friends including Callic
charmerBruno Allanson &
elegant and erudile Jervis
Johnson- put on a fine game
using (obviously) the
WargamesFoundry 25rnm
This gamedrew nany farnous
kibbitzerslike BryanAnsell,
Bill CaskinandMike Siggins
- but no be'turbanedNigel
Sdllman,who did appearlast
year dressed as a Hiltite,
(There are no re-enactorcal
Panizan ' but therearc a few

The samerangeprovidedthe
figures for the Selly Oak afld
District Societyof \ryargamers
Paul Trickett and Dean.
Whitehouse'sSikh war garne
"In associationwilh Dave
Thomas"their hand,outsaid.
(Old tine readers of ihis mag
will know that should be
DavlD Thomas- soffy again,
FASTPI"AYSKIRMISHRIJLESFOR &ch leaderdjc€soncepernove Nolnnly aD6 wil be use4bu theur€
WAREARE IN COLONIALBRA.ZL of diffaent dice- D5 forregultus,D10 for exc€ptionaly*€U t€dor d€sper-
c. 15fi)- 170AD. ale toops, for example- pmvidesa sinple way of var/ing nrleabililiesof
leadels.Dedrct I fion thescor€ifrf€ kgdef shootstis lllove,2 ifhe fights
Thescoteis dE nunb€rofelenEn6 whichhecrn encouagethismove An
Theserulescoversmall,s.aleskirmishactiotsduing thepedodofth€ ejrly elanentourofsight or nofe tlEn 6 inchesawaycountsasZ a€rreidng eie
Potuguesecolonisationof Brdzil. includins ften bad6 asains rivat menlas3. Eleme$tsrnorelhrn 12inch€saway,or inorc rhan6 inchesald
Sp6ni*!EerchandDuLhcoloni$sasw€llasihen ivehdjalls. ForrFre ou of sigll cainot beencouraged
detailsaboutll)ecanpaignsofdis periodseemy .ts3ndeila"anict€inwt?,
or beoerstil Joln I{ernmingt RedGoA - Ihe Conqtestof Ite Bra.jti@ Ifen:or]Inge4anelementmaytke anyrEquir€da.tioa subjectkJpanicGsr
IrlirlJ (publishedby Ma.xnillaa 1978). iBults. f notencourdgedi €n only do om ofdle fouowing:
R€a&6 who lemenber my 'Cr€ap andNasryIndjanMutiny
SkirmbhRdes ' in anofler pleviousis$e of \\,I win nodcetEt fte basic Ilalt andtakeno a.tiorl
id€ah€IEisverysimilar while incoryoadngasmuch..lo.aicolouC'aspo6-
sible,tEy havebeendelib€raFlykeprvery simplero feiliiate the useof Starttlle gamernovin&or continuea moveif al€ady movingin tharditec-
laBenumbe$offigrtrEs(in whichcornedionI shoutdmedionSFdrasem's lion or alonga ftck andnot wilhin 4 irchesof visibleer€rny
Smrn susar wars trse. which ifftudes rheonly figujesI Is;w or
d€signsdspecificalyfo. rhisperiol, ircludingBrazitianIndians.Ofcouse Indiansorny, ErirEftom a[ tsible enemyandrowarGco]€c
Fxlopejn 6gu€s of ltle approFiare.lrre fiom ott€r sou€s, notably
Redoobt'sRenaissance mnge.worndbesuihblefor theEroDears). Alten$ to rEloadw€.apons.

SCALES Takenanmirled stlolatfle neaiBt erEmywithir 45 degeesofrtE dir€c-

lion alEadyfrcinS.
I fgue= I mnn
I irEh = rcughly5 p€ces. IfPorugues€,andwit]in sightof a le.ader
who is in or admces rhisn]o\€
i ohardto-handcomb4 beginorconrinueanadEncerocontactthenejr-
FiguEs alEbas€din eleme s, ea.h on an (ide.Xy in€grnadbaseI , ?'
acmssin all diFctiofls. An elemenrmay be: Note$at alif)oughotherwiseanel€menrmaynoaad!€rEeinrocontactif mr
encowage4it maycontinuelo 6ghrif alEadyin hrd,tchard combar
Asinglelead€rfigue - a bard€innteormfitia leader,€gutarEuopern offi- 'IrE
cer,Indian€hjefor shamffLThesearcassunedro beex€eptionly skjled Portlguesehavebeengi!€n theabiliryto advanceto co au unencouF
rnotivaledor wel equippal sofight asif norm,l siz€det€meds agEdbecaDse of tlEir hisloric.alFopensiryfor wild charges- which some-
rirn€sgot tlpm inrotuubh, bulju$ asfiequendygot dlemout of ir by sux-
2 - 4 odl€Is,wlEt|er -civfisailos" wi$ swods arxl muskebo. cro$sbows pdsingard discoicening[Fn enemies.TlEn ac$mpanyingbaftle,cry,
(tlE latr€rusedunril al leasthe l55ft). half€sle ..marr€luco6.' which iispir€d dle tide for dFse rules,\rts '&rdb8, e r e/es/" Srinr
wirh bows
or muskers, or Irdiars with bowsard/orwoodenctub6,erc.

Nomal armanEntfor thecoaslalpeoplesEh astheTupinmhi who waE MO1'U\4B{T

adive in lhe 16lhcenory wd oneor II}oI€of- boq nro-hardedctuband Nonnal Scub Siep D€dseFored
shield Shieldssecmto havebe€nlessconmon arnongrrEintmd Fibes.I Ercpsej.nregularinfetry 4'' 3" 2' l"
havernde no dislinclionbetweenmatchlockandflinrlo€kmuskeb,as0le Bandeirdnraald rnanelucos 4' 4' Z' 7'
fonrEr werEoverwhelningythemostcorrunontiroughouttle period The k'dians 6' €' q' c'
Pofluguese wererctodousfor Fraining\leaponswhichwereobsoleleelse-
whs€. Al tlle EuopeancolonistsmadegEaruseofkdian aljes,manyof MarElucoswereofmi\ed PotugueseandIndjand€scent, Empeanisedto
whomadopted6rearms.Srnal nunbe$ ofartilery andcavatrywereocc& varylrg degre€s.Bandeinnescould be eitherPotugueseor maJnelums.
sionalyusedby Europeans ad evensomeIndianEibesin largerbartex but 'nEy
werc membe$of band of exploGrswhich loanEd dle
stre unsuiledfor skirmishingin the bosb andso havenot b€€ncoverql searchofslalrs orgold. In n€bcldi andIndjan-fighringability,tley wetE
herc.Ifa padjcular$enariolEqun€sdENn,ir shouldbeeasyenoughio g|aft consideredto be superior!o regulmPotugueserDops.
on thenecessary exdarul€s ThercaE guarant€€d to beno targeunexp€cr-
camot becombinedwith movemr

All nguresshoddbe facingin ttle $me dimdion. Unslecifsigena a.tioru normaly lake I moveea.h. Panianarscertr-
ios mayof couse involveaclionstaling nbE tlEn I nl()vero complele_
Movesarealternale;in a s.enarioganE,aracke$wil normaly movefi$! }'ISIBILITY
or ambushels
secondActionscanbecani€doutin anysequence wirhinrhe In games whicharclikelylo t keplacen dense coverandinvolvefi€quent
move. Panicte$sarEhken a-\soon3r rheybecomens:essary.Any com- arnb{slr€s, it is ofr€nad\'isable
totaih. visibilityrulestospecificsr-narios.
pulsoryoutconEsEsultingfiom fiem arc crnicd out in $e player'snext Nonnalyanelement canbeassun€d to s€ean),tingin hte of sighta.nd
wftnin90degrees oftE dirslion ir is facing.h dense cove!ei$erlEkin
lhelineof sighnnearduseplentyof vegehrioq orseranaftiFdrylimitfor
visibilityof.say,6 inch6-
h dlecaseofEuope.r reCda$.hower€x, tun unfamiljaiity

rcnrneotmighthavea cruclalinJlueneon lhe garr€. Ifdley wish!o shoot \ I A

al or leactto anenernymoredun 12inchesawayandannng vegeedo4o. l)^- './ lX THE CLAY PITS
3 incllesifindsEecovq, th€yIEed!o scorE4crmoleo aD6. ,P'2 lo.l$
\tP -||
ElerEnrs hidd€nirnnEdiatelyb€hindcovercan uualy s€eoi whout
beingde&cte4unless*€y IIDve,or arEElop€an regula$beingspodedby KIDDERMINSTET'
Indians.IrBBzilianforesrsdEgro nd isofifn co\€rEdwith a gLf, B]
lear€s,which even dp tdiais cnnot cmss wittbut making a noise. DYI4 OTW
Modem explo€Is har€ rema*€d on te alarminsexpeierEeof being
ealkedin densecoverby an enemywho ca' be cl$dy he,3lda few yards AMERICANWAROF
a\l6y,butis comphtelyinvisible.Men movingin covershoulddElefo€ be
placedon rheEble but arenor eligibleasralgetsunles,0ley canbe s€€,ll INDEPENDENCERANGE
IndiansspeJf rnuchof b€n liveslcnking for monkeysin *'e @eropqard
€n be assurEdto s€elhe clurnsy€gu1a6ur €ssfle lirE of sightis cont MINUTEMEN
plerelyblockedin borhdiftdions.
ScotEsneededon a D6 to hit
Weapql R""e", lz'
Tkoqn spsrorpisol 4
4 6
15mn A.C.W. RANGE
blowgunormusker 3
By Tony Barton
Add 2 to scorEr€cuircdif shotis unaimed ALL FIGURESARE CAST IN PEWTER.
fdle irrgereded irslr6t movein foliageor similarsoli cove4a.n I K' score FOR FURTHER DETAILS SEND STAMPED SELF
lEquiledwirh fiIFjnr\ 2 wirh otherwealons(whicharemole likely to be
deflectedby brrncheser.).
If tlle bJgd is belird a paiisadeor eanhro*! add 2 lo scor€for aI

NormaJyorE or two sp€asper manwil be catried Op nay be t]mun fh. Ex.hdn q.uwq td PdIY
*h nove until usedup. Bows md blow8u$ rnaybe ll!€d everynnve ottv*( V A.ns) tn Hdth Affito.
wifiout rcloading. us^ Pr,q. or.) 636.@ &he dnidntus,
PdErd)rod24 butu: O1.'cals
Oossbowsandfire3rnsmu$diceto r€loadaltere3chsho{,r€quinnga sco€
ofar leasl5 ard 6 r€s@ively. (Placea pfofcafton wool in frontof€rch hduct 2 fromtle score€quircdiflhe taget is carryinga sbieH This does
musket-amedelemeotwhenit hasfift4 removingit wlEn it hasslccese rEtcoon!however,ifhe sedortri€dloEloadat*+hndedllealoninhis
tuly dicedio €load). Firing is permio€din dle sarnemoveasreloadingis
comple.led Also deduct2 ifde€nding a paljsadeor similarobsele
The prctctirc valueof eveno'dinary cloding again$naive arlowswas
IIANI}.TGIIAND COMBAT reru*ed on by se!€rJlearlyexploras. Indian3rcheryw?sbsed on lbe
Occus etEo erEmyba!€slcuch inrrEdiatelyhdting ItE a{ack- rEq'rnerEnisof hudin& ard concen@ied on npid sfDotingard d! effecl
€r's move Ea.h elementdices,ard the low€rscoErtakEsa hit Ifscor€s on upl!€cled tirgElsarclo6erdnge,ralhertun nnge or armor peoet*
arEequd,lherEis rn effela anelenEniwith a t6ter mow h thattemin l:rl
breakoff in its rExt rnove,oltlrwise fight on.
Podrgueserccordsof tE DutchWaIsof lhe $ny lTth c€nnxf emphasixe PANICTEST
be gea&r physicalslengthof fie beter-fedDuLh soldieE,so)ou couldif Tesl'rtEn:
]ou wishgiverheDutcha plus I ontheirhardto-handcombardrce. Onthe
odEr handPort€uaseferccityseenrsin prnclice1ohaveEdr€ss€dtheba! Any fiiendly elemetuwifiin 6'and wiilin sightis desuoyed
ance,andtheiraccoudsoftl€ alegedsupedodtyoftlE Dut h seemlomrne
mainlyftom ercminalionsof theircortres,left ste*n alout numerousb€t- Any tiendly leaderelementwifiin sightis d€stoyed(alsolestasabovefor
defieldsafrera Porugese cl'rge hadsw€Stt|efield! a tiendly el€nEit if apprcpiiare).
Be{€r candidat€s for a plus I bonuswodd be d}eAnican slavesoldie$of
tl€ Potug€s€,who weleuniveEaly Ier.gnis€(lar stronCpr andmoledisci Thow a D6 tbr eachsepantecatlse taking lhe wo6t rcsult Add I if
plirEd han ften masters,and were $uprisinglyloyal given t'e €ilE'rrrF Podguese.Deluct I if noliiendly leaderis visible,On a scoreof4 or bd-
slarc€s.Many of fiem foughtwilh swod andbuckleqor oen wilh hal- ter,nbeelementcontinuesunafiectedOlherwise:
beds, wel into d}e l?dl century.
2or3 H$ita€. No actionsnexlmo\€exce lo fighl hardlc
tr.FECTOFIIIIS hrnd in seltueferce,or rEirEalvclmlarily. Ifa l€tEatis
AI hjls with ir€ams lmockout an elementtlermffEndy.Wih other begunh mustbecontinuedutil encoung€4asbelow
wealonsasaving tluowis possible,
I Rlu€at Mustnake a tul moveawayfiom be ne.arEst
weapon Talge! Naked Unarmoold Arnoured visibleenemy,and€ontinueto do sountil ercqnaged
Cro\sboqswod,halbedbow r n hav€slhe iablebefoF beingslc6stuUy encot'.-
wiilh 6' 7 7 4
aged,anelementis losr
Bowal longerrangq blowgrtrr,
cluborspear 6 4 3

ThreeMeham Warset-ups:
Top: Frenchman Bruno
Allanson's I/2o0rh scale
small-action game) -now
annexed to theeditor'scollec-
lion to parliallyoffserrheloss
endof theMiddieAges.)

a prominentTV crew(or is jt

Bottorn: CHQ game wirh

superbtenainanda river rhar
shows wher€ the phfase
"Brcwn Water
Navy" comes
of complete$llprise. (CGo{dinates conespondrg lo u}emapseIE
ATTACKONNANBAC given) AI potentiallZ aresunolrdel by &nsejungle,but
by Mike Mervr inl€lligencedoesindicalea nurnberof irails
DirEd an rnobileassaultson tlE vilag€sMUST beavoidedfor lhe
I &ci&d to try to put sore of dE i&as I expressed in my €centanicb ( A
s€cordlockarVet&2,mWargarEEs' in wbryaies ll6lrated lN) imoq* a) They atelikely to beheavnyfonifiedagainstdir€.t an mobileassaulL
ticeby desisninsandumpiringa vietnamgare !r Iny lo€1club The r4 b) TheVC wil lle3rdle assaultbeforcit hnppensTh€ aIEais tkely to
soningb€hird this w?sto try to leo€alea moreFalistic garE with much be horEycombed wiil []lnrElsard d€y win €scap€into dlen before
mmEperiodf€eldr we hadachievedbefoe h orderlo do tlis,I cho6ea
emi-mle playingganEloule with ,lle emphasison mooded peiod f€el Avoid Fe alta.k artineryandgunshippepadjor or t&gq ar€as
lalherlhanon lEary cotrtbar Amid low alinde pe-attackreconruls overille lllget afta. Yo! aft to
I s€lmy ga.nEin 1968,6eheightoflhe Bod)co&rrErc T'e objali!€ was maintainacomnard paciliono\€rtlE tagerareaalno lower han 3,0m feer
dle destrEtionof r€mrantsof a VretCongbatalionsupposedly licking its
Avdd aI non€s€ntialmdiomfic-
wo ndsin fuEercmotead genealy hostile(!oUS adARVN forc€s)vil- 4. FORCESAVAII-ABLE FORTHE OPERATION:
lasesin tE afr€rnalhof tre T€t Offe6ive AI the playe6werceid€r US l. Oneplaloonfrcm B Company- lst lfantr/ - bmkendo"n inio
orARlr'N fdc€s, with d|eComnunjlls controledby thc umpire.I cho6€to du€esectiois- oneof eightrnen,nd $o of seven(drned wilh the
k€€prhegrne srna[ d€ployinga rEinforced US Infani.yplaloon(ttu€esec- ustal weapons).Althought€.sdy anivedftom ltP USd tlese
tio$) wirh a hearymrchineguns€ctionard a. ARVN Military Policese.- hoDs haves€ena.tion in ard arcmd fiis areaandhave$ffeiEd
don aiach€d while we had previdBly managedo play company'sized ca$alies. Tl€y arEkee-n!o lEirm ard gErsomepaybaclc
a.tioosk) our club I felt it beter to k€€pit smallfor l,\is gnne. The garne 2 Oneh€avyrnarhir€gtln i€i-m- l slIr antsy.
alowed for five playeri one playingfp opentionalcontmaltderand$e 3. Ole sa.tionofARVN Militarl Poli€ (arlnedwilh dP usxal
o0EIs playing lhe US ard AR\4'{ sacrioncomrna.nde. ([te hea!'J, weatons)- adrched1oinEnogareprisone$.
ma.hinegunsE{rionwasto be arhchedb oneof 0leUS seclions.) 4 OneColrd guship on slardby- 1obe usedonly to IElp clush
E .h playerrcceiveda sep€raEbdefingwifi fF opemtiona.l comnand€r pog-ass,lx €sis&nce.
havingrh€mosrd€tail€done. Thjs a[o\^€dhim !o kiefhis $bodinales in A li$ of mdiocrl sigrsfor th€ otrraional comrnandabrigade,d'e
a ie3ligic maniFrwifi only relevantinfonnalionconcerning tlEir l€$e{ri\€
CobE guship andeachofte se{tions$€s given The frntdjonitg€ddosn. AI playelss€IE alsoprovidedwith an aeial of tlE Bdio nerwasalsoexplained.
r€.onuissancemapof ttE arEa(seeillusration) o\€deat This nap was 5. PERSONALBR]EFING:
inEndonallyIn de ascludeard indecipheEble asp.csnbb.
Yotrareuxler mnsidemblepNure b get€su16.Youtask forcehas
Ttlo tableswele setpamllelio eachodlerwih a mnsids?blegapberween a.hievedttlein lhe two mont$ ofitse"{stence Hgheromnand
ttelir ltis was!o simulatetle Diem Riverand!J undedimits inabilty !c havenidcis€dyou for lackof agrEssion ard nming in low bodycouds.
befod€d Ahea\y dos€of lichei wasus€dlo repl€sentd|ejunglewilh the fyou domt achievean/ning dis tim€,you wi almodlc€rtainly
ba& spcfi irdicatingthealeeedlzr. FloadEddcepaddierwereepiEsent- be elie\€d of commandard rcassiglsl lroa deskjobbackin $e US.
ed by cirlel tiles ard t}€ rtih by Vehamesebuildingspulha!€d by tE Thiswil meandur you areseenasnotsuit ble for a combalcommand
club. ard vinuallyendanyfutu€ cbarx$ of pomooon.


dle infornaion olMring ion:s cal signs,eL. alrcadyrEnuonedm ole
THEOPERATIONALCOMMANDER'S BRJmING: OperationalCorunandeis bienng wasduplicalsl in $e briefingsfor lhe
MissionOrdeN: subodin re comrnade$. A5 a lesd! it is only €levanth€€ !o rclatedtef
lb athck anddeslroyenemyforc€sin dle vinagd of NanBa. l, 2 and3. pe$onalhiefin$.)
Mrsion Bffl(glotmd: Caplrin's Bri€ffng (Hatoon Coirnander): You havefoughtin thjs arca
L Int€Iigeffe tEpols indicaEfiat elenEotsof avd Congl-acal FoI€e beforcald havelo6tr$enfiom baobyulps andsnipernl€. Sofa' yourpla-
Baualionhaver€uea&dinto F Nan Bac r€gion!o iegroupafr€rlakinga toonhasnot beenabl€!o |Etumihjs in kind soyo'r s€etrusasanoppo.t+
rnaulingdudngtle Tet OferNive. Id€Uigence€sinales $at b€6r€en50 nity to gEIsom€paybaclcYou aft alsok€€tr!o
'getyourlickel rclled as
and75VC arcsplEidihroughoutlhe area.Thes€loopc arEa1rno61 celtain-
a $c.e\stul combatofrcer ald his rne.arshighbodycotds.
ly rircd,denoralis€dard pobably haw rDny wairnd€d.Th€y shouldput kt uotenmt's Briefng (Sgnd - in - CrmlMd): You havej6r
up lial€ rEsi$ance if $rprised adved in Vetnamandlfijs is yolr li$t combaropef,aiior You arckeenlo
Tlle NanBac r€gionis $is bataliont nornal opendonl arta ad recruit- do youjcb wel ard pror€ your wofih asa combatofrc€r Yollr irExped-
ing gto{d Inleligerrepla.€s 0|emthelenow This is oulchanceto wipe eice ard keer|IEss did3leyou will obeyoralelslo ilE letl€r
themout compl€tely.BrigadestrEsses that dis i eligence is Ersl class" 2id Ii€rtemntt Bri&E
OuniorPlatmn OfficEr): You arean exp€ri-
€omingfom ag€ntsin dle PhoenixPrcgl8m. €tlced o6c€r coming neartheendofydr towofdury. Youarepopdarwitr
2 STRIKE DAY is odeed for 07.m hous - sabr&y - 5.2468. yor rEn and nol€dfu. nol dsking tt€ir lives unrEc€ssarily.You t'ave
Ideligencerepois tllat aI nolconbalrnts leaveille villageev€rySatuday foughtin ihisarei befoleard how it asabadplace-YouhavelostrEn iEe
ar0600hous to att€nda rnar*a in ane.arby lown 12hlomeuesto th€sdxh_
mainlylo bocbylnps ad snipe6ard, asa lEsult,alEnot ave6eto geding
ea$. The vilagersra\€l io dle markerby elIpa$ andwil be long gone sonEpayba.k Ilowe\€q you will prcceedwiih caulionandale not above
by 0?.mhoors. ANYONELB'TINTHE!'ILLAGEwlLLBEVc. lcrcetuIy Ftring lorward)ou pointof view Lo) ou slrpsto$
alow you to succ€ssfiy achiev€yourob;3dives,dte ft,lowing special Codnrnder oflhe ARVN Police You area ruddesspoli€man, notedfor
neas&€shavebeenput inio etrect yo]r *jI ar i €rogadng ,nd exterminalingVC atd d|eir slnpafirs€'s
A The€ntircarEalus beendeclar€da IRB FIRE ZONE" Youbelie!€thaa€I tlE innabitantsofthis area&eVC ard you inlendto d€d
B. The nomal nnesof€ngagern€nt havebeen€sciid€d. SlrikefiI51ard with d|en accddingly.Yor arealsonotaboveappropfiatitgdrepopedyof
stike hoJd! ihe peopleyou have&.lt wiin-
3. AREABRIEFING: The ar€aofile NanBa. villagesis ftinote and Howevei you ha\€rd beenarach€db ddsopemtionto eneageh crmbqr
bo€tile.Ir is a klown VC stonghold$rDorded by verydens€jungle. You a€ her€to dealwith VC only alier lhe fighling is ove! Yotrmu$ be
\lb haveusedonly high alitde r€conplFlograpltsbemuseoftlte veheme in tesislinganyArnericanlEquestsor ordes frorn fte Slound
na!-reoftlE trxminandto mai dn the€lerElt of srlrpise.The corunard€rslo engageit combatandwin appenldile.tly to lheop€.aional
aeial rcconhrs idical€d thrEepocsiblelzs sdtablefor air nobile comrnard€ror Brigadeif rccessary.
insenionard far enooghawayf,om thevillagpsto maintainanel€rnent

l,lion. This wasa rpeat of whathappenedat NanBa. a iEsndngin cjvil

TIIEGAME tunca$altie! a de!€$aledr//€ a.rdno VC I decid€droendtheszrnehse
I alked o.I mostexperi€nced Verurn playq b be fE operadonal cor
marderard lold bin hewouldbe sidingara iableby hinser wirh hjsb€ck
lothegame I{e wasnoralow€d uder anycircumshnces DMRIMAND CONCLUSIONS
to tum andlook
clocelyarfle garltetables.This wrs obviouslyio simuiabhis circlingo\€r
The debri€finfoarcd playeAwhal happeoedi dle ifteligem€ infomalion
tE ta€et areaat 3,m feer Fnally, he was infmm€drhzrrhe mdio rFt
{€s faulty(a!€.y comnonoccunnc€in Mebarn)andrtEre\r,qenovC in
wouldbe simulaledby voicecommunicatioo bet*€€j him andille sroord
any of tlp !i/.b. UnfotunaEly,his was a crnlusion alreadyre!._ttedby
comrrunder Tt|e orher1016r€re chos€nar randomby dE dr€r plales.
someof tle playe$,noobly tlE opemtionalcorunanderdudnghe couse
Thjs podred a stoke of luck in ilnt rhelDleofseniorgloud comrnan&x
of thegame.Thjs wascleadya faultin my nnning of rltle&lnq burir agajn
{€s selededby dE mostir€xperienc€d \teham playerin rheclub. Ilbped
rr!,l hjs wo fd sinnna'€be tale-n-bake fa.tor so common arnong Foducedanunexpected dividend This was6ar tlE opeladonalcommarts
\tebarn Emjunior offceB ard NCOS. derb€€ c.nvincedaboutdrE€{uarteF oftlE way thloirgh har it wasa
blackgane andchangedhis styleofplay accordingly.This rcarr daathe
Th€ op€ralionalcomln ndertlFr briefedhjs comrnard.This was$ritablv
sioppedisqing agqessiveodels ard passed muchofd'e initiative(rnd s!t!
bloodhirsty. tls plnnw6sro pur orE *crion underdE 2rd UeuEnanL o; s€quentr€sponsibility) ro rhegrcurd cominanderThis tr€s sonshing that
the "ts1 sideof$e rircr using te/Zclosesl to d|eyil.L ard i}l€nadvnlr€
did lnppenin vielrlara cpecialy duringald aftersomensmorcno.onous
!o lhe floded paddysnh of Nan Bac I (seemap). This was rx)t 1l€I
rcceivedby tlF comrnander incideds. In odleraspecrs, dtegme succ€ededainosl loo w€ll in simuta!
of rhiss€crio[ burheoheyedhisor&$.
ing t€ boEdomofthe war ftis wasetpecialyrue ofd|e wandedngin tE
fte inilial rujn arhck would be againslNan Bac 2 on ttle e3stsideof dE
junglep€n Thjs clearlyqr€nton too longa someofrhe ptaysr us€dro
ii\€. ard this is wheE he odercd all his reruining forc€su) be inseftd.
lotsof acljonon lne wa4arneshble. begd ro srs@ thatsomdhingwas
Theyw€e to arhckNan Be 2 ad tltm olinue m !o No Bac 3.
Tre im€rtionof rhemainfone on dle eastsideof rheri\€r wasconptet€d nol qujteright wher dleyencourelEdno oppocilion.Atso cqtain ptayss,
noEblyt|e ope&lonalcomrnarGrandrh€ARVN Caprriq had\€ry litrle
$ccesstuIy andeocor!1tsEdno opposiriorlThe one ssion on tr qesr
to do fm mwh of tle garne.This playedno smaltp€4 I feet,jn causingd|e
sideof fE nverexperienced EoblenK in le sensethai rlD tZ nearcsttlP lalEr rodepadfiDmhis inirialbrief at a crucialpointir tlF game.
f/.k was wls].ioble fur irs€rtionand i was forcedro usethe one irnll€f
Ii essence, lhis wasvery differentftom rDsr waryan|es.]l)e playe8had
liule tablelopacdonfor rnoslof $€ g,trle, burhadro makekey decisionsar
Both forcesencouflercda nrunberof Failsleiding outof tunr andhis
rs whentE frm began Nor knowingwhjch r'ail to foUow,theyendedup specjficpointswilhin ir So it did rn rDgek) simulateilF long periodsof
bo{€domaM sh(x! on€nmisdirtned peiods ofadion whichchan"^rerised
folowing allnGt aI of dlemandlibrilly marchingaound in circles This
\{€s paniqrlarlychonic on tE ean sideof tlE iver wtlereuE anBcss€€n muchof th€Yrerum War. As $ch, ir berer simrnaledthe war dun many
ofolr FEviousattempls.Itrowele! ir wasa dificulr garE to run $c.ese
dlerEcarseddle cmrd Old hke ofYork to iruknrly sping ro mind. This,
tuIy andcleadyneededa strorgerplaybalanceto gi!€ tle playe$rnorcro
I m st conf6s, was a siualion inrendonatlycausedby rDero prodce tl|e
do. But I wasgrdtifiedwher someofthe playerssaid$ey enjoyal rlresarE
rnaximwn alnouf of nu$ntion anong dlg p]ayeN Thjs was tuItlE
enlBncedby a lon& nvisringand urlel€ntrutmarchtuough dle junge. ard apprecialed 0leanempt!o do some$ingdiferEnr Nexrtirne,hos€ve4
I lhink I will try lo do Hamhuge.HiIl
whichI predF.temirEdwould rakeabouranhou of tEaltirF.
The s€€tionon dE wes sideof tle riE Ga.hedils obj@tir€finr ard took
up positionsalongrhesoottFmedgeof be paddy TherE,lh€ loopels sai
andohcavedtheviile andpg)plewo*ing in tlF paddy,butdjd notadvanc€

