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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 7933 First edition 1989-07-15 eee Hot environments — Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal stress using calculation of required sweat rate Ambiances thermiques chaudes — Datermination analytique et interprétation de ‘a contrainte thermique fondées sur fe calcul de la sudetion requize Reference number 1S0 7933 ; 1989 (=) 1SO 7933 : 1989 (E) Contents Foreword ...... Introduction 2.2... v VS c0p0 oes ecesesseeeeeee 1 2. Normative references ....-..-+. 1 2. Principles ofthe method of evaluation .....-.. : shel ote 4 Main steps of the calculation . Pera 2 5 Interpretation of required sweat ate 3 Annexes A. Data necessary for the alculation of thermal balance «5. 5 & Estimation of thermal insulation of clothing ensembles, 7 © Cteri for thermal stress andlimitvelues for thermal constraint «esse. 9 D_ Computer program allowing the calculation of the required sweat rate and ofthe allowable exposure time in any thermal environment " © 1s0 1980 Allrights reserved, No part ofthis publication enay be reproduced ar uitlized in any form or by any ‘means, electranie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, witheut permission in ‘ting from the publiher International Organization for Stonderdization Case postale 56 « CH-1211 Geneve 20 » Switzerland Printed in Switeriand ISO 7933 : 1989 (E) Foreword 1SO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bocies {ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part collaborates closaly with the Intemational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft Intemational Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the mamber bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the 'SO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard ISO 7833 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 158, Ergonomics. Annexes A, 8, C and D of this international Standard are for information only. ISO 7933 : 1989 (E) Introduction This International Standard is one of a series intended for use in the estimation of ‘thermal stress in a hot environment. The method of analytical estimation and interpretation of thermal stress allows the prediction of the physiological effects of work in the heat and the rational determi- ration of actions to be taken to prevent or limit these effects. This methad is rac- ‘ommentied to be applied either directly to carry out a detailed analysis of hot working ccondtions, or a5 a complement to the method based on the WBGT-Index (see 1SO 7243) when the reference values for this index are exceeded. For cases where thermal stress is very high, as detected by the method described in this International Standard, direct and individual observation of the exposed workers is necessary: the types of physiological measurements which are to be used will be described in a future standard. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 1SO 7933 : 1989 (E) Hot environments — Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal stress using calculation of required sweat rate 1 Scope ‘This Intemational Standard specifies @ method of analytical ‘evaluation and interpretation of the thermal stress experienced by 2 subject in a hot environment. It describes a method of caloulating the heat balance as well'as the swest rate that the human body should produce to maintain this balance in equilibrium: this sweat rate is called the “required sweat rate”. The various terms used in the determination of the required sweat rate show the influence of the different physical para- ‘meters of the environment on the thermal stress experienced by ‘the subject. In this way, this International Standard makes it possible to determine which parameter or group of perameters, ‘should be modified, and t0 what extent, in order to réduce the risk of physiological stains. ‘The main objectives of this International Standard are ‘@)_ the evaluation of the thermal stress in conditions fkely tolead to excessive core temperature increase or water loss for the standard subject; b)_ the determination of the modifications to be brought to the work situation in order to reduce or exclude these ef- fects; ©) the determination of the maximum allowable exposure times required to limit physiological strain to an acceptable value. ‘This international Standard does not predict the physiological response of individual subjects, but only considers standard subjects in good health and fit for the work they perform, ‘The method of computation and interpretation of thermal balance is based on the fatest scientific information, Future im- provements concerning the calculation of the different terms of the heat balance equation, or its interpretation, will be taken into account when they become available. In its present form, this method of assessment is not applicable to cases where special protective clathing is worn. