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Fast rainflow counting written in C (C99). Including wrappers for MATLAB and Python

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GitHub - AndreasMartin72/rainflow: Fast rainflow counting written in ...

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GitHub - AndreasMartin72/rainflow: Fast rainflow counting written in ...

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GitHub - AndreasMartin72/rainflow: Fast rainflow counting written in ...

4 de 8 09/01/2022 8:11
GitHub - AndreasMartin72/rainflow: Fast rainflow counting written in ...

Releases 3
Rainflow Counting Algorithm (4-point-methods), C99
rfcnt-0.2.0 Latest
29 Nov 2021

+ 2 releases
"Rainflow Counting" consists of four main steps:
1. Hysteresis Filtering
2. Peak-Valley Filtering
No packages published

3. Discretization

4. Four Point Counting Method:


C 83.4% * D
/ \ Closed, if min(B,C) >= min(A,D) &&
max(B,C) <= max(A,D)
B *<--/ Slope B-C is counted and removed from
/ \ /
/ * C
\ /
* A

These steps are fully documented in standards such as

ASTM E 1049 "Standard Practices for Cycle Counting in Fatigue Analysis" [1]
This implementation uses the 4-point algorithm mentioned in [3,4] and the 3-point
HCM method proposed in [2] as well as the ASTM E 1049 (2011) standard in [1]. To
take the residue into account, you may implement a custom method or use some
predefined functions.

Features of this package

1. Modular architecture in two layers:
a) Module rainflow.c (with rainflow.h) holds all necessary functions for rainflow
counting and histogram extraction. You may select multiple optional features at

5 de 8 09/01/2022 8:11
GitHub - AndreasMartin72/rainflow: Fast rainflow counting written in ...

compile time:
RFC_MINIMAL : To use core functions for rainflow counting only (for porting to
µControllers for example).
RFC_TP_SUPPORT : Turning point storage.
RFC_HCM_SUPPORT : HCM algorithm (Clormann/Seeger).
RFC_ASTM_SUPPORT : ASTM E 1049 (2011) algorithm.
RFC_AT_SUPPORT : User defined amplitude transformation (Haigh diagram).
RFC_DH_SUPPORT : Damage history storage.
RFC_USE_DELEGATES : Delegates for various core functions to implement user
defined behavior.
RFC_GLOBAL_EXTREMA : Store global data extrema.
RFC_DAMAGE_FAST : Using lookup tables for damage and amplitude
RFC_EXPORT_MEX : Export a mexFunction() to use the rainflow counting in
Using COAN [[]] for example, you can tidy up the
code from unwanted features. (The minimal version of this package is created
using COAN with option RFC_MINMAL set.)
b) C++ wrapper rainflow.hpp encapsulates functions from rainflow.h in a
namespace and offers a template class Rainflow for object oriented access and
inheritance. This class also offers container class based turning point storage.
2. Streamable: You're able to count your data at once, as data packages or sample-
3. Class width fit to your needs. Dynamically increase class width, when needed.
(Needs turning point storage.)
4. Four point counting method, optionally HCM counting method
5. Woehler curve with up to two slopes, fatigue limit and omission.
6. Miners rule for damage accumulation (elementary, original, modified and
7. In-time damage indicator (Miners' consequent rule).
8. In-time histograms: rainflow matrix, level crossing and range pair counting.
9. Turning points with hysteresis filtering. Turning points involved in a closed
hysteresis are marked as pairs, with its partial assigned damage. (Compact
10. Look-up tables for damage calculation and amplitude transformation.
11. Amplitude transformation (Haigh diagram) according to FKM (symmetrical, non-
symmetrical or user defined).
12. Damage history (uncompressed)
13. Various methods on residual data:

6 de 8 09/01/2022 8:11
GitHub - AndreasMartin72/rainflow: Fast rainflow counting written in ...

According to DIN 45667

ASTM method (halfcycle, fullcycle)
Second run
14. Various function pointers to implement user defined behavior.
15. Conversions supporting RFM->LC, RFM->RP, RFM->Damage and RP->Damage
(original, elementar, modifiziert, konsequent).


7 de 8 09/01/2022 8:11
GitHub - AndreasMartin72/rainflow: Fast rainflow counting written in ...

[1] "Standard Practices for Cycle Counting in Fatigue Analysis."

ASTM Standard E 1049, 1985 (2011). West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM International,
[2] "Rainflow - HCM / Ein Hysteresisschleifen-Zaehlalgorithmus auf
werkstoffmechanischer Grundlage"
U.H. Clormann, T. Seeger
1985 TU Darmstadt, Fachgebiet Werkstoffmechanik
[3] "Zaehlverfahren zur Bildung von Kollektiven und Matrizen aus Zeitfunktionen"
FVA-Richtlinie, 2010.
[4] Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc., 2018.
[5] "Review and application of Rainflow residue processing techniques for accurate
fatigue damage estimation"
International Journal of Fatigue 82 (2016) 757-765, [
[6] "Betriebsfestigkeit - Verfahren und Daten zur Bauteilberechnung"
Haibach, Erwin; Springer Verlag
[] "Schaedigungsbasierte Hysteresefilter"; Hack, M, D386 (Diss Univ. Kaiserslautern),
Shaker Verlag Aachen, 1998, ISBN 3-8265-3936-2
[] "Hysteresis and Phase Transition"
Brokate, M.; Sprekels, J.; Applied Mathematical Sciences 121; Springer, New York,
[] "Rainflow counting and energy dissipation in elastoplasticity"; Eur. J. Mech.
A/Solids 15, pp. 705-737, 1996
Brokate, M.; Dressler, K.; Krejci, P.
[] "Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice and Visualization". New York,
Chichester, Wiley & Sons, 1992
Scott, D.
[] "Werkstoffmechanik - Bauteile sicher beurteilen undWerkstoffe richtig einsetzen";
Ralf Buergel, Hans Albert Richard, Andre Riemer; Springer FachmedienWiesbaden
2005, 2014
[] "Zaelverfahren und Lastannahme in der Betriebsfestigkeit";
Michael Koehler, Sven Jenne / Kurt Poetter, Harald Zenner; Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg 2012

8 de 8 09/01/2022 8:11

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