TtE largerforceon theeas sideof ihe nvtr evenoaly EachedrlE flooded

paddyto $e nonheslofNan Bac2, altloughtley lhough!for somercrsorl
ttEy \ltre at Nan Be 3. A1l dley sawwelE&cidely p€acetul-lmkingvil,
lagexslodiing in rhe paddy.This wa,srEa|y rhenom€nt of ruth for the
gourd comrmrdei RenEmbeinghis orde$,he wascteaiy on $e veB€
of odering his toop6 !o file on ihe v/&. Howe\€r,he de.i&d irst€ad!o
ad!6nceacrcsstF p6ddyifto the vile. This decisionwascertajntynad€
becauxe of his rcludffce Lofile on unarnedciviliais He ord&EditE two
US seqionslo advaffe a6ossrhe @y in $o liner le.avingtlE h€avy
machirE-gn belind to €overhis advame.
TheARVl{ pla}€i djsgugedarrlE US coffnander.slackofagg€ssjonad
borEdby Iackofoppotuniry,detart€dftoin hisbriefandopenedfiE on rhe
xilL ald lt€ peoplein dE Faddy.This Esulredin totalconfi$ionasgunfirc
andbloopermuds lu*d ituortleville wnh he rcsuttingcivilianca$alrjes.
The n{o US sertioff ad\"nced apidly ido rtle vi e, bul rcftainedfrom
afemF ng to pr[$e drefleeingvillageBinto thejuete. Orc of d|evixage
buildingseryrod€4 cledy tDusingm anrno dump. TIEUS andAR\,IJ
forc€soccupi€dand hjrled lhe ville. bur turnd ff, VC in ir. Th€ h€aq
machlF-gm had been left behid in dE cooftsion and eould have
rEmaiiEdfoc\€r atlheedgeoffE rioepaddyhadror lhe unpirc r€mind€d
Oe gunrd clrNna.nderof ils exjsierx>
Gi\€n de lack of $ccess ai Nan Bac 2 andtle la.k of oh€rved e_n€my
a.rivity at Nan Bac I, dle operalionalcomrnarde.decidst aJ theVC musl
bein NanBac3. He d€cidedto moun! panialy outofdespenrionandinre
hlion wi6 hisgloud commard a dircctair mobii€asedt on NanBI: 3.
As t')eeveningwas\r€aringon,I decidedto allowhim to do ths. The s€c-
donv€sr ofthe riler $ls rraruponedby helicoprerto NanBac2 b t€inforca
dremainforceard the assaulrdrty wenrir! cDmpldewilh gunshipprEpF
VON BOITENSTERN& a!€rdedselexdldaysmnibry taining aye.arSuchsrs ltle weakle'\softhis
sy$emlhat nooeof th6e tnining dayscouldbe coNecudwasouswould
TIM PRINCIPLESOFWAR rDsn thalthetE.Iuitswouldhaveto stayawayfiom holn€orcmightl The
Gade Nalional€wase\€n wo6e,andas$lch mrElytook!o tlrefieldoutside
by Richad Clarke
Paris Bodrof theseelemelllswerenow fomed into a €gular alrny,the
Fo. em periodof lime mw I lave hadsm orEems ov€rilE way 'kar| usoalpiacricebeingb brigadeorc legirnentof LirE wih a r€sirne of
dartr'wargarnesrulesEpr€s€ntwarfarein ny maingamingar€4 narnely Mcbiks.
Erltopein t}E nirFr€€nhcentury.Becausethe periodis viewedasoneof
nussile bades,foughtb€6reernany co$s overlaae disrances T1€ dtild elerEnt completingdle picturewas d)eEanrs Ttreuls. TlEse
ilEle hrs
beena Lndencylo godu.€ rulestharcombiftefalt playm€chanics a€te inilialy civil deferEebadie! gerEnly olg3nis€don locallin€s"with
wi0r big
forces,alowing a coupleofplaye{sto repoduceMarslaTN d KoniggnE v€{ylimit€dinFt fiom thesllie In tmy waysthey*€le ljtle rnoE rhan
patrioticdfle€lubs.As tlE s"rplogtas€d rmrEandrKllecivilim rookup
W'Ih rhesrnallestuit iEpr€s€r€d teding to raige liom thebarhtionto $e affrs in d€fenceof dteirhomesandthe Repub[c. TheIE$?s hovevq, n,
de ccodination bet$/eengroups,who gftBIy openiedwithin a limit€d
bdgadetheendlEsft hasbe€nadmimblerules€rsfor dresebig banles,but
orEstlat areDn ble to copewirh $e smalerclnfiont lionswhictr d€spiie Ediu of theirhorEs, butrE\€rrh€'esthey\l@ srrstul in hansringtbe
dldr low piofile, did makeup ille bulk ofbaftlesevenin rh€'big" wa$ oi in!€&6 at everybm. AdiEct pamllelis the Frenchr€si$ancEduing trE
S€condwoddwar.Wlilst dEseforceshal lftleorno milit ry Fainjngand
In hjsFcentseriesofvery enjoyableanicles "faciics duelo then[mited nunbelswouldneverdeala bodyb]owlo theCerlluns,
in $e FmrEGPrussian
lbr'Mike Jolnson gave theiredvities djd carsesignm(,rlt annoyarEe. They wercableto opemte
a clearandconcisesumrningup ofholh sides'tac-
lical doctines. The orc pointnot cov€€dhoweler E"s $ar thePru!,siarN alonglinesofcrmmmic.dioa hiling t Aetsbeforerc{rning !o $eir t}oines
whe€, onceagaia *Ey sould becomeciviliall!. Very mucha plagueof
hada grEaierl€velof flexibility on the batdefieldbeclllserlEir basicfighr
ing unirwasnordlebatralioqas$,asthecasewifi theREnchArmy,but rhe FFnch fleason dleC€rmandog,
company.This aJow€donebala]iofl to undedakemolethanorE rn n€]
wEal a drE, $rchaspinningfio lly whilsrsimdlarEoudyouflar*ing. The Crman r€acrionin 1870,?l\r?s very similarto thal of tben&sce$
Thurgnout the witing of my 1866sed€s,and$e associaled dantsseventyy€rs or Frultaljon alfteirinabiliry o hit etre.tiwly againsl
'efightr tlE
prDblemof how io FFrduce smal actiorswih rnega-bEtrle'nn€sk€pt 0risguenila fonr ledto *|e hking oI civilim hostages to beheld€ain$ fle
dotping up withou!any srlisfacloryconclusionstloi of a e,wirg goodbehaviourof d|earE:r
As a rnemberoftheContirEDtal Wa$ SocietyI a.mfortuiateenoughto have
a(trsIo tE re-printservicerun by Forrhe The bookin qu€sriondescrihes hoq wirh hris besiege4$e Fr€nchreg*
uniriljaled G8rEh poduces a lot of very $re periodbook in parnpl er Id foces to fE nonn and south we€ atteroptingto Fobe agains the
fom\ a poor se.ondfor thecolectorof afliqu.Jianbool(sno doub! butfor Cemun lin€s to find a weak spotdmugh whichdEy culd launchanatack
lo telievetlle capital. b an aftmpt to spot any suchFcnch forcefle
dE studentof millary historyard warganErabsolorelyperfe.L A rEcent
stendingsFEef0lnd ne ordednga few ffiall volune 3tcking fillel'qpe C'erma.ns madetul usofcavalrypatroh gflerd]ly rangineoutto a tull dayl
pubUcalioisloiak€ awayonholiday. Or€ ofrlEse w6 a rwenry-ooe march mdius norn fEir bases OrlerEgatjvesideof fiis stalcS, wjs fiar
smal cavalry parols aE ersy pickingsfor any inegularbody wih I iew
rEFint of an anicle fi61 p$tstsJ in tte lounal d de RoNl Unicn
.Serr?ar.ln$irrE in 1883,editled 'The rin€s and it was lErc thartu Fmces llEll$ coulddo damage.
Exp€dirionof von Boltensem's
Deta.hrnentin dle lrir Valey on the 26th& 21h De.ember1870'. My
i e ion \rrs to plana mini€rnpaign to run arny lffal club,wirh limired As 1870.llew to a closehe FEnchforces!o the $ufr qEsl of Pris were
forcesobjecd\€sandtirnescaie.Wharadved exce€d€d basedon a dog-legline suitchingftom k MN ro Bougeswith its cenue
my expecorioru,
govemmentat Tous had been
bln did onceagainaise lheis$e ofsnall unitcomb€ton ihe*rlEarDetabl€. aioundTou$. The fome. F€nch sal of
whatfollowed r€s alotofefon thal€ventu.ilyelolvedi o ar enjoyable, abandoned and was now in a hazyNo,Man's,Land. In this arta hnies of
if unusual,ganE. As a sbning poinrfo. describingrhispmjerrI wil oudine rcgular uoops liom boh sidesvied for soln€ positional advanhge,occe
dteacnrallyevescove{edindlepanphlet,priortol$kjngattEproblems. sionally hmping i o each orh€rwilh smal fighls €sulting. In themearts
lime tle C'ermanforceswo€ ha$ssedby theomipesent FmncsTrEurs.
To gainn'reupptr ha.d fte Clennarls
begarcombininga sy$emof strmgtr
FolowingthefallofNapolonltr'sSecoodEmpiEin 18700E@wiildle flying colurnxswirh 6eir rcgularpatroh, TheseAyingcoluml|ss€le usaj
C€rman$ateschang€din its narue. WlHers underdl€EmpirclheEE-nch in a sinilar way to $e Rholesian FirEforce' stick a hudEd lalel
Anny hadesse'tialy b€ena long servicepofessionalforce,lherEw bom TIE pa[ols eould ]ocatebodiesol F€ncs Trells, drena flying colunn
'ftid wouldbeseotouttodesuoycraaleastdispe$e$eenemy. Wilhd|ewedlts
RQublic was obligedto call on an entirElyditrsEnt sourEe{or ils
armies.Declaring$at [E stuggleagainsr erandFeviousbatleshavingfiinrEd 6€rmannwnbelsrh6e colunnsrct€
kife, he authorideskrEw lhat as the bulk of Fmncel anny eas eirhrr smal in siz€,but design€dto give $ficient locd sup€riorityto do thejob
besi€ged in M€E or hrd beent ken pdsoneral Sedanfle civilia populalion
now hadlo be seenasdE primarysoure of aqilable manpowerTo face
the Bi\€$ally cooscripiedVolk im WaFenof Prussiaand her alles 0le On Chistnas Eve a patol of Prussianuhlais w$ fiftd on by F.dncs
FErrchlookedbackto rlredaysof fEir fitsr Republic,wi$ everycirizena Treus in lhe areaof SougeandTrm nearMonloircin thet oir valley.The
soldierin defenceofthe comay. locil comrnander,C€ne|alvonIGaaA inunediatelybeganto organise a fly
Es€ntialy $is new military forcewrs compris€dof tu€e elem€ s. The ing colum !o cany out punitive a.tion. Lieutcnanttolonel von
mGl 'lrofessional" of th€sewas rbe rEsidueof tle Inpedal army,wilh Bolernsenl?c (= se.ondin comand) ofltE 75'thlrfa ry R€girnen!was
d€potba{alionsard dE remaining€s€wists fonning tu Regirneotsde to comrnanda forceof t\ro barrlions of intufty (the2nd ard Fusilierbal-
I'Ia.rche. Secoid was th€ unifonned'rnilrit' of tle carde Mobile ald ialionsof $e ?gtlr),onesquadronofuhlanr two liglt gunsandtwo sar;
Gade Nalionale. TlEse forcescould easilybe s€enas a paralleli,o tlle tary wagons.This forceras 1oleaveits baseatVerdorE on dle moming
Prussia.nI-ardwE})4but tis wouldbe an incon€crovmimplificaljor TIE of % Decernbe(advancingto seiz€hoslagesftom Sougeand Pont de
Larxh,€l|rwereaI dfile-sen€dsoldielsnow trdnsfercdto tle r€serv€.Ttle Blaye.
Mobilewasr€aly nothingmolEthana slipshodBoy Scodsrypeoo$t with Thenalch sanedasplamed tle columr advancingfnough VarcnrEsand
abit ofshootingthm,*nin. Its rEmbe$ wereessentiaily on to lls Roch€s.Nelring 6e h|er viilagea p€rtyofFEncs'IilEu': fi'Ed
civiliais wih m
on lh€advanced guardof lrrce$ but wassoonflushedout of ltle woodlard
military seoicE(expectingso['e otrcels ,Id NCOS)whq duringpeaoe.
lh€y t'tte oqarpyingby drefollowing infanEy,20 p.isorE$ being \enr
bx thereis no manicn oftheseprisorss lalerin tE accou[ sodrdwyour 2&h heF€chedBec€ slr Baye.
Thaleveninga visitoraniv€dfor hira ttrellayor of la RoclEs,bringing
Moving oa Ils Roch€swaspassedtlmugh ard rt|e6thcompanyteft her€ ne*s of Bolt€nstern's prEsercein Monbi€, andIno'e sFcifically anaccE
b guardt|ebddge, a viral liEof communicatiorlIr€ nrainbadyco in- mE applaisalofdE Germansrrmsltl The ImowhdgetEt tE ouhumbaed
uedit! marcl! rcachingMdroire by 230pm.BolEn{€rn wasrlow ro61ab- hisfe by five or si\ !o oned@i.ledman€rsior Joiftoy, hewoutdana.kon
lishfiis townashisbasefor rheaction,songly occupyingaI exi6 andpost- Ihefollowingday. On ooepoht, howe\€r.|he Ceo€rdlwasmisinfomed,
ingdo$le sentjesalongdlercadslowardsTrooandSaigny.TtE locjt poF Tlp bddgear Moitoirc had .€cendybeendesuoyedby tlle Ernch h4
ula.ew3squ€$ione4ard reportedasbeing..tieldly'(tlE ftd dlara rEig}ts unk|ownb Jouffoyt olherwiserelablesourq had$rtE€qu€ntty hrd been
bolriirg vi agehadb€enshenelon C'lrisrnasDay for harbouringRmcs epoir€dby C'emanFrSnEers.It waslackingftis c.riticdinfonn don dlar
Trslls m douh beinga glerterfarlor in arco{fdgiog..goodwilto a[" ttl,jl
tp eirit of yuldidel) teling the hlssia'ls rharno lEgutarREnchrroF6 olr themorningoffl€ 27fi Joulioy advarEedhisforceeisrw6ld9to ttE vil-
$€lein dEale4but Et kdncs TlrBrs we€ likely!o bealcot[rtEredin very lag€of Fo aine. Upon arival dEIe he s"s infonn€d by local Rarrs
$nall nunbels. ffth the wintereveringdrawingir the Pn ssiancolwur Trsrs ofBoltensiernba.ttuliesoftlle morning,andbaseduponlhjsudai,
sFrt th€IEstof tlle dayandnightin Montoirewirboutincidenr edirforn ion lle briefedhisofficen"
TIE folowing nofline Bolirnslem assembt€d his colunrr leavingtwo Onebatrdior of dle 45rhReginEntde Marchewasro arek rheo.eod ar
companies (tlre5ft andI'th) !o hold Moniol€, nuinkining a baseal)dcoD l-esRoch€s,dlebaralionofchasseuselPiedwas!o no'€ to F6s€. andrlp
toling dE passage rcrocsfi€ Irirc atorc ofdE few bridges$il salding. twootErbatlalionsof tle45th\r€rEtoback lemup,deptoyingincoturnn
Ar 8an tlE col'nnnbeganits advanc!,headedby rlle squadronof {jhtans along tbe SavignytGd. AI ilrce bqralionsof rhe 46$ Regjnenrde
ard dre7iI and8ii Colrpani€s.The maincolurnnfo ow€4 wirh rl|e todr MarEhe,{€'e totak€upposilionin lirFarfonnarionadosstlE roadberweer
Compa4yto tlE forE,nexrw€letlE n{o gunstte I tth andt 2rt Comparjes, Mmtoirc ald St Q'stin, wifi dle lirc strErchingfiom tl|e dvs ro dl€
ther la$iy rhei*o wagon" arrununidonanddhjanc€, TIF teft tunt ot heigh! Tso b€lalionsof tE 70ft CardeMobile deployedin IilE 0ofien
thisbodywascowr€dby fE 1,oirwhicL whilsrfiozenov€r woutdnoteke wer, aeajnblockingdE rcad, but also prDvidingcover for a baheryof
ilF rudghtofa m,ll The rigtt fla* war coverEdby a numberof cavalry Rendr anilery deployedon dE heights!o tlEir IElr ]lis forcewas !o
patols sentmrillwftds towardsSt Calais. advancetowardsTrm wilh itp Fnpose of complerelycuring of von
At 10an t|e adwncedguardrEa.hTrco, ard d|€rErE€eiledfir€ ftom []e Bolt€ffiein's forE€,Suppoiingibis ad!"me r"s a baderyof anineryard a
hooses"The inftnfy werc s€ntin to carry our a hc|lse-relDusesejr*" rcs€rvebanalionof 0le 70thGade Mobile posEdon dle h€igfrsb€rween
bingingoutaIdEadtrmalesashosrages. nris wasnot hetpedby ilE facr Fo aineandSt Quentir
['at tE vilage wasvirtu?Iy heM fiom rherockyhilside, rh€housesbeing Tlreanitlerythatlon Bolieirsn tle3rdwashd of rlE b6ref ondlelEights
in nuny case.s litle morcdlandaft caves.Boltensrand€cid€dro lea!€tl€ lnthe mnh ofMontcdre Ar fI$ hewasunsrrewt|edErtle fir€ wa! inde€d
?th ard 10ft CompEnie,befind !o comptelethe sea€h whita his reman! aim€dar his &taclunert, bur Epoits tom his ca\€lry dratESutaren my
'ng fomewould pushon to Ponrde Blaye ar orderEd.His colun4 now forc€swee advancingtom dE heightsro [|e nofi of dE roadteft him in
muchthirn€4 comgis€dofone squadrcqthleeconrpani€s ard rwo guns
andthewagons. At dleh€adoftlp colurnnCattainvon Por€mt6*yhadnouncerhinti€s.As
On lhe !€sErty sideofTmo d€sedbivouac.s wercfo-rd $ggeging tlEl heRachedd|efarmof i'Arche he fomd his mu@blo.l€d by a conrinuous
manyoftE erEmyhadflown. On noving tmugh Sougef€ uhiansspot- line of enernyskirmisheB.A slnal cava]ryd*chrFnr ode again$djs
i€docqlpiedblEa$wotu thathadbeentuown upjusrlo tE westofthe vi} foi;e butwasdrjvenbackwith losses,vonPomebslrykca!"lry beingoblig-
Irga Moving stil closertlrce enemybanalionsw€€ seenadr"rrirg from €dtoprrl b€ck As tlle headof fle Prustianinfanry colunn ersged nom
Po de Bmye md *irmish€6 wele deployingfrom dE e3rtlwod(sand St Quertinn tao cameurdFr fiE, tis time liom tlle EsEh anilery sl+
advandnSooSouge.TIE Ul allsfel b*k to tle mainbody,leavingt]E 8th liorEd on fE heights!o the mnll SIrh erEmyba&lalions mw ad!"rring
Conp€ny to facedE thear fron rhe qlemy foo( As this force mo!€d aroundTroo,ard frEsherEmiesto dE rloft andei$ rlE Pnlssianrnaincol
tlmugh SougeitcarE ud€r fre ftom dE holr€s ard wasfo{cedto fal back mn was€ntiElyqrofi. TlEPrussiananillerywar brcughtupon t|eroa4
outoflhe village Thetwo gurE!whichhaddeploy€dio ilE sdnh ofnrEvit d€ployingn€xt1ohe faIm of I'Arlre. Ifis forcenow ignoFd ils opposire
lag€,now beganro frE on tle enemyeanhlotu wirh sonFetrectdiving nurnben(to o"de (truEr-batery fiIe wifi an eoemyso num€riely $!e-
oul heir o(otpiers. Tle llft Comp€nydeployedon borhsidesof dlemad rid couldonly har€brDoghtdisasts)ard openedup ootE Renchhor bar-
to fE €ist of Sooge,alowing tE 8lh r,cfal backon tEir lineald alsopr+ ring 0Eir way eastwards. At thispoid dE mngewasarcund11myads.
Ectng tlE gns The 10d|Companyocqrpi€dfle farm huildings!o dE mrih of [E roa4
Ii wasquiE clearb Bolt€nstemthathis forcewasin realdanger Not ody *{ilsl d|e dilch€salongsidet|e highway\rere o.€lpied by lzh and 8tlr
wasineerEnymorcrnmsous En he,burrheywerehalpy !o forcea figlr Companies.Fotunatelywh€{Erhe hils appmoched so ctoseto tiaed!€r
by ad\Bring on the PDssianposition-As sooflasfE 8th Companyhad nufiHous dain ge diEhes scar€d tlp €ourEyside bottls sidestaking
fulen backsafelylhe guns*€re lirnbercdard theenriE forcelElpjled !o advanbgeof dle coverthaatlBsepmvid€d-The I lih Compqnyoccupieda
Tmo. berny skjlmislleN*€rE keprara lEspecdi disancebyrlE cor$J$ htdings ard its sable on t|e lefr flank alongwi$ a dit h nuning up Io
utlirnb€ringoforE gunor tE odErlo 6te dE ccasionalstE[ Dstubingly Olat€auChala)r L St Queftin dre ca!€iry, baggageard 7th Company
thePr ssianr€tr€atwasbeingviewedby mmy rrDopson rheheighrsto tE anempt€d to frd coverfion ttle€nemysh€Is
nodhaId by arrEd civilituLson thesoufi b€nkof fle Irir Up to now tlE honagesrakeDarltoo had$rleoly co{perdredwith tlFn
In tloo the dei?ctrr€rt had found a signifcanr hautof both armsard crFols Noq how€ver,rtEy serls€drlur he ddeof fomrE wasoming in
arnrnwfiioD as wel as mording up aroud 70lrcdages. The sioDrion theirfa\$r As a glooptheyrnadea dashfor fiEedonl Rpdisingwha was
sppacndydqhili.€d arthis ponlf with tlle Pussianfotle quicktyforning happeringtt€ 7th Companyd€ployeda partyof riflenen Ed o!€nedfrE
upanitrnvingoultow{dsStQuendnadMo,oire.TheerEmyforcein on d'e fleeingcivilis, hning or wooding aDurd ?Oard rccaporing0E
heareaofsooge $iI lFld bacL TtEn as6e amur damaricallv Eir renainingaO. Nd€: I ftd n ar@ins tut no connrEn wasnade in tlE
'b camon
shol €sowded Iiom rtF gurd nodhofMontoR . odginalanicle.o. odErcodemporarypublicldonsthatrefertothisinciden!
Sone da)spEvioosly,on tlle 23rd!c be pecis€,C€l}gal Ch.aMy.fF tocjl flar cerlgllEsine Russiarlsfor this hling ofcililialr!. It is cleartllat gll!
FrerEhcornln,Idec,had€alisedtlE turilry of sendingfo.wardhisd!op6in dardsof ,..eptable belnviourdifer significanrlynow to rlrer lrnagirEif
pemy psckds. olr that day he oder€d foMard rwo diviriorE"one 'jder t|e Basnbn S€rbshad shotdown 30 civiliar$ r,tlo a[snd€d to escape
C:er€mlRoss€au towadsNogenrIeRodo\ andoneunderc€neralJo{ffioy whils beingrakenhodagei ernalionalcondemnation.O|e hurdr€dard
towad CIEleauRenails. OffE fint colurnn{€ carElitte, but r}lesecod tiventyfive yea6 ago:noaa murmLr!)
is criticalto our tale On Chilfnar Day Jorfroy r€ceil€dnewsdtarSt Despitedeployingk) morefavourablepocilionstlE Prussia$wle slil in
Calaishadb€e-n sheUed by theC,errwE" Consiting with ChanzytE olnl€d Eorbl€. The Frsrdl Charsepot-mnEd infanF/ *ee quitehrppy 6ring al
asidefiom hjsplam€drout€,headingnorth{2sttowardsr}nl town. On lhe llm yad$ fi€ Prussian infantry,ho*eve4wasmr TheDrcysedid *ell to