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Inter- rational Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are ‘encouraged to investigate the possibity of applying the most recent editions of the standards listed below. Members of IEC in cegisters of currently valid international Stan- 1S0 7243 : 1889, Hot environments — Estimation of the heat stress on working man, based on the WBGT-index (wet bulb ‘globe temperature). 1S0 7726 : 1885, Thermal environments — Instruments and ‘methods for measuring physical quantities. 3. Principles of the method of evaluation The method of evaluation and interpretation calculates the thermal balance of the body from a) the typical paremeters of the thermal environment: = air temperatur lin degrees Celsiusl: mean radiant temperature, 7; {in degress Celsius); = partial vapour pressure, p, (in kllopascals); = air velocity, v, (in metres per second), (These parameters are measured according to the specifice- tions of 180 7728.) bb) the mean characteristics of the subjects exposed to this working situation: = _ metabolic heat production, M {in watts per square mere); = clothing thermal insulation, Jy (in square metres kolvins per watt). Clause 4 describes the principles of the calculation of the different heat exchanges occurring in the thermal blanca ‘equation, as wall as those of the sweat loss necessary for the maintenance of the thermal equilibrium of the body. The ‘mathematical expressions for these calculations are shown in annex A. Clause 6 describes the method of interpretation which leads to the determination of the predicted sweat rate and the maximum allowable exposure times and work-rest regimans to achieve ISO 7933 : 1989 (E) the predicted sweat rate. This determination is based on two criteria: maximum body core temperature increase and maxi murn body water loss. Limit values for these criteria are shown in annex C. ‘The precision with which the predicted sweat rate and the ex- posure times are estimated is a function of the modal (i.e. of the expressions proposed in annex Al end the limit values Which are adopted. It is also a function of the accuracy of ‘measurement of the physical parameters and of the precision with which the metabolic rate and the thermal insulation of the 4 Main steps of the calculation 4.1 General heat balance equation ‘The thermal balance equation of the body may be written as M~ We Cog + Egg t K+ CHRHK4S elt) “This equation expresses that the internal heat production of the body, which corresponds to the metabolic power UM) minus ‘the effective mechanical power (JV is balanced by the heat ‘exchanges in the respiratory tract by convection (Crgq) and evaporation (Eq), 28 well as by the heat exchanges on the skin by conduction {K:, convection (C), radiation (R}, and evapora tion (E), and by the eventual balance, heat storage (S), ac- ‘cumulating in the body. The different terms ofthis equation are successively reviewod in terms of the principles of calculation {detailed expressions are shown in annex A). 4.1.1 Metabolic power (M, watts per square metre) Mis the metabolic power. Its estimation or measurement will be described in a future International Standard. 4.1.2. Effective mechanical power (IV, in watts per square metre) Wis the effective mechanical power. In most industrial situ- ations this is small and can be neglected. 4.1.3 Heat flow by respiratory convection (Cx, In watts per square metre) ‘The heat flow by respiratory evaporation may be expressed, in principle, by the relation Cos ™ 6 Vlog ~ tll Ay of where p_is the specific heat of dry air at constant pressure, in {Joules per kilogram of dry ait; is the respiratory ventilation rate, in kilograms of air per second; fex_is the expired air temperature, in degrees Ce'sius; Ig. is the sir temperature, in degrees Celsius; Apy is the body surface, in square metres. 4.1.4 Heat flow by respiratory evaporation (Eg, in watts per square metre) ‘The heat flow by respiratory evaporation may be expressed, principle, by the relation Erne = CP Wex — Waly where q_is the water evaporation latent heat, in joules per kilogram; Weg is the humidity ratio for the expired ait, in kilograms of water per kilogram of dry’air; W, is the humicity ratio for the inhaled air, in kilograms of water per kilogram of dry air; Wand Any are es defined in equation (2). 