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FOCUS: Poverty; end poverty in all its forms, everywhere

Why Poverty?
Poverty is an ever-growing problem that is faced by many, all around the world. While issues
such as gender and racial equality, are needing of urgent attention, poverty seemingly
outgrows them, since hundreds of thousands of people die every year because they are simply
too poor to afford their basic needs; food, shelter, education (as per the United Nations
Declaration of Human Rights), healthcare (as per the United Nations Declaration of Human
It is felt that racial issues can also arise due to the image of a certain community being of
poverty, thus covering some part of racial inequality.
As the global population is rapidly increasing, in comparison to the slow rising employment
opportunities and such; there will be even more people living in poverty. However, the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) number 1 is set to tackle such issue
by 2030. But then again, it needs to be asked; will it be effective? Will it really help? Will it
be significant?

Problem: what is really the issue?

Conventional view
Lack of education
Due to lack of education, people are not eligible for high paying jobs, leaving behind
only very low paying jobs that can hardly provide them with survival. However,
statistically this income is below the average income required to stay above the
poverty line, thus increasing poverty statistics
Bad economy
Some countries are just not wealthy enough to support their populations in ways such
as relief payments, subsidies, etc. This leaves the people helpless and forced to live
with what they have which is often below the poverty line
Unorthodox/fresher view
The pandemic has pushed anywhere between 88,000,000 to 110,000,000 people into
poverty (World Bank)
‘I am good the way I am, I do not need to work?’
USA: The US Government gives out stimulus cheques to 127,000,000 (CNBC)
households, or 90% of households, as relief for the COVID-19 pandemic. However,
these cheques might not be effectively going to only those people who need them. In
fact, many might be using the stimulus cheques to survive so they don’t have to get a
This is a troublesome ideology and with the US Government planning to stop
stimulus payments after March 2022 (MARCA), voluntary unemployment can cause
poverty rates to rise.
Lack of opportunity
In some notable countries, cultural, religious, and other factors can cause people to
forcefully live in poverty with no opportunity to change their lives.
What can WE do?
Opportunity for all
Defeat extraneous norms
Effective aid
Monitor the transfer of aid from sending body to receiving body
Any amount of donation makes a difference, $1 gets you a bottle of water in the USA,
however it is a day’s worth of food for 1 person, in India
What not to do?
Set a roof to how rich you can be
Asking billionaires to donate half their wealth
Talha Rahim
Hamid Durrani

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