/ \
: .1,- a
ti r,".ilZ i


dmw its F_ Companyftn upontheIiietrrr bft wing *idt rnoie impsd ttan hadb€en
tun oppolEr, Ad.dEhg rP rw. -- , a.hiev€delsewhe{e by dE companies in lirc. Havingnpwd lo dle soxh
)"rdsvonBolen$emtookadvadage ofyd ardEditir balhv ft! !u4^ ofth€rcodt'e csrpany corninffdeqLia mant vonHe$hft14led hism:n
sonEcoverwhil.$enr€ring inb a frefight to $om a nill onthebnts ofthe l-oia &iving dreerEny backin djs.idet
At 6is poiotdEEerrh adlarr€dnoreuoop6in closeoderto tun as€c- IIE R€rrh tooF6, dispoasessed of tFir co\q fled b&k nofiwrds
sdlirE In addilion ab€teryofgus alsonoveddosnfion theh€ighbto towardsd.Eh€ighis,hking lruny ofdFircommd€s$ift t}€rn Thrcughhis
takeib placedircdlyin linewithdEhussia)s'desircd lineof rnaEl!t\ro mkFing lirE dE Prussianaliley andcaEhy rcde,iM widl eachiiB
gw$beingFEMforll/adtodEfionllirE NowtE Prussian anjnerywas Monroircd all costs. T1lesigh of dEseunib, and [E re$Iing EEnch
abligedlo fle on dE RerEhguns,quicklyFling *Eir oppones ort of adilery firE ainEd at d|erE had a signincnt €ffed on d.Emonle of tlE
adion D€s?ite dE$ccessdEPrussian [rEs\ltre uubleto mot€forlltd REn l unitsttat hrdbe€nsrppqting fE litE lviftlhis$n 1lCismanfcice
again$dEn$ongerfue ddingd[ulgh tldr mide tEy w€temorecmcerEd wifi frding cor€r t)
dtenod! fiomdElEiglltsaboveStQlerli4 aFrelrl b€ray wasm{r, Foi€d dt€mfrom fiiendly anineryftr tlEn efedi\€ly co-odinadngd|eir
€rmladingtlatvagevitualy d€$oyingdEboggage andcallsing lhecav-
alrysquaftonsorE Fr$lems. In ord€{to rcduced€ etrr.rof d)isboIIts In a iide fiom hel, with s€l€lal stopsto ort d€adho$esfiom tEir Fdces,
b€drErt he 7|hCompany wasposH nodNardsor of tE vilage,Ek' dE anjlkry elgtually rEach€d ltEir degjraioq forning W in tE vinage
ingslEfrex in a o$ing aboutlm yardsawayftom$e bdildingtThecav' square.Meinwhile ttle FrerEhlirE wls beingconpldely nlled up afld
alry,hooewqwas$in $fering. Mounlingup his rEn Caplainvc|It ilmsn ba.k to dEheighri For a bdef rpmenr t|e hlasiar adl€lEewas
Porcmhsky atr€rnpted to breakout,ridingnonhwadsaginE tlE EErrch cb€dcd wh€flEjerrh Eoop6defendingtE savignymsdrE{Fosse opetEd
poGitions Bl4Riercn$Elfre,acconFniedby tEsightofEEr'drinftnty fire cn tE by nowinl€rmingledtDop6oftlE 8dr 10lhad 12tr Companies,
lines,do\€ dE cavalryback Evatolaly0Ey tookpositionbelindtlE hn this$ad w8sa fleding orq fE RErEhsfdrmislss $eaning a{€y as
clltrrll wal in StQtE iIL smn asdE PussiansorEeagainalplied prEsenE-
wh hisanjleryarnnwitionnnningstrort\on Boltrn$em's odions\rElE W'rthtlE vay clearvonBolleigern nade usofhis erEmy\ oln€nt disdder
becoming nMe linitedby tE minde ft $€sinnEasingly clearthaafla to rnow histoo!6 intoMontoire,On his adivalilEe C€ptainwn Dobbkc
po\wralrE\6rDtgoing toshifttE sletrry;€oldst€€l\{€s0Eor yoFi([r. the offcer comnarding dle ddEdmsf d|athad lEld tre town sincetlal
NeisdElesstEpmcp€clswaenoigood AfrE\N8slitsothatifdEblEak- rEming, lE?qied 6tat a numberof atach had beenrcceive4 FEdomi
0rooghaleinlt hiled tlE Coldnscouh bebunE4dl|er lhanalowing nantlyfiorn thedir€dionof t! ]ixte, bl'daI lradb€€nlight ad iI}etredirc.
drn lo ft[ rofie eneiny! A nEsserg€rton C'€rEnl !5Ir KtEaEhrd aniv€din lhe lorn d amud
TlE phnwassnnph The8d! loh l1lhandlzhcompanieswttEtolush lpllr butonrpving outlowaidsTroohrd €ncoilnkr€derEnyforcesbla.k-
fonrad in disp€rs€d crderin ansth easertydircclioqatemding!o puslt ing his palh. R€tumingtorftrdorE !o informdE C's|etaltut BolElgem
theaElny ba.ktowardtE highgroundTh€7thCrmpenywasto moi€ wasort otrdE rn€ssenger tlEn foud tnt erFmytoo{a \r€reblockingtlE
$,/ifrlyahngd.Em€din closeoder colunnin anarbmts!c piercedE rcutevia l-es Rochesard \rEr€demonsdtnrgin forceon lhe heighlsgo*
@iny tilE ff tlEy arlEi\€dthisfte cavalyard atlery vEte!c Esh eming F alproeh to ftat vinage Of d'EcompanydeftndingdE hidge
tmugh tIEre$Iing gapardlEadfor N{onkire. nod'ingwa! krown Urubb |o sallyou in thatdircdion vonBolErsrrn
IE signalw?sdiy givenarddlefltirE linebegan ib advarr€-wih loud wasobligedto as$€nantBEunberftis hrd rnadehjsown*ay
dEetsitcrGsedthe op€ngrurd quicklybFakingintoaru! ThelisEh
fnt line,ckirty aruzedatthiscl|a4efroma sigllific.an0y $nale.eEiny Fooningupin tlE ma*d squacat aDutd 4plq witl thedayalEadydralv,
forcewa!quicklytrcl(entnougtl Toi6 ejr tte F€ich $nnas whohrd ing ia it lras cleardlat d|esmal forcewould hale !o eke tle n6t dlEct
ddh fcrwadromabled.EGerman posirioDsto be$Eled fion a cloa€r rcuteawayfiom theerErny,ctDcdrgttE Irir al Monloircon llE StAtldrlt
nngewee alms caught napping,$ugglingtoexticat€dren$ns befc{E rcadad makingtlEir eay backio \tndan€ in a cirqitouB hshici|- Had
theftussianchaBer€ached Slerl Pausing only biieflyto IEgIoupdE Joufroy te3lisedtlar 6e bidge al Montoire \ras intad fien lE *ould
P rsiarswrE obligedto nghthan&tchand in ananempi !o dmw bock uddibt€dly have poxl'ed kv/ard his loopc as quicHy as pcsibh.
[Enfc. ftinting, hov/ev€atratttE hussiais wereslil caughtin his[ap lE alos/Ed
For a bdefpedodtlE Renchlmkedlike holdiDgdlengoutd, but f'e wn Bolsrsetn ard his ddaclmrot tirE t mrl(e dEir €scapeThis hey
trussiallsslil l|eldlhenace.Ad\arringa]ongthemadin colum the7fl di4 beingfircd on by civiliansasdry rn rthed dmugh vinaeer Tt'e tear'
gudd hadro finle irs way tiuDugh0le ciliz€rs of Mootoirewith levened Noq I admithar tE rulesdo norallow for tlE ftNiarN ro be €plesed€d
rinesand was body pr€ssedby someenemytroops bul neverfElessrhe ascompanies whits IheFcnch arebar'rjions,but rharis a smallpobtemb
mainbody reacherlVendomear amundupr4 lie l€38u,rd ammd two ovenonE- In oder ro makerhegarneaftactirc I wanredto useoneof my
hourslarerwiliout anyadditiontlcasuatdes rnrmal bottaliomfo. tlle companl andgive dleFrcrch a muchbgge. ba1-
,A1I-€sRochesrrbecompanygdisoning was,dL€!o rigous of carnpaigrts talion. TtE tu:r pl\)blsn heieis lhat rheEench badalionfield€dsix corD
Lngand$e arddrs ofthe winrer,do\lrl forn a bookslrenAnof250 mento paniesascomparEd to tre Prussianfou4bur tlE Eerrh companywrs sig-
ooly 56 elTecriv€s at he stall of Lhalda): Wrtr rtr;.-ioe Ueurenan nificanilysnuller In m&r ro balancEihis, and parrjsjariy asrheR€ftch
Braunbehrnswasuuble ro form anyefe{rir€ delensivepeirleler duero wouldnot be operting by companiesma*ingir quiieacademjc. I decided
ote adja.€ntgllMd comnading his posirion€ntircly. As suchhe coutd on SivingllE Frcrch four ot whatI would nonnallyfield asbaftalions!o
only sendout patrolsin the hopeof fendjngof anysmallemmy forceat a makeup dEir't'ig" hanilion,i.e.ab@t48 figu€s rmderfle nnes
disarce. Sadlylbe anival of an enrnEenemybatutianalxonponjedby a Wtnt I oown€€aled to do wastestlhe tuing sErion of rlE rulesto seeifany
bal@ryofartillerywas!o provetoomuch.twite tle factrlEt rhisforcegot acce$ablegantespecificarneldrnenrswould needto be madeto allow a
lo$ on its way to l€s Roch€si( djd arive rherear amud midday,foming senliblerefight Havingalreadyplayeda typicrl 1870garneI krew rttefir-
Bmubelrltns to witMraw on Van€ les. ng Nles wo*ed pmperlyfor lager gme.s. The muldpleunit firjng/mele
At theendof ttE day {.e Frenchheld rtlebonl€fieldandasa consequ€ncs aspectof tre garE allo1r4ng yru !o crloiare fidng from a wholeIrc ara
clalrnedi vidory TheCermans.ho{ erer.sawhin& ralhcrdifieRndt dnd lime,rafier 6an unirby unit,alsosuitedmy pupose.For ftins I couldsili}
I musrsayhat in ny opinionrheyhadwnejusrificajon. Adny fon:e,c.n_ ply gve rhe new big" baltalionhe$ as four companiesdnd
plebly cuaoff, hrd suu€ded in cu0ingils way thmugha sMg e|rfly ano 1'olk out tle effecrwiti onecdaiarion. Or soI rfEughL I wasobliged!o
rl is significanlth.t tlle Frenchuoopssaw 0le day asa &fear until a Sratr masge Oe rulesa lftle lEte,but I waske€nto €ns@ har thiswouldolv
officerarived hat eveningto (l)ngntutarettem on $€i. gEarvidoryl be a tew minoralEmrionsard nonerhdlwtr ourof sep qrh Lhegerr;
Onenotablepointhereis lharthe79$ Regime hado y beenin pilssian
seNicefor four ye.als,beingcompns€dof PrNia,s new H2,overiansub, Frehbg R€publicanFench it seem€dfl&dy r€asonabre ftat I cou rEir
jects. In 1866many of rhe m€n in rhis Regimemwere nghrinsasains{ !oop6asPoo!MaikmeJ),fEcby r€ducingdleirfircpowea€fleclinga lack
Prussi4and!€re slill keen!o rcsro€Den own King andrEgainthei.jnde- of firc disciplirE.Forttle Pn'ssidErlleonly chanserl madewls olatiflhey
penderce This in sone ways nDtes ttEir a.hievemenrsa[ t|e more opetal€dassingecomp€nies riey wodd counr.s .SkirmjshingFood'.
This is a sp€.fic EDoptypeunderthe rules,but ny rEasonhgwrs asbasjc
PROBLEI4SOF GAMIMG as tt3 a muchsmalerrrBet rhana banationand shouldclwquertty be
muchharderto hif'. rtwo Prussiancompanies or morewte operdlingin
So,lhere$ts my pmblern AI go.d s1uf,cryjngout ro be waEan€4 but
a continuousline rhisbeiefii wasnot Eceived
onceagainrireruleFoblem misedits h€jd C€rtainlyskirmishruleswould
So. an ave{agesEengthF€nch battalionin a firEfght wih an a\€|age
be rn use,EpresenlinganenrireFrenchbdgadewouldhavebeenimposs;
ble,buttlE 'Mega-bade" ruks woutdbeequaltyunsuihble.Nor pui on I slErglh Prus.iian comparywouidFadefire th!s: alt ng RangeiheFcnch
pould havea 5070chanceof inflictingonepointofdarnagefiom an aver-
"t ned devisinglome tray of rerunningrle evenL\of rhatDecemG doins
rom plelirnDa.r invesogarioNwiri Kriegsiet btocksard nnes. Again: agesaning tolrl of 13; dle Pru*sianscould do no dtunagear rhis mnge.
noqever.uuswasgoing!o invotvea totof ruh arnendrs. Quite pasonable. Now, howe\€r things $art€dto go a bit bandy Al
Then even6 landly olrflook me. A chace comnFni abour$m no- EtrectiveRange$eEerchsoarcduploa337,chan€ofinfljding3poi s,
long$producedfigurei aLaolrra in Readng led lo he erhangng ol svo of 4, ud 17q.of 5. All ofa suddenit look€dvery u ikety thal lhe
lelephooenumbe^. Cermanslodd gel in. I wasamazedI $€s absotuielysrltedut rlE minor
.In urn fiis led !o my lE.eivinga @p) ot dE new aneodmenrs (hatI hadmadeshouldallow a gane ro rEpesentwhatactua!
rtunpes oJ wat n.l,e:to rc\ew. As a c(rlleqL€E I ptayedarMd rm
gamesover lhe sp6ceof a few w€ek covdng rhe l85q 1866and t870 ly happeied.The fad fta it didn'l me.nt thara completedhink couh be
penod\. My generaldoughlson rherutescanhe .eenin my Rie{ in a
Iece is$e ofWI- but a.llfie timeI wasplaying0lemI coddnt heb $ink- My fiN reaclionwasio addcertahnegatives to tlle E€rrh tuing factorfor
rngout 0leyhadFear possibilitiesfor snDtlunjr actions Now,oneofmy $e efectsoffeax Theclser ttE Prussians gorthemore$e .tsmwnTrcuj€r
ploblemsis dEr I havea FrdencyroBootrat a hngenl Uke man)tmosi Fmtol' wouldconE inroplay,but rtis simptyledlo rtleRussianseiDs fir-
waresrnes if sonE$inginspire,me I wart ro rushotr buy dlenguEq pdinr ing too etrectively(rcmember$at tlle I,russians$€te unableb shift dle
an armyard ge' playing. lr rsa Eibde ro Oe Patrrptcr ,/ vr&rrutestur Frcn h quickly e.ough by n€powd alorleand weteobtigedro inftiarea
'alherInanshooringoffon my perproje(LI did rtualy keepon ptayingfr hand-tcha.d 6gh0 or having to place simnai ,nd eotitety uveatistc.
ganlesandwrile he F\,1ewbeforejunp'ng nro $is proj€( wlEn I dd €sbjclionsondenfi ringwhich*ould havedel€ared Ecttectof dl€ex€rcise.
slrnoohis.ho{ever.I wasnoldisappoinEd wrb $e flerbitirydw Frutes I dlenspe-nt a dher depcssedhourarmy desk*o*ing lhroughrlE $alie
ticsof$e opelalion.ForuElely, iispirEdby a quadityofra{Erch€apalcc
TtleproblemsI wasfacedwith in designinga satisfactory garnewerca5fot hol,I achieveda bcatduough FacrOrle:mosl\rdganemtes aredesisred
Iows. One,tne largedifiercncein sd€nsths.T\ro, rle taryeg€ogrphjcal
for big b6des. FactTwoiin mostbig bardeslorsof rmps sbndarcundfor
ffea covered(bothin tems of lhe marEhard the actualbatrte).Thfte. ttle
a long tinE waitingfor fEn corrades lo gerifto rtle riglt posirionbefore
diFercrrce in thetacticaluni6,company/squdron/division for theprussieE hey,actinglogdll€r,cin canyootanyimpotun!marFeri€. Cons€quence
baoalioi/egiment/barbry for theEErch. nr6t w&gamerulesha!€ !o t€lescope ourwardor inwad d€ir firing table
My chiefconc€mwasachaly fle ihid pojnr Thet€s€s no pointin 6etd
in Iadolo th€irmovenlenrIn EoglishrhisrcarE rlnr whitsl in a .tnove.,a
ing a Prussianomp6.y again$a Renchb€daliooif it waspuety goingio
unit cnncovs th€sarneamomt of$ound lhai irsteatlif€ comElpan could
getshotlo |heploverbial.NeveilElesstlE rulesshor d not downg?detle
havecoveEdiIL let\ say,lhEe minul€s,in a boundoffirirg the volurneof
Rerxh $ hal rheywelErneretydlre !o havesd hck€d ,n rrFi; taceb,
fte delilerEdis olienfargEalerthanwhalwqrtd haveb€€ndetiveredin $ar
TeutonicSupefiumans.So fis js aheremy queststjrred(ihe rEad€rrnay
lirne. This is not a diticism ofrule sdi fis is simplya faci ftat hasro be
queslionrrE$njty of pu[ing aI of fiis work inroonegam€,buttien show
It isimpossiblerroexp€crdE wargarn€r to norehow muchforige a squadmn
meane irely sanewalgarEr!)
of c{va}y is clrrying, whena baralionhad brcaldEsthow muchtin)e ir
olle ol theb€auti€s ofrle Principlesofwar systernis 0l4 it altowsthebasic &kesa fanier to rc-shoea horsein tie fietd ard so on_As a conseqsrce
taclicnlDit !o beeithertlt: ban lion or thecmpany. The Rasonfor rhisis
manymle ses stateihai whilsr their brsic nm is bas€don x minutesfor
cle.iy thatthey arca non conflict-5?€cific rute ser,designed!o co\tr any movementFnpoes it is b€sedon 5 or 6 x for firing, alowing osto ignore
warpost-Warerloo/pre-Mons. Alsotlevicloian Mlit ry Sociq boyswho d|etsiviaofwart&E,hn Nducing gane.stlar la$ a aati$ic periodof dme.
vro(e fEm ha\r pesurnablygora keenintercslin ColoniatwarfarEwherB,
Using6is asa basisfor my pmi:crI rookrhesimptemuleofmakjngttE fol
certainlyfor 0leBritish,lh€ basicsn *outd haveben fie comDanyThis lowrngassunption.Theganepoposedinvoh€.sveryfew !!opc, Ming
seemedai leas1 !o be a goodst rringpoint hat lhe cffmo&r will norbe wasing larg€arnours oftime co odinar-
ing lheir mlions.TheEforcrheyshouldbeableromoveIno€ quicKy with
oul sfising more casualties.At leasttiwe secondst}oughl werenow
expend€dwo*jrgout nt to doubl€lie movemenlnte wouldha\ebeena PRTIICIPL.ES
Of W&R
badmvq rangebandsvinuallypoindesr,sodleobviousogi@ of
havinganyfiI€ efeds waslefr.
RafEr lhar completelyreconsuuct tle fitEtableI decidedon simplyhaving
coloNt&t A.Rj{YnSns
a[ ca$altia\ djcingfor any odl nunbels,e-g.four ca$nltiesb€carF twq
wib Rvebeingtwo anda fifty percentchangeofbinl cjrying lhis exeF
ciseon fo. anjlery wih a hvo gur divisionhaving$€ salner?getbenefits
asa comp6ny.bu. widFui do\rngding 0E ftEnch frrEdilciplne. I fourd
that0le sys{emseetrted onceagain!o worL
The diferencein baic unit sizewas no longerI pmblem. The Prussiars
couldnotaffod !o situnde.F€nchfi€ lbr 1oolong,buttheyneededrococ
bite $e useoffiEpower andsh&k lacticslo havea ealislic charrc€ ofacn!
aly bRirdrg trnougb.At long @ge the$perio. BNs andgumeryof the
Glrl]m anillerywouldputtheirtwo piec-es ona parwidr 0E Freochtull bar-
€ry. It, howe\€qtlEy got too closedle weigh ofenemy nurnbsswo{nd
lell heavily.ltis seemedquirercrsonableto me.
The diffel€ne in st€ngt$ of ll)e iwo sids w6 noi panjculaiyconc€ming
me. olle oflhe fid lhirys hat a&-act€d me!o rheruleswasthattheyencour-
agedplaye$lo deployin at leasltwo lines.The tuing rul€srEwarddleplay-
er wtlo foms mdti,unil tuing lineshis is nol to sayba$-tGbas€contad)
ard penaliseunitsoperalingpie&neat agairut$ch a formarion.As such
tE playeris obliged/encouraged to keepa s€condline,m mobilercseflq ro
pluganyCa[ in his line. Withoutthisanyftontnrk unilstEdr-
i.g wodd leavefFn r€iglbous isolated.ald consequendy $bjected lo
tellingfirc. As suchd€ Fr€nchwouldbeunwisero put all theirunitsin th€
firing trc. aslh€hlssiaff wouldbeableto blerk rh{ugh aronepoin! giv- NOWAVAILAB|j.
ing theRenchno chrnceof sloppingttlem. Wiih T0Colonirlrrmies from la30lo 1915.
Havingexaminedttle finns rulesI now neededto look ar dle rcsl of fle
gurP system.The CommandandConuol aspectof tie ruleswould also
haveto be lailorEd10suir lhe garne,bul onty inasnuchas fte Prussians
{ould needsu6cimt cotunandelemenlsto givetlEm sufficientimpebs!o
srlcceed.This wiil Ie.Iy dependon what$e lbrcefiey a.runly erd up
with on tle tabletop(tear in mind heIEl})alIhave no i endonoftrdrsfer- numbecCon$rlring$e rableI lE.disedriat I wqnd needro tinkersligh y
dngtheertirecnnflictalongeighrmilesof thebn valleyofllo rlletabtdop) again.In $e banleunitsdid acrualyengagein hard,to-had comba!ad
hrt asa nne offiunb I decid€d[ur I $mld useDe rollowing Oneconts this hadto be dghr Tt€ efect rhatI wantedto achieve,andlhjs was my
mard elemenifor eachof the two banalions.wirh von Bollensremas$e $aning poi fof tlte c.dculafoawa! thal two PnEsiancompanieswould
Commander-in-Chiefconrrolling the calalry and ani ery Each st?ndabourar equalcince in r'releewith a Fr€nchbatalion. ]b achiev€
Conrnarderwould usea point of his initiativeto movea companydher fiis t sirnplyaddeda mdriplicalionfacrorinto thecaloiarioq doublingihe
tiDn a bathlionasin a lalgergarE. TherEis norhingunu$al in 6is, asthar b6sicstErglh ofany Prussiarcomp€nyin lrflee. This I basedon lhe hct
Lshow anycompanyscaleaciion*ould bercpr€s€nted dl?tl considermeleenotjusta boutoffisticutrs,butio alsoinclud€dtle v€ry
differcncehe€ is ilat $e FrcnchalEusinga djfferenrsy$er! basicallywirh sbortrangerifle flE lhal wolld occur at fiat poinL In bodr aspecistll€
a Commardelernertperbrigadeard one for C€EE] & Joufroy. Again Prursianshada €al adr€niage-Tne rcl,i"rya€r of 0E ltussian infanty
0'isfoloss dlerulesfor laEerconflicts.Al1we dledoinsis usinsboihsye wasalwaysn}J€ eff€cti!€dDn Eenchclos€quartermusketry,andcenail}
tems,but in $e samegBrE. ly by theRepublicanslageoftE wr lile Frcrch hfanFlrnanwasverydie
Monle irilialy pr€s€nEda problem. WIleIE I was sEating a Frcnch inclinedto mi{ it wilh his CermancounEDart In additionwhar dis
''supel'barlion rchieved*?s lhat for be fi$t rcuDdof nEleedle Gemars wolld havea
for firirg puposes tE aIe.s(in whjchttle rnit's sdenSrh
goa'dchrnceofdefeatingdEiroppone s,hlt l,tnrfromfE s€condmmd on
is said to Gpr€s€nteverlding liom firepwei !o monlq to adual nun
shtglh) would alsodesignaletis is a "supef' unit for monle Fnposes. dtiswoi d dlopofslighdy. ]}ds I f€elrepr€sents thefact$at ifttE Pnissiar)s
This wodd ha\eSleefecr ofrDking it virually irnpossible did not bleakthroughwifi their nls1cha4e lhendley would mt haw dte
ro&feat. Whar
muld not happenwas thar the Femh playerwould allocateclquali€sto "€ight of nunbelsto maintainttle impetus.
eachof thecomponetucompanies, In additionI doubledthe angesard movenEntmiesto allrowthe gan€ a
deadnga posliblesiuationwe€ oneof 'fig' feel il I
fiesercutedotr,or|efe backshaker,whilstlh€orherrwosloodfirm ]frte to eplayed$e garneusing l5mrn figuEs - ard for once
wishedfnr I had25mmforcesinsl!.rd
ba&.Ion sutreEda bad moralebrow lhe wholeunit stbuld $fer. noaits
palts.An easysolutionwasfolnd hele. If $e unit asa wholewas This finaliseddE rulearErdments giving wha on papeqalpealed!c bea
gi\€n lhe rnonle stengtr of its a\€ragecomp6ny,i.e a quarte{of iis entire \€ry work bl€ gane-specficset wi&od atreding*le feel or flow of ttle
suengt\ dEn t'is wo{ndalow ir !o haveirsnoralecalcuiared ruhs. ThesechangesaE asfollows.
within$e nm-
malnnefranEwodcAt all times,ilErefore,its ll}omles[engh wasequaltc
aquaderofits a!^[la]st€ngth. For exarnple,if d€ baraljoni:oirldfiIE wiih RI]LEAMENDMN.ITS
foo/ poi s is moal€ q,odd be calculakda. l0 poinrl I rcmdedup for
anyloss€s,sothatactuay iflhe unifs srengh wasanywheEfiom 37 ro40 nrto'c
its monle wouldbesdl be I O This easysyst€mallowedfor rt€ basicrules HaNeeffects of aI tuirg. Dce foroddcasualiies.
Fcnchinfantrycou astroorMa*slner
Onceagainmeleesutreftdfrom ile sanEdidonion. h *ould clearlyhave
flhelaryetunitisasmalunitcompany/squadro gundivision)countasa
t'eenwrDngtrerE,howeveito quarrer$e urirt srengrh.Theunit coutdfiIe skirmisbing
wilh x numb€rof poinls,it mustfte|eforebeableto meleewith tle same


k i

Iland-telland Combat A[ sraregicmovemenrwasro becari€d ourusirg variable]engthbounds.