4.1.5 Heat flow by conduction {X, in watts per square reite) In practice, the heat flow by thermal conduction through the body surfaces in contact with solid abjects may be quanti ively assimilated into the heat losses by convection and radia- tion which would occur if these surfaces were nat in contact \with any solid body. In this way, the heat flow by conduction is ‘not directly taken into account. 4.1.6 Heat flow by convection at the skin surface (C; in watts per square metre) The heat flow by convection at the skin surface may be ex- pressed by the equation C= he Fall ~ td) (a) where Jig is the convective heat transfer coefficient, in watts pet square metre Kalvin; Fa_is the reduction factor for sensible heat exchange due to the wearing of clothes (dimensionless); Ti is the mean skin temperature, degrees Celsius; 14. iS as dafined in equation (2). 4.1.7 Heat flow by radiation at the surface of the skin (R, in watts per square metre} The heat flow by radiation is a function of the skin charac- teristics, the clothing, the posture, the mean skin tempera- ture, (7), and the mean radiant temperature of the environ- ment, tf) “This heat flow may be given by the equation R= hieFe li F) 18) where 4, is the radiative heat transfer coefficient, square metre kelvin; in watts per Faand Fx are as defined in equation (4); Fis the mean radiant temperature, in degrees Celsius. 4.1.8 Heat flow by evaporation at the skin surface AE, in watts per square metre) The maximum evaporation rate {Emax in watts per square ‘metre is that which can be achieved in the hypothetical case of the skin being completely wetted, In these conditions: Ernae = War ~ Pad Re (8 where u.q is the saturated vapour pressure at the skin temperature, in kilopascals; Ps _is the partial weter vapour pressure in the working en vironment, in kilopascals; Ry_ is the total evaporative resistance of the limiting layer of air and clothing, in square metres kilopascals per watt. Inthe case of a partially wetted skin, the evaporation rate, E, in watts per square metre, is given by E= WE pan A where w_ isthe skin wettedness defined as the equivalent fraction, cof the skin surface which can be considered as fully wetted: Emax 18 28 defined in equation (61. 4.1.9 Heat storage (5, watts per square metre} ‘The heat storage of the body is given by the algebraic sum of ‘the heat flows defined previously. 42 Calculation of the required evaporation rate, the required skin wettedness and the required sweat rate ‘Taking into account the hypotheses made concerning the hest flow by conduction, the general heat balance equation (1) can be writen E+ S=M~W~ Cys Eqgg-C-R 8) ‘The required evaporation rate E;eq, in watts per square metre) defined as the evaporation rate required for the maintenance of 1SO 7933 : 1989 (E) the thermal equilibrium of the body and, therefore, for 2 heat storage equal to zero, is given by Eqg™ M = W Cros ~ Engg O- R 9) ‘The required skin wettedness (iq, cimensionlss) is defined 25 the ratio between the required evaporation rate, Eig, and the maximal evaporation rte, Eis eq ~ Eres Eee 10) The calculation of the required sweat rate shall be made on the basis of the required evaporation rate but shall also take ac- count of te fraction of sweat which, eventually, tickles away because ofthe large variations in local skin wettednesses. ‘The rouired sweat rate (SWraq, in watts per square metre), is siven by SWreg ** Eval mn) where ‘Tieq_ 18 the evaporative afficiency of sweating (dimen: sionless}, which corresponds to the required skin wet- tedness; Ereq_ 18 28 defined in equation (9). NOTE — The sweat cata in warts par square mete represents the equivalent in heat ofthe sivant rate expressed in grams of sweat per square metre of skin surface and per hou. 1 Wim? corresponcls to a flow of 1,47 g/{m?.h) [for @ standard subject (1,8 ? of body surface), a flow of 28 g/hl 5 Interpretation of required sweat rate 5.1 Bas of the method of interpretation ‘The interpretation of the values calculated by the recommen- ded analytical method is based on two criteria of stress: al the maximum skin wettedness (1h; bb) the maximum swoat rate {‘SWingyhs and on two limits of strain a). the maximum heat storage (Om ‘square metre); in watt hours per b the maximum water loss (Ding in grams), The required sweat rate, SWrey cannot exceed the meximum sweat rate, SWrgy, achievable by the subject. The required skin wettedness, '¥j¢q, cannot exceed the maximum skin wat- edness, Way, achievable by the subject. These two meximum values are @ function of the acclimatization of the subject. Inthe case of non-equilibrium of the tharmal balance, the heat storage, S, must be limited by @ maximum value {Qray) such that the resulting increase in body core temperature, fey (in degrees Celsius], does not induce any pathological effect. ISO 7933 : 1989 (E} Finally, whatever the thermal balance, the water loss should be restricted t0 a value, Dray, compatible with the maintenance of ‘Annex C includes reference values for the stress criteria (1/ax and SWrgs) and the strain criteria (Omae aNd Ding Different values are presented for acclimatized and non-acclimatized subjects, and according to the degree of protection which is desired (warning and danger levels). 