Multiply riE st€ogh ofPrussianunirsby rwo. wih tfE playerinformingnE ofhis lirleard o{derofmarEh,anypotrolsd€.,
ard my lheninfonninghim eidEr whel sonefting happerFdl})archansed
Monle cirqmstances.or demantd a mmrmnd dc;isioo.
quner d€ $englh of anyFerch unit whencalc',l,iag Inonle (rcurd up RegErding rabletopaclionI linired this !o wh€r€vervon Bolten$€mwas,
for odds). infoming him veftaly ofany F{orts dur hegoaor sound fiom elsewhere
trttEvEley. rhemarclEswidl E rnaincolwru! whichheshoul4dlenaI
GmludSl5le is *e[ ifhe saysin MontoircthenfE mpirc wil ha\€ lo makesone fan,
Halve4 soaI nrges andrnovenentmEsdo(lbled ly criticll decisions.f$is do€shappen(ard fonurElelyit djdr'! whenI mn
PLANNINGTIIE GAME tlle garE) rhenI uodd alow a In€ssengsto getthmughftom rhecolunn

Oneofiie prcblemsof€ighting a game[ke tis is scale.Nolir t€ms of arkingfor asrisl3rc, abough lhis againwiil F.aIy deped on theci&-ults
6guEs,(beinga $nal a.tion thesearcEadily availabk),butin l€ms ofdie stanceson dE ground Any fightingawayfion vonBolt€osiem,suchasa!
lanc€s.By rcaddle distancefiom Pontde Bnye o lls Roch6 is arcund MontoirEor tls RGhe! wil happenautomatically followingtlE historicnl
Ienrniles.The wholeobj€ctof his gane wasto give tlle play€nilP expe
derc ofs€eingcompanies wo*ing elTetivelyar singleLrirs in bade. It TIte CorrunardandContol sysEmus4din tlE nnex,with imperuspoints
viewoflhis I did nol want!o leprEsenl eachcomporywitr a coupleof6m pe. comnard€r (as in DBA,DBMDBR ea.), slbuld enco.rdgetne
figur€s,socl*ly I wa! notgoingto be able!o repEsentthedlie arca_ Cen'an playem!o k€eptEiromcels wberetlE actionis fikelyrobe i.e.with
Nevenheler! wift tt'e rules puuing r€al emphasisoD Commandand lh€nraincolmm. TIleiEis c€n inly ev€rygoodleasonwhy thisfactshould
Coodol,I alsowafled to puttle C€nna,confnan&r in a re3isricposdlio4 bepoinledoot io rtE playelsdurirg lheir briefing,ardE eodof nrledayyou
with concemsfor his conlnunicatiorq and forcehim to maked€cisions wart aI dleparticipmstl] haveanenjolablegane,andbeingchaselod of
abourhow hedistributedhisfore. It mdd haveb€€nenriely possiblefor I3s Roch6 by e ovestlelningly spdo e:Emyjut ah't fiat muchtun!
\onBolenst€mtobaveleft noroopsaat sRocheso.Montoirc,bulif tlE In lerns of t€min I classedall of the gourd ftom the iver ro 0E hils .s
FrEnchhadb€enin pGsession of dle lanerBolr€osrern's
chances of gening 'Culivaled t-arxt",wilh pe-nalry
no on novemen! but pmvidingonepoinl
his farceout wodd havebeenviftually nil. I want€dtlE wargamecom- ofcoverduetc tE nunercusditch€s.This againis anafta wheletl|erules
nanderto haveeveryoppotuniq7!o makeihis ercr (evil sodbar I aln) So, wo*ed verywel, alowinga wholeareatobenefitfiom thislatlFr dun hav-
a mapgarne,wjlh figuresFdnslat€dto the labletopwho reler"n! seern€d lolsof [dle waler-coLF.€s
ing lo leprEs€nt on rhelable1op.
dleb€slpolicy. Usingttle principlesofKriegspielI popos€dio pmvidethe SuchlEre my bestlaid plans.All I ne€dednow wasttleopportunirylo pur
Germancornmarderwib anhi$oricatbrielingwib r€gionalmap,a qren!
sinEdonr€ponwith localmap,wlit€n ordeNfiom Crneml\on Kn fz and
anorderofbafle (seeApp€ndix).Itwouldhen beupto him how hebiefed THE GAME
Tt€ \on Bofterslemplayerswai, prior to fE club ev€ning,pMl€d with
Compilinga tableoftinEs fiom he texrit is quitee3syro sees/hatmarch his bdefingpack This alowsl hirn tirr€ to $irk atour his planof a.tio&
nre.swercbeingachieved.rttE playerble3k awayfromtheorigin l bdel
it is simpleb calqlaie marchdrnes. aswen asde3.lingwidr irnponant,but tirrE c!flsuming,ddails $rh asan
As for theEFJ)chI hadcorlsideledrunninga ba.k-Gbackgrne, wirh dE oderofmarcb pr€paration of mirch dne-tables,oders to de.tachrn€nts
FErrchleamin orc mm andthe Cermarsin anotrs The poblem widl som. Wilttallofthi!inplacewhenleplaye$ari!€dfo.theclubevening
thisis thai whileyou arEaskingtle FrerEhwhtutPy aleup to rlE Cf,rman we weteableb lamch slraigbtinto ihe galne.
p1aye6a.regeting bottd ard visa versa(shortarentionspallsar my locrl Hstoricrl Fecedentse€re fatulycloselyfo owe4 with tle uhlans and a
clubsadly) The be$ aitemative,0ErefoE,wrs to pte-pogramrheF€nch companyof infanb, leavingVendomear73hjn asansdvancedpa41 At
andconhl tllem mysell This alsomeant$at I couldnFve a few figurEs, 10.3,0be cavatr wft 6l€don fromtle woodsbefo€ lls Rochesbutrcde
Onugh t'is mbush makingfor d)ebndgeasordered TIE 5th Company,
rcUa few dice and acllaly take parl in the gane. Again this is an ersy
folowing behindrcach€ddE qoodsatjustafttr nidday,ald wasalsofiiEd
oplio4 ,s De Frcnchlircs ofm!rch ard odels ofbadlear€Eadnya!"itabie,
on. Is comrnan&rhadpeviously beeninfomed by a messerger ftom the
i! alsoensrEswh€nwe arEaltemptingto givetie CermanplayertF $nE
Uhlarsof theeneny peserEeard haddeployedwhileout oflange wi0in
challenges asvonBolterEtern$at we dojus rhar quarterofan hot'rh€ haddrivenoul tlE FrancsT eurs,allnugh dle lackof

carrlry ,1 ihis poiir meantdlal no Eison]€rswelet kal The 5lh compony

srle now ableto cortinuetheirmarchto l4s Roclfs' frEeingtlE cava.lry
WaroamesFiouresoainlsdlo colleclorsstandard.
5mniro30mni.5hm sahde lrea wilh SAEor 5 lRcs.
Ar solndiirE afr€r lpm vm BolerNtsn and the main forcer€ach€dl-es Forsamolel5mmfrquroandlisl€send€ 1.95or 1295
RocrEqdl€nFl(€€deddjr€cdy!oMontoie Unlike *Enhisorical FEd$ lor 25mi samolsfo-ure.oavablelo GeBrd Clonrn.
cessolsrltEfcrcedid rnt leaveany !00!6 10hold rhebfidgearlls RodEs. 74 cloflon Foid, O-'pnsbn, Ked BF6 8HY
By 3pm thea ire font wasin Modone ard requisilioningttleb for tle Newi€f.phononumb.r:fi 6a982€t (21nBl
nighr hlrols ard slEi6 w@ poe€4 ashapp€tEdhi.goriclly.
TIE folowing incrning vcn Boltens€rnt colu[! ninus $o cornlwies UScrBtoms3 plerlo t€nd 35 bill for 15mm36mpleand lllt
l€ft in Mooroir€ur defed tl|e bddge,lEadedout for Po de Bnye, The
cal"lry againforned anadvaruedparry,havingat 8arDhafan h(|rrbefc[e
trErndn body.Atju$ afrer9.m tu U alstt eivedfre fioin tlE buildings
inTroo. VonBolEo$emodqEd lllis force!o by-passd|evilage dd forn R & R !trOE'ELS
$op lircs on fne ftr si&. UnfotunaielyTrco dirEdly lints dE Riv€rl,oir 145 Cronbrook Rood. Illord. Essex IGI 4PU.
widr dF hils to dle ronll leavinerc roomfor $ch a imrrleruE wihout T e r : 0 r g r - 5 5 31 1 4 4
signifi$nt risk of ca$alies. The UrnffB' corm,rd.r rcported$is f Monday-Sdh]rd(ly 9om-6pm
ba.l and\l€s il}e|l in*ud€d to shy or.t of lange!c tlE eag of lhe vilage. Sund(Iy lO<rm-3pm
Folowing ftis fourcomp€nies ofthe n$ idbanalionrushed;narEng$ fte Ba3ex Flgurel
buildingsandbeganwinldingort anylEsist?nc€. As hiskxicallyit becane
cleardut a house-tchouse s€archandhocugelking wooldb€ linE cn!
sming, so vJn BolEngem&cid€d 1ol€avehis tth Companylo cary out
pusbedon C-'rmanuoiB TfEFsrchregula$notFrDlisedtodEextstof tFirmili
his labciousta* whil$ his remainingfive companies
tia colrmd€s,$ood 6nrl GEdualy Russiancorpaniesb€cilrE ineff€c-
Forning up to ttE *€st ofTmoju.r beforE10.30dE min col|nlmcantin
tive,disppeaing fton tE ganE-Alast desp€ritechalEeby tte ur EIlswas
u€di6 advancep.dvarEinealreadagaindE cawfty took frE fiom S€uge
sevemlhndrcdyarGof€p€n reFis€dard \on BolM$em \€s obligedto lay downhis arms.
rs soonasdreya$rceHir H€re,howeveq tEringftoma
grmd lry b€ta€endc vinage ad lbe d\€d R€loiing bsck lo \on
rtm$€r ofpoins. Fil$ly dle rulesa[o$€d this le!€l of cofl0ictto bedealt
Boltm$sn dE comard€r andcipatEd his ordelsands\rung wide to tle
wih eff€di\€ty, bo$ in GmE of cornbaland cofimurd rEchanics The
sodr ofsougs, atoidingtu fiE of thelowrlsp€opl€ ard alie|nFingto fcfln
odginalF{pse of dle exetdle, to et€mirE d|e borefitsof fIE company
aslop lirE Meflwhile at 11.40ton Boltexlse4 uling ltE sarE lr.dcs as
mthsthantrebatalion asa b€sictadicaluit, wasa $ms The additiooal
arTroo, fomEd up his fo|! i$ilier compani€sard se't dErn towrds tE
fl€xitility dratdre Cj€.tnntsgaimd alot€d drtn to a|x-pftft{m a mrcn
enemy.At [ds nornerl a ca\"lry riderreiftedup wi$ di$rbing news.Ib
Imgerfote Seca{dly,ad lhe Cramancoll|Inarderageedwitl $is poim
dE e€$ of Sougefie €gular ercmy forces\rcxeadl"Iring. TtEy hada
dringfEpo$earE denrietdE dftrarcebdrcn deubletopt dics ard
mrnberofe ltxdEd posirioflsFepaad ad ar lea$ four batralionscurld
thce lrs€dhig.dcaly madeaI dE difelgre b€t'r€engrcces ard hihe.
Higoncary dE C€rmrnshrd cornbirEdfrQor€r ald slxrf tacti6 wEak-
\6n Boltrnsqn immediaielyrcaliseddlatlE wasconple€ly out-nulnbtrEd
eringtlEir€rsnybefoedEging lo con@. This hrdtwo eff€cts'Itshqt-
anddul lo advafteacainst$rh a forEewouldbebodrfmlish andsicidal
erEd lhe ftdin of dE frEfighl tlErEby savingC€Ifiun li.!ts, ard it
Caling back hjs fiEili€rs lE dro@ his anjnery!o form a tE3EuaI4
allo\rEdfE C'txrnansto co\€r exFagulrld whil$ shieldedby dtenuling
dentonsabd wi$ thiscaialry,andtuned hiscolumnmurd lEadingb€.k
REndr Mobil€s Had de wlBaming \on BolElglm d$Ed lhe E€'ldI
Mobil€sorEedEy hrd b€ar \tEakfl€d tE eould udoubEdly hve ra{€d
Ar 12.40hehadr@hed Troo,slofpingonly hiefng k) atrad)hjs cofipany
dEn ba.k throrgh tlE rcgirEnt de mrrcIE I.llis in tum ltotrld ba\€
ard tE hosrages. To hjsr€€rt€ artiilerypieces*ere rEtsling by bouxls,
soppeddE EqEh rEg'rlnsftom fuingin $at turnad alkt*€d tE C€rians
thenfie slcceedingin k€€pingoff tlE prsr€rs lo tE e\t€nt thattheyhad
lo ge,in clo{emft€r dnn havingto adl€ne onceagaindG op€t|fiel&
nor advarEedtudxr tbrn SouSeiself. ]tur BolEnstem'sconfiderEewas
r€o$ing xtEn disaslerstuclc As ihe h€adoflhis colurnnpass€dtnoitgh
A in a[ anintslesinghi$oricale{e$isehztga\€ clubmenbeNs som€ding
St Quedin a fterEh force,bloddng fEn p€d\ fiom lbe hils b dE live4
a liti€ difecd to 6ink abour li eodd bequilepo6siblefff tE anj,gic.Iy
carr€;no view Thjs *as suppotedby a tuI b€tery of aninay.
lrlented!o intodrce all soltsof vi$al aids,s.Ehasin vi$a garrEs,to qeale
lb ruke rDtEs \Io$e a illll|€r baralion of Mohiks and a batedyof
rneofan "on tE spof'feel for tE plrryersAs a lip for paBnial wnpn€s,
anjne.yrpp€aftdon fE fl"nk at thesamenFnEL Qi*ly nilising dlat
he mus eiher srr€rd€{ or heak ihough dis ercny von BolE|sem
I FEpoEda ftmbs ot m€ssage Fo-fornas Fior lo lrreganE,evq gaing
p$ed hjsinhntry forwardin smallcomFny fting lin€s At [E saIIElirE ro rlE exkrt of Miling drt sorE of dE mce likely nessags ht leaving
tE tirE bla|k , lo sp€edup d.Eadlnini-9raliye sideofthe ganE
hecaledf(f,v,ardhisanilkry to gi!€ vital $plort fre. TlE nn€snow carE
Lr conclusionl\rrurldsaydut exaninalio.rofsmall scaleadionssrh asltE
inro tEir owlrr W'rthdE initi€ri\€ sfsem usedn Pfttbhs 6llhrtF,
orEdirars€d lEE cangiveus aswa4a{Ers, a gR"lexurd€r$ardingofihe
EErch coi n?ndff spentmuchof hi.slirE rushingnolrld atEmding lo
racricsofdlr p€riod Feriodmttrns of $.1smal batrl€s,if dry aleof any
Fop up tlE m([lb of hjsMobiles.The singlebadalionofMobiles ard tE i"luewhalsoerq,camlotavoidspecificcola"geoftlEtadics(wlxteaso e
$rpponingboltay ftdhad appeared soominous]yontlE flank\!€tE,in fet,
yirtualy impol€nt Insieadof faling on fte flark ard lPir of 0le Russian canreadexpmd\€ a.cormlsof S€dancr odtermajorbadl€stlDt 8iw m
inkling a! ro whal ilE b.lics of d.Ep€riod$tre alout) atd a! $ch alow
dley stre gaic aI gane, beingoulsideth€ comrnardlal8e of fieir coll!
us a morcsp€dc app€ciationof what aduly lt pp€IEdin wan of be
muding General. lvith the amendnEnts nade to suit a more
paiod Ultimaletyan amyl coirsistflt $ccess in war d€p€odsmoie cm
skirmisHsmalacriongarE it was ndiceablethat the C'ade Mobile trqe
erccessfulbofrefieldhdics and the bmv€Iyof dE plivale soldia t'an ort
infiding vitualy m ca$alies if dEy had beat slEkenby Crlman fle,
hiliant fategy anddE cle\sEss of a von Moltke or Naloleor
whiist dle srperior6re dnciplirc of the Russia$ was slowly havingan
A bdeffoodtoteh€rE,orE€againfJr'J]fig.rj':g M PtitEid.: 4 $tu nfts
im@ on frn fue Afrer sevemltuns of Fddingmuslcty tltefntMobile
which sood up exc€llatly to my medding. Tllank to Car€$ Siffxl of
batalionwihd€w slukeq fortuately for t|e Pnsians a(tlrrly masking
klrs Annata wlto kirdly povided a set of mapswidff dapks in d|e
dp Esrch sdinery.
wug pl6 (Fovirg dlal tlH€ is nple dun orc sonofFrblicalion whoE
Now able!c correfiale lheir 6rEthe P ssiar$rurEd dE se.ord Mobile
tis canbeirconveniet), to our mod€rr von Boft€lslerl!'Noddy'lucker
baralion on dE folowing tt|rrl W'riI dE fir$ F€rEh line bi*ar llE (pr€srnablya big Slrde fan ai oIE poine) $4towas a wining guinea-pig.
C'em4s now Fdced adteFlulch lEgilrentdemamhe.Bi4inguphiscaY.
tud fnaly, a plugfor dE Md H€rtswargarEsC]ub*+ENewe srtrnit olr-
alry von Bolteniem h@ now to shakedp Fnnch $frci€ndy fff t|e 'hoflnal" garEs) e\try $r€€lc
sei€s to 6is sortof btur€ (ard odEr 1rDIE
uhlnrsro hEik tlmugll In fad fle G€nnansford tlE EaEh secod line
fanypdedtulrEwrErnb€rswouldhei €{€$edin r€.eivinga clubinfor-
1oonlch to &al with Wlil$ theMobil€shavebeenclrlively irEfectil€
mdicnprkdEnlmaybeco a.tedo101m 82552L
conddedrgfFn nunbeq ihey hadsucc€ded in Eking dreedeEotr tlte

'argamet%ounlrrtr U . K . P O S T& P A C X I N 6
ord€F upro a2o.ooadd15% W e c h a r q ol h € a c l u a l p o s t a o e ,
Bolwen e20_00a !40.oo add 10% m o n e Yn o t u s e d l v i l l b e c r o d i i € d
T h e F o u n d r y .M o u n t S t , N e w B a s f o r d , Be$€3ne40_00& !75.@ add 590
Ov$ C75.00 p6t paid
E U B O P E : -a d d 3 0 %
Nottingham.-NG77HX.L,nitedKingdom' illNlMUll p&p t1.00 €rc.dd 50%lor arr mail


25nm Designedby Alan & Mbhael Petry Figu€s 70p Ho6es 85p
The SEAPEOPLE,BC2l3 to BC238will be releasedin mid JulV Detailsin our nextadvert
BC239Ssd€d mandsndrrc. @b€s.handon h o BC24!Kushir€
Tnblr€b€.r€rwarrng erephanttusk€nds{ns
8C240WomanwalkLno 8C245NubianPollcemanwilh Guad Baboonand balon
8C241Woman,br on ah@ldeichitdharcinaonam (usedas Elypllan lorlce lorc6)
8C242IManwalldrc, kin,bundteover shoutdar 8C246WoFansallJng,€n] nO2 c} 'dEn h b8st€i on h€r dck
BC2,t3Famo/min€r dggi.g, kilt, batdhead€d 8C247Womanslanding, handon hlp

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TAIPINGS BBITISHKINGSDBAGOONGUARDS ryna. runni.g wilh doubleba.@tt€dshorgun,lu/oaned TP€v1r2 C)|r6r poi ing,anprpehermeiuse rMHo6o1 or 2
TP107Talpinglnlanlrymanad€tuing wilh doubleba@I€d sholqun,tonqhan TPdvl 13Toopercaryin€sword,ailpipaheh€r
TP10€MlaouldbEfran 6landlngeady filh malchtockmusket
TP109Mhou iab$man Mrching op€nhand€dlor spoarTPGor musk€tTPg EOUIPMENT
TPev 110Nein€€|ryron oponhand€dlorsp*rIPG. UssTPHoGelor2 TPE5 Canlm Ceri6 corps, cmpdsing 2 b€arc6 yatkhg wih bagg6 d bsb@ pote
TP111 Civilianwih @tie har& ptgIait,sl?ndng

TP1O8 TP106
CATAIOGUES rlist only rl.50. Full lht suppli€dwilh eacbcaratogueorder.One illustratedcalalogue!2.50. Two camlogues!4.50
TlEe ca&losus !6.00. Fou etalogls !8.00. Fiv€ catrlogues! I O.OO. Alt six qralogu€s ! l2.OO.msr PAID U.tC ONr,y
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The Foundry. Mount St, New Basford, P l o a s ei n c l u d et h e e x p i r y d r t e . n d l y p e o f c a r d
Nottingham,NGz 7HX.UnitedKingdom A L L U S A C R E D I T C A R D SE X C E P I A M E X A C C E P T E D

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cP29 Indianbullockwatking'h€adlevel,tl 25
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GP,1 - 18ucenlury
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cP.24.D€adho66(1600'1470) 35P
uP 41 15
down11 15

GP.11 GP.25.

GP,7 GP.6 GP.8 GP.9.

CA92640 U.S.A. lot Waryames
27626cmus€rye @m Foundryin NotthAmerical


Glbraltar ArtillerJ
HeavyArtillery.CosB. G andL
lsl Connecticut
ofthe Sosth 3rdU.S..

l5thNe*York,CosA andI
", . . thoughsilent andstfren,
the rcbel flag stiII llatteted, GeneralB. BraggiDepartmenr).
MajorGeneralw. H. C. WhitingiDislrict)
andthewaflsloomedhage Ganison ofFortFisher,
10thN. Carolinallst
ColonelW. Lamb
andfotmldabletluougfrthe 36thN.Carolina l2ndArlillelyl
40thN. Carolina
smokedoads," ArlilleryBaltalion
lst N. Carolina
3rdN.Carolina ArlilleryBattalion
The Battlesfor Fort Flsher, NavalDelachnent
Bartery Buchanan,Captain ChapnanC.S.N
NorthCarollna, Hokes'lajorGene'alR. F Hok(
Clingnan'sBgad€, ColonelW. S.Devane
23-26December1864 8lhN. Carolina
and13-16January 1865. )/st N. Lafollna
6lstN. Carolina
(Part2) BngadierGeneralA
Colquitt'sBdgad€. H Colquitt
by DavidBickley l9thGeorgia
ORDERS 28$ Georgia
Hasood\Brigade, ColonelR.F. Graham
IederalForces llthS. Carolina
MajorGeneralA. H. Tery 2lstS.Carolina
XXMorys, S€cord Dirision,
Brigadier A. Ames
General 25thS.Carolina
lil.t Brigade,ColonelN. M Cunis 27thS. Carolina
3rdNewYork 7thS.CarolinaBattalion
112thNewYork Kirkland's Brigadier
Brigad€, GeneralW. W. Kirkland
117th NewYork 17rhN. Carolina
ll2nd NewYork 42ndN. Carolina
Second Brigade.
ColonelG. Pennypacker 501hN. Carolina
4TthNewYork 661hN. Carolina
76thPennsylvania 2ndS.
ThirdBrigade, ColonelL.Bell THEBATTLES
4thNewHampshire Th€actions foughtto captureFortFisheroffera numberofoptions for
l15thNewYork recreation on the rabletopbarlefield.involvingastheydo a joint
l69thNewYork operation between navyandarmyilandingson a hostileshore rhal
Brigade C.Abbott couldandshouldhavebeenopposed; thepresence of a largenaval
S€cond lFiIstDiyision],
ColonelJ. 'Boarding
6thConnecticut Partyandof Marinesin lhe actiontthe roleof Colored
TthConnecticut Troopsin theaaiion;the command confusion andinteraclion, on the
3rdNewHampshire Confederale sidebetween Braggandwhiting.on the Federal side
?thNewHampshire berween Butlerandweitzel.laterTerryandAmes,andAm€sand
16lhNewYorkH€avyAnillery Curtis;theroleof theC.S.S.C/dcidnaugd; bo'nbardment bythefleel,
especiallyby the ironcladsno morethanyardsfromthe shore;the
XXv Corps,ThirdDivision, General
C. Paine fomidable Norksof FortFisheritselfi thepresence of anelectronically
SecondBrigade.ColonelJ.W. Ames detonated minefield - tlhichcouldhale workedranda numberof
4thU.S.ColoredTroops 'whatif scenarios. on araggs conduct
centred andtheuseof Hoke\
6thU.S.ColoredTroops Division.
30thU.S.ColoredTroops Thetwoaccompanying mapsshould allowbothcampaign orienlated
39thU.S.ColoredTroops playenandthosemerclywishingto recreale theactionsaroundthe fort
ThirdBdgade, ColonelE. Wright scopeto consrrucl theterrain
itemsthey require.Graggs Conlederute
1stU.S.ColoredTroops Col,,4lhhasverydeiailedplansof thefon. together wlIhnumerous
5lhU.S.ColoredT[oops photographs of itsmainfeatures
andinterio.appearance. Those able1o
visirlheFor|Fisher monument in NonhCarolina willbeableto judge
the scaleof the fonifications
reconstructed Shepherd\
for themselves
by clinbing the
therouteof theold
WilningtonRoadov€rtheswamp adjoining th€CapeFearRiver.I wtll be heldh thelargerlew vllage hall fron
haveincluded a drawing of therestored Shepherd's BatterywhichI 10,00a.m,on Sqlday,22Scptco6€.1996
madeduringa 1q95visitio giv€anidealor ihosewishing to makea
represenlation of thefon.
Sincethe actions coDldhardlyhalebeenundertaken withoutthe
Traders,BrlngaodBny,lst cra!3
support wouldbeappropriate to represent it onthe denonstradods andhonc catcrlng.
tabletop. Thiscanmostconveniently bedone byarepresentationof the
irondadswhich layinclosetothe shore.Ian notlureoflheavailability Ofirhe A:!59Yeovwspattford Road
ofsuitablemodels. beyond those15mm scale vessels available fron Old
GurrdWarganers Inc.. 1034 RockCreekDrive.Wyncote. PA 19095. CONTACIJOHNTIICKEYON:
As a conlirmed25mmganer I settledfor scratch-building three 01935-840537
ironcladrvpes,inspiredoriSinallyby an ^tticlein Pncticalwaryamel
describingthe modellingof ihelS63Danishironclad Rof,which
couldbeadoptedto standin for theUSSN.r .Lonsider. and,secondly,
byihesplendidarliclebyRichadMarshin Wdlgd"sr//lurr/aredNo98. experienced andsuccessful gam€rs night takeontherol€sof lamb and
My threevessels conprise twosingleturrelmonitorclass vessels and Whititrg,whilstthe lessexperienced playerscouldfill thos€of Bragg,
onedoubleturretedlype-As theyare10represent thenavalforce! Butl€ratrdAmes.Playe$of averageto soundability a experience
deployed ratherlhanbescaled models of theonginah,I christenedwouldsuittherolesof WeiEel,TerryandCurtis.If Poneristofigur€as
themtheU.S.S.Ratrns/el. Pddtlock,andSabo. aplayerin thegamethenheshouldhaveordersto supponthelandings
Consiruclion ofthesetypesisfanlystraightforward. Thecardboard andaltack,but a tendency to look to advance thecauseof thenaw at
rollinthecentre ofinduslrialtovel rollsisagoodsizeforaturret-Guns rhee\pense ol rhearm).qhikr not harmrng hisrepulation or career
caneitherbe representedbyitemssuch astubingorbirotubesor, inthe prospects.
case ofmymodels. bythesplendid l(]opdrParrott gunsandcrewmade FonFisherwillneedto operate a slrict
'95. Anyactions against
by RAFMandbrought homein thespoilsfromHistoricotr {The time scale,with a numberof movesrepresenting the day.If lhe
sanefirm rnakea selection of sa'lorsandofficerswhichwouldsuit Federak arenotin possession of thelandfaceby theexpiryof their
eilherside's navalpresence. In theU.(. afanselection ofsailoBhave allotedmovesthenthe Confederales wouldbe the winn€rs.Any
beenproduced bylhetalented RobBakerol FirstCorps. Marinesposecomnunicarions between WhidngandBraggmust besubjecl todelay
moreof a problem. astheafJicionado muslhavesomein hisgame. rhetelegraph lines vere doNn. Any Can{ederate rejnlorcements
Theyarebestrepresent€d by theadditionof slrapsro comnercially landed byboatnusl dicefor theirarivalandpossible destructionby
available figuresanda carefulattenrion 1odelaihin the painling navalfire. Anysuchtroopslanding successfully undernaval firenust
phase.)Thesamegunscanbe madeto servefor the Confederate
r€stfor casuahies and moraleas they crosslhe fort\ interior.
defenders in lhe absence of suitablemodelsof Columbiads or Confederate defendersare consideredsafefton lhe effectsof the
Armstrongs. Thestriclfollowerof realism vould replace theiriron bombardment whilstin theirbomb-proof shelters.butmuslbehighly
carriages with the voodenonesfoundin usear Fon Fisher.The vulnerable whenreturning fire to lhe fleet.Perhaps theycouldbe
monitortype vess€h ar€simple to conslruct fromn baseolwoodabout linitedto firingeverythirdturn.when the Federalbombardment
1cmthick.whichcanbepainledsimplyro represem thevisiblehull. ceases theremustbea oneturnlull beforetroopscanadvance to the
Thelurrelis similarlypainted.the interiordisguised by awnings if rampans. Thiswill allowdefenders to getoff lheirshoBfirsl.having
desifed. Pilothouse, smoke stacks. anchor wellcorersandflagstaffcan leftthesafety of thebonb-proofsheltenon coDmand.
beadded asdesned.
Any representarion of FortFisheron thetabletop banlefield will
needto containa number of batteries fromlhelandfaceal theven' POSTSCRIPI
leasl,the swampy groundadjoiningthe CapeFearriver,rhe old
wilmington Roadandbridgeintoth€fort.theriverbank landing (for I hop€that this articlewill inspirelellowgamers to consider the
of such jointoperalions fortheirtabletop battlefields.
Confederale reinforcemenrs to land).thepalisade fencing, theb€ach
area(withperhaps sufficient ocean toallo{ rhedeploymentolironclad writethisin January, Mallhew,PhilandI nre busyplanning and
buildingour own version of the Fort Fisher batles for adisplaygamein
models?). andsomemethod of repfesenting theareaof thetorpedoes
plantedasa minefield.Thereareseveralverygoodplansof thefort in thesemnd halfoftheyear.Ifyouseeusat anyshow.andwouldliketo
have a chatlhendocome alongandshare anyideasyou havewithus,
readily availablebooks listedinthe bibliography. buttheplanprovided
vill allowfor anaccurate representation. theyare always velcome.
Whenoryanising a campaign or gamearoundFon Fisherthe
Federals should alwaysenjoy a superiorityofat leastonethirdolerrhe
Confederate dpfendels. As HokesDivision play€d suchastaticpanin BIBLIOGRAPI{Y
theactions theyneednol be repres€nted at all. unlesstbeorganiser B^ftett,TheCn'ilwarin No h Carolind
wishes to explore the Whatif aspects of thescenario, allowing either Bovnan (Ed), TheCiviLWatDaybt Day
theBragS orHokeplayerto bemoreaggressive in suppori ol theFon. Bownam(Ed), Encyclopedia oI theCivil wal
Thepresence of theC.S.S.Clictarnargd ahoaddsaturtherdimension Division of Archives & History.N. Carolina
tothecourse of anyre enactment. Shecaneitherbe scratch-built using HistoricSn€s,Iolt ardrel
guidessuchasin thelie Civil WarMilitatt Machine ot purchased from Drury& Gibbons,Ihe Civii wat MiLitatyMachine
Old Guard, althoughI believe that Villag€ Greenare at least Foire, TheCivil Wff, Volune3
considering theproduction of gunboats in theirnavalrange. GlaEE,Conlederak Goliath
The €ver presentconflict of personalityand careeraspirations GGanr, ThePetsonal Menois of U. S. Grunl
betweenthevariouscharactenof bothsidesgivesmucb$ope to the Guemsey & Alden.llorper' PictodalHistotyof theCivil wal
organiserfor incorporatingdecisionmakingand argumentinto the Johnson & Buel.Brtdsrdrd Leaden,volu e4
gane.Mechanisms to allowthis to occurhaveb€endescribed in Thort'As.Cannons - An l toductionto Civil watA illety
previous editions of thismagazine.In anymuhi-player gameth€nost Autholspholographs. notesandsketches. Augusl1995.
TIMRULESWITHNONAME: ruLesto suityout'Lltoonfinrl o t thedephof detailthal
pu canstattby seeing if rou thinkthd anyof theoptional
A STRAIGITIFORWARD SETOFRI,'LES FOR ruLesweoffer hereei ptuvideyou teithsufrcienteflra tuterestand
TRIGGERNOMETRY enitementtoiutlift tlrcelfonandtine therco$ume Letuskno|9Nheft
,towownve\ionofourruLes enh up!
AIfO SUITEDTOTI{EAMERICAN CML WAR 1'meventuall!goingtocawL lacove?d/Drunks4nb€ciles, Sbar Shots,
Buildings,Dlnamite,Scenaos,Rando U genentedgmu$, gangs&
& VARIOUS STRUGGLES SOUTH OFTHE unils,rzldon lotns andoccapants, Muzzle-haders, RandonEvenh,
BORDERDOWN ME) COWAY Btsl dersBehaviour, Horses& Indians.Buta: Joucansee,I havenl
gatto everything
tet: ctt1lCuensetFoundrJif youd Likeanupdale.
Part2 (continued
fmm iastmonth)
(Comment.Critichmand suggestionsare activelysolicitedby:
BryanAnsellol CuernseyFoundry.La Guelle,Monl Arrive. EXPERIENCE
GYl 2A-{. Channel
CreatBntain. Games become moreinteresting
if eachlittleleadkilleris allowed
Phone:014817i4241 Fax:01481
714905.) takeonalifeandpenonalityofhisovn.Wecandoth;swith noefiortat
more effort we can allow them rc acquireskilh which really
Re:Lastmonth'sanicle. Ch{Iact€rs promotion
do notreceive to thenextclass duringa gane,
read: theyhave1owaiifortheirnextgunfight.
A Citiz€nbecomes a Cunman providing heat leastgetsto fireashoial
DuckbacksateanimpotantFatwe ol theseruLes; rou canu:etheduck an opponent. mostCitizensshouldmanage this duringtheirfirst
backrule to pin and neutnlisepw opponents andprctide rcalbtic gunfightl
covetins fireiot yourftiend:.
A Gonman becones a Shootisloncehehaskilledanarmedman.
Onlycharacters behindcoveraresubjectlo duckbicks.
Becoming a L€g€nd isharderiaShoolish mustkill or seriously*ound
Whena character behindcovern hft (including grazetor hiscover threearmed menin onegunfight.or kill aLegend. robecome aLegend
stops a shotfor him,heisforcedto immediately duclback;getting his himself.
entirebodybehind cover.
Evenif youarennnins aseriesof gsnesfor dwrcnt youpsof playe+
Hemustthenspend anenlirelurnr$overingbeforehecanmakeany dt t convention, you canaddexia interes!(not lea:tfor you6elf)by
dllowinqsurvivingchoructe$to be prcnoted between games,even
Whilehe is recovering, or elen tlhileanycharacier is knownto be thoughthe!b,ithenberunbl dillercntplayd. Youcouvsturtfith t|9o
lurking.cornpletely behindcover,opposing characten canstillfireal sidcstonsistitlgentuelr of Citi.rns, pefiaps eachled by o morc
him.All thesuccessful shotswillhirthecover,bulrhehidden rarger will dangeror$indi,irluaL,iNi seehownanr of then nake it to Shootists
stillbesubject to theduckbackrule.andwill haverospend a further andLegenkovetke daf or i,eekenrl. n sanazinghownuch individual
tumrecovering. Tlis isagoodwayofproteclingyourfriendswhilethey pe$onalitytow miniaturcgunslingerscdngtriniustbynaminqthenand
dashacross openground. intrcducingasmallelement ol continuiy.Noarduousrccod keeping is
invobed;pu un jutt makenoteson thei charcctetcarh in theFate
If youdon't*anl 1oworkourascenario,andjustwant rogelstuckright SKILLS
in witha generalgunballlebetveen
alllheplaye$divided intotwoor Thenextstageisto allowcharacrers1ogainindividualskills.Thisisa
moresides,a goodwayto get thingsrolling(assugg€sted by Tony buialliherecordkeeping
littlemorecomplicared. canstillbedoneon
Yates)isto drawfromthefatedeck;aseachcharacter's cardisdrawn. Yor caneitherdice
thecharacrercards. forskilhrandomly. drawchits.
h'smodelis placed on thetable.He canbepositioned anryherehis lhemaccording
or allocarc io yourknowledge ofthepersonality ofthe
playerlikes,aslongashe is eitherat leasteighteeninchesfromall characterbasedonhh performance in preliousgames.
enemy models,oriscloser
1othenearestfriendthanthenearestenemy. gaina skillforeachgunfight in *hichtheykillanarrned man
As soonastheJokeris drawn,thegamestans.withthosecharacters(including theBunfighl whentheyfirslq alifyasaShootist). Theyhdve
whohavenotyetappeared beingplacedon thetableasabovewhen a50%chance ofanadd;tional skjllforeachmanafterthelirstrhatthey
L€gends automalically gaina furlherskillaftereverygunfight in which
OMONAL RT]LES rheytook anactivepan.Theyalsohavea50%chance ofanaddiiional
Youna! havenoneedof these optiona!ruksatall! lf allyoupkn todois skillfor eachmanafterthefl^tthal lheykill.
f;Eht cheetuL,beery shoot outsat theclubor at cowentions,the
rapidlybecome superhuman. untilsomeone comesalong and
therciAno rcotontoaddfurtherconplication;k factyoumightwantto l-egends
you get shootsthem down to takeover their nantle.If youlike.youcanallow
doavay nithsoneof theexittingrules. could rid of thetuLehat
art character whokilh a Legend togaina skill.
fotcesall movement to bein t nnight line, geIid of duckbaclsardlol
knockdotensot rcducethenumbetof fning nodifiett, lot instance, "Doubl€" skills:thoseskillsmarkedwith an asterisk canbe gained
anJIhiUlhatJoufmd tpeetutheganeupcanbeusefulif youarctrying twice,the secondtime doublesthe effect(Very Strong,Very
b cnt?aain ^ aan)grcupoJplaye^atpo\siblp ara rc ?nlioa. Tenifying,elc.). Someskilk are mutuallycontradictory. possibly
cancelling each other out, some are complementary, or combine in
Renenber,thesearcyout tules otl' andyou n do whatyou Liketo
inlerestingways. Youaregoingtohalelo sorttheprecisedetailoutfor
yourselvesl lt's up lo you\,ehether youallow"keble skilh.If, for
Howevet, if yousetedoh'nrc rcguLay ganing in theOldwestamon4stwhatever reason, a character can'ttake(or th€gamesmasler thinksil
aEroupofftiend:,rou'LLptobabrygetthenost outof it il Joudevelopthe wouldbeinappropriak forhin to take)a padicularskill, rollordraw
Backshooling, shooling unarmed,unconscious andsu..end€red
l€rs and all aom€ndoesnot counttowards€rperienc€
or skills,atld
anyone{ho do€sso!or surrenders
or refuses doesnotgiin
a challenge,
or skilhfor th€l'holegunffgtu.
Eaitborme'Menrl Anns'llhrgames
Socielyoper Day
Agile:no firing penaltyNhenmoving.mrr makeonechangeof
dice-in afight.
Ambidexlrous: forfiringtwopistok.
Bossnan: all the characlers
on hissideaddonedice:whentesting 1oamto 5pm
nerve.excepl lhatthose
addthree Admissionf2.50p
dice(includingthe GrearManhimsel0.Ilhis ownnerlefails.thenall andunder12'sf1.25p
testvith minus
hislriends threedice.
Charm€d: hemayrerolla wholebatchofdice,or
PartlclpationgaEB Dadestands
dolhesame, Displaygam6 Reenactmentgroups
All inth€ wonderfuatmosDher€ of a Naooleonic
Crackshot: lo@teddircctlyon the seafront overlookingthe beach-
Cursed: playermaycause
eachopposing himto re-rollone
diceonce: Ih€re isatea.oomandbaronthepremitesand lotsof local
pergunfight. adivitynearbyforthef amilytoenjoy.Pafting i5easy,with both
on streetparkingandjo@lc. parkscloseto the venue.
hitsona5 or6 whenfiringsingle
IhadeJ€: shot.
to drunkenness
rules. MeetlanKnight,oneof the l€adingauthoritieso. the wa6 rn
[vil: gainsnormal'experience af.ka talkingaboutthe zuluwa6 andplayteninggamesfrom
KOdand h,sfortl.(onin9bookof zulJ warscenarios.
unarmed viclims.
indudesentanc€tothe Queen's
admission RoyallrishHuesaB,
in afasldrawsituation. Royal5utserRegiment
theeffeclof ihefust' woundhereceives
Gtill Sponsoredby REDOUBT ENTERPRISESand
down,knocked ouiordeadthorghl). MAKEANDPAINTSERVICES
Junpy:onlyhasa50%*chance ofrecolering.
in a Club<ontacts:TrevorBody(01323)735417
iwordicewhenlesting orPeterHelm(01323)732801
nerve.Moves likeaCitiz€n.
Knifeman/S*ordsmar: addsfour'dicein afight.andone*rorhethro$ S{iftropponenls subtractone-dicewhenliingathimifhe moved on
buionlyifarrned sith a knife/sword.
A ftnileman maythrow hislastturn.maychooseto rollone*extramovement dice.Addsone*
hisknil€asifmakinga deliberate pistolshotat pointblankandclose dicein a fightandin afa$dra{.
rangeonly.butwiihphsonediceto hit.
T€rrifying: causes
feart in everyone, opponents subtractonei dice
tagend ofth€W€sl:Whenhischaraclercard isdfawn. hisplayeflakesit
intohishandasif it wasanaciioncardNhich canbeusedonlvlorthis
character.Mayfireatagroupolcharaclers wilhinfour'inches Toughr whenhitbyshootingor in a fight,subtract
of each
other and distributeany hits betweenthen as he chooses. dice,neverknocked down or knocked out.
Ambid€xtrous mayfire eachgunat a differenttargel.Fearsno,one. TrueGri! addsthree'dice whenresting nerve.Fears no-one.
Rollrandomly forone* additional skillnow.Whenthischaractergains Vengelul:, himor arrack\ him
hemaychoose whicheverone hewants.
three'dic€whentesting nelve. Whiteknight nay not back5hoor.shootknocked downtargets or
Fearsanyone whograzes orwounds him. anyone unableto shoolback,gainsone'firingdiceagainsl all Evil
charact€rsandhatedopponents. heisalsoCharn€d*andTough', he
neYe.loses hisneFe,Fearc no one,
Marksman: mayaddor subtractone* Nhenrollingforhit localion.
Wildman: mustmoleandfireeveryturn ifhe can,h€suffers
notsubjecilo duckback, addone* dice10testingnewe.penalty andfiringa pislol,opponenls
for moving heismoving towards
sufferfear-Heis ahoTough*, anlxp€rt Iighter' andhasTrueGril*.
Quickshol:addsthree-dicein alasidrawsituation,
hecanhitwithbne*extrashot. INTRODUCING
dicein afight. Wlenyouinle anexperienced characterfiorns.ratchfor a8arne.
lhanusingonewhohasbeen"built"oler asenes 0f gunfightsbyoneofihe
addsfour*diceNhenafiempling to hitin afight. playe$, youmightliketo givehima fewskilh.If a gamesmasler hara
Slow:subtractone*diceformovement andfastdraw.Maynotuse an panicular sol1of p€rsonaliry
in mind,hecansimplyselectrheskillsrhathe
thinksareappropriate.Altematively. youcnnthrowordral!randomly. Al1
jfmotionless Shootistsand Legends should really
have atleastoneskill.youcouldrhrow
Stalker: behindcoler.cannotbes€enat all beyond 12*
a diceto deternin€hownanymoreskillsa Legend bas.andthrowa dic€
one"liringdiceifsholatbehind cover.
andsubtract threeto seeif aShooristhasmorerhanone.
throveachturn:I , 2- donothing.
Stoopid: l - continuedoing*hatever
Bpeciallyif usingagane.naster, playershouldmakeanefforrto avard
hedidlastiurn.4,5.6-take normaltum.
appropriateskills to any characterwhosemodelcatchesrheir eye,
addsthree+ dicein alighl. inespeclileof hisexperienft. So,a modelof a big,braMyblacksmirh

I llnbollm Re4 lnd.d SWI7 8JS
T€l 0lal 6?39069F.r O)8l 7?29666



r.cDkbndDeIF4 rb**hdt*tuGIra. Neofrdyhd

q'.r|,!E k i Fr d*4 Ik'd 5 B.!..r.F h...rirt


rc'.@ Eqt4l6' rq 3@ 4 noEr*F b s



Hrrridei*Dr.diryrhm&6* * t+ t t ** t fl


shouldentid€thecharacler to beVeryStrongandToWh,evenif heisollly numberof partiorlarlytoughcharacle|s himse6this gv€rsplay€rsa

a Citizen.A mod€lof a dashing Mexican posturing
offrcer withhissword chance to meet up with h€arTdury L€gendscomplete with interesting
obviously representsanAgileSwordsman, andsoon. seleclionsof skillswithouthavingto wony too muchaboutthe rules
lhenselves.Of course, if youexp€.lyourplaye$to tal(eonhjghlyskilled
Alsoifa characlerperforms wellinagane,inlennsofproperly
panicularly you'db€tterprovid€lhemwilhanappropriately
lrgends, sizedforce.
fulfiIinglh€rolealottedto him,behavingincharacler,andgpn€rally
tle marlything,thenhecanb€awadedanextraskill:ideallyaskillchosen SKILLCItrTS
because it r€latessp€cmcalyto somesuccesful actionp€rformed
I youlike,andyourplayeBcancopewilh it, youcana]loweachplayer
to pickoneof themto receive
usingnewcharaclels askil atlhebeginning
of thegunfight.
YoucouldevenallowallnewcharacteB a startingskill,or
haveeachonedicetos€eif theygetone.
Nowwouldbeagoodmomentto cr]touttheslill chils,or roll somedic€,
andgoaheadandgiv€skilbto theShootissandltgendsthatyouwere
rules.Thengo aherdandrut thegunfight
usingto try out theshooting
again,andawardappropriate to thesurvivon.
It reallyisamazinghowmuchmorepenonality yourcharaclels havenow,
in thegunfight,and$eir rangeof skilsrenlygive
isn'til? Theirprogress
themanindividual identity;nou/youcanprobablylhinkof anappropriate
"handle"or nicknan€for €achof thesurvivon,andyou'reall6redupto
testtheirmetdein anotherheroicconftonlation!
Asyouwills€e,thisisan€njoyable proc€ss,
buttheresultingchardcle$ are
alsoquitecomplicnted, andtheirplaye6wouldhav€a fair f€wlhingsto
rcmemb€rduringa gunfiglt. Tlis work fine if playeBbuild then
characte$up gndually,and are ablelo assimilat€ eachskil as it is
acquircd. butyoudonl qanrroomanymult-sl(l]led chancters in a game
unless yourplaye$areexperienced atd enthusiaslic.
So,don'tgiveinexT€rienced withloadsof skilbto {,ony

gunfiglt with the garnesmasler

You canhavean inter€sting runninga Mnr oFioorl ru1€5
itr 0 totAle of r|ondE, f0 $!

BAITLffiLffiT - TheDreotunryhb
ABattleaday... Comput€r Moderated Naval WdsMe SlBtem
b! Bob Pelton
"Summenirne,and th€ living is easy." Nol on the batdefieldit isn'
Summerhastraditionally be€nthe main campaieningseasonand
montl seesa large numberof battles.
NAVAL WARGAMES ? Have you alwa'€ wanted t s€t
JTJLY up a biA action with lots ofsquadlons, but lack a game
I Loja 1482,Tbe Goodwins1666,Fleurus1690,PonoNovo syst€mthat ca]l hafl e it . Eve. wut€d a systemthat
1781,Suddalain1848,MalvemHill givesyou accurac?ard deteil but dBtr't tske aE$ to ptay.
1862,Oettysburg 1863,El Caney1898. Have you wer Nnsider€d nrval warsaming, but ar€ put otr
2 Nieu*?ort 1600,Mtrslon Moor 1644,Alford | 645,Pone hy tbe la& of a pmper\ re*mhed ed playt€stadsystem.
St Artoine 1652,Lauffeld 1747,Acs 1849,New Ceorgia 1943. BAT'TLEFI-EET - The Dreadtroughts is the coEpute.
3 Adrianople323, Guadelope1794.Kcniggntz 1866, xaoderat€dnaval wargamesystemthat libente you ftom
omDl* rute book!- ir favorr oftactics ard r€alisD . You
Santiaeode Cuba | 898, Omn 1940.
4 Hohs of Hattin118?,KloDchino1610,Utundi18?9.
dt a libra'y ofevery Bntish ed German warship ir
s€rgic 1890to 1922 . A fleet cratar that car build
5 Soulhwark1450,Ostend1601,tnnsdowne1643,BuenosAires Jutlad lize fl€€ts. ad arbwins extensiveeditlrg ofships.
I80?,Chippewa1814,Kula Gulf 1943,Kursk 1943. Pre-battle c@tion of atl your battle paidetas, weather,
6 Fomovo1495,Sedgemoor 1685,Grenada1779,Maida1806, visibility, miDefelds, se state etc. . A battle prograE for
Wagam 1809. any size ofachou sivins realistic i€€ults . F€port€ phase
7 Cesmet770,Hubbardton 1777. d€t€ibrg gunnery result€, dd'se md sinkingB. For any
8 Newport1265.Otunba 1520,ficondemga1758,Algiers1775, scal€ofsbip midahro . Runs on virtualy any
Pc/compatible(8086+)-. FuIy supportedsoftwarc
Algecirds 1801,Kiamarut 1824- package. Sendfor free infonauoL
9 Sempach 1386,Sievershausen1553,Monongehela River l?55,
Monocacy1864,Sicily 1943. 929.96 + po3t & p'&'sitrs t4 UK & Eurpe 910 Rfft of
wo.ld . chesue4Mo(st€rling ody) with oider mde
10 tas Navasde Tolosa 1212,Tannenberg1410,Nonhampton payableto AtD DlIInDt md sendtor Shaka Softpar:e,
1460,LE gpon 1645,BeachyHead1690.Alnenara1710, 35 LincoLnCourt. LoDdonRoad.Enfeld EN2 6EW
Marchin1791,Kissingen1866 Plpas state 3.5" or 5.25" aisk si2eand,if DD or HD
1l Courtrai 1302,Boyn€ 1690,Oudenarde1708,Rich Mountain
1861. . Now als available froE HALU{ARK FIGURES .
12 Aughdn 1691,Futteypor€ 1875,Kolombangara 1943.
13 Crotone982,Gravelines I558.Roundway Down 1643,Clissao
t702. scsosasao D.rington,Sh@bury SYs7LW
14 Landskone1676,Penescot Bd 1779,Znain 1809,Rio Se.o -D8EID&A8IE
1848,Tlpelo 1864.
15 Aona 185?,PanduNaddi1857,Marne1918.
16 Kirk Denkem1?61,Maharajpur1857.Nicopolis1877. STANDAFDRAiIGE
17 Vemeuil 1424.Castilon 1453.
18 Allia 390 BC, Seond Isonzo1915.
19 Guadat€le 711,AlarcosI 195,HalidonHill 1333,Baylen1808.
20 Milazzo1860,PeachTre! Creek1864,Lissa1866.
21 Taileborg 1242,Shrcwsbury1403,Cravant 1423,Arnada
1588,Focsmi1?89,Pyrmids 1798,Butl Rsn lE6l.
22 Fatkirk 1298,Werben1631, 1805,Sarananca
l8l2,Adanra 1864.
23 Baghdad1401,Krctzka1739,Mogilev1812.
24 Harlawl4ll, Gibraltar1704,DenainUl2, Monhedabad 1
25 Constdlinople 1261,Molinella146?,AbouKr1799,Ostrowno
l8l2,MayaCotde1813,Roncervaltes 1813,Lundy's
1814, Kizil-Tep€
1877.srLo l9&.
26 Edg@re1,169, Sdta Vittoria1702,Hastenb€ck
27 Bouvirs 1214,Fdington Bridge1549.Luner1626.
Onessart 1??8,Maiwand 1880.
28 t epanto1499,Talavera1809,Onao1857,EzmChurch1864.
29 NeeMirden1693,Kandahar1834.
30 Vercellae101BC,Aiznadin634,GrossJagersdorf175?,
3l Dorylaeum 1097,
Pmsue1419, Texel1653,Newton
CapePalserou1 8. MonBnorenci 1759,
Warbnrg 1760,Passcherdaele l9l?.

When replying to adverts please nention Wargames fllustrated.