5.2 Analysis of the work situation ‘The analysis of the work situation consists of determining the predicted values of skin wettecness, evaporation rate and sweat rate (Wp, E,, SW), taking account of the required values 04¢q Ere SWeag) and the limit values (Wmeny SWinad- ‘When the required skin wettadness is lawer than the maximum \wattadness and the sweat loss lower than the maximum sweat loss, the body is in thermal equilibrium and the predicted values Wp = ea (12) Ey = Ereg 13) SW, = SWrog lt) ‘When, oh the contrary, the required skin wettedness exceeds the maximum wettedness ol18) and therefore Ep = %pEnax A16) Wp = Earp At) where rp is the evaporative effi ding 10 Wp. Icy Of sweating correspon: When the required sweat rate or the sweat rete predicted at the preceeding step exceeds the maximum sweat rate, Tt Is necessary 10 determine the predicted wettedness w, and the evaporative efficiency r such that WpEmax = SWrvetp 8) ‘taking account of the relationship between w, and Therefore E, = Ena 19) and SW, = SWrnoe 20) 5.3. Determination of allowable exposure time (DLE, min) ‘The allowable exposure times can be determined as a function of the maximum values for body heat storage (Qaq) and water loss (Drraxl- When E, = Brea 20 and SW, < Drax/8 22) ‘no time limit has to be suggested for the 8 h work shift. In this case, SW, ean be used at a comparison index for the heat stress conditions. If one or other of these two conditions is not satisfied, itis necessary to calculate an allowable exposure time, DLE. ifthe required evaporation rate is not achieved, the cifferance (Ejaq — Ep) represents the hast storege rato which will be responsible for an inerease in body core temperature. The o*- ‘posure cima init fin minutes) can be determined by the expres- son DLE, = 60 Oran! Even ~ Ep! AZ) \When, on the other hand, the predicted sweat rateinvolves an exaggerated woter los, the exposure time neads tobe limited at DLE = €0 Drax! SWp A24) ‘The shortest DLE shall be used for limiting the duration of work, In work situations for which ~ cither the maximum evaporation rate, Emax is negative, leading to condensation of water vapour on the skin; = _ oF the estimated allowable exposure time is less than 30 min, so that the phenomenon of sweating onset plays 2 ‘major role in the estimation of the evaporation loss of the subject; ‘special precautionary measures need to be taken and direct and Individual physiological surveillance of the workers is particu- larly necessary, The conditions for carrying out this surveillance and the measuring techniques to be used will be described in a future International Standard. 5.4 Organization of work in the heat ‘When DLE», for excessive water loss is the determining limit, no further exposure should be allowed during the day. When DLE}, for excessive core temperature inereasa is the determining factor, the worker should be allowed a rest period fof such @ duration that, for the combinetion of both work and rest sequences, there is no longer any risk of heat sess, when the interpretation is made es indicated hereunder. When the working situation includes different exposure conditions to heat, the methods of analysis and interpretation described in clauses 4 and 5 shouldbe repeated for each sequence ot com- bination of successive sequences of exposure {a sequence be- ing defined as a work period for which the climatic parameters 2 well asthe incividual parameters remain approximately con- stant) The interpretation of 8 combination of successive sequences shall be made using the mean values, weighted according to time, of the Eygq and Ema values for each of thece sequences, ‘A computer program in BASIC (see annex D) uses the mathematical expressions shown in annex A as well as the criteria and limit values discussed in annex C. It allows for the caleulation of the predicted sweat rate and of the DLE for any sequence or combination of sequences where the metabolic power, the clothing thermal insulation and climatic parameters are known,

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