The air war overGrtece Iblian ainew wereN€ll trzine4skilledandbnvet however$ey tefti€(lto
lackaggression.Ttreirfiglt€r plane.,wercmanoeuurbleandhadgoodhaF
(Oc{ober1940- April 1941) dling chrncterislics,h lhey were unpower€d3nd undequnned.Th€ir
almarEntof twin 12.7nnnBftda SafalMGs w3swhollv ina.leauate.
Part One - Odober to December1940
Th€ EVA nel&d t 50 aircra&but ther€sq€ few spar€padsavailableard
by Stevehwin
so sewiceabittyw3s low and ttlerEwereno leplaceme ajrf€.mes.The
basicunil wor dle Mila (squadmn).Therewercf€u€r fight€rEuadrons,
TlE lrlian 'tr againstGr€eceftom Octob€.1940until Apd l94l is bee
th|€ewith rhePZL P24 andonewnn d'e BlochMB15l. Theleweledwe
knownfor lqedisastoirsrcvffi $trsed by theIhlian grcud forcesin the
bonber squad$nseich eqippsl wih a ditreEnttype- Potez63, Bristol
opeoingmo h oftlE caJnpaign.Ho{€verthe airwarhas sevemlfeatues
Blenleim IvandFairc) Batle. Offle four gloud supportEuadons one
ilEl r€commeltdit to 6e warganler,
flew theHenschelHs 126,dleo$els fl€w otEolereBreguer)O( andPols
FrsUy,thetllo sides*se not flenly balaned, but,asthenmbels of ai.-
qalt enplo)€d by bodrsid€swerErElalivelysIIuJ. clash€slendedo be 254,
The Grceks*e€ compel€ntard agg'e.xsi\€ pilols,who sould co inuefle
localisedard in\oh€ smal nr,snhasof aircra{r This lnaks ay hisroical
strugglea longasltEy hadanuaji to fly.
aclionmore€rsily adapledto dle tabldop. Secordy n providesanoppoF
Thefollowingscenaliosar€fiom tlle frst w€ekortlle s"r pdorlo tlle nival
ntrtity !o gane combarsbet*€er aircrafi which otl€rwise rcver met
of Britishmilirffy assisla.nce.
Howe!€r,lhisisnota peiod fo.'!op€.9&'r€c". ]fyou can'timaginegam-
ing widrouta quarEtof 30mmMK 108carnooI suggeslyou do not lead

The ft?.liansatempt€dtlle sfttegic bombingof Grcekpods. Ir 0is care

wifi SM 79sbas€din Ahania"
Tfle irnrEdia& carlleoftlE warwasMlssolini3 desircfor a quickard asy
IGlianl0 x SM ?9 BT altitude:l0,0mfet
victorywhich'^]ouldirHElse It lian gEstigein $e eyesofdE worldin gel}
5 xCR42 393asqDadiglia altitude:playst choi@
€ral and Gexmanyin panicular TheIEweie howewr long l€rm caus€s
Ctt* 1xm-P.U 22Mird altilude:9,0mfe1
which €€tuEd on Italian ienirorial ambitionson dle ealem side of rt€
AdrialicSe3"In 1917tl€ fledlgingslaleofAlb€nia hadbeendeclaEde
The rnger (Salonikaharbour)is in fie oetuE of tlE table. The lalian
Iblian proEctoraleard thEr€aff€rdle Gr@Albanian borderhad b€ei in
bombe$ir orc group,anddlenesconingfighl€'sin a secondgroup,enter
dispote.TlE lialians€laiftd he rcgionof soutlemE{irus from cr€er
flom one lable edge. They mustbomb lh€ largeland thenrcve$e lheil
(piE$rnablyon tle goundt of lhe largenumbersof dlnic Albanjarsin $€
couse10exit thetable The altiode of he CR 42sis decidedby $e lalian
player The GtE€ksarca$med to beclimbtnSto inte$ept Theyenl€ron
The tensionbuilt throoghout1940asa ie$lt ofbe co inuedftrlian plorc
the fiIst ruILa5oneIroup at any pint on orteoffE emaining dueelable
cationofc€€ce Bolh sidespepar€dforwar ltrowever,tlE Italianleader-
slip hrd fahly misead0lefactthaldleGr€ekshadfail€dto reslondio hese
Historical oo(.ome
pmvocaions.They canEto believet'at dlg GrcekpeQle eodd not s€ri-
OrE CR 42 was damageilfE Ihliars clairnedtwo GEek fightes shot
ouslyopp6e anItalianoccupalionoftheir iedtory. The $bsequentIialian
do$n. Tha€ areno la)o*n GEek loses.
militaryfailues stemrEdtorn his tundarnental miscalcllation.
3 NOVEVIBERt940- (her Salonika
Bombenlion $e Italianmainland
continued th€iranacks
onSalonih The
The Iralianotrensi\€\r€s undenakenartwo week nod(:. This meartthat
22MirabasenatSeiestrfield continu.d!odefend it
whendE alta* begrntlEy ha&l enoughtroopsio defear$e Gr€€karny
in dF field By 0telinP dEy hadamarsedenoughfoops"tle erpplysye
Ialian9xCANTX.lmT 47oSlotrro aldtu&r10,0mfet
Ern n€€d€dio k€rp lllem in dF field had cnlrpsed bec.ause dp trdstort
9 xFiarcjo 24octuppo
infi'dsuctue inAlb0niawaswholy unequallo dE dennds placeduponiL
W. 7 \WLPU 22Mi@ altibde9,010f€rr
Thehigh@ree ofrEchanis.aliooin fle Ihlian armycorfinedlh€iraJmylo
tlle few roaGalongfIE valey bofoms. This m€antthey\|E€ vllnembleto
The setup is a9for 6e pevionsscerwio.
inftlhlion ard aEirclernerrby ltle Gr€ekswho contoUeddE ridgelines
Historical outaone
whichdominat€dthelalians movingin thevaJeysbelo\,.
As usualclairnsexc€eded actualloss€s.OneG€€k nghteJwar shotdown
The laljan offensivewas uden2ken al he very wo$1rinE of y€arwilh
ard a secondforcelandedwilh a woudEd oilor ftrlian loss€swereone
.egardsto lh€ wEather. fte tonentialmin andbittercold no{ ooly ad4edto
GJo ard onebombershotdo$n. This wouldbelhe lastaliackon Salonika
dE lalian woeson the gound, it irnpededdle opetuiooof tlEir air force
wheretheyhada clerr superioriryo\tr thEGEeks-
TI|e Grcek fierc€ defenc€of their countf had come as a shockto tlle
I|lliais, it is exemplifiedby dle UL pilot fiom 22 Mm who brcughdown mffning iB tail wirh hisplopel-ler
All alongthe ftont bofi sideshadtrs€dairpowerfor lacticnlbombingald
TheIlaliaJlshad187aicafr inAlbaria" TlEsecompised25Ro37farnny
tlE supportofground toop6. The Gi€ek couoter-otrensive, which would
coopef,atiorr55 SM79andSMSI bombersard 1O7Fia!CR3Z cR42 ard
'I}Ese Ir€re seethemocflrpy 25%ofAlbaniantenilory beganon 4 Novembei On lh€
C50 fighreR $ppod€d by I 17 CANT 21ffi7, Fiar BR20,
sanledavd|eBn6shflew dleir 6rs oDemdonal sordesoverGrc€ce.
SMSl andJw (elsJu87bombersbar€dir southemltaly. Thebrsicrnit for
lalian airc€ftwastre S4rrrln8li, ofup to 9 aircmfr Afighi€r Crwpa con-
sisledof lhrEesquadiglia and fighas were usdly opeded at 8zpp,
st€nglh.AbomberSngpo consisEdof only two rqrrln?ra but bomb€rs
TtE injtal deploymertto Greecetookpbe iDm I to 23Novemberandlt€
u$aly opentedat &oz1o srgh (s€ebelow).
Theltaliats c!{nd mpidlyl€ laceanylo* ordamagedaircraitandajrErevr
30Squad$n Bri$ol BlentEimI bombeB(lftght) Gre€k4x FaireyBa e 33Mim altitudelqffn feer
BristolBlenheimIF fighte$ (1 flighr) Italian 1x CR42
84&uadon Brislol BlenheimI
2ll Squadron BdstolBlentEimI Ttte bombeEhaveto fly I@s tu tableard exit fiom fie oplosiie side
m Squadron Tt|e bomb€rshaveio bomba grord laryeten routead cou 6 l@.H
OneofdE 80 Sqid$n pilotswasFlighl LieulenantM.TSLJ.PbdbDrc un|il lh€y ha!€ doneso. Playersdice for the tble slg€ ftom which rhe
who is lhught !c haveb€enhe highesisooringRAI pilot oflhe wa! He CR42ente$. Ils aldtudeis chos€nby 0E Ilalianplayer
would scorcaI but four of his victo.iesovtr Ceece. The combiiadonof Ilistor*:l oulcorne
smax,poody sufac€d airfieldsand atocious weads (in NovembEr& Ttp ltalianpilol clained 6E Bao16shotdoM. In '€alily only ore
De.embef249, of RAF sortiessould be abonal) In€nt tiur h€ \ackels wasshotdo*4 but arndler\r€s danagedwirh a sewnan falally wound
[blinstons of37 and?0 Squadrons continuedto be ba&din Esypr They ed
only usedGleekairfelds for efi€ling andreffming. The \leli0grons of
148Squadronwould be us€din sinilar mamer fiom riEi. baseon Malta 19NOI'E\4BER- 80SQUADRONTS
fte Bdtish alsosentddachmentslo Csle ard kmna6 in orderto conrdn
lalian fo€es basedin tl|ehe{zrEs. On th€irfilst oferEivepalrolin lftrita arca,80 Sqdn.pilos sponed
The RAF Mddle Bst Corunard couldsporefew aircraftfor Greece.As a a patol ofCR 42srs well ar solm Gsft ading asa bombereeort The
|€.!uh$e Bribih deplolmen(sai loo snrll b ehieve ajr iuperioriryo\s Gladialorpilolsdi!€d to arack...
tle RegiaAenonaunca. The cornn nder of rtle RAF conljngemwasAir
CorunodorEJ.HD'Albirc andhel:rr€ to tllesare conclusiona! hisCrcek Bdtish 9 x GlosGrGladiatd 80 Squadon aitilude 15,000feer
cou e$aris al€ady had. Rdrler har ftin€r awayhis aircEft in rltelaxjcal ftaIan 8 x Eat CR 42 16S Gruppo altiuds 13,000feer
supponofbe Gr€ekgmund!!ops hechoseto usehjsbombeGin he $:are 6xFarc50 24ocruppo altiude:13.0mfeet
gtc mle. The Bl€nh€ins wolid be usedto ata.k tle Albdim ponsoi
D'll?an andValona. The Wellinglonssruld als be ableto ara.k rlE TheCR 42sareplm€don ihetablein oe f()lmdo andttleC.5G in arD0E
Ita.lianponsandBari aridBrindisi. Ir wasfiDmrtEseports$at lblian col} ex The lwo fomudonsmustbe arleastduEernovesapan The BritishaiF
\oys d€paiedforAlb€nia qaji €nEriiom thetable€dgemoslfavoumbleb hem. in vicsofhrEe ard
Itte followingscenariosate dmwn frcm tle pedodNo\€mbeFDecemb€r 2,m0feerhigtErilanfl€lialians. SponingrulesstDddbeus€d
1940,pnor!o lhe nextllalian ofensivein Januffy194.1- Hinorical oulaorne
TlEre wasoverrlaining by bolhsides.Ac.n'allossesl€re ore C.50
6 NOVFI4BERIIMO- VALONAAIRFIELD desloy€4 wih drce CR 42 shotdo$n ard onedamaged.O)e Cladialor
wasdrnagedad its pilot wourded.
The fir$ otrellsivesonieby he RAI war an arn€d rcconnaissance
by tiueeBlenheimI bombersof 30 Squadron.After bombingshippingat 26NO!'E\,IBER. VALONAAIRT$LD R"EVISIIfl)
SaRndelhe RAF plrnes!€nt or !o bombValonaairfield. Affer bombing,
Sqn.t &. Shannonled hjs p'anesdown on a safing ru4 it $as thm rhar The Brilishbombingat .l(5 on 0lecmwdedftrlian airfelds continued.
lheysaw0E Itaian nghten...
Brirish 6x BfisrolBlenheirnI 84 Squadmn aljtude 4m0 fed
Britist' 3 x BdsrolBlenheimI 30squadnn attudeitmofeet Italian 3 x EatG.sO l54oc,ruppo altitude4tmfed
Ilalian 3xFiatCR42 Sg4rsquadriglia aldrudelmo fet
The Bntish arcplacedon dle two vics of th€e aircIafteach,th€e
The BlerfEims have!o fly adossthetableoJde fromtE oppositesid€. novs slpn offte utg€L Theyareloadedwirh bombsuntil lheydop dlern
The Italianplayermus diceto chose0E lableedgefrom whichltE fdlE 'IrE
on the airfieldtn8er IraliarsarEplacsl anywhaeon 0E rablewilhin
tion offighe$ enter tqjo rlo\€s of theBlenlEitrrs,
Hiitorical outcomc Hstorical o.rtcome
lrte Italiansclained onebombershotdown. Ii facratttle bomben ]l'e Blenheins dived to low le!€l ir oder !o escale. Only @
es.ape4alhoughdley $€l€ b€dlydarnaged ard onegumer washned. Blellhein acruallybomb€ddle ajrfield Des?iEmubal claimingno lcses
{€$ incun€dby eidEride.
The RAF Wellinglonborrlben madeonly one daylighrmid o,!€r
Albania-As mighthavebeenexpecleddley $fu heary lor*s. BlenlEimfghtrG on anofensiverecoonaissarEeof\hlooa haftou4
dlopFd tEir bomb6on tlp Ibiian s€aplarEbaseandwerEengagedby dre
British 6xvckeBwenington 7osqudrcn altiude: 10,000fed def€ndingfigh&s
lalian 6xFialCR42 l54ocruppo
+(Adi-aillraftfiE optional). British 3 x BrjsrolBleltFim ]F :Osquadrcn alritude2,0m feer
Italian 6 x FiatCR42 l50cn'ppo aliEd€:l5oof€er
Thesa up i! asfor thepevious$enario. Th€ altitudeof dleCR 42 forma- 3xFjatci) 154ocrumo aftiuts l5mfe€t
uonis decid€dby thelialiaJrplay€r
Hirlorical out{omc The Blenheims$rn lhe gmE oo theirbombingruq lhrcem)t€s slr)lt of
Tllo $EljingtoN werelost one€xplodedin mid air andlhe odlelfel t|e targeLEa.h Blafieim has4 x 20 lb bombs"TIE Italianplay€rdic€sfor
in flaJnes.Ofdre $wiving aillaafi,tvo w€IEdanaCed-Ofleof rheftalian tE tablesidesftom whichth€tqo formarionsoflalian fidt€rs €nte: The
pilolswashled lalerin fle daywhenhisplaie blok€up in flighr His deadl two tlTesof nghbr musibe in sepanEfomadons.
wasascribedro combalddrnagerharhadSorEunnoric€d Ilitorical o|rt od€
OleBlenheirnwasstntdownwiihlhelossof alilscIE$( OrEG.50

Whilst escortingan Ro 37 observaljonplarE,an ftaiianfight€rpilot

sawFaireyBatdesof 33 MiIa bombingralgersnearKoriea The G 42
pilot lefr bischargeb oder to anackrlE Cr€ekbomb€rs.
By 0teerd oi I91O$e groundwar hadreachedst emate-L 6e air
I) DECEMBR - IN THE Tfl'H,E{E.{REA how€v€r,dteRegiaAercnauticasrill l€tairleda nEasu€ of air
TheseopeningmonthsbadexpoGalfle weakn€sles ofthe biplm fighteB
Bdtish Gladiaio6 led by Fld-r Padleen(trutelEd a formalionof
usedby bot-hsid€s.TheG42, despitei6 claim!o bettE bestbiplanefighr
Italianbombe$andanackedrtlem.thebomben'es.ortfailedlo i.rerverc.
erorwwZ wasslrugglingto interceptmodemnonoplanebombeBliketle
BlertEirl All tooofienwhenmixedfomlationsofFiat CR42andFilt c50
British 9 x GlGterciadialor 8osquadrcn alliurdsl4,tlm fet inteffpled Bleoh€insonly rhemonoplarEc50 $I}id successtully engage
lalie 6xSM 79 X2a Dd 534 Euadngla alhordelzm Eet
theBritishaira"fr Simildly, tl€ 80 Sqdn. Gladialols\r€€ olim fafing to
The SM 79senEraro$etableedgeandmus fly a.l$s d|elableandenr
calchdle fastIlalm trimotorbombels Whencaughtd€ SM/9 andCANT
ftomlheopposil€side.TIE Gladiaro8enrerliom oneofthedlErrhrEerable
21007 pro\ed lulnemble,ar fiey la.ked armM ,nd tuel tankprot€ction,
edges,cho€enby dic€*row.
consequdly they caughlnrc easily. The Bdtish and cleek fighte$ had
F6torical outcome
beenus€daggesively drd successtully. bul the GrEekairfore wa5now
Or'eSM 79 w shotdownin flar6 dd mtttgr wasbadlvdarnaled.
lming shonof aiftrfr AlrEdy 2l Mim haddcharg€d ils FZIr ior ex
I\vo Gladiaton\r€rednmaged
RAF Oladialon.The bomberunis woul soona.quneBbnheimsfion rhe
samesoute TheAlied bombeiswele too few ii numberto ehieve my
rcd $ra€gic $ccessdd rheirsmallfonnalionswele wlneoble lo Irzlim
An attemprby 84 Sq.]n.!o damage0le Kucemoitfieldswas int€r-
In 1941lh€ltaliarshop€dto aiuss sufficidt esoules, onlie groud
cepredby IralianfghteE who took a hearyloll of tlle midingaillrafr
andin tle air.!o enabledlemto o\€rwh€lmfie Bidsh andcr€ek forces.
Bitish 9 x BdsrolBlennenn I 84squadron aldt'rds6500 feel
ldian 5 xFialc.50 l54ocruppo
(* Anti aiEnn fift oplional)
I haw Eiedto wriledl€sc€nmios in a mamerwhichflables playeE!o adapt
$emiolheiro*nFEferedsetof nner.IndoingsoIhaveominedanymer}
llle Blenleim bombe$enteratonetableedgein du€evicsofihEe aircrafr
tior of anti'aitcmftfirc in $e scenarios.If you wish ro usei! ir shouldbe
ea.h. Theymuslexit fiom rlle oppositetableedgeandholnblhe raEer,it
included in scenadosfour and ten. In ou club we use tlle old
thecenueof$e lablq en-mre- TheItalianfornaion dlels fromoneof 0le "Aido,tem@a46s" 6aa!ns.m dl$,
odginallypublishedby Bauldine
otherthe tableedg€s,chGeDat Endom. The altitudeof rheintecFing
andmw availablefiom AlElon HilL We haveadaptedflem for usewilh
Fiab is chosenby tt€ Italianplayei
minialnEsandhavere{s€d ll)e aillraft da|acadr addingnew oneswhere
Hislorical outcome
recessary. Ourgarnesareplayedon a ntlEr wom6 x 4 Standardcan€s,
Two of tlle Blenbeimsweie shotdown. Five othen wetedamased.
tEx pnn@dclolh.(As far asI an awaEfiese arcno longeravailable).
onebadly.IEre wereno lrlian loeses.
Air varfor Utgoslaia GEeceatd Cete
A pair of Bleniein fighte$ patoling dle Prcvs lrvkas afta
by C. shim, B. Cull andN. Mdlazi,l
encouflercdanItalianfloatplarEsimilffly engagedon anofensiveftmc
pub.GrubStreet 1987
nais$nce TheBlenlEimsdivedIo atlack..
by tIP wilrnot
Bndsh 2 x BlenheirnlF 30e admn aldlude:7.000feer pub.MichaelJoseph 1989
xalian 1xCANTZ.506B l9S Squadriglia aliirde: 5.0m feer
History6lP kcond t bnd t br
The 25068 e et: at orE lableedgeandmllstfly asosstlle tabl€andenr
pub.hlrrcll 1967
fiom 0leoppciie sid€.The panofBlenheimlF enterfroma .drdonnychG
TE lhrstratedEnqcbry"iia ofAittnfi
€d S.Mone
Estorical outcome
pub.O'bis hblishing l-ld. 1982
The Blenheimpilols fIEd ofi aI rtEir arnmunitioninb tte CANT
wilhoutshooaing it down. They lhen fornabd with it to allow theirtunet Orgenisation of R€giaA€ronautica fuhter and bornbcr lnri|s.
gu$Els a shol;whilstdoingsoon€Blenheimgumerwasmonallywouxt Cruppo
ed C"ANTevenhralyonshedinto theseaald a.lldle clew we€ cap


Onbe lastdayof 1940ineBbnheims rcoln€dlo Valon4bombine Squaftislia Squadriglia Seadriglia

stodg€donp6soulhof theport TheItaliamgavechaseardcaughtupwih A figbtergruppo
20milessoulhof thela8et
Brilish 9 x BrislolBlenheim
t 2ll Squadron altitud€:7,000
ItaIan 3 x liatG42 ahtuds7,000feet t l
I x FiatG.50 1540
Gruppo aldtude:
7,000feet t
TheBlarhein bombers€nteraronet ble edgein rhr€€vilx of dlteeainnft
each.Theymustexitftom fE opposirerableedge.TheFja6enrerfromtle
I -.-j-
sanetlbl€ edgeasd)eBlenheimson thenexllum. t l t l
F'storical ouicone
Only tlle GJo Eachedth€ fle€ingbombel$slrcolinsonedowninto
l l t l
&uadiglia squadrislia Squaftiglia &ualriglia
tie s€a.All fie clew werchlM. The€ weteno Italianlus. A
Planesof the ltalian (above)andBritish (b€low) airforcesfeaturedin the foregoingscenados.

Air wargam"es.hada high profire ar rhis year's partizanat Kelhan HaI. Above: DaveAndrews'London Blitz gane using l/l.r4rh
scalearrcrali.Kapokcloudsanda microterain probablyinspiredby the openingsequence of 'Eastenders'.
Most of tbi players
in this gameseemedto be Sconish- but th€n, we did try to cipture i_onaontong bef;re Hitler!
Notebook erof aibrushingatre.dngbeafing anda pessimislicepon on 6e dangers
ofinhaling soldertumes.To addto $is, tE p€rilsofMEK (Liquid Poly)
by Mke Siggins ale now s€n ktom as a bEin ilting agenr \liotout wishinSto ptn a
danperon tlle hchby,jusi how safeale theinar€rialswe use?Pexsonaly. I
\\bll, anods Saluiehrs iEn ard gone The dowds, at\$at snains orE ha\€ rcwrted10non-toxica.rylicsard odourlessmalerialswl|erevs possi
ofdretop tr€e 'big'slnws, lsurElyto'4 with Triples,Coldrs, Daby? B1] ble, but sinceth€nha\€ bee-ndbcked at d|e wemingson cedainprfiies
s€emto ha\€ pick€dup, bu with d kasl sorE of dE €g'rlfi tndas exiled (fdcetul endrghb considerbuying dremin lhegarden)aJdspmypainb-
io afti8hbodngbuiBin& it wasdiffolt to sayfor$re. Whatwrs norice- 'Harmtu]or l€lhalifinhaled'.Gjp€sl Now I klow ftere alesone toughold
able,endIwishldcou&dheforeloseed|e[€o4wasthepr€?ordrr re lFbbyislswhoArinkb nonfillingson dEirconrflnks, 'lip poinf dtentup6-
of scisxe fiqion and fanhsy ganEs. Ttley accoud€dfor wel ol€r half lndenbrushesard clEw epoxyfiller asif it e€te vr'rigleys,blt I do ha!€ a
tr€present,a.ndwhileitwdrldbed)dishtobelnoallfi€npresen e,when naggingdoubtdralanyingwilh anammaflar blowsyorr h€adotrjult can't
tEy sscsd i0 dE r4ority itis a lide gatlin& Why? BsnNe while they begoodforyou So,canq€ gs somet|ardfactson bis? Is airbn'shingsafe
don't a{perl |o mq fEy soeasilycould TtEy dofl't b€cause fle garrEsalE with a mask?Canprclongedexpoue to erlarnelso. edmium yellow do
of sr.h a Iow st ndardard Epecialy consideingtle $bject rna6erla8e- lasdngdarnage?WasNew Yo* Stde right to try to banleadcomplelely?
ly unin ginali\€. I canquie happilylive tlE r€slof my life withourseeing lDon't tink theyirEludedhilets. Edl
ano$rrMadMax,Carwa$clorE, ardhoweverbiasedtls wil sou|4 Ian
alwatsrcutelyawaleoftbe r€serrch*€se peoplehawnt done And wha.- A coupteof is$es bmk I pdntEdsome wnd sp€dlation on Guenrsey
evertle srbjed mer, isnl iherc a more appoFiaie keeMe from 6e Foti*y's plansfcr lhe frxue involvingdnpr l0mm ngureringesandall
orgadsersto dregarss ftan a mug?tBut do otEr showsgive a k€€psake smts.This will te€chmeto lislento rurnous,butsinceI havemw h€ardttE
at all?Edl. tub fioln dle hose\ rnood! I can €pon (rnoreacodely) as fo[ows.
BryanAnsel'sb€sicid€ais10publisha rEngeofbook, rulesandrelabdng-
Stiking a balle *€.e two excelenthisloricalgarnestharcarghtmy eye rlEs tt'al wil gi!€ you et€tyhing you needto $2n andplay in a pe.iod- at
for $pelb nDdeling, capo-rine$eir $bjecr peffedly ard havingtlE aI a[ levelsfrom skirmishto stdegic, if p6sible. Ttle fd periodis obviorF
inportart ertNsiadic FEs€ntas Goo4 hrt $ill dE nnEr up, was dle ly wild West,to befolowed by Eglteenfi Centuy ad, in lirF, Colonials.
wnderfrrl nai"l game,Cibralar ThewaErefe.ts andille shipmodelsju$ The figues wil be z5llul! compariblewith tle disiting Walgan|es
lud lo bes€€:rto bebelie!€4 andtheov€r?I effectwasemjn& Shading Fourdryrdnges,ald s.ulF€dby theindecennytalentedMa* Copple$o'E.
e.t€nfis oubladjng garE by a whiskerwasmy GarrEof lhe Month The TlE enbryo rnesetserl earryspecnneisof dre SYw figues arEjust
Ftr$ Sfth Wd, display€dby Pad TdckenandDern Wbit€lns ' a c$ple Ap€€ring,whichI afnluclryenougho ha\€ s€eaard theylmk g€ar - rcal
oftalsf€d S.O-D.S.ablyassiqedby ille StockonGodfadEqDar€Thorus. chardcErs, \dth a senseof beingjusl rjght for illis fas€inaring
perio{r Of
This *"s orc of tp 6I$ demnst tion g?rrEsI've s€erroubide of ll)e couseIneedanewarmyort$o,justtofinalysinkmyhousei oiBfouF
Notinghan coExie,k) use wegarnesFoudry figuns in 6e rnass.And dationi so I'll haveto $mngly resisrhese fm at leasta month or two.
whata sightit ea!. Top not h paintingindividualised uits' fiftin8 scdlery Mernwhile the l0mrn SYw €d hetringsmay not see[le light of day (d]e
3nel€phartanda feeloflMian healanddust Marvello|lsstutr 6guEsexisl tlFy jl.lstrnaynor cometo nnket) but I alsoha\€ a pervene
lking for t]eseli0te b€arxi€s- you couldquickly paintup eroughbaseslo
I Fcendyspenta few daysin Paris.edly not for dle Bmpean rniniaties haveIEily big armi€s,whil€Rrainingenoughmiform ddail lo dirlinguish
slpw' hn for the SarD d5 Jaa a boadgarp ard rniniatuese\s[ $at the3rdFootfiom a Eeiclrnar As ftey say.we sllal see And asforslqs,
ndesin th€ sidesr of a hugemodelengin€edng exhibilior Compacd!c thalissome\ray downtheioad bul we'[ sil be holdingour bltdll
theReuily evmtin May,thse]tI€ veryfew miniatu€,s onshow.t]E cmwd
bemgrnoie ahmedto boardgames and yae l4rtr magazirE Anlway, far I havebelar€dlydiscoveEdanexcelentmngeof figues this morth Ttley
tom disQpoint€dby lheodrermodels on shoq I spenta pleasartfew hous arEancia , lsllllr\ which\rouldnornaly beriro stikes againslfor me,but
tEtE ard lhEnheded of 1odo sone slFppingat CharnF6de Man (Rue fi€ qoalitydrtweighsany lEsenations.)',dl bgion pmduc€a wide nnge
Sdvigny,in tlE b€autifrlM,rais disict) lo s€ewhd rd beenrnissing.The of litle masleeieces, pdmarilycor€ringcity sialeGrcetr Ma.edonianalld
rEsft waslike e- Ednga tine walp. Aquaint litrlesllop,Fcked fr offig- Emic wals. andIndims. IhatI sBDe.t will seee'dersiveseflice in DBA
rrEs,books,nrles,grnes ard evenWryMEs nllttra@J It is €xadly ttle andDBl4butdeserve ab€trerfate.Unlike nost figuEs ofthis scde,f|ey
s.(t ofd61y,enthusiasic,enigrnadcshopthalu!€d!o exi$ in r-ondonbefoe ha\€bothdetailandidividual anirnalioqandcomein a mrg€ofpo6e!d'a!
f!€y aI die4 ore by orE. The facttlat srppodsduEeor for of lhein wilh clev€rpainting,wiX look $perb. Theyale soepo4 tlEy hadnE ilctF
maysaysom€dfng.I don't klow what but tEy a€ slil tllete,fighin& ing to & thal 1:I SpatunPhalarxpojecr f\€ be€ntoying wirh for fitoe,
yea6. l'fr kgion crn be conlachdat 2 PeIEyliouse ?g Momt Sion,
Apadftom qoicklyrealisingtlar Parisis now paintuIyexp€osir€.ilE oiller ftnkidge \4blh K€ntINl lTJ.
tling I leamedwastu! generdlyspeakin&Fcnch modele6 s€emnol to
ule $E sanEp€i s as we do- I lookeda$ud in \"in fo. Humbrolor Con],qed|j ToyShrryd Pocalontas,dle Sharpenterchandising na.hirle
Re!€[ orevenCit del,ard in t]E erd concluded tlat tfleymu$ aI beusing n r l3nE anifial indeed but bey ha\e sril rn naged!o poducestdrpeS
dElirle l7n prrfferhotlesIdseenardteslDwadinfEslE!6. I'dnever Sbry thebaokoffie series,ard a soundrackCD. Now you c)n lister !o
s€enthes€befoiE,b|rt I can reltal they arc acrylic,and manufactuedin Orerrz playuflil yougo quitemad.But ifyou like tnt sort
Sp€inby \hl€jo. Theyarcsolduder t{o narnes:ModelColour,and of fiing, it isn t bad valueand it wil douhlers suit lhoseseekingpeddj
hince Augus - Ihela!€r of cast-your-os,rFEDop6 farne. WlletlleftEy ale fla\ou in .il dir€isions. lte book n ach.'rly pc{ty goo4 giving an
arEilablein tle UK I donl Imow,butilEy areexcelentpaind Realy na4 overviewof 0E elevenpmgrarnrnes sofar ard hindtg at anotEr seiesarl
sllrooth good cov€mgequick drying and availrblein a wide l,nge of ftitdjrgwithsha4x\ ktuenoo.Corl nlere a€ biognphie,s ofal ltle par'
colous - es!€cialy tlDse sritable for modemuniforms- irrldjng five dcipans,iDcludingpictu€s of lumiiffies suchasLt Huley, and a gmd
gr€ys. In fact,fEy harc al fle beneliFof bothenarlelsandacrylics.As *rite up on ho\ why andwhel€d)efijrns t}sE mada Recommended
)ou'n hat€ guessedI picled up somesanplecolous ard now $rouldlike
TheIni€rn€tis rapidlybecomingan intercslingplaceto be. Ome you have
survi\€dlhe fid few u€ek of tumblingwih sofrwaft,endu€dtE r're
while fis may be d€emeda litle serioosfa( tis coluna I cant hjnk of si\€ phorEbils ad ultimarelyfotmdsondling you'rei ercsr€diI! it sar'
anyofEr srihble foruq soheregoes.My cL,rrmtcoicem is wih thesaf+ d€sdowntobeausetulbol. No rnolettun tha! butde6nit€lyuIetul. o'Ee
ry isaressrrounding lhe hob,by. This is p6dy ponpted by a newly you havegol usedto Email you'd havelo be dmggedbackto le$etsmd
a.quiEdseisilivity!c erErEl, non-PvAClues" Mlipd andvariousilinne$, faxes,dteWebpag6 havesorneverygoodminiatrr€sresourc€s, ard many
andpady h€.auseI haveheardof onetE entcaseof leadpoisonirg,anolh of fte Anedcin companiesnE alrcadyon-lineand availablefor queries.
salesad generalabuse But ttE bee p6n forme is tlE rc\rsgoupc,which
ha\€ Ecendyenjoyedsomefascinaringdbcussionson wheE fE h€bbry, WARRIOR MINIATURES
nil€sard cofinand & conrol rEchanismsareh€ading.And ir's udated 14 Tlverton Avenue,GlasgowG32 gNX Scotlend
instaitly,jus in careyou areat a loo6eerd a. 2am. Worrha looh especial- Nfl C.Ialo8le €1.50pl6 a stanped addwd eN.loF
Ilee srarehtcb Ioi tupl!, 24ho6 Nwrrphqq 01{t,ng 3{26, }ib a@pr VF,
ly if your finn is payin& If not, I d recomnendAOL who otr€ra rdlher M6tdhr4! erc. M:nodtr mly-
soo4 inexpensive al,rcund packag€ - f€el fiE to mail me on Em AaMtES- ONLI A. plzr a,to p6r Ch(N 6@ FEndr or BnGh NaFLoiq RoM ECWRdyrlH o. radih€nlniiar ACW Norlh and Sout\ 13th C€trrly Cotdial
zuiG art Bdrish,IanhsyCoodor Evil rnd Sr.hroB MhiM oI 1m lc in a.h dy
An urExpected by-goducrof lhis colutrn hasbeena numberof leuersard Em NAPOLECTNIC ASMIES- ONLYt795 r'r6 A,O r'oei lm piG, Bdf6\ Frotr\
phonec.alsfiom, shal we say,hobbypeirsonalities ftis is 6IE asn gives Picia Rsiatr Asrda S@nb
me a iharEeto chat!o somefanN lralB ard li{l€n !o rh€irvierDoins. Itna At]luES - ONLf A4$ pLBB,fl p6t l00rn6 cRlq R.bia P.6iar!nr{ir!
bu ma6tol aI borncesome'd6 oE drrl Or|esuchcalL fiom dE infa- l&eitonia Nomi4 Sdwi Mm8ob bnsrrFchb, M.diaale, ACw Noin ad sourh
mousJohnTuckey,nade rE stongiy q)nsidermy crEde ials for *riting z5ffiDBA AT"IUES- EROMAUn, over4oio (llo@ ion
the Not€book in the nicestpossible\ray- ]f I aln er husiaslic,!otn dre Aha ficltR.Es - F&OM l5t, 1tn6 FROMrop. All mde 1106top quality alloy. Ato
20rm Spmnh Civil $hr, Mdm dd Modrn USA Ert.6iw lsM Colonid ard
hobby,Joh is len limesk€€rlet IfI tlcughr I wasadilE habbywbe,John
is 0i&mlly) a frm tirne pmponeJ)t.r I trrc{rghrmy 22 }€als expedence
acc€ptable,JohnwastherewhenScruby,FeathmloneandBad eer€ mere
novices.f t fiought I lud sonEEasonablysiz€darmiesjJohnlus tlE odd
80,0m fuw€s. rI &ought my viewsv/€restident and fortright John
equa6 ro Rich3.durd€johl At orle pointI almosrnade he miske of
frei furps 15
rev€alingI FEferGdsrDI units,only to lEmembsjust in tirnethaaJo[n
1smm Metal Figures
Johnny Reb(A.C.W Bules)el4.5L
id€ttifies2Jm Samuaipexsideasa tmal skirmish. Bur despiteaI rha!
I ha!€ (l sayI haveseldomhada rno(Eintereslingcdple of lEsrs on be Febett Yett,YankeeHurnhl
A.C-W Scena o book, sequel to Bu eE & Dlrt,26.95
phon€!ard wercaI hobbists evena shadowof Johr. we'd l|a\€ a tEbby
thiving out ofcontol r,eepdle caXscoming. Gcoks (134)
HErlenislic rHE oUAVE
Fomds (76) IHE aMEarcaN cnnL waq
c6nhasinrftlaa),&GaLls($) SOC\E|YMAGA4NE
or'e ofdle manyfascinaingslbjectsJohnmjxedwasrl|esizeof themini+ rnr;""ir-ili"r",iii, ,oo, u K.subc1250Der4 '*u6
turEshobby,a nufiber I havealwaysassurned to bequireiar8e,bu ir woutd Et,aberh! t".h w* i*,r Eurcp€Lr b.w p€r 4 r$u€s
beus€tu|!c k|own wharit is, andwheberor not it is sldnking. ci\€fl tha! fiidr Yea6War(65)
Enotirhc" wd i?9) Can.da Ag6nrs
ti€{e js sorp bludng at tte edges,in tems of closoE boadgame4 Sd.N Y€61S WATPBN GAMEXEEPEF
Walwnlet and$casiond or 'th€odicai' figrueganErs,*€ Ei€dto pin Fench & hdian \4arc{s3) 75 MacdonnetSr.
crivo in lndia(30) cuetDh
downafiguIEforjusi tle 'hmdcole'histodcalgarEls. BryanAnsel,who am€i€n wa' otrnd€Fnd€nc. (201) o N|H227
hasdorc sonleusetulmarket'es€rrchin tle field alsootr€I€dhis viess.
Betweeow we cane out wilh a figurefor theUK of betwe€n15,m ard Au.rr. . &
25,000,lt'e conseruspoi ing towards20,m0 rnembe$,wilh abourfle ,.s. ,i*L,-.uil, ", N.wz@r.ndasFr.
a*,i-" c"i e,;rr;, ApMp,O Box122so
saneagainin rheStar€s.To anext€n! wilh d|e,lxerEe ofhard daia this;s Plainshdhh Wac (los) Chnsbhurch,
fnger in tlte air foE€astins,but $is sorndsalo nghrro me. Johnt vi€w, Md|m ian EYpddiliod(50)
G'ealoc6gJaydnW4 /47) Aqst
nabraly enougL was dut of tlris figu€ orny 3,C00afainedd|eTuck€y rraawa' orrndepeldon@ (11o) MtFUtoN s.c.
Iiobby Acri$ty Kitemft andhar a sma.lp€rcema€e of fto6e welE 'di- ltlglt"T-i! Y:lllill vba.Bsdud,,
rtls', or Ieadels.I klow exacdywhathe rEars Doesdyone haveany .fffi :ffi::Lfflj;:ii, s0o2c
view?Especialyon tE US figuEs,nd E$pe? (Feu6 ii bE.rcb arc appmnmb nutr$.6
d fgues in €n96 ' d6, nd indudgpE')

OneofitE sideefiecaofAvalonHl's rEcentroublesu,"sdut d|eylos ilEir WORLWIDE MAILORDERSERVICE

comFr@rde\€lopnenlleamandsometal€nt€dgnphic aniss. ftr[loarely
for us.manyofdlem arcnow *orking arTalonsofrwho ha!€Foducedooe
ofthe b€sttacticalcomlt(er ganesin rccentmontl$,or posibly e\€t TtE
FREIKORPS 15, 25 PrincotownRoad,Bangol,
Co. Down BT203TA,Northernlreland.
F;neisBattleqnwT Ge4tsLaACmpod€dby EmpireIfiendivq f,14.9)
ald it corFs as clce lc a miniatu€sgaJIEon sdeenas I hai€ yet seen. Telephone No. 01247472860
ForyeIl.rlCr o/G/rrl wiih ib bugs,mad€apunitsandridi$lous computer
oppon€nt- thisis ofan altogedlerhjgherord€r The lernin gl?phicsarEout-
standing,looking|adlerlike a ceoHexs€rup,ariddl€garneoffelseitherfie Book on tlE Month lhis iime goesto BrEntNosworthy'sBdde 7zad6 d
Napohon vl HisEremi* (Qrlefile !2t. Folowing on ftom hisquid-
eotirebatle ora nngeofinte€sting shorterscenarioG.Tle garEirjelfgives
youeveryhi$oncalunjt,a hugedetanednup, alows changes Iy rtl:gnedArutomyaf ttcrrrt, |r|n is fkely to enjoya muchhigherprofle,
of formalion
ad facing,cleadyslbws unit stEngthrmiforq exFdenceald faliguqand pody thank !o itspeiod butnainly b-n'.e it isdestinedto b€conEa serts
e\€n aDs lide sowd and videoclips of ACW rc€rDcro'swlEneverrh€ in lwod. ThisisarnaNelousboolrtuIofrEwi €rperadonsoffadscs!
gu'sfir€, ortherEisamelee. And thesevideoclipsaredif€rEn!ea.htime. sida€d h.ontrovenible,excele$ analysisand staggaingrcsearchwhile
Inqediblesrf, ard higtriyatrr'osphedc. slin managingtohehighlyrEadable f youha!€dlintqestindisp€rio4
or those$nourding if Badlethclics is a mu$ buy. Rume. up is t|e lat€$
rn tle e{ceuedGpey-kjller Montlen serie$lllis tine on dE Sassaniars -
Thediffer€nceb€neenC,4trr Aandcourile\soberefortsis rlatthishas
a ds:nt systemudelpinning all the chrcme,a nther goodi €rfaceand djdr't lhey usedto be Sassanids? Anlway, fnis is ano$€r wdl €s€arcn€d
'olune by he pofilic Dalid Nicolq ard hasa feaitofml r platesby tlp
evenotr€rsa fog of war option- so ofrenmissingfrom dl"l g nes. TlE
only slightdoMside. and one likely ro slay for a while, is 6ar dE game nasler, Angus McBrid€. TEse toops ha\€ ahays been annng my
offe$ no editorto permitwhalif scendiosbur0nr is hardlya mjor dlaw favoudt€s,beinga lBat 'painFr'samy', andai:codingly my fiI$ affienr
backsincetlteEarehundrcdsof horls of playon tlE CD rs is. AI thealo\€ forceswereHinchlitre25nn1 l€vies,ele?hanBard aL ]ltis baokis sogoad
cominens also apply to l,\€ prEvioustid€ in 6e Barlegorjnd s€ries, I wasibhing 10$rn buildingtiem up again.ButI resist€d. JusL
,4nArupr,wiih ntleobvious€x:eplionof period-I lmk forwardwith gEar
interEslto lhe rExt title in tlle sefies,Waerloo.Highly rdecoffne{ded_ Milz Siqgins
Goodto s€ecoventry's scimitar club back on the demo gamecircuit after a year off. This Lebanon l97s gamewas put together
by Bob Fife, Nick Newton & JohnAmstrong, with oth€rmemb€rsjoining in on the day. The bi boardjust provesmy
in silhouetteYasserA$far and Que€nVctoria do look very similar!
EastemFmnt World War II action in a gamestagedat Partizan
'96 by the members A pb{Gional painii.g etuice Io. vdrgd6 by a @rgder
of the DerwentsideWaryamesSociety -
AllGla @reredtor {up to tlomd) but 15nm a sF.ialig, with a
Pet€t Sean & John using the 15mm 'Command Division'
- nunber ol standardiaEilablelo sdt yourbste dd your_pdket
Iangefrom Old Glory & Skytsex. For a 15rb saEple 3end11.50 ro 14 C.e FlymoD, Bnckl.,
Eriilged, td. Glam. CF3l2HG orco.t ca
Simon Chdlsworth o. 01656 76E556for dcrr ..
Readers' Lettens limiledinwhathecansavasthe
through a problem andissue
therightorderu to produce asolution.
h is
emphatically NOI a talkingshopwheretheopinion olthePlayeris
NOFSKIMOSONTHE ENTERPRISE compared to theopinionof theUmpire although I haveseensome
"FreeKriegsspiels" played in thiswav.
Re:Dav€Lockwood\ Letter,MayIssue.
Havinglakenthe tine andtroubleto put forwarda factualarticle, Thedifference between thisandtheMatrixgameis that,although
whichwassubsequently published the assesyrerr is carried out in thesamevay. theMatrixgamedeals
[Wn02],I wouldappreciare you
publishing myshonrcply. wilh subjeclive elemenlsaswell asconcrete details.Funhermore. the
If Davelrckwood hadtakenthetimeandtroubleto readmyanicle, Matrixgames arguments aretot linited in an! way.Thusin a Matix
he wouldhaverealised thatit wasspecilic in ils reference ro WRG game, youcouldarguethatanoutbreak ofdysentefl adlersely affecls
basedgames.l havenointerest whatsoeverin anyofthevarious setsof youropponent'sforces, orthal asudden downpour washes a$'ay avilal
ruleshecited. bridge. Youcannot dothisin a FreeKdegsspiel whichdeakonlywiih
"facts. SayinSthatyou
As a successltl Napoleonic wargamer at Cluband Nationallevel, concrete areunlikelyloarguelhatmisfortune
albeitin thepast,thelastthingI needin mylifeis a 'Very, verysad affectsvour own men is ouite facile. To usethisasammunition to
criticisetheconcept of MatrixGames is.frankly.somevhat bizarre -
My overallresponse to DaveLockwood\ramblings canbesrbe the equivalenr ofcrilicising DBA as a gam€ because the Players tend
summedup bythefollowing immortal word..'lt\ Life,butnotaswe notromistakenlyfife onthenal[esin aconfused melee!
knowitJim!' Limitingthe Players to structured arguments issimplyamechani3m
PaulHambleton romakeplayinglhe gameeasier. Ilyouwish1oignore it. feelfreeto do
so- bui don'ldenounce a trulyinnovalive concept justbecause you
havedifficultlachieving themental disciplinerequired to produce ihe
DRAGON.SLAYER argume in a logical andstructured sequence.
The April issueof 'y1 containedan advenisement lor T$o Drasons Priorto my deployment on thisoperation I wasresponsible for
Producrions shichrncludedsome commenlc aboutthemandcemeil ol designing army wargames" at lheCorpsandDivisional levelfor over
Salule. dndre wouldlke ropurrherecord{raight: two years,usinga larietyof merhods fromsophislicated computer
1) thecommittee doesnotmakedecisions onwhin. modellingto a largelcalevariantof FreeKriegsspiel. Tley $'ork1oa
2) keeping a cheque is notthesamerhingaskeeping money,and greater or lessdegreebuttheyaUsufferbadlywhentryingtosimulale
cheques arenotcashed unlilaplaceis6rmlyallocared arSalure. operations ot er,ra, *?r.(likethecurrentsituation in Bosnia). The
3) Tlere is no suchthing as bookingin advance for Salure_MatrixGame.however. hasbeenusedon a numberof occasions 1o
Applications areinviredon certainlerms,anddecisions madeon a examine the issu€sconcerned with "PeaceSupporiOperalions",
standard bash.Submission of an application anda cheque do€snor achieving fargreater insight thanbyusingconrentional methods.
equate to pre-booking. (Thisisclearly stated intheinvitalion toapply. ) In summary - Malrix Games work, and ha!€ been sbo{n to work
4) Apan fromtbe verylargestandlongestablished trade6,ve well. Matrix Ganeshave won prizesar Ganes ShoNsin the
deliberately seekanelement ofchange in theradestands present, to PafticipationGane cateqory.This doesn'thappenlo many 'blind
givenewideas, etc.,a chance to appear. It isthanksio thispolicythal allev"ideas.I am afraidthat Mike\ artacksmacks ol "infighting,
somelradestands appeared at Salutein the fi|st place.Other*ise, elitism, pomposiry andoutrighr silliness"it mightb€betterto havea
therewouldhavebeenvirtuallynocha0ge for yeannow,asiluationwe littleconstructive dialogue asanalternative...
consider lessthandesirable. Trn Price
Finally,wedon'tclaimto geleverything perfect. However, thisis
Salute's 25thy€ar,andthefacttharlr'econtinueto attracrrheintercstof
gamers, clubs andtraden,suggests thatthemanagement oftheeventis A BROADSIDE FROMBOBOFBROOKIIURST
reasonable. Obviously,Saluteis successful enoughto nake it worth Werecentlyreadwith someinterestthelerrerof Mr. Bill Kriegin WI
whilefor tradenwecan'taccommodate on thedaytogoandsetupa lm. GivenBrootJ)ursl Hobbres po'iliona.a majorretarle r/di'rributor
siallacrcss th€way. in NorthAnericafor a varietyof \rargaming produchwefell theneed
Rob€rtBolhw€I to respond to thepointsmisedby Mr. Krieg,vhichwewouldliketo
SaluteCo.ordinator share wilholhersin thehobbv.
Brookhurst Hobbiesis no$ the exclusive distributorin Nonh
TIIE LA,IPIRE STRIKES BACK Anerica for over 30 differe lines of wargaming miniatures, rules,and
accessories imponedfromEurope.Thismeans we arebringingthe
Beingstuckherein Sarajevomeansthat I get mycopyof l,yaryalres entirelineof theseproducts i'rtothecountry. in largequandties, and
lllusrraleda litde late,soI apologise if thisresponse is delayed.but I nakinglhemreadilyavailable to custorners across NorrhAnerica,
felttharIhadtoreplytoMikeSiggins'colunn"tyaryame Norebook' whichhad certainlynot beenthe situalionbefore.Perhaps nost
in yourMay96issue. mportanuy, wemakerhenavailable to retailersin NorrhAmerica -
I wasfiankiyamazed thatMikeshouldchoose to spendso many thecustoners' localhobbyshops at srandard tradedis.ounrs and
colwnninchesknocking something thathe obviously doesn'r under- lerms.sotheycanreadilybecarried forthebenefit ofproductsrarved
stand.Thefaclthatheshouldthenusethisasanexcuse to snipearan
organisation, likeWargames DevelopmenB, becanse he erroneousty We insiston givingregulartradediscounts only to bona-fideretail
thinksrheyinvented theidea,doesnothing ro enhance hisargument_outlets,lora verysimplereason:we support rhem.As webelieve the
(MatrixGaneswere "invented" byCbrisEngleintheUSAsome years entirehobbyshould.Relailoutletscarryproducrs on theirshelves
ago-WD merelymadea fewminoradaptalions to makethemmore whefethepurchasercan seethem,andiindoutfirsthandwhelher they
playable). are reallywhatbe wantsand needs.A retailoudetis aho there
Thediffeences between "Free Kriegsspiel" andMatrixcanesare year'round forthecustomer, notjustforafewdaysaraconventioni if a
simple and easyto define. In a "Free Kriegsspiel"the officer problem vith a product develops, it is thereto dosomething aboutil.
commandinghis forces(the Playetexplains whatorders heintends to Are all rhesethingstruefor a strictlynail-orderoperation, or for a
giveto thefo.cesunderhh conlrol.Theseordersarethenassersed by vendor\rhosellsonlyat conventions? And remember, in relurnfor
the umpirein the light of his experience. the justiceof rhe providing theseservices. a relailoutl€thasio covera lorofoverheads,
cicumstanc€s andtbeinberent militaryprobability oftheorders being suchasrentforih srorefiont, thecostofcarryingan inventory, ra'€sto
cariedout in the waytheplayerintended. ThePlayeris extremely the Government, insurance. employe€ payroll,anda widearrayof
[wffigwa mfnfatirus
17llildcrtborycBad BtuIlington YOti SAY
L25 irc PtP. -
Tcl/hr 0852 67O1211SDDAbhtsc
Ecaigtacc Ottouu TorLt i& XtEloL Eqmtiort for D.B.B Etht tnl
13^ rsrxr mr m*or orlr xr*r L{
r5/rl:? rftu|. crY[tyrn.I0r.t
l6lrEs dlr{ra alY I h., :; E/raor nrrt toirtrrD t.dH tr !6/rcrr u*$r
i; r6cEor rr.E !dur! (|dn ") !,5o 6/€r{ nrl|l^r ||(f(E 4dd
uf bEbr, rE/rclo nrarfia rfil|ft,
I.l'lrt J^rtt^rv
E/|rro J^ls.^rt 6/aaI'! |.ll* ffrlr nr ru?r|3|m .6
r^B fir
8O Yatt Ytt t ECY r5/rc'l! ro|rra.rll'slrcurar$ .|6
for D.EB Bthc. rsl€G!6 !.^a60r rf[uat
6/rr!. ulouE n.rc t.Y o.r)
16 6ifta{ ||tl3r.rllr rnuo
6/?r!t lfY r^[Lr
6/.r!r arY r^ul. 15 6i!c.r xuw crY rli|ff c^rd|o
|6/|14r olroin c^v c..rd.r . $rL.. rE 6/rc4r xuw c^v Glr|ra ftlrol.t
r6/[cr fi.3^rt rrt ofn.r a rri.r.l
i5 G/$e aG.r3dcEt rcxlr3dar
Bcnigc.rcc Ltr.bLacchtt 16 16i.4l{| ft.fii r{tr4 t{!,o, t2o
ro 6ll'r.t

.r. |6ircro..{r0ccrri'

llEff Batiqncc D.8.8 Sahg & Atpt Litb fL95 ctch..

- andwethinkMr. KrieSwould

As to whethef iheconpanies in Europethatwerepresent actually

have\oundbusiness reasons" fordealing withus,webelieve it would
havebeenvery enlightening for Mr. Krieg if he had actually
communicated viih anyof then himself. Forrhemostparrtheyare
nowselling nuchmoreproduct in NonhAmericathanlheyelerhad
before whichwouldseema prettysoundbusiness reasonl lt maybe
truethatin thesho(1erma fewdirectsalesfromindiridualsin North
America havebeenlost,butonthe{hole theyaredoingmuchbetter
thanbefore.If thiswasn'tthe€asethenthesupplienwe reprcsent
wouldcertainly srillbesellingdirec..
Wealsohelptheconpanies NedealwilhbygivinS themsupport in
theiradvenising efrorisin thegaming magazines, to leteveryone in tbe 1orhAlrtt{tvBsllilr ${ow
hobbyknowwhatis cunentlyavailable.And remember, theincreas€d
salesfor thesecompanies alm neansthatlheywill nowbe ableto put
outmanynorenewproducts andexpand allthei.rang€s, whichhssto
bea goodthingfor thehobbyasawhole.
Ononepointwearecenainly in agreementwithMr. Krieg:we would
alsoencourage everymanufaclurer, in England andehewhere, tolake
a long look at thissitualion.As far aswe cansee,the entir€hobby
wouldbebould to benefilby this- themanufaclurers overseas, with
increased sales: thelocalhobbyshops, withagreatly increased range of
imponedproductsavailablefor themto carry;andmostimportantly,
lhehobbycuslomer. whowillnowhavemuchmorechoice - andin facl
will beableto purchase.locally, nanyhigh-qualiry itemsthat hemay C€ntet
not haveeverknounexisted.We woulddefinitelvencoungeall MrJohn
overseas manufacturcrs whomighthavesomeinterest in acquiring a WALTON
NonhAmericandistribulorto contactthosewealreadydealMrh, we nTWEIHERBY
wouldbegladto makeoursericesavailable tothemaswell! WeslYorksLS237DJ
Hopetully, instead of enryingthe$argamers in England everytime MYAL B'IIHqCNESCET ND.HANNOGAIE
hebrowses through awargamen magazine,Mr. Kriegvill soonbeable /rih
to visithislocalhobbystoreandfindalltheproducts heislooking for!
RoberlB. K. PJe Inb.nstionrl purchasiflg Ageot
BrookhuntHobbi€s ofNorthAnerica (ba$dinLondon,U,K.)
Coltishall Cowardsput on this A.Wj. gameat Panizanin May. Obviouslylots of flair and€lan go into the tenain building.

by DN.H. Aroffic€r
welc'lrE i,oWalram€s usFared's reGionof rtnd lrase. Rafteltun Roe. 8 ww, Ar ld LheSS Thcyd all in Cdo sncks 4d touse6
giving yor a passelof overagpt'lusbde€k&toyss or a few \rromol4 Ill Ss Rifl6 llz ss sMc lrj sS Comtud ll4 SSMc4^
l35ssccw 136ssDcad l3TssMond 1 3 8M a t i l d aM k l T e k
Kiryhawk$i}eporr€rsdutbehavese mycolumnbEngland \t'hilenot
rFirly as uletul to ifle lE(fafile) etron as the afosnenliolEd ear Rege 16 WWl The l9l4 TMps.
madircsyoirdidn'thavetosigna99ye.rlease!ogetit! Besidesbalyou 21 Frcnci HMGS 24 Belgid MGs
$Duld find plenryof infonution !o salisfyyo{lrneed!c krw.
65 Slpply waCpn{@y) 66 Bufralo (6) 67 Childen 68 Cnief Bmkd Fox
Sircetbis is fte dehit of ny colufnn.I'I Ey (obief yor on whd I hope
dis ponionofWI win becom€,b additionto tIE ueralgoasipyou'vecore srddiid Drts.onraina fisudo,4 cililry Mdcdal !0 Po\4ek l0%for
orde^ unde'f30. Phoneor Is for s fre caLlo8ue&d smpl. frgu.
to expectfiom featur€ssuchasdis, I intendto k€epyou posledon converts
rionr news*oihy e!€ntson dEAnericnn scene,newFoducrs,andma]'be
edito.ializeon d|e"slateof tlle hobby."laier I aill arEmfl Io includeother P€t t PIg ln Ndth am ctl
nearslutrsEh asscenariasSo lers nol dawdle,slEll we? ttu.tuIf,hryhb'n wddd

GDW Sink but Ctsw Escap€s somerhing to do wirh$js. Ye! thisbookdlaroftensoldfor asmwh as$lm
Yesit's Eue,thepeoplewhoboughr ytaconnrnd Decbia Trawua,afi US dollalsat€onventions, isnow availablefor or y $37.50US. ryou have
a hon of olherRPG'Sha!€ pas!€don to bat grEalrerailsto€ in tlle sky. eler a pasringif,tG1 in tE peio4 pickoneup.r'o'r aLEadyownit lhink
Morcirnponandy.ftis haslefr a largishholein tie miniam nnesand$p aboutrakinga look arit asa lot of rEw miedal hasbeenadd€d
poll matxial oEla*e.t Co,tma Decisiu I, Shik r td lbllEr ard
BdJor"rha!€aI beenessentialyoQhated I ha\€ it on goodarthoritylhat MMEry?
dEteare$il plentyofcopieson dlaE.but he spply wil begioio dwirde fts€emstles€da]6ll)arArnericmsaletrEd oflEaringhow Britain\ aIEbig-
gerthanous! 25rrunfig.r€s ha!€ nnaly cauChton in a big way ov€rlENe
AddirioDaly,I baveit on good kith tun lE Connnnd PosrStatedJ if old Clory's salesfiguEs are any meaere Of coun€,the pricelElp6,
(whichsrpponedCDI & tr ad alsoC,r!nael,4nn) hasa rEw FrblistEr sincethesedornesic figurEsc.,Iry rn tarifi ard dFIefo{Ecomp€tequiE
Emp€irortPr€ssin Chicrgowil now bedoingla]out ard F$lishing ofdis hrndily wifi irnportedlines.
frE miniair€s supponjoumal.GrcgNor€k wil srill be d]eedibr ard has
maintainedmuch of his writing saf GEluding ilp asteemedFnnk Ttle Souft H.6 Ris€nAgain
Chadwick). AnodErinteeling pbenorrEnon lhatI discolsed while arcold wars wat
lhatJ$n Hn hasFn togedErard r€s selingpla),trstkitsk) hisJolrulR?,
Cdd Wsrs bdgadeleld nnes I seenKtlnt p€ople\ftxe mce dun happyio shel out
I a&ded rhisconvmdon(orp of fle rwo largEstminiatuesconventions in dF dorgh for an unfinjshedprcducl Hill evar admir€dhat $€ hts were
Arnerica)ard rEarlyftoze"It tuly wasa seiesofcold wan andb€quseof sirnplyfor pla)'la* pu.po66dd tEt dteowrElsqould sil needto b y fE
he honid wi Fr sorll! sornearEnd€€s cnncelledat dle lag minde. They nnishedpoduc! .llrnugh tlEir inputwouldbemos appe€iaEd.WI olt|er
Ereg$hably sory thal dEy di4 a! lhe showwasletrific. The terain \t"s Mil€ls follow slit andselllt|eirplodlct twice?Hrn4 peftapcl stEutdgire
&6nitely alove avemge,anddE r€atesthing wa36,1 0lercw€€ ffry few it a go wifi a colwnn?
Gf any)€ompanysponsqEdminianjtesevenls.ThaarEarls tha! the truly
exFa\"gantErrdinsaarystnarwercds€ wel€aI built andfina.rcedby pri Bootssnd Saddl€s
!"te individuals!wbl dor'€! A n€ws€tof nn€shasbeenteleis€dfor lheArrEricanwesr At fint glanc€
Thedsler rcomseened!c bedoingbriskbusine\s" althougl'it appearcd n appea$simplislic(ard it is)h{ isdoesa grcatjobofgiving dE ploperfeel
[mr thepaint€dminianrEsmarkerwasnoraslively a5it hasbeenFEvious for dE periodin a fa-<play forrnat Includedar€rulesftr l:5 scaleadions
ly. As onesoule put it 'Do you $ink $d rhegBrne6havefinaly look€d aswell asl: I skirmislEs.h conjmctioq Old Gloryminiatueshas€lea$d
into the ba:erEnt and seenhow rnany n$rEs trrey I€a.Iy have ad a rEw 25nun lirE of bob Indiais and Cavaky typ€s,rDt to nEntion
exclairEd '$/tBt am I goingio do wih aI of his s***?' It wodd s€€m CorEsogawagons.Theseale €aly nice modelsard rlr€ll*oth ihe lime
$at it wastuly a buyert ma*et herc,asyous troly sawsomehern€ndous ad etron!o pruchareandFinr Ofcou6€, with the25mm!,€$em nn$s
bargains.It is tooearlyto ell if dE badomleilly h$ falen o{t of lh€paint' fioin Dixo4 Gu€xrFay Foudry, andPassof tlE Nolth alreadyon thsE it
€d miniatu€sma*er but wih lis:toicon comingup. I shorld geitanotlEr loakslike itt lime for anold fashionedwestanslnoa-o|n!
chance!o gaugewhat'srEaly up.
Th€ Sr[l Nerer Ses on lh€ EnIirE
MWAN GoesGliEy! WeI, ohkly.The $rn ha1s€too E npi6, tuglzs, aul Liont- In'ts if,dl6 a
nz Mds?-tt Wryanw| A.trocrltionNadere. hasimpmvedits iook newnagazineentitledNapokoz Wrlh a nnlchexFrded €olorformalald
d|drnaricrly- A foE color glossy()ov€rhasbe€naddedhat ir a e2l eye neatlide OoB chars,thisln gazirFis a tEat fcr tE wargarEr Produdim
c$cher!The':E$sl€rel'is quitea balgajll asyouget 160pagesfrrl ofsca smdards arc ltigle. than dle previou! incarDdoq ald sorE of ttE
rEioq gane lEpla)6, ald evencompleiennessersfor a 'r,arganese"las beenlo6t(Rdacedbymore\ariedhislorica]anicles).TtE
nae $6.m per iss1]e.I haughtilyr€commerddi5 journal to any sErid$ magazineis sdl a veiJ usableiEsourEe for the Saneq,s lh€ cokr map6,
garner To oider,co *t HalThinglum ar 54 Pleasant Dive, Richion OoBs,colorunifion printsard hislodcalcorEEntarygive plentyofinfor-
ParlslL 60471or for forcign$bs.riFions Calivs Book 816818t,Idon nation. Rumorhasit tEtEE&Lwi[ bercvi\€d in ajouEl foffu! ttat wil
Rd, bgh'o*Sea Ersex.UK SS93NIt Subscdpdons arca rEG $5.m bestlonon colo.but longin miflnia€.
US for a yearof six issr€s
Well lhat abou! \rrd!6 i! up for lhis montr's edjlion of
SeY€nYerN War 'o!s hel€",at ycu should
NoEboolC'.I've triedto coverwhart happening
ltjs pedodkeeF growingin populariryRecentlya conve ion wasputon akEadyklow from rnultiplesootEes what'sgoingon "ov€r thrrc" If )otr
by tlE S€venYealswar Associationwirh Chistopherhry astlle gue* har€ anyinformalionon rEw releases or convertiorBin dp U.S.,feel ftEe
speitFr I ha\€ it on goodauthodtytlHr 0leshowr"s intaeeing,ilF grrr- to seld il to rE (D.N.n) Anoftcer) on a 3.5" floppingdisk a. l?03 f.qe$
ing swel (alftough,asyou cangu€ss,FElty lirnit€din scope).andthedeal Corc Dd\€ #308.Mt PrcspectIL 6m56. Until r€xt lirrE, hastr Ia vislA
er rcon bustfing.D!ffJ's WifiofFpnen * he Gpar ruy havehad svl

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When replying to adverts please mention Wargames lllustrated.

25nm VIKINGWAR PARTY- 50 figs.r35. l5mm EssexDBA
CLASSIFIED ADS Norman/Saxon army+ 1066lideo.135.Wellpainted+ based. Must
Ails shouldbe sccompadedby a chequemad€payable 0().nence Dnce. LalllanonullJlJv): / /u.
to StratagemP[blications Ltd., 18 Lovers Lsne,
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VU{MDI }'Id TRANSIERS,IaT€st catdogue nowavaibble.PkEse
FORSALE sendA5 SAE(or 2IRCSfor nmtsUKequiri€s)Lo42 Saltedonh Roa4
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David,502MaidstoneRoad,Wigmore,Gillinghan, KentMESONW.
HINCHLIFTE2smmNAFOLEONICBritish figDres.lnfantry and WANTED
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AIRIIX,REVELL& ESCIl:72figures. Boxed& loos€-Napoleonics. BY Rf,cRtrTFUL EX-OwNf,R. Repurchase of originalmeno.abilia
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ly Ancienrs,Medieval,
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6TU. dards. SendanSSAEfor listsand{2.50for sample figure(chequesto
WARGAMER SELLINGwell painted 25mmZului G. Pritchard). Painted figures for sale (many colleclors itent,
unpainted figures wanled. 26 Hanwofth Road. Warwick CV34 5DY.
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CONNOISSEUR mcURE PAINTING,aI scalespice [$ ard sarF LONDON COMMUTIRS. Wargamers clubin a pubnearWaterloo.
plexsetdl1.m to:Ma* Huilson.WesrFt4 UnghotrqK€swick, Ctmbd4 MeersThurdaysfrom6.30pm. DetailstromDerekon(01223)514125.
mMM WWII FIGUREPAINTm: eualityfiguEpaintingservice for Forenwa'p"Tc'ClubdndCamePld)e^Anonjmou\ naverecenrly
Fora salnple
andinfos€nd12 to L. I(eruEdy14JanEson merged togetherasWyre ForestGanePlayers. WemeeteverySunday
Cuu4t.onCon E29U. irom10a.m. ro7p.m.arSr.JohnsMiddlc School. Kidderminster. Nelv
J.P,s.QUAIITY P{NTING SERVICEwirhseverdt ym c{D€nerlt:e nenbe^ arewehomero padicipate in all rypesof wargames, role
iOnm-zsmmfrgue\. FormoledeDtsTet:0r 55;qsi.o,se ,anol" plalingandMagic.Forlurtherderaihcontacl NickDorrell,Flar3. 2
figurFandS.S.AE ro64Ctouc€re'Road. Newbotd. ChesErfleld. Engt$d Cu(le Road.Kidderminner. WorcsDYll6T5 or Tel: Darrenon
S4l 7DC.O!e6ea!welcome 01562820691.
Lothetnghesrrandad 2?yenlswarganung experience *rf, i.r"",utor,rf \rde rdnge ot rableopfiguredndboa'dwargaming. tf )ou area
SendS-dE.andtl.m forsanpleandIslsto:30Glasgow SrEe_t wargamerwho iscorningtoliveandworkin HongKongwdteto:The
NonlumprorNN55BL.Tet (01@1583370). Secretary,BillMclntyre.POBox20037. Hcnnessy RoadPoslOffice.
EXCI{ANGm, conLanrHind EgnrEs.9 Birchove.wax Alles€e
CONTINUING TO GROWeachyear- 1.000peoplear Recon95.
PLAY.BY-MAIL Recon96willbearArmleySports CenireonSalurday30lh Nolember
THEGANIf,OF THE rIRSTWORLDWAR.Joindozens ot oiher 1996.For detailscontact Keith Narhan. l5 Beckens Park Crescent.
plartn in a me-lagamehvpon.\rnhattcampaigns ffomTannenburg ro L€eds LS63PH. Teli0ll3278 8377.
thcSomme. fromAlficr loTsine-Tau coleied.Aho altareasofnavalS.T.a.B. WARCAMING ANDMODELLING SHOW:Julv27l28rh
opcralionsl came nunberI rakingplarersisendf5 ro Agena at Oakmead School.Duck Lane. Bournemouth. Dorset.FeaturinA a
Publications.I Worksop Road.Sneinlon. :,,rortinsham NG32BAfor ldrye.elecrronotTrdders.Parncip,rron Demonrrrarion an<l Compirr-
rules.Turnst1.80eachfortnighr. lionGames, moregaming tables' (firslcome.firslserved, or resen€
bv lelter).Modelling/PaintingComperirions. raffle,bring& buy.
CLUBS&SOCIETIES canteen.FreeCarParking. Camping andCaravan facilities.
contacr:Dave(01202) 420966 or Les(01202) 392572.
F.{ demil.or'h( So'oWdjpamine \4rcdrne.cunracr Leisure
Slephen lrtoore. Cenrre.EhonHedd Road. StHelens. l4erseyside.I0amro5pm. Large
r_! urearironcK^dd.t-rrs\\ood. yanchener l\,1tb
0KD.or Rich bring& buy,30+Traders,
Barbuto. l70t RidgeRoad.Leavenworth. 20+ Demonstration/Panicipation cames.
Kansas 66048 U.S.A. ForfurtherdetailscontacrGraeme Spencer on01664
ASSOCTATION meers everyThurs_ Feeon01744 604753.If any
da' InSrl\. rr\ C'rn arf. cto\er. \our-Jmpron Club/Society who didnorattend lasryear's
Co.ponfarehdm showwishesto panicipale,pleasecontacteitherof the abovenamed
rordcur15 conracr
Gerr\withmore on0t70_1 IlUs,l. anddetailswillbesent.


2am tuI mdek lor theEiehte^thCatuo: theS6m lea's t"tar.$ta..f Atttkh Srt..\iu.nd Ahtnat wat aI kderytderc.
w€ e taring the obviousoule dd sEning dF mgc vih em sb]Nan, supEnely disciplined,yet stylish Prusid Grenadieaed M6keeu in Ptistine oder in
perf@rp.ode grcud da$ wirh nininal equipDe b encmber lhem,6 tney shonldtheoEricallyhaveh€e. fielded.These@ in rh. basicuifom coat witn no laFls
ed Possie cufis. we ll be doing Cmpaign tud RouSn& Ready veuions, 6 well s lhe diffeF.t c@t t !es- larcr.The n@hin8 muslcte^ md BFnadien re
supplied6son€d; we wil m,le sw lhot we give you a baloc€d slstion. The vdiations in deiaih of the h€d posiiion.fue dd ms m minor;jus enouBhlo gile
lhe som lile without rEtin8 it unlidy. You cd us des E@psior the Selen Y6 wd. we of Astio Succesio.,veiou small l8th cenlurysll|es seding
Prusie styl€unif('m &d CelrrM trmps in tneAnericd wd of Indep€ndeoce, Nexr nonih we sbodd bavemoE Prussid infeFy. posibly Feikoips. dd pnbtbly
oneof eitherA'usio cavalry.Rusi&s or Astrius We will know by th€ time you E d lhis, sogive usa call md lel uslell you aboutn! Rine, wit or fd if you would
lik a fr€e smgL: donl ho$€r ehdine Bntisb shp6 6ouei; lney donl pork in Cu€msyl Exislins Old west cuslomm will bale b€€. postd lists of 4y new
modelsin tne Old Wst mge We nos,haved Amrice office to Eceive our Amencfl nail ord€r.andwe c& now acceprdomesticAmenca doud chequesoi any
siz, la4e or sm,ll (6ut d€ largerlhe h.fter of cousl).
PrussienMusketc€rs:Pristin€Order PrussianGrenadiers:PristineOrder PrussianOffrceNetc:PristineOrder
No lip€ls & Prsi{ Cults No & PNirn Clns No Lap€ls & Prusi.n Cof,s

PMOpPI AriackMmh (5 vana.[) PCOpPI AtackMdh(5 vdimb) POOpPll Officei Atack Mdh.Spo.r@n.
PMOpPla waling bat. PGOpPla Wavinghar. POOpPl2
PMOpPlb Snourihe. ?COpPlb Shoutin8. POOpPl4
PMOpPlc Bmdagedeye. PCOpPlc Bandaged eye. POOpPtg Srmdad bere(-ppry rouo*i "iai
PMOPP2 Finng- PGOpP2 Firine. POOpPgl Athck March wnh head wolnd
PMOpP2l NCO. Anack Mecb, half pike. PGOrP2l NCO. A|lack Mrch, balf-pik .
PMopP22 Nco, srdding. haif-pike. pcooe2] Nco. sbdirs. mllDi,e. PooPPozLP Fatalityhrk'd. saidt. fr ir{id
PMOpP3l Dtunner PCOpP,r Drumme!. cd\ POOPPI4 Colonel (nMbd w6b! d e ra)
PMOpP32 Fifer. Pco;P32 Fifer. Posl l

All The Above Modeh Ar 60 P€nce($1 i. t[e USA). exceptde Colohett no^e, Bhzen. who is 90 Fnce ($l.50 in Ue USA).
EOWEVER, il you buy ten ol lhe sm€ model, th€i're jsr !5.50 or $9 aor lhc Lr We re also ofieri.8 tne COMPLDTE PRISTINE PRUSSIANS
DEAL: oi one €ach of the endF elee. ihcludihCall ien Atuck Mdcb lsidc (34 men plus BliDen de hoF) ior jai lt9 posl free in $e UK. '2r
including p6t ge in $e resl of Euop€, or $35 iEludrng pcllge in the trSA. An4 5 a spei.l inlroductory ofi€r, ALL British orde$, ud non-
British ordeF for .l l6t 136 or $60 *oin ol th€ SYw nrge are pcr |.e uril lh€ erd of October!


0 w d or Eis6. j!{ sid d q

sprA tnn or tur Eras. jun sM u


GI'ERNSEY FOUNDRY LTD, La Gu€lle,Mont Arrive, St PeterPort, Gue.nseyGY12AA C'hann€lklatrds, Great Britain.
Phone.01481714241Fax. 014t1 714{5
GUERNSEYFOIJNDRYLTD,IS49 MarviewDriv€, W€sdak€"Ohio44145,USA. Phone.(21O87145a7Fax. (216189258[7

When replying to adverts please rnention Wargarres Illustrated.

GLOR InstituteHotlse,
NewKvo, Stanley.
Box 20
Finest" Co. Drrham,DH9 7TJ | 5621.[JSA
Tel: (01207) 283332 Tel: ,l l2 423 3580
Fa)r (01207)2E1902 Fax: 412 423 6E98

Thrsnlonthsllo\\ \c lisljusl a smrll s.lccliorfronltbc rapidhe\pandingCOMMAND DECISIONl5mm
WorldWar 2 range.Full list in our nc\r catalogue. VehiclcsandlnfantDpalnlcdb! AlanTl)irl$cll.
Brilish CDAI 1 (l9.ll 15)
US InfantnComnrlnd t7 i0
CD I0(r ('ronN\clls CDAII tIS Lighlnnchincgurs !7 50
CD l0I Churchill
\'IIi'! t9-ri Crrmrn
CD 106 BrcnCinicn (.1pcrprck) ( D rl)l Panzer
iV. Fl or F2 t9-95
CD I l() Shcrnanscasthuil {9,9i CD l0l PanrcrII1.F or G t9-95
CD I l: 15 pdr gurs $ilh limbcrs(.t pcr pack) CD ll)7 l)akllt. 50mmAi I guns r..nJ r "h(r !6-r5
CDB] I Rificnrcr(19.U-15)peckI {7-i0 CDIll l 0 a n n rF i c l dH o n i l ^ r
CDBII H.a\\ Motur\ tr-i0 CDllj Kirbcln:rgcn (6pcrpauk) t6-95
Amcricnn tD ll-- SdKl):51/l ansfD (Hanong) t6-95
CD lll) Nl1Shcn|lns l'.r-9i CDCjII (l,ll1 .1j)prck I
Riflcnrcn !7,4(J
CD l0l l\'l: Hrlf track! CDGI $ wafian SS {7-50
CD 2lrj r" AII gL ri ( . rf i r i r g . 2 l i n r b c r c d ) t DGl t) Parrlrootcrs t7-i0
CD lrra) G\1C 2 1/2 ror lntck s (.] pcr pack) Also ardiluhle- Russiun's
& Itoliars

Vchrdcr uc fackcd !r I' unlcir \lal.d lIIirDrF !r paclir ol il) llpnrcr

1\^t& ]'aAnlp: \ k & llll,{Jr,,,.or.rdr\r r. I LR()l,ll:i',,.r.d:r\trlr (n l\ )t lr RoP| irl,.or'ord.r\]h,.

\\.rr.rfl\ l - ! \ & \ t \ s T I R a \lt J) (h.qhmi!i.p rhl.t) ()ld (;11)^C.rn.rli,r l.xrl.i?rJ ll llrplL'\ltrr3.S \l\th:l3pnrn,pplcr\.
t s I C lR U S (O \ T \ l \ t _ E \ D \ O ' I S l l l r B l . r , t a ( ) R ( l l r r . D R l r \
Figuresdesigned& Paintedby Colin &

BEA5T Duncan Patten
Telephone:(01473)222272or 213560
We regretthai we are unableto acceptcredit/debitcard



-g& sg&ftsSto

MounEdSaxonHuscdle.Nome Cavalryed Pa.khorses

When replying to adverts please mention Wargames lllustrated.

Shepherds& Livestock

GRIPPING BEAST produce {r en€.3ive rrnge of qurlity, whitc fetsl 25mn tigurir€s tnd
resin & white metd sccnic iteDs and lcc€ssories for wrrga.miEg th€ conllicras of th€ DARK
AGES. Strndard prckr of figltres retail at 92.40 rnd contein four different tigures- Othcr
prck3 contrin diff€rcna numb€r's of figures/csitings (tbc numb€r of itcms being Eivetr in
brackets) - thesc p.cks &re indiwid.lly P.iced.
SXC1 Mou €d Th€E! (r) 41.2O st Ps, Sutl.Drxqs a
GRIPPINO BEAST 3 2J |rm rsgc or GRIPPING BEAST s ffs. of25m
DEX .tlf! 6in & s'hir. mal Bcai6.
CRIPPING BEAST s 25m.dg. of ll-
\/IK I vikine Colrfrod (4) /I2' cdturyNomm. SCI Vikine Iaaship t23.0O
VIK 2 Hulffl! ltrlcking (4) sc2 vikina knor (rnding v*l)
vlKa HlE E tudide (4) NOMr Disoud.d knights (4)
VlK4 Bondi ttuckina (4) NOM2 HcN? irfuty (4) lEg. timb.r fils.d loahous
VIKJ Bondi .dwMcine (4) NoMs M.diud i'failry (a) €a-JO (tls.Oo plidcd)
vIK6 B6ndi wirh b.* (a) Sc4 la{se & diub dwelling
wIKT Ed.m vikinsr ta.50 (al5.OO prinrcd)
(sw.d*/Rus) (4) NEW MOUNTED NOR,TIANS sc5 M€dium erttl. & timh.r
vIKa vikine advatur* (a) tr.2o @ dwelli'A t7.oo (CI5.OO
vrKe B.sdk.c (3) .r.eo NMC1 KniClri .rnwine sord ( 1)
vD<lo Codi (2) al.2O NMc2 xnidt fikins owffi ( r) brA. Oid & don
NMC3 l<niehvsb&'d h.tt6 u .a. ( 1)
(hot- plus rid6) fl .2o Mcdium €rwlrrlarB4 (l) wirr€ f6e 3diod(3) €l-2o
NMCa erllopina
vIKl2 vikinsr ..I€bhtina (4) NMC5 M.dium cawalrlnd !r .'$ (1) sca Timh.r w!rkw.'B (3) !220
vIKr3 sllwd & crprivs (4) Sc9 Tributcnnd. soods
vlKla clDllin e d.\^mfl (4) G€d€isncd) 1,2.20
vlKl5 vikingr6d4 (4) SCIO smrlt ta-so
vIKr6 lEludi. hsc (4) CIVIlJtll|s 25|rm scr r vikirg wlson & &..ft-h6B€
vIKlT Rus w.5ioE (a) ou. Monkl Gcwiou.ry sax6) h8wc noe
vlKla Ol.f TryAw.son & It'sfd.d code dd l6wc€ rhe fd of
holr.hotd w'fioc (a) our rua. orD.rk 496 ciwili.s- ]YEW
vlKr9 Vikina falld & *6undcd (4) scr2 M.diumwdlc & rifrba
NE'I' clvr TlNrcd Monk! dwcllina! E6.5o(!r3.oo
VIK2O Vikina Chi.fl.itr (l) 6op
NEII' scr3 rh&h.d oulbuildinA
clv2 Sh€phd& & slockmd (4) 43.2J (46.50 pliied)
EtfqLAIfTI a T||E VIKIxq
CRIPPING BEA.ST s 25|m.dge of \/ikine s..bsd (36)
Middr.saxoE IJVEST()GK25* BPra Olaf TryAv3son wdbud (36)
GRIPPING BEAST s rurhfl.ic rdg. of BP4 SGd3hi.rdwnl G6)
sAxr ssxon cffidd (4)
BP4a Ancd th. Gft.! shi.ldwlll
SAX2 Atrrou..d Th.aE (4) pd p.c'k unld individullly p.i..d. (36)
SA)43 s€l.d Fyd inh€Itr (4)
SAX4 s.lcd F)rd in caps or LIvl M!* r-nabn sh..p (6)
br.hc.&d (4) LIv2 Histrled stl. (4)
sAX5 Flrd *ilh bow./slineF (4) Poirt. & P.cldDl clt.r!B:
sAX6 undourcd Th.eE (a) I O7q oford.. wrlu., o.dft
sAxT Altr.d rh. cr..t & reind Llv3 F.ll Fny (sr'llion) (l) 7op Eurcp.: 2oola of dda trl!.-
NE'7 LIv4 Psck pony wilh p'lmid: (r) 75p 3o"/o ofdda wrruc.
sAxa stxon chi.nliE (l) 6oP LIv5 hor, h.rwily l!d.'r (r) 75P Rd of wo.Id - soo,zoofordd w.luc.

a r r e n d r nIgh e l o l l o $ i n g w a r g a m e , , h o u s : l h e B u n k e rO p e nD a ) i 5 w r n e g a l e( - o u n .Y o r k .0 0 . U / .
(NoNfuh 13.07.96);
COLOURS (Reading,14.09.96), Novenb€r'96). Olhershowshaveyet to be
SALVO (Colchester.

GrippingBeastwouldlike to thankall th€customers, for theirpatronage

tradersandevenlorganize.s andencouragernent
duringour firsi y€ar.specialthanksto Steve& Janiceof SDD.

vikos Tladers,wagaonsandMonks

When replying to adverts please mention Wargames Illustrated.


C0I{IEDEnITICIV ,nY m{C.loben f, Lee)

II{JtrI{TnY . C[0e!!t{ar { &!i (ulst 0t&trit.litrldl.
lfli?! h!a& - Clusilg. baD d (&ti, rrt, Tund d &aldJ.
lcll3o Stilda'dher oDe!rh![ jaclll, bldld e[ hnfoo', adeudrgk6).
l0lsxl ShUjactrr & [dlnll - Idtiilg 'nqh t!.dd{ in.
fffii? ShUjacbl & [!a!rc|itadiig . tLodddet.
lC{3i3 sLonjr.tlt & Xlalkl - rrNd tu inmrior (co!),
1Cf,33{ 0!0! ltEI jaiht - edilq @j!q .inridg!.
llrils 0!!! lhll iirtlt I bliltd bI ' adiiq,b&10[tuDbq Can'idq..kol.
lcf330 Stel ja.t t ! bldllt oll- h*lilg @oi!g cituidg!.{!u).
!Cm31 tul iirier I bledd tu[, hdfolt belilq E&Iils irto Gnrid!! b* lcdl
IC'XXN loctorl ! [!a!&cl - naldiq-qr.rd aqrid iiidhr.
lCtXS! locldit I bilertjladilq hniiq..ntidF.
lcgl4o 0l[or dlaw $ord - &diq varbq lrl.

nol ERIGIDE BariEflato!h.

lCI34l tldladl & [laDEl fiUilq ioedd, lel.
lCI3{? tldlaoal & [laDBt hilq iec! doh (@l

Vl0If,TfES ll la) lrr ldy CoI.I.LCIAIIBIRLfiI - t ITTLERoll D ToP,

mmo! hldtr ol li. 8tl fLdui! - "lro! ldqad!' . *n[ 0l& Dr' Th! erqls
luly 2nd1863



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